Darien gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1818-1828, August 12, 1828, Image 4

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Drugs, Medicines , Perfumery. CHAKI.es f. GKAN 1)1 son anti ©jcujgtflit, DARIEJ\ GEO HUM. /STv FFEKS for sale the following assort* ihent of Drugs, &c at his Drug, Per* •fumery; Confectionary and Ginnery Stores, Commercial square near the great Mulberry Tree. Acid Nitric, Gum assafcetida •’ Nittroai, *• amoma “ Muriatic, ** benzoin “ Sulphuric, “ guaiacum “ Tartaric, “ copal • Prusgic, •* myrrh “ Citric, “ scamony Aqua Regia, “ tragacanth “ Fort is, •’ arabic Ambergris, “ catechu Arrrow root, “ gamboge Antimony crude, “ kino do powders, “ shellac do vitrified, “ galbaiiutn do tartarized, “ opium Alochol, Ginger root Alkanet, do powder Annatto, Gentian root Angelica root, do powder Alum, Ginseng Amber, Glass of antimony Aniseed, Golden sulphate of do Arsenic, Gold thread Assufetida, Glauber salts Angustura bark. Galls, aleppo Ammoniac, Gum. Garlic cloves Aloes, Socotrine, Glue do Hepatic, Glass furniture JBalsum Coptva Glass mortars do Tolu do funnels do of Peru Graduated measures do Honey Galipots do Turlington’s Gamboge Barhadoes tar Hellebore, -white Burgundy pitch do blabk Borax Hartshorn shavings Blue vitriol H°P S Blister plaster Hira picra Blue pills Horehound Bismuth Honey Brimstone Isinglass Bene oil Indigo Basilicon salve Iceland moss Benzoin Ipecacuanu Bitter apple * Ivory black Blazing star Itch ointment Barks, simaruba Jalap do cascarilla Jumper berries do cassia Jmne’s powders Bole, French Japan earth Castor oil Kali, pure Canthariics do caustic Corrosive sublimate Kino Cochineal Lin', patent Chamomile fiowers Litharge Cubebs Logwood chips Copperas Liquorice Court plaster Lampblack Catheters Lunar caustic Calcined magnesia Lump magnesia Chalk, prepaired Laudanum do red Lavender do French Lenitive electuary do common Lime water, comp’d Calomel ’ Linseed Castor, Am. Liver of sulphur Calumbo Musk Co-witch Manna Cream of tartar Madder Crabs eyes Mercurial plaster Calamine do ointment Calcined antimony Mezerian root Crude do Mugwort Charcoal, prepaired Myrrh Cajeput Mint, sear Confection of roses Nuxvnmica Crocus Nut galls Biamrads, Utiairtcrs XNitrat of potass Dover-, powders do soda irragCTttJS blood do silver Digitalis leaves Nitre, purified Dried squills Nipple tubes Distilled vinegar do glasses Diaculum plaster Nitrous ether Dogwood bark Oil of amonds / Extract of Liquorice of amber J Extract of Lead of anniseed / do of Bark of cajeput do of Col umbo of caraw/Y do Cinnamon of cha' <<,m " i do Cloves of c) >ves do Fott'love opumper do Gentian A lavender do Cardamon of mace do Colocynth of olives do Catechu of pennyroyal do Kino of pepermint do valeian of petroleum do pe-uvian bark of rosemary Essenceof roses of sassafrass “ peppermint of savin “ assamtn of turpentine “ Lemon of vitriol * Orange of cinnamon ‘• Musk of nutmegs “ Violets Ointments “ Jonquil of acetat of lead Ergot of elemi JEther of elder Elder flowers of oxyd of zinc Elm bark of saturnine Electuaries of antimony Epsom salts Perl barley Flowers of benzoin Peruvian bark Flour of sulphur Perl ashe Flowers zink Pink root Filing* of Iron, pure do powder do ofsteel Phosphorus Flux root Phosphate of iron Frankincense Powder of tin Flies, Spanish Pumice stone Fox-gove Pdo of foxglove Quicksilver Rosemary flowers Quassia Rochelle salts Quinine, sulphate Red bark do mixture Rock oil Queries, with oddities Rye, spurred Quicklime Rock alum Quince do ruple Q.ttrks 8c Quibles Rhododendron Rhubard soot Rose leaves do powder Hhumatic paste Resin or rosum Romances antque Red sanders Salts Red precipitate “ Glauber Rotten stone “ epsom Rust of iron “ tasteless “ Cheltenham Sarsaprella Salts of tartar Saratoga water Saffron