The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, December 02, 1856, Image 3

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FOB MAYOR. are authorized to announce the name of (i \nhKINS as aeuudidatu for re-election to the of ’ f MilJor ut the ensuing municipal election ou the econ<l Saturday in December next. Nov. 11 te FOR MAYOR. 20. We ure authorised to auuouuce Dr, JOHN E. 11A N - ~ candidate for the office of Mayor, at the ensu ’ Municipal election in December next. . w’e are authorized to announce tho following uies as Candidates for Aldermen ut the ensuing elec -I*lloll the second Saturday in December: FIUST W AltD. WM. V. HARDEN, * Wli.C. UKAY. SKCONI) WARD. KKWBBN C. SHORTER, DANIEL ROWE. THIRD WARD. pit. T. STEWART, F. S. CIIAI'MAN. FOURTH WARD. 0. C. CODY, JOHN W. HOWARD. FIFTH WARD. PR. W. W. FLKWELLKN, D. B. THOMPSON. SIXTH WARD./ X. V. RUTHERFORD, SCOTT CLARKE. MANY CITIZENS. Dec. 2, -Id® , FOR ALDERMAN. jjy JOHN W. lIOW ARD is a candidate for Alderman of the Fourth Ward at the ensuing Municipal Election uH (i, e second Saturday in December instant. FOR ALDERMAN. o*. The I'riemis of F. M. DOLES iiiiuounco him us u nuididate for the office of Alderman of the Third Ward, , t (lie ensuing Municipal election ou the second Satur jay in December instant. ALDERMEN FOURTH WARD We ure authoriued to announce the names of Col. A. K. AYER and U. E. <1 ACER, as candidates for Al ilsruien of the Fourtn Ward, at tlie ensuing municipal tide tioii. MANY CITIZENS. aldermen first ward. Editors of the Sun :—As the time is close at hand for niirCity Election, you will please suggest thr names of WM. C. GRAY and WM. Y. BARDEN as suitable persons t„ upruseut the Ist Ward in our next Council, and will le acceptable to MANY VOTERS IN WARD No. 1. alderman second ward. jf„- WE ure authorized to ar.nouuce OSBORN E M. j-TOXE as a candidate for Alderman of the second Ward. FOR ALDERMAN, Cos •Wu e authorised to announce 111 RAM B. HILL #sii candidate for Alderman of the Fifth Ward, at the Misuiug municipal election the second Saturday in De cember next. Nov. 21. FOR BUIDfHi KEEPER. Ks NOAII GOItDY anmmnce.s himself a candidate fir tins above office* at the coming Municipal Council .lection for City Officers. FOR CITY SEXTON. Xis-We are authorized to announce THOMAS NIX as a candidate fur re-election to the above office, at the City Election 111 December next. FOR DEPUTY MARSHAL,. iti, THOMAS 11. REYNOLDS announces Limsclf a candidate for the office of Deputy Marshal, at the ensu ing Municipal Election on the second Saturday in Do* ccuibcr next. FOR DEPUTY MARSHAL,. •fee- WE are authorized to announce HUGH P. ROB INSON as a candidaio for ae-election to the office of Dep. lity Marshal, at the ensuing election on the second Sat urday in December next. Nov. T. te FOR CITY MARSHAL.. kj -We are authorised to announce GEORGE GUL LKX, as a candidate for City Marshal, at the Municipal Election on the second Saturday in December next. CANDIDATE FOR MARSHAL,. W* W r E are autliurizcd to announce the name of J ‘MES M. HUGHES as a candidate for City Marshal at tie ensuing election outiie socondSaturday in December “ext. Oct. 31—tde FOR CITY TREASURER. for WE are authorized to announce the name of JOHN’ LLOYD as a candidate for the office of City Treas urer, at the ensuing municipal election iu December next. Nov. 12—te RECEIVER OF TAX RETURNS. *S-The friends of J. B. HICKS will support him for liie office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Muscogee Coun ty, at the ensuing January election. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. rt-Wi> arc authorised to announce JERRY TERRY as a candidate for Tux Collector of Muscogee County, ut the ensuing election in January next. RECEIVER OF TAX RETURNS. F9* WE are authorized to announce the name of EDWARD C. BEERS as a candidate fill’ the office of Re reiver of Tax Returns of Muscogee County, at the entili ng election in January next. Nov. 12—te FOR ALDERMAN. tf*WEare authorized to announce JOHN T. WALK ER a* a candidate lor Alderman iu tlie sth Ward. FOR ALDERMAN. ha* We are authorized to announee the name of Col ‘ED WHITE as a candidate for Alderman of the Sixtli Ward, at tho ensuing municipal election outlie second Saturday in December next. FOR ALDERMAN. hij* Wo are authorized to announce tlie mime off. V. UJERFORDaa a candidate for Alderman of the Sixtli ’ ird. at the ensuing municipal election ou the socond ■'tunlay in December next. RECEIVER of tax returns. h*-Tlie friends of ISAAC T. BROOKS, announce “' y ,lu,ne um a candidate for re-election to the oflice of Receiver of Tax Returns lor Muscogee county, at tlie rb'otionjn Jauuary