Darien gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1818-1828, August 02, 1819, Image 1

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VOL. I. PUBLISHED WEEKLY hY MLYTYRE $ MILLEJT, (bay-street) AT FIVE DOLLARS PEH AXNUM, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE# Advertisements, not exceeding one square, seventy five cents for the first insertion; and an and a half, each successive time. 03-All letters, on business, to the editors, must be ‘POST-PAID. notice 7 DURING my absence from this state Mr. John Wack ier and Mr. James Burnett, will act as my attorneys, Those indebted tome will please make payment to Mr. James Burnett. RUFUS It* ME RILL, july 26 n 40 Doctor William Fraser HAS commenced the practice of medicine, surgery, &c. in Darien, and tenders his services to its in habitants and the vicinity. julv 19 39 Darien lots for sale. IT” ROM ten to fifteen LO I S, in different parts of this city, by GEORGE STREET. april 5 24 For sale A commodious two story HOUSE, pleasantly situat ed, with a l ot, and .necessary Out Buildings. Also a RAZEE, neatly finished with Harness complete for two horses, and oneigood saddle or carriage HORSE. For terms apply to GEORGE ATKINSON, dec 28 TO For sale A two story HOUSE, situated in one of the pleasant j\ est parts of Darien, and at present occupied by Charles F. Sibbald, esq. comprising as complete an establishment as any in the city. The house contains six rooms; and has attached to it a comfortable kitchen, servants’ apartments, a stable, fowl-house, garden, and a well of most excellent water. For further particulars and terms apply to JOHN HUNTER, march 15—21 Eagle Hotel. Panic of Darien, the Bth June, 1819. OTICE. — From and after the 14th day of June to .Is the first of October next, this bank will open at 11 o’clock, and close at one o’clock. lit/ order. [34] ELEAZ. EARLY, cashier. ST. .10IJ.\"S LOIkTe. I PROPOSALS will be received by either of the sub scribers in all thismonth, for building a Masonic Hall in tins city, agreeably to the plan which the committee will produce, on application. Those disposed to under take, will apply at the store of Charles L. Chaxpaynk, where the plan may be seen. JOHN B. MILLS, A CHARI.ES l. CHAMPAYNE, l ALLEN B. POWELL, >committee ARMAND LEFILS. J june 1 32 fysßrolce gaol in Darien, on the AI NT. a private in thelj**tetf*states’ 6 Wfm dei-bJIli Ten doltafswhlube given for his delivery gaol in Darien, oiiAlw^kh nameiL^Siyp^^RYxiDches the *■* paid for his delivery at t> WHITE, ‘ H> v\ Ten Dollars’ reward, STf 05&N from onboard the sloopNeptmie I j|fOr!VF.fr* W A gold chain, seal and l^jlffciminute hand br4ki n, ijj|art remaining on the jJTthe seal liu# a the On the bot toinxfae eMm brok en on the Tito person giving infor n‘TTi;nm^iv^bffict^mcre may be found, t>Jiall m above rewfflftvMid for the ap- thief, they shall be lioll|jj^re\v r arded.^ G3” Georgian is three times, and forward the account'T^^us CAUTION. . f |MIIS all persons from taking X menjmwm TlNmas Ilall in Glynn of a bond *iii 1 i \~\Jj\jU\rdf nul live cents, asTamjnotynnim-d not topajMjmsame unless coinpel- MARtIM^ILSON. V. / NOTICE. ~~ AI X pFsycas are forewarned frommmJwWg any notes<^^iW*J4Vy r inn & Scott of f’ mull p jrpiiiitvi Ur-TPr-iq, jynimr his obligations to “TW amo/nf of said to take them up at anvjUen'M(lLlUm “111 come forwUnk*_ NOTICE. NINE months after date application will be made to the court of ordinary of the county of Tattnall, for leave to sell all the real estate of Asa Travis, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs. LITTLETON WYCIIF., eafior. ap:.i 15 26 NOTICE. “YpNE months afterdate, application will be made lx to the honorable the court of ordinary of Glynn countv for leave to sell the real estate of Mrs. Rebecca Wright, late of said countv, deceased. JAMES MOORE? , _ GEO. ABBOTT 5 e * or, ‘ DAItIBN GAZETTE. RECEIVED, By brigs JVe-ui-Orleans Packet, from Liverpool, and Or leans, from Boston, IIITF. and blue Plains Duffle and rose Blankets Red and white Flannels Cotton Bagging Earthenware, assorted, in crates and hogsheads Tea sets of China, in boxes Stone Jugs and Jars, assorted Plain and cut Glass, assorted, in tierces ( * . 