The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, September 23, 1865, Image 1

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THE DAILY SUN. •VOL. XI. THE DAILY SUM. THOS. DE WOtF. THOS. OILBERT. 8. K. GODDARD. THOS. GILBERT & CO. w EDITORS AND FBOFRIETOB3. TKRBS OF THK DAILY SUN. One month 7$ 1 00 Three months 3 00 Bix months 6 00 Single copies bo cents A liberal deduction will bo mado in favor ot Newsboys and Dealers. RATES OF ADVERTISING. 1 Pquare, one week $3 50 1 “ two weeks 6 00 1 “ three weeks 8 00 2 Squares, one week „ e 00 2 “ two weeks to (0 2 “ three weeks H 00 I Squares. | 1 Month | 2 Months | 3 Months | 4 Months | 6 Months j 6 Months 7 Months 8 Months 9 Months 10 Months 11 Months 72 Months 1 Ufitlß:s24 *30*85 i4O 115 *SO '*66 *OO *BS *7O 9 181 30! 36 42, 48, 64 60 68 72 78i 84 90 3 24! 88! 4 s 62 69 68 73 1 80, 87 94 tOi 103 4 3 ! 46: 66 63 71! 79 87 96 107 11t 1119 127 6 38160 76 85 93; 10* 109 H7'125 133 141 149 6 42| TO 90 100 110,120 180 140 169 l6;> 170 180 12 66| 100,125 140 !66|170 186 309 216 2801245 269 18 8. |l2oj 160 180.290,229 24 " 242)1218 700'820;349 24 100; ISO; 176 20Q:225j760 276,3001825 850|875'409 For advertisements published less thaa one week *1 8)0 for first Insertion and 60, cents for each übsequeut insertion. Advertisements inserted at intervals to te charged as new each insertion. Aivortlseooents ordered to remain on any {ar ticular page, to be charged as new each insertion. Advertisements not specified as to time, will bo published until ordered out, ana charged accord ingly. All advertisements considered due from the first insertion and collectable accordingly. General New*. Tho rebel* in China have captured Pekin. Ex-Congressman H. 8 Foote has open ed a iaw oifioe in Nashville. The Keniucky court cf appeals declarer the legal lender act unconstitutional. The recent big robberies) in Now York aggregate $6,920,000. Tho Great Eastern has been engaged for five years for cable purposes. A Richmond editor was whipped in the streets of that city last week, and a New Jersey editor committed suicide. Therewtre more complications arising out of tfb Austrian and Prussian settle ment of the Schleswig Holstein affair. Winchester, Vs., was ocoupied by the Uniou and Confederate forces eeventy-eix times. Gen. Jos E. Johnston has been appoint ed President of the Richmond & Danville Railroad. The Shreveport (La ) News says that 2,500 bales of ooitoa arrive weekly at that piace by wagons. Col. Walter H. Taylor, iato Adj’t Gen ! l on the staff of General Lee, has been ap pointed Underwriters’ Agent at -Norloik, Virginia. Nxw York, Sept. 15 —Oae hundred thousand dollars of Government bonus were stolen on Wednesday last from the bank ol E. Bliss. Arkansas. —On Monday, the 19ik of October, the people of Arkansas will elect three members of Cougrese to which that State is entitled, by the appointment of 1860. At a recent Abolition meeting in the city ot Pittsburg, Pa , ft resolution was passed denouncing Catholics as “arch” traitors to civil sod religious freedom throughout the world. The Chattanooga Qazette has been shown a specimen of lead ore, taken from » mine not twocty tnil3S from Chattanooga. Tho sample contained fully ninety per cent, of thd native metal. Major Welles, of Gen. OtJ’. staff, aud a eon of Secretary Welles, was arrested at Detroit on the eighdftnft., for an alleged assault and battery upon the ladies con nected witb a traveling opera company. Seven compositors in the Nashville Umon office, one of whom is an appren tice, “setup” on Thursday last—eleven hours’ composition—99,6oo emsf This is an average of more than fourteen thousand for each compositor. General James Shields is at present visiting Ban Francisco, after an absence In Mexico of about two years, during which time he has been eupbrintendent ot a mine in tha State of Sinaloa. He will soon visit the Atlantic States. Thomas J. Brown, sou-in-las to Gen. Gideon J* Pillow, and late a conscription officer in the rebel service, has been par doned by the President. A fine farm in Giles oouDty, Tennessee, which had been seized for confiscation, has beso returned to bun. Tbs District or Columbia.