The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, November 07, 1865, Image 1

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SUN AND TIMES * ■—w (I W TUC3. GILBKKT & CO., «"B r'" rmw|i»i i) - f.rr... I the Daily Sun end Tu > l » x 6 f* * IS c rfls A 3 «lU N nde l« l|Ti!i VI • ftt a and St uates or advbstisinh. rt fli-A • . *• € 4 ** ivatttki.. *• Ol ... i M tt»P* om w#e%. .. ........ I «* iwitwik# 10 U .... ....... 14 Of n ^ ai a ** -£ . & 2 2 •* 'i *3 3 iid 1 *i .Ur fit frn f'CtWOMU |*r lw f«J i &■ » 41 b K <w p Jr :»i at »> 24 p Si « TA *V IT ** tbl 10* . : « *e *t it ;» «t «t ( of m UfcUT : -A. m t* »i *. ui uwtir ia u: ui u» r fc *ot»jid»t*f M e«,uie lie l» tio no tSfu*i,II* lie i- e* juitaitv m at. a'*w> is . * t vis.jur.jc ji je ni’Wtir wt at; i» iw i;t aa a; tau.jia w t» tw ut pa • ui adferUerm.aty ptlWUb.) let* lb*. ue. .... fl 03 lor brat lueertb a arxt 6<> cell for w< t .fitu.^Ucat lawn. >o. A ir» uiesi«9ii lurrbl at inter,alt to . .nani'd •« B--W eacb'taeeitian. " ’ Jreulietsents order) J to *» toy |*sr rut! pace, to be charged a, urtr e« -v laeariloo. A>'rertiatiaw>U orleprc i «t t* to time, wtlib* , ubntbrd until orJer.J out, .ad ' J a. cord, “tir. A.iaCvertiirii.) U!, cnn» Iriei ilua ft in tb* fir.' ueotleB aadcolictableai .uni raiy. For bale triad Rent. 3C -T LARGE SALE OF STOCK, Farroiog Utonsils, &c. tl ulXO ducouiiuu# (krmlrg, l whI etSmc .ot a \U;UNCbDAV,\OV*.nUk;H I, 1163, At inf {jltit (a CUatubQcK'hen cr>ua«x,G#-» ** G giittt four imiIm* ft'Uln of Box 9i ruin l>«.pc; .da*futf «4 ju i Roh’I. It c**h, i. tuf t«rmio# ilit'lliUfd, ftliC turck Df tlt- y tif*' PDl' Ue IGlthlwl msref b .«•, plvutb n*-*r, t j, mu!# wxua, b'g«, uni*, ttcev «ud 4Uo, a fiui «Imi #44ur mill ami Doilff. Ttot e4*“irknn»*it of About fct-irf of rov»# •*!•* tialv-M, bl 'a'vit auu el* r. 2Key »r* *1 u, yellow Xi vk.u m ora,—Sue rich mnk>i*. y dik eLi io the «po*r 'I«j#trt>v Mrltif Gooff••* • ho Lad ibvir f*»ui« Aidd mck W • it *»y I dili-trou* war. Oiii a fin# lot ocibif KAi'UuifkUiK* ruOilA.* 4 OaWoi**. For SrIu. r lt •nmfuiuhi#DW£LUK«6 UOU8B a on t « fiiincr of CoarMbtri* And Ju fin 8if«s is. in the N. riheru Liter* «(•.*, uowoccnpi«*l » y J II MoeLt.l. iL# Houir «.■ mtoiu# * r-dooili !• »• r»i to»Cil • btjck {«i>ve f wiiL mcwiAf) outhi>u«*«,' Ail iii |0 I OjTli I Uk« o/>a Apply tf at toi# . or to W I WlcLURS. For Kent. Three Comfortable Rooms i u ilMoaic Kail Uolldiof Ajply io li J UI'NTKB, nojtf Ai Mii'Cf>f«6 For Salo. I I oFFfc if i »*?e nif li4‘)Vdl> **<1 l-OT il lytn# Tib# tiAi k i f ilr jfrtt. coi.(#tn-4 t f An A<*r# aihI o j it )• h L« mix mill lliiftr fiiou.# hijiI #l###6 #r#U flulfftierl; xooj «r«*u i f « «‘cr Mrnnksthiu#** % )>l ku hAu, hU la kjcod re r«‘r iTur* s* i right. In-uiJm. *i iimneli* ately. Apply to vm Jo^r.s, Hal ?«• >H M erctr A VAL1 AltI-i: PLANTATION AND ENTIRE OUTFIT Fm Sal«‘, on h Credit or Our, Two und Three 1’earef I WILL **H U’y FlvulaUoa, vit uat.'dfii B*r>>>ur Cauuty, Als l>»m*, 1 U)ll»!) »t Midvsy.uml * miievfruv.i No. C, Motile si.) Of isrvl Knl iu»J, c, mi.uli,® r«o_______ er--*, clieiit ))n..-balf iqwrvcl Th* nvi.d t* risv-'U with !!v* Uk-T aod'hs BtUahtmiWooSis rxcf cnt )'o it.)’ J.i.. « las bWELUbii and «H lu/unri OLfBULbiMi.), J ii»v« MULE.'', OilTLL, BOEEF, H06S, corn, roDota. cotton sifia btiicp, wao <*iRT8, Bt A! EBM1TB 1 blOIS. FA MINO UIENfiLS, Itc. 1 all) well the Mentation and raiu* outAt 1.. a r*. eron*>Dlt< party on aar« )lt of un*. two and* ytire. and reiolv* COTTON 0 pay men , to ba d». fi Are.) at i u'ut depot ou vr fcefcr* the let J»bb urv, Jfr JSjT, L (TuIsdsu. lJi'S. And 18f#, th* couvccuuveiy. Mr n»i*r pier®, end Joo P ( o'unibaa !!