Darien gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1818-1828, January 11, 1819, Image 4

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Poctrji. /') om a J.iv pool Paper. THE nil An-COLO RED BONNET. 11* r.H SENT TO A YOl'.Xft I.ADT, Ml.Mßl.it OF Til • SOCHTV OF KIIEMH, They may rant of their costume, and brilliant head dres ses, “ \ India i‘(|ii<,” “ala FrancaN,”orwhat t ‘.e they will; The may ialk of ti ares wlii--li gliMcr n t reuses, Kn ucath’d by the (iraec sand braided \i i kill; Vet. when all’s said and dor: •, tom; cy e tlu* drab bonnet lx tin- loveliest of any, an ! chief, when it t .us Not only the bright gloss<of ..citnexs upon ‘, Hut, beneath, tin xpress on Benevolence bears: Thin let Fashion exult in her vapi I vagaries, Frohiher fascina ion my favorite is free; He Folly’s the head-geer which momently varies, Hut a bonnet of ilrub is the ie to me. ‘I hough stately the ostrich-phiftie gracefully throwing Its feathery flashes of light to the eve; • Though so tasty and trim .s the Leghorn when g!o.. ir.g, With ribbons so brilliant, of various iKe; Yet somehow or other, though none can eem duller, Flian a simple drah bonnet to many agaze, It is, and it will be, my fiivoritc color Hound which, w khfmdi fondness, my fancy still pDvs; An lit well suits mv muse with a garlvid to wreathe it; A nd echo its praises with grat fulies’ glee; For, knowingtfte goodness th.it oft lurk s beneath it, The bonnet of drub beats the turban w ith me. Full many a rare gem the jjoet lci-l anted, Indie depths of jUte \eafl flimf# round it its sheen, And “full many a flow uncounted, Springs to j.fe, sir. Is ilPyf one and withers unseen. And well do I know that numbers, Array ’d in thx.lihl rt> ijeLcofubsreprove, Forms as fair as'V’er a poet’s sweet slumbers, \ud filers as lovely as ever ta iglit love. This I know and have felt; and thus knowing and feeling, A recreant minstrel I surely should be, If my heart fi-V attachment, and fondness concealing, Fho bonnet of drub wen- unhonored by me. I !ia\ e lyasl ’din llu full blaze of beaut; and f.isbion, Have seen these muted in gifts rich and rare, A in! crow n’d w it h a heart that w mild cherish com pass I on, And, In sympathy, soften what sorrow uius dnire; Yet, acknovv (edging this, wjiich I can do sower !v, Si ill the highest enjoyment this bus m e’er knew. The glance which it treasures most fondly and dearie, He nn’.t from under a bonnet oi'tbrb return! hue. *T>. as no pleasure and pride—it is past and bath perish’d, V kv b< t rack of a ship ui the deep-heaving si.; And a bonnet of drab is the sweetes’ to me! an To PILOTS. % t’ One, two 01 three emopttent PILOTS are wanted 1) . i_v lt.ir. Apply to AILMAM) i.EFILS, (1, ’1 10 sec’ry. Oil IF. public arc hereby notified, that A xthox v Sii u>- m , pilot from Supxdo bar to Darien, is suspend ed. lid he give satisfaction to the con messibners of pi lo age for tins district for charges .made ag.-ynst lum bv captain John Grilles. Hit order of tie , urd. Ait MAM) LF.FILS, scc’ry. OIT The commissioners of pilotage for the district of Du-mi w ill meet at the Fugle Hotel on the first Monday in F bruary next. Mr. .Shaddock, will consider this gs u summons to appear before tlie board on that dnv. jua 4—ll ARM AND 1> f ILS, tec y To Cotton Planters. fdl IF, undersigned • soa-isjakl cotton.’ a* his rcsidenc.c, hi I mmm- 7 torm'dile commodious Iwostm; Vd.W.'Y. pKv.s..i.t!y flier with a Lot, and (5. 11 i!dmg v . Also a ■ a/.EK. neatly finished w#T • .