The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, April 13, 1860, Image 2

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COLUMBUS:f Largest City and Country Circulation. ■ Friday Morning, April 13, 1800. See reading matter on every page. * Tbc Savannah News says John O. For rill, Esq., of that city, has been appoint* eJ by the Secretary of tho Interior, Uni ted States Pension Agent, vice George A. Mercer, Esq., resigned. It is stated that Ex-Gov. Allston, of South Carolina, has given an order to Michael Phelan, of New York, for the manufacture of a splendid billiard table, which he intends to present to the State Lunatic Asylum at Columbia. The immigration of Coolies to the West Indies is progressing actively, as we learn from late Jamaica journals. Two vessels recently arrived at Demerara, to gether brought CB6 of this class ; and the Agent for Jamaica, at Calcutta, had re ported that 2,860 would be ready to leave for that Island by the Ist of March. Mr. Samuel S. Littlefield, for twenty one years an editor of the New Orleans Price Current, died in that city on the Ist inst. lie was the great authority on the cotton crop in the Southwest, and was distinguished for cupacity, industry, integrity and courtesy. His death is widely lamented. Capt. Daniel Senrlcs, doorkeeper of tho Louisiana House of Delegates, com mitted suicide at lluton Kongo, Louisiana, on the 21st ultimo, by blowing out his brains. For years ho had kept his cofliu and winding sheet in his house, nnd ho already had his tombstone in the cemete ry, with his name inscribed. From Boston. A private dispatch from Boston, the ‘Jth inst., to the Charleston Mercury states that tho steamship .South Carolina, the pioneer of direct steam communica tion between Charleston and Boston, was successfully launched that day. ♦ Small Pox, The Humboldt (Tenn.) Cosmos lenrns that the small pox, iu its most serious form, is very prevalent along the linn of the Memphis and Ohio Kail ltoad. There havo already been two deaths occasioned by it, at McLemoresvillo, and many moro are expected to die. United Btatos Circuit Court. The Savannah Kcpublican of the 11th says but little business was done in this Court the day previous. The Grand Jury found a true bill against J. Egbert Farnham, one of the reputed captains of the Wanderer in her cruiso to Africa in 1868, for piracy. A similar bill against Frank Raymond, and niDo others, the alleged crew of the Wanderer, in the satno voyage, was ignored. Supreme Court Decision. At tho present session of the Supreme Court ut Atlanta, it was decided thut when there ure assets in the hands of the Ad ministrator, tho owner of a note to which the intestate was surety, may recover, thereon, notwithstanding ho failed tu givo notice of his demand within tho twelve months provided by Statute, and notwithstanding the principal iu the isoto has become insolvent. Distribution of Arms. Undor tho Act of Congress of 1808, re quiring the distribution of arms to tho several States and Torritorios.Ucorgin lias received 1(1,000 ; Alabama, 7,000; Flori da, 1,100. Os tho whole number dis tributed, Fennsylvania lias received 57,- 000, tlie largest; Virginia and Ohio each 30,000, tho next largest number. The smallest number distributed to any Stntc is 800 to Arkausas. M>lanelioly Occurrence. An exchange says tho infant son of Mr. Tiros. 11. Ralph, was rccoutly pre cipitated down a flight of stairs, witli its nurse, causing its death within the space of two hours from tbe time of tho occur rence. It is thought that tho nurse was either seized with an attuck of vertigo, or was tripped by the heel of her shoo, as she was about descending the stairs. Detected, Irut Kscuped. The Macon Telegraph says nu attempt was niado on Tuesday to set fire to Dr. G. Harrison’s stables, by two white boys, apparently fourteen or fifteen years old. They were discovered and seen with matokes aud splinters applying them to tho building, by a servant girl, who pur sued them a short distance. Fearful of being caught, one of tho boys drow out a pistol, fired at the negro and thus es caped. Tlie Western Hog Crop. The Cincinnati Trice Current states the hog crop of tho present jlear at 2,- 360,922 in number, against 2,402,035 lust year, a decrease of 114,213, equal to 4§ percent. Cincinnati packed (he largest number, 434,499. Next came Louisville, 261,870; Chicago, 160,000; St. Louis, 70,326; Madison, Ind., 69,800; Quincy, 111., 68,583; Milwaukic, 52,000; Keokuk, 49,000; liurliugton, 63,6000; and