The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, March 30, 1861, Image 1

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THE DAILY SUN. T U-WOLF....K. .1 YARINGTON...T. GILBERT. | TIIOS. GILBEKI & ('O., aiul Proprleloi'to, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: I'iiß Juuia published daily at S3 a year, payable , -trictly ia advance. Subscriptions for leas tnan a car at tbo rate of 50 cents per month, in advance. ADVERTISING RATES: ,tti advertisements os five liues or less, inserted oJ ceuts for the lirst inset tiou aud do coats for i Jach additional insertion. Advertisements exceeding five lines (except by special coutrac“ will be charged lb cents a lino lor the first insertion, and 5 cents a line lor each * iditional insertion. j \c ud not exceeding six lines, not renewal'.e, [ will bo inserted three mouths tor $5, six mouths j ior SB, aud twelve mouths for sl2 Ten lines, not renewable, will he inserted three J mouths fur SB, six months for sl2, eight months for sl6, and twelve months for S2O. Advertisements of ten lines, renewable at plea- i sure, inserted for $25 a year. Contract advertisements exceeding ten lines to be charged at the rate of $lO for each additional ton linos. , . For announcing candidates the charge is Five Dollars invariably to bo paid in advance. iiiU FJISSIONAL CAMS. a. n. ucsßi ,XTT >o> ifcX. IST dhl “NT A VS? I*AW, j MAiiIANU A. S'IiOSIBA, 5 > EFEKS to H. Middlebrook A Cos.; IV Hall Moses A Cos.; W f ru. 11. Young, Presidcn t Bank of Colnnibns; ; J. 11. Daniel A Cos.; J. Kyio A Cos.; L. T. Downing, Esq.; L'anfortb, Nagel A Cos. July do, 5B ly j nsvaaiY a.faoBNTON william a. iubhak. THOH.NTON TUB. AM ’ fAVS removed their Law Office to Odd Followb’ ii Hall, Oglethorpe street. They wilt attend to „n basiuess in tboxr line with promptness and lidelity in all the counties of the Chattahoochee oircuit, (ia., and in Russell, Macon, and Barbour Counties, Alabama. Jan. lv, ‘6d-ly roueiit jb. Dixon, attorney at taw , COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. I wFIOB on Randolph Street, formerly occupied | i / t.y Seymour It. llonner, opposite the Post Os- i hie. Feb. 2, 1800. ly 3IEUICAL NOTICE. | vRS. TUGGLE A WINGFIELD have this day 1 / tormod a partnership for the practice of Medicine and Surgery. Office adjoining the resi dence of Dr. Tuggle. Dr. Wingfield may be found night at tlio Perry House. janl-3m . DR. PLEASANTS RESPECTFULLY offers hia I ojrvlcos to the public. Office over theagff lore of Guuby A Cos. janlfltf HE j J . FOUIyK & SON, DENTISTS, oc/ias OX UiXDOLPH, NXAB BROAD BTRXXV, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. mhlly j DUS. LEE JC PIIEDPS, DENTISTS, QfsHff South-East cor. Broad and Randolph sts., COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. January 1,1861-y CUSHMAN, DENTIST, 48 Broad Street, Winter Building,. COLUMBUS, GA. A RTIFIOIAL Teeth supplied in best stylo known to tho art, war-S4|g||* ranted of natural appearance and the'cXLLl_LlJr 1 dates of easy lit. Materials for sale. janl-y SMYTH & VEDDBR, IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS IN BRANDIES, WINES, Havana Cigars, &c. No. 38 Broadway, Bernard L. Smyth,l NEW YORK Simon V. Vedder, j AN -U it A \dalav. j March 81, 1860. dly Oil AS. BLACK, New Orleans. J. S- BYINQTON, Montgomery, AU. BLACK & BYINQTON, COTTON FACTORS AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS 39 Natchez Street, NEW ORLEANS. February 13,1860. ly W. S NEEDHAM, No. 151 Broad St., Columbus, Ga. i