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About The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1856)
Phantom Train. I g ( understand that numbers of our own and persons living in the country on fLg of the railroad, ha ve been considerably friified 1111(1 uo littlc alamed by a singular i \ recently noticed on repeated occasions, the hours of 11 and 12 o’clock at *l, the approach of a train of cars has been I j heal'd, the shriek of the whistle and Crumbling of the train increasing in dis j until the cars rtuched the titaunton I Cnot and stopped. Persons have gone to the i to find out the cause of an arrival at so lual an hour, and when they got there | Li no train. The depot agents say tlmt no 1 4; is on the road at that hour of the night, j,. e t the approach of one is unmistakably 1 * jded by the rumbling and its arrival jounced V the whistle. —Staunton ( 11,.) I <itor. I .'How rapidly they build houses i.ow I” said | io an #U acquaintance, as he pointed to a | jo story house. “They commenced l rat build only last week auu they are alre.t ty putting I fthe lights.’’ “ Yes,” rejoined his friend, 4d next week they will p it in the liver.’’ *? | DOGS! DOGS!! DOGS!!! 3---O BULL TERRIERS f the celebrated English “Rat Hogs,’ l whose sires anil Li, are of great courage, with plenty of bone ami mus j, (iintlemen desirous of purchasing Dogs of superior alienee, will do well to call on the w ell known Jack sibins, at Mrs. Harter's next door to Mr. YornovV Urery Stables, Oglethorpe Street, and judge ferthem /tn. July 3.3 t TENNESSEE BATON, ~ am LBS. Choice BACON HAMS. SIDES and li.UUU SHOULDERS, for sale us our Warehouse. % 3. ts GREENWOOD & GRIMES. SOMETHING NICE. 1 UKGE lot of new EGGS warranted fresh—and \ rhe-ice COUNTRY BUTTER, for sale by ‘july 3. J. .1. Todd. ■ MUSCOGEE BIILDING AND GOAN ASSOCIATION. THE Twenty .third installment of one dollar per share j< payable on Saturday next, sth instant. The regu p meeting of the Association will lx; held M Concert Pillion that evening at 8 o’clock. STERLING V. GRIMES, July 3. Treasurer, NEW BOOKS. iirKD GRAHAM; or masks and faces, by J. F. Smith. * Initials; a story of modern life: by the daughter ufLordErskine. lilomba; by Prosper Merimce. jaility; by Mrs. Tuthill. Married, not mated: by Alice Oury. Wies Guide to perfect gentility; by E. Thorn well. It Sparrowgrass Papors; by Fred 8. Cozzeus. plu-ri-bus-tah ; by Pliilander Doosticks. Itiiunsby Papers, and Irish Echoes; by S. Brougham. It Ship Carpenter’s Family, by W. E. S. Whitman, tutaw, sequel to the i’oruyor.- . of the Raid of the Dog Bays, by W, G. Simms, Esq. IttMtof the American Revolution, with Purtr .its. Bow to detect Counterfeit Rank Notes, by G. Pc-yfon. foman’s Faith, a tale of Southern Life; [be Wife’s Trials, anew novel. [umboldt’s Island of Cuba, ed. by Tnrasher. tlbott’s Napoleon at St. Helena. INn’s History of Europe; second series. Also, the most of Dumas’, Smith’s, Dickens’, Thacke- Itv's, Lever’s, Lover’s, Reynolds’, Mrs. South worth’s, til Mrs. llentz’s works; and choice selection, from all Mother popular authors, School Books, Ac. For tale by GEO. V. MATHEWS, jane” No. 44 Broad st. 1 -CADD IN TIME, AM) BE REAl>r WHEN WE CALL. oßwaSky Private Families, and persons gggfflr wishing calls with the Omnibus at effißSSayf—.■—Privato Ileuses, will find a Slate at M. BE tho Oglethorpe and Perry Houses, wgister their calls. Trust no one’s memory, but put ion the Slate. If you want to bo called for, send your ilia in early, viz: For the Muscogee, previous to 12 o’clock in the day id Bat night. Opelika Road, previous to 7 o’clock in tlie morning id9at night. Girard and Mobile ltoad, previous to PJJ4 in the alter- MOD. fri” Persons registering lor mi Omnibus, mu-t specify It ltoad they w ish to go on, and what Train, ianooit-lm JAB. I. DOVEDACE, Agent. P. MADDETT, General Commission Merchant, NEW YORK, UN be found at the office of O. Coldoty Murray, Esq. J 02 South Street. Particular attention given to orders lor lagging, Rape, Liquors, Cigars, Jit:- &t. Refer to him Munn, Esq., I>. Coldeu Murray, Columbus, Ga. New York. June 23, 1856. Cm. FLOUR AND BACON. •tZ BBLB. FLOUR, just, receivud; I/I 1) 150 bbls. Superfine Flour, at $6.30 per hi. for five barrels; 125 bbls. Family Flour, at. SB.OO per bl. for five