The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, November 23, 1865, Image 1

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8 A' I'll Ki i. * ’ Tfl * THOt. aiLBXBT * CO.. tMIOM «» fMWWpWf _ tfc . /•«' Of tkt Cut/ eat H Tfcsi, lt« Wn. * •> - «M ......V® raaia a iitanl teeaita *m be Mas* ta SiLt at > e.t. je aad I Mat era hatbs or ADVBSTtsma. • luare. an* wee#......... 4 SS to tan, week* r-j rr * * In re anil t so • so IW • ifrkl m t* »e s ■ a t * l|a ! a Mil 1 « srff if 3 5 * ,z • s a s a a a s .* * s^i* KJ.’:’ . i U i »4.i 43 IsCUu. * i U «..«»; 1 T*; »T *4 'Otl lrilXtr 4 a m vr.Ji luturmu ist its > 4. r mi . uutt-jtse its istl.AM'T-i its m #• ovijjiii, .at. tu.i-a i Btttiia ittaes — - ——— ■■■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■■*■ *«r wlwvUHDMats pubH*bs: JnT . t tl M for Slit IkMttiaa »u 4 Bt run {<> mkI * I HWI A.l?«rilAMBi>nf« fUMTlB^ fa««r?»u • E t>a at to < ih+ttmi v najr eacl IBSa/Usa Y4 war If U aSsred to nudteswr ,at ca Mr w. t»e eturjul a, »<% ««,-visas.ttao AlVertiMiraoto net >pe« fled t. to Ifni, wtltb. , 'iMi.h ii ail'll euoroSout, oo4 iifn t^ - u T •«**. All adteniMOieaw oooMilsrsl duo trow the Art! ua» ttou «ad cuhecubie .gSg oa^rdteoi j. “ CgfU ■■ U * JUL? ? Ji! For 8ale and Ron*. For Rent. l«f 'j'Jtr RXWE^CEIb LlsvJod. ct'L.sfis lnieeliWeiy Mr ttiebard 1‘swesS. V._>e«i'l>a >"* ^ u lljj p»nVT rts fVay^fl/V* _ o«<w _______ ir ii ti«v»‘.e , oy^u.y l COTTON PLANTATION s FOH «tet,^\ - id >. TTJtrn tf gtrr>rofee«on * few Pf «K>v r**nrtrne t-ww* to A * l OefRnrAk a * 1*1 Af fl -W-t Mf-(die feWr !■ »niHH »«, *;i xi«id I«a4 0 Among n'Kiinm In mulin' ofl-r Hjfli m<oi I my Wjiut u TuTtWe r??. 8 *a* rM| t-®* 40 ?$r?* •*t^n 7b* Aj uiak w^il luckaiy takirguf M‘1 !•» w-** • !«u<l I.onm gears li« tuiip*.ouieutl.l ’»*-• < >cn*rd«, elvhi yeeia old. * *o<«l eeil and UudieK lA r>? (I* ikecieiw jpilne- Ail lend ip eunioaed *6d v-smuihulcSC*- t »n . r Heidw •*iS« , rh-r plarss eeesti wy'l asMrwl SuTiO <• »Aw i>Mo<*e mil h« reuwd tr not t .IS rseflllf. <> rv SnS •set* I sirlloeiloo, .Msr mey Iw le oMsisert me** with i»r»« jilst*., I ' a » * hah* heew* v, **-** m It uo?5 lit ■?’l ■ ”*ihime.w. as. » ALi'AUfef: OOTrON PLANTATION, cn roim uh River) to Piks f uynfy, AYa t I OR KAifl»:i ^’l!K isot c-n'etll. lO-AJ ~ I'mon nerrs, tiprlnse, »!,ieeti Tt|MtiS gill »'l>m# J s SU sTj, jinja AAm (in ,,hl Riitewt. in«?| f£t itirousb ill. )>i«ce nu ,om iron sen U. bleiard, m ihgswnr K VtoOu. ‘•• in t’nion 10 epri> gt >be iti i.fct,)! fmul'iUd i»,l^i „,i vo mites Ul«» -*•»* *t«we<Jx *4 4,asse ere tlrar.d • • ?d tn he. I r.psl,. AT the u-iii,«1 sy-tfot l*-t li'Wl SttlCflsCI *0<' ifip W««' tin. r in® H:Ack.uiHh Mi p.XeaniU'iuidis. ftM fflf.iT 'dfiflflfi ish pW“.Emk!sTSi "i* Vn l “ ll "ii* Uit* *r' ti TU. lau , MEN >A Wt tL V »•* fit* ! i me . ■ ii n * l!RCi Y*| - .it, . : , 'J burSulBTJrB.Tuffl- iTtVa Oatr, Ten Males, Forty Head Celtic, Oat Hundred titook Hog., Uerou tnuugk it Mill, Tfcou i« u d Uilloctoi ri lot rcuo tuh purokfiast) ,, with lb wtoi 1'erii.i. ui* pi, -nm,, uiiurere. tu makeiteir c .a#reel (.r. «oi r»T lunLer ii,fur...^wa J e W fMo S. B. WARNflrK^ ou2» If OoliiinNi* Qn. Piano for Sale. I A f INE Co,%4)ti0ioi?, lU'Newond Pikiio, im Wm Sunba A ink kffra, fur t*?U» »t TSBtB.tB'8 ljn JtHv.lry Mete. For Sale. t vDE -omforteble»WELLI.Vd UOUSK . net Vie corner of Commerce sod HI , dsotnnn m*-a. to me Noribero Liber tie,, bow occupied by 3 U Mosliell. i'he BuCu* cootelnv 5 r.omv, ia eodoved by alt e brick be fooce, whl uuMMiy oaihnui.i, • goe i ord r. ” Apply at mi. i (Bee or to W L WILLItkS DO. tl For Rent. Three ,e Rooms, la JlMjaic ndllBl bidjr' A Apply to C ou»U i t it im iaiLj'i ■ —— - * I|A ! SR . s f * VA X 4 Ull ! /■ L | O I “ A II IU TATI 1 I I Ol N# I |\| w ■ ■ i AND ENTIRE OUTFIT •» t ne, Two and f ear^l I J W ILL SFiil my CMnttyf * r o»tva iq Bnibur *ht bnma, 2 rnilf h * f Midway, nod 9 Ml piii?? Jro* » No. 6, and Oi rard R«i road, coo’Hining ___ •ere?. ?K lit « pff od Th? ittud in >ttt?wtd with *bo BE T nod b? ftcitcMtTboodL** ?