— A spe cial to the World, from Washington, states that Senator Wilson will, on tho first day of the session of Congress, introduced a bill for giving the'elective franchise to the negroes of this district, which will bring tho negro suffrage question io an early point. # Col. Chandler, of tho rebel army, testi fied in the Wirz trial on the 10th inst., and put tho blame of the cruel treatment of Union prisoners on Gen. Winder. In conversation with some of the prisoners he learned that they did not blame Wirz for their condition. An Irishman recenly stopped at iv hotel between here and Des Moines, where pre - ty high bills were oharged. In the morn ing the landlord made out tbo amount of ••damage” and presented it to Fat, After he had glanced over it, tho latter looked tho landlord in the face, and exclaimed 4 “ Ye put me in mind uv asnipe.” “Why?” asked the landlord. “ Bekas ye’re very nigh all bill?” Msj. Gen. Wilson, the commander of Central Georgia, testified in the Wirz tri al. lie disposed of Wirz’s plea that Capt. Noyes, of his Btaff, had promised the lat ter speoial proteotion. The proteotion al luded to, it seems, simply protected Wirz from violenoe while in transitu to Wash ington. Gen. Wilson testified, in addi tion, that it was specially understood that Win was not to be included in the bene* fits of the Sherman Johnston amnesty. COLUMBUS, GA., SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1865. TAB FIiTUHB OF hIiUUuU, From present sppearaneeß, enya the New York Evening Post, it is evident that Georgia is not mindless of her great in teresta, and does not intend to injure her politioal and commercial prospects by unnecessary delays. The people of tha State are alive to their advantages, and evidently intend to lead off in the work Os reconstruction. Georgians assert that their State never voiuntari y joined thi Confederacy, and that the warning voice Os Alexander H Siephens, in his memo rable speech in behalf of the Union, was but the echo of public) opinion through out the B:ate. But now that Georgia can assert aud maintaiu her privileges she will lose no time in doieg so. The aotiug authorities of the State express themselves awake to.their oppor tuniiies, and they will not neglect them. Proposals for an Atlanta “loan ” are in the market; tha interior railroads are in prcoßss of reconstruction ; prepara tions fur resuming the usual connections between Macon and the seaports have be gun; tha old railroads from Savannah will soon ba in full operation, and the proposed naval siation of Brunswick City will presently form its connections with Macon, with Florida, aud with ilic great Southwest, wuich, but for the breaking out ofrhe rebellion, would have achieved so much. Besides these commercial tnovemeais, the watering places hear Port Royal, as lately suggested by the Evening Post, will attract attention and receive support from northern ns well as southern toumts, thus lending to tho advancement of the Soutli, social as well as material aid. It we are not mistaken the State cf Georgia, in giving this early evidence ot her intention to reinstate herself and re cover hor commercial advantages, is lay iog the foundation for a condition o prosperity and strength f,tr beyond wha she ever enjoyed before, or oouhi ever reasonably have hoped for under the old system, even had not war temporarily thrown her 6aok. Thtso appearances indicate, also, great qooiraercial changes iu the direction of Southern trade, and we shall not ba surprised to find that a part of the imraanne productions of tff West aad Southwest wilt be diverted from tho outlets of New Orleans and Mobile, to pass over the more direct coinmunica lions which terminate in the seaports ot Georgia. IfoDehalf tha ooutemplated railroads in Georgia arc completed, it is already shown by careful eaumatc-s that the grea huik of the cotton and other southe n products