The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, November 14, 1856, Image 3
COMMEBCIAJu. DAILY SUN OFFICE, 1 Columbus, Nqv. 14. 1856. J The .-dies yesterday wero 822 bales at prices to l\%c. We quote Strict to Good f Mlim.’ n t 0 Keceipta of the day 877 bales. Nov. ri.-OOTTO.N-There was nothing to-day except from wagons, without change in ’ l|: file State Fair has absorbed the cotton market ‘Julias everything ehc. FOR MAYOR. VVK ate authorlz.od to announce the name of i a candidate for re-election to the of -1 *’ Mayor at the ensuing municipal election on the “l” Saturday in Get ember next. Nov. 11 te FOR MAYOR. Wo are authorised to announce Dr, JOHN E. 11A \ , a candidate for the office, of Mayor, at the eusu ’ Uiniicipai flection in December next. 1 oil cm SEXTON. Wear 1 ’ authorUwd to announce THOMAS NIX a< ‘ l ifor re-election to the above office, u£ the rillluHittlc va ~i tv Weetlon in December next. FOR city marshal. W P are authorized to anntmnco the name of •fi LI AM MAHAJTEY ns ft oondljlnttt for re-electioo ‘ t - Marshal at the (mailing .Municipal Election. . for deputy marsh \i Wi: are aut!tori/,pd to ann -unce lICGII I’. IhiH -o S as a oaijdidaio for ao-election to the offtoe of Dep. M the eutuing eleution on the second Hat. lioiav in December next. • Nov. 7. te ~()lt CITY MAItSHAIi. ■ We m u authorised to announce G EOJIGE G l L ■ V n a candidate for City Marshal, at the Municipal iV-Jion llll the second Saturday in Decembor next. ( VVOIHATE for marshal. , vVK rc autlioriaSd to aunouucc tlie name, of Vdl’ M. HUGHES as tv candidate for City Marshal at .nstibig election outlie second Saturday in December ! “ u Oct. 31—tde FOR CITY TIIEASI’HBR. . WK ’arl authorized to announce the name of iiijlN LI,OVD its a candidate for the office of City Tre.ts irpr |] |p ensuing; municipal election in December j Nov. I:'—te FOR TAX COLLECTOR. ~, We are authorised to ufinounde JEftllY . raaiildate for Tax Collector of’ Muscogao County, at ~ .usuiugelection in .huiuafy next. UF.CEIYEH of ‘tax retcrss. . p; jiff authorized to announce the name of !>A\ \I;P C. tIEKRS as a caoditliffo for tile office of He . r. si efTax Returns of Muscogee , County, at the eusu ,l , tiofli in January next. Nov. 12~te receiver of tax retcrss. Tin- Wends of ISAAC T. BROOKS, announce bis name as a candidate, tbs re-electioii to the office oT lisccivi-f of Tax Returns for Muscogee county, at the election in January next. Nov. 8, 1850. SOMETHING EXCELLENT. HAVANA CIGAR EMPORIUM. Two doors west ofllankin's corner, Craw ford St. ’COI.UMBU3, GEORGIA. , itHU subscriber, front his long experience in the blt j -iness Hatters hyinself that he can agreeably accoin imxlitti .at Wholesale or Retail, all who are in want of ‘ li’INE HAVAIA CIGARS, American Cigars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Snuff. Pipes, Ac. Ac. Ac., ii mu-Ii terms as cannot fail to please. All goods war . tiled. , Ordersfromtlie country atteitdedUy the cash, prompt ly and carefully tilled. N'ov. 81861). ly JAMES ESTEVEZ. G. N. ELDRED’S GREAT SOUTHERN SHOW. The only Southern Company now Trav eling in America, And the Largest and Best Establishment in the U. S. itrtliern Men, Southern Horses, Southern Enterprise against the World! consisting of over two hundred men and ‘J HOUSES, the best Performers, the host Band, and the Swat stud of Horses now traveling in America, will ex hibit Ut Lolumbus, November 17th, 18tli & 19th. CARD. G. N. KLDHED proclaims to the South that as a re sin for the generous patronage that lias ever crowned his efforts to please, he lias this season combined THREE GREAT SHOWS, oid engaged the world-renowned FRANCON 1 HIPPO iIitOMK TROUPE to appear in conjunction with his •pleudhl ANIMAL EXHIBITION and GREAT HOUTH- Irn t:ißcus. - t ile Great Southern Circus Department. i dm, us—Sum Long. John Peterson, a '*d Gie great American Clown and (Pd(R dmkspßafean .Tester; Jimmey Bey. 1 - l 1 ; | ‘ v: ! l uMri e. ns—Madnie Erauconi “ | V'ics. f rail coni will introduce his “iiapproarhable trained Horses. ■lie!, th*Comic Rider and great Don w* ’xaierset Thrower. C. Morrison tfk dll astonish the audience by his eon- j lortiouirt performance on achairerec ii -a up,do thirty feet high, held and Bx\\ Ns. appirM by Mons. Hessin, Master 1 ■mss, the Champion Equestrian of J&if-Jk. Sm Scutm Vandean Brothers, bv . dons. Costello, the great Globe Per- _2§SBhil!®sS = W. Johnson, the .slack Rope .hueniles of the Company—Master I.i-iul-r of the Baud—C. Yollandt, §L& ‘ii is sufficient guarantee for the V-sc . ,*A Jl sxcelleqco of the music. My ’fi lit A *“' <n balking <m the Ceiling, head MJ 1 ‘? means of the scientific uppli o"if, lhe Principle* of adhesion, In- ■MgSSBmSggSI ‘■ fcldrert. J °. h l 1 E ™ biußon in lli ’ : suimrb Prill Cl pal Act; limb in tle Troupe in. Pantomime. Bullet. Dancing. lv Ac., are among the grand features of . ■ übitioii, making in all the most attractive and ffffm- K c, R''rtainmeut and tile beet FIFTY CENT tiler offered to the people of tlie South. Free Exhibition ii„. V',! b ftM * lo, ir previous to opening the doors of ■Tini, “I Exhibition, should the weather v'l i. i , r ..