The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, June 30, 1856, Image 4

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ix .•!..* Vll VE EuEUTRIO FLUID. Pr parvil by >. \V. srt, >l* U •> -a-w-a why it i.mju iusfe.ui of ivu > tbor treat ment hi \l\ v tirtle hffrctiorfe * 1 !.*~Kt otkotkiy of Time*—Aauplv ‘v*e t [ the Klitnry uji’.e t* rvuuired to effect*■ our*. !d.**Kronnmy of Monry.-A.” It r ts hut oihi ol.iir. 3r4->Kconom> of oo\c# th UiVoPiUk of a long siclcn* snd th** eon .Jr-cut treM- I • v*oat; tlu* annoyance of Ir king* nauHfwtn;* done* of ! u brine, thetr JfeagrveaMe operation, and tl?* pain off .■,.>g confinement; nut little of thetiuh!bato<. , uareraafy, i •41 ill.a ploocMut in it kill-—4Croiiom> of Thought. At ku iwu, it wiu remove oil dread and ;uxirt\ ut i um-j; > dear friend i. *kh. j .Ini.- Kfoiioiit) of Health.- -Aft tbr ayatmu j i” nif reduced, ami consequently nicked: ru ; A tur fever { inject to i*e iV'Uov.vd t*v clirmitc diaeoeo. 6iU.- Kroom> ot Ulffr~r- As t'r.i . ur. u*tfect *1 j -n’forc aud-wufcout ihf* pati*ut, consequently , aToiuorttog, m a corf ftpondirtg *to;.Tix e, nil dor. • r/*f n fetal • ‘Twin .tion. • •t.ier masons might In* added, but the* **> drained *u Aim eat to icitisfy t*!i climes and peraoci* it: nU cokiUnd ins ..f life. Thu at*ove reasons ar * more i-srtkn;lttl} apfdioahlq to the munodiato treatment o tin* lied 9ttnvk, but wiff r.pply with v juni feree to cnees which haw <>& a- I to*vr have become ft’iluml. cqrrpspoUdiu t of rautsa *o the nature ot the <*.•* at the time ft it* ,•'.■** wdaUhit* I torn!. * * */. 4 As tlii remedy giw -s i*roovpt. <flectfrid find yoytoa jeut relief, iu all ordinary nutoa, when u-.ed euga after the attack, persons can scarcely realtor th;.: they had beau really much tick, and very it*rurally conclude th y *vr not (.tracked w ith fever, ami if to, **ii was fifing —a little whicu pare alarm—il could La\ ; beeto aouilpg of eencQUt*nct* —it have peas and oh vfefc- j u( anything—that meiUciui* had uo effect.” *he gei\ral kiupruMioo cm the subsect of fevtrto such, hu aut unlike the above follow the euro of o common case v naturallv as men think at all: Hitl it n not cmtil :h* in .ividuaJ has UTtneaetsl numy caeenthaf h<* rat fully reaiue the truth; and even then fce may ro.u*!ud them all very t ifliagoieea. which would have rwslily >iclii**d to any tdmple medicine,yet pt raour, tfcouc!: they have been rhw aocctwaful in perhaps honored* of cater, must cx.iect thal there nil ctsee ccur wh nt rhpcf h tome organic or ocal cause f.o great hs to feguin attention or though succeaa us in reduciag tho.fover, it will agafn riau as tne luflttence of th* “ VIM 7 ’ pafiat'S if, as the excitiug cause in a.* still exist. It is to guard Against d.mppuiutmeut in hucxi cases that l have given iiid trwiuentiy refer to what I Lave called a “ 3Vcp j >.” lie-marks on Fevers in Urnrral* Or this rtuiject 1 wish to be fully undetstoed. By the ;* rtn ••fevers,” I comprehend ali fobrile eiiectiona to wham the human frame is subject; includin’-, smell pox xml other eruptive fleers; but a*s they arise by a great variety of CAtisif and in quite dissmiilar ccuatitctioAs xu i hiibi th ycf course differ considerably iu tfieir < und exhibit a variety’ of firms’ or type*; yet all art* distinguished by the same gener.v ch?reter isucs—that o undue exciiemcnt in th*j circulatory and nervous systems—iaduciug more or unnatural fre quency in thephlas, -er.--• of dryness ni tin skin, debility, Ac. To show that I not woolly ilons in tty; opinion 1 advance. 1 quote fro.n tin* o*-lebrafed Prof. I ? v . Wat-on. oi tviug'e College, fjdbdua. whoeo work on theM'rinci pies and l*ractk*e of i’hysic” is a tert book i:: many of . ur mevlical collegejg. consequently standard authority. _*u p ge Nil, he says:—“We hear continuall*, Voth m Aud out of the profession, different species cf fever Fpo ken of. By the ptob.ic. Typhus Fever. Brain Fever, Bilious Fever. Fturid Fever, Low Fever. Nervous Fever, ic. And systematic wTiters are to the full as particular: Mocou* F**ver, Ataxic. Adynamic. Gastrt'-IJnteri'*, ami so forah. Now. aduiitting that fever shows itself under various forms, I am persuaded that, the effect upon the .nind of all this tfubalivwion. Is t>ad and hurtful. It euc jurages a disposition, already too-prevalent, to pre scribe for a disease according to its name. There fa re ‘.iu of genuine distinction between continued fevers, mat can bo r*Ued on. They ran insensibly into each otaer. even the in *st dissimilar of th* ro, r_nd are often traceable to the same cause/’ The above ie a great tact, one worthy of remembrance ind l weald impress on your minds the fully us hunting up cr troubling yon self about a ** tvim;” if you have fever, treat it at caCe as hereafter directed,’ and you toUl Oc wefl asttad of any distmctchuracter being devel oped. so tw to be properly oamed by the most scientific. Tnis asaeriion is no hypothesis based on closet specula tlons or visions qf mind, but on experience at the bed ide of the wk. fa hundreds, aye. thousand* o! caso (by myself and others; under a great variety of cir :’.;ja-Lauceß. soasvns and climates. Bear this in mind and treat at once without regard to ziaiwe, and re 9. ss-ui'ed yoa will seen be freed from ail dread of Unger lug and dangerous fevers. But os cases may have be ceme and vdjped before the • Fluid” is given, either b> neglect, or under some other treatment. I will describ. S’ briefly as possible the proper course to be pursued In all of the most prominent fevers, though the *‘ Bales au 1 •• Synopsis” will be amply sufficient for all thos accustomed to attendance upon the tck. Kikes fmpprtsmt to if observed in all cases in vrinn iht Sepative Electric Fluid. Ist. It should be given In three or four times its own quantity of water, end may be sweetened or not at pleasure. 1 1. Patients must be free from all currents of air. (though tber^-should always be free ventilation in tht “iCft room,; nor attempt to (ro About while under its in flueuct*. 3*l. It.cittst be continued whenever th fever subsides or i* evidently passing off; to be res.xxi*d when li begins to rise again, should such fct tl.e case under an> circumstances. 