The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, June 12, 1856, Image 3

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PRICES CURRENT. CXCU WEEKLY. !P,yd 18 @ 20 EastUffii ‘# yd ... @ IS .jrtpS—Kentucky fcljb 11 (at 12^ .jit %*jft 18 @ 2u Sperm 45 DA 60 V ft 30 33 Tallow %ts tt> 18 20 ■’ ;*> 18 3 20 kaguira j'pjfl) l r - @ 16 csTlCdOOllS — fijyd ... “ArtUm Osnaburg* yd 10u l(g> n i Brown Shirting fijyd 6 (g> s Brown Shirting tylyd 8 <@ lo HID 40 (a, 60 Mackerel .No. 1 %*|bl 20 00 (gl 25 00 No. 2 %4 bl 16 00 (a: 20 00 No. 3 %i|bl 12 00 (u, 16 00 ~S iHjbl 760 (gi 12 00 fliflitß Hkg 0 @6 50 rmy Hit 8 & io ‘ Wet.. - @ ... !,vede Hlb •> (a 6}.j - HID ti (a, lo .. H b'l 50 la 76 plb o (a. o l^ H g]l 1-o (a 150 *” Train H g'l 76 (; 100 jiierni•••• ¥-g'l 160 (a. 260 jju-d H g'l 126 (a 150 LIVIiIONS. H ••• @ t* ft 15 (a> 111 , n-Uaius HID 10i,6 (g, in., ** Sides HID 11 (cr lIQ Shoulders Hib 9 i<a) 9J? ’ prime Hbl ... (a, ID (a; 12'..; lloshen Hlb 1511 @ 35 Country Vlb 25 (a> 30 .ait * ilj 15 @ 10 miioES— Sweet Hb 1 ... (m Irish H b'l 350 @ 400 C‘- sk 175 (tii 200 [TPBTKK HO’ 20 (a) 25 frf Vbg 225 @2 50 Sjir's-Brandy, Cognac p g’r 225 (a) 800 American... $ K | 05 @1 00 l’each Hg l ... iso Oin —Holland ir g't 125 @ 250 American Hg l 75 @ 100 Kum—Jamaica Hig'l 200 (a, 300 New England.... jH gl 75 @1 00 Whiskey—Rectified ts. g’l 40 @ 45 Common ts g'l ... @ Monong’a.... ts g'l 75 @ 150 HUS TURPENTIN'B ts g’l ... <§> 100 (EL— Plow Hjlb ... @ 10 Cast Hjfti ... @ 23 American Blister Hft ... @ 10 English Blister Hlb ... (ai 15 BAR-New Orleans ts tb io @ 12 Loaf. tffc @ IP. Crushed tf|tb 12'4 @ 13 Pulverized tfft 12}f @ 14 mow Hfb 10 @ 12c; Htb 80 @ 200 jlCCO—Common ts tb 12% @ 15 Fair Hub 20 @1 30 Choice Hjlb 50 @ 75 TINE P* ft ‘25 & 3EMAR—AppIe IH'b’l 650 @ 750 DTE LEAD I tfft 275 @3 25 ISES—Port Its g’l 150 @ 300 Madeira H g’l 100 @5 00 I Claret H g’l 300 @5 00 Champagne Hbk 100 @2O 00 OOL [H|bl lo @j 23 RATES OF EXCHANGE. CORRECTED BY W. E. LOVE & CO. LOTTERY and exchange brokers, NO. 64 BROAD STREET. BUYING RATES. SELLING RATES. ii York, 60 days V 4 ft ct. dis sight, prem fIUD’A, “ “ ll| ct. dis “ none nos, “ “ 1)4 ct. dis “ none at£STON il “ none. none Orleans “ “ none. “ none iuea Bank Notes 2 ct. dis RSffiSlK “ “ 2)4 ct. dis ivii'OKY “ “ 2)4 ct. dis Cajol’a “ “ 2 ‘p ct. dis bisia 4i “ 2 ct. dis ra and Silver 1 f>, ct. pm li Solvent Georgia and S. C. Banks par MORE GOOD NEWS ! READ I ILEA-IDI! READ!! I EMBROIDEUIE $ AND LACES, WBE SOLD AT AND BELOW NEW YORK COST. HAVE just received, on consignment, a large assort ment of Embroideries and Laces, among which arc— -200 Jacnet Collars at 15c., worth 40c. 200 Swiss Collars at 20o„ worth 50c. 300 French Worked Collars, at from $1 tu $4 100 Alpassee and Lace Collars, from 25c. to #1 5300 yds. Thread, Maltese, and Lyle Laces 200 Jacnet Bands, from 25c. to $1 200 Swiss Bands, from 25c. to $1 WOO yds. Jacnet and Swiss Edging WOO yds Jacnet and Swiss Inserting. Among the goods above named w ill he found some very stable styles, all of which will he sold at prices as love quoted. 1 will also sell from my stock in store. 200 Fashionable Summer Mantillas 1500 dozen Hosiery, of every description 1000 pieces of Calicoes, price 6 to 10c. 200 pieces French and American Lawns, 7 to 20c. 2uo “ “ “ “ Ginghams, 10 to 20c. 500 “ Bleached Domestics, price 6to 11c. Abo, colored and black Silk Dresses. Bareges and Ba it Robes. newest styles. Rots open all day; admittance free, and no charge •showing goods, Very Respectfully, GEO, IV. ATKINSON. juneltf 105 Broad st., Columbus. FINE DRESS HAT. ■'ENTLEMEN wishing a “FINE DRESS HAT,” J for spriug wear, or a very light and beautiful / jgf ‘ll HAT, should call and examine the “Ne lira,” nt _April 2. OSBORNE'S A S. BELL A. BELL V. Q. JOHNSON BELL, JOHNSON fc CO., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Liquors, Flour, Grain, Stock, &c. &c. Chattiinooga, Tennessee. iEFER TO I,CORKY, Jr. Cashier Uiiioußaiik.Chattaiioogu, Ten. JAMES LIGON, Columbus, Ga. March 15, 1850. 