‘ Ascension upon a Single Elastic Wire, l,"*!.■)’ M ULE. ISABELLE, will be made outside moil, to the height of fiflv feet from the ground. ~’ SAM. HENDRICKS, Agent. ART! Tii tllin B ot beauty is a joy forever ” ‘''re mV' I TCr s h°*' 0 ‘“ere truly than when tliese words it..,1 . tter ed. All can now have an opportunity to ver ’ ,lcc “rttcy of this statement, by calling nt ‘VOODISIUHGE PUPKINS’ • ri i‘p (1 Ai 11 E A N GALL Eli Y. I ‘ ■ouiscribors liave all tlio latest improvement* In 4 ‘“spective arts of Photography and Ambrotyp- . ! ssi; 8 hirineii a connection for tho season with ‘.‘ r y Dowelsou. of Saviiiinnli, who have also <ii„ ■. ‘,’, lu ‘hvoii and Augusta) fbr the purpose of nfo oug tlie celebrated PASTELLE PHOTOGRAPHS!! •n .i's the tiinf Artists in the country is engaged nt nn 'l -Messrs. Womlbridge ,fc I’epkins feel iw-nri, * !?* Diey do not out strip the bounds of truth !.h- v , 1 , [ r Patrons and tlie public generally, that un ‘j. r ® i ,s ‘ l pictmes which, for beauty of coloring, „.,ihkSness, and snpurb linisii caunot be hiii- H, * ‘my galh-fy either North or South. ‘ Artist ‘ * **’ t<) call attention to the fact that MR. C. M. LORD, r t ic. r o”’ 1 , *“ ’ bllt persons desiring paintings need 1( l 11 ‘“e trouble of sending their pictures to the ii, t i * ■’ bisnricg u risk of injury by Iran spur ta lc , 0 •|s - ak of the daugi-r ol the loss of picture* of •dec 1 ‘"es,.rie, wtiich cannot he replaced. Mr. levrd -, v : h .ftrtliermorts to linisii pictures more ’’peeiuj I ?,t,’ rtv ftrp anywhere in tile North. ,l„ Mwmtton is directed to tin- fact that pictures ...T* can, by the PhnTugtaphie art. be co "d'inl,,. * b> bIFK SIZE, and beautiftilly colored. - Artie” , ‘“'“'traev of the Camera with the touch of •mi lull ‘ •""‘'“ving, ns regards portraits, the finest con art lias ever reached. WOHDIHiIDUE A POl'iflNS, Nov. j Brooks 4 Chapman's Drug Store. M | THE CRIMINAL COURT. i , rlmin ,'” Court of the City of Columlms will be ‘artjfc, im, 1 bll the 4tli Monday in Novemls-r, inst. rdifigly r ’ h'd- jurors am! witnesses will nttffiidtu.'- r ‘id't rm.,^ 1 "’ Monoralde Peyton H. Cuiuliitt Jailge CALVIN Si’KATTON. Cl k- OOLUMBUS GROCERY MARKET. COLUMBUS, Nov. 11, ISiti. •BACON'.—The market is well supplied. Wo quote Hams for Tennessee, and 14 to 15c. for canvassed; Western Sides 10c..: Tennessee Sides 11 to lflc.; Shoulders 9 to 10c, LARD.—supply equal to demand, at ldjnj to 14c. by the Can. BUTTER—Country 20; Northern 35c. BEEF—In market, ato 7c. FLOUR.—By tho Barrel, to $lO. • SUGAR —X. O. Brown 11 to 14c.; Crushed, Pulver- | ised or Loaf, 16 to 10c. COFFEE.—Kio 18b; to 15c.; Java 18 to 20c.; Laguirn 10c.; Mocha 20 to 22c. MOLASSES.—West India Molasses Sac.; Syrup 65c. KIC E.—Rico 7 to Bc. COHN—6S to 75c. MEAL.—rCity or County Mills 80c. BAGGING.—Market well supplied with India at 22c. No Kentucky in market. HOPE.—Supply abundant at 14c. TWlNE,—Plenty iu market at 25c. s> LT.—Market well supplied, at $1 75 to *2 per sack. I RATES OF EXCHANGE. COIHIEUTED 11Y W. E. LOVE & CO. LOl TEPiV AMO EXCHANGE BHOKEKS NO. 114 mio.U) STKKE'X. UUVINO U.VIBS. SKLLINU RATKS. New Yoiik, 00 days 1 1 ~! ot. dis sight, Id prem Puii,aJ’a, “ • lU’c’ct.ilis..!.,.. none Boston. “ lG I jqct.,lis “ none CBarlkston “ none. “ nune N.OltiEAN* •• “ ~..nohe. “ none Alabama Bank Nor ......2 y< t. dis fF.NNES.SEE •• - 2ld%tct. dfs Kentockv “ “ 2‘h Ct. dis N- Cahol’a ,l “ ......2 ct.dls VIRQtNU “ “ 2 ‘ft ct. dis GOLD AND SILVEIt 1 :j(!l All Solvent Georgia and S. C. Banks par REMOVAL. CABINET WARE ROOM. .1. H. SIKES. HAB removed liis.CABINET WAKE ROOM to . No. FK Kas; Side Bread Street, the store formerly occupied by S. B. I’luple, as a Jewelry Store, wherd 110 will lie pleased to see 1 l • bis ,dd friends iiml patrons. ■ Ho Will always have competent workmen to do all kind of CABINET WMUv iu the best style. Particular attention given to l. : j>£ilsl eriiiif and Repairing. .). u. BIKES. N pv. 11: IS.iO, 1 y J>: \V ELKV. / t AMEO, Pearl, Coral. Jet, and all ilot.i Sets, tin- iarg- V est and tiuest assortiinqit , vet before offered in this eit.y, nt WILLARD A OOUt'FR S. Oet. lvtf TO SOUTHERN MERCHANTS. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. r I ’IIE whole country is Hooded wi,h Counterfeit and 1 Imitation Schnapps. The puiilic should be careful to purchase only the genuine article, manufactured and imported by Udolpho Wolfe, which lias the name of the mnnufacturer on tlie Buttle, Cork and Label, lffir sale by all respectable Grocers and Druggists Bead tho opinions of the New York Press, UDOLPHo WOLFE, 22 Beaver St., New Yqrk. From the New York Moremy. Frai'iu'Llkt Imitations of Bli’uuok Cokmoßjiiks, Among tlie many dishonesties of trade which tlie mor al sense *f the cajjmunity is called upon to suppres6. we would particularly notice a most perniciousand infamous practioo adopted l,y unscrnpulousdealersof imitatingand eimnterfeiting the exterior appearance and precautionary labels of popular drugs, medicament:!, and other articles of personal consumption, and thus, hv seizing upon the well acquired reputation of an enterprising trader, pal ming off most destructive and worthless compounds, to the sore detriment not ouly of the consumer, hut to tile character of (lie man who has expended thousaa,ls of dollars in bringing tlie genuine article into esteem and demand. These petty larceny thieves are the pest of all honorable dealers and traders, and tlie trade is as mucij highway robbery as the violent appropriation of their neighbor’s purse ; in fact they are beneath tlie burglar and highwayman indignity—for these latter felony ex hibit a bravery or recklessness of character in nowise dis tinguishing the mercantile assassin who stabs in she dark. And ought they not be rewarded with a punish ment commensurate with the cowardice of their crime? \)'c were led to these remarks by accidentally observing a spurious counterfeit of Udolpho Wolfe's” Selieidmi: Schnapps. Tho labels were imitated perfectly, with the slight addition of a few letters to plead technical avoid ance of the law against counterfeiting; tlie bottles were very similar, and every thing carefully prepare! to im pose upon a careless purchaser. Now is not the mail who perpetrated this fraud, a felon a robber ? Assuredly lie is: for, as Mr. Wolfe lew expended large sums to bring his genuine imported schnapps into popular demand, that demand may be justly considered a part of his cap ital in trade, and a fellow stealing a part of his reputa tion is as much of a thief as if lie had stolen a barrel of liisschnapps in bulk. And to till- crime lie atl>is a fur ther one of defrauding tlie community by giving them a ruinous article for tile money they intended to expend for a commodity in which they had confidence. And, further, every man who participates indirectly in the ‘fraud, by soiling spurious articles is as much of an offen der as the principal who planned tlie imposition. Tue remedy of Mr. Wolfe should lie in his holding all eoncer nad up to the contempt of the community til us .swindled by their operations, and unconsciously imposed upon by their noxious composition. W ■ trust that Mr. Wolfe will obtain names, not only of the concoctors of these counterfeits, but of every man offering them for sale, and then publish them to the world : lor his own reputation and tho health of the community demand that all parties should be nailed to the pillory of popular execration. From the New York Dispatch. AN INFAMOUS ItrtilNKSS. When an enterprising until strik's out anew business, to tlie establishment of which lie gives his industry, time, talent* and pecuniary means, can anythingbe mere con temptible than to have another steal in, and. under spe cious pretexts, hold mu to the public mi inferior article, and cudeavor to obtain their patronage? Fray, wliat difference is there, so far as the honesty of tlie tiling is concerned, betweed purloining the business by which a citizen hopes to make his bread ami stealing tlie bread ifhell'? A common thief, if lie takes without leave, how ever hungry, a loaf of bread from a baker’s shop, is appre hended sa l condemned to tlie penitentiary for daring in a surrejitaiious manner to appease his appetite : but put a respectable looking coat on his back and a few dollars in liis pocket, and lie may. with Impunity, nay, even witli ihe applause of liis fellows, hv knavery, forgery or other infamous moans, lake the business of an honest man from him. uud go unscathed of justice. All this is wrong. Sonic years since a gout.euiun fifth Is city (Udol pho M'ldtel introduced to the citizens of the United States a medicated article of gin. which was highly a; proved t>y professional gentlemen as a superior tonic and deobatru out. and the knowledge of which he, by advertisement and otherwise, disseminated throughout the country.-*- So soon a* tridksters, who pass in the- business enniinu nity ns hottest men, saw that Mr. YVolfe was likely to have handsome returns for tlie time and money which he had expended, they set a!amt tinging hi- labels and palming off upon the people detestable and poisonous compounds which they have the hardihood to < all “B,’lde dam iuhnapps.'’ In some instances they have gone so far ns to put Wolfe’s name to their villainous liquids,— As this horde are growing bold in their rascalities. It is time the public in town and country wero put upon their guard. Uonsumi is should he sure that they purchase the genuine article, or else their health may he irrepara bly injured by using tho horrible stuff that unscrupulous men, beciiuso they can buy it cheap, will offer a* tlie gen uine article. Pure .•'i liofdam Sclumpps can only be ols tallied at the stores of respectable mcrriianfs and drug, gists, iii town and country, and at the establishment of Udolpho Wolfe, Nos. IN. 20 and 22 Beaver Street, in this city, where it is gotten up exclusively. We think it min ty which’ Mr. Wolfe owes to himself and the community to publish, by name, the rascals who are thus attempting to (lefrnnd both him and those who would he Ills custo mers. lie should not pormlt Ids modesty to liold him back from lunking so righteous an expose. AGENTS IN SAVANNAH: John B. Moore A Cos.. A. A. S dluinntis A Cos.. A. Ike liiiud.M. J. Riley, W. VV. Go slrieh, McMahon A Doyle, Webstar A Palmer. I. V. Uounerat, Clagburn A Cunning ham, Swift A Cos., iiuleoiub, Joluisou A Cos. FIREWORKS), FIREWORKS). cpilE Hubscri'air Inn now ree ived Id- lull supply of 1 Colored. Plain and Fancy FIREWORKS, iiiainif.ire tured txtiresily (br ids sale*, by the most oxpet'isnocd Pyrotechnist in th* United States. The works lire ia it ly and well made, urn! ur sure to give satisfaction. Ihe stis'k comprise* Blue Lights, Rocket*, plain and ml and. Serpents, Mines of star*. 5 sine*. Grasshoppers, Torpedoes, Flower Pots, colored] Foiling (.'na kera, lk'UZol.i Lights, plain mid Five point Stars. Fin Wheels, \O. 1,2, and 3 Maroon* Scroll Wheels. Vertical Wheels, Triangle* No. 1 and 2, .''■non*. Ac. Ac. Triangles open vvor 5 size*. Italian Ftreatn, is, Caprices, Large Fancy fleer*, fhiman Camlie*, plain and colored—of ail kind*. All orders from a distance carefully packed and turwar* ded. .IDS. It. 11US.- IEB, Nov. 0. 18'iii. 27 South Wlnim*. Philadelphia. PIANO FORTES. I)F.lt6!lN.’ in want of a Ime lnuru-^— v"* !"| V; Hunt, eiiH l* supplied on moderated Tll ”1 •term*. A tine assortment to select from../ “ 1/ * at October 31. ts SAMMIF k KiKWEV’tC DILLINGHAM <fc DENSON. WOULD respectfully call tho nt-ffiy. ~ ‘.- ff tentk uof llie ciri/iMiK of l.olmn- S bus aud vicinity, to thoir vtock of Furniture and Carpets. They can accommodate all. both in quality and price. Their FURNITURE, for excellence of workmanship and taste, cannot he excelled, and THEY IjELI, IT LOW. CARPETS CHEAPER than ever heard of iu Coluni bus. Call on them one door bolow Hail. Mose* A Cos. Nov. 3, DILLINGHAM A DENSON. NEW BOOKS. TI fE Hills of tlie Slirtsmuc; by tho author of The X Wide. Wide World, living's Life of Washington. Household Mysteries; by Lizzie Petit. Saratoga; A Tale of 1787. Tlie Skates aud Territories of tho Great West, with a Map and Illustrations, hv J. Ferris. ALSO School Books, Blank Books, and Stationery ill great va riety. Harper’s and Godev's .Magazine for November, For sale nt MATHEWS’ BOOK STORE. A. VELATI. No. :i<> Broad Street, Columbus, Georgi a. 5 ] AS just received fresh FIGS, DATES. RAISINS, AP- I ! PLUS, and nil kinds of West India Fruit. During the season a foil supply of Northern CAB BAGES and RE UTS: and always on hand a large as sortment of UonTeet ton aides, Nut* and t't- Ki*m. Cull and examine. Nov. (i. JBs(i. bin. FLO! It ! FLOUR ! 5 OCRING the low water we have arranged for sup plies of Flour from the Montgomery Mills, and have now a g,mil stock “ii hand. Superfliio (lßcludiug sacks $7 60 Family “ “ S at) Paragon “ 10 oo No discount. October 14, 1856 WINTER’S PALACE MILLS. SPALDING & ROGERS’ T 1 llt Kb; CONSOI .IDATIbI) <3I.BCTJ SIUS! - INCLUDING TlIKIlt 1J OETH AMERICA® CIRCUS i from the Eastern States—their FLOATING PALACE CIRCUS! Formerly of tlie Mississippi River, and recently from tlie Western States: amt their RAIL ROAD CIRCUS! So celebrated tills t ve#r in the Middle Staten. ADD XJTVttI&JEPL TEKTT! WITH ONLY ONE PRICE OF AD.VHSSIoN. Eoxes 50 Cent*; Children and .Vetvants 5£5 Cents. WILL BE EXHIBITED AT COLUMBUS Three DA Yd Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, NOVEMBER 27th, and 29th. AFTERNOON AND NIGHT EACH DAY. FREE OUTSIDE SHOW. Every (lay about 1 1\ M., just previous to opening to dnir, the weather permitting, a grand gratuitous exhibi tion will he given by thelK-autiful aud daring IMI’XgDL.IB AGNES, Who will make a Terrillie Ascension tUP A WIRE 200 FEET LONG, Extended a dizzy height, outside tile teut. from the ground to the top of tlie center pole. IMIE public iii'o assured that these tin companies _ will positively not be separated under any pretext whatever, before their arrival in New Grleana, about tlie middle of December, where they go to open the new Am phitheater Messrs. Spalding <fc Rogers are now building there; and to inauguiate which, with fitting t'Hat, is the reason of the apparent extravagance