barrels: stda per bl. for one barrel Superfine, and only iUO perbl. for one barrel at a time, best Fam. Fl"ur. IS,OOO lbs. best Teunessee GOOD BACON, at as low j ia as it can be bought for in this market. For sale (against all competin’ 01) by .'Mr 30-1 nt JAMES UPON. NOTICK. ‘UK Mechanics of Columbus and the adjacent. coun- ! i try, arc respectfully requested to meet at Temper- ; re Hall, on Wednesday Evening, July 2d, at half t 7 o’clock. The object of the mooting is tkof rmatiou iMechanics Association. hiking to the ivellare of s class of the coinnmniiy. A general attendance of i* Mechanics of the city in deuired. June 27. MANY MECHANICS. bacon: bacon:: TUE have now prime SIDES which we • ffer lit ldljfc 11 CASH. We nre also willing to sell on time for Npapor, and satisfactory will be made with “is parties who may wish credit. June 27. B. A. RICHARDS A CU PREMIUM MATCHES? JA GROSS Partridge & Co.’s Premium MATCHES, a Jo superior article, for sale by ,T. T. SCOTT, Commission Merchant, June 30 141 Broad st. JUST THE THING! JINE BRANDIES, Gin, Wine, and Syrups, in pocket I packages, can be bought of .1. T. SCOTT, Commission Merchant, June so 141 Broad at. CHICKENS, EGGS AND BUTTER. LPGHEST MARKET PRICE, in Cash or Goods, given II for CHICKENS. EGGS, BUTTER, and Country Mace. .1. T. SCOTT, June 21) 141 Broad st. A CARD. ‘dtCCMSTANOES require that I should tor the pre vseut abandon the practice of my Profession. •June3o E. A. STANFORD. >t. D. PRESERVING CANS. \ SUPERIOR article for sale by •A June 19. 3m B. M. ALP WORTH. NOTICE. [ lARWIN BRYANT is our sole Agent to disposoof [’ Rights to “GARRETT’S PATENT OIE SOCKETS ‘*]• A.YEE CLEANERS,” in the States of Georgia 4 Tennessee. His address will be Atlanta, Georgia, luceawt M. P. BLUE Jit CO. , bacon: bacon: ‘)rv IIIIDS. and 24 boxes TENNESSEE BACON, as ’G sorted, just received on consignment, and for sale jus Alabama Ware House, by „ . June2btf KING 4 SOESBY. ~ „ BACON SHOULDERS. •) HOGSHEADS BACON SHOULDERS, just received 7 consignment. and for sale at the Fontaino VUre ‘■’ .v [jnneiei HUGHES A DAME!.. PKAH* ||)Q BUSHELS Peaajnat received and * Mle^b.v Vv 23 * furCHOICE WINES. I “lAMPAGNE, Port, Claret. Madena, C icily and Mai just received and for sale by PINE SNUFF AND CIGAR&. r NK Havanuu Cigars, Ixirelard’f Snnff, constantly ou . ‘“id and for sale. wholennU and retail. 2®’ 7 street. 4. 4. TODD. ■‘'Jumbna. Oct. —H PEAS AND BEANS. i Alt BUSHELS PEAS nnd llllASs, .tout rf ’ |,|vod an,) i” for sale bv I ‘ fl J2. ts JEFFERSON A HAMILTON. l*n NO. 1 FI.OUR. . I itj S *CKS (98 lbs. each ) anu 4fi Sacks (49 lh' i :* ch Jm, °‘ * A. Huguley’a No. 1 Floor, Osausps Mills— ■ .'“Wived on consignment and for sale by ■ ** 24. JAMES LIGON ! PRICES CURRENT. CffrttECTED WKKKLYS j BAGGING Kentucky Z~M~~ST i bade ROPE-Kentuck> ; :..:::::: |a %■. “ i beeswax tTT. It Ks r | CAIsDDES-Sperm $ lb. 43 ( ® o *o f 1 30 ,{ oou, TZr. *lB. s% S DOMESTIC GOODS- ° 60 ‘H ■] j * ■ su.i * I " , ° £i w <* IMjUL* FI •••• .ft |X-‘ ... to UUVJ'OWDKK • ‘>o i(g’ 1- 00 Wet It f 10 IRON Pig V J - (° ■ ••• Swedes ;fl£ fc* “t, fjTyjyi ¥lb 8 (u 10 ou *-“ i* k\i*’ PROVISIONS.II sI 1 " J 150 bcrv—Me... |! ft i if - l ii nu ’ fill. 15 lti Bacok—Haiua i|;ib ... W 131, - l- 1 ntac Y hi, ... g ... J ,VRI> i 1 lb ... (’ 15 lIVTTF.It Goshen Jilb S3 (ft 05 Country [f, ‘ , ;i , t J / , uliliSE ¥-|lb ! 13 <fi 16 PoTAtofis—Sweet |,T ... k” KA, T Irish... iVjli'l 630 ;<a 4UP t.’.s.t.Vv ;¥ sk! 1 75 @ 200 BIIOT ZZl'lJ o l’ BPTRlTS—Brandy, Cognac ffi-q 223 §. Bon American... |!g’l 95 lon Peach ¥|g’l ... <s‘\ 1 fib Gm—Holland ¥ g’l 123 @1 250 American ¥gl 75 <3 ‘1 00 hum—Jamaica $ g’l 200 @ 300 New England.... ¥ g’l 75 @1 00 Whiskey—Rectified ftjg’li -to @| 45 Common ¥ g’l ... i Monong'a.... ¥ g’l! 75 @l5O SPIRITS TURPENTINE ¥ g’l ... te’i 100 STEED—PIow ‘. ¥|tb j ... @j 10 Cast ¥jlh ; ... @| 22 German ¥lb ... @ American Blister ¥;lb ... @| 10 English Blister..- !¥|tb ... (\ SUGAR—New Orleans ¥lb ‘ 10 @: 1 •*)/ m lb ‘ i.-j (a I?, Crushed...., Pulverized j¥|lb ; ... @’ 15 TEAS |¥ lb so @ ! 2 00^” TOB ACCO—Common i¥ lb 12Vdi@ 15 Fair ¥ lb 30 Choice i¥ lb :,n Isa 75 TWINE l¥|ft 25 |@ VINEGAR—AppIe j¥ b’P 050 ‘.(*■ 7 50 WHITE DEAD i¥ P* 275 fit 3-;. WINES—Port f|g’i; 1 50 j@! 300 dadeira..., ¥g’lj 1 50 @1 500 Claret ¥|gT’ 300 @j 500 Champagne ;¥ hk’ 1 00 !