The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, September 24, 1856, Image 1
fejje faitj luttv BV THOMAS J)E WOLF. editor AND PRODRIiTOR. —♦ . v,„,i HnilT at Five Dollars a year. Where the sub ubUMa J less than a year, at the rate of *#■B*2 a month. Single copies, Five Cents. Mt y ADVERTISING KATES. I laments will he inserted at Ten Cents a line ,\.]n’‘ u - . au j j,’ive Cents a line for each subse f,,r hr* l . 1U “,! 0U if the same—to be paid for when the ‘“““rtisement is uunded into the office. CONTRACT ADVERTISEK3. , , „ HxceotUng o lines, not renewable, will be A months for $-1, six months for JO, or one illS tbr SIJ Time agreed upon tobe paid for before the . l Kertissm , ; | n “^‘“ x^d j ng ten lines, renewable at • v T . i’nserted at $-0 a year—to be paid for quarterly ,[easin’ l '? lu * a advance. 2 0 ]lueSj ro newablc at pleasure, in- i „ ear —payable quarterly in advance, sorted “I r "qy'jftiwinonta exceeding ‘do lines, will be ■jutiCW- 1 r . ltu of $lO for for every additional ten ‘.‘‘"payable quarterly in advance. 1 .Dements or notices, occupying a place between A li i* Ucr , iud (ulyortisomeuts, will be charged 1‘". ‘T!?.,,°i line for every insertion. k u 7b. McCRAW, OIA'-KrJE AT LAW, i,ii Fayette, Chambers County, Alabama. March 1,186a. tm ; 0 him I'M BUVANT DUNCAN VVM. I. CAUNUrr. HOOPER, IJUWCAK & BARNETT, attorneys at law. in Columbus, Georgia, and Crawful and, Alabama. February ly ROBERT G. CARITHERS, Attorney at Law, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, rlll practice in all the counties of the Chatahoo- VV *i ■ Circuit: in the counties of Chattahoochee, ‘’ I’lrlv and Randolph,of tiie I'ntaula Circuit; and ■ilh'iun and Decatur counties, of the South Western Cir i . hr.iavy 2*. WB* . dr. carriger, , s prepared to attend to all Surgical cases com i ’ milled to his charge. Iglf Office as heretofore, m the old St. Alary * Bank Mm UMidonce—Northeast corner of Craw lord and For syth streets. * eb ’ 121 y . DRS* H. M. &, M. A. CLECKLEY, I >I A VI.VG associated themselves in the practice of 11 MEDICINE and SURGERY, tender their services to I tlis public generally. I ’ particular attention will be bestowed to diseases pecu liar to Females, Chronic affections of all kinds, which I may be entrusted to their treatment. | a#-Office next door to ltidgway, Cleckley & Cos., over I Perry Spencer’s Grocery store, Broad st. gg. office hours from S to 10 A. M., and from 3 to 4 p. M . : also at night between <N and 10 o’clock. Columbus, April -u ti CUSHMAN, DO AE! !■ ‘T 1 T !St IF - I WINTER BUILDING, 43 Broad street, Columbus, Ga. Jan. H, 1850 2ru SPECIAL NOTICE. ’ vyojj the remainder of the summer, I U undersigned will not be at his office after one o'clock. I July 8-2 tn EGG UK. Dentist. A. J. RIDDLE, j .A.3ST artist, UAS closed his rot ms over Mygatt’s Store, prepara tory to re-opening on a scale of magnificence tar surpassing anything heretofore known in this City. His now rooms will be on the corner of Broad and Randolph streets, in the block now being built by Col. Jonas, and as soon as completed. March 7,1855 W ~ aT m. hull, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Commission Merchant, - ■: \ 4 T the old stand of D. Ellis & Cos., 14 BroadLvHtfi T\_ street, Columbus. Georgia. December 18 —6t .r. R. HULL &. CO., GROCERY MERCHA.KTS, AND DEALERS IN I FAGGING. Rope, Twine Sugar, Coffee, Mo-.* j) lasses, Salt, Teas, Cigars, Tobacco, Brandies, Gin, Rye, Monongahela, Bourbon, aml Scotch Whiskey, and Provisions and Groceries generally, at the Old stand of John J. McKoudree, No. 109 Broad Street, Coiumbus, Ga. November 21, 1855. ly LIFE INSURANCE. NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF RALEIGII, and CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, CONTINUE to take risks on favorable terms. Slaves I insured for two thirds their value JOHN MUNN, Agent, August 8, 1856. 