next. Nov. 8, 1856. CARPETS AND BLANKETS Hat cost. r E offer a tine lot of Carpets and Blankets at cost. Nov. 28. tin S. HOTIICIIILD & BRO. NEW GOODS. )Y* r now opening a large and varied assortment Jewelry and Fancy Goods, ‘jibli wh are ready to exhibit to all who may honor us WILLARD & COOPER. bet. 18-ts FOR RENT. I 1 i h ü b, wtaes* House now occupied by L. J. Schoolar 1 k Sou. No. 32 Broad Street. For particulars, en liure of the oocupanta. % w 127. lm L. J. SCHOOLAR k SON, FINE FLOUR. I ‘I received 011 consign moiit, a lot of superior Flour, tor Ly SHEPHERD A MOSS, _ Redd's Old Corner. A NEW LOT. ||) Oporn Flannels, all colors. Talmas and talma Cloths. Large lot Irish Linens—warrant -iL ATKINSON’S. LOW PRICED DcLAINKS. I Oil 111' isiiiies at reduced prices, from 12 *4 to anxcenulat ATKINSON'S. CHEAPER THAN EVER. It ** ami English Meriuos aud all Wool plain usLainus at ATKINSON’S, SHEPHERD 4* MOSS, keceiving, forwanding, . AM) ‘ >M MISSION MERCHANTS, Redd’s Corner, Broad Street. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. fruit treks and flowers. LEE, KIDD & DUNCAN, A “? w I ,re pared to 1111 all orders with the host I’Ak ;V f APPLES, PEACH, APRICOT, PLUM. Isetioß J* * ECT A KIX E Tit EES. and the most rhoices,- 1-LAvW ROSES, EVERGREENS and FLOWERING tLelr , 1 dsScrtptiUßS, adapted to this climate. ‘GeeUa-1. ment *■ near the tipper end or Broad be ha..’” J* <,00 , r Mr. Hervey Hall, where they will line W * ,t on t, ' o,w, who nmy wl " h ttl O article in Cotnmbiu, Not. 28-ly RAFFLE OF CANADIAN PONIES. WILL lx- Rattled as soon as 5b chances are sold, one pair oi handsome OAnTADIAN POXVISIB, Five years old, very fast, perfectly sound and kind, ami gentle in.either double or single harness or under tlie saddle. 1 uro t_ anadian* and cau bo driven from sun rise to sun set, without injury. Can bo seen at C. S. Hart A stables in Columbus. Price of Chances $lO each. The time aud place us the Rattle will be announced iu the Daily Sun. Number of chances to be drawn for be fore the Rattle commences. Apply to Nov. 28, 1856. lw C. S. HART A CO. WANTED. ‘ A SITUATION as Book Keeper iu some good house, by a young man familiar with accounts. Refer ences given If required. Apply through the Post Office to (Nov. 26) J. G. PARAGON FLOUR. /x/ ) DDLS. Fresh ground Paragon Flour. Call soon aud get Home of good tilings. Mov. 26, lSali. It. M. A E. L. GRAY. POTASH. ~ A N article of lirst quality, for sale by -TV ‘ DAXFOUTII & NAGEL. SNUFF. VT ACCOBOY and Scotch, at wholesale aud retail, by Itt. DANFtIRTH A NAGEL. ‘ SUPERIOR WRITING INK. ‘ lACXR sale by J . • DANFORTH A NAGEL. PERFI MERY. und American, from the best Peri'iiuu-rs l.ubiti s. Bnzens and others, for sale by ■ Nov. ID- DAXFORTII & NAGEL. FIRE PROOF. TIOOF OIL for Fire-Proof Painting, and Blake’s Fire IV Proof Paint, lor sale by S - Nov - lfl - DANFORTH A NAGEL. SILVER WARE. V LARGE stock just received and for sale lmv at WILLARD A COOPER’S. Oct. 18-ts ORANGES, APPLES AND RANANNAS, TUST Received by R. M. A K. L. GRAY. J Nov. 20, 1856. TEA : TEA : tea: I TUNES’! Ureon aud Bluclt TEAS, fur sale by DANFORT II A NAGEL. PALACE MILLS'! “ FLOUR I FLOUR 11 rnllE lUVKR lias risen, and we now have full stocks of JL Breadstutts: Superfine Flour $7 50 per barrel. Extra Family 850 “ *■ Georgia Mills 0 ijij 5 per cent discount to dealers. Double Extra $lO, retail, $9 25 wholesale—this brand is lliram Smith’s. All persons buying live barrels are entitled to tlie dis count. G. W. WINTER, President. Nov. 24-ts COLUMBUS BANK STOCK. “VTOTICE is hereby given, that 1 have this day sold to LX David Adams, twenty shares of the above named stock, being tlie whole amount of which 1 am interested iu said Bank. This Bth September, 1856. w3m 11. W. NANCE. AUCTION SALKS RESUMED. JOHN QUIN, AUCTIONEER. WOULD inform his city and country friends and ail others that lie has resumed his Day and Night Auction Sales. Having received a select, new and fresli stock 011 which there is no limit, buyers may expect rare bargains. The stock of Dry Goods is large, varied, and ample; Watches of gold, silver, anil composition ; Gold and gilt Jewelry of all kiuds; Clocks, a good variety ; Cigars, a tine assortment; aud matches enougli for the million. Fine double and single barrel Guns, Pistols, Bowie, Dirk, and Pocket Knives. Furniture, and every thing usually found in an Auction Store. Persons having goods to sell at Auction will please send them in the day previous to tlie sale. N. 11. Strict attention given to Executors and Admin istrator’s sales. Nov. 14—3 m TO SOUTHERN MERCHANTS. CAUTION TO TIIE PUBLIC. lUIE whole country is flooded with Counterfeit and Imitation Schnapps. The public