* will iho- the protwriy , and 1 can KeadSrawedst COViNeTON,t3oor|l» • uoCJ ' f MeOffnnct FIAT,. For Rent. »£’UL Four Stoiy IkOJf-FMONT BClI-D INC?, No. «3 aad 85, m\ Xrosd Elxtet. Apply et Sbov*»tora. f AMMIS A BOONgr. Handsome < 13 Aores Land for Sale, O N i'll* Ttlbotion road.onuolt* C luml fflgju Jet**, •1 hem* Liudiey’i), coutsiuc )•! mileiir.m «1» tb* city ■Jjj e* room., d»by,c«ll*yiJBlBi&. np .un*, * ■ cle’' 1 * *nd e*r'«i, kitcb«, vt iftr*# k r*t, trcckf# of Tunwoct ti fiuii tn*t> aad #crti of AVoodixn i. c®i8tf For ieiB»fc#rp’y tj tbroujih li c i‘ox« otfi tb* * To Rent. £U£ blkUAUE S-ore No. $4 Broad Street. Apply for mfurmaticn tu colO «f J. HAMBDSH Engine for Sale. A Five-Horse Power Engine AND TUBULAR UPRIGHT BOILER for r a 1# bjr xt iTUkKS a loud, • cT K On. For Sale. MV FLAkfATiOI, A ND «ve»ythi 0 S ."4 o It ta tor __l ft*;*, it <**« 60) *cre» . sad Is «r*U FBOirB to be c»v uf tb*be*t tiottoa r ,D»*tioB*t«i k* a :*ic Alul.itDft; 4 .) *cr*a arc cf*ftr«d *od lo »0>-e aUwturcul Uvfttton (Cftftl iaipturnaeot*; * never foHins well otar-ft'd w »t*r; healthy »id cobv»b;* 3| t» ,6choo! »u t CbU't-h, being witbin • n» mile o« the villag* «t UaitVitle, us lb* Habile *nd ttlrar* Kalh)*0. Dr.J T P-rvon* Turlcc n>y *1 »enc* apply to tt • oc4 Jin ttti WAS. Fine Piano for Sale! A MSB 7-eiere PIANO 1 * ■ xtcrui for haic Addrssa, ‘•B. n . Rit’c-. ■ saptOif cri# rua t Plantation for Balo. 850 w.n pemeu desired. improved- KaUr-.'adi eouaaty* AOI s Ea vain I^Nkffts# <ja i*e re Cora. 60t*norMcl#»red#04 of toiti <*# Land Sioclt «hti Mt lo etirl j-lec* 3l#cf ood tni- if n 9 •JOHN i GRANT,Co!uaal*o«, Ga ^ X A SHOW S, Id ©Uon, For Sale. I OFr'KJl fur sa ft tj’.y I'lf f.i, 1.1.Tu * ttvYap,) ee Sumiiitrvtilv wdi* from th* Opi-t ulge" on tlift ryftl. The LoteowtiuosS sctb iftL.i, fourof wblch arc Metily improv-ft Uonv“ witU fftv _ onthouMs; i *ou* rocan B, a on;.* * r y W*il* of v-fttcr. *iucui*ri tppiy WATT, ro it a - -<0^13 Broad tt., »f »j«if ca ^ IX/kT WR 1 TIN& -» THE DAILY SUX \ OL. XI. TIIEITK TO HOV. HIVES HOLT. Air. I ban «l •hi* ttmtiy, in HHUini'l tha death ol Il ia, llmta Holt the members ef 'be Cmrcttiion, «>n dat, 4ih >n»i., paid the (oflowiti^ Utuittul and ju-t tribute to the virtue* ol the de¬ clared a* a man. aa an abn lawyer, and a pure and el-raird »'i)> ,m*u t . ttS| ii-.! j„t li e Mauve irlr^apti M. i urrm 1 nn. Mr I ream eat. Ul ( m ttii - -h*» • tlD lUU e u» I i|l« C IHiW .‘»:l Ill# in* 4«|« t^«Mi||v tml UlffHHf, Ul« litifi'ira^le lltu^# tlou, *• ItO m »•« iu (•4#»«4 my Hut Moxaiit^, • <-.!«*< min met t>cior«iHre« o*clo«t, ftr-qu H). io*i »u j«t i»uo «»«.« pieitui HltlUWiCJ tbo tile) ut i, IU, *>eae, *c *i*«1 »* .ore aware ot tit. li.tietiion to winch wt aro ait ueatinm). CjI. Il*»*t ttti hie noitie to an«nd tijob hia du n a here iyt citu ot the inodiGi. ut tb,a Cjuveotton, in a very teebiu *ie<e ot atslib. Kor a long time n waa appaicm to b.a Uinily .1)4 ui* liivnda met ilp|ta bad inaiecd turn ae one of ite eatheai ,ICUina j yet l. it g calxd i>p»n t y bia IcL *ow cuitene to tbe diacaatga ol tbu im¬ portant trust, tie irit tuat the utnc and in. oroek.on led litm no rignt to ttfuao auy aaivic.e tu Ids puwei to aid In me .teal woik ol taaionng fonoibt Georgia io brr lomiei re nitune wnU Uie Goyeii.lhenl. He Duped, and tne Iriceilt alt« hoped, ,h4> bis cuanng but*, au i«c Irom ueing ,)frjuiiic*l iu lit. lioaltb, would, frutu a -barge u| cuiuate .ml treat*, liuiu ILu Dueluo.t winch ue wuuid he o.lied upon io pottutr.i, ana ibe tlu.r fntmj* by wbi«b be wuu.d he eurruandcu. rather te.ite ib*„ oduotuirn in* apera of nte which »u leu. But nn* Hope liaa been aiaappoiuied anoru , .ben was eapccud ; and an mat n ran dt ant* is lu rvwtbitkr hia ririuo. and andaat. ur to cmttiaie them, end tu pay each n iuoi tu I n* uionory a* was uu« tu bin. a* a niei, •nn Mi ■■ l'r * unMuber ol true body. • oeidem— I have he owe Mr lloii • ill time my t>o>n»oii up iu iota niuuiini. He bad eitainea a diytuie age. U*vmg cum pntiil h e uOih year, but that Ian may Wlk«t* 0. on geuuralty kuuwn, eiuce b. • a* *iw*ye yuuihlui iu eppMieste.olway* Bib.e, ».