Darien gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1818-1828, January 18, 1819, Image 4

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From the Savannah Georgian. OUR RELATIONS WITH SPAIN. There seems to be Imt little appearance of a satisfac tory termination of our differences with Spain. D’Oms insists positively upon terms which Mr. Adams positive ly refuses. Our affairs with his embolic majesty, are exceedingly tangled. There Is a Gordian knot in the thread of our ncgociation, which must probably, he cut xviib the sword. D’Onis, after “approximating his pro posals as nearly as possible” for him to do, to those of Sir. Adams, is far from coinciding with him. Ist. —The United States arc required to indemnify Spain for all damages done in Florida by our troops, not forgetting the revenue collected by general Jackson, during h.s brief government of the Spanish territory . But Mr. Adams tells D’Onis that re, instead of Spain, should be indemnified, and that we had item,,tuledit. 2d.— The I ‘mted States insist that all grants and sales of land, made in Florida, by his catholic majesty, or law lul Spanish authorities, since the year 1892, ahull he null and void. To tins, D’Oms “cannot content” inasmuch as it is offensive to the “dignity,” ct cetera, of Spam. oil.—The boundary line between the territories of Spain and the United Slates, is a subject upon which they flatly disagree. D’Onis admits the Sabine river as the bouhdun (instead of the Mermenta) upon the con dition, that the line “shall run due north from the point v here it crosses Red river, till it strikesthe Mississippi.” Leaving all the territory on the right side to Spam, and that on the left to the I ‘nited States! —Mr. Adams thanks him as much ax if he did, and oositively requires line he extended to the MisJfciri, and thence Spanish possessions to the nMic ocean. milnstctaiyps that Ibis extern* >%r\cci ds tude and tr:m*ccndancv, all punier clines stipulating on tins 1 fagrees to admit the \,\m give it sufficient obliquity make it strike the Missouri. The are dedai ed to lie 1 diimutu, and we eanno: honora ble to both parties w|fHU puke, VKI.f.OVV STONI^^E*. Advices f'' ( Osage, inform i^| expe dition liad arrived place, and •would proceed one or further up the Missouri this is three hundred miles by water above Missouri,'Wd is the present west.” The safety with u expedition,eonsistliSg of ten floats has ascended this stream, is an evidence that the danger ol navigating that river is more imaginary than real.— Several boats,carrying provisions to the Yellow Stone, have passed St. l.ouis within a few weeks past; one of which has been lost in the Missouri, between St. Charles anil Belle-Fontaine — St Louis Enc/uirer. VARIETY STORK. The subscriber, late of the Jinn of .Merrill U Parsons , has just received, per schooner Betsey & Eliza, from N,no- York, a general assortment of GOODS, -ohm'll he is ■now opening at the new store,'opposite Mr. WilMam 11. hfolsetidorf's hotel, consisting of Groceries, &C. ] J Iff'AL Cognac Brandy and Holland Gin, in demijohns Jamaica and N. K. Rum, best ry e Gin Mackerel, Herring, Soap and Candles Lump, loaf and muscovado Sugars Pepper and Pimento, Starch, t.uigcr, Pearl-Ash Raisins, Olives, Olive Oil, macobau and Scotch Snuff Chunck, leaf and short cut Tobacco, Crackers in kegs, Cheese, imperial and hyson Teas Coffee, Chocolate, Cayenne Pepper; Shot, all sizes •Spanish and American Cigars, Tone riff Wine, Porter Saw Mills and cross cut Saws, blacksmith’s Bellows Vices, Anvils, Hammers and Screw Plates Frving Pans, Trace Chains, patent cast steel Hoes Club Axes, Wolf and Bear Flaps, Waffle Irons Shovels and Spades, w ire and hair Stiver! Coopers’ and carpenter’s Adz.se; Augers, all sizes Sad Irons; stock, nob, pad and house Locks Chest and trunk Locks, large and small Steeh arils Fancy, tobacco and snuff Boxes; gun and rifle Locks Sportsmen and Spanish Knives, pocket,pen and jack do. Tutanic and iron Spoons, Scissors, Butts and Screw s Brass Jewsliarps, silver and steel Thimbles Patent Snuffers and Tray s, plated Spurs iMagnum Bonum Razors in cases, Pocket-Books Iht L. Hinges, powder Flasks, Norfolk Latches Buttons and Rings, glass and stone Buttons and im t hew man Buttons, clot h Brushes and small Waits, Knives and Forks Ink-Powder, Curry-Combs V i -in’ll and hand-saw Files, I at k sand Brails Hv.ails, Molts, brass ( neks, look’s Knives Bells, Weights, plated Fasti j£§s§B'’s hoard \\is, patent llaneh Coif-e-Mills Ni ■ - 1 !