should lie careful to purchase only tlie genuine article, manufactured und imported by Udolplio Wolfe, which has tlie name of the manufacturer on the Bottle, Cork and Label. For sale by all respectable Grocers and Druggists. Read the opinions of tlie New York Press. UDOLPHO WOLFE, 22 Beaver St., New York. From the New York Mercury. Fa.icnti.ENT Imitations of Superior Commodities, Among the many dishonesties of trade which the mor al sense of tlie community is called upon to suppress, we would particularly notice aniost pernieiousand infamous practice adopted by unscrupulous dealers of imitating and counterfeiting the exterior appearance and precautionary labels of popular drugs, medicainenta, and other articles of personal consumption, and thus, by seizing upon tlie well acquired reputation of an enterprising trader, pal ming off most destructive and worthless compounds, to the sore detriment not only of the consumer, but to the character of tlie man who lias expended thousands of dollars in bringing the genuine article into esteem and demand. These petty larceny thieves are the pest of ail lionarable dealers and traders, and the trade is as much highway robbery as the violent appropriation of their neighbor's purse; in fact they are beneath the burglar and highwayman in dignity—for these latter felons ex hibit a bravery or recklessness of character in nowise dis tinguishing the mercantile assassin who stabs in tlie dark. And ought they not be rewarded with a punish ment couimensurate with tlie cowardice of their crime ? We were led to these remarks by accidentally observing a -spurious counterfeit of Udolplio Wolfe’s Sclieidam Schnapps. The labels were imitated perfectly, witli tlie slight addition of a few letters to plead technical avoid ance of the law against counterfeiting; the is,tiles were very similar, and every thing carefully prepare! to im pose upon a careless purchaser. Now is not tile man who perpetrated this fraud, a felon a robber? Assuredly lie is; for, as Mr. Wolfe has expended large sums to bring Ins genuine imported schnapps into popular demand, that demand may be justly considered a part of his cap ital in trade, anil a fellow stealing a part of his reputa tion is as much of a thief as if lie had stoleu a barrel of lusschnapps in bulk. And to this crime lie adds 11 fur ther one of defrauding tlie community by giving them a ruinous article for the money they intended to expend for a commodity in which they hail confidence. And, further, every man who participates indirectly in the fraud, by selling spurious articles is as much of an offen der as the principal who planned the imposition. Tlie remedy of Mr. Wolfe should lie iu his holding all concer ned up to the coutempt of tlie community thusswiudled by their ois-rations. and unconsciously imposed upon by their noxions composition. We trust that Mr. Wolfe will obtain names, not only of the concoctors of those counterfeits, but of every man offering them fun-ale.and then publish them to tlie world ; for ids own reputation and the health of the community demand that all parties should lie nailed to the pillory of popular execration. From the New York Dispatch. AN .INFAMOUS 11USI.NKS8. When an enterprising man strikes out anew business, to tlie establishment of which he gives his industry, time, talents and pecuniary moans, can anything be more con temptible than to have another steal in, and, under clous pretexts, hold out to tlie public an inferior article, and endeavor to obtain their patronage? Fray, what difference is there, so far as tlie honesty of tlie tiling is concerned, betweed purloining the business by which a citizen hopes to make liis bread und stealing the bread itself? A common thief, if lie takes without leave, how ever hungry, a loaf of bread from a baker’s shop, is appre hended and condemned to the penitentiary for daring in a surreptalions manner to appease liis appetite; hut put 11 respectable looking coat on liis back and a few dollars In Ills pocket, and he may, with impunity, nay, even witli the applause of his fellows, by knavery, forgery or other infamous means, take tlie business of an honest man from him, and go unscathed of justice. All this is wrong. Some years since a gentleman of tills city (Udol pho Wolto) introduced to the citizens of the United States a medicated article of gin, which was highly approved by professional gentlemen us a superior tonic and dcobstru ent, aud tlie knowledge of which in-, by advertisement and otherwise, disseminatisl throughout tlie country.