The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, July 02, 1856, Image 3
•r NEW books. 1 n I}RAHAM; or masks and laces, by J. F. Smith. St-aft : " astol ’ } '° f modern life: by the daughter if -‘ lJ *hv l prosper Merlince. ■ ‘ Mrs. Tuthill. ; : V t ot mated: by Alice Cary. i \ to perfect gentility :by E. Thoriiw. il. ” ,l ’ .ugrass Pa|H>n); by Fred t>. Cozzens. ’ “ r ' tjl p, : by Philander Doesticks. papers, and Irish Echoes; by $. Brougham, ii Carpenter’s Family, by W. E. S. Whitman. ’ ,nuel to the Forayers, or the Raid of the Dog ’• j,,’ \V. G. Simms, Esq. **•.,tfce American Kevolution, with Portraits, Counterfeit Ban), Notes, by O. i'rvL.u. ■ w , p o jth, a tale of Southern Rife; Cs Trials, anew novoß V# Island of Cuba, ed. by Tnrasher. Vapoleon at St. Helena. ■• History of Europe; second series. **'.),( most of Dumas’, Smith's, Dickens. Thacke- 1 ‘Dover’s, Lover’s, Reynolds’, 31rs. Southw orth’s. Hentz’s works; and choice selections from all 1 k.'r aopular authors. School Books, Ac. rale b.V *. IV. MATHEWS, I f _ No. 44 Broill l st. CEi^^ICE!! vICEIi! AT THE A HCTICJ|IOUSJ3. Jjp COOIi ADD THE SI3I3IER. lid has tho pleasure to announce to his old friends Isndpatrons of’6s, that he is again in tin- field for I iirti. Days of ’56, and pledges himself to soil JOE us I, the lowest. My ICE HOUSE is directly between f, , rr ,’ and Oglethorpe llonses, ou OgletAorjv Street, t l .plcrs from the country for ICE by tin; box or ! r‘ri,will be forwarded wit I. dispatch. S. R. BRANNON, Agent. ‘ I iambus, April 7, 1856. ts | IICK AT tub: oijX> ice :hoitse, . a VVK tilled and opened the Old Tc Houso at n greet j ‘Jnease and considerable labor, p. supply the wants : pfiiple, and I claim your patronage,' being ONE y„l, | will furnish you as LOW as any one rise. I ’ ■mi oat last year and have opposition to dual with il, ut lam determined not to he run out again, and jj r the monopoly to advance ■ tio and a halt cents on 1 never have, nor do 1 expect to ask more jJIVO AND A HALF CENTS in quantities nmotmt ;tllmore than 30 pounds. lira prepared with a Horse and Wagon to deliver It in ~'ity,:ityour doors; and will attend pumiuaUy to l„nieri front the Country, or neighboring Towns, to ,u! tv Kail Hoad, Stage, or otherwise, as you tnay s,'Tickets to be hud at the leo House, orud ai v Store T. 31. HOG AN. S— Ice House open at all hours during the day (ex it Sunday). On Sunday trout BA. 31. to 12 31. iprii 16,1836. ts v T. 3(. H. A HOMESTEAD FOR !*l(b 310,000 worth of Paa-mst and Building Lots in the Gold Kegion of Virginia, Culpepper County, pO be divided amongst 10,200 subscribers, on the 17th of September, 1856, for tic benefit of Port Koyal male Academy. Subscriptioi s mily ten dolbn each; ilialfdown, the rest on the delivery of the Deed, ery subscriber will gel a tuildiug tot or n Farm, aging ill value from $lO to $25,000. These Farms and tsarc sold so choap to induce settlements, a -ufiiciont inter being reserved, the increase in value of which it compensate for the apparent; low price now asked, it most amide security will be given for faithful jxr mance of contracts and promises. Sure Agents are wanted ts obtuin subscribers, to horn the most liberal inducements will be given. Some stats write us that they are making S2OO pet- month, dvertising will be done for every Agent where possible, trfull particulars, Subscriptions, Agencies, &c., npply I. BAUDER, Jane 27. Port Royal, Caroline Cos, Vs. CALL IN TIME, AND BE READY f WHEN WE CALL- M-—Private Families, and persons I BhjWrtMF wishing caiis with the Omnibus at ■jjySgSgx-f -.Private Hi uses, will find a Slate at W. W— the Oglethorpe ami Perry Houses, register their calls. Trust no one’s memory, but put on the Slate. If you want to bo called for, send your ,11s in early, viz: for the Muscogee, previous to 12 o’clock in the day id tat night. Opelika Road, previous to ? o'clock in the morning idfat night. Girard and Mobile Road, previous to 12J4 to the aftcr on. ©•Person* registering for an Omnibus, must specify (Hoad they wish to go <:u. and what Train. June so-lm J AS. J. LOVELACE, Agent. P. MALLUTT, General Commission Merchant, NEW YO K, lAX ho found at tho office of I). Golden Murray, Esq. 162 South Street. Particular attention given to orders tor ligghig, Rope, Liquor*, Cigar*, Ac. Ac. Refer to John )luu a, Esq., n. Golden .Murray, Columbus, Ga. Now York. June 23, 18.56. 