blosoms Sago do powder Spt. of Hartshorn Syrup of squills ‘ of camphor Sponge “ of nitre Spermaceti “ <f turpentine Senna “ of rosemary Super carb. Soda Syrup of squills Sub earb. do Sulphat of iron Sulphur “ of zinc Seidhx powders “ of potast Soda do “ of soda Scamony Styptic powders Sassafrass root Syringes \ Tartar emetic “ of digitalis Turmeric “ of saffron\ Terebinthina “ of guaiacnm Tapioca “ of lavender Tamarinds “ of cantharides Tartarate of potsas “ of Deweeze’t Tartarized antimony “ of cardamon Tooth-ache drops “ of gentian Tutty “ of jalap Tincture of opium “ of rhubarb of bark, comp'd “ of catechu “ of kmo “ of assafetda “ of iron, mur “ of squills “ ofmyrth “ of Cftiumba “ of arsenic’ “ of valerian Venitian turpentine Worm-seed oil Verifegris Waterdock Valerian root Wake-robin do powder Whortleberry Vinegar, aromatic Wine, antimonial Vitrified ant ; mony do of ipecacuanha Vitriolic acid Winter’s bark Vitriol, blue Wolfsbane do white Witch-hazel Volatile salts Wood-soot Vitriolic JEther Willow-strife Volatile liniments Wild succory Vitriol, elixer Wine bitters Volatile oils White wine vinegar Virginia snake root White wax Patent Medicines Andersons pills Antidispeptic pills . Bateman's drops Anodine drops British oil Antidisenteric do Balm of Quito Ague do Bay nim Godfrey's cordial Opodeldoc Cephalic snuff Stoughton's bitters Dalby's carminative Henry's magnesia Vegetable specific Jesuits drops Harm losengers Indian specific Aromatic cephalic salts Essence of mustard Anderson’s cough dps. Turlingtons balsam Essential oils S-waim’s panacea Althea’s syrup Potter's catholicon Eau de luce Swaim’s vermifuge Eau de grace Surgical Instruments. Amputating Bougies Trepaning Trochars Tooth hooks Forceps Catheters Spring Lancets Pessaries, Bcc. Thumb do Micelaneous Articles, Eve stones Mouth bottles assorted V’ials of all sizes Sucking bottles Quart bottles Breast pipes Pint do Trusses Fiddle strings Vial Sc bottle corks Fish hooks Bladders Sc tubes Fishing lines Nipple shells Dye Stuffs. Tumeric Madder Red sanders Annato Fustic Anchusi root Shumac Bengali Indigo Nicaragua, ground Camwood Paints Oils. Sperm oil Sash tools Linseed do Ground brushes Gin oil Pumice stone White'Bi red lead Putty 8c putty knives Venician do Glue 8c glue pots Chinese do Gum elastic Copal varnish Chrome yellow j .pun Kings do White do Prussian blue Harness do Rose pink shoe blacking Dutch do Shoe brushes Carmine _ Lamp black Ver/g' r ' s ,n oil Ivory black Spdiish whiting Litherage /Perfumery 8£ Fancy Articles. Hair powder Oil of Jonquil Pomatum in pots of violets do in rolls of oranges Powder boxes ofbergomot do puffs of milfleur Scented soaps Otta of roses Cosmetic balls Musk in powder Transparent soap Fragrant Essences White Windsor do Aromatic salts Aromatic tooth paste Milk of roses do rose powder Cosmetic cream Macassar oil Lip salve Bears oil Cologne water Oil of roses Lavender do “ of Jasmine Rose do Shaving boxes Hair do do soap Furniture do do brushes Chamber lamps Razors 8c straps Tapers do Nail brushes Scoth snuff Tooth do Cut tobacco Clothes do Cavendish do Groceries 1$ Confectionar ie . Loaf sugar Rock candy Lump do Lemon do Havana white do Mint do Gun powder tea Horehound do Young Hyson Peppermint do Soushong Sugar plumbs Black do Barley do Coffe Kisses Chocolate Barbers pole Cognac brandy Ground nut losengers Hollands gin Almond do lamaica rum Quince marmalade Shrub Currant jelly Porter 8c Ale Candied orange peel Cider in bottles Lemon syrup Stationary Post letter paper Wafers Fools cap do Red sealing wax Wrapping do Black do Quills Blotting paper Pencils Ink stands Crayons Red Ink powders Sundries. Half bis. of flour Sets of cut glass Smoked herrings Elegant globe lamps Hams 8c bacon Looking glasses Basket salt Crockery ware Bottles, quart 8c