Darien gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1818-1828, November 04, 1820, Image 1

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[M m. 105 GAZETTE I EVERT SATURDAY, AT NOON, IN & MAXWELL. ( Broadway.) PER ANNUM,, 1? AT ABIE IN ADVANCE. , not exceeding fourteen lines, seven the first insertion; and successive time. If the length of and, they., will he continued until for >r the whole time. tinued until ill arrearages are paid. on business, to the editors, must be ESHGOOJDS, per brig Mary Ann from N. York and ’ a partial supply SEASONABLE ig of Blankets, Plains, Cloths, fine toes, &c. all of which are offered for her on, reasonable terms, at his store, by Isaac 6’asportas. RUFUS R. MERRILL. , POTATOES, gc. ’, Potatoes, and kegs fresh Crackers, and for sale by , C. E. PUTNAM & CO, ani CORN MEAL. flour Meal, ground at the Darien steam *—for sale by B. KING & CO, Jjt wjshing'the last mentioned article ippSedat the mill, by applying as SUBSCRIBER received and offers for sale , me Green Coffee do brown Sugar st Rye Gin perfine Flour ot Bread mdon Porter gnafc Brandy t Nails i Consignment^ Linseed Oil bite Dead. ; , C. G. JONES. ALE, OR LEASE, IOUSE, in Adams street, ad ajor Rees’s, now occupied by Jona-, far, esq. For terms apply to ANSON KIMBERLY. 10. W. COE, 3BICK BUILDING, BaOUGHTON-9TREET) SAVANNAH, sale, the folkiing seasonable DRY GOO3S, for cash, acceptances, or cotton, viz: Plains, of a superior quality London duffil Blankets se Blankets, assorted rkshire Cloths, very cheap erd’s gupferfine blue and black Cloths , do do Cassimeres »■ v . aw charged Cassimeres me white Flannels ¥ • do Homespun an Plaids and Stripes m Sheetings incy Goods, just received from New -4 c 51” ~ ■ TO REJV'T, ossession given immediately, several it STORES, in the commercial part own. Also several DWELLING , pleasantly situated. For further PLACIDE LE CHARTIER, FOR SALE, ~ made before the Ist of December NTATION lying on Sapelo river, indred acres; a great proportion of :rior cotton and corn land. There ■S, a good cotton house, gin house and :s several negro houses. A more.ac i is conceived unnecessary, as it is hing to purchase will examine the 165, in the city of Darien, Forfur nquire at this office. WR SALE, ~ iVNTATION, at the confluence of . Oakmtilgee rivers, containing'963 e, oak, hickory and pine land, the ered, and adjacent to one of the best onee —150 acres is now under culti i shad fishery, .excelled by none.— of rare fruit, which may be made to ) gallons—a Cotton Machine, &c.— : the head of steam-boat navigation, dad will become a place of deposit, ving town. Terns made known on BENJAMIN G. CRAY. pt. 14 eQw3m- 49 FOR SALE. offers for sale th<? tract of land where ides, in Tattnall county, containing ind eighty-one acres, with about two iretl, one hundred of which is swamp s equal, if not superior, to any on the s are in tolerable fepair. The up d to the product of cotton, corn and ; on the primises a good 6aw gin, and jorary, though convenient, buildups, ell timbered, with two or three eon ices. The purchaser will be indulg third of The purchase money, and rises to secure the balance. v JOHN P. BLACKMAN. DARIEN GAZETTE. DARIEN, (GEORGIA,) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1820. MANSION HOUSE HOTEL, The undersigned having completed his new ■ Vjand commodious building, on Walton and Bl 4 ■ Broad-streets, feels pleasuse in annbuncing to old friends and the public, that he is now prepared to receive them, and fully enabled to entertain as well, if not far better, than any house of the kind in this part of the country 1 . His table will always be well supplied, and bedding comfortable and cleanly, A Bar is also attached to the Hotel, which will at all times be found to be well supplied with the best of Liquors, &c. Gentlemen With their families, can be agreeably accom modated with private rooms. Rooms are also reserved for such gentlemen as may wish to enjoy themselves with private dinner or supper’ parties. Considerable expense h&* attended the erecting of the above hotel—and those who inay favor the proprie tor with their calls, may