6m. FLOUR AND BACON. |7k HUES. FLOUR, just received; ‘ld 150 bbls. Superfine Flour, at $6.50 porbl. foi five barrels; 125 bbls. Family Flour, at SB.OO per hi. for five barrels: <US per hi. for one barrel Superfine, and only fciu per bl. for one barrel at a time, best Earn. Flour. ffi.OOO lbs. best Tennessee GOOD BACON, at as low to as it can be bought for in this market. Fir sale (against all competi don) by line 30-lm .TAMES LIOON. NOTICE. ‘HE Mechanics of Columbus and the adja, lit couu l try, are respectfully requested to meet at Temper- Hall, on Wednesday Evening, July 2d, at half ■ st T o’clock. The object of the meeting is the formation [ * Mechanics Association, looking to the welfare of ; :• class of the community. A general attendance of j Mechanics of the city is desired. jane 27. ‘ MANY MECHANICS. PREMIUM MATCHES! :(| GROSS Partridge & Co.’s Premium MATCHES, a I” superior article, for sale by .T. T. SCOTT, C'jrnmission Mcreiumt, June tin 141 Broad at. •lUST THE THING! j'INE BRANDIES, Gin. Wine, and Syrups, in pocket 1 packages, can be bought i>( •T. T. SCOTT, Commission Merchant, June fill 141 Broad st. CHICKENS, EGGS AND BUTTER. JIOHKBT MARKET PRICE, in Cash or flo< dt, given U for CHICKENS. EGGS. RUTTER, mid Country *Muco. >T. T. SCOTT, June 2t> 141 Ihvid st. A CARD. ’IUCUMBTANCES require that I should for the pre wnt abandon five practice if my Proffesalou. F. A. STANFORD- M. D. , NEGROES AT AUCTION. t r 11 o’clock on Tuesday next, the Ist dnv of July An will sell at the Market House, a LIKELY WO ,’ 30 years old and her BOY CHILD 8 incuths old. “oauin a No. I Meat and Pastry Cook. Washer and toner. Urms— Credit, until Ist January next, with note ami “Roved security. HARRISON k McGEHEK. ■'line 27. 15, J. PINCKARD, Auctioneer PRESERVING CANS. i ‘MJPERIOR article Ibr wilo by ■A dune 19. 3m K- M ALDM OKTIf. ;yoTl(F> IJARWTN BRYANT is our sole Agent to dispose ot J/ Rights to “GARRETT’S PATENT OIL SOCKET! jfi AXLE CLEANERS,” ill ttie States of Georgia “Tennessee. His address will be Atlanta, Georgia. .Jui'.e2s-6t M. P. BLUE A CO. .. BACONS BACONS •K lUIDS. ami 24 boxes TENNESSEE B.'-OON. us *Ysorted, just received on consignment, auilforsab , s Alabama Ware House, by Jane 21-ts KING A SOKSBY. , BACON SHOULDERS. •) HOGBUEADS BACON SHOULDERS, just received v consignment, and for sale at the FontiJiie M are li UnnelfiJ 111 HUES A DANIEL. IQQ BUSHELS received jjud lm; ‘lay 23 ( <tf AMPAGNK*Port,*Ch)ret. Maderia, Cieily and ‘l*l . wyu.t reeeivoil amt for eh'iy , ( ,„ FINE SNUFF AND CIGARS. Havanua Cigars. Lorelaid’s Snuff, constantly on j >n d and for sab', wholesale end retail, *s*?•- • j a 'l street. TOUU ’ clumbus, Oct. B , PEAS AND BEANS. 150 BUSHELS PEAS and I! ANB. Just received and M .'2. tf** 0 b> JEFFERSON AJIAMII.TON. ‘d SACKS (98 lbPeacb) imd 46 Sacks (49 Ita Jlfh) r 0- AA. Ilugulov’a No. 1 Flour, Oaenapa Mills— W'Mived on eonsiinmetit ivod for gale by May 24. JAMES MOON. COLUMBUS PRICES CURRENT CTED WEEKLY. bare KOPK-Kemuck, l ft 1 n &■ & A candles ** “ g coffee—Rio g g g 7 tt ' a -: ft lb 18 (g, 20 CORN UgUlra ** 16 l6 DOMESTIC GOODS- £ £,} ® 00 Cotton Osnaburgs -p yd iiju ® ii X Brown Shirting as yd f, 57, USII Mackerel No. 1 bi 20 00 &25 On ‘ft Id !15 00 @2O 00 - No '° %N bl 12 00 ;(o) 15 00 FLOUR iVpe ... ift ... gunpowder::::::::::::::::;:; £ ® HIDES—Diy {£. *’ |® 6 * English @ Swedes ;! f . Sheet ,£ ? “ <3 ‘’!4 RIME .8 <3 16 KiffEEEE-^Ss 1 3 , l f me* } ® PROVISIONS: ‘rt:gl;lA. („ 150 vim ::: |, ::: Bacon—-Items filb 11'.. 2; lcs r l vih n'-Tu nr -I‘oitK-MtK.s %■ ... | .. n -’ . rrim ivihij ... ... ; UUI n '/A” i- 1 . Buitkr—aloshcu t*;lb ; 33 (o 35 Country |$ ft ! 25 ft I 30 vvif-tt) 15 ft 16 a .._ lrish Ivjb’l 3mV Oi 4 nsi IVsU 175 (if 2 (HI SALTPETRE ft ft j 20 ft 25 SHOT... ?,b”- 225 ft: 250 SPIR ITS—Brandy, Coguac Hllg’l 225 @. 800 American... g’lj 65 ft’ 100 Peach g’lj ... ft. 150 Giu—Holland ‘#|g’t 125 ft. 250 American ? g’l 75 ft. 100 Hum—Jamaica fVg’l 200 ft 300 New England.... |4|g , l 75 ft 1 00 “’lliskey—Rectified..... r # g’l; 40 ft 45 Common. %lg’l! ... ft 310u0ug’0.... ft g’s 75 ft 150 SPIRITS TURPENTINE ? g’l ... !ft: 100 STEER—PIow ¥lb; ... ft! io Cast lb ... ft 22 German f! lb 1 ... ft) 15 American lUisttw ft ft | ... ft io English Blister fblb 1 ... fti 15 SUGAR— New Orleans ‘flllb • lo ft! 12 Loaf. ?jfc 12lit ft’ 13 Crushed ?.