of the consolidation of tUrw establishments, each singly, more extensive than any other concern in the United State?. The peculiarity of this eoliosul triple combination over .all others, is, that it lias more and better Equestrians, more mid better Oj’lapasts. mere and better (downs, more and better .Musicians, more and better Ring and Tri( k Horses, than any other on tlie American Continent • —everything performed as advertised—(a new feature In these tin)’ sos unsri'upukm* -lmivuien) —no half a circus and ha.’faa menagerie, (as fsaluays theeasc when /ueii an unnatural couhecti ‘ii is made to delude (lieefe dulousi. tut an Old i’lisblolled Circus, or rather three of On m. with all modern improvements, viz: FIVE CRACK CLOWNS, Led by the Prim e of Jesters. BILL LAKE. EIGHT STAR RIDERS, Led liv the greatest Horseman iu cliristcinloiu, JAMES ROBINSON. THIRTEEN BRAG- GYMNASTS, Led by that Nondescript of world-wide fame, the MAN SION ii EY : and such distinguished ) erforuiers as MAD. ORMOND, JAMES ROBINSON, MRS. W. LAKE. KILL L.ihlv M LLK. AGNES. • THU MAN MONKEY, MISS ELLA ORMOND. TDK MOT Mi) BHOB.. F. J. liOGEIUS. THE AMKItIGAN liUOs.. FRANK JTARBY. HENRY MAGiLTGN, HERCULES LIBBY. GKO. DUNBAR, JOHN DAVENPORT, FRANK DONALDSON, NAT. ROGERS, CHARLES CROSBY. liObKP.T WHITE, CHARLES BROWN, H. GIN TV, JOE COOK. OTTO KYLE’S BUGLE BAND, Am? everythin*? ols(* upon i\ fone expeudirme. \’)Vt3inb.‘r 1 , 185'). ST. NICHOLAS Daguerrean and Photographic C3. Y.’ Uiddb'K Great Picture Gallery Is at last completed, ami vie* with any plat ** ol’ tin* klmi In the Wnrld. uiifltTsignei] I him .sjHMir time am! money in th** B. arraiigeriieiit ami comiiletign of itiM ‘lepurtmont. Huh vi.-itml tlie North ami taken iiiHtnie* l ion undAT tiio mont Artist.** in tbe and •loom not lijtemJ hi* pictured niiali Im* .Mijrpa ‘ *<i in tlit I f nite<| Htnt*B. >laM un entirely iicwjiljiii for taking AM- LltoTYl'KS—they lire colored beautifully, and not re veried. PHOTOG KAJMIS I X OIL, W ATKR OH PAHTKLL. All! who wirih ii i tireV jh rt* t bkem ss to/ulorn a pinior wail, HhotiJd Jmvo a jurfiitel !*hotoßrM|h. ‘i'hev have Milpere (|(*l Oil Portraits in tin* b’Yiite l StiiliK atrl i-.u ----roj e. Mr. K. luts on* of th mo4t proficient in tin* country to pitint fiin pietur hln flu* ftl>**ve tyle. They caii be in Halted iu PI NS and laK’K *• f/ean tiftil in elicdt. n- tin Ivory .Miniature, bill fur superior in point of Liketiewid. and a* hint** as •|tv*irel. l*Aiit*Hiilid tientb-men visiting I he city who wiwli Phoft*grAfdirt mint cull ut tlieti Ai.liHlt Y aw *o in sv. convenient, iinit re* pi ire* some lliiitt th coloring. Thom* who live n{ a dis tauei? tiiat Imve nujall PicturiM they wlwh Photographed and coloreil to life. eti forward them by mail, giving; color. ofliMi* Hid cyuri. |*overe of tiatnfe ami of iiAtuve'H uft. and fh<* fh?>i* geiicntlly are invited to (Mil. Af>Htfill4*i V|in ./one**’ u**w building over Jl. Purple,h Jewelry < *Miiei* Ih'oiKl and K ind*dpb *tir**tH. Co- 1 Itimloo*. Uu. Ort. 2X. inhibit A. .1. ((IJ)J>LK, Proprietor. Ol>l> FKLbOWH’ ( KLKKIIATION. a j i;fecmt p;p: i/>rxjKc i.u. of o. f. win IM. celwhratA Ihidr I*M(li AnniVerMuy *is Mon*r^ ’ dttV the 17 til llint. fjßplyi j AM hrotlicra ill gofni atan dug am t **di db invite*! t* parheb ut*’ wdii UH oil that nrcyniofi. An w ill he d<div'er*-d by Jlro. AN. \S . KLrAV* KLLFN, at Temperance Util!, n fj**re tin-citi/’ ii.- gen* ral ly nr** fiivit* *! to att* !hl. I). ItOWK, i O.mmitb o \.)t. Tu.MMJiY, . of U . IJKN.S fcJC. I At n*n^em*nt':. Nov. 11.—Ot OVKKSEKR UAYTkb. {WANT an Ov'M'aeer for tin* next year, lb fanner and a manager of negro**, ami rap Able of tuk. ing the eutir*- charge of a plantation aud twenty imnd Nolu: other ii**<ol apply—for micli a men. good wwill ho given. >'. Ji. JJO.NN P. H. Farm in Ma on tM.unty. Aia. (Ntlmnbn**. Nov. Id. fit FI’LTON NAUKKT URftF* / lIIOICK Fulton ‘larkct Kerf and an Kvtni l*.t of I J Teunt*(**ee IJamv. just r#e**ivcd by gtpt. 1 i/I MIY * Ot. SOUTHERN LOTTERY ! ON THE HAVANA PLAN. PRIZES QITARANTEED I 102,000 POXiIiAHS. Only 16,000 Numbers ! Prizes Payable Without Deduction. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY! By Authority of the State of Georgia. ——— * CLASS S. To be Drawn November 10th, 1800, At Concert Hall, Macon, Georgia, under the sworn super intendence of Col. George M. Logan and James A. Nesbit, Ksqr. AA* Remember this Lottery has only Fifteen Thou sand Number*—less than any Lottery m the World 1— therefore it is the bettor investment. Examine the Kehemc! SCHEME. 1 Frire us ~....515,000 1 *’ 5,(110 1 H 2,01 K) ) l’l of #I,OOO are 4,000 5 500 are...., 2,5110 80 •• too are S.UOU 1500 ” 40 ore ('.0,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 20 Approximation* ol $Kx) are.; 2,000 50 “ of 50 “ 2,s(iff 60 ** of 20 “ 1,000 1,7 Prizes amounting to $102,000! Tickets $lO Halve* $5 Quarter;-* $2 50. Tiu* 1.500 Prizes of S4O arc determined by tliu last tiguiv ol tin* Number that draws the Capital Prize us $15,000. The Capital Prir.e, will, of course, end w itli one of the tigureb—rl, ’J. *, 4. 