The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, August 15, 1856, Image 3
The Hair. Iu to-day’s paper will be found an advertise ment of i'rof. O. J. Wood's renowned Hair lte ptorative. The statements contained in the letters of those who have used it, are wonder ful, but no less wonderful than true. This Restoi’ative has not been long before the pub lic, but it has already achieved a world wide reputation, and thousands daily thank the dis coverer. Read the advertisement, and go straightway and supply yourself. —Glasgow limes. -J .. -I TEN DOLLARS REWARD. LOST ou Monday evening last, between town and the ran- track, while riding out, a flue Lady's Watcli, Uonl anchor hunter, Ant l.ecoultrc, maker, Geneva, No. 2,100. The above reward will be paid on its delivery at Messrs. .Foster A Purple’s Jewelery Store. , „ August If. 14tf COLUMBUS BUILDING AND DOAN ASSOCIATION. THE Twenty Second Installment of one dollar per Share, is payable on Saturday next, ltith instant, i’be monthly meeting of the Association will be held at Concert Hall on that evening at 8 o’clock. STERLING F. GRIMES, August 14, 1850. Treasurer. PROP. DARBY’S LECTURE. THE Mechanic's of Columbus, and all citizens who favor scientific pursuits, as well as the citizens gen erally, are respectfully invited to attend a Lecture, this evening, at Temperance llall, on the subject of •• The in ducements of young men to study the natural laws that govern the material world.” NOTICE. Till. DARM’IN BRYANT is no longer authorized Jj_L to sell rights for “Garrett's Patent. Oil Sockets,” for us. M. P. BLUE & CO. .o August 14, 1850. It Montgomery, Ala. FRESH TURNIP SEED. AHI LL variety just received an I for sale at Eagle Drug Store. August 13. 3t KIVLIN', THOMAS k CO. NOTICE. Ilf ANTED Immediately. FORTY HANDS to work \\ in Columbus at Hock Work, and also severrl good Stone Masons. Liberal wages will be paid. ‘August 13. ASA BATES. Office Muscogee Railroad Cos., j Columbus, Aug. 11, 1850. J A'l'a meeting of the Directors held this day, it was Re- j solved, That a dividend of Four Dollars per share upon the General Stock be declared, from the earnings of the Hoad, for the last six months ending 31st July. Payable on and after tlio Ist day of Sept. next. All stock registered in Savannah will receive their dividends at the office of Wm. P. Hunter, Esq. wlie Annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will'be held on the Ist Monday iu Sept, next, at this office. All Stockholders are entitled to a free pas sage over the road to attend the meeting. Aug. 12. D. ADAMS, Sec’ry. BLANK ATTACHMENTS. ATTACHMENTS conforming to the late statute, cor rectly printed on superior paper, for sale at the JCuly 21. SUN OFFICE. BviLLIAM G. LEE N. M. CARTER. DEE <fc CARTER, COM MIS SIO N M EItC FI ANTK, General Agents and Collectors, COMMERCE STREET, | MONTGOMERY, ADABAMA. Air ILL pay particular attention to the purchase and sale of COTTON and other COUNTRY PRODUCE. References : Johnson, Stewart & Cos. Hargrove <fc Smith, Pommy & Gregory, A. P. Pflster & Cos. Kwosiab Morris, Joseph S. Winter. 45j- Liberal Cash Advances made on Consignments, when desired. August 10, 1856. lltf TURNIP SEED. |3 RESII TURNIP SEED—new crop, just imported, J_ for sale at the Blue Drug Store of _August9. lOtf BROOKS & CHAPMAN. >a|gj HORSE AND BUGGY FOR SALE. A GOOD BUGGY and a capital Horse, well broke. Apply to R. M. GRAY. ■August 2,185 G. FRESH BUTTER. A GOOD supply of F’resh Butter, just received and for sale at 11. M. GRAY’S Inly 24. Commission House. LIFE INSURANCE. NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL DIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF RALEIGH, and CHARTER OAK DIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, CONTINUE to take risks on favorable terms. Slaves insured for two thirds their value JOHN MUNN, Agent, August 8, 1856. 