The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, October 31, 1865, Image 2

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COLUMBUS: i UKBDAI MORNING. OCT. IMA f ir?* tih uii<] (ouulry fflfwlation. Ul|kuut i«r i I. w.ll to .*<t» by eitnoonoement in to <Ur‘9 jfcl-ir that Boa tt 11. Uißfttujii u** r unci'it.t ti* beoorui' ■ ceuJlilAie for lV>n >r »>► fniin the (Id diatrktt Woat of the nigtiiN coanpriftng thff judicial dieiriot which ho he* for eotne limn so ably v i*eiJ- and, ui - IholikM in this illetriot; it..i we iluut.i oft hr will receive a i ik Judge 11. is fully commute,l to Die euti>or.’ of the {Ttß»nt Federal AdtuiniH , ration ..tit a blind ar.l therefore almost relue te* ■*>• i adulatory aU»ot*iiy , but a ia*»t|r; ta'lependcat, dlsrtimiaatiug nup* j.nrt. Elut. C .) lioktutin oora.u.t. k writer ia the Auguita Constitutional %•;, who bee laffioient as-uraiicea to an toun.-e Mtu, eaya that Bon 0. J. Jenkins will setre tbe paop’e of Georgia lu the opacity of G .reitar, ebould the people Me propei to eteot him to that high office. Judge Jenkiue hae received Executive pardon, and w octrpntent to discharge the high, duties of tbe office Superfluous. the Worth Carolina Convention bare deter mined t»» sat,tut the ordinance deny* .up the light of seoaMion to t.fce people for rat,float.ou. They might with as much propriety and ahc* of reason determine to Jet the people vote r/hethei os not they will concent to die when tb»:r time cornea. I titan Fit.lift HASH Villa. Spec's! to the 3un and Times. II ajHvn.Lt, Tr-.e , Got 23, ISCi. Ota Sun: Deeming that possibly a iueut acooußt of Uluge In this quarter if the country might pr. ve acceptable to 5. 01 readers, i wul endeavor to give a chjrtand bnrried acsount of suoti items an are of most Interest busine** in every line is quite brisk lor the eeaeou. The rise in the Cumber lend lists is anxiously aweitel by the business c itamvmUy, as the outumumea t<one between tbie point and so me of the bagei cities further Worth, are aujlblog hut direct. For the past tbieo mouths this city has been supplying tba wants of the States more immediately south of here with most of the smaller stocks of goods brought into them, and all the principle dealers have on band immense stocks which can he purchased at lower prices than at any other point so distant from the manufacturing cilisa Southern membants would find it to their interest to visit this market fir their supplies. We >ra having a perfect reign of terror, as l’ar os commissions of murder and rob bery Can make U so. Murders are of dully occurrence, and few of the perpe trators are arrested A negro hack driver wss shot by the guards lsst night. The oiroumstanres, ss they were tohl to me wore as follows : As Die hack was pass ing a squad of guards un the street scute one inside fired ai the guard, when .coy ordered the negro to atop, which here (used to do, end drove furiously away. A fsw uiinnui aUuaatJs, as fa» was passing the same place, he was ng*lu or dered to eicp failing to comply with the demand. some nine or tea shots wore fired at him, one of which struck him in the back of the neck, and came out at hie forehead, teasing Instant death Tito case was investigated before the provost marshal th e morning, but tho result has not yet publicly transpired. The Legislature is now in session, and s voted the greatest net of noodles that eror graced a RepreaenUtiv# Ball It is intensely radical, toad vary much op posed to allowing ex-vatsls to have any of the privilege* accorded to citizens. Tbit' too, from meo, some of whom are not nltogetber free from a stain—an cletu'y—of rebel proclivity. A good deal it done in the way of theatricals hero. Three theatres are in operatic#, and well-filled nightly. The celebrated yettitg tragedian, Miss Chor ions 1 hompsco, has just closed s short out \ ri.liant ecgsgtmrnt. Her success has been unparalleled. Merc unon. CAL THE LATEST NEWS uom urw tosk Lew York, 0«t, 27.