■ s. li ,I| 1 aiu-s. !>i • i ‘or. U. id u.<- i .hies Drai.ing-Kn'-ves, eurtain Pais, Pencils and < uses Hammers and shingling Hatchets ffjHri-r Toothpicks, Brittania Tea-Pots, sugar fs cream do. Candlesticks, japanned Lamps, chalk Lines Iron Squares; carpenter’s Rules and Compasses Long and short Jointers, jack Panes, smooth Planes Match Planes, moulding Planes, Plane-Irons Socket Chissels; mortice do. Armors’ do. Beads Fair-Rings, linger Rings Necklaces, waggon Whips Whip Thongs common hide Whips, riveted Gimulcts Hand, sash and key hole Saws Dry Goods, Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Plains London duffle and rose Blankets, Cashmeer Shawls •* Black Canton Handkerchiefs, flag and Bandana dpf F tie J.incus, Linen Sheetings, Flannels, Dow©# Mdlinetts, sew ing silk, patent w ire Thread, irntton B;dls Black Sarsnetts, super Calicoes Furniture do, fine black worst oil stocjrmgs Wh’te and grey latpb’s wood Hose. Itulies’ cloth Vestings,linnen Cambric, iiandkcrchiefs Lad'csi, misses’ and ack straw Uotinets, ai^ificial'bonnet \\ imdjk Ladies’, misses’ andchildrNi smoroccoai#j>ijircpiiißki. Gentlemen’s lhUHrtmil Slioes, elegant moivwMnps Negro anil Ha's. \ Also, Jr complete assortment of tiigNstone, hollow', <rockjjty and glass Ware, Books, Sec. ON CONSTRXMENT, Wr 15 dozen Wintlsor Chairs 5 one horse M'aggons 1 box cotton Cards 1 trunk ladies’ kid shoes E;t quality iwers r sale, at fair prices, LIS R. MERRILL. be VS Is and the public, that receiving, a verv The subscribers HAVE Jt’ST RKCEIVKO, AND OFFER FOR SALE, Z'j togsheads Jamiaca and West-India Rum 12 ditto New-England Rum 20 quartercasks Malaga Wine 6 do. do. Sicily Madeira Wine 1 pipe Naples Brandy 1 do. Holland Gin 1.5 barrels country do. 25 ditto rye Whiskey 1 hogshead and 25 barrels muscovado Sugar 17 chests and quarter boxes by son, young by son and imperial Teas 10 bags green Coffee 5 do. Pepper 5 do. Pimento 15 boxes mould Candles 10 ditto Soap 25 ditto Herrings ” 20 reams writing and letter Pappy 3.1 quarter boxes Spanish Cigars 3 barrels loaf Sugar F2 casks first quality Cheese 10 tons assorted hollow M are J ton of Khot, assorted sizes 10 kegs Bawdry's Powder 5 boxes Chocolate 12 kegs Crackers 5 boxes 8 by 10 Window Glass 6 kegs while Lead in oil * 9 pieces tow Cloth A I/SO, 2 cases first quality sow ling Pieces boxes Axes, screw Augers Superior Knives and Forks, jack and pen Knives Shingling Hatchets, Hammers • ( Carpenter’s Planes, &c. 1 cask comprising a tWall assortment of Hardware for sale by invoice 2 trunks great Coats The above articles are of the first quality and are offer ed on as low terms as sail he procugtd in town, by CHARLES 1). WI.TBIE & CO, dec 7 7 HALL, COOKE & CO. Have just received, by the sloop Linnet, sch'r Putty A Sal ly, and brig / J o/ander, from .\'ew-York, the following articles, which they off er for sale on moderate terms : — as logshcads 4th proof Jamaica Rum go hogsheads West-lndia do. 43 bogheads /, T ~ , , 100 barrels \ Ncw-hngland do. 50 hogsheads Whiskey £ teSr” i a i>p” v 10 pipes pure Holland Gin 100 barrels rye do. 14 pipes Cognac Brandy 20 hogsheads Jamaica Sugar 30 barrels loaf Sugar 100 nags Java Coffee 100 boxes Soap 50 ditto Candles 50 barrels superfine Flour 25 half barrels do. 25 do. do. buckwheat Meal 50 barrels pilot and navy Bread 50 do. mess Beef 25 do. mess Pork 40 kegs manufacture!! Tobacco 6 chests hyson Tea 20 kegs 4, <i, 8, 10 and I2d Nails 12 barrels Hardware, assorted 7 cases, eont’g 30 sets of French