rest assured that nothing will be left undone to render them comfortable and agreea ble. , ; * > His Stables are always well supplied with good corn, fodder, hay, &c. and qvery attention will be paid to horses left in his charge, as he has an attentive ostler and farrier for the purpose. j , JOHN HOLZENDORF. Darien, Oct. 10, 1820 —52 ■/- , > FOR SALEi THATweli known Cotton Plantation called Belvidere, situated on the South Newport river, in the coun ty of M‘lntosh, (Ga.) containing 15Q0 acresof Oak, Hick ory and low swamp lands—6o acres of the latter now under cultivation, with a sufficient proportion of pine barren attached. j This place has been long celebrated for the beauty and healthfulness of its situation, commanding a fine 1 view of St, Catharine’s Inlet and the Ocean; and also for the excellent quality of the cotton which- it produces, which has always commanded ‘the highest price. This plantation is admirably calculated for a force of from 20 to 50 workers. It has a well-finished two-story Dwell ing, and alhnecessary out'bimdings. There is a hand some beach immediately in front of the dwelling, and a bold river half a mile in widtp. For terms apply to Joseph S, Pblot, Factor, Savan nah, or to the subscribers fin the premises. * j CHAS. IGNILLIAT, v JAS. GIGJHLLIAT. OCj’The editors of the Charleston Courier, and Dari ,en Gazette, will insert tlie/above once a week until the Ist of Dec. next, and forwird their accounts to the of fice of the Savannah Republican for payment. „ june 6 - 34 TO LUMBER CUTTERS. WANTED for the Darien Eastern Steam Sarv-Jltilt, three thousand five hundred LOGS, of best Yellow Pine, viz: one thousand logs twenty feet long, ope thousand logs twenty-five feet long, and one thou sand'do. thirty feet long, to be not less than twelve inch es on the face, and not more than fourteen inches nor less then twelves inches deep—and five hundred logs forty feet long, to be not less than twelve nor more than fourteen inches on the face, and hot more than four teen inches deep nor less than eleven incljes —to be he wed on two sides plumb and true. This timber must be free from any blemishes, such as axe scores, large knots, rots, or cracks. Any person desirous of contracting for the wholes or not less than one thousand logs, to be delivered before Ist March, 1821, will please sehd seale proposals (post paid) to Messrs. J. H. GIEKIE & CO, Darien, on or be fore the first day of December next; so that \the most favorable may be closed with. The first offer will a preference to any other, on the same terms. C. McGREGOR, secretary.i Darien, oct 7-- v 51 ‘ ’■, \i (’ JTOTICE. , THE subscriber, -Millwright, of New-Jersey, begs leave to those interested in Mills, that he holds himself inreadiness, to,undertake the buildiiig and erecting of Mills of all the various kinds, on tfte most approved plans now in use in the different parts of the United States; and having a competent number of experienced workmen under his direction, and from a long experience In the business himself, feels thfrt confidence, which justifies him in giving this public no tice, that he asks no pay for any work done under his superintendance, which shall not prqfco to be done ac cording tb the most strict principles of mechanics, and in the most workmanlike manner. , For information on the subject, the subsUflfeer would name Messrs. J. & C. Bolton, New-York, A Jlr. Ros well King, Darien, Ga. who will givte any information required. i Any gentleman having in contemplation the building of Mills; will please to-direct their communication to Chatham, Morris County, New-Jersey, and all orders of this nature will be thankfully received, and duly at tended to by ELIPIIA.LET MILLER. Darjen; Jufie 19— f-— —■- 35, DARIEN STEAM SAW MILL. TO LUMBER CUTTERS. A CONTRACT wanted, to supply the said Mill with ten thousand pine logs of good quality, to*be deliv ered from the beginning to the end of the year 1821— of the following description viz. 1-20 from 55 to 60 feet long, 3-20th from 50 to 55 feet, 3-lQth from 45 t,o 50 feet long, 3-10 from 40 to 45 feet long and 2-10 from 35 to 40 feet long—to be hewed op two sides not less than 12 inches in a streight line, plumb and ,true, and not less than 10J inches thick at the small end or more than two inches larger at the but butt end may be hewed off in a rough manner to the size of the sntall end in a rouyd state.