The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, October 01, 1865, Image 2

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( rVI /ITMITITS: •Tiji \ 'i MORNING, OU T. 1,1865. ittei on Ev«r| Paßc uvntu Your r übmirlpttoni, Mo • ,uld mil iho » tontlon of lulMftrlhert to i, . t!,.t \. tU >i« iiiufCi IptloQi to Tiil 11ii lv sr j ,re thvi ntm*- ere Mricken off. We eo ,i to noti'y ell awr tb« period of the cvpi , tl, ii of their eubecxipi! l '-*. tntaa each subKri. „ luow.’ about tl « ini.'- ho inuiulMeiibtd for, tho • .roelwjy lo;, -veut bilag i"priv«d of las Him, 1* to remit lo tnoo. ll.rltlqu of ib< C'***t*i **»•»••» to**- etimJ. 1 e Q m i . uiaettr Uaueral lias dicidjd "mt in cases like th* ci'ioe if Memphis, h .vaonah and A ll» r ia, where no terms v .»re granted. hut (be em nay wore driven ertsy, everything wk& the prise of vu, >, 1 while the Wit lasted no rent would be i lor I'&uiee oiajplbd ior .belter of Mi tttii wutndel s -Idlers. Now that t* e “pi-»oo i.t resto-ed, the Government > :11 doubtless give up pr,f arty which it and e- not oonh >o*te k,i rebel property, or will pay rout irom th® time of restoration of poac# 1 Tram the ffontg itnt ry Advertiser. Alabama State Convention. Montgomery, Sept. 29, 1866. hi Convention met pursuant to ad j lrnmeat. Prayer by Row. V’r. Bruce, a delegate fio;n the oou.i'y ot J tck.-on J iirn.tls re i and approved. Ine call cf '.he Counties wav suspended, »■ 1 the vote oa tho adaption of the Eleo ti n Ordinanoe, wad, ou motion of Mr. Lvgdon, reo .csider- and, aai Mr. Lang d n (Hired a i tbni u o fnr tile ordinance, ich wan oo ulored ad adapted. / ordinaat: com arning elections of •ie, ooun-y and mun eipal officers, .and far toeoj acre of Congress, tiro 1 die t ordain id tiy the people of ib,.n<» in Convention a.sembled That i.>i election shall be held on the first Maud ay in Novetabtr nnxt, in the several u iQties of this State, for a Governor of ii : , State and Senators and Representa tives in the General Aesoinbly, together wi u a Sheriff and all other offiuore in *ach county, whr, under the laws now in f.i" c, areeloc'o l 1-y tie people, except ■ iicU uilieere ns ere expressly directed by u is ordinandi to bt elected upon a differ ent day. Sue. 2. Be it further ordained, That an i l.oiion thall be held on tho first Monday in December m-xt, in the cities of Mobile atilt Montgomery, ior Mayor, Aldermen iind Cou-iotlrueu and a Uluru for the City Council of Montgomery, to be elected in stud cities and tho several wards thereof m Cording to their respective obnrters. t kO. 3. Be ts further ordained, That tv a demon shall be held on me first Monday in March next, in eeoh oounty in this cl tie, and in tne several election pre toi.ou therein, for Justices of the Peace an t Constable!), as may he provided by law at the time of the ■ilsotion, boo 4 lit it further ordained, That there shall behold throughout this State ou the first Monday in May next, an elec tion for a C-irouit Judge in each judicial ciiouit, and for a Probate Judge in each county, and in the counties of Motiile, Montgomery and Dallas fnr a Judge of the City Court of Mobile, and the City Court of Montgomery, and the City Court of Selma, respectively Bbo. 6. Be it further ordained That (he return* of said elections snail be made as required by law at the time ot the elec tiou, and the officers so eleoted thall hold ihoir reepeotive ottoes for the terra of years pretionbed by law, sad until their successars are elected and qualified ; Provided, that uulil said officers are eleoted and qualified as provided in this erdiaaroe, the persons now bolding by appointment of ttia Provisional Governor shall eontinuo to discharge the duties of said officer. fi*o fi. Be it further ordained, That the Provisional Governor of Uio State be au thorized and requested to issue writs of election for members to the Congress of tbe United States ; and tbe said election shall be conducted and the returns mads as prescribed by law. Bkc. 7, Be it further erdatned, That iu order to carry out the provisions of this ordinance, tne Provisional Governor of this State be and ho is hereby authorized and requested to issue wii.d of eleotiou directing the sheriffs of tne several coun