3m Columbus, Ga. RICHARD M. GRAY, Agent and Commission Merchant, BANKS’ BUILDINGS, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, Immediately opposite Stewart, Gray & Cos., Offer to the Trade, Oft ACtCI LBS. Tennessee Bacon, a lino lot of well OO,UUU trimmed HAMS 10001 bs. dried VEX SON', better than Beef, and cheaper. Chv Peas, Sugar, Coffee, Flour and Lard. July in. 1856. JEFFERSON <fc HAMILTON, DEALERS IN GROCERIES. PROVISIONS. AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, Corner Warren and Franklin Streets. Columbus. Georgia, KEEP constantly on hand a supply of the best goods and are receiving produce from Tcnnesso which they soli low for Cash. Hour and Meal of the best quality always on hand at ‘HU prices. JOSEPH JEFFERSON, Mb.2B 8m g. H. HAMILTON. JAMES LIGON, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 132 East Side Broad Street, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in hu on. Lard, Flour, Coffee, Sugar. Molassec, Salt. Tobac ” Cheese, Onions, Potatoes, Apples, Dried Fruits, Ac., Octal r 20. ly W * S, BF,J,L A. BELL Y r . Q. JOHNSON BELL, JOHNSON & CO., manufacturers and dealers in Liquors, Flour, Grain, Stock, &c. Sic. Cliattanouga, Tennessee. II Hl l 'Ell TO ■i'WRRY.Jr. Cashier Union Bank, Chattanooga, Ten. •'AMES LIOON, Columbus, Ga. March 15, 1806. 6m HALLOWELL &■ THOMAS, Mattress Manufacturers, “IHB DOOR BELOW CITY HOTEL, BROAD STREET, } Columlma, Georgia, { \ for Cotton or Cotton ami Shuck Mattresses. promptly executed. The patronage of the citizens October^“ms IC i"- ity ’ rt ' B,loetf u ‘‘ y B'jlicit“'l - AND EXCHANGE BANK, OF CHARLESTON, S. C. Agency at Columbus. IJS on New York, Bouton, Philadelphia. Charleston, rates * Vftnn ' lb ’ “ r Augusta, discounted at customary EXCHANGE, on the above named cities, for ■ .. , R. T. TAYLOR. Agent. _ Office next door to the Post Office. INSURANCE. 1‘ !^ tb ’ M A RINK, RIVER, and LIFE RISKS taken in Sponsible companies bv „ ‘ JOHN MUNN, Agent, • • 2., over E. Barnard & Co.’s store. Ph - °° mx Insurance Company—Capital $200,000. JOIIY vtr-v-xT . “■ L- LOOMIS. President. Sshso Fa SCRroGS drake a co. ctors and Commission Merchants CHARLESTON, S. C. Cp <y mi VOL. ll.} MR. BROWN’S MISHAPS. Mr. Eliphalet Brown was a bachelor of thirty-five or thereabouts; one of those men who seem born to pass through the world alone. Save tliis peculiarity there was nothing to distinguish Mr. Brown from the multitude of other Browns who are born, grow up, and die in this world of ours. It chanced that Brown had occasion to visit the town, some fifty miles distant, on matters of business. It was his first visit to the place, and he proposed stop ping for a day in order to give himself an opportunity to look about. Walking leisurely through the streets, he was all at once accosted by a child of five, who ran up to him exclaiming : ‘ Father, 1 want you to buy me some candy. ‘ Father.’ Was it possible that he, a bachelor, was addressed by that title ? lie could not believe it. ‘ Who are you speaking to, my dear ?’ he inquired of the little girl. ‘ 1 spoke to you, father,’ said the little girl, surprised. ‘ lleally, thought Mr. Eliphalet Brown, ‘ this is embarrassing.’ ‘ 1 am not you father, my dear,’ he es sayed. ‘ What is your name ?’ The child laughed heartily, evidently thinking it a good joke. ‘ What a funny father you are,’ she said, 1 but you are going to buy some can dy ?’ ‘ Yes, yes, I’ll buy you a pound if you won’t call me father any more,’ said Mr. Brown, nervously. ’ The little girl clapped her hands with delight. The promise was all she remem bered. In coming out of the store, they en countered the child’s mother. 1 O mother,’ said the little girl, ‘just see how much candy father has bought me.’ ‘ ou shouldn’t have bought her so much at a time, Mr. Jones,’ said the la dy ; ‘I am afraid she will make herself sick. But bow did you happen to get back so quick 't 1 did not expect you till night. ‘ Jones—l—Madam,’ said the embar rassed Mr. Brown,’ ‘ it’s all a mistake ; I ain’t Jones at all. It isn’t my name. L am Eliphalet Brown, of W , and this is the first time I ever came to this city. ‘ Good heavens ! Mr. Jones, what has put this silly tale into your head ? You have concluded to change your name, have you ? Perhaps you have also con cluded to change your wife V Mrs. Jones’ tone was defiant, and thus tended to increase Mr. Brown’s embar rassment. But he must not leave matters in this position. ‘ 1 haven’t any wife, madam ; I never had any. On my word, as a gentleman, I never was married.’ ‘And do you intend to palm this story oil upon me ? said Mrs. Jones, with ex citement. ‘lf you arc not married, I’d like to know who I am ?’ ‘ I have no doubt you are a most re spectable lady,’ said Mr. Brown, and I .conjecture, from what you have said, that your name is Jones; but my name is Brown, madam, and always was.’ ‘ Melinda,’ said her mother, suddenly taking the child by the arm and leading her up to Mr. Brown, ‘ Melinda, who is this gentleman V 1 \V hy, that’s father !’ was the child’s immediate reply, as she confidently placed her hand in his. ‘You hear that, Mr. Jones, do you ? You hear what that innocent child says, and yet you have the unblushing impu dence to deny that you are my husband. The voice of nature speaking through that child should overwhelm you. I’d like to know, if you are not her father, why you were buying the candy for her? i would like to have you answer this. But I pre sume you never saw her before in your life.’ ‘1 never did. On my honor, l never did. I told her I would give her the can dy if she would not call me father any more.’ ‘ You did, diil you ? Bribing our own child not to call you father? (), Mr. Jones, this is infamous ! Do you intend to desert me, sir, and leave me to the cold charities of tin; world ? and this is your first step !’ Mrs. Jones was so overcome, that with out any warning, she fell back upon the sidewalk in a fainting fit. Instantly a number of persons ran to her assistance. ‘ Is your wife subject to fainting in this way?’ asked the first comer of Brown. ‘ I don’t known. She isn’t my wife. I don’t know anything about her.’ ‘ Why, it’s Mrs. Jones, ain’t it?’ ‘ Yes, but I am not Mr. Jones.’ ‘Sir,’ said the first speaker, sternly, ‘it is no time to jest. I trust you are not the cause of the excitement which must, have caused your wife’s fainting fit. You had better call a coach and carry her home directly.’ Poor Brown was dumb-founded. ‘ l wonder,’ thought he, ‘ whether it is possible that l am Mr. Jones without I knowing it ? Perhaps lam really Jones, COLUMBUS, GA.. SEPTEMBER ‘24, 185(5. and have gone crazy, in consequence of which 1 fancy my name Brown. And yet I don’t think I’m Jones. In spite of all, 1 will insist that my name is Brown.’ ‘ oil, sir, what are you waiting for? It is necessary that your wife should be removed at one®. Will you order a car riage ?’ Brown saw it was no use to protract the discussion hy a denial. He, therefore, without contesting the point, ordered a hackney coach on the spot. ‘ Help your wife in, Mr. -Jones.’ Mr. Brown accordingly lent an arm to Mrs. Jones, who had somewhat recovered, and was about to close the door upon her. ‘ W hat, are you not going yourself?* ‘ Why no ; why should 1 ?’ ‘ \ our wife should not go alone ; she has hardly recovered.’ Brown gave a despairing glance at the crowd around him, and deeming it use less to make opposition where so many seemed thoroughly convinced that lie was Mr. Jonas, followed the lady in. ‘ Where shall 1 drive ?’ asked the dri ver. ‘I - 1 don t know !’ said Mr, Brown. ‘ Where would you like to be carried ?’ 