— Si soon as tricksters, who pass In the business commu nity as honest men, saw that Mr. Wolfe was likely to have handsome returns for the time and money which lie hud expended, they set about forging liis labels and palming off upon the people detestable and poisonous compounds which they have the hardihood to eall “Schie dam Selinapps.'’ In some Instances they have gone so far ns to put Wolfe's name to their villainous liquids.— As fids horde are glowing bold in their rascalities, it is tittle tlie public in town and country w ere put upon their gnard. Consumers should lie sure that they purchase the genuine article, or else their health may be irrepara bly injured by using the horrible stuff that unscrupulous men, because tliey can buy it cheap, wiilotfera* tlie gen uine artieie. Pure Schehlnni Schnapps can only tie ole tabled at the stores of res)notable merchant* and drug, gists, in town nod country, and at tlie establishment of Udolplio Wolfe. Nos. 18, 20 and 22 Beaver Street, in this city, where it is gotten up exclusively. We think it a du ty which Mr. Wolfe owes to lijmself and the community to publish, byname; the rascals who arc thus attempting to defraud both him and those who would he his custo mers. He slionld not permit liis modesty to hold him hack from making so righteous an cxj,om*. AGHNTF IN SAVANNAH: John B. M'sire A Uo.. A. A. Sutlomutis A Cos., A. Bm naud, M. J. Kiley, W. W. Goodrich, McMahon A Doyle, Webster A Palmer, 1. V. Gpnnernt. (,'laglioru A Ounniog ham, Swift A Cos., Holcomfi, Johnson A Cos. DILLINGHAM & DENSON. WOULD respectliiliy call tho nt-CfULr y| tenticii of the citizens of Colum bus und vicinity, to th.-ir stock of Furniture and Carpets. can accommodate all, botli iu quality and price. Their FURNITURE, for excellence of workmanship and taste, cannot he excelled, and THEY SELL IT LOW. CARPETS CHEAPER than ever heard of in Colum bus. Call ou them one door below Hall, Moses A Cos. Nov. 3, DILLINGHAM A DENSON. NEW BOOKS. T'HE Hills of the Shrtsmuc; by the author of Tlie J. Wide, Wido World. Irving’s Life of Washington. Household Mysteries; by Lizzie Petit. Saratoga; A Tale of 1787. The States and Territories of the Great West, with a Map and Illustrations, by J. Ferris. ALSO School Rooks, Blank Books, and Stutiouurj in great va riety. Harper's and Godey's Magazine for November. For sale at MATHEWS’ BOOK STORE. A. CADMAN, Gunsmith and Bell Hanger. . .j Opposite the Mark.-t House, Jt COLLMBUS, GEORGIA, Scissors ground, Keys mad,- and titled. Umbrellas and Pa.asols repaired. Jobbing work in eueral done with neatness and dispatch. Terms cash on delivery. Nov. 14. I v PRO BONO PUBLICO. IN STORE AND FOR SALE BY’ JEFFERSON & HAM i I /JON_ No. 1£ Broad Street, Columbus, (*a. • CIMOKBD Fulton Market Beef; O Pickled do do do Smoked Tongue* English Dairy Checne; New York Mate Clu eso Mackerel. Nos. 1, *2 aud 3, in kits, qr. aud hall Mils. Extra sugar cured Tennunree slams Extra Georgia Ham* Choice Goshen Butter by every steamer Fresh Country Butter always “ii baud White Beans, Irish Potatoes and Onions Sod i and Butter Crackers; Pickles and Sardines Kio and Java Coffee. % Teas of all kinds, from Jenkins A; Cos. New Orleans, crushed and powdered Sugars Fine and domestic !d<|Uors and Cigars. FLOUR and MEAL always ou hand, and of tho best quality. Every thing, in fact, usually t< he found ie a Grocery and Provision Store. Patronage respect fully solicited. Terms cash, or when culled for. Nov 20,1 SfiC-y OYSTERS. / , FKESII supply receive,l every he,in- / ing by express from Savannah. J. B. THOMAS Sr <v. November 17. * 42 tiros,i Street. BUSSEY A HULL, Wholesale and Retail Grocers and Commission Merchants, AT the old stand of I). Ellis A Cos., 1-1 Uruadf aLit j street, Columbus. Georgia. feSSSIfflrL Nov. 18—ts NOTICE. LlilIF! co-partnership heretofore existing between the 1 undersigned under the firm of Kivliu, Thomas A Cos. was dissolved on tlie 15th instant, by mutual consent. The unsettled business of the concern will be closed by Joseph W. Thomas, who alone, is authorised to sign llie name of the firm in liquidation. A. C. KiVblN. JOH.W. THOMAS, Columbus, Nov. 17, 1856. lrn T. 8. TUGGLE. FLOUR. El XT It A St. Louis Albion Mills. Extra Family from J Baird’s Mills, for sale by GUNBYAOO. DANFORTH & NAGEL, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, No 107 Broad Street, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, DEALERS IN DRUGS, Medicines and Chemicals, Dycwoods and Dye Stuffs, Oils, Paints, and Painter’s articles, Varnish es, Window Glass, Putty, Glassware, Perfumery, Ac. Ac. Everything warranted as represented. Orders from the country promptly tilled and satisfaction guaranteed with regard to price and quality. Physicians’ Prescriptions accurately compounded at all