shipped formerly by way of tht Gulf of Mexico, will be landed on tht Georgia soaboavd at a great saving in time and expem-o. When to this is added the piuc lumber trade, belonging exclu sively to that State, it way be easily fore seen i*at mauy raonihs need not elapse befute Georgia will ae=ume a commercial importance which cannot fail to awaken competition iu those Southwestern Stater which are now idly regretting their mis fortunes instead of artmiug tbemselvei to the work of restoiaiion. Georgia has, therefore, done well iu placing herself a' once and openly in eooaecnon witb northern capitalists, and the latter, we believe, aro fully alive to the advantages presented in aiding the development of a State and sea-coast which are singularly eligible for the purpose* of internal and foreign commerce. The result cf tint foresight aad sagacity will soon be appa rent. Rlch&nl Ooiideis an a I’ispiut. A latter written by the lata Bicbard Cobden, in May, 1864, to a French friend, is remarkable for tha knowledge it die* plays of the affairs of tuts country, and for its confident predictions ot events tfiai have since happened. Mr. Oobctea wrote : “iiotbing, iu mind, is more oertaiu in the future rhaa that the North will destroy slavery, ruin the slave owners and hole possession of ttie South. * * * It is true that the Southern whites fight well. They are a proud, hsngbiy community, who nave a contempt for Northern indus try aud for Northern men, just as ali aris tocrats have despised working men. They are more reokless of life, more acoustomod to the use of arms, and have that South eru dash and tire which make iheiu tdmos' irresistible,ior a. lima. Bat nothing can compensate to; me disadvantages under which they labor. Nothing can make a community, living like tho feudal - com munity of the 13th century, a match f>-r the New England population of the lihh oentury. The North will min the South, not by any one or half-dczon decisive bat tles, but by its persistence and by th* * r ' resistible weight of its. resources. And 1 should not be surprised to sea the South collapse very suddenly ; for, having no sooial forces at Us baok, when once it i3 fairly' beaten in the field, it has nothing to fall back upon. “ If the North should realize nay expec tations, it will present itself before the old world iu anew and most formidable attitude, for it will have proved itself as great in a trar as in peace. It is the only oountry in tha world which, while it la a flr3t-olaßß naval power, (for its mercantile tonnage is equal to our own) can keep 700,000 men in tho field. Has your em peror thought of all this in connection with his MexicSu expedition ? 1 confess I saw with amazement as well as regret the oourse whioh he took in sending an army to interfere in the internal affairs of that wretched country. It reminded me, in its impolicy, of the expedition of the first Napoleon from Bayonne into Spain. No human being can restore Mexico to order, or confer on it the bless ings of a civilized progress. It requires the hand of God hinuif to effact such a change in that degraded population of half castes. Bat does tho emperor know how deeply the publio sentiment is out raged and humiliated by this attempt of a foreign power to set up an empire at their door without consultation with theta ? ” Regro Killed by a WtUU Man. A Mr. Charles M. Williams, of Rankin Couuty, Mississippi, while riding through Richland Swamp, was fired upon by a negro, the efiot slightly grazing his left side. Tha negro ran off. Mr. W. soon came to o spot where tho negro had killed a beef. A few days after the same negro aimed a gun at Mr. W., but it missed fire. The two then dosed when Mr. *>. killed the negro by knocking bim over the head with » gun. The First Convention of Alabama. From the correspondence of the Mobile Tribune we get the following information concerning the early history of Alabama: Alabama was admitted into the Union >n December 14, 1819. The Convention which framed the Constitution of the State