The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, June 21, 1856, Image 1

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t|f pilg gn. BV THOMAS I.'K WOLF. axi raarßifcTar.. W LANE AND *. DE WOLE, KlHTOlt.s. . j„uy at Five DoHar* a year. Where tiie sub maUc tor less than a year, at the rate of liUrr” w i m outb. dingle ooples, Five Cents. M ADVERTISING KATES. liwiueuts will be inserted at Ten Cents a line ** iiLortiou, aud Five Cents a line for each subse ir ‘ : ’ , r iiou jl'tUe same—tube paid for when Hie is unnded into tin) office. ltfWC COXTRICT AIIYKUTISERS. I uot eiteedlng 0 lines, not renewable, will be 1 ", .arte Months ibr.s>4, six months for su, or one 1,1 tie Time agreed upon to hu paid for In-lore the ‘!’ r .-mnr.lH)-nt in type. ioeiueuts not exceeding ten lines, renewable ut i'. lU , c rto-i t $-0 a year—hi be paid for <iuarterly s ttiU n year—fmyabln quarterly iu advance. aadvortit*iuoiith uxcueding 20 will bo tUo rato of $lO for for every additional ton .ro.bta liuartcriy in adviince. PitoeneJits or notices, t'cii|*yig a piare between mattm- and adverlwcmeuls, will be eharged a line for every insertion. ~7Xnd wakra n ts. | V>o OFFICE A:vV) AdE.MV, ror. tub rtnieuASE ash jALE OF real estate, of AM. OKSCaiI'TUINS. CONVEYANCES, &e. &c. On Unmlulph rttreei, ..PSVSITE TUB l# 01-’I-ICK, : lUIMUCs, lA. !n\h determined to ib-v. t- my lime tixilusively to “* i y 4 \D BUSINESS. siil hope. ii “in luy knowledge ikfliudi in tieorgia, to tm blf to give entire, satisfac -7 ill who may entrust me will, business. lam pro lto cither buy or sell, ycrlipps to better iplvuiitag* *„iv other person in Western or t'ontli-westefn Shave lauds tosell, call lipon me; il l <l.. not pur I will llnd you ti purchaser, i l you wish to buy, fitae fori have many valuable lots aud settlement# jto sell. From my extensive knowledge of the Lot lands, 1 am prepared to ascertain the owner of t every vacant lot ol land iu the State. If you wish L your land valued, you may rely upon correct, in 'KEffi.’wS4THAOK., i„ihi-r lustruments, drawn correctly anti at low rate*: JpAtiKSTS wanted to aell Bounce's large map ul't.'eor, i-lash per cent, given. ik. thins is certain, I am paying New Youkiiu-I Wash irosCt* Fr.tcfS fur LAND WARRANTS, allowing a illcottttdittaion. , ,dug also made an arrangement, with one ol the bent „in Washington, I am prepared i<> apply for ’ bounty land warrants, •II dost, and will cliargo but Five Ihdlars for each up- Mtion—to lw paid for when the warrant arrive*, rinvour claims soon. pi intend to make this a peniiaiietit business, and fit my undivided atteutiou, with it determination to [satisfaction, I hope to receive a liberal slat re of paj ■wr from my friends and the community ecu (Tally - S. n. BO.NXEU, liySl ly Laud Office, Columbus. JAMES J. TODD, No. 26 East Hide Broad .Street, Columbus, t '■ a.. Manufacturer anti IV liolcsnle Dealer J Xiu, Sheet Iron, Hollow Ware, Stove I'ipcs, Ac. Ac. liming, (iiltteriug and all kinds of Job Work, l"'mpt ct.'udcd to and warranted. April 10, 1850. JORDAN L. HOWELL, lUSTICE OF THE PEACH, AND COLLECTOB. jHOMIT attention given to the collect it nos claims placed iu my hands. Mice at the Store of Harrison A McC.-hpe, Nilmabus. April 10, 185(3. B. B. MeCKAW, ATTORNEY AT LAW, i Payette, Chambers County, Alabama. larch 1,1856. 6m 10. HOOPKK BRYANT DUNCAN,......WM. It. lI.VRNETT. HOOPER, DUNCAN A BARNETT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. dlwii! Columbus, (Icorgi;,, and Crawford, Alabama, ibmary 27, 1856. ly ASBURY FEMALE INSTITUTE. Li Payette, Alaltama. tt'MUV Stacv, a. m., Principal. Ik. M. L. stacv, { Touchers in Literary Iks E. Bacbei.dks, j Department. .ScaormßSi, Music and Ornamental Department. 2 IE exercise* of this Institution will he resumed on the id Monday in January, 1856. litea of Tuition, per Scholistic Year. rinwry Department sl® Irpsratory Department y* 60 •Uni 2d Department Collage course 6® JandttU “ “ “ ; t0 00 luir on Piano -'0 00 Ural Music taught without extra charge. 1 Principal is an alumnus of Kmorv and Henry Col 1, Ya.—has largo experience in teaching, end comes lly recommended, both asto character and ability for trtiiig instruction. ituated iu the bosom oX a bountiful nwl htMilJny vil t. furnished with nil the facilities necessary to the ac ation of a finished education, the Institute strongly mends itself to the patronage of ou intelligent pith osrd can he ohtulned iu several respectable liimilies ttwonablo terms. B. U. Richards. J. T. Brock. Caleb Hollowuv, John C. Towlas, John IV. Howell, Ik H. Muse. IV hi. J. Adams, A. M. Presley, J. F. Dowdell, Trustees, hceniber 21,1855. ts GEORGIA MILITARY INSTITUTE. MARIETTA. ‘IB Actdeniic year is divided into two sessions ot live .aantlw each. The Tenth Sessiou conimence.s ou the I of February next, und ends uu the li'tli of July. to t Cutlet* are divided into four college classes. The “Ml Commencement takes place oil Wednesday before ’filth of July. Academic Staff. II V V. Brumby, A. M., Superintendent and Professor of Mathematics ami Natural Philosophy, ci riidmj U. McConnell. Commandant of Cmlot*. hthl prof, oi ftutiitUTritijj. H. Profi .sHor of ProiK'li nml History. i “• 11. Hunt, A. M,. Professor of Chemistry mid English Literal lire. 1 1 B.Qoodwin, Professor of Drawing. E- 11. 