The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, October 29, 1865, Image 4

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SUN AND TIMES. ftOJBK DAI . IT VTf»*KNOJC riECV. -> **Uf ” »* t-b* Lurdan of intnr axuig flu* # <4 cylhuj. Ktortfif* i\u y has ihu* i ri> -r. •of ®m ? 4 . rr ; /l v ;i • , . unfcte frwm my fc*u » »ix utio a»i’ Wiod-friwt oifis • *it «h. years bit- u i.h*U mark *j :f. h, Ter IftlUOllg IhodAfk *• -i un v iTa’U rc> bear me Hay, •■ i i.ul* of l!)U ?<>run day, Soiuft day ’ ! y>rV r> t'ie iwwtr of Time, .r vhats Os (Hdl'Nl prime. *t,i will #ver elilue A *< o* ■<*«• h'MiVy lucks ui nun © , ■i *. •■ .*, a ■*• *•* you m»y, » sot of thin •» t .:ain Home day, Sonift day ’’’ VfAfr'h* 1 shall Dot leel at qdk i . jf b ui ’>» move about my t.rnw— ! -/,•»” nal atiilif your lifht conttutMul*, ul di»'% lUrt long t raids through toy hand? 1 <h«:t t-esuuni *u«l titiejr— * ii / u ffht wid idol laugh that day; home >Uf ’ lKiu.w I'.jw ioG& y .m tuviuft bauds Vs 111 2og<?r tmti .hose bnuds, •fbiQ you •«*•».* in y laef, tall CroWD Us >Lm 4dick biAidiugh, tang wad browu ti it ji vi triH iei u<. i ouch ot May Adowk ibaii Uugtk that day dome day 1 *ui «t ..lit , /ur r«*ra •<« falUu;* Lui Pen tLn li is wl .Dh «n»w©i not, T a : d Uk» UvoiUi»»H# on* lr«**-u,*ri a uu l**>* tti* test in «iieatna c - : g fl*rnsoitorni(j hat 1 u *#d to say, You'll cUlpe of this again soma vt«v, floure day ASIMQ- Ths kiuipsrttr tad KiupiC«t. OIU tr*J *( A tie klfkie 111 .I On Africa W >u ilijfiuo, uihl li»a lioeo ip, * uu i iu nit fc.-# in tfaa Hu«rJ at Lm rraMon. J?3» a* i.t ’ k o.«d|ikjiei [.iib tmi' *i *t the Oi*y of Mm.'ii, itiiu ii i tbs Viuoor .tut (ieu t'rij* b*U *<i. s« ft :/oia«-»ad Mhvtiniiiku, siiJ ii Lt iiidatti ta oppomi bhariaaa ou u. • •T.ui| '• jurtdiuly ti»#a tn UMaarttl rr..a t'nt iafomattoa ta hil i /Utiornad' '■i «(kt« teat finu uas no boa ■ '■‘v lanbiiafti agaiiitt (lih United Quiet. (%■! aha* t -Ueittoo fti ea arilt, »e«kint; vt liiffliie;t dun Utility u borne, fnr hu > .4 .n*ry rtmtou tu helievo t/tat i e would O'. b 9 J.i? to live quietly iu li'ni %ya T.* itfetisea .lapiiiiii ■* raptaaanUJ »i iit the djiioam Ebtartain *♦..»* i»«J iceapiiitiui at tltu p»la.u aid o! Oijutraat'e, t»a.l (be opera liouje ;ii i.ettiij aHi llleraily at; ended A ®c,;rnlfiteut boner ot iiexii'an iu u'o«b», wae recently -vu at ibe Ual nad '• Jeakin* e»w it all Hi:ar mat •. ’ bit tue ficuparer, wora iu« itai"ortu of a General, wiln <he i! t>» Mexiaan Eagle ot Uuudatupo, aud tee balden Fleece Vfbeu be walked *frrsiqglt tbe oturcb all nuucu i nta noble, and ib« c .'Utraat formed by (tie uiildneie of bie foaturee and the type of L'a pUyelugaomy, wbiob recalls ea well tUs uar ire of (be Middle Agles 3s. Mojtsiy, tbe baipreen.wove a druse el vr :l:» setin, tuftgniticßtitiy eutbroidei -4 v 7 ib j?uld. Oa iter torebeed was a .'.ok isdcitj ' diataond* and pearls, orn atteaced with cmtral jeri«a aud red teatb ifs. Around fcir neck was enrolled ft iiCtliat o! diitaonda, and two otkere of ?4*r.'d, is prftoluii* as those ooming from « trolf at Cortes Her aleuder and 'waist, bar countenance full of w.ejsiity, ier aeaaureA «»lk. the inteli. gent oynT j.kiott at . tt look, which radja v'Us brlUiaitoy tbt.u bor pre io„j jienes, all in her Inspired respect Old ' >VJ. AA the ialie} of the palace were Uea splrrilliy oorered with laoe and jewelry, iad ’•! saet profusion that they oould 'ta.Nj ajna at iue most elegant hiuropeao Ooi::->. Siladaut do Lliardt and Madam Snat. 3 xiwSarT,}, tarrie l a fortune iu oh air .’terees urrd their Jewels.” V.<to# £‘ent»A»»Ve Hvply *» » Churoii J'iti Oc 'i-’ 23;. Pimf.ldaat Jnfctig(.fi vrs* oail- S u; : 3 By e delegation of tbs Congrs- Clutdh, Tits proposed ;a an ad irwt .itt .ke £otti of liovemNr beep- H-olaM J M a day of National ThMikigt?- flsg fvr tto c*.’ifclukoent of p*ac» and -be and ettfAtaUon of eXvery, the osua* of the war Tie fretMeut made guhetan- Jisliy .ca foil owing reply : Ooa .'lenten, ail I ran say to you cu this neeerlott nuit necessarily bet» reoapitu lat'o. cf wh«i i h»T« already nuld ou oth if oojastoni. As to what cry policy will he, Is tbo work of reorganization and re oonet.uotioa of the nation, time will de velop. 