sat at Huntsville. Cahaba was se lected as the permanent seat of Govern* rneni. The first State Legislature accor* iingly oonveuod thero in November, 1820. During tha existence of the Territorial government, Bt. Stephens, then an old flourishing town, was the oapital. Only a very few of tht residents of that day are alive. Tnos. K ostin, a pet of General Jackson, oamo out, from Nashville on the General’* tthff during the Indiau war, aud when the trouble was over started a newspaper there and became Territorial printer. Soon af «r tho establishment of the seat of government at Cahaba, he removed to Greenstiorough and published on his old materials, “The Halcyon.” But he ex perienced there anything but halcyon days. It may be well supposed that with a subsoriplion list of not more than one Hundred and au advertising custom of SIUO or S2OO per annum, he could not aeep body aud soul together. Greensbor >ugh starved him out and he quit. fcH. dtopljeos, under the Spanish rule, was a port of entry and, I believe, the capital of the province. Iu oonneotion with those old times, it will bs interesting to mast readers to know who composed the Convention that framed our constitution. The list may not ba full, but tha following named per sons signed that instrument: Madison Co.—J \V Walker, President if the Convention, and delegates Clement ) Clay, Senior, John L Towns, Henry Chambers, Lemuel Mead, Henry Minor, Gablet Moorta John M Taylor. Monroe—John Murphy, John Watkius, James P.okens, Thomas Wiggins. Blount—lsaac Brown, John Brow#, Gabriel Hanby. Limestone—Thomas Bibb, B. Hughes, Nicholas Davis. Shelby— George Phillips, Thomas A Roger3. Montgomery—-John D Bibb, James YV Armstrong. Baldwin—Harry Toulmin. Mobile—Samuel Garrowa. Washington—lsrael Pickens, Henry Hitchcock. Tuaoiloosa— Marmaduke Williams, Jno L Tindall. Lawrence—Arthur F Hopkmj, Daniel Wright. . Franklin—William Metcalf, Richard Ellis. . C)Uca—(now Blount aud Jefferson) — thouiaa B C’vabb.. Melkijah Vaughan. Cahaba— (aow Bibb) —Littlepage Situsl Gonebuh—Samuel Cook. Dallas—William R King. Clarke—Reuben Seffoid, Jas Magoffia. Marengo—Washington Thompson. Marion—Jas D Terrell. Liuderdaie—Hugh MoVay. St. CUir—David Conner. Autauga —James Jaokson. OsoS Fctllvg iu Georgia. ThoN. Y. World of tho 13th says : An army officer, who has arrived here direot troni Georgia, reports that while recently traveling from Atlanta to Savannah, be saw in all directions reams loaded with cotton, on their way to points whence the staple could be transported to a market, either by rail or water. There were large quantities at Augusta, and the article was oeing conveyed thence by boat to Savan a&fi for shipment North, He states that (ha of tha country, especially hose who have severely suffered by the war, express an apparently sincere desire o conform to the changed condition ol affairs and sustain tha government; while in towns which have sustained oompara ively little damage by the war a spirit of uissatisfaotion exists, principally oon tined to the young men, who as.uinc to Delong to a boasted better class of society, out iew of whom have served in the rebel army. Foitoifiite Affairs. The Postoflice Department ordered a eontraot with Arthur Leary, of New Yoik, to convey the mails by steamship to Charleston, 8. 0., and back twice"-week j ■tleo, with Edmund A Souder & Cos., of Philadelphia, to convey the mails by steamboats from Bavannab, Ga., via Darien, Brunswick, St. Mary’s, 'Fernan. dina, Fla., JMayport Mills, Yellow Bluff, Jacksonville, Mandarin, Hibernia, Mag nolia, Picaiata, Tocot, and Orange Mills, to Filatka, three hundred and thirty-two miles, and back, twice a week, from the 20th of September, 1865, until the of tfuue, 1869, at the rata of five thousand dollar* per annum.