4 Shades, in tierces Plough Moidds, frying Pans, Gridirons and trace Chains Iron Pots, Ovens, Skillets, Spiders and Firedogs Shot, bar and sheet Lead v Cut and wrought Nails, 4d to 30d Sweed, Russian and English Iron Porter and Ale, In tierces N. E. Rum, in hogsheads and barrels West-India Rum, m hogsheads p Holland Gin asd Brandy, in pipes Coffee, in bags, barrels and tierces Boston Beef, mess, No. 1 and 2, and Pork in bis. Half barrels mess and prime mess Boston Beel Tripe, Salmon and Mackerel in kegs Candles, in boxes, Oats, in bags W bite Lead in kegs and barrels, Linseed Oil, W indow Glass, in boxes Marble Tiles, J!ricks, Grindstones, % White pine Boards and Scantlings for sale by YONGE, RICHARDSON & CO- On consignment, by brig Orleans, from Boston, and for sale by the subscribers at a small advance, A few trunks and boxes assorted men’s, women’s and children’s BOOTS and SHOES. , m YONGE, RICHARDSON & CO. dec 21— 9 M'lutosh Academy. THF. summer term of M’lntosh Academy will com mence the third Monday in June. The litQtary de partment will be assigned to instructors, whose talents, attainments and morals meet the approbation of the commissioners. They will teach the severalbranches of an English and classic education usually taught in other academies. Particular attention will be paid to the health, manners and morals of the scholars, june 21 35 To Lumber- Cutters. “inf J"ANTED for the Darien Steam Saw Mill ten thou s ▼ sand PINE LOGS, either round, flat or square, say so much per thousand feet, under 30 feet long, from 30 to 40 feet, and from 40 to 60 feet long. None of the timber will be wanted cut until Novem ber next, or delivered until January. Any person wishing to contract for 1000 or more logs per year, for one or more years, will please apply to the subscriber. ROSW ELL KING, april 12 25 One hundred Dollars’ reward . IDNAPPED, about the latter end of April last, 1. from the vicinity of Darien, (Ga.) J effehsiin Can ted, a mulatto lad, 18 years of age, five feet five or six inches high. He is tolerably bright, of thin visage, spare make, with an eye-tooth only; lie was raised in the upper parts of this state. After being carried away, be was sold by a man calling himself Wilham Wilson, to Joshua Pearce, of Scrivcn county, who disposed of him to a horse-jockey named Ferguson, a resident of Ten nessee. The above reward of one hundred dollars, will be given for the delivery of the said Jefferson Carter to the undersigned in Darien, or fifty dollars for securing him in any lawful gaol, so that lie may be recovered and restored to his liberty by f ‘ j JOSHUA* A. COFFEE, Guardian. julv 19 1 j 9 QCj” r l be Georgia Journal, Augusta Chronicle, Nash ville Whig, St. Stephen’s Clarion, Mobile Gazette, and South Carolina State Gazette are requested to publish the above three times, and forward their accounts to this office. liana way, yw ON instant, from the undersigiuyJfliving in Lirofctascjunty, (&*>.lus negro inflow, named JACK, high, and JpljmrSmmlectett'j. scar on his AdrotasyWfein his jJFs, He is a native of states lie will pro ”balj|y atirendpt to return hyteater. through the port of ingWillil as * ell as an ex *l?enHiWq*ne, may attempt to free man, by ex- Mbiti**-jjjrged paafims, A liberal rNteyii with all rea son will be giVCTwon his being deliwredi tiyflle subscriber, or for in any gaol, so thift he may be recovered, by . JT SIMEON ELINGPQN. jsgf 26 Ef 40 Runaway, jr subscriber, living in TattnfflWminty, on thfe May, a negro man p&jNo Jim. He is tall, rather kneed, and wears largejfqisker]|i(cut round his chin; and name. As he took “t Ii is impossil.ii- to d< s cribe \usJnyJfc. oWiiujr him to the uncler gaol so tMNjfibe recovered, shall ffcjjce dollars and all rcasonSiUe expenses that mMouprfnciirred. J. A. TWHiNS. .iq Two Hundred Dollars’ reward. ABSENTED from the plantation of James Moore, (one of the undersigned) on the 23d of December last, a Negro Wench, named CELIA, and on the 11th January following, a negro man, named JACK, both belonging to the estate of Mrs. Martha Powell, deceas ed. Fifty dollar’s reward will be given for the appre hension of each or either of said negroes on delivery to one of the subscribers and all reasonable expenses paid. As it is believed said negroes have been inveigled or stolen from the premises aforesaid, the further sum of one hundred dollars will be paid for proof to convic tion of the offender. Celia is about thirty-five years of age, African born, speaks rather bad English, and in a very peculiar man ner; but is otherwise smart and shrewd. On being spoken to, she has the singular habit of throwing up her head with a disdainful air. JACK, her husband, between forty and forty-five years of age, about five feet eight inches high, steady and sedate in his man ners, one upper tooth lost, and some country marks.