*#«' : ent On th? pi'*®? 4#ijk 4^ r>»i EtLlJtG nod ?U lii^owuirv OOTbPILUTW^.' nre ♦ MUUtf, OeTTLE, SHEEP, HOGS. CORN. FODDER, COTTON SEEn. SYRUP, WAO OPS, CARTS, BLACKSMITH lOOL#, FAKM1S0 UTENSILS, . 1 Bill wtl lha K.fisi'fi »«dwrithe outfit!., a rr apoflaiHs party OB * rr#>K offoae, twu and <bre# 5 vnrN and receiv. COTTON in psym.u .ituade Bt J Mr L Cbiisosn naer th« place »ud Mt Joo Co'.bsri. Cu embob Ha. mjt *ho» the pm, ehy, sad 1 cao t» sddraaaed «t CrtVINOTON. Ui •trill*. oc2? »f MrOoSMICK KEAL For Sale. " It - MT Pl.ARlWA.TION \ 3J A NP e*-s»yttfcir <■> fc> «* for vale. It OfaiajM •era* tod ia we llfl nown f Kff,_ gieitro . Ai?D?m? M _ cls-ruj aniLio aflt o*t*tefor cul - rjeeti, r. 0*** impmewnent*; a oe.** fail in* well of yowl w»t»r; healthy eed cone- s-ent « ffohooleo.l Hartville, Chu ch. i *4n* tl wqbiw’o** SfobUc ngM and Girard ot th* ellUre of on e Evil rood itppiy fotlr J T Pordnat. Ditrlny my • I ,cocc - o-4 *m J"0. It BAR&. I or rr if for iSMsL™ the e. "Dpoer HGUSN, roe mile from Bridge" rathe Sowua-rTillc roe*. The litll lot 5)ntfln» 6 *cr*« Urd, f »r of with which ‘•fit era Uth!*1»fiV**i. outh-owe; H<u«e 2 rood roome and nrcce** y , Wnittof Wftter . for tarticular. BPP'J t<r K S WATT k vi iu Broad tl. or to myself on the 1 M premimw. WATT. •epIStf Five-Soree Engine for Sale. A Power and tubular upright boiler, tor tale by WTTHBR9 A seTtr X ' i'.AfOT ' fiftfT SiiP I. tiftxt* ) J r v 9 *1 SUN *•* 9 f 1 if I ‘ j < T' ,, j r VOR. J£I. ! , * I THF METIOBIST f«mEE*0E. * I I . Jh*. Adinwtng i-fueeedi af .dfce ; Cm* asMaooaac Meedey may y hciatarass.uf, as parties l -i Vflib t« t’alucabua. Rev. J. H CaldweU W»s In-ought be j fore the Conference for tnal of char ! a®ter. 1 ha preaidiug Eldar t Kev J ElJar cuaeged that Wax. J, li, ,.CWd* aeelt bad been aentat the mUOmat* > ac* iu the eiroutt af Hammam fnd Palmetto, and had preached with ac« oapt*t> ii<y up to Janet but afuar that time he had preached at Naauan two <-ermoua on tha “Atm»e» of Slavery,” po inconsistent wuh hu previous aan •unenta. and so repulsive to the cotn nsanltr gaorraUf, thvtbts mitveoa gthgatton ia that otty bad datedled down to a very small number, la conarquence of thin state of things, the Presiding F. der had removed Mr. Caldwell Ui another herd oi ladot - iw awad 0 ! dccupyiug toe field aasigtie«l him by she Residing Etdsr. it apiiears ad that Mr. Caldwell bad lets Abe tUateand traveled North. Bekwata had king appeale«i this trip, however, Gau ThornU Mr. United to ef’ttoi Ninu-a torcas for prosectMto the aetton of Oen. Thomas in th« pjamUaa ia wall kuowo, having published in .« the .h* new<|iapers. , Mr. Caldwell wont into A ieagtky dolenot* of hunsaU. He rvUu l with! a gooU di-a! ot Animation, the vier, .-•* of hutniod. whereby his eyes bee.uiq opened to what be ooo*u 4 ered the “burrs of tlAvery. Mr C admitted id geuerel term* his unaocaptlbiUty td She churches to which be vsi pnssch mg after he had preached the M*r mam coinj>l*iu«d of, but eameoded ,bwn that he repreeaoted. was not so unacceptable Huafuupoae afl ha ( in hi# sermon bad not been to wound th# feelings of bis auditors, but only to induce them toacowpt the amnesty of the President. He regretted that he had wounded the foal logs of his coni g regal ion. Tne tetter ettub be wrote to the Presiding Elder that had been isterptatari »s a personal insult he subsequently modified. Hie appeal to Gen. Tburuna was for tha putposh ol being protected and in bis frettn <d speech, the occupancy by Ids fatu¬ ity of the parsonage uuul euelt time a* the chargee Kg-dost htru might l.e properly investigated. lia w»s sin - prised at (he extent of Ihh military or¬ der of Gen. Thomas, restoring him'to lhA liU'pit, which bo had hflehurtfored by* rhe Presiding Kl ter to vwrtfce He did uot desire tne order 1 1 g > so far, nor did he expect it to do auue thin to allow him freedom of apcaab hiiU the oi>CUp:tricy of the parsonage by lie Ymaatly lit diet a Trssi du igL tepued tiiat it sMhwf that, the pieplant]id not need txhortatioit tp accept the am item y of President Johnson Tltej were willipg, without any urging, to! accept the term* of the Amnesty Proclamation. Still Mr C. repeated f t>" sentiments of his fi.