3m Columbus, Ga. TO HIRE. AF’IRST rate house servant, washer and ironer. for . the balance of the year. Apply to Aug. 7-3 t ‘ S. R. BONNEIt. DOST OR MIgDAID. LOST or mislaid, a DUE BILL drawn by Mason & Dibble, dated Macon, July 1855, for F'ive Hundred dollars, in favor of Wm. Darnell. All Persons are fore wajfned from trading for said note, as it is mv property. July 31, 1856. M. G. McKINNE. TENNESSEE BACON. ll ri: shall receive in a few days a large lot of choice Vs Tennessee Bacon Sides. August 1. GREENWOOD & GRIMES. Harrison da mcGehee. Attctln, Commission, Negro Brokerage and Forwarding Business, ,i& *' le “land, Nos. 59 and 61 Broad Street, antj pledge themselves to a prompt and faithful attention to all business committed to their care. They will give their personal attention to the sale of Real Estate, Negroes Merchandize, and Produce. Having ample facilities at command, they are prepared ta make Liberal Advances on Negroes and Merchandize of every description. •“W-Particular attention given to Administrators’and ■Reeutors’ sales. CHARLES S. HARRISON, SHuguat 19,1866, ly ALLEN C. McOEHEE s SUMMER CLOTHING AT GREATDY REDUCED PRICES. THE undersigned has a good assortment of LINEN SUMMER CLOTHING, which he is offering at great- prices, to closeout the stock. Among which Black Doeskin and Cloth Pants; “ Drap De Te aud Aipacca Pauts ; Brown Linen Drill Pants ; “ Linen Duck Punts ; White Linen Drill Pants : ’V Fancy Linen Drill Pants ; Fancy Linen Pants; 1 Cotfonade and heavy Cotton Pauts; Black French aud English Frock Cloth Coats; 1 ® Black Drap He Te and Aipacca Coats; Brown and White Linen Duck Coats; at Check Marseilles and Linen Coats; Colored and Black Italian Cloth Coats. A gioat variety of VESTS, SHIRTS mid iniihrsiiirts, n®jpi.F,RS, HALF hose, Ac. Ac. All who want summer clothing, are invited to call, and as many as call and buy shall have Clothing for about half the usual price. J§ ,llv G. IV. ATKINSON. I FIFTY dollars reward. LOOK OUT FOR THE SCOUNDREL AND THIEF, JOHN W. BEACKDY alias REDD, A BOOK BINDER BY TRADE, YI r Uo I have reason to believe is now skulking almut Russell county, Alabama. Having by false repre sentations obtained credit of our merchants for dress aud jewelry to decorate himself and wile, lie was arrested by of his creditors and held to hail. I was induced by i •■easily lor Ids service in my bindery and professions of age-!re to have an opportunity to make the money to hon orably relieve himself, to become his bail. He faiied to ap pear and forfeited his bail, leaving me liable for sums in aggregate, of over two hundred dollars. His entire dent s m this city obtained under the above related cir cumstances, amount to over six hundred dollars. r.JIf VlDg n ” time to in Pursuit of this double re scoundrel, I offer a reward of fifty dollars for bis ■ipfi ebenston and delivery to the Sheriff of Muscogee ! WJity, Georgia. Late revelations satisfy me that toe l emit.-ntiiiry is his pro|>er place. • caution the public wherever he may go, to Ist on 25 r K . u "; d “™ inHt as he has never been known to 01.1 ft .J rhe trado uver y where will do well to look clem- of him. 10 o r iV lie is 35 or 38 yrarn of age, live feist i n f front C * he !i! n he ‘* ht ’ ll,w very irreul ar filthy look mi9aclie.teeth “ and nSUa,,y Ga., Aug. 2, 1856. Proprietor Daily Bun. I COLUMBUS PRICES CURRENT. 00'UU: CTIiD WEEKLY. BAUUlNG—Kentucky. .......... yd, ... © 24 ayd ... up 22 BALE ROPE—Kentucky fb 11 @ 14 Nortlioru a'lb ... © BEESWAX j%i tti 18 © 20 CANDLES—Sperm ptb 45 ( © 50 Star jtylb 30 2 33 Tallow %t;Sb J 18 © 20 COFFEE—Rio Jlb 13 © 16 Java -f, lb 18 @j 20 Laguira lb 15 ©i 16 00RN V.b’l! 60 cal! 80 DOMESTIC GOODS— yd ... © Cotton OsiiuhurgH Iyd j 10 l A vy 11 % Browu Shirtiug jt yd © 8 4-4 Brown Shirting p yd, 8 (a< 10 FEATHERS 40 © 50 FlSll—Mackerel No. 1 !$ bl |2O 00 ©25 00 No. 3 jld IS 00 ©2O 00 No. 3 bhad 1 jtbpe ... © FLOUR jty hi 750 ©I2OO GUNPOWDER |kg 800 ©lO 00 HIDES—Dry Is|lb 8 m 10 “ et plb ... © IRON—Pig %* tl> ... (a Nuglisli lb 5 © Swedes 34 fl> 0 © 6}s Sheet 34 jib 8 © 10 LIM F *p4; G’ 1. 50 (ft 75 MOLAS&ES 1* gh 05 (a, 70 NAILS 34 lb 0 © 6’i OlLS—Linseed 34 g’l 125 © 160 Traill..., ji g'l 75 ©1 00 Sperm 34 g'l 150 © 250 Lard I K 'l 125 fa 160 PROVISIONS. J ... © Beef—Mess v'lb ... (3 Prime 31 it, 15 © 16 Bacon—Hums jp lb ... © 12’ .; Sides ptb 1012 ©, 11“ Shoulders 34 lb | 9 © 9^ Pork—Mess 34 gl ... ©; Prime 34 hi ... © Laud 31 tb ... © 15 Butter—Goshon plb 33 © 35 Country plb 25 © 30 Cheese. 34 tb 15 © 16 Potatoes —Sweet 34 b’l ... © Irish 3* b’l 360 © 400 SALT 34 sk 175 © 200 SALTPETRE tb 20 © 25 SHOT 34 bg ... © 250 SPIRITS—Brandy, Cognac 34 g'l 225 © 800 American... |4 g’l 05 ©1 00 Peach 34 g'l ... © 150 Gin—Holland 34 g’l 125 © 250 American 34 g’l 75 ©IOO Rum—Jamaica 34 g'l 200 @3 00 New England.... 34 g’l 75 © 1 00 Whiskey—Rectified |4 g’l 40 © 45 Common |4 g’l ... © Monong’a.... 34 g'l 75 © 150 SPIRITS TURPENTINE # g’l ... © 100 STEEL—PIow 34 5) ... @ 10 Cast 34 lt j ... ©I 22 German 34 tb ; ... ©;’ 15 American Blister 34 lb ... ©| 10 English Blister 34 lb j ... ©„ Xu SUGAR—New Orleans 34 lb ‘ 10 © 12J,(J Loaf. 34 tb 15 ©I 16 Crushed 34 lb | ... ©j 16 Pulverized... 