The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, October 29, 1865, Image 1

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VOL. XI SUN AND TIMES. IPS WOW. X.atlJtHlT. B.K IWOPASII W. 1. gCBtWI). TH.OH. aiLBEET & CO., KEITO33 AND fROPUIETORS. Terms of the Daily Sun and Times. Ojm «n:f fb.. . § i on Tiir«>'.r!!Oß‘tiis 3 flu Bis »0S!hB and 00 «r,g!n ooplaa, . 10 rtuij A lt*x3 -.u. dtedurtiv'B will ha made tu favor cf ; Ntwebws and Dealers KAT»f Off ABVS&TSSIBj r*. \ ese seas {3 to J, " two week* coo 1 “ % >*« weak* 800 2 Hcuareu, cue wse , . ,0 00 a “ twi veefeo.. lo m S “ Ihf •» ir*»U« . ...14 no i | kqpurz* . l l tL&vtx' i % bi zr »< •; 8 Mca-fc- ’ * 6 Mor ti * * ita&iht 7 *:■ u 7; | y ft! un i Y ; i © fcoir-fc' ! JO ’■ ] y Moethej 1 it' IB'•»(}.«* S2O Hi S4O Hi ib<' hi *3O t .6 |7O * I- 8! 80 .sB, 4i 48' 64 B-i afli 72 7* 84! *■> 8 | 24 BSi 4i| 5< .**ol «« TO. SOi 8" MlO 10' 4■3 i45 3; e.| 71 To -7 95 UT I lIS (ft 0 t<l »•' 73(85 0 .0 I , i2\ißß,u .149 « ' 42; T | xi.l a 110 120 130 140 15 ! 8 jl7 180 1* ' *•< 'V. 136(140 16' .70 i-8 j o 11»:.1" I M}'2M lb i * ! »•.. " <;18 HH i» U' «H *»?: 00182 MO at j l n>: j.Su, 17?-.{30.| 28t. '..iQ j73 : SO . /i\i'r\-S:S 403 For advertisement* pubiishet leva tb* i opt. w*«h &i 00 for fiit insertion onj CO.C’nta tor eacb * übeequeut In-eilina laaerte.l at inverfa'a to t* fbatged tut new as.h iaaeitfon. ArrertfS'Lents ordered to remain an t y sir- Malar pan*, to ha charged as new sack lr,sertl.-'n. Advetuseaneots u..t specified ut to time, wilt 1 1 pUbl'sh-d until ordered our, and charged accord ingly- All advertisements considered daeftont the find insertion and collectable ec ordlngly. tiflt.sf/•»! li'ews. It is understood that Gen. Howoll Cobb will practice tew in Maoon. Too K ehniohd papers announce the arm*! of Alcxandsr H. Stephens in that aity on Sunday. The Biitieh |Ltgallon in Washington are said to feel «o fear in regard to the Fenian movement. On the 24tk. a large train of wagons loaded with cotton rvaofcad. Savannah from fort Valley. The distanas is about two hundred miles. The Qompl'.le oeceUß cf flew Vterk'City thaws a population of 722,559. Thore'is ft‘i rscsgii of females <if 44,537. Tun shored population la 9,089. A a»w nuvei by Augucta J. Evans, au ther of 11 Beulah,” ie nearly ready fu tile prttD. Beuiaii, we übdorstand, ia t. be published shortly ia a timuftu trans l%ticu. Brig. 6bn. B A. Fains, triad for hie acie by court uiA'. dtil a raduo.ih, Ky . haabsen found yuiily of ocndact prejn d’eial to good order cud military dieeip lino j but tbd osotemc:. of a reprimand from tbs Frceideat was tamitted. Ike. Pi. X><?igbt, long • egardtjd as.ou st tho abieu. Oongragiitionalist olergy mania Kew BugUud, died at Andover ea the 2s i, Rged T 1 years Thu Post’s fcp"Ciai says (Isn Diok Tay ier, Jsff Bttsia’s blether la law, bwo t»m 2y endeavored to ascertain T oni tfce Pfsaldsat whether ©avis is to ti Hied sues. An itnpreasioa prsvsila thu his trial tskss plauo At an surly day. Sicamosi Sioisls have been iaiormsc* ihac they sausi. assume tas rare of th flaetitum la the city, who ars Bow supportsd fey the GoTarussoct at as us pease of §250 p«r d*y- Tha Potuißburg Itidcs uuderatuuds (bai tla gentlemen yes early appointed to fi the ytsnnsiee >& the OBBtoa house of ta .i §iiy will be LSrbla to qu-iLfy on acs.