CHEAP GROCERIES! BEST Syracuse Hams; Breakfast Bacon; Go- j nhen Buttor and Oheeso; Smoked Meat; Teas j of beat quality; Crushed, pulverised and taw Su gars; White fresh Leaf Lard; Best Wines aud Liquors of all aorta. Having made a contract with a first-class curing house, which affords a rare chance of having meats of a superior quality, newly cured, shipped weekly,he will always havo a lino supply On hand. Domestic Liquors sold at a reduced price to retailers. May 4-ts OLD SACHEM BITTERS AND WIGWAM TONIC! delicious and far-fained Bitters are re- JL commended by tho First Physicians of tho Country, on account of thoir PURITY AND GREAT MEDICINAL VIRTUE. Thoy arc pleasant as uoctar to the taste, and are pronounced the BEST TONIC AND STIMULANT EVER OFFERED TO TIIE PUBLIC. Their curative powers in cases of GENERAL DEBILITY, LOSS OF APPETITE, CONSTIPATION, Ac., Sc., are unparalleled, and as a guarantee that we feel warranted in claiming what we do, wo beg leave to state that our assertions are endorsed by Prof. Sillman, of Yale College. Prof. Hayes, of Massachusetts, and hundreds of others. For sale by Grocers, Wlue Merchants, aud Druggists generally. For sale in Columbus, Ga., by URQUHAKTA CHAPMAN. EE'Principal Depot, No. 145 Water street, Now York. ileclO-ly G. K. SAYLOR, RANDOLPH STREET, Manufacturing Jeweller, &c., &c., HAB LEFT T. S. SPEAR’S AT LAST, A ND begs leave to stato to his friends and the pub lie, that he is to be found on jSyjfaau.-Q > Randolph strswt, under Dr. (jjflMi r.l! iLSasSj* Fogle’s office, whore he will attend to REPAIRING AND MAKING anything in tho jewelry aud fancy line. Ornamental Hair Work, Hair devices iu style of Boquets, Monuments, Landscapes, Wreaths, Ac. CsaTENGRAVING NEATLY EXECUTED."Ywa SCOTCH AND BRAZILIAN Pebbles and Glasses 1 Fitted in Spectacles to snit all sights aud at re duced prices. One trial will convince all. Columbus, Ga., Not. 6,1860-6 m Just Received by JAMES W. JSAPPINGTON. IitRESU Cove Oysters, Fresh Lobsters, Fresh Pine Apple Cheese, Fresh Tomatoes, Fresh Peaches, Fine Cbooolate, Cocoa, Macaroni, Figs, Cabbage, Apples, and many other good things which I will sell low. J. W. SAPPINOTON, Not 18 Nr. 138 Broad itteet. THE- DAILY SUN. VOLUME VI.: T. S. SPEAE, SUCCESSOR TO S. B, PURPLE, PRACTICALWATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Corner Broad and Randolph Streets, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. WATCHES, SILVERWARE AND JEWELRY! | THE BEST TIME-KEEPEHS, The Latest Improvements, the Choicest Patterns, AND THE FINEST Gold & Silver Watches SILVER WARE AND JEWELRY, To be found, and can be obtained at the LOWEST PRICES, at my Store. Also, the beßt PLATED WARE: Such as TEA SET3, CAKE BASKETS, SOUP AND GRAVY LADLES, CASTORS, CUPS, lOE-PITCIIERS, SALT CELLARS, TEA AND DINNER KNIVES, TEA, DESERT AND TABLE SPOONS, QOBI.ETS, TEA BELLS, Ac. Ac. HAIR WORK I A beautiful variety of Patterns. I will utake ■ to order any design and stylo and plait you may \ require. YVatclies, Clocks and Jewelry REPAIRED ! By oompetont and experienced Workmen, and ! WARRANTED! Canes! Canes! GOLD, SILVER, IVORY aud LOADED HEADS, j HICKORY CROOKS AND SWORDS. PEBBLE SPECTACLES ! Gold and Steel Frame*, Os the hist quality manufactured. Glasses net in ! old Frames, to suit all Eyes. I invite the atteution of all to my Stock, and j will show it with pleasure, whether you purchase I or not. •X*. s. sna/xn, Corner Broad and Randolph Sts. i October 3 (Purple’s Oid Stand.) Piano Fortes! Piano Fortes! WM. B. CARTER, Dealer iu . Piano Fortes, Guitars, V’ l! -Bssyi;’ <3|j| line, Flutes, Accord’oons, Flutinas,WTp"j|F s * , TI Banjos, Tambourines, Fifes, 4e.1l - a? \J U Sheet Music aud Instruction Books. Ag-Musichandsomely and neatly bouud iu any style desired. Also, agent for the Hiireka Sowing Machine. These Machines can be seen at the store, or at his residence. Piano Wareroom, Aug 20,1860-1 y No. 72 BROAD STREET. J. P. MURRAY, Successor to HAPPOLDT 2* MURRAY, Jig™" 1 46 ! BROAD ST.'