ties of this, State to hold elections in tbeir respective oouuttes at tho times and for the purposes specified ,u this ordinance B*o 8 Be it further ordained, That tho General Assemoly olei tod under this or diuanoe shall at .amble at the Capitol in the city of Montgomery oa the third Mon day of Novemoer, ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-five; Provided, That said General Assembly, or any subse quent one, may ux the tune for holding general olaotions in this State. CALI. OF xax COUHTIES. Mr. L»ne introduced au ordinance regu lating »nd defining the time of holding Gourtaia tho 11th Judicial Circuit iu this State. Adopted. By M.r Jeffries—A isolation instruc ting B 21 Woolsey, \uo bait Commis sioner, to sell all tbo properly of the Bute at the Alabama Salt Works. Adopt ed. By Mr. Bond—An ordinance in rela tion to the dower cf widows, &c. Re ferred to a Seleo. Comm.t to of three. By Mr. Winston cf fiuiater—Au ordi nance in relation to ru ling further pro rieio i for paying the interest due in tho city . f Now York -in the State debt, pro viding for raisiog three hundred thou sand dollars in .> diiicu to the amount already provided for: Aa O! uiuauco to provide tor paying the interest of the B aded Debts of the State. Be if ordained i y the people of the State ci Alabama ia Conv j ion assembled, Thai his .xcellercy L:wi|S E Parsons, Provisional Governor, be Mid is hereby author lid by ti-.o sale of bonds ot tho State of Alabama to the ..mount of three hundred thousand dollars, having not leso than i w.-Dty years to ru t, and bearing six per c * 'merest, pay aNr semi-annually, to ra' e taearij to pay the interest on the U 1 debt existing prior to January, 1861, [tue, and the interest which will become cue ia January, 1866 ; Provi ded, That the hands be sold a: not less than par. The ordinance tv as adopted Mr White introduced an ordinance, as follows: An Ordicanoe to confer and define the powers of the Legislature over Freed meo in the State of Alabama. .Be it ordained bo the people of the Stata of Aiabacaa in Csnvention assembled, That nothing contained in an ordinance entitled “an ordinance ia relation to the raetitution of slavery, and the abolition thereof,’’ shall be coaitrand ec as to limit I tbe pow*r so protect the freeffren and i guard them # :| d the State against any 1 evils tha' may arise Irom ihnir suddon emancipation, to tl-e iilxt fcssion cf too Leeislatiue ; but be it hereby or laic ad, th»t the Lsaislstwo shall have full power I ,v P r the subject consistent with tbe gvod I if the treed in on And the welfare of the | omplo of the Mtsto of Alaliama. i toxMbsicATioN m m ruicrDMSN’s bu ÜBaU. Iho Chairman, (Mr. Crenshaw iu the ihair), laid before the C'Tnventiou, a oomuiauioai ion hum Ueu. VV *gur Swayne, ancioeing tbn proceeding ond niomorial of u negro nio-e meeting at Mobile, prey ing Ihii right nf rnttraqs and other rights and imintiniiies of oitisanship. Laid on the table by a unanimous vote. HKPORT or COM MI TIKIC Mr. While, from tho Judiaiary Comioit tee, ropoiied Uvorably, with an amend ment, on the ordinanoe to confer addi tional polios powers on the Mayors cf Huntsville, Athens aad Florenoe, author izing ihom to employ an additional police foroe to repress lawlessness and violence 1 to the border oounties of North Alabama. : The amendments were concurred in and the ordinanoe adopted. I Mr. White, from the Judioiary Commit teo, reported favorably on the following ordinance, and it was adopted : An oiiinance relating to free colored mariners. Be i! oidained, , That Artiole third, Cnapter tour, Title thirietn and Part first oi tne Code of A iabama. iu lelatioc to use colored mariners bo and the same sre hereby declared null and void. Mr. jAhite, from the Judiciary Commit tee, to whioh was referred the resolution to inquire into the expediency of aJoptitg more stringent legulations ou the subject of vagrancy, reported that iu the opinion of the Committee tbe Legislaiure has full power over tbe subject, and that it is therefore unt expedient tor the o<>DVtui tion further to legislate upon. The re port wne oonourred in. Mr. White, from tbe Judioiary Commit tne, to v/hioli was referred an ordinanoe providing that