Darien gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1818-1828, November 30, 1818, Image 2

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11 1 ‘ 1 1 HSk// K.vrs .\iicss.k; /:. I HHBHBV 11,m.‘-in'll'((i ■ ‘ !>'•'! ii'n; JBBHBHBK||\ Si'lll.,l M J .i . .M ‘<.lt I; I . .v ■'! k> !•• ’ •’ ‘’ /. ‘ WmmKSmm :> ■ ■ . • ’ *i 1 ■ l l■ “I 1 !! 11 ’ ‘ BBBBHHHBoi •• I ■. fin n .•• 1 inn, unusually abundant: Hourishcd; the levenuu has exceeded B most favorable anticipation, and peace and are presi rved with foreign nations,on con- just and honorable to our country. For B inestimable blessings, we cannot but be I’rovidence which Ins o\er 81111 •’ Otcs of nations. rm litnii ed for tlie operuinn of the HHHjVI < ot.\< nt ion V. ill; (, re.it b.Mrin will 1\ in tin month o! July ik - \ ..nd it “as ■■M.iporta!.’ that th.ere slumld be no in'er- u hil h, that nortinnol t : tomnu rce Bill a•> pr< a id<'d lor by that <>n\< ntioii should HBBB-ipil.tti and. •!her by .u , o men! !>i t\\< on ‘• or In tln autliorit;. i on- HHH mini-ter o| tlu Unili and S’ uat I .ou- HHHntrui ted, < ally in the last sunime'e hßhm.i! l Int on 11,. 11: i’ i ei mm i 888881. vitii a \ ieu to that obje, t. lie Vas HHK to propo-.i . a. lso, 111 was u ished to open. mn;M commei i ol t! and to inti i ■ ; 1 u. 1 utm ’t l< ■! v in .Bm; |u> r ti'arlv those relalim.; m im BBBBBktli<- fn'nerii and houndarii m t'e HBBBjB at t an..- ;m nt i.npht be made, on ret ip; O. ll a' I ', ml ■m, b in: •!. BBBBrnd. and pun ul< . in a satish.i Trv m i these, high < 1 hu\e tlu sat- HHHBn to state, that the proposal u;is na ei’.ul, iiish go\ ernment, in the spirit which HB/ it; and tint the ncgociation has been I .ondon, embi'uc'mg’ all tie i.iijn ts. 888 oi- ,iii ~m m i.I great e\le|:t a a.; u. HBl toe trust, it w as thought ;e opee m < om- BBB> not less than two of our (listuiguislmd HHB and. in eonsepuem e, the emm xtraor- HHBand mil mu ii plenipotentiary ..1 the lb, .it <1 .■V % V\ B\t lam dilia i \ and miliisli iph iiioom i i.m \ , Blon; to hoth ol whom corresponding in- Bwions have been given, and they are now ui- Bpgcd in the discharge of its duties. It is prop er to add, that, to prevent any inconvenience re sulting from the delay incident to a negotiation on so many important subjects, it was agreed, be fore entering on it, that the existing convention should be continued for a term not less than eight years. Our relations with Spain remain nearly in the state in which they were at the close of the last session. The convention of 1802, providing for the adjustment of a certain portion of the claims of our citizens for injuries sustained by spolia tion, and so long suspended by the Spanish gov ernment, has at length been ratified by it; but no arrangement lias yet been made for the payment |of another portion of like claims, not less exten sive or well founded, or for other claims, or for the settlement of bounykmes.- These subjects have again beenUmlfght under consideration in both countries-rtTtuno agreement Hhs been entered them. In the Bean time, evcuitsJpg(|Bmxurrc<l, w hich clearly e the ill policy, which t hat. gov- long pursued, on Ihelricndly re- two countries, ”, hich, at of as much importance ■:b Tinted Suites, to maiiitain. A state of has existed in thc.l loridus, the teiulcncy has been obvious to*nll\\ ho have paid BBigh.esr, attentioju to the progi css of affairs in ‘i’hroughout the w hole of those Binces to which the Spanish title extends, the ■nimcnt of Spain lias scarcely been felt. Its has been confined, almost exclusively, BB< walls of Pensacola and St. Augustine, which only small garrisons have been ■ Bitaincd. Adventurers from every eountry, .■’..Btives from jusliee, and absconding slaves, obß* found an asylum there. Several tribes of |;Bians, strong in tlu; number of their warriors, |Bu ark able for their ferocity, and v hose settle 9ints extend to our limits, inhabit those pro\ in- Bp These different hordes of people, connect- Bi’grethcr, disregarding, on Fie one side, the HB>rity of Spain, and protected, on the other, imaginary line which separates Florida United Stales, have violated our laws HBhiting the introduction of.davcs. have prat - BjHurioiis t'l-am!” i>n our revenue, a■! e.emmil • kind of outrage on our ptact ahle eiti |&s|Biueh their proximity to us enabled them v.n ct \melia by a small !>antl of ad\ enturers, iik ex- in . and 8888 fcom tile nil iiiis'.tlera :!t Sp.m''-'i t-wce re, and hi Id it sen ra! siui ;!r-, tint sm ;K let I,‘ie i ‘l'm i only w > made iii'll I.'ii. ..