The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, November 21, 1865, Image 1

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Ik AND S. f.f. •TH08. GILBERT * CO.. r*ms at Ike ffiely Sua u4 Tuars. UP $ 1 oa - three aatib. ... Ida .. «•* N < gl« COpMP I# * ttoeral deduct i .a *111 to erato I* kf.f M —mthojt ecd (water* HATB8 OP ADYDBTISllVO. fqiPhTB, UM wt,-k «: to “ l*t, IHkl 4 90 „ “ tar* »MH « to • Niue, m wee, ____ a,.... * a* “ •»> »fill ------1« ra ------ IWm >mIi 3 i 1 2 3 I j 111 §d3|f 3 s g 1 *iJ■s i sis ? f|J!l s II"r hi* ii *_ i*i *•••■* iwiasro s 'a:s 1 'V( w »•*» . 1 I ■*•*! * «*l », *1 *»• M a* Thiol aa, ;w 51 as, at ■ 4 * **; *" « *1 Tb «( I* »T «* tie r M rifu«i« IQ I tr* ' S* *- B, 1 Tt; K. »4. «fc <*l IX» «*B1(1!tB IBiW W I**|I4I .•silt* |«* is* * •a i'" owtfc i*t 1* ; ?o 1 at e+ at J" O' ST ■ -ft l ® .» 1*11*117* , ! *liai>|mtMtwI* Mbl» Beta*Ml •*;ut4 tr MMtiWe •lor Uniluomu rukliat* I Oia Umm tl •» *or *rst lawtUon .a* M cant, each -ut»«aural iaMrtioa *:tr, lanrtod at iaierr.1* to t. rtuwgBt »• new «*cK iaawtloo. ( jv. ttli.K.or* oidersrt to r.msiu oa aaj {•<■ c«ds( MCi to Is <-b*rj|s4 a, anw iHrtlln*. HwiWi Bel fcp«cifl«4 6** to lim», will to l*tiMi»be4 until oi4erid out, itbtl Cuir;»4 Record* AllK4T.riibvi.rtto ssutJ.rsUtu. 'M)*|li« Qt.t lion KUd (Hlllsc Ubl* * UK*, KCKSnUaglx. For Sale and Rent. COTTON PLANTATIONS FOIt, w ITU at #w of*{ to i..y r irtRstou ef C v 1 K*Mt« n*^*r, I t tui able foil. Ur (UiantFilhH'#, Mil g«Ovl Iffci‘1 1 (>fS\«OMDl la innUi A«u«g UtltM 1 I4|4r Itiv L..IU* plHk, g hulled 'I'** Chn»«#ii»go« Ala, c.-niviumv I tori .cm*. *ce »• land, MW act*, tu w.mhU. Ot It may l«> divided Into too aenlemeai. <-f K'iina-ldtoXKCM '"it* Ad dak yid Mckoty amt ni. t... land 1 lie bom* j.iare l.<» an »utlmiM « luxa. Sno orciianla, vivbl jhi. Ud. m |W . ell ami a ciatcrn, buldlo* ilnrty aix ttmn.vnl gailnR.. All (he lit# wood n*w* land ia eu.-ioee* oad BHBmualfafcrt i in 1li.i oitnr ^ Hie i-larea are all well woleied .. elaoea Hill bv raund If u„t a .Id raedllt. I mif aud I ddef way la. ul.|oto>e<t web ibtaa fclacev, II r*.ly q'pflcAiioaolo moda (o K A tttnusw iv, N‘. ft, M au.l 14 Pai [ nr hottlUU ft WAttliAU A AV, no*6 tticn»1 (bltimbH., il*. For Hale. i orry.R for**’!, my MPA I 1.1.1 Mf . rtetifta, ..os unto, tium u.a ‘U|rt"* < 4Ui« Hri lad tye" on iba Kunuusrvilis road. TOeTatTlfl uunlaioa a arras laud. I or ol Htdeh IIIH fooioaand ars hlstily n. liuprutad oulbunsia; IK or* will. X «tr od ]**•*■ i .-i-a y a 4. 'a of water, P>.r pa.ileulais ufd'ly lo K S WXTT, e -*■' li-K, .d a' , oi l . cny*e!f. .. ilw i.raiu.MO * kapibu .i u watt V A LI' A II L V. COT ION PLANTATION, OH foaci uli River, in Pike tminty, A4:t , FOR HALF.! '('IIS Irwt rooiaiDK III 17 I Bt rcft, alxieKD ilui.K lr..iii ■i I niou Sta TIm. Moku.k am. OlKiKb .ti' Will ras Itl.UOXh Ibft plM!« HM K4A.U HM lb* IfiurKKUtbiKliiHl, 11 __ l ih» a .. K(4fti.«g Ma.,a« .. in ai.iu g* t*i a ,kui i« tu.iiu* ul Ike Ku»J (u 10 nilMK t*luw tli a VlKnUli ai. Nlrta Hiiu.trK .1 Aors* KncLexSaKil tu Me. I rtjiKlr, A>t lb* Ikkcw* ... k.hkI o*4-i 0 . 0.1 SKSII K.VCK ant* lh t-r Ih, II ihu h^tiKs, Hlackflatiib fth p. Nfftu H< LH.— HOil wliuUirr 1. M<8KKarx Bttrrt.wwrTcr* nuiouituui*. 1 b»i» ar* ’1 lift at. <,|rt- iiuNt *x ..n ttm (>i»rc, .«,i mi*i t»,* lHii.«caai« tMdivirtr.l luto, Sauxxa Kaoms. Vhjk ( 4oo» Okciuxiu on iho [.rami**!.—IWKituft koiu# . I the rtu» 11>*. h«* 4|,p'«*, Vvhik Ku.l Pima- Iu Ik* coootry V b» |<lace it very Lt-tlthr AIho, 15,000 Lusknts Coro, t'o.ldt-r, Pf»f Gate, Ton MuUh, Forty H«iul ('title, O.ift Hundred Stock Regs, Itac-.u ..nmigti to ejpply ibe Farwing place no* >uhi, **lr, ti.iee W»k..iis all the Uui at d On,. Tbou saod Otllone of Syrop, oko bs purcttutHd witb U." Piauialion. farlle* |>u 1 -hKHtua cm make It eir ewi, c.,ulr«ct with lhv pr..f .