The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, June 16, 1856, Image 3

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PRICES CURRENT. “cOuttrOTSD Y PEKLY. ■■ rjyd is up To i-fi 1 - EMtUfii- ..... |*ya ... (g, is . odPS— Kentucky U w, 12V. gl** 1 ” Northern !s tt> ... © ■e’ik 18 (& 20 fntfS-Sl*™ *? ~ U 8r | c’:tt) oO i£l - 0 Tallow 18 114, 20 .-Rio j* £! 2 s ii&. io .tftVß k * /ji ‘ £0 pi'flC (JOOD3 — > yd, ... ;fe)| ‘ ;i i.wnOsHubMit'a p ydi 101.4 ®, U ’ Brown Shirting > jrd| ‘• te i 8 prow a Shirting > yd 8 ~,1 eg 51 hi io ,p No. 1 >|bl 20 00 to, .25 00 ritv2 44 pi if> Oo j>yr!2'.) 0* 1 N0.3 I'plbl 12 00 <>, SiOWOUB I'lljjW! S tel 830 8,-Liwii i! i 1 “ tel i yV-Pij;.-” ••: d'v - * linjM ß ® * 4> i<s ■iUeet. I s i(v 10 iLu**"! ‘ffjG’j 1 r: } ° Sperm 1 rtfig’lj 1 &0 j </£ <2 50 hard t*i*’l| 1 - fi ■;<•’ I.V jvi.sio.vs. :£L • - te! .- (pro ... @| ° Prime Irbtb 10 ‘(up 16 ~, ..,_Uama jPlft j 10%;® j 11 % adw tern n nil Shoulders % tt> 0 |(oj i cijU-Mwe r-t’lß.-l I- @| ... Prime %* bl { ... I® - 11%!© Gosbcu • 3 l{f£j o£> ’ Country |]HiO ! 2ft If® 30 , r HE lft tej 16 iriwet—Sweat #ll/11 ... ‘l® Irish iipjb’l 3 60 te| 400 .it ‘rjili 1 To |®[ 200 ft fih'A 2 2ft iZ 230 nir's-Brandy. Cognac ;VgTl 2 2ft V| SW American...jv. g’F 85 <<s\ 100 Peacb ‘P!;c'l! ... tei 1 fto •pin—Holland r #lg’ll 1 2ft |@ 230 American fig’ll 7ft i(sl 100 Rum—Jamaica, # gl! 200 ; ®| 300 New Kugland....’ # g’l! 7ft (®! i 00 iVhiatey —Rectified > glj 40 te ! Common !i>gT ... j®; Monong’a.... Bg’l‘ “ft 1 liU lrt rOI'U’KNTINK >g’l’ ... te 100 f.Mr-PlO w I> #> ! ... ©I 10 Cast |j&B>, ... ,4J. 22 Herman ;> lb ... !<0; 15 American Blister iiiltb ... ‘ 10 Kns'.ieb Blister f. H> ... tg;\ lft riUK-Ncw Orleans.* V!* 2ft 10 ® 12 Loaf. %Hb | 12Ui@! 13 Crashed ,# ih 12% 13 I’nlverlzed ¥lb 12'<1!©! !} aww |2! 10 12 M jjjrcO—Common ¥ lit 12%te; Ift Fair ft s4ll ’ 20 ‘ (<:\ 30 Choice ¥ib < ftp 7ft KIN’S f> i 2ft j@. ... BEOAR—Apple ¥ b’ii 650 @! 7 .VO miTE LKAD fft a 7ft ©j 3 2ft IWES—Port > g’l! 160 @| 300 Madeira ?■ g’l’ 150 @; ft 00 Claret ‘3 g’l I 300 @| 500 Champagne imbkj 10*0 @,20 00 [MI.. l¥|bl: 15 ® ! S3 BAT EIS OP BXC HA KGE. CORRECTED BT W. E. LOVE & CO. •OTTERV AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, NO. ei HROAD STREET. buying :;ates. sEUia rates. i* Voss, GO days VA ot. dis sight, y£ prein buj’a, “ “ \\Z ct. dis “ none itos, “ “ ct.dia “ none Ittissio!*“ none. “ none jQuuss “ none. “ npqn mm Bank Noths 2 ct. din sassa “ 2Vo"jtct. ills ... tST'.CKV - “ 2‘Jflct.dU Cm’* •• •< 2 “V. ct. di* KBU 2 y ct. dis „ oand Silver 1 1 A ct. pm iSoivEX*Georgia and S. C. Banks par MORE GOOD NEWS! tEAiP! READ 11 BEAD!!! gubroidkrieV and laces, II BE SOLD AT AND BELOW NEW YOKE COST. HAVE just received, on consignment, a large assort- Beat of Embroideries and Laces, among which ar— -200 Jaenet Collars at 15c., worth -10 c. 200 Swiss Collars at 20c., worth 50c. 200 French Worked Collars, at from SI to £4 100 Alpassco and Laco Col are, from 25c. to ft! 2‘JGO yds. Thread, Maltese, Lyle Lseos 200 Jaenet Bands, from 25c. to £1 200 Swiss Bands, from 25c. to $1 WOO yds. Jaenet and Swiss edging 1003yds Jaenet and Swiss Inserting. Anting the goods above named will be found some very Me stylos, all of which vill bo sold at prices as w-juoted. I will also sell from my stock in store, t*t -200 Fashionablo Summer Mantillas 1500 dozen Hosiery, of every description 1000 pieces of Calicoes, price 0 to 10c. 203 pieces French and American Lawns, 7 to V 280 “ “ <• • Ginghams, 10 to 20c. 500 ” Bleached Domestics, prico 6to lie. Ik), colored and black Silk Dresses. Bareges and Ba- j f Robes, newest styles. mm open all day; admittance free, and no cliargo dewing goods, Vorv Rospeetfullv, Gi'.O, Y\ ATKIS&GN. juaeitf 105 Broad *t., Columbus. FIISE DRESS HAT. UXXLEMEN wishing a “FINE DRESS HAT.” 1 hr spring wear, or a very light and beautiful / af ft HAT, should <-ai! and i xa.hine the “Ne riu.-.dSSsk Im,’’ #t April 2. OSBORN £'3 abell a. bell v. q. johnhos KELL. JOHNSON &. CO., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN iquors, Flour, Grain, Stock, &c. &c. Chattanooga. Tennessee. IfEK TO Worry, Jr. Cashier Union IlAnk,Cliatt.ntoog;i. Ten. WMLS LIOON. Columbus, Ga. 15. 1850. 6m h „ WANTED, ™r.