6m WANTED. ‘"t.NTV FIVE NEGROES to work uii the Muscogee 1 Hail Road, for whom liberal wages will lie paid. J. L. MUSTIAN, April 14. Superintendent. NEGRO SI MMER 11 ATS. ME attention of Planters who are purchasing SUM ■ MEK HATS for Negroes, is directed to the t'unn hau Straw, at a very low price, yet a durable arti •3oo dozen just received at April 12. OSBORNE’S. lookout mountain house. MIS House is located on Lookout . ~ Mountain, at an elevation of tliir- AvimsL— \ ■"o hundred feet, presenting a- 1 ’ e - ■ f ,’" !1 llot surpassed by any in the L'ni-Jpa lii ■. and an atmosphere pun -Isalubrious. Those who seek pleasure, heaun and : ''wrt, beauty and grandeur of a natural scenery, can ■ have their wishes mure fully met than on LOOKOI I ’ ‘MAIN. Here pure cold FREESTONE V ATM!, •abundance, is found, ami CHALYBEATE, as good as “b Place can boast of. ‘He Mountain is easy of access, being only live miles ni Chattanooga, and Horses, Buggies and Hacks are ‘*ys in readiness to convey visitors and their baggage ot summit, where their imaginations ill be fully T( atu J Wltn t* well cared for. .7™ House will be opened on the Ist of June, and elos- U, A of October. GEO. AV. ABIIBURN, Proprietor. Aptil 22,1858. l. M. ANSLEY, Superintendent. .. ;ui ‘”_aml Enquirer copy. “ Ex - mcdobgald ... it. a. oabithbm. McDOUGALD ifc CAR IT HERS, Attorneys at Law, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, \\ e {*L practice in all the counties of the Chatahoo ’ ™ee Circuit; in tlie counties of Chattahoochee, ‘■ tarly. and Randolph.of the Pataula Circuit; and : , j un and Decatur counties, of the South M estern Cir- J'-bruary 28, 185 C. ly STAR CANDLES. | BOXES fine Star Candles, just received ami for *,/ !> le by .1. T. SCOTT, O’ 17. 141 Broail Street. SEED PEAS. vl)0 b CSHELS Seed Peas—White, Red and Speck , Jad. just received and for sale by ‘T 12. JAMES LIQON. Tr-,, trimmed cured hams. ij , ■ received on consignment, 10 Casks more Chand , * Co.’a No. 1 trimmed and cured Hams, and for JAMES LIGON. 0- 11. HAPPOI.DT.. P. MVBRAT. IUPPOLDT &. MURRAY, No. 40 Broad Street, Columbus. Georgia, luipnrtersand Manufacturers of guns, rifles, pistols, And all Articles in the Trade. K Repairing executed with neatness and dispatch •w* Keys fitted. Terms “ash for all kinds of work June 5. ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! AT THE ARCTIC HOUSE. KEEP COOL Abb THE SUMMER, CAM lias the pleasure to announce to his old friends o IV* lm ! rous thut he is again fii the held for tl;* \\ arm pays of’s6, and pledge s himself to sell ICE us low as the lowest. My ICE HOUSE is directly between ~ rI T nn “ Oglethorpe Houses, on OgletAorpe Street. All orders from the country for ICE by the box or otherwise, will be forwarded with dispatch. „ . , . , S- U. BRANNON. Agent. Columbus, April 7, 1856. ts ICE AT THE ICE! HOUSE. I IIA \ E ill loti and opened the Old Ice House at a great X expense and considerable labor, to supply the wants ot the people, and I claim your patronage, being OAK ot VOl'. L will turnish you as LOW as any one else. I was run out last year and have opposition to deal with this, but I am determined not to he run out again, and sutler the monopoly to advance one and a half cents on the citizens. I never have, nor do 1 expect to ask more than i Wo AND A HALF CENTS in quantities amount ing to more than dO pounds. I am prepared with a Horse and Wagon to deliver it in the City, at your doors; and will attend punctually to .all orders from the Country, or neighboring Towns, to . by Rail Road, Stage, or otherwise, as von may wish. ifiy Tickets to be had at the Ice House, or at my Store. . _ T. M. HOGAN. I. S. Lee House open at ajl hours during the day (ex cept Sunday). On Sunday from 12 M. April 15, 1856. ts j\ M. 11. 