--This timber be free from any apparent blemishes, siSch as axe scores, large knots, rots or cracks. ‘ - A company would be prefered to contract for the wihole, and no contract will lie made for less than 1000 logs. . Also want to contract for round cypress logs, for which the same price will be giv*>n as for pine of same length, the logs must not be less Ilian 18 indies at butt, or larges than 30 inches: or less than will square 12 inches at the small end free from sap. To get cypress timbey with ease, tjie trees should be deadea one year before hand, by pealing the bark off 8 or 10 inches wide, when it strips well; the best time trees, is, the foil moon in May; June, July and Au gust ,will answer for most trees. One hundred of these logs will be contracted for, with any one person. • i Any one wishing to contract will please send to-the subscriber sealed proposals, (post paid) any tifne be fore the firiJt day of October next, so that thi contracts may be closed, and commence cutting timber by the first or November. -The first that offers will have the preference of any other oh same terms. . 1 ROSWELL KING. , DcrL n, May 15——30. DARIEN ; JULY 12, 1820: THE copartnership of the subscribers, which has hitherto beep carried on in thisi place under the firm of Yonge, llichardf.on & Cos. is dissolved this day by mutual assent; all persons having demands against them, are requested to present them; and those owing them to make payment to Mr. Armand Lefils, or ih his absence to Mr. William Cooke. PII. R. YONGE, R, RICHARDSON, [4o] ARMAND LEFILS. SUGAR BOILER WANTED. SUCH a one, that can be well recommended, will find encouragement, by applying to JAMES SMITH, oct 7 —:r —sl Mdntosh county , near Darien. TEN DOLLARS’ RE WARD iajk w Will be paid for the recovery of two bay HORSEN, which, it is supposed, were stolen from out of the limits of the dNtdgJfJhs city, on Thursday evening, 18th instant The hind feet of the lowest horse are white, and has a number of saddle spots. A further description of the other is unnecessary—he formerly belonged to Mr. Wm. Bain, and would be known by most persons, in the city. The above reward will be paid to any person who will, deliver the above descibed horses to the undersign ed—and an additional reward of fifty dollars will be paid for proof to conviction of the thief or thieves. oct, 28—52 PLACIDE LE CHARTIER. H „ STOLEN FROM alongside thq sloop Neptune, on the 20th inst. a YAWL BOAT, about 15 feel keel, varnished outside*; the builders name branded inside the boat, on her stem, on both sides, H. Stocker, A reward of five dollars will be paid to any person who will deliver said boat to the subsriber, and ten on conviction of the thief, JOHN HUNTER. sept 23———49 ~ FOUND, ADRIFT, A Large canoe built BOAT, abbot 40 feet long, and between 4 and 5 feet wide, decked at each end* The owner by proving his property and paying for advertisement, can recover the same by applying to the printers hereof. oct. 7—tv 51 ■ i CITY MARSHAL’S SALE 7 On the first Tuesday in November next, Will be sold at the court-house in Darien, between the * hours of ten and two o'clock, ONE SULKEY and Harness; levied on as the pro perty of William C. Terrell,*to satisfy an execu tion in favor of Collins Thayer, „ ‘JAMES OLIVER, C.m. sept 30 50 ■ r - CITY MARSHAL'S SALE. On the first Tuesday in Noveniber next, WiU be sold at'the court house in Darien, between the hours f ten and two o'clock, A LI. the personal property of Resolved White, dec. J\ consisting of Wearing Apparel, &c. to satisfy executions in favor of John Holzendorf.. JAMES OLIVER, c. m. sept 23—". 