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About The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1856)
‘telegraphic items. further by tho Canada, lookers Circular quotes the cotton tnai - . unchanged. The advices Dy the last steam ■. m t iie United States had no effect upon market. The sales for the week were t>G,- 1 £mles, of which Speculators took 17,000, : 3000 bales. fair Orleans OR Middling Orleans 3-ltid. fair Uplands-.... 6§d. Middling Uplands (jj. ; he stock on hand is 730,000 bales. p. our __Market advanced Od. to Is. at 94*. For American stocks market is quiet and uuchanged. Political News. Ibe general news, though interesting, pre mo features of special importance, phe excitement growing out of relations r ;th the United States, had almost entirely 4 bsided. The enlistment question was re ,rded as settled, and it was hoped that the Central American difficulty would, also, be wedily adjusted. There had been a largo jjniber of peace meetings held throughout tho it s rumored that no successor to Mr. frampton will be appointed until the retirc .,nt of Mr. Pierce. jlr, Buchanan’s nomination had caused but , jlit comment in the English papers. From Washington. July 3 —The Senate passed this morning )lr Douglas’ Kansas bill, by a. vote of 33 to j ‘■l la the House to-day, the hill for the i m - Mediate admission of Kansas was passed bv a j tote of 99 to 97. It is rumored that Leu. Gadsden, Minister i to Mexico, has been recalled. [Hardly true. llC n. Gadsden had .just loft Washington’ a day , r ttro previously.] lhe Hon. P. T. Herbert, of California, who shot Mr. Keating, the waitor at Willards’ Ho tel, is ia jail, indicted for murder. His trial is fsed for Wednesday next. Later- from Kansas. Chicago, July I.—We learn from Alton that lie Ivansas emigrants from Chicago will pro ved to their original destination via lowa, forty four Worcester men were disarmed on the steamer Sultan, near Lexington by 200 southerners! The company was detained as prisoners. It is reported that a company from dttowa, Illinois, were treated similarly. The river towns determined not to allow northern ,migrants to enter Kansas. A letter in the St. Louis Democrat, charges Jot. Price with having sent 12 cannon and 22 • w xes of muskets from the arsenal to String fellow to assist in the conquest of Kansas. St. Louis, July I.— Advices from Lawrence to the 28th ult, announce the arrival of five meu from Tecumseh, where they had been kept as prisoners by some persons having in their j charge others who had been captured try tho Dragoons near Osowatemie. They had been chained nearly four weeks when they were brought before Judge Cato and discharged, as nothing could be found against them. Three of the party were detained. Their names are Patridge, John Brown, jr., and Williams. The two latter are members of the legislature.— Drown and Williams were indicted for treason ind Patridge for conspiracy. Fremont and Fillmore. Bostok, July I.—The Know Nothing Con veution of Massachusetts, which met yesterday it Springfield, ratified the nomination of Fre mont. The vote was for Fremont two hun ted and eighty, and Fillmore one hundred and linety-seven. The Fillmore men tlien with drew, another dispatch says, to the number o me hundred, organised a separate convention, uni ratified tho nomination of Millard Fill more. California Bullies—Aid to Mexico—Mayor Wood. New York, July 2-—Mulligan and Hughes, two desperadoes, expelled from San Francisco j the Vigilance Committee, assaulted a mem hr of the Committee in this city on yesterday, foe parties all arrived on the Illinois, tfntui*- ky. The Herald says an armed expedition is taring here, and in several of the Southern lilies, to proceed to Mexico, and assist the iiernment of that country. The insurrection iVenezuela is becoming moro serious. The argents have captured four towns, and at ist accounts, were maarohiug on Bolivar. .Mayor Wood publishes a letter declining the imination for Governor of that Stale. Terrible Accident in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, July I.