The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, October 11, 1856, Image 4

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rWGA.TIVB iSLECTBIO FLUID, i'rcpartd hy N. W. Seal, M. J). t.easomi why it should bo used instead of any other tr*at wont ii all Febrile affections : i s(.—Knmouiy of Time.—A* only uiu-seoenUi .! (Ho ordinary time is required Cos effect a euro. <id.—Economy of Money.— As it c.*tH but one dollar. •irtlv—Kconomy of Feeling.—.As it saves the u ttering of a long sickness and thu consequent treat mont; tho annoyance of taking nauseating doses of medicine, thoir disagreeable operation, and thu pain oi t*g confinement; hut littlo of tho fluid being necessary, uid that ph*a*anl in its effect*. 1 ill.— Kcouom y of Tbong lit.—As when known, it will remove nil dread and anxiety at present ■ listing, respecting febrileatfootions; particularly while i dear friend in sick. stli—Kcuuoiuy of llealt li.-Aa the system n not reduced, and consequently jacked; nor is thu fever subject to be followed by chronic disease. Gib*—Kcnnoiuy of Life,—Am the euro ieffected before and without reducing (he patient, consequently letnoviug, in a comm ponding degree, all dungerof a fatal termination. Other reasons might bo added, Imt these are deemed sufficient to satisfy all classes and personm in all comlj t ioiih of life. Tho above reasons are more particularly applicable to :iio immediate) treatment on the first attack, but will apply with equal force to cases which have been subject ed to or have become reduced, corresponding of course *,< the nature of the case at the time It im first adminis tered. Ah thin remedy gives so prompt, effectual ami porma neut relief, in ail ordinary cases, when used noon after the attack, persons can scarcely realize that they foul been really much Mick, and very naturally conclude they wcirf not attacked w ith fever, and if ho, “it was trilling a little cold, which gave alarm—it could have been icUiing of consequence—it would have passed off witb out anything—that medicine had no effect,” ■ The general impression on the subject of fever is such, that thoughts not unlike the above follow Uh* cure of a common case as naturally as men think at all; and it is not until the individual has witnessed many cases that lie can fully r> ali/.o the truth; and oven then he may conclude them all very Ls ill in g cases, wiiich would have readily yielded to any simple mwhoiuo, yet persons, though they have been thus MiiccHssliii in perhaps hundreds ol cast s f must . .pect that there will ciumh occur where them is some oceanic or local eausu so great as to require particular attention, or though tmcccHtfiill in reducing the fever, it will again rise as thu inltuonco of the ** Fluid” passes oil, as I lie exciting cause may mill exist. It is to guard against disappointment ill such ctwtes that 1 havu given and frequently refer to what I have railed a “synopais,” lUiuni'kti on Fnvrn in (nerMl* On thr* subject I wish to bo fully understfiod. Ily the term “fevers,” I comprehend all febrile affections to which the human Irani< is subject, im hiding niiihll pox and other eruptive levers; hut tot they arise by a groat variety of causes, and in quite dissimilar constitutions Hint habits, tiny of course differ considerably in their development and exhibit a variety of forms or types; yei all are distinguished ly the same general ,rh a ract er istics—that, ot undue excitement in thu circulatory ami nervous systems-induclng more or less im natural fre quency in the pulse, senHe of heat., dryness of the skin, debility, Ac. To show that. I am not. wholly alone m the opinion | advance, t quote from fclio celebrated Prof. T. Watetm, of King’s College, bom Lon, whose work on the “ Princi pies and Practice of Physio** is a text book in many of our medical colleges, and consequently standard a :i/hori! y. •in page s:U, In* says : —“We Inar continual I\. both m •.lid out, of the profession, different species of |V\v! spo U**n of. By the puhtie, Typlius KeVer, lira in PeVer, (tilious Fever, Putrid Fever, Low Fever, Nervous Fever, Ac. And systematic writers are to tin* full as particular: Mucous Fever, Ataxic, Adynamic, (bi.vtro-Knterie’ and co forth. Now, admit t ing t hat fever shows itself nnder various forms, I am persuaded that the effort upon the mind of all this sub-division, is had and hurtful. It encourages a disposition, already too pivvaleiu. to pre- Mcrlba for a disease according to Its name. ‘There is nn fine of genuine distinction between <‘Outiniied levers, that can be relied on. ‘l’licy rnn insensibly Into each oflmr, even the most, dissimilar of t hem, and are often trUes&bie to the sumo cause.” The almve is a great fact. One worthy of remembrance and I would impress on your minds the tolly of hunting up or troubling youmolf about, a “waair;” if you have fever, treat it at once as hereafter directed, and you tail! ite well instead of any disti net diameter 1 being devel oped, Ho us to he properly named hy the most, scientific. Tnii assertion, is no hypothesis based on closet specula tions dr visions of mind, hut on experience at the bed side of the sick, in hundreds, aye, thousands of cases (by myself and others) under a great variety of cir cu instances, seasons and climates. Hear this in mind, and treat at once without regard to name., and rest assured you will soon he freed from all drcTid of linger ing and dangerous fevers. Gut as cases may have be come developed before the Fluid” is given, either by neglect, or under some other treatment, I will describe as briefly as possible the proper course to be pursued in all of the most prominent fevers, though the “ Knks” and “ Synopsis” will be amply sufficient for all those accustomed to attendance upon the sick. Knit's important to be ot>served in all casta in using the Negative Electric Flaut. Ist. It should he given iu three or four times its own quantity of wafer, and may le sweetened or not at pleasure. 