8. Camp, Aasintant Professor of Mutheiniitics. ■< “nnoli,d.. Surgeon. *•“ Institution is under the direction and ninnage a JiiiHrd of Trustees, in conjunction with a Hoard hsitOfsappointed l,y the Governor of the State. “T*h act of tlio Legislature, ihc Institute has been withlto Cadot Muskets and Accoutrements, ‘jField llattory, coußiating of four six-poii in lyr brass 2? s i *ud two twelve-pounder Howitzer*. llu '.Superintendent, and the Commandant, are gfailu 'Ofw.sit Point, and as the Institute is uism the West plau, the public may he assured that the govern- anl course ©fstiulu** will b* Mriotly -n ----• .. Terms a •Hhou, Board, Washing, Fuel. Lights, hire of Mush *• aad other contingent. expciiHe*. per session ot live advance, *ll2 50. toe, per annum, !f5. desiring lurthor information can obtain a copy , ‘‘Regulation*” hvaddressing tlieeiiperintendent. “nuary 2fl, ‘ ANDIt WAV J. HANSEL, Hoc. Diversity ok gkoroia. Athens, December IS. 1855. Mtrclsea of tl>in 1 imtltutioii will recommence on I' ,liy J: ‘nuary next. and continue untli the Amjtui. wln.ii there will lie a week's vacation, after studies will bn resumed until the winter vacation, jv ®'*s u *i the tiret. of November. *°ll°win K able and cxperieuoed ojlioera rnnipriso Faculty—who are expected to lie lit their o,’ “ ”5* zee lone discharge of tlieir duties. i| DZ '|Cliurrh, n. n., President and Professor of l’oliti- Mental Philosophy. .11.™ ”• “’iiddel, a. Professor of Ancient f,manage. (Wsratura .iU** T. Kraut ley, ti, I)., Professor of Belies betters, Christianity and History. yeOoate, m. n./Prolessurof Natural Sciences and Vfjj." r °t French. i J ;*■> baroy Broun, *. ~ Protestor oj Mutheinatic*. 40,1 iTil KugiaueriitK. ™ *nable. a. m.. Professor of Natural Philoso- Chemistry. H. bnwpkiu, 1,1.. n.. Professor of brtv. o’ **• Terrell, Professor of bow. it^ ,U| Henry Waddell. w., Tutor in Ancient ban t fwh, a. h„ Tutor in MatUomato , •v ~ ,l"v* w admission uro vcootnioondcd to be pre— "•Pinning of the term. ‘’'’ Cmardiaus uiay fuel satistied that their .j, j.** I ** iwn here obtain u thorough education. “ ASBURY IIIILb. Hec ry. l\t Daily *n. VOL. I.i REMOVAL. FURNITURE EMPORIUM. SAMIIIS A, RODNEY, Have removed their extensive slock of Furniture to their (.IRON FRONT,) Ncav Four Story Brick Building* _ . r Nearly opposite their Old Stand. VV w * “ i(, y W *D bo * *ir*y to m? their frfeiuls ami f Y customers and .show them something Mlliaitt and mutiny ju the way of Furniture. * 111 mv uiK'4uallcil in Beauty, ami our furmnire rpchtrch*. A\>‘offer rare advantages to pur chasers, furnishing houses throughout iu a tasteful and uui torn i style, hy haying a branch of our business in New Y ork city, where the Senior partner manufactures, under his-own eye, articles to suit the most fastidious. We have unhand furniture suitable for Parlor, Bed,.Sitting, Dining Room, Kitchen Ac., of Boat) Wood, .Unliogany, Walnut, Fine. Aog ami as how ns cun he fomicl Nart'll or So'utli. An assort- Inetlf of CARPETING ANII CURTAINS, will also bo .on hand, that will not fail to please. Call and see. Our stock consists in part of Elri/.ah**, Tctc a Tctes, What N>ls- Arm € Hairs, autl Sofa*, *t U use-Wood, Broca telle and Mahogany, fur Pa* .u*s. It urea us, Dreading) Marble ami Muivogany Tops. Sid< -Bnnvds—Marble, aiul Mahogany Tops, Hook: CitHCs of all kinds ami Secretaries iittaclietl. Tables—Centre, Dining, AVol’lcaudJKxtension. __ Heclsf rails— and low post. French and Cottage, huaniel Sots for Jlooms, all colors. Walnut and Ma hogany S< ts for Beil Htxuns. 1- bairs —an extensive assortment of all woods, hooking Glasses —all .siyies, in frames and out. Carpets—Brussel*, Ingrain, Tapestry, kc. y wrlatiiH —of Broeatolle anu Damask, all color*. Sliatles—Gilt Cornices and Curtain holders. January 17, 1850. A. K. AYER, trIiNEHAI, AGENT. AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING Anl Forwaidlug Merchant, No. 151 West Hide Broad Street, Columbus, (la. hti'l’artitular attention given to the keeping,purchase and salo of Negroes. Isis Administrators’ and llxecutors’ sales attended to on reasonable terms. dot. 25. ly 4). I:LSI:. 