—The newly erected rtarf at Reed street, in the First ward of this tity, caved in this evening, causing the heavy shears used by Messrs. Merrick & Sons, for rising heavy machinery, to fall among a crowd ts men, women and children, promenading there. Twenty to thirty persons are reported flushed, maimed or drowned. July 2.—Two bodies of tho victims of the incident last night have been recovered. Ten ‘"'men and children nrc yet missing. Markets. S*i York, July 2.—Cotton steady ; 1,000 hies changed hands. Flour advanced : Ohio *orth $6.45 per bbl. Wheat higher at 51.70 for Red, and §1.82 per bushel for White. Corn, hice und Spirits of Turpentine firm, ltosiu { nn, at $1.65 per bbl. Freights depressed. New Orleans, July 2.— Cotton unchanged, t(l 250 bales sold to-day. Corn wort h 55 cts j P*f bushel. Exchange on London 100 Jr a 110. j The Newark (N. J.) Advertiser of the 27th ; is informed that a young lady 18 years of , tw. daughter of a widowed mother name Ea- j tesi iing At East Bk#nl3eld, on luesday ‘ T, ning last eloped with Icr Uncle, who leaves ‘ wife and child in New York. They sic sup* h'aed p, Rave gone to California. ■ V. T. BARXWKLIj! general liter ary agent. ATLANTA. GA., hthoriseil to act an agent for The Daily fiuu, in Jin toc ’tremont of subscriptions and advertisements, and m | and receipt for the money for the same. roticb. T l **! Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of fin Gas V-ompanv of Columbus, will take plaeo at ih offlee . , Patten k Cos. on tho Kith instant, nf Id dock , ; A full attendance is requested, duly c DEXTER, Beritary. the claytox banner. ‘TAVTON, BARBOUR Ct'ITNTY, ALABAMA. „„ BY KEISfIR & POST. TBJS Paper possesses a largo circulation in the conn -1 “si of Barbour, Pike, Dule, Henry and Coffee, and to merchants of Columbus is offered au excellent op. to make known theii business. , p Scruggs, drake a co, Actors and Commission Merchants, CHARLESTON. S. C. l\ r E are prepared to make liberal advances ’J on COTTON and other PRODICE in attention will be given to tho SALE OK Soar h * v * now on baud a supply of BAGGING and , which we offer nt the market prices. J".K° oD ’} OKEKNWOOD i GRIMES. ly’ __ MULLET FISH. 5 nBT <S Mullet Kih. Jnat received and for sale by 1 OUNBV A 00 COLUMBUci HJ&ICES CURRENT. _______ CUjkROTBI) weekly! GAGGING— Kentucky.. ~ aT BAi.EuopK-Kcumck.v:.:::::::li:ib nig j beeswax * orUwru i&JH 8 ••• ! canßi.Es-8pnn::;:;; 1 ££ 11 i| % %ltt> 30 I 33 8 * 8 !?tb 18 s ao COHN I* “5 DOMESTIC GOODS-- !yd 60 ®i 60 swwsat=:?jj j >| I JaS y°'f j¥,bl 15 oo (o)!jo oo Shad Js bl i0 00 (a. 10 00 flour ou.M-owDEit ;;;;;;;; *“ : ®“ Wet *!* 8 § 10 IRON—Pig Ij? - @ - uugiwi ® - Swede* “■£'■. r ! “kt/ molassksV. U |bl ( - 75 I 011.S—l.iuHeod ‘ I iVr iif 4 S’l| 150 ia 2 f.(l PROVISIONS.’ I s ’*’ 1 ! @ 150 Bwr-Moa, lb !!! | ‘ucox-Hnms!!:::;::::::;::!;;;; ; £ % || j, shoulders.^i • . lnm< > !t\M ... |<S.| ... f; Anu •;•••; r* tt> ... (a i;, Better—v.oshcn :%*■> 33 35 Country ‘ 25 30 ™ E ••• rm 15 Hi Potatoes—Sweet j* Isl. ... , ... , . . IV- w J ... Is l ,rl!, h !t* l.’ll 350 Hr 4 (Ml jg! s S BtlUl 1,0 ‘ • -ft SPlßlTS—Brandy,Coguac jfi/t 225 ;8M American...™ g’l 05 C” ; 100 , Peach ... @ l ,yo ft iw—Holland ?- g’lj 125 @! 250 American it* g’l 75 @1 mi llum—Jamaica W g’l: 200 W 300 New England....^:g’l- 75 (a i 1 00 Whiskey—Rectified ™ g’lj 10 @1 45 Common i%* g’l i ... |@ Monoug’a.... g’l 75 150 SPIRITS TUItPKNTINR in -|’ ... @1 100 STEER—PIow ‘ ... u, Clast ft lb ! ... I(n 22 Ccrman ... ; (&'. 15 American Blister jyitb ... @.| 10 English Blister f* 1b ... i (ay 15 SUGAR—New Orleans m |fo’ Vi\A Loaf. r#'!h 15 W 16 Crushed ft lb ... ‘(” ■ to Pulverized... t> !h ... (u 16 T.VT,(A)IV ‘r* th 10 (a'’ 12V TEAS I?.'R> ! SO 200 l'OßACCO—Common |%A||b , Vi\4 ‘ 15 Fair :¥lb ‘ 20 * (ft 30 Choice ?lb 50 (p 75 WINK [?:lb. 25 Isl ... VISKGAJt—AppIe Fb’l 650 (a 750 WHITE LEAD ?• lb -j 75 (a 325 W INFS- -Port ¥ g'l 150 (a 300 1 Madeira j? g’l 1 50 l®| 5 00 Claret.... WgT 300 @| 500 OiampagHc ¥ibk 100 !<§>>2o 0 ! WOOL fold j 16 ‘M\ 23 RATES OF EXCHANGE. CORRECTED BY W. E. LOVE & CO. l-OT TERY AMO EXCHANGE BROKERS, NO. f,t BROAD STREET. BUYING RATES. SELLING RATES. New York, 60 days 1\ J 5 ct. dis .sight, ] 5 prem PBilad’a, “ ....’.....VA ft ct. dis “ none Rostov, “ “ % ct. dt “ none [ CHARLESTON” ** UODC. ii Hone ! N.Orleans ” ” non- 1 . ■- none ! Alabama Bank Notes 2 yt ct. dis 1 Tennessee ■ 2J.