— Tfae Comiuie nosers o; Health, t..gether with the May ors f Cleveland, Jersty O.ty, Brooklyn and other health officers, mot to day to adept precautionary tnessurea against the introduaticn of cholera. a reeciution was adopt*a a& of tha Geooral Government t> Site for an hospit al for the detention of patients and pas »4Bgeis Infected with cholera- A reported case in Brooklyn died. The steamer North S(*r, which gaiiod for New Orlsnoe nn fiatorday laal, ««s rrcchefi. All the fa’Eenjera eupposed to 1 e safe. 8011. H S FOOTS. To dor. in the United B»ate* Court, before July, Nalscn, Hon. Daniel S. DL-klit- i, District At*orn*y, unved that H nry B. Foote, tntmhvr of the late Oon- Con*. *«e, beaamUted to the bat a. crunseUt.i u the United Status Su preme Court As the motion was grant- H. Foot* took the oath to support the ' Ohsiitntion of the United States aud of be fc late cf New York, hut after listen '3 to tha oath of alieginflce, declared his 'Uieeiicn with the late Confederacy teodered it impoisible to enbiorlbe, and ccussquontty left the conn unsworn. ABDIItOSiI £Y TBE AFRICA The London Times allsding to the cor respontience between Mr. Adams and Eari Ru-asll. says it it tho moat important disouM.on in rsfrrenca to tha righu and duties of nsßtrals that hae boon carried cn for many years between the greet maritime powers, and it oen hardly doubt thr the proposal for % commission will nlUmat-iy be accepted. T e Times also alladea to the Fenian mo- .-meat as leading to a broach of the i foreign eulUtaent act, and If England f so bo a»gTy she would have greater reason to] complain of America's position as a neutral 111 the Vonion move ment than America had iu regard to tho Confederacy, inasmuch as tho plat wss formed la America by American citizens. The Times admits that the American Government has anted fairly, notw tb standing the filibustering plots of mti tens. Numerous deaths from cholera ate re ported near London. WA IIUNOTON SIKWA AND RUMORS. Washington, Got. 27. — Tho Buhsqrip-. tiou for the fifty million of lire-twoctiee are now full interest-bearing rotes, hav ing been received and oonvorlcd in tho loan. Commodore Craven is soon to b•: t.ied before a Nava) Court Martial in Wwli iogiou, for tailing to tight the Confeder ate t aiu Rtonnwoll in tho harbor cf Tata!, he being on board the steamship Niagara at tho time, sod tbu lisMiramento and an other ship of war being in proximity. Lx-Confedetate l ost Master Gentral Reagan has arrived here, on his way to Texan, and had an interview with the President, The Tunisian Embassy arrive 1 here <o a., lit, and are the guest* of tho Govern ment. 1. is eat.mated the expenses of the Gov ernment wilt be $285,000,000 for this year, 51U0.000.000 for expenses, and $165,000,000 for interest on dob'. The President has decided that all pardone not called for at the flv«te Do partmenl cue week after being ready for delivery, will be forwarded « u the Gov etuore of the respective titates. The (Jovtrimditt has seized large qu'tu titles of alcohol, because owners attempt cd to defend the Custom House. A num bur i/t utt. -tale are s*id to bi implicated. N»w York, * Odt.’ 2G —The World’s Washington speota! says : Hon. O. Cush ing leaves so; England next VYedueaday, or. u