4th. When the fever begins to subside, patients uxusi be left perfectly quiet; free from all excitement: should not be questioned &n to their wants or feelings, no; artempt to converse, read or take any exerrise whuteroi ill their natural feelings, independent of all extra ne<>us influences, induce them to rise or ept-ak; nui 3tumid any conversation be allowed in their hearinc, in viiich ibey may feel more or less interested, but be lefi •juie to nil intents and purpose?. 6ta. Fluids should be allowed, while giving it a*> plentifully, and as long as the patient desires and no mger; they may eousfat of cold water, murilcgicous dnnfcs, lemonade, unv simple dea>cthins, cr teas, eithei col lor warm os parties may prefer or patients desire. oth. Should, patients experience any oppression or laiarneas whilk in the lying posture, so as to occasion a rcfltiesene*3 after the fever has passed off, or enough to occasion them to speakof it, they should have u little wine, toddy, camphor, hartshorn, lemonad? with a little lpirit, ‘ginger, or Home other stimulant; cr the face and breaat nay t-e bathed In cold Water; either of which will Jtiv* immediate relief. TABLE OF DOSES. /or children wf on*r year or under, from S to b drops. “ over 1 under - yearn, “ 6to 10 “ “ “'l “ ft “* 12 to &j “ “ 6 t; 10 “ u 20 to 00 “ - half to a teaspoonful. A.. per.! Vi over fifteen considered us adalto. (or v. iioui s. teaispobtiftil ie a c tramon dose, old persons not require a- much young, or those in the prime of life; nor females, us f. general rule, as much as males. There u* no particular earn necessary in giving it to children—thoro of son years of ag .. frequently having *-ken full doses; but for e. little guide, 1 have given the abovd table, with the remark that, a* , general rule, liildren re<iuire more tints adults In proportion. By the above directions, the medicine will V found agreeable in all cf its effects, the expectation? xf th.*; meet sanguine realized, and many perfectly c-touched. My object iu i*fcing thus particular ii, that he full benefit of the medicine may bo obtained, and a >t on account of ar.y actual necessity cf such etrict ob servaflceß. Uilloua or Remittent Fever. Give a teoApoaful of “ Fluid” (sec rule Ist) one# in tv- > U mra, 111 the fever ia evidently parsing o3: thi# m-titutee the whole treatment in all simple cni ot fever, with uch observances a* ere sat forth in the • dules.” But nhuuld there bo prominent local nvmp oms, or known local existing causee, they thtmld be atceruled, to at once, ,?ngl while giving the u Fluid.” Bee Synopsis. If m uny esse *. ..e w * are particularly constipated ir confined, give a -•b.artic (v auxiliaries; with the first portion; t hey r ./. be opened or the fever ms v rise 4*: tin. Where* th© favor L very high, pulse running 210 or .pwards. aHd th'paff*iat i not prtlcu>Ar!y Husccptibl’ .o tho influence of medicine—not easily operated on by • Ucina generally—-a cioable d*>se, or ’two teaspoonsfal :i ty >t- given at tir it with advantage, and even i speatod iu two hnurs—ifit-kthe pulse—hax not b*cn rojtened. thus showing the medicine has tacen effect. Bathing the ■ Qrface with water at an agroeeble eiuperature, the alino wash, vinegar or spirits anu Wib r, hi these dULcult cases, will afford relief and odd th y thediciu u.ucli in taking effect. Congestive Fever* Give two teaap'Mjustul and repeat every two till *.hu pulse becomes more full and soft; then only u teo •ip >aAtl to he discontinued as the fever subsides. A. the b iwe.ln generally confimd, and it is frequently ve-y difficult to >ret inedlcino to operate in this disease, n * time sh >uld *c lor-t to get thuuxopeu, give some active cathartic with the ‘* Fluid” am! repeat a* nuy be neco#. •ary till it operates; enemas (injections) may also lx* tied te advantage; olso mustard to theextremiti*-s,or ricrion rubbing> with the hand* or flannel; also, co’d xptdlc itlous t the bead. Quinine may be added to the “ Fh*fd” If thought advisable. Bee Hynop^ls. \ervons Fever, Typhus, Ship and Putrid or Spotted Fever. Ah these fever* arc all of one character, differing maihljPinAiegree, being all us a low grade, the pulse n til and wiry, with a general great deprebsion, there is r.t jrocrtfuU V-e In separating them—at least so far as tiv tr eatment,is concerned. In these low fevers, when fit ly developed, a little patience will bo required; still ’ imperatively little, as tiiey frequently run weeks under the common treatment, while with this hut a few days will la* necessary at longest to establish a permanent convalescence. The treatment should be commenced—which may immediately follow any other without detriment—with n tuium Kinful of •• Fluid” everv two houre tUI the pulse b cme fuller or lager In volume, then to bo continued me? la six or eight hears UU the serer entirely subside*. In iuii<itHC*,*fnt!n ftiwstativo prams uudL of vuinj ( , s tci'n: iOtX’eff?\i* | puei *>i •mn*,* toui.; au-l .stimii luut -i * ouxiharai s; should I•• 4*dd and t*. •••.•* Th bowtffH shoultlnt* K?pt i;eutly <>|u*n, ivirt ?purtiuiih i's Vwi j houUl l” gtveu <*coomouullv • * ven thou*?r. th*‘ tnwvls should b*’ \ cry • lot*•?. Tht* patient r le* Mistuiued by nouriiduaq Arbi iitnriUgvUous drinks -such At ur * in common use 14 suvh ch-c**.- Wherc tin- <kin b very dry, >pongy;g tb.p surfocu as ill r'ctv and iu bilious fever, will bo found advmhqAruu-. Tobit • ?hot'!d U'lttad during t *uvAleMWc nmi *l’. ea which h:\vo invetae r'duord. • Piiriimnuls. Typhoid Ihiniuioniu. I.muc or AVlnter Fever. < 4.. ... -v- . iul >.’ “HtiW” * yci. :>** *•* \ itb a ofu ‘e4*etloi of le'Beurt; er half tlo qumittty may bi* given every hour tttl r MoV v ,1. . tleu,;f longer intc.vai** ui*'o u six -v i-.iglp hour*. The bi>rev**t tea : )mlil be giy,i n “r;u till ffi- vmh*n! I sym| irt* allnv(*rl, | -|* patiimt i- relieved: j cold; t nU’tiviiH, muHtur * flnsfer, or somethin?; *>f : thr k c.djko \ic apf!lcc. v*r fh’j-'it cf paiff; kv*p ti e ’ b.>vrrl4 g, .. Variola, Vsrlnlobl. Untn uls and Scarla tina: or Small l**o, Vsrlolohl, !Hrdt , and Scarlet Fever. As r/.l fthftt? * :i.v nth. nt.