Newspaper Page Text
It was pease c nam ailoncr,
A t » hi> g irb tv.ts -o»»'«r irati;
II.s h or wie Ion* aud wniic, and ha
i Eoonmn zed hi# g tb.
In s:u*r» *»« w u roilcent
And la IT slab.
Ill* style was phhil vnropr, h.i,ar,
An he t«>rc Ji caij>» t
i In wntfri lie store I big rac;s
Aril i o i eUil -wa^.
t Whirl) in tit ns [n'r.nixe waen war
And cattle to .ling lag.
L^nit they sat in solemn,
Toe h guilt an l the red,
Md ily i Uir.g h toby virtue,
# lr Ti.l tiie jaciiom shook his cad,
Ai* w’i-b <1 ;uvt gruntod nn i <iiu low j^usfHoion and said— ;
Tueu he
Not with eloquence of nature—
Nor ia metaphoric frontier «t> le,
Bur, Mingled itt simple and lingo. vile—
H mg grammar
“Na-rec-tfow zis : w int some whibhy ;
11 • j 1 li empty ; drink a p le.”
Then that rneck and I »w!y Quaker
Huui 'ii traic I with u tear ;
Sp 'fee ol ft •■e-water h- <•' rulu
Willi eloqueneo stVere—
Said, quite iceliogly, that whisky
Was a loe most insincere.
Spake once more the child of nature,
Keeping doqrn his growing Idle,
“31 .is my orotlier hrmiuht looaoco?
Is tiiei'e powder iu his | iic?”
13at tlio honest ageni an-wered.
With un unsavpecting smile:
“Had my v;VTi?gated brother
Ecjr siu I e l air. Tmisk,
He vv * .id never, I nn ci-rt in,
Su.-h a loci sit question ask.
li. a 1 these p imphlotf; they will teach you
Iu Urn light, ol irutu to ba>k.
“Powder, I have none—nor whisky,
Nor i ho bruia-dohtroying le • I;
Rut ol moml tracts and stories
I n *vo many ior Pm; chi ft.”
Thou ti:e Indian, weeping sadly,
Said i. caused him bitter grief
That his morn! sew compelled Him
To 1 x ract libfr ther’s lialr;
Which iio-dl: with nice prod ion
An I « s.tfbien stricken air;
And that hopeful peace 1 oinmisslou
Term.uaicd tnen and there.
Vour UO^* < Uo Public.
Xliifi pur baSigcss i.u-u way havo an op
portUDityfro keep their uaurea before «...
readcjii* of the Daily uikI Weekly Sun.
we are prepared . to . tuuke ii. liberal i arrange -
menrs tor largo advnrtiHeiuents, or thone
iusrrted by tbu month, -quartei- <>r year
lUisi!> and ruortMONAL Carus iu
seiieil jU low tales.
Adverlisers arc allowed a liberal num¬
ber of changes, so that their announce¬
ments v ill ulwBvs loek fresh and attrac¬
tive. The value of the Daily and Weekly
Sun as advertising meilmms is well known
to all parties who look into such matters,
and whu desire lo place their claims for
public patronage before all classes.
----- -
OnAtTED Manus, face, lough skin, pint"
plus, lingworur,- suU-rhetiui aud other out
aueoiu affectiyus cured, and the skin
made soft and smooth, by using the Juni
rEit Tab Soap, nnule by Gasswell, Haz¬
ard & Co., New York. Be cerium lo gel
Ibe Juniper Tar Soap, as there are muny
imitations made with common tar which
are worthless.
Take Notice. — To Mi; Friends and
Patrons ; I have moved from tlio cortn-r
to No. !)ll llroad eiroet, next door to ■/.
Ennis & Co.'u, nud opposite J. & J. Kyle's
(1 n goods store.
Now Clocks, Watches, Silver and I’lnted
Ware, Gold and Silver Chains, Jewelry,
Diamond ll.ugs, ,to. All goods warrant¬
ed as represented when sold by
fell) T. H. SrK*a, Agt.
Bacon—C lear Sides !h 0 j; Clear Hit
Shies 9Ujc; Sliouhlers 8^e; Sugar-Cured
llauis 15c. Plain Hams Uc.
Haiigi no — i mi ia ^ yard 17c; Scotch Flax —c
Kemuaky Bi 1 re: Piece 18c. R. Sides 8'^c; Ico«i
lk Mrats — C.
Bln u nets l } /y\
Buttkk—i fr.shcn ll ttt 50c: Count ry 35c.
BituoM.H—'^t lick do’/. ^‘2 tti ‘25^3 50.
Canuv-S IHu.
Cannkh Guih»s—S ardines «ff? case of 100 bis
fCO. Oysters. EiigBsit 1 fl- cans Dairy fl doz, ^1 75. Western
CuiiKSK— ^ 16, 18c;
7c; N. V. Sc. ice Ige.
Can one*—Stui f) tt> ‘22c; Sperm 45c.
Cokkkk—U C»»kn— Yellow iu it* Mixed ■27<SPil)c; Jhvh bus 35q?38e. 90;*. de¬
mand; U'liiif 95c, car lua t ra es In <iepot. Havu^a$9C
Cioaus— Domestic fl 51 i»<18(ai60;
©190. Flour—F hhj
ine ^ iji8; Supertine *9 00; Ex¬
tra ilO: Doutde Extra >J«10; Fancy ij>12 00.
li A K))\v a UK-— VV hlu Hon Betlned 0C,
Sad irons 8c; Bar Load I4e; Castings OSjc;
Ptow Steel U2'^: Cast Steel 3oc; iluggy Springs
20c; Horse and Mule Shoes W lb 9e; Horse
Shoe Nails 3J^yp3Sc; Nalls ft keg ijtfl 50; Axes
W Hay— dux 75.
Iron Tik»— fl ewt ^ ti. loc.
Laud—-P rime Lea! Ri 10V<\
Lkatjikr— W liito t>ak Side ft) 45 c; ll«m
lock S«»le 33c; Froneii Ifrtil Skills -k‘2^4 ; Ameri
CHU do io Ilr\ 50: Hides l {'per Leaiiuir%2^3 do 50; liar
ness oOe; lie: Green tic.
AIackkull—N o 1 ft nol *-j; No id; No 3 *9
No 1 f» bl>l *w; Nu X ill; No a *ti; N o 1 *1
Meal—^ i»us? il 00.
Molasses— N. O. gall 80c(?}—; Florida
@6**: t:ut*i 45'<i oushcl ! 5tk*; tint.Ion Syrup 35.
1 Oil 'ATS-)! 7
-Ivcn-sono gai. j.te: Linseed, raw $1
do iHUteu v,) 25; Lard ,pl 50; Tram >f I 25.
Ftc’KLjpi— Case pints %1 do» $2 6o;
$3 60.
iVjvasr— rase f.) 50.
Potatoes— Irish, :»1 4,4 50.
Po\v»ku—H kvg 4i7 50; ,'^Kcg$4 00; x / x
6o, in t'.L.i-aay. no,
Jiof’K—Manilla 230; Get ton *0o;
Made 8o.
Kicu-j? tt. 10c.
Salt —W ,*:iek t*2 25.
ToiiauC'O— 1 Lfr uiin--iry t*> 60c: Moiium
70c; Film 75c; Extra »>i; Navy C0@<J5c;
ButlMjbde. sack W.
Sh-*t— t* ^1
Suua:.—G o* » 'I. 13^13^; A 1C; li
extra <J 13; U 12W. N t^ycitow
do white l4^L*‘-v,c.
Soda— ivcg Tv id U»; box 9c.
S T A UC’il —?' It. Ol.
Tea—‘ ircen nml Black & 2>
\ t.NEGAU—yi gait 4U“.
Wutosv—Rectified gall $1Q2; Bourbon
01- White Lead—R 12®i3‘4c.