34 lb | ... @| 15 TALLOW 34 lb 10 ©j 1212 TEAS ii’ lb 80 © 200 TOBACCO —Common ji lb Fair 34 lb 20 “©j 30 Choice 34 tb ‘ 50 (a 75 TWINE 34 tb 25 <P ... VINEGAR—AppIe j?- b’l 650 © 750 WHITE LEAD tb 275 © 325 WINES—Port 134 g'l 160 ©j 300 Madeira 134 g'l 1 50 ©, 500 Claret ¥ g’l 300 ©)| 500 Champagne |34 bk 100 fa 20 00 WOOL t>. bl 15 [©, 23 RATES OF EXCHANGE . CORRECTED BY W. E. LOVE & CO. lottery and exchange brokers, NO. 04 BROAD STREET. BUYING RATES. SELLING RATES. New York, 60 days IL£ ct. ilis sight, ]/, prem Philad’a, “ “ 3! ct. dis “ “ uone Boston, “ “ Charleston “ “ none. none N. Orleans “ “ none. “ none Alabama Bank Notes 2 34 ct. dis Tennessee “ “ 2U%4ct. dis Kentucky “ “ 2>4flct. dis N. Carol’a “ “ 2 ct. dis Virginia “ “ 2 34 ct. dis Gold and Silver 1 34 ct. pm All Solvent Georgia and S. G. Banks par MUSCOGEE HAIL ROAD. CHANGE IAKOM and after this date, the Day, or Kxpress Train, will leave the Depot at 1, P. M., and arrive vt Macon at P. M. Leaves Macon at 2 A. 51.; arrives at Columbus at 7J4 A. M. Morning, or Accommodation Train, will leave at 4 \/ v yU M., and arrive at Macon at 10.54, A. 31. Leaves Macon at 3 P. 31.; arrives at Columbus by 10.10, P. 31. J. L. MUST] AN. Columbus, June 29, 1856. Sup't. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. Office Montgomery and IVest Point R. R. Cos., | Montgomery, July 6, 1856. j ON and after this date, the Passenger Trains on this Road will be governed by the following Schedule : DAY TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 5 45 A. M. Arrive at West Point 11 45 A. 31. Arrive at Columbus 11 50 A. M. Returning —Leave West Point 9 00 A. 31. “ Leave Columbus.., 8 40 A. 31. “ Arrive at Montgomery 2 36 P. M. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 700 P 31 Arrive at West Point 2 30 A. 31. Arrive at Columbus 2 45 A. 31. Reiurning —Leave 3Vest Point 11 30 P. M. “ Leave Columbus 11 20 P. M. “ Arrive at Montgomery 7 15 A. M. Double daily connections are continued from West Point to Atlanta, Augusta and Nashville, and from Co lumbus to Macon, Augusta aud Savannah. Negroes traveling alone must be provided with two passes, showing permission of their owners to travel over the Road, one of which w ill be retained by the Con ductor. Nov 10 SAMUEL G. JONES, Eng. A Sup. TICKETS TO 3IONTGOM ERY $3 75 ATLANTA 5 50 NASHVILLE. TBfffl 15 50 GRANGER’S MAGIC COB MILL. r |MIH undersigned having been appointed agents for A the above celebrated Mill, cull thnjuttcntiou of Plan ters to its great superiority over all others. The friction rollers, the spiral spring and the lever, be ing attached to the shell or outside, gives it a steadiness of motion, possessed by no other 3lill of its kind, and wo have proven to the satisfaction of all who witnessed its performance, that it requires less horse power. Purchasers can see the Mill in successful operation, by calling on us at our Warehouse. GREENWOOD A GRIMES. Columbus. July 4. 1856. ly CANVASSED HAMS. \LOT of superior Canvassed Hams, just received nnd for sale by JOEL T. SCOTT, July 14 Opposite New Masonic llall. WOODBRI DOE’S PALACE DAGUERKEAN GALLERY , Over Brooks A Chapman’s Blue Drug Store, COLUMBUb, GEORGIA. HAVE you seen any of the new style of Pictures on Glass? If not, call and see. The Double Face Pic tures are a curiosity, and are invaluable as true likeness es. No fading with these Pictures. For taking children it is unsurpassed, requiring but a few seconds to take a life-like ifhpresaion. A better expression can be got by this process tlnm by any other, the time of exposure be ing so short. Daguerreotypes from the smallest, for Lockets or Kings, to the largest, for Frames, taken in the most finished style. Some entirely new styles of cases, on hand and for sale. J. S. WOODBRIDGE, February 27. Artist and Ambrotyplst. PREMIUM MATCHES! r/i GROSS Partridge A Co.'s Premium MATCHES, 1 ’) ‘/ superior article, for sale l,y J. T. SCOTT, Commission Merchant. June 30 141 Broad st. CATALOGUE OP fine groceries, BY MARCUS & CHAFFIN, 77 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. Fine Teas. American Pickle. Oolong Tomatoes Young Hyson I Red Cabbage Hyson Peppers Imperial Gherkins in bbls and kegs Gunpowder Maccaronl. Souchong and Pouchong Vermicelli. Sugars. Cheese. Stuart’s Crushed i English Dairy do. Ground State Cheese do. Refined, ABC ; Sap Sago N. O. Brown | P'ue Apple Cheese do. Clarified English C liedder do Coffee. Butter. Old Gov Java ‘Goslien Butter, liy every Brown “ steamer I Superior while Java Molasses. ! Old Mocha 1 Golden Syrup Laguira aud Rio Stuart's do Provision. N O Molasses Tennessee Hams Miscellaneous. Georgia Colgate's Soap Ex. Sugar-cured Ilauis *> Starch New York “ Sperm Candles Fulton Market Beef Patent “ Smoked and Pickled do Star “ Smoked Tongues Olivo oil Pickled do Horse ltudish Extra Pig Pork Pie Fruit Bacon Sides and Shoulders Powder Best Leaf Lard Shot Flsli, Cups 3lackerel iu bbls aud hf do Gun Wads Salmon, srn’kd and pickled Powder Flasks White Fish Snot Pouches Apulach'a do lirinkiug Flasks Fresh Shad iu cans j Kasxiberry Syrup “ Lobsters “ | i Lemon ’ “ •• Salmon “ i Cordials “ Oysters “ Brandy Fruit Pickled Oysters Chocolate and Cocoa “ Lobsters Potatoes Hominy. Onions Split Peas. Wood and Willow Ware Flour. Scotch Ale Extra Genessee Loudon Porter “ St Louis Kice City Mills Candy Extra Buckwheat Yeast Powder Crackers. Strasbourg Pates. Soda Biscuit Petit Pois Butter Crackers Trufiles Boston “ Moutarde De Muille Graham Bread Pates De Foie Gras Sugar Crackers Sauces and Catsups. Fancy “ Worcestershire Sauce Bent’s Crackers, in bills and Reading “ cans John Bull “ Fruits. Pepper “ Malaga Raisins Tomato Capsup Layer “ Walnut “ Prunes in jars Mushroom “ “ in boxes Underwood’s Relish “ in kegs, for cooking French Olives .Sultana Raisins Seville “ Fresh Figs Capers Oranges Sardines Lemons Tobacco Apples Cigars. Currants and Citron Always on hand a fiue lot Nuts and Almonds of choice brands. Spic es. Vinegar Nutmegs Wines. Mace Madeira Wine Cloves Port “ Cinnamon Sherry “ Ginger .Malaga “ Black Pepper White Cooking Wine White “ Champagne. Cayenne Pepper HeidSeick A Cos Allspice Mumm’s Vergenay Currie Powder “ Cabinet Bird Heed. “ Imperial Canary and Hemp jCi'emo de Bouzy Preserves. Still n<>ek Pineapple Sparkling Hock Limes Rhine Wine Peaches Imperial Sherry in bottles Pears Regina Port “ Green Gages Reserve Madeira “ Canton Ginger Torree “ Jams and Jellies Y,i<tuora. Isinglass. Otard Brandy Cooper’s Shred Hennesse Brandy Cox’s Sparkling Gelatine. Imperial “ in bottles Refined Isinglass {Alpha “ “ Englisli Pickle. Old Q “ “ English 3lustard Pickle ‘Old Nabob’Rum “ “ 31ixed do Scotch Whiskey “ AYliite Onions do Irish “ “ Chow Chow Monongahela Whiskey Gherkins Old Bourbon “ American Pickle. Jamaica Rum Gherkins Holland Gin 3lixed Pickle Irish Whiskey Mangoes Conking Brandy. March 14. ly FRESH FAMILY SUPPLIES. KIO, LAG II1 1! A, JAV A, and 31GCI1A Coftee; BACON SIDES, IIA3IS and SHOULDERS; Brown, Clarified, Crushed. Powdered and Loal Sugars; Soda Biscuit, Butter Crackers, and Raisins; Sardines, Sauce, aud Pickles; Patent Sperm, Adamantine, Star, aud Tallow Candles; FRESH MAY BUTTER and Leaf Lard: 31accoboy Snuff in jars and bottles; Fine Green and Black Teas; Soap, Starch, Saleratus and Table Salt; Gunpowder, Shot, anil Pitcus.-inn Caps; Pepper, Spice, amt VLueaar; HAVANA aud commim UIG ARS, and Cliewlujc ■Bolwcco Lemon, Raspberry uml New Orleans Syrup ; Fiue and Common Brandy. Gin, Hum, and Whiskey : London Porter, and Edinburgh Ale; Genuine Heidsick, Champagne and Claret Wine; Wolfe’s Aromatic Schoidum Schnapps; Boker’s and Stoughton's Bitters, etc. etc. On consignment aud for sale low for cash. June 9. J. T. SCOTT, 141 Broad Street, opposite new Masonic Hall. NEW BOOKS. GRAHAM; or masks an<l fsuMtH, by J. F. Smith. Initials; a story of modem lifer ty the daughter Lord Erskiue. Colomba; by Prosper Merimee. Reality; by Mrs. Tilth ill. Married, not mated ; by Aliee Cary. Ladies Guide to perfect gentility ; by E. Thorn well. The SparrowgrasH Papers; by Fred S. Cozzens. IMu-ri-bus-tah ; by Philander Doesticks. The Bunsby Papers,and Irish Echoes; by S. brougham. The Ship Carpenter’s Family, by W. E. S. Whitman. Eutaw, sequel to the Forayers, or the Raid of the Dog Days, by W.G. Simms, Esq. Heroes of the American Revolution, with Portraits. How to detect Counterfeit Rank Notes, by G. Peyton. Woman’s Faith, a tale of Southern Life; The Wife’s Trials, anew novel. Humboldt's island of Cuba. ed. by Turasher, Abljott’s Napoleon at St. Helena. Alison’s History of Europe: second series. Also, the most of Dumas’, Smith’s. Dickens’, Thacke ray's. Lever’s, Lover's, Reynolds’, Mrs. South worth’s, aed Mrs. Hontz’s works; and choice selections from all the other popular authors. School Hooks. Ac. For sale by GKO. W. MATHEWS, june7 No. 44 Broad st. P. MALLETT, General Commission Merchant, NEW YORK, Ct AN he found at the office of D. Golden Murray, Esq. / 62 South Street. Particular attention given to ordcra for Bagging, Hope, Liquor*, Uigur*, &c. Ac. Refer to John 31 unn, King, I). Gulden Murray, Columbus, Ga. New York. June 23, 1856. Uni. FLOUR AND*BACON. (I*7r\ EELS. FLOUR, just received; & I 150 bids. Superfine Flour, at $6.50 per bl. for five barrels; 125 bids. Family Flour, at .38.00 per bl. for five barrels: J 6.75 per Id. for one barrel Superfine, and only $8.50 per bl. for one barrel at a time, best Faui. Flour. 