«»)a gvwcruhe in ncaii end eu u i .tfulighnut tils Whole life. Tioiw hio *«ncbed la# lock#, lut h«a u- t cmLcd tu# heart. tn w*», *a 1 uitdetetand, a uauve of ibi*’y. end w*e feared buie in ni* early ou*> 100*1 llo enjoyed inch adveniagt* ni eJ*i d'luii 1 * a ea Hue to an imeilaci like hie. tie w*e a rosier child ul ihkt alma water ebi » ba* **ui luriii *J aiany tmlile c.eor* <i*ca. rrauaim t'ultags. TtiiMigh hi* •holt lii« ho bia dieplaytil me advaiilaga* which he #njn)id in u*rly yomh TbruUgk om the whul* fiiiiri. ul nn life h» auaiatn* «0 a inkucitr m which In* irlends we r t jaeily pruud. Ho w*» liunornl l.y ihc peo¬ ple ol ni* ijiiiiM tu |up:e««ni ilieiu In Uie Cucgir** ut iin. tJnilwd ISialee, end wa* newt re'nvi 4 tneli votes lor any oilier ai* non whi) h b* deaiivd m fill. Tb' COIIIll y carlirei ul Muvcugca, «eailcr», ul which Ue waa one oi thy repotted ihi* acalimeatoi Gcnrui* and «m lnui brie io represent ihmr imereft In iho Geneial Ar-emhly- 11.. we* *!*.■ a rcprueiilativc in i|.i i u.iederau Cmijfie**. ll. have Uvirt . nootd ne bail It ted lip me mil n*ty ibesaine man ul Altboogn In* *e r . vuf« nn Harm, w# rannm par! w tth *urb * oiun without dropping a tear ui honor and tegrei upon hu grave Cil Air Fretidom, ir i* duo fo Iho memory ol if oil, in tu*#c litiice that 1 .iiuulo »:»uiiiiurui me Cn.ittiiimn tnai no men io *11 the Gumheru B(uie«, leii u deeper con¬ cern, a daejmr and inure aguiiitma grid •h*i. he ( U)iet the o.enhiuw ami itnirue* unn ul In* guieruini in « lew year* ago. In the titbit* ul intimacy \Vi, I Cl.jiiyeo with In hi, I bad sii upper iytuily ol wuuu** ing the great gloom w m n men cam® nvut hi* b.iglit beaming Ci»inieiianre,*ud which ■eemiii tu tap tha very vital* of j,i* ndute. Ue cnnUnurd to im under ibis nun do* pireung Influence fliiuughuui me whole •iruggto in who li v o were ehg«ged , and when all opp /finn.n r»3ered aumieaied the inftnfc*# tiixiei/ in the r^nri ratiou ui Gour^u to ht r rtfUiiuna to me Go Wnnum. It «•»■ beeiu»e be leli such a derp uiivnr,t m this manor, bereuae be war •O Ut p'V. unprevacu wim it* tiuponanc*, ta*y lie uaaired ** eno ot mo Iasi act* oi ins ills, to aid in nurturing Geurfia to her pr.iiine relations with bi r *i»i*t Btitea.but hi* not been pormUied to see iho work car¬ ried to ii* (.ousunuuaiion, either to lar a* we ere concerned ur the ultwriui atagag oi is cuinalsiioa. Mr. Tiefidrnt, under ihe*e circametan oe*. I thought 1 could not do tea* tbanotler the rcsoiuiiuiia beloru nn body. Mr .benema *cci>mfed tue resolution* of fen d by Mr. Chappell, (which appear* in the proceeding* ot tue Convention,) and ad« ded the following eu'ogy to ih* memory ol ihe deceaeed : Mr. Jimins: Mr. I’reaidsnt— I second the resolution* ottered by ih* fc# , tfeinaa Irom Huacogee. I cccpiy, profound tieleoia y tym paih xe wuh him in the arlvl which 11 u the ’“•'j;ni. Iu** of hi* coficague, and I wofl c *' 1 u il!”' , wet* neeweeerr,. the inbui* nf , a^M i.Hh« , -Which bn picpcwe* mca#rv -itnetted. I crave lor a Itw moment# th* tnlulgenee oi the Lonventiop, while I sdd a word 10 whit fie* bten to beauiiluily and cbestcly eaW by hi* #*#ocl*io. panlon #nd ol wy m#iure#Titniiot»d, uoyDood* (he tnend of my youtu and v|loed fn^d- i’rom aU iuy iniun#t with him, from my p#tt too eiations eod th® uiandtur and wotih at a man, I am oppressed with ^rief at his dettb, waich scarcely permits ,e utterance of my feeling* How aad th* reflection, Mr. Presidaru and gentlemen of tbe Convention, ibat in the brief inter.*) of time which at, olapecd •race we m.i began of the work in w btch v.. are tody engaged, two called tho memfiera of this have oceri away from the cate* at.d turmoil* ot file, irom the scene# ol their uiefulneaa on earth to ibat bourn* where no .idiogs tiieui. of our success How or failure will ever rs*eh lmpreeaiv® tbe lesson which we derive from ibe reflection! Whether ha who now addresses yon, or any one tfho fiateus, wifi, before our labor* *?