@ 20 00 WOCL ¥l.l 13 |@| 23 RATES OP EXCHANGE! CORRECTED BY W. E. LOVE .t CO. LOTTERY AND EXCHANGE BROKERS!. NO. 11l BROAD STREET. BUVINO RAWS. hi: MI VO RATES. New York, > days H< %>, it. die sight, V< prem PmtAD’i. ■* •• I'., fe) rt. .Jis “ none Boston, <• “ lV* q r t. .'is none Charleston’’ “ none. .. „ onn N.Orleans’* ’’ .........none. ’’ none Alabama Bank Notes 2 ik rt. dis... Tennessee “ •’ 2la¥ct.dis Kentucky * -’ 2y, ¥ ct. dis N. Cakol’a *• “ 2 ¥ fit. die Viuqisia •’ “ .2 rlet.dis Gold and fiavEß ,1 ja, ct. pm All Solvent Georgia and S. C. Banks par MISCOGKE HAIL ROAD. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. FROM and after this date, the Day. or Express Train, will leave the Depot af 1. t'. ?f.. and arrive vt Macon at f>% P. M. Leaves Macon at 2 .A. M.: arrive at Columbus at 7) . A. M. Morning, or Accommodation Train, will leave at -t>,,, A.and arrive at Mn'on at 10.54, M. leaves Marou at 3 P. 31.:’ arrives at Columbus by VMi), P. M. ,T. X. Ml STIAN, Columbus, June 26, 1856. Sup’t. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. orricr Montgomery and West Point 11. II Cos., ) Montgomery, July 6, 1855. j ON and after this date, the Passenger Trains ou this Road will be governed by the following Schedule: DAY TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 5 45 A. M. Arrive at West Point 1145 A. .31. Arrive at Columbus 11 50 A. F, .l/rt.vrnhifi —Leave West Foint... 0 00 A. M. *• la-MivoColumbus..,.A 8 40 A. M. •* Arrive at Montgomery 286 P. M. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 7 00 P M Arrive at 3V’est Point 2 30 A. M. Arrive at Columbus 2 43 A. M. Ketimiina —Leave 3V'est Point 11 3 ) P. M. ’• Leave •’ Arrive at Montgomery 1 15 A. M. Doutilo daily eoimectioua are continued from West l’oiut to Atlanta, Augusta anil Nashville, and from Co lumbus to Macon, Augusta and Savannah. jpj- Negroes traveling alone must bo provided with tv'O passes, showing permission of their owners to travel over the Road, one of which w ill bo retained by tho Con ductor. j.ov 10 SAMUEL G. JONES. Eng. k Sup. TICKETS TO MONTGOMERY $3 75 ATLANTA 5 50 NASHVILLE. TENN 13 50 FRESH FAMILY SUPPLIES. RIO, LAGUIRA, JAVA, and MOCHA Coffee: BACON SIDES, HA3IS and SHOULDERS; Brown, Clarified, Crushed, Powdered and Loaf Sugars; Soda Biscuit, Butter Crackers, and Baisins; Sardines, Sauce, and Pickles: Patent Sperm, Adamantine, Star, and Tallow CnniHen: FRESH MAY BUTTER and Leaf Lard: Maceoboy Snuff in jars and bottles; Fine Green anil Black Teas; Soap, Starch, Saleratus and Table Salt: Gunpowder, Shot, and Percussion Capn: Pepper, Spice, and Vinegar; HAVANA and eomrnnu CIGARS, and Chewing Tobacco Lemon. Raspberry and New Orleans Syrup ; l ine and Common Brandy, Gin, Rum, and Whiskey: London Porter, and Edinburgh Ale; Genuine Heldslek, Champagne and Claret Wine: Wolfe’s Aromatic Sclieiilsm Schnapps; Bokcr’s and Stoughton’s Bitters, etc. etc. On consignment and for sale low for cash. June 6. ••• T. SCOTT, 141 Broad Street, opposite new Masonic Hall. “WOODBRIDGE’S PALACE DAGUERREAN GALLERY, Over Brooks & Chapman’s Blue Drug Store, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. HAVE vou seen any of tho new style of Pictures oil Glasr’.’ If not, call and see. The Double Face Pi< - i ture- are a cnrlositv. ami are invaluable as true likenes- I rs No failing with these Pictures. For taking children ! it is unsurpassed, requiring but a few seconds to take a i life-like impression. A better expression can be got by this process than by any other, the time of exposure U- I ing so sliort. Daguerreotypes from the smalhst, lor i L'iekets or Rings, to the largest, for Frames, taken in the most tiniabed style. Some I t L r, |v/xYTlnr'ilifJF ’ on hand ad for sale. J H MOODBRIDyE, February 27. Artist and Arabrotypist. 1 v. T. BARNWELL, GENERAL LITERARY AGENT, I ATLANTA. GA., j Is authorised to act as ag’ Ut for The Daily stun, iu th< prix:ui emeiit of subscriptions ana advertisements, and to j receive and receipt for the money for the same. GAS PITTING* CM AS FITTING in all ita branches promptly attend* and T to and warranted. BATHING APPARATUS, c June 16. 8 m K* M. 3LD3VOKiu, P.andolph St. nearly oppoaite the Post Ost 1 o- TINNERS’ TOOLS AND MACHINES. k SET of Tools and Machines having been used but a 4fT?.lr w “"” ” TStS CATALOGUE or fine GROCERIES. MARCUS & CHAFFIN, 77 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. 