4, H. li.Wls. w. 11. I.oXd. RUSE, DAVIS & LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS Aml Shipping Agent*, S A VAN N All. 0 KOKOIA. \\7 I bL purchase arid sell cotton and other produce on ,1 commission, ami strictly attend to forwarding goods and tilling order* from the country. Uuso, Fatten .t Cos., agents Columbus, by wliom liberal advances will be made on consignments either to or through us to our friends in Liverpool or the North. Jan. 115 ly INSCKANCE. JAIRK, .MAIUNK, JUYKR. and MFK RISKS taken iu . responsible companies by JOHN .MUNN, Agent, OIFk-c No. 2., over K. Barnard ,fc Co.’s store. Phoenix Insurance Company—Capital $206,000, Hi. 1.. I.OOMIS, President. JOHN MUNN, Agent. Columbus, (la., Nov 27. if HAUiOWEhL ii, THOMAS, Mattress Manufacturers, THIRD DOOR BELOW CITY HOTEL, BI!OA D STREET, Culicmhiis, Georgia, ORDERS for Cotton or Cotton and Shuck Mattresses. promptly executed. The patronage of the citizens of Columbus and vicinity, is respect fully solicited. October 20.1855. ly BARRINGER & MORTON’S Steam Sash and Blind Manufactory, OflLKTIIOl!PE STREET, COLUMBUS, CIA. ri tills Manufactory has been is in successful operation I for over three years, and is still continued. All work will he done by experienced workmen, with good quality of lumber, and the latest improved machinery. SASH, BLINDS, AND PANEL DOORS, Will he furnished and boxed at the Factory, at the follow ing prices: Sash — 8 x 10... 7 etii Primed and Grazed...l2*4 cts. am lio x 12... o•• •• •• 12 xlf ..10 “ ‘ s •• ...25 12 X 16...11 •• ” ...27 . 12x18...12 “ *• “ ...JO “ 12 x 20...14 •• v •• ...35 “ 12x22...Hi “ “ “ ...40 “ | 12 x 24...18 *• - “ ...45 “ The above Sash arc 1 % inch thick, ami made plain. In all cases where they are made Lip-Sash, twh cents per light will be added. All Sash glazed with good French Glass, primed with the best Paint, and superior Putty. Rolling Blinds for Windows, 00 cents per foot, measuring the length, A window five feet would eost 43. without, painting, catches, or hinges. PANEL. DOORS. I}Z inch thick, without moulding, £2 00—moulding one side, $3 00—moulding both sides, *3 50. V s /, inch ‘thick, without moulding, 2 75—moulding one side, 3 25—moulding both sides, *3 76. \>4 inch tliich, 4 pnnnels moulding on one side, go 50— moulding both sides. $4 00. \% inch thick. 4 panels moulding on tine side, $4 00— moulding both sides, $4 50. In addition to the above, Winds painted and furnished with hinges and catches, if desired; also, Sash glazed with German or French plate, painted, stained, ename'- led, embossed and Bohemian Glass, of all shades and col ors, for side anil transom lights and office window s. Plans and specifications for all descriptions of buindings furnished to order, with estimates, if desired. run true Is made for noiistrimrion and erection of build ings, ou reasonable terms. All kinds of lumber planed, and flooring and ceiling tongited and grooved. Scroll and other descriptions of Brackets, for ornament ing Cos Wages, Green Houses, Ac., mado to order. The proprietors lieing practical mechanics anti builders, believe they can give entire satisfaction to all who may favor them witli orders. Vf} -All the above work will be furnished at short notice. Sash kept constantly on hand. All orders sent with (lie cash, or city acceptance, will meet with prompt at tention. Work to tie sent liy the River, Hail Hoad, or in Wagons, will he at the risk of the purchaser, ns the work w ili lie considered delivered. _ * la-Snerlal eotilractscaii he made for large jobs. * 1 M. BAKRINOKH, January 24. ly J. L. MORTON. LAND EtUl SALE. t LOT in Coldi county, w ell marked on the Grant-gj g V Mineral Tract,; One Lot 202*4 acres in rion county. Three fractions adjoining, cummraf-"* iug about one mile above Hainhritlge iu Decatur county, and emhraoing the hank of Flint River for two miles, on which there are some good Hammock and Cotton Lands, and tflie hnJnnco as well calculated for making tarpon tinoits any in tlio Southern country Also a Lot with comfortable improvements at New Pine Knot Springs, adjoining A.G. Redd, E*.. Tide* in disputable. Apply to E. .f. IIAIIDIN Juiitiarv 51. is/,i,. CahMnb—iGa. BROOKS &- CHAPMAN xfOl'l-D call the attention of PhystelmiH to the \\ newly diaeovered metliclno called Dli. N. \v. SEAT’S NEGATIVE ELECTRIC FLUID. It is superior to Norwood - * Tincture of Vcratuni Vcradi, for ail purposes that the latter lias heretofore been used for. February 4. FANCY CANDIES. j | |; S T received a line supply of Fancy Candies and Con i 4J l,tl1 " t- cklla * tiiomas - PRINTING AND AVIIA PPING P A PER. ROCK ISLAND PAPER MILLS, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. 1 ’l’ll ESE MILLS arc prepared to furnish the j 1 tlcle of Printing and Wrapping Paper. The paptr on which The Daily Sim is printed, is made at these Mill-. KOll SALE ON CONSIGNMENT. Bacon side*. Hams. feed Oats, nnd Corn. By HUGHES A DANIEL. | Jaiv 18—ts SHAKER GARDEN SEED. i Crop as good as tlio best- warranted fresh, now on hand and to arrive, at J. J. TODD'S, December U __ 2(1 Broad Street; BACON. ’ A .’7, Hints, choice Bacon—hog round, jn-t received ! ZD and till sale at the lowest figures, by 1 March 15. ULNJO **• COLUMBUS, GA.. JUNK 21, 1856. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, EAST SIDE OF OGLETHORPE ST., | Between the -Perry” and “Oglethorpe” Hotels, and di rectly opposite Temperance Hall. COLUMHITS, QKOHCiIA. \\ T “ bare now in store and receiving the ryMPIK I,’ . IT best and most < xtensiva stock of vclii- I cles to la- found in this country, comprising CALECHRS AND MOCK CALEOHES, of finest and richest finish, ami most elegant appearance. BERLINS AND COACHES, of latest styles and every variety. ROCKWVAYS AND BAROUCHES, of every known pattern anil shape, suitable for one or two horses, and complete assortment of Top anil No-Top BUGGIES AND WAGONS, ol the latest and most fashionable styles now used. Tha tact thut the weil known and highly esteemed work of JAMES M. QWINtIY A- CO. as well’ as that of other makers ot the highest rcputtftioii, can la l found only nt our liouse, and iliat all our stiaik is made up un der the personal direct iou of Mr. 11. C Molvi e. iwlio.-e long experience guarantees its quality) i-nahh-s us to offi-r better work and nt lower prices, than arti cles of the same ijUali!.) .-an be sold for l-.y am other dea ler in this Country; and quiLe as low as they' can be nf fordedin New loi*kc:ly. l-’er pTt*of of wha-b we'respect fuily invite all who v. i,li to ptu-cliase, to call ami see us. 1\ o are selling at the very lowest rales, for ( ash or hii provevl credit, and always 44.5 k niir selling prices, so our customers and sti-anjpri-s as wclb may rely on being honesUJ- ami fairly doalt with. Eve ry article I* wnn-autril In be strictly as represent el, and sili.-Jiu-tiou guaranteed to all. Mi KKK & KOBEUTS, N. B.—Having tbe best regular set of Carriage workmen to be found in this **ountry, we are pre pared, as heretofore, to du all kinds of repairing at the lowest possible rates, with the utmost promptness and iti tie- best, manner. McK. & !!. January 28. ly MASONIC FEMALE COLLEGE. Lit'atpkln, Go. nillE Trustees of this iastitulii-n take pleasure in an- A nouncing to tin- pultiic that they havo secured tiie following fuculty, |o take fharge of Hie College, at the opening of tin- next term. I ACUI.TV : Col. Augustus Aid. n a. m. I'resMlcnt—Professor of Hn glish Literature and Ancient Languages. Rev. I-'. X. Forster, ?i.—Professor of Natural Science and Mathematics. Miss Ann E. Aldon. Instructross ill French and Beta ny uLd Principal of l’i-c)icrtory Department. Music. ‘J’his institution is located in one of the most beautiful and healthy- villages of South Western Uoorgia; owned by tin- Masonic Fraternity, and under its supervision : it is kept free from all sectarian bias—nt the same time, re quisite care is taken to secure to the pupils proper moi-al, as well as mental training. The next session will open on the ttocond Monday in January next. The ‘(.lasses will then he organized, and will progress as horetofoiv. Boarding can be obtained in the best families of the place, where the student.- will be surrounded by the side guards and amenities of the families circle. The rates of tuition oad board, are as low ns those of fered by any similar Institution in this partoftho State. The College is furnished with anew aud complete set of Chemical and Fhilo iphical Apparatus, Globes, Maps, Charts, Ac.; in tine with everythin ;- necessary for illus tration iu the several departments of Natural and Expe rimental Scicncos- The College llnihlin.: is o arranged that the Depart ments will be kept eoti:-- ’-. -epiuiitr. each occupying its respective rooms. Arrangements are iiov. iu progress to, secure lor the Music Department, a of the highest gnulo of abilities and moral ebnmMer. We invito the |attl’ooa,-.e of a liberal and discerning public, being assured, fioin tilt) character and reputation of those constituting (lie Faculty, and the ample facilities for instruction now actually iu possession ot'tbc Institu tion, that every pledge w>- make shall bo redeemed, overy inducement we oiler will prove to be a fact; and that our Institution can cimlb-tigc comparison with the proudest in the land. l’ei-sons desiring tu.i'.ii*r information in regard to the College, will please adore is t,. 31. Cox. Lmu]ikin, or Rev. F. X. Forster, Cuthla-rl. (Ik., wlibwill furnish them with Circulars, 4c. Jan. 2 ts ACADEMY FOR YOUNG LADIES. rpilE undersigned desi .its opening a I’rivateAradeniy I for Young Ladies in i.atontoli. Dntuan county. (>., on Wednesday, January trill. 1850. In the Literary Dopartim-ut the course of study will bo extensive aud liberal. The Latin, French, ‘iej-inan and Spanisb Imngtutgos will he taught if desired. Thy Ornamental Department will include Music on the Piano. Harp, Organ and Guitar. Also. Drawing. Painting, and Embroidery in all its branches. A complete apparatus will he furnished in order to af ford ample illustrations in the Natural Sciences. Musical instruments will be provided, so that citeh pupil may lu*ve the menus of daily practice in addition to the regular lesson. The number of pupil - will be limited to :jti. Tuition per annum. tt 5 00; halt'in advance, ahd the balance at tlie end of the year. Attention Is called to the following advantages: First, the pupil receives a mm h larger share of attention, thau when thosehool is large ami overgrown. Hhtcond, in add it ion 10 the regular course of study, she can make such a selection from the languages, ami the j Ornamental Departnieiii.time and i-hoice may dictate. | without extra charge. Third, tho low rale of tui'ic i). compivred with that of ! other schools. . The usual charge for fin- churlish branches, i5...510 00 Music 30 00 laitin (Extra) 00 French “ 30 00 Drawing ami Paining 25 00 Embroidery 25 00 Making the aggregate e;’ SIBO 00. To this add tiie extra charge-: made for the use of in struments, at at lottery. ami tin- amount will not tall fur short of s2iKk whereas, in the plan adopted in thin Academy, the eliargc for the .