^J^WSL COLUMBUS, GA., ffIAKER AND DEALER IN GUNS, Keeps constantly on baud, all kinds of ShotGunß, Powder Flasks, Powder, Rifles Shot Pouches, Shot, Pistols. Shot Belts, Caps, Drum Flasks, Game Bags, Quu Material Kuives, Gun Wads, anil every tiling In tlie sporting line. Rustuckiug aud Repairing done with neatness aud dispatch. Keys fittod aud Locks repairsd June 8,1860. ly 2T RES Ti Malaga Grapes, English Walnuts AND ELEME FIGS, Fur wholesale or rotailby J. L. OKLLA. JUST ItKCKIVED, Fresh Thomaston Lime, PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT. Feb. 21,1860-dtf B. F. COLEMAN. Fresh Seeds, JUST arrived, Barley, Rye, Extra Early While Wheat, Black Gats, French Lucerne, Red and White Clover, all the different Grass Seeds, Tur ! nip. Cabbage, Beets, Carrots, Fall Lettuce, Ac. ; White aud Yellow Onion Seta. b All the above seeds have been carefully se lected. JOHN LEE, Sept 18 Seed Store, 76 Broad street. n PRivoiPßEi JUST received from Havaua by uovß _ R. F. DURAN. YaBBAGES CABBAGEI TARGE, Fresh, and in excellent order. Just J received by J. W. BAPPINGTON. It. ROAD SHIPPING RECEIPTS. JUST received, anew supply of Rail Hoad Re ceipts, for Merchants’ use,handsomely hound i and neatly ruled, and for sale by Jn-20 OIIAFFIN A JOHNSON. ‘ UEESK AND FLOUR, OF• o’ ’rlor quality, Just received and for sale by F. M. BIGGBRS A 00. BLANKETS! BLANKETS! BLANKETS for all, at prime eost, by I. 0. MQBBI A CO. DRY SALTED MEAtT JUST ree'elved fifty hbds. Dry Salted Meat— Hams, Sides and Shoulders. ’ I. 0. MOSES, 132 Broad st. COLUMBUS, GA., MARCH 30, 1861. KsN. H. BRAMHALL, Practical Watchmaker, AND . MANUFACTURER OF FINE WATCHES. 96 BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, a EOKWIA, HAS JUST RECEIVED ✓ A New and Select Stock of AMERICAN WatcliOfei c&? Clooltfs, jgg. DIRECT MANUFACTURERS ! Ami offer them at latos fully £0 to 30 per ut leas than any Stoi c In Georgia. 1 tmve also on hand an excellent assortment of ENGLISH AND GENEVA GOLD & SILVER WATCHES GOLD CMRINS, KEYS, Ac. Ac. At Unprecedented Low Kates, And guarantee all goods to be equal or better tban ae represented. As I givo my porsonal attention to Watch work I would say to Ladies and Gentlemen Having Watches in bad order from wear, break agog, or, worse than all, from being worked at by Incompetent workmen, can rely on having the Imperfect parts replaced with PERFECT PIECES, and the Watch made a good time-keeper once more, by leaving or eeudiug them to 56 BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS. URQUHART & CHAPMAN, AT THE OLD STAND OF DANFORTH & NAGEL, DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINT®, cfcc. V*7'E have a large and complete stock, ernbrac- VV ing the best articles of English, French and American MAN UFACTURE. Among which are Oils of all kinds, Austin’s White Kerosene Oil, Landreth’s Fresh Garden Seeds, Spices, Soda, Gelatine, White and Gray Potash, Perfumery, Soaps, and Toilet Articles of all kinds. FISHING TACKLE, Ac. We will be happy to serve ah usual all of our old