Musca tine, 40,000. Home Manufacture. The editor of tbc Charlotte (N. C.) Bulletin inspected recently, at the estab lishment of Fallings, Springs & Heath, iu that city, full Buits manufactured for the Senior Class at Chapel Ilill. Mr. J. D. Philips is now manufacturing summer suits for tho Cadets at the North Carolina Military luslitute, aud contracts have been made for winter clothing out of cloth prepared at the Rock Island Mills in that city. Fire In Marlon—Lady Burnt. The Marion (Miss.) Star of the 27tb, says that on Wednesday previous, the houseofMr D. W. Larrimorc, in the lower part of this district, was destroyed by fire, and that bis wife perished in the fiames. Mr. Larrimore was absent at the time, and his children were at school. It is thought that Mrs. L., who was subject to fits, was taken with one and fell into the fire, her clothing communicating the flames to the furniture. Her bones only were found in the embers. Cuba Telegraph. We are highly gratified to learn that that portion of the line between Fernaudina aud Savannah will probably be in opera tion by the latter part of the present voolL.—Fernandma Floridian, April 5. . Additional by the Frinco Albort. I The Han Juan difiiculties are approach- i ] ing a settlement. Strong efforts are being made in Eng land to obtain from Franco the abolitioh of restrictions on shipping. The House of Commons adopted an address to the Queen on the subject. The old cable company have determin ed to raiso twenty tivo thousand pounds sterling by a mortgage of the old cable. Warrants have been issued against the prize fightcrß, Heennn and Sayers, com pelling them to keep the peace. Nothing new in relation to Savoy af fairs. Austria has sent a protest to the Ger man Diet against the annexation of the Italian Dutchies. A treaty of peace between Morocco and Spain has been ratified. ! The ship Sir J. Lawrence, from Savan nah, had arrived at Liverpool. The cotton quotations for Fair Uplands are 7d. and for Middling Uplands C 3-l Gd. Washington Items. Washington, April 7.—The Committee addressed a letter to Secretary Cobb, ask ing for the contract aud all correspon ding statements that have been received from Charleston by the Department, con cerning the recent departure of brigJ. E. Hossee ou the coast of Africa, by the British sloop of-war Falcon, under sus picious circumstances, which will be im mediately sent to Mr. Dalius for the pur -1 pose of making a demand for reparation, i The alleged facts are substantiated. Tbc | cargo of the brig and previous connect ion with some of the parties of the Wan derer’s slavo expedition, create misgiv -1 ings as to her true character. In the Senate Mr. Trumbull, presented a petition of citizens of Illinois, setting forth tliatgcnerul alienation exists in the Union caused by the discussion of the subject of slavery in Congress, and they pray that body to recommend to all the legislatures a change in the constitution for establishing the States and Territo ries north of which slavery is to bo proh ibited, and south of which it is not to be interfered with by Congress or the States. Mr. Trumbull moved that it be referred to tho Judiciary Committee. Mr. Green—lt affects tho Territories ami had better go to that committee. Mr. Trumbnli supposed thut us they asked a change of the constitution, the Judiciary Committeo would lie more ap propriate. So it was referred to that committee. Washington, April 9. House.—Win ston endeavored to make a minority re port of Covode’s investigating committee. Hickman ineffectually Bought to pre sent his report on the President’s protest. Washington, April 11.—In the Senate to-day, in view of the numerous substi tutes proposed for the Homestead bill the whole subject has been recommitted with instructions to report back next Tuesday. House considered and passed the bill for the admission of Kansas into the Union. The vote stood one hundred and thirty four in favor to seventy-three in opposi tion. During the debate Mr. Pryor accused Mr. Potter of interpolating offensive re marks in the report of the recent Love joy affair in tho House, and the colloquy which ensued leads to the impression (bat Mr. I‘iyor will challenge him. Washington, April 10.—Several Re publican Senators are conferring on un amendment to tho Mexican treaty in view of passing it. It appears they wish to exclude the other powers from claiming similar advantages under the clause granting each power equal facilities with those of (lie most favored natiou. From Loavenworth. Leavenworth, April 7.