Darien gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1818-1828, January 06, 1821, Image 1

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m ni. Bthe gazette h Wmshed every Saturday, at noon , BY t - (in Broadway,) Jal ..ppVE DOLLARS PER AJBOM* K Payable in advance . Ajpjrtiscmcnta, not exceeding fourteen :- ; BvF.yri five cents for trie first in thirty-seven and a half, each jc-sesße time. If the length of time is tcined, they will be continued until ,n charged for the whole time. No |Bp<T discontinued until all arrearages i-f^yitlli letters, on business, to the edit be POST-PAID. -’ ■■■■*■■ * * S lUBThe Subscriber 7,.; (us<&received and offers for sale the fol -- * lowing articles: -IBons Sweed’s Iron 1 Bpags Coffee fihhcls. Muscovado Sugar Hbls. ditto ditto Whiskey BHVhhds. ditto northern Gin do. do. Holland Gin Cognac Brandy Jamaica Rum JBqr. cask L. P. Madeira Wine do. Malaga do. London Porter bis. superfine Flour 3(®o. navy Bread •’ . &9BKIO. pilot do. > jPaWpcio. Crackers ifijliifiirkegs ditto : § barrels mess Pork *•.JfflMEditto prime Beef ■ditto Fly market ditto Cheese fijaHbls. Potatoes Cider >|ffijHkegs Tobacco [Boaf Sugar, hyson Tea, Gun-Pow- K der, FFF, Soap, Candles, Butter, ! a large assortment of men’s and t women Boots and Shoes. # *M 1 furniture, &c. &c. AND ON CONSIGNMENT * -r;si No. 3 linseed Oil—Paints &c. C. G. JONES. mmacid*. Le Chartier ,h fWBKmXS LATELY DECEIVED f ‘4Sr iprrels Flour JmSSttk s. Bacon and Hams .PlKandles and Soap , y green Coffee Hveet Oil in baskets ‘;gs Lard and Goshen Butter muscovado, and Havana Sugars Macaubau Snuff EHgjaret & Vindegrave Wine, in boxes jßadeiara & Teneriffe Wines in boxes ('Wrlines, Raisins and Almonds |flß?rdials, assorted IBtuit, Olives, Capers, Anchovies jJKckles, Chewing Tobacco, in kegs AtifajKieese nnSpck Pepper Spermaceti Candles - SXba, Cloves, and Nutmegs itfejagommon woollen Hats -KnHp se Blankets _ . .IKJiteadv made Negro Clothing .. ! Havana Cigars Wine |^^ffihrerp°( )l Salt na ’ c Brandy de and N. E. Rum S*R)lland Gin and Whiskey illn9H^ aSBSS Bilogne Wate, Writing Paper laort Wine Hiot, and Lead in bars naburghs Bologne Sausages, and ‘ * (ifjPprthcr articles too numerous to men- tion —5 mNathan Thomas, (merchant taylor) jjNHiG returned to Darien, would in |M9g|m his friends and the public in he has for sale at his Clothing the Bay, a general assortment oi‘ ieb |S l, d most fashionable Goods in his fig ;<sUsinesß, together with an exten- of ready made * Clothing, mch jjj;would thank those who are in want (any sfticle in-his line to call and look. — s he has the best of workmen, he flatters MHMphat he can execute any Taylor flMHjP'at shall be called for in such a to please those who will favor their custom. - uov 18 3 ■ ” ; John White, 1 * AND WATCH MAKER, T this method to inform the cjti e Bits of Darien and its vicinity, that •ken the front part of Dr. Belton’s • • ■rliere lie v.il repair all kinds of atchcs, such as repeating, pa ,u Musical Duplex and plain, with V aiu i dispatch. Jewellery repair- Ba small quantity for sale, and a few ’ : B- Lash paid for old gold and sil- nov 18 3 IManks, Cards, &c. Office, with neat- I ness and dispatch. DARIEN ®| GAZETTE. S©®© bushels Salt 25 hhds N. England Rum 5 pipes Holland Gin Swedes Iron, assorted Flour, Sugar, Coffee . Manufactur’d Tobacco—on consignment, and for sale by . v^jy ß. KING & CO. dec 30——9 r j _________— THE SUBSCRIBER HAS JSUT RECEIVED, A general assortment wssmm K AND STAPLE GOODS, Among which are the following- — viz: Cassimeres Peleisse Cloth, Sattinetts, Flannels Blankets, Plains, Crape Shawls and Scarfs Cassimereand Merino Shawls Figured and ‘plain Nankin Crapes Levantine and Lutstring Silks Black and white Sattin Black and white silk Hose Silk and kid Gloves, beaver & buck-skin do. Black Bombazine, Union Stripe Figured and plain Bombazett Calico, Dimity, Diaper, super demi Linens Trisb and Cotton Sheetings Carlisle Ginghams, plain & figured Cambrics India Mull &Nansook Muslins Merseills and silk Vesting, Toilinett ditto Worsted and Lamb’s Wool Hose & half Hose Y'igonia and Cotton Hose, Linen Cambric Lang Lawn, Linen Handkerchiefs Sewed Robes, Silk Braids Elastic Garters Inserting and Florence Trimming Stay Lace, Coleretts, Italian Crapes Nuns and patent wire Thread Oznaburg ditto, Vandykes Tortoise shell Combs Straw and Beaver Bonnets b tlllicat and Romal Handkerchiefs Fine Tapes and flat Bobbins Silk Umbrellas, Suspenders Children’s Socks, Oil Cloth, Bed Lace Black Canton ail'd flag Hdkfs Figured Cravats Super Beaver and imitation Hats, wool do. 150 pair ladies.morocco and kid Shoes 200 “ ladies and children’s Boottees 100 “ men’s dancing Pumps 175 “ men’s and boy’s nailed 8c sew ed Shoes 50 “ men’s super Boots 600 “ negro Shoes 2000 yards domestic Shirtings 1000 bushels Liverpool Salt 10 barrels double Ale 8 one horse Waggons And a general assortment of GROCE RIES, CTULERY, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, weich will be disposed of on reasonable terms by RUFUS R. MERRILL, dec 18 -7 Harford's Buildings. Wanted Immediately, ten to twelve active prime NE GRO ME„N, to work at the Darien .Steam Saw Mill, for which liberal Wages will be given. ROSWELL KING, dec 30- 9 Mansion House Hotel. The undersigned having comple- IpPSsl ted his new and commodious build- Blßfl ‘ on Walton andßroad-strsets, SksjyjLfeels pleasuse in announcing to his old friends and the public, that he is now prepared to receive them, and fully enabled to entertain as well, if not far better, than any house of the kind in this part of the country. His table will always be well sup plied, and bedding comfortable and cleanly. A Bar is also attached to the Hotel, which will at all times be found to be well sup plied with the best of Liqqprs, &c. Gentle men with their families, can be agreeably accommodated with private rooms. Rooms are also reserved for such gentlemen as may wish to enjoy themselves with private din ner or supper parties. Considerable expense has attended tl.'e erecting of the above hotel—and those who may favor the proprietor with their calls, may rest assured that nothing will be left undone to render them comfortable and a greeable. His Stables are always well supplied with good corn, fodder, hay, &c. and every at \ention will be paid ‘to horses left in his charge, as he has an attentive ostler and far rier for the purpose. JOHN HOLZENDORF. Darien, Oct., IQ, 1820—52 To Rent, MAnd possession given immediate ly, several convenient STORES, in the commercial part of the town. Also several DWELLING HOU SES, pleasantly situated. F'pr further par ticulars, applv to PLACIDE LE CHARTIER. oct 28 52 Georgia-—Liberty county. By Elijah Baker, clerk of the court of ordi nary of the county and state aforesaid. Vl/HEREAS, James Smilie, jun. applies v to be dismissed from his guardian ship of Thomas C. Sullivan, orphan of Daniel Sullivan, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admon. ish all persons concerned, to file ■ their ob jections (if any they have) in my office, at Riceborotigh, within tIW time prescribed by law; otherwise dismissory letters yvifl be granted to the said applicant. Given under my hand and seal this fifth day of December, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and twenty, and in the forty-filth year of American Independence. E. BAKER, c. c. o. i. c. dec 5 6 DARIEN, (GEORGIA,) SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1821. Fancy and Staple Goods. THE subscribers have just received an.! opened, a general assortment of DR J GOODS, which