'i'ha meaturee that 1 shall adopt you wtll know in due time, and 1 will Pe gOidci in such a manner as to promote tbs best good of tbe country and people, «ai I do generously trust my conduct will meat tho full approbation of »U true and lryai men. It is true, geuU.Mu«u, that t&e present lifo a.' I edta'ity of the Govtctunant was v'Wiog t* religious ioti&enoes. Theoturoh tu u labored faithfully during the lata tta cfocfcl -.irnggla to aeeond the endeavors of the admlnutraitou tn establishing the pea:* - e now enjoy, and we look for its hearty ssipsratlon in the future For there reasons, gentlemen, and tho a. oom psayl. i remarks, 1 return my most i*«;-iy aiul slaocrr thanks, and ha ateured i ska'l rrert ptyeelf to the utmost to turn Ci s tiifcrdered political tides ot our oeusti. Uto such channels as snail ho feet oa joined to perpetuate our honor ncd integrity as a nation £ a GfTernauut hue, ae it were, a path Vwfcra it, which tt must fellow, and it aur; ho eußiaintd, and I aia fully assur ed H will be sustained in its course, hut z cantot total the future, to any that •Tfeiih ‘a to come must remain sealed 1 -AB-iot to cell the future, but In course of Ime, t hen tkaee things which jare now retwii •/ hidden i»ro revealed, it is my ear, to hope that you will not be disap poirted in my conduct or take exception 13 bo* *r> aeares I here pursu-.a A. m :it novel claim baa just been al ew' 4 .the Wrr liepartment at IVash ?agt>v- If escrusthat under an order of Getw'ui -Sca-giir, issuni at Nashville, s stssmbost load of women of ill. t-epfat.oti were taken from the city to be ended it Louisville or Cincinnati. The »utt ,ri Ins at these p.acet rsfuse to allow that to lend, and the result was that the •apt un cf tat boat was obliged to keep them on the river about a month, when car utneA with his cargo to Nashville 'i he trir ocst the handtoma little sum of six 'hous&nd dollars, which the Govern ment now pays. Ike Ca'kollo Gathadxal windows in Uo t-le will soon t>« adorned hy parts of bean* tifol aialned glass, at a cost of six then* •and dollar* for tk* twelve windows. KlfWtlad to tile Oeorfll* CaarentliWi The fo’.lcw.iijj fcru this catnj.'i c! tka Del’ *s fur it l l enr J front Appiiot'. DO Woppe.F C e?Ue Hnkir W ,Ti ft! .'532.», i 'i lie.Td hulaw'j «it St- ..u, b 3Pu ■lif’.rreti Knot.’* . yfra Turk, .1 t J ,:'l»n. likrtosr. •’ K I’-rr i., J > ./.a e,l< H '.wars Matriai, .H t Stni'li f > Wt'l.a ••••. KM' C, ll 0.0,1.- >f ; ,;i- 'tii U lire*, l■! TU.';, tv «• llrysv V 1" ?oiitli .ul :M' linlli-i'i ,l. Mr ft oa..- bteweter. Huca Johr Ii 3i,i ■ t u, umlifc 11 Jimn, H V .10.,e., Ti I Luka m. Ukibmiu >•<•:'> tV Cutler. Htsn Oejrn- Ciuatiao DC; K S ' ktopliyl ..'i A * ufut-i, ** J.iliDKon. trarrvll. E B Merti.: M * Merr-»;l,CW»'i*r i'i*- .1 UVerrou, J BV. ikls, i- oth«u llm*- t; ,t.xu.. ,c . i3ii.r Wui licury. Cbkrltoa J 0 Sroiib, J F Mk'loi. i ftkf. Ji.ocl i Ull Barts, W It*g'«>. Cti«th<&> Sr iornoo, 8 Cot tn, T I I.ftiyJ i 'hattoorft. .1 0; r .oU, k-.,'l at l '!, Cherok « J 0 Doftn, W C ruckett i E C .t- JOKtOC. Ciaik..k '■ %rno, JIT Cm s’r. J < ■ U.. e t A 'iurint>ieeaii, A I* Womitcs Cl ay toil, j C.KII ngtMi, X l Uul<* Ciurh. Cob* a J Hv.-imII. B fiwi I, Woi Au !«l-.u, Coffoe W AJilty, il Faff.'fd. Ci,l-ium..w nVtttkloe, FOlark. C-.luOiiiU. -limes louts, 0 8 bclioc|kley, y ki Crwsti. I F stn lb. tv F Wrljfht, W \V Tti&n.'is- I ItWiGl'i.. X J 8-ll.lAi'iOS t W UibSOD. . J Wi Ufvst >u,£ V (irobem. i.i»w*on » o hog ja.TU i Mouroe. u«.»ti.r ti V Harrtag, UO Crawford,, J. I* * .ioitklo it i ffm rtt o. ot A Crml bi Hioly ii- - ei» tV fc.f bsiik Douglisr: - 11> -- II Hi tgna. K.*ri/ UK i iMoeoi., J WFsirj. Ifhoi; rwitiijbkii, l E»r, :«s, I >'• M'-' k. l er'i J e hKieor, ii lu 1 i Adan- ■ t o*out;.. Uauing J B n.