— Neio York World, 18th inst. • The following is the resolutiqyt fcidors ing President Johnson which was tabled by a large majority iu the Minnesota Republican State Convention; Resolved, That we reoognize ia the civil and military aota of Andrew Johnson, as they stand out before the world during the darkest period of the nation's trial, the fearless patriot, the able statesman, the honest man ; and that we pledge to his wise and patriotic measures for the restoration of the Union our cordial sup port, Ttee Ctiy' of Mexico fiailer Law. The New York Sunday Mercury says private letters from tUo city of Mexico, dated the 28th uit., state that that city is under the most tyrannous form of martial taw. On the 25th ult., M. Zamacona, formerly Minister of Btate, Romero, Rubio and Gradariagft, ex-mouibera of Congress, and M. Guzuian, together with tweu'.Y six otners, were arietted and sent to B-*' l Juan de Ui'oa, for alleged conspiracy to kill Maximilian. Tho Herald's Washington special s»y s > it is understood to be contemplated by the President to withdraw shortly the troops from the South, leaving the States lately in rebellion to reorganize on the basis oi civil government precisely as before the late war, except slavery. Hardly a sol dier will be left except suoh as are neces sary to garrison the iorts, and such as are in the Northern States will be retained only for the purpose of meeting any emergencies arising from action of for eign powers. JAMKB JOHNSON. 1. x. PoWNINO. Johnson & Downing, ATIORNKYS AT I. aw, . »w 6 COUPMBP*, GEORGIA, 3nm ALEX. C. MORTON, ATTOUNI6Y AND COUNSKfiLOU AT LAW, OFFICES NO. 106 BROAD STREET, Columbus, v-Jeorgiti. MR. MORTON is in readiness to nreparo eases to be brought in the State Courts of this Cir cuit, when they are established, and to arrange de fences against anticipated suits in said Courts. lie will attend the United States Courts which hold in Georgia, and on special retainer, the Su preme Comt of the United States. Ho also attends to the preparation of enses for Special Pardon under President Johnson’s Am nesty Proclamation of May 29th, 1886. »cpS 3ni . DOCTOR STANFORD RESUMES tho practice of Medicine and Surgery. Case* from a distance requiring surgical atten tion can find comfortable accommodations in (he city. Office hours from Uto2P. M. -opt 6 8m i)r. Carlisle Terry, "P liSIDENCE Jackson street, east of Court Honse, XL (.then at VrqnharLA Chapman’s Drugstore. PHI V AJ EjOONSULTING OFFICE UP STAIRS. Persons from a dislanru requiring 6UBGICAL OPERATIONS will he furnished with rooms and at tendance. saul2tf Prescription Drug Store. DR. S. B. LAW IS PREPARE!Dr at 77 BROAD STREET, to put up, at all hours, Prescriptions with the bee and purest Drug?. sep'llm The Planters’ & Merchants’ INSURANCE COMPANY IS now prepared to tak«» risk* on Dwellings, Stores, Merch-iudiso, Cotton or ou plau» tfttioo, aud all other insurable property. KSTES & BROTHER, sept 6 lm • Agents. /ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, Os Hartford. Oonn. Incorporated 1819.. Perpetual Charter.’ NET ASSETS, $1,000,000 J INSURES PRO BERT Y OF EVERY DE SORIPTION. RIVER TtISKS TAKEN I. G BOWERS, Agent. Colutnbui, Qa., Sept. 8,1866 ijpt FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKER. MRS. E. C. TOMIiLO, Crawford Street, next door to Rynehart's Bakery, opposite Cook's Hotel. sep’2 6t Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Collars, Whips, &c. Pc-ffi. jVpKVpuaov HARNESS, COACH HARNESS’ 2 DRAY HARNESS, WAQON HARNESS. EXPRESS HARNESS Also KAriDhKS aud BRIDLES MADE and REPAIRED TO ORDER. KENT & DO., on the coruor, up stairs, over B irnelt k Co J s eep\2 6m and opnmte Onnbv’s corno*-. J. P. MURRAY, 46 S3road Street, Columbus, Oocrgia, Maker and Dealer in Gun3, All kiuds of Guu Material and Articles in the Suartiag' Line. «3~ RE-STOOKINO sud REPAIRING done with neatness and dispatch. k,,j Cffod and Locks Repaired. augSltfi Livery and Bale Stable THE undersigned aoi-Ewretffa have opened a“- Kll;?...Arey R#® ry and Sal« Stab\e ) V3^s^=S>2£j. ftv and are prepared to 'its dK„ r-.Arjeg-rr»*Gafiirnlah parties with the bust ot Buggies, Carriages & Horses, end we will buy ok seljl stock. We will do oar utmost to please ail who may fa* vor ps with their patronage. Our Stables are on Oglethorpe