Darien gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1818-1828, December 30, 1820, Image 1

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!. 111. |THE GAZETTE jMgMlis/icd every Saturday , at noon, BY WBmjLEN * jyuyfl (IN Broadway,) % jfeAT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, R| Payable in advance , AuHkisements, not exceeding fourteen HMtsntt five cents for they?rs2 in j;jhnd TinnTV-seven and a half, each time. If the length of time is Hpified, they will be continued untii HBlfend charged for the whole time. ‘paper discontinued until all arrearages {& JW letters, on business, to the edit- Drs, mwt be post-paid. Mff”- W The Subscriber ‘/iiS'W received and offers for sale the fol- U lowing articles: EH tons Sweed’s Iron bags Coffee | hhds. Muscovado Sugar ‘Mb bis. ditto ditto do. Whiskey hhds. ditto l||r barrels northern Gin pipes do. do. Ps ditto Holland Gin fA ditto Cognac Brandy Hb hhds. Jamaica Rum ** •Ml qr. caskL. P. Madeira Wine H? do. do. Malaga do. p caska London Porter ‘Mm bis. superfine Flour ■ljgffigP do. navy Bread • do. pilot do. JO do. Crackers : ißip kegs ditto l||g’ 5 barrels mess Pork ditto prime Beef H ditto Fly market ditto casks Cheese KfLm} bis. Potatoes ~ |$ do. Cider Bi kegs Tobacco ■ Loaf Sugar, hyson Tea, Gun-Pow der, FFF, Soap, Candles, Butter, a large assortment of men’s and pH-if women Boots and Shoes. &c. &c. ’ AND ON CONSIGNMENT No. 3 v&jflHKLinseed Oil—Paints oH&lM Cheese, &c. dccffi— 8 C. G. JONES. |fjjPlacide Le Chartier •‘fllflf HAS LATELT RECEIVED fflf barrels Flour lbs. Bacon and Hams and Soap MaHbags green Coffee Oil in baskets Bkegs Lard and Goshen Butter Blloaf, muscovado, and Havana Sugars BBMt dozen Macaubau Snuff ■ Claret 8c Vindegrave Wine, in boxes Im Madeiara 8c Teneriffe Wines in boxes ■Prunes, Raisins and Almonds ■Cordials, assorted KFruit, Olives, Capers, Anchovies ■Pickles, Chewing Tobacco, in kegs H Cheese PM black Pepper 2SattM : Spermaceti Candles H Tea, Cloves, and Nutmegs Common woollen Hats |||p’ Rose Blankets Ready made Negro Clothing P'iijj|-Havana Cigars Wine ve rpo o 1 Salt jglßfijnCognac Branciy ■ Jamaica and N. E. Rum B Holland Gin and Whiskey Molasses ■ Cologne Wate, Waiting Paper Hf Mustard fSHK Port Wine Jilß Shot, and Lead in bars Kice Mm Oznaburghs Vinegar. Bologne Sausages, and illlll Other articles too numerous to men- HfiW tion mm 2—-5 H Nnth an Thomas, (merchant taylor) ‘f JOTVING returned to Darien, would in ipElßßform his friends and the public in jtgHnl, that lie has for sale at his Clothing: jHBK on the Bay, a general assortment of wpflpt and most fashionable Goods in his business, together with an exten- of ready made Clothing, which die would thank those wheare in want MBm article in his line to call and look. — $Me has the best of workmen, he flatters Mwfrlf that he can execute any Taylor Sr that shall be called for in such a WBper as to please those who will favor their custom. nov 18 —3 John White, i|)CK AND WATCH MAKER, this method to inform the citi- I I zens of Darien and its vicinity, that h®as taken the front part of Dr. Belton’s -m, where he wiil repair all kinds of ‘■'Bks and Watches, such as repeating, pa- U •Levers, Musical Duplex and plain, with and dispatch. Jewellery repair € K anc ’ a small quantity for sale, and a few “Cash paid for old gold and sil- H nov 18 3 HBlanks, Cards, &e. mfinted at this Office, with neat ness and dispatch. DARIEN GAZETTE. New Goods. I THE SUBSCRIBER HAS JSUT RECEIVED, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT L OF kjjgtew STAPLE GKJOBS, Among which are the following — viz: 1* OROADCLOTHS, Cassimeres Peleisse Cloth, Sattinetts, Flannels Blankets, Plains, Crape Shawls and Scarfs Cassimere and Merino Shawls Figured and plain Nankin Crapes Levantine and Lutstring Silks Black and white Sattin Black and white silk Hose Silk and kid Gloves, beaver 8c buck-skin