—lnformation from Southern Kansas gives rise to ap prehensions of serious trouble iu Linn and Bourbon counties, growing out of alleged violations of i lie amnesty act. An attempt recently made by the Deputy Marshal to arrest Capt. Montgomery, was effectually resisted. Considerable interest is manifested in this city in regard to the approaching trial of the rescuers of the alleged slave Charley Fisher. Tho trial commences on Monday next before Judge Pettitt in tlio District Court. Ship Dim. Savannah, April 11.—The steamship It. W. Cnyler, from New York, and the Potomac, from Baltimore, und the Tallu lah, from Fleetwood, have arrived. Nkw York, April 11. —Tho ship Jacob A. Westervelt, clearod for Liverpool, is now on fire off tho Battery. Fire In Memphis. Memphis,* April 9. —Sam Moseby’s cot ton shed, with 1,200 bales of cotton and seven dwellings were burned last night. Loss $70,000. Insurance for SOO,OOO. .’ -♦ — Popular Sovereignty. Tho following is the platform on slave ry iu tho Territories, laid down by tlie Georgia Democratic convention iu Decem ber 1847, aud re-adopted by tho conven tion in Deoember 1847, nnd ro adopted by the convention of June, 1848: “ Resolved , Thut Congress possesses no power, under the Constitution, to legislate in any way or manner in relation lo the in stitution of slavery. It is the Constitu tional right of every citizen to remove and settle with his property in any of the Territories of the United States. “ Unsolved , That tho people of the South do not ask of Congress to estab lish tho institution of slavery in any of tho Territories that may bo acquired by the United States; they simply require that the inhabitants of each Territory shall be left free to determine for them selves whether the institution of slavery shall or shall not form a part of their social system.” ■—♦- __ Compliment Deserved. His numerous friends in Pike county, recently complimented our worthy und talented citizen tho Hon. M. A. Baldwin, with a dinner us a small token of tho high regard iu which he is held in that county. The Troy Advertiser gives a full report of the festivities, and letters from the lion. H. W. Hilliard aud others invited, who could not attend, The banquet took place at half past nine P. M., on the 30th March. A. N. Worthy presided, assisted by A. I\. Starke, as Vice President, aud Judgo Shorter aud other .distinguished guests participated. The compliment was well deserved, for there is not in the State a more faithful, efficient, hieli toned aud popular gentleman and public officer than Attorney Oeneral Baldwin.— Mont. Fast, 11M. Clitlrl Burned. A little daughter of Mr. St. Ledger, of this place, übout two years old, was se verely burnt last week, by her clothes taking fire from matches, with which she and her little brother were playing. The little boy by some means got them oil’ of a shelf, where they had been placed to keep them out of the children’s reach, and gave some of them to the little girl, who iu playing with them, about the hearth, ignited one, and set fire to her clothes. Though severely burned it will probably recover —Kufaula Express, 12/A, Tbe Benecia Boy is certainly in fino condition. Mr. Wilkes writes that in his boxing exeroises the American Sampson had just dislocated Cusick’s jaw, while a red bump upon the forehead which Jack Macdonald had brought int- London, was attributed to an uninterrupted but playful left-handed tap from the trans- AtlaDtic giant. These gentlemen are his “trainers,” and probably the more they get battered, the greater their pride in their pupil. Wlatar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry.— This remedy lias been it by the contain ally for it* rc-oisrkble cllicacy fa relieving, heal ing and caring the most obstinate, pn.r.lul und long Handing case* of Cough, Cold, Influenza, Bore Throat, Ilronrhitir. Whooping Cough. Croup, Asthma, Inflammation of tho Lungs; while oven consumption iteelt haa yielded to its magic lullu ence when ail other means have failed. Its whole history prove* that the past has produced no remedy of equal value, as a cure for the numer ous aud daugerou* pulmonary affections which prevail all over the land. Head the following certificate from Mr. Nor borne Norton, of the Examiner <nbc,', iticbmoud : ItICHMOND, Va., fob. 23, ISUO. Messrs. B. W. Fowls A Cos . Boston—Gentlemen: I with pleasure testify to the great merit of your Invaluable lung medicine, llr. VVisitu’w Balsam or Wild CnKasv, which is likewise highly valued by many of our estiemed fellow-citizens, who have tested its virtues by trial. 