|ib 12Ul@ ‘ 13 Pulverized.... ? tb I’ibiiift 14 TALLOW fit, io ft 121.7 TEAS, Sib so ft 200 FOBACCO—•Common | I2l<;!ft’ 15 Fair if |lh 1 30 Choice filb 50 Ift 75 TWINE filb 25 ‘ft VINEGAR—AppIe jfjli’l 050 ift 750 WHITE LEAP a75 l@! 325 WINES—Port f g’l 150 Ift 300 ‘ludeira ts ig’l; 150 Ift :5 00 Claret fjg’l] 300 ift I jOO (Jhampague .f'bk : 1 no Ift’ 20 00 WOOL ?,ld 15 |@l 23 RATES OF EXCHANGE. CORRECTED IIY W. E. LOVE A CO. LOTTERY AND EXCHANGE BROKERS. NO. 64 BROAD STREET. RUVIM; RATES. SEEEINO RATES. New York, 60 days V,£ ft ct. din .sight, ]f, preni Philad’a, “ ” I'm ‘fl ct. dis •• none Boston, “ •• ct. die “ none Charleston “ none. none N. Orleans “ none. ** none Alabama Bank Votes 2 f et. dis Tennessee “ 2 ] ,<7 f ct. tlis Kentucky i; f ct. dis N. Carol’a “ “ 2 fct. dis Virginu •’* 2 f et. dis Gold and Silver I et. pu All Solvent Georgia and S. C. Banks par MUSCOGEE It AID ROAD. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. 13 ROM and after this date, the Day, or Express Train, ’ will leave tho Depot at 1. P. 31.. and arrive it 3leon at G'4 P. 31. Leaves 3lacou at 2 A. 31.; arrives at Columbus at V/i A. 31. Morning, or Accommodation Train, will leave at V/\i A. 31., and arrive at 31acou at 10.54, A. 31. Leaves Macon at 3 P. 31.; arrives at Columbus l>v 10.10, P. 31. J. L. 31USTIAN, Columbus, Jime 20, 1856. Sup t. DOUBDE DAIDY SERVICE. feki.H JMfrlBF- IBWa/ Office Montgomery and West I’oixt R. It Cos., 3rontgomery, July 6, 1855. ) ON and after this date, the Passenger Trains on this Road will be governed by tho following Schedule: DAY TRAIN. Leave 3lontgotnery 5 45 A. 31. Arrive at Wost Poiut 1145 A. 31. Arrive at Columbus 11 50 A. M. Returning —Leave West Point t* 00 A. M. “ Leave Columbus.., 8 40 A. >l. “ Arrive at Montgomery 2 36 I*. 31. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 7 00 P 31 Arrive at West Point 2 30 A. 31. Arrive at Columbus 2 45 A. M. Returning —Leave W est Point 11 30 P. 31. “ Leave Columbus...— 10 00 P. M. “ Arrive at Montgomery 115 A. M. Double daily connections arc continued from West Point to Atlanta, Augusta uud Nashville, and from Co lumbus to Macon, Augusta and Suvanuali. ffff* Negroes traveling alone must be provided with two passes, showing permission of their owners to travel over the Road, one of which will be retained by tho Con ductor. Nov 10 FA3IUEL G. JONES, Eng. & Sup. TICKETS TO 3IONTGOMEUY $5 ‘■> ATLANTA ’■> 50 NASIIVILLK. TENN 15 50 FBEBII FAWIDY SUPPLIES. RIO. LAGUIRA, JAVA, and MOCHA Coffee: BACON SIDES, HAMS and SHOULDERS : Brown, Clarified, Crushed, Powdered and Loaf Sugar-’ Soda Biscuit, Butter Crackers, and Raisins; Sardines, Banco, and Pickles; Patent Sperm, Adamantine, Star, arid Tallow Caudles : FRESH MAY BUTTER and Leaf Lard: Maccoboy Snuff in jars and bottles: Pine Green and Black Teas; Soap, Starch, Saleratus and Table Salt: Gunpowder, Shot, and Percussion Caps: Pepper, Spice, and Vinegar; HAVANA and common CIGARS,and Chewing Toltacco Lemon, Raspberry and New Orleans Syrup : Fine and Common Brandy, Gin, Rum, and Whiskey; London Porter, and Edinburgh Ale; Genuine Heidsick, Champagno and Claret Wine: Wolfe’s Aromatic Bcheidam Schnapps; linker’* and Stoughton’s Bitters, etc. etc. On consignment and for sale low for cash. Juno P. 3. T. SCOTT, 141 Broad Street, opimsite new Masonic Hall. _ WOODBRIDGE’S PADACE DAGUERREAM GADDERY, Over Brooks A Chapman's Blue Drug Store, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. HAVE you seen any of the new style ol’ Picturesoir Glass? If not, call and sec. Tho Double Face Pic tures ~re a curiosity, and uro invaluable us true likelier.— No fadlug witli those Pictures. For taking children it is unsurpassed, requiring hut a few seconds to take a lif-like impression. A better expression can he got by this process than by any other, the time of exposure b.- iii” so short. Daguerreotypes from tbo smallest, i<<r Lockets or Rings, to the largest, for 1 runies, taken in tins most finished styb . Some stylcsof case.