19 1 t SHERIFF’S SALE. ‘ On the first Tuesday in November next!, Will be sold at ike court-house in the city of Darien, between the usual hours of 10 and 2 o'clock, A CERTAIN tract of Land, on South Newport, ad joining lands of Jonathan Bacon; levied on as the property of Matthew Carter, by Samuel Peacock, con stable of said county, to satisfy an execution in favor of Isaac Nbraharns. JOSHUA A, COFFEE, s. m. c. oct 1—52 WILL BE SOLD, ~ On the first Monday in November next, Will be sold at the court-house in Wayne county, ALL the property of James Wilkins, alias James Ful ler, dec. consisting of one Saddle and Bridle, one pair of Holsters with Pistols, one pair of half Boots, one Hat, one pair Saddlebags, and sundry other articles.^— Sold by order of court. Conditions, cash before deli very—sale to commence at 11 o’clock. DUNCAN FORT, c. c. o. w. c. sept 30 i ■ 50 _______ Georgia —Mdntosh county. By A. B, Powell, clerk of the court of ordinary foj* the county and state aforesaid. To all whom it may concern: John I. Dietz applies for letters of ad 's Y ministration on the estate pf James Fisher, deceased. , These are, therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections (ifany they have) in my office, on or before the 7th day of Nov. next, otherwise letters of administration will be granted the applicant, Given under my hand and seal, this 7th day of Oct. 1820. [i.. s.] A. B. POWELL, c. c. o. h. c. oct 7 51 , . ‘ ‘ NOTICE, ON the first day of October next will commence the attendance of two sloop pilot boats, on Dobay bar and Darien river; one of which is intended for the bar, the other .for the river, and both furnished with good and skifful! pilots. Captains and masters of vessels are informed, and re quested to remark, that upon their arrival off the bar and getting view of either of the boats, whether inside or outside of the same; and upon either of the said boats hoisting a white flag with a blue cross tjb run direct for thq boat. •"> v - . • fef Published by older of the commissioners erf pilotage, Savannah Republican and Charleston Cour ier will publish the above once a week for four weeks and forward their accounts to this office for payment. Darien, Sept. 16, 1820, • NOTICE TO MARINERS. THOMAS VEAL having bought a schooner PILOT- expressly for Doboy Bar, respectfully in forms all masters of vessels bound to Darien, that after this date his schooner boat, under his, own direction, shall attend the Bar. All masters of vessels bound to Darien will please to observe, that should the weather be bad, his boat shall -be placed between the two buoys, and-shall be distinguished by a red flag with a white ball—then the master of said vessel, intending td cross Doboy Bar, Will be particular in bringing the srihi pilot-boat to bear iy£st half south, and steer direct ly for her, and follow her to the anchorage ground, or to Darien, should the wind and tide permit. , oct 58—52 NOTICE. THREE months after date, I shall apply to the cash iers of the following Banks, for the payment o the following notes: Right hand half of No. 399, signed Thos. Spalding, pre sident, for §IOO, on the Bank of Darien. No. 1294, do do for §SO on do do No. 205, signed John Bolton, president, for §lO, on the Planters’ Bank, .Savannah. } No. 61, signed S. Eiliot, president, for §2O, on the Bank of the state ©fS. Carolina, Charleston. No. 359, signed W. B. Bulloch, president, for §2O, on the State Bank of Georgia, Savannah. The left hand half of the above bills are supposed to have been robbed from the mail dispatched from Mil ledgeville to Darien, about five months since. JAMES CROSWELL. Darien, Sept. 16 48 BRIGADE ORDERS. THE review and inspection of the first Brigade, will take place in the following order, to wit:— On Monday and Tuesday 23d and 24th October next, the convention of the field, staff, commissioned andnon commissioned officers of the third regiment in Jeffer- • son, Camden county: on Wednesday the 25th the re view and inspection of the Bth battalion at Jefferson. On Thursday the 26th October, the review and in spection of the 7th battalion, Wayne county; and on Sa turday the 28th, the review and inspection of the 7th battalion at Rrunswick, Glynn county. On Monday and Tuesday the 30th and 31st October, the convention of the field, staff, commissioned and non commissioned officers of