Darien gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1818-1828, February 01, 1819, Image 4

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poctijt. J'roin the Village Itecord. ♦‘ONE GLASS MORE!’* Stay, mortal, slay! nor heedless thus Thy sure destruction seal; Within that cup there lurks a curse, Which all who drink shall feel; Disease and death, forever nigh, (Stand ready at the door, Ami eager wait to hear the cry Os give me“o!n; glass more!” Go, view that prison’s gloomy cells— Their pallid tenants scan; Gaze—gaze upon these earthly hells, And ask when they began: Had these a tongue—oh, man thy check The answer’d crimson o’er; Ilad thc*>c a tongue, they M to thee speak, And cry, the “o \ t glass mo ns!” • Behold that wretched female form, An outcast from her home; Bleach’d in affliction’s blighting storm And doom’d in want to roam. Behold her!—ask that prattler dear Why mother is so poor— # HV’d whisper ui thy startled ear, l| r \THkit’s more!** y Stay, mortal, stay! repent, return! Reflect upon thy late; The po.s’nous draught indignant spurn— bpnrn—%purn it ere too late: Old fly the alehouse* horrid din, Nor linger at the door, Lest thou, perchance, should sip again^^ The treacherous “one glass T iplpmatic. . j/r ML .ADAMS’S LETTER. The Na’ional Intelligencer of the Jlst ult. brings us one of tin? most striking state papers we have ever Secti —the despatch of “the secretary of state of the Limed States to the minister plenipotentiary of the 1 mted States to Spam, at Madrid.” It is a general ex position of the transactions of the Seminolie war, as they relate to the Spanish authority—and may be re garded in the light of a reply to the tmn.fesio of Mr. Pizarro, so indecently circulated by the Court of Mad rid in the gazettes of Europe. In this manifesto, Mr. Pizarro gives “formal notice that the king, Ins master, has issued orders for the suspension of the ncgociation between the United Stales and Spain, until satisfaction shall have been made by the American government to him for tliose proceedings of general Jackson, winch he considers as acts of unequivocal hostility against hint, and as outrages upon his honor and dignity; the on I \ acceptable atonement for which, is stated to consist in $ disavowal of the acts of the American general, lims complained of—the infliction upon him of a suitable punishment for his supposed misconduct, and the resti tution of the posts and territories taken by him from the Spanish authorities, with indemnity for all the pn - perty taken, and all damages and injuries, pu'dic. v>r pri vate, sustained in consequence'of i.” i'he reply of Mr. Adams to these insolent demands is the paper now before us, bearing date 2<kh November, le>lß. 1 cannot sufficiently express the profound sentiments of admiration and delight with winch I have perused tffis state paper. It is written w uli an astonishing force of ingenuity, and adorned with the most captivating eloquence of all descriptions. It has the air of a man, who feels most actitely for the wrongs of Ins country; Who is fidignant at the insult s ottered to her by die aggressor, pretending to demand redress,and w iio pours ou. loose feelings in the most forcible strains. It is a monument of diplomatic, genius. It is an ornament to niv country, l feel proud of belonging to a nation L which lias produced such a bla/.e of ..dents. Ii sluvcrs Itlic manifesto of the Spanish cabinet into dust and ashes Pinto ‘what utter insignificance does ihe redoubtable fc'bevalkr Onis sink! lie seems like a pigmy in the is of a giant. Aiul while it seeks to answer Spain, rves m some son to jnithch t lie mi'conduct of gcnc —-i'.r.ij'ii lum, it cannot. On that point the of Mr. Adams leave me a heretic. I do to tin-: I'M r, I am still not, I I|o]l. . ;.:i OO.V, m.iU oil. . not, I know, a— ■HHHH no •• :!. •>■ < ! 1 !'..!