-, on hand and for sale. J S. WQODBUIIX.F F’ bruary 27. Artist and Ambrotyplat. V. T. BARNWKDD, GENERAL LITERARY AGENT, ATLANTA, GA„ Is authorised to art as agent for The Daily Sun, ’ tin* irocurfmnt of uubscriptionsHuil n | rweiv* *nd rruript for th** for tb<* GAS YITTIKG. / N AS FITTING in all its brauebes promptly att-nd. J. *T to and warranted. BATHING AI’PARATUh, tc. ec ! Juue 19. 3m R- M. 3LDWOKTU. r Randolph Ist. nearly opposite the t ost chu• • TINNERS’ TOODS AND MACHINES. t SET of Tools and Machines having been used but ir A short time, for -ah- by D. It. THOMPSON AML I June 17. Im 1 ret. CATALOGUE FIINTE GROCERIES, BY Marcus & chaffin, 77 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. 1 Flue Teas. Oolong 1 Young Hyson Hyson Imperial < Gunpowder Souchong and Pouclmng Sugars. Stuart’s Crushed do. Ground do. Refilled, A 1! (’ N. O. Brown do. Clarified Coffee. Old Gov Java i Brown Superior white Java Old Mocha i Lnguira and Rio Provision. Tennessee Hams Georgia “ . Ex. Sngar-citrod Hants Sew York Fulton Market Beef Smoked and Pickled <l,, Smoked Tongues Pickled do Extra Pig Pork Bacon Sides and Shoulders Best Leaf hard Flail. Mackerel in bids and hfdo ! Salmon, sni’kil ami pickled j White Fisli Apalach’a do Fresh Shad in cans “ Lobsters “ | ” Salmon •• “ Oysters ‘* Pickled Oysters “ Lobsters Hominy. Split Pens. Flour. Extra Genossee ” St Louis City Mills Extra Bnckwlteai Crackers. Soda Biscuit Butter Crackers Boston “ Graham Bread Sugar Crackers Fancy “ Bent s Crackers, in bids atal cans Fruits. Malaga Raisins Layer “ Prunes iu jars ” in boxes “ in kegs, lor cooking i Sultana Raisin’ Fresh Figs Oranges Lemons Apples Currants and Citron Nuts and Almonds Spices. N utuiegs Mace Cloves Cinnamon Ginger Rlack Poppej’ White *• Cayenne Fcppei Allspice Currie Powder Bird Seed. Canary and Hemp Preserves. Pineapple Limes Peaches Pears Green Gages Canton Ginger Jams and Jellies Isinglass. Cooper’s Shred Cox’s Sparkling Gelatine. Refined Isinglass English Pickle. English Mustard Pickle Mixed do White Onions d<> Chow Chow Gherkins American Pickle. Gherkins Mixed Pickle Ma ugoes March 14. 1y DRS. H. at. &. at. A. CI.KCKI.KY, HAVIN'*. associated tii’ Risclves iii the practice of MEDICINE aud Hl'KOEltA', tender their services I. tin 1 pnldir generally. .(’articular attention will !• bestowed to diseases pecu -linr to Fr.motes, Chronic affection* of all kinds, wliicli may he cutrusted to tin ir tmitmcnt. if i>;. Office next iloor to Ifidgwav. Cleekley A 00.. over Perry Spencer’* (ivoecry .tore, Hrotul st. At) Office hour*from * to 10 v. m., ami from H to I c. M.: also at night lietwccn s ami 111 o'clock-, Columbus, April 2o It HIAKKI.K AND TOM B-STONK WORKS. liarulolpli Hired, opposilc op tliorpi- Hotel. coiajm mm, Georgia. where lie is prcpareil, will, the Ia si flulian and Ameri can Alarldo, to furnish all Hilda of Monument*, Tombs nud (have Stone*, as cheap us they can I"’ had in any part, of the country. North or Houih. lie res - 11 tfully solicits a share ot pub lic patronage. He flatter! himself that lor workmanship lie will five satisfaction to the most fastidious. April I!', I*o*l. ly HENRY McCAL'LKY. |t. r. MIAI’AEI) 0. C. MITCHELL. SHAPAKI) AIITCHKI.I., WHOIiKSAIiIii &ROCIIB.S, Forwarding and Commission Merchant*, an 1 dealers in IKON, CASTINGS, ,South Side of the Puldi.- Sipmrc. filiclbyvillo, ‘rcnncHSOo. Urferrnccs, iSeyinorr. I.inniug A On., | 11. A: 11. Douglass A Cos . | Hillman A Brother. Nashville, Tmmissue. Lanier A Phillips. Davis. Pilcher Cos. •!• ‘! ‘ * vi bnita, Ga. .1. K. Milljauis A t o. ) • iranville, Sample A Cos.. OhnttnmsigH. Tenn. McCally A Jones, MucoU,(Ju. .1. li. Hull A Cos.. Columbus. (la. ,1. A. Atisley, li, Hcranteu, Kolb A Cos. / ‘ h ’ Veratille A Frierson. Savannah, Ga. Shcperd, McCray A Cm.CliarleiUiH, H. February S, 180 H. mm PRESERVED FiII)ITS 4te. 1-xiN’E OLIVES, Olivo 01), French Cream Fruit, pro ’ served Fruit, ami ripe Fruit of different kind*. Also lilic fresh aud sum y Candle*,.just received and for sale at 42 Broad Street. yp,y g, A IHOMAN. TO the vvwute. r|V|(E trading public who have hitherto putmuucd the I XKOY FACTOIIV, will please take notice that IV. K. Harms is tio longer connected or associated in auy uian net* whatever with the business id the establishment.