executors, administrators, guardians, and trustees, may receive and disburse tbe treasury note! of tha United (Stales, or the nates of any of the banks established uuder aud by virtue cd’tbe laws of the United 3 ales, reported that tt.e Committee had had the same under consideration, and had intiruoted him lo report that it was iuexpedient to legislate upon tha aubjeot. The report of the CommiUea was concurred in. Mr. White, from the Judiciary Commit tee, to whion was referred a resolution providing that with a view of equalizing tha labor of the different Circuit Judg s of this Plato, tha Coininiiteo fc® instruct ed lo inquire into the cxpadiency of re uMvinjT me Constitutional rostriolione that prevent the Legislature from effeot ing that object—repotted that Iho Com initlea deemed it inexpedient to legislate upon iho subject. The rsport was coc otirrijd in. Mr. White reported that the Judiciary Committee deemed it inexpedient to legi t- I isle upon the subject of devising a plan ; to regulate labor; sad iha report wr,a concurred in Ado—reported adversely to the ordi I mince to amend section nineteen ol tba ] Declaration ot fdiqbts. Oonourred in. Also—reported adversely to the irii lihoce to abolish the Perifootmy ao a tjtate prison Concurred in. Mr. Wnite, from the Judicial/ Com inittee, reported a substitute far tha ordi imnco providing that si! fit ate and couity ntficers in this Statu that wsru heretofore fills I by persons elected by the Lsgisla tuie, or the people, be aud the same are lu-retiy declared vacated. The report was concurred in, ths ordinanoe adopted. Mr. White, from the Judioiary Commit tee, reported a substitute for the ordi nance concerning the otlics of Sheriff whioh was adopted. Mr, AVhite, from the Judiciary Com. mitten, reported favorably upon tho or dinance “requiring civil officers to con- j liuuii to aot us agents cf the Froadmen's ] Bureau uni it was amended, and adopt- J ud—yeas, 59 ; nays, IC. The ordinance) is as follow# ; Au ordinance requiring civil officers io j commits to set us agonts of th; “Fresh- j rntm’s Bureau ” 11s it ordained by the people of the j Stats of Alabama iu Convention asaom bled, That tha civil officers now aud ] heretofore noting us tbe agents of the “Froodcien’s Bureau’’ iu this State, uuder the Proclamation of tbe Provisional Gov ernor, be and tbe earns arc hereby re quired to continue to discharge the cm tins thereof, uuder the ruled aud regula tioua heretofore prescribed, uatil the acj mrnmaut of tbs uext session of the Gonerol Assembly. Mr. AVhite, from the Judiciary Gam in, tsec, to which was referred n resolu tna in relation to legalizing marriages between freedoacu and freed women, heretofore and hereafter solemnized, and requiring thorn to maintain their minor children, reported au ordinance oa the subject. The srdinouoa was adopted. Mr While, from tha Judiciary Oommit tuituis,"reported favorably with amend n eats, ou the ordinance to aineud Ar ticle third of the Constitution of 1819. Thu ordinance reported by the oommittes was amended, and after debate i: was adopted, as follows : Au ordinance to amend tho third article cf the Constitution of 1813. Be it erdained by the people of ihs Statu of Alabama in Convention assem bled, That said article be amended by etriking out the twenty-eighth section and adding the following eeoiiou thereto: SiiC. 28. No special law shall ba enact el for the benefit ot individuals or pri vate corporations, iu cases which are provided for by a general law. or where the relief sought, can be given by any court of this State. Stc. £0 Private property shall not bo taken for public use, or for the use of corporations, other than municipal, with out the consent of the owner; bui the right of way may beseoured by law, to persons and corporations, over the lands of per sons and corporations ; also the right to establish depots, stations ar.d turn outs to works of public improvements : Pro vided, just compensation is first mace to the owner of such land. Sbc. 30. No power to levy taxes shall be delegated to individuals or private cor porations. Sbo. 31. The General Aseeutbly shall not borrow or raise money on the credit of the State, except for purposes of mili tary defense against actual or threatened invasion, rebellion, or insurrection, unless two-tbirde of the members eieoted to each house, shall conour , nor, shall the debts or liabilities of any corporation, person or persons, or other State, be guaranteed; or any money, credit or thing loaned, cr given away, unless by a like concurrence of each house, voting, in coses provided for in this section, by ayes and nays to be placed npon the journals On motion the Convention adjourned until 10 o’clock to-morrow. THE LATEST NEWS CABINET MEETING. New Vo*k, Sept. 27.