-ckar, J If Fowsii r.iycrtu l Hole, 1‘ H K'aaiwell I „.,a H M J- «, nA* Uarvee, 1 i I'*•« i jr»ytn...W ; Byi', B i'iew*al». F-anldin .N tin.nulls J '• l'rt-eiEtn. l ull' ll N J K - . irsnd, J I s-lumeo.. 6 if Adk.r unmet 8 B Qnlln io, »>* £ lnigto'o li'kakOv-*..' Ulynn ..J C per V Seri k'nidOD 4yr thou: t' ■ J Dei'iSO 0,4 It *‘ g . j Ureeas.. V r iii /, 4 'O'. v.-jt, K ,i ur .svlura. , 4iirinnett fl V» .no. H * f}‘.xulx*oi\9 J .iSKiitsr K ibemli. Pblli'j* Merilu, IVci Oimu. null l •>' p v? It VV . »'.£»' hi t "»er. linui udr 0 '.** * U IV rmSose I' Fisxr.J U.u'taUwO. ••» i «'il.i»u.s, t! ■bo - I Sj-u. Harris 8 C iU-i, A r >dt»f, U D ffllliaws. j Hart Win b ■"«« - 3 AI!O,J Ua*iil..V' U K Watt*, A •Jtihe.'-'i l. v i Alb J. JK* ,C i Ho union .£ and M Gilc-J 0 . Oo».t« Irwin M) US* , j iCksoii .W L Miner, JK B DaTis it . vnaetp. ! SUil. _ _ Jesper.. u V ii -tr. *• * ocl-i <. Jcffs.-fIOO -it vJ|bjS 't. A Biapi&tu!,. jobasco. J Ferett, /," Ti >n .J ii }•.. w-st.lT K - ey. Haareut. Ji. itw, Ben KcblßS.u 1.... . ,-t tiiiil.i-.iii, W Hew? m J - vlard; il 1 it ro>. IdDßoin..4 v.' Ea'ksdnle, J Dunn I.uwndes F i endleto- Col JijuW -.. j hutuplcio l oy-i, H W Bile)'. Staoou ■F > -k. n M i'e too. MaJhou, .>. .b, \V Chkndlk yiai'lou ii L Hiu *. uV. AieCuiiia. M xitoth .Jit rMdletou, ALspiir. Men ueatnei '■> Wuruer, .1 L DUon, Fsi lire, ley itHU<>v...F Bnib, I S Bow»e, Mil'ou.. uk iSciun,, H Bojp.ii 'Muorn. 11 I Muidtrt, J A ■■rire^ii! Mr uroe. .Est Cibial *,J cr. iu-.oii, Vv n-llu- pliy. Montgouisey - Morgen J-iihiie HIU, T V Jjkftoi-J. Murray W h.-ffoiku, B ¥ Varlcer M .scospie ?V WiUuLtne, FT bioit, A KObet-pt Nuwton k H<*molflfl, J 4 J- tor- 1 A Si- wart Oylkihorpe Vi WiH.BstiAua, J DWatlbews. VV to Brlahtweh. PaiiliiiOg. - TANARUS, acti-itleol, 1 v - V.earer. Pi-kens,. j to F; B Mo ut.i.eij. Pi«re«...<; H li' ptjtua, O M T VVai*. Pibe.. W D ,'tl.-reode.- i C Ei :ve<- Fo'. b. - J A Ci- ncto, 1 ilre ..r PntfJht 1t ’* eexnt, 3: Pouiam,-0 S' kilahn', ToHr mi tiaitmaa. ,J T rMruei, K 8 F. 1 ' *• Kaftan—<s J X ng, O .U i- evoerlata KaoJoipb -M « i&uay, i • ele. Kicbniomi .ij.lei.tii>, J FSing. AC, Welker. Deb 'ey... 4*o I-nMetor, a £ Frudso . 8c re's to. M K BlAct, K VV I-. VA't Spanldlne. T Ji Job- son. h T Stewart F; r Elrks y, J D OTlraiisriy, Id Bflii?. Sumpter.. A S i.Mtts, w W Flaiiow. W Brady. Talbot -.M 5 uue, V? Flo' 'ip ~T E Trlue. Tt.ikfei-ji, ' utt-p' me c u. Ttitnsli . T»ylor..*H. «?, TQ 0 -'Onry •t'ellstr. .A J C>moron, it ki‘il*r. T«r»u. Ci> ' oaten, i> A *.© brsa Thoscw. .Jsr sj l (?«w«rd J k • .**<#»<«. * a Mclntyre. "own*. J! -irit .ti'7' !ly ’JYcup .8 A 7 '.Wijy.d -• • i. I? I Atkinson Twiggs..! £ irtyt ■>, L #> < swn talon*. Upson...# '» -***9 OCB' S'tsS. a a ktr b •. U't.'-i, llTif ; ” Irrt«r Walton .U P Hol?ajiel, 1 D Horn I, )#4f S.'ld. W tut.. Worreii....t Mfl .Sorts, B C liacon. W«etitugtoa .J 8 Hook, L tie- PEWS mlnf. -J B ftr-n. ,t,J Hij;* , *t»l:i Webster .fs Xoi',o H. Mootc. Whits- .it U..derWoAd, I .■ Oehss _ Wb;tae!U-.J i B doC«ou, 4 it hISharCSOB- P Talioljrrc. Wilcox 3 Botrsn, C .’ohr.i'oi. Wilkes GO H emo, VV Id Wilkins rn. J t Sud»< tj. B JO Chian Wo-tr. W ; Htrns. dJu Eon**. ft-jQour.i* laiioai The JdssjiiSc fraternity of I enceyivauU Lsve rat cully ; nbUahed t,a address to th: North and its Goutn upcir this subject, replete with ccutlraea'3 «bat reflects a nsw lustre, only upon this anelest sad honorable order, mu vpcu human nature Itseit, with truth, the feves Bt.d elhcicy of which ought to bs felt in all the land, aud with fv degree ot emotion urgently suggestive tj msnklui of the moral and coci vl impovtanca of that In etitaiiOD in junt suoh * arisis &3 is the present hour U our uoantry’s Ulstorv. Noble, Indeed, is tbs mission of the peacemaker ad great should be hi* reward We have aotloa l, too, that the merchants and leading cltiaere of Chi cago, Cincinnati, St. Louie and Lcuiaville have recently tt ndorecl to Andrew H. If. Dawson, Ksq . >if Georgte, invitation* to lecture in those citie* upru thie same Bub has e»er n wht)r. beau segavded aa emi neutiy a.lnpiet to the abuttmani