they offer at wholesale or retail, on the most reasonable terms. Alsu the cargo of the sloo|> General A. Jackson, consisting of Oats, Crackers, Flour, Macker el, London Porter, Pilot and Navy Bread, brown and loaf Sugar, wire Seives, and mar ble Sites, I.intles and dec 30—e—9 P. Sc S. F. HURD, barrels Flour ‘ ) 50 ditto Lime Prunes * , Candles, 5 and 6 to the pound Cordials, Noyeau, Btc. Cognac Brandy V Fresh Crackers and Pilot Bread Bd for sale by \ PLACIDE LE CHARTIER. dec 16—7 Charles H. May RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he lias taken a shop of Wm. C. Terrell, near the mavket, in Darien, where he would be happy to serve Ills customers with all kinds of work in his line of business, at/ the shortest notice, such as Saddles, Brinies, Harnesses, Trunks, and all kinds of Military Work. Old Coaches and Gigs repaired and trimmed in the best manner. He can also supply them with Fire buckets, Fire-caps, See. at the lowest rate, dec 30 r— —9 ’ Notice. THE firm of P. Hurd & Cos. is dissolved by fhutual agreement. All those having demands against said firm are requested to present them for payment, and those in debted to make immediate payment to the subscriber, who is duly authorised to settle the concern. P. HURD, dec'3o 9r Darien, July 12, 1820. TIIHE copartnership of the subscribers, which has hitherto been carried on in this place under the firm of Yonge, Richard son & Cos. is dissolved this day by mutual assent; all persons having demands against them, are requested to present them; and those’ owing them, to make payment to Mr. Armand Lefils, or in his absence to Mr. Wil liam Cooke. PH. R. YONGE, R. RICHARDSON, [4oj ARMAND LEFILA. Bank of Darien, December 12, 1820. N election, for Five Directors on the part of the Stockholders, will be held at this bank op Monday the first day of January next. The poll will be opened at 9 o’clock, a. m. and close at 2 o’clock, l*. m. [7] EBEN. S. REES, cashier. For sale, CARTWRIGHT’S POINT, containing6oo acres, more or less, situated a few miles from Darien, and immediately oppo site Frederica; about 150 acres are cleared, most of it good hammoc land. The situation is pleasant and healthy, with fine pasturage for stock, good water, and a large quantity of pifle timber contiguous to a good landing, which can be easily rafted to the mouth of the creek that opens into the Alatamaha, where a large vessel can load. For further particulars, and terms of sale, apply to JAMES WALLACE. Savannah, dec. 1 —r —8 Stolen, FROM alongside the sloop Neptune, on the 20th inst. a YAWL BOAT, about 15 feel keel, varnished outside; the builder’s name branded inside The boat, on her stern, on both sides, H. Stocker. A reward of fi y c dollars will be paid to any person who will deliver said boat to the subsriber, and ten on conviction of the thief. JOHN HUNTER, sept 23 49 Notice. LI. persons having demands against the estate of Joseph M‘Guire, deceased, are requested to hand them in for payment; and those indebted, are required to make payment to the undersigned on or before the Ist February next. JOHN BULLEN, adm'r. ‘ESTHER M‘GUIRE, adm'rxi dec 23—r—8 Notice. ALT demands against the estate of Wil liam Turneii, deceased, are request ed to be handed in. , JAMES GOULD, executor. dec 30 9t —i 1 —; Notice. ALL persons indel and for taxes for the come forward previous to the first Tuesday in February next, and settle the same, other wise levies will be commenced on their pro perty. JOHN HOUGHTON, u. s. m. c. dec 30—9 Notice. PERSONS having demands against the es tate of Mr. William Bain, deceased are requested to hand in attested statements thereof agreeable to law—and those indebt ed to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment to Mr. Barrington King, of Darien, who is duly