2d. Patients must he free from all currents of air, (though there should always bo free ventilation iu the sick room,) nor ultompt to go about while under its in- II nonce. fid. It must lie continued whenever the fever Hubs ides, or is evidently passing off ; to he resumed when it begins to rise again, slionld such lie the case under any circumstances. 4th. When the fever begins to subside, pationts must bo left perfectly quiet; free from all excitement; should wot bo questioned as to their wants or feelings, nor attempt to converse, avail or take any exercise whatever, till thoir own natural feeJings. independent of all extra minis inffuonecs, induce them to rise or speak; nor should any conversation he allowed iu their hearing, in w hich they may feel morn or less interested, hut ho left quiol to all intents and purposes. sth. Fluids should bo allowed, while giving ft :ui plentifully, and as long as (he patient desires and no longer; they may consist of cold water, mucilaginous drinks, lemonade, any simple decoctions, or teas, either cold or warm, as parties may prefer or pationts desire. (>(h. Should patients experience any oppression or lain!ness while in the lying posture, so as to occasion a rest lessnesH after the fever Ims passed off', or enough to .♦♦■> asioi\ them to speak of it, they should have a little wine, toddy, camphor, hartshorn, lemonade with a little • pint, giuger, or Home other stimulant; or the face and breast may bo bathed in cold water; either of which will give immediate relief. TAULE OF DOSRS. For children of one year or under, from :t to S drops. “ over 1 and under 2 years, “ sto 15 u “ “ 2 “ ft “ “ 12 to 80 “ “ o “ 10 • “ 20 to 50 “ “ “ S “ l. half to a teuspoonful. All persons over fifteen considered as adults, for whom a tuaspoouful is a common dose. Old persons do not require as much as young, or those in the prime of life; nor females, as a general rule, as much as males. There is no particular care necessary in giving it to children —those often years of age frequently having token full doses; hut for n little guide, I have given the above table, with the remark that, as a general rule, . hildivn require more than adults in proportion. IW observing the above directions, the medicine will hi found agreeable in all of its effects, the expectations of the most sanguine realized, and ninny perfectly astonished. My object in being thus particular is, that the full benefit of the medicine may he obtained, and not on account of any admit necessity of such strict ols ♦ rVances. Ilftlftous or Kemltleiit Fever. Give a teoaponlul of “ Fluid” (see l ulu Ist) once in two hours, till the fever is evidently (Hissing off: this constitutes the whole treatment in all simple eases ot fever, with such observances as are set forth iu the ‘ Rules.” But should them lie prominent local symp i mis, or known local existing causes, they should he attended to at once, and while giving the ‘Fluid.” $o Syllepsis. If in any case the bowels are particularly coustiiuitnl or confined, give a cathartic (see auxiliaries) with the first, portion ; they must ho opened or the fever may rise again. Where the fever is very high, pulse running 110 or upwards, and the patient is not particularly susceptible to fho Influence of medicine—not easily operated on hy medicine generally—a double dose, or two tcnspooiißful may he given at first with advantage, aml even repeated ill two hour*—if it—the pulse—has not been softened , (bus showing the medicine has taken effect. Ihdhing the surface with water a; an a rceablo temperature, the Haliue wash, vinegar or spirits and water, in theiedifficult cosed, will afford relief and aid tha medicine much in taking effect. l ongest Iv Fevrr. (livetwo teaopoonsful and repeat every two hours till the pulse become* more full ami nod, then only a tea snooufftl, to be discontinued Its the fevei* sub-dde*. As tno bowels are generally confined, and it is frequently very difficult to get medicine to operate in thh disease, no time should be lost to get them open, give snno active cathartic with the “Fluid” ami repeat as may he neces sary till it operates; enemas (injection*) may also U* used to a*lvantage: also, mustard to the extremities, or fi*i‘t ton (rubbing) with the hands or fiannel; aUo, old upplicatiims to the head. Quinine may be a*Med to the •• Fluid'’ if thought advisable. See Synopsis. NervottH Fever, Typlimi, Ship and Ptitrhl or Spotted Fever. As these fever* are all of one chirarfcr, dltfi ring MHouly in degrue. being all of a low griule, the pulse small and wiry, with a guttural groat depression, there is no practical use In separating them—at least so far as my treatment Is concerned. In these low fevers, w hen fully developed, a little patience will he required; still comparatively little, as they frequently run weeks under tin* common treatment, while with tins l ,t a few days will he novessary at longest to establish a permanent c4*iVHlsconoe. The treatment should he commenced—which tuny luiimiliahdy follow muv other without detriment with a teospHjnful of “ Fluid” every two hours, till the pulse becomes fuller or larger iu volume, then to In* continued Mice In tf* or eight bourn till tA'u f'ver entirely sulfides. In had , iit.m thre” to li v.p grains each of gnimue and tymno p-pper) or Hiftti* took* and stimu lant (woo anxihan’ s; *hinld leJ addfd to ue ii do.e\ Ihe bowel* JlioiildfH) kept gciitiy dpen, and small po*tim.