Darien gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1818-1828, January 25, 1819, Image 4

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poetry. the Journal of the ‘Mhies, j(H'i:’s EAflo:. The synod of gods were Conven’d in their rijmis When Phoebus, arising|Xcgh|i the And thus he iNfur Jo\e:^W^a O, father, ns latekrthe coursers of day I leseendedP lie road in the west;’ , All faint I paused on.m'y way, To refreshment and rest. Looking down where the blue rolling ocean extends, Where once lay the region of night; Lo, full my view a large continent bends, Never seen by the beams of my light. From thence, mighty rivers and lakes I survey’d, The trees on their margin that grow; And mountains, projecting such grandeur of shade, The) frown on Olympus below. My course was so rapid, 1 caught but a glance, For had I restrain’d my career, My steeds would have check’d sister Dian’s advance, That season to mortals so dear. Then wing-footed 1 lermes the throne thus addressed: (), father, now listen to me, This Eagle 1 found while exploring the west, And now 1 present him to tiiee. Jove said, while the bird on his sceptre had sprung, How stalely, how noble his air! Now fain would 1 see if an Eagle so young In triumph niy thunder can bear. The Pird seiz’d the holt and resplendent he flew, While the gods all beheld in amaze, How calmly he sail’d through the regions of blue And bore in his talons the blaze. Mark, Neptune, cries .love, how he flashes along! k Now over thine empire he flies; ’ HFrom ocean is dash’d a refulgence so strong, The lustre ascends to the skies. * This bird, exclaims Jove, bears my thunder so w ell, ’ I'is a present I cannot decline; Henceforth let all know , on Olympus who dwell, That the bird of the west shall be mine. Then blue-ev’d Minerva accosted the throne, Thy justice shall mortals arraign! Thy sway is now seen in thy thunders alone, Andntan will, indignant, complain: Let justice and mercy thine attributes prove, And thus be their union express’d, Let the oliv e of Pallas and thunders of Jove Be borne by the bird of the west. YV it brim-flowing nectar, these words tliev approve, And this was the toast hey express'd, Hie olive of Pallas and thunder of Jove, And here’s to the bird of the west. A. intelligence. Livt.nrooi,, November 18. Bonaparte.—'Hie London papers of tlie w eek nave anncounced, that accounts have been received by gov ermnent, by the last arrivals from St. Helena, of a cor respondence ha\ ing been detected by sjr 11. Lowe, the object of which was the liberation of Bonaparte, and his escape to Kurope. Little beyond the fact, lias been sutrered to transpire; except that the correspon dence has been carried on with certain persons in dome, Paris and Munich; that is, we suppose, with Lucien Bo naparte, Lavalette, and some of Ins pricipal adherents and admirers in Paris. Whether a plot has, m reality, existed, or whether it has been only inferred from suspi cions circumstances, it is not possible for ns to judge before further particulars are made known; but there .is, certainly, in such a plot, nothing so improbable as to arrant us in am degree, to doubt the statement. The knlitary party in Prance, who, under the pretence of rtv, wish for their old leader to conduct them again and to plunder, comprehends many who, im of siieet HHHft’ *J • ■ .1 as :i oh ~l attend. 1 ’ :• sii -. j§|gJ§||B ‘ a “ ; ; ii'. ! ib. t ,/ i si and H||H 1 * ii e >‘:x li Hilo di, l.mido!’ <' l Motu. williout a re uark.l ‘•.! i l)\ order of s.r Hudson It owe, was arrested ■l Iron S-mgs in London on the 14th November, by a y Lowfrom the secretary of s'ate’s office, ‘i'lic gen- days previous, had been served with an or % quit the country, under the provisions of the ali ■l act, but not complying, officers wore sent to carry .tie warrant into execution, tiourgaud made consider *able resistance, in which the officers were severely in jure*!.] A London paper gives an extract of a letter from St. Helena, Sept. Os!, mentioning that a correspondence hail been intercepted, which discovered a plot tor the liberation of Uonaparte. A banking-house in London, and two mdividuas in England, with others on the con tinent, were reported to be concerned. It .s said to have been ascertained w here Napoleon had concealed the whole of his treasure, hinted to aniout to a million sterling. The Isabella and the Alexander discovery ships had returned to Lerw ick, the chief town on the Shetland islands, without the loss of a man. They had explored every part of Baffin’s bay, and ascertained that no pas sage” exists in that quarter between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Davis’s strait and Baffin’s bay are sur rounded bv high land, extending to the north as far as lat. 77, 55, and lon. 76 west, and m the 74th degree of latitude, stretching westward as far as 84 west longitude. traced the land the w hole wav down to the cape Bfcyisingham of I)avis, which they ascertained to lie in from thence they steered for lb ‘•'lotion island, VARIETY STORE. 