-auu of ihsir inabiii y to tsfca the calh re quired. The Sea in Hsmiltoa, Ohio, wa :he 22 , destroyed the extsaaiva woolen factory cl 81*alter & BeiminghsS, and slightly otasged th» plow v owned by Liu-, p»#r & Cos. Loss SBO,OOO. lueuted »t $20,000. The steaui log of itis W inoushi show ed Unither p and ilea had made p m r-a the 2Ai to 12 ia. on the24ii!, i ,i53 roTotetioßß vhUs tboso of tha A-gos.q au Uti made 17.531, o» 628 more than ih&t of ibe forte«>i. Tbare ig a muiKed na proteairttC in tho working of the Algols §u:n'e«iglae«. Two men wore buug, iaiely in Montana fs» hsTisg ooup.i tfeit gold duat in their no ssesron. It Ha da-c appeared tim thuicsn had taken it f r gscuine dutit, and had nr. mteuuan of swindling. Lyuck 2»w im’t tba best t nil. The Herald’s Waabiagton special sr-ys Coi. John W Fai:held, <'? Loudon c ui ty, lx >r. Gen«ai Lhngstreet’s etsff. and whs reoeissfl a epecia! part 0 fremths Prcbldsut, Hi forwirdsd *ca necessary docum ;uts to eitute the rev i tntion of his property in tka above ©ouuty, now lie; i by tie fceedmun’e bu re*vi, had whiou is tuowa as she Monroe eiiate. TheStb Npw York MilUiw, tioxi oa the 28d, proe-ieded down Brc id wsy to the sgaaoy of tlio Lou.u tor be Mextoau Republican Qovevaaeui. ai< there preaeait'l aims, tmd aa!u. e and ■ h Ui itett Status f. id Alezb-tu fl-igt, *l* oh were floatiug eidn hy si i-*. and. oh*e ed •uihuaiastiooily for Mexico, JuareJ &a i rejublkan iasiitutioua. At a tuerarg of Journeyman bhoe maueid of Ner fork, on Monday even tog, the 16 !i itm , they voted to iieuoaiiii twenty-five per cent, advaaos on their tracer Tbo next iky ;fce bos sub fceli a meeting, and, after amok discussion, e.o ceded to their demands. The uhni;n:sn of tt>e wet iiag Btated that His w-iuM neooMitato an advance of two or ti res dol am a r o’r on prices of hoots ®|t# Cillvr'aliy ot Virginia. In the University of Virginia, one hun dred and seventy tjtuclenia, an uty- m mealy large numbtr, bavo been uiatricu lat-d la the acauemical department • forty fiva in the tchooi of law, end twenty five in the srbeol of medicine, Ike Faculty remains as before the war, with the foliowhg exceptions ; Professor C. 8. Venerable, vice Pioiesscr Bledsoe, school of inataematios; B. L. Gilder »le ve (sbo Proftesor #f Greek), ties J*r Messor CoUmau chair of Latin *“***- *" a *• Col«ni4 fS jlater*. The Attorney Oecaral cf the United B.a;es n«A Kails an lu p: t. it daokiui i disposing of tee ami ter of bounties to I oolored roldiers. ‘‘Tbs A lorn ay Qeaeml eutns up Lio vtgamert in the fulltiwiag coanlu-io;.s : Ist. To at psi-aons of color who may have acquired their- freedom by the provisions ■ of the not < f July 17, 1882, and who wore j muaiejod tae military sorvioe prior ;o iho 15th Jans, lbo4, eie csuttled ij re calf* tur bounty allowed by law for vo - übteere, 2d. That persons of color who may have aniseed from slavery after the psesug* ol <ho act .f July 17,' ICB2, ami who may have bees muster. 1 into the mi’.i s.-y sstvins before the 15:b June, 1&54, & and who vr re anclaimcU by ioyai ownets at ho t.Jsao of their enllstmant, :ir« antitlsd to rocsiva the bounty payable bylaw to voiuntssrs. 81 That nil per. seme es mu i ftio-.acip-.ud by t-ha P'aoi- U- w-.'s pv cbt-iianoft of July 1, ihc'3, whr, aftortbii tint a of that proaiamn.ioa, and before ths 16ih June, 1884, enlisted and wsrs mustered ta;o tn--. tarries as volun teers, ere entitled to l'l;o bounty. 4.t. That i-H pO'seuß cf ool»r uiusi ie.l into the service nftar l£.h June, 1564, are enlitltid to v-'ceiva, reep»otively, such sums i». t.o-mity os u.a i'rtaideut nmj kav« ordste i in tbs different Stares, n-. oxjsedi.ig £100; end, sih, That all v«l uiutei , riceiv«d tu.. ibs sort iso afioi July 4, 1804, fete audited to reoeivM the cauiu boun y for toraia cf i nlistrueut, withon regard to color. "It v iM bft perceive ! that In these Sve pc-biis, w.were in reply tu spscitt. qu'isdons is at this o3ioe, the rights « ojioreu eoliLar# who way noi. have been • iao ooh» 19 hos April, 18bl, and yet volu TCerad bit«e»u '• uai cote and me p.