5. t>, 7, S, 0, 0. Those Whole Tickets ending with the same figure as the last in the Capital will be entitled to $ JO. Halves and quarters in proportion. Persons sending money by mail need not fear its being lost. Orders punctually attended to. Communications confidential. Bank Note* of sound Banks taken at par. a,.v Tlm*e wishing particular numbers should order immediately. 4fAr Addro fc H .IAMKS F. WINTER, Manager, Macon, (.Ja. VV. E. LOVE, Agent, No. i*4 Broad Street, Oct. 10—Id. Columbus.* Uu. MARINE INSURANCE. GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE CO., At New York. CAPITAL 8500,000. THIS . unl*4*sigi(|. ii i.i an lonized to take Maiine Jiiskb I for thisi’ -mpHiis **ii i.iv. ruble \eiii|.- ..JOHN MI*NN. MMe*iii Julies’ n<*\\ bllildiMg. FIKIfi £NSI lIANCK lUMvd TAKi*. IN PIKMMX I.NM BANVK COMPANY, Jl AUiroh I) CAPITAL $200,000. >S. L. LOOMIS. President. SjiiliigAeJd lnmuraiice Coni|muy, SJr!INUF?i:ial), MASS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $200,000. J. FRBIvM.W. lh-eHilent. Metropolitan Insurance Company', AT \KW YORY. CAPITAL s^oo,ooo. J. h. (JR A HAM, President. JOHN MUN\. Agent. (/OliindiiiM, Nov. 1). >nt CONFECTIONERY FRUIT STORK. ’ nili: suscrib*rs would respectfully infoiiu ila* public 1 generally that they have now on Jaunt an i :ue ton. stantly receiving the fiiJlowiug articles, which tliey w ill sell on reasonable terms, and solicit a iduue of public patronage : FRUilV—AnieriCiin and Foreign. ( O.N J’ hCTioNLiI Y—assorte i Crybtalized Emit. A-xalcl Cream Fruit. Aissi.rted Citndies oi all finds. Also a general assortment of FANCY OK Kj&itiES, consisting of American, Swiss aud Pine Apple Choice; Preserved .Meats, Preserved Fruits, J J reserved J.ohsters, Sardines, Fielded Maccearoni. Vermicelli, ‘lea. >(h*hii Candles, Olivo Oil, Softp, &c. <V r c. biquuJM (in bottles) Brandy. Holland <.iiu. Jamaioii Rum, Scotch and Mouougaliela Whiskey. Jauulou. Por ter. WINES and COiU)IALSr-(iu boi*les—Ctmiiipaigne, Port, Sherry, Madeira, Georgia Peach Brandy, Curcou, Abiynthe, Anuissette, Marscliino. Tho above I.iquors and Wines are warranted genuine and put up expressly for.failiily use. and of tin- very bent description Also u select assortment of genuine i I avail e rigars im iorted direct, coiac toig oidie following ctu*i* * l-unds: EttFk)ia. Cortale?-. Uojusde Oio, Jtio .'•aciainei io, l:egn lia aii(PMe*lium Kegnlia, Bedova, Costales, J>*ndreH, I’abano No. 1 and ‘J, Teruhe*<iue, Manoln, Mineopnnza, Fainas, i*a Rosa, Fiiljuiliattt, (Jregou, Major Kingold, El Nino, Ela Eltuiro, l*a Kspicralda, i<a PJonu Napoleon fai hiande, lai Victoria. Also Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. Nov. 5, 185 b. J. B. THOMAS & (and. PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPES, AND PATENT M ELAINOTY I'ES. vA7Ov>DBUIIMIE Juvs returned from New York wiiiiall V V the latest improvements in Photography, has fit ted up liis Palace Rooms in elegant style,and i* now rea dy to supply the comumnity witii any oftbe-Hbove named Pietures, got. up superior to any in the Southern coun try. He has associated with him the ceh*Jrated Artiftt MR. 11. F. POPICIIVS, who with an experience of twelve years in tliin profes sion feels confident ol sustaining the well known reputa tion their rooms luive acquired for superiority of work. Th“ subscribers own tlie right for this city of tin* Pa le ut Melainotype. Children taken almost Instant,'ino *usly by anew proceai peculiar to ourselves, consequent ly. perfect likenesses guarantied. ('omitry cqierators will find it a<lvfititAgeouu to call up on us and aVQii*themNelvea of the facilities we oiler for instructions. PALACK AMBKOTYTE ROOMS, Over BiTHiks A Chapman’s Blue J>rng Store. WOOD BUI BC K *fc POPKINS. Oet S’. !BWi—tf WANTED. HMI'KNTY FIVE \hCKOKS to work on the .Muscogee 1 Kail Koud, for whom libernl wages will he paitl. J. L. MCSTIAN, Ajnil 14. Superintendent. Hit. \Y. F. LEE, V IDE3STTIST, HAS returned and will be pr* pfti<Ml to see his jiat.'ous on Monday the i_7l Ii inst. Otlie*- corner Broad ami Handolph streets. Oct. *24. 