The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, September 11, 1856, Image 1
|€li fMJj fm IIV THOMAS UK WOLF. PUBLISHER AND PItbPIUSTOB. , r w . lane and t. db wolf, EDITORS. i. ~,,,1 Jaily at Five Dollars a year. Where the sub ’ ’ intioxi is made for less than a year, at the rate of e !‘v Cents a month. Single copies, Five Cents. ADVERTISIN'*.; RATES. ■(.Dements will he inserted at Ten Cents a line .Vdyeru-e n [, j vu Cents a line for each subse r first tuo tlie same —to be paid for when the reitilement is nanded into the office. contract advertisers. ■ „i u„i exceeding 5 lines, not renewable, will be - 77, three months for $4, six months for SO, or one 9 li-ertun upon to he paid for before the I ! ar Element is put in type. 1 . ■ erUenients not exceeding ten hues, renewable at I ,7, lute, inserted at S2O a year—to be paid for quarterly I fu’ caisemeuts of 20 lines, renewable at pleasure, in -1 Al ’ . ...,.. vear— payable quarterly in advanee. 9 f l ’, advertisements exceeding 20 lines, will be I ‘ “ , ‘the rate of $lO for for every additional ten I [. m”—payable quarterly in advance. 1 f*. 1, .riLments or notices, occupying a place between A .lin . matter and advertisements, will be charged InjAfor^ryin^rtlon. U, U, McCRAW, IjAW, 1 U& Fayette, Ohambßrs County, Alabama. 1 March 1,1856. ,im : , u uu .PKR BP.VANT DUNCAN, WM. E. BARRETT. 5 HOOPER, DUNCAN dfc BARNETT, attorneys at law. . Yaa , iu Columbus, Georgia, and Crawford, Alabama. 1 February 27,_18&8.1J’ ROBERT G. CARITHERS, Attorney at Law, COLU.Uu.US, GEORGIA, r .. I practice in all the counties of the Chatalioo \\ chee Circuit; in tlie counties of Chattahoochee, Ku-lv and Randolph,of the Fataula Circuit; and I Phouii aui Decatur counties, of the South Vi extern Cir- I February 28, 1856. ly OR. CARRIGER, Is prepared to attend to all Surgical cases com- mitted to his churgfl* . Office as Heretofore, in the old St. Mary’s Bank W ! qeddence—Nortlioast corner of Craiviord and For | rth streets. Feb. 1-ly ORIS. K. M. <fc M. A. CLECKLEY, ] f WING associated themselves in the practice ol { MEDICINE and SURGERY, tender their services to 7 public generally. Putieulav attention will he bestowed to diseases pecu- I Lr’ to IWrndw. Chronic affections of all kinds, which I lav be entrusted to tlieir treatment. I tke” Office next door to Kldgway, Cleekley A Cos., ovet 1 errv Spencer’s Grocery store, Broad st. 1 Mortice hours from Btolo a. m., and from 3 to 4p. I also at night between Sand 10 o’clock. I | Colninbus, April 25 ts cusiiman, C7SS22S 13 Ad IVTIST. INTER BUILDING, 48 Broad street, Columbus, Ga. Jan. 11, ll>ot? 2m special notice. j TjR the remainder of the summer, I i undersigned will not be at Ids office after one o clock. I July 8-2 m _ FOGLE, Dentist. A. J. RIDDLE, daguerrean artist, IAS closed his ros ms over Mygatt’s Store, prepara tory to re-opening on a scale ot magnificence lar irpassiug anything heretofore known in this City. His new rooms will he ou the corner of Broad and audolph streets, in the block now being built by Col. jnes, and as soon as completed. March 7,1855 ” A. M. HULL, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Commission Merchant, VT tlie old stand of D. Ellis & Cos., 14 Broadjjjjj street, Columbus. Georgia. | December 18 ®t J. R. HULL &. CO., i 3H.OCER.Y MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN TAGGING, Rope, Twine Sugar. Coffee, Ma-,j j ) lasses, Salt, Teas, Cigars, Tobacco, Wines, randies, Gin, Rye, Monongahela, Bourbon, and HU latch Whiskey, and Provisions and Groceries generally, the old stand Os John .T. McKeudree, No. 109 Broad ireet, Columbus, Ga. November 21, 1855. ly L LIFE INSURANCE. NORTH CAROLINA IFTt’AL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF RALEIGH, and CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, 1 IDXTINUB to take risks ou favorable terms. Slaves 1 L insured for two thirds their value JOHN MUXN, Agent, I 1 August 8, 1856. 3m Columbus, Ga. RICHARD M. GRAY, i Agent and Commission Merchant, BANKS’ BUILDINGS, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, Immediately opposite Stewart, Gray & Cos., Offer to the Trade, 1)( ii i; W \ LBS. Tennessee Bacon, a film lot of well O’ f,UI /U trimmed HAMS U 1 *j lbs. dried VENSON, bettor than Beef, and cheaper. ■>"’ Peas, Sugar, Coffee, Flour and Lard. ■ •Lily 19, 1856. ■ .JEFFERSON & HAMILTON, DEALERS IN i HOCERIES. PROVISIONS. AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, Corner Warren and Franklin Streets. Columbus. Georgia, I.’ BEP constantly on hand a Supply of the best goods 9V and are receiving produce from Tennesse which *cy sell low for Cash. • Hour and Meal of the best quality always on band at ■'b prices. JOSEPH JEFFERSON, I Feb.2B Gin J. 11. HAMILTON. JAMES LIGON, COMMISSION merchant, No. 132 East Side P.rotul Street, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in laeon, Lard, Flour, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses. Suit. Tobac o Cheese, Onions, Potatoes. Apples, Dried Fruits, Ac., jetoher 20. ly *■ 3. BELL A. BELL V. Q. JOHNSON BELL, JOHNSON & CO., manufacturers ani> dealers in liquors, Flour, Grain, Stock, &c. &c. Chattanooga, Tennessee. fcWER TO Cashier Union Bank, Chattanooga, Ten. I ‘AMES LIGON, Columbus, Ga. ■ Mairl, 10, iso S , sm HALLOVVELL <k THOMAS, v Mattress Manufacturers, W lll,lO won BELOW CITY HOTEL, BROAD STREET, I Columbus, Georgia, \L bEIiS for Cotton or Cotton anil Shuck Mattresses, f / promptly executed. The patronage of the citizens I ‘ ‘imbus and vicinity, ia respectfully solicited. ■ October 20. 1855. ly • UAR;*ERB> AND EXCHANGE BANK, OF CHARLESTON, 8. C. Agency at Columbus. 1 ou New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Charleston, rate* ‘' Vl4nnal *’ or Augusta, discounted at customary -10IIT EXCHANGE, on the above named cities, sot v‘ .. . , E.T. TAYLOR, Agent. LI . ” Office next door to the Post Office. INSURANCE. iUVEII, and LIFE RISKS taken in * companies by btSre V.Y. . JOHN MCNN. Agent. • 2., ovr K. Barnard & Co.’s store. J 1 hoenix Insurance Company—Capital $200.00u, JOHN IIUNN, Agent. L °° MlS ’ Pr ** ident - Columbus, Ga„ Nov 27. ts ffl4c null) VOL. ll.} REMOVAL. FURNITURE EMPORIUM. SAMMIS & ROONEY, llavo removed their extensive stock of Furniture to their (IRON FROST,) New Four Story Brick Guild lug, Nearly opposite their Old Stand, WHERE they will he happy to see their friends and customers and show them something brilliant, ami inviting in the way of Furniture. Our are unequalled in Beauty, and our Furniture recherche. Wo offer rare advantages to pur chasers, furnishing houses throughout in a tasteful and uniform style, by having a branch of our business iu New York city, where the Senior partner manufactures, under his own eye, articles to suit the most fastidious. AVe have on hand furniture suitable for Parlor, Bed, Sitting, Dining Room, Kitchen Ac., of Rose Wood. Mahogany, Walnut. Pine, Ac.; and as Low as can be found North or South. An assort ment of CARPETING AND CURTAINS, will also be on hand, that will not fail to please. Call and see. Our stock consists iu part of Eterzshes, Tete a Tetes, What Kots. Arm Chairs, and Sofas, of Rose-Wood, iirocatelle and Mahogany, for Ps, . -rs. llureaus, Dressing. Marble and Mahogany Top*. Side-Hoards —Marble and Mahogany Tops, Book Cases of till kinds and Secretaries attached. Tables—Centre, Dining, Work and Extension Bedsteads—High and low post, French and Cottage. Enamel Sets for Bed Rooms, nil colors. Walnut and Ma hogany Sets for Bed Rooms. Cbales—an extensive assortment of all woods. Looking; Glasses—all sizes, in frames and out. Carpets—Brussels, Ingrain, Tapestry, ae. Curt ains—of Brocatelle anil Damask, all colors. Shades—Gilt Cornices and Curtain holders. January 17, 1856. BARRINGER & MORTON’S Steam Sash and Blind Manufactory, OGLETHORPE STREET, COLUMBUS, GA. T I tins Manufactory has been is iu successful operation J_ for over throe years, and is still continued. All work will bo done by experienced workmen, with good quality of lumber, and the latest unproved machinery. SASH, BLINDS, AND PANEL DOORS, Will be furnished and boxed at the Factory, at the follow ing prices: Sash —8x10... 7 cts Primed and Grazed... cts. 10 x 12... 0 “ “ “ ...18’ “ 12 x 14 ..10 “ “ ...25 “ 12 x 10...11 “ “ ...27 “ 12 x 18...12 “ “ “ ...30 “ 12 x 20...14 li “ “ ...35 “ 12x22...10” “ “• ...40 “ 12 x 24...18 “ “ “ ...45 “ The above Sash are 1% inch thick, and made plain. In all cases where they are made Lip-Sash, twh cents per light will be added. All Sash glazed with good French Glass, primed with the best Faint, and superior Putty. Rolling Blinds for Window*, 60 cents per foot, measuring the length, A window five feet would cost $3, without painting, catches, or hinges. PANEL DOORS. inch thick, without moulding, $2 50—moulding one side, $3 00—moulding both sides. $3 50. 