«» t.f t’x* act of July 17, 1862, ere out sm'oraeed. •*T!i® A’-furosy General, however, says sUswhf.e tn Ida opiniuu, in trenting el tbs 2 1 4.1.04 CH -xot Jc.- o, 1854, which bis been iheui<:» by enrc to have tieprtved colored seidvivs ol b.iunty, that -Tno let ter of that provisjoy doe:, not, alfeat the rights voaled uudor '-he i»w in fores at As times of their ealiatuuuts, which, ns has bsci) t do, gt*vo tUe oauo bounty to colored, rightfully reosive-i late the set vice, ns was accorded to white troops.’ The Attorney General decides further that. ‘‘enlifltWßOt in <hs Union army makes the cir.t sec instanti a freeman f.n aver, encitiisg atm to be placed upon a footing with whits volunteer*. A f.feßiplaio Bivnilu so Jdttlce, The New Orleans True Bella of j?n da / sty v ■ Our ciusorc wiil learn wub onallnycu iatisfftotiou that through Uta exertions cf J over aor Wests Uta now notorious •sau hi ~ bov-u broCjjot to joauoe. Tno .tfoUO:, or ixt.oar v.u .-va.ib, oauifflittu.i bp •.ui# uaoividuai, was sas unwarrantable iQteritU’oaoo wua a oivil officer r.i ih-3 dia obargs «vs Ab„ .uties, tie oircurast .aoes ot . B’hicn, briefly eiated, are at Inilotvs ; si atgro wa* arrested sn Bossier parish tbr aorse staßiag, received » fair aod impar rai till*!, attis was convioieu of me crime oy a jury. Bintpiy besause the prisoner f»i a mgro, Unaplnin Calahan, whu u aenasstsd wiiji tha ivt .iliaen’s Bureau,' put the j residing Judge under arrest. As Boon na tue aattor came so the tonwletipe of Governor Veils, he road, t demand up on General Gun&y for the wrest and mai of Oaiahac, ami bacirei s;s requoat w«ttt srga»ae«t» so power far ,b iu luduca as iusurcdiaie ooßipisaboe ot Ae part cf Us a tienerau A special order aiid oasfi Is. uati r.y the latter, staling .uat Cttai lain Taoruas Oalsbttu, 48tit U j. C. L, A.-ietaat. ffupU'intenUeut oi i'reedJaea, at Shrevep rt, Louisiana, is suspended ' t za th i exsroiss of his effi *at funotioua until .i# oanrgeh made •gainst hru> ore investigated. U i« true oat tills does not acosiapihih thus tnoei iislra.b.o ryauit-, Ur in iota o •he freeauisr'» Buienu, out it wnl proua oly aii»o the .-tifeui of taaohisg bupeirn efidouts iu r . ure ‘.hat their iyta disit i. rot lire law, ihvmestvus tne sole pow •r, in lire unfsrtanuie district iu winot h«y may bo treated. Mr Conway, tot ~ead oi the Bureau in Louisiana, io or deredto sppo at » subatiuuo ior Onlabao. f'stsiuu C,»uis.ii t in xliwu. The Chailoßvou Coariur of last Saturday Bitya muc i exists In Iteauloii district couccraiag the ownership of Sea leland, the freauoieu having labored us iitr the impr.ftuou ia»» vto lau.,-i had bsea give a to taum- Gov V iry bus b«*.h addressed )» the aufjvot, elBiBiiB;! that pou ose fuurth of >ho laiidt* are oultivaieu by freeduseu. Ttteru iis grmt tewtailty amohg the we- as a owsvrs of uue laud* fate te gwrdect an lmruaete t;- 1 ice! so insecure -.hat they it viu-afe to return with their fauniifatf <o their iwtiwti. Gou. Renault bad issued an order for bidding me orgaaixatioß of colored suii t,la u* Ght leet.Jß sa having a teudenoy to biisj ca» wat of rases. Slurdci lxa Waanuigioo. Levi Ji>f welt murdered hie paramour Harriet Wilkes in Washington on the slid. The *»ui deter itohberaieljr otiaia iw.uod o'j oroform to his vionrn while sue was