> us soiuo hegaliU’ should ha given occiwooual, uv*li tlrcMign tltc ffowris sliofttd Uo very hiosc. J he, p itnul should bq snsuiueii hy nognshiug and mncilagcii->u drlnkH**-s„ctr s are in common use in hucli Where the skin is very dry, sponging Hie surface as *ti i'('..ctei til bilious fever, will ho toiiiid advaiitag.-ous. Tonics hliouLd he used during Ci'uvalosixjnce, iu ail c*aius which liavc InJComo reduced. Pneumonia, Typhoid Pueumouia, hung or Winter Fever. Give a It a pooiiliil of thu “ Fluid” every Uvo hours, widi a wine-glassful of a btrong decoction of houexet; or half the quantity may ho given story hour till relieved, then, at longer intervals, say once iu biz or eight hours. The bom*net tea should ho given wnrin till thu violent symptoms are allayed, or the patient iy relieved ; then cold; fomentations, vnußtard plaster, of munuthing ot thu kind, to he applied over the Beat of pain; keep the bowels gently open. Variola, Varloiohl,Uitboln and Scarla tina; or Small Poi, Varioloid, llr:n*h s, and Scarlet Fever. As all of these dinuoses api attended with fever, which in fact is the most proj id ibi/t sy nip tom, the treatin'nt differs hue little from that of common fever -. Rcinuinbor never wait U* leal u the “ tutnief whether it is olio or (In* other, or ueiLiier. as they nil commence with fever , but tix at it at once,; govoru the fever and there will I*,* no trouble; there will b a Out little eruption even in small pox. This, to must minds, is a now idea, and doubtless will be regarded wiUi ridicule by many. I nevei theh s.> boldly make llieasMurUoU, umdi pox, ii ui ul* and as 1 direct, wM he tut sJtort:; utiutldcd with but littte erup tion; liltio or no pitting, and that tiiere in no ne/esutg of its running its ordinary couihu. On Ibis I will stak* not only my reputation, but ad that I hold moHt dear; besides, on this subject, 1 have good authority; (hat of Prof. Watson, previously quoted. lie ays, pago b 74: “Von nitty abate the force of the eruptive lever, ami keep down, it i‘ hußo\d, the numinr oj the puxtutes by spline pilrguH, An.” Here is thu adniinsion that it may he done.. I nave itoL only proven it inaj/ he., hut has been i lone in mnuerous cast's (hut occurred oil board ship. .See thu account appended, Give a teaspoon fill or merre, according to the urgency of the run*), with a dose of salts nr castor *I; repeat, the Fluid once iu two hour* iI necessary, until thu fevursul>- Hid*s—though unu or two doses is genera !y sufficient; Imt it Hhould lie given and vejK'ate.d BUtficiently to Iceup thu fever under control. When the threat is affected, any of thu ordinary gargles may ho Übcd, and the sin lace bathed, us thought advisable. In olio case, on thu ship Due hubs d’Oriuans, lb'*, tongue amt Caucus were so much swollen that the patient could not swallow ors(>eak. and lie wits cured by dropping the Fluid on his tongue, drop by drop, till he could swallow, when it was given in teuHpooutul doses < c<ry hour, till all alarming symptoms disappeared. ‘The swelling of tin* throat was reduced ho as to enable him to take nour ishment iu about twelve hours by thu Fluid alone.— Used to wet the throat hvqueutly, it is doubtless tliu best gargle in ull such cases. Piu i'pcriil or Childbed Fever. This heretofore painful, iiangTou.s and alarmiog malady to which the mother is liable, will yield to the Negative Jilectric fluid with such leanim*... as to seem to hu of little eouscqnotice. A single dose or two of a teaspoonful, almost invariably giving entire, and per manent relief; uoalauu need bn entertained, ns the Fluid will arrest it in a short time. It should hu re peated os long us tin* fovel continues, as iu oilier cases. The bowuls ‘of courtin’ should he attended to. In eonuci ti<>u wilh this subject, i cannot relrahi trou! making a few general remaj ka, width, if regarded l>y the ladies, will save them much pain and suffering, it i to inform them of the happy effect of the Fluid in Uiony of their trials. In child-birth, its relaxing and soothing effect deprives the labor of Much of its pains and difficulties: it iiiufit hu tried to be appreciated.— Painful menstruation w ill he relieved at once by a com mon dose and retiring. Restlessness, nervous irritability, ora cold taken ut a delicate time, is easily relieved by its use; iu short, it is one of tlm most convenientuud effectual nmiedies fur many of the ills of females, if not tin- most so of any medicinekiiowu. J(,s pffect is uniform, relaxing the whole system, removing all excitability and irilability of the nervous as w. ll os thu circulabu y. It will not force sleep like opiates, but it will Booth and quiet the system so that one can sleep naturally ami healthy ; hence its use in bo many cases. Kymipaif*. To avoid constant repetition, ajnl condense the treat ment as much as possible, I give under Llii.. head general directions for all eases. As the Negative Kluctric Fluid will change the condition called lover, or subdue and control it under all circumstances, w ithout regard to the name it may beer ought to be called, it should be given wherever or whenever it exists; yet it e ail not be ex pected to control all organic or local causes, which, when such exist, must In* removed in order to effect‘a permanent cure. When such indicat ions occur in any case, they should be appropriate means, and these soiiuld be given while giving tho “Flunk” and iu connection with it, when occasion requires, its they will then more readily