\TY FIVE NEGROES to work on the Muscogee IR#!1 Rond, for w hom liberal wages will bn paid. J. L. MUBTIAN, %il 14. .Superintendent. to „ MiRO SUMMER HATS. I ‘JR attention of Planters who we purchasing VM -1 ‘li.R HATS for Negroes, is directed to the t ana- Straw, at u very low price, yet ‘ durable artl \ dozen just received at *Pni 12. O.SBOItNK'S. lookout mountain PJIi 1 House is located on Lookout . . t-kuntain, at an elevation ufthir- — L ’"hundred feet, presentin’- a. see- u‘j, *•?. .• s no * surpassed liv any in tho UniHß !, 1 ’ -tates, and an atmosphere pur> ‘winbrious. Those who se?k pleasure, tieai.u and ■w, beauty and grandeur of a natural scenery, can i their wishes more full) met then ni LoOKOT F y'L'AIN. Here pure cold FBKEBTONE WATER, “ttttdance, is found, and CHALYBEATE, as good rs ! [usee can boost of. “Mountain is easy of access, beinp:only live miles ; s Uiattanooga, and Horae*. Buggies and H icks ore , ’Dm rradinesa to convey visitors and their baggage |es sunimit, whero their imaginations will !t fully .Wd their wants well cared for. j?'House will be opened on ill-’ Ist of.tnnr, nJ ebis drtnf Ort^r. , .. GEO. W. ABIIBURN, Proprietor. 22,1*50,. |„ m \NBL£ Y, Huprrlnti ndent. Enquii'er ropy. llx ’ mcdougald k. c. ( Aitrntrits. ‘IcDoVGALD A CARITIIERSI, Attornoy ftt Law, . COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, V 'Ll Practice in si! the counties f the Chtah< , * Circuit; in the couutk.s of Chattahoochee, a 1 “ny. and the Pataulu Cir lit: end Decatur coußtle#, cf tho Honth €HU*r Cir -1556. lv 111 liovno TAR candles. ~ I| “UXEB fine star Candles, jtwt received ands T J. T. SCOTT. HI Uroyl t*treat. •lArv NEED PKAS. , ,!)() BLSIIELS Seed Peas- -White, Bed end Speclt !.v received and for sale by - ■jpy JAMES LIQON. Ip. TRIMMED CURED HAMS. •)i#J \ f on condignmont, 10 C&ski uiort t'hanu* v.i, Uo’ 9 No. 1 trimmed and cured Hams, and for JAM Est LIGQN H.VPWILBT a MI'IIUAY, iiovifl3roadlßtreet, Columbus.|g(.o. u,, Imporleni.nnd fllanufacturartt of GUXS. RIFLES, PISTOLS. And all Articles in the Trade. *2*Relirtfcg executed with ucatnaw anVdiai..itri,.- * Keys fitted. Terms cash for all hinds of work. Juui* o. XCE! ICE!! ICE!!! AT. THK ARCTIC HOUSE. Kl'.Kl* com. A LI. THK MMMKH. W AM oe.s the pleasure to announce to hie old friends ip and patrons cl'Cft, that 1m; iii again in Uir field for , *’ iU ! la &>•<■ ,,f std. and pledge* himself to sell ICE km owns the lowest. My ICE UOl’Sßis directly between t!..’ * crrj and Oglethorpe ileus- s. ouOgletAorpe Street. All orders lrorn the country for ICE to tue is,. vr otuerwis. 1 , will l> forwardin', with dispatch. -. . . *l. SHANNON, Agent. Columbus, April 7, lsfto. t, ICE AT TIIE OXjE) ice house. IU a , L filled and opened tho Old Ice Uouab at m great expeneo and considerable labor, to supply the w ants ottn* people, and I claim your patronage, being ONE oi 101.. 1 will luruish you ius LOW as any one else. I wasrnn oat last year and have opposition to ileal with this, but 1 am determined not to be run out again, and BuJer the monopoly to advnnc-o one and a hail cents on Jr c 0 J tav< \nor do J expect to ash tjtore taen T\NU AM* A HALE * ENT.i in quantities amount ing to mere than 30 pounds. , 1 ®? 1 prepared with a Horse uiid 11 agon to deliver it in the City, R t your doors; alii will attend punctually to ml orders irom tlio Country, or niishboring Towns, to be sent by Rail Road, Stage, or othefivise, . sou iubv wish. V's’ Tickets to be had at the lee House, oral niv fit,.ire. .. .. , Ir T. 31. HOGAN, i. s.—lcs !louse open u! r!l hours during the day (t x ! cept Sunday). On Sunday from 12 31. ‘ April 15, 1866. ts . T. M. H. A CARD. HI • tsllEE A U OOD, of the 1 r,, briu ,*f (ire* :i ----• wood & Slorris, New Orleans, respectfully ir terms his friends anu former patrons, that hldy-T-fr-ISI permanently settled in the city of New V. ,rk.BBHLi Having associttterl himself with t ho house of ) LIVIiVGiftTOIs, BKOS. & KINKEAD, WHOJ.ES.II.L GIIOC EliS, f nmmission and Inipmtlng .Hci'chsnts. No. 02 Vcsoy Street, in rear of the Astor House. He is prepared to supply them with everything in the GROCERY LINE, I on the most favorable terms. Also, to buy on Cotuuiis sion any articles sold in this market. ‘lie promises to use every exertion to give smisTactiun, usd will give his personal attention to the filling of ell orders with which he may bs favored. New York, April 1, ivy?, ism rASNBIM’ Air® EXCHAXUK BANK. Oi- CHARLKMON, fit. C. Agency a<. Cohtmbns. BILL 1 * un Now York, Bouton, rhiludelphin, t ini'lrstun, Savannah, or Augusta, dier ’unt,■.! at. ei'M-teuiarv rates. SIGHT EXCHANGE. ~u the itlnive uamod citb's, fn 8! e;. L. f. TAYLOR, Agent. Nov 15, rltf Ufiice next door to tho I‘cut OSS'.'