2V CARD. Hr.GRKEmvoOD, ufthe late firm of Green • wood & Morris, New Orleans, respeotfully ,Asfcjp*'\ it terms his friends and former patrons, that heiJSSjfcl lias permanently settled in the city of New V Having associated himself with tiie house of LIVINGSTON, BROS. & KINKEAD, WHOLEBALE G ROCK 11 S, < omiuigsion anil Importing Merchants, No. 62 V -sey Street, in rear of the Astor House, He is prepared to supply them with every riling ir. the GROCERY LINE, on tlie most luvorable terms. Also, to buy on Couimis sion any articles sold in this market. He promises to use every exertion to give satisfaction, and will give bis personal attention to the tilling of all orders with which he may be favored. New York. April 1,185 G. 6m FARMERS’ AND EXCHANGE BANK, OF CHARLESTON, S. C. Agency at Columbus. BIRDS on New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Charleston, Savannah, or Augusta, discounted at customary rates. SIGHT EXCHANGE, on the above named cities, for sale. _ E. T. TAYLOIt, Agent. Nov 15. dtf Office next door to the Post Office. EXTRA LEAP LARD. Q j | BARRELS Extra Leaf Lard, just received and for -wv/ sale at the lowest figures, by March 15. GUN BY & CO. .1. FOGLE, r -_ O E IVTI S T . OFFICE on Randolph, near Broad Street. Entrance on Randolph street. January 15, 185 J. ly CUSHMAN, - - ‘ DENTIST. WINTER BUILDING, 48 Broad street, Columbus, Ga. Jan. 11, 185 b 2m CALL AT .JOHN Q,UIN’S A UCTION STORE AND SAVE YOUR MONEY. r I HIE following Goods are just received fresh from first _L hands, and can be found at the store at present oc cupied by the undersigned : 25 pcs. of Fine Spring Prints from 9 to 9%c. per yard. 150 pcs. of Fancy Common do. from 5*4 to per yd. UK) pcs. of Bleached Shirting, from 0 to 7c. per yard. 15 pcs. of 30-inch. Bed Tickings at 10c. per yard. 10 pcs. of Greenfield Extra do at 9c. per yard. 20 pcs. of Superior Cotton Diaper at loj/jc. per yard. 20 pcs. of Furniture Prints at per yard. 25 doz. Fancy Turkey Red Handkerchiefs, $1 25 per doz. 10 dozen Gents Kegetta Shirts at $6 per dozen. 10 dozen Imperial Pink Shirts at $4 50 per dozen. 10 dozen Silk Parasols from 70 to 80 cents each. 5 dozen Cotton Parasols from 20 to 25 cents each. 5 dozen Gingham Parasols from 25 to 30 cents each. 2 dozen Glazed Traveling Bags at GO cents each. 100 dozen Ladies’ Hosiery at $1 20 per dozen. 50 dozen Men’s Hosiery from $1 to $1 25 per dozen. 100 dozen Scott's Sewing Cotton st 15 cents per dozen. 2 dozen Superior Accordcons at $1 25 each. 30 reams Ruled Letter Paper at various prices. 50 dozen Almond Soap at 15c. per dozen. 200 dozen Fine Glass Tumblers at $1 per dozen. 200 gross of Georgia Matches at $1 per gross. 20 double-barrel Shot Guns from $7 50 to $lO each. 10 new Homemade Bedsteads from $5 to $9 each. Wardrobes, Safes, Tables and Waslistands at low prices. Home Buckets and Tubs of all descriptions. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES And Clocks at various prices. Sold for cash only. Particular attention given to Administrators and Ex ecutors Sales. Call at No. 153 west side of Broad street. JOHN QUIN, Auctioneer. April 28,1856. 2m A. .J. RIDDLE, 3DA.a-XJEILItEA.3Sr ARTIST, HAS closed his rot ms over Mygatt’s Store, prepara tory to re-opening on a scale of magnificence far surpassing anything heretofore known in this City. IHs new rooms will he on tlie corner of Broiut and Randolph streets, in tlie block now being built by- Col. Jones, and as soon as completed. March 7, 1855 ts Fnrmcrs, Your Interest In Here. e a nAA LBS. Chandler & Co’s very superiorrlb ,JU,UUU bed Sides, in handsome boxes of about 400 His. each. Packages to you are a half cent per lb. less than small lots. Come np and buy no less than a package. Just received and for sale by March 24. _ JAMES LIGON. BEST TENNESSEE BACON. 1 / u \ I w jA LBS. Best Tennessee Bacon-hog round, I v/V“J now offering at low figures. Dont let ideas oflower prices keep you away. My bacon is well cured, and I believe, selling now at the lowest price for the season. Come to the Meat House and buy of Mchar 24. JAMES LIGON. LADIES’ WORK BASKETS, 1)0KTB MONA IKS. and other Leather work, neatly repaired, at the Doily Sun Bindery. April 11. JOSEPH ROSENFELD. DR. CARRIGER, I S prepared to attend to all Surgical cases com mitted to his charge. fm Office as heretofore, in the old St. Mary’s Bank t building. _ , . „ Residence —X'ortlieast corner of Craw lord and ror yth (tracts. IW J®) PRESERVED FRUITS &e. ISINE OLIVES. Olive Oil, French Cream Fruit, pre i served Fruit, and ripe Fruit of different kinds. Also tine fresh and Fancy Candies, Just received and for sale at 42 Broad Stteet. CELLA k THOMAS. JAMES LIGON, COM MISSION MERCHANT, No. 132 East Side Broad Street, COLUMBUS. GEORGIA. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Bacon, Lard. Flour, Coffee. Sugar. Molasses, Sait, Tobac co Cheese, Onions. Potatoes, Apples, Dried Fruits, Ac October 20. ly TIIE CLAYTON BANNER, Clayton, Barbour Cos., Ala. BY KIESER & POST. THIS Paper possesses a large circulation in the coun ties of Barbour. Pike, Dale, Henry and Coffee: and t> the merchants of Columbus is offered an excellent op portunity to make known their business GRAND SPECULATION! fob a small investmenti: IJ3OO IMPROVEMENT ON THE Approved Havana Plan Lottery. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY ! By Authority of the State of Georgia. 10,000 Numbers! 1 Briae to 8 Tickets! CLASS N. To he Drawn June 10, 1856, At Concert Hall, Macon, Georgia, under the sworn super intemlence of Gol. George M. Logan and James A. N nabit, Esqr. Thia Lottery is drawn on the Plan of the Royal Lot tery ot Havana of Single Numbers. This lias only 10,000 Numbers, and the Havana Lottery 34,000 Numbers —the Havana 249 Prizes—this 1200 Prizes. Look to your fu- I teret! Now ia the time. CAPITAL PRIZE $15,000! I Prize Ot’ $15,000 is $15,000 } “ 2.000 is 2.000 0 “ 1,000 are . 5,000 Jk* “ 50 are 3,000 ” 25 are 3,000 500 Approximation Prizes of 20 are 10,000 DDL “ “ 10 are 6,000 1200 Prizes amounting to $00,000! Tickets $lO Halves $5 Quarters $2 60. All Prizes Payable Without Deduction. Persons sending money by mail need not fear its being Orders punctually attended to. Communications confidential. Bank Notes of sound Banks taken at par. Those wishing particular numbers should order imme diately. 4@~Address JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, May 15 td Macon, Ga. W'. E. LOVE, Agent, No. 64 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, XPOR 10 50. AT THE ONE-PRICE CLOTHING EMPORIUM OF J - H. DANIEL &: CO., 128 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., Can lie found a full supply, with constant additions, of Gentlemen’s First Class READY MADE CLOTHING, Os their Own Manufacture, Warranted to give full satisfaction to the purchaser. A large and well selected Stock of Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises, Umbrellas Ac. Also, a beautiful assortment of French and English CLOTHS, CASSIMEB.ES & VESTINGS, Which they are prepared to make up in a style of Cut and Manufacture, never yet equalled South. Call, examine and be suited. April 9, 1856. NEW CO-PARTNERSHIP. MAR XILE YARD. J. H. MADDEN & THOMAS KENNY, Oglethorpe Street, where they will at all times lie found ready to receive and and promptly execute all orders given to them. They pledge themselves to satisfy all who patronize them, in material, workmanship, and quickness of execution. They will keep constantly on hand Cement and Plaster of Paris. laon Railing, of the newest patterns,’ always procured at reasonable rates and on the most advanta geous terms. All who know Madden, know him to be a workman of taste and judgment. Those who wißh to show respect to the ‘'dear ones depar*ed” will find it to their advan tage to give the new firm a call. Feb 15 PRESTON & MERRELL’S Celebrated and infallible Yeast Powders, the best article in the Unit ed States, for family use, manufactured in Boston, con stantly on handnnd for sale, wholesale and retail, by J. J. TOLD, Oct. 23. No. 26 East Side Bread Street FRESH AND FINE. JUST RECEIVED— Extra St. Louis Flour Extra Genessee do. Atlantic Superfine do. Pilot Bread ; Butter aud Soda Crackers Arrow Boot and Fancy do. Java, Maracaibo and Bio Coffee Teas, a very choice selection Sugars of every kind Raisins, Currants, Citron and Almonds; Together with every thing usually kept in the Grocery line, for sale by GUNBY it CO. marl 2 PRICES REDUCED. DOUBLE EXTRA—splendid $lO GO per barrel. Extra Family—first rate 900 “ “ Superfine—prime article 750 “ “ Five per cent, discount on twenty barrels at one time. Corn Meal and Hominy 70 cents per bushel. If 5 bushels are taken at one time, 65 “ “ “ If 50 “ “ “ “ 60 “ Bran 79 cents and Shorts 80 cents per hundred pounds. Marcli 14. WINTER’S PALACE MILLS. GARDEN SEED. TUST received a fine stock Lest Garden Seeds. ,1 JAMES LIGON. FINE AND CONI MON TOBACCO. J UST received and for sale, low for cash or approved credit, 30 boxes fine and common Tobacco. October 26—ts J. J. TODD. .H ST RECEIVED. \ FINE lot of Raisins in Boxes, also a largo lot of il. Figs, for sale wholesale or retail. by- Dec 2 CELLA A THOMAS. FRESH (SUPPLIES. JUST received, fresh Dates, Raisins, Preserves, at 42 Broad street. CELLA & THOMAS. WHISKEY. BIILS. Georgia Planter’s pure corn white Whiskey. 