The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, December 03, 1856, Image 3

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f ‘” FOR MAYOR. _ ro authorized to announce the name of r, wihKINS an a candidate for re-election to tho of ,l Mayor at the ensuing municipal election ou the J end Saturday in December next. Nov. 11 to FOR MAYOR. We are authorised to announce Dr, JOHN E. HA .IN as candidate for the office of Mayor, at the ensu- Municipal election in December next. are authorized to announce the following ones M Candidates for Aldermen at the ensuing elec ‘ 011 the second Saturday in December: firs* WARD. WM- V. HARDEN, Will, 0. OR AY. SECOND WARD. KEUBEN, c. SHORTER, DANIEL KOWE. THIRD WARD. PR. T. STEM ART, F. S. CHAI'MAN. FOURTH WARD. c c , OODV, JOHN W. HOWARD. FIFTH WARD. PR. W. IV. FhKWELLKN, D. Ji. THOMPSON. SIXTH WARD. T ANARUS, V. RUTHERFORD, SCOTT CLARKE. MAN Y CITIZENS. Dec. 2,-tde , FOR ALDERMAN. I citizens of the fourth ward would reepeet- f n jjv present the name of James A. Bradford as a suita le candidatelbr Alderman at the ensuing election. Uee .3. _ MANY VOTERS. iFOR Ah DERM AN. a jr .JOHN W. HOWARD is a candidate for Alderman fthe Fourth Ward at tile ensuing Municipal Election u the second Saturday in December instant. FOR ALDERMAN. The friends of F. M. DOLES announce him us a candidate for the office of Alderman of the Third Ward, lt the ensuing Municipal election ou the second Satur day in December instant. for alderman fifth ward. sty- WE respectfully present the name of ROBERT ]’. SIMONS, our worthy fellow citizen, as a suitable Can ute for Alderman of the sth Ward, at the ensuing [lection. MANY VOTERS. aldermen fourth ward -Wt‘ are authorised to announce the names of Col. A. K. AYER and O. E. GAGER, as candidates for Al lermen of the Fourtn Ward, at the ensuing municipal , Motion. MANY CITIZENS. ALDERMEN FIRST WARD. Editors of the Sun :—As the time is close at band for alt City Election, you will please suggest tin-names of iYM. C. GRAY and WM. Y. BARDEN as suitable persons lo represent the Ist Ward in our next Council, and will lie acceptable to .MANY VOTERS IN WARD No. 1. ALDERMAN SECOND WARD. Ktg- WE are authorized to announce OSBORNE M. STONE aa a candidate for Alderman of the second Ward. FOR ALDERMAN. i®-We are authorised to announce HIRAM B. HILL is a candidate for Alderman of the Fifth Ward, at tho ensuing municipal election the second Saturday in De cember next. Nov. 24. FOR BRIDGE KEEPER. AjpNOAH GORDY announces himself a candidate lur the above office, at the coming Municipal Council election for City Officers. !FOR CITY SEXTON. AtJ*We are authorized to announce THOMAS NIX as a caudidate for re-election to the above office, at the City Election in December next. FOR DEPUTY MARSHAL. 49“ THOMAS If. REYNOLDS announces himself a caudidate for the office of Deputy Marshal, at the ensu ing Municipal Election on the second Saturday in De‘ cember next. FOR DEPUTY MARSHAL. &“ WF, are authorized to announce HUGH P. ROB INSON as a candidate for ae-election to the office of Dep. uty Marshal, at the ensuing election on the second Sat urday in December next. Nov. 7. te FOR CITY MARSHAL. ‘hr We are ant housed to announce GEORGE GUL bEN, as a candidate for City Marshal, at the Municipal Election on the second Saturday in December next. CANDIDATE FOR MARSHAL. 49“ WE are authorized to announce the name of JAMES M. HUGHES as a caudidate for City Marshal at the ensuing election outhe second Saturday in December B a, ‘ xt - Oct. 31—tdo FOR CITY TREASURER. 4tb* WE are authorized to announce tho name of JOHN LLOYD as acandidate for the office of City Treas ■urer, at the ensuing municipal election in December nex t- Nov. 12—te RECEIVER OF TAX RETURNS. 49“Tlie lriends of J. B. HICKS will support him for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Muse ogee Coun ty, at the ensuing January election. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. 4J“Me are authorised to announce J ERR Y TERRY ,18 * candidate for Tax Collector of Muscogee County, at tbs ensuing election in January next. + RECEIVER of tax returns. *8“ WE are authorized to announce the name of H)M ARp c. BEERS as a caudidate for the office of Re fiver of Tax Returns of Muscogee County, at the ensu ag election in January next. Nov. 12—te FOR ALDERMAN. dir WE are authorized to announce JOHN T. WALK i h as a candidate for Alderman in the sth Ward. FOR ALDERMAN. ** We are authorized to announce the name of Col l.b WHITE as n candidate lor Alderman of the Sixth ‘’ *rd, at the ensuing municipal election on the second • aturday in December next. FOR ALDERMAN. 