authorised to receive the same. (signed) JOHN M‘NISH, executor. Savannah , 2 dDecember , 1820,——G Law Partnership. TIIS subscribers have formed a partner ship in the Practice of the Law, un der the firm of Rockwell & Hepburn. All business confided to them shall b* faithfully attended to. One of them, uil at all times, be found at the office of S. Rockwell, corner of Jefferson and M‘ln to si streets. They practice in the 6th Circuit Court o! die U. States, and in the following counties: Baldwin Morgan Twiggs TO 3 UKpiuiiN! Miltedgeville, Geo. Sett. i6, 1820, dec 30 9 George Street, HAVING lost all his Books of Accounts, Notes, Bonds, Btc, &c. for Twenty] years past, by fire, dn the 2d July last, he re-1 quests all who were indebted, by bond,] note or account, to call and pay or liquidate their debts. With the assistance of his clerks he has made a schedule of all debts as far as recollected. All who have accounts against him are requested to bring them in for settlement. He offers for sale, west of the market, Neat’s Tongues barrels Pork, ditto Hea rings, Rum, Gin, Brandy, Whiskey, Cider, Apples, Potatoes, Onions, dryed Apples, Cheese, Beans, Corn Meal, cut’Nails, from 4d to 24d, assorted, also 8d and 20d wrought Nails, low for cash or barter, dec 9—me—6 New, Cheap Cash Store. QTpHE subscriber has received, and now opening in the Store formerly occu pied by Rufus R. Merrill (on Bav-street) A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES and CROCK ERY WARE, viz: Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Satinett White Plains—Flannels, colored and white Homespuns, powerloom Shirting, Bomba zetts Callicoes, Vestings, Osnaburgs, Tow Cloth Cotton Bagging, London Duffle and Rose Blankets Madrass and Flag Handkerchiefs, Sus penders Reams Letter Paper Cotton Stockings and Lambs’ Wool half Hose Hair Combs, Hats of various kinds Ladies’ morocco walking Shoes Misses morocco and,Leather Pumps, ne gro Shoes Gentlemen’s Wellington Boots, and fine Shoes Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin Barrels Rye Gin and Whiskey Ditto N. E. Rum, Current Wine Madeira Wine in demijohns and bottles Coloring, bottled Cider, barrels brown Sugar Loaf Sugar, barrels white Beans, barrels Flour Barrels Mackerel, No. 2 and 3, barrels Cheese Half barrels Beef Kegs Tobacco, leaf ditto, firkins Goshen Butter Boxes Candles, half ditto Soap Hyson Tea, Coffee, Salt and various other articles. ALSO A GENERAL ASSORTMENT ’ OF Crockery, Hardware, B£c. AISO ON CBSSIGHNMENT, 400 pair Negro Shoes 13 boxes Chocolate Barrels Cherry Brandy Barrels Lime Juice Bags Peas, double and single Matrasses Kegs and boxes Fasets Kegs of'Butter, barrels Apples An invoice Hardware, ready made Cloth ing, Saddles, &c. &c. AMASA BENNETT, dec. 9 6 * Court of Ordinary, I‘INTOSH COUNTY, GEORGIA. hi the matter of the estate of Sarah'’ Jiaillie. ON application of W. Davis, administra tor and one of the distributees of the estate of Sarah Baillie, deceased, It is or dered, That John M‘lntosh,. James Nephew, James llunwoody and Scott Cray, esquires, or any three of them, do proceed to divide the estate of the said intestate, between the respective distributees, in terms of the law in such cases made and provided, in case no objections shall be made to such division within ninety days from the date of this or der—then such devisee to be returned to this court at its meeting after such divi sion, then to be finally acted on, as may be legal and proper in the premises. v lnd it is further ordered, That a copy of this order be published once a week for ninety days in the Darien Gazette. Extract from the minutes. A. B. POWELL, c, c. o. m. c. Darien, December 4, 1820.