25 Bids. “• “ “ “ Ocoee *• 23 “ Taylor's Old Domestic Distillery “ 35 to 75centper gallon, just received from Tennessee, on consignment, and for sale by May 12. JAMES LIGON. PIGS FEET. AFRESH supply of fresh pickled l’igs Feet, just re ceived and for sale at 42 Broad street, by- February- 6. CELLA A THOMAS. SCOTCH HERRINGS. VFIN'E lot of Scotch Herrings just received and lor sale at 42 Broad street, by February G. CELLA A THOMAS, FINE SNUFF AND CIGARS. lAINE Havanria Cigars, Lorelard’s Snuff, constantly on * |,and and for sale, wholesale und retail, at No. 2G, Broail street. • J. J. TODD. Columbus. Oct. —ts A. M. HI LL, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Commission Merchant, 1 11 £\ i T the old stand of D. Ellis A Cos., 14 street, Columbus. Georgia. ..MS--. December 18 —6t SITUATION WANTED. A CITIZEN competent to transact any respectable business (except hard labor,) is out of employment and would be glad to have it for a very reasonable com pensation. Apply at this office, February 18. PE A S AND BEANS. I tit BUSHELS PEAS and BEANg, just received and I Oil tor sale by- May 2. ts JEFFERSON A HAMILTON. NO. 1 FLOUR. ewe* SACKS (98 lbs. each; and 4G Sacks (49 lbs each) / O G. AA. Huguley’s No. 1 Flour, Osanapa Mills— iuxt received on consignment and for sale- by- Mav 24. JAMES LIGON. SUPERIOR LARD. 1 lfl CASES very superior Lard just received on con* signment and for sale by February 22 JAMES LIGON. CATALOGUE OF fine GKEioaiajßiEs. BV MARCUS & CHAFFIW, 77 Broad Street, Columbu*, Ga. ♦ - Flue Teas. American Pickle. Ooluug Tomatoes Young Hyson Roil Cabbage Hyson Peppers Imperial Gherkins in bids and kegs Gunpowder Maccaroui. Souchong and Pouchoug Vermicelli. Sugars. | Cheese, Stuart s Crushed English 1 Ourv do, Ground ‘state Cheese lie. Refined, ABC Sn|> Sago N.O. Brown Pine Apple Cheese do. Clarified English t heitder do Coffee. Butter. Old Gov Java (Goshen Butter, by every Brown •* j steamer Superior white Java \ Molasses. Old -Mocha Golden Syrup Laguira and ltiii Stuart's do Provision. N O Molasses Tennessee Hams j Miscellaneous. Georgia “ Colgate's Soap Ex. Sugar-cured Hams ) •• Starch New York “ Sperm Candles Fulton Market Beef Patent “ Smoked and Pickled do Star ‘• Smoked Tongues Olive Oil Pickled do Horse Radish Extra Pig Pork Pie Fruit Bacon Sides and Shoulders Powder Best Leaf Lard Shot Fish. Caps Mackerel in bids ami hf do Gun Wads Salmon, stn’kd and pickled Powder Flask \\ hite Fish Shot Pouches Apalaih'a do Drinking Flasks Fresh Shad in cans j Raspberry Syrup “ Lobsters “ | j Lemon “ •• Salmon •• Cordials ” Oysters “ ! Brandy Fruit Pickled Oysters Chocolate and Cocoa “ Lobsters Potatoes Hominy. Onions Split Peas. Wood anil \\ ilKov Ware Flour. ‘Scotch Ale Extra Genessee Loudon Porter “ St Louis Rice City Mills Candy Extra Buckwheat Yeast’ Powder Crackers. Strasbourg Pates. Soda Biscuit | Petit l'ois Butter Crackers Truffles Boston “ jMoutarde Be Maille Graham Bread Pates De Foiu Gras Sugar Crackers Sauces olid Catsups. Fancy “ I Worcestershire Sauce Bent's Crackers, in bids aud! Reading’ ‘• cans I John Bull • Fruits. j Pepper *• Malaga Raisins Tomato Capsop Layer “ I Walnut “ Prunes in jars J Mushroom •• “ inboxes j Underwood’s Relish - in kegs, lor looking French Olives Sultana Raisins Seville Fresh Figs Capers Oranges I Sardines Lemons Tobacco Apples Uigurs. Currants and Citron Always on band a fine lot Nuts and AlmoniP: . of choice brands. Spires. Vinegar Nutmegs W i ur s. Mace i Madeira Who* Cloves Port “ Cinnamon 1 Sherry Ginger Malaga Black Pepper White Cooking Wine White “ Champagne. Cayenne Pepper ‘ Ileidseick A Cos Allspice Mumm’s Vergena.v Currie Powder Cabinet Bird Seed. “ Imperial Canary and Hemp Ci emo de Bouzy Preserves. Still Ilock Pineapple Spatkliug lloek Limes j Rhine Wine Peaches Imperial Sherry in bottles Pears I Ri'gina Port Green Gages j Reserve Madeira •• Canton Ginger Torrec “ “ Jams and Jellies Liquors. Isinglass. utard