The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, September 05, 1856, Image 1

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fejjc fails Itiul liV THOMAS Hi) WOLF. AND l’iOPill£lOH. T W . LANE AND’ T. DE WOLE. editors. , ■ inilv at Five Dollars a year. Where the rfub ""“’ ilitijo lor less than a year, at the rate of l Oeuts a month. Single copies, fin- dents. ADVERTISING KATES. , ..meats will be inserted at Ten Cents a line A.ivcrtis. ■ Cents a line for each subse ’ !ir “ l iu muTiAhe same —to be paid for when the lyertiseinenl is handed into the office. CO.V'i'ttACX advektiskrs. , , ~,.r exceeding 5 lines, not renewable, will be Aw three months for $4, six months lor SB, or one 1 . | Tune agreed upon to be paid tor before the at,.luot exceeding ten lines, renewable at A inserted at *2O a year—to be paid for quarterly J l 'A l iAments of 20 lines, renewable at pleasure, in -1 .“u Ao a year-payable quarterly in advance advertisements exceeding 20 lines, will be toair.u-b tu ot - sio for lor every additional ten in advance. ■ r'lArtbeuients or notices, occupying a place between V liu - matter and advertisements, will be charged ! avm.s°a lino fur every insertion. u. It. JIvCK.VW) aT TOKWBY at law, 1,1 Payette, Chambers County, Alabama. March 1.1868. 6nt u , u HO oPE UIIVANX DUNCAN WM. K. BARNETT. HOOPER) DUNCAN &■ BARNETT, attorneys at law. oilice in Columbus, Georgia, and Crawford, Alabama. February 27, 1860. ly ROBERT G. CARITHERS, Attorney at Law, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, ■ nil, mactleeln all the comities of the Ohalahoo- VV Oil-cult; ill the comities of Chattahoochee, of the Pataula Circuit; and ! liiiouii and Decatur couuties, ot the South \\ estern Cn february 28,1866. Ij £ dr. CARRIGER, I S prepared to attend to all Surgical cases cow- 1 mitted to his charge. , .Sg \i,live as heretofore, in the old St. Mary a Bank I residence Northeast corner >l’ Craw lord and For , , ... Feb. 121 y kill streets. * drs. h. M. &; m. a. cleckley, L , AVIMt associated themselves in the practice of ;| I jibDICINE and SUKUKKY, tender their services to [lie imblic generally. Particular attention will be bestowed to ill-eases pecu- L,.’ to ytonaUs, Chronic affections of all kinds, which Lav be entrusted to tlieir treatment. 1 4;,-Office next door to Ridgway, Cleckley A Cos., over Lrrv Spencer’s Grocery store, Broad st. [ K-ir- Office hours from 8 to 10 a. m., and from 3 to 4 P. L a i s o at night between 8 and 10 o’clock, i Columbus, April 26 ts CUSHMAN, 4Z3M Bh jl> jt-:: j\r t is t . If INTER BUILDING, 48 Broad street, Columbus, Ua. [ .bin. 11. 1860 2,11 SPECIAL NOTICE. IVOR the remainder of the summer, tlie'GA££jsS* 1 undersigned will not he at his office after one o'clock. July Si J. FOGLE,-Dentist. A. J. RIDDLE, Duf4.Gi-XJERHEA.3Sr ARTIST, [AS closed his rot ms over Mygutt's Store, prepara tory to re-opening on a scale ol magnificence far bin Hissing anything heretofore known in this City. His n ew rooms will be on the corner of Broad and K uulolph streets, in the block now being built by Col. files, and as soon as completed. March 7,1856 ” A. M. HULL, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Commission Merchant, 4 T the old stand of D. Ellis A Cos., 14 , \ street, Columbus. Georgia. ’•“■■a December 18 tit J. R. HULL <fc CO., GROCERY MBH.CHAJTTS, AND DEALERS IN t > AGOING, Rope, Twine. Sugar. Coffee, I > lasses, Salt, Teas, Cigars, Tobacco, Wines,tgtdaM Brandies,Gin, Rye, Monongithela,Bourbon,nnd botch Whiskey,and Provisions and Groceries generally, [t the old stand of John J. McKendree, No. 109 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. November 21,1866. ly LIFE INSURANCE. NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF RALEIGH, and CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY’ OF HARTFORD, / CONTINUE to take risks on favorable terms. Slaves \ j insured for two thirds their value JOHN MUNN, Agent, I August 8, 1856. 3m Columbus. Ga. RICHARD M. GRAY, Agent and Commission Merchant, BANKS’ BUILDINGS, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, Immediately opposite Stewart, Gray & Cos., Offer to the Trade, flfl (inn LBS. Tennessee Bacon, a lino lot of well ■>'/, t hm trimmed HAMS l oo lbs. dried VENSON, better than Beef, and cheaper, t ’ Peas. Sugar, Coffee, Flour and Lard. I July 19. 