— Both of said negroes, it is believed, arc branded on the breast with the letter M. LEIGHTON WILSON"] creditors on J AMES M(JOKE Restate Jfrs. GEO. ABBOTT J Powell. Glynn county, ‘February 7, 1819. —1 7 DARIEN, (GA.J MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1819. $40,000. By authority of Congress. NATIONAL LOTTERY. SECOND CLASS. SVHEME. 100 Prizes of & 1,000 is .... g 100,000 1 do. 40,000 40.000 2 do. 10,000 20,000 4 do. 5,000 . - 20,000 20 do. 500 10,000 60 do. 100 6,000 2,600 do. 40 104,000 10,000 Tickets. §300,000 rni7.ES ALL FLOATING. First 1000 Blanks entitled to §4O each. 2 prizes of §5,000 floating from Ist day’s drawiiig. 1 do. 5,000 do. sth do. 1 do. i. 5,000 do. 7th do. 1 doJL 10,000 do. 10th do. 1 do. 10,000 do. 15th do. 1 do 40,000 do. 17th do. Prizes subject to a deduction of 15 per cent. The drawing of 500 tickets is called a day’s drawing, and will regulate that of the above prizes. The drawing, will commence at the city of Washing ton, in the month of October next, positively, unless the sale of tickets will allow it to be done sooner. Cash will lie promptly advanced for Prizes, at either of D. GILLESPIE’S United States’ Lottery Offices, No. 114 Broadway, opposite the City Hotel, jiew-York; No. 11 South-Third, between Chestnut and Market Streets, Philadelphia; and Pennsylvania Avenue, City of Washington. This splendid Lottery being under the authority of the United States, and the Prizes all floating,as specified, offers the greatest inducements to venders and advent turers. As the Tickets can ho sold in any part of the United States, orders (post-paid) forwarded to the sub scriber at either of the above offices, from venders, as sociates, or individuals, for Tickets or Chances, will re ceive thankful and punctual attention, from 1). GILLESPIE. N. B. Present retail price of Tickets §32, but w ill ad vance to 35 outlie Ist of August, july 19 c 39 PLANTERS’ HOTEL , NORTH SIDE, UPPE£ END BROAD-STREET, AUGUSTA. IYHIS new, large and commodious four-story Building, . is, at present, so far completed, that the subscribers are enabled to tender their services to the public in the line of their profession. They pledge their utmost ex ertions to render their customers comfortable and well pleased with their accommodations. Their means are ample, and their disposition as good to effect this prom ise as most publicans. Their Stables are well supplied with Provender, and an attentive Ostler. Their Table with as good Fare as the markel affords. “Their rooms with good Beds, kept neat —and their Bar with obliging young men, who will furnish them with genuine Liquors. The superintendance and management of all which, will be scrupulously attended to by the subscribers, who ask no more encouragement than they max be fairly en titled to, from their assiduity to give general satisfaction. COSBY DICKINSON, EBENEZER STARNES. N. B. Boarders accommodated by the year, month or week; and private drawing rooms with chambers at tached, w ill be always in readiness and neatly prepared for the reception of families. djr"The Georgia Journal, Washington News, Darien Gazette, Savannah Georgian and Charleston City Gazette are requested to publish the above twice a week for two months; and forward their accounts to this office for payment. • Augusta, February 13, 1819 18 1 nfo rmation wan ted OF Mr. LUKE KIEKAN, aged about 48 or 49, is a native of Ireland—when last heard of he resided among the Creeks, (in Georgia) which was about twen ty years ago. Any information of” him will be thank fully received bv the editor of the “Franklin Reposito