•“ 0 • e ' , b ru»ah‘ >o * final co.ictu Sw ail ev'eni* tore ihe impressive lesson, that ’bough we mayo* in the full vigor 0 / health. wear® near unto death; that all we may on, or eey or think, all our act*,*oar My mgr, mrvrtKJugkti, lhat have reterenc* to ourselves, or our public and social relatione, elviuid he regulated by the consideration ihai wemey.atsny moment, be called to look the great Him Judgh !B iho face, and re ceive Irom the eternal doom which we m.v have wrought out lor unraelve. „ 0 ( a,ta. 1 naveaaiii, Mr. Presidenl. that lha de ceased was rny early friend and and although irom bur locations in ihe .State, our path* ol life havo separated ua, wtwi unty occoMunal mnetiuge, yet I have va chud nf* progree* In Its* wuh great in tere*i and great pride I nave eeetvhl* on. learned which hVtelecU-ri'ab hie ocen patlonM”^ wuh pndu hi. m*«y triumph* in it, and 1 have ?e<ojnrI>d with iuexiireaaible cleHgiii the hiah p *3i«!on wbiriihe attained 1 bavpjioitrcd, iu the diactiarge ol the pub iic irnete wmeti he iindcrim!^ hie nood judguiunt and th* unbounded confidence ol hi* con*it!tfta«a. Tuoae trust* have tatsout, *nd 1 benr my teybie ny lu the lart, that he discharged them ail without concealment, wa. tu honest man, a 'rank mxn. wordend hi* life told always hi* ihougswacd Iv U evEBcteni hit Mat, in bi* iliai iu eey received regard lha to tic uiiifscter, be po^fitu * COLUMBUS, GA •» TUESDAY MORNING,' NOVEMBER 7. IStii. I coatee*, Mr. I’rMuisai, * 0 * 3 1 just »»» C«I lluSt «l ibt* coovrmtua. 1 •> a* (real'll *hjch*J it bw (,«•„. n*[ appear wee. 1 thought ihtt it uiuiKit ibs iii\|u<N oi tb« an I ul ihsttr, *r>4 after w« bad Urn bus lor i»u of ifa.M dej *. ! grt-tily hi-wt ib*. ibe mi nan. w. nuw .'ep oi* nottl* aiMtbtt rn n'jMrnM we would bo railed upon to p*j ti ,* ,a*i token olotir lea port. Although hi* torn “ u »»•>*' an.) MM >>uU.iu>(i ol ius hae'ik w*a auth la to t»rW4 ar t *c»i*o labor, kta inutbUMli wouti M’i door lieawti*#* tht boaor and iM nae/uinoaaol fci* tabor* m »•»« important wt rk wliiuh hu r# led Ul lugeitb r. [bar hoped (bat ltt« CiftMin* ataarea ol >iia ateeiiig wub lortait .imudii and Ilio luieraat whicfl be would loot tit tub work, would im toaofit ia! to bn health He «|| not unwiifiog to milts ta* Mentis* and came to bti net tve county to meet bta death. Mr. Ptaaidan. 1 bare •pokvu «f ibi- g«n. lit men in bta ptoteaatonal and public enar* acta. - . A leer word* only as to bta prnn'e lelanon*. Hr ««■ the rtfr aoul ot honor. Mranneaa lie wa* iMtetlf incapable ol per petrauuf. Aa a friend ha waa atat HC ** Hrin, immovable. TV bo, ia all the circle ol Ula erqutiniance*. w.e mure laithfu) tn ibe dwcuarg* ot all the duties ol bu.hand and •••her f In regard to thar.lauon* ol Irtend atflp and ol aocial ill*, 1 s*h thu.o w ho have long known him like inyerit, it mry do not i.inaniber, on nccatioue ol mrwung, bow bl* eye brightened witu juyou* greet to*, how, m the grarp of in* hand, ih* pulse* ui irieudcbip were auiekeonJ f Do they not rem«mb*t that tn tbe whole bear¬ ing ot tb* man it waa evident ibat they were gteated wnh emotiuua that tprun* trom a warui, goneruus, nobis heart. Mr PtMident. 1 apeak but the literaltruitt when 1 esy that ihia hta been oliea eud niiru in > ecnerttac*. llui ba ha* *one, ilia list bee coiue which none can reai.t, and to day w* pay him li t iaet tribute ol rasped. 'Pvitiap* il it w*l< •hei *uch a mew should nay# latlun in it.* •erne* ol hi* uouurry, eurruiindcd i>y to m*ny ol ih* tepruaemeure* ol Georgia, united wnh bun m ibe jre.i trust* ahiii hav* tailed u* i«g«ih«r, atid who now pay him thia tribute ol rt'tpuci. WKm Muxiou Ie as* ■ • ( * ,t t . The following U lb* aaluittory adrlreer of the Medea 11 7Vmr., Tb* N. 0. AVa ytm* lay* il i* a* cauallsui (pa. iuita of the tlyle, aad earaert wad enUiu.iaiiic ttmpsrauieui 0 f ii» author, «t Oyyerncr illen, of Ljiiieiana : IV*i«aue iu day ’he first number uf ibt Mciicau Tiuita, aad oak for il only that petroling* which we stiu>i rn luavor lu deserr® brat Thlfji.uraal will be fferoftd i, th* luiateete of m« Mexican Km ptr*. Im special object will be to advo cam uuuugridioa ac 1 jitogre** in ibuh full) *t ui**ettig and eaten*. Fur mau} yuags M xioo. convuie**l wub b*r on inl*ra*l >li.