7®* are authorized to announce the name ofT. V. ; * HER FORD as n candidate for Alderman of the Sixtli v lila ’ the ensuing municipal election ou the second ‘tunlay in December next. Receiver of tax returns I the friends of ISAAC T. BROOKS, announce , Ilam, ‘ a* a candidate for re-election to the office es 1 ‘fiver of Tax Returns for Muscogee county, at the ‘-lion in JHimury next. Nor. 8, 186(1. CARPETS and blankets at COST. • \\ “°fler a tine lot of Carpets and Blankets at cost. I - Nov - 28.1 m S. ROTHOHII,O A BKQ, L NEW GOODS. Vs of* 16 U ° W a urid varied assortment Jewelry and Fancy Goods, i uni Wt ” “ r, ‘ r,, ady to exhibit to nil who may honor ns I•. WII.LARI) A COOPER. Get. 18-ts [, FOR RENT. I House now occupied by L. J. Sehoolar I -ml, ,??’ No. 32 Broad Street. For particulars, en- I 1 "> of the occupants. - “!■ 27 - 1m L. J. SCHOOL A R A SON, FINE FLOUR. ,1 f ** r *eeivd on oonslgnment, a lot of superior Flour, by SHEPHERD* MOSS, ■vev. 28-ts Redd's Old Corner. . A NEW LOT. 10 Opera Flannels, ail colors. Talmas and | wl ma Cloths. Large lot Irish Linens—warrant- ATKINSON'S. SHEPHERD A, MOSS, Receiving, forwanjding, ~ AND ( >MMISSION MERCHANTS, Redd's Corner, Broad Street, _ COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. LOW PRICED DeLAINES. |( )() pJCKH DeLaines at reduced prices, from 12 1 ., -—— t 0 cents, at ATKINSON'S. CHEAPER than ever. r atl<i English Meriuos and all Wool plaiu * D * ljS, ne at 6 ATKINSON I *, :el> Ol id V. Llhllfi TT. RAFFLE of CANADIAN PONIES. | Wl"tofh2nir TOU,I! 60 ok, “ We!OU ’ unu CAHTADIASr PONIBS, I v . er y^'-perfectly sound and kind, and ln ‘ elt^“a Jou V ,u or single harness or under the saddle. Pure Canadians ami can be driven from suu rise to sun set without injury. Can be seen at C. S. Hart * u ‘ s - in Columbus. Price of Chances *lO each. Ihe time and place of the Raffle will be announced in tnp Daily sou. Number of chances to be drawn for be tore the itaffle commences. Apply to Nov. 28, 185(1, lw C. S- HART A CO. WANTED. A SITUATION as Book Keeper in some good house, by a young man familiar with accounts. Refer ences given if required. Apply through the Post Office (No\ atp _ j. u. PARAGON FI.OI l{. a| ) BBLS. Fresh ground Paragon Flour. Call soon aud get some of things. Nov. 20,1860. U. M. .v E. L. GRAY. POI'ANH. AN article of lirst. quality, for sale by DAN FORTH * NAGEL. SNIFF. A | ACCUIUJ\ anil Scotch, at wholesale and retail, by -LV-L - DANFuKTH * NAGEL ‘ SUPERIOR WHITING INK. IJ’Olt sale by DA N FORTH A NAft EL PERI'IMERY. X7IRENCH and American, from the best Perfumers— l.iibin's, Bazens and others, for sale by Sov.iß. DANFORTH t NAGEL, FIRE PROOF, IX OOF OIL for Fire-Proof Painting, and Blake’s Fire 1V Proof Paint, for sale by Mgv. i'J. ‘ D.t NFiiRTII A NAG El., SILVER WARE. A LARGE stock just received and for sale low at WILLARD A COOPER’S. Oct. 18-ts ORANGES, APPLES AND BANANNAS, JUST Received by It. M. * E. L. GRAY. Nov. 2(3, 1856. TEA I TEA ! TEA ! IX I NEST Green and Black TEAS, for sale by DAN FORT]! & NAGEL. PALACE MILLS. FLOUR! FLOUR 11 ffUIE RIVER lias risen, and we now have full stocks of JL Breadstuff's: Superfine Flour $7 50 per barrel. Extra Family 8 50 “ “ Georgia Mills o oo “ 5 per cent discount to dealers. Double Extra $lO, retail, $0 25 wholesale—this brand is equal to Hiram Smith’s. All persons buying iive barrels are entitled to the. dis count. G. W. WINTER, President. Nov. 24-ts AUCTION SALES RESUMED. JOHN QUIN, AUCTIONEER. WOULD inform his city and country friends and all others that lie has resumed his Day anil Night Auction Sales. Having received a select, new and fresh stock on which there is no limit, buyers may expect rare bargains. The stock of Dry (foods is large, varied, and ample; Watches of gold, silver, and composition; Gold and gilt Jewelry ol aU kinds; Clocks, a good variety; Cigars, a fine assortment; and matches enough for the million. Fine double and single barrel Guns, Pistols, Bowie, Dirk* aud l’ocket Knives. Furniture, and every thing usually found in an Auction Store. Persons having goods to sell at Auction will please send them in the day previous to the sale. N. B. Strict attention given to Executors aud Admin istrator's sales. Nov. 14—3 m TO SOUTHERN MERCHANTS. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. FTMIE whole country is flooded with Counterfeit and A. Imitation Schnapps. The public should lie careful to purchase only the genuine article, manufactured and imported by Udolpho Wolfe, which has the name of the manufacturer on the Bottle, Cork and Label. F'or sale by all respectable Grocers and Druggists Read the opinions of the New York Press. UDOLPHO WOLFE. 