77/1* subscriber, kite of the firm of Merrill ii J J arions, has just received, per schooner Betsey & Eliza, from J\’e. w- York, a general assortment of GOODS, which he is 7 ww opening (it the new star a, opposite Mr. Il ithum 11. Holsendorf’s hotel, consisting of (l race lies, OJc. X'JEAT. Cognac Brandy and Holland Gin, in demijohns Jamaica and N. K. Bum, best rye Gin Mackerel, Herring, Soap and Candles Lump, loaf and muscovado ‘'tigars Pepper and Pimento, Starch, Ginger, Pearl-Ash Baisins, Olives, Olive Oil, macobau and Scotcli Snuff Chunck, leaf and short cut Tobacco, Crackers in kegs, Cheese, imperial and hyson Teas Coffee, Chocolate, Cay enne Pepper; Shot, all sizes Spanish and American Cigars, Teneriff Wine, Porter Saw Mills and cross cut Saws, blacksmith’s Bellows Vices, Anvils, Hammers and Screw Plates Frying Pans, Trace Chains, patent cast steel Hoes Club Axes, Wolf and Bear Traps, Waffle irons Shovels and Spades, wire and hair Seives Coopers’ and carpenter’s Adzsc; Augers, all sizes Sad Irons; stock, nob, pad and house Locks Chest and trunk Locks, large and small Steelyards Fane)', tobacco and snuff Boxes; gun and rifle Locks Sportsmen and Spanish Knives, pocket, pen and jack do. Tutauic and iron Spoons, Scissors, Buds and Screws Brass Jevvsharps, silver and steel Thimbles Patent Snuffers and Travs, plated Spurs Magnum Bonum Bazors in eases, Pocket-Books H L. Hinges, powder Flasks, Norfolk Latches Ball Buttons and Bings, glass and stone Buttons Plated and methevvman Buttons, cloth Brushes Sets large and small Waits, Knives and Forks Ink-Stands, Ink-Powder, Curry-Combs, Pitt, saw-mill and hand-suv, Files, Tacks and Brads Brass Nails, Bolts, brass Cocks, cook’s Knives Hoiiqc Bells, Weights, plated Castors, Cooper’s board Axes, patent flanch Coffee-Mills Fish-HooksNeedles, fish Lines, bed Cords, leading Lines C. S. Drawing-Knives, curtain Pins, Pencils and Cases Amcrcan Hammers and shingling Hatchets Silver Toothpicks, llrittaniu Tea-Pots, sugar & cream do. Brass Candlesticks, japanned I,amps, chalk Lines Iron Squares; carpenter 4 * Bui sand Compasses Iwmg and short Jointers, jack Panes, smooth Pluses Match Planes, moulding Planes, Plane-Irons Socket Chisscls; mortice do. finners* do. Beads Ear-Kings, finger Bings Necklaces, waggon Whips Whip Thongs common hide Whips, riveted Gimblets Hand, sash and kev hole Saws I)J •v Goods, Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Plains London duffle and rose Blankets, Cashmeer Shawls Black Canton Handkerchiefs, flag and Bandana do. Fine Linens, Linen Sheetings, Flannels, llowlass Mdlinetts, sewing silk, patent wire Thread, cotton Balls Black Sarsnetts, super Calicoes Furniture do. fine black worsted stockings White and grev lamb’s wood Hose, ladies’ cloth \ estings,linnenCambric, liimen cambric Handkerchiefs Ladiesi, misses’and children’s black beaver and straw Bonnets, artificial Flowers, bonnet Wire Ladies’, misses’ and children’s morocco and leather Shoes and Bootees, Gentlemen’s Foots and Shoes, do. elegant mor. Pumps Ladies’ silvered” and white kid slippers Negro shoes and Hats. Also, a complete assortment of tin, stone, hollow, crockery and-glass W are, Books, Stc. OX COXSIOXMEXT, 15 dozen M indsor Chairs 5 one horse Waggons 1 box cotton Cards 1 trunk ladies’ kid shoes 1 do. long boots of the best quality 1 case artificial French Flowers The above Goods are offered for sale, at fair prices, for cash or countrv produce. doc 21 9 “ RUFUS R. MERRILL. \ NEW CHEAP STORE. 9 STpip su! aenbers having commenced wwsiwem in kJL diis place, tender their services to their JBends and the uublic —they Itave received, b; iate unoßls, y gejstliul .-issouvmejvt m Vxxtojiij. which a .