«t reriyuu in ffl'ttfier of the at Wewnao, Amrrfe, sod jc#s<*t(lone ainSugh sermons at he ha-I been made awaxattust the sea 1 1 men la of the sermon would be very diataataful to the people. Uigy did. hot wish w» have dead Mattes (jwust, upon from loom in nn offeujjye way, and the |>arson wdt# was uttering rhe Presiding K dec aUted to a irtier trotn itev. Mx. ^ vHldwaU* ?<nou c .nirtiued words that oould bext^prd «* m nothing else th*u as a threat to cult to hH aid the nulitaqi othar warily. ^ mg Mr. CaWwollftom „ .t 1 i Bg “* tm er charp.had ’ , la rofl }‘ JV f been actuated by tha sole cUsire to advance the intetesf of the ehuroh , and Ur the r«ni.; rv uou be w ould kavc remov^ bM own ).e l the floeh. He according Mr. Caldwell to had thought'if been aggrieved, h« Hhauld hwve-timvgbtkii hTsdquartei^T'he esmphuot ko fore different cmAl P#e *Wi«* »d« rntbrnk Use cafre. and thought, wa» willing, that it the charges Copfkreaceao fee the should withitrawu. Ha wm williag M abide tita decision of the Cenfst euoe. Ihe Bishop both made a few remarks. Hs said tkgt dress him—Mr. brethren CalffwaUribsfiera had sought for of fee brought the matter bslhaa Gen. v Thmnas. Thia he said a* anjuit of Jtphce to both parties. lari'v of the mails had prevente.1 toterforence in the matter sooner. Ret. Mr.Csddwell made romeexpla “2Te. «. VW. ws . published pamphlet kis of Mr. wherein he coiitaining bed eermous. iowg regarded sleV writes test he vry asjt great evil; ud that his aor Vowattbe firing on Snester was ex treme. Mr. Wynn Savannah then said that that? M'ff. waatveH known in Caldwell teas so ardent secessionist, and that when Sumter was about to fall before the firing fff atev,4ie and' expro«i«l that he *n' fait tmpera'ellcd could jfey, said that he thou almost fix. 1%^-. M/. CaWwyU replied, great thatke exife—that did re ton a he so ; Mill, when aecesaioif id been aeoempiished, he deter * — to fie *seceetionist, imd he had ed«eceasio«, be had prayed He. for AOCCCS9 of the Confederacy. ft ih« St*l© had seceded# Dad re sorted Is the usual arguments support <rf secession. He did be same a secessioni»t, an atdmit secos yfenmt, bat it was only fesoWMs'Siitive land Ret. proteoted Mr. VYynn: against Did inva-iqn. yi^u dot, prior to si cession, #l>eak and preach in favor -ofitf Th* breihrett in Samctikh so represent Caldwell you I dfd. - The Mr. never brethren in Savannah are mirtakee ee to dates. Never, until Georgia bad weeded, dtd 1 ever go for tieeNj^on* *lwa>» looked upon it as an impolitic in»B*ure. aud had so stated Georgia bed seceded. If wrae not un dt after that of time that 1 vpoke or act-, ed in favor secession, Rev, Mr. Harrison: I wishAp ask you a few quest ions, te wfei^tSU < oh g/oricsl answer on your pact will l* thrtt is required. Caldwell; C'ertaie'y sir Rev. Mr. tir. Rev. Mr. Harrison': I believe Methodist preaclters left here always faiMd when we have our •avia the sermons’aili^Silo that t ■ COMJMBUS, GA.. THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23. 1S65. ^ . eet^iAibW wrilHhe £. bible? •AsacWegfl of tie Rev. Mr C*SImU _ I »«»<i ^ «r no*, •* initn“ sermons. that I do re *ard the raMiaa at wester and alart ■ for W ch I j H ard the no rd Jemlot as meau.iift) with the tearh log* c»t the bible ; but I do not think the Southern people hate came irn.hp sssxaaxu^s unlerty iejsaeUon of the parti see teas _ _ __________ _ __ tie—mas -------- give tarn uata your aervants, or slaves, this* which is just and equal. Rev. Mr Harrison Very well Hid you not s»y in these eeriuoct, that tlirre were evils vxkoremt Vo (la insu tution of alav ’*Tf f * liev. Mr. ' Caldwell I believe that there have f ern aril* uaharent u> Um ltl' titution of slavery, that t«, adhering to the the institution , but l do cot be¬ lieve that th> y aver® oareavary to and !UHq«tmble from tbd InatUuiton Hev. Mr. ilarriaori: Did you aty in I ,ijc„e sermons, *od do you »*alievs, ,| I# Methodist nuoUtry bnve in any way endorsee tha will to ivhioh y, vt r eft-t ? ’ You ^ The It _ shop ; _______ had better not i 'bfsj.rivateopieiatie hrotuer a«?thin c la rvgstd t • • j Rev. J. O A. Clarke Qsldweii luNM tbmk in the , )spfr which Bro. has »u»> [• uwt tad tathia body.tUare u an nip'i.d rt.natvti __________L.