£ct. dis j Kentucky 11 -• I N. Carol’a “ 2 i?s ct. dis Virginia •• “ 2 ‘Hct.dis Gold and Silver i -p, ct. pm All Solvent Georgia and S. C. Banks par MISCOGKK KAIL HOAD. CHANGE 111 ROM and after this date, lire Day, or Express Train, X’ will leave the Depot at 1. I*. At., ami arrive at Macon at P. M. Leaves Macon at 2 A. M.: arrives nl Columbus at 7W A. M. Morning, or Accommodation Train, \rill have at tj-,, A. M., and arrive at Macon at 10.54, A. M. Leaves Macon at 3 P. W.; arrives at Columbus by 10.10, I*. M. .T. L. MVBTIAN, Columbus, Juno 20, 1X56. Sup’t. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. Orncc Montgomery and West Point R. R Cos., | Montgomery, July 6, 1855. > ON and after this date, tho Passenger Trains on Ibis itoa-1 will be governed by the. following Schedule: DAY TRAIN. Lcavo Montgomery 0 45 A. M. Arrive at West Point 11 45 A. M. Arrive at Columbus 11 50 A. M. Ifrl(irnivf) —Leave West Point 0 00 A. M. Leavo Columbus.., 8 40 A. M. “ Arrive at Montgomery 2 36 )’. M. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 7 00 I* M Arrive at West Point 2 30 A. M. Arrive at Columbus 2 45 A. M. Returning —Leave West Point XI 30 P. M. -• Leave Columbus 10 00 P. M. •- Arrive at Montgomery 115 A. M. Double daily connections arc continued from West Point to Atlanta, Augusta and Nashville, and from Co lumbus to Macon, Augusta and Savannah. ‘ Negroes traveling alone must be provided with two passes, showing permission of their owners to travel ovor the Road, one of which will be retained by the Con ductor. Nov 16 SAMUEL G. JON EH. Eng. & Sup. TICKETS TO MONTGOMERY *3 75 ATLANTA 6 50 XA6HVILLB, TENN W ‘- 11 GRANGER’S MAGIC COB UVEIZLXa. fltllK underalgned having been appointed agents tor J_ the above celebrated Mill, call tile attention of Plan ter. to its groat superiority over all others. Tho friction rollers, the spiral spriug and the lever, be ing attached to the shell or outside, gives it a Steadiness of motion, possessed by no other Mill of its kind, and we have proven to the satisfaction of all who witnessed its performance, that it requires less horse power. Purchuivrs ran see tlm Mill iu successful operation, by i cnlling on us at our Warehouse. * GREENWOOD <v GRIME.". j Columbus, July 4- 1556. ly TENNESSEE BACON, 1,.. LBS. Choice BACON HAMS, BIDES aud I /.J.lltlll “Ifon.DEIIS, for sale at our Warehouse. Jy 3- ts GREENWOOD A OKIMEH WOODBRIDGE'S ?*\LACE DAGUKRBEAN GALLERY Over Brooks k Chapman's Blue Drug Store, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. HAVE youaetmony of the ucw Styie of Pictures OU Glass ? If not, call and acc. The Double Faco Pk tun s are a curiosity, aud are invaluable us true liaeties-- es. No fading with these Pictures. For taking children it in Hfo-like imuroMioD. A better expreMion cii bj got by this process than by any other, the time of exposure be iug so short. Daguerreotypes Iroui the smallest, bit Lockets or Rings, to the largest, for Frames, taken in the must finished style. Some “Btirelv now, •m band and tor buß*. •. S. ” OODDHD**®* February 27. Ariiat aud Ambrotypi^t. premium matches: _ n GROSS Partridge ic Co.’s Premium MATCHES, a I f)U superior article, for sale by 1 ‘ ,v 1 it srnTT. Commission Merchant, j June on ‘ 141 Broad st. CATALOGUE OP fine groceries, BY MARCUS & CHAFFIN, 77 Broad. Street, Columbua, Ga. Fine Teas. Oolong Young Hyson Hyson Imperial Gunpowder Souchong and Pouclmug Sugars. Stuart’s Crushed do. Ground do. Refined, A B C N. 0. Brown * do. Clarified Coffee, old Gov Java Brown -• Superior white Java Old Mocha Laguira and Rio Provision. Tennessee Hams Georgia *• Ex. Sugar-cured Hams New York “ Fulton Market Beef Smoked and Pickled -1 Smoked Tongues Pickled do Extra Pig Pork Bacon Sides and Shoulder* Best Leaf Lard Fish. Mackerel in hbls and hf do Salmon, sm’kd and pickled Whit- Fisli Apnlach’u do Fresh Shad in cans “ Lobsters “ j -• Salmon -• -• Oysters *• Pickled Oysters “ Lobsters Hominy. Split Peas. Flour. Extra Genessee •• St Louis City Mills Extra Buckwheat Crackers. Soda Biscuit Rutter Crackers Boston “ Graham Brcail Sugar Crackers Fancy “ Bout’s Crackers, in l-l -Is and ] cans Fruits. Malaga ltaisins Layer Prunes in jars -• in boxes in kegs, for cooking Sultana Raisins Fresh Figs Oranges Lentous