street, opposite the old Oglethorpe House. * JOHN DISBROW A CO. Columbus, Aug 12 ts * j, H, BRAMHALL, Practical Watchmaker j|ggg AND MANUFiCTCBER OF JK££m*& UP INK WATCHESi 99 Broad Strooti Columbus, Georgia. A largo assortment of j FINE GENEVA, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Gold and Silver Watches, CHAINS, Ac., &0., CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Alt kiwla of repairing done at Bhort notice. augßl ts OGLETHORPE BAKERY. rriHIS well-known Bakery lias resumed opera- J. Hens, Bud ita proprietor is now prepared to eupplv hts old friends and customers with BREAD, CRACKERS, OAKES, of alt varieties, and iu fiict everything in the Ba kery Line. Speoial attention paid to orders for Cakes and Confectionaries for Balls, Wedding and Social Parties. Connected with tho Oglethorpe Bakery ia a Con fectionary snpplied with tile beat and greatest va rieties of CANDIES. —also— A L AGER BEER SALOON, w hich ia constantly tup plied with the best and freshest BEER. • O. BREYVCGEL, septd lm 32 Broad street. WILD MAY, TOUNG & BROTHER, EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 110 (Blast Side) Broad St. Gold, Silver, Bank Notes, STOCKS AND BONDS, ' FOREIGN AXil DOMESTIC EXCHANGE, bought and sold, Money Invested at Parties Miy Direct. City Council Money for Sale. A NEW SUPPLY OF CHANGE BILLS, l’a, 2’s, 26c. and lCe septt 2m Strayed or Stolen, ON the night of the 6ib instant, a DARK MARE MULE, 15 hands high, about T years old, long slim bodied, holds a high head, ear* erect, breast inclined to be white; branded ou the side of ber eheek with a brand representing an indistinct “L.” She is a.-plendid and quick trotter either m saddle or harness. Any information concerning the Mule so she can be recovered will be liberally rewarded by L A BCHKDSBLKK. at tbe Mobile and Girard Depot, or at HALL, MORES * CO’S. tep!2 if W. T. WOO Oi fieneral Commission & Forwarding Alorchant, V»p3 APALACmCOM, FLA. 3m D. E. WILLIAMS & C(>7~ Eccoiving and Forwarding Mor* chants, waicc IVo. 80 Broad Street, Columbus, Ou., POSSESSING every facility, with an experience of six year., they will give every attention to all business entrusted to their pure. KEfEBBKOX: J Ennis A Cos., Hardware Merchants, Columbus, Ga. Estes A Bro, “ “ •• •’ Thus. Pullum & Cos., Union Springs, Ala. sepl7 ts B ARNETT &COT COTTON FACTORS, • UROmiS ASD COMMIBSIOSI MIiKCHANTS, Oarutr St. Clair and Broad its., Columbus, Gn. PROMPT ATTENTION given lo alt Consignments and .-hipmonts of Cotton to New York, New Oi lcan; and Liverpool. Liberal advances made on cona.gumeuts. ewptl ts R. G. BANKS & GO.. 92 COMMERCE STREET, * JIONTGOMKIIY, Ala., Receiving, Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS, Real Estate ag onts, Stoamboat agents AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 9 GROCERIES AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES. Particular atteDtlou paid to receiviuj, and tor warding goodd. Liberal advanooa in Cash or Supplies made ou Oottoo or other Produce. Bopt2 Ira 00TT0N WAREHOUSE, AT Jaques’ C irriago Repository OPPOSITE PFIRRY HOUSE. 'JTHK underulsnod h-*vo opouod (i Warehouse and 9 Commission Business at the above stand, aud will give prompt attention to storage, sale aud ship ment of Oo ! ton and all merchandize consigned to them. Will also keep on hand BAGGING, 1101% TWINE, and a general etock of GROCJHIUIEB. which will bo Bold by pleco or pack.go at tfio 1 est market price. Wo will huy Cotton npon order, w. a. redd, ) J, B JAQUBB, S \V. At KKPO A COt H. W. JAQUJSH, J Columbus, <ia., Sopt 1,1865. sopt2 lm £. M. DUVCtS. # TBOMAd 8. MORGAN. E. M. BRUCE & CO., 283 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA., Bankers and Cotton Factors, DEALERS EXCLUSIVELY IN FJUMtJN USD DOMESTIC EXCUAfIGK, CotU| Cucurrsat Money aud Cotton. lIIAVE thittday taken iatopartDe r ßkip THOMAS H. MORGAN. Ido this in recognition and ap preciation ol hii unimpeachable integrity,and high capacity nu a bUMiuesn uian, and bin long satisfac tory and HucceH-ful management