-or..pi e for two ni.i scs, and one good saddk’or 2%iw’ [Mil K. For terms appl *o i diNsON. dec 2b 10 A* dice. am IE partnership heretofore existing between the •-i subscribers is this day h” >lve Iby mu - mil con- i “” t * All persons having* claims aga.n.xt the mid con- on Robkht 1. . ’ x for net.., and ad to them a* e reques*. and make mi.no- HRfty . r . t; a ■ . . t v • ) . x. >■ i ‘ note or open 1 i SL The subscribers HAVE Jl’iT RECEIVED, AMD OFFER FOR SALE, ; TJ hogsheads Jamiacaand W< st-India Rum l i ditto New-Eiigland Rum 20 quarter cask# Malaga Wine 6 do. do. Sicily Madeira Wine 1 pipe Naples llrandy 1 do. Holland Gin 1 > barrels country do. jf 25 ditto rye Whiskey 1 hogshead and 25 barrels muscovado Sugar 17 chests and quarter boxes liy son, y oung by soil and imperial leas 10 bags green Coffee 5 do. Pepper 5 d<>. Pimento 15 box’ i mould Candles 10 ditto Soap 25 ditto Herrings 20 reruns w riting and letter Paper 3.1 quarter 4 boxes Spanish Cigars 3 barrels loaf Sugar 1 ! casks first quality Cheese 10 tons assorted hollow Ware j ton of SlrP, assorted sizes 10. kegs Haudry’s Powder 5 boxes Chocolate 12 kegs Crackers 5 boxes 8 by 10 Window Class 6 kegs white Lead in oil 9 pieces tow Cloth AISO, 2 cases first quality sow ling Pieces boxes Axes, screw Augers Superior Knives and Forks, jack and pen Knives Shingling Hatchets, Hammers Carpenter’s Planes, fke. 1 cask comprising a small assortment of Hardware for sal • by invoice 2 tmilks great Coat's ’! tic above articles are of (he first quality and are offer ed on as low terms as san be procured in town, bv CIIARI.ES D. MALYJiIE & CO. dec 7 7 IS ALL, COOKE & CO. Have just received, by the stoop fnutlet, sch’r Patty Ist Sal ly, and buy Polar, ter, from J\ ew- York, the following <>rti< b’y, which they op, , for sale on moderate terms : — o < hogsheads 4th proof Jamaica Rum ~ t ho,■means Wcsl-lncia ilo. 43 liogheaiis j.. . . , lb'iJ barrels $ Ncw-hi,gland do. 50 hogsheads \\ hiskey 50 hogsheads / , , . 80 oarrels 5 Apl ' K 10 pqies pure llJUaud (>m 100 t.uirrels rye * do. 1-4 pipes Cognac Rrandy 20 hogsheails Jamaica .Sugar 30 barrels loaf Sugar 100 oags Java Coflee 100 boxes Soap 50 ditfo Candles 50 barrels superfine Flour 25 half barrels do. # ‘ 25 do. do. buckwheat Meal 50 barrels pilot and navy ltread 50 do. mess Beef 25 do. mess Fork 40 kegs mamdaclureit Tobacco 6 dies shy son Tea 20 kegs 4, (>, 8, 10 and 12d Nails 12 barrels Hardware, assorted 7 cases, eont’g od sets of French China S large assortment oi'Homespuns 2000 pair N'egr . t-ltoos 40 trunks gentlemen’s;^,;ladies’ M r HH SBHBBBBBBS 1 H|HHHHH r "HHHHj ‘owe! ■'on . Icauem.y. fTT!:', fi r -it term of 11'} Opens on the’first Monday of .1 January iu and. In the mule and female departments of tins academy are tan gin all the branches of education iii wh.ch instruction is usually given in similar establish ; inents, T. G. SMITH, rector. Po~ie!toity ('Co. ) /hr. 7 7 Hoaks and Stationary. ‘ Generalass.<runcntof lit) hs and STATIONARY; a;-.'s received by the Vise Sisters, from Boston, ‘ia |* l\ 111 iii 1.1, SCVCMI CiiSOS ot IT UNITE RE, consisting ot ; Secretaries, Bureaus, ike. ; j V\>r sale by DANIEL JACKSON. j I.CV 9 3 To hme, *. , (non thv. ti:hm or us r. in mi,) %: ; lI \ MU.TON’S IVII. litres and STORES, r;J i I ther in whole or in different parts as may [ .3, occnpan’s. Also, a Bake House, with a .< .1 uu. dfcp ached'to it, and several 1 svia'l dwel’ ng Houses. Fcß-tiiis soplv to either of > tile s..bscribers. VamTKL HAMILTON, ’ -I)V> ID HAMILTON. Goods received on stow*--—the tire proof store ; Iwiii • - t “ nil. Daria for securitylgainst fire ■ i *e. 4 uts of tiie knl, requires no comment. [ 1 ie. above. * “ etec J -7 e t j ■Miev,bt apiH .. . | .t.V.SO.V Kf.vnKJtL V I n\B removed to the r sum oi .Air. >. Kiss, ad-: joining Mr. J. H Gibe’s, where he is exliK'iting for sale * a complete Assortment i r; ROC ERIES ally IA Rl) W a/e, on as favortvide terms as cat Joe procured jpFthis city— among w hick are J * 1 >0 hogsheads Jamaica mhn J 8 pipes Cognac and SpyJlsh Brand? 