do. Black Bombazine, Union Stripe Figured and plain Bombazett Calico, Dimity, Diaper, super demi Linens Irish and Cotton Sheetings Carlisle Ginghams, plain 8c figured Cambrics India Mull &Nansook Muslins Merseills and silk Vesting, Toilinett ditto Worsted and Lamb’s Wool Hose & half Hose Vigonia and Cotton Hose, Linen Cambric Long Lawn, Linen Handkerchiefs Sewed Robes, Silk'Braids Elastic Garters Inserting arid Florence Trimming Stay Lace, Coleretts, Italian Crapes Nuns and patent wire Thread Oznaburg ditto, Vandykes Tortoise shell Combs Straw and Beaver Bonnets “ Pullicat and llomal Handkerchiefs Fine Tapes and flat Bobbins Silk Umbrellas, Suspenders Children’s Socks, Oil Cloth, Bed Lace Black Canton and flag Hdkfs Figured Cravats Super Beaver and imitation Hats, wool do. 150 pair ladies.morocco and kid Shoes 200 “ ladies and children’s Boottees 100 “ men’s dancing Pumps 175 “ men’s Sffid boy’s nailed 8c sew ed Shoes 50 “ men’s super Boots 600 “ ‘ negro Shoes 2000 yards domestic Shirtings 1000 bushels Liverpool Salt 10 barrels double Ale 8 one horse Waggons And a general assortment of GROCE RIES, CTULERY, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, weich will be disposed of on reasonable terms by RUFUS R. MERRILL, dec 18 7 Harford's Buildings. New Goods. THE subscribers have opened a Dry Good store, next door to Dr, Maunder’s apo thecary shop, on the Bay, where they in tend keeping a general assortment of such goods as are usually called for in this mar ket; relying on the liberality of a generous public, they hope to receive a share of pa tronage. A. Smith having taken his brother as a partner in trade, still continue the Grocery Business under the Bluff, where they would be happy to wait on their former friends and customers. ALLEN SMITH, DANIEL SMITH. JUST RECEIVED, The following fresh GROCERIES from the North and Savannah: Good Butter and Beets [Cheese Irish Potatoes Sweet Cider Mess and No. 1 Beef in barrels and half bis. Mess Pork and Lard Boxes Herring Barrels Mackerel Onions by the bunch ’ or bushel English Mustard ’ Basket 8c blown Salt Sugar, Coffee 8c Tea American and Hol land Gin Jamaica and N. E. Rum Cognac and Spanish Brandy NOTICE. ON account of the death of Mr. James Croswell, Allen Smith the former part ner deems it necessary to have the business brought to a close. Those therefore in debted will please call and settle the same on or before the first day of January next; and those who have demands will present them for adjustment to the undersigned, who is authorised to settle the same. nov 11 2 ALLEN SMITH. Livery Stable. THE undersigned has taken the Stable in Second street, formerly kept by Courts & Roughton, and informs his country friends that he will attend strictly to the bu siness, and would be thankful for their cus tom. Having procured a careful Ostler, horses will fare as well in his stable as any in the city. dec 9—r—6 JOHN ROUGHTON. Notice. PERSONS having demands against the es tate of Mr. William Bain, deceased, are requested to hand in attested statements thereof agreeable to law—and those indebt ed to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment to Mr. Barrington King, of Darien, who is duly authorised to receiye the same. (signed) JOHN M'NISH, executor. Savannah, B dDectmber , 1820,——6 DARIEN, (georgia,) SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1820. Candles, 6 and 8 to the pound Bat* Soap Shot and Powder Loaf and brown Su gar Cherry Brajidy by the bottle Sc gal lon Pepper 8c Allspice Butter aud Cheese triers Wooden Ware: Cheese Boxes and Barrel Covers Nests Sugar Boxes Cann 8c water Pails Wash Tubs and Dip pers Northern Baskets A large lot of TKUNKS. Just Recvived , barrels Flour 50 ditto Lime Prunes Candles, 5 and 6 to the pound Cordials, NojjjjHni, Bcc. Cognac Brandy Fresh Crackers and Pilot Bread Bd for sale bv _ PLACIDE LE CHARTIER. dec 16—T’ Darien, July 12, 1820. rpilE copartnership of the subscribers. A which has hitherto been carried on in this under the firm of Yonge, Richard son & Cf, is dissolved this day by mutual assent; ail persons having demands against them, are requested to present them; and those qwing them, to mak* payment to Mr. Armand Lefils, or in his absence to Mr. Wil liam Cook*. PH. R, YONGE, R. RICHARDSON, (40] ARMAND LEFILS. — j : Dank of Darien , DECEMBER 2, 1820. DIVIDEND NO. 3. fJYHE board of Direction having this day A declared a Dividend out of the profits of the hank, for the last six months, of Jive per cent, on the amount paid in; the same will be paid to the stockholders, nr their le gal representatives, on and after Wednes day, the 6th instant—aril upon a written application to this bank, stockholders desir ing it will receive said dividend, either at Savannah, Augusta, Milledgeville or Marion. By order of the'board. EBEN: S. REES, cashier. (fj > The Savannah Republican and Geor gia Journal will insert the above twice, dec 2 h 5 Bank of Darien, December 12, 1820. N election, for Five Directors on the part of the Stockholders, will be held at this bank on Monday the first day of January next. The poll will he opened at 9 o’clock, A. m. and close at 2 o’clock, r. m. [7] EBEN. S. REES, cashier. Land, ££c. for sale- THE subscriber offers for sale, a tract of Land, situated between M‘lntosh Old Court-house and Fort Barrington, containing four hundred acres, sixty acres of which are Hammock, well adapted to the culture of corn and cotton—the balance is pine land, with the exception of twenty acres swamp, suitable for the culture of rice—twelve acres of the pine land are under cultivation. The improvements are a dwelling house, corn house, and store-room. Also will be sold eighty head of CA'T'TLE and sixty head of HOGS. The said tract of land is situated in an excellent range for cattle and hogs. WILLIAM ELLIS. dec 16—-—e 7 For sale, CARTWRIGHT’S POINT, containing6oo acres, more or less, situated a few miles from Darien, and immediately oppo site Frederica; about 150 acres are cleared, most of it good hammoc land. The situation is pleasant and healthy, with fine pasturage for stock, good water, and a large quantity of pine timber contiguous to a good landing, which can be easily rafted to the mouth of the creek that opens into the Alatamaha, where a large vessel can load. For further particulars, and terms of sale, anply to JAMES WALLACE. Savannah, dec. I—r —B Stolen, FROM alongside the sloop Neptune, on the 20th Inst, a YAWL BOAT, about 15 feel keel, varnished outside; the builder’s name branded inside the boat, on her stern, on both sides, H. Stocker. A reward of five’ dollars will be paid to any person who will deliver said boat to the subsriber, and ten on conviction of the thief. JOHN HUNTER. \ sept 23 49 Wants a situation. A YOUNG MAN (a Georgian) who writes a fair hand, and has a thorough know ledge of accounts, is willing to engage for one or two years in a respectable counting house of this city. He would (with sufficient encouragement) have no objections to go to any part of the state. Unquestionable re ferences will be given. A line addressed to R. J. W. at this office, shall meet with prompt attention. dec 16—7 Mayor’s Court, DECEMBER TERM, 1820. GTjIHE following Jurors made default, viz: John G. Bell, Charles G. Jones, George Wilbor, William M‘Master, George F. Wing, and Charles M'Gregor. It is ordered by the Court, That defaulting jurors be severally fined in the sum of Ten Dollars unless they file good and sufficient excuse in the office of the clerk of this court on or before the second Monday in January next. ALz-EN B. POWELL, c. m. c. dec 16 7 Assize of Brevd. AGREEABLY to an order of council, re gulating the assize of bread, the whole sale price of flour being six dollars per bar rel of 1961b5. the 12A cent