.'. EXTRA LEAF LARD. *)( | HAKRELS Extra Less Lard, Just received und for Aw'V/ r.ilc Jit th*'. trch ’ft. GUN BY i 00. J. FOGLE, r— r>KNTis x’ . OlTlt’E on Randolph, ntur nrand Street. I'.ntranro eti Randolph street. .January 15, iB6O. 5y C CVS 1131A X, DKNTItST. WINTER BUILDING, 48 Broad street, Columbus. G*. Jau. 11,1853 2m CALL AT JOHN (RTN’S STOEB AND HAVE NTOXJII MONEY. r I’HK following Goods ere just recoivcd fresh from first A hands, and i-au be found-aj the itore at pw-sent oc cupied by the undersigned : 25 pcs. of Fine Spring Prints from 9 to S’dc. per yard. 160 pee. of Fancy Common do. from OJd to 6t-jc. per yd. 100 pee. of Blenched Shirring, from 6 “to 7c. per yard. 15 pcs. of 20-ineh. Bed Tickings at 10c. per yard. • 10 pcs. of Greenfield E:.tra do at Pc. per yard. 20 pcs. of Superior Cotton Diaper at lOjafc. par yard. 20 pcs. of Furniture Print* at 7 1.7 c. p®-yard. 25 do*. Feney Turkey Hod Handkerchicfii. t\ 2s jit-r (hw. 10 dozen Gents Kcgetta Shirts at ,f0 per dozen. Id dozen Imperial Fink Shiris at £4 50 per dozen. 10 dozeu Silk Parasols from 70 to 80 cents each. 5 dozen Cotton Parasols from 20 to 25 cents each. 6 dozen Gingham Parasols from 25 to DO cents each. 2 dozen Glazed Traveling Bags at Oj cents each 100 dozen Ladies’ Hosiery ni £1 20 per dozen. 50 dozen Men’s Hosiery from ,ti to £1 25 per dozen. 100 dozen Scott's Sewing Cotton a! 15 Ceuta per i ‘w. 2 dozen Superior Accordcons at £1 20 each. 30 reams Ruled Loiter l’ajxir at various price*. 60 dozen Almond Soap at 15c. per dozen. 300 dozen Fine. Glass Tumblers at £1 per dozen. 200 gross of Georgia Matches at #1 per gross. 21 double-barrel that Guns from £7 50 to £lO each. 10 new Homemade Bedsteads from £5 to >0 each. Wardrobes, Safes, Tables and Wsebstands at low prices. Home Buckets and Tubs of all descriptions. GOLD AND SIIjVEK WATCHES And Clocks at various prices. Sold for cosh only. Particular attention given to Administrators and Ex ecutors False. Cal! at. No. 153 west side of Broad street. JOHN QUIN. Auctioneer. April 28,1856. 2m A. .1. riddlkT 3DA.GI-XJERR.E-A.lsr ARTIST, TT AS closed his rosms over Mygatl’s Store, prvpara .l 1. tory to re-opening ou u scale cf longnificenco far surpassing anything heretofore known in this City. His new rooms will bo on the corner of Broad un-l Randolph streets, in the block new being built by Col. Jones, and in soon n* completed. ‘lurch 7, Iff ‘ _ Farmers, Your Interest Is Here. r. / i AfdV LBS. Chandler A Co's very superior rib t)U,v )v/V* tied Sides, in handsome boxes of about W! lw. each. Packages to you are a half cent per lb. less than small lots. Come up and buy no less tiiau a pc karo'. .Rut received snd for side by I, 24. JAMK3 LIGON. BIST TE.VM'ISSKE BACON. 11 U 1 i inn LBS. Best Tennessee Bacon-hog round, l ’ m ‘,Vm/’ / now ottering at low figures. Dont i“t; idens of lower prices keep you away. My bacon is weli cured, and 1 believe, acllinc; now at the lowest price for the r,a*: l. tomato the Meat INtto and buy of Mchrr 21. JAMES LTGON. LADIES’ WORK BASKETS, IAOUTE MONAIEB. and other Leather work, neatly repaired, t thc.Dallv fuu Bindery. April I’, JOSEPH ROSENFELD. DR. CARRIOCBi TS propared to attend to all Surgical cuw- com - ‘ I mittvd to his charge. . , WKf Offlco a* heretofore, in the old St. Mary; * Rank building. ~ . . ~ R'-idence Northeast corner el < rwwiord and (or* ■yth -:it*. 1 r>l - *-L v PHESEItVKD FRUITS Ar. lAINF OLIA T l'“, Olive OH, French Cream Fruit, pro d Fruit, und ripo Fruit of different kind*. Aluo linn tbash and I'auey Cnndlea.just received and for >ab •* CELLA i THOMA.*. JAMES MOON, C< • \IM I SSI ON MERCHANT, No. 132 East bide broad Street. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WholeFp.Jo and Retail Dealer in Bawu, Lard. Flour, Off.