aelcep, ihoa ftrtngied her to det-tb s.d put t-" body la a u«o3st. Tae Hiur drier rot bed bar oi a gold waico, set with poana, also diamsi titiga irom her ft geM an i croer jawvlry, and then tie has Uvt bc-ea arrested. The imme diate can, ' of the murder it- said to have bi-n the refusal cf the Wuaia.x to niKtry i’arwsil, to hKvu.if awoiathatif ho aid net, marry her no one else should. Al t ougo a beeper of & house cf prcaliut i , ion here. the dooesssd is said to have ! been ro:-j.iCifcWy cons oted. ard has a : sno-»t so boot at New llrut.eciok, Now i Jersey, for which ykoe siio lManded to i grsrt this "VJuU’g. San was thirty-five ■ } e«B of *£•■• A guntlewaa just re urned from tbs Couth ray tb • uiucy of tho Gov*rnm> : at. 9 „p ß ta pvv ficlio-’T span ihs print* p!« that tbit* is thtir last a atm -o be atowd, and are taking -vey oitroneet means to moke mor l y AadAriLt Butint? The be >•. an* shoe Linkers era on a strike in Nitv Yrk If tfeeir demaale are acceded to. it wt 1 briag op the urice of firet-clsss -n's in b'ots and of pniasit leather to $22 ot $24 a pair, Northern prices COLUMBUS, GA„ SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 29. 1865. THK CUSt-KDE ‘ATE DEAD. Prom tlie iiroad and ca.m Votemn. To tJio Rio Oraade'e wbvbh, lliivo ilio bravo am] nofcie is! on— Ami tho (■: str«wn vith gvav - !n itio va!o aud Ou the hij1?.,!,., ’ Thro’ tli* wc.d.i and t, ihs»tr*am, Ua- tae r.iariul pa; abt iiidv.], I iko the vision of a .iivaio \V!>?ra tl.e reveille ratcundod, Sai t’je stirring rail, *«• armr, Nnd tho (Invv-uy heads ot clover To tie wind a mesmeric charms; Where the hceli* of traurdlng rcisdrona Heat to duet the mou tain pars, Uang ttiM ditvdroj.B’ fragile cry.tvij From the sjeurier mecus i-fgies-i; Where the shock of meetiug atmlei Kone*l the air in rsgira '-aits, And with e*<i and hollow (--oanir.' S Echoed o»rth’adiep hl tdea cav.»; Where tho ofiea of crushed rnni djiDe iherced the elemental strife, Where li, Death fn tlck' horror l M«ath tire maddened tosh of hife Quiet■ ow ralpns, swest »r..t nrosire. All is liushed in dreamless reas, Am.)' he p iving nv - *oi Memre Hold oar i -roea on her brtatt. Shield them well. <t4i tender in .lher, While ihe tnoru fi nd .jven ug Irtalh Whisn-rs u the sad suiviyora, , Os ibeir victory ia Death. What, though 80 stately column Their cherished namc-a may rai;e, Todlin the eye and move the lip With irrafi'Udd and pretsft— The blue ehy, hunij with bannerol clouds. Their solein dome she ! ba, AH H ave: >* choiring wind* »Mll chant The anthem of the free. Tin Sprite, with, viiie-le red arm*, shatl Jssp Their Mi locked reitini; pieces, And eninmrr roais droop nbove With flushed and dewy feces Fair daisies, rayed and or vned, rhali spi :n.g hike rtarr from out thilr dust, dml look t ihindred stare h'gli, With eyes ot patient iniil. And vainly eiiall the wltliay’a lip* Assail with e ivjpue dart The lane ofotir btroic and .-sd, Whose suronuhnld la the heart— Tta Nation's heait—not wholly erunhed, Tho’ each 'rob beia peiay For fife nnd Hop« wi!'. stiiii-tirvtve, where Line nub Fattfc remain. fiTtSUM. Kufaula, Ala., June, 1865 fcorefgw Metva, A meetiug of ihe AJiiaiio Telegraph CornpA! y has sniihorizucl aa increase ot cajjuit by 150,000 tliarea of five pauuiio each. J’ke French iioteriiateut has prohibited the publication of tho Pope’s remarks relative to the fnnoral of Marshal Mor gan. The Fruich troops bare already been , withdrawn from Frosier;da aad Viiletrese, iu the Papal States. A successful revolt, is reported iu the wbbi of Taitary The Province of lii has bean wrested from tho Celestial Uov sruuaut. Buaoart r—Great agHa'ioo prevailed at P-s h on account, of the tneflting of the Commitice of Conmittai in last city. The eieoliou question under diacusalop. The lliberuiaa brings information that tho !