- is si2s (saving 11 dilftrence of SSO to $75 iu its fat or.. Pens, ink, papttr, slale*. pencils, ,v<-.. gratis. Books, sheet music, Drawing. Painting and Embroidering mrt'te rials furnished nt tin- usual rales. Persons desiring further in formal imi. or wishing to en tcr their daughters or ward.-, may address me. tor the nresent. at Lumpk'in. Sir-werl t'ouat.v,(la. Jan 23, I. R. BRANHAM. CHEROKEE BAPTIST COLLEGE, OassviJle, Georgia. ritJlK iirst Term of thi, In-Utttli-m will begin mi the J. Hist Momlay in February. KV'>. unde r tin- ilireeMon of the ollmvlng Final 1 y. Rev. Thomas Hamu.u i, Chairman and P:-f-. -t of Ancient Language..-. Rev. WIIJ.tVM H. Rom e!. I'rel -or of Matln-matlr Rev. D. W. Wmt.DLX. Professor of Belle- 1. ami Lnglisli Literature. Rev. W. 11. Roilnr.r. Protem. l’rofe-eor of Natural Sefem-e. Rev. B. W. WniLDKX. pro teiu. Professor of Moral I’liilosoiJiy nod Intcllcrtuul Si ieme. Other Professors will he el. etc 1 as soon as tlo wants of the college require it. Board and lodging e.'Ul la- procured at a lasirdhig la ‘Use or iu private families, at from eight to ten dollars per month. Tuition. Tn Academic department, per year S2B <S> 111 College ilcpurtmeut, per year .. ht Ist j Scholar* Wipe. The Hoard of Trustees are now offering to s.-II scholar ships for four years lit * Scholarsliips for sixteen. years,at - 2io 00 Thus making tuition merely nominal The annual commencement will take place on Thpr-j ----dav after the first Saturday in July. Location. Cassville is a healthy location. Our collage buliding is situated three quarters of a mile from the village, and is a commodious building. Here young men will be comparatively free free the allurements of fashionable life, the baneful influence of grog shops, anil tbe expos ures of a mixed imputation. Any Information, as well us cotalogin s, can ta- obtained no iniilieation to tin- undersigned, or any of tin* faculty. 11 JOHN H. RICE, December 21. Secretary Board of Trustee*. FACTORY YARNS. IAACTORY Y'AUXSof all Nos., Osnaburgs. Shirting. I Sheeting, Striie, Cottouaib-s Ac.,constantly on hand aud for sale at Factory prices, hy Oct 26—ts J- J- TDDI). r . CE h ba.. 7.7. ... .7. 1. It. THOMAS. CELL A k THOMAS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, &c., n 49 Broad Street, (Under Telegraph Otfire.) COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. THEY’ arc in constant receipt of Conloctioncry, Fruits, Nuts, &c., which they offi-r to the pub lic at reasonable rate” Country dealers would do well to give ns a call. V-> charge Tor P<s king. Nov. i. 1855 — 6ia CARRIAGES! CARRIAGES!! fTUIE Bulwcviburw lmvo now tu Imiul aiul ■ • X coiiHtnntiy onu of tin* larp:* eat aud mont vanuil Btou krt of Vuliiclas ana nmde u\pruhly for this market, pniluiicin; *,> stslo of Carnage in use, such an— Cal? dies, Berlin Couches, Bn roue he*, (Os the finest Finish,) I’AM 11 A lIOC’KAWAYS, Large and ainnl!, including many very light and tnst.v, suitable tor out- horse. HOW TOP WAGrOKTk, With it complete assortment of BUGGIES with and without TOl'S, Ol every Style aud finish, which, for durability and neat ness, cannot be excelled, mid are from most respect able numufarterics at tho North, and inmle mnler the personal direct-ion of Mr. J. 1!. Jaques. All of which we are selling at the very lowest rates for cash or |- proveil credit. Every article sold by us at our Repository is warranted iu every respect, and our customers and all purchasers cun rely on being honorably and fairly dealt with—iu proof of which \v* respectfully invite the attention of till who wish to purchase, to call on us tit tin’ North-Fast corner of Oglethorpe and Divan streets, opp- site the Per ry House. J. B. JAt 111 Kri ,v BROTHER. N■ B.—Having a regular set of northern Car riage Workmen emidoyeil, we are prepared to exi-etif llepulrlUg of every kind in the In st possible manner with neatness aud dispatch, at low rale-, at J. B. JAQUES J BROTHER'S Carriage Repo*i(ni }, Norllt East corner Oglethorpe ami Bryan streets, oppo site the Perry House. Columbus. On. ‘ February ti. LEVY, DRAKE & CO., Eugim-crs and Mai-liliii*)*, Union Foundry & Machine “Works, con anji s, GiionoiA. V\; tn V .sjivcial attention oi‘t)u* jiubliu to our es f f tnhlishment. 