-ij f litborei«. fur fanner niiurinaUon apply to 8. B. WAR-NOi K, Dot# tl OoIiibI'U* Oa A Chance for a'B&rgaio A I orrtR ia Kami Sir I county, Mt« a VKlftuMft Ala, 0 pine* mite* SiBisut from the River Bridie, o* tbs •* Middle Road," oot*mmg about 63U Keros of tend, of wbkti » a Mttie more than balf t« (a cu.tiVKiiou. aud Vkisplsce siiuslMl formerly betonxat in N*l*nd Lyw I#, is beer tks Uut« I’rl.e* Creek. It m eery freo «nd productive, *"d Ihu winter pail nr **« for csttle aud stock I* of the (seat ctlsracler The imprevetronfs on 1b» piste are**, d--so etotu room framed »od painted bouse, framed oorbtilld in as, * first r*U g*r<t*a, etc. rp»ideBc*, Thi*pl*c« oomUnei the ndTSotnyM if * country a.sf a market end deiey ferm, e*»r bc. Ulity by A high ridge-road te the cley. Mid e fine "Iportunity io raise cotlou sad corn. Teraoe no? $5,000 pash, II C MITCH XT L, 1m «uf (ftfr-by’h **ld eorntcr. Piano for Sale. A FIN* 7-octave Rosewood Pitno, W m K n*be A Co, BeKUuora, ms hers, (or eslsst T S SPEAR'S »cdt tm Jswelry Store. For Sale. 'piJK | oa -cmforttb!*DWELLIN9800SF *oe comer nt Oomieerto end Jackson stmets, in tk» Knrt h«r»» Ul*»r ilea,now ocroplM hjr JBS tjffhe'f. nie ttorise conuioe 6 rxiras, is by ' wbrlck teftf-e, wuh n.ceeery ouihoatee, *11 in gout order. * Apply at phis rtiice or tu W L WILLIAMS no* if For Rent. Three Comfortable Rooms, in MsKuoic Bell Buildieg. Apply to R .1 IIONTER, QoS If at Mu c-(gt«* R lilrt bi A T ALI ABLi'. PLANTATION AND ENTIRE OUTFIT For Sale, an a Credit of One, Two ant! Three Tears ! 1 WILI. tell my Pl.nlstios, tU luiea io Sartr-iir CmiuI>, AU bama, k luilrs if SJiileajBniul Sl-i V miles trma Ko.*, MoUl* *o4 rard Haiiroed, cooteiniuR acres, .lent one-ball oyatiei Th* with ike BGsT. and <he .iej*hl,->rt.ood ia excellent. Oo the piece Ik • Df K. UM. sad «U pwroarary OlfHlMI 1 PINGs I have MITtM, CaTTI.K, BOEKl*, H09A CORN, F0DDEK, COrTON SKED, STfibP. W (U (Itog, ClRTS, m.AUKftMITM 1UULS, FARMIN8 ffTKN?IUB, We. 1 will w.U (he rb.uP.iwu aoi eutt.* cqfnt to * re spmiKibte p»rty oa ■ cr*' , li of cn«, tw > and ibt.e year*, anti receivs Q0TT0N in Pftjmvji , tC te de¬ livered at nearest depot •-* ortefgre (he let -Ikuu ary. !Sc7.1888, and 188*. coosecutlKely, Mr Jnrt S ilr L Chri«'*n near ih* piftfe *ud CoUmti, CtJniabuR, Or. will mRu- tho pro; erfy, tml I cau bw Rdfire«»fed »t CX>Vt.vGTON, GecrflR. Pv# if MoT*»MI r K > EAL For Sate. MY PL*»t»»IOS, * . A NP treryt or ft i« fer *».«. It c rtsp'n* b«» wire* *nd to well k of the test (Jetton ptoalfttioaein Vuitern Alftbem*; 4^0 *cre» are end to •**• *UM tor eol _ cleared impromnente; failing tltuion. Bond * never well oi good water i hvotthy Md coovc el«« t t> School *nd Chnich, being wtrtira one roite of U** Tltlac* ol Bartvil)*, on the Mobile end Giterd R(u1to»d. Dr J T Parson*. During mr »b*ance apply to iRO, H BAiB. PC4 am S= DAILY SUN VOJ -Am XI. ViKIOlh ITEMS. Tw.. mitliou dollar# in Eva e*at note* will eoon be isaffwd. Pit-Hoi £t a bole of aome value. ^irr* $200 worth of oil per (lay. A colored bridegroom ahot tit groomsman. but Dot fatally, in a jealously a f»w day* St. l<oui*. 2 Dexter, the faet trotter, won clear for bis owner the paat smsgou. It is stated that Seoretarr McCul iocb will recommend a ter on *alee instead of income*. Two arteautn well* have been com¬ pleted in Chicago, giving MOO.OOt* gals Ion* per day. New Cogiand faae peat enough in the toil to furnish fuel for a hundred year*. There are over fwohuttdredtstuJeuts at the Univeiaity of Yirgtaia. • There are about 5^ pritoilers now contineu on tb« Dry Tortuga*. There aoeaie to l>e no proapiwtt ol <>en Longatreet being «oon pardoned Governor Hamilton, of Texa*. write* to the i'reeident that he will make a call of the Legislature in December, The Legislature of MiasiMippi has appoint* da joiutconimiueeto yietition Fresident Johnaon to pardon .lacob Thompson. New counterfeit text dollar green¬ back legal tender notes have been put iu circulation in the Last The Kmpernr Maximilian ia said to have spent 3,000,000 francs for the construction of a palace at Lacroina, an ialwnd ha lias purchased near Ka gUSH T'he ground occupied fry tho dis¬ mantled torts surrounding Waebiug ton is to be turned over lo the owners as soon ss all thebiiildiugn attached to the forts are sold. Oeneral A- C. Mvers, late Quarter master t.cneral ot the t'oniederacy, b?» foil 1‘aria on n visit to this United .'''till UK Ilia family retuniu m Piuroge Mr. Fdwtr.) A. Pollard, of Rich¬ mond, author of Mims annals of the war id the Confederates, i« out in an addirw*. prop<diing to wiite » full his io«y of the war. The Treasury Department advocates putting “to counterfeit ia death *» Oil the paper money, so great is the an. iioyaftce from counterfeitihg. The census of 1865 givpa Dubuque, Iowa, f5,814, the largest city iu the “• 'tat.' ‘ Daveniiort i* the next, with . 