1 Home, of course.’ murmured Mrs. Jones. ‘ Where is that ?’ asked the driver. ‘ 1 do not know,’ said Mr. Brown. • Ino. 1.9 II street,’ said the gen tleman already introduced, glancing con temptuously at Brown. ‘Will you help me out, Mr. Jones?’ said the lady. ‘ I have not fully recov ered from the fainting fit into wliicli you cruelly drove me.’ ‘Are you quite sure that lam Mr. Jones ?’ asked Brown with anxiety. ‘ Os course,’ said Mrs. Jones. ‘ 1 lien, said lie, resignedly, ‘ I suppose 1 am. But if you will believe me, ! was thoroughly convinced this morning that my name was Brown, and to tell the truth, 1 haven’t any recollection of (his house. ’ Brown helped Mrs. Jones into the par lor ; but, good heavens ! conceive the as tonishment of all when a man was dis covered, seated in an arm chair, who was the very personation of Mr. Brown, in form, features, and every other respect. ‘ Gracious !’ ejaculated the lady, ‘which —which is my husband ?’ An explanation was given, the mystery cleared up, and Mr. Brown’s pardon sought for the embarrassing mistake. It was freely accorded by Mr. Brown, who was quite delighted to think that, after all, he was not Mr. Jones, with a wife and child to boot. Mr. Brown has not since visited the place where this ‘ Comedy of Errors’ hap pened. Ifo is afraid of losing his iden tity. A Flan Story. Some days ago the captain of a ship, at anchor outside the Pass, threw overboard a shark hook, baited, not expecting in the least, as the captain himself ftfjys, to catch anything of the fish tribe. There was booked, however, a shark of the spotted kind, and, as it afterwards proved, a reg ular “ man-eater.” He had to be har pooned before his capture could be effect ed. His size and weight may be imag ined, from the fact'that it took eleven men to hoist him in, with a double lift on the main yard. The monster measured seventeen feet, ten inches in length, from tail to snout, and nine feet in circumference, lie had seven rows of teeth, three of the rows be ing almost hidden in the upper gums, llis liver exactly filled up a beef barael. In his paunch was found the body of a man in a half decomposed state. So far as could bo judged, the corpse was that of a well-dressed man, of medium size— shirt white with pearl buttons, coarse silk undershirt, cotton socks, and shoes, nearly | new, of the Congress gaiter kind. The shark had also in his stomach sev eral pieces of old canvas, such as are used by vessels on their rigging. The jaw bune of this sea pirate bus I been brought up to the city. It is large enough to take in a sugar barrel.— Pica i/vnn. — Bhh IK of s Jut* Spring*. A lady brought a child to a physician to consult him about its precious health. Among other things she inquired if he did not think the springs would be useful ? ‘ Certainly, madam,’ replied the doctor, as he eyed the child, and then took a large pinch of snuff. ‘ I haven’t the least hes itation in recommending the springs— and the sooner you apply the remedy the bettor.’ ‘ You really think it would be good for the dear little thing, don’t you ?’ ‘ Upon my word it’s the best remedy 1 know of.’ ‘ What springs do you recommend, doc tor ?’ ‘ Any will do, madam, where you can get plenty of map and water.’ ‘ I say, friend, is there anything to shoot about here ?’ asked a Kentucky sports man of a little boy. Boy —‘ Wal, nothing just about here, stranger, but the schoolmaster is down the hill, yonder—you mought pop him I over.’ C ARRIAGESMCARRI AGES!! THE subscribers have now on lmml null arn r<>Dt.>,iutl; of the lavg OlvcYvvy vs. ami m >;l varied Stocks of Vehicles ever ouvi ed, and l made . xpre-sly fur till - market, emlirseiug every style of Carriage in use, such as— Cnleefteg, Berlin Conches, Barouches, i'Of (ho Finest Flm. li.) JUAM 11 ,Y IvOCKAWAYS, Largo and small, including uiauy vory light ami tasty, siiitalile tor one liorre. 