„ > Cloths \ S Men’s and boy’s beaver Cassimercs \ flats Shirtings / \ s, Laches’ Bonnets Lineus^ S Stationary Hosiery 7 ) \ Sugwr Callows' / f >S ‘lea Cheeks ’ / Wine Jr Jamaica Rum Muslims W. I. and N. E. Rum Cambrics w S Pork Blue and white Playl b ‘Bacon Blankets M Herring Flannels M \ ; In addition to ihe Gvgoing, the .subscribers have received by lateMntmls the Joiiineiitg articles: 80 barrels wL in b do bag-. Ciitee 20 ditto Maw oO boots Cigars, and 20 s 1 easeVt Duns The al.Jre articles are offered tor salcryon the most reasonatnc terms (vv holesale and retail) at the store re cently occupied by Mr. Ceorgc F. Wing, under the Dull.', HART &. CO. Wit A 11 \ r i , < JL HE abovig establishment has just been opened, tor I tlm reception of gentlemen as permanent or transient boarders. fbe strictest attention will be paid to the comfort and convenience of those frequenting the hotel, and care taken to provide the table and bar with the’ best ! that Darien affords. Families will be furnished with rooms; and horses provided w ith excellent stables, stored with provinder, anel attended bv experienced grooms. DEWITT & BURNETT. Factorage and Commission Business. f IE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and JL the public in general, that he has lire proof stores : ,n readiness for the reception of produce or nterchan i di.se, which he will forward as directed—and hopes by strict attention and punctuality to merit a share of pub lic favors. SAMUEL HAMILTON, dec 7 7 Lumber Factorage AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. rririF. subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and L die public, that he continues to transact business in the above line, on Mr. John Hunter’s lower wharf, next above colonel James Johnston’s. He has every conve ence for the reception of LU MBER, cf qvcrv descrip tion; also a commodious store for the storage of < OT y OX, &.C. ” THOMAS JONES, October 25— —1 v , j To PILOTS. One, two or three competent PILOTS arc wanted for Doboy Bar. Apply to ARMANI) LEFLL.S, dec 21 10 sec’ry. ; 5] ill IF. public re hereby notified, that Avtiiovt Hiiah- Jl noi i v pilot from Sapelo bar to Darien, is suspend ed until he give satisfaction to the commissioners of pi lotage for this district for charges made against him by captain John Graves. 76/ order of the board. A B.MAN D LEFILS, sec’ry. djr* The commissioners of pilotage lor the dis riel of Darien will meet at the Eagle Hotel on the first Monday in February next. Mr. Shaddock will consider tins as a summons to appear before the board on that day. jun 4—ll AKM AND LEFILS, sec’ry V. Notice./ STYMIE between the CJk subscßTJcrs is tins day/uissolved by mutual con- against the said con cern w/yfiU on an for payment, and all pA***^ipWTFTvTed toHrcm arc rSmested to make imme diauApKroent lobmi, being duly aHthorised to receive dec 28—11 y ROBERT OhNtlf.N. LUMBER FACTOR. Fill IF, subscriber oilers his services to the public as a l LUMBER FACTOR, in the town of Darien. The business will he strictly attended to, and remittances punctually made REUBEN KING. dec 14—* —8 J)Ol\ NEIL §* EATON, COACH and CHAIR MANUFACTURERS, F.SPECTFULLY inform the inhabitants of Darien land its vicinty, that they have commenced the above business in this place, and solicit their patronage. They will make and repair coaches, chairs and waggons at the shortest notice and in the best manner. jan 11—12 Dissolution of Copart net#hip. STYMIE hitherto exrfniig between the subscijluup uNlfis day dissolwßlbv mutual consent. All by note or open account, payYymTrii Dm 1 ass, who only is tlnyitamKv Any demands against said fiiy \Jl be renderpQ in for phynieut immediately. * / JOSEPH DEPASS. jan 4 11 X RALPH CANTER. C OP A R TNE RSHTPSi FBI HE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and X the public generally, that on the 10th day of August last, lie took Mr. William Mu M vrn.it into partnership w ith him, and that the business in future will be con ducted under the firm of James H. Giekh; & Cos. JAMES 11. GiELIE. nov 23——5 Notice. THE firm of Mfutuli. & Pahsoxs was dissolved on ihe 22d of August lasi; those indebted to said firm, w ill please make payment to the subscriber, who is au thorised to settle the business of said concern, dec 21 9 . RUFUS R. MERRILL. N. Powelton Academy^* f 1819 Monday of X matfand female departments ol t ii \WffzFwg_im■ taJSjJflCidl the branches of education usually'*gk^iHii^ smfilargest abhsh- Wanted to hire lAIIREE or four AXE-MEN; for whom liberal wages . will be given, p a}'able monthly, quarterly “or } early. Inquire at this office, nov 23 5 ASSIZE OF BREAD. Fnit Jasuadv, 1819. STMTF. price of superfine Flour being twelve dollars -JL and a half per barrel, of 196 lb. nett, Bread must weigh as follows: lb. ozs. 12f cents loaf 1 14 6| cent loaf 0 14^ of which all bakers arc required to take due notice. JAMES BURNETT, c. c. jan 11 12 Ranaicay 171 ROM the plantation of Mr. Archibald MH.arin, on Sa -7 vannah l iver, three negro fellow s, viz: FOX, a yellow fellow, had on irons when lie went off. TONfeV, of the Angola nation, about five feet six inches high; and AR CHY, about five feet six inches high, forty-five years old and very fiat footed. A liberal reward will be given for securing them in gaol, on application to their master; Mr. John M’Nish, Savannah, or in Darien to B. KING & CO. jan 18 n 13 One Hundred Dollars’ reward. Runaway, on the 7th inst.the subscriber’s negro wo man ROSE, about five feet four or five inches high, mild appearance, of easy disposition and apparently forty years of age. As she carried away with her a good supply of clothes, it is impossible to describe her dress. She is well known in Savannah, having lived there in the family of the late Levi Sheftall, esq. and owned lat terly by Mr. L!*, \\ alien. As her connections reside in that city, it is believed she w ill endeavor to reach it. Twenty dollars will be given on securing her in the gaol at Savannah, or delivering her to her owner at Darien; and one hundred dollars for proof to conviction of her being harbored by any white person. JOHN HOLZF.NDORF, sen. N. B. If Hose return of her own accord, she will be forgiven. dec 14 8 Twenty Dollars’ reward. 1) ANAWAY on the 10th instant, from the plantation Xbclonging to the estate of major Edward White, in , Jones county, an African fellow named TOM, lately pur ! chased at the sale of Africans in Milledgeville, about 22 ! years of age, five feet and a half high, stoutly built, of a very pleasant countenance, bis face and back covered w ith country marks, the latter very remarkable, meet ing on the middle and running downwards toward the sides. He will probably be unable to mention his own er’s name. Had on w hen he went away, a jacket and trousers of white plains. It is conjectured that lie may attempt to find his way to Darien, Savannah or the Indi an nation. The above reward will be paid to any per son who will deliver the negro thus described, at the plantation from which he absconded, or confine him in any gaol. c o that he mav be recovered. BENJAMIN A. WHITE, ex’or. CTj’The editors of the Darien Gazette will please to give the above six weekly insertions, and forward their bill to the Journal office for payment. Milledgeville , December 14—a—12 Ran a way IAROM the subscriber, on the 12th instant, a very 4 hkolv Negro Fellow named JIM, about twenty-two or three years old, five feet eight or nine inches high, stout made, full face, dark compaction, lisps a little w Ren speaking; had on w hen he went away,* a negro cloth jacket and pantaloons, of white, lie was former ly the” property of Joseph Thomas, (-1 Burke county; lie was not long since taken out ofDarien gaol; he will make for Savannah or Darien, in order to get on board some vessel, as lie worked sometime on board of one when lie was out before. He may-try to get on board of an Augusta Boat; and make his way for that place, as he worked there some time at the bricklayer's trade. A re ward of twenty dollars \vi ! l be paid to any person who will deliver him to the subscriber in MHntosn county, or lodge him in any safe gaol in the state, so that I f iir get hold cfhiin. ‘ JONA THAN THOMAS. N. It. Captains of vessels and others, are caut oned against harboring, emplo) ing or taking him out oi lie state, as the law will be rigidly enforced against them. dec 21 t 9 NOTICE. On the 15th of February next, Will he hired, at pul.lie outcry, on the farm of John ham, Wavffe county, between ihe usual hours, Four Negroes, (Stepney, J(ss, Simon and Dina) auu the said Plantation, the dwelling house excepted, ihe terms will be made known on the da of hire. MARY G RANH AM, ec’rx. A. M‘DONALD, ex l or. jan 4 - a— 11 Sheriff's sale. _ On the first Tuesday in February next, Will be sold as the Court-house in this county , between the usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, the folio-wing two negroes, viz: — (1 ATE and her son Joe, levied on as the property of jGreen B. Tillman, under a