customeri* and as many new ones as may favor us with their patronage. TO CASH CUSTOMEKS, At wholesale or retail, we offer equal induce ! incuts to those of any house in the city. URQUHART & CHAPMATT, 1) R UGOISTS, Feb. 13. Columbus, Georgia A. CADMAN, GUN AND LOCK SMITH, ; Crawford Bt., one door west of llankin’s Corner Near the Markot, COLUMBUS, GA. tl UNB and Pistols,Shot Pouches T and Powder Flasks, repaired. Cabinet, Desk, Trunk aud ®oorjp| v ! Keys of all descriptions made fitted. Trunks, and Patent Trunk and Valise Locke repaired. Bells, all sizes and tones. Fancy Bell Pulls. Patent 801 l carriages and wire, with which I will hang Bells and warrant them to keep iu ordtw. Andirons and Brawn work of all sorts repaired. Terms cash on delivery. May 6, 18e0. ly GREAT ATTRACTION In the Southern Trade! WILLIAM SMITH, Watch- pfc maker, No. 81 Broad street, begs to inform the respected in habitants of Columbus and its Ik -#OS vicinity that be lias for the future tbo sale of new® 1 ""*'” Watches, and intends to give his whole attention to REPAIRS ONLY. Watches are such delicate machines that if in fixing them the mind is at all abstracted from tho object in view it is very un certain about them being properly done, and if you employ a workman to do them for you it is still as uncertain —for where you get one done properly aud to your batisfaction you are likely to find three not fit to put into a customer’s pocket; and Mr. 8. does not hesitate to *ay there is no one so likely to do them justice as the master that knows his trade, and whose whole and solo Interest is absorbed in them. Mr. S.has a good stock of well-selected Watches by him, and which he will dispose of at a great reduction, providing too much time ia not taken up the sale, etherwise they will be sent to public section. The unprecedented success of his pre decessor, L. Gutawskey, is the cause of his adopt ing the same principle. WM. SMITH, Watchmaker, No. 81 Broad street. Mr. Ingtuire attends to the Jewelry and En graving. Jan.G-tf -A. j Auction and Private Sales At No. 132 Broad street, Ity J. C. JIOHKH fc CO. 49-Conaignmcnta solicited. Produce of all kiuds sold. jau7 JUST RECEIVED BY ■\T-A-lSr LdZ^VZFtCTTS, Os n EXTRA Country Cured HAMS; 4UW Fresh Goshen BUTTER; Fresh CRACKERS; Kuglith Dairy CHEESE; Best State CHEESE; Smoked TONGUES; Smoked BEEF; Pickled BEEF and FORK; l’ickled HERRINGS; Plautinic POTATOES; 10 Bbls. choice APPLES; Ac., Ac. March 6, 1861. ts Osnaburgs, Kerseys, &c. 200 Bales Heavy No. 1 Osnaburgs; 100 “ Best Georgia Kersey; 100 “ Yarn from sto 11. For sala at the an2o-tf GRANT FACTORY. A. H. De WITT’S f Few( ‘ 1 i*y S t ore, Pin. 90 Si feet, COLTJ M BUS, GrEO. \ NKIV litock iu store of FINE GOLD WATCH- j j”Y_ KS of tho host makers, some of thorn eolf- 1 winders; also a lot of FINK 81 lV KK WATCHKB, Jewelry, Silver Waru’and Plated Ware. PEABLS! Pino Sot.s Lava, blue, white aud brown ; Kino Sets Coral, Fine Sets Carbuncle, Fine Sets Amethibt, Fine Sets Jet, Fine Sets Cameo, Fine Seta of Pearls. Mots of Jet and Poarla, Sets Turqnoif* and Pearls, Seta of Cameo and Pearls, Sote of Amathist and Pearls, Sets of Carbuncle and Pearla. Diamonds, <&c. A line assortment of Ladies’Gold Watches, Em eralds, and Diamonds, Diamond Rings and Pins, , Gold Rings, Engraved Kings, Handkerchief 1 Rings. mVKttIfATCHKS AT LOW PRICKS. Gent’s Vest Chains, Ladies’ Shatiain Chain", Neck Chains, Ladies’Belt Buckles. Ladies’Gold Belts, Gent’s Gold Pencils, SILVER WARE!: Silver Tea Sots, Cantors, Ladles, Pitchers, Goblets, Cups, Butter