11 10 proprietors are practical M chanics ami of long experience in tlio business, ami Lax - inft* combined two establishments in one, tlie.v lmve the largest ami best stuck of touls ami patterns in tin* State. Their liteilily for iloili” business being’so great, they can atlora tn their eu:tiinn*s the best of terms ami the most prompt cxee u Uun. Our senior partner having’ beeu Bt> many years in this business as the praetienl partner and pmjn iotor of tho Foundry, Mm*on, Georgia, is well known, iiav ingbuiTta large mnnher of ,Steam GugineH, Mifls, and Machinery, t liionghout. tliir? aud Stales. To ail of which we refer as a guarantee ol our xvork. ami ability. Our junior is lust from Virginia, and liaving had the lmtuageinent of some of the osfublislinients in tliat State, )n’in,;s with him the herd practical ability and improvements in machinery. WY call wpeeial attention to our Marine and St ai t ionary Steam Engines and Mills, both rir etilar and upright . \Vhj are now iiiauufueturiug tha best GIBCUIiAK 3AW MILLb in the country, being entirely of metal, at the same piiee others are furnishing Wooden oiks. We are now furnishing Kngities and hoilm’s of a:\ysize: Flouring and Corn Mills: vertiiertl mid circu lar Saw Mill*: .Sugar Mills; Shafting: Fullcys: Horse Powers: Gin ami Mill Gearing of all kinds; Cemetery Railing: llark Mills; Corn Slieller.s: <*oh Crushers: and Castings of every kimf—Brass and ln>ti. luarl-Ltf East Alabama Female College, Turkirjkk, Macon Uornty, Ai.bama. S (HEATED iw a tar-iuim <1 fur ilB j huallliful ulirriiiN’ nml ruiiiM’d stu-.icty, tin* college is uasy tt'arc.esp l'rom rant anti west ly tlio ami Wfhf Fnint Kail which parses at tlm distance of loni* miles, and from Mic mijicr aiul lower country hy excellent, The jmblie may feel iustm il Mia: the liijfll Mfumlanl of eilucation Ju re adapted will never he- lowered. Jt i.- our determination to|re.-enl afcyll timesuu instiUitjon \vlioo faeilities for instnietioU wind! justly claim for It a posi tion tho lir:>t in the tumntvy. ‘fliese an*, an ele gant and coimnodimis edilice, erecteil at a of Home forty thousaud dullara —a large andahlo Corps of instruc tors —a well selected library—a gooff apparatus and a ca binet, prepared with special rofereiwc to the wants of the college. The boarders enjoy peculiar advantages. They Jmvo Ihe privilege of iiifnibernhip in a literary ,-oeiel v. meet ing weekly toy rehearsals, reading* and exercises In (oin- IHJsition. One. hour on h'nbhalh atterilooijH is spejii by them iu giving an unalysin ol liie nunning, hermoii, and in other exercises designed to cultivate a taste for relb giouft trnllj. They also attend monthly levees conducted by the governess and other uuuijbet'i* of the Ihcnltv. ‘1 heir dormitories are ail carpeted, well warin and aud veil* t dated, and furnhfftcd wffli every noedl’nl coin fort. Ihv sides hoarding at the same table with the President and others oft lie Faculty, tiioy are under the constant super* vision of the goveftics?; who directs them, in all matters pertaining to their habits of study and recreation, and to the cultivation of their manners. OFFIGEIbH. Literary Depun liinii. IhiNRV A. It a con } A. M.. Pre-.idcnt, Mental arid .Mural Fei'-nce. Ueorok \V. Thomas. A. M., Higher ?>1 at lie mu ties and Ancient Languages. .1. Ktr/.fcc/aSovsui, French, Italian anil German. Misa Im>a Logh*, llhctoric and llistoi v. Mrs. *\. T. Taylok, English Branches. Miss M F*- Womack, Prepnmtory Clusses. Musical Department. Dr. S. -M. It.AK'i fo.'iT, Principal. GUSTAVIJK GlKSTL!:it,'> Mr**. \. T. T.a^ uili, -Assistants. Mis* Lydia Boot, J Ornament al Depart inent. I'TisH ji. 11. ](, Fiincipal. Miss AsMstiMit. Boarding Depart ment. Miss L. 11. Ki:n, * Mr. Sampson Laniki;, Steward. Mrs. Emily K. Lanuwu Stewardess. .Mr*. f IGtto*v. A -Istunf and Nurse. Cal elide r. First Term, from Sept. ‘2Pd to Dec:. I>U\, inclusive. iutcr Vacation, from JDrc.lMth to dan. 711, iuclusive. Second Term, from Jan. htli to April Kth im lusive. Thinl Term, from April fdh to .Inly Dili, inclusive. Summer Vaeafiou. from .Inly 10th to Kept. 2‘Jd, inclusive. CoiMiueiieejncnt oil Wednestlay, July Dili. . Aleeeusury K\pcnnets. Frimary olasso per term.... > 7 00 I) *t C * do 141 oo A A: H IB 00 ('onege... du H* (-' Board, including lights mid washing pi. term. •*•> of) Books. ntntionerV, inatd iuls, *Vc M furnislmd ut jow tn ices. Extra RxpeiiKiv. Modern p*r t> rin t 7 on Drawing,Embroidery,Chenille. Wux or Fancy Work, per term ‘d uo Water Colors, jut term in (Hi .Oil Bainting jum* term I'l i'luuo. Guitar,nr Violin. )ier term.... h. *o Use ul Instjjiiueuls tr lessons and pra;lie.e, per teim - u‘i Harp, ludiiding of hotrunient, per f’ l'm. • -•’ no Tinea: who design entering for Ihe first time ill the he* ginnigg ofthe next term, will lind it to their iu!vantage to iTrresj*ondAvith flic Bn ddnt in flint Mibjcet. November 21, ts AUCTION COMMIHKION BUMINKMM. r | ■'lf E undersigned having purchased the interest of Win. 1 Austin, in the liran •! llarriiMui. Austin A McGohee. \vill contbiiu the A lief in, C ommisisimt, Negro Brokerage nfid Forwarding Huai •**, under the uumg and atyle (f HAimiSOlV db McGrBHEII, At theoldfUand. Nos. AO end Os Broad Street, mid pledge thoja"Mv* * to a prompt aud fafthful uttiMitieff to all h-isiney to tlicir cure. They will give their personal nUentioJi to f lid sale of fical Estate, Negroer Merehandi/.e, and Produce. Having ample facilities t command, they aro pre(*urod t-* make Lit Mira) Advances on Negro r* and Merch.iudf/.o of every description. iHfentiun given to Adminislralois* and Executors’ sates, t If Ait LEH iS. if A Kill HON. Oetofs*r lb, lh'/u. ly ALLEN C. McGKIIKK 11. 