< I. ; rlv .:•* t s Imv. :> \ ’ - v i', üb. . -> b. I^. tion to every people, on whose seduction its suc cess principally depended. In regard to the United States, the pernicious effect of this un lawful combination, was not confined to the ocean: the Indian tribes have constituted the effective force in Florida. With these tribes these adven turers had formed, at an early period, a connec tion, w ith a view to avail themselves of that force to promote their own projects of accumulation and aggrandizement. It is to the interference of some of these adventurers, in misrepresenting the claims and titles of the Indians to land, and in practising on their savage propensities, that the Seminole war is principally to he traced. Men who thus connect themselves with savage com munities, and stimulate them to war, which is al ways attended on their part with acts of barbari ty the most shocking, deserve to be viewed in a! worse light than the savages. They would cer tainly have no claim to an immunity from the punishment, which, according to the rules of warfare practised by the savages, might justly be inflicted on the savages themselves. If the embarrassments of Spain prevented her Trom making an indemnity to our citizens, for so long a time, from her treasury, for their losses by spoliation, and otherwise, it was always in her power to have provided it, by the cession of this territory. Os this, her government has been re peatedly apprised; and the cession w as the more to be anticipated, as Spain must have known that, in ceding it, she would, in effect, cede w hat had become of little value to her, and would likewise relieve herself from the important obligation se cured by the treaty of 1795, and all other com promitments respecting it. If the United States, from consideration of these embarrassments, de clined pressing their claims in a spirit of hostili ty, the motive ought, at least, to have been duly appreciated by the government of Spain. It is well known to her government that other powers have made to the United States an indemnity for like losses, sustained by their citizens at the same epoch. There is, nevertheless, a limit beyond which, this spirit of amity and forbearance can, in no in stance, be justified. If it was proper, to rely on amicable negotiation, for an indemnity for losses, it w ould not have been so, to Lave permitted the inability of Spain to fulfil her engagements, and to sustain her authority in the Floridas, to be perverted by foreign adventurers and savages, to purposes so destructive to the lives of our fellow citizens, and the highest interests of the United States. The right of self-defence never ceases. It is among the most sacred, and alike necessary to nations and to individuals. And, whether the attack be made by Spain, herself, or by those who abuse her power, its obligation is not tiie less strong. The invaders of Amelia Island had assumed a popular and respectable title, under w hich tlv. ; might approach or. wound us. As their object was distinctly seen, and the duty im posed on the executive, by an existing law, was profoundly felt, that mask was not permitted to protect tnym. It was thought incumbent outlie United States, to possess the establishment, and it was accordingly done. The combination in Florida, foi the unlawful purposes stated, the acts perpetrated by that combination, and, above all, the incitement of the Indians, to massacre our fellow-citizens, of every age, and of both sexes, merited a like treatment, and received it. In pursuing these savages to an imaginary line, in the woods it would nave been the heighth of folly to have suffered that line to protect them. Had that been done, the war could never cease. Even if the territory had been, exclusively, that of Spain, and her power complete over it, w r e had a right, by the law of nations, to follow the enemy on it, and to subdue him there. Hut the territory belonged, in a certain sense, at least, to the.savage enemy who inhabited it, the power of Spain had ceased to exist over it, and protection \yas sought, under her title, by'those who had committed on our citizens hostilities, which she was bound, by treaty, to have prevented, but had not the power to prevent. To have stopped at that line, would have given new encouragement to these savages, and new vigor to the whole combination e xisting there, in the prosecution of all its pernicious purposes. In suppressing the establishment at Amelia Island, no unfriendliness w as manifested towards Spain, because the post was taken from a force w hich had wrested it from her. The measure, it is true, was not adopted in concert with the Spanish government, or those in authority under it, because, in transactions connected with the war, in which Spain and her colonies are engag ed, it was thought proper, in doing justice to the United States, to maintain a strict impartiality towards both the belligerent parties, without con sulting or acting in concert with either. It gives me pleasure to state that the governments of Bu enos Ayres and Venezuela, w hose narilcs were assumed, have explicitly disclaimed all partici pation in those measures, and even the know ledge of them, until communicated by this gov ernment, and have also expressed their satisfac tion, that a course of proceeding had been sup pressed, which, if justly imputable to them, would dishonor their cause. In authorising major general Jackson to enter Florida, in pursuit of the Seminolcs, care was taken not to encroach on the rights of Spain.