-.i with I'enf, which toN • * (•; t Mil *ytvm, t 4 trunfnekf differ’ 1010 little from tlmt of t imnwn t'.*v r.. Ijomotftber r.fVt - x.'it t ‘ !•*:’ m th; ••••'.'•.* wheth'V r the ethcrijr i'.it C/'f e■ tl.-n nil *.'min xuc .it'*.*ix r, l-U r treat st Wr Ig-vcfptli t*‘ter nu-r there \tift b no i ‘treubi*': ilif r’ will b ’<?t’ ’> , ‘ l ♦ rttfiiiv even iu slhall p.'\. T.tolubki mirvK, lao new iden, and U-e.btle ■* will l\ 1 qr'rfi'nt.vith ridicule bv muny. k* :• ‘*ve:ihi!*.'s tv>l iJy*Ta\ that’small pax, ii treafe| rs I rich, !iulo or no pitftng, .*ad th if there is nr :>x vff// <jf it- rvuulug iu orrttn'ry mrs*. this l will trtk** not only uiy reputatam, but a l.tbat i hold uut ieur: ; tiide>. ou IhtM-tilgect. 1 have gtsal Hiitiuiritv; t : :;*i es 1 I’rof. \Vtkoo, previous!’ <|Uotea. He say**|Mige c>74: ‘• Veil may abate the threw of the erujUi-e lever, and. keoj down, it is believed, the number QT ts". jtui*'.:’” by -plj u* purges Ac.” Ibirci.s the adtuisaton fual it may t*e doj-e. I nave not only proven it tfiov be., but hm beer dorio 211 liuuu’uuis cuo* that occurred on beard shit.. wH'e the occoUQt appeudfd. Give s teaspoonfhl or more, nccortHns 10 tht* urgency of tlv’ civ-t*. wit!i a doae of salts or castor oil; riqKat tin* Fluid ouco in two hours jf neccsnory, uutil the ft vt-rsal*- shles—though on* or two doses h* genera ly sufficient; I'Ut it should be given and ropeatod sufliciently to k*ep the fever under control. When the throat is uffiCted, any of the ordinary gargles may Is* UM*d y and th surtax bathed, as thought advUat b . In itw efiue, on the ship Buchers d’orlsaux, the tor*, rim and fhucus were so much swofieu tha: the imlK ut could uot swallow and ho was cured by dropjuug the Fluid on his tongue, drop by drop, rU ho could .-wallow, when it was givn in Leuspouhtul <loeo*i every hour, till all alarming symptoms disappeared. The swelling of the thrt*t was reduced so as to i-nubte him t** take nour i-hinent in alsiut twelve hours by the Fluid aloue.— bsod U* wot the throat frequently, it is doubtless :hr bed yafyle in all such cases. Puerperal or Childbed Fever. Thl; heretofore pciutul, dangerous and alarming malady to which th mother is liable, will yield t*i the Aegntirc Mectric Fluid with such readincs®, us to seem to be little consequence. A single dose or two of a teaspoouful, almost iu ariably giving entire and per manent relief; no alarm need be entertained, as the Fluid will arrest it in a short time, it should L*e r**- Itouted an long ax the t*ver con.iuuos, a a in other ciurs. Th* bowels 4i course should be attended h. In C4>nnortiou with this subject, 1 cannot refrain from making a few general remarks, which, if regarded by the ladles, will save them much pain and sufiermg. It is to inform them of the happy effect of the Fluid iu many of their trials. Iu child-birth, its relaxing and sooi hiug effect deprives the labor of much of its pains and fbfficulties; it must bo trhTl to b* appreciated.— Painful monstruatk'n will be relieved at quCe by a com mon dust- and retiring. KeHtlessuess, nervous irritability, ora cold taken at adelicato time; is easily ridb ved by itsu-o; in short, it is out- of the mytsi convenient ami effectual remedies’ for mauy of the ills of females, if not ibe an xt boos any medicine known. Its effect is uniform, relaxing the whale.system* romuving all excitability and irihibiiity cf the nervous as well as the circulatory. It will not force sleep like opiates, but it will sooth and quiet the system bo that one can Bleep naturally ,md healthy ; hence its use in so many ca*e<. Synopsis* To avoid constant repetition, and cou-J .uao liu* treat ment as much as possible, 1 give und**i ibis head /enerul directions for all cases. As the Negative fidectnc Fluid Will change the condition called lever, or subdue and uutrol it under all circumstances, without regard to the flume ir may be or ought 10 he called, it should be given wherever or whenever it exists; yet it cannot be ex pected to control all organic 01 local causes, which, when such exist, must be removed in order to effect h permanent cure. U hen such indications occur in any case, they phonld ue appropriate means, and these suhul 1 be given while liviug the “Fluid,” and iu connection with it, when •ccosieii requites, as they will then more readily ac„ producing more general effect, besides ixo unnecessary iaie will then be lust As the *, Fluid” alone will sub iue the fever, 1 call all else auxiliary treatment. if the bowels are costive, give a cathartic (see auxili *rie> with the first dose, or soon after, and* should it fail to operate in due time, repeat the dose; if attendeu *ith diarrluoa, give something known to be good for -bat compiaiut, though if caused by irritabilitv, tht • Fluid” will soon relieve that condition; if severe local pain or inflammation, apply Botue stimulating Hutment, t mustard plaster, a blister, fomentations or bitter herbs r, perhaps, cloths wet in cold water, to the part; it violent pain in the head, apply cold water, ice water, if convenient, or some cooling application, and bathe he feet in hot water; if the fever is very high, skin try itud hot, with great suffering, sponsw or bathe tin whole Hurtace with water at an agreeable temperature, •the saline wash,” vinegar and water or spirits and water, either will afford great relief and aid the wedi cine in taking effect, afW which there will be no trou ‘ ole; if the patient has been reduced or is much prostra ted. give tonics and stimulant*, particularly in low fevers, in absence of lever or when indicated; also lur:;.