2 ditto Holland Gin t 12 hogsheads Molasses M J 8 duao Musco.ai^Sugar 1 diuo Time Juic* 3000 lbs. Coffee / 1000 lbs-loaf Sugar. M 30 barrels Gin and Wllskey 14 casks Slierry, Tenefcf and Manga W ines 8 barrels Cordial, 1 hovel Covnng 35 chest sand boxks impeaal, hy lon, young hyson and hy son skid T etum 1 8 bags Pepper and Pipento 10 kegs ground Ghigfr 35 boxes Soap andCfvdles 50 ditto Ist quality Cigars 12 ditto Macobau Snuff* 20 kegs Tobaeec# Alum, Copperas, lJll Brimstone, smoking Pipes Messufts, w ritingand w raping Paper Packing, sewing airafcpne Twine Cloth, hair, paint, lietarh, shoe and dirt Brushes 30 coils Rope of (liffereijrkmds Sash and bed Cord: jflwdk and fishing Lines Bonnet, log and hold Vines and bed Lacings, an assortment ’VI White Lead, bar Lca<Mutd Shot Knob Locks, long EJrhes with nobs Y v! S bitted, plate and sjpek flocks Trunk, eliest, cujifi/ard and pad Locks > H.andH. L. Ilingfc, g Con.mon Iron aimtable Buts Norfolk and bij")t Rpitches, Holts Iron, brass [ U Britannia and ti Te/Pots Screw s, Tack^'Cioims, cut Brads 2j Screw-Auger/silvc|umdplate|l Castors Tea-Tray s, racket (cs, Snmf-boxes 5 Brass Nai b, jp h-liooiW Cmubs J ~ An assortment of Sav, Plain-ions, Chissels Gouges, Fdes and Mimps Patent andforass C<*ks Flush Holts, Kniv In*d Forks, npn & Jack-knives Shears and sor: A go>. dfass ttinent Scale-Reams, SteeiyaSis, carpeiter’s and shing ling Hatchets I Axes, \Yghts, Coffel-Mills, Frying Pans. Grid-MMts, coppeiii’ea Kettles Wafle-Irains, tea, TablA.-poons Shoe and carpenter* fummerslilrawdng Knives Ink-Stands, a Wge a*ovtment ; Kind-boxes Patent -and conmmuffloes, Spa<lA Pegging and sewiag Aw Is and H:s Centre /Fits, sniitf s Braces, Iron-Vquares Carpenfo rs Chains, S*e-Floats Pfioe Ijfucers and Nitwiers, carpenKi ’s Pinchers .Shoe anives, 1 Ics, .foint CompassKs Spikcndnad Girnblets, Tap-Borem SmiflWsand ‘Fray s, Jews-harp.s, SleSte-Links TruiAllandles, Razors Shews and Tongs, Ink-Hwder, I.ead-Pei*!ls, Thimbles | Cork-Screws, Turn Screws Sash Pnlfies, Cupboa/l ‘Burns, hand Vices BclkfHHKought a Jr. cut Nails, with many other t£o led iojg i<> enumei ate. ‘Hie above tfoods hayqfc A selected with ,f .. a ¥tt are of the —thev ■ ■ W I V ii'iumT il oil. ~ Jl^^Rcingharbored bv am white person. JOHN lIOLZENDORF, sen. X. B. If Hose return of her own accord, she will be forgiven. • dec 14 6 An Overseer wanted , is well acquainted with the culture of Rice’ f ? and the settlement of River Swamp. Inquire at this office. dec 7 a 7 Wanted to hire rjIHREE or four AXE-11EN; for whom liberal wages 1 k will be given, payable monthly, quarterly or yearly. , Inquire at this office, nov 23 j Wanted A pW.SSFD DFJCK to and j\ supermSud a brick establish: its several branches, a f rom most liberal be the bricks, or so rll r Vifrilw'’ iil mV kilns the clay’ (fro*. 1’ * f %nce) is fi j3r!n|j *tV equal to any in the s"ateo*fKprc ts, mNtthis ar ranged, with t&jr for twenty hands, j <-v more, to hgfc directors shall, .vtSA r - None need M'Tntosh county—Superior court, ■ NdVEMBtII Teh.m, 1818. JAMES CALDER, T vs. “ s Pule AVsi. RVSSELL FOWLETt,^ l PON the petition of James Cal ler, stating that Russell Fowler is indebted to lum in the sum of nine h m dred dollars by his two se\’ r:.l bonds, drawn by the said Russell Fowler, amount mg io nine hundred dollars, and th. ■ to secure the p: yment of the same, the said Russell Fowler did, on the seventh day.of July, one tnousand eig. hundred an4tv. < he, mortga; ..h dial tract of i.md granted to James ('alder for three hundred and fifty acres, dated the 29tlidav of November. 