epei i.l legal inissiuu i-nlinci led with the State Department Thus far the tons’,u*a* is kept ooulidsnt.a), but it is very oleorlv surmised that it has rafareuae to an x djus!merit of the uiainis tor damages mad* by th.a Govenyueut on Greet Brit mu, far dupredations of the on American cammart e. It is believed that -.he ti.aerutusnt ha* ao:opted the py.ip.mi ti,,u t.f i. iJ Bussell, to appoijat, < ouinii sir.ners to eeiUs sueh claims. ihaiumar flat Wiiz i» to lm Lung on Friday is talas it -a b?Lcvtd that the cUargo of oonapiraey has beet, abaudotioil Ui The hudUig, arid it is tire ivuptc-Suiatl that the prisoner hat* been ecu-axed on other charges, and oenleituotf. t.> l.e hucg on aiieh day as the’lTesideut ehati desig nate Three hundred arid sixty one tbou. shd four hundred aud five dollars end ninety cents in due to the Government front de faulting Fusimasters of the Southern Sr.tttes- They are now being oatled on for this amount. The Viigtule postmas lets are most ta arrears, owing $60,047 dollars As all their securities were re quited to have an esiate, it is believed mat the portion of this sum can be recovered The verdict in the ease of Wirs is guilty. An iuflaeut.ial body of 0 itizene of Mouth Cuolitiaatid Florida, cunvetie.l by some NitrtUero gents in high offioial p.mUioas, colled upon the President to-day and urged him to rescind his order with re gard to Ite flea Island property and tree men The rescension of tho order is rej ocutuendod by Gov. dohnsou, of Georgia. The President Jeoiiued to iuterferu tho order, at all events until he shall r«- ceive tba report ol Geu Howard, who a now under the order referred to, investi gating the condition of the ireedmou’s af ff.Lre upon the Sea Islanda The boa: and 0 eramlue the oiheets for ooiiuca uuoi it, reoeally sitting in Waebiagtou, has hem dissolved by order of the War Depat tmu- t aud anew board organized will meet in PaHimore, for the etaniotulion of candidates for appointments t.f i/ and H.alas veteran volunteers, Ist araiy CvK", it id United Stares oolored troopa. FOB CONORESS. ffu sre autberivea and reqiu9lad to anrscußve ii aw. xJKS.j. Ml. BISttHA t, c, Trouf, ss a candidate for Congrats b oia tbu 3d Oongrtrtional Distrirt occmposed of th« conatlos ol Muacogoe, Scbley, Taylor, Talbot, Harris, Troop, Merivvelber, Heard, Coweta, Fayette, Tiny ton, Carroll, Cnmpeetl, Haiarion, and Paulding. ooSO te To the Veters of the Second Ci.-ngvos aionsl Distric t. In view of the prereut condition of cur Itoreiult of tha late revolution, rendering our prominent friends Inelligibte to a seat iu Con gress for the present, I have been induced by frieud* from different pa: tsoftbe District to be come a candidate. If I am your choice I will eupport the restora tion policy of President Johnson.looking 'oa com. plete return of the Slonthern States to tooir for mer status in the Union. Th* only hope rorpeace, Uapptnass ana prosperity is in a cheerfrb and support of the Union of the Slates, upon Const! tloaal limitations There I* sorrow at tbe grave of the first born, an gulah in the house thar weeps a parent dead. I remember the touching lamentation of that ardent and impassioned nature, Edmund Burke, whsn he mourned aa only son, the h. .r of his h-uwand U.s home Yon bßve at] heard the wall of the firing of Israel at tbs death of a rebel son. but pc such sorrow ,a e; er fait for the roldier slain in battle, or for kindred gone down to the grave, as the feels looking for the last time' upon ' i home, or the patriot wnen ho sees the s„il of his country crimsoned with fraternal blood May cur eyes never weep tbuse tears aga'u Your country hangs weeping upon yoffr neck slid be leeches you by the memories cf tbe past and tho hopes of th* future to stay reproach and crimina tion and send healing waUgs along all tha chan nelsof social and political lif«. Respectfully, J E BLOUNT, M D Lumpkin, us , October St, 1685 ts n— ii ■in,. 