-; convalescence, when ti*e patient has become re ■luceu: if there is nausea and vomiting, that must be allayed before any medicine will remain on the stomach to do any good; tor this purpose I generally give some gentle emetic to cleanse the stomach; warm water, it given plentifully, will answer every purpose; when the stomsch has settled, give the “ Fluid and a cathartic il necessary; in abort, treat all the prominent symptoms *s you would under any other cireu instances, giving the “Fluid at the sasna time• as directed, and success will crown your efforts; indeed, yon cannot realize it till y*u havf* seen, and then you will be astonished at tlie ease with which you can control all febrile excitement. Anxiliarie*. Parvk'H may feel at a loss to know* what is meant by cathartics, Ac., as phy*icions are usually particular u -otu what is used. I have found no Mich neccfcsitv when the Fluid, and to be fully understood by all. I will name a low of the different arlicl . sos medi cine I have referred to, viz, towels, such as castor • <ll, any .f the roots or barks, and many, pilfe, auti’.ili-.u.s, tc.; aurthin*- . known to be good for such purposes. Hepatic*.—Anything known to act un ihe liver particularly, portal circulation and secret tons gejiprajjy Any c-ftheartirles depended on by t!**- different schools for this purpose, will answer when need in connocti m x ith the “ Fluid” or while the system is under it* in fluence. And one may choose calumel-HUiothnr, blue mo.-*—the third, podopliyllin—the fourth, mundrake root, and so on: ouch muv take bis choice and b sue- TontCM.—Article, lone or such s'(ilium-, various harks, nsit, aniiWiteV herhs. H. e. thorough won is one of the best n-ed in fevers. Aslrlngmts.- .-urli R3 check the action of the bowel,. Laudanum and other preparation* “f opium are used: also, many mixtures, not properly a-trlcirents, which have the effect. Stimulants.—Article, that raise or excite the system. Capsicum {Cayenne pepper) is one of the best • ginger, spirits, hartshorn, Apt., the essences are ail more er le.s stimu'ating. These are the onlv classes u.-essm. ry in ilealing fevers thuiigti many others ere gemiallv used, hut the Negative (electric fluid is a het'er *• iPa phoretic.’’ “auedync,” -diuretic,” -relaxant” imd s-uativo than hiiewa In the materia medi-a i shall rot tax the reader with a long list of picofs impending mainly on the re-ults of a trial and will only refer to one instance of success, that on the I*ackets4it|i Duchesa Il'Orlcans. which cannot be classed among ordinary certilientes • We, the undersigned, certify to the following, vit- H e took iwesage on the porketshlp Uuchess d'Orleans L'apt Hutton, then lylug in the port of Havre. France and bound for New York. She sailed on the yth of Au gust, 1851, with over a hundred souls onboard niostlv emigrants- A few days after leaving Havre, the email ! j l wT - broke out among the emigrants, They were all I treated by the physician In charge. Dr. N. \Y. Siwt with 1 anew remedy of his own. which he calls Negative Kies I trie Fluid, with which he seemed to have entire control I oTstr tho dlwutae, arresting it in a few hours, and curler I in a very short time. During the voyage, which lasted thirty-ninu days there were about Ighty cases of small pox, some fever’ *c., and uot a single death. All were cured with anu” 1 sual promptness. From what we saw during said passage, wo are f’ullv convinced that the medicine used by Dr. Seat on the .a- ! caslon. possesses Inestimable virtues. We never before ! heard or read of febrile affections being controlled with so much cose, promptness and certainty, or so little i trouble to the nurse. A crowded rhlp, a long passage, smallpox and fover on board, and mV a oW'id’ The ; fact speaks for ltvlf. Flgned, K. V, Fanut, St pearl street. New York. K.O. Fabri, „ i, o J. A. DeNormaxdv, Beaver countv, Penn, T. A. nrNor.MA.snr, Fast l.iverpooh Ohio. _. . . , Cabin Paaeorigers. The abovo statement hi correct. W. X. Hutton, Commander. „ . , *• Marstsx, First Mato. Now York, Aug., 1852. __ . . N. W. SsiT, M. D. *sC Addraas orders to o. nr. witaißßooK, n. y. city New. i’rii'.ciplel New Hemctly! IVo f’oiaon: j UhodaH’ i*over aud A*ue Cmv ; I >ll A.NTUic'TI. TO MAhABIA; TiiK PKK\ KM'ION AM* ( t liC All L ‘ ; Ml"* Airxlc, (• I hill P'VC. ; Dumb A. ue, and j ih■ i ln< ‘itimu iit uml F vvt ; hlm* •-f iWlfiniM lft*v*r*t HiV'cinjuMiii ti b> TypUV'Jil Hymj v t, ; Typhoid Fi*v*r, S’*Uov i cvvr. Shir nutl shill'ttavrr, ttrnnral lH*hilitv, Nip # swfdtfi, aud all oihar furunt ot dis :* • Iftl’M -I! MV. A COMMON OlljOlN JN xiiUi WIiXA on MXAttMjA. ! ri\ju -I u **Hia*.*r!m'voniuiiiu !• niany wuf tho 1 X r,. *vl >-'*?;but uknrvvct th* v prevail* Virtu* htditU. f.' m ! <-r Wvrt, 4hoy ail *quall\ i-**.*iiig irou\ tiff* ,-.ui miHHinalrniißi*. \auuryi l'Mympt>iiia,ajid ; l.iriu--of t'i* -• i* i*i\!n>.*, H’lin'ij •!!> t-> illti rii in rpi, | b<\, c, s itutiim jmd Unl'it, of .lie s’llVtuVr*; imC. ,a\|'ltr -.*n ; fhc nUUOjIiiVN %vj*t till r-jnully yfehl U*:vrFivdy ‘ ’ th i.s . or.; <*t*iH to uv v auia rqr * iinve that J V tin- !.vvh f Njktun** vv :> ’*riuoipl(* haa H‘v>ji|'vhiiw>, mid I\u * *'.; ; Uiiavin.*, < r iu’ ;u, “i in oth<*4’warfi,”* a .•‘i-'.qiJi’ ii iuedy. All Malarin, | Klif'tb* . ar*flm; from water* li.'. uuipo i ailu*u oC auluiiil aini matter, ov i vvu ucvvly | chv’vji H4U* >* is tho Huaui ju rhunwtrr ami vtlcri: ir. a jhi- I m>ii ‘! vdis. ia tltu.auuohph ri*. cuuslii''•Uf*‘UHnt4-ali win* hi*. ’’ i . lit ui*wrUim*v will u:uili*rah!*j Jhw* , : a “ iii.; imrrrirg ujUniri MtliMliding h*tv* v-ii<q'- p’ >.r •, r: .* i-in -*k ji>q>aratii)i; bribru im r uiil-.vtl ’ ‘ Til* >l*l Mirt! Vutitlotr to UulariM, . ‘ . .i: ** tii.- }*• isi-u i! *u - tit < ■t i .n>u- I tact v* rth vt n in tha open Uii\ nv*l v.hcu tM FU ! mUl> • .nj li'tqiy ptiri!ii*s ibi* m\*4rbi ufiK'tf-ii l yitwl it.i • fei.iffuj j’dhviifa*. ami tu> r**-f. r* s aial jj\ m-pvi’b li.aVi . T:i*’ ;v -w *2s .