— All business hereafter will I*’ tranwetud cue] naively w it It ourselves at onr Ware-Booms. I!. O. .IKKFKKNON A CO. Columbus, Oct. g o —ts Farmers, Your Interest I* Here. - , , /uw-i hBH. Chandler A Co’* very anprrioi rile Ql/,Ulbed sides, In handsome boxes id’ alaiut PR) nI, aucli. Package* to you are a liajf cent pm lb. less thau small lots. Conn up and buy no less tlinb a package. Jut ris eivsd u>l for sale by ’ Mu*, 21. -JAMES MOON. EXTRA LEAF LARI). Aft BARRELS Extra Leaf Lard, just received and f--r *4* / sule at the lowest figure*, by . , . March U * < 0 TRIMMED CURED HAMM. J'UHT received on consignment, 10 Casks more Chand ler A Co.'s No. 1 trimmed and cored Haute, and I'W saJby _ USOV COAL YARD. rnHOHE wishing COAL for Orates, can la; supplied at I ill! nor Ton. by calling ou A sidiur 1 .1, JOHN W. IIOWAKD. Nov Id Agent Selma Coal Mine Company. American Pickle. Tomatoes Red Cabbage Peppers Gherkins iu bids and kegs Maccaroni. Vermicelli. Cheese. I English Dairy State Cheese Sap Sago Hue Apple Cheese English l liedder do Bntter. Goshen Rutter, by every steamer Molasses. Golden Syrup Stuart’s do N 0 Molasses Misceila neons. Colgate’s Soap “ Starch Sperm Candles Patent “ Star “ Olive Oil ! Horse Radisli He Fruit Powder ( Shot | Caps Gun Wads | Powder Flasks ! Shot Pouches Drinking Flasks Raspberry Syrup Lemon “ Cordials Brandy Fruit Chocolate ami Cocoa Potatoes Onions Wood and Willow Ware Scotch Ale London Porter Rice Candy Yeast Powder Strasbourg Pates. Petit Pois Truffles Moutarde Do Maillc Pates De Foie Gras Sauces and Catsups. Worcestershire Sauce I Reading John Bull “ Pepper *• Tomato Cupsup Walnut “ Mushroom •• Underw<K)d’s Relish French Olives Seville Capers Sardines Tobacco Cigars. Always on baud a fine lot of choice brands. Vinegar Winrs. Madeira Wine Port “ Sherry Malaga “ Wliite Cooking Wine Champagne, lieidseick & Cos Mumm’s Vergeuay Cabinet “ Imperial Crcmo de Bouzv Still Hock Sparkling Hod, Riiine Wine Imperial Sherry in bottles Regina Port Reserve Madeira Tnrreo “ Liquors. Dial'll Brandy Henaessc Brandy Imperial in bottles Alpha •• “ Old Q Old Nabob’Ruin “ Scotch Whiskey Irish “ Monoiigaliela Whiskey Old Bourbon Jamaica Bum Holland Gin Irish Whiskey Cooking Braiuly. MORE PRIZES THAN BLANKS! 5,031 FIR.JZES. 60,000 SOLiIkAJIS. 10,000 Numbers Only! GRAND SPECULATION! FOR A SMALL INVESTMENT!! * IMPROVEMENT ON THE Approved Havana Plan Lottery. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY! By Authority of the State of Georgia. CLASS O. To he Drawn July 15, 1856, At Concert Hall, 31acon, Goorgtu, under tlie sworn super intendence of Col. George M. Logan and James A. Nesbit, Eeqr. Ibis Littery is drawn on the Plan of tlie Royal Lot tery of Havana id'Single Numbers. This hns oniy Numbers, and the Havana Lottery 34,000 Numbers—the Havana 240 Prizes—this, 5031 Prizes, book to your in terest ! Now is the time. CAPITAL PRIZE $7,500! 1 t’rize of ift.MHl is *7,500 1 “ 3.000 ia 3,000 1 •’ 2,000 is 2.000 ? “ 1.000 are 3,000 •* AoOarc 2,500 20 •’ 100 are 2,600 .5,000 •• 8 are 40,000 5,031 Prizett amounting to $60,000! Tickets $lO Unites $5 Quarters #2 50. All Prizes Payable Without Deduction. Persons sending money by mail need not fear its Is-ing lost. Orders punctually attended te. Communications confidential. Bank Notes of sound Banks taken at par. Drawings sent to all ordering Tickets. Th,we w ishing particular numbers should order imme diately. The 5,000 prizes of *B, are determined by tlie drawing ot the Capital of ,*7.500: if tile number that draws the Capital ia an even number, those Tickets ending with 0,2, 4,0, 8. are entitled to *S: if an odd number, those Tickets ending w ith 1,3, 5,7, 9, arc entitled to .