ChHA Mui s Ait l- t’l'.H Eb' —Wholesale
B.s.: t lour, A $« 75; B t 4 2a. C $3 25. Bra:, j*
Kiel) Shorts &1 75. ( ora Meal aad Grits
\-kSi iiUSttc)
Ibo Goods— 7-8 Brown Domestics 10c: 4-4
10c; fU-4 Bleached tit. 35®42fvjt*; Domestics 4-4 Sou Island
l5c: 3-4 10c: 7-8 do lie; 4-4
latyiuc; Aiin*rif.-.n Prints 7;a9c:
I’rmts 12*fr2'K: American Delaines
%ou ljia«:k Flannels, AlputaS bleat'tied 4Ut-®%l; lit'king ^lU®40c;
2U^j<4Uc: tio brown
35';: l*lai<i Liu icy s t2 l ^@3Uc: Corset .leans 12
@18^c; Colored t.'atiibrics 12vfr‘: Rolled do
Crain Tuivciiug Wiiiteah* Rod Fla;tuels, do
V/OOl t Bin-' : 2o^6oi*: Opera white
U.Ci.s, ctil'U'cl do 9-4
do 8o-443 5045; du 1S-4 ta 60&7; Kentucky
15® 45c; Haiclkerchi.'ts 1-a. ties’ H .. per »iol 5o; Lit
L. C. per (it*! 75c^>i 76; tj»»i.
C’2;4e4*1*0 75; Coats spue! Thread 80e per
W i.oiesaio. Retail.
Goshen butter. .* 43 4 50
Country “ 30 4 ■
Kiga........... Fryii chickens . 25 35
g Q>@S0 2A»g.55 35@40
Grown “ 40^50
Irish potatoes.. 5u ,.’k 50 p’g
4 50 UOl 4 bQ ubi
Sjcd Iri'h pita toe*. 5 t«.» 6 Ut* bid
9) 1 v0 p k
Sweet •* «k) 1 2*0 u
Onions.... . l 00 P’k I 00 p'k
. 7 50 bbi 7 5J ubi
Cow peas. .. 1 CU Ou 1 2a bu
Absolutely safe. I>cr;„ .ly , .. rless. A.-ays
Unlkjrot. 1 (hinrrnttrtg p 'ties suf*erior to
gas. Burns ii, any Ump without d «»»ger of cx
’ lotting or taking fire Manut .cture t express
lv to displace ti»e u*e ot vol Uilc,.i,d dangerous
its oils. Jrssilety bunting undere.ery j».*ss f»‘e test. an»l
Continued perfect in qua I it ns, at e proved by ita
u-e over 300 tOO l.uniiies.
Mi'.lioiiS of gallons have l*cen s .id and no ae
Ci luut—d.rectiy or indirectly—has ever occur
re<l frwtn burning, storing or *h nulling <t.
The tmiuen.'cyeaily loss to life and property,
resulting from the u-e of cheap an'* Juugenm*
Oils iu the Dinted Stales, is appalling.
tinners _Tfre throughout Companies Hie a«.t» Fire Commis
ASTRAL c .untry recommend the
as tlw best s* eguard when lamps
ajr usc l Sen t tor cir« ul »r.
fc-frw-ie rkAir
ic CU..1U8 Fulton street. New Yoilt.
au;i4 d&wSca
TTUiOM and after publication this date, the advertising he
P fees fur the of levies must
imlil In advance. H. U. IVEY, M G*
mylB U Sheri If
Georgia, Muscogee County.
ITTliEHE A', Dauiel i* and Horner W. IJo
VV zier Ii.tvo app led for John letters IS. of Dozier, adminis¬ de¬
tration on the o t. ;to
ceased: cita and admoniBh nil
l',.e»e are therefore to said
meI singular, ilie kimiio.l ami creditorsol
deceased, to be unu appear at. my olltec within
the time pres.mheil by li» ami tlunv muse, If
any ihei have, why s iid letters should not he
granted said applicants. Ordinary.
.v 29th, 18:3. d(*4 4w
Georgia, Musccgee County.
\\T HE REAS, 1 Mrs. Savannah Faber Iihp np
YV idled tor let lers Fahor, of ad »i mistral lal© luaid ion on llic
estate ol Ed ward A. ol coun¬
ty. deco ded : and
This is thcreiorc to cite and admonish all
singular tr.e kindred anti croditurs of'mil de¬
ceased to he and «ppear at my office, within the
time preset Ihed by law,to show should cause, riot II any be
they have, why Paid leitcis
granted. de4 F. M. BROOKS. Ordinary
Muscogee Sheritt’s bale.
\ I j ILL be sold in t-ont of Eliis A HarriPon’B
YV Auction House, on Broad the snoot, the first in Tues¬ Co¬
lumbus, January Muscogee county, wilhin on the legal hours
day in olio next,
ol Kale, the i wing described property to
wit: of
Lot of land No. 220, in tlio 9th District
Muscogee County. Levied on as tbo property tho
ot C. C Cody, to 8a'lsly a ii fa Issued irom
Inferior Court of Warren County In favor of 11 it, transferee, vs. Columbus C. Co¬
dy ami Jas.Cody. Property pointed out by
defend unt. in Ibe 0th District
Also, lot of land No. 220,
of ftluscogeo County, as tbo propcr.y of C. C.
Couy, to eat sly a ti m ls.-uei! lavdr from tlio Joshua Superior
Court of Warren County iu ot w
Butt, tianaierec. vb. C. C. Cody. Froperty
poitited A Ido, out t»y oi dclenu>tnt. tiie sr’outb part or city lot No. 31,
part stable \>>l betweon the col
tins Minns being the
ore i Baptist Church and Geo. Hargrove s sta¬
ble lot, as the property ol C. C. Cody, to satis¬
fy n |i ia issued from ti.e Interior Court of W;ir
rou County iu favor ol Joshua Butt, trans¬
feree, vs. Columbus C. Cody and Jus. Cody.
Alsu, at same time and levied place, three cows
and three > carting calves; on as the pro¬
perty of Ge »rge Washington, to t?atiafy a ii fa
issued irom tavorofGeo. tlio Superior W.Radcliff, Court of transferee, JViusc!>geo
county, in Washington.
vb. Goo. S.,’
Two bales ol cotton, marked “A. M.
stoied in the warehouse of Burros & Williams,
in tiie city oi Columbus and Baiit county and
Clerk ol the < vuuc Court of Mumook' ocouniy,
I? h! JlUiB^T
eu out t»y piamtiti. time and place, all th’t
Aibo, at t o- same the Cdumhus,
trACt hiXnl fl tuate*l In cUy of
and known ii* ;ho plan ol said city as part oi
city lot No. 177 Ifbntlng on west side ol Ogle¬
thorpe street, between hanikd,li and Bryan,
eighty-throo leer, more 'or loss, and running
back west 147 led 10 inch©.-, nn-re or leas, to the
east line ot the old ht. Mary’s Bank lots. Lev¬
ied on us the properly of Ii. F. Gd.-au & Go., to
t atls! y a U la Issued irom the Superior Court of
Mftscogeo county la favor of Mary I. Robert*
son vs. E. F Goi un A Co.
Also, tit name time and place, the south part
of i-t No. 145, in t ho city ot Columbus, 73 leet
10 indcs front on Ogleih- rpo Htreet, and run
nii g back 147 leet 10 inches; levied fin as the
properly ol W. R. ft U Skluncr, to satisfy a h
fn issued from the Suporh-r C- urt of Muscogee
County in favor of Ailou, Prcer it lllgcsva. W,
K. A L- skinner rf
ADo, one hundred and three (103) acres
land, being par's of lots Nos. 90 and 91, lying
in tiie Coweta Reserve; levied on a* the prop¬
erty of Isaac T Brooks, to stlisly u ti ia in fa
vor of the Stine ofGoorgU vs. Laao T Brooks,
T.C. Property pointed out by pi dntifT» attor
noy. [de4j II. G. 1VKY, Shorltl.