1% inch thick, without moulding, 2 75 —moulding ouo side, 3 25—moulding both sides, $3 75. V/i inch tliich, 4 pannels moulding on one side, $3 50— moulding both sides. *4 DO. 1% inch thick, 4 panels moulding on one side, $4 00— moulding both skies, $4 50. In addition to the above, Blinds painted and furnished with hinges and catches, if desired; also, Sash glazed with German or Preach plate, painted, stained, ename - led, embossed and Bohemian Glass, of all shades and col ors, for side and transom lights am. office windows. Plans and specifications for all descriptions of buindings furnished to order, with estimates, if desired. Contracts made for construction und erection of build ings, oil reasonable terms. All kinds of lumber planed, and flooring and ceiling tougued and grooved. Scroll and other descriptions of Brackets, for ornament ing Cottages, G reen Houses, Ac., made to order. The proprietors being practical mechanics and builders, believe they can give entire satisfaction to all who may favor them with orders. %iy- A ll the above work will be furnished at short notice. Sash kept constantly ou hand. All orders sent with the cash, or city acceptance, will meet with prompt at tention. Work to be sent by the River, Rail Road, or in Wagons, will he at tlie risk of tlie purchaser, a* the work will be considered delivered. contracts can be made for large jobs. M. BARRINGER, January 24. ly J. L. MORTON. JOIIX C. RUSE RICHARD VATTF.N W. C. HODOKS. FIRE-PROOF WARE HOUSE. General Ware House and COMMISSIOHf BUSINESS. OUIt undivided attention will be given to tin [nJTVVVv STORAGEiUid SALE of COTTON und othei PRODUCE. Liberal advances made upon Cotton in Store, and the usual facilities offered to induce Shipments to our friends iu 8a van nab, New Y**rk, Boston, and Liverpool. Orders for Groceries, promptly executed and articles purchased free of commission, at the lowest market prices for our customers, Columbus, July 30,1805. BUSL, PATTICX &. CD. Warehouse, Commission, Receiving AND FORWARDING BUSINESS. r pilK undersigned having fined a co-part- * n <*\ I worship, will continue business at the oliljj-j-nbl stand (Alabama Warehouse) inner tins i:*m, and style of KING A SOUSiIY, and solicit from tlieii friends and customers a continuance of tlieir business. JOHN W. KINO. April 29, 1856. 225tf B. A. BORSBY. Warehouse & Commission Business. WE are prepared to make liberal advance* L\ \ \Y\ on COTTON und other PRODUCE in Particular attention will be given to the SALE OF COTTON. Wo have now on hand a supply of BAGGING and ROPE, which we offer at the market prices. R. S. GRSENWOOD, 1 s. F. UIIIMES. J GREENWOOD It GRIMES. July 4. 1856. ly FONTAINE WARE HOUSE. HUGHES & DANIEL, Waveliousf, Comininislon, Receiving and Forwarding Merchants. rPUE undersigned have taken the new Fire Proof I Ware House, recently erected in tlie rear of Messrs, Tliruewrts, llolt A Cos., adjoining thei Alabama Ware House, and are prepared to attend to all consignments, and to receive and store Cotton. They will do a general CommißHon. Storage and Forwarding Business. Parti cular attention given to the Sale of Cotton and other Produce. The usual facilities will lie afforded and cnrefulaltcution given to all business entrusted to tlieir care. A good supply of Hope and Salt, al ways on hand, WM. H. HUGHES, October 1856. * WM. DANIEL. FANCY GANDIES. J UST received a fine supply of Fancy Candies and Con footioaery, at 42 Bread street. February 6. J. I*. THOMAS. FRESH RUTTER /"'I AN be lmd of your Cows if you will buy l’eoa and j feed with them. 1000 bushels Just received and for I sale low. by R. M. OKAY, July 19. Agent and Commission Merchant. MACHINE hemp and cotton hope. rililE undersigned are making a superior article of I HEMP HOPE, which for price and quality must suit the trade of this place, and arc now ready to take orders for both Hemp and Cotton Hope, the latter ot all sizes and the very beet description. TUI ST AM VKKSTILLE. JAMES TORRY. July 8 -3 m Carter Factory. STILL BETTER ! JUST RECEIVED, St. Loni* “Empire,” finer Flour ! than the Albion Mills or Plant’s Extra. ALSO. DulHeld’s Extra Sugar Cured HAMS. ALSO, An extra fine lot ofTennossee Hama and Shoulders. July 12 GUN BY A CO. FILLMORE, FREMONT & BUCHANAN 4 UE voted humbugs when a hungry Politician sits down to dine on those neatly trimmed Hams, which lam selling low for cash. it. M. GRAY, July 19. Agent and Commission Merchant COLUMBUS, GA., SEPTEMBER IJ. 1856. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, EAST SIDE OP OGLETHORPE ST., Between the “Perry” uud “Oglethorpe” Hotels, and di rectly opposite Temperance Ilall, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Ilf E have now in store and receiving the CdSPISJL’ I T best and most extensive stock of vehi- OfjSAgjye cles to he found in this country, comprising CALECHES AND MOCK CALECHES, of finest and richest finish, and most elegant appearance. BERLINS AND COACHES, of latest styles and every variety. ROCKAWAYS AND BAROUCHES, of every known pattern and shape, suitable for one or two horses, and complete assortment of Top and No-Top BUGGIES AND WAGONS, ol the latest ami most fashionable styles now used. Tim fhet that tlie well known and highly esteemed work of JAMES M. QIHNBY ,t CO. as well as that of other makers of the highest reputation, can be found only at, our House, andtliutul! our stock is made up un der the personal direction of Mr. 11. C McKee, (whose loug experience guarantees its quality) enables us to offer Letter work and at lower prices, than arti cles of the same quality can lie sold for by any othor dea ler in this country ; anil quite as low as they can be af forded ill New York city. For proof of which wcrespcct fully invite all who wish to purchase, to call and see us. Wo are selling at the very lowest rates, for cash or ap proved credit, and always ask our selling prices, so our customers and strangers as- well, may roly on being honestly and ’ airly dealt with. Eve ry article ia warranted to be strictly as represented, und satisfaction guaranteed to all. McKEE Hi ROBERTS, N. B.—Having the best regular set of Carriage workmen to be found in this country, we are p.e pared, as heretofore, to do all kinds of repairing -it the lowest possible rates, with the utmost promptness and in the best manner. McK. & It. January 28. ly MORE GOOD NEWS f READ I READ 1 I READIII EMBROIDERIES AND DACES, TO BJ3 SOU) AT AND DELOW NEW YORK COST. 11l AYE just rec<*iviHl,.on consignment, a large assort ment ol* Embroideries ami Ern es, among which are— -200 J nonet Collars at 15c., worth 40c. *2OO Swiss Collars at 20c,, worth 50c 300 French Worked Collars, at from to $4 100 Alpasseo and Lace Collars, from 25c. to $1 5000 yds. Thread, Maltese, and Lyle Laces 200 Jacnet Bands, from 25c. to $1 200 Swiss Bands, from 25c. to $1 1000 yds. Jaonet and Swiss Edging 1000 yds Jacnet and Swiss Inserting. Among the goods above named will be found some very desirable styles, all of which will be sold at prices as above quoted. 1 will also sell from my stock in store, at cost— -200 Fashionable Summer Mantillas 1500 dozen Hosiery, of every description 1000 piece# of Calicoes, price H to 10c. 200 pieces French and American Lawns, 7 to 20c. 200 “ *• “ “ Uinghnms, 10 to 20c. 500 “ Bleached Domestics, price f> to 11c. Also, colored and black Silk Dresses. Bareges and Ba rege Robes, newest styiefi. Doors open all day: admittance free, and no charge for showing goods, Very Respectfully. *<!EO. W. ATKINSON. june4ts 105 Broad st.. Columbus. J. 11. IIAPPOLPT J. V. MURRAY. HAPPOLDT &. MURRAY, No. 46 Broad Street, Columbus. Georgia, Importers and Manufacturers of ’ GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, And all Articles in tlie Trade. Repairing executed with neatness and dispatch Keys fitted. Terms cash lor all kinds of work. June 5. FOR SALE. I N the most desirable and healthy . location in Columbus, tlie lIODBE and LOT of a bill facie and a quarter oljjvj a * j one-half acre on tin* corner of tosh and Bryan streets —containing (.B3M r raagira Rooms, 2 Kitchens, 2 Negro Rooms, 2 Store Rooms, one Smoke House, 2 Poultry Houses, Cohi Ii House and Sta ble, a superior Well of water. Flower Pit, Dairy. Hardens with Fruit Tivts and Shrubbery, in good order. Apply on the premises to (r. VI. DICKSON. Or at 131 Broad Street (west side) to