14,068. Hugs have declined in price in the western portion of iudinna, Oil «(* couut of the cheapness of corn, which can lie bought in fields, along the )V> e*. ba*li Valley, at fifteen cents per bush" I he N ew • irleaus Crescent say8 We understand that General Baauregatd fortvially took .1 charge as Superintend eat oi tli«y nekton railroad. All the New York Theatres continue to give performances without orchet trus. The strikeamong the muaiciaus continue!. The in*usage of President Johnson, it is said, will be devoted chiefly to the iiff.ject of reconstruction. The Presi d.iot is reported to regard this mutter as of the most pteasing importance just uow The I'nireraaliatft of the Doited .States, in their national .coageution at Middletown, Connecticut, passed a rr^Gloiion to raise $100,000 for mis* sioiiury purpose* in the Southern 0 The Nurtheru papers contain a me¬ morial from Garibaldi, Tonageo, and three hundred other distinguished Dalians, addressed to President John¬ son, in which they eloquently* plead for clemency for Jefferson Darts. A mucus phenomena occurred in the valley of Mexico on the 6th of October. Large streams of water burst suddenly from tho mountains, which, if they do not diminish in volume, will form a considerable river. The planters in Texaa have'adopted a plan to get the freedman to pick cotton with success. They pay for the cotton picked during the day each evening. This is an important fact, as a great deal of the cotton fields in Texas remain unpicked.. Col. Sprague, Acting Brig. Gan eral, has assumed command of the Mill tary District of East Florida, with head¬ quarters at Jacksonville. He was Ad¬ jutant General on the Staffof Govern¬ or .Seymour, of New York, and Chief of fytaff to Genera! Pope, in Missouri. It is stated that John Mitchell has taken the oath, received a passport and s*Hed for London. Two military companies (militia) hsve beeu organized in Columbia, S)uth Carolina. The com panies are required to arm and equip I namoelves. The prices which aome persons pay at the fashionable hotel* i are remark a ble. There are families at tho Fifth AvenuA, hundred dollars who_give week from five their to six a for mere lodging "extras" and boarding will privileges, while their reach from three to four hundred dollars mor.j. A dettsiou has beeu rendered by the Supreme Court in tha case of Father Cummings, the f athohe priest of Pike county, Mo., who was fitted five hundred dollars for preaching without taking the test oath. The sentence was affirmed, thus deciding iu favor of the constitutionality of tbe provision imposing the oath. Turkey ha* been startled t.y the ru¬ mor of a great innovation perpetrated by the Kttltau. It is said that be is havinghis M. portrait painted by a French artist, Guillemet. Hitherto ail representation;) of the human form have t.eeu deemed prolane by tbe Ma¬ hometans Texae paper* My that an unparal elled drouth prevails m that State. Modioa river, in tha mountains, is ary for m«ny nsilew, a thing never before known Stock are dying all through Wes era Texas, and tha rivers •ro very low. Antonio river is a fool lower than ever knows. - li is announced that the President will issue at an early day a Proclama¬ tion coiapletly restoring the States of the South lo the Union. If this be true, one McPhersoo, Clerk of the House of Representative*, will have to enroll tbe South sun member*, even if .. it . . dlstsstolul , , , ■■ to . blft . .OWQ radical , IS views and those of his Black can confederate*. COLUMBUS, GA. t TUESDAY MORNI N<vM)VEMBKR 41, ISi&. RkTHIIttKT AIIlAl t'ttUrKRKME. I * Ff*»TR * M*dA. Oa , Kw 16. 1*05 Tbe ronfer«ac# met at 0 o'clock, * a.. |.ur*uant to chair. adjournment, Bithoi. 