the second regiment at Rice borough, Liberty county: on Wednesday, November 1, the review and inspection of the 4th battalion at Rice borough: on Thursday the 2d, Ihe review and inspec tion of the sth battalion, Bryan c minty; and on Monday the 6th, the review and'inspection of the six battaliona at Darien, M’lntosh county. On Monday the 4tli December next the convention of the field, staff, commissioned and non-commissioned officers of the 35th regiment at Cberokee-hill, Chatham county. On Tuesday the sth, the review and inspec tion of the second battalion of the said regiment, at fif fingham court-house; and on Thursday the 7th, the re? view and inspection of the 3d batuHiort, at Fair Lawn. On Friday Bth of December, the review and inspec tion of the Ist regiment in the city of SauaVnah. By order of Brigadier-general Francis Hopkins. JAMES PELOT, brig, ins Ist brig. G. M, M’lntosh county, Sept. 16——-c 50 LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post-Office at Darien, Sept. 30, 1820. B. John Burnitt, Richard Bennett, Samuel H. Bags. C. Nath’l Cornwell, 2; Robert Collins. G. Dr. Charles Gignilliat, Samuel Gardner, Ann Gould, . H- _ - ‘ Benjamin Hills, James Hutson, Sabra Harper. I. andK. „ Edw. B. Ivers, Robert Killpatrick. L. and M. Nathaniel Law; Norman McDonell, M. M. McCul* lock, Thomas Mallard, Audly Maxwell. N. and O. William Nichols, Samnel Oings, P. Charles Porter, James Putnil. R. and S. Capt. James Rodick, Dicey Smith. T. and W. Gardner Tufts, John Wilkinson, Ephram Wilcox; Resolved White. y. Charles Young, WM. HOLZENDORF, Post-Master, oct 7 r 51 TO PURCHASERS OF LOTS. NOTICE is hareW riven to all persons who have purchased Lots from the commissioners of the Academy of MTntosh county, lying in the city of Dari en, that if the interest due on said Lots is not paid on or before Monday the 16th day of October next, a re entry on the Lots Will be made indiscriminately, By order of the Commissioners of the Academy. ALLEN B. POWELL, sept 9 47 . sec'ry pro tern. ■ ■ AN ORDINAN'CE EXTOUCITfG THE UOABAXTISE LAW OF THE CITY OF DARTEST, Whereas, The health of all communities is the prima ry duty of their constituted authorities, to prevent by all provident means in their power, by enforcing such telesand regulations as will tend to prevent the intro duction of diseases—and whereas the mayor and aider men of this city have received information that the yel low fever does exist at sundry places, Therefore be it ordained by the mayor, and aldermen of the city of Darien, in council met, That from and after the passing of this ordinance, until the 15th November next any vessel, or vessels, arriving into this port, be quar antined four days, unless otherwise ordered by the health officer. And be it further ordained by the authority of the same, That all pilots boarding vessels shall bring them too at the upper end of the long reach, until boarded by the health officer. It is further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That masters, supercargoes, or persons having- charge of any vessel or vessels, passengers, or any other person or f persons attached thereto, violating this ordinance, or anding without a permit from the health officer, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding One Hundred Dol lars, or imprisonment at discretion of the mayor and al dermen. And be it further ordained by the authority of the same, That if any pilot shall refuse to bring any vessel or ves sels too and report the same to the health officer, as is herein pointed out, shall pay a, fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, and in default, to be imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. Read and approved, this Isth day of Sept. 1820. Attest, CHARLES L. CHAMPAYNE, mayor. A. B. Poweee, c. c. [4B] ASSIZE OF BREAD. ~ . A GREEABLY to an order of council, regulating the ’J\. assize of bread, the wholesale price of flour being seven dqllars per barrel of 1961b5. the 12 J cent loaf must weigh 21b. 6oz. “ 6| “ “ “ “ v IS until the 11th of November —of which, all haWs will take due notice. ALLEN B. TOWLLL, e. oct 28—52 - No. i.