act, producing more general effect, besides no unnecessary time will then he lost. Ah the *, Fluid” alone will sub due the fever, I call all else auxiliary treatment. If the bowels are costive, give a cathartic (see auxili aries) with the first dose, or soon after, and should it fail to operate in due time, repeat thu dose; if attended with diarrhea, give Home thing known to be good for that complaint, though if caused by irritability, thu “Fluid” will soon relieve that condition ; if severe local pain or inihiimuation, apply some stimulating liniment, a mustard piaster, a blister, fomentations of bitter herbs, or, perhaps, cloths wet in cold water, to the part; it violent pain in the head, apply cold water, ice water, if convenient, or some cooiiqg application, and bathe the feet iu hot water; if the fever is very high, skin dry and hot, with great *ulfering, sponge or bathe (he whole surface with water at an agreeable temperature; “the saline wash,” vinegar and water or spirits and water, cither will afford great relief and aid the medi cine iu taking effect. after which there will be no trou ble; if tho patient has been reduced or is much prostra ted. give tonics ami stimulauU, particularly iu low fevers, iu absence of fever or when indicated; also, during convalescence, when the patient has become re duced; if there is nausea ami vomiting, that must he all ay o<l before any medicine will remain on the stomach to do any good; for this purpose 1 .generally give some gentle emetic to cleanse tho stomach; warm water, if given plentifully, will answer every pmposu; when the stomach has settled, give the “Fluid” and a cathartic if necessary: in short, treat all the prominent sympTbrns as you would under any other ci leu instances, giving the “Fluid” at the same time us directed, and success will crown your effort#; indeed,you cannot realize it till you have seen, and then you will he astonished at the ease with which you can control all febrile excitement. A uxtliaries, Parlies may feel at a loss to know wlutl is meant 1• v cat hart ics. Ac., as physicians are usually particular about what is used. I have found no such necessity when using the Fluid, ami to bo fully understood hy all, 1 will name a lew* of the different articles of medi cine I have referred to, viz;— CntLa rs It I .*.—-Articles that purgo or iqerate mi the bowels, such as castor oil. salts, senna, uny of the roots or harks, and many pills, antihilions, Ac.; anything known to he good forsuoh purposes. llcpattc*—Anything known to act on the liver particularly, portal circulation ami secretions generally. Any of the articles depended on hy tho different schools for this purpose, will answer when used in connection with tin* “Fluid* or while tho system is under its in fiuence. And olio may choose calomel—another, blue mass- the third, podophyUin—tlm fourth, mandrake root, and ho on; each may take his choice and he suc cessful. Tonic s. -Articles that give tone or strength, such asquhiine, various barks, roots ami hitter horhs. Hum*- set or thorougliworl is one ofthe best used in fever*. Astringents.—Such as check the action of the bowels, laudanum and other preparation* ofoptmu are used’.ulso, many mixtures, not properly astringents, which have the effect. SI tini> Initt*. -Art id *s that ral-. or excite tin system. Capsicum (Cayenne popper) is one of the best; ginger, spirits, hartshorn, &c., the esseuros are ail mote or less stimulating. ’1 hose are the only necessa ry In treating fevers, though many others are gem taffy used, hut the Negative Electric Fluid is a better “dia plioretic.** “ “diuretic,” “relaxant” and “sedative” Hum known iu the materia turd ton.’ i 1 shall hot tax the reader with u Jong li>t u s proofs, depouding mainly mi tho remit* of :{ nial, am) will only refer to oimhist moe ofaucc. *>. that on the Pneketildp Ditcliess Il’Orlehiis, which cannot he chtssed among ordinary certllleates; MV. Mu* undersigned, certify to the* fo||owitp% viz We took passage on the packeNhjp l>uclie*s d'l iVleaus, Capt UuMon, then lying m thu port of Havre. Fmm e, and hound lor New York. Shesaih'd on tin* nth of Au gust, ISM, with over a iumdivd souls v ,ii bonnJ. mostly emigrants- A few days after leaving Havre, the small pox broke out among the emigrants. They were nil treated by the physician in charge, lr. N. U . Scat, with anew remedy ofhkMSwn. which ho calls N*gaMve Klec- Iric Fluid, w ith which In* seemed to have entire control over the disease, arresting it in a few Aiourft. and curing iu a very short tinw*. During the voyage, which lasted thirty-tHtie davß there were nlHut eighty ca*oß ufmuatl pox. some fev’er Ac., and ml a single death. All worn cut eff with mm’ muh) promptness. From w hat we saw during said pivssuqe, we ah* fullv convinced that the medicine until hv l>r. Seat on tin oc eii*ioii. |m*scsss inestimable virtu's. Wo never he fore heart! or n :ui of febrile affections being coutrolhil with so much C*rws promptness and certainty, or little trouble to the nurse. A crowded ship, a long passage, small pox and fever on board, mid mV a death.’ The fact speak* tor itself. Signed, K. P. Fauri, S4 lh'tirl street. New A r ork. F,. (1. Fa Blit, “ * “ “ “ •l. A. OkNormandy, Reaver county. Petit), T. A. DpNokm\mv, KiwtLivertvxd, Oliio. tLiihiu PasseugeTs. The above statement is correct. \V\ 8. TTtnrfov, (Ntmniandci . AVVu. Maiwton. First Mute. New A'ork, Aug., 1552. N. W. Srat, M ]) Add) vsfi orders to U. W. WKBTBRODK, N. Y. City. j. h. iiAi*ron>'v /• J”- ( ii A PPO!', l>T itlf IrRHAl r RHA A , if -3 No. 4-0 Broad Street, Columbus. Georgia,* Importer.