1'ierce in th. Prayer by Rev. J. W Paike The minutes of the preceding day were ra.vd and approved. Tbe following recommended mi iuWri ©I the can feranca *>»» and r|gt «*•! to elder* order*. A J Jarre), B Seal.i Jaitir* TkurmaQ from th# Metbodi.t I'lote-tani . butch w** reonpni-«d a* • leaoAn in (be Malhodiet Epkcopsl church. I South. Rer W Patk* from the committee against ap|siinted Ray to J ibveatigate H Caldwell, the charge* reported that raid committee Jiad been unable to affect an adjut-Unent of the diflkul tie* in the case, and asked that 'be be brought to trial before toe confer BBCC. The re|a>rt was ajoplut, and tbe Bishop appointed Monday next a* the time for the trial to tak« place. Rev H .1 Adam* introdured tbn f„l lowing i esolut ions; Devoutly grateful to the gieet Head of Jin* church for tbe unparalleled progrens which Method■-in'has niado in tlii* country since it* introduction «Nie hundred years ago ; rejoicing in the outponng* ct tiod’s spirit upon it .luring the current Voar, and having e.Kjlideiioe ili the etliviomy ui Metti odist ism iu it is in the Melliodist Epis¬ copal church ; and being very unwil¬ ling' to offer any plausit.le pretext t the Methodist F,pi sco pal church. North, Li quote into our uii.lst. Or to place iu the hsnd* or Hut church a wea| h>ii with which it may successfully ajaail j6 us ; therefore it Vrat/nrJ, That It i« the sense of wits conference that no change should he made in lht> itinerant feature of <qn general suporintendeucy. and Hint wliiUt more bishops sb.qild l»e elected by the next general caBlVrenre, yet that confsrnncfe so largo a numher a* one for each (ffcat and small! i*. the judgment ol this conference, untie.'** sary, and tlint We are opjiosed to tnak mg dioce**s of each conference, and diocesans ol our general supeiinlend enta. .* «•-.»/) Ft’il, That any prolongation ol the pastoral ter tun i» ol mod doublful policy. leading t lie deal runt mu of (lie whole aystem of itineranry, an,I that iuttefimiely giving loom bishops (he power to Mtend it will produ oa liiljileaftaiit distinct 101m between minis ten ol the M. fu church. Smith, mid inii-i result inevitably in a staled Tnio closing i-try with iu hundreds (t^laequences, i. e , the ot of churches and the bilcni'itig of hundicds of pulpit* - IU It fford, uiuntdestroy aumat efficient "i'C U-suhoJ, cv, .a .crijitural itmerant tninittry. That as thousands of our ni misters and hundreds of thousands of our rffceivad uicmb«rahip into living and duytd probation, were aeehers onr church, uikui as of religion, and whilst in that relation, wore converted; that the Conference is opposed lo the .ibolition of Ike probation ftystcin of our church, liut thinks it might be well to admit all converted persons who preftent theta elves for odini*»ion immevliately that lute hould full connection, and no |>caion' c he received into full connection in ottr church until he or she is converted JirsolvtJ, That ^Conference our delegate, to the next • General be, and is hereby instructed to act in accordance with the foregoing preamble and resv> lutions. On inotrou, the rcsulutioh* were re ferred to the committee oh the state of the’cliutcbei election The (Weraiteei.rocee.lad of delegates to the to the General Conference, to assemble in New Orleans the The first ful Wednesday in April next. owing meml«rs were elected delegates T. on the ,T first balloting • Fierce, VV Park*, S Anthony J W Glenn, J E Evan*, E II Mycn, A T Mann, J SJLey. ’ A secood ballot was bad, and on motion, it was ordered that a commit tee, consisting of tbe Brethren Deanng Burke and McDonald, report there suit of the voting at the next sitting of the Conference, on Monday following. Ker J E Evans off. red the following resolutions IhrY. ci, That the delegates from this •Conference to the General Confer ence are to hare the Conference divided into two Confer enccs, from running the line tcrofts tho State East to West in such a manner aa to leave Augusta ia tbe Northern and Macon andColumbus in trite Southern Conference, having due references in their present eod pros¬ pective strength—tha Northern to ba called the Atlanta Conference and the Southern to be exiled the Macon Con¬ ference. 2. Retoh'td, That the Bishop is here¬ by requested to make tbe appoint¬ ment* at this Conference, 'the With refer¬ ence to the demands of work as a whole 7 and that the preacher* be al¬ lowed to transfer from one Conference to the oilier at the end of one or iwo years Resolved, as they may That elect. 3. the General Con" Terence be required to give us that pa 11 of tbe State now ia fhe Florida Con¬ ference, aud that it be taken into the account in makiug the division of tbe Conference. The resolutions were guttered to lie on tbe table fog artjournnflMlt the present. The hour for being ar rived, the Bishop, adjourned the con feieooe nil 2 o’clock Monday morning, with the bquediciion. Btiuikkii*.