1818. secretary’s office, in book E. E. V. E. E. folio 588, dived the 30th day of November, &o , situate, lying uul being m the county of M’lntosh, bounde 1 northw t stw ardiy by Rob. ert Calder’s, soutbeas"war Uy by bupelo creek, :*oi. - westwardlv by Miller’s, and northeastwardly by Bat rl Gerald’s land. It is ordered, That tlic said Russell Fowler do pay into court the principal and interest due on the said t wo sev eral In nils, within twelve months tmui the .j e.hereof, otherwise the eqifitv of the redemption of tin r - mort gaged premises will be foreclosed — and ii is ordered, ’Flint tins rule be published once a month for twelve months in one of tht> public gazette of and is state, or serv ed on the mortgage within six months from this date. Team the .1 linutev. * 1. II A ii. IE, clerk. jan 4 - ■ r , ~ii: T 11 NOTICE. On the 1 5th of February next, Will he hired, at public outcry, oil the farm of John ham, M ay r.e county', between the usual hours, Four Negroes, (Stepney, less, simm and Dina) and the said the dwelling house excepted. Flic Urnis will be made known on the da of hire. MARY G!?A MAM, ex’rx. A. AI‘DONALD, ex‘or. jan 4 w 11 S’ erijf's sate. On the fi]#.t Tuesday in F*l)i-nary next, Wilt be sold as the Court-hot;, ■= in this cor 1 fit, between thy vsv at hours of 10 and 3 o'cl ck, the foil-red nf two negro rs, f ( ATE and her son Joe, levied on as the property of Green B. Tillman, mid r a forcclo-vir T mortgage from said Green B. Tillour. to William < fig. JAMES PELOT, j. s. v. c. nov 30 fi . M tit ir is tret riv's sole. Or Tuesday, 23<! of February next, ‘Fill be sold at the resid rtc of the laic Cyrus Dart, in GUfrn comity, One tract of land contruimg two Inindrod and fifty acres, with the improver? nts thereon, belonging ! > the estate of the said fly rus Dart, deceased, an I sold tor the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the dav. of sale. ANN DART, adm'rx. dec 21 icj-A 9 AJ^OBMJS'iNCE A |nn-m|: mwx op iiviiifx. He before the first day of Jann ary of all owner or owners of lui.j f| !.■ of lea'ln r, of he conmHi A theTMowing proport:..'.., to ■ ‘ A ■ H WILSON & CO. throughout the I nited of the National Regis- insertions. ■H’ subscription, L J JUSTICE. Vi make this work not only a guide for peace, but a kind of Citizen's Mamie!. te duties of Clerks, Sheriffs, Coroners. 1 Constables, Executors, Administra as w ell as those of Justices, will bn ich will be added many useful form", T , N interrogatories, for conveying’ real and pel Inal property , and such other information j as may enable every citizen, of ordinary capacity, to transact most of liis law-business without the assistante of an attorr* y . A gentleman of respectable legal attainments is now engaged i,i the compilation, in which he will be aided by aprofesarnal character of deservedly high standing.—. To have 1 1, work as perfect as possible, it will be sub -1 mitted for revision and correction, before it is printed, to the Judg of the several Superior court , and others | learned iii the laws of the state. Suc.hjspi-oduction has been long wanted—and as the publishes will spare no pains nor expense to make it ’ useful, llu y rely with confidence on being liberally en eon raged ii this expensive and laborious undertaking. It will 1 printed on good paper, with anew type—wdl be well bound, and form a large octavo volume. The juice to subscribers will not exceed five dollars each. Any pesr.n obtaining twenty signatures, a@d becoming resjupdble therefor, shall be entitled to a copy gratd. 3ub.se; ptbrn papers are ready, and will be furnished, on application, to those who will be active in circulat ing tli m, The work will be put to press as soon aa comp and, provided a thousand subscribers shall have been itaiw- E , ron lie it, w m-*? o !,’ i • s pi i W'ei l 7^7^",-J Vjj