1 .vo *' iMe Teas. American Pickle. G° lon ß. Tomatoes - Young Hyson Red Cabbage Hyson Peppers Imperial Gherkins iu bbls and kegs Gunpowder Maccaroni. Souchong and Poucliung ('Vermicelli. Sugars. Cheese. Stuart’s Crushed English Dairv do. Ground ! state Cheese * do. Refined, ABC Sap Sago ■ ( . )- . Bine Apple Cheese do. Clanfieu English l liedder do voflvfs Buttei’* : Old Gov Java Goshen Butter, by every Brown ’• steamer , Superior white Java Molasses. I Old Mocha Golden Syrup Lngnira and Bio iStuart’s do Provision. NO Molasses Tonuessec Hams Miscellaneous. 1 Georgiu i Colgate’s Soap i SugM-fured llama Starch I ‘ °, r , k “ fiporm Candles I Fulton Market Beef Patent •Smoked and Pickled do Star j .'imoked Tongues Olive Oil ’ , do | Horse Radish Extra Pig l'ork Pie Fruit Bueen Sides and Shoulders Powder Best Leaf Lard j shot Fish. Oajis Mackerel in bids and bf do : Gun M ails ! .Salmon, sni’kd and pickled Powder Flasks 33 bite Fish Shot Pouches Apalach’a do Drinking Flask- Fresh Shad in can- Raspberry Syrup “ Lobsters “j Lemon ‘ I ’• Salmon •• Cordials ” Oysters •• Brandy Fruit j 1 icklcd Oysters Chocolate and Cocoa Lobsters Potatoes Hominy. Onions Split Peas. 1 Wood and Willow Ware Flour. Scotch Ale Extra Gene-see London Porter “ St Louis Rice City Mills ‘Candy j Extra Buckwheat Yeast l’owde r Crackers. Strasbourg Pates. Soda Biscuit Petit Pois Butter Crackers i Truffles Boston “ Moutarde De Mallio Graham Bread j Pates De Foie G ran Sugar Crackers Sauces and Catsups. Fancy “ I Worcestershire Sauce Bent’s Crackers, in bids and I Reading cans John Bull “ Fruits. j Popper “ Malaga Raisins Tomato Capsnp Layer “ Walnut •• Prunes in jars Mushroom ” inboxes Underwood’s Relish “ in kegs, for rooking French Olives Sultana Raisins ‘ Seville Fresh Figs Capers Oranges Sardines Lemons Tobacco Apples Cigars. Currants and Citron Always on hand a line lot Nuts and Almonds us choice brands. Spices. Vinegar Nutmegs Wines. Mace Madeira Wine Cloves Port Cinnamon Sherry *• Ginger Malaga Black Popper White Cooking 33’iuo 3Vhite •• Champagne. Cayenne Pepper Heidseick & Cos Allspice Mumm’s 3’ergenav Currie Powder •• Cabinet,’ Bird Seed. •• Imperia! Canary and Hemp Cromo de Bouzv Preserves. still Hock Pineapple Sparkling Hock Limes Rhine Wine Peaches Imperial Sherry in bottles Pears Regina Port 6 Green Gages Reserve 3indeiru “ Canton Ginger Torree Jams and Jellies Liquors. Isinglass. utard Brandy Cooper’s Shred llcnnesse Brandy Cox’s Sparkling Gekdiin . Imperial In bottles Refined Isinglass Alpha •* English Pick),:. Old Q “ Eoglisb Mustard Pick I” IMII Nabpb* Rum •’ Mixed do Scotch 33'hiskey *• Whitu Onions do Irish Chow Chow Monongalielu Whiskey Gherkins old Uouiiion American Piehle. Jamaica Rum Gherkins Holland Gin Mixed I'ii’klo Irish Whiskey Mangoes I Wiring Brandy. March U. ly DBS. H. M. fit AI. A. CLECKLEY, HATING associated liujnsolrus in the practice us MEDICINE and Hi III! PRY’, tendi r their service, to the public generally. Particular attention w ill l e bestow ■ and to di-eases pecu liar to J’tiiwlrs. Clifiinii .it.i ctious of all kinds, which may be i-nl rusted to tle-ir : rcatiuent. fife Olficn next ilimi in Ridgwaj, Cleckh y 3 Cos., over Perry fipcucer’a Grocery -tore, Bread st. dS’ Oflice lioursfrnni , to 10 1. M.. and from 5 to 4 n. M.: also at uigbt between ndlOo’cloek. Columbus, April 25 t! MARBLE AND TOMB-STONE WORKS Randolph fitrcel. eppi,r-i:i: Oglethorpe Hotel. COLUMHTJH. GEORGIA. where he is prepared w ith the best Italian and Ameri can Marble, to furnish all kinds of Moiiuauents, Tombs unit Grave Stones, ns cheap as they can be bad in any part of the country, North or fiouili. He I'-sj-: tliilly solicits a share ot pub lic patronage. He Hatters himself that for workmanship he will giro satisfaction to the must fastidious. April 11*. 