11 in—snroa*Br?e— a»-- §t. AlAemar CoiumaHtleif. \ O AI.LFD Meeting of Ft 41dem»r A Conimainter >- No * b T. will be Afr'l*/ held THIS (Tuesday) EVEN MO, at yAky The order of K T will be conferred. “ all Sir Kulghis m good standing are invited to alien t. By order of E. C. nr3l It 31 M MOOKF.. Recorder. something" newT JUSTBKCRIVBPAArrn r r SEALS, JONES & AOEE’B, 62 BROAD STREET: 4 Lf*T OS GOOD?, consisting in part cf + \ Print., Pleached and Brown Domestics; F.tnpr«*s Oloth., Bombazines. Vandyke*. Blankets—whit* and cclorod, Bwiae and Jaconet, Thread Lace, Worsted Braid, Veil?, Holland, Jeans, Oaeslmeres, BrilUantes, Long Glothi, Hoop Bkirta, Leather Belts. I-ace Setts, Linen Sett*, Crape Satta, Crape and Linen Collara, With a complete assortment of HOTIOHII. octll fit mm, void &k BROKERS OFFICE Mechauics’ Bank Agcaicy, GOLD, SILVER, and EXCHANGE, BOUGHT AND SOLD! Highest Prices Paid for BANK NOTES. GHORBIA. Buy’g CeDtral Railroaa B»nk 9® (leoigta Railroad aad Banking Uonijiaxy 90 Bank ol Middle Georgie fd Marina Bank M Bank of Augusta *6 Augusta Insurance -1® Bank of Athene 33 of Commons 1® Bank of Oommeice ; T® Bank of the Empire mat a IS Barm of Vulton - *■ *8 Bank <t* Savannah. *3 Bank nt th» State ..i (teurgia 23 City Bank of Augusta —BB Ia min. and Mechanics’ B»uu 10 Mechanics’ Bank ......10 Ms icl.aut-’ a lid plameis’, ™..12 Plar.tere’ Bank (...17 Uniou Bank 10 Timber Cptters’.. 1* Maiiufac-turers' 12 ALABAMA Bank nf Habile... ...... 70 tank 111 Maotgouiet) VS Sankot Seltua £S Central Bank 88 (' .tntusrcial B«ok '—Bo r.aste.a Bank SO Nordic', u Bank tt Soutbetu tank 70 SOUTH CAROLINA. Bank of CafttcUn 67 Bank nf Charleston 20 Rank of Chester . SO Bauk o' Gnorgetowo ...20 Bank of Hamburg 20 Bank of Newberry..., 25 Lswk of the State of South Carolina 20 Commercial Bank 17 I I unhang* Bank IS Farmers' and ErcKauga Bank ... 12 Merohante’ Bank 20 Peoples’ B»nk 47 Vlaotera’ Paul, of kairheM ..IS t’lantcrs’and Mechanic’s Hank 82 • Bank 12 Southwestern Kattread . 47X llniu.i Beuk iSO Ls;,T'For Quotations of Other Bustle Xotes Eutjutre at Our Office. o -hl 2m WANTED. LAfil) AND COUNTRY HAMS, E. S. Swift. Notice. VI, L persona indebted to the late firm of CODY, kf.tM.7G & BWIPT, ore hereby unfit el that they utust come up »ud neuk ; and those v.ho tail to V'ty by first day of January next, their Notts and Accounts will In put in suit atones. The Books and Papers are kept at our old aland. Cor ner uoder the Cock Hotel. CODY, FLEMING A eWI'T. Columbus, Ga., Oct. 81,1865 tjan 1 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOE SALE IN COIitTMBUS, GEORGIA. IX,TLI. be sold on the premises, to the highest bid i > der on THTJB3DAY, the i4thday of DECEM BER NEXT, at 12 o’clock, am, all the REAL ES TATE. with all the rights,privileges, and appurte nances belonging te the Eagle ivicauid.'.furistg' Company. This vrell-Unow a property consists of sundry LOTS «ith sud without Water Privileges,and ope mtlTes’ houses on both sides of the Chattahoochee river together with three-fourths cf the Water Let Company's property and rights—all mors particu larly (.’escribed below, vie-: Oc Ui east side of tus Kivsr (5) Five Lots with, and id) Three Lots without, Warer Privilege-. (3)4) Three and a half Lots with two Water Privi- Lyes. (J) Three Brick and Two Wood Bnildings con tinuing in all 213 P.ooms for operatives. And rhres-fourths intertest in the Water tot Com pany'* property, eonsisitng of 18 Water Lots, Ail tho above Loti are 72 feet front. On the West side of the River l en Lots on Elver Bank an.i Nine Lets in Girard. Twooty-sf* acres Laud on which are cue Dwell i •£ House I’crty.eight operative.’ Houses and cue Wojkehed. The f<ate will ba without reserve Tho property will he shown to persons desiring to purchase at any time previous to the day of sale. Apply to R M GONBV, Pres. Octem-r 81,1565 t.te AIL IS FAIR IN THE NEST, *\ S. SWIFT, Agt., | 163 Broad Street, OPPOSITE COOK’S HOTEL, f 8 JUST and OPENING a Urge X asSM tinent of Staple and Fancy Groceries, consisting ;n part of tbs Liiowing: Frifta N O Sugars t larltled N O Sugar. Crushed and Pulverired fit'car Rio and Java Coffee. Mackerel—l, 9 and 3; Black aud Green lea; Candles; Eraslve Soap; Toilet Soap Assorted and Fancy; Gum Drops and Raisins; Currants, Dates and Prunes; Maccaroni and Oheesi; .lolilee of different kinds Mace and Clnnaun. it Bark; Pepper, Spice and Ginger; Pickles— quarts and pints; Kcoli;,; Preston A Merrill’s Yeast Powdera; Soda; Fine Chewing and Smoking lobaccj; Fresh Salmoa. Lobsters and Sardines; Fine Wines. Liquors. Loudon Porter and Ale; Worcester and Cumberland Sauce; Tomato Catsup: Fine Family Flour; Macoaboy Snuff; Nuta, Citron. Almonds and Filberts; Rutter, Pic Nic and Soda Cracker,; Jtuatard—best English, French and American; Call e- on and examine for yourselves, for I have too many articles to enumerate, for the Printer. octSitf ES SWIFT, agt FRESH ARRIVAL! -AT- G. E. THOMAS & CO’S, No- 125 Broad Stroet. Wv bftvo just received another lot of CLOTHING ANI) H RMSIHM. HOODS, Consisting of SPLENDID BLACK CLOTHS, FANCY VESTINGS and CASBIMERES, FULL DRE3B and BUSINESS SUITS, LINEN and SHAKER Flannul EHIRTE, Linen, Jeans and Flannel DRAWERS, Gent*’ Fancy, Kid and Bock GLOVES, BROWN HALF HOSE, LINEN COLLARS, et cetevu. We extend a cot dial invitation to our ft'iendi, patrons, aud the Publio, to U3a call, and cxa’-nlue our ayiorunent—as we feel confident ve ca.i pleaue you, both e-s to prioa and quality. ooSl ts Q. O. KOJSHNE, ~ >l©reliant Tailor, FEAR I. O. tTBCPPEK’s, RANDOLPH SIT., COLUMBUd, QA. HA6 just returned from New York wifn *» »b-. dpome stock us Broadolotbs, ver, Oaeelmere, Doeskin, Yea'ingii, aud alt nA euluble Trimmings, aud Is now prepared . make the latest styles of DRE2S AMD fICSISKSS SOITSI, at the shortest notice and at thn lowest price There have been selected wi!h ths greatest cure. Cell end examine b.fme purchasing oisawhare nc-t3l ' i .n Iloom to Bent. ill a rts.denoesituated iu a plsasaut pari of tne city, and occupied by a qa'e, anA ug.seablr fciuily, either furnished or uuiurniehed’, to ode or two young gentlemen, or a Logie lady. Appiyat THIS OS FILE. C-.;3l 8t BOARD! ,t NY person wishing BOARD eau be acconiiuo dated by calling at NAtffei fad. WEfeOL'lElt’S, Second Dour from the Empire Mil’s on Fr. nt street. ocßl t-tpd i'or c^ala, At ilcKeo’s C&irlyfa Repository, a HANDSOME BOOKAWAY of the Latest Style. or 29 6t For Bom. My Residence in Wynn ton, about two miles fr ia the City Apply to T • STANFORD, at 78 Broad et.eet 0c29 61 J F WINTER. IOD Boxes Fine Ohewing Tobacco, B, JACKSON’S, 133 Broad Bireei. 