China A large assortment of Homespuns 2000 pair Negro Shoes 40 trunks gentlemen’s and ladies’ Slioes anil Boots, assorted 1 case of Angola Shawls 2 do. embroidered Muslins 2 do. containing gentlemen’s and ladies’ black and white silk Stockings and Gloves 4 do. Canton Crapes and Silks, of v ari ous colors Ami per brig Nete-Orleans Packet, from Liverpool: 19 cases containing . printed Calicoes, Linens, Diapers, Checks, he. 4 do. of gentlemen’s and fine Hats 4 casks containing 100 dozen negro Hats 2 bales of Woollens 1 case coarse Threads 2 do. Cambric Muslins, and 50 boxes 8 by 10, 10 by 12, and 12 by 14 \\ indovv Glass oct. 26 1 FR ES If GOODS. JUST arrived in ship Lord Wellington, from Liver pool, and for sale by the subscribers, an assortment of Dry Goods, Castings, Hardware, Porter, Potatoes, etc. etc. w hich w ill he sold at a \ erv low advance, by the package or quantity if taken from the ship. J. H. GIEKIE & CO. -dec 28 10 Book's ami Stationary. V General assortment of BOOKS and STATIONARY; dsn received by the Five Sisters, from Boston, via Savannah, seven cases of FURNITURE, consisting of Secretaries, Bureaus, ike. For sale by DANIEL JACKSON, nov 9 3 To lease , JF- , r (run THE TERM Or OXE TEAR,) I I VMIIT()N ’ S Ik iHL ES and STORES, ft - * - ‘ I leither in whole or in different parts as may s eit occupants. Also, a Bake House, with a large Oven and sleeping room attached to it, and several small dwelling Houses. For terms apply to either of the subscribers. SAMI EL HAMILTON, DAVID HAMILTON. received on storage —the fire proof store being so w ell know n in Darien for security against fire and other accidents of the kind, requires no comment. Apply as above. dec 7 7 Factorage and Commission Business. fix IE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and I. lie public in general, that he has fire proof stores in readiness for the reception of produce or merchan dize, which he will forward as directed—and hopes bv strict attention and punctuality to merit a share of pub lic favors. SAMI EL HAMILTON, dec 7 7 cu.i.up.nwE tupo- LATELY RECEIVED Yg Quo pipe old M;urNjaJwme Fresh Alc^a^^Xracker^^^. Their of GROCERIES is their prices as usual. jan 4—k —lT | The subscribers I Have received, bv late arrivals from the northwMal, ml offer lor sale, the following articles, viz:- as© I arrels N. F.. Rum Y2i> hogsheads ditto B barrels Whiskey mt ditto Northern Gin luknipes Holland ditto 10%htto Cognac Brandy* 50 apple ditto 20 hors heads Jamaica Rum 50 casl| London Porter 20 dittolTeneriflr Wine * 1 pipe ditto m 3 ditto Smly Madeira M’ine M 20 casks M&iga ditto 20 his. anniljLd, mint and life Cordials barrels flVrnarkct ’ 10 firkins Goshen Butter# 50 casks Goshen Cl^gese^* 30 barrels loafSugaa m 30 ditto lump ditto 50 hogsheads New-Oaflkns Sugar 100 barrels ditto 30 tierces and barrevOoffee 50 bags m Rkto 20 casks cut Nails W k 30 tons Russia, SvJrdes, Anglish and Jersey Iron 20 trunks ladies’ mtd gentleinen’s line and coarse Shoes M % 40 whole, half apd quarteAioxes Tea 50 kegs Gunpwder \ 20 ditto Lead# \ 20 ditto Shot# 80 boxes Hemp * \ 80 ditto Cphdles \ 20 ditto Wiislard 50 kegs Spanish Brown and wlite Lead 20 barrel* linseqd Oil \ 20 bagsM’eppeij 20 \ 2 tojj plough Moulds V I’d©! and navy llj-ead \ flickers V. 2Qniegs manufactured Tobacco \ 2(/J bags Salt \ BAKER & AVF.ftAIAN. JVF W m CHEAT STORE* Q |klIE subscribers having business in lus place, tender their services *i tneir ineniis and the public—they have received, by late arrivals, A GENERAL ASSOR TMENT OF A.HUMi WI ill'll Alii. Cloths Cassnnere.i Shirtings Linens Hosiery Hardware Calicoes Checks Handkerchief Muslins Cambrics Blue and white Plains Blankets Flannels In addition to the foregoing, the subscribers have received by late arrivals the following articles: 30 barrels Rum S 30 bags Coffee 20 ditto Gin 50 boxes Cigars, and 20 ditto Sugar S • casc of Guns The above articles are offered for sale on the most reasonable terms (wholesale and retail) at the store re cently occupied by Mr. George F. Wing, under the bluff. HART & CO. jan 4- 11 ir.i.vv’E/<•— 1 X or to thespUffward of Darien, ■ oi p.u I !;suitable for the cul- Sugar l.etters addressed C. and dy’etrted to be attended to. tiem>jtued by mail, the be paid * jan 11 To PILOTS. One, two or three competent PILOTS are wanted for Doboy Bar. Apply to ARMANI) LEFILS, dec 2l—— - 10 * sec'ry. !