Georgia, Muscogee County.
VirHEREAS, W admin Lloyi istratlon 1 R. Hoopcs applies estate lor
letters ol uu tao
of Kdwdrd Barijard, deceased
These arc there'ure to cite and admonish ell
and Mogul ir the kindred ami oroditors of suhl
dccoised, to ho and appear at my oMioe within
the time j rescribcd by h law, to should Giuw cause,)! not bo
nny *hey havo, why tiers
granted to fluid applicant F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary.
November 30.1873 4 w
Chattahoochee Court of Ordinary.
W ILKULAS, Gooruc H. Sapp, admlni-tra
tor of Myles Goolsby, upplientiou late ot said soli eouu the
ty, doceaa il, makes to
hinds boh.luting to vial i ileooased
These aro thcrelore to cite and aJinoni h pH
parties eoneerued, to show cause on the first
Monday In January next why leavo to soL
said lauds should not ho granio i to said appli¬
de4 W1LLT \M A. FAKLEY, OrJinnry.
Chattahoochee Sheriff Sale.
A IT ILL ho sold before tlic Court-houso door.
VV in Gussota. Ga.. within the legal hours
ol sale, on the first Tuesday iu January, 1874,
the halt n Bowing property land to-wit: the northeast Seventeen nn .
one a< rots ol in corner
ol lot No. 29, In ilie Mxth District uf originally
Muscogte, now Chattahoochee count), to s tls
ly a ti la. in my hands in iavor ol G. L. Mo
Gough St t o., ag lust B. \V Howard, issued
from Chntt hooihce Su crior Court, as the
property ot said B. W. Howard.
Als.», at the same time and place, will be
sob) lot) acres of 1 md, the same being the wo.*t
Ii tl i of Jot No 207, in the 331 I) strict, ot origi
nail L* e. now Unattuhooeheo county, to8ntis
l\ a ti la in uiy Kinds bsu.d l'roni the
Court, ot said county in favor of W. L
man against W ll R diliespurge.s, us
propeitv of said do t ndant
‘ SAPP. Sher ll.
uo29 JollN M
Postponed Executrix Sale.
A GREEAHLY to an order from (lie Court
jix ot Ordinary .d Omitt ilmoeheo county
be sold be ore l bo tb.url House door In t lus.-otu
Ua., on tho first Tuesday in .lanuary
wtth’n tha lo^-itl itours O' .ale, tha
property to.wit: L as ol Land Nos. ill, H4,
78, 79, 5*2, 51, one humlreJ ami thirty acre h o
tho v\e.'i part ot Lot No 110 ? the wo t half
L t No b3 ami tlio oust hall of i ot No 80,
he 5th Distil t oi tho origin. Hy Muscogeo.
O iuu a ho vhvo, hs property of J. S.
o«tu, Llecouaad.
H. M 1IUNUAN, Excc’x.
n»27 .1. li. DUNCAN, Ex’r.
Executor’s Sale.
T OFFER lor sale a valuable
X consisting of three hiuh hundred and cultivation sixty
more or less in a sta'o ot
Excellent water, a magnificent orchard ot
ll clod fruitof almost every variety.
Gin-house and Gotton Press,and two good
tdenecs. For this very desirable farm
m ny advantages we claim thnt the
of the clfm ite, proximity to chuiehcs of
denomination,, nud an excellent school, aud
very best s >fro Valley v, being locatod in ilie
heart of iLo ot Talbot county,
ui Ics north < i Talbotton and three miles
l!m Olialyheato fr-piinus, fertility make it desirab e;
mrpassed in point u» and the
ings tl’ ii constitute tho great elements of
ciety, population and sol*.
Sou; by virtue of the last will and
of U. P Crawford late of Talbot county,
ceased, ami as the wronerty ol s’i«l
♦or tae benefit of ihc heirs and creditors ol s
dcocas d. R. A. UK \ VV FOR D.
Executor of tho last will of U. P. Orawf
och 7 \v4t
Preparatory High School
Cussotfi, Ga.
riillo undersigned will resume tho
_L e.wceLes *d this institution on
MONDAY, the tiicdthdaj of Jan¬
uary next.
i'tie sc tadi Stic year of ten months
will com 1st ot a long *erui ot six
and a shun one ol tour months. Bovs ai.d
prepare i 1 r any cl.^s in our Southern
leges. Peculiar advantages offered to
men studying the classics and h ghtr
matics. *. special attention given to tho
mentary The under-igned branches ot an English uthfuliy edu ation.
can t siy
CU SETA and vicinity can boast of as
material tor ti e schoolroom as can be found
the State of Georgia, and hopes that tt is
terial will continue to be placed under
charge during the coming year, tint he
have tho sati.'faction of reaping the reward
hislat) r in part Irom the gratification it iu j
afford him in thus being allowed to
the go .a! work he has begun. He dosn
sire a large scho* I, but < no composed of
uc-t in iterial in the country, as he cunsi ers
school ol merit as a part of his compensat : on .
One feature ol this school is the Lectures
ssEa*E 5
« 11 uUiuiately render the pupils
nti.l Wrll inturme. ..n Uu subjects utUKht.
Any»Ddnll luMiteUef in a roilme course
be tau s in. lliere-111 bean txsmiimtiuii
tltecl •‘-e of e ich term, lon.lucioU by a
| tec, who will also award prem ums to
j ^ev # ‘ , ' gbet
t Tmrtois ' i« f »i ^
! rr „ . »®* r y Class, *18 term of 10 months.
. per •<
* • ._>4 ;
| AtI , . nce so r
‘ *. ** «, 36 u t
I | Board can be oh ained in good lami.ics for
ilh ' r 5*12 per month.
; ff* e un-icrsigned invites the puMP to visit
j | teaching, hi’ 1 s*hooltoom and f rm an«i hc;r examine wn conclusion his method cf
* For information regar«tingtfii-schoo address
} JOHN J. llARVEY’, A. M.,
| dp?3 ''it i'i ss t<*, Ga.
: .. Ao Couxxkx Fain Ti tees.!Z~T; lie SUN oftice fr
1 , has just received a quantity of superior
(black) in ten pound cans
and twenty-five pound kegs, which will
j be sold at 25 cents per pound.
Urtiano Notice to!
UoLi UBis, (Ja , October 1, 1873
rnHK attention of nty customers is called to
the pay went ol their Notes, Liens and
other ol'lig »tl<m8 given lor NOl.lililiE PA
« 11PIC; MIA.YO, with He privilege tt.teeu of paying
in cotton, at rate of (15) cents p r
pound lor low middlings. .
Odilon will be received by me and ,
all uiy Ak<:iUm iuaccerdnnce with
centra „ until the maturing of j
•Etcli okligatianii,alter ivhicli dale
tbi. privilege will cease.
Those owing lees than a hale, will ship the
hale to < lolum' ue, (la., and the balance will he
returned to them at market price.
I am now roady to SOI.CHI.E TACIFIO
to my prompt paying customers. Parties an
tlclymtlng their cotton Notes and Liens will
Save Risk of Loss by Fire,
and Loss in Weight, &c.,
and aro entitled to the benefit of any excess,
should price for low middlings exceed 15 cents
at maturity of notes.
Agent Pacific Guano Company,
No. 1*2 I*ro;x<l Ntreet.
lam now .tellve^trik my well-known
“Rust and Smut Proof Seed
in new sacks containing five bushels each, at
$1 60 per bushel. Drayago free,
nets d&wlm W. ii. V.
