Darien gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1818-1828, January 11, 1819, Image 3

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SPANISH CABINET. The appointment of two of the Spanish minis ters is merely temporary; admiral Cisneros is the only one whose nomination is definitive. He was victor) of Buenos Ayres when the insurrection took place there. M. Joseph Imaz, whose ap pointment is only temporary, formerly held a piace in the financial department, and has the reputation of being an hon. st man. Marquis de Caza d’Yrugo was, at different periods, minister from Spain to the United States, and at Rio Ja neiro. It is thought that he will remain in his present office only till the return of the Spanish minister, the duke of San Carlos. Report says, that Pizarro had communicated a royal order for the delivery of the Floridan to the Anglo-Ameri cans, but that Me minister Onis prevented its be ing carried into tffi ct , as it is further said he had arranged the matter for a consideration equal to three millions of dollars, and a compromise res pecting claims due to the Americans.—Phila delphia Gazette. TREATY WITH THE UNITED STATES. London, October 23. We yesterday announced the departure of the American minister, Mr. Gallatin, for Paris.— The result of his negociations with our ministers, during his visit to London, has transpired. It is understood that he has concluded a treaty with the British commissioners, by which all die chief points in negociation with the United States, were happily and satisfactorily adjusted. The boun dary which has been in dispute ever since the treaty of the earl of Shelburne, is now accurate ly fixed. An arrangemement has taken place as to the American right of fishing on the shores of Newfoundland. Provisions arc also agreed on for the intercourse of the vesssels of the United States, with the British West Indies. And the oniy unsettled point is that of the right of visita tion and seizure found on board of the ships of either country during war. It it said that on this point Mr. Galiatin was to refer the proposition which had been made by the British commission ers to his government. The treaty itself, we pre sume, will not be mack public till the return of advices from America, but report states that the above is the substance.— Globe. November 1. A REVOLUTIONARY EXPEDITION. It is understood that sir Gregor MacGregor’s expedition will receive a considerable accession ol force from continental volunteers. He has chartered ten transports. It rumored that they will rendezvous at Oid Providence, off the Mus quito shore, where commodore Aury has aiiea dy made a lodgment; and thence, tliat si: G. will diiect his future movimtiitsjAcording to cir cumstances, so as either to ufrcn a direct com munication with the indepuprflents interior ol New-Grenada, or an nHftrtant di- Ti ision in their Ending of Darien. It is iiis ■ ■ ll ■ ; 9 1 Mt’ ‘* ss■> <■ \v v V ’ ’ m ■ Mt", ■ u ■ i- ‘ v., J •• • • ■ SB ‘'■"’ ■, . Wm§MMSmrnmm& ” ‘ ‘“ 1 ‘ I I, *• •■ - ,” “ rtM.. :( -st<<i !, v ii,. ‘■- : •■< ■ n..i,'ui, t , , t •on. an led from the e\ivuthe of Vi\(B i' l^ to the :;ti jip .u;t aiul msprcu.. ‘“ ‘’ :i- , iiii;;-i(!ii <’i *;. In ninioi :mh wniHBHBBH •■'' ! “ :t V•, !l ” ;, " n,|;i! ‘•’ ’"•” “• 1 in ‘>><iii-JBbHHb / " n> arof! ‘I !; as uas |. :•:(.•!•< ?