1850- If RIHGWAY, ( hECKfiEY A ( (). WHOLES Aft E DEALI.KF IN Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Bacon, TOBACCO, BAGGING, ROPE, &-. Ac. NO. eAH BROAD KTRKF.T. KOH REST. (iKYKRAL K,suns over E. Barnard'* Store on th* cor it tier nf Broad and ltundol}>b Street*. They have ( lohi Im. and nr,- pruviilinl with Gas Fixture*. Apply (o Ofllober so. |„ c. MORTON'. HOUSE AND LOT FOU SALE. ‘l'llE resiileiio* of Mrs. E. J. HAlt -1 DIN, in tin, city of Onlumhus, _''A situated in tlie real’ ol’ tile Metliudi.t (M, , ~ 1 ('linn li, with a highly cultivated kiu-h|i ■ j Kij.jyP den. stalilit and outbildinK* e'linidetc.wßfcjEMkU^Sir’ R ‘sitlon ciintisl. with open squares in front. For h rins and further particular* apply early to Oct. 15 2m MARTIN It. H YUDIN. SILVER WARE. V LARGE atuekjust recelred nnd lor sale low at W 1 LI,Alt!) A GO H'l ir’tS. O’s. lri-tf UII.MMI k PLANK, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. COLUMBUS, GA. OR)'enier E. Barnard, first duor. front eniimo e ROCK MALT. HT I Id. IIS l ive thin week 6 ton* Ris k Suit. Nov. (i. (IFNBY A CO. AT PRIVATE SALE, 33Y A. K. AYEII, ’IMIItEE LIKELY rou.vti MIJ ‘ll AN H.> — Bt n-kluy f er and Rlnsterer, (’arpenter, and Painter. ALSO On hand and to arrive, 00 floxe* Virginia Tobneeo; Fins and ("enm iii t/Igars; Fine Brandies in Pips*, hull'and quarter Ranks; 30 Barrel* Wilshire'* Whiskey, nnda ii ipleJid Sundown R,.ekaway and Harnex*. October 1, 1850. ANOTHER LOT OF thud* fine MATS just received at Nov. 7 (it. DILLINGHAM A DENSON. 911 SUOGKE RAIL ROAD STOCK. f. / | HI IA 111,;- of above stock for sale liy •M* Not .12—"itt HARRIPON t Mc iEdIEK ALL HAIL 11 ! SOMETHING FOB. THE MILLION !!! PROFESSOR MOOD’S HAIR RESTORATIVE. * \\T K CALL THE ATTENTION OF ALL, OLD AND ff YOUNG, to the wonderful preparation, which turns back to its original color gray hair-—-covers the head of the bald with a luxuriant growth—removes th® dauUruft, itching and all cutaneous eruptions —causes a continual tlo* ol the natural fluids; and hence, il used as a regular dresniug tor the hair, will preserve it* color, and keep it from tailing to extreme old age, in all its natural beauty. Y\e cat 1, then, upon the Ukid, the gray, or diseased, iu scalp, to use it; and surely, the young will not, as they value the flowing locks,.or the witching curls, ever be without it. Its piaise is upon tho tongue of thousands. Waterford, Man., July 25, 1866. PROF. 0. J. WOOD —With confluence, do I recom mend your lluir Restorative, as being the mobt elhca cions arti'le 1 ever saw’. 1 have used ihe Wuipheneand other preparations of tho day, all whhuut fleet. Mute using your flair Restorative, iny half and whinkeis, which were almost white, have gradually grown uaik; and 1 now feel confident, that a tew mere applications will restore them to their natural color. It also has re lieved me of (•II dandruli and unpleasant itching, io common among persons who perspire Im ly. J. G. KILBY. Anna Hast J'eriHsylrcmia, Marc)i 9, 1866. •SIB —In consequence of having hair, for scveial years past, not only gray, hut peltoetiy white, 1 h.tVe cut it sliort, find worn caps to hide it from view; but nomo three months h.ucc, 1 whs induced io u**e your Hair Re storative, amt 1 must, injustice say, that its thefts wero almost miraculous ; for it has changed it gradually toul most its former splendor as to color, vnd left it so soi and glossy as to be lucre beautiful than it ever wus, when under tho influence of fine oil. 1 earnestly, theie fore, rucomuiend it to every lady us decidedly the best proparation for toilet use. of anyilnng in the world. BETSY SMITH. PROF. WofiD—Having experienced the inftgic eiluot of your Hah liestarative, 1 drop you this upon the sub jeet. About two years ago, my hair commenced tailing off uud turning gray; i was last becoming buhl. 1 niui m friend who had used your Restorative* and spoke to .highly of its virtue*, I was induced to try it, although I * had but little faith, as 1 had before tried so many other medicines. I commenced using your Restorative m Jan uary last. A few applications fastened my bail* Ininly. it began to fill up. grow out, and turned back to its former color, { black.) At this time, it is fully restored to i. original color, health and appearance,and i thci i fully recommend its use to all. ♦ J. 1). lIORS. Chicago, 111.. May 1. 1814. Milft.rd, Wordstar co.. Hass., X<n\ 13, 1864. PROF. O. .1. WOOD—Dear Sir—i laku plemuire iu bearing v luntury testimony to the magic effects of your w f oiid* ifill lluir lUsbnaiiv e. As fai •'ack as IM.O, my hair comuu-need falling oil, until iLt* top ol iny secip became bald and as Mnootli as glass, ami It t as cotitlnued t> fall fui a gji at mauy years, notwi'hyiuiidiiig 1 have use*! many m 1- lYiiied |;k pai ut ions for iu> M-stoiut.on Seeing yoiii s*tvei (iNiinent. I mh> induced ti* give your arti'.ie atrial, and., to my ;t ut j ushnieiii I lot ml att, i a few applirulions. that n . i be* sliu? fiimly set, ami a.-suiucd a g,lossy and heu. ol i*pp arunce : himl by the-t'.nn’ 1 had ustd a quart , tu\ bald head was *vvei< and with a young aim vigoi*.