Darien gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1818-1828, November 25, 1820, Image 1

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WOL. 111. I THE GAZETTE i [SHED EVERT SATU^^^ T NOON, . ‘ ( JkSVQQuVJQy • J each successive time. ’ If the length of jecified, they will be continued until for ged for the whole time. discontinued until nil arrearages are paid. ters, on business, to the editors, must be WTHAN THOMAS (merchant taylor) returned to Darien, ‘ would inform his sand the public in general, that he has for othing Store, on the Bay, a genera! assoVt jest and most fashionable Goods in his line ogetfaer with an extensive assortment of Clothing, which he would thank those who if any article in his line to call and look, e best of workmen, he flatters himself that ite any Taylor Work that shall be called i manner as to please those who will favor ir ; custom. nov 18—3 ~FHESII GOODS. I lived per brig Mary Ann from N. York and effing a partial supply SEASONABLE nsisting of Blankets, Plains, Cloths, fine nd <Shoes, &c. all of which are offered for ibscriber on reasonable terms, at his store, upied by Isaac ! RUFUS R. MERRILL. JOH.Y WHITE, :k and watch maker. is method to inform the citizens of Darien i vicinity, that he has taken the front part i’s store, where he wiil repair all kinds of batches, such as repeating patent Levers, lex and plain, with neatness and dispatch, paired, and a small quantity for sale, and a . Cash paid for old gold and silver. -3 and Shoe Manufactory. >ECK & BEARDSLEE returned from New-York,’ inform their sand the public that they have opened at stand, a large and elegant assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, of every description, which they confidence recommend to their former cus oiqfipfc Also an assortment of Saddles and Bridles, all bfwMb will be sold low for cash. FOR SALE, lication is made before the Ist of December a PLANTATION lying on Sapelo river, g five hundred acres; a great proportion of very superior cotton and corn land. There e premises, a good cotton house, gin house and se, besides seyeral negro houses. A more ac escription is conceived unnecessary, as it, is i one wishing to purchase will examine the ■ Lot. No. 165, in she city of Darien. Forfur iculars, enquire at this office. FOR SALE] able PLANTATION, at the confluence of onee and Oromulgee rivers, containing 963 ;ane-brake, oak, hickory and pine land, the ivily timbered, and adjacent to one of the best an the Oconee—lso acres is now under culti- There is a shad fishery, excelled by none.— Orchard of rare fruit, which may be made to or a 1000 gallons—a Cotton Machine, &c.— atlon is at the head of steam-boat navigation, some period will become a place of deposit, aps a thriving town. Terms made known on >n to BENJAMIN G. CRAY. 9 merjf, Sept. 14 eow3m 49 ASSIZE OF BREAD. EABLY to an order of council, regulating the ize of bread, the wholesale price of flour being lars per barrel of 1961b5. cent.loaf must weigh 21b. 4oz. 6| “ “ 1 2 25th of November—of which, all bakers will notice. ALLEN B. POWELL, c. c. NOTICE. ’ übscriber, Millwright, of New-Jersey, begs eto inform those interested in Mills, that he mself in readiness, to undertake the building ting of Mills of all the various kinds, on the roved plans now in use in the different parts nited States; and having a competent number ienced workmen under his direction, and from perience in the business himself, feels that :e, which justifies him in giving this public no lle asks no pay for any work done under his indance, which shall not prove to be done ac to the most strict principles of mechanics, iq most workmanlike manner, formation on the subject, the subscriber would ;ssrs, J. & C. Bolton, New-York, or Mr. Ros ?> Darien, Ga, who will give any information en tie man having in contemplation the building will please -to direot their communication to , Morris County, New-Jersey, and all orders dure will be thankfully received, and duly at -3 ig , ELIFHALET MILLER. of Georgia — M e lv tosh County. UIOR COURT, NOVEMBER TERM, 1820, bllowing Grand Jurors made -default, viz;— fivge Street, Scott Cray, Virgil H. Vivion, Jewitt.jun. William Carnochan, John S. MTn haniel Cornwell, Rufus R. Merrill, and John The following Petit Jnrors made default, viz: Leonard, Clement Thrower, Elisha Walker, i Lester, Richard Myers, and John Peacock. and, That the defaulting Grand Jurors be fined and of Forty Dollars—and defaulting Petit Jurors in the sum of Twenty Dollars, unless they sev -1 good and sufficient excuse in the office of of this court, within thirty days after the ad it of this court. Extract from the minutes. -3 A. B. POWELL, c. s. c. m. c. DARIEN GAZETTE. DARIEN, (GEORGIA,J SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1820. RECEIVED, BT THE BATE ARRIVALS FROM LIVERPOOL, OOTTON Baggingof superior quality White and colored Plains fitonl&ts and Rugs , Brades Cos. pantent Hoes MILLER & FORT. Savanna,i,.Nov. 10, 1826. 