■ n i.. (1 i I bat I IP ’ ■ . \ i iw . \o. |H^^ritotl:iiig her \ iolated fill!:; let solemnly nude and att •••ioiisly \i : iet her her own miserable eommaudaiits to a emu -1 inai - BTor to punishment, ere she has the effrontery to call “or ptmisluncnton general Jackson. JUi: —though we owe nothing to L w e owe much to ours,-Ives. The orders of the government violated; tli powers of congress usurped, w ithout imperious necesa.y, bt a military officer; ait act of war struck; the lives of prisoners taken in cold blood, when “not absolutely necessary;” the usages of war, transgressed by a mili tary commander, who sheds the blood of his prisoner in lie very teeth of a decision of a court martial; these, these are questions between him and his government, jmi.i between the government and people ot the United StalcS. All the ingenuity of Mr. \dains w ould be in e iffieient to satisfy us that general Jackson shouhl not am er for these acts ty the government of his country. Il iie executive say wc will not “indict pun.slnneiu” nor “pass a censure upon general Jackson,” nor call him to account, then ought congress not to sleep over the breach of the constitution, produced by the assump tion of one of their most important powers by the hands of a military officer. Let that officer be crown eu by till the laurels of the victory of New'-Orle ans; let his services have been as brilliant, and the grxtituue of tins nation as warm as you please; and my heart still yearns towards him; 1 will still su\ before my tV>d mat for tiie acts he has done, on account of the preccden.s Jie lias set, lie ought to be called to answer. With all my respect lor the administration, I must think them . wrong for the forbearance they at present appear to iave manifested towards him. I suspect, indeed, that moment the United States proceed against general the Spanish minister will have tn iflrontcrv us. lam s:v si. • I that the ;*■;ii:i:i■ s. ra huha ‘ri : • ■k A VC TJ ON. ON MONDAY, the Bth February next, II ill he sold to the laghest bidder , fIIRUST LO TS Band I', pleasantly situated in tiie city 1 of Darien, having Vernon square to the w est, — Term —one half of the purchase money to be paid down; a credit of nine y days on the other half, secur ed by a note with an approved indorser; the purchasers to pay for titles. JOSHUA A. COFFEE, auctioneer. jan 11 12 TOWN PROPERTY. IAHOM thirty to fifty LOTS at Darien Will be sold at auction, on tisc 2d Monday in March next. Condi tions one fourth cash, and the balance to be paid when the purchasers please, they paying eight per cent annu ally’ on the sums which may be due, and giving a mort gage on the premises, as a security for the pay ment of •these sums. A few Lots may be had at private sale by applying to Scott Cray and George Street, esqs. JOHN H. M‘INTOSH. (XjpTlie editors of the Georgia Journal, and Savannah Museum will publish the above weekly until the day of sale, and forward their accounts to this office for pay ment; the proprietor of the Savannah Republican w ill publish it during the same period and forward hia ac count for pax mi nt to the advertiser, jan 11 12 VARIETY STORE. Tits subscribe, late of the Jinn of .Merrill is Parsons , has just received, per schooner Betsey ij? Eliza, from JVtrw l'orl-, a general assortment of GOODS, which he is ?ioiv opening at the new store, opposite .Ur. William 11. // dsendorf's hotel, consisting ts Groceries, liyc. I * -*-• RAT, Co'gnac Brandy and Holland Gin, in demijohns Jamaica and .V, I’,. Hum, best ry e Gin Mackerel, Herring, Soap and Candles Lump, loaf and muscovado Sugars , Pepper and Pimento, Starch, G-.nger, Pearl-Ash ■ Raisins, Olives, Olive Oil, maeobau and Scotch Snuff Chiinck, leaf and short cut Tobacco, Crackers in kegs, Cheese, imperial and llyson Teas Coffee, Chocolate, Cayenne Pepper; Shot, all sizes Spanish and American Cigars, Tenerifi’ Wine, Porter Saw Mills and crosscut Saws, blacksmith’s Bellows Vicos, Anvils, Hammers and Screw Plates Frying Pans, Trace Chains, patent