1 first made use of this Balsam some three years since for a violent and distressing cough, which tmflted the skill of physicians, and to my joy, ex perienced sucli gratifying relief as to induce me to persevere in its use. i always keep it by me, and ever find it to he unfailiug iu its effects. No medicine that 1 have ever used has given such speedy relief. Yours truly, NOKIiOIiNE NORTON. tyr Caution to PuacuAszas.—Tho only genuine Wistar’s Balsam has (lie written signature of “I. Butts” aud tlie printed oue of tho Proprietors on the outer wrupper; alt ether is vile and worth less. Prepared by BKTii W. FOWLK A 00., Bos ton. Pur sale by all druggists iu Georgia, and in Columbus by URQUIIAKT A CHAPMAN, .1. A. WHITICBIHE A CO., mtiZideodwoolw PEMBERTON A CARTER. MARKIEU, At Trinity Church, on tin; evening of the lot Is instant, by the lic\. Llr. Hawks, Mr. Thomas hi. Baknakii und Miss Louisa, daughter of Mr.O. J. if. Dibble, all of this city. A Curd. Eds. Nun: I seo iu your issue of yesterday morning rny name put down as oue of the managers of the Georgia Urays Bail, to tie given in this city on Friday evening next, f beg to say my name was used without my knowledge or consent! and I will farther state that I never have or expect io appear as manager of any hall. JIt&SE J. BRADFORD. Columbus, Gil., April 13, 1800. TAIf.K NOTICK. A LI, thoio indebted to H. llussey or 1). Bussey & Bro., by note or account, will And them in the hands of WM. A. BRANNON. Oflice over Giinby A Co.’s store. April 13-2 m H. BUSSEY A BRO. NOTICE. rPHE firm of GILBERT, LEA A CO. has this day 1 boon dissolved by mutual consent. Their liabilities will be settled by M. C. Gilbert at sight. Tbs outstanding business will also be settled by him. M. C. GILBERT, S. H. THOM, C. M. LEA. Columbus, April 13, 1800. 3t HENRY STUMPF, Practical Upholsterer, lias puroianently located tit No. 22 BROAD STREET, NEXT door to Velati'H Confectionary, where he is prepared to receive and execute all orders in his business, such as Paper and Curtain llungiug, cutting anti laying of Carpets, uphol stering m w und old Furniture, Church Cushionr, Spring and lluir Mattresses, nnd every kind of work usual to his business. Being a practical workman of many years ex perience, in some of the best shops of New York, he feels confident in his ability to suit all who may favor him with their orders. Kk.pekh to— Hilling ham A Denson, W. K. Harm, F. VV. Flynn. April l.i-dtf Georgia Grays Kail! A DALI* will bo given by tho GEORGIA GRAYS, at CONCERT HALL, on Friday Evening, the 13th lnst.,/TI at 8 o’clock. LJ42^ managers: William J. Dillon, Joseph Roper, Wesley C. Vinson. sM* Admission TWO DOLLARS. April 12 2t WANTED, good House Painters and ouoor two good 1 Grainors. The highest wages given. Apply to EDWARD J. KING, or SON, April 12-21 p Columbus, Ga. TRUNKS! TRUNKS! TRUNKS! J^trunksiJ^ JUST RECEIVED, A FINE LOT OF Trunks and Valises! Os Various Stylos and Qualities, At Prices to Suit Purchasers. CALL AND SEE THEM AT SHERMAN & CO.’S HARNESS MANUFACTORY 114 Broad. Street. ALSO, SADDLERY I At Very Low Prices for Cash. SHERMAN & CO. Columbus, Ga., April 12, 1800. Ai* Papers in which wo advertise please copy. “HOLE IN THE WALL!’’ WM. R. JONES, Opposite Cook’s Hotel, keeps always a supply of FAMILY GROCERIES. Fresh Vegetables received daily from Savannah, while in season. Remember the place is the “IIOLK IN THE WALL.” April 11, 1860-dtf PEMBERTON & CARTER Have juat received an extensive stock of PERFUMERY, Fancy Goods, BRUSHES, &c. &c. Consisting in part of Lubin’s Celebrated Extracts, Humming Bird Extracts, Butterlly Extracts, Guorlain’s Extracts, Fraugipanni Extracts, Kiss-me-sweetly Extracts, Uoudoletia Extracts. FINE GERMAN COLOGNES, Roquet d'Orleans, Da/.in’s Toilet Waters, Lubiu’s Rose Soap, Lubin's Musk Soap, Dimmers English Soap. Ba/iu’s Barbers’ Soap, Transparent Soaps. Perfume Sachets, Lily White, Bloud do Pearl. Pomades, Os every description, highly perfumed and beaut.