____________t the fancosga of u e«< • '••Itie " buivs r\ ee ol t b« Hreeidant the Umisd the avea Um mrntarv suthorittra. th» vt^ilrf ThP wvrW aia fixer! u|ou your xuUuu liuru.’’ X would like lo ton**rf Mrw. C.aldwwll mteneMbi* Iau g.i 'go a* a threat I liev Mr. Caldwell: R» ben 1 wt, be and for*, tha jiosiiively Cotnmitjee sUteiei, 1 most I distinctly nfiitat that did not inteud, iu the use language any threat uhatcvhf. UevMr, Clark • I accajtt the expla Hut «» that mipression would * received Ikimh tb« reading of the paper, would itwc* bn well to withdraw that t.mghagel Rev. Mr. Caldwell : If th« Confer ence ao tlesirefl it, I will. 'iTur Bishop : Hotter witlnlran the whole paper, Fay Mr Caldwell Wry wall, I w ill do SO. hi'W r , Rev. K. Ii Myers i It would be bet ter for llro. Ualdwalt to explain wliat he meant by tlie language, "the eyes ot tire President, the eyes of the M'tli like turv, fnrtiie \f'', f'n*f»r«neo Ut, Other words | would It to know whet ei in thu f liiiiHtion of llro. Caldwell, it is ft e tu act in his case, whatever tint' :t • ■lion the might be, anti without regard to military opinion of the President, the authorities, or tha world. ThwKLJftv ■ 1 svy we are free to act pith*lu a the President look* st us or no! Tier ! Applause. Ig jI. ITyets 1 llro : Caldwell has appealed to the military authorities for protection. I would like to know hb wort- believ t » tlrat he w»# rieht in appealing to these authorities amirv't Jhv fawftti Presiding Elder? HTts ltcv is V phtnl Galdw T wish settled ff frSifg Mr f n ; i w jH tu tc that flte TU-r diould, centra rr tWflitthorfty, Order my removsl, and that removal should necessitate injury .Wb xy,pjy .M fcuMiy-itud S^iflNl'er I cou’ui uot g«t prour ttsv. 1 would he doing ing right, military in my opinion, in appeal-, to the |fr other authorities .(Mte Wav Buffered . to chardtri#^ retire, aud li»o Comtuence parsed hia Tho FWor (Rev. Mr. Me Gehce) dosirU o| tho lliahop an ex prcssion of hUbpinion on the course «ftP WpL TcciidJng T 5° A* 1 * El der might remove a minister for any cause that'iti his opinion interfered with his usefulness and assign him to „ different field.. ' * tjteimouan. the Coeferenco endorsed th. A lnunistratkxt of th. Presiding Elder as “ being 4^5- lawfttl. Zr - Hon. Vmtgm Kate.~Oar first knowledge sui^UCbltector of Uon. Preston King, Vork, the la to of .New ,W*» Bb4» Atvlfenocrat Aksembly, member of the k bf hi that flta-.e, in >8|t canafdate ft Jh t 484ff for Ra was the Democrat Congress in he the Ltwrence District, where WdliRftAj bfcfc«> law vote* by th# WJiit/tfdiniiA#. ,RK .Van «e*Halaer, it being the year of the Harrison tor. naio. In 1842 he was a candidate again.j»tuLwas elecJed; and was after-v >eq|9ert?f Iflvice. He wwr the intimate, personal aad poh'ieal friviid of the disttngn’flhBdfflias VVrigbt, trho B&“KWC3’ lM7t Mr.Xihgbecamede*i>- W " v l hl - ly infected with free soilism, and wns piwmssseo* in Abe Buffalo Platform, ,V4* quently Awe : WU of the 1848. Democratic Ha subse t-mereu ot' gw^tmu^ffgptn became hfendeeent estranged iO* »**“•» bimToThe House of KcprosUitatives, and afterwards le the United States jbmf#X<«a,|»#*wd ofaix years. His mTOrawvwtfJthiflflfM potent in Mt. Ltwr#aoe County,, which, froroa Dam ! ocrajic RWifttfelfcad, stronghold, became C.OOO intensely giving some it msjor- be ity for them. Atone li.ue was TMd«d.that President Johnson would call him xet* hiaCabinet, but he finally accepted flfjCfYork. the arduous and responsible pbj J|flU6«Vtfeige^fitA maa, somewhat •liidf J|r^>#*|»>DJ> 0 rc>Dr John Brough, who. jn his political 4 be also career, greetlyVe-ertkled. eaay^g'K'd-nkiared, iVrsonatly jovhd he who wss an man, had mort tbxjl the usual fondne for the creature comfort* of this life. He had considerable presiige and po !iti oal oharieter, based upon a moderate amount of Ability. Tie never married, andetfhe time of his singular death was about sixty years old. He. was one of the politicians ^ who plsygd * leading part m the events tliai hroo,|eht sboet the late d:&asiroa3 w tr, and who pnern to be disappearing » murai kaUe manner from the scene.