April 21), 185 b. 225tf A. K. AYER. Truth is Mighty and will Prevail. Fact# are Beginning to Develope Themselves. YYTHKN IVoplu try tlm SOUTHERN CORDIAL for f V the Bowels, they never fail to find it the l>est rem edy iu the world for Diarrhoa, Dysentery, Bloody Flux, &o. it is more for tlm afflicted of our country than any medicine ever yet discovered, and testimony of that fact is daily arriving from every part of tlm country. Kv<*ry person who has given it a fair trial say it will do, and are taking it oil by the dozen. They are. beginning to find that it Is no humbug. T can he found at Gunby A Co.’s corner, at all times, and will take pleasure in satisfying any unprejudiced mind that it is the best me dicine for diseases of the Bowels ever yet discovered. JACK KMITM. For sale at the Yollowiug Drug Htoresin Columbus: BROOKS k CHAPMAN, KIVLIN, THOMAS k CO. DA N FORTH. A NAGLE. J. S. PEMBERTON V CO. R. A. M ARK. And at the Store ofGunbv Cos.. Broad Street, by July 17. 2m JACK SMITH. Proprietor. A CAIID UT. GREEN WOOD, iiftlir liitn firm <if Green , wood A Morris. New Orleans, respectfully,'/ irforms his friends and former patrons, thatJiejrjljgpl has permanently Mottled in the city of New York. NUMBLY Having associated himself with the house of LIVINGSTON, BROS. & KINKEAD, W H OLE S A L E OIIOC EIIS, Coiiunliainn and Importing Mevclinntu, No. 62 Viwy Stiwt, iff roar of tin* Aitor lloii.n. lU* in prepared to anpfily tliem with everythin* in tlie GROCERY LINE, on the most favorable terms. Also, to buy on Commis sion any articles sold iti this market. lie promises to use every exertion to give satisfaction, and will give his personal attention to the filling of all orders with which be may be faVop and. New York. April 1, 1860, fim BACON shoulders. IQ HOGSHEADS BACON SHOULDERS, just received I & oil consignment, and for sale at the Fontaine Ware House, by [juuelOj IIUGIIEH A DANJKL. NOTICE TO DRAYMEN, MEALED Proposals for Haul- O ing Freight from the Mum- CSfeb cogee and Opelika Branch Do- pots to tlie Depot in Guard, , r> H will be received until Mi. Mon day, 15th Inst. Bids must be made for the dilTereiit classes of t!:c Freight List of July Ist, 1850. At the sum* time proposals will I>e received for Haul ing Ctrs from the Muscogee Dejsit to the Girard Depot. Engines, Freight Gars, and Passenger Oars will be hid for separately. The Hauling for one yoah will b awarded to lowest bidder ftirnlsldijg proper security. Bills endorsed “ Proposal* for Draysgo.” will b ad j dressed to IV. 11. Karris. Sec’ry. Oirapl, Ain. R. A. HARDAWAY, < h. Eng. A Sup. Office M. k G. It. Fept. 5, 1850. td (OU MIHS HANK STOCK. “VTOTICE is hereby given, that I have this day sold to David Adams, twenty shares of the above named stock, being the whole amount of which I am luteiestod in said Bank. This Bth September, 1850. w3ia H W. S&XCE. preseryixl c \NK. A SUPERIOR article for nale by June 19. 3m R. M. ALDWORfII. CARRIAGES! CARRIAGES!! 1 HIE zubscriberH have now on hand and r.'KTV-tf-’ . are constantly receiving, one of tlie larg- WJsUlffiy*- ! esl “ n, l most varied Stocks of Vehicles over ouered, and made expressly for this market, emhrocuiK every style I of Carriage in use, such as— Caleches, lterlln Couclick, Barouches, (Os the Finest Finish.) FAMII.Y ROCKAWAYS, Large uud bimhll, including many very 1 amt tasty, suitable lor one horse. BOW TOP WJS-GrONS, With a complete assortment of BUGGIES with and without TOPS, 01 every style and finish, which, for durability and neat ness, cannot be excelled, and are from most respect able manufactories at. the North, and made under the persoual directiuu of Mr. J. B. Jaques. All of which wo are soiling at the very lowest rates for cash or ai provrd credit. Every article sold by us at our Repository is warranted ill every respect, and our customers and all purchasers cau rely on being honorably and fairly dealt with—in proof of which wo respectfully Invite the attention of all who wish to purchase, to call on us at the North-Host corner of Oglethorpe and Bryan sheets, opposite the Fer ry House. J. 11. JAQUES & BROTHER. N. U.