22 Beaver St., New York. From the New York Mercury. Fraudulent Imitations of Supzbior Commodities, Among the many dishonesties of trade which the mor al sense of the community is called upon to suppress, we would particularly notice a most pernicious and infamous practice adopted by unscrupulous dealers of imitating and counterfeiting the exterior appearance aud precautionary labels of popular drugs, medicamenta, and other articles of personal consumption, and thus, by seizing upon the well acquired reputation of an enterprising trader, pal ming oil’ most destructive and worthless compounds, to The sore detriment not only of the consumer, but to the character of the man who has expended thousands of dollars in bringing the genuine article into esteem and demand. These petty larceny thieves are the pest of all honorable dealers and traders, and the trade is as much highway robbery as the violent appropriation of their neighbor’s purse; in fact they are beneath the burglar and highwayman in dignity—for these latter felons ex hibit a bravery or recklessness of character in nowise dis tinguishing the mercantile assassin who stabs in the dark. And ought they not be rewarded with a punish ment commensurate with the cowardice of their crime? We were led to these remarks by accidentally observing a spurious counterfeit of Udolpho Wolfe’s Sclieidam Schnapps. Tho labels were imitated perfectly, with the slight addition of a few letters to plead technical avoid ance of the law against counterfeiting; the bottles were very similar, and every thing carefully prepare 1 to im pose upon a careless purchaser. Now is not the man who perpetrated this fraud, a felon a robber? Assuredly lie is; for, as Mr. Wolfe has expended large sums to bring his genuine imported schnapps into popular demand, that demand may be justly considered a part of bis cap ital in trade, and a fellow stealing a part of his reputa tion is as much of a thief as if lie had stolen a barrel of his schnapps in hulk. And to this crime he adds a fur ther one of defrauding the community by giving them a ruinous article for the money they intended to expend for a commodity in which they had confidence. And, further, every man who participates indirectly in the fraud, by selling spurious articles is as much of an offen der as the principal who planned the imposition. Tin remedy of Mr. Wolfe should lie in his holding all concer ned up to the contempt of the community thu, swindled by their operations, ami unconsciously imposed upon by their noxious composition. We Dust that Mr. Wolfe will obtain names, not only of the eonrocters of these counterfeits, but. of every man offering them lorsale.iind then publish them to the world ; for his own reputation and the health of the community demand lhatall parties should he nailed to the pillory of popular execrat ion. From tin- New York Dispatch. AN INFAMOUS BUSINESS. When an enterprising man strikes out anew liiisiuess, to the establishment of which lie gives his industry, time, talents and pecuniary means, can anythinghe more con temptible than to have another steal in, and. under spe cious pretexts, hold out. to the public an inferior article, and endeavor to obtain their patronage? Pray, what difference is there, so far as tin- honesty of the thing is concerned, betweed purloining the business by which a .citizen hopes to make his bread and stealing the bread itself? A eouinion thief, if lie takes w ithout leave, how ever hungry, a loaf of bread from a baker’s shop, is appre hended and condemned to the penitentiary for daring in a surreptations manner to appease Ids appetite; but put a respectable looking coat ou his bock and ii few dollars in his pocket, and he may, with impunity, nay. even w ith the applause of his fellows, by knavery, forgery or other infamous means, take the business of an honest man from him, and go unscathed of Justice. All flits is wrong. Some years since a gentleman of this city (Udol pho Welle) introduced to tin- citizens of the United Stales a medicated of gin, which was highly approved by professional gentlemen as a superior tonic and deobatru ent, and the knowledge of which lie, by advertisement and otherwise, disseminated throughout the country.