125,000 lbs. best Tenuuss. e GOOD BACON, at as low price* as it can be bought for in this market. F’or sale (against all competition) by June 30-1 m JAMES LIGON. BACONI BACON! iyr- Minis, and 24 boxes TENNESSEE BACON, as- Aa/ sorted, just received on consignment, and for sale at the Alabama Ware House, by June 21-ts KING k SURSBY. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. THE partnership heretofore existing between tin- iiu- J. dersigned, under the name of Celia & Thomas, was this day dissolved bv mutual consent. J. L. CELLA. July 22. 1856. J. 11. THOMAS. Having purchased the entire interest of Mr. Celia,the subscriber will continue tin* business on bis own 104- count. All persons indcliteil to the late firm of Celia A Thomas, also those who have bills against it, will settle with him. J. 11. THOMAS. The undersigned would respectfully solicit bis old friends to continue the patronage of Mr. Thomas, so lils erally bestowed upon the late firm. Columbus, Jtily 30,1856, J. L. (ELLA. S T ORK TO It I , \ 1. riVMIJ Booth Store of my new building. 23 feet wide by I 100 feet long, with good Gas Fixtures arid first rate Cistern water. Terms moderate to an early applicant. The best stand in the city for almost any business. August 4, 1866. JAMES UUON. CORUST J^ISTID HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY! IIORE PRIZES THAN BLANKS I 7',7'BT’ PRIZES. 00,000 DOLLARS. 15,000 Numbers Only! JASPER COUNIY ACADEMY LOTIERYI By Authority of the State of Georgia. CLASS P. To be Drawn August 15, 1850, At Concert Hall, Macon, Georgia, under the sworn super intendence of Col. George M. Logan and James A. Nestiit, Ksqr. Patrons will please examine this Scheme carefully— compare it with any other, and if it is not the best ever offered, and the ehauces to obtain Capitals fur better, don’t purchase Tickets. CAPITAL PRIZE $15,000! I Prize of $15,000 is #15.000 1 “ 3,000 is 3,000 1 “ 2.000 is 2,009 ■* “ 1.000 are 4,000 16 “ 500 arc 6.000 66 “ 100 are 5.000 20 Approximations of SSO tosls.(H)o Prize are 1.000 • r >6 “ of 25 to 3,000 “ are 1.250 66 “ of 20 to 2.000 “ are 1.000 80 Approx, of #l2jsj to each of tlmCapitals of 1.000 7500 Prizes of sß>s) each are 63.750 7,767 Prizes amounting to $102,000! Tickets $lO Halves $5 Quarters $2 50. All Prizes Payable Without Deduction. The 7,707 Prizes ufsßj,j are determined by (lie num ber which ‘draws the $15,060 Prize—if that number should be an odd number then every odd number ticket in the Scheme will lie entitled to $8 50; if an even nulli fies, then every even number tickes will be entitled to $8 60, in addition to any other Prize which may lie drawn. Purchasers buying an equal quantity of odd and even number tickets w ill be certain of draw ing nearly one hull’ the cost ot the sains, with chances of obtaining other Prizes. All thus* tickets ending with 0,2, 4,0, 8, are even— all those muling with 1,3, 5,7, 9, are odd. Persons sending money by mail need not fear its being lost. Orders xninctually attended to. Communications confidential. Bank Notes of sound Banks taken at par. Drawings sent to all ordering Tickets. Those wishing particular numbers should order imme diately. 4M> : Address JAMES F. WINTER, Mamtger, July 17 td Macon, Ga. W. E. LOVE, Agent, No. 64 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. A. K. AYER, GENERAL AGENT. AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING And Forwarding Merchant, No. 131 West Side Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. ■*Particular attention given to the keeping, purchase and sale of Negroes. uud Executors’ sales attended to on reasonable terms. Get. 23. ly J. 0. HUSK. J. IT. DAVIS. TV, H. LONG RUSE, DAVIS & LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Shipping Agents, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Wf J Lh purchase and sell cotton and other produce on YT commission, and strictly attend to forwarding goods and filling orders from the country. Ruse, Patten .V Cos., agents Columbus, by whom liberal advances will lie made on consignments either to or through ns to our friends in Liverpool or the North. Jan. 16 ly A CARD. ,-g, . I WOULD most respectfully give in iVfy|i[n 1 lice to Hie citizens of Columbus uiiilw u If u J vicinity, that I still continue to give INSTRUCTION ON THE PIANO, and in SINGING. I have room for six or eight more Pupils. Those wishing to engage my services, call do so by leaving their names at my Store. April 30, 1850. 