1856. ly HENRY MeCAI'LKY. 1!. P. SUAPAKD G. C. MITCHELL. BHAPAHD fit MITCHELL, WHOIIBBALIE CiIAOCUItS, • Forwarding and Commission Merchant*. and dealers in IRON, CASTINGS, fike., 8011th Side t4'the Public .Squure. Shelbyvilie, Tennessee. References, fieyuiorc, Kauning it < •., ] H. k H. Douglass A Cos., j Hillman k Brother. ‘ Nashville. Tcuiiba-ee. Lanier k Phillips. Davis, Pilcher k Cos. I 5’ \y. u !!r e • J. E. V- tllmnis k Cos. ) Granville, Sample k Cos.. Chattanooga. Tenn. McCallv k Jones, Macou, Ga, J. R. Hull A Cos.. Colttinlms, Ga. J. A. Ausley 1 Augusta, Ga. Scranton, Kolb k Cos. j Verstillo k Frierson. Savannah, Ga. Hheperd, McCray A Cos., Charleston, S. ( ‘. February 8, 1550. tint PRESERVED FRUITS fike. Ij3INK OLIVES, Olive Oil, French Cream Fruit, pm 3 served Fruit, aud ripe Fruit of different kinds. Also i iilie fresh and Fancy Candies, just received and for Male at 42 Broad Street. May 15. CKLLA * THOMAS. TO THE PUBLIC . I|3HE trading pulille who have hitherto patremized tbe | TROY FACTORY, will please take notice that W. K. Harris is 110 longer connected or associated in any man ner whatever with the bulne*H of the establishment.— All business hereafter will be transarted exclusively with ourselves at our 3Vare-l!ooms. R. O. JEFFERSON k CO. J Columbus, Oct. 85. —ts Farmers, Ymr Interest Is Here. , •-/ k AAA [,Bf. Chandler A Co’s very superior rib- OU.UIHi bed Sid.-S, it. handsome l-ixi* of shout ! 400 lbs. each. Packages to you are a half cent ja r lb. : less than small lots. Come up and buy no less than a i nackage. Just receive,l and for sale by March 24. JAMK.4 LIOoN. EXTRA LEAF LARD. | xa BAKKELB Extra Leaf Lard, just received and for siU sale at the lowest figures, by , March 15. GUN BY A CO. TRIMMED UU'RED HAMS. 1 TUBT received ou consignment, 10 Casks more Cband ! li-r A Co.’s No. 1 trimmed and cured Hams, aud for salsbj* JAMEfi LIOON COAL yard. fTIUOHE wishing COAL for Grates, can be supplied at 1 *l3 per Ton. by calling on 1 * * JOHN W. HOWARD, 1 Nov tq Agent Selma Cosl Mine Company. MORE PRIZES THAN BLANKS! 5,031 FRIZES. GO,OOO DOliLiiins. 10,000 Numbers Only! GRAND SPECULATION! FOR A Ss.HALL INVESTMENT!! IMPROVEMENT ON THE Approved Havaua Plan Lottery. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY! By Authority of the State of Usorgis. CLASS (). To he Drawn July 13, IB3ti, At Concert Hall, Macoq, Georgia, under thanworusuper inteudouco of Col. George M. Logan aud Juun-s A. Nesbit, Esqr. I'lii.i buttery i-drawn nn the Plan id the Royal Lot tery of llaxuua nf Siuglo Numbers. Tbiabus oniy In,otto 1 Numbers, aud tin* Havana Lottery 31,000 Numbem—the j Havana 24b Prizes—this 5051 I’vi/r-, L- k toji-rn'iii tcrest! Now is the time. CAPITAL PRIZE $7,500! 1 Vrixc of .C'. iOO is 57,500 1 “ 3,000 is 3,000 1 “ 2,000 is 2,000 8 ‘’ 1.000 are 1,000 5 ‘ 500 are 2,500 20 •• lot I are 2,000 5,000 •• Sure 10,000 o; 031 Frizes umountiugto $00,000: Tiekets 810 Halves $5 Quarters jf2 50. i All Prlirs Pnyuhlr Without IHduetioii. I Perseus sending meuey by mail need not fear it: taring lest. Orders punctually attended t>. Communiiatkuis eonlideutial. Bank Notes of sound Raukstaken at par. Drawings sent to all ordering Tickets. Those wishing particular nmnbers slnaild order iinuie dlateiy. The .3,000 prices of.ex, are ijeteruilned by the drawing of tin-Capital of 5,7.600; it the number that draws the Capital is an even number, those Tickets ending with 0. 2,4, 0, S, are entitled to #8; if an odd number, those Tickets ending with 1,3, 5,7, 9. are eutitled to J- . A®'Address JAMES F. 3VINTEU, Manager, May 15 td Macon, Ga. W. K. LOVE, Agent, No. 01 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. NEW CO-PARTNERSHIP. MARBLB YARD. J. H. MADOKN fit THOMAS KENNY, | Oglethorpe Street, where they will at nil times lie found ready to receive and niol promptly execute all orders given to them. They pledge themselves to satisfy all who patronize them, in material, workmanship, ami quickuess us execution. They will kiep constantly on hand Cement amt Plaster nf Paris. laon Railing, of the newest, j wit tarn.-, always procured at reason Hide rstoe and‘ol tin* most advunts geous terms. All who know Madden, know him to be a workman of taste and judgment. Those who wishto show respect to the‘•dear ones depar'ed” will find il In their adran tage to giro the new firtli a call. Fall 15 A. K AYER, GENERAL AGENT. AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING An<l Foi xvn riling Mcrclmnt, No. 131 West Fide Broad Street, Columlms, Gu. [ Jfi¥*Purticulnr attention given to thokcopin r.purehato i aud sale of Negroes. ■•ifirAdministrators’ and Lxccutorn’sale., attended to ou vessoinibbi terms. i let . 