3ES<O-VI7- TOP WA.C4-OIrS, Witli a eoiiqilelo iia.sortmuut of i BUGGIES with and without TOPS, , 01 every style and finish, wlileli, for riiiraliility mid neat ness. can not be excelled, Hint are from most respect aide niannfael'iries in the North, anil made under file ■ pel's,nial direction-of Hr. .1. Ik Jaques. All of uliicli e are selling at tire, very lowest rates for casß or c.|i |>roverl credit. Every article sold by u.-: at our Hepvsilor.v is warranted ] in every respect, and our customers and all purrtuisprs can rely on being honorably and fairly dealt wrtlt—in pronl of which we respeetfnllv invite the attention of all who wish to purchase, to call on us al the North-East ! corner of Oglethorpe ami llryan streets.opp site the I’er ry House. J. B, JAQUES. A BROTHER. N. It.—Having a regular set of northern Car rini;e Workmru employe,i, we aru prepared to exeeiit. Repairing of every Kind ia the heat possible 1 manner with ueatnes- and dispatch, at low rates, at •I. B. JAQUKS A BllQTlliiß'S Carriage Repository, North East corner Oglethorpe and Bryan streets, oppo site the Perry House, Columbus, Ga. February ti. LEVY, DRAKE & CO., Engineers and Machinists, Union Foundry & Machine Works, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, c ill iho special attention of the public to our os-, | f GibJinhineuf. The proprietors j;n* practical Me chanics ami oi long experience in the bu*imKs, and Lav ing combined two establishments in one, they have the largest and bed stock of tools end patterns in the State. Their facility for doing business being so great, they can aflorrl to their customers the best of tcrinsainl the most prompt execution. Our senior part ner having been so many years in this business as the practical partner and proprietor of the Ocmulgee Foundry. Macon, Georgia. Is well known Lav*, ing built a large number ot Steam I‘iß.fhies. Mills, and Machinery, throughout this an l adjoining Mat* . To nil of which we refer as a guarantee of our work ami ability. Our junior is just from Virginia, and having had tho management of some of the ingest estahlMiiiienia in that Slate, bring with him thebest practical ability and impmvmntfntf in machinery. We call especial attenliup to our Marine and St a tiosiary Steam Engines and Mills, both cir cular and u{ right. We are now manufacturing i lie best CIRCULAR saw mills in the ‘n.nlry, being entirely of metal, ’ the same pi i v others are furnishing wooden on s. Wo arc how famishing Steam Engines amt M dleis of any size: Flouring anil Corn Mflj*; vcrtricid ; .ml circu lar Saw Mlih: Sugar Mill*; Shafting; I’ulhw* ; Uorsi Powers; Gi/i and .Mill Gearing of all kinds; Cemetery Hailing: Itftrk Mills: Corn Shetlers; Ob Crush ertj and Guttings of every kind—Brass and iron. n;arie-tf NEW FURNITURE ARE JR O O 3-d Door North oi the Oglethorpe House, GOLLJIfrIiIJS, CSA. THE sutaeribi.T has uu hand, throe do no L-t: North of tlio Ojih'tlnirpc Hotree, fi;:l, ‘-’ ‘‘-'fj?'"* thorne Street, an aesmtinent of _ made FURMTURJ., to whirl ho will I- .s cuimtautly adding, aud wliieb la 1 will : rll at ;t p ea that cannot Tail to suit those in vviitit of anything In his lint-. Articles not on haml will he made to order at the short est notice. Furniture repaired ist reasonaldr rates. Gall aud examine stock. .inlvZl J. 11. SIKES. JtOIIV 0. RUSE ttinutfl) FATTEN W. C. HoWlEff. FIRE-PROOF WARE HOUSE. General Ware House and cojMcivEXfissiJU'Orsr asxrisxisrxasfs. OUlt undivided attention will be given to tin •STORAGE aml S A LJ3 *f CUTTOAI and PRODUCE. LT^°z!l Liberal advances made upon Cot ion in £tore, and the usual iacilitie* offered io induce Shipments to our friends in Savannah, Mew York, Boston, and Liverpool. Order* /or Groceries, promptly executed and articles purchased free of comnii. Kion, at the Unrest market prices for our customers. Columbus, July JO, lf*Aq r KUSfci, PAT'i M \ A Warehouse, Commission, Receiving AND FORWARDING BUSINESS. nPIIiS undcFFigned having firmed a co-part • ; Jr? ± nuraltip. will ruutinuc lmsiaitss at the 0i1... ‘li stand (Alabama Wurelious,') under the nttmi •- and style of KING A SO I! SB V, ami solicit fnnn tiieil friends uml nistomifs a I'onfiiiftanCe of their hitf-'inesF. JOHN YV. KING. April 2!I. : ML ‘.