°Py t,f the militia law. AVe -are iPIv jutant-gencral tlial the strength of the r < lid a of this smesisl*-* FROM VENEZUELA. We have (says the NewA ork Columbia:,') a letter from \enezuela of November 6, and a paper of a lac to*” <*t. V proclamalion, hisof! hce to the people, vv ho were to elect a successor. I[ e declared he would accept only of a militar, anrjoint ment, and on the first day of peace he would retire to private life. Our correspondent represents him as im becile usurper, who resigns from necessity only It is believed the independents will attain their object lim ing the present campaign. J downer §• K.iTO.y, COACH and CHAIR MANUFACTURPRS 1 1 ESPEC.TFIJLLY inform the inhabitants of n. P , er ’ .i land its vicintv, that the-, have commenced tfi, ah e business in this place, ami solicit their patronage. T f,ev wul make and repair coaches, chairs and waggons the shortest notice and ir, the best manner. mn u_ l2 - T\ the of • -f 1 3f%! ‘ k. M DAIREN, MONDAY, JJRUA RY 11, 1819. (O* Rotation of franchise? Pursuit to a number of the citizens of this Wnty convcnd, on the 4th instant, at the court-houiie, for the purpose of voting for a repre sentative tcAiill the vacancy occasioned by the election of John Forsyth to the i^iate— but no election took place, though the mu fist rates authorized to preside had taken their seats, clerks bken appoints, and the candidates announ ced. A*o vote receive M, though the peophthcere ready to render in thei)’ suff'ra\s at the poll, and had evinced no disposition, eWher by tvbw/t or insult, to interrupt the justices in proceeding to thejbeifonuance of their duties!.'! The county is, :i* it indignant at so flagrant and unprecedented a \fclation of the birth-right of a free people—a right on which depends the very exis tence of the republic, personalliberty, and all that dis tinguish the American citizen from the abject slave of an Asiatic despot. spirits of republicans will not submit to the usiwpation, and the public voice demands that an explanation begivetfty the magistrates implicated in the transgresion andntonement be made to violated laws of our dfuntry. On the 4th instant, the'Justices of the Inferior Court of MHntosh county elected Mr. James Burnett clerk of the Court of on the same day, appoint ed Captain James PeeotUo take the returns of persons entitled to draws in the present land lottery. Messrs. Editors — last, the day pro claimed bv our executi-Jrfa*tn election to fill the va cancy occasioned,by tile elevation of Mr. Forsyth, I have noticed a considerable excitement in the public mind against one of our ifcagisfrates. Not being pre sent on the occasion, and fiesirous of a faithful repre sentation of faces, I beeJiAve, through the medium of your paper, to ask the ■lowing Questions, viz. 1. Were the polls opfted in due form? 2. Did any individual Magistrate; object to opening?* 3. IVas there* a constitutional mupber of magistrates present, indeplndent of*ie delinquent; and why did they not proceed? * 4. What number of iJlters were; present, and did they demand tint the poßi should be opened? 5. Was anylmdue used, by any individual derogatory to |he right octree sufferage, and how was that influence exerted? ■ 6. Did this ■ldivi.iual aprt'ur control the magistrates and people, flat they cdLld not unite in loud indigna tion against tlfe usurpation? The seventi and last question, Messrs, editors, not relating to iattcr of fact, !>\t being rather casuistical, 1 beg the faxor of you to answer for the benefit of your readers, vizi Would itXiot be more aagnanimous, &> arrest on the spot an illAa) proceeding, when in dA power, than to permit lie consummation of the evilMvith the view of afterwards enkindling an insidious flskie to destroy the aggrlssor? ■CITIZEN. An answer to the sewnth interrogator seems to be almos* superfluous, as it w ill readily be admitted that to prevent an error is muchMnore honorable and humane than to punish a crime.V To warn a fellow being a gainst, and fro*, committing an improper fctJtfhe dutv n™,. rjataJj'idual of the human fami of ‘he ! and guided most : e ■MLt'mv'a r Minus “ions’ our , hers suffered just so. Tbev lived to see hal^^^ ’ ovtdv pfedges fall asleep, arnUhen they folloll^w hat heavenly consolation It tto have comZy in i’ fLenonl (an it be possible that man can have sudi’ social feelmgs existing in his heart, that, because some hay e lived here and died quickly, that thev yy ill f n™° their example in preference of Strangdy