0c29 et VALUABLE COTTON PLAN TAIION, oa fonscuh, iu Pike foamy, Ala., rOB SAL.E! rifHE Tract contains YO-JIT' 1 aero, aixteen raikafrom -'~5 Union Bprings, Ala, The Merge ■BrpifymgA-....' AUD Girabd Raukoad will run■3»_is»rS«7E( through the place as soon as Iron can be obtained, bs the grading is uous uom I nlon Springe the present terminus cf the Road to 10 miles below the Plautation. Stan hundred Acres are cleared and In Mo- 1 repair. All the fences in good order. Good RESIDENCE and three large B^rcs; Qin buuso, KlaoVsmltb Shop, Negro Ho uses «nd all other uecsssary outbuildings. There are THREE OTH ER SETTLEMENTS on the place, so that the Plan tation could be divided into Farms, Fora Good Oechabds on the promises—beating seme of the finest Peaches. Apples, Pears and Plums in the country. The place is very healthy. Aluo, 3,000 bushels Cora, FodJcr, Peas, Oats, Ten Mules, Forty Head C&ttle, Qhe Hundred Utocfc Hogs, Banoa enough to supply the place one year, Three Wagons, all the Farming Utensils, and One Thou sand Gallons of Syrup, can be purchased with tha Plantation. Parties purchasing can make their own contract with the prosen t laborers. For further information app'y to S. B. WARNOCK, 0c29 ts Co'mmbns, C.a- Niotice.—Removal i MADAM VITTOF.IA BAIUN! has re- UM. moved to Troup street, second housew&ijiw North of Thomas, whers she will tonilr ,;;,L.tirafc.. to give Lessens iu rgy-' Vocal aud ißitnimtntsl Music, and will be pleased to receive calls frem old friends. ecus St* virroKiA bailim. NEW BOOK "STORE! IVo. CO itro-id Btreet, tolumbus, Ga. m. H, ROBERTSON, (Successor to Geo. ti. Roberttr-n -f; Cos.) RESPECTFULLY’ announces to tbe citizens of Columbus aud eurrounding count.' v that be baa uow m at-re, and on the way, a chok e and de sirable stock of BOOKS A\D STATION!EJR.Y, comprieing every article ÜBnally kept in ffrit class house 1 -. Lege! Cap, Bill Cap, Letter. Note and Billet, Gill, Mag'A, Blotting and Tissue, F.uledand Blank I‘A, Kil. White, Buff, New Opaque, Card and Wedding Envelopes, Mourning Caper and KN VELOPES and cjARI'B. AmoJd'a and Butler’s Ink, Gillett’s Btsel Pens Faber's I.ead Pencils, Dice, Flaying Cards. Visiting Card?. Portfolio*, Looking Glasses. Pictures, Prangs, Sketoh Cards. Tooth Erusbeq Nail Erust es, Uatr Brashes; Pock et, Toilet and Fine Combs; Ink, Mucilage and an endiees variety of STATIONERY a.’.J NOTIONS ! A beautiful stock of Anthony’s Photograph Al bums, containing trom 8 to 200 Picture?. A choice orock of Pound and Taper-bark Novels. . 1 keep on hand a large and assorted stock ol SCHOOL BOOKS ! Also a choice ejection of MUSIC and MUSIC EjDli' l . Sod go, Ballacte, bnerto and yt artettes, toe Home Cirri*, Silver Chord, shower of Pearls, Gold- i ea Wreath. Winn-r’a Perfect Guide, for Guitar. I Guitar. V.oliu and Ranio Strings, in connect.on with all foreign p-.por;. printed, I also keep on hand ait the Weeklies. Monthlies, and Literary papers published in the United States. I buy at the lowest cash prices and our motto will be "Qaiok Sales and Small Profits!” j I respectfully solicit orders from the Country *- well as from the City. Ordets from any one will meet with prompt at- . tention, and those who may favor us with *Bch mat rely upon just dealing. |gjr Any thing wanted and not on haud can be supplied at short notice. Call and j see me. Gh.o, H. ROBERTSON 0c27 ts Dawson, Collier&Co. OULD reppoctmlly inform their frienda and Jlv patrons thatrhe Prescription Depariment *!i\ be under THE ENTIRE CONTROL of Mr J R COLLIER, whose ability as a druggist i« *oll known in the city. 0c26 ts ROSETTE & LAWHOH WILL SELL ON WEDNESDAY, NOV. Ist, at 10 O’CLOCK, CHAIRS, TABLES, CRADLES BEDSTEADS, MATTRESBKB, CLOCKS SEWING MACHINES, BOOKS Lot Assorted HARDWARE, WINDOW SHADES and CORTIANS, GLASS CASING aud DOORS. ALSO, Dwelling Kousoand Lots Nd. 442, fronting on Forsyth street. No. 441, fronting on Mclntosh street, each oontsiuing half mere more or less Dwell ing h»s 4 rooms. There are alao a kitch en and other outbuildings, with a good Well of water on the premises. Titles good. Possession given Ist December. 