*, huger. MoUmM, ‘T-dsic co Cbceae, Onions, Potato, *. Apples, Fried rmtt., Ac- October 26. ly TIIK CLAYTON BANNER, Clayton, Barbour Cos., ‘!"• BY KIEsEK A ITIsT. fnlllb P*i*v possvwesi a large circulatiau m the muo* 1 ties of Bar hour, lfike, Dab, Henry aud toffee, m tbe uiorchanteof Columbm, i, otlored an wxcellent op. pcrtmbtv ty nwk* known th*irbl*im ". GRAND SPECULATION! I’OR A SMALL INVESTMENT :t isoo PRIZES’ 330,000. IMPROVEMENT UN THE Approved Havana Plan Lottery. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY! By Authority of the State of Georgia. 10,000 Numbers! 1 Prize to 8 Tickets! CLASS N. To be Drawn June 16, lb JO, At Ceucert Hall, Macon, Georgia, under the sworn super intendenee of Col. Ueorgn M. Logan and .*io < A. Ntesbit, Es,|r. i hi- Lottery is drawn on the I‘leu of the ituyul R)t tery of llavioia of Singh Numbers. Tliiahusouly K'ft.HMj Numbeo, and the Havana Lottery 34,000 Numbers —the Havana 2t'J frizes—this lfioti I’risrs. lstok to yourfo tere-t! Nov, is the time. CAPITAL PRIZE $15,000! 1 Prize of *16.100 is $16,000 1 “ , 2,000 is 2,000 ■’ “ * l.OOOarc 5,000* ftOOure O’ “ 5,01 M J*’ “ - 2ft are 3,000 6tK) Apnrii.xmiafion Frizes us 20oru 10 t vt>o *• 10 are 6,000 1200 Prizes amounting to $80,000! tickets K*lo Halves jjft yuartei.M *2 ftO. ‘'H Prizes Payable \Y ifliotn Deduction. IVrsuns sending money 1\ mail need not iear its being i'V,. Orders punctually attended to. Com 41 ui lies lions eontidential. l.ani; Nuns of sound Banks taken at par. i Ik'S!! wisliing particular numbers should urdrr imme diately. ®i”“Address JAMES V. WINTER, Manager, vfay 15 t,l Kiscou. Oa. YA . K. LOVE, Agent, No. 61 Broad Street, Columbus, Ha. SPUING AND .SUMMER CLOTHING, IV OXI 1836. ‘ -^|f> /\ AT THE ONE-I'HICE (. LO’l 1 lINCi KMI'OUIU M OK J- Pi _ D A3STIEL Sc 00., 128 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., f’wn he found a full supply, with constant additions, of Gentlemen’s First Class 11 FA D Y M ADK i LOT 111 X( i, Os their Own Mendfacture, ft’ arnmteil to give full satisfaction to the purchaser. A large and well selected ,Stock of Gentlemen's Kiirnlsiiing Goads, Mats, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises, Umbrellas Ac. Also, a beautiful assortment of French and English CLOTHS, CASSIMEKES & VESTINGS, Which they arc prepared to make up in a style of Cut and Manufacture, never ye/ eoualhvl Smth. Call, examine ami bn suite,]. April U, 1856. VKYV (O-I’ARTNKRBHII*. MAIUSLi: YARD. -HAUJEN A THOMAS KE.Y YY , Oglethorpe Street, wbt.r they will at all times be found ready to receive and aud promptly execute all orders given to them. They pletigi; themselves to satisfy nil who patronize them, in material, workmanship,’ and ‘iuickness of execution. Vutsy will keep constantly on hand Cement and Plaster of Paris. laou Railing, of tb tfowtst patterns, always prccurivl at rmjsonaWe rat sand on the most ndvanta geous terms. All who know Maddeji. know hint to bu s workman of taste aintjudgniont. Those who wish to show respect to the ■‘dear on os depuriad 5 ’ will find it to their sdvan | tag* to give the new tlna a cell. J’ab Ift FRKSH \M> FINK. fl’BT RU'EI VHi'— *) Eytrn fit. Louis Flour Extra OonossiT do. Atlantic fiupertiue do. Pilot Bread ; Butter aud Suds Crackers Arrow Rout and Fancy do. Java, 3laracaiho aud Kio Cokes Teas, a very choice h rtioii of every kind ItHisius, Currants, Citron and AJuiouds; Together with every thing usually kept in tho Grocery tine, for sale bv GUN BY’ A CO. r.arlC GAKDEN SEED. JUST received a line stock best Garden Seeds. JAMES LIGO.N. PEAS. ti lIVSHELS I'i .is ju i received and for m!c by IUU GUNBY t CO. May ‘j,; CHOICE WINKS. CHIAMPAGNt. Port,Claret. Madcria, Cicily an I Mcl J ags, juet received and l .r sal, b\ May 23 gt;ni;y . . CO rItESTON A. MURRELL’S Celebrated and Infallible Yeast Powders, the best article in flic Unit ed Slates, for family use, manufactured in Boston, con- Ktantlv on hand and for side. whede*lc t,d rotaii, hv j. j. todd! • >■'■!. 