— So soon us tricksters, who pass in the business commu nity un honest men, saw that Mr. Wolfe was likely to have handsome returns for the time aud money which he bad expended, they set about forging Ids labels and palming oft upon the people detestable and poisonous compounds which they have the hardihood to eall “Schie dam Sshnnpps.” In some instances they have gone so far as to put Wolfe's name to tlieir villainou. liquid..— As this horde are growing bold in I heir rascalities, it is time the public in town and country w ere put upon their guard Consumers should be sure that they purchase the genuine article, or else their health may he irrepara bly injured by using the horrible stuff that unscrupulous men, because they can buy it clo-ap, will offer as the gen uine article. Pure Sclieidam Schnapps can only he ob- | tallied at the stores of respectatdo merchants and drug, j gists, in town and country, and nt the establishment of j Udolpho Wolfe, Nos. 18, 20 and 22 Heaver Street, 111 this city, where it is gotten up exclusively. We think It adu- I ty which Mr. Wolfe owes to himself and the community ti> publish, by name, the rascals who are thus attempting i to defraud both him and those who would lie his custo- > mere. He should not permit his modesty to hold him . hack from making so righteous an expose. AGENTS IN SAVANNAH: John It. Moore * 00.. A. A. SolloiAons A Cos., A. Ike naild. M. J. Riley, W. W. Goodrich, McMahon * Doyle, Webster * Palmer, I. V. Corincrst, Clagliorn A Cunning barn, Swift A Cos.. Il'ileomti, Johnson A Cos. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. UIGUR Good House Carpenters. Also—Wanted to lore j fop another year, iive or six good Negro Carpeuters, for whom the highest wages will he giveu. Apply at in v shop near the Market House. Dec, 1-ts ROBERT THOMAS. DILLINGHAM Jfc DENSON WOULD respectfully call the teuticn of the citizens ofColum- bus and vicinity, to tlieir stock of Furniture and Carpets. They can accommodate all. both in quality aud price. Their FURNII’URFI, for excellence of workmanship and, taste, cannot de excelled, and THEY SELJj IT LOW. CARPETS CHEAPER than ever heard of in Colum bus. Call on them oue door below Hall, Moses A Cos. Nov. 3, DILLINGHAM A DENSON. NEW HOOKS. r pilK Hills of the Shrtsmuc; by the author of The X Wide, Wide World. Irving's Life of Washington. Household Mysteries; by Lizzie Petil. Saratoga; A Tale of 1787. The States and Territories of the Great West, with a Map aud Illustrations, by J. Ferris. A 1,80 SehiHil Books, Blank Books, and Stationery in great vn riety. Harper’s aud Godey's Magazine for November. For sale at MATHEWS’ BOOK STORE. A. CABMAN, Gunsmith and Bell Hanger. Opposite the Market House, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Nr ■ ▼ Scissors grouud, Keys made and fitted. Umbrellas and Parasols repaired. Jobbing work in encral done with neatness and dispatch. Terms cash on delivery. Nov. 14. ly PRO BOND PUBLICO. IN STORE AND FOR SALE BY JEFFEHNON & HAMIIYION No. 12 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. SMOKED Fulton Market Beef; Pickled do do do Smoked Tongues English Dairy Cheese: New York State Cheese Mackerel, Nos. 1. 2 and 3, in kils. qr. aud half bids. Extra sugar cured Tennessee Hants Extra Georgia llalus Choice Goshen Butter by every steamer Fresh Country Butter always on hand White Beans. Irish Potatoes and Onions Soda and Butter (Tuckers: Pickles and Sardines Rio and Java Coffee. Teas of all kinds, from Jenkins A Cos. New- Orleans, crushed and powdi red Sugars Fine aud domestic Liquors and Cigars. Jfj-j-FLOUR and MEAL always on hand, aud of tho best quality, Every thing, in fact, usually lo tie found ie a Grocery aud Provision Store. Patronage respect fully solicited. Terms cash, or when railed for. N ov'Jt (,i s.'iti-y OYSTERS. ■ / ) V FRESH supply received every nioru- / ißg by express from Savannaii. J. B. THOM \S A CO. November 17. 42 Broad Struct. BUSSEY A HULL, Wholesale and Retail Grocers and Commission Merchants, t‘, : \ AT the old stand of 1). Ellis A Cos,, 14 BroadßH=|4 street, Columbus. Georgia. Nov. IS—ts NOTICE. ‘IMIK copartner ship heretofore existing between the 1 undersigueil under the firm of Ktvliu, Tlioiiian Si (’<. wan dissolved ou the 15tli instant, hy mutual consent. The unsettled business of the concern will he closed by Joseph W. Thomas, who alone, is authorised to sign the name of the firm in liquidation. A. C. K I Vbl .V .JOS.W. THOMAS, Columbus, Nov. 17. 