—The Times'i ■W'sebjngt.on epecial says the Cabinet meeting to day was brief It was more fuLy atteuded by the Secretaries than has been the oais for six weeks, all the Beo retailed being present except Secretary Haruu, who has just left ou a visit to Io wa. Fourteen postoffices wore opened iu the rebellious to-day, ten of which are in oauih Carolina, including Abbeville atd Chester C. 11. Atwater, tho quartermaster em ployee who purloined part of the Ander sonville records, has been sent to the Au burn prison for eighteen months, by or der of Uen. Augur. TUB MEXICAN LOAN. Th-; Herald's special says it is ourreuily reported tbat Gen. Ortega, who was the constitutional successor of President Jan rez, 1 aa SiinooeJed in efiaoting a very larga loan ior tha Republican Government in Mexico, based on seourity of confiscated property. It is wall known that in San Fraacisco ’man! hundred thousand dol lare have recently been subscribed, and that, if the loan was put properly before the people if would gain largely in amount. Since the rebel loan was negotiated open y O'. h iu Paris and London, neither the F , duch or British Governments could ebjee to a Mexican loan being taken in this country The .Mexico! Repubhaacis waul money rather mere chan men PEKStON AGENTS la conformity with an aot of July, 1862, the c-mmissioaer of pennons has appoint ed about 800 examining surgeons for that !und. vrh-i an oo located throughout the whole couniry His' any applioant for psn'i a oo physical grounds need not go more hr ~ t « oaty miles at tho farthest to rscei s proper exaan naemn of his bodily ailments. Tfii'J list of surgeons is now bsir'g olosnl up, sad today there were appointed J 8 Hiiler, of HilLboro, 111., J N Maxwell, of Newton, 111.; R H Cul bertoi , B i*iiug Green, lud., J L Belle, Spencar, lnd : >7 O Meagher, Tompkins villa.. N Y ; J L Btockdeil, Lexington, Ky, ; J W Parker, Somerset, Ky IUK RKBOKTND COt'NTBBKBITS. PBiLonELpaia, tiept 27.—it is believed hare tho' ths report about counterfeit ii/e i c-'; ihe I’uat National Bank of Wash ipgtou. ai,d the First National Bank of IndionapaiiH, is a mistake. The notes of thu I : t Nation*! Bank of Washington, weis printed from the first plate engrav ed, « and some ehsTizss having been sub rtq’i- tl • made loads to the repetition of » report whioh has- frsqneutiy been made bifcrs Niit York. Sept 27 —The Kangaroo this tnoriiitig, lookout $300,000 in gold, chiefly ia bars file Asia, rrom B .atuu, tak£3 out no npeo:!i. tBATH or HON. WM lilt AN £ Psttau&LPdtA, 3ept. 27. The tnorn iug j- »..-or* aanounos ths death of Hon. Wd> D.ii’it, aged u‘j He was Beorei&ry of t'-« iteasuiy under Jackson, and re si;;nta his otfios rnthex than aims ant to the ruA-aYn! of deposit! Irom the United Hiatts Uiiuk SUCH PASO LIN X tiaaVMHTION. Niiv YT'Sk, Hep-' 27 Charleston pa pern t the 201 eve received The fal tho oiauoc of Iho ConsututUu ns H I |i'i t ' y the GuaVf uliett t.y a vote of 81 to 8 “The oUvot iu Bi,uih ijacollua having been and: fait * emauoiqiatod by the action us the United Hiates, neither slavery nor iuvoluntttty servitude except in punish xuHUt for crime, whereof tha party shall hsvo ! can duly convicted, shall ever be is estsbliahod iu this Btate.” UEPOSisn AEKusr of howkll cobb Nbw Yobk, Sept. 27.