Coolers, Pie Knives, Cake Knives, Fruit Knives, Pickle Knives and Forks, Berry Spoons, Sugar Spoons, Desert Spoons, Salt Spoons, Soup Ladles, Cream Ladles, Gravy Ladles, j Tea, Dessert aud Table Forks and Spoons, Melon Knives, Jelly Knives. GUNS AND”PISTOLS! Sharpe’s Pistols, Colt’s Pistols, Adam’s Pistols, Allen’s Pistols. OPERA GLASSES! GOLD SPECTACLES, SILVER SPECTACLES, STEEL anil PLATED SPECTACLES. GOLD 3P3z;xsrss, Gold Toothpicks, Gold Pencils, Gold and Silver Thimbles, and some fine Pocket Knives will be ; found on hand. platelTware! Tea Sets, Pitchers, Castors, (all paterns) Cake Baskets, Sngar Baskets, Card Baskets, Salt Stands, Egg Stands, Custard Stands, Pickle Stands, Wine Stands, i Frnit Stands, Berry Stands, SEGAR AND PRESERVE STANDS. BI.EEVE HOLDERS, Pearl, Carbnncle, Jet. Onyx, Coral, Cornelian and Jasper. BOSOM BUTTONS, Peal, Jot, Onyx, ‘ Jasper, Malkite, and Coral. CARD CASES ! Silver, Pearl and Shell. Card Baskets. Dirk “Knives ! I will show my goods to all who will give me a eall.withpleasure. A. H. DeWITT, 99 Broad Hired. Columbus, Ga., Oct. 13,1860. rVXJh&S IS MOISEY! JOHN C. WAKEFIELD, PRACTICAL & PROFICIENT WATCHMAKER, (FROM T. S. SPEAR’S, PUEPLE’S OLD STAND,) BEGS to inform the citizens of JShar-N Columbus and vicinity that he has commenced the business of 11, / W’atch and Clock Repairing, (first door South of Mr. WhiteaideV Drug store, and directly opposite the Masonic Hall.) and hopes, by atrict attention, moderate charge*, and ratiefactory workmanship, to merit a share of public patronage. It will be J. 0. W’s pleasure to execute all or ders with economy and despatch—it being his motto in business to regulate the ‘ balance” of TIME by tho adjustment of economy, and thereby give no room for the “escapement” of dissatisfac tion on the part of those who may honor hint with their commands. Duplex,Horizontal, Lever, and all descriptions of Watchtß, carefully repaired and adjusted at $1 tO each, and warranted to give pcifect satin* faction for twelve months. Watch Glasses fitted for twenty five cents each. 137 BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS. Fob. 18. 3m SADDLES, HARNESS, &C. 1 Saddles, Harr m W1.1p., Spur., 11l idle c’4M Ky > Bit", c “"’ Uor '° - Brtmhen, ■ Ac., Ar., Vo Ac., Ac. LET IT BE REMEMBERED THAT SI IKK.MAX & CO. Are .till on hand and ready to give bargains in SADDLES, HARNESS, BELTI^^^. FOR CASH OK APPROVED CREDIT. We earnestly request of-those who are in debt to I ur< to settle their uccouuU as soon mm poseible. SHERMAN & C 0„ No. 114 Broad Stroet, Columbus, Georgia. February 8,1861. ts PROCLAMATION ! ; IJV VAN MAIU I>. I HEREBY inform my cfiftoniers that on and after tho Ist of December, my terms will be STRICTLY 0-A.SM; 1 an I cannot buy ProvisioiiM on time, aud I must | Hell accordingly. I will be willing to extend ’ short time to prompt-paying customers, as I have heretofore done, • soon as circumstances will allow. nov2B-tf I SHALLOT AND ONION HUTTONS. FRENCH Shallot Button” and Onion I. C. MOSES A CO. {NUMBER 210. THH DAILY SUN. From Yasterday’s Noon Edition ilou. G. W. Scraulou, cx-represeuta tive iu the United States Congress, died at Scranton, Pennsylvania, on the 24tli instant. . | James Conner, Ksq., has been appoint- j ed by President Davis District Attorney tor the Stale of South Carolina. - - ——— About three hundred yards of the i Georgia Railroad, about twenty live miles j from Augusta, was destroyed by fire on [ the d7th, with some eight hundred cords