hours of the day and night BACON! BACON! f 1 TENNESSEE and Western Bacon for sale at reduced A prices at the sign of tlie Hog. Sept. 27, 1856. B. A. RICHARD* & CO. DWELLING WANTED. fTMIE advertiser desires to rent for the next year, a comfortable dwelling, having four rooms, kitchen, well aiul garden, and in a good respectable neighborhood. One in tlie upper part of tlie city preferred. Adduces Nov. 17. R. K., Pun Office. COME TO CELLA’S I F’ YOU wish to get anything nice in tlie line of confre -1 tionericß or Fruit, for lie lias just received a fresh supply of sweet Oranges, Northern Apples, Coconinits, Almonds, Raisins, and every variety of Nuts. Fruits and Confectioneries that can be procured in this market. J. L. CELLA. Oct. 27 —ts 152 Broad si. THE GEM BAR, BILLIARD SALOON ItESTAU RANT fj’lilp new establishment in Ihu basement of Jones’ 1 new building, corner of Broad and Randolph streets, is now open to the public. It is fitted up iu the finest style, without regard to cost or trouble, the sole object being the comfort of its patrons. Tlie BILLIARD ROOM is supplied witli the most ap proved TABLES and appurtenances. The BAR is furnished with none liut the finest, im ported Wines, Liquors arid Cigars. The RK.'TAURANT is conducted in the best manner, and every delicacy ut home or from abroad, Will lie skil fully served up in the most recherche mode, and at the shortest notice. Persons who may favor tlie Gem with their patronage may rely on good attention from tin- servants and atten dants in the several departments. A visit will satisfy the most incredulous of the magnificent attractions pre sented at the Gem. Columbus. Nov. 28, 1866. ts GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. P. L. ANDERSEN, (Suwenßor to A. Anderson.; 137 Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia, OF’FEHR to Ids old friends and tlie public generally, a fresh and well assorted stock of Family Groceries & Provisions, consisting of Sugar, Coffee, .Suit, itueuii, laud, Fish, Syr up, Vinegar, Soap, Starch, Candles, Mustard, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Y”east. Cigars, Tobacco, Ac. A choice lot of Crockery Ware, Threud, Osin, bm g* and Hometpuus, at Factory prices. Fine and common Liquor* of every kind ami price. Always on hand a supply of good Northern liutter and Ciicese, and Country Butter Eggs Poultry, Ac. PALACE MILLS FLOUIi ol all brand*. Adi* Orders for Family and Steamboat Stores prompt ly are carefully filled. Nov. 28. ly GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY. Alexander J. Kohtaon and Ikthiab A. V T Bonner having applied for letters id administration on the estate of Seymour It. Bonner, luteof said county deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all und sin gular the kimli ed and creditors of said deceased, to shew cause, (if any tiiey have,; why the administration of said estute should not be granted to saidj applicants at tlie Court of Ordinary to be held in andfor said county, on the second Monday in Jaßiiury|nxt. Given nndcr my hand, this 25th day of November, 1856. J.NO. JOHNSON, Ordinary. Not 28-w3oda BOOTS AND.SHOES. I ABIES Kid and Gaiter Boots; J Misses Kid and Gaiter Boots; Gents Calf and Kip Boots ; Gents Calf and Kip Shoes—at Nov. ■ ATKIV'OVS. AT ATKIN 80 N’N. (tOMEand see, and 1 know you will buy a nice Silk i J Dress (full pattern; at tlie low price of sl2. November 28. MARKING INK. INK for marking Cotton Kitten, Boxes, Ac., prepared and sold by DANFORTH A NAfIKL. BURNING FLUID. VSI.'PKItIOK article of Burning F'luld. for safe by DANFORTH A NAGEL MATCHES. lirOODnnd Fancy Mat, lies, in large quantities, for yy wtl by DANFORTH A SAG Kb. EGGS ! EGGS ! 1 JUST received two hundred dozen. Nov. 27. H. V. A E. L. GRAY. SOUTHERN LOTTERY! ON Til lb HAVANA PLAN. PRIZES 0-XJ-A.RAeISrTEE3D I 102,000 DOLLARS. Only 15,000 Numbers! Prize* Payable Without Deduct ion. JASPER COUNTY ACAOEMY LOTTERY! By Authority of the Stale of Georgia. CLASS T. To be Brawn December 15th, 1836, At Concert Hall, Macon, Georgia, under the sworn super intendence of Col. Geoi go M. Logan and James A. Nesbit, Ksqr. 4s)* Remember this Lottery lias only Fifteen Thou-, sand Numbers—less than any liottevy in the world!— therefore it is the lie-t tor investment. Examine the Scheme! SCHEME. 1 Prize of. 4 $15,000 1 ’* a o.ObO 1 “ ; 2,00(1 4 Prizes of SI,OOO are..... 4.000 i> “ 600 are 2.500 80 “ Dm are *„. 8.000 1500 “ 40 are lio.ialll APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 20 Approximations of SIOO arc 2.000 50 •• of r.O *• 2,5Gb 5u “ of go •• 1,000 1,712 Prizes amounting to $103,0001 Tickets $lO Halves $5 Quarters $2 60. The 1,500 Prizes of s4(l are determined by llte last figure ol the Number that draws tbo Capital Prize of $15,000; Tlie Capital Prize, will, of roursn. end with one of the figures—-l, 2,3, 4. 