i ue. lam one among you, a beautiful sample of four loveE m-ihhele Deformity stared at me, and hadhk o m ° W " ; - bU j find > labori u research, that 1 yy as eqmped with every limb al though most wretchedly fashioned, she sighed and lift me. I all. sli , n . .leader, pale, neyer was known to run more than twenty yards at anv one f ime. fn fart Kwmii i. * * auls > • ‘ n *** T brcath would a>lowmTtodo so. AS for jumping 1 , the Lord have mercv! I tried and mv shins paid a tribute for that vain attemuf r h ‘S extremely anxiou. „ SitoSgh m. sed as-a a dreadful effma^sW bruised andfPknow the consent P ’ hii W “ Bolicited byiifparents to ‘'•H l iii’| l |^y in m^ ICati °^ inlin g my’beau nf ha in status quo* and at er I conimei c and th ’dav ,t: .1. • t> ' ll h my heels, and left, there, picture, painter and all. Our fields are as barren as the sands of Arabia.— Some of them have been in constant cultivation fora century, and no improvement, but a dreadful decrease, lias taken place in them. In fact a rich planter of our county cannot clear eight per centum on his capital stock, and a poor one cannot make money enough to buy two calico frocks for the old woman, and furnish bread for his family besides. If there ever was a strange infatuation, it is your be ing so excessively fond of remaining where you know you will poor while you do live, and where you live a living death. If there were no country to which you might migrate with ease, it would be some palliation to your conduct; but when large, extensive and fertile countries present themselves to you, iflering the great est benefits in the world, I am dumb and cannot ex press my wonder. Awake, oh! you that sleep; gather your flocks, and drive them to the delightful meadows that lie on the banks of the majestic Alabama. There health, plenty and all the blessings winch man is in search of may be found. Carry your chmrhes, your academies, and pastors with you, then shall the desert blossom as the rose and the solitary places shall be glad. Be bold in the attempt, anil the work is half completed. I am your friend. Liberty county, Ga. BILL LEGGINS. Mr. V. H, Viviov is not a candidate for alderman., WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. Darien, January 11, 1819. Cotton, sea-island, per lb. .... 50 a52 Do. upland do. - - - - - - 25 a26 Flour, Phil’a,’per barncl, .... 12 al2 50 Corn, per bushel, llOal 12$ Sugar, Georgia, per cwt 12 00 a 14 00 Molasses, Georgia, peV gallon, ... 60 a 70 Bunt, Darien, 4th proof, do. - - -• 1 37$ a 1 43| Ditto, jam. - 1 45 a 1 50 Brandy, Cognac,, per gallon, ... 275a 300 Whiskey, per galloij, 65 a 70 Gin, Holland, per gallon, 1 25 a 1 50 Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt. ... IJ$ u 17. Coffee, per lb 35 a 37$ Tea, per lb. 1 40 a 45 Bacon, Georgia, cwt ‘ 20 Pork, per bl. 26 a 28 Beef, per bl 11 a 20 Salt, per bushel, 75 Tobacco, leaf, per cwt. ..... none Soap, per lb 12 a 13 Canilles, northern mould, .... 19 a2l Ditto Georgia ditto, .... 23 a27 Iron, per cwt. 4 a 7 Steel, ditto, 9a 10 Lead, bar, 10 a 12 Powder, keg, 8 a 10 Shot, cwt. 10 a 11 Ranging Timber, per 1000 feet, - -800a 10 00 Scantling, .... ditto .... 18 00 Boards, pitch pine - - ditto - - -2200a 23 00 Ditto, white ditto - - ditto - - - 25 00 a3O 00 Staves, W. O. per 1000, 20 00 Ditto, ]{. O. ditto .... none Shingles, - - ditto 4 Advance on British Goods. Woollens, - 50 Cottons, 45 a 50 By Last Night's Mail. Actual prices of cotton at Liverpool, JVov. 2.