of wood. * ♦ lion. Howell Cobb has been invited to address the people of Macon on the for mation, fortunes and prospects of the new Confederacy, lie has designated Tuesday night next to deliver tho ad dress. ♦- The Memphis Avalanche notices the arrival iu that city of Gen. James Pv. Chalmers of Mississippi. Ho has receiv ed orders from Montgomery to hold him self ready to march with his company at a moment’s warning. Mr. T. F. Leake, of Tippah county, Mississippi, has tendered to Gov. Pettus five thousand dollars for the use of that Stato ; aud about the same amount in the hands of S. Apperson & Cos., of Mem phis, which is at tho service of the Con federate States, if needed. - ... . Jlnj. Hen. IHvCiillocli. Tho Richmond Dispatch states that Maj. Ben. McCulloch, of Texas, has ar rived in that city, for the purpose of con tracting for the manufacture of 10,000 arms for the South. Libca-al Contribution. The Franklin Blues, a military compa ny of Tuscumbia, Ala., left for Fort Mor gan on the 25th inst. A flag was pre sented on the occasion by the ladies, and $2,500 subscribed in ten minutes by the crowd, for the benefit of the company. lion. \V. L. Yancey. The New Orleans Delta of tho 2Gth says : Th.e Hon. W. L. Yancey is, we are happy to learn, recovering from his recent j illness, and will remain until next Sun ; day the guest of John M. Huger, Esq., ; No. 11 Pontalba buildings. The Eufau'ia Express understands that ; a man by the name of Reams, and his son weie lynched in Georgetown, Ga., a few days since. Tho boy by the persua ! sion of his father, had entered Mr. Wal : lace’s room the night before and took eighty dollars from his pocket book. The bills being marked, were easily detected. I The boy said his father told him if he would steal the money, ho should have half. He was lifted into the window by ! his father. They were at once taken | into custody by some of the citizens and pretty severely flogged. After the flog ging Reams and his family were escorted out of town, and being supplied with funds, told to leave. Unlit of NorYb Curollnn. The public debt of North Carolina, iu j November last, says the Charlotte Bul | letin, including registered and coupon j bonds and bonds endorsed by the State, amounted to $9,129,505. The annual J interest on that sum is $548,87030. The appropriations by the late Legis lature will increase tbo debt soon and prospectively to $13,000,000. The sink ing fund, including assets aud resources, amounted to $914,080. The estimated receipts for 1800-01 amounts to $830,- 002 38, and the estimated disbursements 1 to $748,48890. Arrival ofthe Cily of Baltlmoie. New York, March 28. — The steamship j City of Baltimore has arrived with Liv erpool dates to the 13th inst. Tho sales of cotton for the four days i previous to her departure amounted to 33,000 bales, speculators and exporters taking 10,500. The market closed firm i and advancing. Breadstufl's firm. Provisions quiet. | Consols unchanged. Messina has been surrendered to the Sardinians.