**nslooe, hen remalnei inao lit* in ugard t.v imnngraUou, railruktl* • i I ’"•real ini, rofrmoui*. VYhile utk. er nti,-ns have advanuad rapidly on tin g r > *• highway of progress, Met a, he: uk»fi uo 8tf*|»A fonrard To-day Gio sons drn. .i ibe sa ne wooden plow u-».t by kit fan. » quarter of * ceoiury *t' /t bt p a,lent burr.i, follow* t l.y ibu UUbtui nenn suit coDetitiilea tbe motive p Her o: Mkxioo. Wt -hill urgo. with ail eur iudnencQ, emtgtant* fi on, lb* United Bat** and R u ripe, wuo wish rich, produofi v* ana oh)»|) land*, to come lo ihM cunptr; jauir* with,.ill d*My, sa t nocept the very uSetA Bow iiiade ly ike la{>eilal (ujvoru meat Como aod aeiile where y m cm grow sugar e»«e, r otfee. indigo, uoUoa, nacau aui lobacun, with u>* iropioa fiuiia Com* where tfie i-liaxto i« )*.) eternal eprinf, and where. « to**y, .her* are au term of any kind, exc*p> ut tb* liatra calietsi* ol ibe *ea oo»»t Lriag wilhycuy nr uigiuae.** *t,.1 ma Ohenica, ant •aoh itopleio® ii t oL bu«ft Bilry a* may cerve fur pain out foi others, llor* you will find iron, «tcol, o .pper oud limber all ready ic b« inrnec into buck uicasii* a^y. u w»y i.aqi ft* more prooi. u. ma*is—ibu stlvor aui ibt gold—*ru b*rem great abuadauo*, awa.t ing lb* reward of your tndusiry aud an terprise. Coifae, sugar, cacao, ootioo, tobieco and indigo, will alwnyi had a good market tbe wide world ovqy. Tbt bvjt auicIo of ooitoa ia grown iu cterj part of tbs Empire—lbs ••* Llat-J bsiog vtry productive ou tbe gulf aud Pacific couts Io* oo&»« aod sugar of Vara Cr UZ| Xainpioo, lturbids, Tabasco and other jl, panmant* are of iko most superior quality. The •■Flenis Orisaba” rivals lbs bast Mexico tobacco of Cuba, wblls tbe oboe jlale oi Is iWmast doHcioue In ibe world. It it to our personal kaawl edge tbat an sere of s ugar cabs at Cor navaoa will produce three of cropl of Iutitan lom/ffada yield barley, _ofg« oal#and potato**, Oora, which jyheat, always rye, bad a good market at the doer. The te twcco pianurd are makiaz form nee_the plaudit#, yleldiug l#rg# protii# to their j#ntT8. * To tb* hardy sons of . Ireiand, - , we say aom, ,0 ' ltco > * or w « have railroads * nd , and turnpike* moke—we to hare mouutaias to tuDnel aad laguaaa to drain. To tbe industrious, fatr-kaired chtldtanof tb* Rhine, we tay come We waul yonr d literature, your learning, your moilo M your labor. To tha 1.'^"“ iovdus and u >„, >A,, B rnri*inu *, >nn, r ,t r i* nn n „, C >®’ *** oomu '* , lru *y , 'ft® h '»“d . of # tho viae. Hera „ Y°* oan plant your vineyards lo an uaH®-'®” extent, knd reap in a Short iiul ® ** r 8® profits for your labor To the of England hard working pfooitont fann trs an i Scotland we say come. The r«nt whiob yon p*y yearly for ono aore of land trdl bay naro a ro ,o ? ot •, ,“** *“*** * ,w 1 ork, Pennsyl Y&n * * nJ Qi £?f “^••“‘"-turiag States, Wc s?™ 0 - Bring with you your csUoc '»® oieB tuanufaoturo* and etchangu •h* m lur the siapla ooumodi Ua of Mexl 00 , *a much in demand io your uwa country. all kinds Bring with you your tnaohioery of and your educated labor this L“nl nuvv--(-7 wondsrJul ouuntrr *,n,, i, all an.i J* T t » ,u ■’ United ovate*, whose** , hnvo bsea 8 *®P* away by tbe terrible tempeat tbas. h** *® l0 n g raged in that efflioted land — to tbo»e who hive drank the oup of bitter “*»* l o lli « x« r y dreg*—we say eoura lo Mexico. Here you can get hoiaea with out money and without pries. .Here yon will find a ahsiter aa dvd vbu Huguonols who * b ° lbi*bla7h L * ^ b shlf ^2*** a^* ot F“ i.^^* rI,AU ri * f.*‘ ■' he „ iiuguetiote lnfused^aw . , life into . ot jfti# Eagluqti, while* l America “ fl “| :r,< * ns blossom made iba dreary the waste* of to a* roes. Wbot they have done for thoue eounsrlex, you ?an do fortius. Tha fortune* wbica yoa .jstb lost oaa be regained here by a f jw years of induxlry and enterprise. Come then, and bring wub you your fatntlisa y. ^^ g-.T “^1 i"'! -rlA lii j [rik *f -r i caneomsce, ® ola *f*' I I gontaBtebi. * ni tt *?