—Gudniwfi Em/. 1*4 ~ GaM. Forexsi.—T ha Memphis Hulle ' ffw eorttradwt# the recent telegraphic relative o Gen. Forrest, f It adds: He spendq oet of his time in X*mfihi3, id itentlr devoted to i »lt eiwmiBetafties, ; »voyH®Utime#,«dunder Bis acquissosuoe in the established order of things, and is ""Li’i** vanoed ' 'J%4 their of Vasfcingta® V> d*y have tit. rale* to a ai ee n evrs tor Kur.peare hereafter to j touch at Falmouth indeed of South atmplon General Logan decline. gomg to jj^xioo. but nsatstoboU R Souau.t , *. . Laud*u . the . tia|>er» announce 8eeer*l Thoms# Fratiei* Mta^hn >••• tmtratl to Montana and s-etuie-l. duties of Territorial Governor Tbs Ordn rstaUd Departueut Ua» de tenoined to Uie Nauouat Armory at Harper’* Ferry Work has already bogus. Cnauncey M Dope*. the prfk-ul Seoratary of State in Kate York, li Kl been appointed Minister ta Japan. The Controller of she Currency will recommend the rein oral of the Cut renoy Bureau to Near York The rebel ram Stonewall ran not la taken from Havana to the Untied State# until sue haa had extensive r. - pAirt. j TheGovernmsnt t« refunding soma of the money it cot fitrated unlawfully during the war Toe r p rrt that the Secretary of th« Treasury intends to discharge the le male clerks is eri.meou. Among the j avenger* who were slightly injured in the late railroad acoident in N'rw Jersey vit <Jan oral Logan Ihe Ne» Yoik World mjt® it is not true that tlenerd McCJtJlau l» on his way tout from Eutope. John Mitchell has «ailud Tor Europe, lie is to be forrrspondent of the New York News from ri pm. , Lieutenant-Goverawr Baker will be the acting governor of Indiana during the alfcooco of Governor Morton The through train from New York to Washiugton mat with an accident on the New Jerswy Railroad ou the 17th. Two men were killed and rev etal ware injured. Sogioas waa the carolfssiiej* of the Now Jersey switch-tender who oaused tlie late dreadful aceideut. that he has bceu »ii iwtrd and will bo held for murder. A French Csiik lieu Convention it in session ia New York It* ('auads object i» to promrrto their iuleroils in and the United Stau*i. The Nds on the mail service for West Virginia, North and 8'oulh Csro lina and Florida, Will soon bo an-, nnunced This contracts romtnence in Jflnunrv, ' IHIU), and expire in June,' 1867. * r They have had a railroad smash up on tbo Cuirago and Huok Island Itoad The reason w« . a misplaied switch. A number of the ptosenger* were Uirn gsroualy ityured- !Nofib wero killed. Get). Grant, in his ipcpiion at th<< Union I.'agin* Hkiuih. in New YoJk, alluded to tho "foul wrong of ih« French occupation of Mexiao." The General is violent on iheeubt*** ' If »* ?wd to be the oplnian m Gen. Steele, who bat arrived from the Kio Qrsnde, that the tnberajs will take Mstamdras ft onu Matlirrillnu, which they AeuraUty bavunow IToOullAch eaUggl^^lcaguered. 1 ruftvad ms to allow South Carolina T6 nMUtne the diiwet Ux levietl by the OoverantaiH. because it has not the power, wo are greatly mistaken if it has not been done in other Slater. The Senate of the free city of Frank f or t, in Germany, PruLia has rejeoted thade of aud Austria to iibringo toe right of free speech then-, They are threatened with a* interven tie* bv these great tiunnas powers, as .. r ecially by Pm sia glSS w iT^ wpo^ f‘nutr aikSS lS^t beadiin a • the tuemriuer tt6inug, , to whom,he^pu^,before®n,Uttary arraigncertainaifeged oflhaders. opmmiAtlota, sod ^ the lat ter oppoaiag ^Oen-GrteR of not h long Jfpe, 4%ai • ' T ^ cour5p - ”° 10 t** e "**■ Tha Jfaw York World ha# enenaa t'on rudior from VVaehicgtoa tJiat the Government will hack up Us clai ■«1 “gainst England for the Alabama spoliations and by naval a display of our whole military <*'50,000 foroe. Will be.placed Uesajursa -army men M corpa of observation pn thfc Canadian frontieiy *** _ T UL u «.