<B. Address JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, May 15 t.l .Macon. Ga. W. K. LOVE, Agent, No. 04 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, X P’ OAt XBBO. sit AT THE ONE-PRICE C LOT 11 INC i EMPORIUM OK J - H. DANIEL Sc 00-, 123 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., Can I*’ found a full supply, w ith constant addition-, of Oentlcmeu’s First Class READY MADE CLOT 111 N<i. Os their Own Mnnutw'ture, Warranted lo fcive full eat inflict ion to the jtui chufrer. A large ami wi ll nulected Stock of (jicntlniieii’it Ctouils, llnls Cn|s, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises, rmhrellas Ac. Also, a Leantiful HissorliiK iit of Trench uud English CLOTHS, CASSIMEREB & VESTINGS, Which they arc prepared lo make tip in ;i Mtvl#fCnt aiul Mantifactutv, never vet cejmilk'd South. Call, exumiiic and In* stiited. April 0, NKIV ( O-PARTKEHSIIU*. MAXiBIiJB YARD. J. 11. MAOHKJN Ac THOMAS KE^W, Oglcthor]"’ Slm t, wlicr** they Mill at all tint* ~ fcuud readv to rereh<- and and promptly execute all f.rdern given to them. They pledge thoJßeelves to satiefy all who pntroni/.e them, hi mate rial, work nut nship, and quick nows of execution. They will k , er coustautly mi hand Cement and Plaster of Paris. Taon Ratling, of the ueivot pHtteru-. alwa>.*. procured at reaHimanle i*at sand mi the nm-t advauta* geous teriUH. All who know Madden, know him to he a workmun of taste and judgment. Tin we who wink to show reaped to the ‘/dear *no departed** will find it to their aiitau* tiige to give the new linu a call. I h A. K AYER, (iIiNEUAD AGhiNT. AUCTION, COMMISSION, BECEIVINO Anri Furvvardiug Merchant, No. 131 West .Side JJroitd Street, Colutubus, Ga. Air Partirular attention given to tbekoepiug,)<urcluis ami sale of Negroes. Jtgy-Adminlstiati>Ts’ mid Executors’ sslcsatb uded to un renamutbln terms. Oct. 23. ly .1. <). Jt UHL. .1. It. liAVIS. W. U. lOMi BUSB, DAVIS & LONG, COMMISHION MEIt CII A IN T K \iul 3lii|iping Agents, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. VI 7 11,1, purchase and sell cotton aud other produce on \\ commission, and strictly attend to iorsvardio ; g'sals and filling orders from the country. Rtlae, Patten A Cos., agents Columbus, hy whom liberal advances will l: made on consignments either to or through us to onr friends in Liverpool or tlie North. Jan.l6 ly A CARD. s—fc-, I WOULD most respectfully give U'sff Yf (ice to the citizens ol Columbus an<l w ‘J J vicinity, that. I still continue to give INSTRUCTION ON THE PIANO, uud in SINGING. I have room 6>r six nr night uioie Pupils . Those wishing to engage my servlees. can do so l.v leaving their names at my Store. April 3b, 1856.22611 ,1. 11. VAN DEN BERG. UADKNHEAD PLOW STOCK. f|’He subscriber is tlie owner of *>PV | tlie rigid in the (‘artenliead - Plow Stock for Hiiss< , ll f'ounty, Ahibtinni. Yjiplv at toy shop in Girard, Ala. ’la: 30. 16.36. .1. 31. ('. REAP. FKKMII AND FINE. JUST RECEIVED— Extra St. Louis Flom Extra Geneseee do. Atlantic Superfine do. Pilot Bread; Butter and Soda Crackers Arrow Root and Fancy do. Java, Maracalls’i and Rio Coffee Teas, a very choice selection Sugars of every kind Raisins, Currant*, Citron and Almonds; Together with every tluno usually kept in the Unu:ery line, ter sale by fIIiNBY 4: ft), marl” FOR MALE OR RENT. fI’IIE IIGU’SK ou the corner of Troup and J[ Thomas street*, Lot 406, with ti>e r 1 sen.-, an excellent well of water, ail the out improve- lgjZg| )tieuts, aud has !*:eii recently put iu thorough 6 a a. repair. Cull at SAMMIS k ROONEY’S. June 211 io HIHI> < MM. -jijs V LARGE lot of BIRD CAGES, ju-.l f -eejv-MHI od and for xale cheap, bv ED^KI |0 11. ’I. 3 LIiUGItTII. JUST RECEIVED, VFINK lot of Kaiaios iu Boxes, also a large lot of Fits, for sal’ wbnlesnle or retail, by Dec 2 ( ELLA A THOMAS. FIIEsll SUPPMF-8. TOT recrlved. fresh Dates, Riiisinn, P rtmervee, at 42 growl str< t. CHELA A THOMAS. WHISKEY. ,)t URL'. Georgia Planters pure “-rn white While y. Ct) 35 Bills. “ • Ocoea 23 •• Tat lor - Old iMuesti.: Dirtilleiy 35 lo 75rents |s-r gallon, just recoivod from Teaticise a, ou consigament. and l -r sh bv Ma> 12. .lA3I US LIGON. WANTED. tpwENTY FIVE NEGROES tovork’ ti the Mu- “-., Pail Road, for utiotii IHafftil wage, wilt !-• paid. J. L. MUSTIAN, April 11. Bu|tsiinteud<-nt. TENNENWEE BACON. K/Y l\i tA LBS. Teulieasee Bacon just re< eivsd ~ >MJ,I *v Ft F for sale LO3V for caah, by \l„v 2ff. RIDGWAV Cf.EffKT.Y ,t e*. PROFESSOR WOOD’S HAIR RESTORATIVE. It Has Worked Miracles. ‘I’HAT ALL THE BALD AND GRAY can be restored X perfectly to original growth, so far as their locks are concerned, does not admit of doubt; licstdcs, it will cure every liossible disease “t the sculp, whether developed as dandruff, itching, or in the shape of cutaneona erup tions--even scaUl-hcad—aud in no possible case will it fail of curing, as if by uiugic, nervous or periodical head ache, and it'used twice a week hy the young, regularly, it will preserve the color, and keep tho liair from fulling, to any imaginable age. Read and judge. LooANsrotrr, la.. June, 18,35. Mxssdib. 