—The Post'* weat her n special says it is believed w tfis West that lioweil Cobb has been arrested on sfiarga of participating ia the Anderson vilio atrocities Boston, Sept 27,— Stqimsr Bosphorus, from Liverpool, has arrived, bringing 6GJ emigrants. YAKING THU OATH BEFORE PRACTICING IN TBK COURTS. The Tribune's special says Francis liraitu, ot Alexandria, formerly a partl ci- nat tu the rebellion, who has lately received pardon from the President, de livered h long and elaborate argument before Judge Underwood, of the U. S. Ouart of Virginia, endeavoring to prove hii pre-rent entire legal ability to practice law iu any Court in the Union without taking the ordinary oath prescribed by law, t > the effect tnat he had never sym pathized. wiih or aided enemies of the United States. Smith asserts that he can nc-t cr nsoientiously take the oath, and that the President removed all the pains and penalties of his apostasy. Judge Chandler, Attorney General of tbe li.ate, will reply to-morrow, and will aes’imo that the Courts hold the right to decide his claim to practice before them as they ihtnlt proper. Disioyal citiasns, against whom action had been taken before the President’s : amnesty proclamation, for the confisoa : tivva of property, are now having it re j stored upon application to tbe courts, and paying espenee incurred by the Govern : meat ter its libel and seizure. r j he <?joand Comptroller of the Treasu ry has decided that, in order to entitle soldiers when discharged for wounds to the r whole bounty as if Ihey had served out tfisir full time, as provided by section -i, act of Maroh 31, 1865, the wound or ! wounds for which they have been dis | Ln-rgcJ must have been received daring j tK term of enlistment thsy were serving io. when discharged A discharge for a | pc vicueiy existing disability, or for a j v. uj:id received in service under a pre ' enlistment does not bring the sol dier under the intent of the law. FOREIGN MARKETS. Liverpool, Sept 15.—The Cotton Bro- Le;a’ Circular reports the sales of the week ut 71,000 bales, including 11,900 to speculators and 19,500 to exporters. Tho market opened with a downward tenderer, ar.d closed with an upward tendiiiiej, though prices were sto Ac low er on the week for American Toe au thorized quotations are: fair Orleans 21J1, middling Orleans 18*d, middling Mooiles 18*d, middling uplands The salad were 20,000 bales, the market closing with an upward tendency. The stock iu port is 327,000 bales, of which 25 800 are American. Breadstuff's quiet and steady, except Plour, which has a downward tendency. PrwVisims firm and unohanged, except Lard, which is buoyant at 86s. Losdos, Bept. 15.—P. M—Consols oloeei a' 89£(5)90j for tnouev: Illinois Central, 79J@80; Erie 6 20j, 65£. The above prows were previous to tbe receipt cf the Persia's news. Bullion in the Bank of England had decreased £167,000. THE WIEZ TRIAL. Wabhingiok, Sept. 27. — The Commis sion reassembled to-day. The examina tion of Col. Fourin was resumed from yesterday for defense. Mr. Baker asked him whether he heard Gen Cobb in his speech at Andersonville make use of (he remark attributed to him by witness. Judge Advocate objected to the question, for reasons whioh be stated. Objection sustained by the court. Tbe witness then testified that he had heard Gen. Cobb make a speech about the first of March, 1866. He oould not preoieely repeat what the Qeneral had said, but his speeok was more to the Confederate troops than to others, as there had been great dissatisfaction in oamp, and men were constantly deserting. He insisted that soldiers should do their duty. Question by Mr. Baker—Die you or not, at that time, hear Geu. Cobb make ueu of any language— Judge Advooate Chiptuan here inter rupted Mr. Baker, and requested the question to be reduced to writing, and that witness should retire, whioh he did. Mr. Baker—l regard this proceeding as a personal insult to me. Col. Cbipman replied that the practice was not usual, and it was a greater insult for counsel to insist on asking improper questions. Mr. Baker—Witnesses tor the Govern ment have been examined, day in and day out, in the presence ot one another, but now that they are for the defense, counsel are required to reduce their ques tions to writing, and their witnesses or dered to retire till this is dona If this is insisted upon by the Court, 1 must slop. The Court remarked mat Mr B took an unfair view of the Subject. Ths Judge Advooate did not ask him to put all of his questions in writing, but only this one. Mr. Baker—l never required this when witnesses for tha Government were under examination Col. Cbipmau—lf you