11. THOMPftOffl CO., 143 Broad Btreet, Columbuß, Georgia, Wholesale nnl Ketafl Deuler (4*><>KlNG STOVE ‘ of all si/.**s and ViiHouh FOKtJK aud LIFTING I> ad f'ipe, Ibdlov Wuro, Bi n Lima und IMan-HMHBfc ish;d Wnre.H, Cotlery, and House Furnishing (bod-< generallv. and manufacturers of TIN AND HIIKKT IKON WAIIB. January 2d. ly STRAW GOODS. (lITY LADIES and Ladies vuitiug the rit*. <an tiud J a largei asfs>rtm*>ut of St r*v%v Goodn iliun ever belbre opened in this market, nnbrfieiug all the recent style*, fur Ituvs. Nli)ies uud ('hildr*ii. ut Apidl 12. OSBOHMFS TIIE BRITISH PEHIODICALS, AND THE I'AHMBR’* GUIDE. Great reduction in the price of the hitter publication, h. Feett A Cos., N*w York, continue tu publish the tel lowing lea-ling British Periodicals, viz: THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative). THE EDINGBURGH REVIEW (Whip,). THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church). THE WESTMIKSTKR REVIEW (Lita-i-Rl). BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory-). r IMIE great and important events—Religious, Political ! 1 tto-l Military—now agitating tho nations of tho ul* World, give to these Publications an interest and vain, they never before )K>Mtamd, They occupy ti mlddl. gixmtul IstWdon tho hnstlly written news items, mid. speeuliitien*, Itnd flying minors of the nowspapor, and the ponderous Tome of the historian, written long otter the living inteii'Nt in the loots ho record* sholi have pnssed nway. The piogrensof tbe Wat- in the Host ovb 1-i-a large_ space in their page*. Every movement I* closely criticised, whether of friend or of foe, oni) U short-comings fearlessly pointed out. The tatters from •he Crimea olid from the Baltic in Blackwood's Magosun, from two ot its most popular contributors, give u m- r, intelligible anti reliable nee-amt of the movements of the great belligerents that can elsow here be found. These Perieiliculs alily i-eptvsent the three great nil i-nrties of Great Britain—Whig. ‘Tory, sad Uodlcal, but politics turiim only olio feature i their clmracte*. As Organs of the most protomnl writers 014 5- ienco, Ulk ralttlv, .Morality, and Religion, they stnud, ns they en-r h:tve stood, unrivalled in tin- world of letters, being coe si-lere-Limlisp-usable to tho scUolitr and the profes-ricas lnuu, while to the intelligent rcioior of every class IBs. furnish it more correct and s-itlsfuclorj- record of the cu-- teat literature of tlte day. throughout the world. Dm. ran ho possibly obtained from any other source. Early Copies. The receipt of -hie-'/tlv -S'/c.'i'nfrom the llritixli Iwj-l-w, ers gives additional vmur to these Reprints, espee.idJ,, timing tho pn-seut exciting State of European Htlnfrs? h. • as they can now 1,.- placed iu the Imu.U us Scrltiers ittamt 11s soon as t!i) original edtflon*. ‘lcons. Pec sag For any one of tbe four tvv iews ftj f4< For any two of tho four Reviews 5 (jb For any three of tho four Reviews 7 fl Fur all four of the Reviews (t to- For Blackwood's Magazine g 0* For Blackwood and three Reviews 0 f’ For Blackwood and the four Reviews Is t® Payments to b made in alt cases iu advance. Money curreht in the Step, where issued will la- at ,w ----tlllblvlnj;. A -lute,amt of twenty live javr cent, tvom the nh-vs j.s -■ cea will lajitUovvcil to Giidis ul-b-ring direct front I,.rev), .(■ t'o.. fotiv or more copies ofany one or more of the u)—i. works. Thus: Four copies es Blackvuval, or of one (U view, will he sent to one address tor $8; tour copies of-1.. t-air Reviews and Blackwood forfeit); and soon. Podagr. 11l all 111- ) rilieipal eiiies mat towns,these weeks sdi lie delivered, !r,a* nfpostwge. When ssnt hy inHil, tb post ago to any part ol the I nit-4 States will tso but (-. h/funr K ilts year for “Blackwood.’’ and l.nt fta-v/*.. a'iil.i a year lor each of tin- Rev lews. THE FARMER’S GRIDE To Sclent I tie and Practical AfpictiHure. By 11-my Stephens, f . R. 8, of F.itiiihurgtv, aud the ki<* J. P. Norton. Prolessm- of Seicnlllio Agrii.ultU(a 4* lain Oolleare. New Haven. 2 vols. Koval Octave. It-lKi pages, ami numerous Wood and .Steel Engiuviit r • his ■*• cmi-esse-lly, the most complete work m Agti culture ever published, mid In order to give it u with I elreiilatiiut the iiiihlishers have remvlted to reduc- th price to Five Dotltti'n for the Two Volumes 11 W1.,01 senl bv iitall (pott-),ald) to rallfoi ntaand (Hs-.0. tlie prli o w ill la. >7. -j',, any other part of the Union an* to (aiiiiila (post-paid). su, ts This work is tier, the etc “Book of the Farm.” Itmiitti'iKcs tor any of'the ulajvo publications nbnivtri always be a.J-ln-sscd. post-paid, to the Publishers. Leon ard; w-ott ,v co., •No, 5-1 Qold Street, \evv Vmt. SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADKMV, FKEDOMA, (’HAMIIERB COUNTY. ALA. G. 1-'. HIU fj, ItjHq., Principal and Uroprittiov, M.v.t. N. IV. ARMSTRONG. Grodualo of the) .