0. J. WiMJI) k CO.: Gouts—Y’ours of the 1: ifli came duly to haad. En closed, please find thirty-eight dollars, it being th’- amount for Hair Restorative. I have sold it all. ‘ ’ If you choose, you may send six dozen bottles llair Re torative; 1 think 1 can sell it. It has worked ruirade* in tins place. I sold s mini six 81 bottles, that was bald aud it fetched new haircut all over his head. Your*, respectfully. ‘I. 11. GRIDLEY C. R. 11. On let. \ anvaMa. Juno 21. 18.34 ! PROFESSOR 3\ GOT)— Dear Sir—l take pleasure ill lien ring Voluntary les j tiuiony to the eseetlence of \Mttr Hair Restorative. Three months ago iny hair was very gray. It Is now a dark brown,(the original coior.lsmooth and glossy. The oul; I application T have made t>> it, has been the'llair Rest j rutivr prepat od by yon, and which, from the result in m.vown rose, I can most eordlnllv recommend toother-. Respectfully, yours, FDW. YYOhCOTT. 3 txef'XM In.. Juue 21. Ibid. : I’ROF. O. .1. \\ iMIp— As >. it are about to miiniil.ictnro and vend your i> cently discovered Hair Uestorutive, # V will state. Hm j w tionisocver it may concern, that I have used it, aud known other* to ner it—that I have, for several years, ! been ill the habit of using ether llatr Restoratives, aud that 1 find yours vastly superior h> any other 1 know, it entirely cleanses tin- head ot dandruff, and with oue month's proper use. will restore any person’* hair to tin original youthful eolor and texture, giving if a healthy, soft and glossy appearance; slid all lids, without discol oring tlie bands that apply it, or the dross on which it : drops. I would, therefore, n coitmioyid its use to every oik’ d'-sH'otisdf lmviuga fine color end texture of hair. Respei'tfnlly. yourt,. WILSON KING -i. Dot If. June 2(1, 1853. , PROF. YHMID— As you are about to ot pare ,i.nd ’end vour recently discovered llair Restorative, an I as you request my opin ; ion of it, I will state, that my lour was, a few tuotiUi ago, very gray, aud offer ndiiftwo bottles of your l-aii Restorative, it resume 1 its original color; and sine, it upidlcatlou, nil dniidnu Jm- dlsappe'iirod from my hetul. and 1 have I sen trouble,. ■. ilii uo ilisagrecahln It. Ling ‘4 the scalp. lam satisfiod list thonu wUo uao It f ill no: regret it, as it. gives tin Y.. iv the npiienranoe of having been recently oiled. lam prepared, lliereforo, to ricoui mend ils use tonll who at e desirous of having n IteuMtilv I j bead of hair. 1 nm. sir. yours, etc. H. L. STEW AB7 . I PROF WOOD— Di .ir Sir—3l y lieu bad. for several years, been E. I eouiiug prematuridy gray aecoiupanied by a harahneos j which leinlcrcd Ihacoualuul application of oil necessary I in dressing it. YVhcu I commenced uiiingyonr Hair hos ■ torative, about two months ago. it wm- in that condition : \ and having routinued its use till within the hint three weeks, it bus turned to its natural eolor, and assumed * softness aud lindre greatly to he proferred to those pro | dticcd h.v the uppiicii.tiou of oils or any othpr pieparation I have over used. I regard it as an indispensable article i for every lady's loilet, win lliqr lo be used as a. llair lo I torative, or lor the simple purpose of dressing or beaut’ tying (lie liair. Vim bare permission to refer to me all I who entertain any doubt ut its performing all that f eliiiinedtor it. MRS. ('. BY.3IONDB, j f'tiiciiinali, Ohio. Feb. 16.1851. 