23. ly .r. i'. Rest:. a. u. navis. w. u. to.xu RUbE, DAVIS &. LONG, COMMISIiIOH Hint CII ANTS Aud fililpplug Ygruts, SAVANNAH, GEGROIA. \\ * ILL porclia.c aud sell cot ton and other produce oo Y> coramlstifiii, and slriitly atteod I', lorwaritln’; goods and Ulliug orders from the country. Ruse, Patteii ,2 Cos., ageutsColumbus,by whom liberal advances will lie made on eonsigunieots cithi r to or through us to our friends iti Liverpool nr Ho- North. Jan. Hi ly ’ CARD. >g.i. - I WtyULD most respect,fully „im I tin; to the l itizeiis of Columbus and** * w J J ■ iciuit.v, that. I still coutiuuo t” gise INSTRUCTION ON THE FIANO, nud iu HINGING. 1 hav. room for six r eight move Pupils. Those wisliiug to eugagi-toy rviican do • IIV leaking tin ir natni'H a* mv Flore. April 3U, I.s.V!. 22'itl .1. H. VAX HEN bill-. t .3 DE.VIIE A D PLOW STtK K. ’ l'll’ subscriber i tin owner “ftp's | t lie right in III* Cadenbeail Alalmma. Mv at mr simp in Gi’xird. Ala. May 30. 1850. J. M. t . HEAP. FRESH AND FINE. II>T UE< EIVED— Extra fit. Louie Flour Extra GeUktsseo do. Atlantic fiuperbiii do. Pilot Bread; Butter aud find* Cracker-* Arrow Root and Fancy do. Java, Maracaibo and llio Colb c Teas, a krry choice selection .Sugars of every kiud Raisins. Currants, Citron aud Almuudn; Together with evi rv thing n-uell.v kept in the Grocery line, lor Jab- by GI NB3 4 CO. uiurL2 FOR SALE OR RENT. riMIK HOUSE op tbu eoruer of Troup aud ■ . 1 Thomas streets, Isit 40b, with like rooms, t “*[ an excellent w ell of water, all the out improve- Ibu ;l menu,.and haa been recently put iu tliotougli JLaJ—J. repair. Call at HAMM IF k KtjOXKY’S. June 21-ltn HIRD CAQUn. V LARGE lot ol BIRD CAGES, Jit.-I ri v‘iv-SJRBSj ed mid for sale cheap, by DH|Q .Intie ts). 3m K. M. \ LH3YORTH. JUST RECEIVED, \FTNE lot of Raisins ill Boxes, ulsu a large lot ot Figa, for sab wholesale or retail, by Dec 2 , CKLLA & THOMAS. FRESH SUPPLIES. FUST received, fresh Dfttea, Rainine. Frebervea, at 42 Broad street. CELLA A TIIOMAF. WHISKEY. ,) J* Georgia lMimter’s pure no n whit ‘* Id-key. £•) 25 Bbl*. •• •• *■ •• l"on 23 “ Taylor s Old Ikrtiisstle Distillery IJS to loceiits per gallon, ju-t i*s , ivei! from fill lie,-*'. ou consign merit, and for sale bv May 12. JAMES LfGON. WANTED. f|l'V ESTY PI VE NKGROKH Pi work ou the Muscogee 1 Kail Road, for whom liberal wages will be paid. J E. ‘U fiTIAN. April 14. Superintendent. TENNESSEE BACON. ■/k / o o I LBH. Tennessee Biuvnr just reeelvnd aad e)l /,* /’ ” ‘ for -ale f/OAV for rash, bv May 29. BIDGWAY, OLEOKLY a: o**. NEW <!0-PARTNKRSHIP. rpiiE undersigned hake entered into the OROCFiBY I BUSINESS, under the firm and name ofRIDG WA3 , CLFX'KLF.Y A CO. ‘Ye will keep couatuntljr fin hand e large “t-rk of ehotn Groe’ iriea. D. A. RIDG3VAY, A. D. CLECKLEY, M. t). DONF.Y, Jamtl 11. M. CLECKLEY. CHEAP FISH. 1 Z. BBLS. Pickled MU! LET FISII—2OOII,a. neteaeli— -1•) as good as No. C V.ckerel, juat received and for ►ale at *8 per barrel, by JANH LIOON. BEST FAMILY >LOUK. 72 BARRELS Stewart k Duncan’* beat Family I lour •) just receiv-d on consignment and for sale by May 24. JAMES MOON. THE CLAYTON BANNER. Clayton, Barbour Cos., Ala. BY KIEFER k POST. THIS Paper possesaos a large circulation in the coun ties of Barbour, Pike, Bale, Henry and Coflee; aad to the merchants of Columbus is offered an ercsllent op portunity to roeke known their business PROFESSOR WOOD’S HAIR RESTORATIVE. It Haa Worked Miracles. ‘IMIAT ALL THE BALD AND GRAY can l*o reetotr. JL perfectly to original growth, a<> far as their loeka arc concerned, docs not admit of doubt; besides, it will cur* every possible disou-e of the acalp, whether developed a dandruff, itebiug, or in the shape of cutaneous orup tioui*—* ven scald-head—and in no possible case will It fail of curing, us if by magic, nervous or periodical head ache, and if used twice a week by the young, regularly, it kkill preserve tbe color, aud keen tbe hair from falling to any imaginable uge. Read and judge. LouAXsroilT, la.. June, 1865. Mi ssus. U. ,1. 31 GOD X CO.: Ocuts—Youra of the 13th came duly to hand. Ku dosed. pleas* find thirty-right dollars, it luring the amount tor M.iir Koatoratik* . 