of thoja preju •ioes which stand so proutin Uly la the way of an ally end paraiut n.t re cnaoibation. This uabjeci, in its own importance, rl&eo far nbove scy perianal interest il oau pcseibl/ involve. The solid jw-aas aad quiet happiness ci a gr*at people, who 8.?,i la th3 full fruitten of n flowing prosper ;y and untarnished hon oi, oeunot v.osi more llna it is worth. Any disoourso, then, that is at all calou iatei ta feol.itn o thie "coarntmciatian so devoutly to b>- ivcshtd.” aught tote heard by everyb -dy, W n trust that Mr. D,, who is a' ao’n eel l » tho kress as now in our euy, w 1 <J •, t- his lseturs un “Keoonci' '.wi” her.- -fore u s tea Tie. A Washington Inter cays : •• Om- heieij are filled with Isvlicg Confedarwtvp Last evening Kot.y cr thirty oi them oongrefrated in .:.s b rto .n 5; Wills. ■>. and nitractei -j c'u - a. G v .i. ImhoUcn, who v- iss io, th# terror r[ the flheuanoo.' ; t VNlry, vm i •’ct fpi mous General Pock »’iother trumiae-it ttttiitnry person in this singular ooiiootioa. Ihe tone of the ont”Wfctio'» among there men was entltoiy differenc fr.-m wtu D used to be in v:uil-r gau trl'ji prtvioi . to the war Mr Hager, a white-haired, venerable Son’h CarMmi os, aesured a Northern mac, vcith whoui fle oonvtinid, thet even in the Dalmctto J aio tao r.jhie of the lreedmen would b? protected. Kb asserted that to? houth wa. viillog to rec ognize the total e r hrow of s’avory, and treat the colors.: people no longer se slaves, bat as fr edm n Nearly ail the Southern men talkei ,j this vain, and evidently intend to make their prom ise good.” X JOSE*!!. 1 i. JOSEPH & EO., mi Door to T. S. Spear’s Jewelry Store, VBLO&D BTKBBT, OC’IeUiIBCJtH GFliOßCafd. fa?tcV DRYGOODS, CLOTHING, Brota?, Shoe* Httts, xfcC., WE are now receiving and oi en *NG OUR STOCK OF (Staple and DRY GOODS, OX- O THI IV Boof2, fchoes and HaUJ, 4VD \ t?EFEFA T 4S3OKTMENT OF fISSMTIGH SUPPLIES, I WA> HCY C3-O OD H* ITations, &<> WSJIOH TfZ cri'Eß TO TH f omiTNc or coLUhisua and vi* CiNITY AT THE Lowest Market Bates, I, JOSEPH & CO., ibfe&t ¥»o.>* ta T. a- Spear’s. SS. J©i ; "i'3. *’ I- JOSEVH E. JOSEPH & CO., HA7N Ii !iCEfVED DAY. A WELL .' lIEOXED STOCK; Os CH-M FAMILY GROCERIES, f ÜBSiatir .• in part cr; ChC'i sb.oPalF.s, Ohoic# Brandy, • -.•is ■ ,v. m, hTusttsy, ttin tad vT.r.»i -Steb ' - r itlniMe, i "win i*:d 5l»oh T»a Jt»av a iineTnitt «r- Cooklb;; Suda, ta k* u , d«s. '.aid p-i’k-r ti Jk>caiu,Oorpe! us Mkritere'Jk 'j.ii said bits -ikMib,.*, CgnilkS, Per-’ ar, bp‘*aCiaa*moti . tareh, Muslikrv, , l>i; ttr, uU-yts'J Soap, all it', a is, 6*.rd!r.®< Bw*et Oil, i r-.clcMy 'Woadwari, Ukitingr, '■rooms, Xals’.li i .dCaiufy, Ti& KTITJO JuNI) KOPE! * f;if i OOVN GROCZ R I E S ' WILLI OF ttVSJ i X WHOLEiJAI E. liny im- uoii rj hiercaautg will do l well to i.’ tFr’K'B pnrdhaeing elsewhera. 1 1. JO-i.'EiPBT %CO ♦ livbt i/'caf to T 3. 8 *5 If M. 5 :ioei N o tice! THS iid »re: .4 . Li Mtu' iivw*Lg §om« of rjxy ! *r t>hr »” and £L> c! <* ufi ut O Uiutluj iudvlcia. <• .Liihl fc'Uo-acf’jtci the e MwiiCii ’h CO- ) t-/ Jlf !u><jrc?D UldoperiLi i.MM tnroucti kr»©il*. -n3 of yjar ys *»r <jf Q'lrrv 'LLu# Us ».r --rar *; liits ,r 'T'wb!Hs ,# tL-5 I atutll t.ui poral4 C|>o ot’ %•> tur®, wUiW'«''« m/ ledflki pw**niu, or tc iQtc.rapt lu fu j uf.twi-*i ro<3tiv>nfl of < pyok*s*l©n»%! chA «c e\ jd?n fur >fwr» ; un piewaa. tii>U h.„ri»e %o o. 0e,... ho, t •« 'U.t of V© **r A <>x. (ono c: aor '•«> Ec.uiß Cos )or m my r©« * dHiK'3 cn JV'trtrtfl rtci»w% uott vrtth prosipi ion. WML VV• JT OOiC lgr _ mmmmrnmm, XL OWNERS u£ OOTTON. fit av'w :j numervue from cirood vs vyJ.d any thet w ore pnporsi TO TAKE charge qf { ■£-Vi IS OBdJiiS. IZt> Ship my Let of Cottas rt the Sluice of Gwyiz, South Carolina or A-aifarHo., at vt have keel zjents ct nearly entry tenon and & ccipe ej most mn % selects} for integrity, espadiy end experi ence, to take charge of every lot. Wo tv.ll Uuio fay ail Taxas asd Charges ci every Doulptlcn, and MAHE &13ERAL AivVAXCES 05T TfSE COTTON J In ehort, v» -rill lai.s charge of the Cotton on racivti cr ord-'rs a;;c? yivethr OrT’E.ers ca troaul© vrSsataver, from the xns v.e Tc .ts - it until eel! end return* insit by car hea rt WATI3, CSL.NJ & CO,, New York, or ’J, WATTS & CO., Liverpool, JLnglcr.J. TPs wtv.'i-i lit etpesiol atienticn of ..en ruiimia ts cu- facilities. H. M, BBUafi & 00., Augusta, Ga. lecathi »• •*clu=tß« ** Arc-.t for E M Erne* a Cos ' xr * cr-fto ate char,rs us Cotton. UL.d*r t. ei>;r» ijr a. &to mate advancei -utrcaa I cae a. <;»ircni of pmehasag iugrly isf*t. ,: !»,- . tnaT.