00131 tils EOSETTE&LAWHON CLOTHING AND HARWARE AT AUCTION ! WILL PELL ON JP fit J X> A. Y , NOV. 3d, AT 10 O’CLOCK, DRAWING KNIVES STOCKS and DIES HANDSAWS, TIN PANS 200 1 to 2 inch AUGERS 190 grose Ague aud Suspender Buttons BROWN JEANS SHIRTS KERSEY PANTS and JAf’-TTETS WOOLEN SOCKS BROWN JLANtI DRAWERa. oc3l tds WILDING, tv ABIIJOJ(ABL.ll: 800T4UKK£, YTrOULD respartfully Inform hi, \ V old frian.lß and patrons that i.. atilt c... lying on nivineia at reridence on Jackson 3tre«t, ia the*^ygSJSO rear of Haim&n’s Foundry. d.ii orders lor work will receive prompt, atten t-ou. 0c29 ts I BOPOSALs FOR BUILHIfIIG A TOWER T COrr.’fClL CHAMBER, ) October 2d, 1365. j SF.ALKD Pr.-paeals w ill be received for ODr-weak, by the Contract Committee of this Council, for the BUILDING of a TOWER for the hanging Os nn ALARM B£uL, for tbe use of the city. Plans, Specifications, £e, will be furnianed on application to Sir J L Morton, Chief Engineer Fire Department, J O PORTER, fit Chain Oont. Com. A VALUABLE PLAWTATION AND ENTIRE OUTFIT Fom Sale, on a Credit of One, Two anal Three Years! I WILL sell my Plantation, sit uated in Barbour County, Ala- A bania, 2 miles .-f Midway, »uj mileo from No. 6, Mobile and Gi amA'sfl&BKjßgr r.-ird llailroad, containing -• . acres, about ona-balf opened. The la’d ,» omened with the B'FcT, end the neighborhood ia excellent. On the place is a DWELLING and all necessary OUTBUILDINGS. I have MULE ft. CATTLE. SHEEP, HOGS, CORN, EODDEK, COTTON SEED, BYP.CP, WAG ONS, Carts, ELAOESMITH TOOLS, FARMING UTENSILS, Etc. 1 tviii sell the Plantation and antlre outfit to a re sponsible party on a credit of one, two and thtee years, end receive COTTON in paymen;, to be ds iitared at neatest depot on or before tha iat Janu ary. 15<}7.18)38, sad 1369, consecutively. Mr L Christian, nc-sr the place, and Mr Jno 8 Colbert, Co’ambus, Gs, will show the property, and I can tie addressed at COVINGTON, Georgia. C‘C23 ts McOOKMICK NEAL E. W. MOISE, ATXOBNJBY _&.T Xr AAV, dice ch Proad Street, OVER STOP.E OF MESSRS. SPEITCER & ABBOTT. PC 77 3m I»H. m7/~mq%eb~ YFFER3 bis services to the cltiren* cf Co lumbus iu ati brunches of his profession. &S”ofiice ever Spear’s Store, Eeoaj Wo. S. Eftiidence N. E. Corner of Jackson and Baldwin ?lre ets. 0c27 Sw For Bale. A DWELLING ROUGE, in a desirable Jjsgjj A situation in this a quarter'fiWfW a re lot _ The House coma)- 5 six apart- H|HN men’s, Litchenaud Servant e Eoonx in yarJ: also an catliousesr.d a smckenouße; good wall of •• ater; euitAble spare In tba rear fenced in for a vegetable garden and iu the treat for flowers. Pos session given immediately. Apply to WILEY WILLIAMS. _om 1 «'.* Ally at Law, Odd Fellows’ Hail NEW GOODS, NEW GOOra JUST OPEN! M. CONNER, at f»S Broad Street. RESPECT ROLL V an.-iounces to th* citireneof Co lumbus and eorrcunding country that he lias now iu store end to arrive a SPLENDID STOCK of STAPLE and FANCY T BIT GOODS, Comprising eve.y article usually kept in a FIP.ST CLASS DRY GOODS DOUSE. OL C > r JT Si.lrv <i 5 Boots, shoes and Hats, aud a general arsortrnoni cf PLANTATION SUPPLIES, Fancy Goods and JVotlons, Ladies’ Cioth Cloaks, a great many oth<?r articles too xnimeroug to Uieuliou. HA\ING PORCHASED ftlY STOCK At tbe Lowest Cash Prices, MY MOTTO WILL BE Quiet Sales and Kmall Profits. S®- An invitation to call and examine my stock is respectfully ext uied to all, and partioulary the Ladies. M. CONNER. 