1 bake sold it all. ‘ ■* It you choose, you may reu*l -is ilozen bottles Hair Re lorutlve; 1 think 1 cun roll it. It lias worked miracles iu tills place. I sold a mou six > 1 Isittles. that was bold soil it p tdiril new hair out all over bis liead. Yours, rcspoetfnll.v. M. H. GRIDLEN • R. R.Onm. VnMu.k. June 21. 1854. i’ROFEfi.'Oi; \k i)01V D* ar Fir— l take pi* a-ure in lii aiiug voluntary t*- tiiuony to tlic exeelleuroof your lluir Restorative. Throe months ago toy hoir was very gray. It ia now a dark browu,(tho original color,)smooth and glossy. The only applicutiou I have tnado to it, lias been tin Hair Kesto ralivc proper* *1 by you, ami which, from tla* result it* mv*** n .:*-*•, I * an most curdiallk eecomuiend toothers <;*■-per■(fully, your;. KD3V. 3VOLCOTT 3 i.m i x xis, la,, .lou* 21 IS&. I’llDF. 11. .1. Ik i a il>- - A -you ai’ about to uiamif.ictlire oo*l vend your .< ceutly. discovered Hair K* storutivo. I will state, so kkhomsorvrr it may <ounrti, that 1 hake used it, and kii**” u others to u.xs it —that 1 have, for several years, bts-ii ill til*’ habit of using ether Hair llestoralivea, amt Hint 1 titi*l yours vastly superior to any other I know. Il entirely cleanses tho head of duudvutl. and with oo( month's i*roper use, will reslore any person's hair to tin original youthful color and texture, giving it a healthy, soft ami glusak appearance; ami all this, without discol ■ l ing the hands tlmt apply it, or the dress on which it drops. I would, therefore, recommend its use to evert one desirous of haviogu tine color and texturo of haii Respectfully, yours, WILSON KING. Sr. laitus. June 29.1853 PKOI . WOOll- As you an alioul lo pnipare iilal keinl your recentl, discovered Hair Restorative, and as you ve*|uest my oj ix ion of it, 1 will state, that my hair was. a lew month ago, very gray, and after using two bottles nf your Hail Restorative, it resumed its original color; and since U application, all dandruff ha- disappeared from my bead and 1 have been troubled with no disagreeable itching® l flu’ scalp. lam satisfied that those who uso it will o* > regret it, at it gives flu hair the appearance of having been recently olleil. lam prepared, therefore, to Mvut tueuil its use to till whinu.'desirout of Imyinga heautif* l lietul of liaiv. I am, sir, vmtrs, etc. 11. I„ STE3VABT I’lltir. W tail) Dear Sir .My bail had. for sokcrnl years, been N coming prematurely gray m compauli'd by a hnrnhnw kvhlcli i ‘ini ‘n il Hi*’ eolisiant iippllraflon ot oil n*>c*-*ury In dressing i'.. 3k b* a l routuienucd using your Hair U-s torativ*', l out two months ago, it v.os iu thal condition and having continued Its use till within th*’ Inst tbr*s weeks, it lih turned color, and assumed u softtH's and lustre greatly to be j)P*'Yc]'r* il to Ihos**prk iluced by the application of oils or any other pteparatle* I have ever it-• and. I regard it as an indispensable article for every lady'.- toilet, whether to be used as a Hair R*- torutike, or for th*’ simple purpose of dressing or >*enut, lying tlm haii. You hake perm!/si* ii to reti'r tn nte all ulio i ll! itain ink doubt of its performing all that !• Claimed lor it. Mlifi. C. FYMUMIF Cimrinnsti, Oliiv, Feb. 16, ! *■ (. 144 Third st. V’ ‘UtlTi.iW v ,M>j May 1. 1854 Flit if. O. J. Vi ()(>|l- Allnwme lo attest tile kil l.c al'.d magic powers -a youi Hair lh-toratikk'. Thrs mo'jllis r lure, bi iug rs liirdiugly gray, I purcha ed, cud .m,an commenced to ui two but tins: and it soon I-, r* to tell, in restoring IN silver loci, t” their nnliki lor and the hair, which w before dry aud harsh aud , of., now bccuine :k'F i<u.l ’glossy, aed ii i-a.- and Jtinig; the daudruQ’ <li"sce jicari-d, aud (!” scalp lost ad tile disagreeablo itching a aatiu.k ing l. tbn sail notv. I not only look, Fufi Miliusf agi'ili. It*. tfully, knurs, etc. CI’ARLKF Wilt IN GY . <>k r-oplal lU Mnrf. .’ freot, Ft. Loulh, Mirevuri. 3fi- Broadk.av, N w York, aV by nil /Iruggirts every when . Ml kinds of family pat* ii medicines for sal* ~j tie ’ ful posaitd” I ‘t uis. at l*iot''.-or Wood's eHtablipblßont. 11 Ibirii* t. ill *i t, fi.t. L u!s. I ■ i ..ale in roliitulai at Hie DFug Store of KIYUX, THOMAS .♦ t f. Juno t—-2la ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! AT THE ARCTIC IIOUHK. KKiEI’ tool, ALL THE MUMMEM. SAa'l i; M;• i'i< nun-la umiotiucr t<i bjn old trifl'd* nud jmtri h ..l -5, lio in in flu- flrM sci t!i< Wijnii hit’. - * ! ;iimJ iiiiiihoiHo *< II l( ‘!