*.s glowih , f hair, which is now iiom one to two inches in length, and faHt Yours, truly, Anv IVrA, (Jctvbt,r 2, 1954/ PROP. O. .1 \YUGD —Deur Sir —After reading the ud vei tiseinriit in one of tlie New Ycrk journal.. ol*your c-vlebraled Hair itestorative, I procured a hall pint Ixl tlc.jiiul was so much phased with it, that I continued its use for two months, and am satisfied It isdecidoclly tho heist preparation he fora tlie public. It at once removed all dandruli and unpleasant itching from tho scalp, and has restored uiy mituially . and, 1 have no doubt, permanently so. You have permission to refer to mu, all who entertain any doubt of its perlorming all that io claimed lor it. MJ*S$ KEEKS. ‘A 1 /, Greenwich Avcnvo. I have fixed Profct .\or O. J. Wood 8 Hail Reftojutiac, and have admired its wonderful clfwctH. It reytqieil iny hair w hen* it Uml fallen ofi ; ii ebaus lie 10-at!. Kiel ten dura the hair soft and smooth —much uutu'ko than oil, Mary a aikinfGn. Louisville, Nov. 1, 1854. Uh')“ Sold at Jl4 Market street. iSf. Louix Miaoiui, 9K* Broadvvuy. New York, and by ail Diuggit* ev< >y wlu n . Vll kinds of family patent inedeeiin >lm au!e. (nthe best posaihle terms, at Professor \\ o<il n c’ftftblfrtaritm. 114 Market street, Louis. K*>r sale in Columbus at the Drug Store of KIYLIN, TIKTM AS A ( O. s’pt. it ‘in !>BS. Y. C. WINGI iF.LI^ HAS o|K*m*d an ofike for the practice of Medi-^^ 7 cine and Surgery, corner of Broad and Kan- 9jT dolplr Streets,—known asMygattV corner—where persons wishing his services may always find him un less nb. en!’ oil profosei )iial duty . October 13, 1850. 3m TIIK CLAYTON BANNER, (’LAYTON, BARISOUK COUNTY, ALABAMA, BY KIESER A POST. riGILS Paper possesses a large circnlutioii in the ecui. A. ties of Harbour. Pike, Dale. Henry and C< lire; and to thfl merchant*!of Columbus ia offered an obedient op portunity to make known their buHines*. WzVY & r rAY iToii, Cominissloii & Forwnidlus Al,rcl>uiii, COB NEB OF HAY AND DAAYTON STREETS, SAVANNAH, GEOBGxA. I'ftrtkulttr nfti-iilion yiveil to (lie ffUiuc of FlHOlee*’ older, for BAGGING, KOBE, iir. \V. J. WAY. \Y. 8. TAYLOff. Tin’ Kiirvivinn purtuer ot 110- lull’ fnm ol .'tiiitli Si lliini|'luc.Vh. nm.y lie found ut lire i Hire of Mchki'h. VVuy A Titjlor. wffert’ cuoiniiuiitits ol Uoifoli or other produce, will meet strict nut prolopl attention Bi'p( 5. 4m T. T. hMlTil REMOVAL. R M. i E. L. Grey, have removed to No. 133 Broad . Street, one door below Ayru's Auction House, for* incrly occupied Ly J. I’. Si A. lllges, where they will tie liiippy to wait on their friends. .1 nut received nod will be constantly merleiiir. n toi jpo supply of MEAL and FLOUK. In she Article of Klom \Ve clain vo have tbe bust. CUSTOMERS Gan he supplied with Meal and Fb.ur ut their ri .id. niv by application ut Hie store or of our Wiigoii. NO Disappointment. llousow ives shall not prujnlilo ‘ because theje Is no good Floor (n tho market. Our avran *1111111 ts are such that we. ran supply any desired quantity or quality ts-i-Open day and ul|fht.‘( OrtnLer 8, 18ff*l. CHEW AULA LIME. fJ’llE niidersipnid, Aipenls of tlie above Lime Works. JL are prepurcu to till orders at all times for i.l .UI. in the followink pm kages,to wit: ff Bnsliel Barrel*, and Bushel Bui rrls, in aootl order for xliippiup. Tliia lffnin is of fine quality, equal iu every , . s|si( to (lie liest TluilnaHton l.tmc and has supers, (led it in th* interior of Aluhaom and MKstei n fjeoijviu. it can be de liver**,l ut. any point in Middle Georgia materially , 1,110 er t)mii Tliornastun. May 24. (lUMtV A VO. PE A N AND BEANS. 1 [ 11 HUSH ELK PEAS and BEAN'S. Just received and I J I* foi sale by May 2. ts JKFFEHSON k HAMILTON. CHOICE W INKS. / 111 AMI’AGNK. Port. Claret. Maderi.t, Ch'ily and Mat V ) a(a. jllst received and for sale l,y Mav 23 OUNIV A CO PBKBEUYEB. J,’ \THA **Coiiohui*” West India Preserve*—4iy tie \ l as, . May Zi GUNDY I t’G FOR SALE. Vl'tl.r’l rate Northecu made Two Horse Dray or VVagou, nearly new, low for cash. August 30, 1850. JAMF.F LIGON. PK AC II lilt ANDY. IAXTItA old SOUTHEHN PEACH BRANDY, just re i cel,c(l and for sale by GUN BY A 00. Kept. 0 . 1 ■OABDUe. MB. and Mrs. JAMES LIGON are prepared and ,le sirens to noeoinniodnte twenty or twenty-five Day Boarder,, ut tb new hulldtng over No*. 122 and 124 Broad Street. I'he Pare will vs good, and every atten tion givetito make Boarders comfortable. Term, mode "de. (Vt.l3. HATCHES. IMNB Gold Watches, from (26.00 to (225.00 ; *• Silver Watches, ‘* (8.00 pi (4()(Xi; “ Plate Watches, “ (O.Oi) to (20.00; Some Real Brass Watches, from |4 to (IOjOO. Oet; 18WUlilU) a COOPER. b'aoqri bacon: r IA EN'.VESSKK and Western Bacon for sale at reduced 1 prices at the sign of the llo*. Sept 27. ISSO. I). A. RICH Alt D4 A CO. comm TO CKM.A'N IF YOF wish to get anything nice in the line of confer ti’ tieric* or Prnit, for he has Just received a fresh supply “f sweet Oranges. Northern Apples, Cooonuts, Almonds. Raisimi, and every variety of Nut*. Fruits ami Onfectlenerle* that can be procured in this market J t*. CKI.LA. Oct. 27-Pdf 162 Broad t.