-—Having a regular set of northern Car. rtogc W orknit'ii employed, we are prepared to execute Repairing of every kind in Ihe hi st possible maimer with neatues- and dispatch, at low rates, at .1. B. JAQUES & BROTHER’S Carriage Repository, North East corner Oglethorpe and Bryan streets, oppo site the Ferry House, Columbus, Ga. ’ February 6. LEVY, DRAKE & CO., Engineers and Machinists, Union Foundry & Machine Works, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Y\TE the special attention of the public to our es y}/ tublishiiient. The proprietors are practical Me chanics and of loug experience in the business, and har ing combined two establishments iu one, they have the largest and best stock of tools and pat terns in the State. Their facility for doing business being so great, they can afford to their customers the best of Urmsund the most prompt execution. Our senior partner having been so many years in this business as the practical purtiior and proprietor of tho Ocmulgec Foundry, Macon, Georgia, is well known, hav ing built a large number of Steam Engines. Mill.-, and Machinery, throughout this and adjoining State-. To ail of which we refer as a guarantee of our work and ability. Our junior is just from Virginia, and having had the management of some of tlie largest establishments in that State, brings with him the best practical ability and improvements in machinery. Wo call especial attention to our Marine and Sta tionary Steam Engines and Mills, both cir cular and u| right. IVe are now manufacturing tlie host CIRCULAR SAW MILLS in tlie country, being entirely of metal, at the same price other* are furnishing wooden ones. M e are now furnishing .Steam Engines and Boilers of ary size ; Flouring and <turn Mill,-; vertrical nud circu lar Saw Mills; Sugar Mills: Shafting: Pulleys; Horse Powers; Gin and Mill Gearing of all kinds: Cemetery Railing; Hark Mills: Corn Shellers: Cob Crushers: and Castings of every kind —Brass and iron. marl3-tf NEW FURNITURE “W ARE JROO IVE. 3d Door North of the Oglethorpe House, COLUMBUS, GA. Yd THE subscriber lias on hand. I hiss’ doers - * fcJs,North of tho Oglethorpe House. ftfol tliornc Street, an assortment of neatly -it— made FURNITURE, to which he will breiiEs!?A constantly adding, and which lie will sell at prices that cannot fail to suit those in want of anything in his line. Articles nut on hand will lie made to order at tlie short est notice. Furniture repaired nt reasonable rates. Call and examine stock. j uly21 J. H. SIKKB. N KW CO-FA It TNK H Slll !>. MAXUI3 Xild YARD. J. H. MADDEN & THOMAS KENNY, Oglethorpe Street, where they will at. all times he full ml ready to receive mid and promptly execute nil orders given to them. They pledge themselves to satisfy all who patronize them, iu material, workmanship, and quickness of execution. They will lp-ep constantly on bund Cornellt mid Plaster nf Farit. laon Railing, of the. newest patterns, always procured lit reasonable rates and on tin* most advanta geous terms. All who know Madden, know him to lie a workman of taste and judgment. Those who wish to show respect to the “dear one- depur'ed” will find it to their advan tage In give the new firm a coll. Fob 15 MARBLE AND TOMH-STONE WORKS, Land ilph Strict, opjiosite Oglethorpe lintel. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. The undersign thorpe, where lie is prepared, with the Iwst Italian and Arnuri cim Marble. In furnish all kinds of Monumentn, Tombs and Grave Stones, as eh. ap as they cun lie had In any part nf tin-country, .North or Sonih. lie is,, ertfa Ily solicits a share ot pub lit! patronage He flutters himself that for workmanship lie will give satisfaction to the most htatidious. April 19, 1866. ly HENRY McCAULKY. R. P. HHAPARt) (i. V. MITCiIKLL. SUAPARD A. MITCHELL, WHOIiBSAIiId &IIOCEHB, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, and iloulcrs iu IKON, CASTINGS, c., South Side of the Public Square, Hhelbyvllle, Tennessee. References. Seymore, Funning & Cos., 11. A 11. Douglass & Cos., Hillman k llmthor, ■ Nashville, Tennessee. Lanier k Flnllqis. Davis, l’licbcr A Cos. J. R. Wallace A Brothel', t .. . ~ J E. Williams A Cos. ’/ Atlanta, Ga. (tiiMivillw, MaiupU! k Cos. f (Mint Tcmi. McC/illy v .loii’ p. Mucuii. Uu. .1. U. Hull k Cos.. Colunibufiy Gh. J. A. Anuley, ) . . r , Serautoli, Kolb A Cut / Augusta. Ga. Veislille A Frierson. .Savannah, Ha. Slicperd, McCray A Cos., Charleston, S. C. Kel ruerv 8, 1850. lira TENNESSEE BACON. KA fit 1A LBS. Tennessee Bacon just received and “” “U for sale IiOAV for Cash, by May a. 11l DO MAY, Cl, EC KEY A CO. PirriT. TARLTIS ill endless variety—ltipe. Dried, and Preserv ed. fur sale lit 42 Broad street, by JjKebruoyy o. 1 ■ B. Tilth IIORSE AND ijt'OGY FOR SAUK. A GOOD BUGGY und a capital Horse, well broke. Apply to U. M. GRAY. August 2. 