•* r low •!,*• t{j*; I'u"•!. M’ FCi; i< lirt*ofl> bftv.>’ n fli*’ IV 11 \ mi.i*l lliui jim /Imii.ich, on Htr* ■ . -Ml .■.i r.uni flic country fur ICK 1y flu n t'tlurwi ’ ,"iil Im l"i^i’rtlvl'vitlMliisiiiitcb. S. i;„ BRAN NON. ARrnl. Cdliivulmi*. Am il TANARUS, 11 ICK AT TIIK OX*X> ICE lIOUHE. t HA3 F; lilli and and opened tin- Old Ire (louse at a grr • | i ‘,p’ l|s’ and roiisid’ rabli’ liilini ,to supply trim van.l of III” p’ ‘jib od I claim vour patronage, being ONI; ol 301 . I ‘ ill llJl'oi-h you as I.O'V as any one else. I was tain iMit ho t year and liavn opposition to deal wit Ii tin-, tint I a.u di't ‘i ioini'il not to tn, ran out again, ami sutler i lie li oinpoly to advance oiin and a lialf eonts Ou tla'citizens. I in ker hake, iiorilo I expect to n-k mox* tljao TWtt A It AII ALE <'KNTfi io ipirut ities aiuouul ing to morn than 50 pound*. I am prepar-d with a Morse aud “ g„u to deliver il in tb * it • at your il'iors; mat will attend punctually to all *.r*l* rs Iron* tho Country, or neighboring Towns, i . be s*‘Di 1*; 1t.*.1 I, fitug*’. or •*t l,**i*vv i **-. .s yon tatty wish. ft/- Tick* I* l” I**’ laid si th*’ F *•’ ll'ius*'. or at mv fiton T. .M. HOGAN J*. fi. —Ico Hon. impeu ni ell hours during thoiiay(i'k e* pt riuinJay j. i)u fiutubr. Irom ‘* A. ‘i. to 12 ‘I. April 16, 1866. fl T. .31. U. A HOMESTEAD FOR ftlllt. *310,000 worth ol’ Farm a and Building Lot* tn ih- GoM K’ gioti of Virginia, Utilpepper Oounty. rf'ii i, divU* *i iiuuiii . t 1d.200 •uhttcrllioN, ou tho liia I of fi*. pi* uil” i ; 1 • rib, for lio lienctit of Tort Ko.val Pen at* Acad* my. “11 1 miljjtsnis nuhj Un each ou*’ liulf iJowu. ti.* r, sou the delivery of the Itevt*. Every uliserilier will yet a Building Lot or u Farm ranging iu value from -lo to $25,960. Tliese I'arins tin,, Lots are sot*i • *lnap to Induce settlcuiunta, a sufficient number l*i lug reserved, tlm iucreuso in value of which will rumpeii-aib for tic apparent low price now askvd Tin most ample senility will lie given tor faithfvlper J’nriii'iu'a ol coutlaet v and proinis’ s. More Ageid are waul* I t*> olilaia ul>M.ribn*, io w I***m tin, most liberal Induoonieiits w ill tie given. Sota* Agents write us tlmt tiny are making S2OO per month Adu-t tislng w 111 lie done for every Agent where possibi For full psrti idi'is. fieliseriptloiis. Agencies. Ac., npph t„ E. BAUDKK, June 27. Port Koval, Caroline Cos. 3a. CHEW AULA LIME. fI’IIL uuic iM .'Ued, Agents of the aliove Lilac | lire prepaid to till orders at all times for LI3IL i. tb toilowlug pa* l i o tu wll : 3 Bushel Barrels, and 44. Ilii-lu I Barrels. Di good older lor shipping. Phis Lluic is nt fine quality, equal la every rep t U He- Is st Tboioastnn l.iuie, and has sup* merit'd it in tfc* ini. i i*.r of Ala I.a noi and Western Georgia. It rau tie U* litcr.-d nt, any |siat lo Mhklt*’ G* orgin mati-riull.v cbn*i er than Thomsst"e. ,Mk 24. GUN BY A UO. NOTICE IF iMTieby gi *u. that after publication ol this nonr foe six weeks, application will be made to tho Cola nussiouci ol Pensions, for the issue of a duplicate <H Warrant N0..,0,081),et ol March si, 1855, issued to Nettl Kenedy, tat*’ a private ia (apt. Coleman’a t'oaipaoy. l (01. A Mil* ‘ ‘it gnnent of Georgia Militia,in the indla* War of I'--';*>. tb* am* having boon lost, and ui ttvian against it’ Ii cation entered in th*’ General Laud Oflec Dated June loth. ELIAS HULL, junelt’-wfw A Forney for Neal Korod* NKOROKN AT AUCTION. VT It i/clm-k oti Tuesday next, the lit day **l July wo vill sell nt tho Msrket Houtte. a LIKELY Wll .MAN ‘•/) years old anil Iter BOY CHILD 8 inontha old. Tin* woman a No. I Meat mat I’e,try O**)... Washer and Irouer. Tonus—(,i*sjit until Ist Jauuary a* vt. wit Ii not*- un*t approvisi se* uritj HA HR) SON *3 McGKHUJ. Juue 27. E. J. I*l NOK A (ID, Auctioneer BERT TENNKMFKE BACON. Ii u | /It It | LBS.Best f- on *><• Bacon hogtoutd, HIILIMWI now offering at i*w figures. Dont U* Ideas of lovn r prices keep you awey. My bacon Is writ cured, un*l I believe, (iellte *w at the lowest price fix, the s* asou. Conte t** tic 3 1 ‘t Ilontu- and bny of Meßur 24. .TAMES 1,1008 CHKKBE. \FT.NE lot ot IVcsf. rn lUxirvc CUFiFiHE. ju*t tr . received by Juue 25- CKLLA k TBOMAfi. PRK. ERVEN. INXTKA • Coiicbols ’’ 3V*-t India Prcscrvaw— hy litl £j Case May K #CN\ * Ofb