-! and Manufacturers of (’JUNK, HI KI ,KK, IMSTOLS, And all Articles in thu/J'radc. ttr, -Repairing executed with neatness and Kqyrt fitted. Terms cash for all kinds of w ork. .hi ue 5. FOXi SAi 4 J3. IN Uu imiht tluMrahle ami liculthy . location in Columbus, the IIOUHK A/iuHIL mid LOT ofa half acre and a quarter of jjjj iilfttr. afei one-lialf ai i'u on tin* corner of M<• i 11- jM i ‘ t(*.'li and IJryati streers—foiitaiuing 1 Koonm. 2 Kitchens, 2 Negro llooms, 2 Store booms, one (Smoko lioiiße, 2 Poultry Houses, (’oacli Mouse and kta bh*, it superior Well of water. Flower Pit, Dairy. Hardens with Fruit Tree* and .Shrubbery, in good order. App 1V on the pivniiseH to Ik W. DU’KtSON. Or at f2l broad Ftreutfwest side) to April 2‘h 1850. 225tf A. K. AYJ\ll. HAIXRINfiIdK do MOItTOS’S Steam Sash and Blind Manufactory, o(ii,CTiiii::‘r: .mtkkkt, coi.uaidus, i rj Ml IS Manufactory has lo**'n is in suceuasful operation 1 for over three years, and is still continued. All work will lx*, done hy experienced workmen, with good quality of lumber, and thu latest improved machinery. SASH, BLINDS, AND PANEL DOOiiS, Will he furnished and boxed at the Factory, tit the follow ing prices: basil — 8 x 1D... 7 cts Primed and < 1 razed... Icts. 10x12... o** “ “ ...18 ~ “ 12x14 ..10“ “ “ ...25 12 x 10...11 “ “ ...27 “ 12 x 18...12 “ “ “ ...d0 “ 12 x 20...14 “ ...35 12 x 22...1ff “ “ ...40 “ ltx 24...18 “ “ “ ...45 “ Tin* above Sash are 1% inch (hick, mid made plain. In all cas. s wlo re they are made Lip-Sash, twh cents per light will he added. All Sash glazed with good French (Mass, primed with th best Paint, and superior Putty. • Roiling Blinds for Windows, tiff cents per foot, measuring the length, A window five feet would cost S”, without painting, catches, or hinges. PANEL DOOKB. lJMndi (hick, without moulding. $2 50—moulding one side, #2 00—moulding both sides, £3 50. V}’ inch thick, without moulding, 2 75—moulding out) side, 3 25—moulding both sides, $3 75. IJ/£ inch thieli, 4 patmels moulding on ouu.side, $3 50— moulding Imtii Hides, $4 Off. 1% inch thick. 4 panels moulding on one Bidf*, $4 00— moulding both sides. $4 5). fu addition to the above, blinds paint'd and ‘furnished with hinges and catches, if desired; Hlso, Bash glazed With Merman or French plate, painted, stained, enamel led, cmlioiMßd and Bohemian (Hass, of all shadow and col ors, foe side and transom lights a,u o trice windows. Plans and specification* for ;til descriptions of hurndings furnished to order, with estimates, if desired. Contracts made for const! m"hop and erection of build ings, on reasonable term* All kinds of lumber planed, and flooring and ceiling toiigued and gi'ooved. 8e o!l and ot her descript.i ns of limckuts, for ornnment iug C‘.tt;ges. Mn*(*n House?-- ,ve.. made to order. The proprietors being practical mechanics and builders, believe they atn givo outite satisfaction to nil who may favor them with ord< rs. H-V;*All the above work wili !•* furnished at short notice. Sash kept constantly on ham!. All orders sent with the cash, or city acceptance, will meet with prompt at tention. Work to ho sent by the Diver. Kail Load, or in Wagons, will he at the risk of tie* purchaser, as the work will he considered delivered. contracts can be made for large jobs. M. IJAKHfNMKR, January 24. ly J. L. MOKTON. FRESH KUTTEIt CfAN he liad Os your Mows if you will buy Peas and j tend with them. 1000 bushels just received and for sale low, by 11. M.*GRAY, July iff. Agent ami Mom mission Merchant. 3WCA.CH:iItfS ILEMi’ AND COTTON ROPE. I'jMIK undersigned aru making a superior article of 1 IIKMP HOPE, which for price and quality must suit the trade of this place, and are novc re;uly to take orders for both Hemp and Motion Rope, the latter of all size* and the very best description. Till. TAM YXKSTILIJ:. JAMES TOURY. July 8-3 m Carter Factory. STIFF KKT I'ER ! TCST KMMKTA FT). St. Louis •• I’mpirc,” liner Flour than tho Albion Mills or Plant's Extra. A 1.90, Duffbdd'.s Extra Sugar (hired II AMS. ALSO, An oxtrft tine lot fifTennef-. . :* limns and Shoulders. July 12 OtJNBY CO. FILLMORE, FUKMONT iSc- BUC'HATf AN Vll K voted humbugs when a hungry Politician sits down to dine on thoce neafi.v trimmed ilauis. which 1 am selling low for rash. it. M. GRAY, July ID. Agent and ('onimisstfin Merchant REST 60R1 MEAL. VLAKHF supply ofthe best Morn Meal, Flour, and other necessaries of life, always on hand. August 22, 1856. If. M. GUAY. A >UTH KRN ! JEM KDY. Made by Prof. O. (L Woodinaii* Now Orleans. L*>u.siana. .1. S. PEMBERTON ( ()., HAVE received the ajqiointin. nt from Hu* proprietor for the sole ag*ttcy of Woodman’s Cherry Kvpeetornnt, the that has created sueii an excitement at tlie North among the Physicians, and has been pronounced by all who have Used if ns being far superior to any Cherry Pectoral. Woodman's Mhcrry F-xpecturant con tains the active modi* ill qualities .f the Yellow Jcsammo, the pure decoction of Wild Cherry Hark,ami many other valuable ingredients that render it far better (ban any other Cough Medicine in (his country. RECOMMENDATIONS. NEW Oli.caxs. April p, 1855. Dua* ttir—Thu public aru fully aaaru ot die thousands ofremediesfor Pisea .1 f.uiigs. under thfftitles of Sarsjipjirilhis. Pills, fMusters. f.itiinients, Ve., that ;ue daily brought to llieit nolle.* through tie* newspaper.