— Mont. Mail. ♦ I’rovUioiiM at Ctucliiuail* Tbo Cincinnati Euquirer says of provi- J sions on Saturday : There was a slight improvement in tiro provision market to day, but prices re main nominally unchanged. As has been : the case during tho most of the week, large sales of bacon sides and clear sides ! could have been made at 9} and 10',c. but those figures are £c. below the views of sellers, and even at that price the prin cipal packers are not at all anxious to sell. , Shoulders are offered at 7c. amj are dull: sales of 115bhds. sides wero made at 9*o and clear sides at lOji to 101 c. tho outside j price a shade above the market, lor heavy bulk sides, suitable to clear, the demand is good at El,e. and for an extra lot was offered and refused. Light sides eanbe had at Mjjo. Shoulders are not much inquired for, and sales in tho 1 large way can only bo made by putting with them an equal amount of sides tbeyaro quoted at 7c. Lard is in limited I demand at 9c. in tierces, and 10c. iu kegs. Mess Pork is in moderate demand, with sales of 300 bbls. part city, at $lO 75. — , The best brands of city aro generally held at sl7. Heavy Failure In Olito. Tho failure of tho Messrs. Abbott, ex- I tensive distillers at Sidney, Ohio, is au i nounoed, with liabilities amounting to $184,000. ■ • ► ‘ The Baltimore lionapartes have ap pealed from the decision of the French Court, and the case will soon come up for another hearing in the Imperial Court. WUlxlrnwMl of Southern Troop*. The Was-hiugtou correspondence of the Baltimore Ameiioau of tlie 23d, says; I announced in my dispatch yesterday that it was the intention of the Administration te withdraw the Government troops Horn all the forts in the Seceded States, except Key West and the national fortification* -t fortugas. lo day intimations have been given from uflieial sources which leave no doubt on tho subject There will, however, he no hasty movement ia this direction—the intention being to re tire whenever danger of collision becomes imminent —it boiug the determination to avoid collision and bloodshed, and to be governed by circumstances as they nuy arise. Iu everything that tends to peace (he President and Mr. Seward aro a unit, and aim rather to calm than to irritate their antagonists, iti tlie hope of convinc ing tho people that tho Republican party has no such designs as have been attribu ted to it by the leaders of Southern revo lution. Military Orgaultailou of the Con federate State*. Three military bills have passed tho Southern Congress. The first authorize* the raising of one hundred thousand vol unteers, when deemed necessary by tho President. The second provides for the provisional army of tho Confederate States, and is formed from the regular aud volunteer forces of the different States, to servo for terms of enlistments, with same officers, except those above the rank of Colonel. The commissions of the officers expire with the enlistment of the men. The third organization is the regular aimy of the Confederate States, and is u permanent establishment. ♦- Major J. K. Duncan, who has been for some weeks iu command of Forts Jackson and St. Phillip, represents those forts as being now in good condition, well moun ted and well manned, and ready to stop tho progress of all hostilo vessels that may attempt to come up the Mississippi River. The trees on tho point below Fort Jackson havo been cut down, by which tho range of fire in that directipn is extended, and other improvements made which have much enhanced the efficiency of the forts. —. *— Personal. Among the passengers by the steamer Matagorda, which sailed from New Or leans on tho 15th, for Texas, was Gen. J. W. Whitfield, formerly of Kansas, and who was ft delegate from that Territory to Congress during the latter part of Mr. Pierce’s and the first part of Mr. Buchanan’s administration. Gen. Whit field has located in Texas, and takes with him the first negroes which wore carried to Kansas, and the last to leave it. ■ ♦ Damage* Against