2 MANSION HOUSE HOTEL. M’l’lie undersigned having complfocdiiis new and commodious building, oh Walton and Broad-streets, feels pleasuse in announcing to his old friends and 1 the public, that he is now prepared to receive them, and fully enabled to entertain as well, if not far better, than any house ofthe kind in this part of the dbqntry. His table will always be well supplied, and bedding comfortable and cleanly. A Bar is also attached to the Hotel, which will at all times he found to be well supplied with the best of Liquors, &c. Gentlemen with their families, can be agreeably accom modated with private rooms. Rooms are alsp reserved for such gentlemen as may wish to enjoy themselves with private dinner or supper parties, / Considerable expense has attended the / erecting of the above hotel—and those who may favor/the proprie tor with their calls, may rest assured that/nothing will be left undone to render them comfortable and agreea ble. I ‘ I His Stables are always well supplied w/th good corn, fodder, hay, <&c. and every attention Will be. paid to horses left in his charge, as he has an attentive ostler and farrier for the purpose. / JOHN HOLZENDORF. Darien, Oct. 10, 1820—52 / FOR SALE OR ftENT, The large and convenient house, near the market, formerly occupied by the subscriber, 9J as a boarding house. For a view of the pre sLcsMrel mises, and further particulars, apply to nov 4 1 JOHN HOLZENDORF. TO REA TANARUS, MAnd possession given immediately, several convenient STORES, }n the commercial part of the town. Also several DWELLING HOUSES, pleasantly situated. For further particulars, apply to * PLACIDE LE CHARTIER. oct 28 ■- ■ ■ 52 FOR SALE, THAT well known Cotton Plantation called Belvidere, situated on the South Newport river, in the coun ty of M‘lntosh, (Ga.) containing 1500 acresof Oak, Hick ory and low swamp lands—6o acres of the latter now under cultivation, with a sufficient proportion of pine barren attached. This place has been long Celebrated for the beauty and healthfulness of its situation, commanding a fine view of St. Catharine’s Inlet and the Ocean; and also for the excellent quality of the cotton which it produces, which has always commanded the highest price. This plantation is admirably calculated for a force of from 20 to 50 workers. It has a well finished two-story Dwell ing, and all necessary out buildings. There is a hand some beach immediately in front of the dwelling, and a bold river half a mile in width. For terms apply to Joseph S. Pelot, Factor, Savan nah, or to the subscribers on the premises. CHAS. GIGNILLIAT, JAS. GIGNILLIAT. editors of the Charleston Courier, and Dari en Gazette, will insert the above once a week until the Ist of Dec. next, and forward their accounts to the of fice of the Savannah Republican for payment. june 6- 34 SHERIFF’S SALE On the first Tuesday in December next, Will be sold at the court-house in the city of Darien, betioeen the usual hours of 10 and 2 o’clock, A CERTAIN tract of Land, on South Newport, con taining three hundred acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Jonathan Bacon; levied on as the property of Matthew Carter, by Samuel Peacock, con stable of said county, to satisfy an execution in favor of Isaac Abrahams. JOSHUA A. COFFEE, s. m. c. nov 11—2 Georgia — M‘lntosh county. By A. B. Powell, clerk of the court of ordinary for the county and state aforesaid. To all whom it maj concern: “ITE7HEREAS, Daniel Jackson, jun. applies for letters T sos administration on the estate of I. P. Robbins, deceased. These are, therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections (if apy they have) in my office, on or before the Ist day of Dec. next, otherwise letters of administration will be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and seal, this Ist day of Nov) 1820. [l. s.] A. B. POWELL, c. c. o. m. c. nov 1 T 1 2 Georgia — M ( lntosh county. By A. B. Powell, clerk of the court of ordinary for the county and state aforesaid. To all whom it may concern: WHEREAS, Wm. A. Dunham applies for letters of administration on the estate of John Baillie, dec. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in my office, on or before the 3d day of Dec. next, otherwise letters of administration will be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and seal, this 3d day of Nov. 1820. [l. .] ALLEN B. POWELL, c. c. o. m. c. nov'3—2 Was shot on the twenty-eighth of May last, (at night) in Satilla Swamp, in the act of horse stealing, a man who called himself by three names: Wells, Wilkins, and Wilks, but supposed to be James Fuller, by writings in his pocket-book—also was found in it a receipt written as follows:—Received of James Fuller his note for dollars and-—— cents, which when paid will be in full of all book ac counts, and signed by Wm. W. Carlisle, agent for Jacob I. Turner, sen. All persons that have any claims, notes or accounts against said person, by laying in their claims, well attested to the clerk ofthe court of ordina ry in Wayne county, within twelve months, will be paid as far as Jiis money will pay, according to law, after pay ing other charges. WM. O'NEIL, i. ,i c. ’ < HENRY LILES, a. i. c. nov 18—a^f—3 JOHN KEMP,.t. i. c. Blanks, Cards, &c. PRINTED AT THIS OFFICE, WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. NEW GOODS. THE subscribers have opened a Dry Good store, next door to Dr. Maunder’s apothecary shop, on the Bay, where tfiev intend keeping a general assortment of such goods as are usually called for in this market; relying on the liberality of a generous public, they hope to receive a share of patronage. A. Smith having taken his brother as a partner it) trade, still continue the Grocery Business under the Bluff, where they would be happy to wait on their for mer friends and customers. ALLEN SMITH, DANIEL SMITH. JUST RECEIVED, The following fresh Groceries from the North and Savannah; CfoOD Butter & Chee9e Beets Irish Potatoes Sweet Cider Mess and No. 1 Beefin barrels and half bis. Mess Pork and Lard ~ Boxes Herring Barrels Mackerel Onions by the bunch or bushel Hhglish Mustard Basket and blown Salt Sugar, Coffee and Tea \ American and Holland Gin Jamaica and N. E Rum Cognac and Spanish Brandy NOTICE. ON account of the death of Mr. James Croswell, Allen Smith the former partner deems it necessa ry Jo have the business brought to a close. Those therefore indebted will please call and settle the same on or before the first day of January next; and those who have demands will present them for adjustment to the undersigned, who is authorised to settle the same, nov 11 2 ALLEN SMITH. TO LUMBER CUTTERS. WANTED for the Darien Eastern Steam Saw-y Mill, three thousand five hundred LOGS, of best Yellow Pine, viz; one thousand logs twenty feet long, one thousand logs twenty-five feet long, and one thou sand do. thirty feet long, to be net less than twelve inch es on the face, and not more than fourteen inches nor less then twelves inches deep—and five hundred iogs forty feet long, to be not less than twelve nor more than fourteen inches on the face, and not more than four teen inches deep nor less than eleven inches—to be hewed on two sides plumb and true. This timber must be free from any blemishes, such as axe scores, large knots, rots, or cracks. Any person desirous of contracting for the whole, or not less than one thousand logs, to be delivered before Ist March, 1821, will please send seale proposals (post paid) to Messrs. J. H GIEKIE &. CO. Darien, on or be fore the first day of December next, so that the most favorable may be closed with. The first offer will have a preference to any other, on the same terms. C. McGREGOR, secretary, Darien, oct 7 51 DARIEN, JULY 12, 1820. FfIHE copartnership of the subscribers, which has JL hitherto been carried on in this place under the firm of Yonge, Richardson & Cos, is dissolved this day by mutual assent; all persons having demands against them, are requested to present them; and those owing them to make payment to Mr. Armand Lefils, or in Ills absence to Mr. William Cooke. PH. R. YONGE, R. RICHARDSON, [4o] ARMAND LEFILN. STOLEN FROM alongside the sloop Neptune, on the 20th inst, a YAWL BOAT, about 15 feel keel, varnished outside; the builders name branded inside the boat, on