loaf must weigh 21b. Boz. u 6$ “ “ “ l4 until the 31st of December —of which,all ba kers will take due notice. ALLEN B. POWELL, c. c. dec 16 ■ ■■ • 7 George Street, HAVING lost all his Books of Accounts, Notes, Bonds, Sic. &c. for Twenty . ears past, by fire, on the 2d July last, he re quests all who were indebted, by bond, note or account, to call and pay or liquidate their debts. With the assistance of his derks he lias made a schedule of all debts as far as recollected. All who have accounts against him are requested to bring them in tor settlement. He offers for sale, west of the market, Veat’s Tongues ban--Is Pork, ditto Her .-ings, Rum, Gin, Brandy, Whiskey, Cider, \pples, Potatoes, Onions, dryed Apples, Cheese, Beans, Com Meaj, cut Nails, from id tp 24d, assorted, also 8d and 20d wrought Vails, low for cash or barter, dec 9—-me—6 New, Cheap Cash Store, i>pHE subscriber has received, and now 41 opening in the Store formerly ogjOBS Jied by Rufus R. Merrill (on Bav-streetfw GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF DRY” GOODS, GROCERIES and CROCK ERY WARE, viz: Broadcloths, Cassiiperes, Satiqett White Plains—Flannels, colored and Homespuns, powerloom Shirting, Bomba zetts Callicoes, Vestings, Osnaburgs, Tow Cloth Cotton Bagging, London Duffle and Rose Blankets Madrass and Flog Handkerchiefs, Sus penders Reams Letter Paper Cotton Stockings and Lambs’ Wool half Hose Ilair Combs, Hats of various kinds Ladies’ morocco walking Shoes Misses morocco and Leather Pumps, ne gro Shoes Gentlemen’s Wellington Boots, and fine Shoes Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin Barrels Rye Gin and Whiskey Ditto N. E. Rum, Current Wine Madeira Wine in demijohns and bottles Coloring, bottled Cider, barrels brown Sugar Loaf Sugar, barrels white Beans, barrels Flour Barrels Mackerel, No. 2 and 3, barrels Cheese Half barrels Beef Kegs Tobacco, leaf ditto, firkins Goshen Butter Boxes Candles, half ditto Soap Hyson Tea, Coffee, Salt and various other articles. ALSO A GENERAL ASSORTMEjXT OF Crockery, Hardware, B£c. ALSO ON CONSIGHNMENT, 400 pair Negro Shoes 13 boxes Chocolate Barrels Cherry Brandy Barrels Lime Juice Bags Peas, double and single Matrasses Kegs and boxes Fasets Kegs of Butter, barrels Apples An invoice Hardware, ready made Cloth ing, Saddles, Bcc. Bcc. AMASA BENNETT. dec. 9 6 Court of Ordinary, M‘INTOSH COUNTY, GEORGIA. In the matter of the estate of Sarah Baillie. ON application of W. Davis, administra tor and one of the distributees of the estate of Sarah Baillie, deceased, It is or dered, That John Mffntosh, James Nephew, James Dunwoody and Scott Cray, esquires, or any three of them, do proceed to divide the estate of the said intestate, between the respective distributees, in terms of the law in such cases made and provided, in case no objections shall be made to such division within ninety days from the date of this or der—then such devisee to be returned to this court at its meeting next after such divi sion, then to be finally acted on, as may be legal and proper in the premises. And it is further ordered, That a Copy of this order be published once a week for ninety days in the Darien Gazette. Extract from the minutes. A. B. POWELL, c. c. o. m. c. Darien, December 4, 1820.—mes—6f —6 To the Electors M‘lntosli County. 1 OFFER myself a candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns, and respectfully solicit your suffrages. dec 23-8 WILLIAM J. RICE. ip 3 Wanted on hire by the Year, ten to fifteen prime Field Hands; foi whom, generous wages will be given, and every care and attention paid them. Enquire of JAS. SMITH, Sidon, M l lntosh county, nov 25 -t-* 4 Nitice. 