5,0, 7, H, 9. 0. Those Whole Tickets ending with tho same figure ns the last in the Capital will be entitled to $lO. Halves and quarters in proportion. Persons sending money by mail need net fear ils being lost. Ordure punctually attended to. Communications confidential. Rank Notes of sound Ranks taken at par. iljs’Thnea wishing particular numbers slmuld order Immediately. ttHrAiMrem JAMES F. WINTF.It, Manager, Macon, (la. W. E. LOVE, Agent, No. 64 Bread Street,- Nov. 20—id. Columbus. Gu, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, (IttiK undersigned Would icspicfully notify the citi JL zciis of Columbus and surrounding country, that ho i” well prepared to furnish on 1 be most rcasonlifilu terms, any amount of Groceries, Provisions A Confectioneries, and in fact every tiling I In- meA f.stidieus lion vivaiif could desire. Always on lianil a ii.ll supply of Uncoil, Sugar, Ooft'ee, Lmtl. Null, Molns, e*, To liaccu, and in fad every thing Hint is good. By a strict system of fair dealing be trusts receive u gener ous share ol puldic pair, atavi* at bit, IV: e-|ir,*n .-tni-e in Ranks’ Building No. 4 east side Broad Silent. °* ;t * *'■ IgMv .MARTIN <l. WEST. JEWELRY. / lAMKU. iVai l. Coral .let. and ali Gold Seic. Hie larg- VZ est and ( assortment evei Indore offered in this city, at WILLARD k OGGI Li: 8. Get. 18-ts CONGRESS WATER, JUST received and for sale I, v HANFGRTti * \ Mi Ki,. V LABOR and fresh supply just received and for sale by iIAM'GKTH A NAGEL. RIDGWAY, CLKCKLEY A CO. WHOLES AI! E DKALKRS IN’ Sugar, Coilee, Salt, Bacon, TOBACCO, BAGGING, ROPE, Jgc. &,c. NO. 128 BROAD,STREET. COT.ITMBIJS, (iIAoRCifA. ROCK SALT. lATILL receive this week 5 tons Book Salt. ‘ Nov. li. GUN It V k CO. AT PRIVATE SALE, by a. 35:. fpilltKE LIKELY YOI.NG .MECHANICS— i,i a klay 1 eriind I’lastmor, Carpenter, amt Painter. A L,S( i On liaml aud to arrive, 69 lt.,\es Virginia T ban Finl and common Cigars; Fine Braudita in Pipes, ball and quarter Cask*; 39 Barrels YVilshirc'a Whiskey, audit nsplodid Sundown Kockawuy and Harness. October 1, 1856. ANOTHER LOT OK tli ose fine MATS just received at Nov. 7 61. DILLINGHAM A DENSON. JUST TIIE PLACE. BRAS3ILL & CO., OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, COLUMBUS, G.Y., UA VE just re- eived and offer for sale, a fresh / , /., . lot of Potatoes. Cabbage, Apples. Oranges.) Ig# j hellions, Figs, Raisin*. Cranberries, all kinds ofky.\ a tiLZ Nuts. Dried and Preserved Fruits, Pickles, choice lull cured Hams, Bed Tongues, Bologna Saii-ngcs, Swiss. Pine Apple ami Goshen Cheese, Fresh Northern Butter, Sardines. Lobsters, Catsups. Sauces, A'amiticiili. Mitcea roni, Spanish Boons, Y’east Powders. Mustard, BuKer, Nuila mul Sugar Cracker*, Fine BRANDIES, WINES, ALE. PORTER. CIGARS TOBACCO, ami every good thing that o ,uld he desired in tl.e gastronomic lino. Every article warrat) toil its represented. November 17, 1866. 1.1 an iiarnubns EXPRESS. HAkXDKYK COMPANY lo ju fuj m tho |>uMic 4 iifit they arc now running Daily KxpriiSrtPM in < of nx|> ri6iiop<l iifion Mall traiOM tluouuliont ihp K?u>t iiml Went. Expruns havcH <tnUy fm* Macon, Au/Msta. harannali. ('harloHUni, Atlanta. Montgomery, ami NaaiivllU*. ami ail int<*rm*(liate points upon tin- Mev<*ral Kail Koa Ik throughout the Moulhern country. Alho to (til jMiintK via. lancl ronton to Haiti more. New York, lioHtou. anti Kant*rn rilitn Mini tiiwnx gener ally. Also upon the Savannah ami Now York ami('imrlenion aiul New York Mail Steamer* expreKHen are recelveU ami forwarded twice a week. Freight ami valUhhlnN lorwuifinl with utirely cm! iliw patch. <joM, Silver nml Ikink Note.* frutipt>rtc<! at low c.Mrate.i, Nolim, Drafts ami lliilx of Collection promptly attomlofl to the nouutry* ami promptretuniH of collection* mu<!c. Any onlen* iwhliop oil to iim iklou'h Kxjo< or il. Hill, Atreni at Coinmhu>, tot., Khali he promptly at tended t<>. Freight forwarded to A pal ichicolu per Jtiver fSteariiem. Nov. 26—ly clothing, p mr) A J- H. MERRY,433SO I6 2 BROAD STREET, (Next Dour to J. Kyle A Cos,) COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, IT” EE PS ciiiistiintly nn band, and idlers for sale at JY. prices a* low as HOOD CLOTHING can lm bumd hern, a large and asmirtment of Geiitlcmun’* und Youtix’* f loll.lug and Fiirnisliing Goods, all of width have been Bmniilac tttred under his immediatesii|a'rvi.inn Every gariaent warranted as represented. Pm cliasi'rs (ire requested to call and examine Id* ex tensive stuck. November iu. ly AUCTION HALE Os the