0c26 lm DR. A. J. FOARD, Medical Director of late Army of Tennessee, rjVENDEF.3 his profesaionsl services to citizens of Calambas and vicinity. 9K OFFICII IN THE PERRY HOUSE. ccSStf AUCTION SALES. By X>. JR. 1311 is, (Late Etlls, Li rings ton Sc Cos.) THW DAY (TUiSDAY.) 3tgt Octebtr, at lOJg l o clock, vrlll tell in fiont of s ore, 13 Sbftrvi Ulohtle and Girard Railroad Stock. OCiil 11 By K l lTw, (Lat« F'lis. LiviDgston A Cos. FINE FUENITTJRE AT AUCTION! ON TUEBDAY, 81at October, at o’ckek, I will et'll ta from of store, for|aOouunv of a very genteel family ; about loevlng the city, 1 Splendid 7-octave P.O3EWOOD FI ANT , of supe rior too* end flnieh , cost before the W»r $750. 1 Fine French Maiioga ;y Bedetaed. 1 Enameled Cot tag* Led Ec-ooi tat, inclu ling Bed stead Marble-top Bureau, IVasu.taz.d, C.-.airs, etc. 2 Fine Brussels Carpets. 2 Fine Three- pty Carpets. Marble-top Centre and tide Table*, Divans, Lounges, Sofa, Ottoicana, Mahogany Chabs, Flee Engs, Fire Doge, and Tongs, etc. I Fine Holid Mehogany Extension Lining Table I Marble-top Etsgsra Sideboard, Lace Window Curtalas with Crimson and Dam ask Valaucts. Cane-seat Dining Room Chairs and Cottage Chairs. 1 Very Fine Walnut Book Case, • Couches, What-Nots, Matues-es, Fsatner-hsds, China, Crockery, Glassware, etc. 1 Good Cooking and Eitchsn Furniture. 15 Handsome Oh Feinting i and Engravings from the best wasttre, besides many other articles of value in the houae-keeping line oct2B tds ______ By I>. fi*. Ellis, (Lat« Ellis, Livingston A Cos.) ON THURSDAY Novstnbar2d, at 11.% o’clock, I will sell in front of store, 20 Head Valuable Horses and Mules, 1 Fine CARRIAGE aud HARNESS, 1 Fine ROUKAWAY RUGGiEG, wagons, COWS and CALVES. ocSl Ids ADVANCES ON COTTON I ■yy.E will SHIP CiITTON to first class houses in NAW YORK and mate literal CASH advances. 0r37 ts J R IVEY A CO. KING & FARBER, ABTIBTO ITX FKKBCOK, Ornamental, Fancy and fcigu Paintins;, Graining, Marbteing ani Pager Hanging. Rooms in Masonic Hail, Up Stairs, right hand. Orders promptly attended t» cc 23 Btpd TOBACCO AND CIGARS I 4 FINE ARTICLE OF IBEWLVB TOBACCO AND HOOD’f [OARS. Far sale et DR Rtf* WARE’S, OC2B St* ™O6 Broad St. DAWSON, COLLIER & €O., Wholesale aud DRetail DRITGGIBTS No. 158 Broad bti’eet, Cclmsateus. Ga. Sundries, Suadrles! Mrs AI,LBN’S Wcrid-renownsd HAIR BE. TOREK and T REESES, LARRY’fI TF.ICOFHEEUS for the HAIR, STEEI*I77G’B AMBROSIA for Eestoring th* Huir, BURNETT’S COCOAINE f.r the Hair, CRYSTADORO’S HUE DYE, Rec sired and for sale by DAWSON, COLLIER & CO. ile2s et Bluestone, Bluestonrv 500 POTJIN X> S JUST RECEIVED, a nd for sale by DAWSON, COLLIXR & CO. 0c23 St Huiley’ss Worm Cancy, FAHNESTOCR'S VERMIFUGE, MoLANE’S VERMIFUGE, THOMPaON’S EYE WATER, MITCHELL’S EYE 3ALYU, HEOEMAN’S COD LIVER OIL, BAUER’S COD LIVER 0:L f MoMUN’S ELIXIR 0P1U.,1, MeLANE’S PILLS, STROK G’S PILLS, WRIGHT’S PILLS, JAYNE’S PILLS, AYEP.’S FILLS, and many others. Raoeive.d and for eaia iu any quantify by DAWSON, COLLIER A CO. oc2; €t Lamp Black, Lamp Black* A fine lot of LAMP BLACK, reoeived and for sals by DAWSON, COLLIER & CO., 0c25 6t Druggists, 156 Broad St. Flavoring Extracts! Vanilla, Leiaon, Almond, Celery, Peach and others, received aud fur e&le. DAWSON, COLLIER & CO. oc2o et Congress Water. 26 doz CONGRESS WATER, HENRY’S MAGNESIA, HUSBAND’S MAQNE3IA, SEIDLITZ POWDERS, received and for sale. DAWSON, COLLIER & CO. 0c256t Starch, Starch, 10 Boxes of BEAUTIFUL STARCH, received and for sale. DAWSON, COLLIER & CO. 0c25 et Coxe’s Sparkling Gelatine. A fin* quantity on hand and for sale. DAWSON, COLLIER & CO.