1856. FRKRII BUTTER. A GOOD supply of Fresh Butter, just received and for sale at R. M. GHAT’S July 24. Comniissiou Houae. THE BRITISH PERIODICALS, AND THE FAHMSH’S GrXJIDK. Great reduction in tho price of the latter publication. L. Scott & Cos., N'w Y'ork, continue to publish the fol* lowing loading Britiab i'eriixlieals, viz: THE LONDON’ QUARTERLY (Conservative). TIIK EDJNGRURGIi REVIEW (Whi^). THE NORTH BIUTIBU REVIEW (Free Church). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal). 1 D LACK WOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory). ! great and important oventa—ReligiouH, Political^ -1- and Military—now agitating tlie* naiioiiH of the Old World, give to these Publications an interest and value they never lioforo possessed. They occupy a middle ground between the hastily written news items, crude speculations, and Hying rumors of the newspaper, and the ponderous Tome of tho historian, written long alter the living interest in the facts he records shall have passed away. Tlie progress of the War in the East occu pies a large space in tlieir pages. Every movement is closely criticised, whether of friend or of foe, and all short-comings fearlessly pointed out. The letters from the Crimea and from the Baltic iu Blackwood's Magazine, from two of its most popular contributors, give a more intelligible and reliable account of tlie movements of the great belligerents that can elsewhere be found. These Periodicals ably represent the three gneav politi cal parties of Great Britain—W big, Tory, and Badical, — but politics forms only one featuie of their character.— As Organs of the most profound writers on Science, late ratine, Morality, and Religion, they stand, as they ever have stood, unrivalled iu the world of letters, being con sidered indispensable to the scholar and the professional limn, while to the intelligent, render of every elass they tufnish a more correct and satisfactory record of the cur rent literature of the day, throughout the world, than cau be possibly obtained from any other source. Early Copies. The receipt of Advance Sheets from the British publish ers gives additional value to these Reprints, especially during the present exciting stale of European affairs, in asmuch as they can now be placed in the hands of sub scribers about ns goou us the original editions. Terms. Per aim. For any one of tho four reviews $3 00 For any two of the four Reviews 5 00 For any throe of tlie four Reviews 7 00 Yov all four of the Reviews 8 00 For Black wood's Magazine 3 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews 9 0‘ For Blackwood am.’ the four Reviews 10 00 Payments to be made in all cases in advance. Money cur lent in tho State where issued will be received at pai Clubbing. A discount ol twenty-live per cent, from the above pri ces will In til lowed to Clubs ordering afreet from L. Scott A Cos., four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Tims: Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Re view, will be sent to quo address for $!): four copies of tho four Reviews and Blackwood for S3O; and soon. Postage. Inull the principal cities aud towns,these works wiil In* delivered, free of postage. When sent by mail, the pontage to any part of the United States will be but Iwtv cents a year for each of the Reviews. THE PARMER’S GUIDE To Sclent Hie and Practical Agricult tire. By Henry Stephens, F. R. K. of . dihhuigh, and tlie late J. P. Norom. Professor of . ntirtc Agriculture in \alu College, New llavcn. - vufr. Royal Octavo.