•'&!> if the An..orioan«bjp Eagle Speed, at, the mouth of the Nudist river, after aaviug been ashore, is ooafirnied. Two hundred and fifty the.coolies ore missing. Arreslii fi r FeuianisiD continue iu Ire land. Thirteen persons were cuimniiied far trial at Cask, ou the lii.c, and a mim Oer more had been commuted ;» Dublin It was reported that one of the Fouiunt aad become informer, and revealed tho secrets of the organisation, Thu RnssLou Muuiater of I’olioe Ims au eousced that Hue elate of s;e ;o m Polauo will bo raiao ins. the openiug of the new year. The Journal de tit. Petersburg draws i parallel btitweeu Ireland anil Poland. L'he London Tunes eupbutioaiiy deutev -he truth of ths parallel it presents, at Acre ia an essentia,, oiffertmee ia the con dition of the two. The Journal de St. Petersburg aieo oon gratnlntwa thus Wusuinglou uoverumsnt on the rapid leconeiruo.iuu of the Bouth oru llrates, and palais out mat, the Bus jiao GoTerumenu was alwoyei ia favor ol -hem&uuexiatsoo of tho Union. 2S®a*«..y *B4 Outlsttl. Thoss who observa tho ot the iuies have doubtieos ButiatU that the -pinohea” »a tney are 6 tiled, iu themea ■y uisi.!,:vt ewi-ifc u .1 1it• c.l.cii :' and &**c i title Larder and cf wmgtr duratitm as riu ,easun advauoes. This is a premonitory tympton which ought nut up go uatieeded. tfivon if the vAtunsioe of the ourrency L aontmued by Goo gross uis uiaut of thinge prove3 mau we biuve r-.-i ned t iat poiut ti wUioli t. redundant currency ceases to make bueiuesa as.y ai.>ra aotivo or ex tended ; tha- point whero the sure reac tion of ea t r-Desivuiy eHojijiated wyatcu. begin*. uaiaagc, atthe great ocuu-s of the Wed ern gpocu:at«r«, who,have k»a capital uo tuuiaiu tueaweiveb thaa tut spec ilatnre of the middle iitf.-.oa, f*«)* there aotiou firs*. We loom frouj th-, CRioag papars that the pveaeure if. very severe, ihe gi in dealers oi the region are uoldiag iargtj amouats of breadstuff* uu spacalawouj and the beaks theta fiuu that Just aa xhu provioioc pautiag ueasun is cou>iaeoclng t and a largo auioußt of money is required is purchase cattle and , oge, the grain ttea-un lt-*ve «tsorbed all thair iuJids. * > that uuey ra uitaoie to ex- ■od eooomuioiaiiou to the iarga elms ot provision iloiil r.. There id ain ge quan tity ot gruia utiil fluur titojid t,i Cui.ago on uptioalation, wh en ms bit -a art cn ueavortag to f roe me owners to send > > auu-hot before nevigutioir otcres, aou bouse the >: niggle U.w -.u - i.e epeo ulators &t\d u.o titeoiis lids lo nly cu.e interest if the great ioduetri’il tuaiuees of the noun try , but it i s uiie of much iu-portanoe, and tie a*tu« speeulatiou is on in o.aer iuteretta. Tho rise in cotton will prooabiy stioiuiate trade with tho South to a:; tx ant which rosy oosnpenPdte for the pr Oxbie failing off in tho deut-rod at tbs West. Tfce e a undoabtadly * larpe amount t f cottoa ttil! remaining iu Jthe South arid the rife < f fifty per cent, in Hi- price and i-iuar the la*.t fortnight add* gr yto tho purchaeitg aoiliiy of the South. It ie difficult to decide when and where the filial poiut of culoiiae’ion of aii this action and reaction will be reached. Tbs accelerating ami ro ardiog iuflu:aceß can not be furtr.ei'u or brcuyht within the reaoh et' mathematical cticulaiiou, and the period may be near or band or mole remote thau U generally ruvpoeed. It is certain to cooae, bur at wfc tt moment or with what degree of seventy and time of duration, the tuture oac ot y disclote. Bence the necessity of cent ant watchful ness and caution.