— 1 regret to have to add, that, in executing this order, facts were disclosed, respecting the con duct of the officers of Spain, in authority there, in encouraging the war, furnishing munitions of war, and other supplies to carry it on, and in other acts not less marked, which evinced their participation in the hostile pur poses of that combination, and justified the confidence, w ith which it iuspired the savages, that by those officers they would be protected.— A conduct so incompatible with the friendly re existing between the two countries, par- the positive obligation of the sth HBQhBl ; vot ; 1-\ V. i'iAi Spam V. as from acts of hostility against the United States, I could not fail to excite surprise. The command ing general was convinced that he should fail in his object, that he should, in effect, accomplish nothing, if he did not deprive those savages of the resource on which they had calculated, and of the protection on which they had relied, in making the war. As all the documents, relat ing to this occurrence, will be laid before con gress, it is not necessary to enter into further de tail respecting it. Although the reasons which induced major general Jackson to take these posts were duly appreciated, there w r as, nevertheless, no hesita tion in deciding on the course which it became the government to pursue. As there w'as rea son to believe that the commanders of these posts had violated their instructions, there w r as no dis position to impute to their government a conduct so unprovoked and hostile. An order was in consequence issued to the general in command there, to deliver the posts; Pensacola, uncondi tionally to any person duly authorized to receive it; and St. Marks, which is in the heart of the In dian country, on the arrival of a competent force to defend it against those savages and their associates. In entering Florida to suppress this combina tion, no idea was entertained of hostility to Spain, and, however justifiable the commanding gener al was, in consequence of the misconduct of the Spanish officers, in entering St. Marks and Pen sacola, to terminate it, by proving to the savages and their associates, that they should not be pro tected, even there; yet, the amicable relations existing between the United States and Spain could not be altered by that act alone. By or dering the restitution of the posts, those relations were preserved. To a change of the power of the executive is deemed incompetent. It is vested in congress only. By this measure, so promptly taken, due res pect was shown to the government of Spain.— The misconduct of her officers has not been im puted to her. She was enabled to review with candor her relations with the United States, and her own situation, particularly in respect to the territory in question, with the dangers insepara ble from it; and, regarding the losses we have sustained, for which indemnity has been so long withheld, and the injuries we have suffered through that territory, and her means of redress, she was likewise enabled to take, with honor, th% course best calculated to do justice to the United States, and to promote her own welfare. Copies of the instructions to the commanding general; of his correspondence with the'secreta ry of war, explaining his motives, and justifying his conduct, with a copy of the proceedings of the courts martial, in*the trial of Arbuthnot and Ambristie; and of the correspondence between the secretary of state and the minister plenipo tentiary of Spain, near this government; and of the minister plenipotentiary of the United States, at Madrid,,wfni the government of Spain, will be laid before congress. JFhe civil war, which basso long prevailed be- Bveen Spain, and the provinces in South A mem % still continues without any prospect of its speedy termination. The information respect ing the condition of those countries, which has been collected by the commissioners, recently returned thence, will be laid before con gress, in their reports, with such other information as hhs. been received from other a gents of the UnitecFStates. It appears, from tfigse communications, that the government of Buenos Ayres declared itself independent in July, 1816, having previously ex ercised the power of an inGependent govern ment, though in the name of the, king