her stern, on both sides, 11, Stocker. A reward of five dollars will be p;tid te any person who will deliver said boat to the subsriber, and ten on conviction of the thief. JOHN HUNTER. sept 23——49 NOTICE. ON the first day of October next will commence the attendance of two sloop pilot boats, on Dobay bar and Darien river; one of which is intended for the bar, the other for the river, and both furnished with good and skilfull pilots. Captains and masters of vessels are informed, and re quested to remark, that upon their arrival off the bar and getting view of either of the boats, whether inside or outside of the same; and upon either of the said boats hoisting a white flag with a blue cross to run direct for the boat. Published by order of the commissioners of pilotage. OC/’The Savannah Republican and Charleston Cour ier will publish the above once a week for four weeks and forward their accounts to this office for payment. Darien, Sept. 16, 1820. NOTICE TO MARINERS. T HOMAN YEAL having bought a schooner PILOT BOAT, expressly for Doboy Bar, respectfully in forms all masters of vessels bound to Darien, that after this date his schooner boat, under his own direction, shall attend the Bar. All masters of vessels bound to Darien will please to observe, that should the weather be bad, his boat shall be placed between the two buoys, and shall be distinguished by a red flag with a white ball—then the master of said vessel, intending to cross Doboy Bar, will be particular in bringing the pilot-boat to bear west half south, and steer direct ly for her, and follow her to the anchorage ground, or to Darien, should the wind and tide permit, oct 28—52 ...in., i—... ■—■ . ■■■ i.— ..ip—■ Georgia—Mclntosh county. By Allen B. Powell, clerk of the court or ordinary of the county and state aforesaid. WHEREAS, Mrs. Hester M'Guire and Charles G. Jones hath applied for letters of administration on the estate and effects of Joseph M'Guirjf, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to file their objections, (if any they have) in my office on, or before the 3d day of December next, otherwise letters of administration will be granted the applicants, Given under my hand and seal of office, at Darien, this 3d day of November, 1820, nov 3—l ALLEN 13. POWELL, c, c. o, x. c. Candles, 6 and 8 to the pound Bar Soap 1 Shot and Powder Loaf and brown Sugar Cherry Brandy by the bottle and gallon Pepper and Allspice Butter and Cheese tri ers Wooden Ware: Cheese Boxes and Bar rel Covers Nests Sugar Boxes Cann and water Pails Wash Tubs and Dip pers Northern Baskets A large lot of Trunks MARSHAL’S OFFICE, FOR THE DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. Savannah, November 11, 1820.- THE assistants of the Marshal of-this District, ‘ for taking the fourth census, or enumeration ofthe imhabitants ofthe United States,” are hereby notified 111 at the time for transmitting their returns to this de partment is near at hand; and it is hoped that no delay will take place, so as to prevent a general return being made according to law. JOHN H. MOREL, Marshal District Georgia. (Cj’The Darien Gazette, Augusta Chronicle, Wash ington News, Athens Gazette, and Recorder, and Jour nal at Milledgeville. will puohsh the above till counter manded. nov 18 3 JY OTICE. ~ months after date application will he made to JLm the hon. the court of ordinary of M’lntosh county, for leave to sell a tract of land, belonging to the es tate of N. Turner deceased for the benefit of the heirs and creditors, of said deceased. JOSEPH GIBBS, adm’r. June 26 ■■ 36 V ‘. A’ % NOTICE. NINE months after date application will be made to the honorable Inferior Courl (orCourt of Ordina ry)of Liberty Cos vi nty, for leave to set! part ofthe real estate of John E. Frazer, esq. dec. for the benefit o the heirs and creditors of said estate. . St MON A. FRAZER? F , JAS. SMYLIE, Jr. $ rs ’ Liberttf County, March 15 ~ NOTICE. NINE months afterdate of this, we will apply to the court of ordinary of M‘lntosli county for leave to sell a tract of Land containing three hundred and sis y acres, more or less, on Eagle Neck, in said county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the estate of Stephen S. Carroll, deceased. JONATHAN S. CARROLL,? a . , GIDEON S. CARROLL, 5 Mm ars ‘ june 26, 1820 l 36 NOTICE. NINE months after date, application will be made to the honorable the court of ordinary of this coun ty, for