—ifosfc.i Couritr, ATTENTION ON HAND AND TO aHIUVL, -A. CrtOlOE SELECTION Bay goods, BMOffSi LADIES* CLOAKS, HOBIHRYi lb. IL O 7Ci’ j ti t. , <lu4s« Our Clri’ctt comprises Sup.Hor Ail wool French Merinos, of Ihe fu.iowiai, salon • SOLDIRINO—Roye' Purple, Mflisdae Blue, Ashes of Roses, B-'ciulihil Bmwn, Bob«. All-wool EeLAINES, various colors, DRESS BU r rONB end TRIMMINGS, Fuper or TG.iek and Colored ' CLOT IU fur LADIES’ CLO AES, Plain, Fla and and Sir: rd POPLINS, Ac. TERMfe CASH! PEACOCK & CHAPMAN, FOBMfV:L¥ OF BARNETT, Cfi ,PMAN & GO., Will bs plnaie6 in «’« ttiair old friends and many new ousts a?. “THE BEK HIVE!” KMCK KNACfiS I NOTIONS. Although I hnio uot tb * iAgsst STOCS of the abOTe artlo «i«, lu t j.O city, it I* # WEtfe T ANf« :m FACT that 1 hie;) only l' * JUl'aT IQODP. and thsteverj one tuakitra; puro iass* ot jus gat* value rocslved flat all luvei<ttiitni . needs a.f ths BEE HIVE I I have now ou k-uid, iu rdditlcß to theabtrv® fitoek oi DRV fa-FOU*. A Choioft Aosurtc:. vs ft! jiSiKH COjiFBOTfOh'- ERIES, aud the Celebi Jtto Koss rose Candies! which I am to.i jof tuiing t try day. I will l «gii., !t * » on tluio, tha Baking of FAN -J- v. .VJiEB, OroamtatttJ lv a/ uniu: iUPVRIOB STYLE— .suitable for WShDI V«J . YA'b l mil, *o., <ku. Kotvlr. BTOdE. i *1 -u*4 6TOOB -t Pin* Apples, reß.f v-.d tmu vab false, tickler, Car 0, i.' <, s«, i. | Fresh (Orocoa) , Ma/:c*.£3 .£.i CANDLES, j.jftr Mi a, VR'VONB, Ac, 4c, WOtfO A.Uti VT.jiOW WABE! Eztrs Pi£*« Apples, For eating . r ecsiui g. Btx.-tr ti i! iD J sis BOtT WANTED- I v,i ! li i i.\ . of tbl* Juoch for CAS H, or for froduce i SiST Our B .a work till 9 o’c-lock at night. «c!9 ts Storage and r.:al • of Cotton! Mn une« lo the piiWio that w«e « prop mil to bfjAwwni STUBS Af> B SEMo COTTOH, beeing good houses uul hope to give yeiieril satis faction BAJtNKW * CO., ori'4 ts Covi ».■ Broad s.d -et Clair etreeto. WiJ B H ZijllX. jKOBT. 0. POPE N JZ W BOOT A.\B SHOE STOKE! B2BELL 6 POPS, ;Co, ic 6 airecsd s>;,, Jbtiiinbus, j (tTNDZR 0 X»X*S BOTJBU; w CUL TANARUS) <9specti‘siUy C'.iiumbum aui <ay tb a i»e \WaM < - rL - •r• d.w its tel *.. .aC ep«r.Jog BOOTS AND biiois, imd iflic->atiLUA!:y oc •very ftt/1© of LatUei’, Missej' and nhiidren’s Slices, 100 Meu» > Beys’ sad Youths' Boots, shoes and Gaiters, aud bib reu’s * ;ppe»-tip’d rhote. <iUi rmAUffl OS’ BUFF, A U V iuS rjtOOAM»? (iroat p ©a fca» i tiiiko i u Mttl Dg up C/*lr • tock,»n(t \9g «r©<J.»*©©li fOir!, Ic- > »ant. y )sorphan w; olftr »ol ducemeutu, ui i iwv* tiittin ?xamine our at ad>. Also,* tT* ftr.jj<,./UD«nt Os Soft and <» ashmers Hats. tf 'l'lxo Audiew* GREAT FANCY STORE! op ened I Ia? 'Odr e ctifu rmms of WIN! t:n C.d LtCOL. . DaLAINES and other Dr an C oetd , of v ry latest etyica ; LINEN’S: PI -AC i ,D DOMESTICS that can’t be mt,» « 0 'o'}-: y null price; Ladles* and f"a.-nbri HaJJDttERCHIKFP; Tletao t fcea iti: l . aiaoimeat of UIBBONS In the city ) BRAID;, TVlit ? i’.TB FALI3, TOWELING, JO; V GLOVES, COLLARS, t'KHFU *JiKiK‘. r,J i, end a theuennd oth r Farcy *o .is; A iplecdld voriet f3f01.3; Ladies’ laTj, Nut -s, B/ e.i :fnt GhawU. etc. •SrTbi Ladi «<o re y 'h.t vt will SELL A3 LOW as ucy h.uae . iO<o g .. £a pleased ta caU on na. PEItE’!" & CO., act in* No. Bi Broad ctreet. e. mm t so,, CORHX.R ST. ii-Asa AND {’•■ G» • THORPiE S'FRSiEIS, Inbmlduigreeeatlync.'upiedbytba Per t office Wo have just received *ud off.'7 focswl . lßtllh Sidtuglng, Stopu &. Tu lct ICO pkga MAi EERFL, N. e 1 -md 2, barrel, halvt. , quarturs and kit ; 60 bbi» FLOUR, 30 half barrels FLOUR, lOsitskfi COFF V, Si, £0 kigt. u( oakl loda, 20 kugs 6AL BO DA. £0 buXiti Oolga;.