23. No. 2*l Last Bide Broad Street KINK AND ai.HMO.Y TOBACCO. JUST received and for rule, low fur cash or approved credit, 50 l oses fine and common Tobacco. October 28—t, J. J. ‘TODD. •II'IST HECKIVEO. VFINE lot of Hairier in Boxes, abo a largo lot ot Figs, for sale wholesale or retail, by 1. c 2 ‘ C ELL A ,'c THOMAS. FRESH SUPPLIES. JUST received, fresh Dates, Rfiisins, UreKervea, at 12 Broad street. OELLA A THOMAS. WHISKEY. •) HHLS. Georgia Planter's pure coni w hile Whiskey. 25 BbN. •’ ■’ - Oooeu *• 23 •• TayloFs Old Dosn rtic Distillery 35 to 75cents per gallon, just received from TANARUS, unesrte, on consignment, and for rale by May 12. JAM Eli LIGO.N, PIUS FEET. V FREEH supply of fresh pickled Pigs Feet. ,ju*t re ceived aud h r . >le at 12 Broad street by February 6. CELLA A TlloMAfi. SCOTCH HKHItINUS. \FINL lot of Scotch Herrings just received and fur sale at 42 Broad street, by February 6. CELLA Z TIIOMIA FINE SNI'KF AND CIGARS, TONE Havanim i"i7ra. Lorel.anl's hniill, coiuitantly on T hand and lor 0,1. wholesule *nd retail, at No. 26, Broad street. J. J. TGDD. Colfunhna, Oat. —ts A. J!. HULL, Wholesale und Retail Grocer and CoruiniHNion Merchant, . - 4 T 111* old stand of l>. Kills ,v Go.. 14 j V street, Coltunlius. G -irgia. SMMDt. Di-ccatbcr 18 —fit SITUATION WANTED. V C ITIZEN competent to trunaact any reaiwctabla businees fcxccpt bard late r,/ ia out of employiacut aml woulri b glad t - bsv. it for - ‘-r* r>nsoiiel,b’ c an peosatiun. Applyr’ thlaeffir • Mtuiiy li , PEAS AND BEANS. . BUSIIEIa PCV v and BEIN'*, .iuet r.r iv-laid | )'* for sal- t.v May 2. >’ JEFFEI!IN A HAMII/I'BN. NO. 1 FLOUR. zA( KA <OB Ibe. ssch , and p, --ickr it* lb- ‘ -i) /I) G. K \. Ilugoley’s No. 1 Fhmr, Osanap, ‘ll'!" iuat received on ecnaigninent and for sal* hv sfjv 34, JAMLICKIN'. V. T. BARNW ELL, GENERAL LITERARY AGENT. ATLANTA. GA., la antlwri-od U> act *s agvtit tor The- Doily z.un, in the orocureinent of aobscriptlouaand udvertUtnent. and to receive and re -ipt tor tbs money for tl.e am*. CATALOGUE or FINE GROCEKIEB. BV MARCUS & CHAFFIN, 77 Brotid Street, Columbu*, Gtt. * Pine Tea*. American Pickle. Ookmg Tomatoes Young Hyson Red Cabbage Hymn Peppers Imperial iUherkiusin bids and kegs Gunpowder Naccaronl. Souchong aud Fouchung Vermicelli. U. ! Cheeae. a 1 uArt /i CruhtuKl 1 Ktiglinh Dairv do. Ground State Cheese do. Keßnixl, A U C fiap Sago N. U. Brown jPine Apple Cheese do. Clarifies! • English t Redder do Coffee. Butter. Old Gov Java .Goshen Butter, by every Brown • i steamer Superior white Java Molasses. Old Mocha : Golden Syrup Laguira and Kin Stuart’s do Provision. IN O Molasses Teunesaee Hams Miseellancons. Georgia “ IColgate’s Soap Ex. Sugar-cured thins j “ Starch Now York >• j Sperm Candles Fulton Market Beef patent Smoked and Pick fid do Star Smoked Tongues Olive Oil Pickled du Hon a Radish Kxtru Pig Perk Pie Fruit Bacon Sides arid Slioulders Powder Best Leaf Lard Shot Klsli. Capa Mackerel in iibis und hi do Gnu YVmts Salmon, stn’kd uui! pitkled Powder FlitsE YYhitcFish Shot Pouches Apalach’a du Prinking Flask-’ Fresh Sued in c.iu- Kaspherry Syrup ” Lobsters •*, ! iyemuii - l “ Salmon “ {Cordials Oysters “ Brandy Fruit Pickled Oysters iChocoiato and C\s.xi ‘• Lobsters Potatoea Hominy. {Onion* Split Peas. 1 YY’ood and ‘Viilow YVara Flour. Scotch Ye Extra Genessee London ortre “ St Louis Rice City 3lills ICrtndy Extra Buckwht s t ! Y east l’owdn Crackers. Strnsbow g*. Soda Biscuit , Petit Pols Butter Crtwkein TrufKes Boh tun •> Yloutardu bo Muill Graham Breed Fates Be Foie Oros SugarCrackeiv Sauces and Catsups. Fancy ** | Woroastershlm Sauce Beat’s Cracken, in bids nud Reading’ “ cad.s . John Bull •• Fruits. Pepper Malaga Kalsins Tomato Capaup Layer •• YValnut “ i'riineH in jars Hustirocm *• “ In boxes {Underwood’sßelish *• ia kegs, for c joking (French Olives Sultana Raisin* Seville *• Fresh Figs Capers Orauges Sardines Lemons Tobacco Apples Cigar*. Currants and CiUnu Always on hand a ljn lot Nuts and Almonds of choice brands. Spiers. Vinegar Nutlueyn YVlnes. Mace Madeira YY’int- Cloves Port “ Cinnamon Sherry “ Ginger vinlaga “ Black Peppnr YVhite Cooking \Yim YVhito Chainpagar. Cayenne Fcpper Heidseick A Cos Allsjiice Muffin’s Vergcnay Currie Powder •• Cabinet’ Bird fired. *• Imperial Canary and H.-tup jCremo de B iuxy Preserves. Still Hock Pineapple ! Sparkling Hock Limes j Rhine Wine Peaclii'-. 