220tf J. 11. VAN DEN BERG. FRESH AND FINE. JUST RECEIVED— Extra St. Louis Flour Extra Genessee do. Atlantic Superfine do. Pilot Bread ; Butter and Soda Crackers Arrow Boot and Fancy do. Java, Maracaibo and Kio Cotteo Teas, a very choice selection Sugars of every kind Raisins, Currants, Citron and Almonds; Together with every thing usually kept in the Grocery line, for sale by GUN BY & CO. marl 2 DRS. H. 31. A H. A. CLECKLEY, HAVING associated themselves in the practice of MEDICINEand SURGERY, tender their services to the public generally. Particular attention will be bestowed to diseases pecu liar to Females, Chronic affections of all kinds, which may be entrusted to their treatment. Office next door to Itidgway, Cloeklcy tt Cos., over Perry Spencer’s Grocery store, Broad st. XU*>'■ Office hours from Btolo a. m., and from 3 to 4e. M.: also at night between 8 anil 10 o’clock. Columbus, April 25 ts FOR SALE OR RENT. r|3HE HOUSE on the corner of Troup and . .. A Thomas streets, la it 406, with five rooms, #r*S an excellent well of water, all the out improve meats, and lias Been recently put in thorough JliiAiill. repair. Call at SAMMIS A ROONEY’S. June 21-lm RIRD CAGES. jq. A LARGE lot of 111 ItD CAGES, just receiv- DHflHf ed and for sale cheap, by June 19. 3in R. M. AbllWUßTlt.A^P 1 FRESH SUPPLIES. JUST received, fresh Dates, Raisins, Preserves, lit 42 Bread street. ('LI.I.A A THOMAS. whiskey! ,1X BBLS. Georgia Planter’s pure corn white Whiskey. 25 Bids. ** “ “ - (Jcoee •* 23 •• Taylor's Old Domestic Distillery “ 35 to 75 cents per gallon, just received from Tennessee, on consignment, and for sale by Jhty 12. JAMES hIGON. WANTED. T MVENTY FIVE NEGROES to work on tlio Muscogoe Rail Road, for whom liberal wages will be paid. J. L. MUST!AN, April 14. Superintendent. AIR TIGHT SELF-SEALING C ANS. BURNETT’S Patent Air Tight Self-Sealing Cans for Preserving fresh Fruits, Tomatoes, Ac. Ac., with full directions fur using them—for sale ly I). It. THOMPSON A CO. June 17 lm. 143 Broad Street. PRESERVED FRUITS &e. IJMNE OLIVES, Olive Oil, French Cream Fruit, pro . served Fruit, and ripe Fruit of different kinds. line fresh and Fancy (’andies, just received and for sale at 12 Broad Street. May 15. CELLA ,v THOMAS. TO THE PUBLIC'. FIMIE trading public who have hitherto patronized tl JL TROY FACTORY, will please take notice that W. li. HaKIUS is no longer connected or associated in any man ner whatever with the business of the establishment.- All business hereafter will be trimsaetedexclusively with ourselves at our Ware-Room*. 11. G. JEFFERSON k CO. Columbus, Oct. 25. —ts Farmer*, Your Interest Is Here. RA aaa LBS. Chandler A Go's very superiorrib •H ty ’ J’ *’ / lied Sidos, in handsome boxes of about 400 lbs. each. Packages to you are a half cent per lb. less than small lot*. Come up and buy no less than package. Just received mid for sale by March 24. JAMES LIGON. NEW CO-PARTNERSHIP. f|MIH undersigned have entered into the GROCER Y 1 BUSINESS, under the firm and name of RIDG— WAY, CLECKLEY <t CO. We will keep constantly on band a large stock of choice Groceries. I). A. HIDGWAY, A. D. CLECKLEY, 31. 1). DONKY, janStt 11. M. CLECKLEY. COAL YARD. THOSE wishing COAL for Grates, call be supplied at sl3 per Ton. by calling on JOHN W. HOWARD. Nov k; Agent Selma Coal Mine Company. NOTICE. rnAKKN from my room, in Odd Fellows’ Hall, on or 1 about Wednesday. 23d of July, a fine new DOUBLK RARRELED SHOT GUN, Mortimer’s make. Any in formation which will lead In Its recovery, will be liber ally rewarded, bv aug2-tf _ J. M. EVKRITT. FRESH NEW CHEESE. 