ry,” Chamberburg, Pennsylvania. G3” Editors throughout the United States, and parti cularly in Georgia and Alabama, will subserve the cause of humanity, by giving the above a few insertions, july 19 39 CAUTION. THE subscribers take this method offorewaming all personsfrom erecting any buildings, making any set tlements, or tresspassing in any manner whatever, on Wolf Island, the property of the subscribers, without their permission, as they will be prosecuted to the ut most rigor of the law'. SAMI EL HAMILTON, april J 9: 26 DAVID HAMILTON. Administrator’s sale. On Tuesday, the 10th of August next, H ill be sold at Tattnall court-house at tmhHc outcry, ALL the personal property of James Hancock, de ceased, consisting of eighty head Stock Cattle, one sorrel Mare, one Waggon, some Hogs, and other stock, plantation Utensils and household Furniture. Sale to continue from day to day till all the property is sold, and terms made known on the dav of sale. GEItTON HANCOCK,? , , D. HANCOCK, $ adm orS ’ june 28 36 PROCLAMATION. IFF., St. Foix Cornell, by the tfficacy of soap and steel, conqueror of beards, humbler of bushy heads, protector of bald pates, king of the pole , and emperor of all the shavers. Being duly appointed by our faithful allies, the good citizens of Darien, keeper of the Exchange, do is sue this our imperial proclamation, forbidding all and every person or persons in future to step or stand or place his, her or their feet on the seats of the Exchange aforesaid, whereby the skirts of new coats may be de faced, or clean pantaloons soiled, and also order them to refrain from cascading on the pavement, whereby the same may become unseemly to the eye, or offensive to the smell; and whosoever disregarding this our royal will and imperial pleasure, shall, for every such rebel lious deed, lie mulcted in the sum of truenty-five cents. Given under our imperial hand and seal, this fifth day of July, Anno Domini ISI9, at the palace of the pole and caricature. St. FOIX, roi et empereur. Vive VEmpereur. Attest John, secretary of stoic, knight oj the strap and block, etc. One hundred Dollars’ reward. RANAWAY from Willliam Robertson, on Sunday > evening, 4th inst. a mulatto man, about 40years of age, named M ARRY, lias been in the habit of driving a wagon in Milledgeville and its vicinity, brought from North Carolina last fall, lie is about 5 feet 11 or 12 in* dies high, spare made. His left hand lias two web fin gers, occasioned by a burn it is supposed. LONDON or LUNNUN, the property of Seaborn Jones, about 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, and about 32 or 33 years of age, yellow complexion, an indifferent car penter or wheel-right, and has worked a little a’ ‘be blacksmith’s trade, of humble deportment, and speaks mildly, spare made, rather stooping when walking, anil has wore probably a blue Waterloo coat, not much ‘die worse for w ear, and has considerable shrewdness. TOM, the property of Seaborn Jones, about sfeet 11 inches high, and 22 or 23 years of age, large and stn uig built, is not smart, and speaks rather slowly, of black complexion, a little inclined to yellow. These two had for their ordinary clothing, striped homespun and u It quartered well made negro shoes, w hich tie nearly ip to the ancle. JOSIU A, the property of John IT. Howard, about 23 or 29 years of age, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, complexion a little yellowish, of humble deportment, and mild speech. Had on when he went aw ay, a round about blue coat and slick hat. lie has been a seaman, and will probably aim for V dn'.ington, Nov'h Carolina, where he was purchased, or Some other seaport town. ‘I tie whole of these negroes came from Y rginia and Mary land, and w ill probably endeavor to get that way or to Florida. “They are must probabl furnished \ i u f.ee passes, and will attempt to pass for free men. The a ive reward w ill he given for the appri hension and cry ot the whole to the subscribers in Millcgeuhe, and reasonable expenses paid, or twenty-five doll ■. ior either, or for lodging them in some safe gaol, ami gi .ng immediate information. SEABORN JONES. WILLIAM ROBERTSON. JOHN H. HOW ARD. Milledgeville , July s— 39 N. B. “The editors