•* i*. ar.vtsi U bv wnu. vlv uvw. mut tm ; ! a ; i.:y out lav juM|iri* -tun, viui ciaiiu** i th- It V.ill in taatly -clivck tho av,u* in jiersoDs who have* ! su-‘i**j-**4 for auy lungtb *if tixno, from oup tiay t*> t-wam.y j tears, HnU • v (‘Ontintiiug its nnt\ ttCoonliuq to tiiv dixac* i lionr, a rfoln ul rim* will be atfoctofl: th** patioat coaitia i ving fr*r* frvm tho compiaiut for over; unUss sni>M*qout *<|HMure t. 4 nialuria should nmk** it-* use av;iu i:.v*a.Hary. , iu Ih operation uuou tlie jioisoii ia tin* ayatoia, it will limuedtet ly relit*v> oil the HymptpnM ol* bii j ious or iHaouAec, ami wlu q tha diseiwa is ruredd it will entirely prevent the ttCtitarion of (burial Dtbilll) ami Sweats, which Hooiteu follow the administration of other uuiie- Cines. Th** patient fit oaco begins to rorver apimtitu ami strength, and continaeßti linprove uutil rosfoi’.Mt tt* perfeot health. By itK u<* Ftrver ana Ague may h* banuiln and fit'un every liuuiiy and class in the community; fnruters, me chanics, and nil laboring peop! * oiay be ttsiupr* thi* arti ,cle rtn a Preventive, An pursue their respectiveavccatiuiir* in {tautert -Mety from uitucf r bilious nttoaka dunm? the sickly hponoli, tvliih is ('ft**n to them the moat vahfV&lo Part of the ! >*"• Sir. •(.* tla atroduction of Th- tTiIU in every part of J the b aited Statea, ita success has feen ho coiiiJiletA and J | unvarying ns to have fully proved these .werTiops in * favor of its extraordinary merit.* When the-H* I<-*lhrations vu*fe uiati*. iu iiio latc t*f its introtluct *a, they seeunul incredible to many, even of die most candid minds, because nil .h< resourcea el science had been taxed iu vain to -ahduo ngue or idlious iliseaoea; and whirt was stiH worac to- os<\i,* sut>eronff all their remedies or treatment, whether sciuut sic or ;emniricul. havo l***en limit**u to pofaonotis or and -?nictive drugs, such as Araonic. Quluiue, Moici.ry, Saliciiv, Ar. The. effects of these sometimes worse fh;iu lie dtßooac they Bubduc, and When such remedies fail c-r give 6n!y temporary reli*f, their poio-nocs effects .in- Hiiptifadded ,to tiuTpour sufferer’s tiral compiaiut. | On thisHccouut a.giH* sufferers hltoai-i i. i>:irticulrly ■ carcfuTaboot using enyhocrct I’cv* v and Agtu* .ucdb e, j n<?tv.ithHtandißK the Makers of them uniformly | they may be taken with {e.'Cfect safety, even “iviifriVt is , j notoricmsly well known that tb*-ir pvtetic.r •depemds 1 solely uppu dchtructive p<*ison*-'. Now, as a ir.*oi that the Hen uy i.-s u-.*t otily valuable ; on acotmfiit of fta powef to cure disckers, but that i? is | lilso Worthy off Public t oufltl* nre, Been use of its The QllOwifiK certificate from on<- cf the* tmmt celebro.tod ciiemiatH jn'tfte United States has been obtained, nui a > copy of it is Attached toaVeiy bottto: Nr.w York, JtuielL. 1555. ‘‘l havo made a. Chemical examination cf Khode*/ Fovct and Ague t'uiv or Antidote,tu Malaria, ena have tested it for Arsenic, Mercury. Quinine Strychnine, hut have not found a particle, of either in it, nor have I found any aubstauu* in its compusftion that would prove inju rious to the constitution. • JAMBS K. t'HILTON', M. I>., Chemist.” It i- a stubborn fact, there lore, tiiattlrts Kemuy is estined not only to re.ieve the human family from malarious diseases, but to and an equally good Work by prev. uting the hiking of other medicines winch dohurm. The entire absence of nny baneful ingredient maltha this Kerne y not more valuable an a Cure, thou it is an . preventive. No class of disease bo easily managed rb the one i under consideration, if the medicine he taken in advance, j ibis is owing to the diseases being produced by one an t j cLh samo cause, and therefore all, both residents find I travelers, should protect themselves by the timely use I if tiffs preventive, aud not wait for tue poison already 1 :lurking in their veins, to develop itselt in a violent j at tael:. Take tho Cure cs a preventive, ami so i the puisoii before it does harm. Full directions and advice as to diet an-l habits of life I prepared by a distinguished Physician long resident in i ifiliouß climate now accompany each bottle. It will often be found necessary to precede fbi medl- i cine by a mild cathartic or anti bilious purgative. The j very bent thing for general use is a moderate dose of j Castor Oil, tin* object of which is to c cans the stomach aud free the biliary passages. Kemember that where .his is necessary, or there i > costiveness, it nisi mk taken or the Operation of the antidote will be seriously ob structed. Only Cant lon.--In certain npeciflrd, pour the contents of one or more bottles of the Cure intQ shaliow vessels, (dining plates, and place theni in sleeping room-; for th** vapor rising from the medicine, and also the air waited across, or circulated over the dre"Bof if, alter the liquid is evaporated, will couiiternr t aud f-stroy, to a dog ee commensurate with its exp sure, the miasmata or poison contained in tiie aportgjont. This mode of exhibiting the Cure should likewise be resorted to when very young infant* tv excised to malarioua situation?. The bottles in which this medicine is put up have tb.e words, “Khodfs’ Feveb an a Agci Cure blown iu tlu* glass, and oii the outbid? wrapper is the name of the medicine, (the copyright of which is secured; ami tho signature of the proprietor. These precautions uro taken to prevent counterfeits and imitations. Ter. REUANCf for its succbss is-enthu lv upon its actual jISRITa, wherever intrixiuetd and used. Thi so will be considered ufflcieut. I'repnrod and sold bj- the proprietor, JAMES A. miOOES, Providehc<, It. I For sale in Olutnbus bv KIVLIN, THOMAS *V CO.. February lfi. 18r,. ly Druggists. A SOUTHERN REMEDY. Mfldc. by Prof. O. O. W oodman. New Orleans, Louisfena. J. S. PEMBERTON & C 0., HAVE received the appointment from the prtiprietcr for the solo agency of Woodinau'i* Cherry Expectorant, j the medicine that has created Much ur. • xi li* ment at the ! North am)ng the Physieiann, aud ha§ been prou.ouiuv-1 : by all who have used It as being far superior to any | Cherry Pectoral. Woodman s Cherry Expectorant corl- J tains the active medical qualities of the Yellow Jesaminc. I the pure decoction of Wild Cherry Kurk. and many other valuable* ingredients that render jt far b-tter than any other Cough Medicine in this country. KECOMMENDATIONy. V* N’SW ORLEANS. April y. HSfwi. Hear fcir—The public generally ore fully uwar* of he i thousands of remedi**Mfor Dieeast'd Lungs, under tho titles of Sar-aiiarilla-, Fills, Plasters, Liniments. Ac., that ate doily brought to thoir notice through the newspapers by j way of Advertisement*. My object in writing this onu* j for publication, is to induce the public, or at feast f huso j who art’ uillicted, to uso * ne that contains r j*ticl*s of ! heal Use in Pulvumur// lyiseases. lam conscious tiiat in jho doing, I Ktu acting most unprofessional!