cast steel lines Club Axes, Wolf and Bear Praps, Waffle Irons Shovels and Spades, wire and hair Seives Coopers’ and carpenter’s Adzse; Augers, all sizes Sad Irons; stock, nob, pad and house Locks Client and trunk Locks, large and small Steelyards Fancy, tobacco and snuff Boxes; gun and rifle Locks Sportsmen and Spanish Knives, pocket, pen and jack do. Tutanic and iron Spoons, Scissors, Butts and Screws Brass Jewsharps, silver and steel I’himHes l’a'ent Snuffers and Trays, plated Spars Magnum Honum Razors in cases, Pocket-Books H. L. Hinges, powder Flasks, Norfolk Latches Mall Huttons and Rings, glass and stone Buttons Plated and methewman Buttons, cloth Brushes Sets large and small Waits, Knives and Forks Ink-Stands, Ink-Powder, Cnrrv-Combs, Pitt, saw-mill and hand-saw F’des, Tacks and Brads Brass Nails, BoPs, brass Cocks, cook’s Knives House Bells, Weights, plated Castors, Conner's board Axes, patent ttanch Coffee-Mills F’sh-Hooks Needles, fish Lines, bed Cords, leading Lines C. S. Drawing-Knives, curtain Pins, Pencils and Cases Amercan Ham oers and shingling Hatchets Sih cr Toothpicks, Brittania Tea-Pots, sugar Sk cream do. Brass Candlesticks, japanned Lamps, chalk Lines Iron Squares; carpenter’s Rules and Compasses Long an 1 short Jointers, jack Panes, smooth Planes Match Planes, moulding Planes, Plane-Irons Socket Chissels; mortice do. tinners’ do. Beads Ear-Rings, finger Rings Necklaces, waggon Whips Wl)ip Thongs common hide Whips, riveted Gimblets Hand, sash and key hole Saws Dry .Goods, Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Plains London duffle and rose Blankets, Cashnieer Shawls Black Canton Handkerchiefs, flag and Bandana do. Fine Linens, Linen Sheetings, Flannels, Dowiass Millinctts, sewing silk, patent w ire Thread, cotton Balls Black Sarsnetts, super Calicoes Furniture do. fine black worsted stockings White and grey lamb’s wood Hose, ladies’ cloth A estings,linnen Cambric, linnen cambric Handkerchiefs Ladiesi, misses’and children’s black beaver and straw Bonnets, artificial Flowers, bonnet Wire Ladies’, misses’ and children’s moroccoand leather Shoes and Bootees, Gentlemen’s Boots and Shoes, do. elegant mor. Pumps Ladies’ silvered and w hite kid slippers Negro shoes and Hats. Also, a complete assortment of tin, stone, hollow, crockery and glass Ware, Books, &.c. os cos SIGN VI ext, 15 dozen Windsor Chairs 5 one horse Waggons 1 box cotton Cards 1 trunk ladies’kid shoes 1 do. long boots of the best quality 1 case artificial French Flowers The above Goods are offered for sale, at fair prices, for cash or eountrv produce. dec 21 9 ‘ RUFUS R. MERRILL. The subscriber T Vni.L dispose of four or five LOTS on his Piedmont T * residence, about two in Its below Darien, contain ing two hundred and ten feet front, and three hundred back—either on a building lease, or otherwise. The situation of those Lots, as it regards the advantage ofa retreat during the summer months, and its contiguity to Darien, with the repeated health experienced thereon, is so well known, that it needs but little said—and in ad dition to that object, health, it has a spring of water of an excellent quality—and the view extensive md com manding, open to Dubov Bar—and in addition to those the society in the neighborhood is agreeable. JAMES SMITH. jan 18 13 lEGHKEILa T I HE above establishment has just been opened, for the reception of gentlemen as permanent or transient boarders. Tiie strictest attention will be paid to the comfort and convenience of those frequenting the hotel, and care taken to prov ide the table and bar with the best tha f Darien affords. Families w ill be furnished with • rooms; and horses provided with excellent stables, stored with provider, and attended by experienced grooms. DEWITT Si BURNETT. dec 14 S y Found BANK BILL by a negro in this an by paying for this h<JTe#y lnfftiire at this office Jn.'f 18 ■ r— —13 | , Notice, DTpTIE debts due the esta. e of James Dobson, deceased, A are placed n. the hands of Henry Harford, esqi ire, for collection, and if not settled by tire firs of IV brwary will be commenced. V\ M. BAIN, 25 k 14 a dm’or. Notice. k I.L persons indebted to the estate of Joel Penniug- J\ ton, dec. are requested to make payment within the time specified by law; and those having demands against said estate to present them to Isaac (i. Jeanerett, adnror. jan 25 a 14 Notice. 