—l'he second, a four liall American game, with the push shot barred, between Dudley'* Kavanaugli and Fierre Carme, came off at Irving Hall N . on last Saturday evening Kavanaugh won made by 101 points. The higeetruns by the ex champion were!32,107, 104, 67, and 50. Those by tho Frenchman who did not "nurse ' * the bill= but preferring to play around the table, were 17 A, ‘.12, 78, 76, 04, and 72. Kavanaugh, in his sixteenth in niug: ended tne game, his opponent scoring only 1,339, The average of Kavanaugh—25— is the largest on rec¬ ord, and prohibited, considering that extraordinary. th* push shot was is His largest average, heretofore, was only 13, and the ‘‘push’included. 'Long mqv he live t5 enjoy his reputation thus won. „ bevOa thousand post offices yet re* mam to be reopened in the South. i tut ( him, irntu. We tied in ili* Lynchburg Virgin “■ •“ appeal frou» a nund'er or *larr to Uinr former mailer* for aid to able them to emigrate to Liberia in Afiioa. The Virynut»m Touches for theta a* respectable men, and worthy of any help that bit t # extended I * * ~ them s Li acaatao. tdet. IT, 1W4. 7b cur Fwxtr Jfasteri: We. • i»i lion Of your fotmei slarr*. have |. .rated oureelxea into a sooelv. known ae'tho African Emigration Sedety, for the sola purpose of imgTHMn^ to Liberia ou the west coa«t of Afrtc.i. to coim> received the light »nd here, cjr ilixttion that we have even in a state of Slav cry, to tin hcatbeu brethren ou that ben.glued and long negtecte.1 conti oeut. Weexjieot to leave thiacilr .in the l»t of November next, for our t'ath erland. and leave yen all Vot uo reason but the ooe aUire mentioned none of . u* will carry with unthe piejndtce* and ill will that might arise trout nur being held in bondage by you atyour a'are* Wo know that t on hate been our best friends, and we feel it now the more, though we ace free. Vou all know the peculiar situation tbe termination of tbe late war baa left us m. ao, there, tore, w* mil uimiu you to .■i>d us in our enterprise. We know yojr generous and sympathetic best »a nil not let you stand alo if from its to our endeav¬ ors to do giaal for ouraelvrt, and |>eo pie. idea* polite ot u* are capable of convey in K ol the wct'bauio art* ; aoaie cau unfold to them, in our poor way, the marvelous light of the gospel, and )>oiot the way to Osel. We are not go mg to try to elevate (lie people of l.i Iwii*, hei ru»e. troiu what we can learn they me far our "Itlporinr* in in telligeoce, wenllU and framing, I wit Africa generully. «onw of u* have a good common eduoalion which ive Ihink trill he of value to those who have no art. You kndw we are vely p-or ihoaiualleal sums yen atlord to contribute to our will bd acceptable to us. Wh «hII UjfOil you because we know tho kind tnd gene. now tlie iropuUcs of your hearts, and yon on other hand, know our situation md wants, (live us, of the abundaqca of your wealth, a suiull soul, and we believe that you will he rewarded by Him who saya, "lie that givetli to the poor lendeth »o the Isir.t ” We think' this will boour Iasi request Iron, your bunds, so (Miii and help us in our el fort* to do good lo unr riuie. Wa are ever yout trieittl i and ; oli‘t aervAnls, Kr*ym the.f*< kqott*if 1st i Kl« ) I’moo, lilt io»t FtlfiRTITl. AITIBUXT. Thr t\ •r tuin of i H . mcr ofoitti t > jtieeet I'll th,' FXplosion of 1 1 Wp' /i), ft,,«/ Ol* i sUntUrktOfd ia pr,t- s/dujtrpe— Tht Yfntr ah o K tUai. d he .•fobtWluer A Kicbar ls, of Hoa ,0 "' Nelson 11 Arey «f Thom f" 0, M »iue. cleare-t from Richmond, ' * or , * 1 “ on tbe I'Jtb t »cl*»her, hundred Ion* of coal and I'^omotiv* Kognm*. for tha ITori f ^ 1 '' Atlantic and tlulf Riitroart, and «nforod the St. dohus on the 4'h inst. hile coming up the rirer the foi Ueing day, (Sunday) the vesaei got aground al Ilia mouth ol Du mu'* Creek obout seven miles below dsi lcsunville, near the place where the Unmet. A. W’eed, was blown up in dune, 1861, ' vllllc waiting fur the Ude lo rise and iloablheschooner oif, t be Oiptaiu #c* of by his wife and mate.C’hos. Hopper, St. I homas, \V. I., went on *hore iu a boat, the Captain taking with him au axe -proceeding along the banks of the rirer a few step* m *;i*M>‘ , eof attracted his companions, by what his him alien l ' 011 w ** to must hare baen a aineular looking object, 'y' n 8 Dear the edge of the water, par* lial| y covered with barnacles and * h,cl * h « stopped to examine. While doing so. he was seen to strike a alight blow with hi* his axe, and the uext moment, wife says, he wm e * Te I°P e 'i ' n ft cloud ol sipoke which wm immediately followed by a terrific ^ x I' lo “t<»n, throwing the Captain aorno " ,leeD l>*o«a, mangling him frightful • ftUllo, cour * e hill mg him mstimt '?