13 RUSH new CHEESE received to-day and for sale by •< July 31. MARCUS A CHAFFIN. PROFESSOR WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. It Has Worked Miracles. THAT ALL THE BALD AND GRAY can be restored perfectly to original growth, so far as their locks are concerned, does not admit of doubt; besides, it will cure every possible disease of the scalp, whether developed as dandruff, itching, or iu the shape of cutaneous erup i* < ?, us T‘ ,von sc ald-head—and In no possible case will it tail ot curing, as if by magic, nervous or periodical head ache, and if used twice a week by the young, regularly, it will preserve the color, and keep the hair from falling, to any imaginable age. Read and judge. Looansport, la., June, 1866. Mtssus. O. J. M OOD k CO.: Gents—Yours of the 13th came duly to hand. En closed, please find thirty-eight dollars, it being the amount for Hair Restorative. I have sold it all. * * If you choose, you may send six dozen bottles Hair Res torative; 1 think I cau sell it. It has worked miracles iu this place. 1 sold a man six $1 bottles, that was bald, and it fetched new hair out all over his head. Yours, respectfully, M. H. GRIDLEY 0. R. K. Orncz, Vandaua, June 21,1864. PROFESSOR MOOD— Door Sir—l take pleasure in bearing voluntary tes timony to the excellence of your Hair Restorative. Three months ago my hair was very gray. It is now a dark brown, (the original color,) smooth aud glossy. The only application 1 have made to it, bus been the Hair Resto rative prepared by you, and which, from the result in my own case, 1 can most cordially recommend to others. Respectfully, yours, EDM'. M’OLCOTT. Vincennks, la., June 21,1853. PROF. O. J. MOOD— As you are about to manufacture nnd vend your le ceutly discovered Hair Restorative, I will state, for whomsoever it may concern, that 1 have used it, and known others to use it—that I have, for several years, been iu the habit of using ether Hair Restoratives, and that 1 find yours vastly superior to any other I know It entirely cleanses the bead of dandruff, and with one month's proper use, will restore any person’s hair to the original youthful color uud texture, giving it a healthy, soli and glossy appearance; and all tliis, without discol oring the hands that apply it, or the dress on which it drops. 1 would, therefore, recommend its use to every one desirous of having a line color and texture of hair. Respectfully, yours, MILSON KING. fix. Louis, June 29,1863. PROF. WOOD— As you are about to prepare and vend your recently discovered Hair Restorative, and as you request my opin iou of it, 1 will state, that my hair was, a few months ago, very gray, nnd after using two bottles of your Hair Restorative, it resumed its original color; and since its application, all dandruff has disappeared from my head, and 1 have been troubled with no disagreeable itching of the scalp. lam satisfied thut those who use it will not regret it, as it gives the hair the appearance of having been recently oiled. lam prepared, therefore, to recom mend its use to all who are desirous of having a beautiful head of hair. I am, sir, yours, etc. H, L. BTEWAKT. PROP. MOOD— Dear Sir—My hair hud, for several years, been be coming prematurely gray, accompanied by a harshness which rendered tlio constant application of oil necessary ill dressing it. M lien I commenced using your Hair Res torative, about two months ago, it was in that condition ; and having continued its use till within the last three weeks, it has turned to its natural color, and assumed a softness and lustre greatly to be preferred to those pro duced by the application of oils or any other preparation I have ever used, I regard it, as an indispensable article for every lady’s toilet, whether to he used as a Hair Res torative, or for the simple purpose of dressing or beauti fying the Lair. You have permission to refer to me all who entertain any doubt of its performing all tlist is claimed for it. MRS. 0. BYMONDB, Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 19, 1864. 144 Third st. Watkrtown, Mass., May 1, 1864. PROF. G. J. MOOD— Allow me to attest the virtues and magic powers ot ymu llair Restorative. Three months since, being ex ceedingly grny, I purchased, and soon commenced to uSe, two bottles; and it soon begun to tell, in restoring the silver locks to their native color, and the hair, which was before dry and harsh and falling off, now became soft and und it ceased falling; tlic dandruff disap peared, and the scalp lost all the disagreeable itching, so annoying before, and now, I not only look, but feel young again. Respectfully, yours, etc. CHARLES WHITNEY. XM* Sold at 114 .Market street, St. Louis, Missouri, 316 Broadway, New York, and by all Druggists everywhere. Ml kinds of family patent medecines for sale, on the ©st possible terms, at Professor Wood’s establishment, 14 Market street, St. 1/ uis. For sale in Columbus at the Drug StOTe of KIVLIN, THOMAS k CO. June I—3m ICE AT THE OXjX) ice house. 