-et rat*-. lE.IZ AV",XASISo>KiI, Ufiio* Z*S Broad Street, t g. .f over t>’ -if ’8 II iriwsre Store. Jf th - Motors of Cclumbas. !. oo -pMo' with the lew rron rinp the name* A of All perretz e:.’stleJ v- rote at ;aa aanu*! *i«;i.n,for -ATr -r i* t.ldtranea aatlotheroffi rerVcf tar <• tj •>f C.'lamim .'•'he -efii-tered, 1 taT'o-e-iof \>n tfco Co’..icil Chamber,ln the Court aottse, lor t' l? aarpw- M S MOOi'.E, Ctark Council sept* S.T> BLANK J. 3, TREASURY Permits to Ship Cotton, For me at THIS OFFICE. Rnlii'lCAU UIftSrTORY. K; TsoTkCdln'-hot '0 Atn | "woref'aou •• .T "Ji a t iirr>ait'vH.aiu. ilapol a•. at Cocunbi 14 il p a v<H-n iitft*? *i.a ww r PCIBT Las Ti. &jr ."1«... nl4» ia j Muctgrn’y 4XO & a At **-,Rigmii r».9 >S pin L’m w. I’tilb. llf t. Hr. .V.. JWB IAT »t Oitacd f- 'X swaaa ito obMkc tuxrbOiiu t»»Ta 84-a- 1 p -a I Vt» 3 d-rrs ; ii t ' Ar On. ftpri'ig ~d£3 p e j Ar. a. Girard. 1009 a a; asp waw rota* a.c.a«AP, Letts F'u. iu t> n» m I L’re WtsiP icf.V Wp in ar West F .Ii 04 pa ! arnro AU*nw» 7of p a li4o ■» AKP vmaT£»W SAttEOAP. CaT ISjILV. lioesa 7 »0 a 3i I !«!*•'!» Atlanta.. .7 id a w Ui. tv* 4-.r.k-. *.OO pm | biaooa i.JO p l mast fbA». Vests Vlacn. rA" p a | i«*yo A'iant,. 5.50 pt A.r at AJo -U S.M pmj*r at 34*00; .8 30 ap. eo'.vs-waerawr AuiaoiS. Itm H*t> 3.-7 si a a j Iskt, vnfauis • 0.10 a a at st BiafAci-u? iij pm lAr at Hacon- 110 p a.< A-i Tsicr oa Ai.a*ar beakcs. I/t* dreitb !* J4<pta llk are Albany 730 a ® rat Ala* f- A’4 p 9 | At. at ii-ciur;ills 909 * b C2TIUI FUl'MOii. lYkibs r: osra vay tri-weekly, leaving Mac .e on M'r.diu* VVehicllay* and Fruisyß, auJ reluu: altera* •«. : Eaa'eMAccn fWawt j ft* Eatcnton—SoDaua A/.a!Nw.m.U4p u> | a*at Slecoa '."Bam KbOoii aira Mraxawicß sbitsoan Eaav ’- ’ 2,1 pm | I ear'* .1 election. 6SO ait Ar st Jrn.c !■’) sis i At. at Karon.. 10.30» to SiC. eu ur.j-.Qts. l.savs At’ac'.-*. 6.00 a m I Leave VngiHt" 6Z6 am Ax. j*. AogU'i'Ub.TJjepta I AtUni*. .tiSOpu W ***v» i:>» tXILZ-m B UlbliS,,re *t!e : i.Tt pid I LvCuauan'aigaS.4s pin At Cli*tUa- s.' 7*ml Ax kt'AtUnU- 610* u. atiartiir s i's obaliuswooa ax ieoAp. t* Th- uaT # » m I l v’e Nasuvllle.. i.BOa u: at *' l-'eiib -i 'i.S pm lAi Cbatuoo'ga.S 30 p m L-r.n riLu hio ;:ai3£7;lxs; Ein-icar T 3576 : . . ..7 0.. a ii< 749 pnr AT're ixju rii o 00 pmrno it a L Hi -, ”, •:<» h in 1 Ou p r; Arrt»e far.. ~i -e I iO p m t 80 n lo - idoxal Business Aik ns, Bonham & Cos,, Forwaraiag l-tim i : -0 HAiN’TS. A FALAQiIiCOLA, FLOlt 1 DA. C~*>l col 0’ MK FACTORS, Endi ERF 1 ’ ; D C-er»isr Si. r.J?!ir bid Erual et*., Cfoi'umbTy.a. 41 u. PFi«S?f ATTSTIIOIir give -, to all CoLsy'iraai:?-. ksj r i.-.. ~.T jfCu’.tpn roli’*u Tfcrk. New 0 ■ I .kills and uiverpool. iJcer-ti sdrencft rnete cu ccmsjiuice. kept! * f l>. E. VIBLIAMsS & CD,, £ao?vri£ig aia'l T?orvrarding Mar 'liantaj ©Sics Wo. 2S ©road Street, OoHSKibra-, O-a > rIOSSe-ISING tvery f'iciuty. with an "ixpsrieuiie i>i iaA, tftkf mil |ih uyery ati*at. ~a tu ail fcusieixa 4 ;.r'j( l .<jr to tbeSt care TErsnsccr • J Tlkrivaru Merebaiitj, Culurnbut, Gs. Juniia 4 iid . 1 “ “ fticA Puiiaat A L, Cui.a Spring.*, Ala sepl? ts ~ wlri ock & c 6„ Warehouse and Commission K.i:: -ri C *f. A JTX , SC O la O *£ S '.7 3 „ OEaaCli: ii \\\Vi, V 53: ro* bvre ample a'lMgrtßOO' ; ><• Cu*r«/ i <s-m*-ja*<'hkzxi.; i :afea3fcA .us i':ump» attenUut giTra t.«sS3S* XiiiE S..4ui* 3 OF COXTO; APS . 9 r ii ail FSOCOfIi «rAi.