Brandy Cooper’s Shred Hennesse Brandi Cox’s Sparkling Gelatine. [lmperial “ in bottle:. Refined Isinglass Aljilm “ “ English Pickle. [Old Q “ Engl'b Mustard Pickle Old Nabob'Kum “ Mixed do Scotch W hiskey “ White Onions do llrisb “ *• Chow Cliow Mouongahela Whiskey Gherkins Old Bourbon •• American Pickle. Jamaica Hum Gherkins Holland Gin Mixed Pickle Irish Whiskey Mangoes ‘ ‘Cooking Brandy. Mareh 14. iy DRS. 11. M. 81. A. CliE( KLKY, HAVING associated tlumeidves in tlie practice of MKDICfN K and SUKGGK V, tender their service:, to tiie public generally. Particular attention w ill he bes Unveil to diseases pecu liar to Females, Chronic a fleet ions of all kinds, which may he entrusted to their treatment Office next door to Kidg way, Clerk ley A Cos., over Perry Spencer’s Grocery store, Proud st. AjCOffice hours from 8 to 10 \. At., and from .*i l< 4 e. M.: also at night between Sand 10 o’clock. Columbus, April 25 ts MARBLE AND TOMR-gTONE WORKS, Randolph Street, opposite Oglethorpe Hotel. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. The undersign ..H “■ .lUIII Jl fi i (iceand tlie tlgle^ tlioi’pe Hotel, v where he is prepared, with tin* best Italian and Ameri can Marble, to furnish all kinds of Moniiineiits, Tombs ami Grave Stones, as cheap ns they can be lino in any part of the country, North or Houih. He res*, eetfiilly solicits a share ot pub lie patronage lie flatters himself that for workmanship he will give satisfaction to tin- most fastidious. April 10, 185 b. ly HENRY McCAI bEY. R. P. BIIAPARD G. <\ MITCHELL. SHAPAIID 6l MITi'HKLL, WHOTjESATjK GB.OCERB, P'orwardiiiK and Commiaaion and dealers in IKON, CASTINGS, BoHtli Bido of the Public .Square, bhelbyville, T'ennewßee. Kcfemir^s, Seymore, Fanning A Cos., ) 11. A H. Douglass A (>., | Hilluiaii A Brother, ! Nashville. I’emieMMee. Lanier A Phillips, Davis. Pilcher A Cos. J .1. It. WallaSe A: Brother, . . ~ t Atlanta. In. .1. K. \\ illinnis k Cos. ) Urimville, Sample A Cos., Chattanooga. Tenn Mc( ally .v Jones, Macon, Ch. .1. It. Hull v Cos.. Columbus. Ga. •I. A. Annley, t . . .. Scmnten. Kolb A Vo. J A " ust , -'* Vcrntilb- A Friorxou. Savaiiiinh, G. Slmpard, McCray A Cos.. Clmi-fi-aton, F. C. February 8. 1866.6 m FRUIT. ISRIJITS in ciidleaa vuiiet.y—Ki|/e. Dried, and I’reanrv 1 rd, for Kale at 42 Broad atreet, by February G. CELLA A THOMAS. TO THE PUBLIC. •IWIK tradio. (inblie who have hitherto patronized the l TROY KA*,'TORY, will please take ndtiee that W. K. llAKitia ia no longer connected or asaocinti-d In any man ner whatever with til# buxine*.of the establishment. — All business hereafter will be tranee ted exclusively w ith ourselves at our Ware-Rooms. 11. G. JEFFERSON A Cos. Columbus, Oct. 25. —ts VALUABLE LOUISIAN A LAND FOR SALE. (WILL sell the beautiful SI.AN TAT ION known as the llargrov. Eatate Place, in Jackson Harisli, La.,5 fig i, ,?/ X t . miles south of Vernon. 28 miles froinfl|i lIjOiLML the Ouachita river, and 12 miles Iron UCia'U'^ the Vieksburg and Shreveport Kail Road. < oniaiiniig in the aggregate. 1120 acre-, about 300 of which i in a ffne state of cultivation, with good building,, such as Dwellings, Gin House and Screw. Cabins, Cribs, Stables, Ac. Ac. In point of health and beauty, this place is unsurpas sed in the Pariah. The plantation is well watered, and the trai t finely timbered. I will sell this place all together, or in lots to suit pur chasers. Persons desirous of making valuable invest ments will do well to call. For further particulars, address R. M. Hargrove, Ver non, Jackson Parish, La., or call at his residence, 5 miles east of that place. May 6, 1856 3m K. M. HARGROVE. PROFESSOR WOOD’S HAIR RESTORATIVE. It Has Worked Miracles. riMIAT ALL THK lIALD AND OKAY can be reatored 1 perfectly to original growth, so far as their locks are concerned, does not admit of doubt ; besides, it will euro every possible disease of the scalp, whether developed as dandruff, itching, or in the shape of cutaneous erup tions—even sea id-head—and in no possible ease will it fail of curing, as if by magic, nervous or periodical head ache, it ml if used twice a week by tho young, regularly, it \> ill pu orAc the color, and keep the hair from tailing, to any