}*,and dorogis- I toi ily to tii*; interests of Medical Scienre and tb.e regular J I Practitioners of M* diciue. 1 refi rto Woodman’s On rrv j Expectorant, which is a scientific remedy thui ! have j used with more success than any of th* usual pr* -crip- J tlofis uHe<l by Physlciatiß. J. M. Mamlanp. M. Ji. Gallatin, Mis., May 1,165 j. 0. 0. WooftMAif— Dear Sir; 1 have given your ClietTy i Expectorant a lair trial end am well pleased with iff. ef fects; better tliau any other article I ever met with. I J would He pleoacd to have you scud mo half a do/ . n bot- I ties bv tlie bearef. KrsjM-ctfuUy* VV. M. M\?ov. M. ,1. l the universal fpcse. ? * which hue attended ife uar*. For i cough.*, colds, und in fucf, any pulmonary eompWufe, this medicine, from itK peculiar proucrtien as a dissolv. ut ‘ and its eouthing power u all irritatious of tlu* throat, J will probably bn preferred to any other often and to the I public. Aa an appetizer, or dyspeptic remedy, it will i i also he found excellent, it* natural aud genial warmth i keeping tho digestive powers in proper ton*. Kemomber that this is the only Cough Medicine that • has stood the test of tho medical fraternity. It is sane- | Mound by, approved of, ami recommended by tho leading ! I’hyMicianH of Now York city. Every bottle in warranted j to give aatiaiiictiouor the money refunded. Wo guaran teo it better than auy Cherry Fectoral. Liver i Oil. or anything 1s now extant. fl^Frlce—•One Dollar a Bottle. J. H. I'KMBERTON L CO., Coluiubua, da., Only agent* fer thin ouuty. 1 February ® I t i Ki'-Ai rii |VM r\ 1 t*N ‘AIIAI.I.EI hi* mVlT.Ss'ri* ItliOlUffS 1 FEVER AM) VtUK t l I! Ir'., AZn-XDOTB TO MJUsAiiIA: l.qualiy *ertniu as a I'reveiitlya 6: ’;iu*. . SO POISON. PROOFb : what tl i Pr<“*'i<icnt • tin* riißitii-uvuth al .'*( J*! Mi-, uri. s., s iff I’hodea* t\*ve* nit A*'i\qCuiv, or An tidiv • t Mala. : U*t • -i Nov. 10, Xbo . f HW t jRS u* i idih rertitiraio of übemic**l unalytea given by h* colvbralwl chemist Dr. J. I*. Chilton, yt New Tori. y. Iff favor of K'n-,;**-’ Vovcr tuid ‘ l i e, th; l it • outuined uiiihvr Quiuino, Avwitic, M<n> ! curpmov Mr*.unio*. an*l having rinelvisi nnm<*roua up ;di,Mtiuns h*t J v .iB imhv.xfi to send to .Or. Rhode* tor‘tin* nteclb . ••. Sin*- * thru I haw di.jost and i*f a ling, ijn v.tilv, im* ly t” resident *of thiarity, who have inva , riuhly h,*i ao* **l by -ud to v.‘hcm lon refer. I mo. j il'iT.'feri-, sin. I 'didiu r ‘omiT' n(\iu;, it t*’ ?> nil luh: , th” prom sot u rc*w:s‘'uts. EDWARD .S. WHKVniN. 1“ *.-A ‘ t l , iißrioa* , miti*'ai Mf#*irfy fMiMOvri. Had 11*4 Vgiti for Twvlvt Irarnf DaoviDi.Nffy. Jmrr H i\iu t ; le. i infernird of the infi -f’ii of n imor, but, worthy tv*n u., win* has not frr vfrom rover mid, A.yuc m mouth at a tinu* for the l:'.s| twelve years. T sqji* 1 plied hi*jr gra u4inual> vith Rhodes’ KyvCr and Aguo 1 tlnfix • so ; In all four bottle* which r - 1 rtorrd Urr t*. iltli anikr r'-ngth, and uh t'mr monthc . h** e now elap- ft. t'i *ro h reasoti toO-'ubt the perui.l- j tv.•nt; bftb vur . < . A. r. MAijOF, Ajrri. * my. 30 l>iitiri*s Prrform 70 Cure*. ’ C'XST\xrtNx, Mich- P ;>t. *. M th, is. *:.. Ja‘ . .* A. f ‘tones, E>ip--Dear ,Sirl halo just t*ouf an rrl**r t<- A uvb A if:ill}tlny !l<* aJtot-hnr hi’li grii.-s of i your AgitcAhtre. It sold liks “ ItotjL-akce, 0 and 1 im<- <*ti!y two V>tt l -M on hand, fine r* av*n it h s S'M, . Iwc u.-e when i bttxi-1. ,rd fa run o. r*V Agife ov chill f> vi 1 hdvo sent al- ttl<* ufi*l tcld thim to try it, :u i If it iii'. not help them, they \yv;-e tint obliged t> i* >• for it, :■* and Uiey, wort* all tatlened. I ha ion caso *■: Chill JVver where If ntti fjiirday.s, bnt thotuancklfflP t * *(•*• me on iko Sixth day tvoll satisfied. Truly youra. JOHN I*. OL A DIM NG. ilottle.f Perform til Cures. MoLINk. 111., Sffpt. IM. 1850. .Ms . ,lamj> V. Ruonu^—Bear Sir—The box cf •* Ague ()in*< ■*’ you sei ue lias all l*c>in dold mu<: created n lai ‘/• demaxid lur i.ior.*; to looet/ which \vi have orderod. from yum* gci rul agent at Chicago, J. D. TerriugtpnJ Its safe will*.uiy bo''quuUixi l>y tiv? number of Fever iuu Ague cane u Ibffiflfc these* casrs may b • few, have a bottle i >r every ca *.. We rRi tin resited fully vonr. H RICHARDS ALU;:*!: 3 0 L? >ttl< s Perform 10 t'luin. LET PER FROM A PCoTMAgTEK. M \x li.. Dclawatx* Cos.. Ohio, ID. • Mr. J. A. ruDl.s —Dear hit—Your medicine) tia* met j with the mufti avorable success in thw neighborhood. I I havaaltout hv- bottles felt. 1 jrtvr it to them, at firftt, •if no curt* n although I was not aulhorlrr-d by you to do no; 1 ut I took the responsibility oil myself.— But not a boUiu heieome buck, aud as I aui almost out of the crtiele 1 wi-b veu Would fortvnru me imo gross of the bottles, ij you Ht-o proper to do ?o, and I wil| L** punctual in paynumt. 1 ir.cloao liftwn dollars on the medicine l hu •! received, tbr which please send me a receipt. Ship tfe* humid H* ‘*n as yofi car—there J never fins been is much Chills nud F ver since I lived In j tlie S f ato,e*ii.t present. Yours, t? - c M IM*. HARD MARTIN, V. M. fit Hattlea Perform ‘-il Curt**. Pink Rum, Aliclu July Cl, 1*53. lfiv. J. A. li toi'F-K—Dear tflr—Your Cure for the Fever aud A, ue has thus far performed wonders. It lur* not ; I failed in one iustauce to effect a quick and permanent ■ cure. Home s o' havo been troubled with the iiitresK ! ing digctise li. >o beeu * utirely cured by using only one boUle of the C are. Pfeah*; send u- immediately wtr | *■ von, as wo fi.ive but three bottles remaining. Truly y ms. LATUKOP A MCLEAN. Curt of Pauaina Fever. ITCOVILISNCL', Sept. 2C, ibCih. ! Air. JttHer n. Rhodes—iiaving been ontirely cured * by your remeuy, 1 take pleasure in assuring you of tho Lone lit it ua.s been to me. t was first attacked by chills and fever on th** Isthmus or Panama, several mouths since, and in spit* i*f tlie different remedies :iu*i U’cutiuei: • l adupted, la health grew worse until 1 commenced Jie use of your Fover and Ague Care.