1 inperial Sherry iu bottle* Pears Regina Port “ Green Gage* jßoaerro Madeira “ Canton Ginger forreo *• “ Jams and Jell:- > Lt<j|Uora. iHinjglaas. maid Brandy Cooper’s Shred Uennrste Hrand.v Cox’s Sparkling Gelatine. Imp- rial “ i:i bottles Refined Isinglass Alpha “ KnglisK Pickle. ->ld it English Ylustiini Pickle (Old Nutsrb’ituiu Mixed do Scotch Whiskey *■ YVhito Unions do Irish Choev Chow Miinongaheltt YVhlskoy Gherkins -jld Bourbon •* American Pleklf. Jamaica Bum Gherkins Holland Giu Mixed Vickie Irish Whiskey Mangoes Cooking Brandy. March 14. Iv DUS. 11. M. A. i. A. ULECKLKV, HA VfNG associated theniselvf'S in the practice of MKIHCIN Laud SHHOKBY. tender their services to the public generally. Particular etteution will Is, bestowed to diseases pe u llar ‘to \ Cbrouie afiuclions df all kinds, yhlcb may be entrusted to their treatment Jty- Otficu next door to fildgway, Clackb-y ,t Cos., over l'ciry bpencer’s Grocery store, Broad st. hours froni 8 to lu a. si., sad from 3 to 4 v. 3.*.: also at night l*tweti A am! Tdo’cloct;. Columbus. April 25 If MARBLE AND TOMB-STONE WORKS, Randolph Street, opposite OgUtborj,® Hotel. COLUMBUS, CJBOROTA. when- he is prepared, with tbu Ket Ttallan and Amr ri cu Marble, to furnish all klDds of Monuments, Tamils anil Grave Slants, as cheap as they cso be Lad in e.’jy part of the country, North or ,s>ouili. He rw.ei tfully solicits a share ot pub lie patronage lie flatten himself that for workmanship lie will giv -Blitfaetlon to tin- most fastidious. April y>, 185'. ly HENRY MoCAt'LEY. It. I’. HHAPAKD O. C. MITCIIEM.. SIIAPARD 1 MITCHELL, WXXOIiKSAXsX: (IHOCUHS, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, and dealers in IRON, CASTINGS, dec., booth did,; ot the Public Brjuare, Kholbyville, Tennessioe. References. .Seymore, I *u Ding t | 11. x B. Itc-ugliii- A Cos., I liillmnu .4 Erotbar, ■ Nu-biUbv tcune. Igunitr A PbiMips, Davi*, Pilcher i G',. i J. K. Wallace A Brother, J. A. William* A Cos. j •>**. Granville, sample A Cos., Chattanooga- Taun. MoCally k Jontw, Macon, U(. J. R. Hull \ Cos., C'olumhuz, Gu. * Cos. } AttKinU.Ua. Verstillc A I riersou. Nevaunah, Gu. sheperd, McCray A Charles ton, tk C. February 8,185 C. Cm FRUIT. I-' 9 KITTS ill endless variety—Klpe, Drk-,1, ..ud Pie-rv X’ ed, for eab’ * l 42 Hi wild street, by February *’. CELLA e TMOMAH. TO THE PUBLIC. rpm: trading public who buva hitherto pstroaiacd thi L TROY FACTORY, will pb-aae taka notice that W . K 11 .Kills is uo longer connect, and or aeaociated in any man tier whatever with tbu luiin*-fm of the eatabliahment.— All business hereafter will Ihi transacted caelusfvaly with on re* Ives ut our War-'-It'sails. It. i,. JI U'EHSON A CO. Coluuibus. Oct. 25. —ts VALUABLE LOUISIANA LAND FOR SALE. f W ILL 5.,11 the beautiful PLAN- . 1 TATION known us tb<- Hargrove A-stlllX- Estate Plate, in Jackson Parish, l ‘‘ ,<'<Wlld& rail. ~ uoctb <d Vernon, 2k miles from the Oua*;bit river, and 12 uillea from the Yir.keburg and ffhravaport Hail Road, containing in tb- Ug .i ‘ g . 1130 acre -. about 300 of which is in a tlni state of cultivation, with (roed buildluga, Hitch a* D-> l!l:;;;.e. G : Honsuend 8. Cabins, frit-, smblae, SCC. Ac. la p dlit * f b*-eltb and b* nutj, this place is nusurpas sed in the Parish. The j*!/itifatioti Is ivell * etered, and tho tract finely timbered. 1 will sell this piacaoll toyetber, <:r in lots to suit pur obaecrs. Paraous di-lrueis eit niaking valuable luv. sP meats will do well to call. F.>r further particulars, address K. M. Hargrove, Ver non, Jaekapti Parish l a., * r ..nil at Ms roaldomre, 5 tnilct cast of that nite.r. Ma> f. 181*.. 3m h M. 11 AhflHOVh. PROFESSOR WOOD’S HAIR RESTORATIVE. It Has Worked Miracles. rpHAT ALL THE BALD AND GRAY can be reatoivd JL perfectly to original growth, so far an their locks are concerned, does not admit of doubt; besides, it will cure every jtossiblu disease of the sculp, whether developed as dandruff, Bi lling, or in th shape of cutaneous erup tion'—-even scald-head—and in no possible case will it fail of curing, as if by magic, uervons or periodical head ache, and if used twice t weak by tho young, regularly, it will preserve the color, and keep tho hair from tailing, to any imaginable age. Hoad and judge. Lou.iKbPOBT, la.. June, 166 ft. Missus. 