imaginable age. lo ad and judge. boo AN SPORT, la., June, 185D- Mksshs. O. J. WOOD & 00. i dents—Yours of the loth came duly to hand. Ku dosed, please tind thirty-eight ilollars, it being the amount tor Hair KestoratiVe. t have sold it all. * * It you choose, you may send six dozen bottles Hair Res torative; l think 1 can sell it. It has worked miracles in this place. I sold a man six $1 Pottles, that was bald, and it fetched now hair out all over his head. Yours, respectfully, M. H. URIDLEY. i’. K. It. Omcr, Yandaua, June 21,1864. PROFESSOR WOOD— Pear Sir I take pleasure in bearing voluntary tes timony to tho excellence of your Hair Restorative. Throe months ago my hair was very gray. It is now a dark brown, (the original color,) smooth and glossy. Tho only application I have made to it, has been the Hair ltesto mtive prepared by you, and which, from the result fu. my own ca-e. I in most cordially recommend toothers. Respectfully, yours, ‘ KDVV. WOLCOTT Vim’knxks, la., June 21, 1853 RROK O. J. \N < ml). A’- you aii’ about to manufacture and vend your re- Ci'iifly discovt red Hair Restorative, 1 will state, for whomsoever it may eotieern, that l have used it, and known others to use it that 1 have, for several years, bn n in tho habit of using ctlier Hair Restoratives, and tin; I find yours vastly superior to any other I know. It entirely cleftnses the head of dandruff, and with one month’s proper use. \ull reston* any person's hair to the original youthful color and texture, giving it a healthy, ‘'ott and glossy appearance; and all tliis, without discol oring the hand that apply it, or the dress on which it drops I would, therefore, recommend its use to every one desirous ot havingn flue eofor and texture of hair Respectfully, yours, WILSON KINO. St. Louis, June 20,1863 PROF WOOD As you ;ny about to prepare and vend your recently discovered Hair IWstorativo, and a you request myopin ion of if. I will -tete. that my hair was, a few month* ago, very gray, and after using two bottles of your Han Restorative, u resumed its original color; and since it* application, all dandrut) has disappeared from my head, ami 1 have hi*t*n troubled with no disagreeable itching ot tin* scalp. I am satisfied that those wlto use it will not regret it, us it gives the hair the appearance of having been recently oiled lam prepared, there tore, to recom mend it; ii !• h* all who are desirous of having a beautiful head of bail . | uin, sir, yours, etc. II L STKWART PROF. WOOD I ‘ear Sir My hair had, for several years, been be coming prematurely gray accompanied by a liaihnesn which tendered tho constant application of oil necessary in dressing it. \\ hen I commenced using your Hair Res torative. about two months ago, it was in that condition; und having continued its use till within the lust three weeks, it lias turned to its natural color, and assumed a sottuess aud lustre greatly t bo preferred to those pro duced by the application of oils or any other preparation I have ever used | regard it us an indispensable article t"i- ovi-ry lady • toilet, whether to be used as a Hair Rw* forative, oV for tin* simple purpose of dressing or beauti fying I hi* hair. \ou have permission to refer to me all who entertain any doubt of its performing all that in claimed for it. MKB. C. MYMOND9, Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 10, 1854. 144 Third st Wavkbtown, Mass:, May 1,1864. PltoF. o. J. WOOD— Allow im* to attest the virtues and magic powers of yom Hair Restorative. Three months since, being ex ceedingly gray, I purchased, and soon commenced to use, two bottles; mid it soon began to tell, in restoring tjpj : ilver locks t. their native color, and the hair, which whs before dry aud harsh and falling off, now became not 1 and flossy, and it ceased falling; the dandruff disap peared, and tin scalp lost all the disagreeable itching, so annoying before, and now, I not only look, but teei young again. Respectfully, yours, ete. CHARLES WHITNEY l, ..