— ] (i()0 pages, and numerous Wood and Steel Engravings. I'liis is, confessedly, the most complete work on Agri culture ever published, and in order to give it a widci circulation the publishers have resolved to reduce the price to Eire Dollurs for the Two Volumes! I I\ hen sent by mail (post-paid) to California and Oregon the price v. ill bo £7. To any other part of tho Union and to Canada (post-paid), SO. Mir) This w ork is not the old ‘‘Book of the Farm.” Remittances for any of tlie above publications should always be addressed, post-paid, to tlie Publishers, LEONARD, ECOTT A CO., No. 54 Gold Street, New York. Villi 17 A BLE LOUISIANA h\M) iFOIFfc SALE. J WILL soil the beautiful PLAN TATION known as the Hargrove A Estate Place, in Jackson Parish, Lu., 5 miles south of Vernon, 28 miles from mz § i t in* Ouachita river, and 12 miles from the Vicksburg ami Shreveport Rail lloau. eoiuaTniugiii the aggregate, 1130 actes. about Jpu of which is° in a fine state of cultivation, with good buildings, such as Dwellings, Gin House und Screw, Cabins, Cribs, I point of health ami beauty, this place is uiisurpas sen in the Parish, ‘i he plantation is well watered, and the tract finely timbered. I will sell this place all together, or in lots to suit pur chasers. Persons desirous of making valuable invest ments will do well to call. Forfurflier particulars, address K. M. Hargrove; 1 Ver non, Jack son Parish, Li a) or call at bis residence, 5 miles cast of that place. May 0, 3850. .Jm R. M. HARGROVE. SPHINO AIVI) ST)i>IMER CLOTIII A f-7 XFOH 103*5. AT THE ONE-PRICE CLOTHING KM PORK) M OF J. LL _ DANIEL Sz CO., 128 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., Can lie found a full supply, with conn taut addition*, ot Gentlonff'ii’s First Class HK’iADY made clothing, Oi tillsil- Own Manufhctnro. Warruntcil to klv. full mitisfoctifm to tliu •ptirofmsef. A btrgaaiHl well selectc-il htoqjc ol Gcul li au u'. Fnruihiag UnmU, Huts, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises, Umbrellas Ac., a lieautiful assortment of Fix info and English CLO'j.’L.a, CAfaaiMEKKa & VEbTINGb, \\ liieli tliey m o prepared to make up in a style of Cut ami Mnnufnrtme, novffrjfit equalled Sontli. Call, examine and lie suited. April 9, 1856. GAS FIXTURES. r |'UE uud'-rsigiiedhaving inudearrangements with the .1 MaiiufacturerH. are pi-ejiared to furnirJi Lush Fixtures n\i PRlliiclclpYila Price*, witli freight added. All dfi script loti* (ts gJT.T AND BRD.s7.E 4*I!ANDALIEKB with 2. 8, 4 and 5 lights, of i*cuutifu{ style uud designs tor I’AKLUKS AND SALOON'S. Gill aud Bronze iIAKX'S for HALLS and I’ASSAGkh, with various styles of Gilt and Bronze Jiruikets. FEN DA NTS and DitOF l.lliil’lS—fltfiry styles, ldain and Fttiie.r ULOIiKS and SHADES. CiilNl BELLS—plain and gilt, vi iy oruaim ntal. Our stock is vefy large and iioaiitit'nlly ussorted. All (lisii'iptioiis ol Bass Kitting ihme promptly and v.imaidlid, by Mr J, W Ji,U ELM, who has had over twenty years experience is ibis lino of business in Philn di ( Ida and I'lsewlii'ri'. and wiiose known reputation needs no roimie nt. D. B. THOMPSON A GO.. April 16, 1866- 14& Broad Street. ORKAT BEDUCiTON IN FUH it AT IVINTEH S rAtACK MILLS. UOtllfiU E.YTBA Family—equal to Hiram Smith. ....slt) 00 per baiTel. Extra Family g .qy u Pulace Mills Superfine 750 “ •• Georgia Mills, sujwrfiun, equal to Tcu mvsee 7 00 “ “ Georgia Mills, fine, equal to Tennessee, 600 11 “ Five per ec nt. discount to dealers. •Tune T3. iVINTEU’S I'ALAFE MILLS. ROOMS FOR HEKIk HMVO PLKASANT NEW BOOMS over E. Barnard's 1 Grocery Store, with Gur Fixtures. Cfoset Ac. com plots, siiitnlde lor offices or sleeping rooms. Enquire o t June 5. L. V. .MORTON, Agent. V ALIA BUB FIIOFERTY. ONE of tho most desirable and conveniently arranged ItFISIDI'NCF.S in tlie city, for pSitdjt sale on arrom!tjisju.ilug terms. Apply to A. K. AYER, May 13. 2j!Ttt 181 Broad Street. WAGONS. T UST n eeivisliuid for side cheap, four Northern Built Wagons, a tin t rate article, for two and four horsi .i. Also, one superior (lx Gar with Boilv und Yoke complete. May 26. GUNBY & CO. KINK lIItASDY. CASES Hue Brandy—one dozen ilia case—Jus • /V ‘ received on consignment, and for side bv Juno 2. HARRISON & MeGiIUEK. BROOKS At CHAPMAN Yf roUM) cull tho attention of Physicians to the \Y newly discovered medicine culled Dll. N. W. SEAT'S NEGATIVE ELECTHIC FLUID. It Issaperlor to Norwood's Tincture of Veratum Veradi, for all pnrpoars that tho latter Ims b-Tetofore been nsed for. F'ebruary 4. FOR SAL.K ON CONSIGNMENT. BACON Sides, Hums, Seed Oats, and Corn. By HUGHKS & DANTFL. Jan 18—ts KINK SUMMER DRINKS 7.0 BOXES superior Claret Wine, just received and •Jv ‘ for sals low down, at 42 Brood Street. {NO. 38.