185(5. lm T. S. TUGGLK. flourT I XT It A St. bouts Albion Mill*. Extra Family from Baird’s Mills, for salt? hy GUXBY it CO. DANFORTII Al KAfifeXif Wholesale and Retail Druggists, No 107 Broad Street, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, DEALERS IN I \ RUGS, Medicines and Chemicals, Dyew<aids and Dy e XJ Stuffs, Oils, Paints, and Painter's articles, Varnish es, Window Glass, Putty, Glassware. Perfumery, Ac. Ac. Everything warranted as represented. Orders from tin country promptly filled und satisfaction guaranteed with regard to price and quality. Physicians’ Prescriptions accurately compounded at all hours of the day aud night BACON! BACON! HP EXNE3SEE and Western Bacon for sale at reduced -L prices nt the sign of the Hog. Sept. 27, 185(3. _ H. A. RICHARDS A CO. DWELLING WANTED. rpilE advertiser desires to rent for the next year, a JL comfortablo dwelling, having four rooms, kitchen, well and garden, and in a good respectable neighbor)moil. One in the upper part of the city preferred. Aildaess Nov. 17. 11. K, Sun Office. PIANO FORTES. ir ifft —7 13KHSONS in want of a Fine Ins!ru-gl-..-.l' ; f J f(fljj ment, can lie supplied on moderatcß Hf liqff terms. A fine assortment to select from, a J V u at October 31. ts SAMMJS A ROONEY’S. COAL YARD. THOSE Wishing COAL for Grates, can bo supplied at sl3 per Ton, by calling on JOHN W. HOWARD, Nov 27 Agent Selma Coal Mine Company. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. P. L. ANDERSEN, (Successor to A. Anderson.J 137 Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia, / xF'FERS lo his old friends and the public generally, a \ / fresh aud well assorted stock of Family Groceries & Provisions, consist lug of Sugar, Coffer, Salt, Bacon, bard, Fish. Syr up, Vinegar, Soap, Starch, Candle?*, Mustard, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Yeast. Cigars. Tobacco, Ac. A choice lot of Crockery Ware, Thread, Osnaburgs and Homespun*), at Factory prices. Fine and common Liquor* of every kind and price. Always on hand a supply of good Northern flutter and Cheee, and Country Butter Kggs, Poultry, Ac. PALACE MILLS FIX)UK of all brands. IF*)* Orders for Family and Steamboat. Stores prompt ly are carefully filled. Nov. 28. ]y GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COtNTV. \ f y Bonner having applied for letters of administration on the estate of Seymour K. Bonner, lutoof said county deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to shew cause, (if any they have,) w hy the administration of said estate should not he granted to said! applicants at (tie Court of Ordinary to he held in aud for said comity, on the second Monday in .Ltnuaiy[ne\t. Given uuder my hand, this 25th day of November, 1856. JNO. JOHNSON, Ordinary. Nov 28-WoOds HOOTS AM) SHOES. 1 A DIES Kid and Gaiter Boota; J Minn*** Kid and Gait* r Boota : Gent* Cull und Kip Booth; Gents Calf and Kip Shoes—at Nov. 2H. ATKINSON S. AT ATIi I A SON’S. (10 ML and see. aud I know you will buy a nice .''ilk ,y Dfom (Tull pattern) wt (lie low price ofsL2. November 28. MARKING INK. {NK for marking Cotton Bales, Box**, Ac., prepared and sold hy DAN FORTH A. NAGEL. IftTIINING FLUID. VSL DKKJOK article of Burning Fluid, for sale Ly DANFORTII Si NAGKL. MATCHES. WOOD and Fancy Matches, in large *|uaiiliti ‘H. lor y\ Ml# hy DANFORTII & \ \GKL KGGS ! KGGH! 1 IL’ST reccived two hundred dozen. ♦ I Nov. 27. B. M A K. 1.. Mil V. SILKS AT COST. BEING deairou* of reducing our extensive -took of SILKS before removing to our new Store (now oc cupied hy J. S. Pemberton A C 0.,) we offer ihein at Coat. Those dphirifig BARGAINS will find it to their advant age to coll noon. CALIIOL N .V JOHNSON, Nov. 20. 68 Broad Street. BASKETS. I'YKHY conceivable variety of BASKETS junt r**'*iv<*d [j by Nov 29-ts BILLING II AM A BKNSON. FOR lIIRK t GfKIDCook ami bonne woman. Alho a likely negro i\ IJoY 18 yearn old. to hire for the yoar. Knmtire of Nov 27-1 w G. ATKINSON. WINDOW SHADES. beautiful WINDOW SHADES <if every prie*— Juht received by Nov T* ts DILLINGHAM A DUN SON. SOUTHERN LOTTERY! ON THE! HAVANA PLAN. PRIZES Q-XJA.PI-A.3SrTEEXS I 102,000 DOIiLARS. Only 15,000 Numbers ! Prlzre Payable Without Deduction. JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY! By Authority of the State of Georgia. CLASS T. To be Drawn December Ift th, I HfttS, At Concert Hall, Macun, Georgia, under (lie sworn supnr intondenco of Col. George M. Logan and James A. \ e-bit. Esqr. ttt>~ Remember this Lottery bos only Fifleeu Thou sand Numbers—less than any Lottery in the world! — therefore it is die best for investment. Examine tlie Seheme! SCHEME. ■ I’lb-e of .$16,0(30 1 ‘* 2.000 t l'ri/.-s of *l,0(io me 4,000 o 14 500 are 2,5(H) 80. “ 100 are., S.ooO 1500 “ 4(1 are ('.0,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 20 Approximations of slou are 2,000 50 *• of 50 “ i.