—Uplands, 18d a 213; New-Orleans, 19fd a 22$d; sea-islands, 3s 2d a 3s sd, We are gratified to learn, by a letter from the agent of the company, tliat “the new steam-boat AJa- to_pl\ between this place and Da to 1 ( <.i- > lil. • ’ V anda >* fr° m Liverpool, arrived at New-York on SinTof”L 1, u1„:r ,>irc<l fro "’ *“ previous ?S Marine PORT OF DARIEN. AIIHIVE/). Schooner Only Son, Elbridge, Falmouth, (Mas* ) 17 days iron and I.me-To Yonge, Richardson & Cos. b n^ehS^Tk(-tSe , r. C ' ,arl “ to ’' > 3 **- , ~. NeW - orlea!l > A,,anis > Charleston, 4 days—an so ed cargo to Sawyer St Herring, consignee’s. _Joop Return, Fitzpatrick, witli shells from the islands •Nwice:’ 4 I P I ; i pe r on9 L re , ? ailt *TM against trusting the crew V o he Bri, | sh sfl 'P LQfc) W ELLINGTON, as nei ther the captain nor the Sdersigned will be resnonsi. ble for any debts of their Antraeting ja„ 5 x 12 * J ‘ H ‘ GI£KJE ! AUCTION. WILL be 9olu to the highest bidder on Monday, the Bth February, I'UVST LO l b E and F, pleasant ly situated in the city of Darien, having Vernon sq laru ‘to the west. Term —one half oftiie purchase money ( to be paid down} a credit of nine y day son the other , half, secured by a note w ith an approved indorser; tin* | purchasers to pay for titles. JOSHUA A. COFFEE, auctioneer. _Jan 11 12 _ HANK NOTICE. Wf\\mT.\>, by the 8 h secti nos the act, passed on ▼ ▼ the loth day of Decembei, 18t8, entitled “a. act to incorporate the Hank of Darien’* the Commissioners ! are authorised to call in twenty-five per cent on die amount subscribed, within sixty days af. er the passage of said act. Notice is hereby accordingly given, mat, on or before the 22 l day ol’ February next, subscribers to the Darien Bank are required to pay into the hands of the commissioners, at the counting-house of Messrs. Young, Itichardson & Cos. Darien, the aforesa.d twenty five per cent on tin amount of iheir several subscrip tions, in gold, silver, or such other money as is receiva ble in the treasury of this stale. THOMAS SPALDING, CALVIN BAKER, JACOB WOOD, PHILIP K.YONUE, WILLIAM A. DIN lIAM. The editors of the Miiledgeviile Journal are re quested to publish the above until the period for pay ingin the twenty fil e per centum expire, and forward their account to this office for jan 11—12 P^rCly/Aeston. • sJWw/>Rt.T>ANS, S. H. Adams, jw ■- master, sad TO-MORROW, JTIkXJv. with whatever fnylit may otter, and has good Ba ] K^S Mk : ' cco,l> inona iomdC passengers. jan rl f-—l 2 W TO WN PROPERTY. FROM thirty to fifty LOTS at Darien will be sold at auction, oi} the 2d Monday in March next. Condi tions one fourth cash, and the balance to be paid when the purchasers please, they paying eight per cent annu ally on the sums which ma_V be due, and giving, a mort gage on the premises, as a security for the payment of these sums. . A few Lots may he had at private sale by applying to Scott Crav and George Strpei, esqs. JOHN H. M‘INTL'S.I. (C/ Tlie editors of the Georgia Journal, and Savannah Mi scum will publifdi the aoove weekly until the da of sale, and forward their accounts to this office for pay ment; the proprietor of (he Snvartnali Republican publish it during the same period and forward Ins count for payment to the advertiser. flfl jan 11 12 V ASSJZE OF BREAD, M F JvxtAß., M MHK price of superfine Flour being twelve doliarlH J mid a half per barrel, of 196 lb. nett, Bread must weigh as follows: lb. ozk. cents loaf’ 1 14 6* cent loaf 0 14^ of which all bakers are required to take due notice. JAMES BURNETT, i. c. jan 11— —12 N YTHANIEL CORNWALL, h-ILCEIi h.\ll I'll A >: O _ JEW*-’ 1.1. EH, ‘lie iiiL.bitants ofDca^t^ *4 SB S ‘H jan 11 -12 A ‘* l W('**>Vl„S| owner may have i, i- n_afc- f,7“ “"I and rewarding bv sojff-sn3m n i! ■ , thls . atlv „ er, , liemen l quire at this office J ituity, the finder. In- f fan 11 12 R twenty Dollars 9 reward. ANA WAY on the 10th instant, from the plantation oclonging to the estate of major Edward WMe ij Sd c S , ,'K , J3, A, ™“ .Led row I ',;^ v- f ‘= c p le l’ f Afnc ns m MiHedgeville, abtJfllH .'Mrs of age, f.ve feet and a half high, stoutlvbtJHH ‘•!| P countenance, his face and with country marks, the latter very ivmarkJM ’ mg on the middle and running s ” l ' s - ffe W"i probably be unable tajtfJHHHHI 1 • Had on yy ben In- - - ’■"W” jilt: - |. M ’* sSmsEs^Kj^SB^BSSSSsSSBaSS^HwI^