Apples Currants and Citron Nuts and Almonds Spice*. Nutmeg? Mace Cloves Cinnamon Ginger Black Pepper White - Cayenne Fepprr Allspice Currie Powder Ilird Seed. Canary and Hemp Preserves. Pineapple Limes Peaches Pears Green Gages Canton Ginger Jams and Jellies Isinglass. Cooper’s Shred Cox’s Sparkling Gelatine. Refined Isiuglass English Piekle. English Mustard Pickle Mixed -lo White Onions -lo Chow Cliow Gherkins American Piekle. Ghorkins Mixed Pickle Mangoes March 14. l.v NEW BOOKS. GRAHAM ; <*r musks und faces, l*y •!. F. -Smith. _ Initials; a story of himilci u lif* r by tin* <lnii"ht< r of Lord Erskine. Colo hi bn : bv Prosper M<riiiicc. Reality; byMrs. Tutltill. Married, not mated : by Mice Gary. Ladies Guide to |erb t gentility ; by K. ‘J hmnu* li. The Spar row grass J*;* j mi>* : by Fred S. Coz/.uiih. JMu-ri-bus-tah ; by Pliihubb r Uoestieks. The Bunshv Papers, and Fa hoes: by Is Brougham. The Ship CarjieuterV Family, b\ \V. K. S. Whitman. Kiltaw, sequel to the Fnniyerx, ol* the Raid of the D<q Days, l*y W.G. Simms. Lsq. Heroes of the American Rmoiutiou, with Portraits. How to detect Count ene 11 Rank Notes, by G. Peyton. Womans Faith, a talc? of Life: The Wife’s Trials, anew novel. Hnuiholdt’s Island ofCitha, < and. by Tmaslur. Abbott’s Xupolcou at St. Helena. Alison’s History of Europe r secuiul sc ries. Also, tin* most of humus’, Smith’s, hickem', Think* - ray's. Lever’s, Lover’s, Reynolds’, Mrs. Southworth’s, aed Mrs. Lentz’s works; and choice selections from all the other popular authors. Sc hool Books, Ac. For sale by < i Kt>. W. M ATIIEWS, june7 No. 44 Broad st. CALL- IN TIME, AND BE READY WHEN ‘W'E CALL. .wwwmv/ . Private Families. and persoim BHHpf wishing culls with the Omnibus lit /sBSTSISIR —.Private Houses, will lind a Slate at the Oglethorpe and Perry House,, to register tlieir calls, Trust no one’s memory, hut pot it on the .Slate. If you want to be culled for, send your calls in early, viz: For the Muscogee. p.eviou- to IE o'clock in the day and H nt night. Opelika llnad, previ.i t- to 7 o'clock in the nimiiing and ft at niglit. Girard mid Middle it..a.l pi’ vlous to I iy t in tin: after noon. Persons registering for an Omnibus, must spei ify the Road they wish to goon, and what Train, dune 00-lni J AS. i. LOVELACE, Agent. P. NALLETT, General Commission Merchant, NEW YORK, ()AN he found at tin office of D. Cotden Murray, E-q. j till South Street. Particular attention gi'> u to orders lor Hugging, Rope. Liquors, Cigars, Ac. fcc. Itcfcl to John Muua, Hsq.. “ Golden .Murray, Columbus, Ga. New York. June Si. 185*1. Sim - FLOCK AND BACON. BBLS. FLOCK, just received; £ I •) 150 bbis. Supertine Flour, id -b/iii pee hi. lot live liarrels; 125 bills. Family Flour, at sn.iio p t , r 1,1. for live barrels: >0.70 per hi. for oue barrel Miperliue, and only is.5U per bl. for one barrel at a time, best Fam. Hour. 1'25,000 li">. best Tennessee GOOD BACON, at as low prices us it can lie Isniglit for in tills market. For sale (against, all competition) by June on-1m JAMMU MOOS. bacon: BACONII Wf£ havi now prime SIDES. wliielt we offer at lob.i YY OASII. We are also willing to si ll on time for “ood paper, and satisfactory term- will be made with those parties who may wish credit. j,,,,!. jH, It. A. RICHARDS a CO. BACON! BACON! in £ DH. and ‘24 boxen TENNESSEE BACON, sorted, just received on consignment, and for salt ut the Alabama Ware House, by Juna Bdf KING a WWBY. SOMETHING NICE. , I, Uti.Fi lot of new KGO.S war ran tod tr, sb—md \ choice COUNTRY BITTER, for sale by July 3. TODD , CHICKS NTS, EGGS AND BUTTER. HIGHEST MARKET PRICK, in Cash or G<**l, given f.,r CIMCKEN.” KOOK. lII'TTKR, mid Coimtrv Pn slur’ . T. hCOTT, JubT* Ml Broad at. JUST THE THING! -g-viSE BRANDIES, Gin, Wine, and Syrnpa, in porke! r tiaekages, and on draught, for sale by J 1 J. T. SCOTT, Commission Merchant, Jnm l4l Broad id • QAM FITTING. f AS FITTING in all its branches promptly attended 4 T to and warra"ted. BATHING APPARATI'S, Ac. 4c. . _ .lun#* 19. K* M. ALD>ORTH, Rundnlph St. murly oppoltf th* I'oMt Ofßi n. CORN American Pickle. Tomatoes Red Cabbage l’eppers Gherkins in hbls und kegs Maccaronl. Vermicelli. Cheese. English Dairy- State Cheese Sap Sago Pine Apple Cheese English t Insider do Butter. Goshen Butter, by every 1 steamer Molasses. Golden Syrup Stuart’s do N O Molasses Miscellaneous. 