did not do your duty, that is uo reason why I should not do mine. Court to Mr Baker—State what you want Mr Baker—l must reply to the Judge Advocate Court—We do not want any speeches here. Let the room bo e'eared. When tha doors were reopened the wit ness came iu, and the President of Court read troni DeHart’s Military Law to show that tbs Judge Advocate was justified in tba course he had taken Beanies, when thu Judge Advooate atuio.pated a question of a leading character he had a right to ri.qutro that the question be reduced to wni.iog and submitted to him. He was right either ia asking that the room be cleaved, or that the wiines3 temporarily retire Mr. Bskei—To that I have no objec tion, it ho will give notice that be will make the request for tbe questions to be reduced to writing aud the witnesses to recite The Judge Advocate ru&y suggest as a gentleman— The Court remarked that they would take care of their own dignity and honor. Mr. Baker—l do object to sending our witness away. Court—The questiou is very well set tled. Col Cnipuian—l said Col. Faurin will please retire. Mr Baker—l ssa the same civility 1 extended to you Col. tJhipman—Have 1 uot done it ? Mr. Baker—l do nut think so. Mr. Baker waived hie question 00l Faurin was than further examined with regard to affairs at Andersouville New York, Sept, 27.—The steamer Cu ba, from Pariß, which plaoa she Uft on the 16th instant, has arrived. Bourse firm ; rentes 68. Tne Irish police continue to arrest ths Fenians. The number of prisoners is large A privy council is reported sitting to determine what course the authorities should take in the prosecution and sen tence of the arrested parties. There is great excitement iu Dublin, and arrests are being made iu Ireland. Guerillas, near Spriagfield, Term , num bering some thirty or forty, have oom meuoed the work of i&digowiminate rob bery and murder upon the Inhabitants of that locality New York, Sept. 27.—Cotton, 45; flour, declined 6c.; whisky, unchanged; wheat declined 20.; corn, 9c.; coffee, quiet; su gar, quiet, at 13J to 14c: molasses, quiet. New York, Sept. 27.— Pork firm, at $-34 60 per barrel; storing, seven thir ties, first series, 99; second series, SBf. Commodore YVm. Bgdfern has been ap pointed commandant at tho Washington Navy Y'ard. The'sales of the naval vessels at Brook lyn brought universally good prices—in some instances moro than the Government paid for them. Several vessels were with drawn. From Klitlitlppl, A party of five or six mounted men, says the Journal, rode up io the residence of Mr. Fergur6on, about four miles from Vicksburg, and fired into the house, kill ing a negro who was on the porch. Bishop Elder, of Nalohez, has been aod is still very ill cf swamp fover, but hopes are enter tained of his recovery Judge Fisher, candidate for Governor, just returned from Washington, made a cheering speech on the 19th at Panola- Gen Loring was in Jaokeon on the 20th. He intends establishing himself in New Orleans as a merchant. Twenty-five planters are said to be under arrest at Vicksburg, all charged with either maltreating or killing their former slaves. Complete railroad communication be tween Jackson and New Orleans will be completed iu a few days A train from Brookhaven oame to Jackson on tbe 21st. The only gap is between Brookfiaven and Summit. The Southern railroad will be completed to the Big Black very soon. Gen. Ostebbaus assumes command of the department, vice Slcouin, absent on leave pending tbe tender of his resignation. Business very active in Jackson, and new houses going up fast A man named Downing, of Jackson, who has been for some time under arrest for shooting at a negro, (he did not hit him) has been triad before a military commission, and sentenoed to one year’s confinement in the penitentiary at Jeffer son City, Mo The Vicksburg Journal of the 10th inst. contains au order from the Assistant Commissioner of Fraedmen la Mississippi, providing for negro education by taxes ( laid on nsgro industry and resources. A special of the New York Tribune saye the combinations for the Speakership of the House nro already forming. Among the prominent aspirants arc Schuyler Col fax, Ashley, of Ohio, and Green Clay Smith, of Kentucky. Tho