1856. JEFFERSON A HAMILTON, DEALERS IN’ < i ROC ERIKS. PRO VIS IONS. AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, Corner Warren and Franklin Streets. Columbus. Georgia, KEEP constantly on hand a supply of the best goods . and are receiving produce from Tonnesso which limy sell low for Cash. Ii lour and Meal of tbe best quality always on baud at fhll prices. JOSEPH JEFFERSON, fe11.28 Cm J. It. HAMILTON. JAMES LIGON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 132 East Side Broad Street, COLUMBU3, GEORGIA, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in B e en, Lard, Flour,Coffee, Sugar, Molasse.n. Balt, Tobnc* E” Cheese, Onions, Potatoes, Apples, Dried Fruits, Ac., Nober 20. ly U’ . BELT, A. BELL V. Q. .JOHNSON BELL, JOHNSON A CO., manufacturers and dealers in Liquors, Flour, Grain, Stock, &c. &c. Chattanooga, Tennessee. Refer to ’3 r ’ Cashier Union Bank, Chattanooga, Ten. JAMES LIGON, Columbus, Ga. March 15,J558. rtm HALLOWELL A THOMAS, Mattress Manufacturers, ‘ IKU I,O( ’R BELOW CITY HOTEL, BROAD STREET, Columbus, Georgia, ( V'bLliS for Cotton or Cotton and Shuck Mattresses i, p I""'ii 1 ■!ly execute,|. The patronage of tile citizens ‘.iTi" 1 ,! vi, ’lntty, is respectfully solicited. O-lober 29 1 qj,y. ly FARMERS’ AND EXCHANGE bTvNkT OF CHARLESTON, S. 0. , . Agency ut Columbus. I > s ; ,v, X , l!W York - Boston. Philadelphia, Charleston, r it... na “’ or Augusta, discounted at customary iRANGE, on the above named cities, for V, vl - E.T. TAYLOR, Agent. Office next Jutir to the Post Offii e. INSURANCE. 1” r "'p V',!' 1 *” BIAEU, and LIFE UTSKS taken in P>n-ibis companies by bflee ~ „ JOHN MUNN, Agent. • -. over E. Barnard 4 Co.’s store. 1 1 “lx Insuranco Company—Cai.itul |200,0n0. I JOIIS muvv r . S - X “ LOOMIB. President. u , > Agent, mbus, Oa., Nov 27. ts jSfT I ‘TTI * g Cp |! ailn &ml VOL. ll.} REMOVAL. FURNITURE~EMPOKIUM. BAMMIS & ROONEY, Ilavo removed tlieir extensive stock of Furniture to their (IRON FRONT,) New Four Story Brick Building, Nearly opposite tlieir Old Stand, WHERE they will be happy to see their friends and customers and show them something brilliant and inviting in the way of Furniture. Our Ware-Rooms are unequalled in Beauty, and our Furniture recherche. We oiler rale advantages to pur chasers, furnishing houses throughout in a tasteful and uniform style, by having a branch of our business in Now York city, where the Senior partner manufactures, under Ills own eye, articles to suit the most fastidious. We have on hand furniture suitable for Parlor, Bed, Sitting, Dining Room, Kitchen 4c., of Rose Wood, Mahogany, Walnut, Pine, Ac.; and as Low as can be found North or South. An assort ment of CARPETING AND CURTAINS, will also bo on hand, that will not fail to please. Cull and see. Our stock consists in part of Eterzshas, Tele a Tetcs, What Nots Arm Chairs, and Sofas, of llose-Wood, Brocatelle and Mahogany, for P.a, ‘js. Bureaus, Dressing, Marble aml Mahogany’ Tops. Side-Boards—Marble and Mahogany Tops, Book Cases of all kinds and Secretaries attached. Tables —Centre, Dining, Work and Extension. Bedsteads—High and low post, French and Cottage. Enamel Sets for Bed Rooms, all colors. Walnut and Ma hogany Sets for Bed Rooms. Chairs- -an extensive assortment of all woods. Looking Glasses —all sizes, in frames and out. Carpets—Brussels. Ingrain, Tapestry, Ac. Curtains—of Brocatelle and Damask, all colors. Shades—Gilt Cornices and Curtain holders. January 17, 1556. BARRINGER &, MORTON’S Steam Sash and Blind Manufactory, OGLETHORPE STREET, COLUMBUS, GA. f IMIIS Maiiul'actory lias been is in successful operation JL for over three years, irmi is still continued. All work >s ill be done by experienced workmen, with good quality of lumber, and the latest improved machinery. SASH, BLINDS, AND PANEL LOOKS, Will be furnished and boxed at the Factory, at the follow ing prices: Sash — 8 x 10... 7 cts Primed and cl razed... 13 ‘A ctn. 10 x 12... 