-VA- .uSb Siiid® oa CO XT", ; for *h!p m*,i. WAKHOCE & Cos. OtHi-.efMia Cs;. Oct S, ’3-X ts F.J. tOSA .f. A. I. tfuC:<\> & YOUNG Coami.;ioL Merotiants, KLL W V O ITi I£ ■Utter -hasr osrTA-M I'sr Salhj Cation, Tobacco, AND Ortiuß produce. A2h WUk V3«,CHiUIBE OXSJD^n, (zoedu of Lui ALLdciUr U.gliM TU: Atfesca, Beuaaa £ >O, Apiinehicola • O H Wuoo.! Lu -aUi B n ¥ u... , ! - W ti yoai._. uuniaoca; }i M t/unhy. cj7 3 m DISSOLUTION! rHK firm c. -V Uo3 & X.'VQZi '■* thi» day us 3-.J ,J v-i 7E.tu u oonM'it Tt»* tlrtn ntm will b» vs.xi r, j artner !n niching ssttla rnont*. Tue itoofet nr a keft »t tt* <!®u« ot ton ♦aia# A Hoe- -ta. w e ircaar?, W 0 HODGES. Cc-.atahiiß, & p'- i?. 1565 oc3 lin Hl W ' Ff» M # KtTON T‘u£ u . t uarO'. nM w-. »t.v» to sit tTVCW iru if t *n uit and tfco publicsl e*w»2SE3. ;y, tS'.ai toe,/ hare this dayMEBS» torutod a eoyai a«ran>,i nndvr be nonr and style Ul FOKTAOfL & HUGHES, , for be transaction ct a TTi EHOUbE Ltl) tiSERAL CoaiMISilOW v-E flKSihSi ' •Jtil teal jaff.’.'-dJ to th»m shell riceirt pron-y. a Wa’-eho-aea, tn process 0! tree roc, vri.. , j fct r..*dy, bui la the moaitnoe we whs ,-roViSo ir>.-a hr w pattvna until the hollfiog J* £ .hflcl. t. or cffics at p-a-ant is on usudclph B/•' *, .0 V : Ga/xurd’a building, near the old L .tv. aiobouek JO *N PONTAmi, VV H uUUIiDd. tiDlnabus. O t i '~ *i ' "WXi* ..j*; a G£ Lth) UD, Os. livlls t Jiil.ll iu i . :,icii-liVih, * cd-3 PtIKOH V r.i-Jt AOKNTS, Tbird, titwee: Cher v c-d Mniberrr Sirests, fV S OcOKGI i, S*'OMCllo<a-. a."# of March-ndis«, Conatry fr->oaee ot t-l imua Couon Yam-, Pneei lnr*. 1 Bnabargr. Woo, O ttca. Sugar, Oyrup, at vno ac arti ..-.S c m s-tny Tote <*#. «.s Ur ’ /ij f r at. # .. ula our tmikat prcxptly filled. »+old -u. ci rvr t- njih' ned -old. &pt.: st si- m lao purchaaeof Oot* toe ty or.r - T D nu, s» 1 1,'-' C3 oa ?’ OTpo-.-enro ;n ib'jl bilaicf-s M W WITH hits, **»!■* of Wl.he c * Ca, Atiuais. fi*. HL UU, Lit- cf v c L Tla-, t rtett 1 loud samagea: We raspertfai;? ■« cr, j; ptrmlwicn, :o Messrs Efcrrott A B*/ ctncbe i. voed A. •» be*. Joups a Cos, V P FerKO-,- * ban;. »* >a, Cr.iar * Hr»catock, At' «nt«, &», aad J ' ■'•' Fr »r» * Cos. Doan .» Macg bam, <t F<t H •' Mur J L naaljoury, K c Grac- Bias. Macon, Gn, ' 'give 'iaytncn A Go, .loyoo, Al a odor a Ou, U-. - *i . au.-M ts VST X. ’.VOGLij fieceral Coiaiiuriija&Porw iriing .tifrchintj «-p3 AF-:.A~H;roi,«, yn, g m r.UtSJ JOi2tCO». b si. DCWMttS. Jolmaott A. Downing, AWOBNRYJ AT LAW. t«P» COLDJdkC4.QBOi.GIA. Smo JNO.A. MONTGOMERY & CO.'S Forwarding House, Ido. J 4. South Commerce (Street* * All A MAPI A. S&Oyyiit so" ; s4 ty river ftte ts cowdleMob. K./jds «u p vi cjr rt .ruid 16 ceuts per bairol, g-Miavt? i-f .zs fi.p ?-Tew Ortaao:. 01 Nfw Yb.-s reapeetfuPy soHvlted. kXI>JM!fCB»—SY P2EMJBIUOS. i.- -.yard* i <,- . liaiter, Itubbins & Cos., ' -- , , ' ft (4 f ', Fowler, i'anarrl A Cos., abh b.-i ifcCi, -> IIA J VVjHeA Cos. _«J3Jy JAMEB~~A.”WRITJESIDE, LZ .lOHER* ki-eater m Cold, Silver and ificdireni Nlouej', OfFICf i" ?HSUPS*a, 111 BROATi PTKLBT, cot]3 00 LC MEL 1 3, GEO. 8m JOHN KING, Bank: / and Broker, Office 3* - Id Marine Bank Agency, ill BC7 a.:d sell >osa.Fi, aii.VBS, sxosANaa, Bai.k .dies add I'ncurrßnt Money. All i'i» •>• u ? :c*t, Es ada ant mnar ileourilie* usht aad * Ii tu commiswon. Firtlr; :ir silbiotion paid to Ooil»otioni at tbla tnd t-iait p- .y.u Hi.d tii* pri-v* (a remitud promptly. cctl3 2m WILD'*S s ijUNO S SltQTilfift, IXO.3AJIQB BEOKEKS, st o. HO (*!•*»{ tttda) Brand St. iinli. voi*, Bank Notes, fTOOKS AKD EOND3, FOJiFiuii A"- j UOafiblTi' It&CflANtiS, j'C-iia-K A* A) 33i.F1, Niiiy leva. i.«d ai Pan in* Itlaj Direct. ■tv tail Mouey tor Sale AN/.u-'P.UI h. y of change dills. IV: s 4, yst. unit iiu. ssuci fcin Livers z;a& Bala Stable. McfiEHES, HAINES & CO., SnfeE..or* to E. 1 Harris k Cos., C/to A Pii..SELfl W C OOU’B BO'fß », .\ _ ’ll.e r.u.lerstased havingpnrehaa ' - ■VK AND JLLu w IP' 1 NNr'?.