*** Her* Worship folly yen WiU find a niun MpbSdad view, and iibarai a ‘ ptlhucna Km/erst ; -dor hta dally ere deveted to the geed 1 f hie Empire. eaJ •he hnppiaete end j rsvfwity „{ Y_ , _ pie. The foot people ef Urxiwo ol all parti** are now a tie te the *r*»l im put* re rl < ta'flfit'i .a The large land proprietor* are offering the (aoat liberal letmeu *11 whu will to g.oi faith settle on their hneieedi. ill twowui* cox*** of Muirs Huehllhriatlip waa barer ke. aa beiote tit any caaaity fst Uexio >th<r* 1* raeerred n meet t riiUru f mure Use - ertiod bp a tut, liberal ant humane mooareh. her r'-hrie meet hr onward Htr in ago: been i Wade-rich—her 1*’ighiful climate—her p.ouiitr go* grephioal siiuadoa will Make err what of ib* eCjifht ougnt I* he, to* geldnw ep u this ccuunani. Hir dsatiny I* tx,*J. The Empire u an accomplish t fast. — *i Career el the Vewtewe Ti.u.r Ureter . The trot of Dealer *galo.t nine at the F*4non Cuurae, on Tuesday it anil tha etlljrct of taucb ta>h amoBg ■«* buree Ite result, b e.«tr, did aoteup pro* IbMfl most Udilhal* wut la i|unlf. nee, aDbougb Hirt.ivbiug additioaal t euee for aduiireiibb rt ia wa'i *u,uga to bay, met'catvr, mat it t* not quite ear* that Ei r» Temple u dm anted yet D.atrr trotivd hi* mil* on Tuesday it 2 IM I 4, uadar sadjle, but Kture leuiplo'. oule to 2:10 i 4 ej* made in ba'iie**, .he dteed veoligH of which, a* cu opwra wjth tho •addle, te aappoesd to uio.a than makeup for tue ditUietteo ta tia* bvtweta tha two It wu ia Odtober, iShP. ihai Flora Ttiapl* ecjoaspliaaeii tbs', tnamph. Bh* ie *,• et iti* EeakiouCjti •*, ai.iiied, aad it i* atated will c«ru nij .ppcar -gem ou tbe turf Ibi* fail, betug u. hue c. udltjoa. IK iter te of aba. eu ur, e<>tt(i ytabi eld, hlieea and * half t etdr nigh, by hrevbeuk's Ueuibl-tebian, dam h; Amen oaaBtar. tlaiubloera aa an* gut by Ma deiUa, be by htoiabnae, «..i P i by ini ported Uw.etg r. Aei« i.a Bar waa by Sir Ueury Deito' a a I r J n Or#oge jouu y Ut* great c*(h lUib* of tpted ear* uol aticoVa.-ad ; t a hri,i..*l owg. *r, who toid hint t > Lf. t.eutg. & Alia/ for VdtAl Mr All*, eu I Ale. ieaekie, ot t/a-ifuruie. Degtcr onu toe ofdiog at prea wav very * it au • eplruud at hi* , and w** blobs !■_. Jcoj Mingo, a eoloruJ mau ia F.utb. g, rhu aa. euueid erablu eU brity iu ibe hu n ti .mi >g art. Afi«i Ward, be name m o inn band* ul ill rtm W i. dratf, wi-u ireiu*. bim «:th skill and iudtnuitabiu v*i*avvtaate lor tu* triumph* of lb* >01 f He upp -aied bu fore to* public lam yoke lor iL« lint time. He ba. beaiuu Gru. liuiisr .hia **aaon, and ha* beru U> l.aic l by Lady TboJa. In it.* latter r.inmat U.t et won one heat, lb® tiiatcb bring lur tu® bait two IU llirr. In Ik* umicl. agaiua ilia* ua i'u.a Uy Hrxtuv dia I.OdJ l* the hr*, quariur la 84 the naif mu* in ar.d tb* mil* ia 2<)8 1 ’> duum wttua.t* if me trot 01 * invil Unit by IS air Wal> bra th* Diila ewa u tuple.#d iu 2 lbj, pin. ih* • fiB.'lal urn.- way *i prtvioiitiy ataiel 1> I* now, > f i curve, nun of the loreinoav troHbra ua tlia utrl. Ahead of him is #ui»u h wgrtiDvi bur*** slautl I.edy rtiorti* aad Flork Touij )u A maiob be¬ tween ih* littlu bay mere and tbn bay gelling te jvhtraliy taUnd ot by many wb»0»*ire iu t o lUtm irultiuif logelber around tin count 4 . Suck au . vmt would doubi’u;* dr* v lit® meal immuiue rread tbat b»- ev«r aiaduiiled tmt., au.l b* on* of ib* iu ot iat'V*hting . ocuruucet in Ur* trotting wotid At Ul O.m® lima il It bar lly vh.uigut U.*' t* c*u ke®p up lo Flcra Triu,Ho undvrevuod in baruco. aiia Mr Alley l*, kewovtr, in .fast bu can bea. 2 IT under tbe suite It i* am a lit tie inerlatiug ytia bow chvtpiy burse* (hit hove be 0 -r:.e t,ni. uj b*ve br«n rated iu Ibeir yomh. Dd*i«r eolliog s. lour buudrta del art w almirtia ptiahel to flora Tm»' pU ubauging n*B<jd dollars auru tbits ur four year* old at thirteen aud at High¬ ly five dollar*, a* it vbn w*r« Tvajdly worth a tueitik'* lad ier. Th* Orange county f*na»r wbo got ii; uf De-ier f/T ili'O doubtlova though, be wai gelling a good prio* hi li.ol lunnfur fho bmuxI, but oervnioly regretn uow that h* uid not “ k»uw hcreo" beUCr ubaxu that time. It 1» sisud that, imntt ii vtwij) ibt irot on Tuvs.iay , lr. Uenett Boouer, ot ibis on/, ottered Mr. Alley $?8,U0u for tbu gpini'g ebich was pruipiy d*clin ad. D-Xiar ba* i»o euifagsiii u s wlvb Otutrai Bailer u parfurm obi* onu of mil* huaw and tbn other ol ails ksk’i. To* Dlrsei Tax. The warn ol p e al fac title* iu |CSy ity-pari^W, casts Uf nbiatutmjpa-K siuih’ ditficjlty O ul aspiring aim )*l in nfa rtigiui sake it necessary .bat we ,h nil oati atvenliun of dur cvumry i tends, a* as w* are able, io the luipuiiaufte uf ing tm* vex without delay. l'he tax list i« not iargi, belug $1,57} oa the $1,01)0 I86fi. of u * raiaaiioa land, wa believe, of The followiag rights atu ooncodsd to the tax peyer . 