1 Colgate’s Soap “ , Starch ! Sf-errn Candles [Patent Star -• Olive Oil Horse Ra-lisli Pie Fruit Powder Shot Caps Gun Wads Powder Flasks Shot Pouches Drinking Flasks : Syrup Lemon * 1 Cordials Brandy Fruit Chocolate and Cocoa Potatoes Onions Wood and ’Villow Ware Scotch Ale London Porter lllce Candy Y east Powder Btrnsbour(j[ Pates. Petit Puis Truffles Moutarde De Mailie Pates De Foie Gras Sauces and Catsups. Worcestershire Sauce ; Reading -J John Bull “ Pepper Tomato Capsup Walnut “ ’ M neb room •• lin-lerwoodV lteiisk French Olives Seville “ Capers Sardines Tobacco Cigars. Always on hand aline lot of choice braniis. Vinegar YVines. Madeira Wine Port. “ Sherry “ Malaga White Cooking Wine Champagne. Heidseick & Cos Mumm’s Vergoney Cabinet “ Imperial Cremo de Bou/.v Still Hock •Sparkling lloek Rhine Wine Imperial Sherry in bottles Regiua Port “ Reserve Madeira “ Torree li “ Liquors. Otard Brandy llenncsso Brandy Imperial “ in bottl- s Alpha “ ,01d <1 “ Olil NabolAKutii “ Scotch Whiskey Irish “ *• Moiiougaliola Wldsk- v Old Bourbon Jamaica Bum Holland Gin Irish Whiskey Cooking Brandy. MORE PRIZES THAN BLANKSt 6,031 PRIZES. 00,000 UOLLiAnS. 10,000 Humbera Only! GRAND SPECULATION! FOR A SMALL INVESTMENT!! IMPROVEMENT ON THE Approved Havana Plan Lottery. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY! By Anthortty of the State *f Georgia. CLASS O. To be Drawn July 15, 183 U, At Concert Hall, Macon, Georgia, under the s\\ orn super intendence of Col. George M. Logan and James A. Ncsbit, Esqr. This Lottery is drawn ou the Plan of the Royal Lot tery of llsvanu of Single Numbers. This has only 10.006 Numbers, ami the Havana Lottery 34,060 Numbers—the Havana 24tl Prizes—this 5031 Prizes. Look to your in terest r Now is the time. CAPITAL PRIZE $7,500! 1 1 Prize of *7,500 is *7,500 t “ ’ 3,000 is 3,000 1 •* 2,000 is 2,000 ’ 3 *• I.oooare 3.000 >5 • seo arc 2,500 20 B Shi re 2.ISM) 5,000 •• rc 40.1K10 5,031 Prizes umouuting to liibO.OOO! Tickets #lO Halves #5 quarters $2 50. All Priam Payable Without Deduction. Persons sending money by mail need nut fear its being lost. Order* punctually attended to. Communications confidential. Bank Notes of sound Banks taken at par. Drawings sent to all ordering Tickets. Those wishing particular number* should order imme diately. The 5,000 prizes of*B, are determined by the drawing ->f the Capital of *7.500; If the number that draws tin- Capital is all even number, those Tickets ending with 0,2, 4, 6, 8. are entitled to ,*8; if an odd number, those Tickets ending with 1. 3,5, 7, 9. arc entitled to >s. Address JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, May 15 td Macon. Ga. W. K. LOVE, Agent, No. 64 Broad Street, Columbus, i-a. A. K AVER, GENERAL AGENT. AUCTION, COMMISSION, BECEIVINO And Forwarding Merchant, No. 131 West fiido Broad Street, Columbus, (in. •jr-Particular attention given to tho keeping, purchaso and sale of Alegroe*. •j” Administrators’ and Executors’ sales attended to on reasonable terms. Oct. 23. ly J. 0. rum:. J. 11. DAVIS* W. 11. LOM, RUSE, DAVIS & LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Shipping Agents, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. VI T II,I, purchase and sell cotton and other produce on W commission, and strictly attend to forwarding goods and filling orders from the country. Ruse, Patten & Cos., agents Columbus, bv whom liberal advances will bo made on consignments either to or | through ns to oar friends in Liverpool nr the North. | Jan. 16 ly V CARD. xgfc” 1 WOULD mo t respectfully give lice to the citizens of Columbus itni* I/ vicinity, that I still continue to give INSTRUCTION ON THE PIANO, and in SINGING. I have room fur six or eight mere Pupils. Those wishing to engage my services, can -lo so iiv leaving their names at mv Store. April 30, 1856. 2261 f J. H. VANHEN BERG. FRESH VXD FIXE• JUST RECEIVED— Extra .'