• Tl e iUte [ WM aUw »**rowa» * some distauoe and ahojking.y , burne<l, and ^ ® torpqdo of hia injuries km of the tbe following eigne ,t,U»pa day. , rar.qty, and must tore been nu»W plantedul lhe time liJ-fated \\ aea w/w blown up, moll,t " i »«‘V »«d "high tbe Easton, with a laige uuin she ‘f ro havrog u f P^oger. posAud so over narrowly them eacafied, imme¬ dia taly ahead of the Weed. Oo t»e tng Hsformed of tbe particiuArs of the explosion, a part of y of our auizati* visi¬ ted the scene the dioaslor and galh ejpd A supsoription up the remains of the Captain. was started among the Captains of the vessels in port au<1 our merchants andi sluppeys, for the pur. pose of raising funds U> procure a mo talic coffin for the Captain’s rematns rtlid to defray tbe expense I" incurred in burying ble the mate w r ith commenda promptness and Jiberality the handsome sum of $.!(',f was immedi¬ ately raised,which after paying jjfc'j ail ex peases left a gratuity of which was pteseuted to the widow An AvrotxsDisro Fraud.—I nvestiga¬ tions disclose the fact that between |5,lHNi,nOOtt and $6,000,0oo of the Bault of J ennessee bills were dated back when the bank was in the South du¬ ring the war, iu order to make them of greater value, and for the purpose of making them redeemat.le in case the South failed. Search is now be¬ ing made for a book by which the original and altered bids can bo sep¬ arated. It is thought, however, that it cannot be found. The way tho fraud was brought to light was this. A Legislative Committee was looking over the assetts of the bank, and white doings©, thev found a note on the bank, dated, IgSC and signed president, by Messrs. Twbett atjd Fisher, as and cashier. This fact at once atraetted the attention* of one ol the committee, who knew that these gentlemen were not installed into office till lf*59. Mr. Clairborn, who hud charge of the books of the hank white the institution was in the South, was called upon for an expla¬ nation, and he at once ackonwledged that bills to the amount of the above mentioned sum )o have been and put in circulation. The is to be further investigated, l 1 , VM M & min • « BRO kin OFFICE Mechanic’ Bank Agency, GOLD, SILVER, and EXOHANG W, •I i BOUGHT ilND SOLD! * UiRtunt Famous Pul# fur BASK NOTES. tuny Go (’<*»'r»l Ia.trnan 1 hAcrjiU It allread and banktn* Comi’Ki.t !::: <• | U**ik Hi IaRU- U*vrgi« Manuw Haw Mm*k of AUgONi* •H AbKHM* IntliJrDiH «•„ Rfftift ol A*!*•*•»* vj llai I. c.ddtiiiai. 1ft H%nk «il ik *ama*M#t . a — lo Rfftik «-» tl##* Kntftlr# »i»rk « :U hank «4 Ftlflno uhIi ■ «*..•. ..„«• a Haim i f Hit' hi* r «•! t«• <igl* fHtjr K*1 IDBI#' .»*Mk y <**i au*c««<« w-. hMiit. it • i iia MafiittuIrHi* lui t * --------------- .... 10 M**ii lifftil tad P| * **»<«**' ItAffl 12 1*1* Inr*’ It (ilk IT I Ditto *« in I tmlttf niUti M'lOtifki >«•««*• II ffittiut Haul, at M.‘d.ito- .... 7.1 HffirV of M o«tlg 4*a«« V .n l»«lik (-1 kdln.ff ‘M f Vialiftl ftqftk <>>6lfTll*rt fq! ffqnk Kwfmii hank , 50 Norihain H nk ........ 9ci*rh«fM 0«nk so IWI'Vff OAliUl.tNA ftf rkan -i. n .... .. lidffl >f ni)*rl(«lijtfA'.wK(,........ . ti* K»i.k *>f O y iNf . ... .to (Unit of UitoiifffK.wn H*Dk of llffmfdiri^. .............. H#alc of Wimt fe#nf......... ImI of th* of Nov Iff ('orulfna ____vo CotuniorctDi lUiik. ........ ... IT Tx 1-llftURD k*4l(k . ...... .... ......18 Farioor*’ t*u«f k-i- UffuK* N»nfc is W.'l»*f.|*Dll»' K A4»% , ..... si IVpUl* I'kHlfRu’ Hrtttk lUuk ,. ....... , At «.| f tan Urttif IB 1‘lDutrrn'«Qt) Mibttl# lUul rt J'lAlO Hff'tk ... ...... .......... IX AuuiliwMfffrii Knir toil VH Uoioh KbdU ..... .. .1............. ■■■to MTfr'or «i«otntlon* uf Other Uanlt !tofc« enquire nt Our OfBre. 