of my commercial afd financial affairs,aud hii fidelity t<» uiy inter* e.sts, (having been with raw almost without inter mukjou for mni’s th?»u ytsafn ) T Hn. thrrvw foro f dommeoil h»ra confidence to the busi* lienrf public. E. M- BKU( E. AiicusU, On , A ug. Itit, 18C5. uuftjll lm PHCENIX FOUNDRY -AND MACHINE SHOP Ia now in successful operation, and prepared to J make GRIST and SAW MILLS and all kinds of MILL WORK to order. We keep constantly on hand: rtTGAR MILLS, of all sizes; BARK MILLS; GIN GEARING; IRON RAILING; KETTLES from 10 to 100 gallons; OVENS, SPIDERS, WASH POTS, PLOWS, 4c All kinds of IRON and BRATS CustiDge, roads to order. Our prices are r.asonoble, give us a call. OOUN I'RY PRODUCE taken in exchange for work at market price. L UAIMAN * DO. self ts • For Sale. THE property comprising the site of TROY FVACTOItY. 12 miles above Columbus, to gather wiih 12 or 16 good Frame Building*, including DWKLLLNQB for operatives, BLACK SMITH bHOP, btaoles, Ac. One hundred acres of Land, Water Power Unrivalled, and lo cation exceedingly healthy. A bargainoan be had by making immediate application to sepl9Bt • JEFFERBQN & HAMILTON, Desirable House and Lot FOR SALE, I N the Northern Liberties, corner of Com* raecre aud Jaokson streets, now occupied by J. H. Mould oil. The lot is enclosed by a |j|£§| biick fence, and both dwelling and out-JLJL-L houses aro in excellent order. Enquire at I. H. NAOLEIi’S store, PIo. 80 Broad st. septs ts For Sale. 0 A Desirable House containing 4 l»<t» Jriafe ,f\ rooms, Dining room and Hall. Also, alt Decessary outbuildings, good garden, HBJj! gas and bathing room. Furniture Bold If rW!UL wanted. Apply at MR. NADLEU’S sept. 9 toe* store No. 80 Broad st. • For Sale or Rent. JN order to settle my business in Colutn- MMt bus, I will sell or rent ti e place on jMWjnl Which I now Jive, In Russell oonnty, Ala., IMG J 7 miles from Oolumbns -, 840 acres of land, Ki£klk -450 oj en, 300 adTes of which are fresh,wooo fences, fine Orchard of grafted fruit, Sugar Mill and Ket tles, Gin-house and Screw; Cotton seed, Steel! of all kinds. Ac. CaUat 3AMMI3 A ROONEY’S.Colum bus, G». L. ROONEY. sepl9 2w For Sale. I OFFER for sale my DWELLLING „ HOUSE, one mile from the Bridge” on the Snmmerville road. The]lf»il||M Lbt contains 8 acres land, four of which jglf jHfc are highly improved. House with ave]J*J*Jgg rooms and necessary outhouses ; 2 good Well* of water. For particular apply to K 3 WATT, at 115 Bread st., or to myself on tbo premises. sep]6 ts J M WATT. For Sale. 4VE-RY desirable RESIDENCE in < •huuflfcnn-gee, Ala., on tbe Mobile MFfftpfk urn* Girard railroad, about 00 mile* from gfl H Q Columbus Ga., and 5 miles trow Uniun Sjj «. « q Springs. On tbe place is a good two-story framed dwelling, containing eight rooms, with a good Btable, barn, and all neofssary out houses, in good repnir, with a good well of water, nneurp»H»ed in the country. There are 30 ncre« of good productive land attached to the place; a depot of the Mobile and Girard Railroad and l oat Gflice upou the premises- One of the beet schools in the country in about 200 yard* of the place and a Methodist church with * stationed minister. For health and society it is unsurpassed in the country. For terms of sals and nay further lnfor m.tkm in regard to tWpl.oe, & EWBi Chunnenngge, Ala., sepl9 lm N0. 1% M and H Railroad. WRITING INK! A SUPERIOR ARTICLE 07 WRITING INE, for Ml* at the sepls ts BUN OFFICE, FRESH ARRIVALS OF DRUGS, MEDICINES. Dye-Stuffs, Fancy Artioles, -AT— DAWSON, COLLIER & CO’S, Wholesale unci Retail Dro|* , gists, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WHICH they offer In the trade and public gen- \ KRY LOW Our stock consists in part of tho following articles; Gum Opium, Ayer’s Pills, Sulphate yulnlne, Mrs. Allen’s Hair Re- Sulphnte (Morphine, Htorer. Pnlv. Ipecac, p erry p aT | 6 > p a ( n Kilter Pulv Rhubarb, Brown’s Jannaica Ginger* Castor Oil, p ln |£ Cerate, for itoh, Kpsom Salts, Cod Liver Oil, Blue fitone, Osgood’s India Obola- Indigo, gogue, Goda, Tarrant’s