an Operatic Mana ger. Damages for $2,000 were last week awarded by a St. Louis court against M. Maurice Strakosch, the popular ope ratic manager, for a breach of contract with Henry Bocrustem, Direotor of the St. Louis Opera House. +. A Salute to tlie Southern Flag. As the new Btoamer Cotten passed Portland yesterday, the friends of South ern Rights, who are numerous there, fired a salute of seven guns in honor of tho Cotten, her commander, Captain Hooper, aud the Southern Confederacy. The voice of Portland is still for seces sion.—Louisville Courier, 21 st. When Francis II and his wife were leaving Gaeta they actually became locked iu each other’s arms for an hour. “My King,” slio said ; “My Queen,” answored the unfortunate young man. “There’s u citadel here,’’ he cried, pressing his lips to her heart, “that Sardinia cannot rob me of.” DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELLINGHAM’S CELEBRATED STIMULATING ONGUENT, For the Whiskers and Hair. rgnilO subßcriberb take j>l hbuio iu JL t> tho citizens of the United Stated, that they have obtained the Agency for, and are now ena bled to ofbJr to the American public, the above juHtly celebrated and world-renowned article. THE STIMULATING ONGUENT iii prepared by Dr. C. P. Bellingham, an eminent phydician of London, and in warranted to bring out a thick set of Whiskers or a Mustache . in from three to *ix weeka. This article la the only one of the kind used by tho French, and in London and i’aiie it ia in universal use. It ie a beautiful, economical, soothing, yet stimulating compound, acting a h it by upon the roots, cauAtng a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to tho ncalp, it will euro haldneas, and cause to spring up in place I of the bald npote a fine growth of uhw Lair. Ap ! plied according to direction!, it will turn £Ei> or towy hair dahk, and restore gr ay hair to ite orig inal color, having it Bolt, smooth, and flexible. The “Onguent” is an indispensable article iu every gentleman’! toilet, and after one week’s umo they would not for any consideration be without it. The subscribers are the only Agents for the article in (he United Slates, to whom all orders must be add reined. Brice One Dollar a box—for sale by all Drag gbits aud healers; or a box of the “Onguent” I (warranted to have the desired effect) will Le sent to any who desire it, by xnail (direct), se curely pack* and, on receipt ot price and porage, tfcl is. Apply to or address HORACE L. UKGKM AN A CO, DRUGGJSTB, March 22-y N0.24 William st., New York. N. B.—MILITARY MEN. (JCOTT’S TACTICS, HARDIE’B TACTICS, MoCOMB’* TACTICS, CAVALRY TACTICS, BAYONET EXERCISES, A. For klo *t J. W. PEAStI’B teU Book Story. BAKU * jarvih ISL/VNI)_GUANO! BEING tlio Agontat Columlu* of tlie Ameri can Goano Company, 1 oni prepares to offor ttieie excellent Manure* to Planter, anil other. In any quantity, and at Savannah price*, actual •xpeii§ added. A good-aupply alwaya on hand. Fob. 18-dwtf K. BARNARD. RECEIVED THIS DAY, MILITARY BUTTONS of Georgia and Ala bama; SWORDS, KPAULRTTES, SWOItDS, SASHES, PISTOLS, Ac. Ac. For aale at A. H. DoWITT’B. ALL O. K. A NICK lot of FRESH RAKED CAKES, inch aa Fruit, Pound, Tea Sponge and Ginger, for aalo by WM. U. 11. PIIKLPS, March 7. under Cook’a Hotel. WHITE AND MIXED COHN. ftnnn BUSHELS in atore and to arrive, J which will be Bold at a email advance for caah. K. BARNARD. COHN MEAL AND CHITS, IjVRKHIi from th# country,J*t received by 1 U. N. TERRY, Agent, May 4. at DaOralfanreld’a Corner