4#ill Slin Wholesale and Ketali! DKV GOODS fancy aoooe, LA 1)1 Km' CLOA KB, LADtKV and Ctuldran'a HHOEF, OmU' HOOPSEIRT8, BlK)TB. SHOES and UAT8, La rg-. lot White and not'd BLANKET®, NOriUNB, &s, Ao, A Urge lot AifcO, to I BKOAl) BATINEr CLOTH. CASSIMERE, aad ENOLlttH URAVF.R CHEA.t‘ FOR CASH ! >jMP A. K AUFMANN’8, Agt, 102 (troad Street, tir fl 2m CAtuilBUB. G \ M JO? Em. I !B. JOSEPH k CO., ItrTff flnnr fu T. S. Sprnr's Jewrlry BROAD STREET, C(u,tn«rniJto, GKonoiA. B’ANC V .. DRYGOODS, CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Are,, Arc* WF, ARE NO TV RECEIVINQ AND OPEN¬ ING ODU STOOK OF Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Boots, Shoes and Hats, AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF PLINT1T10N SUPPLIES, FANCY Notions, &c., &o which we ovrm to tub GITIZENS OF COLUM3US AND CLKITT At THE Lowest Market iUtes. M. JOdEPff&COra eStl Next Doer ta T. S, Spear's. Wanted!" $10,000 IN GOLD!! • i want to but ■ #10,000 Dollar* |n QoM, I ocM - 1m . Offle* . _ SOHN xinq, *t nM M*nn« Bank Af»ucy. NO. 71- T. S. SPEAR, iHuTiciL *vo BXPCaia«ca» 0 WATCBM1KBR 0 ’ A VI i .1 EWEI.LKR , Corner Broad sod Baodoiph Sts.. AT HIS OLD STAND. Ms. as* ui «o a aa« u( rtrb Mock H FINK BOLD WATCH*', RICH UOLD JEWKbRV, HTKRUh’ti SILVER WAKE, FINK PLATEO CASTOM. tIUPd. KNIVES, FORKS, nPOONS, FICKLE STANDS, PVHUP CDP8 *«r\ !!*•, • In* a*M*iB>tnt at e'l-Vik >»J BOL* TlUMUJ.Fi, U<>L(t and MbVK* HM(*r*i'|.*S. U A I H WORK, 4Ff-»i| I • •*!*-& or 7»tU*ro PEBBLE SPEOTAOLES, IN a0tI>,*HfKH and STXM nUMKA \U1TH WOKK a ml JEHKLRI KRPAIRKII at «v>t> Km Kt.sov.nai ttotxma. tin. jinks utill. i:h, Its, rti.rgK ol Hit Walsh Daysrtansl, vhtrti la H Mir I. K til AHarn KXlhal tha ». r* sill h* desa U the fet *t mmtiPt Pm non* be v lug PI, AI!S W«t< h«« cma hw tbem JKWp:t.LKU t either ta Rahj. CftrjMiiie, G«ra«I ot a^UAIDRline . MB. ISGM1RE, Wbu qteo wail kjonwo lo ooed aay t»,,.aia,-oda lien Item we baa . Sarfa *4 11.4 l>a|*llla* of Jaw giLH-------------.- •tot, Manumd IWbii* B«*tat,nx, al& Storage and Sale of Cotton 1 WXT IJ k |.Tt naRtmnt'A }>6ftJ Ui to the inbl'c llUktJ \%%V erttUK ABU lOTTO#^ bttirx i.aaea,KS4b»,4> IMkNKTV lo visa aa. t f*dl'i‘M a 00* i*V4 If V-V1 e. pr.«d aad si nialr ii.mii Notice. \ \ 1.1 itor'sii* lb MW|fT, lablMi la IBs fait Srn m.nbw* ofCwRY, *11M Nil A ask Kts liatvby that ll.ay mnat -ma nya > kit la , and tbr«a «bs (all to* May by Ilia! day at daiinart eaxt. II«1 ai»to» aud l„. ktut%*«.ar put la atm aid a,UHII. Cot- Th* H,» >a and I'ar.'f* are aiaad m-r mi.I.r ibvl'r* k HiSvf \ iwuv, itTmimi a *wtrr i .'..mi.'., Oa. iV. at. Iftftft ijrtt \ SHORN SHOES. BLACK and russet BROGANS! Best Grade. —AT J. A. tf cold' pens II.IIF. HVVft'1 AND mci»1 # *HSO«TMltlO' I f'KN* ■ OhUbuS try thsm at T. S. SPEAR’S. imil tl Wanted. ( I 4VUSUIA, AI.AU4M A. Hull HI CAROLINA stui LOUISIANA Imw HANK NOT** in »t>r qtiftntlff Jlartne man, . in out -8 a' fttot Baak AAKKCy NO KNICK KNACKS, NO Wltcetpr IVuul* ('Mil for their Money .Hunt Come ’ To B. 133 > B^oad St •9 NEXT DOOR TO ROSETTE St THE LARfJEBT AND WEST STOCK DRY -AND CJjOTHING, Caosist httf of tbo following ‘anials*. effsf *ey frioeds aad customora: CALICOES, DKLAllUfb, ALPACAS MKRINOS-Franoh and L0SXKK8, LINENbk and EoglUh, * • DLKAOBED MUKLIN8ar.J Sheeting, LADIB£’ cloth the Lsi«*i Sty-Is, and a great many artidlvs too aumereus te menti u 1 respect tuljy invite jay friatxL and toBiers t« o*)t soon. Oouiutftg Herohants will da wall lay ia their supplies at my store B. JACKSON, noil tf 133 Broad street. (Joiumbu^Female ziMllt s XxerciM* ol this Iutitatios wlllbeopa* Oft th* Brot Ma»- . day tn OrtOttor n L iasnTUTiojf,“ It will >.la. C0LLKUI, t and all the spirt era necessary too k thor<ftl*h amt itoaliibed edixra tio* erill tw irmnd" Thft ifichoiKsUS. Vsar will h* divided late eq>iai Terms. Aft"H Ihw" M'» wfH b« a Oder ime.ftd.ftt* ku pwKisloo of Mr ««d Mr* but oue ptise »«M»ecU* rite* tor (nittoo. ItATXS OF TUITION: tit.raiy D«P HU. tm oo lachiAntalf .at*. 1 Music........-A.,,. .~.t> to V-ecf rtoa«.to->~~«~>..... 8 M V«v»! MtwiAuV............... 1 00 Vrvttcb No extra ........ <?)"w*e .. a^jSs^uododsi, tor L*tin. tu ft) B nnO tor ib* TfHs—~^- ...............Ta ft) tmardera jn'itepwa'-h «•>»«*. Mltow aura, ftiK, t»bie e«pte*» »i»d *.