■t. Louis Eloiii Extra Geuessce do. Atlantic Superliue de. Pilot Bread; Butter au-J i--d.i Crueh-r Arrow Roc-t aud Fancy -b-. Java, Maracaibo aud llioCoffe- Teas, a i- ry choice selectien Sugars of every Uin-I iluisius. Currants,Citron aud Aliuouds; together with every thing usually kept in I In- Grocery line, for sale by GCNBY A CD. marl’d DltS. H. M. A M. A. CLtSCKLKY, UAVI\(f nKK<M'iat(*d in tin* of MEDHM\ 1* siiil M IJ(i Kl’ Y. t*udiT their s rvii < - t<. tin* JfUblic gfmTitll,> . Ibirticul.'ir ntfeutiolj “ ill ll** Im’hlommi] in (lir-viiwr ■ sj liar lo Cbi'iiiio ;ilb * lions of nil Muds, “bi’ h may’ be entrusfi.'d to their treatment. i Office uc.\t door to Uleelih y A < •.. o\m Ferry Spencer’H Grocery stoic, Ilrnad st. Mid’- Office hours from H to 10 a. m., tind from .i t < *. also at flight h’ tneeii Sand HlfiVlorU. (zolumhiis, April 25 H FOK SALE OR ItKNT. f IIOVHK on the corner of Troup at id p A TllOlUttS rttl’eetH. T*ot “ith tive roouiH, an excollcrit well of water, all the- out improve iaentß, und has Ihm’ii reeentlv put in thorough JIJLX repair. Call at ‘ MAMMIS A ROONI-.Y^. June 21*1 m MUD CAGI6B. VI. A K<iK lot of 1111(1) CAGES, jiirt r* e,.| V -|fiSß| ed und for sale cheap, hy June Id. Im IJ. M. ALmVOUTn.*^^ FKESII SUPPLIES. II ST received. fret<h Dato, RaiHiiiß, JPreaervua, lit 42 iiroml Mivet. CELLA Y THOMAS. WHISKEY. IIHLS. (.’••tinria l*lanfer*H pure corn white Wlii w l;cy. 2o Rlilh. •* •• •• “ Ocoee 2D Tuylor'rt Old DoincMtic Dintilleiy 3f* to 75cents per gallon, junt rceeived from TenneHMt*, on oomduninent. and for nale by May 12. JAM MS LIGON. WANTED. riIWKNTV KIYK XKG KOKH to work oil the Muhcokoc X ILiil Itohd. for whom liberal will Im- paid. J. L. MIJ ST IAN. April 14. Bup<'riiiteudei)t. 4m TIGHT SELF-SEalinc; i ws. B I'll NETT'S Patent Air Self-Sealing CatiH for I’rerterviuK fre.nh FruitK, Tomatoen, Xr. Ac., with full dirertioiiK for indnfr them —for Kale by I). B. THOMPSON X CO. Jnm 17 Im. 112 Broad Street. PRESERVE I) FK l ITS dte. IA1 N K ULIV KS, Olive Oil, French Cream Fruit, pre *erve<l Fruit, and ripe Fruit ot different kinda. ANo line frenli uud Fancy Candien, jm*t received and for Kale at 42 Broad Street. May Vi. CKLLA A THOMAS. TO THIS PUBLIC. f I Ml K trading public who have hitherto patronized ib<* 1 TKOY FACTORY, will pleiiM’ tuko notice tlit IV. K. lIAKRtb i# no longer connected or naaochttcd In any mini oer whatever with the liindncrs of the e#tnblMjiin-iit.— All bu#inc*# hereafter will lie traiiwirtrdrxrliiHirely viith ouraelveK at our Ware-ltoolna. It. t,. JEFFERSON- k. CO. Colunilma, Oct, 2*>. —ls Karmen*, Vour Interest la Here. | (|Aa LBH. Chandler k (,Vri very aupcrioi rib •JvAyA /v f bed Hide#, in buudanui’ l*ot* of about 400 lint, cncii. I'm kagr# to you up- a half cut per lb. lea# thun Miiull lot#. Cntiio np and buy in !<•# limn u pnckiige. duet received mol for ##!e In March SI. JAMES MOON. SEW CO-PARTNKRMHIP. tf’IIE Mu<l*ntlgncd Inn*- entered into tin* tiltot KKY X ISUBINKHS, under the liriu un*l mime of KIDG W’AV, CLECKLKY A 00. VT*> will keep conutmitly on hnuil *< liir.'e .took of rhoiee flro* erlea. It. A. KIDGWAV, A. f. CL.KCKI.KV. M. I>. DONEY, jauStf II- M. CI.KOKf.EY. COAL YARD. rpllOhE winhiug COAL lor Gratr#, mu In* auppliod at 1 118 per Ton. bv culling on JOHN M. HOWARD, No? ?! Agent Selma Coal Mine Company. KXTRA LKAK LARD. / * BARRELS Extra lent Lard,.int received nmJ for •w’ t rule at the lover 1 li . iin - bv March I *. BtfY .v CO. BACON SIIOILDERN. | .A HOGSHEADS BACON SHOULDERS. Jutri ‘ * iv'd ! I on coDrignnioUt, and fa -ale at thi Fon taint Ware J ll’ ti#*-, by ‘Jiinelbi HUGHES k DAMKL. PKKSKKV IXii CANS* \IPKKfOR article for oak by Jane 19. 3m it M. aldwokth. SEW CIIKEhE JUST RECEIVED and for rail by deai- 14. wAlter* * CHAFFIN. PROFESSOR WOOD’S HAIR RESTORATIVE. It Has Worked Miracles. ’"THAT ALL THE BALD ANDC.RAY cau be rcstorou X perfectly to original grow th, so far as their locks are concerned, does not admit of doubt; besides, it will cure every possible disease of the scalp, whether dovuloped as dandruff, itching, or in tho shape of cutaneous erup tions —even scald-head—and in no possible case will it fail of curing, as if by magic, nervous or periodical head ache, und if used tw ice a week by the young, regularl) it will preserve tho color, and keen the hair from fallins. i to auv imaginable age. Read and judge. LoOAXSI-oRT, 1n..-Time, 1865. Missus. O. J. WOOD A CO.; Gents—Yours of the 13th came duly to hand. Kn ’ closed, please tin-l thirty-eight dollurs, it lieing the annmut for Hair Restorative. 