/ pHE public are hereby notified, that Axthost Siiap vA dock, pilot from Sapelo bar to Darien, is suspend ed until he give satisfaction to the commissioners of pi lotage for this district for charges made against him by captain John Graves. By order of the board. ARMAND LEFILS, sec’ry. OC/ 3 The commissioners of pilotage for the district of Darien v\ ill meet at the Eagle Hotel on the first Monday in February next. Mr. Shaddock will consider this as a summons to appear before the hoard on that day. jun 4—ll ARMAND LEFILS, sec'ry Notice. • IF. partnership heretofore existing between the sJL subscribers is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. All persons having claims against the said con - ccrn will call on Robert Linux for payment, and all persons indebted to them are requested t(#hake imme diate payment to him, being duly authorised to receive the same. SCOTT CRAY, dec 28—11 ROBERT LAYMEN. Dissolution of Copartnership. Gi"pHE copai‘nership hitherto existing between the ; ‘-*■ subscribers .. this day dissolved by mutual consent. All those who are indebted, either by note or open account, will please pay Joseph Defass, who only is authorised to receive the same. Any demands against said firm to be rendered in for payment immediately. JOSEPH DEPASS, jan 4 11 RALPH CANTER. COPARTNERSHIP THE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally, that on the 10th day of August last, he took Mr. William Mac Master into partnership with him, and that the business in future will be con ducted under the firm of James H. Gikkik & Cos. JAMES H. GIEKIE. Overseer wanted, ~Wr^\ {flfs with the culture of Rice Ul, 245^2 oTmrerSanp. 1 nquire at Kegw” / fRS&_A 7 Men’s and boy’s beaver and coarse lla Ladies’ Bonnets Stationary Sugar Coffee Tea ’ . Mine Jamaica Rum M . 1. and N. E. Rum Pork Bacon Herring TL HE above establishment has just been opened, for the reception of gentlemen as permanent or transient boarders. The strictest attention will he paid to the comfort and convenience of those frequenting the hotel, and care taken to provide tiie table and bar vv dh the best that Darien affords. Families will be furnished wi'h rooms; and horsesprov ided vvitli excellent stables, stored with provinder, and attended bv experienced grooms. DKYVI 1 l Ik BURNETT. dec 14 —8 For sale A commodious two story HOUSE, pleasantly situat ed, with a Lot, anil necessary Out Buildings. Also a RAZEE, neatly finished with Harness complete for t wo horses, and one good saddle or carriage HORSE. For terms applv to GEORGE ATKINSON. dec 28-—lO To Cotton Planters. fix.lF. undersigned will gin clean sea-island cotton, ft lelivered at his residence, for five cents per pound. His buildings for the reception of this article are tight anil commodious. He likewise w ill furnish planters vvitli roller gins, warranted to gin from three to four hundred pounds per dav, at two hundred dollars each. JAMES SHEARWOOP. Sape/o Island, M'Tntosh county, (Ga.J —c^[ —10 &HOIWNTRY SCHOOL. LIBF,ff will be given to anv gentleman capable, in to take charge of a small country sclmoff to be made by die Frunsw ick mai^tfT William Little SatilU Fair el ton Academy. THE first term of 1819 opens on the first Monday of January next. In the male and female departments of tins academy are taught all the branches of education in which instruction is usually given in similar establish ments. F. G. SMITH, rector. Poioelton, f Ga.J Dec. 7 v 7 Wanted to hire THREE or four AXF.