9 “ “ “ ...IS “ 12 x 14 ..10 “ “ ...25 “ 12 x 1G...11 “ “ ...27 “ 12 x 18...12 “ “ ...30 “ 12 x 20...14 “ “ “ ...35 “ 12 x 22...10 “ “ “ ...40 “ 12 x 24...18 “ il “ ...45 “ Tlic above Sash are 1% inch thick, and made plain. In all cases where they are made Lip-Sash, twh cents per light will he added. All Sash glazed with good French Glass, primed with the best Paint, and superior Putty. Rolling Blinds for Windows, 00 cents per loot, measuring the length, A window live feet would cost S3, without painting, catches, or hinges. PANEL DOORS. IJ4 inch thick, without moulding, §2 50—moulding one side, $3 00 —moulding both sides, $3 50. inch thick, without moulding, 2 75—moulding one side, 3 25—moulding both sides, $3 75. 1 inch thich 4 pannels moulding on one side, $3 50— moulding both sides, $4 00. 1% inch thick, 4 panels moulding on one side, $4 00— moulding both sides, -4 50. In addition to the above, Blinds painted anil furnished with hinges and catches, if desired: also, Sash glazed With German or French plate, painted, stained, ename - led, embossed and Bohemian Glass, of all shades and col ors, for side and transom lights and office windows. Plans and specifications for all descriptions of buindings furnished to order, with estimates, if desired. Contracts made for construction and erection of build ings, on reasonable terms. All kinds of lumber planed, and flooring and ceiling tongued and grooved. Scroll and other descriptions of Brackets, for ornament ing Cottages, Green Houses, Ac., made to order. The proprietors being practical mechanics and builders, believe they can give entire satisfaction to all who may favor them with orders. All the above work will be furnished at short notice. Sash kept constantly on hand. All orders sent with the cash, or city acceptance, will meet with prompt at tention. Work to be sent by the lliver, Kail Road, or in Wagons, will be at the risk of the purchaser, as the work will be considered delivered. -#sr*Special contracts can be made for large jobs. M. BARKING BR, January 24. ly J. L. MORTON. JOHN RUSE RICHARD PATTEN W. C. IIODOES. FIRE-PROOF WARE HOUSE. General Ware House and COMMISSION 331751NE53. OUR undivided attention will be given to tin[N\\\V\ STORAGE and SALE of COTTON and otlieigjmnflnn PRODUCE. Liberal advances made upon Cotton in Store, and the usual facilities offered to induce Shipments to our friends iu Savannah, New York, Boston, and Liverpool. Orders for Groceries, promptly executed and articles purchased free of commission, at the lowest market prices for our customers. Columbus, July U 0,1855. RUSE, PATTEN & CO. Warehouse, Commission, Receiving AND FORWARDING BUSINESS. >TUIE undersigned having formed a eo-part-.f-jibfcß’l JL nersliip, will continue business at the old’ A.fcjpj stand (Alabama Warehouse) under the namev2iufe&.-. anil style of KING A SOItSBY, and solic it from tlieii friends and customers a continuance of tlieir business. JOHN W. KING. April 29, 1856. 226tf B. A. SORSBY. Wax*ehouse & Commission Business. ‘IIPE are prepared to make liberal advances |V\ \\\\ \ V on COTTON and other PRODUCE in store. SStSSS Particular attention will be given to the SALE OF COTTON. W’o have now on hand a supply of BAGGING and ROPE, which we offer at the market prices. E. S. GREENWOOD, ) 8. F. grimes. ) GREENWOOD A GKIMKB. July 4, 1850. ly FONTAINE WARE HOUSE. HUGHES & DANIEL, VVurthouse, Commission, Receiving; ami Forwarding Merchants. JIMIK undersigned have taken the new Fire Proof |_ Ware House, recently erected ill the rear of Messrs, Threewits, Holt A Go., adjoining the Alabama Ware House, and are prepared to attend to all consignments, and to receive and store Cotton. They will do a general Commisson, Storage and Forwarding Business. Parti cular attention given to the Sale of Cotton and other Produce. The usual facilities will be afforded and careful attention given to all business entrusted to tlieir tare. A good supply of Bagging, Rope and Salt, al ways on hand. WM. H. HUGHES, October 1865. WM. DANIEL. FANCY CANDIES. JUST received a fine supply of Fancy Candies and Con fectionery, at 42 Broad street. February 0. CELL A A THOMAS. FRESH BUTTER (IAN be had of your Cows if yon will buy Peas and i Onl with them. 1000 bushels just received and for sab’ low. by R- M* GRAY’, J uiy 19. Agent and Commission Merchant. machine HEMP AND COTTON HOPE. rrMIE undersigned are making a superior article of 1 HEMP ROPli. which for price and quality must suit the trade of this pjace. and are now ready to take orders for both Hemp and Cotton Hope, the latter of all sizes and the very best description. TBTSTAM VKRSTILLE, .1 i .Mll.S TORRY. July 8-3 m Carter Factory. STILL BETTER i J’UST RECEIVED. St. Louis “Empire,’’ liner Flour than the Albion Mills or Plant’s Extra. Also, DulUeld’s Extra Sugar Cured HAMS. ALSO, An extra fine lot of Tennessee Hums and Shoulders. July 12 GUN BY A CO. FILLMORE. FREMONT & BUCHANAN VUE voted humbugs when a hungry Politician sits down to dine on those neatly trimmed Hams, I which lam selling low for cash. ft. M. OKAY, July 19. Agent and Commission Merchau COLUMBUS, GA.. SEPTEMBER 5, 1856. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, EAST SIDE OB’ OGLETHORPE ST., Between the ‘-Perry” and “Oglethorpe” Hotels, amt di rectly opposite Temperance Hall, COLU Mii US, q EOItGIA. WH have now in store and receiving the r . best and most extensive stock of velii- OfA * cics to bo found in this country, comprising CALECHUb AND MOCK CALECHES, of finest and richest finish, and most elegant appearance. BERLINS sVMD COACHES, of latent styles and every variety. ROCKAYVAYS AND BAROUCHES, of every known pattern and sliapo, suitable for one or two horses, and complete assortment of Top and No-Top BUGGIES AND WAGONS, of the latest and most fashionable styles now used. The fact that the well known and highly esteemed work of JAMES M. QUINBY & CO. as well as that of other makers of the highest reputation, can be found only at our house, and that all our stock is made up un der the personal direction of Mr. 11.0 McKee, (whose long experience guarantees its quality) enables us to offer better work and at lower prices, than arti cles of tlie same quality can be cold for tiy any other dea ler in this country; and quite as low as they can be af forded in New York city. For proof of Which we respect fully Invite all who wish to purchase, to call and see us. YY’e are selling at the very lowest rates, for cash or up. proved credit, and always ask our sclliug prices, so our customers and strangers as well, may rely on being honestly and’airly dealt with. Eve ry article is warranted to l>e strictly ns represented, and satisfaction guaranteed to all. MoKEE A ROBERTS, N. B.—Having the best regular set of Carriage workmen to be found in this country, we are pre pared. as heretofore, to do all kinds of repairing at the lowest possible rates, with the utmost promptness and in the best manner. McK. & It. January 28. ly MORE GOOD NEWS ! READ I READ!! 111 EMBROIDERIES AND LACES, TO HE SOLI) AT ANI) BELOW NEW YORK COST. 11l A VE just received, on consignment, a large assort ment ol EmU’oidenes unci Laces, among which arc* — 200 Jacnet Collars at 15c., worth 40c. 200 Swiss Collars al 20c., worth 50c I*oo French Worked Collars, at from to $4 100 Aty)as.see and Luce Collars, from 25c. to $1 5000 yds. Thread. Maltese, and Lyle Laces 200 Jacnet Hands, from 25c. to £1 200 Swiss Hands, from 25c. to $1 1000 yds. Jacnet and Swiss Edging 1000 yds Jacnet and Swiss Inserting. Among the goods above named will be found some very desirable styles, all of which will be sold at prices as above quoted. 1 will also sell from my stock in store, at cost— -200 Fashionable Suiuim r Mantillas 1500 dozen Hosiery, of every description 1000 pieces of Calicoes, price 0 to 10c. 200 pieces French and American Lawns, 7 to 20c. 200 “ “ “ “ Ginglnuns, 10 to 20c. 500 “ Bleached Domestics, price oto 11c. Also, colored and black Silk Dresses, bareges and Ba rege Rohes, newest styles. Doors open all day: admittance free, and no charge for showing goods Very Respectfully, GEO. W. ATKINSON. june4tf 105 Broad st.. Columbus. J. H. JtAPPOLDT J. P. MURRAY. HAPPOLDT & MURRAY, No. 46 Broad Street, Columbus. Georgia, Importers and Manufacturers of GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, And all Articles in theJTrade. epairing executed with neatness and dispatch.‘ifcj®L Keys fitted. Terms cash for all kinds of work. Juno 5. FOR SALE. I N the most desirable and healthy . location in Columbus, the HOUSE and LOT of a half acre and a quarter of tap ihz one-half acre on the corner of VT^T ” Qj ? T ,il jV!I.