- r ,lsSr ' LV,.i\ED lmm,.ii -X'i? . S? . . .I” r'v' " .iut .e • CHO3FJAW F.OT,” tro.iting on 8 -. -I str«»t.wbeTot!»'y have arranged the largest and muss uotnaviiiioas STASES and LOTS in ibe city, and will 1. >p Iways on hand CARRiuCrI..?,, BUGGIES AND SADDLE HORSES, •t o Satire on SlaaannaLF* T*y«aa. JIORBE3 BOARDED at our Stables will reosive cavefnl atteiit "a, avid ws will eaiiesvor to please all who m«7V- GO 18KS FOB SALcJ.with iu. We wan'd call tie particular attention of CEO VEr. i tQour large *r i veH-a.-rangv i F.ola for drove ■»— ts MoGEECEE, HAYNEB 6 CO, Li very aid Bale Stable *!<S, . THE nnaer3igned g L -Vs opened a I,lye-rjdßih«k&v -JA ; end Sal* Stable, Xs*~ )i Ys <i are prepared t .*l/ -iT f nis's parae* with th? test of Buggies, arriages & Horses, ead wa -will BUY mz SEI-I- STOCK. Vs will rio our utmost to please ell who may fa. vor t.a with tceir v stvonage. Onr gtatie* a 0 on Oglethorpe street, opposite she oid Ogieibor j 1 Home. JOELS DIBBEOW * CO. Pg'O.nfrtia, Aug : 11 ts LIViSBN AND SALE ■ ''ifOlL xr THE tis4*vai;ced !3 now \ prepared to supply thepub -C l,c with OhffmMv CARRIAGE3, r.- 'lingln the Liver;, J)uei.-«w •1- f r res.... LS ks is prepared ta furnlih a FISE h 2 it > abort notice. B-B-S ‘VAgJiOfr E IBDi&’PSALSj iud vVt?? u*xc-- paid to thtfis A: CrA -Ssitt. a.-.a*. Oolasßtua Cot 17 ts PBEffCH RESTAtTBANT, fto. 42 rToad t’treet, Columbus., Gt, 7*lir undr*ign»dbaa recently heen to «», a .-ut rxp# .. .ai'fOUi-.? rr:tir~f.- icg b'aeitablit a ut, and ii now well wßHsk ,-#pired to er, u-iotri ra with rytbii-t the Oj!u:aVja sarkata afford, y welt as e ioedeßfro ■ sbro d'. '-W ,M*a!e i ..c-i at all hoars, »ad every at . nt on pnid to yuceta Cos unacted v:u the Besteurant Is a SAIGON tipplitfi with c:.r dVeieeat LIQL OES, WINZB and BED IV ocß ts JOHN CARUOHI. SaratogT- Eestaui&nt, \v£ST CIO Z BftOAD STIi U'B.'!', .Vest lijr.i’ to ' Pr Eliis’a Auction House, 'CBTAI«B, c ryszssLT r-~ woodruff's offics.) a. Lad*'3Sorfemi!ie3trißh- / ggx u&gtdT ih» is-am rent to thefrijLv’, {c J ..? t a ha--e tbtm tent, nMiiAyr m> 4 a/ avt 4 of ths city at ruu* • ocA G Sr. 6, CAUnvEtl,, rv. Csvlisid Terry, V f KfIDEMCh Js.-: - etreeteaetofCourtHntse, XL Itca at t'. 'j'-t.r. i ..apno*n : » Oru* etuie. PHI VAT£ CONST!{.TINS OFfICD CP STALES. Pereone frrtn c raqniring SUEQICAt 01 i- Ti I:? will he furnished v/ith rocias and ale teu dance. sepl'iif Prescript; mi Drug Store* DR. ”, B. LAW rs FhrTAOEO it V BUOAP , TfLEET, ta put * Q{»» a* all 5 cLi.*, Pi ©ocilpiions wltL the tea an i tnirq c -- Bep2 8m LOyi ..STANFORD ~ Ftt dtEJ-bep-. • .*» of Hedicine and Snrgerv . vesr tcm ~ ißCerfcjnirtna; a)t .n --« - flud ./cfci.abl* sccomnicdatjonß in the _OlEr» hrnra frp .1 »Jt, Jr. 3m V. W. WYNNE, S.lroru y at Law, V/M Ji : ■■< : the Courts of the Ci;y ot Co s . ,’jtiaidg -.-cuotits in Georgia alao give psraonal attention to ( e preyaittvee und re.ontation of appUcation for Bp-“hia, pardon in Kichi: gton City. Oil • avsr Sr, :tr ,; '"./.iry T J rcrM Street. cctld vf_ ALES.G.MO ETON, ATTOUSEV A 'O COrSSKU-Oil AT X.--V w , CTfTCEt NO. 106 BROAD STREET, Coluinlius. <Meorsi«l •\ C 2. MoRTON is -a readiness to prepare cases HX to b l-roucbt in she State Coaris ot tb>- Clr, wueu tu-. j -ts estab.iebed, and to arrange da ten-ea aealost an'io r ; ted suits in said Cmrta, 110 will attend tbo United States Courts which held in Georgia, and on special retainer, the Bu premo Court of ths baited States. H* also attends to the preparation of case, for Speoial Fardon. unc#e President Jotaecni Am nesty Proclssailos cf May 29th, 1868. «ep* Sin g. EotSßcrot). F. Boravoma S. Eothschild&Bro., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, SI Warren St.. New; York. 11 A Cos, __ .Sadilts, lii idles, iXarwese^ P.-A Collars, Whips. &.C. HARNESS. p*f Z, r COACH HARNFISF S ;i DR A/ HAKM.Bb, WAGON HARNESS, ESPREf 3 HARI.Jd’6 Also BAUDf,KS and RUIDLE3 M*_ J and To ORDER It.K WT 4ft CO., on (be e«vß.*r. UJ> stair*, over Barnett A Cos a eopIS6 ri aud oppsile ftilr:by’! oorce:. eTblau, I’b ?(v,sri, iilstenlc Hell B»1I4!a|’, B*OiD STREET, COLUMBUS, GA., llouze, Sign and Ornamental Painter, Is prepared tuflit all orders with dlepaich and in'., lslatilioi). vr.ll 2V*ii MFiTiOFOIiITAN HOTEL (X.