of the I)a: en Gazette, and Raleigh Register, will inser’ ‘he above four times, and To ward their accounts for payment. PROPOSALS For publishing, at Milledgeville , A NEWSPAPER—TO BE ENTITLED GEORGIA REPUBLICAN. THE duty of editors of newspapers, forb nately, is well understood by the American people. “The pub lication, therefore, of proposals for printing-, does not, as we conceive, require any avoWud of political tenets, or protestation of patriotism. ’Tis useless. Let their work, not a prospectus, decide if editors be, or be not. worthy the patronage of their fellow-citizens. The first number of the Georgia Hepublican will be issued, by us, at Milledgeville, on the second Tuesday in September, the present year. It will be printed once a week, and on a large super-royal sheet: —not in ferior, in point of size, to any in the s'ate. The press, and all necessary apparatus, be entirely new, and of the best, quality. We solicit the patronage of an inde pendent community. CONDITIONS. Three dollars in advance, (upon the receipt of the first number) or four dollars at the expiration of the year. Advertisements and all other printing will be done at the customary prices. Letters addressed to the editors must, in all casts, be post-p*id. WALTER JONES, HENRY DENISON. Milledgeville, April 20. 1819. (L/* Subscriptions received at the office of the Darien Gazette. f corgi a — M i 1 n tosh co u v ty. INFERIOR COl RT, JUNE TERM, 1819. ON the petition of'L. Le Chattier stating that Armand Lefils had been in possession of a Note of hand, which the said Armand J.efils held fob the only proper use and benefit of the said L. Lc Chattier; hat th sand note was signed by William Bain and Thomas M'Guirc,. bearing date the twenty-first day of July, ■igih cen . n dred and eighteen, for the sum of one hundre ; and twenty-five dollars, a copy whereof as nearly as the pe titioner could recollect was annexed to the said pH'.rion, and is now lodged in the clerk’s office, together wiili an affidavit pursuant to the law of seventeen hundred and ninety-nine; that the said note was lost by the said Armand Lefils, and praying the benefit of the said law, and other proof being also laid before the court, It is ordered, ‘That the said William Bain and the rep resentative of the said ‘Thomas M'Guire do shew cause on or before the first day of the next term of the sa.d court why the prayer of the petitioner should not he granted; and it is further ordered that this rule be pub lished in one or more of the public gazettes of the said state once a month, until the time appointed for shewing cause thereon, june 28 tW >36 ~ MN ACT To grant cerialrßHPers to the commissioners of pilot age fot* the pffrtof Darien, and to authorise them to collect a tonnage duty on vessels. Be it enacted by the senate and home of representatives of the state of Georgia, in general assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the com missioners of pilotage for the port ofTJurien shall have ful pov er and authority to place in the Alatamaha river, certain anchors, buoys and chains, for the purpose of aiding and assisting vessels in their passage from Darien to Doboy sound. § 2. And be it further enactedby the authority aforesaid, That if any person or persons shall displace, cut, break, alter or destroy, any of the said anchors, buoys or chains, they- shall forfeit and pay the sum of three hundred dol lars, to be recovered in any court of this state having jurisdiction. Any person giving information to convic tion, of the offender, shall be entitled to one half of the penalty, which is one hundred and fifty dollars. § 3. And be it further enacted, That the commission ers of pilotage for the port of Darien, be, and they are hereby authorised, to levy and collect on all vessels ar riving at the port of Darien, three cents per ton, for the purposes as above expressed: Provided this act shall not be construed to authorise the said commissioners of pilotage to collect tonnage duty on vessels Tcensed as coasting vessels and drogers in this state. f BENJAMIN WILLIAMS, Jk Speaker of the house of represent MATHEW TAI.BOT, President of Assented to, 18th December, l:.t . mii k ‘ ARMAN *- A .a r—- 4 No, 41.