— liVr Mack, . n ** or “•*• _ the earrespondent of tha CleciesiAti Coomerdcd, stili MsurteAhst J4r. Davie trill be expatriated tvHh the under-. standing UtAtirfbOBkagain eithin the territory of tbetTnffed Sutes, ho will be ar r ested Bad tried as * ir. The writer relates the fuilowio^ the suit of a conversation bwtWeen I’resi dent Johnpon and a pronphient lVnn - syivsma pc^itician, who/s* nrgingon ■ the Treat Jeuj the irrif Mf .J^pvifl by a military si i will not ?e r low tried by a rail itary com mi of* ''arid soy eqeount," said Mr. John , Mr. these raises some a m try ing him at Ri (f sAid Mr - pose i ace were pro¬ dueed of sun! a chi a* to war rant his trial by mili!arj\court." Mr. “I think,” replied Johnson, •• I know i retty well what kfad »f evi¬ dence will be produced, and Y cast see nothing in it to justify his trie! before a military court " Neoaoki Movihij Orr.—The 8avan nah Herald of the 11th has the follow tag aigmlicaii/ paragraph: The Steamin' w^ved St. Helena, Capt. CeT eoplry, yesterday afternoon from £\ ions, St. Cath^rihh's arid Ossab.-iw, nds, haring on beard ebout eighty ^qpple leDhipg who ?»ver left the laii# on that barb be sunTwnderetr' to their owner*, .th people brought up ail their lold 'furniture, together wi»F* their crops. « ftj * Th* Stfpa«*e Court.—T he Norfl m - *■” 1 [on j! Ik “ « MiR« determined; pre^^Onfy but £o 2^“^ missed, and. *» number wer -e di* several «Sf«nSi oontinned dttf bg , »;s . i* . NEW STORE!-NEW GOODS I ____.»,— • w C * * * PUMP w«Wl» ft CO ww •» > T3 Urond Wt •B i HUNTER* 0Ll» STASH,)' HAVE in STORE AND ARE DAILYi fY«w»hf imr ti itef Staple and Fancy BRK GOODS,! Otcu an,I Cloak TtifiralB;*, CIohIih an 114huwla, , untw FVBNIdltnrtA (JOOIH. t j NOTIONS, Hat?, Capa, Boota, Shoes, GestR* and Boys’ Clothing, GEN I S' FTHNlSflfNC. GOOPB. hroapclu ri! and Cam Mimes, vf.ttings. eukTYNn* jean* AND TAILOR j' TRfMMlNGS. »mt .11 kiuCs at fluwte swiiakls lor tleiits', tidies sud «i ildraoN Hear, eUuh they offer «o it» cmreas <d CoJuro flus and nrjsiu at the Lowest Market Hates, CUUR1RY MULUUNTB aia #*i>r ctellV InvftMt n>.r*)l Weerte slid stamina l.lwrsl ear Hies die ualix* | IHirchedt i-wtwWi A count allowtil ui dm lt*«h Mr, Tb9mw OhafliD, Sr «i lorin«Tly'wuVllEhD‘KltTXftUN h CO, end M|. Guu. Mtircditb, formerly with S KYf.E A CO . would us oL-eesd to easrhsit "td (itends tied p»Uone si ths sbovs eddnee, where they n.ey rest ee •ii rsU ill** Wirt he Me*led wnh the eeute leiroues soil k'ii«bi«»e which idissicierili d rbsir dmUsus with ibrm in toriurr itaiss en* tm T 1 1 »* h toe# w m w trass* WITHERS I & LOUD, • fOMRIHhlON MERCHANTS, (bsiiyhtrset, Writvcea id and JdhtrflH, WACOM, O A. , LJOUniT <'<uiMgai*mil» <WMB«0?AjfM*« sod WT l*KOl»nOft fur Wtv Hi tM« maffcM, hr 11?t up ttrr •«» ?a ?«)•• at at»f li«iw lo tMi •Vr.fot* fern eel f.v th* nf Greewt.e, Orua*. nr *m. Sie* *t e-ri-n**- l.e st Leul.vllie m linri Wen mi »' WUhst. tmeta# ovsnes ... ■1 Bp* l» c, lor the yarrnu uf g • . ilisi L-sui-h f |t» iltseri l.u« OM.., sml wlil.iv. It LI. ne.pco.l ell e'l n d rocled t' WIlh.-nA L»|| I rrim, "III rwHl.fl UIOUH4 SHPUltnu no NOTICE I W Hi. emeis ol Afid.'er* btroi-r m> •iflwl 1 Aid 1 p»*>ei»ui eh liertle* mid esane i ,,K>|>Arty ‘i flertifloJ by si auks to mid eereie A-H*. Of oibMWM,' llee-siipeltod will wives* , 11 sad eetu.ei si*t% or i wi U Uld sos-'miu is ths bsiol. .1. of of so su aviuroty evun.r for"*',wU.CU»u, lo as this ort.'s fouyi be settled tausofllarair. RcKEE, „ i n Ada’r fvi8*i«e<I*,K4irfHjM/r. ncs u 1 154! 154! 