, sa«wrtrtrpi;, wm
,A i
'm wM
• '
*jSR,TS. Wi j*a.'SNkvX’t fr ; I
'•■■fr ‘ %% % '¥%% v/-iv nf *'% .1 ; I
- i
of Chronic and Acute Rheumatism, Noumigia,
Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney, and nervous Dm
enscB, alter years ul BUilei ing, by taking ***> !
filler’sVegetuhle Kheumolivhymp |
—th« Bcieniihc discovery of J. P. Fitler, M . D., |
;» regular graduate physicnn with whom we ore ;
personally aciiouiuted, who has ior 39 yoir^
treated these diseases exclusively with astou- du- ! ■
ibhiug results. Wc believe it our Christian
ty, alter deliberation, e-i'ecially to conscientiously in request luoder- .
.suilerors to use it, who cannot persons afford to waste ;
;ito circumstances A» ,
money and lltno on worthless mixtures. j
clergymen wo seriously feel the deep respoml- j
bility resting on ua in publicly and endorsing experience this
mo<iicine. Rut our Unowledu© ,
sjt ifrledla, wsfsars.ts.Trss Fenn’a, sulferei! sixteen years, heefam
hopeless. Avarssc Rev. Thomas Murphy, D. D., Frank.
ftBSM® FittsfordjNeW
rcnce, Iowa. Rev. G. G. Smith.
tiiieiplil** York. Rev. Joseph tenmnenliiW Rogge, Falls Church. Phil
Oflier from boater?,;
Governors, Judges, Congressmen, pamphlet Physicians, explain- ,
Ac., forwarded gratis with j
Iiim tlicse dDeaeos. One thousaml ilollarf will
t/e presented to any moilclno for siune illaensea |
allowing cqu-il merit under test, or that con j
produoe one.lourtli as many living cores. Any
person sending by letier a description (if considered ol nlnic- ; I
Hon will receive without charge guarantee naming
curable) a legally siuned
the exact number of bottles warranted to cure,
I agreeing to refund amount pain in case of its
ii'iiure to cure. Price per bottle, $i 25: can he
bought as used. Aillicted invited to write jar
medical advice on ft»-ovo diseases only. No
charge f -r reply, which will contain much val
uatdu information acquired by a lifetime prac
tleo. No compulsion to buy medicine. Address
Ur Filler, I’liiliLilolphiu. Drintcilosp unationg
of tUo ilisoasc alsoluniislieil Forsalo l>y
Dr.. R. A. WARE,
mv9R ►Ad Avents. Columbus Ga.
Bowery Academy*
T OUA.TED 8 Mll.ES West ok
I I I'&LIIUTTON AU)4 ill I I.KS EAST ^^k tBj
ok Air. Aikv, d.v thk Roan V no si aOi Yj W
rplIE uiidorslKno.1 will open liis scluml m the
X tieiuiliul iiu,I ceauuuiiiuus liu luiu^ i eetnt
IS completed, on ilie Fust iMonuuj in lanuary.
Tnis itiornuahly llinslied School-Room will I
aojouiiDuUiitu sil ciitl.ty that pupils. tloslrcd Ita iuiernal ar- i
raDKeuieut is tail bo for con
vemeoec, ooml'mt and health.
Ilie Frimi pal lius this permanently AOudomy, located will D is j
family convenient to and
his training ior the active duties «)l life.
uelieving tiiat unless the theories oi ailsci
onoee arc acquired in connection with tlio rea¬
sons upon which they aro based, are soon lost,
ho adheres to the and ll htrejorv" sy tern.
Iu ail his sell .ol room exercises, his primary
object is the development oi thought . Hard making stu¬
dy and lose thinking have uiatie- are
and will make (as long as there are any,) -ho
practical, usetul and successiul men oi the
world. By a literal conformity to tins in tiled,
ihe Principal is determined to make it the in¬
terest ol a 1 parent8 and guardians to send their
sous and daughters or waids to Dow BUY Aca¬
It we look over this country, and through
our marts of trade, w sec that by far the hands larg¬
er part ot our busino s passes through t he least
ot those whose school days consisted ot at
ten hours each , while the pilots of evanescent
enterprises and i.aird ruined projects are the
fruits ol 4 and 8 hour day schools. 1 hereiore,
the Spring rerun of this School, ior 1874, will
optn on tho li r st Monday In January und each, con
ttnue 120 scholastic nays ot 10 hours
it tlio low rate $20 00 tuition, hall ol which
inu-t he paid on entrance and tho other half on
tho 1st oi October. The second term will con¬
sist of eighty scholastic days. Tuition, $13 dO,
due O toboi 1st.
49rSuch boys and girls as aro too delicate,
physically or mentally, to undergo close n.on
tal this discipline school. under th.s plan, aru not sollotod
4>#*B() >RD can be had ia good families at
$12 50 per inoiuh.* ^ have the
4(®*Aii cxperieiUHM Instructress will
Musknl Department in charge. Parties inter¬
ested in this depv tmontwi.l make their ar¬
rangements with her.
4Mr*Oa re fully read thi- this S proposition im; I monthly : Any dur*
pan on who wi ll visit
ing each term, and who feels when a term has
o he os d that tho pupil or upils in wh lull in she i»r of
is Interested, have not received value
the tuition charged, will he receipted gratis.
or further particulars address the un¬
dersigned at Taibotton, Ga
Talbotton, Ga., priocijuil. [dccu *lm
Nov. 221, 1873.
My Large and Choice Stock
j AT
j !
^ a. * v 1 A. GT1 m. ▼
- •
Lcort Va?d iiVd ii Biceili'd k fr k, ,Y oitouil.' upward.
wtd. * cw * ,,ta < ' 04,011 1Ic "
' fr',
v ' ., rii “ |* i,i «sl» m 11 ,s <i , « ouou, tic,
; u.i7,* , ifr«.
" 35,’ •>., ” “* .... ^ .
1 i arpetsand Kug*» 4 heap,
Drees Goods at Great Sacrifice!
BLACK ALPACAS, 30c , worth 4,’c.;
“ 4 * 45c.. worth 60c.;
LADIES’ C ALF SHOES. # 2 20, w.»rtn 92 75:
Cloth G AlThRS. i>2 2u “ *2 75.
Everything cise Cheap in propoYtIon.
early, I am determined to sell.
v.. *n* r*'
Contracts, for the specmcaiiouauu uirt
j rf Freedmen, for sale at the Scn Opfici
k m v* n R
r. :
mmM -
37 '
a )Vi *r' mm fr
mi aw
13EK : | ■ . ]
jf"Y t a K Physicians iiiant than tn any c! ottior Thor Touic aro or Bum
dgw u:
A Rim*: PftEVf/TiflVE, ind all
Ynr Fever nud Ague In r eriaircen!5, Biliousness a dii*
orders urisiag fioui mnlarious causes. sos. Thcv iiicy are liighlr of 1NDI- r<:^
omnsoded n» an AN’TI-DY SI'KPT rtC, , and and in in cares ui'i nu
f-r.STlON are i nvau:ablb. As an APPETIZER »
CUPEUANT, and in oasos of GENERAL DKBII.IT Y thr r y
have never in a single instance failed iu producing producing the t uil a&t .
happy results. They nrepartIcnlai
Stren; gthening tho Imily, UvUp~'.ie« the mb. The i. HOME »od shir-S UiT
tone u md elasticity to the *h««le vysin*. of and no ten
TEDS are compounded with tbc pri:uti:*t cure,
1 h Vhk nnd'nt time bin- 1
rLEASANT T o taste the sanic cor ;
“.rWHSfwe TtliSii
tie to give them ft fair trial, ml Lottie. | !
l:\evy rmnaSy Mltoiild Have a
No preparation in the wor 1c-'nproc'occ so many unrpir. i- !
fa .J endorsements by jihysiciaua of ihe very highest staudins j
tionaiLpcn. rSXrf’aU ofry 15. Chrjy and Cm leadin', denomina- '
Rev. V. m. R. ?.*r.rorif. the oldest Molhoflist rtintstcr Ja Pt.