1. lie ha* sixty day* tftar the lea oommiasiunere have fixed ib* amount witbin which to pa/tbe l.s; .lei Juoe 7th, 1662, section 8. 2- If this has been crgli-uodv-loen by appealing la parson before tbo Botrd of Commiisioaer*, before tbo expir* un of the four weeks during wbtcl toe property is being advertised for ssfi sou • tying the la* end ten per eon., in et**!. tuecuoa and uoat of advertising bo osn ootain a rslaase of tha property Act Fubruary, 1168. 8 But if ibis shall ba t<!gi«clnd, tbo property wilt b* sold, and toes, ,f ibe awasr, among ether th ogs shad swear that ba has not taaeu pait wuh 'be in¬ surgents ia tbe pretet t r« letyi n, or la any way (irta thuen ai 1 or oomfor', sad •hall satisfy the Board f C nusist merr, that th-i said oath i* true, he wilt kave vba benefit of tbs delay uf si uy un/s from tbs sals in which to redes n me land. Minor*, no* roulint eiw I*, l >y*l eiti nne beysnd sea, ana pors'iae of aneound mind havs iwu yexrs within which to redeem , Ace June 3, 1882* Feb. 6. 1S64, sad ilarob 2. 1865, Sec. 7. — N. 0. Timt. ... “**•* , *' ”® extrsot the following from a dated Marion C H., FJoriia, j nbliehed in lha Bavabuah Republic*. : A ad for ^ CM ejrr '*‘J“ lhi secllo# . Cs rn ^0 to oeol* per buahel bacon 20o26o? „ r per lb.; butter 2>Ja25o.; #gga 10#12<9. psrdcz.*a; 6ug»r lojjJOo g,-o*n fowl* 20 cost* each : half grown SO *ent«; tweet aotrlae* brebOc. wr fresh best 4*6o. pur tb. Dry good* arc cheap here a* in Savannas, and many ities touch cheaper i Tbe Horthera uaoers are tomwhal s^, 1 c vWlara. and kocoanls’Tak.U ?h® **»• lhat at Lr out of tha wax, •j gold Mom ««» 1 W. L. No. 64 Bro&rf Street. V Col u m bus, Georg ia, HAS NOW IN STORE A 1NI5AV AND Well Assorteid Stock i>E DRY <RH>DT4. BOOTS IM) SHOES, Lndicn' anil .\fcnM* hats; TINWARE, Fancy GooiIm, \ouo\n, &e •» #o„ &o •* Which we will' Otter to th# Citizens of ColumbuB AM) VICINITY AT THE Lowest Market »Rates. / Mr. THOkfAff CH UFIN, (formerly of the firm uf Riuh, .lontianM^/t Co.,) would ft* glad fo se* bit old fri(n,l» aad custom tn at iho above addraa* PARKER, 64 BroadiSSt. _ T. .SPEAR H A PRACTIOit. AN'U rXPEIURNCKfi fo WATCHMAKER fo 4^1 ^ JEWELLER, Corner Broad and Randolph Sts. AT HI« OLD STAND, Am uow opes a new eud ritb itoefc rf FINK GOLD WATCHKS, RICH 001,D JEWELRY, STERLING blLYBll WARE, FINE PLATED CASTORS, CUPS, KNIVES, FuBibS, SPOONS, PICKLE STANDS, SYRUP <?ni*S, Ac. Alfo,'h tu* astarunenl of SW.VKR and GVil.D tHlMBU2S OOfill and SlUVrs HriCTaCLKB. HAIR WORK, M*4a to Order—.n.tralgn or Battsro PEBBLE SPECTACLES, 04 00U), SILVBB aad STUL Ft AMEP. WATCH WOHI and JgWJfOf REPAIRED ut aoev sen uen-gnnt »nrxr> MR. JAMES FHICKER, Ho* chore* of the Watch Department, wklcb In 11 telf li e aUAKANTfiS that (be work will bo dswe la tb* boat poettbio autaetr. Poraouv kaviB( PLAIN Waicbe* can bar* tb*m rfflVKLUED, ellkor ie Rubp, Obrjaolito, (horuetor AftOMeartO* MR. EYRMIRE, Who ia too watt known to oeel any recumnrD‘1* Don from mo, bo* charge uf tbe Vtpairin* of Jtw etry. Dtemesd Setting, Cetmwiig, et* ue*l «< SHOES SHOES. BLACK and RUSSET BROGANS! Best Grade. —AT J. A. CODY'S. tvjH tf Fodder Wanted J W ALL topurebate A TBOHPSOM, at Ui Bread stravt, wlrb 100 T#D8 Baled Fodder. oclfi tf GOLD PENS. r ™T an# BKiT A8£0»*l«5iT OK J 0*1I sod try th*mnt T. S. SPEAR’S ortltf Q*0*6LI. Warned, Ku 5: --i •• li. i y; w a NO. 50. knick knacks, no TRASH I HUiK-tri Hauls lull Value n»r lUrlr Houer Must « nine to i B. JACKSON'S, inn llroail Ht • t NEXT IKMtRXO K09ETTI A LAWBoR. the LARUJL8T anu lest .stock of DRY GOODS —Ah P— j CLOTHING, CeueleUdg of the folic wing article* 1 off*i aow to •) fiioaA* aad evaluator*: CALICOES, DSLATMKN. A LI* A CAB and LJ&TEEN, MKR1NOB—-Prcocb aol ICaglDh. L1NLNM. BLLArtiKD MUUINS and ShttUag, LADIEl’ CLOTH CLOAKS the L deat Style, and a great etaajr other sUictts Ido aua>*[dt.