1 Tur nuavewitiBit j* howopkn no am> w ill ContiNA fu to itaoinx a Lurie AmwH it f •< » LIMBS’s CWMEN’S f \^EAU! <'jttJ*llut o( Cttakmeres, Shirts, DeBaiw*, Lustrea, >«< Coals, Undershirts, Poplins, Hitats, Qlngbstn-. Vosts, Hose, Uloakiua DV^sTnmmmx. Suspeudei t, uret^inmm»n* , Umbrella*, Bon*#, H^duSift Skirt* ISlioes, Blrtokets, Eloahrrft i7 : Niatjoneiy. s VC»»wty . 1 . fot w wl Fees, *» u aseerat, ore weflfl*^ Lullin'# Exyreete, Mardware, Guiogos, ' C.»uon <Jerd», Ar. Toilet Seeps, Ac. . . s; RsAtemher Utu number "111." trouble to Ahow you the foo-i*. if A '..,10. G. ALDERMAN, laaMrjsr-m Cm Ve Hi Ml. A. V* B0ATRITE, Wifi *'*>’ Colt»mbLML^<Jeorgta, * (omnsiv? >cofctiM8?.- u a k k > UffATvIrtlt f!f Sta agff 8 Fancy " os, Capa, Itoad de Clothing and Blankets. JOHN K KANLEY. formerly of firm 4L itiSSL W. WILLIAMS, MBrUOiltsTj CoraMriy of firm 9 E HeHuayh <* 0o noB t ’‘ Wanted, UX vefirti* , , HflV.’ b flt« D sri»e a lOue iflff.rrr by the war, liy k>kbe.SoaWl. ee T*ACHkJt, in voine privateiSai &i» wtU lauctucr ia ttw neeel Eogltab Breach*. Vreach,eed 3*a.if. an tbe ptvacx helery US > bfect. ell eke iteetr*. w • yaod confer 3 1Jwha MML ' 99 ltra* A &>.tt*iu«e»e, Md. oc»e«r . i ,rT - . « toThe uteflrm a'Afflei of ODDY, IW, Urreby th.t com* 4sVrta!i.EKfs; . .. - fan* ibete wlm foil Mi . . kwt aaefor the i WjjS*oeX^tataurftMftfonS COr. CAlBinba*. ii*.. wirr. • ? DINO, Blanks of Every Description 1 ri* Ftafortaa*toraalflacts* * ■ ' =•*:: j *. »uif office . * ~i . U»*5 NO. 73. 4 ‘ • S. S 4 rsacTfCaL AM EKfSI :* T 4TCKM.IKGR to AND JJEWWLL.13H, Bread and Randolph Rta AT at* OLD STATE? Hu i to ,ts s®4 4 itstl ,1 i . - ot j. i »i« >»»»» a ess FINE GOLD WATCH**, UlCB GOLD JEWELRY. tftERUNU iilLVBR WARE, FIN* PLATI U CAATOati, CTP3. KNlVBA, FORK*. NPOOWa, PICKLK STANDS, STRUT crPR, As 4H ■, a flee ona om —ne n# 9’LVBIt US UtCD THtMULU. uouAsud sjtVEa nrccTucbu I1A1H WORK, Nx!«1o(> 4fir*wi Dntf^er faMara PEBBLE SPECTACLES, IM U9LP.biAVAUavi ttlu TStMU WJT(,If WORk and JEWELftk BRF1I&KU .11K. JAMES t'KICKEM, Uaa Chars* of it* W*|et Dsflertewat, watet) la It s«U U • UCAHthTE* that the work will N Use* In th* t»*#l |w**ltit« 0 .»ifiet r.r*o«. haviBc PLAIN Wsiehwe ees t*v* IMbl ,’tWIM.KP, tliaar la a«k, (UwiaStH*, Ite*««t ' aflowMila* • MR. IMiMIRE, - Who u too v*ti kasvtt Is Deed say iv.msW4S<s. Leu how to* Am Chert# af tha kepatrtaf #T Jew elrjr, niewaafl Mttlsf. Kegraviag. tia " oral it o. . WIUULiN, ¥ 0 BN 0 & BRO, BROKERS OFFICE Mechanics’ Bank Agenoy GOLD, SILVER, . and A Im u EXCHANGE. er-t.l AMD SOLD! U High*, at Hrioea Haul for BANE NOTE ,,, fbOlUilA Baj’fl Ctuiral bailrean U.nS....................... 8.-, zsrs .(*> Manu. Bauk .................... 9 euNsVAagasia,. Csisrsksr: a Hack J.,ok o> of UvtniWMi > ?»♦##*•»*! '#4 ... f Bud. limit ol bf I SuHO*......., a Hr U lUV tik <1 of SfiVt’ til* State (tfih el Oearyts 2 Cliy Hank of Augeeia .......... K* *ad Mechanic* U„ l« Meec-vuSoe 1 Itarth...----------- 10 J'lS' IC..MV 2 tfnlati Psik,. IS l'luher lunate' It ■ ,,uUeiui*»*’ IS i A 1 *0. .ALABAMA lUt* He.k.f StvMia i ■ to iv*t # .. . k-uk sissr^ „«.*.***>., n Onlral Hank . v i w iw a t afoi Asia K. wi-ta K.yr •vs* S eat bars baud ■••••Apt VkHI *"• *•*!*■ eoCTB cabolwa. #*nk of <:»twrt«a............ ............ r t trtap'ioeo««.v...~™. t) Ifa><e»f tibestar*................... m Bmk O' ftsorfsiown................... m flak of H.nborg-------------------- 2) II-rkef Nawisrry 36 *a»l Sf tbs tVsis of tfoath OkraHea 10 iw ttiu*. ..^................. IT fcqSTijfr ifook.. H W.rVHwWfo'B.ak x»eh«»fl» Vi ........ .... i-1 Plsatsm’ Peoples' Hank....... Bank Vairflaid 3 ut VlaewtwtaaS Msbuk ft Bvufe . s /.II. irDftd .al.-vdi Jl BBT For <kM»UUloiu flfOfher Hank !Yote« Enquire nf Our in oracn. H U.d SHOES SHOES. rii'i ’ BLACK . and *, . 'I RUSSET - yrb * A. it* | -:m tu ! Mn • ft it Best Grade. —AT i — J-^A. CODY’S.. GolumbttsTemale Academy rpilK 4 Txsrdtse ot'lhi* J«»il!etr*b jfjM Afc - *,d»so|»aeSa»«l»afol.S»eir sari •Iw appimerffG secftMbtit to a o tnor iiiffli aad »womp i hed ^4 UAAr 4 wtl. bsUIrnfort ^ »^s i-ywa tart one pries wltt bsshariefl for toiifow. af asreiorTUiTtox: u i j^ltal Lrtefory Depart ^y-^ — t ....... ..