•.oil’ it. A. Soli. BV. Warehouse & Commission Business. are prepared to make liberal advance‘B (V\ \VV\ VV on CDTTIIN and ntlier WtOHUOB-In i’articular attention will he iriveu to. the SA Li. UK COTTON. YVe have now “ti haul a supply ofBAOGINfI and ItOi’il, wliiidi we offer at iho market priced. E. S. OttKEMVuOi). I 8. p. URIMKS. / fill MEN WOOD A GRIMES. .Fitly 4, ‘.856. ly FONTAINE NY ARE HOUSE. HUGHES & DANIEL, Witrehonac, Commiscion, Receiving anti Fonvartllug Merc hunt 5. rpilK uTlllel'fiplKd have taken the new jil e l'ro, J J YV’are llntiae. recently erected In tiie rear n‘s Mesnre, TlireewitK. Holt A Cos., niljoiniirg the Alahania. YVare Uni’- . and arc prepared to attend to all cunnigjvriientH, and tn receive and atore Cotton. They will do a general Commirtson, Storage anil Fnrwarding Bunhiesa. I’arti *, tt!ar at tenth m given In the Silo of Cotton nnd othei - l’l'odttco. The usual facilities will be afforded and catctel attention given to all bti-iiue , entrusted to tlieir rare. A good supply of ItngglnK, Hope and Salt, al ways on hand. YVYI. 11. HUGHES, Octoiler 1855. YV'M. DANIEL. It. 811A PA It D (i. C. MITCHELL. SIIAPAUD MITCHELL, ‘Wieacox.jisniSij'YXTEi ex it c y jet s 7 Forwarding an.l Commission Merchants, and dealers in IRON, CASTINGS, eVc., Sontt, Side oftiie Btiblie Square. Bhetbyville, Tennessee. References. Seymore, Fanning & Co.,d 11. A 11. Douglass A Cos., | Hillman A llrother, ; Nashville. Tennessee. Lanier A I’lidlips, Davis, I*l letter A Cos. J J. It. YVullfire & Brother,) . . . J. E. YY Ilhams A Cos. f A,lullttt ‘ <m ’ Granville, h'amplo X Cos., Chattanooga, Town. >f. t'nlly June*. Macon, Oft. J. !?. [lull X (k>., ColunibuH, On. S. ram enT'lvojb A Cos. ; Augusta, Ga. Y'l i stilh & Frierson. Savannah, Ga. “heperd, McCray A Cos.. Charleston, ?. C. F ihruory 8,1850.41 m TENSESSE lS BAt ON. j ni\ ntYA LBS. Tciniessce Bacon just received And I i B *,UOU fur sale LOYV for cash, fv May 29. UIDGYVAY. CLKCKLY A CO. HORSE AND BUGGY FOR SALE. 4 GOOD BUGGY’ and a capital Horse, well broke. I A Apply to H. M. GRAY. Augut 2. UM. _____ ‘ ERESII HITTER. \GO ID supply of I re li Butter, just received and for _, L sale at R -Yl. GRAY'S July 24. Coiutnissiou House. Vi'RAY 4 OW. STdAYED IV,mi the siih-iiiher in Columbus, u CO” and CA LF, marked with a cn,p aud split in the right ear and a crop in the left—color, white and brown spotted. Her recovery will lie llherally Rewarded. | August :ib. 1856. REBECCA HELTON. THE BRITISH PERIODICALS, AND THU FA.RMXIXUS GrUIDK. Great reduction in the price of the latter pnMieatioii. L. ffeott A Cos., Now York, continue to publish the fnl. lowing lending British Periodicals, viz: THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative). THE EDIMIBURGH RKVILYV (VFhig). ‘HIE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church). THE YVEST.YIINBTER REVIEW (Liberal). CLACKYV'OOD S KDINBURGU MAGAZINE (Tory). f|MIE great and important events —Religious, Political, \\ oilu, give to these I‘uhllcaliont an interest and value they never before possessed. Th<jy occupy a middl# ground between the hastily written news Hems, cnid* apocmuiions, and flying rumor* of tho newspaper, and the ponderous Tome of tho bistori. n, written long after the living interest in the- facts he records shall have passed away. The progressol the YYnr in the East occu pii ,tt large space in iheir pages. Every movement is closely criticfswl, whither of friend or of foe, ai,u all j ai.urt-iuqnuga fearlessly pointed out. The letters from the Crimea and from the Baltic in Blackwood sMagazine, I from two of. its most popular contributed, give a mere j intelligible and reliable a, counQol the movements of the ! g;rcat lii lllgcrents HiHt can elsewhere lie ftinnd. These Perioilicals ably t opreserit tiie three great politi- I ®tl parties of Greet LnUiiu —YV hig. Tory, unit Radical, — bin politics forms only one feature of their eharacter.