#BI tosh and Bryan streets—containing ( ~ Rooms, 2 Kitchens, 2 Negro Rooms, 2 Store Rooms, one Smoke House, 2 Poultry Houses, Coach House and Sta ble, a superior Well of water. Flower Pit, Dairy, Gardens with Fruit Trees and Shrubbery, in good order. Apply on the premises to G. M. DICKSON. Or at 331 Broad Street (west side) to Aprfl 29, 1856.2£5tf V- K. AYBR, Truth is Might:/ and will Prevail. Facts are Beginning to De\’elope Themselves. AITIIEN People try the SOUTHERN CORDIAL for \ V the Bowels, they never fail to find it die best rem eily in tin- world for Diarrhea, Dysentery, Bloody Flux, &c. It is doing more for the of our country than any medicine ever yet discovered, and testimony of that fact is daily arriving from every part of t lie country. Every person who has given it a fair trial say it will do, and are taking it off by the dozen. They are beginning to find Unit it is no humbug. I cun lie found at Gunby & Co.’k corner, at ail times, and will take pleasure in satisfying any unprejudiced mind that it is the licsl me dicine for diseases of the Bowels ever yet discovered. JACK SMITH. For sale at the following Drug Stores in Columbus : BIIOOKS A CHAPMAN. KIVLIN, THOMAS A CO. DANFORTJI. A NAGLE. J. S. PEMBERTON A CO. U. A. WAKE. And at t lio Store of Gunby A Cos.. Broad Street, by July 17. 2in JACK SMITH, Proprietor. A CAR-D. HT. GREENWOOD, of tin* late tirm of Green * wood & MorriH, Nc w Orleans, respectful irforms his frieinlH and former patrons, that hefaafcyj} has permnncntly settled in the city of New Having associated himself with the house of LIVINGSTON, BROS. & KINKEAD, W J-I O L L SALE a ItOOEHS, Commisilon and Importing; Merchants, No. 62 Y’esey Street, ill rear of the Aator House, He is prepared to supply them with everything in the GROCERY LINE, Oil till) must favorable terms. Also, to buy on Commis sion any articles sold in tide market. He promises to use every exertion to give satisfaction, and will give his personal attention to the filling of nil orders witli which he imiy I"’ favored. New York, April 1, 1866. 6m PRESERVING CANS. \BUPKUTOU article for sale by dune 19. 8n !!• M ALpWORTIf. NEW CREESE JUST RECEIVED and for sail liy June 14. MARCTIC A CHAFFIN. FINK GOSHEN i HBBBE. DJIA LL lot of fine FRESH CHEESE, from Go-ben, O just received l>v .Inly 36 .1 B. THOMAS. BACON SHOULDERS. I.Y HOGSHEADS IIAUD.N SHOULDERS, just received I S. on consignment, and for sale sit tlie Fontaine Y\ are House, by [jiiuolG] HUGHES A DANIEL. 3. 1. tIKLLA I. B. THOMAS. OKLLA A. THOMAS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN i CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, &c., i No. 42 Broad Street. (Under Telegrapli Office.) COLUMBUS, GKOKOIA. rpiiEY’ are in constant receipt of Confectionery, L Fruits, Nuts, &C., which they offer to the pule lie at reasonalile rates. Country dealers would do well to give ns a call. No charge for packing. Nov. 5. 1865.—Cm NO LIMIT. f CASKS Ribbed Sides, and 4 Casks Shoulders, upon 4 which there Is no limit. Somebody will get a bar gain by calling soon, at R. M. GRAY'S duly 19. Commission House, CARRIAGES! CARRIAGES!! TIMIK subscribers have now on hand and CjSf"WJfe JL are constantly receiving, one of the larg esr and most varied Stocks of Vehicles ever Duel ed, and made expressly for this market, embracing every style of Carriage in use, such as— Calcches, Uevllit Coaches, IlaroncUcs, (Os the Finest Finish,) FAMI LY ROC K A WAYS, Large and small, including many very light and tasty, suitable lor ono horse. Xi OW TOP WAGrOIYS, YY ith a complete assortment of BQGGIIiS with and without TOPO, 01 every style and finish, which, for durability and neat ness, cannot he excelled, and are from most respect able limuutactories at the North, and made under the personal direction of Mr. and. ii. Jaques. Al) of which we are selling at tlie very lowest rates for cash or ap proved credit. Every article sold by us at our Repository is warranted iu every respect, aud our customers and till purchasers can rely on being honorably and fairly dealt with—iu proof of which we respectfully invite file attention of all who wish to purchase, to call on us at the North-East corner of Oglethorpe and Bryan streets, opp. .site the Per ry House. J. B. JAQUES & BROTHER. N. B.—Having a regular s.