144 Thirds!. j Wui lflowk. ’lass., Jlay 1,1X54. PROF. <. J. UOOlt— Vllow me to attest the virtues uud magic powers ol I yout Hair Kestorativo, Tim e mouths since., being ex -1 cocdingl.v gray, I purchased,uu<l h<hiu eoninioncMlto use* i two bot.t lea; audit msui began to tell, in restoring tie silver locks l” l It, ir mil tv o color, and the hair, which was before dry and bursli and lulling off, now i-cumir roft uud N-lossy, and it ceased falling; the dandmlT dinar, pean and, and tbv bculp lost uJI the disagreeahle annoy iug befoic. and now, 1 not ouly lr'k, but fcW ’oungaßutn. Hei'is'i (fully, yours, etc. i CUARLES WIMTNEY'. Fold nl 111 Murltcl. [druul, Ft. Louis, 3Fisaoari, 31* : Broadway, Now York, aud by all Druggists everywhere All kiud-et lauuly |uil>mt uiodecinis for sab.ontb hest posaildo ("I'tUH, at. I’rofeoyir Wood's cstahlishnn iM. t f ’lari'’ I s’ te- t. Ft. I. tlir. ! For side in t “luin'.O” at I lie Dt ug Morn of KIVLI V T1t0.’1.38 ,t (u Juue l— llil CtIEWACLA LIME. rj’HE uudcrsigtisd. Agents of tlie above Litue Works, j 1 aru prepar’ dlo fill or.lcrs ut all times for LIMF in the followin'; pu. ka ;es. lo wit: 3 Bushel Barrels, and I’. | Busin I Barrels, in good older lor shipping. This Lime is el lite quality , equal in every respect j the h, ,q, Tbouia.don Lime, and lias superseded It in th. ; tut rior ol .Ylab.nua uud Western Georgia. Meant.. ■ liv. r’ and at. any point in Middle Georgia uiiileiially’ chei | • ! . r than Tlnunaslon. May 24. GI.’NBV A 00 j NOTICE i hereby given, that after isildlcatiou of this notu. j I lor ix weeks, appli. aWou will Is. mado to the Corn | uiiasiouor ut I’eosiuus, lor the issue ~fa duplicate t.i i Warrutit No. 50.680, uct of March tid, 1853, issued to k- i, 1 1 Kcuidy, lute a privatu in Cajd. < fdeman s Company, in , <"ol. A. Bates I’.giinrnt of Georgia ’lilltlu. in the Indian War “Y 1836, the same having been lost, andacaveei 1 jguiusl its location ‘ til. led In tlie General Isold (MB'. . ’ Dat'd JilUz: ll'tli. I 5.56. ELI AS HULL, juii':lfi-"'6w Attorney for Neal Kenedy NEW ('(F-PARTNBHHHIF. ’l’llE und.'i'sigued have entered into the (IROtTRY 1 RLrfINF',B, under the firm and name nfltlDG WAY’ GLKI'fCLEY k tin. Wn will keep conalantly or band a large sloek of choice Groceries. D. A. KIDGYVAY. A. D. ( LECKLEY 31. D. HONEY, janktl 11. ’I. CLKCKLEA CHEAP FISH. I X 8U1,.'.. Pickled MULLET FFSll—2ftHt s. net each- It) as g.siil as No. 2 .A’-ekerel. just received and In | sale at <8 per barrel, by JA3IK.B LIGON BK,->T FAMILY ft LOUR. ““7 HARMED* Stewart A Duncan’.’ Lest Family Flcto I tj just reci iv'-.l on coiisiguuieul and for sale by- May 24. JAMES LIGON fIRKAT REDUCTION IN FLOITC VT ’'. INTER S PA LACE ‘111,1,8. JkOI’MI.E EXTRA Family eqiuil to Hiram / Smith vln no |JIt bat re. Extralo.n.dy H 5u •• *• Palae. Mills Superfine 7 66 ‘■ Georgia ’fills. su|s*t-fine. equal to Ten* uessee 665 ■* Georgia Mill-, line, e'|tml to Tenueso-i U .56 Five |r cent, ‘lis'-iiunt to ,!< aler . June 13. WINTER’!; PALACE MILLS. ROOMM KOK RENT. ri’wn PLKAEANT NEW KM)’IK over K. Ilarnautv 1 Grooerv Store, with Ga- Fixture*. Closet Ac. com plete, suitable f..r oflie, -or sjei-pin, r sine. Enquire ol June 5. C. MORTON, Agent. VACUA BLK PtiOPEHTT. OM; o| tie most desiral > atm eonveuiently m. lireungeij KESIDEN* ,8, i t tin- elty. fnr ffin ml' 1 “U h’ , * iiane m |ut tii” I, r>,, Ji 1 M J tuplvto A. K. AVER, May 13.2370 IHI llroad htrf’ l. TV IGON6. I 1-1 r.evned ami,or ml cheap *l toffv Northern Ituiii “ugous, a bi-l ret” article, tin tw. Hid four kffc3 luus.s. Alw., out •upeti.rOx ( ari*®**™®""*'** - ”" 1 with B'ajy and Y'oke ciaupj.'t . ’ln.v 26. Gt'NBY i CD. FINE BRANDY. 1,2.4 | ‘ AsES till” Bruody- “DC dozen in a ran |u i /> F reci ive” ou i oiisi turnout, and tor sale lv Jin,. 2. ILARHI.SON .v McQEHKI EXTRA AMD bI'PERFINK FLOUR. 04 k -3CK- J. Ilroyls Extra Superfine Flout : O’ F 4fi Sin ks J. IlioYl Si)|ierfiui Flour; 21 Sacks Mussougale'* Extra snperline Flour • Just in ein-d i, it consignment and tor t-alo by ‘lav 24. JAMES LIGON. THE CLAYTON BANNER, Clayton, Barbour Cos., Ala. BY KIKSIFI A POST. tnuus Par t isixsesses a largo circulation iu the cnuti -1 tie* id Rarlsuir, Pike, Dale, Ileur.v nail Coflee: nnd t-, the uierchautHirf Columbus i* offered an excelii nf r*,- portiroity to make known their busite IIEBT TENNESSEE BACON. 14 Wkl|| if | LBS. Best Ten m Bacon -hog t out It F” F,t Ft Ft F now offering at low Ii ,-ur. . Dent Ist ideas ot low r pric, s keep you away. 3ly hucon is usd cured, and I lielievi', sctliug now at the lowest price fur thf .. iison. Come 111 the ’tent flouse and buy of Mcliur 24. JA’iyy LlGtrk CHEESE. V FINE lot „| Wi-teni f’esmvc CHEESE, just re . received l.x June 23- (’ELLA A THOMAS. PRESERVES. ftXTRA c.iiiehols’Vest Tndhi Pr. -irxs.—hy is. Tj Cam Yfsv 2!l 6CNBY 6 Cff-