TxmiI*. wts tlic Hfrtno Ui:tfr:» Wo r„osccratcft:I in contnbu- f
ting in iuo restoration vt ay xtrcu^ih, aud an increase of ,
‘‘ ppC “ K, • Mo., Jun. 25,1371.
own* and who rcqul-o
Fcrsonfl greatly debilitated, na I l..:ve b-.en,
n tonic , r hti.vivi.ant, Deed seek lor uothios Irc.wr t haa the ;
Lome Ei-f 4 ^^tvL?E«.iiS.mA, r* rmt.ihurir d strict !
\ is
Sx. Louu Mo., Oct. b. 1S70.
tames A. Jackson a Co.- 1 huve c::::niinc«l the fm-muie. ft
nbie tonic und i-timulunt how <n use. o. 11. M i.LCIlEl*,
Reside .t rhvski.iii iu charjjo U. S. Marino Hospital.
James a. Jackson k!eiurn : A» you have com
taken f,»r it. U e have r p2S.'^t examined
l .itie, no patcHt having been "Hloinc BitUrH." and u
the formula for niuki.ig ti;o t*«uc excellence,
tinglv sav the combination itscoiiiuoiition tf the rare best of the class to
articles used in arc Stimulant. Stomachic,
v. hioluhev belong, beiug highly Tonic,
Cfirmlnitivi*. nu t slightly Laxative. Tlio nv do of nrcpariug
them is 8tr|ctl» In accordanco with the rules of pharmacy.
Having used ihemiu onr private practice, we take pleasure fn
recomm ndintf them to fill pera-t. * desirous of taking Butcrs,
tLc bcst TuDi * uud Shnmiant now oflcrccUo^e^Md,
i-rof. obstetrics and Diseases of TTomcu, Coiicgo of l’liysl*
cians, audiato member Board ncrfsi-rN'rr.nn
0bgtctric- BU( i pbcascsof Women, St. Lou.s Med. Cailcgo. i>.,
iiu.vKi; mcDov.t.ll, m.
Late Fros t. Mo. Modwai Coiiego.
Sospitab .. Mndimi Louis Coiio-o ami’iato licaidcut L’hysi- '
ciauuty “ J at. Missouri. rrof.
iierbbrt pktmm.
practical Phamacy, LI3Il,II J; J
J\i l '
VrAro m'. i>'. n ' 1
r. c! (.l/ckk, . w f; - "!;,' CeatzMoses, U M \V’ m. d.
a. Wauk,m. d. L r^v r>
J x- r Me-dir-n
vadtin^Vl ..... '' U ;\<■ V. o/comVto’ck, Coi!r-o d..‘
il m.
r.f * ii<iv/ir»::-y r.nd Hiscasp* of Womcu, College of llomoBo
pntuicpuysiciauaaud Surg.^-i?. __ _
* L j:'o. coxzlemax, m. d., Lecturer
On Disease* of Children, JlOHio-.nntbio r. -n.-ro of Missouri.
....... ■'Un’cal Medicine, Col. -ssmti&r Ho uiopatblc l’hyticiaus aud Ourgfl.
They arc superb /i^nxo r o nU iJlicr Stoma^i b'tlon 1 .
:n: sax orna. An.-yuom camw.
^o bitters in , the worl.t r>rl can o\ . l them
SIMON' HIT: v : .T. Analytical Chemist.
Eminent P&yslclr.nn of C2:jc:i; o.
Tiiof ,«a fjr t!j s IT»:d Ritter i « been submittcnl ta un, y.c I'i'Ucvo l.icm to t. 1 L’" ; -i and stimulant ior
gene rat use uow offered t.> the paMic.
IT. A.oopblt.y. M. D.,
() A MAClsm anaiyticri Jas. V. Vi. J.lancv* M. D.
, Prof. Cher.itst/y, llush
n, Medical College.
u. s. uai,n. m. D-. v n
^ m. d., t- t u^'Vvg
K M p t ;i 0 s. t. blu-*, m. d.,
j a*. a. < uli.;. - ', m. n J* a. Hahn, m. d.
. .
tfuiincni 121 C iBCutiiati,
Nearly nil <.I w.-mm arc rruAwaora ia ouo or the other cf the
"..Jf brnfiu.ri.nuan.v 1 i have ever bean offered to tlic public cm
vuluublu remodia 1 :i. cuts. D..
j. .. vat-. nc.-.. v D., L. A. James. M.
C, i’. S’Mrro.N, 31. I 1 ).. S. P. Uoxneu, fit. D
S. MDSCllA■ x, M. D., o. \\ r . Higleu, .
T. TALLMPra: no. I!. D., j. .). U. Quinn, Vt'oODWAKD, M. Dm M. D.,
II. TlUCKNE'*., I .1. I ■\\*.
e. A. Down U. S. AVaynl. Clmmidt.
( Wood r. K. Taylob, II. D.,
. Maley, M. D.
ll: ))’. if y. Jf, if., p. K. f
M. .1.VJN3 . M. b S. R. Tomlinson, M. D
Kronen* I*by*tlc3nnfl in Momntiis;
Th - noon' llittcrj uvan ible rcmccy for imli^cstioa
cn 1 .. a'n-'Os ;• risin" from muluriul causes.
Li. T‘*. l .'OKNTON, M. (>.. Alex. Uuskiyb, II. D.,
in li-. '-o < f Cilv Rcspital, W. R. Rouges, M. D.,
J. M P-.rg'.EUS. Mfr I)., Pall Otey, M. D.,
)). TV, Ppi-.nkll. M. !»., M. A. t.i.M JNDS. M. D.,
Ji»vr.*i:a> ll>:i.L, M. L'.. Jos. K. Lynuh, M. D..
* ;-n :• ;m-f* M. i I). Physicians > in AV.m. Pittsburg; Clowes, M.D.,
i* F. i. 6
m D. II. U';i.!.a:::», M. D.,
Vv utri. Cbi'iiii J, li. Z>tZicru McClelland, M. D.,
And! 5fwn«3roctt!»i of
oi £.*.’ par* r ' North, W** i an l South.
■!. F„ Gaenkr, M. D., Milw:iul»oc_. < Bluffs. March 27, IS7T.
ocnoil formula
Ja* Mr.n Jackson r Co.— l':i'in:: cx arnlnod the of th3
lu “ c ' au<1 v r “ nou “ on « ir¬ i i'll -frtiifrifraTonic*nlucr, ii.
"rfrlfr--ciaby p r'™«:K8. _ , McMaiion. M. b.
jtu-h“»n allarugsists ana Proprietors.
James A. <?l- 4'o.,
w; second st„ St. hpmi licnoari
—..... - ------—-----
R. a R.Goetchius M VSV v wvl H WU & Co.
Corner of St. Clair and Jackson sts.
Columbus, Ga.
UK havo commenced operations with Mft
VV chinory of the latest improvements; wo
have secured experience!! workmen, and intend
to use none but good material.