-r •»*« f *i wralrti.* nrtoKJisd Bukd *v*t u Mint* President. tf s H M S* t'.VOBKf, To All Whom it May A il the one**, accounts. etadts sod asset* wfinteoevuf Kind, id the iRtff firm t>! , DILL. AUD, POWRLLdfc cO.t Revs bran aoelgnod to ns. for the payment of creditor* of raid Srm. Person* hofom* aniert Mid arm «UI **tif» A DILLARD, Tuikesee, Aift. of th« eft*'*. Mid Br*r KUOin* notified A«. These Indoboted to are Dirt* eeyroeet Atoo* to on* ol ne, or to * JOb, Attorn*,*, Tneke* A niXLlRO, Tom A o«S4 l«w 4w w Atthuf%Alik * CBAV MltPIl, (nr 4 trmi U Wat » * txrasisr Mof • a rtf ( will Irt tl RffroaS .1 w..i Feist, errt vdU * n n. (d tiir w 06 —c< wtto wipifi toate *Mlnral CltolU»oo«a e-ptitf MAM Through to Atlanta l Ob and after Monday lltk X«rt •au»n>Ktfl Carte M •)»;<-«>* RAffaMaC*. Rallread* aw errtrsH .....T .tuya. ■* lea** Baa* a as. 04 coil* tnaTTRltf K 4 ILMOAV SCBB9VIM * ™ vioar »n». Kf baas* sntva Mi aoaa co» 1 •At step Airtn Mi L GMAJL «*»!* If W MEXICO! MBZICOI! *30 .:::,000 III loan or TMB RlPDBLIC OF MEXiOO I Twenty year Tea pc a Bond* ia 0f$ M *100. |000, »nd *1,000. INTEREST 8EVEN PER CENT , fATA BLEiathaCITV *f NEW YORK. f^rlttripaLaud Intarcst Payable hi, GOLD! *10,000,000 to be tow at SfllTI CINTt aa the DOLllR > la V a Cttriaary, Ilia, yiatdlB* aa tatwes* *1 1* P*r Oani la O* fsvratten Per Oast la OthL BftNCT, at »h# yttssel rt(. of prowlnw oa (*M. Tho Pint f rar’» lidarcst llra*4y ProvUad I * THE MOST BKSJ8IBLE MESTSm EVKB OFFERED t mWaeoaTiarto of Klein* *od A*t H-nlmrat l .KOd*. Silty par Out 0 Fart Hum, Impaeu, a ad Tax ao, la Iba *ia*a * ol Famaullp ia And Stall and tha PUabtod Fallb of UKK abld Wa'aa aad (bo OfiMtal Oa.Kn.MMU arm ail p tadf* Mr (b* ro fetnpttoa of tk— B**4* tml pnaiat *4 WNNf THU HK0URI1Y IS AMPLE I tiutft t) A Ourwasy will bay a T par at tookl MO offtOS; m yS’l'urtaaty trill bay a 7 |>«t il Dot* danasay . (iotd taUd Is l> ft trtH bey a 5 y<tid Boat of |tAi , Clot 1 |#80 ltU8 ***** Oarraary wilt tuyaT pt* cl of * Lai * tar v Liwrot Kspublscad loAtitatl «* Birr at Leant One Bond 1 ot culara bowafilad Slid tut avilpttoaa t*o*i«ad . *T , doll N W UOBLIEIACq, , alsl t N Tl FT. Firttnclat Agaat Of tbs Kspob Itr of Msslou, ft7 flroadway, New Tork*. Baeauucnpilns* abu> raasivad by Banka and Uoaktra fsssially Ibrraxhout Iks t’ollsd Slats*, nal4 Si Bemovatr” W BUkv* *“•••< rsmarsd ’ ,h "« to w*V«r*rt Bo. IS kraalcmy to a# ig KRfCEliv A*4) Cdumsmt BDRlfW. frVndff RAti ISalrcm* tn<f »w fH»oy 0»W OB At M Vllt km as »illi* call. earo°Mif*m*a«a sottcitad. tiib HtddWf MsRKnr frtcf.s paid for CofltitFy Produce At We. 19 Broad »treet. JEFFiRSON & HAMILTON. A Five-Horse Engine for Power Sale. Engine ; AND TUBULAR UPRIGHT BOILER, for skIs by htturkm a LOUD, orl tr SOM. da. Fine Piano for Sale!' A FINS 7-.clave PIANO la o«*im 1 for aala. A<iare»p» myUU rare Sue etBce. SIGHT EXCHANGE * NEW YORK For wtl* ky la JOHN KING, OS* 1st _______Bftnkir. Liquors in Gasoil 500 Oaaea of Choice Whi«> key and brandy, 100 Baalict* Cbampaime, *lt branda J«.i received end tor sets at oo|( tf ■ik JACKSON'S, ; taSBrotet totes*. W Dawxon, OULD rvapotWtUy Collier tbelr* A Co. tnf.nm (rlewt* and "'ll "kj peirMK yedw thMibe TtIK KNTIBK Freerrtptiou OUNr«2r PeiisrimeBC ot J n < OLUBtt. wh. ebtttiy Mr ,e ** s dregai.t to w*U known I* U.h eM> ooMW TO OWNERS OF COTTON.’ In arourfr to numorout inquiruw /root abroad k r ttouU say that toe <rtr prepared 1 TO TAKE CHARGE OP* W* IR ORD ASO ■. Ship any Lot of Cotton in the Statu of Georgia, South Carolina or Alabama, at tee have local agents at nearly evefy tovjn and a corps of mast efictsnt men, •elected fry integrity, capacity and erpori enct, to taka charge of every lot. W Will also Ip«y all Taxes aad Charges or everr Deserf ptloa, aad MAKE LIBERAL ADVANCES 03* THE COTTON I fa lAovt, «* will tohe charyo ef the Cotton ms receipts or orders and give the Owners no trouble whatever, from the time toe receive it until sold and returns made by ottr houses. WATTS, CBA7SB & CO., Revo /tort, or W. C, WATTS & 00., V Liverpool, Eng&nd. We itpvite the especial attention of no a » - - - io residents te our facilities. ' E. M. BEU0E & OO., . • Augusta, Oa. ;to ' UoooUd I* CelaortusK** Af*o» tor ■ K grws* Co., 1 MB and wtllpayteR . { FELIX JUJRXAII IA ' MvJltl oysr HUGS’* 8 *c(j -> OF