*...2,600 50 “ 2u “ 1,000 I*7 Prizes amounting to $102,000! Tickets *lO Halves $5 Quarters $2 50. The 1,500 IVixvs of S4O are determined by the last figure of the Number that draws the Capital Prize of $15,000. The Capital Prize, will, of course, euU with oue ol tlie figures—l, 2, fi, 4. 5,0, 7,9, 0. Those Whole Tickets ending with the same figure as the last in the Capital will be entitled lo S4O. Halves and quarters in proportion. Persons sending money by mail need not fear its being lost. Orders punctually attended to. Cunimuuieatious confidential. Bank Notes of sound Banks taken at par. Those wishing particular numbers should order immediately. 4UTAddress JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, Macon, Ga. W. E. LOVE, Agent, No. 64 Broad Street, Not, 20— r.i. Gelui&buicUft. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS 7 ! r |M!E undersigned would respccfully notify the eiti I. zens of Columbus and surrounding country, that he is weil prepared to furnish on the most reasonable terms, any ainmuit of OrueerleH, Provisions Confectioneries, and in fact every thing th< most, fast idioms vivunt. could desire. Always on hand a lull supply of Bacon, Sugar, Coffee, Lard. Salt, Molasses, To bacco, mill in fact every thing that is good, Ilya strict system of lair dealing In* trusts to receive ;i ganer* ons share of public palrun.ige at his IVre-pruof store, in Banks’ Buihiieg No. 4 chs! side Broad Street. Oct.. 29, 1855. MARTIN G. WEST. JEWELRY. / lAMEO. Pearl, Coral, Jet, and all Cold Sets, the larg- VV cstand finest assortment ever be lb re offered in this city, at WILLARD .t CGOPEK S, Oct. 18-ts UON(dESS WATER, riJST received amr*for sale hy DA N FORT 11 A NAG El,. Jmm / V LAUGH ami I'ret-h supply just reoeive.l ant I-for sain by DANFORTII A YAGKL. RIDGWAY, CLECKLKY &. CO. WHOLKSAKK DEALERS IN Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Bacon, TOBACC O, BAGGING, ROPE, JLc. &,c. NO. 128 BROAD STREET, COLIJM BI S, GgORO LA. ROCK SALT. VUHL ruceive this week 6 tons RonJc Sail. V Nov. 0. GIJNBY A CO. AT PRIVATE SALE, BY A.. TST-. AYEn, rI HI REE LIKELY YOUNG MECHANICS— Diii-klay L ec and I’lnatorcr, Carpuutur, and fainter. ALSO On hand and to arrive, GO Boxes Virginia Tubaeeo; Fine ami common Cigars: Fine Brandi,s in Pipes, half and quarter Casks; 3(1 Barrels YVilsliirc’a Whiskey, anda nSjili.-did Sundown Ifoekaway and Ifumess. October 1, 185(3. ANOTHER LOT OF’ those fine MATSjust received nl poy. 7 fit. DILLINGHAM A PEN SON. t CLOTHING! r—q-r^.'v— m3>i>>iu J. H. MERRY, 10*4 BROAD STREET, (Next Door to J. Kyle A C 0..) COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, KfltEt’S conslantly on nan-l, atui offers lor sale at prices aa low aa GOOD CLOTHING can la- found here, a large and superior assortment of Gentlemen's aml Youth's Clothing and Furnishing Goods, all of which have been manufac tured uuder his immediate supervision livery garment warranted as represented. I’lnvhasers are requested to call and examine his ex tensive stock. November 25. 1y FINK HAVANA CIGARS. I A INK Havana CigaiM im sale at DA \ FORTH A NAG ML’S. LOST. \DOKT MONIE. eontairiing one Ii mulled v>• -rj. m* . dollaia in gold, with nun dry iiolph and I pa per a. A liberal reward will bn paid I°|J / U any pernon (bat will deliver tin* name at tlie (**-■■ ■*■■■***■* oftic<* of Troy Ilanufacl itring Company, No. 40 Broad stn-* t. !)•■< I 9t IMM SL AMU LOT FOR SALK. f | 11 K undersigned *dl**rs tVr sale the Houk** an I ami Lot where Ik* now resides. The build ings ai*<- all new. Persons wishing to purchase WOO hi do w.dl to examine rny place, as it in oik of the most desirabl** ami pleasant fix ations in the city. Nov. 26, 1866. fit F. (i. WILKINS. .). •). JONGS, At ,le old stand of Jeffmvon A Hamilton, orn**i W ar ren and Franklin Streets, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. lUs in Store, a fresh MUpply of FAMILY GROCERIES, (lONHISTINO in part of Fresh Goaliea Cheese and Rut j ter. Lard. Ha<'on Hams, Sih * ami Shoulders. Irish ami Sweet Potato**;, Onions by tlie mersiire, hand or string, Pea*, torn. .Molasaex. Sugar, Cos fie e. Ac. M LAL an*l FLOUR at, Mill pr eH. and Country Pro duce generally. NoV. 26. 1856, iy SIOOO HAFI’HiJEJ! FOR A PAIR OF GRAYH. 