-by way of advertisements. My nhjei tin writing this note for publieiitiou, is to imluct* the | üblio, or at least those who aru alllietcd, V’ use uue Contains articles of limt t ye in rutnumarg ihsftis I am conscious (hut in so doing, I uni acting most unpin siioually,tuid duvoga torily to the interests of Medie.d cVience and the regular Praetitionnw of M‘diciue. I r*i rt< Woodman's (')• n V Expectorant, which is a t-ciqntilie Viunedy that 1 have used with mole success than any of tin* ’uNua.l prescri"- tions used hy Physicians. J. M. Maitlam*. M. D. Gallatin. Miss.. May L tSfto. O. O. WooDM-l)i*ar f*ir; 1 have given your Cherry Expectorant a fair trial and am well ph ased* with its < f. sects; better than any other arfich* I ever met with. I would be pleased to have yon hi nd me half a do o n hot ties by the bcu,rer. Hcrquaifully. W . .M. Mason, M. 1). This prepiuatioii lias attained \ wid-* celebrity from t lie universal success which hu- sitomhd its uoV, p,„- coughs, colds, and in fset, any putuioiiuiy complaints, this medicine, from its peculiar propertie*ns h dlssnlfi nt and its H.Mtliing powa r to all u :■'itaaiom> of the throat, will probably he preferred to an\ other offered to the public. Ah an appetizer, or dyspeptic remedy, it will also be found excellent, Its natural and gmiial warmth kin idiitr His digestive ]<owciw in proper tone. Remember that thu is the only Mo ugh Medicine that has stood Mie test ol the medical fraternity. It Siine tioned by, approved of, and n*conumnded by tbu leahlng Physicians of New York city. Lw ry Ixdth* ‘is warranted to trfvu sntidactiiinor the uioycy tetutiilyd. Wo guman tec It to ti* better than uny Cherry Puclorul, (NhJ ijver Oil. or anytliing els.* now oxtunt. <>r'Price —Otic T> l!.u a Jlot;le. J. F. PKMHEKTON A CO., Columbus, Ga., Only agents for this county. February & WAGONS. “I UH P nreivod and for rule < h< cp^ with Body and Yoke coroplct*. GFMtY x ro. COLI 9TIHIS IIWK STOCK. \fOTU K is lien-hy given, that I Imve this dc.v m>M to \ David \ dan is. tw.-nty >har -of tin* a. “teek. being the whole nun am put which I am interested ID Mid Hank. This Bt!i September. 1850. v r:i 11. W v A\mi;. PRESKRVkYG C \NX. V: •’ :K!HK Kriieb fur side by ‘'•**- W. 3 ®l li. M. AUWORTH. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, BAST SIDE OE OGLETHORPE ST., Fe tw en tho “Perry” and “OgieMn-ipo'’ Hotels, aiul di rectly opposite ‘iVmperiulc'e llall^ OOLIJMBI S, GKOIhG IA. \\ r M have now iu store; and receiving the \\ Ix'fit ami most i‘Xt‘nyive stock oi vein cl.fu lie fotimj in this enuntrv, cmajirisiuj^ CALJFICHDS AND MOCK CALECHBS, us finest and riclihst finish, and most elegant appeurauce. IIKKBI VS AND COACHES, of latest styles and every variety. ROCK A WAYS AND ILUtOI’CHES, of i:very known pattern and sLiapu, suitable for one or two horses, and complete assortment ul‘ Top and No-Top BUGGIES AND WAGONb, ot I’m* latest and most fashionable styles now used. Tim fact that, the well known and highly esD Cmcd work of JAMES M. QUINBY A CO. as wall as that of other fndkers of thirliighwbt reputation, tan bt* found at our House, and that all our stock is made up un der the personal direction of Mr. 11. C McKee, (whose long exfiftrtonec guarantees it- qualify) enables u to offer l>ellcr work and at lower prices, than arti cles ofthe quality can be sold for by any other dea ler in this country: mid quite hh low as they can Issi af birdml in New V*rk city. For proof of which werespcct fully invite all who wish to purchase, to call and see us. W •• are selling ar 1 lit* very lowest rates, for cnsli or p ---prowd ( ■ rdlli ami uiways ark mil- sclliiiy jtriceH, so our c-ustniimrs ami htrimgcru as wall, muv i't‘ly ; n lieinlioi]i tly iiiuh'airly ilciiit witlt. Eve. ry article U warranted to he strictly n I'l'lii'escnteil) and antisfnrtioii tcuaianrccd to all. JlcK KK *IK >ll HUTS, N. it.—Having the tx-rt regular set of Carriage workmen to be fouiuf in this country; we are prtt ywreil. as heretofore, to do all kinds of-repairing at tho lowest possible rate*, with tho utmost promptness and in the heat manner. MsK. .V'it. January tin. >y REMOVAL. FURNITURE - EMPORIU M. SAH9IIS ROONEY, Have removed their extensive stock of Furniture It* Iheir (IRON FRONT,) New Four Story Brick Building, Nearly opposite their Old Stand, Air HERE they will he happy to sue their friends and \Vgcustomers and show them something brilliant and in virfng in thu way of Furniture. Our W;ire-Ko<uns are unequalled in Beauty, and our Ftimiture teefterche. We offer rare sldvantages t pur chasers, furniHhiug house's throughout in a tasteful and uniform style, by having a branch of our business in New York city, where tho Senior partner mauufiictureß, under hi-> own eyi;, articles to suit the most, fastidious. We havu on hand furniture suitable for Parlor, Bed, Sitting, Dining Room, Kitchen Au., of Rose Wood, .Mahogany, Walnut, Pine, Ac.; and as Low as'rain bo found North or Soulh. An assort ment of CARPETING AND CURTAINS, will also be on hand, that will not fail to please. Call and see. Our stock consists in part of Eterzshii, Tete a Tetes, YVlmt Nob Arm Chairs, nnd Sofas, of Uose-IVood, Brocatelle and Malioguny, for P;., *rs. Bureaus, Dressing, Marble and Mahogany Tups. Side*lSoavdß and Mahogany Tops, (SnotK C-asea ofgll kinds and Secretaries attached. Tables—(’entre. Dining. Work and Extension. Bedsteads—High and low post. French and Cottage. Ihiamcl iN‘ts for Be<l Rooms, all eidors. Walnut and Ma hogany Sets for Bed Rooms. Chah'9—an extensive assortment of H woods. Looking Glasses—all sizes, in frames end out. Carpets—Brussels, Ingrain. Tapestry, Ac. Curtains—of Broeatelle and Damask, all colors. Slnates—Gilt Oorniites ik! Curtain bidders. January 17, 1850. NEW CO-PARTNERSHIP. AT^IkX4LX>- Oglethorpe Street. wl(ere they will at all times he found ready to receive and and promptly execute all orders given to them. They pledge themselves t* sat isfy all who patronize them, in material, workmanship, and quickness of execution. They will keep constantly on band Cement and Plaster ot* Paris. laon Railing;, of thu newest pattern*.’ always procured at reasonable rates and on the most advanta geous terms. All who know Madden, know Liiu to bo u workman of taste and judgment. Those who wish to show respect to the “dear onus departed” will find it to their advan tage to*give the new linn a call. Feb 15 MARBLE AND TOIMTB-STOTVE WORKS, Randolph Street, opposite Oglethorpe Hotel, COXiUMBUS, GEORGIA. ImhlmjiM#.-: \\h jttiljafe hi.- riic inwi ir- -J&al ii * r“sii: Mfe tic*anilt-lii'ilgli tliorpe Hotel, **"rt*Z...•iN&y*:-’-’ win ce he inprupnred. with (he best TtaJiiin and Ameri can Marble, to furnish all kinds of Monuments, Tombs amt Grave Stoaies, as cheap as (hex ran be bail ill any part ofthe country', North *r Soui b. lie vesieetfuliy soli grin a share ot pub lic patronage. fie flatters himself that for M'orkuaanship he vs ill give satisfaction to thejiiost fastidious. ■April lifi ISSO. ly HENRY Mc.CAULBY. A CARD. j J T.GREENW OOl), ofthe tatt* firm of Green- IJ. • wood A Morris, New Orleans, respectful £-^ryf’ ir forms liis friends and former patroWH, that hefcVqpJ:;;. bas pi rmanently settled in thu city of New York.. Having associate*! himselfVvith the house of LIVINGSTON, BHOS. A KINKEAD, \\ ILOIj 10 S A I, I’. Cr HOC EllS, Cuiuuiin.loii and Importing MciTlmnis, >•'. I'd Vw.v Mi vl-.-ii- dl’ I,Be Aotor Hiiiho; I! i- J >i- ii.r< -ii In tin in with i\t, vtliinjj iu ilk< GROCERY LINE, i'll til. Hu 1.1 iiivin-.ililii Jeiuis. Alm>, to lui.v uu IViliiUliM "ii'ii liny lutK-loF „.lil iu tUis-morlu't. lie prumUcN to nsr uv.irv I'xortloii to a'vi- tiliiction, mul will n'iv lii” jKifrioiml attention i<> tlm lilting of all i-iyl'ii s wliicli lit- may in l t'avoi*o.i. N'fw York, April 1, Isju. iiiu IIACON SHOT LIJKKS. | IKKiSIIU\OS IIACMN ftIIOOI.IKItS, jui*t rnwivnl ! on iMnsigmiuiiit. mul I'm- snlo at Uu Kouiiiinit M'm i* lloimc. ity ! inni'l(l| lIi'UIICS .4 DA YiKI.. i > \\l( Jilli i (V x \(. i:;. Mill supply PhysiumuM wjtli th‘ NEGATIVE ELECTRIC FLUID, i“r"|nuvl only hy N. YV . SKAT, At. *>., \i,Vm k, Hfiiifcun Original Dbwovvry, involvinKa NI.W HUNCIPLE li.’ wliifli tlif I'll, posilivf f.imliiioii ol tlie nyntuui cmlli'J 1 I vor, is clittiiofri so tin 1 iiMi iuu! or iiciUlhy hliiii* diifctly mul wltlimit loan of vitality. HK’IOV \J.. HOTCHKISS, I’ENNEH <S I3ICNNJ?.TT, WHOLES ALK UROCKRS, lifipoMem nnd .ToMmun of HKAN I>l I'.S. WINES, At*. A No. ngenfo nht ib’aleih in A irgiiim Mtiitulactuml I'uluicco and Havana CIGARS, Have removed !,u No. 4b \*sey street. i‘ar of Mo* Astor llon o, NLW VOltFt. N**w York. January 1, KIVXIN, THOMAS & CO. 1 I AVI’ ordered frtua Now )'oikafnll snjiply ofthe fl I most e\tr:o rtliiiary ineU ine *>f the ago, Dr. N. YV. Seat’s Negative Electric Fluid. They M illK'ln I. ffipt if Hvo j;ru>. on tlio lOtii iuntant. Pli.v*FdßU* arc* repfssted to call oarlV. P**lvrufiry 5. BROOKS lr CHAPMAN I D a,ll the attention of PliysicbiiE, so tho ? ? newly diseoverH niettleim* erfflud ! >l\. V \\ r . SKA f i”S KKG ATI Vii jGDF.CTRic I'D DID. It is mu| 't rior (o Xorwot-ifu Tincture of Veratnin Vcrmh, *.'•* 14 1 that the latter ha* heretofore Ltn-n n*ed I'ir. KfbrMary 4. D. B. THOMPSON * Co7~ I*l3 Broud Sii'eet, Coluinljus p.” YVhulfaalc art ltclni! tOI V. / lOOKINO STOVKB ofulißizfsftH.i v.,,..* 1 ’ - pattern*; mil JJJfTINtt i’l'i .m'i'n’K’ i.fiui I’ijio, ilollow AVare, lirittania ; ‘ p ishcil W ares, Cutlery, anil Jlout.e l-’iis-i:ist‘j'” Goods general! v. and liimiula.'tuiers of” In ’ ‘ TIN AND SHEET IRON U V i,, January 2. ly A1{ l:. LOOKOUT Alt) VNT AIN Hoi ‘JHUS House in located oil Lookout X Mountain, at an elevation of Uiir- k r i, ly two hundred*feet, presentine; a see-, nuri ii'ii Hiirpansi'd hy any in the Ini nta ! i ; ted Slates, and all tttluospiieru pun .4* and salubrious. Those who seek t comfort, Leant}- and grandeur of a iiutond not have their w isheg more fullv met tli-ni', : MOUNTAIN. Here pure cold BKUKsT'iv-," h hi ahunilfthce, is found, and CHALVUU.Vrp ‘ any place can lionst of. The Mountain .is easy of access, being oi,| v from Chattanooga, and Horses, Buggies iIU( . .!' r in. always in readiness to convey visitors and ii',. ‘ to its summit, .where their imaginations met anil their wants well cared for. “'a Tho House will lie opened on the Ist of Jh <hl Ist of October. UKi). W. ASHIIUItN IV, April ft, tm. L. M. A..-I.; THIRD AND LAST t: A3 ,r X‘*OAAL ■A'iiujej ®a3^L* ojs riMIK undersigned is elosiug out his I and KAYTY KI!Y HOODS at greatly to make for a Kail mid Winter stool; r is now well supplied with DOMUKTIU Ouojk 11 Bleached anil Brown lioinestics; halicoei an nilure prints: flingluims of every doseriutiiiii-e rough KtlipCs and Ttnids for Yitirvtthts rtreuw,.’ Liamnsk ; llrown Linens Ac .vc. Also, l’am-i ■.d Silk Dress Baregos; Muslins: Lawns: .p,; Siwi.s Muslins; Jiusicry; Gloves; Jlandkelvl ,!?. lars and Sleeves: UrTgingnnd Inserting; Dress Trimmings nnd Iti piec>s check hlttHiun ••• ‘• ccivdd. Call and look through the stuck ami c. oil tlio prices 1 am now asking- will Intluo o'’ i 0. W. ATKINSti', Two Doors ticlow Kyle * Cos., Dl l |;>. Jnlya-fi STE WART, GRAY <A CO., r IAAKI-: this method of notifying their frienih mm A turners that they have sold their stock us to Messrs. . 2?t3e3iX>X> r rH.EER Co _ who will in future conduct their business nt stand, and will always be prepared to furnish ~,™’ criptlon of Hoods iu the GROCERY LIRE, on the most favorable terms to their customers!, of our friends and former patrons. YVe take -real sure in soliciting a share of patronage for them, a,'; oominendiug them as iu every way reliable. We shall still continue the Warehouse and Commission Busin... at the same stand. Thankful for past favors, wo shall now give . vidoil attention lo the COTTON and I'OMMis.