* ful in style. COMBS, Avery large assortment. Tooth Powders and Washes, That can bo highly recommended. Call and Seo. April 11,1880. NOTICE I A LL indebted to us for Guano, will please call aud settle. We are uow receiving a fresh supply of American Ouauo, which we will sell for cash or ou time, upon the terms of the proprietors. April 10 GUN BY A CO. WHISKY. •YfAfY BIILS. Extra Tenuessee White; Robison wv/v” Country Extra; Pike’s Jessamine, nnd other brands of Rectified Whisky, for sale at re duced prices, on consignment. March 9 TYLER A MOSES. FOR KENT. THE commodious Eating House kuowu^. as the GEM, under Joues’ Building, ■sesV will be rented low to a good tenant. Ap- IM1"B ply to JOHN A. JON KP, or JAMES WAKE, April 18—ts at Hunt A Ware's. BEEF TONGUES l CHOICE Smoked Beef TONGUES, just received aud for sale by Sept. 12. GUNBY A CO. BLOWN SALT. SACKS, for tale by tfU E. BARNARD k CO. H. BRAMHALL, Practical Watchmaker, AND MANUFACTURER OF FINE WATCHES. 56 BROAD STREET, COLUMI)US, G K OIIOIA. I HAVE just received anew und select stock of 1 American Wutches und Clocks, Direct from the Manufacturers Aud offer them at rates fully HO lo 30 per cent lews than any SlQre Georgia* I have aIBO on hand an excellent assortment of ENGLISH AND GENEVA GOLD & SILVER WATCHES GOLD CHAINS, KEYS, Ac. Ac. At Unprecedented Low Hates, Aud guarantee all good, to be equal or better than as repre.ented. As I give my per sonal attention to Watcb work I would say to Ladies and Gentlemen Haviug Watched iu bad order from wear, break aged, or, worse than all, from being woiked at by incompetent workmen, eau rely on haviug the imperfect parti replaced with perfect piecte, and tho Wutch made u good time-keeper once more, by leaving or Bending them to 56 BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS. Mr. F. 117 GOLD HECK, Man’lacturiiiy Jeweler AWD BIIiVEHSMITH, (Formerit/ with Mr. A. 11. Be Will,) IS now udsociated with me. nnd will be pleaded to receive ordern for manufacturing Fine Jew elry aud Silver Ware. Persons having relicts of gold or silver as keep sakes they would like re fadiiouod or made into useful articles, can rely that they will really re ceive the same Gold or Silver. All Styles of Hair Braiding And the finest Ilair Jewelry made to order in the most fashionable styles and taste, a the customer may deßiie. Tho Hair Braiding in doue in Colum bus, and therefore not subject to be changed, as when sent to Charleston or the North, as much is done. J. H. BRAMHALL, April 9,18C0. 58 Broad street. .A. CARD. “IXTE deem it sufficient,and due to our customers VV and friends, and tho public, to announce that our stock of SPRING & SUMMER Dry G-oods! Is now complete, embracing Every Fashionable Novelty IN LADIES’ DRESS GOODS of all fabiica. Anew Stock of Linens, Embroideries, Ac., Os Direct Importation, and made to our own Order. Our stock is unusually large aud well selected, which enables us to offer to our customers MURE THAN ORDINARY ATTRACTIONS. Let everybody call aud see for themselves. J. KYLE & CO., Columbus, Ga., March 28, 1860-2 m G. T. WILLIAMS’S Ambrotjpc and Photographic PICTURE GALLERY! No. 67 West Side Broad Street, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. AMBROTYPES taken on Iron, Glass, Leather, Mica, and Paper, finished in the very best style, and satisfaction guaranteed. My pricea are from FIFTY CENTS TO ANY PRICE DESIRED. PHOTOGRAPHS On Paper, Canvas, and Visiting Cards, at less price than any in the city. No person is bound to take a Picture from the Gallery if it does not please them. The public are respectfully invited to call at my Gallery aud examine specimens, and satisfy themselves. G. T. WILLIAMS, April 2-Gm (2d p) Photographic Artist. Positive Sale of New Buggies AT AUCTION! By HARRISON & PITTS. AT 11 o’clock on FRIDAY NEXT, the 13th inst., we will sell in front of our Auction Roem, without reserve, eight very superior New BUGGIES, (Northern make,) of the following patterns: 1 Straight Traybody Top Buggy, Panel Boot; 1 Godwin Bracket Front Top Buggy; 1 Traybody No Top Buggy, panel boot, hack and ruck; 1 Godwin Bracket No Top Buggy, back and rack; 1 Traybody Top Buggy, panel boot, varnished; 1 Scroll Loop Top Buggy, full plated, rack and hood; 1 Oral Panel Top Buggy, panel boot; 1 Scroll Loop No Top Buggy, panel boot. 49** Terms made known on day of sale. Also two of Wheeler & Wilson’s SEWING MA CHINES, warranted iu perfect order. JAA'“ Persons wishing to examine the Buggies can do so by calling at Yernoy & Mahaffey’s Liv ery Stable. HARRISON & PITTS, April 0, 1860-td Auctioneers. NEW GOODS! npilE subscribers have received afresh supply of A the following articles, which they are offering cheap, to wit: Santos and Sumatra Coffee, best quality ; White Gov. Java “ “ “ Red “ “ “ “ “ Mocha “ Cub*. aud Rio “ Baker’s Chocolate, superior quality; Raisins, Currents and Citron, fresh aud good; Choice brands of Champagne Wino; Madeira, Sherry