40 CHANCES AT ’4ft EACH. W r !LL bo RAFKLKD for at the Sun- jkk.. ny South Bar Room., aw noon as all ‘VN - —, - the Chance* are taken, a fine pair of Graya. ‘l’hey may he hw-ii at Walton A. Tharp s Livery Stable Just below tin* \ i <r ¥ Vlarket. on llroiul Street. ‘tJl* Coinmbux. Ga. Dec. 2,1866. —6 t $0,500. T. 61. HOGAN'S A V.YI AI, CHRISTMAS GIFT LOTTERY, FOR 1860. The drawing will take place, at 2 o'clock on Thursday the 25th day of December next, in front of H ARRISON Sl McGEHLE’S AUCTION ROOM. Ticketm Five Hollura each. Til KICK are 269 magnificent pri/rn, condHting ol Fine 1 Hold \\ atehes,Gold Coin, lfi*nhl Barrel Guiik, Silver Ware. *iol<l Jewelry, Fainy Articles, ami last hot not least, a likely Negro Boy and Girl. Seven hundred number* will he placed in the wheel and two hundred and fifty draw n out. tho first drawn iiiuolmt taking Prize number one (See Scheme). The second, Prize number two. and soon until the Prizes ure all drawn. This seheme lor this year pregent* unprece dented inducement*to th<ia desirous of investing In such an PeriNms at u distance who wish to purehuse tickets, w ill please address the undersigned ene losing Five Dol lars ami their onlers will he promptly attended to. HARRISON MdiKlfKK, Columhiia, Nov. 27-t<J No. 59 Broad Street. ALL HAIL lI I SOMETHING FOB THE MILLION!!! PROFESSOR WOOD’S HAIR RESTORATIVE. WE CALL THE ATTENTION OF ALL, OLD AND YOUNG, to tho wonderful preparation, which turns back to its original color gray hair—covers the head of the bald witli a luxuriant growth—removes the dandruff, itching aud all cutaneous eruptions—causes a continual tlowot the natural fluids; and hence, if used as a regular dressing for the hair, will preserve its color, aud keep it from falling to extreme old age, in all its natural beauty. We call, then, upon the bald, the gray, or diseased) in scalp, to use it; and surely, tho young will not, as they value the flowing locks, or the witching curls, ever be without it. Its praise is upon tt)e tongue of thousands. Waterford, Muss., July 26, 1866. I’JtoF. O. J. WOOD—With confidence, do 1 recom mend your Hair Restorutive, an lieiug tin- most effica cious article 1 ever saw. 1 have used the W alpliene and other preparations of tiro day, all without eflect. Since using your Hair Restorative, my hair and whiskers, which were almost white, have gradually grown dark; and 1 now feel confident, tiiat a few more applications will restore them to thoir nalural color. It also has re lieved me of all daruli nti and unpleasant itching, so common among persons who perspire freely. J. (i. KILBY. Stall, Hast l\nttsylvuma, March 0,1866. < SIR—In consequinto ot having hair, for several years past, not only gray, but perfectly white, I have cut it short, and worn caps to hide it from view: but soiuu three mouths since, 1 was induced to use your liair Re storative, aud I must, injustice say, that its effects were almost miraculous; for it bus changed it gradually to al most its former splendor as to color, and left it so soft ami glossy as to be more beautiful tliau it ever was, when under the influence of hue oil. I earnestly, there foie, recommend it to every indy a decidedly the best preparation for toilet use, ol anytlung in the world. BETSY SMITH. I’KOF. WOOD—Having experienced Hie magic effoct” of your flair Restorative, 1 drop you ibis ujion tho sub ject. About two years ago, my hair commenced tailing oil and turning gray; 1 was last becoming bald. 1 yiei a fr iend who had used your Restorutive, and spoke so highly ol’ its virtues, I was induct'd to try it, although I had but little faith, ius 1 had before tried so many other medicines, 1 commenced using your Restorative in Jan nary last. A lew applications fastened my hair firmly. H begun to fill up, grow out, and turned back to Its former color, (black.) Al this time, it is fully restored to its original color, heallh and appearance, und I cbetu fully recommend its use tu all. .1. D. HOES. Chicago, 111.. May l, 3854. Milford, Worcester co„ Mass., Nov-. 13, 1854. PROF'. O. J. W (HlD—Dear Sir 1 take pleasure in bearing voluntary testimony to the magic effects of .Your wonderful Hair Restorative. As far hack as 183 ti, my hair commenced fulling oil, until the lop of my scalp hucuiuc haki and us smooth as glass, aud it lias continued to fall for a great many years, notwithstanding 1 have used many celebrated preparations lor its instorutiou. Seeiug your advertisement. I was induced to give your article a trial, ami. lo niy utler aalonishmeut, 1 found after n few applications, that in. hair hceume firmly set, and assumed a glossy and hear, .tul appearance; and hy the time I had used a quail - ,v)e, mv hald head was covered w ith a young and v igneous growth of hair, which is now Irom one to two inches in length, ami growing fast. Yours, truly, IIENRY GOODRICH. jVmc Mark, October 2, 1854. I’KOF. O. .1. W OOD—Dear Sir—After