0. J. WOOD A CO.: Gents—Yourn of the 13th came duly to hand. En closed, phano mad thirty-eight ilollais, it being the amount for Hair Restorative. 1 have sold it all. * * If you choose, you may send six down bottles Hair Ke.- torative; 1 think 1 can sell it. H has worked miracles In this place. I sold a man six $1 bottles, that was bold, aud it fetched new hair out all over his head. Yours, respectfully, M. 11. OKIDLEY b. K. B. Orrtc*. X iNDM.ii. June 21. ISfti. PHOFLS.SOR YVOOB— Dear Mir—l take pl. n-uro in be'ai iug voluntary te timony to the excellunoe of your Hair Restorative, ihree mouths ago tuy hair ww very gray. It is now a dark brown, (the original color,) smooth and glossy. The only appliCutiou 1 have made to it, has been the Hair hi nts rathe prepan -1 by you. and which, Irom the result ta tuv own case, 1 can most cordially recommend toothers. ItvnrectfulK. jours, EDYV. YVOECUTT. Y ixr.rxsis, 1:1.. June 21, 185 U. PROF. 0. J. YtUOD— As you are about b- uianutacturu an-1 vend your re cently discovered lluir Restorative, > will stats, tin whomsoever it nwy concern, that 1 have used It, uml known othi is to uw it—that 1 have, (br several yearn, been in the habit of using ether Hair Restoratives, and that 1 find yours vastly superior to any other l know. It etui rely cleanses the beud of dandruff, and with one month’s proper use, will restore uny person’s hair to the original youthful color and texture, giving it a healthy, soft ami glossy appeuruueo; aud ull this, without discol oring tho hands thut apply it, or the dress on which it drops. 1 would, therefore, recommend its use to every one desirous of having a tluu color and texture of hair Respectfully, yours, WILSON KING. fir. For is, June 2d, 1663 PROF. YI’OOB— As you arc about to prepare aud vend your recently discovered liair Restorative, and as you request my o[ in ion of it, 1 will state, ilmt my hair wa*, a tew month ago, very gray, and afbr using two bottles of your Hull Restorative, it lvrumed its original color; aud siuee it application, :dl dandruff lias disappeared from my head, and 1 have Been troubled with no disagreeable itelflng cl tho scalp. 1 sin satisfied that those who use it will uei regret it. ns it gives thn hair the appearance of having t>eu recently oiled. lam prepared, therefore, to recoin mend it s use 1 / sil who are desirous of having a beautiful head of hair. t am, sir, yours, Me. 11. L. STEWART. PBOF. ’.VOI'D Dear t-.r—My Imir hail, lor several years, been be coming prematurely gray accompanied by a harshne*” which i refined the constant application of oil necessary in dreHsirg it, When 1 commenced using your Hair K’ torntlvc, about two mouths ago, it was in that condition ; and having continued its use till within tin- last three i v>eek>, it lias turned to its uatnral color, and assumed a * softness and lustre greatly tola preferred to those pro- J duted by the application of oils or un.y other piepuratlon 1 lmvo ever us. !. 1 regard il as an indispensable article i for every lady’s toilet, whether to I e usi and as a Hair Kes toratlvc, or tor the simple purpose of du ssiug or Leant! , Tying the hair. You have permission to refer to me r.U I who entertain uny doubt of its performing ull thut li ; claimed for It. .'{ltfi, 0. HY’MONDS, (,'iuciuuati, Ohio, Fob. H>. Ifif4. 144 Third st. YVvj's-r nvvx. Wuss.. 3lny 1, 18il. PICOF. U. WOOD— Allow me to attest th. virtues and magic powers ot youi Hair Restorative. Three months since, being ex ceedingly gray, 1 purcluucd, and toon commenced to use, two bottles; and it aoou 1- ;hu to tell, in restoring Ib-> silver locks to (heir native • lor,and the buir, which was before dry und harsh und fulling efl', now became solr and ywwy, ami it teased f .lllog; the dandruff dlsap peared, and the scalp lost all iho disagreeabtu itching, soanuoying t....00d uov,!. not only look, but set young *-<aiu. Eivpectfuily, yours, etc. PHARLEfi YYHITNEY. 4n fioldbt lit Market street, St. Louis, Ylissouri, 31c Broadway, New York, uud by ull Drusgistu everywhere. All kinds of finally potent tucdccinea for sals, on vh best possible terms, at ProtkiSur W'.-.-d’s tslnbllshacm. 114 Market street, fit. L kir. Fur gale in (.'