aud Claret; 5000 of the celebrated J. C. Calhoun Cigars— Concha and Regalia size, all colors. Call and try them. apl9 GUNBY A CO. CUBA MOLASSES. BULS. Cuba Molasses, just received and .wUw for sale by apl'J GUNBY & CO. FLOCK! FLOUR! O HO BBLS. Extra Choice Flour, fresh and line. £\J\J Just received and for sale by AprilO GUNBY & CO. LADIES Os Columbus, Ga., and Vicinity: ♦- TO-DAY IS THE DAY I OPEN MY NEW VARIETY OF SPRING MILLINEM! Give me a Call, AND LOOK AND EXAMINE THE FASHIONS. Respectfully, Mrs. M. 11. DESSAU. Columbus, April 3, ISOO-dtf MATTRESSES! A LARGE STOCK, MALL at tlie SOUTH, FROM SOUTHERN MATERIALS, For Sale Cheap at ROCK ISLAND PAPER MILLS. Columbus, Feb. 27. ts MATTRESSES! MATTRESSES^ The Troy Manufacturing Company ARE making, and keep constantly ou hand, MATTRESSES of tho best material and make, aud all aizes, which we Hell at low price*. Tlie Ware Rooms are at No. 40 Broad ct. February 24, 1860. ts MATTRESSES AND CARDED COTTON BATTING. THE CARTER FACTORY HAVE A SUPERIOR LOT OF MATTRESSES! Which, for material aud workmanship, cannot be nurpofoed. Jan.3l-d3m RICH. RARE AND TASTY! 13 THE SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF READY MADE CLOTHING! NOW OPENING . AT THE CASH ©totjjing fimptiitm! 135 Broad Street, COLUMBUS, GA. ROSETTE, MELICK & CO. WOULD CALL TIIE ATTENTION OF CLOTHING BUYERS TO TIIEIR Large, Varied aud Extensive ASSORTMENT OF Ready Made Clothing! Os tlielr Own Manufacture. THIS STOCK HAS BEEN GOTTEN UP WITH GKRE-A-T CAHE, AND FOB BEAUTY, CUT AND STYLE, WILL COMPARE WITH ANY IN THE SOUTHERN COUNTRY! THIS IS THE ONLY Cash Clothing House 11ST THE CITY l No. 125 Broad Street, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Rosette, Melick & Cos. HAVE IN STORE A Complete Assortment of BOYS’ AND YOUTHS’ CLOTHING! To suit all ages from G to 15 years. Boys’ Drap D’Ete and Alpacca Round Jackets; “ Linen and Marseilles “ 44 “ Cloth and Cassimero 44 44 “ Mohair and Italian Cloth “ 44 “ White Marseilles Vests; “ Fancy Marseilles 44 “ Fancy Silk 44 100 Pairs Boys’ Linen and Marseilles Pants XT 01 I>l;il PAIR! Boys’ Black Drap D’Ete Pants; “ White Duck 44 “ White Marseilles 44 “ Black Cassimere “ “ Fancy Cassimero 44 “ GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS! Thread Cambric (full-boaoined) Shirts; Linen Lawn 44 “ 44 White Linen Bosomed 44 Puff Bosomed 44 Fancy Bosomed 44 Fancy Marseilles 44 White Marseilles 44 Faucy Print Fancy Puff Bosomed 44 White and Pink Undershirts; Gauze Merino 44 Lislo Thread 44 Check Cambric 44 Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Collars, Cravats, Gloves, Half-Hose and Suspenders, Rosette, Melick & Cos. 125 Broad. Street, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. — HATS! HATS! HATS! HATS! HATS! HATS! CAPS! CAPS! CAPS! CAPS! CAPS! CAPS! Great Variety of Styles, Qualities, and Colors. ROSETTE, MELICK & CO. TRUNK DEPOT, BIROAD STREET. Trunks! Trunks! VALISES! VALISES! Carpet Bags! Carpet Bags! Ladies’ Traveling Trunks! Ladies’ Bonnet Boxes! PLANTERS AND TRADERS: Three Hundred Cottonade Suits! *> Rosette, Melick & Cos. 125 Broad Street, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. We would respectfully invite all those WISHING TO PURCHASE First Class Clothing! For Spring and Summer Wear, To call and examine our stock, feel ing assured price and quality will give satisfaction. ROSETTE, MELICK & CO. Columbus, Ga., April 9. 1860. To tlie Ladies! .I, i ♦ — —- HULL, DUCK & CO. Would call attention fa tiruir .dor k of DRY GOODS For tho Spring Trade. rpilfcY have a full stock of Shillings an.l sheet -1 ings, various widths; Limn Sheeting. Piilow Case Lineus, Damask Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, &c., &c. IN DRESS GOODS, A Complete Assortment of till Styles; French Orgaudie Muslin, French Jaconets, Barege uud.Organdie Robes, English, Scotch and American Printed Muslin, Plain, Striped and Printed Bareges, Scotch aud American Ginghams. A FULL SUPPLY OF Ladies and Gents’ Kid Gloves, Tire Best Qualities. HOSIEHY, IltlSU AND FRENCH LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, Muslin Collars and Sleeves, Burnous and Chantilly Lace Mantillar, Low-piiced Mantillas, Plain aud figured Laces for Mantillas, Swiss Muslin, plain and figured, Xansook Muslin, plain aud pluid, Bishop Lawn Jaconet Muulin, India Long Cloth Brilliaute, 4c. A boautjful lot of FANS, plain and fancy. Ladies and Misses’ Parasols AND UMBRELLAS. BLACK, PLAIN AXIS FIGURED SILKS ! FRENCH SUMMER SILKS, FOULARD SILKS. Hoop Sils-ix’tss! Embroidered