4 I.L persons are by this notice particularly forbid ./■.cutting Lumber, or tresspassing in any other man ner w hatever, on the Lands of Charles Harris, A. S. 1 Bulloch, Nicholas Bayard, esqs. or on any of the lands of the estate of general Lachlan M‘lntosh, under pain of prosecution, unless particular privilege he obtained from the proprietors. ROSWELL KING, W. I. MMNTOSH, jan 25 14 Jlttondes for the proprietors. Notice. 4 IJ. persons are forbid from cutting any oak or pine / ■.Timber, or treepassing in any maimer whatever, on wiitaf is Usually called Horse Creek. W. I. MTNTOSH. jan 25 14 To PILOTS. One, two or three competent PILOTS are wanted for Doboy Bar. Apply to AKMAND LEFiLS, dec 21 10 sec’ry. ’ y* * ♦ _ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 5l rtHE public are hereby notified, UuiUAnthonr Shaii- JL dock, tV>m Sapelo bar is suspend ed until be saAbtiitJ ion to tlmmunnussioners of pi lotage charges made against linn by ea } >\ tiinetf fniyuravcs. \ Border of the hoard. JIKMAM) LEFILS, sec’ry. w\w- commissmifrrsNd'piloiage for the and strict of Darien wnll meet Eag'lWlloiel on the first Monday in Vflm ary ih jsL Mr. Sluuldock will consmer ibis as a summons before tiiAjioard <>n tliat da\. jun ARMAN^l ILEF.LS, sec’ry Runaway > Ifl'lOM the subscriber, on the 12th instant, a very likely Negro Fellow named JIM, about twenty-two : or three years old, five feet eight or nine inches nigh, j stout made, full face, dark complection, lisps a hide when speaking; had on when he went away, a negro clot h jacket and pantaloons, of white. He was former- i I\’ the property of Joseph Thomas, of Burke county; he was not long since taken out of Darien gaol; be will make I for Savannah or Darien, in order to gel on board some ( vessel, as he worked some time on board-of one when ; he was out before. Me may try to gel on board of an j Augusta Boat; and make his way for that place, as he j worked there sometime at the bricklayer’s traue. A re- j ward of twenty dollars will be paid to any person who! will deliver him to tiie subscriber in M'intosb county, or lodge him in any safe gaol in t:.c state, so tliat 1 can get hold of him. JONATHAN I'IIO.UAS. N. B. Cant a, ns of vessels and others, are cautioned against harboring, employing or taking him out of the sta e, as the law wifi be rigidly enforced against them, dec 21 9 Runaway v fi canny! negro fellows, viz: FOX, a yellow fellow, \xufon be went off., TONEY, of the AngolayyinWtboutThtti feet six inches high; and AR- Tit five feet siximN|Hffiigh, forty-five years old and A bbcram*nud will be given for secujJMpnem in gaol, on master; Tlr. wjj n Savannah, or in Dai’iei^^^. One Hundred Dollars■ reward. Runaway', on the 7th inst. tiie subscriber’s negro wo man ROSE, about five feet four or live inches high, mild appearance, of easy disposition and apparently forty years of ag-e. As she carried away with her a good i supply of clothes, it is impossible to describe her dress. She is well know n in Savannah, having lived there in the family of the late Levi Shes all, esq. ami owned lat terly by Mr. Elias Wallen. As her connections reside in that city, it is believed she w ill endeavor to reach it. Twenty dollars will be given on securing her in the gaol at Savannah, or delivering her to her owner at Darien; and one hundred dollars for proof to conviction of her being harbored bv any white person. JOHN HOLZENDORF, sen. N. B. If Rose return of her own accord, she will be forgiven. dec 14 3 Twenty