— t-t; U« of Plena v«folBwic YWWr.e-..... _ Ltu*. No ft*trft fikftn v i --- Ughfo ri e*g« V * Mbl^SMl---- «b» WM* rtf* it Wtftft Fstet*** ■ *•«* aft. IK Mm Wrt* 4T7a M |M«vn-!i. *r»»» um t* MM A*.U«*1 <0* '»* Through to Atlanta! On aa4 iftst Waaday, 11th last Kcr*u„ u ««. 0„u. MesMlt ■ Bf p» “* *#®M» M u.«,.ia*haa....... _ 1.#0 a ss. iMfl Arftv# Air lea >| tfMMk Cota«it>u»-.~- » » 4 |is a . sy .a— - »*.* ' aSs MAC9.Y4 ie«rx*.v r.AiUtOAB SCMMDBt* «imi t.ii*. Arr-eaTMlma •*. lists eawtitf* * I rum.nA NO Sk knacks', no mm VM«r«r Want* Yuli Tala? far thetr to B. JACKSON’S, - 138 Broad St., »* boo h ip ROSET TE A UWBOIL pug LAtUH^f AM) BJibT 3TOGJL OY DRY GOODS ratib— OIjOTHINO, CoBSliting of lbs following articles I off*r now to my fidends and cutmmorfi -CALtOOH*, 4‘ *' ♦' HKLAlNk-v • > ,, A,h|’ALAaan<l MARINOB LUdlJUtd. EogUsh, —Freach ami ' LLKACfini) MU- LINS ami Bksstiag. LADIEX' CLOTH CLOAKS th# LvtSst fiiylh, and a great many fliksr srtikh't Ms uutwsrotu tswMiiti *. mm *~ tm ‘ Oawnuy Merakaets will do wall Is ley le their sepyltss at my slots ■> * D. JAGKciON, osl«tf * IBS Droad sirsst. s ‘TTTold' pens. tjy^^jdvxrri»° cull sad them iut as*o»tiukt of try St T. 8. SPEAR’S. 0*11 rf SIGHT EXCHANGE iu NEW YORK ’for ftilaty fti JOHN KINO, Ml Honker. ^ __ _______ . Liquors in Uases! B0O n trftscdTof Choffid Whl« Ii • Itey and Brandy, IO« Daikeli Chunipugne, - an Itrsads dad metved safl for ml* at B JAi’KfON’S, * Oklt if tst Xlro.d Street. ‘TXr’OBLb Dawson* Collier & Co. XI rw.poMAiily fsfb-m ibetr n uadeaad u, t • rOLUBa, Wb *0 A.Any as a druggU I. wall ooMM Storage and Sale of Ootton! yi/E waald sAiauor. 4 tbs j.uW .o tha \VtV IT w. s.e Wfeyvwd to . ■TIMES Alt* ULL COTTON, bawtifltasflkamafosUhngatArv^nuindmUa. a ' *agH Ouree- _ Broad a.4 ii iBXfi .t clair rr a Mraso. oo, __ Fine Piano for Sale! a *ia 7wr««av« riAXO l? tf«ri4 lor m 1«. ■vtflw rotfli •B," cNca. oars fun . RAILROAD RECEIPT BOOKS. Ywo-quirk Railroad Receipt Books, Par «.'• Aw, *| 111. BUM OFfflOB. 1 ^etropolltap Enterpriae^ SBEAT GIFT SALE > IfBW YORK AND P0V1DBN0E Jewelers’ Association, CAPITAL..................$1,000,000! Depot, 197 Broadway, a 5 Immenn etock of risnoA Watsb.., Jewelry, oed SAs.y ttowte ab tob* a. d h>. ON# DOL Mi-i*? paMAw 1 I«r '.'..* yea 11 *' ass 1 " r, «ho W4l p„n lo ti will u», rerslva sod aet to bs CBjtXLFlUAta-, a a|'| aaeu aruole sad a It »sl»S, aa* plasa,I In traled anrelopas wifi sad •»G*d op* Addraaana e; lU-ae Sow lopes bs east by £j£T«,d mall teeny tacrlpt „t *4 oenie; Are for I On th* reoaipi of the Ot-rffflrats yaa wtl! tea ooll.ia *X if T lo k !!Z pay lb. if IJa* u t*!* and tak. •*"“*■. ihe srtlols It taa* or your not. Pnrasseert aq inn. attain A (laid W_, He. a^-ATh^X u L' , d S'K&.’S.’un, set nf set ■*.. (ban Oo* Dollar** w^rth, as mere am as blanks. Atsnts nr* wasted I* every town la the oonatry; vvegy ijRcat par,® reo w dell, a day, aeiliag oar Car a la ths roefeat tale of Jnwalty tTtr esowa f Wear . P* B<1 yrm oan Lt obtafa a CsrdSosta, for 11. which will Inform yon Tfomifo! A' tbs asm. lime aet M0 rw^tcaleia; alao. Boi, ASSraea 2a JAEta HCToairtBUN A CO. .197 Broadway R. T. Advances on Cotton! -II 4f!VABP00L .... . *0 lUp Cottoa to NEW iomw, •t oan have it dOM IS end ADVANClB MADE, Ly ep W W GARRARD. Bank Nodes Wanted* i I a XtaeeM t* Betel of the Boat* Bto rge, Alabema, North aad flnuih Orfntta*. Vinrlnla, IruUlaoe *ml TeosMeee, (Oil Wth pey fall Marke' WfxLTX raisa 'or Ik C ALEXANDH*. ® Bro*4 , A *»° s “ D'Bxse A Co., No 95 e'.rert, over £ a ala's atore. tii DEAYLIHE! uod-r.iin.d are rua nifty, royalsr hoe * f Inr-jr., mt vre prepared lo do HAtfo- issfwSr INS of a»j iloeciIptiOB at uwatut ftoriai O d*r. leftvt flfo SS Bread Strait, wui me*t with ffi »^ et^ouoa. fo?p!7tf ft CX To Ail Whom it May Conoern. A A JX the ftotei, secountv, sf whateoeSbt SrtBd, id lb* late flmeof etLLtau, POWELL A CO, as&aEiteums ardjoed to a., t,t tie **y«*«B*of tha s ' *5 ftidtOTfti *“*'■*' |"* A —-••• LILL ! KD, . OtMUvt* - 13 Of .w a iw J i, ilv 5 ~ :ifJO ft.iC &■ 3 til??