Best Business Corner IN COLUMBUS. VT KIiKYKN O*C’L<HyK ou WwlnrndHy tli Jitli <lay of Dec’ nilttu- next, we will sell in iYontof li- pre miHfK tiiuf well known corner rttoii’ unij Lot ou flio corner of mul Ibindolpb ntmts. by K. Hunmnl h*< h GrfM.ory JioiHc, Aifvvt front, and rmmiiiK iuek 148 feet with a limtrut-< *-*ilar running flie whole depth of the buikUnjC- hud an upper wfory with **i|fht eoniforiahle rooms for Ac. ull i*ur nifitiml with ib>Ket nml ftau ffxturok. Ak it hu*iu-iiri ]<>- ‘Mion, tiiin property iKe<|uai, if notup**riti. touny iu th rity. 1h caniHlunfly oc*upi*<l nb'wc aiul below, anti payH a high rat** of intertuft. Wu a*k t!os(v wili to iimke JiKure ami pfofifUhle iuveMiii nt in Kcal to uxainioe the above !neritioni*<! p.foperfy tx fore the day of sale Term#—One half ca#h. balaiu* I‘2 vnontliN, with Hot#* approved Beenrily. utnl from ilntc. Tltb*# fmliximtable. HAHn/'UV A Mrtll!l! KK. (krlniutnui. Nov. 26. Am teoieerH. roll IIIRKI \<Dh)D Cook urni !hmihp wontsn. Alh* ii likely JIMY IS yeiiixold, to bird for the yenr. Krw|iiire ol Sor 27-lw G. W ATKINSON. ALL HAIL 11 t SOMETHING FOR THE MILLION!!! PROFESSOR WOOD’S HAIR RESTORATIVE. \AT E CALLffTHK ATTENTION OF ALL, OLD AND yY YOUNG, to the wonderful preparation, which turus back to its original color gray hair —covers the head of the bald with a luxuriant growth—removes the dandruff', itching and all cutaneous eruptions—cause) a Continual (low of the natural fluids; and hence, if need as, a regular dressing for the hair, will preserve its color, and keep it from falling to extreme old uge, in all Its natural beauty. We call, then, upon the bald, tlie gray, or diseased; iu scalp, to use it; and surely, tbo young will not, us they value the flowing locks, or the witching curls, ever be without it. Its praise is upon the tongue of thousands. Waterford. Mass., July 25, 1856. PRUF. O. J. WOOD—YVuIi confidence, do 1 recoin ! mend your Hair Restorative, as being tlie most effica cious article I over saw. 1 have used tlie Waiplienennd j other preparations of tho day, nil without effect; Since J using your lltiir Restorative, my hair and whiskers, which were almost white, have gradually grown dark; and I now feel confident, that a lew more applications i will restore thum to tbt'ir natural color, it also has re lieved me of all diiudi ull and unpleasant itching, so | rnuiiiinu among jiersous who perspire freely. J. G. KILBY. A'e)f/i I'jist l‘niusyli.ia, March 9, 1806. SIR—In consequence of having liuir, for several years ! past, not only gray, Imt pet lertly w bite, I have cut it ] short, and worn caps to hide it from view ; blit some j three months since, I was Induced to use your Hair ltc : storative, and 1 must, injustice say. that its effects Were \ almost miraculous; for it lias ( hanged it gradually to al ; most its former splendor its to cob i , and left it so suit and glossy ns to lie more beuutitul tHull it ever was, when under the influence of Hue oil. I earnestly, there fore, recommend it to every Indy as decidedly the best preparation for toilet use, ol anything in tho world. BETSY SMITH. PROF. WOOD—Havingexperienced the magic effect of your Hair Restorative, ) drop you this upon tlts sub ject. About two years ago. my hair coinim-ncCii tailing off and turning gray: 1 was last becoming bald. 1 met m friend who had used your iteslorutivc, ami spoke so highly of ils virtues, 1 was induced to try it, although 1 had but little faith, as 1 had before tried so many other medicines. I commenced using your Restorative in Jan uary last. A few applications fastened my hair firmly. H began to fill up, grow out, and turned buck to its former color, (hlack.j At is fully restored to its origins! color, health and appearance, and I die,a tully recommend its turn to lill. J. D. 11GKM. Chicago, ill.. May i. 1804. Md/oret. Worcester c/i„ Mass., ,Vov. 13, 1854. I’RUF. 0. J. \\ OUD—Dear Sir I lake pleasure in bearing voluntary testimony to the magic effects of .Voiir woudeifill llair Restorative. As fai back aslHia , my hair commenced felling on. until the lop ol my sculp became I laid and it* smooth as glass,and it lia* continued lo fall toe a great many ;wars, notwi'hstanding l bavo used many cob-blared preparations for its restoration. Seeing your advertisement. I was induced to give your article a trial, and. lo my nttei sMtomshinent, i found alter a few applications, that n. nan*became firmly set, and assumed a glossy snil bum, til appi uranee: und by tlu-time i had used a quint n,,.lie. my bald head whs covered with ft young and vigorous growth .f him , which is now from one lo two inches in length, aud growing fast. Yours, truly, 