— .Sines Dud tia e l have not had p single chill, and ara nov7 enjoyment of good health. - y jur m *dkin** rh- r.uec b.i that it merit-:. I retnflin truly yours, Til./MAS G. ANDREWS. I. oT O. F. Inanotlier eolunuffof t!H.lay’n paper will beT'ouiid an advert I.*enietit for “ lihotles’ Fever and Ague Cura.” i Wr are not i :.* the habit of puffing medicines, but desire | to bay. for ti benefit of th© afflicted, that Wm. K. ! RcNve, Mercli ut, Hharpuburg, who has itfir salo, in j forms us tun he hoM several dozen Lotties, and iu } every case it l.?*a effected a cure. This proves the medi . itm to ho g* *•♦, and V*; v take pleasure in bringing it j Ik.*fore tlu* notice ofth** public. —Odd FclUit\ Bncnsbcro. , H . - ’ri 4. Evblmi* Iron* ia ( U rgyinan. Plyh *i ru, Richland Cos.. Ohio, dept. IHSA. > Mr. J. A. I aoDirft, —Dear Sir—*l cheerfully testily to ‘ the vsluoof y *ur Antidote to Malaria. One young lady | in the; .atniiv ./f a dorgymiu hero has been taking au : •• AOlii: BAL-'AM” lor some months without any per ! mamuitlieued.—a few days since she got a bottle id J th Cur© and Mas not had a chill since. A young man afeo used th* same Balsam some time without relief until he gm ■ i>ottto of your Cure. Ho far it works like k charm. Yours truiv, Rev. A. *C. V DUBOIS.. I ii'idlcitf i Evitleiu'c from a Phynifian. MoxTitKLLO, Jncl., Aug. 27* ibhb. J. A. Kiiuv—lfear Sir—.l have been in tho practise of Medicino 1 re Tor about three years, and can con scientiously n cotnuiend your medicine, having used it myself aud p •veribed it in a number of instances with l*erfeet *ste.r*et. Ifesj.-ectfuliy voura, IV. G. HPEKCEft. LoUiT iLLi) No. 11, C. K. h.. da., Jan. 1, l*bC. Your Ague- Cura liws overcome- all prejudices by its merits, and j'.ven ftatMOftetion. A petit toman.iuet called who h?*s been fully cured by only one bottle, and de sired in** to recommend it to everybody. I shall do all 1 ran in its safe \V. A.IIAILLS. If aiiy bod; iesiri-a fur-her evidcuct s, they will find it in cVerv h ftlooVtho (MIRK, which is being intro duced as rat. tly possible in •• every town and village in tho Units * Mates, ( ti.'ulas. A’o. Tho eminent chem ist, Dr. J. R. . iiilton. of New York, certifies to its per fect innocun* *. It is therelore optional with nil to have th Fevi r an*?. Ani or to it, juat au they pleare, 1 cun also t,i y tliot a great many of my largest custo mers arc th*v • who a year ng<* were reluctant even to lake the Ci.: on commissi* *n. They thought its grunt rluims end jr .-ipaslom* could u..t !• lcaiised. Now they endorse then nlk and it will be noticed tliet tho letters cf which I j. Miish su li imtnoubo quantities are always new and hit • dates—altogether they would more than fill ar.y now-paper, nu*j prove tho feet of a greater ar.c r>'M and safe ;hau ever at fended any other Ague lb* rnedy. The Crownlug C4lorv cf tht* Cure is iu HARMLESS CHARACTER, which Bllowr it *s fm- uh© as a preventive. Thus protected by using a hot! ♦ or two during the warm a:*u sickly soa t-wis*-not air in woman or child ftu thr L’aited States wonki ever i nvo a single attack of Fiver and Ague, nilioua or Ye,low Fever, or any form disease arising from the atmospheric poison Malar].-, to which the (Tire is a per,’ et antidote. It is also ii equalled tor quick and permanent effects as a Reston-tivo, giving new life end rtrength to all whose consti: ntiona havo IxMin shattered ('r weakened by Ague or Bilion * diseases, night sweat*, languor and de bility or any rind of Intemp.*ran< o or dissipation. JAMET. RHODES, Proprf’ tor Providence. R. T. And for sal* by KIYLTN, THOMAS .< Cos, (V-lmuTutM, Ga.., onty after ■. Kivlin. Tin as tY*C", ar** Distributing Agents for the proprietors, ‘ealers buying of K.. T. & Cos. will -save nil expenses•> the Cun*, as Kivliu, fhomui* A To. soil ft tb’ very lowest prices. J.UMES M. CLOUGII, Agent at Uphnupee, Ato. r7ANi ; ORTH ,v naoTST Will supply Physicians with the NEGATIVE ELECTRIC FLUID. Prepared only bv K. w. SKAT, M. D m Arw York, DiiltiK m Original Dlacnrory, Involving a NEW PRINCIPLE By whiili Hk> i"0 posllivo cndltlon of tho.yitvni collet Fover. ia to fcho normal or hvolthy atatr dlrectlv atul without K- : of vitality. RKHOVAIZ HOTCHH Ills, ii'EN NEK & BEBSETT, WHUL.KSAJLK (iUDCKKS, fmport."i'rt utid JohLoro us UIiANOIKS, WINES. Ac. Also, ygents and denier in Virginia Manufactured Tolworo and Havftna CXOAHA, lUv* reujovfif t*> No. 4b Ve<>*y Ptrect, re ir* m b* Ast or lloußd, NEW i'ORK. New York, January J, Ifljjfi. KIVLIN, TKOMAH A CO. HAVE ©rd red from New York ;i full supply of the most oxE'uordinury uiadicinu of the age, Dr. JV. W. Beat’a Negative Electric I'luld. Thy will hu i■ I receipt of five gro on the Jeth instant. Fhyaiciona ure requested to call early, r.hrmu-y t. VICTIOK at fO.lMlfejt l,'*■■“!*• hi™ or iiut/i:;: 1 ‘.ill caiitimte Hi” ‘""**. ‘ Ye, n> ■ I •mia np.if r the nami-m,ii . *H a ii Amiraiowd. a® I 1 A’ l!'. rtra-1. h,a. , ■tiMWtves to a lirt.jup. , ( , . S*;W*i t *aUbuhiuem'.):nm|tti*d l** tlnai , ..... i *hir | i.ional utlei,tion to tin-a!, ,1 it ‘ S'WW .Hmkanaiu, i..l ite. , R^H Hina■■■. s'lijile la alitiea nt • mu. j • nntko kiiwraf Advaiwoe ! ts i v.rv dLedpttou. ‘ “’ , ' l l>. n. THOMPdOJ At,, 11 ii Droittl btreot, Colun bua ci’ ■ Wholc-Kdli- nml Hetnl i FIORINfI .STOYKS of nil ‘■ t pattern.,; FoliCßatW 1.1 l"i t 1':..,. ij.'H.'w it,,, !tv;u:,„i„ il’ ft t Vilen , and |p.„ , ."* <* fi ir*-! * ir.llv, .* *1 j-> t nuf:*i Hm , . TIN AND SIIKF/r Ml )\ j. ‘ K K^H .V 1 KMIK A Phi r-v ,HT<lc k^^B . ’JMH’ l‘li.w biu*4 , ill V i'll t<':l jfl j i W. 4*> •*..!. • .Vitnihe.-Mi < • Vim ■ i;i4l pftP-i::. ,i [ r J h It*st, i prouiiuncg*.! I*> Fuji i **:,•, mji .-l-i n- to nny l’lw Stock . . :’v'jßSß , I"-:;. t--r tk'wiitaiTmunitig, a’ -"’ dran it. anti tuupUeu, - I ft: itiffloti. Jt |. . ntlroly < I (tl , n Vi.v a,t. Utiui IV, It ia itdaptcil 1a . nluv in;:. ‘ li- l 111 I,ill, , |,,, u . - ,'^^B •ri.-.'tmtiKT!.,i"f. • Hie ITan ... , rj,;,, Alabama, -imithh >u u. uiov fe Ph-pgiejl. t;i PlttnnfaoHtte :.:i,| . I ; this r*-oo<i-. I’- it :u a <■ uiapet;’ r no-.iUi ■ t. ; Flnnh re luH;n„ ’■ “a av.l'l'r. one liniinr f . c t . v ., f:'” Mork !