-MEN; for whom liberal wages will be given, payable monthly, quarterly or y early. Inquire at this office, nov 23 5 One Hundred Dollars’ reward. Ranaway, on the 7th inst.the subscriber’s negro wo man ROSE, about five feet four or five inches high, mild appearance, of easy disposition and apparently forty years of age. As she carried away with her a good supply of clothes, it is impossible to describe her dress. She is well known in Savannah, having lived there in the family of the late Levi oheftall, esq. and owned lat terly by Mr. Elias Wallen. As her connections reside in that city, it is believed she will-endeavor to reach it. Twenty dollars will he given on securing her in the gaol at Savannah, or delivering her to her owner at Darien; and one hundred dollars for proof to conviction of her being harbored bv any white person. • JOHN lIOI.ZENDORF, sen. N. B. If Rose return of her own accord, she will be forgiven. dec 14——8 Twenty Dollars ’ reward. RUNAWAY on the 10th instant, from the plantation i lelonging to the estate of major Edward White, in Jones county, an African fellow named TOM, lately pur chased at the sale of Africans in Millcdgeviffe, about 22 years of age, five feet and a half high, stoutly built, of a very pleasant countenance, his face and hack covered with country marks, the latter very remarkable, meet ing on the middle and running downwards toward the sides. He will probably be unable to mention his own er’s name. Had on when he went away, a jacket and trowsers of white plains. It is conjectured that lie nay attempt to find his way to Darien, Savannah or the Indi an nation. The above reward will be paid to any per son who will deliver the negro thus described, at the plantation from which he absconded, or confine him ia any gaol, so that he mav be recovered. BENJAMIN A. WHITE, ex’or. ffj’The editors of the Darien Gazette will please t givet e above six weekly insertions, and forward their bill to the Journal office for payment. Milledgeville, December 14-— a —l2 Ranawuij 17 ROM the subscriber, on the 12th instant, a very J likely Negro Fellow’ named JIM, about twenty-two ►or three years old, five feet eight or nine inches high, stout made, full face, dark complection, lisps a little when speaking; had on when he went away, a negro cloth jacket and pantaloons, of white. He was former ly the property of Joseph Thomas, of Burke county; he was not long since taken out of Darien gaol; he will make for Savannah or Darien, in order to get on board some vessel"as he worked some time on board of one when he was out before. He may try to get on board of an Augusta Boat; and make his way for that place, as he worked there some time at the bricklayer’s trade. A re ward oft went)’ dollars will he paid to any person who will deliver him to the subscriber in M’lntosh county, or lodge him in any safe gaol in the state, so that I can get hold ofhim. “ JONATHAN THOMAS. N. B. Captains of vessels and others, are cautioned against harboring, employing or taking him out of the state, as the law will be rigidly enforced against them, dec 21 t 9 ~ NOTICE. * On the 1 5th of February next, be hired, at public outcry, on the farm of John ham, Wayne county, between the usual hours, Negroes, (Stepney, Jess, Simon and Dina) and the said Plantation, the dwelling house excejßed. The terms will be made known on the da of hire. MARY GRANHAM, ex’rx. A. M’DONALD, ex'or. jan 4 - —aX 11 Sheriff's sale. On the first Tuesday in February next, Will be sold as the Court-house in. this county, between the usual hours of 10 and 3 o'clock, the following two negroes , viz: — CATE and her son Joe, levied on as the property of Green B. Tillman, under a foreclosure of mortgage from said Green B. Tillman to William Craig. JAMES PELOT, and. s. m. c. nov 30 * ”-6 ■-,• —i i Administratrix's sale. On Tuesday, 23d of February next, Will be sold at the residence of the late Cyrus Dart, in Glynn county, One tract of land containing two hundred and fifty acres, with the improvements thereon, belonging to the estate of the s* : ’ * Dart, deceased, and sold for the benefit f! IPC -Vcditors. T erms made known jm