#’* and NVilnher’e SOAPf 20 b..*sa ti rnßCli, 25 grosa Toilet SO AM. aD kinds, 20 b«*c» CaS FILS Hi)At. Atn i.j»a :>u< Engli&h, 20 boxte Li adoß Club SAUCE, 20 boxes Uftbiavt UAUCK, 50 ooxec V ATB.UP, 50 boxe* PIGKIjDP. h Jveu end qj-;rfa, 10 casus BRO tv .. NTOU f, 10 cases Muir’s AL IC, 8 bbir GOLDEN tiIRUP, by (ba bar ■ or ggllun, 6 bbn. uUu \II tiOUHE f.YEUt’, 6 bble Crashed fciUilAß. 6 bbl» Furu RYB WUitCY, 2 bbl* Old B urb’.n " 26 b.vie» Udulidio Wolfe WUIPRY. 10 •• *. .. tiOBNAI’FS, 2c botes P run oh RQANDV 6 (it.sgn dannis* B s»tV BITTERS. 20 dozeu BLACKING BRUJHER, 10 grata Maseu’d BLAGKi'j •>, 20 tiuren Wbilewaio BRUSHED, 20 (Lien B,;rubbiiig BHUBBEc', 26 dracu Aesorie.i BU' KEtC, lOdcieu WARfiBOADb. 20 do|»tt BROOMB, 10 botes CLOrHEd PINO, 26 aeta SPICE BOXES. 20 sets lUBd - all eigus, NIITMEGB. Pore GROUND PEPPER, in pru tro HI GARB. dODA. 3P JEL> y by pare or pound, and almost svery ir-fe* i urticl® of GROCERIES can to at, E. BAEMAEB & CO.’S, Ccruer Ot. Cleir an,i fSjDrps Bla©©tg. ALSO.. ON HAND AH ARTICLE Cl HEAVY SH MS, imd is quantity us DOME S T I C >. 1 EITHER FC'f. BALE OR BARI UR. foAr Ou r k of Goo'ii. iu is bn ft. up, and our fir so is as old Mi an i p oisnetitly here B 11 & CO Dffir W® will MahAc liberal CNlKoautu f>i ba Trace C<k tatacli Ajrttftilea as lea, urea . li. L. A Cos. tf Fodder W autac I s I XT AIL 4 •rnOatnfQ*, at 103 teeaU £'.r-» t, wi . V V Ui purchiito 100 Tou3 Baled Fodcor.. ckilO li SCHOBEU & EIFLI 4 (Cranferi Mrul tawun ffruod and Prunt ) MANOFACTTIBE 3 of UKISPi.OOF Si t , Iruu i-oora, A.uiWr*, H r< *S-AII Sshij breheo da!i.-J® ihu ikii to »i»: ih m ui.icfo yn<.*i. Concur HaJauotr ‘lv; F! itfvr ti 5 fc. * : tup - fectorflrtr. ■ Bjols, Bootoi SB. J3 A JfcC H IjLIK, —p-B, BOOT-iU, Si it Si K EmO V a « es^^iSb » the HolLl>tb«itn -ae rear of T , Bcti B■' airy £tcre. *0 nu ’ WILLIAM 8. TtklA CLA'i’S HINTON £ EEL,) IMArciiajat Tailo? sn PEwuA.aVitNUr., LybZo.Ui.tMV-.hi a - WAKUIHO VOK OITY NALL AND MIN fEP. STOCK IN NOW COMPLETE Ait'D LSr. DY FOR LZHIIiirfOH AoHO, A CHOICE LINE OF GENT’S rUBICH INO GOODS. eaiEi.i uadi; to ohde >a. October U». c*ti His shoes. BLAGS and RU3SI : BBOGAH 1 Grad... —Al ai. A,' COD Y * efrpl? 1 1 BILLS OF LA lii i, - ANI»— Blanks of Every Dencr : o -oa riUiUd n.ud for iiDjfct 1.0 tf bU,, <jV*iOL NO. 52. uii.i i*i - 0* 'i 'HEDOLE' Sir.', jiuit jtsnarc o tiicit, lUVPRRJ */■, y, B«i>t. 20, |B6S. ( OK T Ilf r F-idtiy, Sup . 72d, 1868, (lioTraita I « v« 0’ , -:U at Arriva ; o iu- 12 00 n» Wive ■. \ ;.,ui -y S 16 pen L- v* ' -it,. t r.i 400a tn i.eiv« IV„ f> a t*' I 18 p m Ar :4 vet * 'u , o * 046 p m co »-s wi I, r* n»of Atlanta and Went Point in rll i W ■ Y • nt, wliu-n urrtta In Atlanta at 7 p in, in mo i >*ct with Western h. <1 At lanuo a ire.m or Chetts-a .o/h eml points North li U OH AW, est? I ts tien’l Bnp’t. to Atlanta l (la n. * .’pr Monday, 11th Init. d«nJUJtI-..PlieX f » OVHcB MOaOofttt - AUXOAD C0.,1 • oiuniime. Q- . Sept. 9, 1886. j Tluscc 3©e Aaiiroad Schedule, U'«iv . (ii. m .oh - 7.00 a. ro. rrtv.- M ui .. 4.10 p. m Left u a Q 7*3 o. IT) v.-riru (,(. . 