Skirts, Marseilles and Corded Skirts, A uow pattern Trail Skirt. A fine assortment of Ladies’ Work and Traveling Baskets. FRENCH CORSETS, Embroidered. Corsets. All of which is offered for sale on accommoda ting terms by HULL, DUCK & CO. ColumbuK, Ga., April 7, 1800. SILKS! SILKS! SILKS! Spring Silks! Received by Express this morning ut JAS. McPHILLIPS, 140 BUOAD STREET, 1,500 Dresses! Spring and Summer Silks, AT UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES! THESE Goods were purchased within the la6t week, ut forced sales, at an immense loss on cost of importation. Also a full line of BiCHOFFS SLACK SILKS! Admitted by all to be tho best wearing goods manufactured. Also, LACE MANTILLAS, LACE POINTS, DUSTERS, PARASOLS and SUN SHADES. purcliasod direct from tho importers aud manu facturers. Prices guaranteed lower thau ever before offered in this city. ALSO 5,500 HOOF SKIRTS! Os the Best Quality, AT ONE-HALF THE REGULAR PRICES! Buyers are invited to call and examine the stock and compare prices. JAMES McPHILLIPS, March 22,1860. 140 Broad Street. NEGBO HATS. J. H. DANIEL & CO. ARE SELLING NEGR() HATS At 81 5() to B‘2 00 per Dozen! March 31, ISCO-tf A LARGE LOT OF TURKISH TOWELS! At Unprecedented Low Prices! Just received aud for aale by J. 3E3C. DA.]Nrili!lj Cos. March 31, ISGO-tf SPRING MILLINERY! A BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF RICH AND ELEGANT BONNETS, JLraces, Ribbons, Ac. NOW OPENING BY Miss L. A. Flynn & Cos. All of which they offer for salo LOW FOR CASH ! tSr Their Store is next doortol.O.SiEUPPEa’s, on Randolph street. March 23-ts THE SEW PATENT CORRUGATED SPRINGS! E EDUCING the weight of skirts and increasing the strength nearly one-half,are found only in Thomson’s Corrugatd Skirts. JUST RECEIVED, Fresli Thomaston Lime, PLASTER PARIS, -A-InTID cemeht. Feb. 21, 1860-dtf B. F. COLEMAN. Tailoring and Bepairing. Q-_ C. BODEET, TAILOR, Respectfully announces to thociti-^an zens of Columbus that he has taken gflk Rooms over the store of W. S. Neediiam. on V*/! Broaistreet (nearly opposite Cook’s Hotel) -M. where he is prepared to execute all orders in his lino, with neatness uud dispatch. A share of pa tronage is solicited. Good Fits guaranteed. March 2S-6m Light, Flexible and Strong! ‘\TOYKL and beautiful iu shape, approved by all* 1% Inquire for THOMSON’S CORRUGATED SKIRTS. Four Thousand Skirts per Day! KEQUIRING four separate Factories, aud the labor of one thousand hands are required by the demand for Thomson’s Sltirts. February 2,1860. ow3m BLEACHED SPERM OIL. A SPLENDID article received this day and for sale by R. A* WARE A SON, April 3 74 Broad stseet. A. D. BROWN, Jr., At tlie Curter I’a-ctorv, 13 MANUFACTURING WHEAT THRASHERS A FANS, Stray/ and Shuck Cutters, WHEEL BARROWS, Ac-. 1 1 ‘ll E undui sighed has located at .8 CAKT lK 1 .vVi OK V, Whei ohe MuLftLlMa . bus lit led up Machinery lot aluiuai uve/y ilceuiipliuu oi Jub Wuik. WOOD AND 111 JM i dohb with neatness und disputen, oy cxptxieuced MUI kuicu. HOLTti cut toord-r, from one inch in diameter dowu to any size det-ired. lulso manufacture Patent Corn and Cob Mills, Fur piitutetV use, ackuvwiedgeu by all who have teen Hum iu operation to be tho munt suituble Mill lor tanners iu ute. There is one in my shop which all w h j denire can tee at woi k. Patent Straw and Shuck Cutter, A machine invented, patented, and made in the South, of Soulheru materials, which is pro nounced by all who have tried it, to be the very best, and least liable to get out of older, of any Cutter known. It is so simple iu construction, uud ut tne same time bo substantial, that the incut ignorant negro fit ld-hund cun manage it without any difficulty or danger of breaking. Rail Road couliactors will plecse bear in mind that 1 aui prepared to make to order any number of WUEEiiBARROWS, of as good material and as cheap as can be bought North or South. My WHEAT FANS Need no comment from myself, as every one who has them will certify as to their excellency and durability. Snuce 1 have begun manufacturing tbeia 1 have told over two hundred, purchasers being pleased iu every instance with their per formance. lielow I give borne of the very flatter ing certificates received irom different parties : CuLL’MMJB, July 251 b, 1857. We take pleasure in stating that we have been selling Mr. A. D. Brown’s Wheat Fan for the last two years almost exclusively. We have sold them to all sections of the surrounding country, both iu Georgia aud Alabama, and they have given general