foreclosure of mortgage from said Green B. Tillman to William Craig. JAMES PELOT, x. s. m. c. nov 30 6 Ad in in istratri.v's sale. On Tuesday, 23il of February next, Will be sold at the residence of the late Cyrus Dart, in Glynn county. One tract of land containing tw o hundred and fifty acres, with the improvements thereon, belonging to the estate of the said Cyrus Dart, deceased, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the day of sale. ANN DART, adm’rx. dec 21 irj * 9 Fi re-It ood wo a led ON THE \Y ES I ERN WA FERS. THE steam-boat company are desirous of contracting for a regular supply of WOOD, to be ordered for the use of the steam-boats the ensuing season, at conve nient landing places on the Oconee and Alatamaha rivers. The Wood must be of pitch pine, cut from the bodies of large trees, of high land grow th, and well seasoned. Liglit-wood would be preferred. Persons willing to contract for the delivery, at one or more landings, wdl send their proposals, specif) ing the rate per cord and the name of the landing, its estimated distance from Dai aen, Milledgeville, or some public place. The pro posals to be addressed either to Joseimi Hutcu's x, treasurer, at Augusta, or Uichark Wayne, Savannah. SAMUEL HOWARD. oct 26 1 The National Register IS a paper which is publ-shed every Saturday, at the City of Washington, in the Dist rict of Columbia, and each number contains sixteen pages octavo, in small but very legible type. It makes two volumes in the year; and every volume is accompanied with a copious index. The price per annum is five dollars, payable in ad ranee. The public documents,'noth foreign and domestic, the proceedings of congress, and authentic news of every de scription, are regularly inserted therein, and accompa nied by critical and explanatory remarks. Its value is* also enhanced by occasional reviews of literary works; and all its sentiments are decidedly American, independent of all party considerations. For this work, which is well established, regularly published, and transmitted week ly to subscribers by the mail, the public patronage is respectfully solicited. LAWRENCE, WILSON Sc CO. Cjf’Printers of newspapers throughout the United 1 States w ill oblige the proprietors of the National Regis ter by giving the foregoing a few insertions, jan 4 11 PROPOSALS, For publishing by subscription, A NEW AND GREATLY IMPROVED GEOIIG 1.1 JUSTICE. TT is designed to make this work nofonly a guide for i Justices of the peace, but a kind of Citiz, u's Manuel. \\ ith that view, the duties of Clerks, Sheriffs, Coroners, Tax-collectors and Constables, Executors, Administra tors and Guardians, as w ell as those of Justices, will be explained—to which will be added many useful forms, with directions for taking interrogatories, for conveying real and personal property, and such other information as may enable every citizen, of ordinary capacity, to transact most of his law-business without the assistance of an attorney. • A gentleman of respectable legal attainments is now engaged in the compilation, in which he will be aided bv a professional character of deservedly high standing.— To have the work as perfect as possible, it will be sub mitted for revision and correction, before it is printed, to the Judges of the several Superior courts, and others learned in the laws of the state. Such a production has been long wanted—and as the publishers will spare no pants nor expense to make ic useful, they rely with confidence on being liberally en couraged inch’s expensive and laborious undertaking. It will be printed on good paper, with anew type—will be well bound, and form a large octavo volume. The price to subscribers will not exceed five dollars each. , Any person obtaining twenty signatures, and becoming responsible therefor, shall be entitled to a copy gratis. Subscription papers are ready, and will be furnished, on application, to those who will be active in circulat ing them. The work will be put to press as soon a compiled, provided a thousand subscribers shall havi been obtained. A list of the names of those who pat> ronize it* will be added. In the above enterprize, we solicit the aid of every public spirited individual. , s - & F. GRANTLAND- Mtlledgevtlle, May 1 5th, 1818. 2 U3"Subscriptions received at the office of the Darien Gazette. EXECUTED * AY ITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH Office DJA& market remains i,. null state,