leading Friedinou’e Aid Societies cast arul west have consolidated Jacob li. Shepherd, Secretary at Washington, will reaeive communications from looal or ganiratioos and branch sooioties who may communicate through bun to other ofiioers Norton Siuupsou, of Philadelphia, is President of the American Freedman's Aid Commission. THE PEOPLE’S TICKET I k» Sox: You will please announce tbe follcwirg named gentlemen as candidates for a seat iu the approaohing Convention, and obllt e Many Citizxns. VI/11,ICY WILLIAMS, H. L. MOTT, JOHN HCIN. ocl U INDEPENDENT TICKET. Tbo following named gentlemen will besupprrted for the Convention by m inv voters. R. L. MOTT, UR. J. F. BOZK3I4N, A. H. CHAPPELL. Election 4th October. sepliOAt Office Acting Aaatataiat Cununislonir, Bureau or Refusers Freedman and Abandoned! Lands, fob Stats of Georoia. j, Augusta, Ga., Sept. UU, 1865. J General Order No; 1 : In compliance with Special Orders, No 63, War Department, Bureau of R F and A I, and Bpeclal Orders NoM7, Headquarters Assistant Commis sioner for State of Georgia and Booth Carolina. I assume charge of all matters relating to tt- Da reau In the State of Georgia. All officers and Agents of the Bureau, ou duty in this State, will make the report* required by ex isting orders to this Office. DAVIS TILDSON. Brig Gen’l U S Vols, Act’g Ass’t Coministiicner Official: W W DEANE, A AG ocl COOKING STOVES! A NEW LOT f|||^| And for sate by It B THOMPSON. ocl 12t MR. GJEO. W. CHASE WOULD rospectfoUrannonnca to jsKfc—- the citizeus of Columbus an. 18(1 -s-Tdjjrfl vicinity, that he will continue hienrW‘*|j a ß*jW Instruction in * ' * U “ Vocal aud instrumental Music, at the residence of Mr W 8 I,se. Terms, $27 per quarter of 24 lessons—payable monthly. ocl 8S L. W WALL 11. THOMPSON. WALL & THOMPSON, Retail ffrocers and Commission Merchants, 13a Brnad Strm, Columbus, Gturgta, HAVING a large store room, we are prepared to do business in iha commisatou line, aud respect fully snliolt a share of public patronage Prompt returns made on all consignments Win ke*p constantly on hand all kinds of COUN TRY PRODUCE—m fact a fli-Nt-Class fwuniiiv Grocery. Fai mors will do well to give us a call before pur chasing elsewhere Reieremcs— Merchants generally of Columbus, ocl lm Livery and Bale Stable. McUEUEE. HAWES & CO., Sucfssors to B, F, Harris & Cos,, BROAD St., BELOW COOK'S HOTEL The undersigned havingpurchas aiely below, io the ' CKOdfJAW LOT,” fronting on Broad afreet, where they have arranged the largest and most commodious STABLE and LOTS in the city, and will keep always on hand CARRIAGES, BUGGIES AND SADDLE HORSES, To Hit* on Reasonable Terms lIORSE3 BOARDED at our Stables will receive careful attention, and wo will endeavor to please all who may p ace HOUSES FOR SALE with ns. We would call the particular attention of DRO VERS to our large and w ell-arranged Lota for drove Stock. ?ep3o ts McGEHEE, HAYNES & CO. EXTENSIVE SALE SO lIEAO MULES LARGE STOCK COTTON. Hogs, Sheep, &c., &c. SEVERAL BMALL & LARGE WAGONS. Plantation Tools, dtc. r Wlfil sell on t 1.9 17(h OCTOBER nest, to the J. highest bidder for CASH, at tbe Home Planta tion, belonging lo tbe estate of James Everett, de ceased. and also at Hog Crawl Plantation, 2 miles from Port Valley, 80 head fine Mules, several yokes Osen, largo stock Cattle, Hoes, Sheep, etc.; B'ack 8m Ith 'J'ouls, large and small Wagons, Implements, for Farming, and all the products of tbe Farm, consisting of Corn, Fodder, Potatoes, etc Sale to comiune from day to day until eomple ted- M 1, (SKEEN, Ex'ref J A Everett, dec’d. P. B.—At S-Itne fide and place I will Sad several fine Brood MARES and COLTS. M l, S Bepß9 lOt S. &J. PALMER & 00 ~ No. 167 Broad Street, (Opposite Cook’s Hotel,) HAVE brought to the City of Columbus, and have now on exhibition and offer for sale, A STOCK OF CLOTHING and Furnishing Goods, FOR MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN I rqnal to the bast custom work, thereby saving the purchaser from the delay, annoyance and ex pense usually attending custom work. Having been engaged in this (memos a lifetime, and having secured the services of WM. PALMER, the well-known Merchant Tailor of Knoxville, Tennessee, they hope and expect to be a