1 have sold it all. * * if you choose. you may semi six dozen bottles Hair Res torative; 1 think I can sell it. M has worked miracles i in this place. I sol-1 a man six *1 bottles, that wa* bsld ’ and ll fetched new hair out all over his head. Yours, ifspertfully, M. H. GRIDLKY (C. R. U. Dm- -. V vxiim.iv. June 21. lIM l-RGEESbOR WOOD -18-iir .Sir—l take pleiisine in beariug voluntary ic tiiuouy to til- exeelleiico of your Hair ltcstoratlve. 1 bn-e months ago my hair was very gray. It is now n dark brown, (the original color.) smooth and glossy. The old; application I have made to 11, lias bc- n the Hair Resti ratlve |irepared by you, and which, from the result in mv own case, 1 cau most cotsliullv recommend toothvrs Res, fully, yours. EDW. WOLCOTT. V iSci xM s. In., June 21. lSfsl. PROF. 0. J. V’ OOD- As you avc about lo manufacture und vend your i<- eently ilMcovered Hair Restorative. 1 will state, sot whomsoever il uiay concern. Hint I have used it, and known otlicin to us-- il—that I hove, for several years, la-on in Uni buliit of using - tlu-r Hair Restoratives, aud that 1 liml yours vastly superior to any other i kuovr. It entirely eleauses the liea-I ot ih.ndruff. und with oße month’s proper use. will restore any person’s hair to tin original youthful color aud tcxfuio, giving it a healthy soft and glossy sppcarauce; and all liila, without discol oring Ibo hands that apply It, or llie dress ou winch il drops. I would, therefore, vecoinmena its uso to every one desirous of having a line eojov and texture of hair. il- sp-Ttfully. yourVVILBON KING. . Lot is. .Tiiuo 26,1853. PROF. \\ lM tfl- As you are about to pr..- • tc aiul ‘• nd your recently -liscowred Hair Rcstorutiv- auilas you request m.v oj ia iouoflt, 1 will state, tlnd r.n hair was, a tew months ago, very gray, aud after u- I two Lotties Os yout lli.-r Restorative, it n sinii—l its nr’gimd coiov; and siucc it application, all dnmlnilT It,is disappeared from my head. | and I have been troubled with no -lisagrecahlc itching 01 I the scalp. lam HntistV.i that those! who uso it will not regret il, as it gives tin . nr the iippe-arunce of Itaviug been recently <>ili and. Im , prepared, tliordore, to recolu I mi nd its use to nil vvho avc i.'esirous of huvinga beautllW head of bail . I urn. sir, vours, etc. 11. L. STEWART. 1-KGF. WOOD Dear Sir—My hair had. for several years, bis-n b - coiniog pi cumtun lv gray accompanied by a burshuee which icmlcr- and the constant application of oil necessary ’ in dressing it. When I commenced usingyonr ilair Res ’ torative, atioiil two mouths ago, it was in that conditiou I and having c-ntimic-l its use till within tho last thus ; weeks, il has turned to its natural color, und assumed ; softness nn-l lustn- greatly to bo pivferred to those pro i iluceil bv tie application of oils or any other pinparatfon I have ever nsi ii. I regard it as an indispensable article for every billy's l-ib-t, vvlu-lher to be used as a Hair kes torative, or for tbc simple |iurpoo of dressing or beauti fy ing tho hair. You have permission to ratio to ivic all who i-ntertain anv -l-niM of ils performing all that N - - laimeil for it. MRS. <’. SYMONDb, l tncinniiii. Ohio. Fell. 10, 1854. 144 Thirds!. WvmirowN. Mass.. May 1, 1854. PHOI-. o. J. WOOD— All-ov no l-iatteat llie virtue? un-l magic powers <i 1 yom Ilair RcMorallve. Three, mouth* since, beiug ex -s e-liugly gray, I purchased, aud soon commenced to use. Wo bottle.*; audit s-s-li la-gall to tell, in restoring ills ( silver lock - to th- ir native color, aud the hair, which was before dry ari-l liursli and fulling off, now became soft J and'glossy, and ir ceusi-d tailing; the dandruff disap ! penred, and Gi” sculp lost all the disagreeable itch In;, i so annoying ! • f--rc, an-1 now, I n-*t only* look, but foi l ! voniig again, lo -poetfiilly, vours, etc. EHARI-EJS WHITNEY. to!” Sold lit tit Market, street, St. Loais, Misaouri, 31“ Bi'oadvvny, N-.