of Spain, from the, year 1810: that, the Banda Oriental, Entre Reos, and Paraguay, with the cuy of Santa Fee, all of which are equally independent, arc unconnected with the present government of Buenos Ayres: that Chili has declared itsWj’ in dependent, and is closely connected with Bucflbs Ayres: that Venezuela has also declared itself independent, and now maintains the conflict with various auccess; and that the remaining parts of South America, except Monte Video, and such and such other portions of the eastern bank of the La Plata as are held by Portugal, are still in the possession of Spain, or, in a certain degree, un der her influence. By a circular note addressed by the ministers of Spain to the allied powers with wnom they are respectively accredited, it appears - that the allies have undertaken to mediate between Spain and the South American provinces, and that the manner and extent of their interposition w ould be settled by a congress, which was to have met at Aix-la-Chapelle, in September last From the general policy and course of proceeding ob served by the allied powers in regard to this con test, it is inferred that they will confine their-in terposition to the expression of their sentiments; abstaining front the application of force. I state this impression, that force will not be applied, with the greater satisfaction, because it is a course more consistent with justice, and likewise authorises a hope that the calamities of the war will he confined to the parties only, and will be of shorter duration. From the view taken of this subject, founded on all the information that we have been able to obtain, there is good cause to be satisfied with the course heretofore pursued by the United States, in regard to this contest, and to conclude, that it is proper to adhere to it, especially in the present state of affairs. I have great satisfaction in stating, that tmr re lations with France, Russia, and other powers, continue on the most friendly basis. In our domestic concerns, we have ample cause of satisfaction. The receipts into the trea sury, during the three first quarters of the year, have exceed seventeen million of dollars. After satisfying all the demands which have been made under existing appropriations, includ ing the final extinction of the old six per cent, stock, and the redemption of a moiety of the Louisiana debt, It is estimated that there w lil rc - main in the treasury, on the first day of January next, more than two millions of dollars. It is ascertained that the gross revenue w hich has accrued from the customs during the same period amounts to twenty-one millions of dollars, and that the revenue of the whole year may be estimated at not less than twenty-six millions.— The sale of the public lands during the year has also greatly exceeded, both in quantity and price, that of any former year; and there is just reason to expect a progressive improvement in that source of revenue. It is gratifying to know, that, although the an nual expenditure has been increased, by the act of the last session of congress, providing for re volutionary pensions, to an amount about equal to the proceeds of the internal duties, which were then repealed: the revenue for the ensuing year will be proportionally augmented, and that, whilst the public expenditure will probably re main stationary, each successive year will add to the national resources, by the ordinary in-* crease of our population, and by the gradual de velopement of our latent sources of national pros perity. The strict execution of the revenue laws, re sulting principally from the salutary provisions of the actofthc 20th of April last, amending the several collection law's, has, it is presumed, se cured to domestic manufactures all the relief that can be derived from the duties which have been imposed upon foreign merchandize, for their the influence of this relief, several import ant national inte rest have assumcu^^B|^acti vity, and although it is hoped that revive, and every the exmx]j|WPWiA£ranting further mTOoto your consideration. The measures of defence, authorized by exist ing laws, have be cn pursued w ith the zeal and activity due to so .important an object, and with all the despatcli practicable in so extensive and great an undertaking. The survey of our mari time and inland frontiers lias been continued; and, at the points where it tvas decided to erect forti fications, the work has been commenced, and, in some instances, considerable progress has been made. In compliance with resolutions of the last session, the board of commissioners were di rected- to examine in.a particular manner the parts of the coast therein designated, and to re port their opinion of the most suitable scites for two naval depots. This work is in a train