positive benefit and convenience to all who buy their goods. Being accustomed for years to furnish people of ma ture jcdo.mbxt and TASTE their entire wardrobes, every article harmonising and elevating in its ten dency, thev locate in Columbus,and offer their goods for sale with confidence in their ability to give satisfaction. Come. then, and make known your wants, and those of your children, and have them supplied by those who have learned themselves and KNOW HOW TO CLOTHS TOC. •spß4 ts AUCTION SALES J3y I>. P. El lli is, (Lata Ellis, Liviugstou A Gu.i ON 1 LEHDAY. Oetober,'kl, at loiso'clock, I will •ell in front of tny stole, DESIRABLE LOT OF Household and Kitchen Fur niture ! Consisting of— BUREAU. WARDROBES, WASH STANDS, MATTRESSES, BEDSTEADS. TABLES CHAIRS, COOKING UTENSILS, CROCKERY tintl TIN WARE. A LSI», Avery fine MELODEON 1 Child's CARRIAGE, 1 Close CARRIAGE and HA UNE9S MULE'd, HORSES. WAGONS DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, SHOES, TOBACCO, with mauy other desirable goods too numerous to mention 00l Ids By D P. (Late Ellis, Livingston A Cos) HOUSE TO KENT -A. X -A. TJ C X I ON! ON TUKSDtY, 8d October, at 10# o’clock, I will rent in front cf atore tor tbe t'Dioing year, HOUSE and LOT on Bryan street, formerly oecujj pMid by Win C. Osborn, adjoining the residences of Rev. Mr. DeVolie and Mim Dixoq. House has 4 rooms, outhousaa, garden &c. vep3o td 'OjISdTC CORNER ST. CLAIR AND OGLU TUOUFK STREETS, Ib building recently occupied by the Post office We have just, received and offer for sale India lJagglng, Rope & Twine 100 pkgs MACKEREL, Nos. 1 and 2, in barrels, halves, quarters and kits: 50 bbls FLOUR, 20 half barrels FLOUR, 10 sacks COFFEE, 20 kegs BI OARB SODA, 20 kegs SAL SODA, 50 boxes Colgate’s and VYiloher’s SOARS 20 boxes STARCH, 26 gross Toilet SOAPS, all kinds, 20 boxes CASTILE SOAP, Amsrioan aud English, 20 boxes Lsodoa Club SAUCE, 20 boxes Cabinet SATJCE, 20 boxes CATSUP, 60 boxes PICKLES, halves and quarts, 10 oases BROWN STOUT, 10 cases Muir’s ALE, 5 bbls GOLDEN SYRUP, by the barrel or gallon, 5 bbls SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP, 5 bbls Crashed SUGAR, 5 bbls Pare RYE WHISKY, 2 bbls Old Bourbon “ 26 boxes Udolpho Wolfe WHISKY, 10 “ n “ SCHNAPPS, 26 boxes French BHANDY, 6 dozen Genuine Boker’e BITTER3, 20dozen BLACKING BRUSHES, 10 gross Mason’s BLACKING. 20 duzen Whitewash BRUSHES, 20 dozen Scrubbing BRUSHES, 26 dozen Assorted BUCKETS, 10 dozen WABHBOADS, 20 dozen BROOMS, 10 boxes CLOTHES PINS 25 sets SPICE BOXES, 20 sets TUBS -nil siajg, NUTMEGS, Pure GROUND PEPPER, in papers BI CAKB. SODA, .. .< T XC .A. , by ease or pound, and almost every other article of GHOGIMIS can be had at E. BARNARD & GO.’S, Corner St. Clair and Ogle thorpe Streets. ALSO, ON HAND AN ARTICLE OF HEAVY SHOES, and a quantity of DOMESTIC S r EITHER FOR SALE OR BARTER ngr Our Stock of Goods ie to bs kept up, and our firm is an old one and per manently here. E. B. & CO, We will make liberal Discount* to the Trade for such Articles as they may need. e b. & co. eep3o ts tOLIMUS IRONWORKS CO. ARE now prepared to conßtruot every kind and ety)e of ENGINES, and will »ell for Commie slon, ENGINES and MACHINERY. Have now on hand for sa'e on Commission the following Engines, Boilers, Ac.: » e > One Engine, Cylinder x 24, with Tubular Boilers, 43 inol es diameter, I* feet long wiih 38 Btn. f; U e» in each. One Steam Engine, CUiod r rl2 inch bore. 3 foot stroke, with Saw sod una. Mills, everything in complete order. One Engine, Cylinder 14 inch bore, 4 foot stroke, good iioubis nno BoilersJ Grist aud Saw Mills, and 7 Mules, 1 Horse 2 Stook Wagons, 1 Yoke of Oxen, with tim ber privileges within 2 miles on tho line of Mobilo and Girard Railroad. One Engine, Cylindsr 14 in. bore. 36 inch stroke, Boiler. 28 feet long, 40inches in diameter, with two 14 inch Flues The Engine in good running order with a goed lot of Belling. One Engine, Cylinder 8 or 9 inch bore, 18 inch stroke, No. 1 Tu bular boiler with smeke stack. AU in complete ot der. sepSQ6t New York Golden Syrup, AND SUGAR HOUSE SYRUP, BY tbe SItVGULE GALLON. At E. BARNARD & GO’S. aepSO 3t Old Post Office Corner. For sale or Hire. A Fair of Good Muies* Apply to W. B. SEALS. npSO It _