— Asm . ins ot the un st prelouml writin on reinice, Lite ratlin . Vi irality, and Keligion, they stand, as they oyer have stood, unrivalled in the world of letters, b. it g eon eidereil iinlispvnsehie to the scholar Hint the professions! man. while to the intelligent reader'of every class they tuvnirh a uioro enrreet and Kiitistaetory record of the cut ■ t eut 1 i tin at ure ol the day. throughout tire world, than can he possibly obtained from any other source. Early Copies. I lie receipt of A<lva)uu: Fhteis Horn the Biitisli publish ■ ers j ives mhliliotial value to there Reprints, especially during tiie present rxeiting state of European afisirs, In i‘•siniieii a- they cun now be placed in the hands of sub. sotilwrii at unit s soon as the original nlHions. Terms. Per nnn. For any one of the four reviews $3 (Hi I or any two of the four Reviews 5 06 For any three of the lour Reviews 7 0C For all four of the Reviews 8 00 For Blackwood's Magazine 3 00 For Blackwood at"! three Reviews 0 O’ 1 or Blackwood nin.’ the four Reviews 10 00 I monte to be made iu all cures in advance. Money current in the State where issued will lie received at par Clubhing. V discount ol twenty-five per Cent, from the above pri ces will beullowed to Qlribs ordering direct from L. Sqjtt .V r'e.. tour m more copies of any one nr more of flic abort weile. ‘thus: Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Ite y iew, will lie sent to one aridrt ss for s'.i; tour copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood fbrsßo; and soon. Postage. In all tiie principal pities aud towns, these works will lie delivered, free of postage. YVlien sent hy muil, tbs postage to any part of the United Elates will he hut tiven Lyjoiir cuit? a year for “lilarkwoort,'’ and hut Jimrtea cents a year for each of tiie Reviews. THE FARMER’S GUIDE To Scientific and Practical Agriculture. Hy llenry Stephens, F. R. S. o’ Edinburgh, and tho lat J. B. Norton, ITuleesur of, iiffifie Agriculture iu Yale ( ollege. New Havi n. .. \i,a-. Royal Octavo.—> leo,i pages, and numerous Wood end Steel Engravings. Ihi is, lonfossi illy, the most complete work on Agri culture ever published, and in order to give it a wider circulation tho publishers have resolved to reduce the price to Five Hollars For flic Two Volumes It YV Inin sent by mail (post-paid) to California aud Oregoi, the price will l e .87. Tunny other part of the Union and to Canada (post-paid). sfi. Xtj',- This work is not the old •‘Book of the Farm.” Remittances tor any of tho above, publications should always he addressed, post-paid. TO the Ruldishers, LEONARD, SCOTT & CO., No. ■■, Gold and i eet. v ., v. York. VALUABLE LOUISIANA LAND FOE S-A.XoE_ i WILL soli the beautiful PLAN 'J A'J'IUN known as the llargrave A t - tale I‘litiv. in Jackson Parish, l.a„ miles south of \ ernoti. 28 miles from Jj3 : i j ApmVa?* tlie Uuaehita river, and 12 miles fron,’ tfio Y ickshiirg ami Rail Fund! eeiiiHimng iu th” aggregate. 11SO acres, almut 3nn , f which is in a tine state ut cultivation, with good buildings, such ns Dwellings. Gin House and Screw, Cabins, ‘Cribs. Stablos, Ac. 4-c. In poiui id health and beauty, this placv Is unsnrpss soil in the Parish. The pbmfmiufr the tract finely tiliihered. T will sell this place all roget her. or,in lots to suit pur ebtun rs. Persons dcslrmis of making vahialdn invest ments will do well to call. For further particulars, address It. M. Hargrove, Ver io n. Jackson Ravish. 