—mel —6 £? Wanted on hire by the Year, ten to fifteen prime Field Hands; for whom, generous wages will be given, and every care and attention them. Enquire of JAS. SMITH, Sidon, JH‘lntosh county. nov 25 1 4 ALMANACS, FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1821, For sale at the Gazette Office, Furniture. subscribers have just received from JL New-York, by th< sloop Mechanic, and offers for sale at Carnocha ’s blue store, An elegant assortment of Fur niture, CONSISTING OF Grecian Sofas Sideboards Bureaus Secretaries St Book-cas- French Presses es Large and small Tea Tables Dining Tables Ladies’ Dressing Tables Ladies’ Work Ta- with glasses bles Fancy do. with writing Card Tables desks Candle Stands, of Wasli-hand Stands different kinds Foot Benches Large high post High post curl’d maple carv’d mahoga- Bedsteads —and field The above Goods will be sold on reason- Nutliaraei Cornwell , WATCH-MAKER, SILVERSMITH Ayp RESPECTFULLY informs the inliab rants of Darien and its vicinity that ‘ lie has returned to this city and taken a stand near ly in front of Messrs. Hall, Cooke &. Cos. and lias a general assortment ofGoods in his hne, which he offers for sale on reasonable terms r—all kinds of Clocks and Watches repaired at the shortest notice. dec 23-8 The Subscriber HAS just received per schooner Cheeves, and now opening, a large and elegant assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCK ERY WARE, cjfc. — viz: Broadcloths, assorted; Cassimeres, do. Plains, do. Sattinett and iStockinett, assorted Bed Ticking, Rose Si London duffil Blankets Super white, red and yellow Flannels Russia Duck, blue and white Homespuns Cotton and linen Checks, blown Linen Table Diapers; Platillas, Bombazetts Callicoes, Printed Muslins, corded Dimity Cambric ditto, Derrias, Irish Linens, Silks Steam-loom Shirting, cole rain ditto Sattenes, ladies’ pelece Cloths Levantine Shawls, pink silk do. Imitation and cotton do. Cambric Muslins, jackonet do. Book and mull do. Leno and sprig Muslins Imitation Cambric, Chambrays Cotton Cassimeres, bed Fringe Bandana Handkerchiefs, fancy silk do. Ctton fhtg do. Black Barcelona do. Ribbands, assorted; tliule Lace, Oznaburgs Hosiery, assorted, silk and cotton Braces Linen and cotton Thread Sewing silk and Twist, assorted Silk Parasols, cotton Umbrellas Toilinet and cotton Vesting Ladies’ and gentlmen’s beaver Gloves Ladies’ kid do. men’s fine 8c 2d quality Hats Boys’ and children’s do. Ladies’ beaver Hats Children’s morocco and beaver do. Gentlemen’s Wellington Boots; ditto Shoes Ladies’ kid Boots, do. Shoes; negro Shoes A few articles of ready made Clothing Cognac Brandy, Jamaica and N. E. Rum Whiskey, Harper’s Gin, Teneriffe Wine Vinegar, Molasses, hogs’ Lard Gunpowder and Shot, Coffee Loaf, Havana and Muscovado Sugar Hvson and hyson skin Tea Mackerel, No. 1, 2 and 3 Leafapd Manufactured Tobacco Ddo. ladies’ Twist, Bar Lead, Soap Flour, pilot and navy Bread Candles, Butter, Cheese, Chocolate Crackers, Raisins, Mustard, cut Nails Segars, Almonds, riding Whips Liverpool and basket Salt Letter and foolscap Paper, horseman’s Spurs Pen, jack and sportsman’s Knives Ivory Rules, Sensors, patent pad Locks Table Knives and Forks, carpenters* Adz Garden. Rakes, trace Chains An elegant assortment of Crockery and Tin Ware And a small assortment of Hardware, &c. i —together with many other articles not mentioned. 1 CHARLES DEWITT, jun. dec 16 7 ” > --i ■ Mayor’s Court, DECEMBER TERM, 1820. QjTkHE following Jurors made default, viz: 41 John G. Bell, Charles G. Jones, George Wilbor, William MLMasler, George F. Wing, and Charles M‘Gregor. It is ordered by the Court, That defaulting jurors be severally fined in the sum of Ten Dollars unless they file good and sufficient excuse in the office of the clerk of tins court on or before the second Mondav in January next. ALe,EN B. POWELL, c, m. c. i dec 16—7 No, io.