11KNKY GOODRICH. A uw lark, October i, 1864. URGE. G. J. WOOD—Dear Sir—Altei reading the ad vertisement in one of tlie New York journals, of your celebrated Hah- Resjpinfive, 1 procured a ball pint bot tle, nml wus so much pleased witli it, that I continued its use for two months, and uni satisfied it is decidedly tlie licet preparation before the public, it at once removed all daiidnifi and unpleasant itching from the scalp, and bus reeloied my bail- naturally, and, I have no doubt, pei niiiuenl !y so. Y ou have put mission lo refer to me, all win, entertain any doubt of its performing all Hint is claimed lei it. ■MISS FGKK.H, 20J4 Greenwich Avenue. I Have used Professor 0. J. Wood s Hair Restoiatine, and have ..Jtiiire-I its wonderful effects, it restored my hair where it had fallen nil; il cleans tin- head, and len ders tlie luiir soft and smooth—much more so than oil. MARY A ATKINSON. Louisville, Nov. I, 1854. GGS* 114 Market street. St Louis. Missouri, 316 Broadway, New Yolk, and by all lit uggiats every where. YU kind* of family imtent medccine* for sale, c* ths best possible tonus, at Professor Wood’s establishment, 14 4 Market street, Si. Louis. For sale in (Joltimlius ut Hie In ug Store of KIVI.IN, THOMAS A UO. Sept. 13—3 in SOMETHING EXCELLENT. HAVANA CIGAR EMPORIUM Two doors west of Rankin's corner, Crawford St. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. r I fill- subscriber, from ids long experience in tlie lui- I -dimes Hatters himself Hint he can agreeably accom modate,ut Wholesale or Retail, all who art, in want oi FINE HAVAN A CIGARS, Auii-rfcffn Cigars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, Snuff', Pipes, Ac. Ac. Ac., on such tonus a* cannot fail to please. All goods war rau-ted. Orders from tlie country attended by the cash, prompt y and carefully filled. I Nov. 8186b.'.1y JAMES ESTEVEZ. A. VELATL JVo. 20 iironii Street, COLfIAJBUHy OKUI’OIA. NAS ju*t received lrh KIOS, DATES, KAlblNii, AP PLES, and all kinds of Weal India Fruit. During the wftwin a full supply of Nortl**n t'Alt- BAUfctt and BEETS : and ahvayv on hand a largo uh ii>yUiH3iit of ConfectionarieM, KiMu mid CJ fcurs. t>all and axurnino. Nov. li, )BoG. 3m. OM PUIC : oiiii J. H. DANIEL & CO., IIJ.'I Ui-onU Street, Cnlmnbus, Gn., Are now prepared to supply their customers with ..|| styles of YOUTH’S AND MXiN’S FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, Manufactured uiklh’ their own aupu*rictoti, and war r acted t<> give HatjHfuetiofi. Also, a a.ibortmnL of Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valiset, Ac. Biaek and Fancy Freiicli. English and German CVotb*. A large and well Helected lot of Fancy French. Eng lish and American CASSIMERKH. Fancy Cut Velvet, Silk, Plush, figured and plain SILK VESTINGS. All of which will lie manufactured in the most fash ionable an 1 approved styles, and warranted to tit. September 26, 1*66. “BELLA UNION” RESTAURANT AND SALOON. i. Two Doors West of the I’ostofllee. r J ‘ Il E *ubtK*rif>i‘r purcbunofl thiH ew(ttb)btbikicut f i nmv fully prepared to adminittPr lo tho wuntMHiid l omfort of she innor man. I In* lDir jk jirofuscdy supplied with m>tu* but tho IhM imported UineH, Urandtet* and other tine Li<jinrM, and of (In* tlneHt brajidH to lie had in any market. THE RESTAURANT Is always amply supplied with every deli, uey tlie seaports and country a fiords, such as Oyllrri, Fish, Fowl, Wild Game <9 .-cl 1 kinds, l.ggs, 11am, Steak, und ull the eataldes cul ciliated to astonish (lie gourmand and delight the epicure. if Ids friends ami the public will favor him with a call, they may lust assured non* will go away dissatisfied. ‘I In- le st S'-rvant* always in attendance, tu Separate eiitrunce to tin- RESTAURANT. Nov. 17, 1856. 6m N. W. GARRARD. OGLETHORPE BAKERY. fI'IIIS estubllshuteut, situated tan doors north of the J (tgletliuipe Hotel, Is ill HU- eessful Operation. Fresh Bread, ol He- liest Flour, constantly on hund. I<’r I*t-Di—( ak. or Pastry for Parties, prompt ly tilled. Orders solicited. The patronage of the public—of tbo Ladies in particu lar—is respectfully solicitnd. November 15, iB6O, lui FULTON MARKET BEEF. / 411G1CE Fulton Market Beef and an Extra lot of s_V Tcnm-ssee Ham-, just received by ri Uh GUNBY A CO. II V TS A VII C A PM. BOVS and f’hlldri us lfats and Caps at ATKINSON'S. CALL AND EXAMINE \ LARGE lot of Embroideries and Hueiery, cheap for ATKINSON’S. CARPET BAGS. C'ARPL'I ltgs, Satchels, Baskets, and Fancy Work ’ Box.*, at ATKINSON’S. COUNTRY HAMS. 1 1 if k .H .■i f received aud for sale by I IJIJ Nov. 26, 1856. K. M. A E. L. GRAY. BEGAR*. tpilE last in the city can be badatthe EagieDrug A Stoiv,; Nov. 24. 11. W VANCE