1,h., or call at his residence. 5 miles east ol’ that place. _ May 6, 185(1. 3m H. M. IIA HO ROVE. SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, FOR 1830. >Aj \ AT THE OHE-PfilCE <J I lOTii 1N a KMDO HI U M OF .T _ X-T- DAWIEIi Sc GO., 128 Broad Street, Colinnbus, Ga., Can he found a full supply, with constant additions, of Gentlemen’s First Class ItEAUy MADE CLO’i'HINO, Os their Own Manufacture, YVurranted to gi\e full satisfaction to the purchaser. A huge and w ell selected Stock id Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps. Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises, Umbrellas Act Also, a beautiful assorimisit of French and English CLOTHS, (JASSLMERES A VESTINGS, YV hieii they are prepared lo make up in a style of Cut and Manufacture, novoryet equalled South. Cali, examine and 111- suited. April 9, 1866. SCHOOL NOTICE. Mi.-d C. (•:. WILLIAMS, Will open Folionl at her lnutherM residence on j Jaeksun Stteet. opposite Mr. P. on the 15th of 8,-ptemf/ei- next. , You farther pnrticuluis, apply al Mrs. C, jff-'?*’ tlolumbiis, Atigust 28, 1856. GAS FIXTURES. f I’ll F, undersign eil having made arrangements with JL .''luunfai tmere. are prepared to furnish • Guks Flxtuieo at Pliiiadelpliia Pilccs, with height added. All inscriptions of GILT AND BRONZE ( lI.VNDALII.It? with 2. 3, 4 and 5 lights ~| b- autitnl style and designs for PAHLOItS AND SALOONS. Oil: “'l l Bronze HARPS for HALLS am! PASSAGES, with ‘ai'ions styles of Gill and JiroTiv.e Brackets. PEN, HANTS and DKGP l.lGllTg—fancy stvles. plain and Fancy GLOBES end SHADES. CHINA BELLS—plain and gilt, very ornamentql. Our stock is very large and bi->iiitifqlly assorted. YII inscription* of Gass FP ‘ lag done promptly and wannjith-ii, by Mr J. YV I LiJELJI, who has hadovei twenty years experience is this line of business in Phils deplija and clsewhere, and whose 1: uown rsjmtatlon noed, no ciiinmcnt. t). it. TIIO.Vi'SGN *. CO.. April 16. 18BG- 14.1 Broad Stroet. ROOMS FOR RENT. r j ’YVn I'EI. 1 A.B AXT NKYV ROOMS over E. Barnard's 1 Gnu-erv Store, with Gas Fixtures, Closet Ac. com- Id te, suitable for nfticoa nr sleeping rooms. Enquire o t JMS. E. C. M<RTO.\, Agent. VALtTAS Ll: PROPERTY. ON Eof the most desirable and conveniently , , anauged RESUrEXCFK in tho city, for stile on un onrtnodating ti rius. Apply to A. K. AYKIt, ‘lay El. 2071f 181 Broad Street. FINE lilt ANDY. 1 X/ V CASKS fine Brandy—one dozen iu a roes—jui ! * /r> ii-ivi-il on consignment, and for sale hy Jim,>2. HARRISON & McOKHEK GREAT REDUCTION IN FLOI It AT WINTER'S PALACE MILLS, j VOCbLE EXTRA Family—equal to Hiram 1 “ Smith fill 00 per hair*;. Extra Family a it) ’* Palace Mills Superfine 7 v Mt u <• Georgia Mills, superfine, equal to Ten uratteo 7 CU “ Georgia Mills, fine, equal to Tennessee, 600 11 “ Five per cent, discount to dealers. June 13. WINTER’S PALACE MILL* WOOD BUT DOS’S PALACE DAGUERRE AN GALLERY, Over Brooks & Chapman’s Bine Drug Store, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. HAVE you seen any of the new style of Pictures ow Glass* If not, call and iCe. The Double Fare Pic tures an- a curiosity, and are invaluable as true likeness e>. No fading with these Pictures. For taking cluldrou it is unsurpassed, requiring but a few seconds to take a life-like Impression. A better expression qan be got by this process than by any other, the. time of exposute be ing so short, llagnorreotypes from the smallest, for Em kids or Bings, to the largest, for Frames, taken n tha most finished style. Some entihdy new styles oficssss n hand and for sale. J. 8. WOODBRIDOE, February 27. Artist and Amhrotyplst. {NO. 4!.