Sash, Blinds and Panel Doors
■ | will be furnished and boxed at tlic Factory at
tho following prices:
si cp. lights, width. height, per pair, winaow
8xi0 12 2ft. 4^ 3U.10 $2 65 $2 65
8X10 15 2tt 4> 2 4!t. 8 l 4 3 39 3 25
8x10 18 211. 4H bit. 6'm 2 3 06 3 75
I0M2 12 2ti. lu*£ 4it.. 6 3 25 3 uu
1uy12 16 * 2ft. lUUj 511. 6J^ 4 Ud 3 75
12x14 Wxia 18 2tt. 3it. lv> 2 uit. d*4 4 86 4 40
12 4 l i 511. 2*^ 4 20 3 65
*2x14 12x14 15 3tt. 4 )Z 6it. 4*.| 6^ 6*25 4 40
18 3it. 4'/i 7ft. 6 30 5 25
12x16 12 3ft. 4>, 51 l. 10*^ 4 56 4 u5
12x16 18 Bit. 4U a 8ft. dU 6 So 5 95
1*2x18 12 3t. 4 , / <j 6!t. 6U, 5 16 4 50
12x18 15 3<r 4 / l 2 8ft. 6 45 6 60
12x18 18 3it. 4' 2 91t. 7 7 75 6 70
12x20 12 3ft. 4 !a> 7ft. 2*4 5 90 4 90
12x22 12 3it 4*4 7lt. 10 *^ 6 85 5 45
.Sash 1% in. thick. Lip Sash 1*4 in. thick 2c,
per Blinos ligiu, additional for Lippiug ' aud Ploughing
All 1% in. thick. with '
Susa Hlazed Best French Glass.
sash Weights aud Cords on hand; also,
Builders’ Hardware, such as L c-s. Butts,
Two Hinges. Screws, and Hliml Fastenings 1
Panel Doors, 3x7 tout, 1% inch thick,
no M .ui lings............................ .$3 00 :
Two I at:el Doors. 3x7 leet, 1% inch thick.
Moulded one side........................ 3 SO
. Two Panel Doors, 3x7 feet, 1 % inch thick,
| Moulded two sides....................... . 4 00 :
Four Panel Doors, 3x7 feet, 1^ inch thick.
Four no Mouldings............................ Panel Doors, 4 00
Moulded sale........................ 3x7 feet, 1% inch thick.
Four one 4 50
Panel Poo s, 3x7 leet, inch thick,
Moulded two sides.......................5 00
Doors of any thickness desired made to order.
Doors with R ised Panels, Raised Mouldings, j
and Circular He «d Paneis, to order
Persons ordering Sash for frames already
made, should send width, height of frame, thick¬
ness for sash, aud number ot lights wantod to
the wi/.dow.
All kinds of Mouldings on hand and furnished !
at short notice.
to their interest to consult us. !
Send bi.l of items for estimate, or call at our !
Worked FloortPs and Celling on band at :
lowest market rates. 1 i
I l ined Weather Beards. :
Iron Railings for Cemeteries. j
All kin s U oml Working Machines.
Judson’s Hoa«iley s Portable Engines
Governors at tactory prices.
R. R. Goetchius & Co.
Terms, Cash or Citv Acceptance. SchroderTcei
W. Bremmer,
Give Liberal Advances on Consignments of
Cotton and other American Bankers
in London: Kieinwort. Cohen & Co.
m 9 lam6m
Blank Distress Warrants for sale at the
Scs oflioA.
Grand Gift Concert.
Public Librarv of Kentucky.
Over a Million in Eank!
Success Assured!
On Tuesday, 31st March Next!
Jn order to meet the general wish and expec¬
tation of the public amt i iuKCt-h ddeis, loi the
luiipuyrne toiihem goificeut gifts nun ol uno■
ed lor the Fourth Grand Gilt Concert t c
Public Lib ary of Kentucky, the management and
have detenuinod to postpone the Concert,
Drawing until
Tuesday, the 31st of March, 874!
They have already realized
Over a Million Dollars,
And have a great many Agents jet to hear
IV AS,- DBMAls fS80..l) IHhV a
Only 60,U00 tickets have been issued and
18,000 Gri£tm f
v 1 ^ 9 « ^ x 9 *
vfi11 be distributed among the tieUet-holoerS.
-pj ie tickets aro prillteu ill Coupons, Of tenth?,
lt»U all fructimml part, will be , opreMUWU lU
the drawing just aa whole ticket, are
Tin#- Julbl mi VI
(jpfjg GRAND CASH Cl FT..... .$250,01)0
ONE GRAND CASH (lit T..... . 100,000
ONE GRAND GASH Git . 50,000
ofJE GRAND GASH (fITT..... . 25 bl'O
ONE GRAND GASH GHFT..... ,. 17,600
10 CASH GIFTS 410,000, .. 100,000
30 GASH GIFTS 0,000 each, 1.0, : oOU
w GASH G IFTS 1,000 cac .. .. 60,000
» OASH gifts 50U Cavil .. 40.000
’00 lyA^ll (rir i 40C each. .. 40.01.0
150 GASH GIFTS 3UU Cecil. .. 45.000
250 GA>U ( i tFI’S 200 eacli. .. 60.000
«f, UASU GUTS ICO each. .. 82 ;oo
„ *1,000 GASH Ulr IS 50 each. .. 560 vOt;
TOTAL, 12.000 GIFTS, ALL CASH, .......*1,500,000
amounting to..............
The chances ior a gift-are ;\s one to live.
Price of Tickets.
Whole ti kets $50.00; Halves $25.00; Tenths.
or each coupon i>5.0j; lUcven Whoic Tickets for
.*:,500.00; 2z l 4 Tickets for *1,000.00; 113 Wi dt
i’-ckets for *5,000.00: 227 W hole Tickets fur *10,
'.'00.00. <»i'i’icketr No disc- iui;t «»u less than *500 uO WOfth
XU*; Fourth Gift Concert will be conducted iu
all respects like the three which havo nlrendj
ojen gi/en, and full particulars may he lea* tHis* ni*<i
nom circulars which will he sent Iron from
* ffice to ali who apply for them,
Ordc s for tickeis and appiications tor rgen
cies will be uended to in ilie order they r«
recoivetl, ami i* is hoped they wi i he seal iu
promptly riolay’in timt iiil’ng there may he nodisappoint ■ > n'
r all. Lil>cr»l terms giver. f«
those who buy to sell ngHi). A 1 iigenls :ri
peremptorily loquirod to eettb up their a* - -
'J’lHiflf, K* 4 WJLIST'jriK,
Agent i’ulilio idhrary K>*ntuci.y, and Manauei
of Gift Concert, Public Librarv Building
LouLvill.', Tickets Ky. y>rizcs [Jel3 collected (12taw&w
for sale and ire' o'
charge, by
Capt. C. A. Kfink. Agt.
'oA.i.J 7 irioiv."'
Genuine Fairbanks Scales,
: I
| FAIR BASICS ymsmm -
Standard Scales.
Stock Scales Coal Scales, Hay Scales
Dai it y Scales, Counter Scales, Ac , 6cc.
, . .
Scales repaired promptly and reasonably
For silo also. Trocmner’s Ootlee and Drop
Mills, Uompnsition Hells, all sizes Lettei
Prosces, &.C., &c.
Merchant KuNfg.Cs
should H
mm 1
Use Them
Fairbanks’ Scale Warehouses
311 StU«Al)\VA¥,Iti. T.,
166 Baltimorc-st., Baltimore,
53 thimp-st, New UrUans.
Alason c Hall, Philadelphia.
2 liliili Street, Boston.
For Sale by Leading Hardware Dealers.
seiO 2aw4m
Ln , 1Tm u ic r --'-t
I |Medloinkof ILguest Medi Nature. al Authorities. Imb rscd Restore*, by thij j
1 M iscular Power to the P ralytic, YouHitti
Vigor t * the Aged, ami Develops the Youm i i
§“CIialfey at a Critical Period; Dissolves Calculi am t
1 * Deposits: Cures Gout, Rheuma
Itlsm, Dyspepsia, l/iso Neuralgia, Gravel, Du; ami |
K hetes, • se^ <»f tlic Kidney?, Liver
ISkiu, 1 rlice Abdominal Dropsy, Chronic Dial f
|Sleeplessness, i. Constipation, Asthma, Nervousness
levorv General Debility, and nesirt
§‘*<>ntalning class of'Chronic Disease. Pamphlet
Itimonials History Medical of the Journals. Spring and Eminen Ti>
^ Spree Physicians by mail and »>v Dist WIliTN* insruished V Citizens, BRUS.. Get set
j^ral Hphi*. Agents, For sale 227 by South all Druggists. b runt St., Phi lade
I auglO eod3m
Only 50 Cants par Boti/o.