-l of northern Car riage Workmen employed, we are prepared to execute Repairing of every kind in the best possible manner with neatnes- and dispatch, at low rates, at J. B. JAQUES & BROTHER’S Carriage Repository, North East corner Oglethorpe and Bryan streets, oppo site the Perry House, Columbus, Ga. February 6. LEVY, DRAKE & CO., Engineers and Machinists, Union Foundry & Machine Works, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. \\r L t ill the special attention oi tlie public to our es- H tttblisliment. The proprietors are practical Me chanics ami of long experience in tin* business, and Lav ing combined two establishments in one, they have the largest ami best stock of tools and patterns in the Slate. Their facility for doing business being so great, they can afford to tlieir customers the best of term sand the most prompt execution. Our senior partner having been so many years in this business as (lie practical partner and proprietor of the Ocmulgee Foundry, Macon. Georgia, is well known, hav ing built a large number of Jr'tenm Liigims. Mills, ami Machinery, throughout this and adjoining State*. To ail of which we refer as a guarantee ol our work and ability. Our junior is just from Virginia, ami having had the management of some of the largest establishim-iits in that State, brings with him the best practical ability and improvements in machinery* We call especial atlention to our Marine ami Sta tionary SI earn Engines aud Mills, both cir cular and upright. We are now manufacturing I lie best CIRCULAR SAW MILLS in the country, being entirely of metal, at the same price others are furnishing wooden om s. We arc now furnishing Steam Engines and Boilers of ary size; Flouring and t'orn Mills; vertrieal it ml circu lar Saw Mills; Sugar Mills; Shafting; Pulleys; Morse Powers; Gin ami Mill Gearing of all kinds: t rinetery Railing; Bark .Mills: Corn Cob Crushers; and Castings of every kind—Brass and. Iron. marl3-tf NEW FURNITURE W ARE 800 Rdl. M Door North of the Oglethorpe House, COLUMBUS, GA. ;• i; THE subscriber has on hand, three doni‘B - j jcJjjNorth of the Oglethorpe House, Ft-i tlmrpe street, an assurtim*nt of . A|L|i made FURNITURE, to which he will b constantly adding, and which ho will sell at prices that cannot fail to suit those in want of anything in his line. Articles not on hand will ho made to order at the short est. notice. Furniture repaired at reasonable rules* Call and examine stock. July2l J. H. SIKEB. NEW CO-PARTNERSHIP* MAYIDLE YARD. J. H. JIADDEN A THOMAS KEHJY Y, Oglethorpe Street, where they will at all times he found ready to receive and and promptly execute all orders given to them. They pUifgo themselves to satisfy all who patronize them, in material, workinuiiship. and quickness of execution. They will keep constantly on hand Cement anil Plaster ot* Parts* laou Railing, of the newest patterns, always procured at reasonable rates and on the most advanta geous terms. All who know Madden, know him to be a workman of taste and judgment. Those who wish to show respect to the “dear ones departed” will find it to their advan tage to give the new* firm u call. Feb 15 MARBLE AND TOMB-STONE WOUILS, Randolph Street, opposite Oglethorpe Hotel. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. where lie is prepared, with the best Italian end Ameri can Marble, to furnish all kinds of MoiiuinriftJ*, Toii.Lk and Grave Slones, as cheap s they can be had in any part ol the country, North or Houili. He rest eetfully solicits a shine ot pub lic patronage. He flatters himself that for workmanship lie will give satisfaction to tlie most lastidious. April 19, 1H6.8. ly HENRY McOAULKY. ft. P. SHAPARD ii. C. 311TC11KLL. SHAPAUI) &, MITCHELL, WHOLESALE GHOCEIIS, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, and dealers iu IRON, CASTINGS, &c., South Side of the Public Square, bhelbyville, Tennessee. References* Seymore, Sunning A Cos., 1 11. A B. Douglass & Cos., ] Hillman A Brother, i- Nashville, Tennessee. Lanier A Phillips, Davis. Pilcher A: Cos. J J. R. Wallace A Brother, i ... . J. E. YVilHamn A Cos. Atlanta, Ga. Granville. Sample k Cos., Chattanooga, Tcnn. McCnlly k Jones, Macon, <ia. J. It. Hull k Cos., Columbus, Ga. Y'clTtilli’ A FriorHon. Savunnali, fin. Blii']T(l, McCray A Cos., Cliarlcstoii, S. C. February 8, 1856. Cm TENNESSEE IIACOM. r.A AAA LBH. Ten in-.•*(■ Bucon just recciveil aud !’ /’ M / for sale LOW for i nsli. by May 29. RIDGWAY’, CLBCKI.Y A ('(). FRUIT. IjYRUITH in endless variety—Kipp, Dried, and Prnunrv i ed, for sale at 12 Broad street, by Fein nary 6. CKLLA A THOMAS. HORSE AND BIGUY FOR SALK. \(!00D BUGGY’ and a capital Horse, well bruko. Apply to R. M. GRAY. August 2, 1860. FRKSII BUTTER. \GOOD supply of Fresh Butter, just received and flu . sale at K. M. GRAVE July 24. Commission House. THE BRITISH PERIODICALS, AND TIIE FARMER’S CiUIDIC. Great reduction in tho price of tlie latter publication. L. Scott A Cos., New York, continue to publish tlie fid’ lowing loading British Periodicals, viz: THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative). THE KDINGBURUH REVIEYV (YVbig). THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Flee ChnrcU). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal). BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory). f piIK great and important events —Religious, Political, A and Military—now agitating the nations of the Old World, givo to tlieso Publications an interest nnd value they never before possessed. They occupy a middle ground between the hastily written news items, crude speculations, and Hying rumors of the newspaper, and tlio ponderous Tome of tlie historian, written long after tlio living interest in tho facts lie records sliull have passed away. Tlie progress of the YVar in tlie East occu pies a large spaco in their pages. Every movement is closely criticised, whether of friend or of foe, and all sliort-couiings fearlessly pointed out. Tlio letters from tlio Crimea and from the Baltic in Ulackwood’sMaguzme, Irani two of its most popular contributors, give a more intelligible and reliable account of tho movements of the great belligerents that can elsewhere he found. Tlieso Periodicals ably represent the three great politi ml parlies of Great Britain—Y\ big, Tory, ami Radical, — hut ("'lilies forms only ono (i nline of their character.— Asurgaus of tliu most profinmd writers on science, Lite rature, Morality, aud Religion. they stand, ns they ever liavo stood, unrivalled in tlie world ol’ letters, being con sidered indispensable to tlie scholar and tlie professional mini, while to the intelligent, reader of every class they furnish a more correct and satisfactory record of tlio cur rent literature of tlie ‘lay , linoughoiit tlie world, than can be possibly-obtained from any other source. Early Copies. Tho receipt of Aiivuna tihurts In an the British publish ers gives additional valtio to these Reprints, especially during tlie present exciting state of European affairs, in asmuch ns they cau now lie placed in tlio hands of sub scribers about as soon as the original editions. Terms. Per aim. For auy one of tlie four reviews $3 On For any two of tin* four Reviews 6 Oil For any three of the four lteviews 7 08 For all four of tlie Reviews N 0o For Blackwood’s Magazine 3 08 For Blackwood apii three Reviews y p* For Blackwood am,’ the four Reviews 10 On I nymeats to lie made in all cases in advance. Money current in tho ,Btate where issued will be received at pm A <o-count of twenty-live per cent, from the above |>i i lu-S will lie allowed to Clubs ordering dire-ot from L. f-cott A Cos., four or more copies of any one or more ol Uio above works. Thus: Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Re view . will he sent to on,, address for .yd: tour copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood -tor S3O; and soon. Postage. in all tho principal cities mid towns, these works will be delivered, lice of postage. When sent by mail, (lie postage to any part of the United States will be but tuini t.V-Joiir cent* a year for —Blackwood,” and but fourteen cents a year for each of tlie Reviews. THE FARMER’S GUIDE To Scientific ami Pine I teal Agriculture. lty Henry Stephens, F. R. fc>. of I Binhurgii. and the late J. I*. Norton, Professor off. . n itic- Agriculture in 1 ale College, Acw Haven. ~ vols. Royal Octavo.