satisfaction. W o have never heard any complaint of tbe first one jet, and believe they are tho best Fans now’ in use. We have formerly shipped Faus from tho North for our own tiade, but we havo abandoned them, Mr. Brown’s Fan having superseded them entirely. (Signed) J. ENNIS A CO. CwLUiinus, Ga., July 25, 1857. Wo have been selling Mr. A. D. Brown’s Funs during tho past season, and lully concur in the above. (Signed) ESTES A BROTHER. Russell Couni y, A la., July 25, 1867. Mr. Brown—Dear Sir: 1 take pleasure iu certi fying to tho excellency of your Wheat Faus. I have just cleaned my crop of wheat with one of them ; it pleases mo well, and I take pleasure iu reccmmending them to farmers as being superior Funs. Kespectiully yours, W. LOUTHEIt. Vyiioat Tiiraslior© On hand of my own manufacture, superior to any other machine of tlie kind in this eountry. G-JUNT GEARING Made to order, with wooden logs, which are supe rior in every way to iron. To those who purchase Mills, Fans, Thrashers, and Cutters, by tiro wholesale, a liberal discount will be made. Public patronage is respectfully solicited. A. D. BROWN, Jr. Columbus, Ga., April 7,1860-ts so PLANTERS OF GEORGIA AND ALABAMA. RHODES’ SUPER-PHOSPHATE. THIS STANDARD MANURE For Cotton, Corn and Wheat Culture, Besides the Various Hoot Crops, Gardens, Fruit Trees, &c. | 8 manufactured under tho supervision of emi uent Manufacturing Chemists, and is WAR RANTED TO RE PURE AND FREE FROM ALL ADULTERATION. Tho RHODES MANURE has received tho en dorsement of SOUTH CAROLINA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, GEORGIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, ALABAMA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Prof. CHAS. UPHAM SHEPARD, of the South Carolina Medical College, in a letter addresied to B. M. Rhodes, the proprietor, dated Charleston, January 3, 1860, says: “The two sumples examined, as selected by my self from tho warehouse of Messrs. Rhett & Rob son, of this city, appear to be, as nearly as possible, identical in their mode of preparation and com position, and the article cannot be too highly com mended for the uniformity of the mixture in the several ingredients present, and the impalpable fineness of the Phosphate and the Sulphate of Lime. It is the richest preparation I have yet seen for the Soluble Phosphate, and in this respect cannot well be improved upon. The insoluble earthly ingredient does not appear to bo greater than is incident to tho most carefully prepared fertilizer.” THE MODE OF APPLICATION IS YERY SIMPLE: either broadcast or iu the hill or drill— -100 to 200 pounds per acre. This Manure does not lire, as is tho case with the Peruvian Guano; but being strictly nourishing, can be used any way tho convenience of the planter may suggest. Ample stocks at all times on hand and for sale by’ DILLARD, POWEI.L & CO., Solo Agents, March 15-drkwlm Columbus, Ga. ~F. C. TILLMAN, 117 Broad Street, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, IS RECEIVING AND DAS IN STORE A HANDSOME AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS! BOOTS, SHOES, CA.3PS, &e., &c., &c., &c., GOODS THAT ARK Almost Entirely All New! GOODS TO SUIT THE SEASON AND PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, On time to responsible aud prompt-paying parties, OS VERY CHEAP FOR CASH! Columbus, Qa., March 19,1860-dtf DIRECT IMPORTATION! JUST received, J. ENNIS & CO., April 5-6ni at tho Sign of the Anvil. NEWBOOKSI RECEIVED BY CHAFFIN & JOHNSON. W r OMAN (La Femine), by Michelet; Lo>e (I/Amour) “ “ Tho Tribulation, by Camming; Life of Geo. M. Troup, of Ga.,by E. J. Hardin ; A NEW SUPPLY OF Adam Boade; The Rivals; Tho Queen of Hearts. March 19 TIIE LUXURY OP THE SEASON ! Thomson's Corrugated Skirts, For salo by the Principal Retailers. Come at Last! THAT Superior Western English Dairy Cleese. Also recived this day: White and Red Onions; Lemons ; Smoked Beef Tongues, large and fine; Pickled “ “ 44 44 44 10 boxes Smoked Herrings; Farina, Wine and Sugar Crackers; Dates, Figs, Prunep, Pickles. &o. March 30 HOWELL A JOHNSON. E ASTERN HAY. BALES best Eastern Hay, superior to 1 Northern Hay, for sale by March 24-ts A. A J. GAMMEL A CO. EVERY LADY IN AMERICA WHO values comfort, lionlth and elegance, should have one of THOMSON’S CORRUGATED SKIRTS. FOR SALK OR HIRE, A VALUABLE Negro Man, a good Cook. He is for sale or hire for tire balance of the year. Apply to feb22-tf K.B. HAWKS. INDIA RUBBER BALLS. ANOTHER supply received this day and for sale by R. A. WAKE * SON.