It promote* r he CKOWTH, PHE8EKVE
the CGLOK, and : o:: ; the Vices*
and BEAUTY oT the GAiU.
Professor Foliage. 1*.Thomas Lv'
Thi n 'l 1
• , KATSPSO, ,, ^g?;-fyi- > >
Itinafr. ‘ .fr;“fr"' ..... . • 1 :r.. v :
1 ^ >,p v fra rv
'JAIE- . I?
Dandruff. It prfive--ts * in
I J. keep., fhebea - i
gloss? appear.
cad Qc« t *t\
IURY Aoo. ja-'i * ’.j l>rQsr«is»8 ana Ow i
I f 7V 3 f? .SifrKfr :
V.M frr
■ ■ f
i- mnmm
TpROM J vertisements the date must nf this he jiaul notl-c. f all th iesal a.tvin»e ui
This rule r
will be strictiv and rluidlv -dhqred
3u, I8J3 OiUin.iy.
New Advertisements.
SAMPLES >enl «\ mail tor 60<\ (hat retail
quick t«*r$>10 1?. L. \\ OLt l*T i, lb7 CLaiLiiiu
.'quare, N V
/ ^SPOONFUL doers HAMILTON'S 3 11 in * s daily of
proiroes liealtl v nrii« ii.oi 1Lt KIDNEAS,
LiYKH ami BOWELS; is tl.eiOlun* Do
arc« test HlooD I I I! FIliR tH) ! lAl/tll FtiK
ahitVKR <d rlicave, iiml ptcxcHs difciises ny
rem-ving iliccuu e. It has stood tlcteet, aul
is the hest mtdic re ir« up**.
(’n>*;•}»ti, Ohio.
II entuorth’.i licy-rinu mill Clink ccnibin
ed. (icr. silver tamjilr l&c. Lin ulimfice. Staf¬
ford MJ’fi Co . LO hvllon SI., A. V.
dy cnnnACEN v'U S’ WANTED. ill, with Sondes clear
se , (( | lte ry in icrius. to
fr in'*5 to $10 per day Address N. It WHITE,
Newark. N; J.
&e-i SvElastic liiletii you me irJ.Jnuil lie very beet
fp4j Truss . 7
IVrite at once 3 Pomeroy &. Co.. 744
it.- .a wav. N. Y
lilt IViAbiG ( 0 MB tent by mail
to any > nc ior
III. Will change nriy colored hair 10 a perma¬
nent blacker brovnand cintains no poison.
1 rade fupjiiJc 1 at low rates. Address, iUAG
IC COM 13 i O , Springfield. Mass.
Ill 11 itiSliHl m
A l.arrro book, full of good thiners, valuable secrets,
R'nd im;ortnnh information, rnnilvd for two slumps. York.
A dilrcFa, LED £' CO., ll-k hiixth Ave., Lew
W-p>SYt'Hf)M X 1NG.” How A' OY. eitiier or SOUL (JllAHM- iaseinato
fox may
mil jrain t e lo 0 anil nife- lioc.s of any person
they choose instantly. This simple menial ac
qu-retnem all can i ossess, Ivee Py n o 1, for
■15c., togotlier with a mairiaye nuiilo, WeihlinS' F.c'\ jai in
I >ra< lc. -Dreams, Iiin-s to L ulics,
NUli> Stiirt, 6tc. A queer l ook. Address T.
WILLIAM Ik CO., Dues, Pliila.
Coughs, Colds, Hoerseness,
Sold by Drug ists.
New ssmi Ncrol.■ -iii];,kill ? of D'irirt
lilisber,. u-i/i bo sold nt fi.v.wi-v
i s rict i w for cash, or on 3 ».'-3 .»I i ...relit*., in
USty or conniy, dtiriug (S»i« C-iuau
..-saij 5kft.<6 Ga<. SiiUl J flAVS. bij
iB«»At!K WATSKS & SON, No. 481
Hrrrier, way, (ii.sil ever bv-i-'• c.■ offer-.
. „ in Nr»v York. urm. Wami-.i for
■be sab o/Wa»eV»’ Uelebr»»*•<! ***»•»«.«,
Jeuccrio and ilrclsr.iral 4 sl-?j;jvses.
illu.tralcd Catalogues Trade. maiinil. \
Great ludneemcnu to the
■Urge (liMOiint in »SiH!»!ei-»,tT«urcis
cs,kKuaaj-Scliools, Eh.
I fWtiSi 1 K?P! 1 JSIIL fl ? 5 Pi •L
mm tm SK &
was? m
§f|nS-! m d
nmmim m &
KWiijilPl p2?3 J'14. a S* g I?*" & r~ i
illlll 1 SI
Vo.' it t’-'-O ri
rl ;c;' cryr
The EGgliu^t nivdicai nntlioriPfs
•s SAir«>|M’ sav the strong* ,«t Tonic, f urifirr
md Deobstruoiit known to ibe medj :il world is
It arrests dec ly of vital f< rces, exi.ansti^n of
•he nervous sjst^m. restores v gor l<* fh« <lcbil
Hated, i leu see vitiate') blood, removes ve i-io
ih'truetions and acts tiir« ctl\ «>n the iver ami
■ pL-en Price $1 a hot le. JUIIN CL lvLL
LOGO*. 18 Platt St , N. Y.
0M %
Itr, Sapre’s Cs
fr '*» W r /WHafelmgi \ the dlr.casc :'o;ic]'-.ics,lowhich yields a
I ® ^ J when the system has
>|i Idcdlesl \ Dlocover Ptcrec’s Cordon, i.ould
|s .3 be bo y, which: |
taken taken cr.rncsEy c-r.msby lo lo cc: C(.'. :ccib'.ood : ccl b' and and f K g
*3 sysiem. widcli arc nlwavs at fault, also
M8.iar.tU * Jsiar.cU to act E^icciiicaily, of of tbc lite upo'.i and and its t!;c ciiniv.Lcrs. diccased tliccr.scd jp r
nose nose ™
J 1 Catarrh Ur. Fiercc’a Remedy fhou! I l-cai'plied Dear f30,wii;i vvilh
S gT.I'.ich rr.d pcrfec";i m&UcIr.oc:::t iv.miied I lea!I e carried pairsct Ir.rfi pas-B k;i*
A an,"as aad chambers in v. ' aaj sores and F
Si S ulcers exist, and from v.!::ch d a.e!:a,r"(: t
JI proaoeds. of So sncecsEfr.l tkauke l:as tills proprietors coarse
treatment proven,
ffl H“DcM offers ^500 ilecil"or notvsrd far a care Itcl olH
in Catarrh vhicii
sjcannot cure. The iv.v> by medicines
intlrument, for $2, all druggists.
N. Y, Safety Steam Power Co,
ao mit’n.Avm s-j-.,
"C. Su;c ior Steam UvatKEA
ak a Bo lers, by Hicciul
vyi mai hiiicry a»»i duplicatio • of
nomical, psirts. They uHly are Man Sale, ged Eco¬
ri\ ) ami
■ not liable to ucran.yement.