4014 p. m IfACWf/4* WZSTEHN AA/IXOAZ SQBSDXTLM matii x.aui. Lt-MV* J SSO p. ia irrive ,"u. i a— 8.23 a.m. h"Vj . -s eo p. m. irr w- M u.l 8.30 a. fti. -Hpi 'if w L CURB, rnp’t. F t .ualo and Rent. For Sale! One S allnousa with Htiilery Mn.ii Puivec Kllgilll, tit «ver.v< r, i.rjiouk inj; 10 a oapucitjr v» bv-i .I m«Q ii AUotttMched to Matuttneis ti. OUO<. oiiL *; lilts vvu i« situated on SO acres r *u&4 *' w lbe *o!l t' gcthdsc. Ah o adjoin* .n-: l$; * Voo ncria LATiD nit)} hou»«3 ad m > DieoKutfl. lli- vbo • cau ba purcdaß«d -I AlO'Oi iii l:• IjQiLti Aj purobuuo will call At BAlvtf TTA COT, oe3A % Corner Broad and Bl Cun etixts. Ho bond Lot for bale! OVA of t e mu L daeiratle p'nceiin . ilie ,y. r, .iaatiy local 3 buaii, -i c»jne»( fi'w up 'Uti' ImmAH very c,»i« u«.s»| k*» 1., evuyroom i., auy .... ’■■■ < '» . tuve» nieut or P -.cer a ’ m..bte h ‘mo tbt* Is u ou u.,,. ‘i -IK <J*b-*‘k.VA and Pi USmiUt II ba wfiS ui* pl»c. If desired, A ply >i . ICC C, lAPdbVB OAS CUMPANT. ocWtt* For Bale. (»>•£ v ,=y j he ovu rowpEß pjwuf l ti. O SAFE, Patrick , i- Pate Qt. A t\Jv ml W t PAUGE 9 !, cXuO l>'. y-o Protod tft. For Rent. |vur finy m r v-emt-T build- INti, £Tu 03 »»tl BS, liroaii hirtvi, aiv-Jf at abow,store. Ot. 8 ISu EAM Mia * ItOOWBY. I‘or bale. UA;. I 803 IL f'liJV J, and t v -or fftMHB O-'E VO-O Par or FTJB 1)1170RE 5 3 &J V i Urea - .1. . and I II b* Bveu B>. Mo.bis Eammla t o. Livj'v j oio.ii oc.B it C rarnaejd. IAEA SALE OF STOCK, Purii.i.,; U ton..ils, dec. dVi.fa n ie; u 10 diaonituue fuaniDg, i will ILT • h 1, • U OA * MDVfclUlßKitt 8, mi pi* ■ iu t luu tbooehkfe c* U')tyio*>, kuoini (J **ur a. ÜBiuiat';' IhA&vting i>©pvt, u»o v, » ii ki, i r ce.>l2 iUi tuy laimlng • uj P<«i4 cf CXfi'y (ifftier’ptiOD, COiirft»t --w; < p *«<i..j . . -s i><oufcu ge*r. muies, AvF La.*w, l ae, u.iMi Ai«o, * fir»t «w HU Ur ' 111 hkti't POalA. . Tuc » tlo ad gui eitfiity a«*a of co^rs i • c.ilv e, .* j *riu » » p*» 'ifeoy ©root tb© v * rk.u . tock,—&ii« rich mllk«Ti. Tj.v M,e' u 4sa» upi ©r lultl of Georg’a, ©tho uni Hu tr i*'a» .u - dio' k Joiuojml b> tho Ut© dDM’ti’ and w r, .a* c6o. * a flu* opportunity > 1U i unii ,4, IJL‘>AAJ UiVVOUf. i l-T fSAiOi (• v M .J . w.*rwnt Grande msan—■ fffyf I"U'. iWJTURUJ. For 4 - c- . **-> > 0,1 >*/ gw pyncE: Hanascme Residence, with bi A .Ida Lana tor bale, /"kN tfcvi i.i ■ » vppooii* O vL. - ,y' X. mi©« I>uin th* city ,b« ta t ' .1H -.I r<Mjßin, up itiirf, ■Hjljj rrlo* ts» «i ’ i.:*oen, dairy c«U»r JpUJil ntb o : • - cu.o *UJ ‘i ftlobu hi jd io. a U. i £t>oi crd4r,Ept© utd w tv*r,» gt*rd©u n t-i.M *• j ore/.**d of vfcnatif# oi fruit ore -w und i-. u, 1 VVyudiADd. tor hvaU* . .j iri t; 0 CBBOBN> 00 jj 1 * * throng to th* FuHiOfttc© I‘g iient; ' and ASL£ iit ; jr.3l 0, <34 Broad Street. Afpl/ f. t ms .’tasiUvw to cclO J BAMBU3H. hr tiale* A Power Bn^rne il -OEak ovtawer boilbe, tor «Kie tjr WXTUES3I LOVD, ocf it Macon, 6*. I or bale. a*v r j.t» X- .i t iox, . ;rp . ujint gn u i. tor ,a ! .» w- I ru' ■■ n to on era -1 -.ante .t n ..aumtuipaii ejlg,gjprßjgl' . teui A tiil . I btioetui CUI v vu on t. 1 It. prov, meuw i a never tailing eii («•:-. w.’ . nseltHy md conv.nieiit tc „ k 4 » , 1 10 co. uaiug wilbla one mile of the v.iieye of . Iy: .. , on tne Mubila end Gfrerd aiiromd. x.iiru „ iry apply to Dr J T Persons, o « arc, Ji'O- U EAJ3. i'ine i for Sale! UN"' 7 tievo PIANO is o3srtd for sals. \ A-Hrv. . * B.” , » 1» ■ care Bun ofiios. ion for Sale. 1 •, F • itji LKird in Macon j e*.» A.- an M bil« and |• vi :«r 'u- r. O;> ©CT®p/*l©arert an •>0 NJGWAN TANARUS, Colli uj tm ,u© 'i 3KuWN T-l -ottuu, Uu. s«*p2 -ts F v Sale. ,OT| ’ii 1 y o-.^ULI.ING « and 1 uro’ e■ ic It jlTfl^L h -.utb est s ; 2 j n <tl,ruiw .t ~ i px ticu .. s app yPi K a Watt, ; * IU t,r.,0 to my»e.ii;n the prem.^es. i •vy.o j j u wats •