of ex ecution. The opinion of the board on this sub ject, with a plan of all the works necessary to a general system of defence, so far as it has been formed, will be laid before congress, in a report from the proper deparment, as soon as it can be prepared. In conformity with the appropriations of the last ses sion, treaties have been formed with the Quapaw tribe ot Indians, inhabiting, the country on the Arkansaw, and with the Great and Little Osages north of the White river; with the tribes in the state of Indiana; with the se veral tribes within the state of Ohio, and tlie Michigan territory; and with the Chickasaws; by which very ex •ttisive cessions of territory have been made to the Unit ed States. Negociations are now depending with the tribes in the Illinois territory, and with the Choctaws, by which it is expected that other extensive cessions will lie made. I take great interest in stating that the cessions already made, which are considered so impor tant to the United States, have been obtained on condi tions very satisfactory to the Indians. y> ith a view to the security of our inland frontiers, it. has been thought expedient to establish strong posts at the mouth of the Yellow Stone river, and at the Man dan village, on the Missouri; and at the mouth of the St. Peter’s, on the Mississippi, at no great distancp from our northern boundaries. It can hardly be presumed, while such posts are maintained in the rear of the Indi an tribes, that they will venture to attack our peaceable inhabitants. A strong hope is entertained that this measure will likewise be productive of much good to the tribes themselves; especially in promoting the great object of their civilization. Experience lias clearly demonstrated, that independent savage communities cannot long exist within the limits of a civilized population. The progress of the latter has, almost in • variably, terminated in the extinction of the former, es pecially ot the tribes belonging to our portion of this hemisphere, among whom, loftiness of sentiment, and gallantry in action, have been conspicuous. To civi lize them and even to prevent their extinction, it seems to be indispensible that their independence, as commu nities, should cease, and that the control of the United States over them should be complete and undisputed.— Ihe hunter-state will then be more easily abandoned, and recourse will be had to the acquisition and culture of land, and to other pursuits tending to dissolve the ties which connect them together as a savage comniun ty, and to give anew character to every individual. 1 pre sent this subject to the consideration of congress,'on the the presumption that it may be found expedient and practicable to adopt some benevolent provisions, having these objects in view, relative to the tribes with in our settlements. It has been necessary during the present year to maintain a strovg naval force in the Mediterranean, and in the gull Mexico, and to send some public ships along the southern coast, and to the Pacific ocean. By these means, amicable relations with the Barbary powers have been preserved, our commerce has been protect ed, and our rights respected. The augmentation of our navy is advancing, with a steady progress, towards the limit contemplated by law. 1 communicate, with great satisfaction, the accession of another state, Illinois, to our union, because I per ceive, from the proof afforded by the additions already made; the regular progress and sure consummatln of a policy, of which history affords no example, and of which the good effect cannot be too highly estimated.— By extending our government on the principles of our constitution, over the vast territory within our limits, on the lakes and the Mississippi, and its numerous streams, new life and vigor are infused into every part of our system. By increasing the number of the states, the confidence of the state governments in their own security is increased, and their jealousy of the national government proportionally diminished. The imprac ticability of one consolidated government for thi# great and growing nation* will be more apparent, and wul be universally admitted; fnciqjahle ofirxercising local au thority, except the general gov verninemuaM^lmmgerbe dreaded. Tn those cases of aioeaf nature, and for all the great purposes for which it was instituted, its authority will be cherished. Each j government will acquire new force, and a greater free dom of action, within its proper sphere. Other iilesti- I mable advantages will follow: our produce will be aug i mented to an incalculable amount, in articles of the ! greatest value for domestic use and foreign commerce. ! Our navigation will, in like degree, be increased; and. i as the shipping of the Atlantic states will bo employed