reading the nd yertistinent in oue of the New York journals, of your celebrated Hair Restorative, I procured a half pint but tie, ami was so much phased with it, that 1 continued ils use for livo months, und am satisfied it is decidedly the b'-st preparation before tho public. It at once removed all dandruff and unpleasant itching from the scalp, ami inis restored my hair naturally, und, I have no doulit, permanently so. You have permission lo refer lo me, all who enteriuin any doubt of its performing all that is claimed for it. MISS FUELS, 2G l Greenwich Avenue. I have used Professor 0. J. Wood's Hail Itertniatiau, and have ..dmire-l its wonderful effeets. Ii reMored my hair where it hud fallen oil; it cleans tire head, and ven ders the hair soft and smooth- much more so than oil. MARY A. ATKINSON. Louisville, Nov. 1, 1854. Vhi- Sold at, 114 Market street, SI Louis. .Missouri, 31(1 Broadway, New York, ami by all Diuggists everywhere. Ml kinds of family patent medecines Ii v sale, os the best possible terms, at Professor Wood's e. taldishnient, 114 Market street, St. Louis. For sale in Columbus al tin- Dmg Store of KIVLIN, THOMAS A CO. Sept. 13—3 m SOMETHING EXCELLENT. HAVANA CIGAR EMPORIUM Two doors west of Rankin's corner, Crawford St. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. ? | Ml E subscriber, from his lung experience in (he bu- I siness Hatters himself that be can agreeably accom modate, at Wholesale or Retail, all whouro in want ol FINE HAVANA CIGABS, American Cigars, Chawing and Smoking Tobacco, Snuff, Pipes, Ac. Ac. Ac., on sueli terms as cannot fail to please. All goods war ranted. Orders from tho country attended hy tho cash, prouipt y and carefully filled. I Nov. 81850. ly JAMES ESTEVEZ. A. VELATI. No. 20 Broad Strcel, Columbus, Georgia. nAS just received fresh FIGS, DATES, RAISINS, AP PLES, and all kinds of West India Fruit. During tin- season u lull supply of Northern CAB BAGES and BEETS: and always on band a large as sortment of Confectionaries, Nuts and Cl gars. Call and examine. Nov. (3, 18.6(3. 3m. ONE PRICE ONLY! J. H. DANIEL & CO., 123 Broad .Street, Coluniliua, Ga., Are new prepared to supply their customers with all styles of YOUTH’S AND MBN’S FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, Munutiwtiired uruler their own Bupervuion, mdl war- ULlitod to give wit inflict ion. Alho, a large assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Data, Caps, Trunk*, Carpet Bags, Valises, &c. Hl.-n k mnJ Faney Froueli, Knglisli and German Cloths. A large and well selected lot of Fancy French. Eng lish and American CAHSIMKBBS. Fancy Cut Velvet, Bilk, Flush, figured and plain SILK VESTINGS. All of which will he manufactured in the most faah iotiahlu and approved Ktylea, and warranted t<* fit. September 26, 1856. “BELLA UNION” RESTAURANT AND SALOON. Door* YVi-,t of the Poatufllco. r I ‘ Iff. aubacrihar having pun bawd thin nstabliHluncut, Ii now fully prepared to adminiatei- to the want.and comfort of the inner man. The Bar i. proffutely inpplii-il with none but the beat importe'l VViui-H, Braodlea und other fine Lii|Uor, mid ClKara ol Iheflneat brand, to be had in any market. THB HESTAUKAN T J If always amply .applied with > every delicacy Ihe aeaporta and country attorde, auch aa Oy.lrra, Eiali, Eawl, Wild Game of all kitida, Kyu*, Ham, .Steak, and all the eatable, cal cnliileil to astoniah tlie gourmand andd(-li|{ht theeplcoro. If Ida friend, and the public will furor him with a call, they may real annred none will go away dlsaatlafled. Tie- beat Servant, alwaya In attendance, if A-Sepurale entrance tn the RESTAURANT. Nov. 17, 18611. (ini V tY. (lARRARD. OffLKTHOHPU lIAKERY. fpillS ctubliahmeiit, (dtuatedtwo doora north of th | (tpb-tliorpe Hotel, la iu .ucceaafal operation. Freali Bread, ot the lt Floor, conatantly on hand. For l*ai-tlea- (,‘ake or I’aatry for I’artlea, prompt ly filled. Ordcm solicited. The patronage of the public—of the i.adiea in |airtieu lm la rcpectfully aolieited. Nou-nilx-r 16, 1866. 1m ifULIOI 61 AItK KT 111-: Kl-'. Cl HOICK Fulton Market Beef und an Extra lot of / Ham., jnat received by Sept.l3 OUNBY A CO. HAVS AUD CAPS. . BOYS ami Children, Hat. and Cap. at ATKINSON’S. ( Al,l. AND EXAMINE \UAH(IE lot of Embroideries und lfo.iery, cheap for **h, at ATKIN 80 N8 CARPET DAGS. CIAKFET Bag., f%tchel, Baeketo, and Fancy Work J B"ve., at ATKINSON'S. C'OUNTHY HAMS. | / ts | -11 ST received and for .ale by 11 If f No, 20, 1866. R. M. A E. L. GRAY. RBOAHB. ‘l’llE te-.t in tho city can he had at tlie Eagl.Drug I Store. Nov. 24. H. W. NANCB.