-vv York, and by all Druggists overywher -411 kinds of family i -it-nl me-iocities tor sale, on th -- st possible t- i ins, at I’rob” mT Wnn-I's • stalißshan nl. 11 Marl,- 1 sir- it, St. 1/ llie lor .il- in i jilijuilois nMli--Dritu Slore of HUMS, THOMAS A i -’ June I —3lu ICE! . . ICE!! ICE!!! AT THE AHCTIC HOUSE. KEEP COOL ALL TIIE SIIMMKM. SAiH ijM-. lli* j*k i'nr** •aiinoiiucn bix oij ii jtiiv ’- iul jwitron- -*•', flint.ln: In in tlm ficM ftr tb’ Warm J)mv-4 iiiniMili ICK jw* low■ :4 tb* 1” ‘ ••--. Al.v K t HOUSE is dinctly ; tlju JYrry juiW o,;i* iborp*’ jn- Htrw*t. I All onb i M IVniu tin* roiintrv !r ICK by box v I otlu rv ini’,'’ ill Im* lurw ;irl< t| w it)i (iinpu.tch. r. It. HR AN NON. Ak“ai CuhniibiiH. April 7, lb*A. I) u i: at rii; OX.D ICE ECOUJBE. 11l A A K bib i .nul Mptiirtl flu. old let Ho une at u ginu \|” ii* • i onMMnublolubor, to nuppl.v th wanir ol lli*. | in .*uJ I clsiiiu your ]•*:( l>*in*< o.NI, of YOl • I “ill 1 tuni>li >uu iih l/MV ji.h any ono rl>t. I w.iM iiu uuM i -1 ynir and lihvc opposition to dnal wllii tbf-*, but I itni J<'t4*ruiiii4*l not lo lo run out a gain, ftLJ Mtlh’i Mir iiiunupoly t* iklvumch orn* und :i half oont vu tin | lion r liiivr. uor do f \pt ct to iih); kqoiv than TWO AM) A If ALT CUNTS in rmiouuf | to mon- lluii <) poiiudK. I ;im prr|nm’(l with u Hurnrurni AN tho Ct.v, nr, jour doniH; nml “ill uttend punctiwlly to kll iv* fnni tlir Country, or n- Townr, u> bo h.ut by I'. ‘il Koad, or otlnrrwinr. u* you kin wixh. iff? Tb kftr- i*li’ liudiit tb: It*: f|ouM!,ornt nivHtor>*. T. M. 110(1 AN J*. S. —]i < lluiino o|M>n Hf ail bourn diii iij,*; bcdny(i v copt HuinlayN. On Nuiobiv from >* A. M. to 12 M. April IA, iv-.,. h t. m. ii A IIOMKSTKAU FOR 110. •310,000 worth ol’ F'nrm and BuildiDK liOlz. Jn tin: Gold Region of Virginia, Culpepper Couuty. r |*i >bo ill'id- I Hnioiig-t 10,290 sub- ribers. on the- I7tti A of S-p D-n ta-r. IHSO. for the t-enctit of Port Roy*l Female AemY-rny. Sul-scrlptioiiß owl-/ tr UoUarn tor:. ■ one half down, the rc-t. outlie delivery of tin- D*--d. Every -nbscrib- r will get a Biiil-ling Lit or u Faria, ranging m value from sin to ,2o.tnn>. Tln-se Farms and Lots are told so - In-up to iuduee settlements, a sutfick ut nunilH-r being reserve- 1 , the in- re.ysc In value of which will eoiupnusnUi for the apparent ;--vv price now asked Tin- most ample seen lit,V “ill b- gi-eii for faithfuljvr ,/i,cur-,■- -if i-oiitr-M-ts nn-l . Mor- Agents are wanted to obtuiu subscriber., t-i whom the most lils-rul iiiduceini-nt* will ts- given. Soin- Agents write ns that tln-y are in.iking fJKI per inontli. Advertising w ill be done to r , very Ag- .it win re possible. For full parti; olnrs, Siil-serlptiouf , Ageqrb s, Ac., apple to E. HiLDEIt, Jn in-27. P-ift Royal, Caroline Co s, Vu. CHKWACLA LINK, tl’lli: iniihraignhil, Ag',.*..< td the übove Linn- Writ*.. 1 me jircpurcd to fill of Ir# n all linn for LIME in tbc IblloWlu;,’ pn* k.i o-e, I*, w II: and Bu-hcl Burn I*. and IVf’ llu#be| Barrel#, in good oi I t for flopping. Tlii- l.line I# of tine *|iia!ity, * *|iiul in every r#pe* Ila tin li. -t Thomnstoi firm, end baa #upr#eded it it; the interior of Aliibuma n'jd W*#t*.ru Georgia. It mu be da lle ■ red ut nny point In .'{ld ll<- eln njnfi rill> rhvnp < r r I hi n Tfioniu-tori. May si. CHIN BY t <o. NOTICK I* boreby given, that nltur publication of i bit. notice for #ix weel.s, npplieatlou will 1.. made to the Com nimaioner of Peneion#, for the i##u* of n duplicate ot Warrant No. .io,ti k O, act ot March :pj, IH.m, haued to Neal Kenedy, lain ii private in ( apt. t'oleinari’a Couipany In Col. A. Bute, lb glnient ot Georgia Militia, in the Indian Wsr of 1 a.'i'i, til*- aiitno having i# u lost, nnel n eatent agaiu-it it# lomtiou el)ti l'd in Do < ienoral Land GtS” Dated Juno ldtli, U)!b. ELI AH HULL, JuuellLwAw Attorney for Neol Kenedy I’EAS ANI) BKAJff. | r/, BUSHELS PEA* and HE.A Mu. iu#t received and J 0 (J for #ale bv Maya, tt JEFSEKBON A HAMILTON. < HOICK WINES. ('IIIAMPAONK. Port, Claret,*MadeHn. flcily und M>l / ga. ju,#t received and for Hub bv May 23 CiUNBY Jt Cti PEAS. h|i| IH'SHEI/h Pen* |ut received and for #nl*. >•> lUU GINBY A CO. Slav S3 CIIEESE. \FINE lot ot W’. deni Reserve CIIKEHE, jiut rr . received bv June 23- CEL LA a THOMAS PRESERVES. LASTRA •* rniichol# “ Went India Prr#orve—by is* J Carte. May Z\ ■ BUN MV kCO tkimmkd cured harm. JUST received on consignment, 10 Coeka more CL and let’ k Co.’a No. 1 trimmed and cored Hama, and feu •ale by JAMES LINUX