1 A pHE subscribers have just received and opened at their store, a large and sash - ionable assortment of ready made Clothing, of a superior quality, also super black and blue Broadcloths and Cassimeres, which will be made up into any kind of garment request ed, at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. JOSEPH WHITE 8c CO. dec 23-8 , Notice. /t\ LL persons having demands against the estate of Joseph M‘Guire, deceased, are requested to hand them in for payment; and those indebted, are required to*make payment to the undersigned on or before the Ist February next. JOHN BULLEN, adm’r. ESTHER M'GUIRE, adm’rx. dec 23—r—8 Nathaniel Cornwell , ’ WATCH-MAKER, SILVERSMITH BsPECTEDLLY infocinsthe inhabitants ‘of Darien and its vffemity tout be has returneiHoJms city and tsfleen a stand near ly in front of Messrs. Hall, has a general assortment of Goods in his which he offers for sale on reasonable term3 —all kinds of Clocks and Watches repaired at the shortest notice. dec 23-8 The Subscriber HAS just received* per schooner Cheeves, and now opening, a large and elegant assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCK. ERY WARE, &c.—viz: Broadcloths, assorted; Cassimeres, do. Plains, do. Sattinett and A Oekinett. assorted Bed Ticking, Rose & London duffil Blankets Super white, red and yellow Flanneis Russia Duck, blue and white Homespuns Cotton and linen Checks, biown Linen Table Diapers, Platilias, Rombazetts Callicoes, Pointed Muslins, corded Dimity Cambric ditto, Derrias, Irish Linens, Silks Ateam-loom Shirting, cole rain ditto Satteries, ladies’ pelece Cloths , Levantine A’hawls, pink silk do. Imitation and cotton do. Cambric Muslins, jackonet do. “ Book and mull do. Leno and sprig Muslins Imitation Cambric, Chambrays Cotton Cassimeres, bed Fringe Bandana Handkerchiefs, fancy silk do. Ctton flag do. Black Barcelona do. Ribbands, assorted; tliule Lace, Oznaburgs Hosiery, assorted, silk and cotton Braces Linen and cotton Thread Sewing silk and Twist, assorted Silk Parasols, cotton Umbrellas Toilinetand cotton Vesting Ladies’ and gentlmen’s beaver Gloves Ladies’ kid do. man’s fine & 2d quality Hats Boys’ and children’s do. Ladies’ beaver Hats Children’s morocco and beaver do. Gentlemen’s Wellington Boots; ditto Shoes Ladies’ kid Boots, do. Shoes; negro Shoes A few articles of ready made Cloihing Cognac Brandy, Jamaica and N. E. Rum Whiskey, Harper’s Gin, Teneriffe Wine Vinegar, Molasses, hogs’ Lard Gunpowder and Shot, Coffee Loaf, Havana and Muscovado Sugar Hyson and hyson skin Tea Mackerel, No. 1, 2 and 3 Leaf and Manufactured Tobacco Ddo. ladies’ Twist, Bar Lead, Soap Flour, pilot and navy Bread Candles, Butter, Cheese, Chocolate Crackers, Raisins, Mustard, cut Nails Segars, Almonds, riding Whips Liverpool and basket Salt Letter and foolscap Paper, horseman’s Spurs Pen, jack and sportsman’s Knives Ivory Rules, Scissors, patent pad Locks Table Knives and Forks, carpenters’ Adz Garden Rakes, trace Chains An elegant assortment of Crockery and Tin W are And a small assortment of Hardware, Btc, —together with many other articles not mentioned. CHARLES DEWITT, jun. dec 16 -7 Notice. ,£\ N election will be held at the Darien Church on Monday, the first day of January next, for five Trustees for the en suing year. Notice will be given by the ringing of the bell. By order of the chairman. dec—23—B E. S. REES, sec’ry,’ Notice IS hereby given to owners of real estate, in the city of Darien, that the assess ment for the year 1821, is now completed. Any objections thereto must be filed in the office of the clerk of council within ten days from this date, where the assessment may be examined. A. B. POWELL, c. c. dec 23—e—8 Notice. AN election will be held at the court-house on Monday, the first dav of January next, for RECEIVER of TAX RETURNS, in the place of John Johnston, deceased— and for CORONER, in the place of Re solved White, deceased, JACOB WOOD, j. r. c. WM. A. DUNHAM, J. r. c. M‘lntosh County, 9th December, 1820—7 ALMANACS, FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1821, For sale at the Gazette Off er. No. 9.