« Ur BtebtL'O I re*painfully iari'e inyr frieuJ. and cua lamer* te c,*lk«aaa Cddutiy Morckantrwill do welt t* ley la their eupplUa at my (tore B. JADK80N, ocli if 1S8 Bread eireef i BARNARD & 0)., rtmwgiH DT. * LAI* AMD OALK* VllonPB BTABETa. luLuiWin? rti huUy oc.'uplodby tbe Fmi o*f# W* bare joat reOMwed a« J offer for late indln liagtrluff, Rope It Twine IWpkg. MACKEftO, Wo*. 1 aod 2, la 6ff barrel*, halver, quarter* aad kite: title FLOUR 2<i half barr»l* FL0l ? B, ' rn .*■!.# com e. 20 k«M m I'ARUMOLd, 20 kvgv HAL BOflA, 6 i buD e Colgate’* and Wiloker'* HOATU jo bust* FT AUCll, 25 ;,fo8. Tullct BOATS, all kind*, 2o push OAR TILE BOAV, American and 20 bust. English, Luadeu Club BAUCK, Jd bust* Cabinet HAOCL', 2o barer OATBUp, f*0 Iu i»» l'lt’Ki F.ff, bsires and quarts, 10 oases LROViff B10PT, It) case* Muir’s AJaK.. ft bids GOLDEN BYJlUr, by tbs barrsl li I'bl* or galloo, fiUQAK UOUflE HYRUr. 8 bbls Crushed HUG AH, S bbls l’am RYE Wlilf KY, 2 bbls t Md U-niTe> u <i 2a buse* lidulpbn Wnlf* WtfMRY, ............. A 1‘Fd, -h buses Proncb DUaNDY. d< uto Oennta* Laker', B1TTEU8, 10 Melon’* nLACKING DLMKINO, l)K0dHK8, 20 grin Juiuu WblieWaoh UlUJffHBH, -0 detcu Bncubblog liRUBHEB, 2 j d< *i u Ae-u ried UCCKSTB, 10 .I.Lju WA8HBQAD3, 20 d- »-u BROOM5, Hi bnxcv CLOTH Ed Pl)fg, 2u sal* BFICE Luxr.d, 20 * is IL’BS -gli *i<w HUT IEUB, I’urB 0HOUND rnrrEU, In paper*/ 111 CAHU. CODA, • I r e a , hy < »«# or pound, and altausl svery other artv .« of GROCERIES ceu be bed *t E. BARNARD & CO.’S, Coruor M. ( Iffir uod Ogle tliorpc strict'. AL31, ON HAND AN ARTICLE OF HEAVY SHOES, »cd A (j jtoCUy ol DOMESTICS! * ElTilLU FOK .' ALL OR LiHTKR. Our Stuck of Quods is to bs kept up, and our firm is an oil > aa aad per¬ manently hero. , E. B. A CO. *tfr Wc will make liberal Dlacuuuf* to fue Trade for cucb Artlcleg an tbey way need. * , g. u. & co. m 30 if Oolumbua Female Aoademy l i ,ul will ? t **»"■ h” cpepcd '*• of oc'b* <|tia iDStitnltoe Uni Mou ■>** tu U.Uolv r l-cTI. W'ti 1>s a r*g >ii»r oytLIa.iATit TVT1.J3, *u'i ft i )®,t a.qiUauc ihorou*h and sccoc «d educs uon win u* ptwiduo. Tb- adicfMtlo Y«%r will l*X be divided Sd^tST i* _ w ihr«e equal Tern*. A.atuu. «/hf wtin * mm*lisi. .uperTM|i*a r , 0 ., Mr. 8aond*r, but out |»tK# wIU In.i'UnMi Lltrtiry D»u ft SKu 09 TUITION m oo Jturfo.......... i *» UmbI fiaoS >- *3i 0# Voc»i wuvlu . a 60 Preoeh......... : oe Noextr* Latin. lu uo Cue tor ltu»rij for rh# W........I —............Ti 00 PotrUera tn« uotah abe.ta, |,Ui«w e*ee», tow eivtftble n»ps» aed p.y sail* for w**blog aad I'pfu. Tur.o* I *o*a# Btwr »r ntci* *m*ri. vvpta it ■ K M AaUNDBItk, Prweidem. — Tlie Ladioh’ HUM PM STORE! Jl7#X OTlfiNlfiDi xaa *oir egAunrut laiintrs of WINTER OALlCOEu, DxLAlHES and other liters 0< odw, of very attst etyiea; LINENS; BLEACHED DOMESTICS tliftl main fturpft eua u* 0 a» l uy <m4 p)to*; ijiiussur to t*s Cam brio MA\UkkKOJUSfft Tb* Bail bsau.Tfut ovniT soent pt BJBB 0 NS t* the c-isjr; . TkAbPS, IT AXE SETS. Kilt K FAIO. TOWELI V 0 ,.JUf 3 r*SY%tftLaVtS, COLURS, a ipItasUJ variety ffSBjsTS P r Wm ..... ArttUui uo Lo* te a* *07 M4 p IrM MU ut li ■ H‘l , Mr. a cnryi pan* It UWJT 8r«. Look WH( H. Ill FISi 167 orm H «vr KU c a JL> Call< f-i F HKN « up: *5, Homri S b’TATli Wa would ftiaad* m 4b •om* fins* la tine* wllb m ( here tueaehl it HtUTHf.R AVIiol rrlk iw a v «»ua*M< ft vi,ni Hy in the Hut Ku»u,h l,r*n ob| Salary no bl* diov», I f: fare WM. I IIIHITJ Bi * 0 . MS I'M Coleu.l,*i, wiffisa aad »rv no* oer stock BOO •sd «ltt c Lsdlei’,1 BbF# " r v*i «d I », dJZ!', S' sett tf g«y wp HBOC, m4 iat(ua*| h>«<t» • mvor sa THK Co At JEFF «n oc» lm *:■ $ 10 , *10.000 '7 null lru G1 where be vlk latMtxyl* la venMsl rail*!) naetiy end a it work <■>. it I'm* i no of i m -OJ 500 wo a , 5