Their ('omiukkd Eauine
Boilek is peculiarly
tuiiiiii ,: ; " r quiiinu: bipt-e.l to nil purposes re
' '' small po»cr. More
than 40u engines, from 2 to lCO-horse j ower, in
Send for illustrated circular. dels 8w
mass *Sw.
i he Or.iy Known Medicine
Purges, Purifies, and Strengthens the
Dr. Tutt’s Pills are composed of many in*
gro Rents. Prominent among them arc Sar¬
saparilla together; and tlic Wild through Cherry, so united astoact
one, its ’admixture with
other the other subiances, is strcng'hening puritying and purging: whilo
the system. '1 bus
these Pills are at ilie same time a twi.ict ami a
Crttlutitic, a desidc atum long sought for l»y
medical men, but never beffiro discovered. In
other wor s, they do the work <>! two medi ines
fln«l do it much t etter than any : wo we know
of, for tit y remove nothing iioni the system
also but impurities, lengthen so and that homo while »liey j urge' they de¬
8 they • a use no
bility and are followed by no reaction.
Du. Tutt’s Tills have a wonderful influenco
ont ebloo*. They not only purify without
ticles weakening it, but chyle they remove ail noxious par¬
from the before It is convened into
Quid, and thus makes impure blood m utter
impossibility. is As there is n-» cebilit tion, so
there no nausea or sickness attending tho
opera ti n ol t is most excellent medicine,
which never strains or toriui cs the digestive
organs, but causes them to work in a j erfectly
natural mam cr; hence persons taking them
do n *t become pale and emaciates 1 »ut, < n 1 ho
contrary, while all impurities a •* « ringr< mov¬
ed. the combined action of the Sarsaparilla
and Wild Cherry purities and invigorates tho
body, and a robust state rf health i.- tlio result
oi Gieir united action. Price, 25 c nts a b*>x.
Sold I by ail druggists. Depot 48 Cortlandt St.,
New no!8
Improved Tayior Cotton Gins
For Sale Cheap.
T"N order to close
X out of a Fifteen consign- ,»f
I* ent
this splendid make
of Gun'. all new x
uiotcor '« perleef run- ifr fr™
ing size cr.viryitij? from
t«» tilty Saws, torty g'~' ?
we ®
will setl at g eatiy
reduced pri cs. fr. i—
FarMes tlesir'ng
to purchase will nnd it to their interest to call
and examine f-.r themselves.
SWIFT, Piantci MU KP1IV & CO.,
B Warehouse,
sep23 Columbus, Ga,
The Central Line
WJ VV II.L. run from Tuefilay next,
until lurtbernotiee twe'teeni- : -
er> per wtek t" APALAUH.n
via i^ainbriflae—tiie .T. A. FAkLKV lenti K
at 8o'cltak ,nd the NEW JACKSON ev, ry
SATURDAY WOKNlNa, at S e'ecek. end
V'or information in regard to paeraite
freights, appjv atisycihee. under the RanLin
House. ' JUHNSUN
pM Agcci.
S.T-1 860 - 5 ,
upaKiiSp mmmm
f! ■J-'r. o
frpSW 'Al
Ifiga frj
InS- /- y JM
,.irpHS80- X
‘ : - : r$ •P //ni SSkfeiP y 1 m
: ; >3« BaateUm fri
__ M^ouawnwrc-—«—
I'SSSSSKSSKfa HERBS end F ft U !T B, combined with other
•o-operticj, vvhleU iathe'? nature nn < atbartie.
Lpor e:::, Xutrifaa*. J utrei:-’, Alterative ttnd
Aut : -B lior.n. Tlio vvh'fr o j preserved in a euffi
«*«.•! qtmat'.ty cf Cic_i <»•,. i-n ci-mato, tiie SUG'It wnici
f AS 'S to i r 637
mak.c fee
mm-mm ‘mTffinini
ornof tlio most de?irrblo •Pnnica anil
«bartl-s in the woriJ. 5'boy aro iataafled
Eirieay Temperance as a
only to l o if.Tfl r-3 r. medicine, and always ao
cordinj to .
They c. • 2 vi) f.hc:t- '.r.chor of t.'.e fccoie ana
'VxtT ay v.C. \i~ci± p. t'-ssnsed ilvei% and
mu'ate to bvTl r. Ce^*?oo tlx: t remedy r# healthy tD action which
. Hi; c:.- . LOBL.t. Aii a
ti circ' c^vodLally cr.bjcct it is super*
--> Jiug vo:- c fr. *• , Tv :ul:. ct. An r. «pving
■' fr*fr .-:-r.i-j_* r .:*o.::n they hrrz no equal,
y >k-> a Mill r- i ccvLtle -pTvo well as
iThe* 7 r);;:frfr.' tfre L oeJ. They a e a
Appet r zcv. ;•: alia jhowv-r.!:strong.
• r - fry ;• cl ir.T ijjiziz. 'fr- i y euro Dys«
ftusifj. r - - r, r c ,i on and rreadcche. They act
. i t 11 e*~c m ncl disorders which
: thn bodily and break dOWB
' - • ; --nirifB.
t H3 Pnrk Place. Hew Todb
4 fSpf|| I
k i[ .* ' v >
. ,
i m a*i
- ■
m WfWlF
1 IllAMEjifr.
A iter 30 Tccr:j c x trfrr.l h.zis pr o*roii
to be f bo best he r.frln^ c.r.;l pnba ■
onbdning Uafacnt in t-Io \7oriu#
It ir rooo~menc!ecl r,-bo ~-C:3. e-ruT
anoo ir.r.d caacj cfc-.rts.Traaa-ar.Lu. a a,! •rrair-s,
b'.ain3,f;ti&osso:ta.aJc-tr,J Ithearaatlca. I.a -d S .va, L.:: a .
fro., fro., ad reccnlea'.Taa.-r,
omamj prroons, e::! f :• f -
Toar.-Ja -s. r.liagbor-.e.PoP-Dvil, i arra: bo
lar_utd OnDs,j:ocf-s'.3,.Brr,v'-3,Sar;no::a’S! Easausa GaUasaUo ' *
cLjaatci si si
aod Err ia
Horses, Mules or Cattle.
fr IfM
Cure r.hcnraniissj, Cent, Lamo
r<aci, : _ t l.iseum, 1 oIbo^oli Kitvi, External
tone friuKcio AfTectienn, frera Ripples, Lc. a
.md may bo j ustly termed ibo pnnaccA Ior all
C3r- Remember, tStfa Liniment did
\ -it p.j*y: T:?g up in f?, dtiy c;* r. yeiir,prc«
•IccingTHi • 'lost DEW-BOIL;! absurd uxiTfrfrfrfrAi, IdUSHSOOM cures
:LA2MEI> : Y AIUj LlNr
But wo havo (fro or.pc.:once ofo/er
frMriv* years of trial, vriti tho most eub
•.trfriLalre.-rdz and by aiRul'-itudo ofwituesaes.
If the LixiiRacntis net r.e rccc~RiCRcIwd, tiia
Mouev will be Refimded.
liniment Do not be claiminj imposed upon by uoinj any other
efrert fro nemo proprr&w f-frufr. or re,
Mitts Th'y aro a frRfr fr Do sure
■».ad get notlifrig but
iVlsiseaa Misiaag Lssmsnl
Sold ey all Dr.UGatsrs a:o CotjxteY
Stoles ax
£§«., 6 Qg. and 61 per Bsttla,
Kosice Sizy of Bottlr, Style,
XiYOfr iapG. oa
i ■ 1 .fr
Magnclm Bala
Pure Biocnir.j Complexion,
Iti3 Tar- lj Yc'Tfrfc^Ic-. a-. \ i ’ operation is
EecnnEdl i-’ct It d • cw-y the
Flushed App^ura;. -^ cnu.^ i i r i' ft 1 atigue
ftuiExciteLacut. He.;'. <. : • .nvrr.frU notches
end Purp!c3, tispcEirsf da k unsightly
spots. Dcivca awey ;s-, I recifres and Sun
bur a. and by faded its gcr ' t r powerful iunnenoe
xsanOes the check w.fri
lOCrHFUL BL00?1 AND lfrAC’iT.
Sold by tdl rrT.jjj'ste a-d Tilqj Cujicb. Bg