Seltzer Aperl- Bulphur, ent, Copporns, M a they Cavlers Capsules vine Wines, Tarrantjs Extract, Fine Brandies, Win.low’s fioothlne Syr- Fine Bourbon VV k - key v up, MoMuna’s Elix. Opium, Hurley’s Worm Candy, Shoulder Braces, Payson’s Indeltlbla ink, Ayer’s sarsaparilla, Cbrystadon’s Hair Dye, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, aud a great mauy loading articles usually kept In a first class Drug Store. Our Stock of Fancy Goods CANNOT be*EXCELLEDia the CITY, either in FRICE or QUALITY of Goodi- They oonoist in part of Lubin’s Extraots, Bazin’s Extraois, Wright’s Extraois, Fayloj’s Extracts, Phalon’n Night Blooming Cereus, Fine Colognes, in quarts, pints, £ and J, Pomatums, the finest ever offered in the Uty, oopsisting of all t.izes, shapes and oolors, Soaps of all kinds, styles and sizes, Fine Tooth Brushes, Fine flair Brushes, Nail Brushes, Stick Pomade, Lily White, and a large assortment too tedious to mention, which the Ladies are particu larly invited to examine. No trouble to show goods. We invite all to give us ft call. DAWSON, COLLIER & CO. P. 8 Fhysioiana’ Prescriptions com pounded day or night, by a oompetent druggist. sep!B 2w F. L. BROOKS & CO., No. 93 Broad Street, COLUMBUS. GEORGIA, —AT— Acee & Collier’s Old Stand, Have Just received a FRESH and SELECT Stock of Drugs, Medicines. Dye Rtullb, Perfumery, Fancy Goods, &.C., which we offor at a SMALL ADVANCE ON COST, at wholesale or retail- They consist In p»rt of Hair Brushes—all styles, Extracts for tb» Hand- Dressing Combs, erohief. all styles, Fine Tooth Oombe, l-nbin’s Extracts, xonei cusps, a gloat va- Night Blooming Cersns, rieiy. Pomades, all styles, Tooth Paste, Lemon Rouge, Bozodont for the Teeth, Colognes, assorted sizes Lily White, and Btykß, Hair Oils, Ac. ALSO, Tarrant’s Seltzer Aperient, Soidlitz Powders, Brown’s Essence JamaieaGinger, Race Ginger, Ground Ginger, NuimegH, Olovee, Bull's Sarsapa rilla, ludeliib o Ink, Soda, Cream Tartar, and eve rything in our line. Fine Brandies. Fine Wines; Bourboo, Robison County, Nectar and Monongahela Whiskeys, at wholesale and retail. Persons wishing any thing in our line would do well to give qa acall before purchasing elsewhere. Prescriptions carefully prepared at all hours, day aud night. F L BROOKS, sep!2 2<v WJ LAND. To the Voters of Columbus. IN compliauoe with the law requiring the names , of aU yersonß eaviUed to vote at the annual elect on, for “Mayor and Aldermen and other ofli* cera” of the oity of to be registered, I have opened a list at the council Chamber, ta tho Court House, for this purpose. M M MOORE, Clerk Council. neplO 2m Leather, Leather! Upper, Sole and Harness LKATHKR of all grades, together with Groceries & Staple Dry Goods, At J A CODY’S, jm|ilu lm Corper4md«r Cook’a Hotel- For Sale to Arrive : 60 Bales HEAVY GUNNY BAGGING, 100 Coils BEHT HAND ROPE, 20 Hacks PRIME KIO COFFJJE, i0 Barrels REFINED SUGAR. J. J. GRANT, sep9 ts 101 Broad gtreat. Room to Rent-Day Boarders MRB. TEASDALB offers for RENT a desirable ROOM, furnished! and also respectfully In form a her friends that she is prepared to accom modate DaY BOARDERS, and solicits » share of patronage. Residence on Jackson afreet, two doors south of Goetchlus* Machine Works aep!6 9tpd Columbus High School roll VOBfiO L. \ DIES, THE above School will he re-opened on MONDAY, 2d OCTOBER, at ,|f ‘ the corner of Ht. Clair and Troup streets, .south of St. Luke Methodist Church. TERMS: Tuitionrfrono October to Januaiy $20 —payable in advance. Apply to W! LEE, Principal. N. b. Young Ladies will have tho adVautage of Muscal Instruction from Prof. Chase on the prem- sap!2 lm Gold and Bank Bills! J. H, JAMES, EXCHANGKBROKER, Atlanta, Gtorgia, PAYd particular attention to fllliog orders for Banks and parties indebted to Banks with Sontbern Bank notes. Deals in gold, Ac. top2o 8t pd RAILROAD RECEIPT BOOKS. TWO-QUIRK Railroad Reoeipt Books, For sate cheap at the ______ eepO ts SUM OFFICE. MUSI J BOOKS Bound ia tbe Beat Htyle at the _ eeplS ts BUN OFfIOS, NO. 21.