Dollars ? reward. ANA WAY on the lQth instant, from the plantation to the estate of major Edward AVhitc, in Jones county, an African fellow named TOM, lately pur chased at the sale of Africans in Milledgeville, about 22 years of age, five feet and a half high, stoutly built, of a very pleasant countenance, his face and back covered with country marks, the latter very remarkable, meet ing on the middle and running downwards toward the sides. lie will probably be unable to mention his own-1 er’s name. Had on when he went away, a jacket and Dowsers of white plains. It is conjectured tliat he may attempt to find his way to Darien, Savannah or the Indi an nation. The above reward will be paid to any per son who will deliver the negro thus described, at the plantation from w hich ho absconded, or confine him in any gaol, so that he may be recovered. BENJAMIN A. WHITE, ex’or. (rt/’The editors of the Darien Gazette will please to give t e above six weekly insertions, and forward their bill to the Journal office for payment. Jlfilledgeville, December 14— a—l 2 f [ ASSIXE OF BREAD, I Fok jA\om, 1819. OTpHE prilejof 4A and a !*>! J per barrel, Bread must weigh as-ftflToA's:— lb. ozs. 6i cdptJoaf of which afl fakers are required to take du^mtice. JAMES BURNEI^^c. Flre- Wood wanted ON THE WESTERN WATERS. 1 TIE steam-boat company are desirous of contracting for a regular supply of WOOD, to be ordered for 1 the use of the steam-boats the ensuing season, at conve- ; nient landing places on the Oconee and Alatamaha riv ers. The Wood must be of pitch pine, cut from the bodies of large trees, of high land growth, and well seasoned. Light-wood would be preferred. Persons willing to contract for the delivery, atone or more landings, will send their proposals, specifying the rate per cord and the name of the landing, its estimated distance from Darien, Milledgeville, or some public place. The pro posals to be addressed either to Joseph Hittchvsox, treasurer, at Augusta, or Ricuahti Wavxe, Savannah. SAMUEL HOWARD. oct 2C ■■ ■ 1 Tn Chambers , January 19, 1819. AN ORDINANCE ro\rr.n\ix’G goats i.\ the e rr or nwt’Ev. Tlesolviul, That ten days from ami .flier the pasiingtof this ordinance, it shall be unlawful t r anv t> ■: or Goats to run at large in the cilv oi Darici.; that it si.:.', be the dntyofthe City Marshal, after the exp,ration cf tli i time to destroy by shoo-ing or otherwise, .ill such Goats, nd for every Goatso destro ed, the marshal sliall beer. .tied to fifty cents. By oul ‘J eovuci'. JAMES BURNETT, e. e. jan 25 14 NOTICE. * On the \Zth of February ns.rt, ! Will be hired, at public outcry, on the farm of John ! ham, Wayne county, between the usual Irmrs, , Four Negroes, (Stepney, Jess, Simon and Dina) and the said Plantation, the fu elling house excepted. I he. , terms will be made known on the da ot hire. MARY GRAND AM, e.c’rx. A. M‘DONALD, ex'or. jan 4 vK 11 Sheriff's sale. On the first Tuesday in February next, Will be solil/s in this county, between the the following twonegroest A” l*V"’ Joe, levnhd on as the property of x Tillman, under a of mortgage B. Tillman to \\ ill^k^^nug. Ad in in istratrix's sale. On Tuesday, 23d of February next, Jl ill be sold at the residence of the late Cyrus Dart, hi Glynn county, One tract of land containing two hundred and fifty , acres, with tiie improvements thereon, belonging to the estate of the said Cyrus Dart, deceased, and sold so be benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made know u on the day of sale. ANN DART, adm’rr. dec 21 u-fy 9 The Nil in mil Register I S a paper which is published every Satur b.y, at the City of Washington, in the Dis.r ct of Colurmna, and i each number contains sixteen pages octavo, in small but ! very legible type. It makes two volumes in tiu* j car; and every v olume is accompanied with a copious index. , The price per annum stive dollars, payable in advance, j The public documents, both foreign