.ilumbus ut the Inug Store ot KIY'LIN, THOMAS A Cl). J mie I—ftu GAS FIXTURES. r J’lIL uiubTHigwed havingmiulaarrntipi n-nti with Hu X Mauuiai Hnvis, arc prt parud to turuisli Gass Fhluves ut PhUmlcliihtu Prltea, with Iruiglit 1u1u,.. 1 . All hiecriptiuiSß *1 GILT AND BKOV/.K CHANDALIKKIi with 3,3. I snd 6 lights u beautiful sit'll i.d I i IWJUsOKS XD S.UiOCNB. Gill and Brno.'.'. UAIiFN lor ItALI.B mid I’AHFAGf.’ with verinus siy Its i Gilt ami ilruiiZ’ Hrackels. PL/* DA NTS pud DliOl” LJGfITfl —tailey styles. I lain au*i t'ancj (iLOUFA *.ud SHADES. CHINA ItlvLLH—plain ami giit, ouj uroam* utnl. Our eioe'k in very laigs aud *- antilully uatnitod. All inscriptions ui Gums l itttiiK June prornplly and wiirvaotU'd, by .Mr J. WILHELM, who baa had nor tv. uty ycatseipciionce is lid- lipn ol busiuefs in Phlb and, phia and tDinvljer*:. ui vvtiun: kuoW n K ( -utati- -u nerd’ uo com went. D. 11. THOMPSON’ It CO., April )b, 1t..-.- 113 Broad Street. NEW FURNITURE W JFI E Ft O O Is/L. 32 Dour Worth of the Oglothor,xi Souse, COLUMBUS, i.A. ip. IU K au'i c ribur has on baud, three ilx i'-, ; tja-Nv-nh vt tbu Ogletburpa Uoua , (2a i';iorpe . uet, a essortaie ul of uc-ul;, ms-la Ft R MTUKK, to which ho will b, 3EKs consts.tly ad'liti".'. aud which bo * iii n 11 at price tb*,i caonot nil to - lit the-vi to wat t-1 loythit ■in hia lli.t. Anicl-.-s ui't. Lund will 1t: u*l ?to order at tho ebr.t eat notice. Furniture r-.)iiirl hi raiinoiiftlite rates. Cali and ojiiojirc sti ck. july2l J. If. BIKKc. \ \ LIABLE PROPERTY FOR BA UR. \ WELL IMFKOVKDuud valuable , pise ,m; iat’ ‘1 in a Inaltby anil ‘ ließ.irabb; c :gbi orbo-I inlbe troni the ei.y and t li.-t.-ibtia,on the il.iiuilloi.^Baalgli,Ty loud, e/.nt.dufng 17liacres, SB of whtcl. •taMSSSSBS’ is Wen.dl.iud, lying well, ami good pine lanu. on 11 1. pla-te thin, is i new, - jinforuible dwelling with Ce. reei'.os—all nr reseal V i.uthuilitlngs, fruits vsrlcv kiuds. und a Uint e sci Dent well of water. For twins, apply iw A. K. AVKK, April 12. 121 West Kidu Broad Htreet. THE DAILY SUN BOOK BXNDERIT \l TER u t uspeuri-.u of three months for WH.nt of aa efficient workman, tho HINDIdIY at tLo Doily bun establishment I*. again underway. Wltbnn ucconpllsb cd, reliable and prompt workman, aud th< HHK. beet HP ;k, tbu public may rely on p;o<t wmu, and thru it will be ready top delivery at ilia time promiiied. M rebaote, Maulters, County Officers, uad otbeiswuai ing pd'ks, cun hnvo them ruled to ~ny pattern, cud bound ju any style dekfreil. Mucfc. Magazines. Law Reports, and other ptintrd aor k bound iti nuy ck-lrod style. Miucli 24. A SOUTHERN CORDIAL, Abe //oujei Affulioa in it. FaziV.i Ab/'mg. |. 'oil tb*. die* uses, so prevalent iu this climute at X this season, wo otter this remedy, ua iieing without aiubt the surest and latest that has ever been offered ia ■uy country. Lay dowu prejudice and try end bottlo, for I know 1 am right this time. Pleaeo rail at Gunby 1 Co.’s Store, r ■ at the Drug .Store* if BROOKB A CHAPMAN, KIVI.I v, THOM Ah 4c CO DAN FORTH A: NAGEL, J. h. PEMBERTON * CO., and get Na bottlo, and you will know lor youraalvi” that f urn not mUtakeu. m JACK SMITH, P’tr Columbus, Ou., May 28, Utbei. in, \V 001)1 J 111 L> < i li’H PALACE UAGIEIIKKAN GALLKKt, Over Hrooke A ( hapmar/e Blua Drug Store, COLUMBUB, GEORGIA. |_| AVL j/u-* in any of (lie new etyb-ol Pietuus ro XX Glass If not, rail and eye. U.■ Double Face- Pit lures are a curloaity. and are invalat'.Ho o* true likenetk.- e. No fading with these Pictures. For taking children it is uusurpoa-ee], reqniriup but il- ateoud* to take .■ life-like inpreoMiou. A better e-pri ‘sion ran ba giM by this prucis* than by uny other, Hie limn of exposure be ing a>3 short. Daguerreotypes from the smallest, (or I* ;ket or Kings, to the laj/. st, fr Frame*, taken in lb*, mu-t finished style. Rtme entirely new itvlca pf Cites, on band and for ‘sale. 8. W'OODBRII>OE, 1 ehniary 27. Artist and Ambrotyptat. CHEAI’ FISH. I X RBLS. Pickled MULLET Klßll—2'OOlba. net roah -1 as good u* No. 2 J!-ckerel, Just received ands i sale at £0 jior barrel, by JAMES LIGOh. BEST FAMILY 4*LOCH. “ 7X HARRELd tttawart k Buncan’a be*t lamily Floui I •/ just received oq consignment and for sale by May 24 S JAMES LIQON