11IA YE filled and opened the Old lee House at a great expense, uud considerable labor, to supply the wauls of the people, and I claim your patronage, being ONE of YuU. I will furnish you as LoM’ as any one else. 1 was run out last your und have opposition to deal with this, but 1 am determined not to be run out again, and sutler the monopoly to advance one and a ball cents on the citizens. I never have, nor do I expect to ask more than TM'O AND A HALF CENTS in quantities amount ing to more than 30 pounds. I am prepared w ith a lforse and Wagon to deliver it in the City, at your doors ; und will attend punctually to all orders from the Country, or neighboring Towds, tu be sent by Kail Road, Stage, or otherwise, as you may wish. tf a Tickets to he had at the lee House, or at my Stol e. T. M. IIOGAN. I’. S. —lee House open ut ull hours during the day (ex cept Sunday). Uu Sunday from 12 M. April 15, 1866, ts T. 31. U A HOMESTEAD FOR flO. $310,000 worth of Farms and Building Lots In the Gold Region of Virginia, Culpepper County, ri3o be divided amongst 10,200 subscribers, on the 17th 1 of September, 1856, for the benefit of Port Royal Female Academy. Subscriptions only ten dollars each ; one half down, the rest on the delivery of the Deed. Every subscriber will get a Building Lot or a Farm, lunging iu value from $lO to $25,000. These Farms und I,ots are sold so cheap to induce settlements, a sufficient number being reserved, the increase in value of which will compensate for the apparent low price now asked. The most ample security will lie given for faithfulper- Jonnancf, of contracts and promises. More Agents arc wanted to obtain subscribers, to whom the most liberal inducements will be given. Soma Agents write lis that they are making S2OO per month. Advertising w ill be done for every Agent where possible. For full pai tieulars. Subscriptions, Agencies, Ac., apply to E. BAUDKIt, June 27. Port Royal, Caroline Cos , Va. CHEW AULA LIME. rpiiK undersigned. Agents of the above Lime M urks, X are prepared to fill orders at all times for LIME in the following packages, to wit: 3 Bushel Barrels, and Bushel Barrels, in good order for shipping. This Lime is of fiue quality, equal iu every respect to the beet Tlioiuuston Lime, and bus superseded it in the interior of Alnbuum and M'estern Georgia. It can be de livered at any point in Middle Georgia materially cheap er Ilian Thouiasloii. May 24. GUNBY k CO. NOTICE IS hereby given. Hint after publication of this notice for six weeks, application will be made to the Com missioner of Pensions, for the issue of a duplicate ot M'arrant No. 69,680, act of March 3d, 1866, issued to Seal Kenedy, late a private ill C'apt. Coleman’s Company, in Col. A. Rates’ Regiment of Georgfa Militia, in the Indian Mar of 1836, the same having been lost, and a caveat against its location entered in the General hand Office. buUd June 16th. 185 C. ELIAS HULL, jnui'l9 wfiw Attorney for Neal Kenedy. PEAS AND BEANB. \ r ii BUSH KL,S PEAS and lIEA Ns. just received and JOU for sale by Hu 2. II JEFFERSON A HAMILTON. CHOICE WINES. CGIAMPAGNE. Port. Claret. Mndcriu, Ciclly and Mai 1 nan, just received and for sale bv May 23 GUNBY A Cos PEAK. If 111 BUSHELS Peas just received and lor sale by JUU GUNBY A CO. Mur 23 _ CHEESE. A FINE lot of Western Reserve CHEESE, just re* received by Jinn- 23- CELLA A THOMAS. PRESERVES. I.3XTIIA “ Coucliois ” M'est India Preserves—by the j Cuse. May 23 GUNBY A CO BEST TENNESSEE BACON. 1/ |J I I lOi 1 LBS. Best Tennessee Ilacon-hog round, now offering at low figures. Dont If* Ideas of lower prices keep you away. My bacon is well cured, aud I believe, selling now at the lowest price for the season. Come to the Meat House and buy of March 24. JA3IES LIGON. CHICKENS, EGGS AND BUTTER. H IGHEST MARK KT PRICE, in Cash or Goods, given for CHICKENS. EGGS. BUTTER, and Country Produce. J. T. SCOTT, June 20 141 Broad st. JUST RECEIVED, \FINK lot of Raisins iu Boxes, also a large lot ot Figs, for sale wholesale or retail, by Dec 2 CELLA k THOMAS. EXTRA LEAF LARD. ,)| i BARRELS Extra Leaf Lard, just received and for /w\7 sale t the lowest figures, by March 16. GUNBY * 00.