— RiUu pages, and nmueroua Wood and Steel Engravings. This is, confessedly, the most complete work on Agri culture over published, and iu order to give it a widei circulation the publishers have resolved to reduce the price to Five Dollars lor (lie Two Volumes!! \l lien scut by mail (pust-paid) to California and Oregon the price will be $7. To any other part of the Union and tot niiada (post-paid). $6. ttr> This work is not tbe old “Book of tlie Farm.” Remittances for auy of tho above publications should always be addressed, post-paid, to the Publishers. LEONARD. SCOTT & CO., No. 54 Gold Street, New York. VALUABLE LOUISIANA LAND, FOB SALE. 1 Mil,L sell the beautiful PLAN TATION known as tlie Hargrove A Estate Place, iu Jackson Parish, La..5 Ol . v,-. |rr miles soul Ii of Vernon, 28 miles from jlKa i, ,v ..,, .tr* tlie Ouaeliita river, and 12 miles from the Y ieksburg and Eliroveport Rail Koatt. containing in the aggregate, HJ3O acres, ala,ut 300 of which is in a tine state ol cultivation, with good buildings, such as Dwellings, Gin House and Screw, Cabins, Cribs, Stables, Ac. Ac. ’ in point ot hoallli and beauty, this place is unsurpas sed iti the Parish. Tin* plantation is well watered, and the tract finely timbered. 1 will sell tills place all togs!her, or in lots to suit pur chasers. Persons desirous of making valuable invest ments will do well lo call. For further particulars, address R. M. Hufgruve, Ver min, Jackson Parish, La., or call at his residence, 5 miles east of that place. May ii. 1866. 3m R. M. HARGROVE, SFKIAG AND RUSHER CLOT HIM XF OH. lOOC. —<* AT THE ONE-PRICE lIS CJIA ) T HJN EMPORIUM OF J. ZHC. D AINTIEL Sc 00., 128 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., Clin lie found a lull supply, wit/i constant additions, ot Gentlemen’s First Class HEADY MAD E CLOT Ii 1 NO, Os their Own Manufacture, YY arrauted to give full satisfaction to tin* purchaser. A large and well selected Stock ol Gentlemen’* Furnishing Gouda, Ilats. Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises, Umbrellas Ac. Also, a lieautifiil assortment Os French and English CLOTH3, CASSIMERE3 & VESTINGS, \\ liicli they arc prepared to make up in a style of Cut and Manufacture, never yet equalled South. Call, examine and be suited. April 9, 1860. GAS FIXTURES. riMIK undersigned having Blade arrangement* with the L Manufacturers, arc prepared to furnish Gass Fixtures at Philadelphia Prices, with freight lidded. All inscriptions of GILT AND BRONZE (,'IIANDA Li KBS with 2. 3, 4 and 5 lights, of beautiful style and designs tor 1 ’ARLOIIS ANI) SALOONS. Gilt and Bronze IIARP.- for HALLS and PASSAGES, w ilii various styles of Giit aud Bronze Brackets. PEN, DAMS and IlltOl’ LlGll'i,-;—fancy styles. Pinin and Fancy GLOBES xml SHADES. CHINA BELLS plain and gilt, very ornamental. Our stock is very large and beautifully assorted. Ail doeriplioi.s ei Gush Fitting dune promptly and unnun lied, by Mr .1. \\ I, I.M, w lio lias had over twenty years experience is this line of business ill Phila depliiaaud elsewhere,mid whose known reputation needs no comment. D. B. THOMPSON A CO., April 16, 1866- 143 Broad Street. GREAT reduction in flour - AT Y\ INTEIt'S PALACE MILLS. IYOUHLE EXTRA Family—equal to Hiram ” Smith glu 00 per barret. Extra family gSO •• •- Palace Mills Super 11 ne 730 u Georgia Mills, supcrliin-, equal to Ten nessee 7 no •< Georgia Mills, line, equal to'Ti iim ssee, 6(18 “ “ Five per rent, discount lo dealers. June 13. WINTER’S PALACE MILLS. ROOMS FOR RENT. ~ qnvo i’LEA SANT N'EYV ROOMS over E. Barnard’s 1 Grocery Store, with Gas Fixtures, ( lon t Ac. com plete. Niiltnldn for offices or sleeping room,:. Enquire o f June 6. L. 0. MORTON, Agent. VALUABLE I'ittd’EKTV. ONE of the most desiralde and conveniently arranged I!ESIDENCES in tho city, for *!et% sale on accommodating terms. IWB Gl Apply to _ A. K. AYEK, May 1”. *237tf IS| Broad Street. W ’.(.(INS. T UST received and for sale cheap, • ; four Northern Built Wagons, a TJM—L tirst rate iclc, for two and fmr bors"s. Also, one upoi iorOx Can 1 IBNMLantifco with Iloilv and Yoke complete. May 26. GUNBY A CO. FINE BRANDY. I “J 1 CASES line Brandy—one dozen in a case jus I. /( I 1, reived on consignment, mid lor sale bv Juno 2. HARRISON A McGEHEE. BROOKS A CHAPMAN \irOUED call the attention of Phy-alrlanw to the \ y newly discovered mmliriue called DR. N. W. SKAT’S NEGATIVE ELECTRIC FLUID. It is superior to Norwood'*Tincture of Veratum Y’eradi, for all purposes that tho lntter lias heretofore been wed for. February 4. FOR SALE ON CONSIGNMENT. I lAOON Sides, Hams, Seed Oats, and Corn. Pv I> HUGHES A DANIEL. Jan 18—1 r FINE SUMMER DRINKS Xf| BOXES superior Claret YVine, just received and •r 1 1 for sals low down, at 42 Broad Street. May 15. CKLLA A TIIOMAg. {NO. 33.