-ate Brown’s,) X3 a C. THI? Hiding BtrrtMaast Is now to perb-ot order for the reivvptioa tnd accommodation of iu old patron;' 0r,4 3m General Collecting Agency, fp us nmlerilgnad is now prepared to reocire all A'ICOCKT* FOR COLIiSCSIOB, b.-.ih from the North and the Boutfc. My . ftiy, fa the present, will be at the lawßocci of'SoaJuoisa Sf Knssen, over the store of H 0 Mitchell aCo (laie Gunhy & Cos.) I 'ere. I" Fiefi-a linnhy tCo. 1 Ennis A Cos, Cos. larabmi i A WUcox, Cotton Broker, Macon; Jno B Waite.- til'ins Augasta; J McNab. Ea£anl*,Ap abam?.; J .ha \? Anderson <t Cos, Havancah. tie oc 4 iai WM. li. BENNETT. pho ntx“fotjn dry -AND— MA.CJH.HVte SHOP IS now In successful operation, end prepared to calto ’.it. 3T and SAW MILLS and all ftindj or MILL WORK to oroer Ws L eap conitsntiy C... hand: t-f 'GAH MU.LB, of ail eiraa: i ARK MILISI GIN GEAKINU; IKON RAILING; KETTLE?'from Into 100gallon*; OVENe, SPiDBRL, WASH PI)T3, t’LOIVS, Ac. Ail tin., lof IRON and DRABS Casting*, mad* is or J- r. Our prices are reasonai>le, give cs a c*.i COUNIKV F'/cDUCf laLvu in exchange fc;' won at market price. I BAHIAN A CO. eel* U I . W. WALL. R. THOMPfiON. WAIL & THOMPSON, iietail firocbn and Commission Merchants, 138 B s'o*d Street, Cuiambns, ©enrgia. HAVING a large "tore room, we are prepared tn dsbu.mes* in the commission line,and respect fully Boltclt a share of public patronaga. trompt re tin 1.1 made on all roiisignaiente. Will kem constantly on hand all kinds of OPW TRY PRODCCS—iu iac; a rirst=Class Family Grocery. Farmers will da well to give us a tall before pur- Chasing elsewhere. RsiiXmcs—Merchants generally ofOclatnbus. col 1m J J, H. BRAMHAU , Practical Watchmaker um iiiWTaCTUEiR or wiistm waVchks, £*s iSrsaA Streat, Colnmbui, Q*or%U --i large assortment of FIITS GENEVA, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Gold and Silver Watches, CHAINS, do., 4a, CONSTANTLY ON HAL'D. Ail Vi da vs ri palv ag dose at short notic*. augSl ts JT. P MURRAY, 43 Sr-ssi Sireit, Coltuakus, Otargk, Maker and Dealer in Qirns, Ail kinda of Gun M&tsrial and Articles in the Sportinw i ino, SEP BE-3TOOKINH and REPAIRING ncae with tt*at3«ss sne dispatch. Keys flttf-ii and Locks Eepairad. HATS 45 P. LiSPOS’3, 380A.1. Bi Vfi'ST, HATS. sepii if educational! C L.A.r. T .WYML.LE MALE INSTITUTE. THE Tmsteea of this Institution tsie gun: pleasure in annotinr- j&f&pA ing that th-ij Imre procured the servi ces of Pr W ’LU.’I EOREB as otpal for the ausH’.ng rcholastio year. From his long i xpmeuee in teachfna, ffiC/MT (havinj_ttt'iKL.t m t.Le city of Rich ruond. -a., f SO years.) tre fsol no hesitancy In so liciting for ! itn the pstronsga duo him as a cbr.s tian geutisau i and a scholar. The School is coy In vnc-.aisfirl operatlop. and ire would reeWßioecJ It to the f-rot Me cc.'-'deration cf parents, and io young men desirous ...f advancing in tha highs; branches of mathematics and tha classics. Good board tan be had open fo|* terms mennypie, Ala. Ogi U £ / M « BN.N, Bee'y. Columbus Female Academy •'T'HR XseicAsg ci this lostitntion X will be opened ct% the first Mon day ia Oetobt** next. It will be a res I alar OOLLBGIAIB INSTITUTION, »cd all the app?irincea necessary to a thorough and accomplished educa- udLJaßr Don will be pr -vld-sd. Tlie Bcholtiaiic Year will be divided into thrsa equal Terma. as all tha;pcpilß will b« undor tha sHpemnion ct Mr and Mrs tsauudara but ons price will be cnargetd for ruition. KITES OF TUITION: Literary - s£o 00 Incidental l'«»e»K 1 8' Muric SO W Use ot Plan©. 8 fro Vocal Musics ~,,..2 00 French .lu 00 No c*tra ciwge for Latin- Board for t N .. Toni.. 15 00 Boar.xer* mxibi fortieh sheets ; pUIow cases, tow* pin, table napkiuß and p y extra for washing and bght*- Tuna and Tcsild t» cst sz paid in advascl ts K 5J SAUNDERS, Prealdent. BLANK BOOKS, GUOH AS Ledgsrs. Journals, HASH AND DAY BOOKS, 01 Various Sises, WELL AND NEATLY BOUND 6ft A 800D ABTiCLS OF YELLOW PAPER, For salt at ths »»««f SUN OFFICE: HAT§.