and domestic, the I proceedings of congress, andauthcntic news of every dc -1 scription, are regularly inserted therein, and accompa- I nied by critical and explanatory remarks. Its value is i also enhanced by occasional reviews of literary works; and ; all its sentiments are decidedly American, indepen.lent j of all party’ considerations. For this work, which is well | established, regularly published, and transmitted week ly to subscribers by the mail, the public patronage is respectfullv solicited. LAWRF.NCE, WILSON & CO. Cfj’Printers of newspapers throughout the I nited States will oblige ‘lie proprietors .f the Na 1 ional Regis ter by giving the foregoing a few insertions, jan 4 11 PROPOSALS, BY T. S. HANNON, FOII PUBI.ISHI.XG , I.Y AUGUST.!, A NEWSPAPER, TO nE CALLED THE GE OIIGLIA Dl E R USER. From the growing importance of cur state, and the rapid progress of improvement through all parts of it, a belief is entertained that an attempt to add one to tiie vehicles of periodical intelligence already circulated, wui 1 meet that liberal patronage and support usually ex tended to undertakings combining public utility with individual enterprise and exertion. In submitting to an enlightened and intelligent community proposals for a new paper, no attempt will be made to anticipate pub j lie favor by any extraordinary engagements or splendid professions. The subscriber is aware that the paper he publishes must and will oe judged of according to its own merit, and that its support will correspond with the estimation entertained of the ability, candor and cor rectness w ith which it may be conducted, independent ly of any promises made previous to its appearance. He will therefore barely remark, that having been reg ularly brought up to tiie printing business, lie trusis he shall be able to present to the public a paper worthy their patronage; and it will be Ins unceasing endeavour not to disappoint, in any degree, the expectations of those who may generously countenance and encourage his undertaking. The paper lie proposes to publish will be called Ilia Geokgia Aiivkutiskii. It wll be issued in Augusta, three times a week, on such days as may best corres pond with the arrival and departure of the mails, md with such other circumstances as may tend to render it most extensively useful. It will contain the latest for eign and domestic intebgence—productions calculated to advance the agricultural, commercial and mechanical interests of the community—essays, original or sclect- I ed, tending to improve the morals, correct the taste, i c I inform the judgment, of die reader—and s.icii polit cal articles as may be necessary to a free examination of public measures, and which, exempt from party asperi ty, appear only to have the public good in view. In short, its contents will be such as shall be deemed best calculated to render the Ahvkrtisi.r a paper of useful information and of rational entertainment—and the pub lisher will, with confidence, add his belief, tliat it will at no time contain matter which will be displeasing to its patrons or degrading to himself. T. S. HANNON. TERMS. 1. The Georgia Advertiser will he printed three times a week, on a super-roval sized paper, and with a new tipe, and delivered to subscribers in the city, or forwarded by mail, at six dollars a year, payable i.i advance or on the delivery of the first paper. 2. All subscriptions will be for one year at least, and will be considered as continued where a notice to the contrary is not given. 3. Advertisements will be inserted at the customary rates. Augusta, December 22, 1818. received at the Post-Office in Darier. AN APPRENTICE TO the printing business is wanted at the office of the DARIEN GAZETTE. A country lad of from twelve to fifteen years old, with credentials, would be preferred, JOB PRINTING EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH AT Ztyt Office OF THE DA R]KXfmML£TTJ^^^^