-• o aimplf en.l .any . . fn.-i hniith can ravily put upr, t . ; , Acidrera TlldM.ta'iir ‘(.lull *t--*y 13. ICV. Ven-lsL M *tf"Vv Sptrii el the : t if. fin; , .-! 4*-m aiClayt a, v,tilt mh -);>> i u. im.n.),, **. HTKW ABT, IIKAI .V t 0.. T’AKi; thi, ntotfarnl notifying :!:.Ur frisnil r- that i"-y hsv-rel.l 11 . ■ Sln ( .p * 1 K.KDIJ, I-lIBESt rte j “ho viil in l'mur eimduci Utah<.f>s, and wia ahn ya he prejinr... ■ , fuvre. ~ ??*■ erintlou of tlocds in the fl GROCERY LINE® <>L Lit* ; CM ‘Hvui *.'to t-rnio to th’ .■ e.ihtom-rd *f ‘-.-r i'ri.*ni3 ati'i iVrn!.*r pat runs. .V • t.*kw hh f-oiicltlijg .** share c f uatroivi :s for co’.UQ’ li-iir.g them :t in every way .•••?iabl*. Uj .-hail etiU continue the War* mid (.'omiulnion at ti'ftvsaio stand. Thankful fdr past fevon*. v*-bnl i,v cc -**ufiou m th<* COfTt'N t OM>((>). I.VFSf*. and will snure no pains ;i lur to j tkn r * all who uniy favor us with * -:v j • ’ lunibus Ga., May 10. ]• Sj COOKING, OF “ AND I’ARLOB B Ov'EB.H j ‘T'XJST WAI Isl. Ki UOU S £ !■ UItMSIf lX C (i 00.) ? T| A large Mrenment always on 1 .0, rndfir-ißtfl lair prleer. Kootinp.tlnttonnjr.ani nhU'nrliinn^H promptly attended to and waxti * Store -n llandolnh itre-t. oppu.d . ihv , I! . AI.PYi'OI^H Cnlmnhns. gept. IT, ISeo. FASHION ABLE DEL s MAKE^B MISS *l. K. HKYMOIIK rv-Fpeef dv mforrr'.i dies of CoiambuH, i-hnt sin- D i.gagcd in n-sx of Dn ss-niakiim, at tlie ro.-id-, .-,,f ‘lr?, diiil, Ovlethorje alre.‘t, four doers i, . w the Our fjtmra. i'iii'iv ai'iona is re. pert >j V tolldlH. ■■ Mrs. f„ J. KENDALL, at th- l ice . i.jd/^Hh t;nu**w tho of cleaning. CA'liing, pndl^^H dreeeiug Bono eta. Indies jnuy r >u work done in good style and with j mu'rje***. ] 9 March VA. 1800. 9 AMERICAN COTTON PLAKipI FOR 1850. 1 r PHR Fourth Volume of the Aim- van Cotton ifl9 1 will commence v. itii the Jnnuav v number. 1 n thus tormaliy tl'. I'rospcctu.'* Fourth Volume, we have 1 uta lev . !iort add, eauguiue in the IriLf that, wi . the Jp.Htrious pHtrono of i.iiurovinient ibBI Agriculture, Mechunie .Arts, Mann) •*■-twes of mg States, and especially Mr*.humic. ■. tin* past htoij jH the Cotton Flan ter is its highest o i.,laudation. ■ JB Jnthe first pl;u.*e, we ri at.rk t**f; irit-nda an*l th .t the Editor,Dr. Cloud, ho® heeouie the i or and Propfietoft and we iier;L;> i.tosure oor emphatically, that in future ih* <:• -tou riant:j sue prompfiy by the first day orau-. 4 L-*.>nth. 3 Flushed wdth vffctory in ;L map/iu’mit J.'iltr iwfl Alabama's Industry, as ifenion>tufe si ja tutriuu.9Nil eucceaß of the Annual Fair *1 the Al:.!*a , J:x9toß Agrirultural Society, the Cotton ) iauter M will U.H9 step backward” its progress is ortw iruand epvaiu wtbo ■ iiighaot niche of improvemont. 9 11 is hoped earnestly by the Edit r and prbnnVt by th? im iubfiTd of the rioeieiy, t iat tho Farmers, the Mechanics and Mant.fiuturw of A!; ‘4p<9 v. ill r.djy en u\us to tiiqsiipjjoit f AlaUama'a uuiyfe'B clusively; Industrial Periodical, i!se UrjaU’ oanm Hfeto Society. t v its I*? unfettered i:i the great Work *•’’ measurnHe resources of the Ke\>t*: <a- State of the >P9 “ iMVotcd to Improved Plants lie i Economy. tur< and the Mechanic Jrto,’* the bj**ct cf tli-> cun Cotton Planter to a •* Improve the Soil auit tlu With a cm cf correspondent’ numbering t!:*- ioiyc practical ns wall as scient -ic minds of the #|9 w * f*cl a-.<ured wo shall In* abb u visit cur the first of nidi i.ioutii. to their -i at ire . profit. , a Every ism ily In th*. ccnnfiy, v hutater mfy } avocation, should patronise some t. Mcultural ceils'* tlier * is ijo reading matter \ uldished to so innocent, and at the same tin.* ■** ] tactically jrdWW blc in all tho walks of life as tlii.i •. btniut-d in'’ cultural IVriiHiical. Tb.e dimeric j * - .-ttoii. is j n<* promptly by tiiofirat day oi \ i Biontn. ff unilbvnily print .**.l in luacaziue st.i *> ?*>v*l per. wfth new u;id fair type, wcur: >y -tifcin-t me*!. * 19 iHii liorfiouitural Department a ill lw heretofore, by Hgentleruun f* M’v :\o. 1 E. vi. Unit, of Montgomery. 9 Teriim i , H- Gnu cupy, in advance * ! JB 1 Twelve copies < •* i. 1 a Cltibnor Agricultural Sooi.'tifs,.'v* copies...... •**'f_a .111 c n nimuaici;i;oji3,’cither for life columns ‘ftu- H<a t**r. or * (.•Jitainingrenilttance*i, on. a nithv b<. H : iivssvdt--* Iff. Tb Cloud, f/ickland I™* ( 9B| /Habnma. Suoscriptioub shouM commem vitn r,,t! >.**\v.paiK*ris frieudly to the work, roughont t• v ill Sotm-r a favor by dopy in? tho ;.Ti*i'ecfus. H, Our exchanges will please direr* Lcckliru. MELICK CtWI. CASH Jm- CLOTHING WAEEHOUSI.I Old stand of S. SinU! • l 00, 1 1'43 West Side BrwiJ ■ OOLOMBIS, ‘ \,l i'.NS’ aud IS j. , Clotliing—a ‘l'',”* 0 ’- 1 I'rem, suit: .. 10 every class and couditwig. j a Gi ntlenu n s Furnishing Gwials !;• very vsruaj. October ‘2‘J. Jy • MON'KIOHHBY, SKIM.A AND IHVEIt. • u B MKIK.IIANT: aud othorx Diitn;i(i?S’" u * *!•’ Saiannub, for Montgomery, .< wefltjol CoiumbiH, Georgia, .are infer uedlbfit f, > • • to ctw*4‘ of s'... JOHN W. HOW a: j, AgtiUt, n Uniiiu iffu.v Coinpunv, Columbun, * eorgic* ; , will I*e forwarded from the. Dojmh i tU° Km Ito the Depot of tlie Opelika u .H at uii exuehre, for transportation I* fuaV r^n w ‘ 9 pointipcSr . 55 cent* 11c 1* Ton * OOO) which will save them ‘JA fonts p* n. a d. ,H • ,'^^9 Kail Roud t- •ntractotchhrgi ‘** dollar l ThwLuion Dray Corn j ‘any is an <;• respoh^*, 10.-4 or damage, na tuny be oncer t acd 801 l 1 (’o., J*\sitih Mon lit and It Them, <’•’ ; m Ala Refer, iji (Jp! urn bus, (Ju., to I I’alten m* 1 1 Kos*'; nn! at\ y -tma, Ala., to T. D. uith- HL H 1 IHSSOLI TI V. ,1 q*U43 late firm of Kidgwaj, Kim S;"’* I ;.’ kffjto ■I nn th.. 24th Inaiiuit.', lh 1. Jiidgway. the burine*sa of the In l.nn vull up bv the iiwferalfutod, Hurvivom’ : ’rvw KlN'aß’ !?“ Wl'tfßf 9 Warehouse, Commissi -u, R £ L^‘9 AAD wmwiEDrto B rsiNß!*;M I*HK nndoi'dgnvd having f.rnu a dtrxlilp. will coil tin nr buxlncv at the xtanil (AlaUma Warehouse) umk the n ...I stylo of KINO A SOBSBY. m 1 twM* friend” nudcuxtomerx H.'-iilinimi- , Kh’ i(^9 < April l, 18S. 2il*tl 1* A SORB® V ’ jH