leave to sell a tract of Land, containing 202 g acres, situated in the 23d district, Wilkinson county, and known by the number 80 in the plan of said county; for the benefit of the heirs of col. Jesse H. Harrison, deceased. • MARY M. HARRISON, adm'rx. JAMES PELOT, adm’or. Mclntosh county, Sept. 28, 1820 (£/■ All persons having any demands against said es tate, will render in the sarqe, properly aitested, to JAMES PELOT. oct 7 l —sl HO DOLLARS’ REWARD RAN AW AY from the subscriber, in April last, a ne gro man named MARCH, twenty or twenty-one years of age, a little pitted with the small-pox, slender made, and about five feet eight inches high. He for merly lived on Carr’s Island, near Darien, and was pur chased a few years since, of Mrs. doctor Proctor; lie lias been working for some time past as a day labourer, in the city of Darien, in which place lie now is. The above reward and all reasonable charges will he paid on his being secured Darien or Savannah gaol. nov 11 r 2 S. R. PROCTOR. THE SUBSCRIBER, THREE miles above Bell’s Ferry, and ten miles be low Mount Vernon, in Montgomery county, offers for sale, and is anxious tc sell, his valuable possessions, containing seventeen hundred eighty-seven and a half acres of land—three tracts lying on the Oconee, about four miles above the confluence of that and the Ocmul gee rivers, containing together seven hundred eighty seven and a half acres, two hundred of which is ham mock land of the best quality, well adapted to the cul ture of corn and cotton, and would no doubt produce the sugar cane in the greatest profusion; about three hundred acres of cane break of excellent quality—fifty acres of pine land lying directly on the road, including the subscriber’s present residence—and one thousand acres of pine land, well timbered, lying on both sides of Milligan’s creek, and within two miles of Bell’s ferry— on five hundred and thirty-seven and a half acres of this land there is a mortgage, which if a sale is effected will be lifted, and undoubted titles given for the whole. WILSON CONNER. Gj’The editors of the Georgia Journal will please in sert the above in the Journal twice. W C. Montgomery county, October 31, 1820 r 2 Transylvania University. THE Medical School of Lexington, Kentucky, lished in 1819, is considered, by many physicians of eminence, not to be excelled by any medical depart ment in America. It is attended by professors of great learning,cleverness, and ingenuity, viz.—Sam’l Bnovx, M. D. who many years ago graduated in Edinburgh, has practiced physic in the New-Orleans country and sev eral other parts in the United States, and Charlf.s Cald well, M. D. who graduated in Philadelphia many years since, and both ofwiiom removed from the latter place a short time since to Lexington—W. H. Riciiardsox, M. D. and BexjamiX W. Duulev, likewise graduates of Philadelphia. The latter gentleman has, since his first graduation,spent about three years in Paris and England in pursuit of medical instruction, from whence he ob tained other diplomas. This gentleman, the last sesson, had to take both Anatomy and surgery, on account of the failure of doctor Patterson in going to attend said school as professor of Anatomy He is generally con sidered by those acquainted with him not to be in ferior, as a surgeon or anatomist, to any in the known world. He has frequently performed the operation of Lithotomy, and always with safety to his patients and much credit to himseif. As respects doctor Patterson, he is lately from Scotland, with as good recommendations as any of his profession. He is looked for, to attend in Lexington the next session, in order to relieve the hea vy task laid upon Dr. Dudley. The professor of chem istry, viz. James Blythf., is also w ell calculated for his .branch of Medical science. It appears well worth the attention of the students of Medicine to attend said School, where from the best information, the greatest diligence is exhibited by the professors, and the utmost respect is paid to the students. In addition to the above, the expenses will be much, less than in any other medi cal school in the United States, as respeefs board, &c. The distance from Augusta to Lexington is but little more than 300 miles. JESSE DODSON. of papers, friendly to the cause of science, and the interest ofthe southern student, will probably promote both by giving the above a few insertions, sept 2—182(1 Jso. 4.