-uix p SIN KSS, and w ill spare no pains or labor to givi - S | tiou to all who iniiv favor us with tlirdr putrririe■ Columbus, Ha., May la, ISsti. In: COOKING, OFFICE, _ AND PAfILOB STOVEg.iI-;, MAXIV WARXI. K|^i lIOUSK FU 1! NISH 1N <1 GOODS. } A large assortment always on hand, and for sale fail” prices. Hooting. Huttering, and Job YY'otkin gin.u promptly attended to and warraxtkd. Store on llandolpli street, opposite the Test.lfc. K. M. AbIAVuKIII Coinmbti.4. Sept. 17,1855. drn, FASHION ABLE BOOT MAKER. G-. MONTGOMERY, | OV illiltAD STRKKT, two D. iors t North ot tlu* rorncrot Crawford ” ’ and Broad Streets, is prepared with the bust material, to manufacture BOOTS in tin substantial ami fashionable style. Hu makes and u. rants Water-proof Boots to wear 0 months, at >’ \\ ater-proof Boots footed and warranted 0 mos. . September 2, ISfiff. (mi AMERICAN COTTON PLAKTEt FOR 1850. r Fourth Volume ofthe Ameriean Cotton I'hiv 3 will commence with the January number. In thus formally announcing tlio Prospectus Li • Fourth Volume, we have but a few short parn;a;ifo add, sanguine in the belief that, with the intelligei.t, dustrious patrons of progressive improvement ii, tl- Agriculture, Mechanic Arts, Manufactiuvs of the I ing States, and especially Alabamians, the past hisor\ tlio Cotton Planter is its highest commendation. 1 n thu first place, we remark to our friends and iva ! that tho Editor, Hr. Cloud, lias again become the I'liMb er and Propriety; ami we hereby assure our resale emphatically, that in future the Cotton l'lanUi >hali. sue promptly by the first day ot each month. Flushed with victory in the magnificent Exhibition< Alabama’s Industry, as demonstrated in the triump-hai: success of the first Annual Fair of the Alabama Sin Agricultural Society, the Cotton Planter wjll lake l step backward” its progress is onAvard and iij\vardt highest niche of improvement. It is hoped earnestly by the Editor and propriri"r. ly the members of thu Society, the Plant’ : - Farmers, the Mechanics and Manufacture.-", Jl.iL will rally en masse to thesuppc,rt of *ul> clusively) Industrial Periodical, the Organ e.t ffa* ‘■ bam a Statu Agricultural Society, that its effeienn bo uu lettered in the great work oi develupiu^u* 1 me;isurable resources ofthe Keystone Mate ol tli > “ Devoted to Improved Plantation Kconomy. M n (ures and the Mechanic Afta,” the object of tliu Jf can Cotton Planter is to “ Improve ii lie Soli ami Hu* Mini!*” With a corps of correspondents, numbering wai ‘ the most practical as well as seientilic minds of theS 1 wo feel assured wo shuli l>6 able to visit our patrol ‘ 1 (lit? first of each month, to their entire satidaci. u i<:. profit. livery family in the country, whatever uisy be u avocation, should patron iso some Agricultural pupvt: cause there is no readiug matter published to tl* v ’ : so innocent, and at the same time so pra* ti'-ally pi • ble in ail the walks of life as that obtained ii*goi**l , r cultural Periodical. The American Cfttton l‘huit*i - issue promptly by tho {list day of the month. It “:’ uniformly printed iu magazitn* style, on gcad v.i .t- i per, w ith new and fair type*, securely slitchni I'luiu” mud. Our Horticultural Department will he snshuiu’ - heretofore, by a gentleman of [ radical expera i.< •• K. - I. Halt, of Montgomery. Terms ; One copy, in advance % ] fcdx copies “ ‘ Twelve copies “ “ Clubs or Agricultural Societies. 100 copies...... 1 ill comnmniraiions, either for the columns el thd ter. or containing remitlances, ord<-iing the pa]n- ‘ U* addv<sed to Hi. . B. Cloud, f.oeUland i*caft t” AlaUuua. Suhserijitions should comuMUice with tlio v*Jun • ’ Nuw r spnpi*rs friendly to tin* work, throughout will confer a favor by copying tin* ProapeetUH. Our exchanges will jilejifC direct to l.oeklainl MK LICK A CD’S. CASH CLOTHING WARBHOITSi Obl stiiml “i J. S. Smith .t Cos., liih Went BLie Ui-oad Slivh CULIIM BUti, OA. M IONS’ ami Boys Clothing—it large .-lock i frurn, nailed to every Olass aud eomlitioii. UeutleuieuV Idmiisbing Goods in every varit-lt ißtoU'r ‘2.Z. ly MOSTGOMEIIY, SELMA ANTI RIVER. MKRCIIANTS and others bringing goods ') v Savannah, for Montgomery, Selina and otli*” w\-1 of Columbus, (loorgia, are informed that F.> r to care of JOHN W. HOWARD, Agent, Union Dray Company, Columbus, Georgia, tli' ll will U* forwarded from tl)b Depot of tlie Mu-” - Bond to tin* Depot of thu Opelika and Miuitg*'*' l •’ at an expense, for trajisportatlop by Dray betw**’ 1 points, of • 5 cents |m :* Ton (J 4000) IDs* which will save them 2.5 cents per fi*n. o> the . ; Hail Hoad Co,’s cnntradois charge one dollar The Union Dray is amply respond l"'S or damage, i. mny be fisoertaiiuMi ly Bi ll A (Jo., Josiali Morris, and K. I’. Thom. * o, ‘ “; i Ala. Kofer, in Coin tubus, (hi., to B. Putteu am Hum-; and at Selma, Ala., to T. 11. Smith. , ,)X IIIIDS. cb ice Hu.*oa—le-g round, .?u Am J * ) and fur wile Jit the lowest figures, F\ , March Ik. CUNIR IIA VAN'A fIGARS. I*) Hill I SKhl-TT Brands 11.0 AA 1 I *’ ” * |a-l li'("i “'ll nil r"TI-fk’ n 111,11 bv J. T. SL'I*l 1 * 1 !,’ May IS. HI II'""' 1 ‘ C.IS FIT TING. / < AS KITTING in nil it* Lnu” Im* |>i"iH|>H.'” \ I to and warranted. R ATHTNH APPAB ATT r S, Ac. .< r. ... June iff. fioi IS. M. IteTidolph St. nearly op|sfite the niMliUttS A Nil SODA BW< 111 N’AY Y IIRKAI). Smla llalsi-ult. Bnstaii ‘ / hand made Crackers, just received and t* l August 2^*. nr.Nh’