••tide Milit uy Academy. South Oirolitia, J- Ato-istiud. ®K. Ft TN VM .- ('Xu. J.y. BARKER, A. H.J (I’lli: Fourth Fcliolustti Year of this Acutlotny t,-g J im-ricc-l on Monday. Jiirmnry If>tli TMS, and will ti-sv tiune in session ‘luring 10l ly weeks. As this Academy received very liberal assistants fltrts the S)uu> at live last s.- -ion of the Lcglsktm'o. thrre will lie no eliaig-! lor tuition. On entering tiro InstimUos, an initiation lee of twenty dollars will In* roquired of fuel. Cadet, rixeept stu b as come under the the following r*r vision, viz: Rut'll county iu ihe Slat-- of Alabuutu iseitlKhidthsen* one Cndet frn of charge. Such Cadet to be selesled h-v the Judge of Probele an,! County C-niimtseioners, Dot* such men as are l.deUtcil, deserving anil of good chanieter: Orphults should ivcrive the preference GDI RSE OF STUDIES. -Spelling, Reading, Writing, Arilhnvelir, Uiawonj.,. (iuogrnpJiy untl History. Algebra,Gi.a-im try; Plain, Destriptiv- AfMlyUwrl Ti'igolioimfr.v, I’ulf ulus, Shadows aml PerspetUie, Nujo, ral iniii Moral Philosophy, Chemistry. Convey anr Jug, C.m tit nt ioiin I I, iv, Ami-iil l.uiigungt-H; French, CJtti rna Military Engineeiiu; . Surveying, Mechanic* mvd a tiuiiomy. Tactics w'HI l-o taught.ip. such times as tv,rf t*, ioter-ws with til-- regular studies. The discipline w ill lie -‘iifoi-oed. I NIFiIUM. Dress l ‘hat of G ro.v ( inlet (Hot li, *|u tiding collar-, ijiuuwe* fit* iii-'talli,- tmtlons and nldpeeutli-ifu-h Waft I'Jotli. according to the usual style; Parjts of Urey 01-Jh. with black stupe on the outer -at-’ amt an sijhrb inches iu width —(u bo worn till the first of May. Wlille Pants from Ist May till September. The uniform i* not to be worn except on grtWol e, I'aileH, and Kill h -poi lnl is ciisiiins as file Military lioUincrr-j may direct. ‘I lm Academy Buildings are luygn ami wtdi 101 sm-t s and (he lia -tioii is emlm-utlv hoiillhv. It-.iini can I-- --roenred from eight toten dolkiau-iAonUt The prilu.lpi.-i will so direct tiro education us Ills pupUo 1-s. ,r possible, p, make them practical urn) useiul m.-. Th-’ exo-rieuce and -pmlillcations of the instrttct.J* will-nit;!.’ this Instiiutli-n, iu a high putjh eonli-ieuec. F. A. ZACtIAKY, llv-ddm Secretary of the Board of Visitor-. COAL YARD. rillDtsK wishing COAL lor Grides, can he .-.upplled at I f Ij-i-r Ton, l- v calling on JOHN IV. HOWARD, Nov t) Agent Selma Coal Mine Coiujvmj. A GOOD MEDIUM- EAST ALABAMA. TWT hi AUHURN GfAKHTT K aimiKliter & Holifield, Auburn, Alu * (01.1 Wilt's M-'ii hunt* will oiisult their interest I*< l yai'iiflliig fNHitselves ofthe (isizett” to uiake kn>-i 110 ir l-iniuess. It enjoys a v ry huge and incroaslng ci eillal ion in a region of conn ry that -h-esii heavy trade -* Coliimlins. t>ee. 1;. .1. R. HULL A CO., GrROCXIRY MBlltCHAlfT*, AND i-KA l-Elr.* IN 1> AtiG I Nil. Itopi-, Tvv il. Snyar. Colb e, .Vio-o/jr •* > bissea, Salt. Ten*. Cig -'**, Tub.-r-n, Wmes.jrx lirao.lies,Gin, Rye. AJooonguliela,itoiirlmn, “rid.lMßMro S-'ot-'h Whiskey . and Prnv isl- i’* aiul Groceries ut tiro old stuud of John J. M- K-ndree. No. 108 Sro-iil Sir- el, C-iiiilul-iis. G-i. V-M . rn l-er 21, 1855. 1y VK VV < 0-I*ART <VKHNIIII*. ‘I'III. iiifd- isigned have enterFd Into tho OKOCMtt’ I lIbSINIv.S. iiudiir till, firm end numi* of RIDU M (V. 1 1.1. 1 ‘K 1.1 V A CD. ha will k'-ep eonsttihtlf e a hand n large -(oi k of choice Groceries. i> a. rtioHwtt a. 0. clkoki-fv', 11. D. DON EV, jmiStf 11. M. CLKCKLF.V . .IEFFEHSOA A HAMILTON, DEALERS IS (;il<)< 1 JtiibS. puo,. AND COUNTRY UIIODUON, tk-rner Wurreu ami Franklin Street*. Columbus, tile origin, KEEP mn-lantly on hand a u|-ply ol the havtfcowti aiul are riss-iviug produce tf.-ni Tt-nne***) which they sell low fur I'umli. Flour anil M- al of tin- bust ,|UhUI> always no buad *1 Mill pt i-- s. JOSEPH JEFFERSON, Feh. 2B 6m J. 11. HAMILTON. FONTAINE WARE HOVSK. HUGHKB & DANIEL., VVnrelioiise, roiiimlxnlon, Ret i-tvitig and FoUvat’dlng Merelioiil*, ri’IIL underHisii<'d have taken ti” new Fite hrw I Ware Howie, recently er- i ted in the rear ot Ibreewits. Holt A Cos., adjoining the Alabama Win*- House, un-t nit’ prepareil to atfeiel to ul! - oiiaignmet-i , an-1 to receive uu-l atoreColb-u. They will do u gn--u1 C-iniiiiis-im, Storage and Foi'V.urding Itueluea* iv.fv rular attention gfien to site Srlo of Cotton aud other Produce. The usual facilities will he aflordotl and careful attmtiva given to ul I business entrusted to their cure. A good rnpplv ->t Itagglllg, Hope and Nall, at wayaonhund. ‘ WM H. HUtIHEU October 1655. WM. ftANIKI, JUST RECEIVED. () ,• BARRELS AtTI-KS; -C-* ) 50 barrel* I'lnnting I'ntatocaJ 25 •’ 1 tnlOBS; to Cranberries A St. HHt. janJ. 1856 14 Pfovl it [NO. *271.