-‘bold at 114 Market, street, St. Louis. Missouri, 31# Broadway, New York, and by all Druggists everywhere, All kinds t family patent medecines for sale, on the best possible tonne, at Prolessor Wood’s establishment, il 1 Market street, St. L uis. For sale in Columbus at the Drugstore ot K IVLIN, THOMAS A 00. J tine I—3m GAS FIXTURES. f PUL umlursignud basing made arrangements with tVs 1 Manufacture) , are prepared to furninh (ass Fixture* at l*Bftilu<l‘l|>lila Price*, with freight added. All discretions of (JILT AND liltON/i: Gil AN DALI ERB with 2,3, 4 and 6 lights, oi beautiful style ami designs tor PAItJ.OKiS AKJ> SALOONS. Gilt and Bronze HARPS for HALLS and PASSAGES, with vnriouc - ty-li-N id (lilt and Hronzo Ilrackcts. PEN HANTS and iiltv.j’ LIGHT’S —limey- styles. Plain and Fancy GLOBES and SHADES CHINA BELLS—plain and gill, very ornuiuenjul. Our stock is very large and la autilully assorted. All inscriptions ol Gnss l ilting; done promptly and warrant led, by Mr J. AVILIIELM, who has hadovoi twenty years experience is ibis line of business lu Phlla dephia and elsewhere, and wiiosn k nown reputation needs no comnii-nt. 4i. it. THOMPSON A CO., April IG, 185 - 143 Broad Street. NEW FURNITURE w :r o o ivl J<l Door North of tlie Ogletliorpe House, COLUMBUS, <IA. : THE aul'scrlhar lias on lianil, thr-e doors/*,;■ 1 c.-J- North ol tint Oglethorpe House, Ogle.■Maw**’ cE tlmrpe Ftreot, Jin assort incut of ncativ luadc I t KNITIJKK, to which lie wili I BESBIj consLuntly milling, und which be will sell at price* that, cannot fail to uit those in want ol anything in lint lino Article* not on hand will be made to order at the short cat notice. Furniture impaired at rcHMonnldv raif9. fJnll and examine ulork. July2l J. H. SIKEg. VAUIJAIUaK PHOPEHTY FOR SALK \WF.LL IMi*K(>\ 1.1) :iud valuable j-laee. itnattd in ;• healthy and the ( ; v oft , <lnmbu<. mi the Hamilton i 1 1 Mini, contjiiuing 175 acre .Hu of whichfltfjpQglggQwZ in woodland, lying w< if, and good pine )unu. un lb* place tin re i- ;t new. comfortable dwelling with fivo roomy nil n( -ary mitbniblingH, fruits ts various kinds, and a most cm client well of water. For terms. Apply to A. K. AYER, April 12. m Went Side* Jhoml Street. Til K I> AIL Y SIN ROOK BINDERYT \ FT Ell KhUHpenhion of three montha for want of an Hlii*i<*ut workman, the liI.NDLKY at ‘b* ! . ii. t .l bji-<ii iu(-fit again underway. With an acoompliab ; <-<i, reliable and prompt workman, and tin > !.<• -1 dock. 11 * *• puLlfc fijy rely on good woik, and that It will be ready fm* delivery af the time promised. Merchanf-. Hnnkera. County Oflfieem, and others Wftiit ini. 8001. . can liav* them ruled to any pattern, and hound in any -d> h* dc.-in and. Mire*. Magu/.iuea, Law JteportH, and other printed w k bound in anv denired atyle. March 24. A SOUTHERN CORDIAL, For Jioii'rl Affprtimi in itr Vavio// Ft/rms, is'DlC the 1 di ‘ea-cx. m prevalent in HUa climate at tliin ucmviOvi, we otter this remedy, um being without doubt the surest and Haf< st that has ever been offered in any country. Laydown prejudice und try one Lot tit, for I know 1 am right this time. Please cull at Uunby A (V.’ik Htope. or at the Drug Store* of BROOKS A ( HAPMAN, KIVLIN, THOMAS & CO. DA N FORTH A N AGEL, .1. S. PEMBERTON CO„ and L 1 t o.\h botile. .uni you will know for yonreedve* that 1 am not mistaken. JACK SMITH, P’tr. ( oJurn bus, Ga.. May 28, 180 b. lm WOOimiUDGE'S PALACE DAGUERREAN GALLERY, Over Brunks A Cliapman’s Hlun Drug Stern, COIjUMBUB, GEORGIA. UA \ E you mu uny I. fills new style of Pictuiss no . Glaas ‘i If not, call uml see, Thi- Double Faco Pic turns are a curiosity, am) are mvaluubli- us true likeneas es. No failing with these Pictures. For taking children it is unsiirpns-i-8. requiring but a few sscon-i* to take life-like impression. A better expression can he got by this process than by any other, tlie time of exposure be ing so short. Daguerreotypes from the smallest, for Lockets or Kings, to the largest, for Frames, taken In the most finished style. ,Some entirely new styles of cases on hand and for sale. J. S. WOODBKIDQK, February 27. Artist and Ambrotypiat. < II EA I* l-TSII. Ifx KHLS. Pickled MULLET FISII—2OO lbs. net each— I as good as No. 2 Mackerel, jußt received and foi sale at (S per barrel, by JAMES LIGON BEST FAMILY 6 LOUR. BARRELS Stewart & Duncan's best Family Flow • •’ just received on consignment and for sals or May 24 JAMES LIGON.