pint Tin ware Window glass Hardware Glass desert plates Japan ware Wines Port wine Lisbon Claret Massala Madeira Constatia Shery Champaigne MACON SALES OF THE RESERVE LANDS, THE TOWN LOTS, AND vim smiiDsiEo WILL commence on Wednesday the first day of next October, and will con tinue from day today, with the exception of t the first Monday and Tuesday of that month.; We shall then expose to sale in Macon, to the highest bidder, inconlormity with a late act of the General Assembly: All the town lots not heretofore disposed of, being upwards of one hundred in number, on the western side of the river,- among’ them are twelve adjoining the r ver, and a few other choice lots for business. The re sidue are in more retired situations, and ge nerally afford good building sites in a plea sant and growing part of the town. Forty-two gardening lots of 10 and 20 a cres each, laid out from Ito miles distant from the town in two ranges round the Western Common. Also, twenty-eight lots on the Eastern side: that is to say, 4 of twen , ty, 8 of ten acres, and 16 of one acre each. These last include the place sometimes known as Newtown,and will be sold, sub ject to certain leases from the Uuited States to expire next January. j The residue ol th lands in the two re- j serves, are laid out in tracts of 100 acres, and fractional parts ot such tracts. Os these, the uplands will be ntxt offered,- the lowest numbers first, beginning with those on the western side. On Wednesday the 22d of October next, at 11 o’clock, A. M. will be offered at the place of the other sales, the BRIDGE AT MACON, together with one acre of land on the eastern side of the Ocmulgee river, as one of the hutments,-'and the privilege ol using so much of Fiftji or Bridge street on the western bank as nay be necessary for the other butment of |he Bridge. On Thursday the 2£d of October, we shall proceed to sell the swamp and bottom lands within the Reserves, ihose on the western side first, and continut from day to day until completed. The particular nurrpers that will be sold on each day cannot b< specified; but it is in tended to put up the leveral kinds and de scriptions in the order lere mentioned. The Reserves are gtnerally well watered, and contain several good mill seats. The area of the whole cannot be exactly known until the platting is completed,- but twenty one thousand acres is the estimated quantity contained in both Reserves and the adjoining fractions, exclusive of the town surveys. — Perhaps no body of land of the same extent, can be found that embraces a greater variety in its surface, soil and timber. Situated just in that region where the pine of the lower country changes to the oak and hickory ot the upper, it includes both these growths and soils in most of their varieties,- in some portions entire, in others interspersed or blended. Tracts of very hilly land, or that which is quite level, or gently undulating, may be had of almost every quality, either of oak and hickory, or pine, or river lands,- and several of these kinds occasionally uni ted, in tracts of 100 acres, and fractions of various sizes, adapted to most of the purpo ses for which land is wanted. From the pressure of the times, and more especially from the quantity of lands and town lots that will have been lately in the market, these must unavoidably sell low And, lying at the head of navigation, imme diately around the third town of the State in population and trade, there is every reason able . . r-urctiasers have now an opportunity, and apparently the last that will soon offer, ol obtaining, on cheap and very indulgent terms of payment, choice situations for resi dence, for trade, or for farming. TERMS OF SALE. Purchasers of lands and lots are to pay the Commissioners on the day of the purchase, one fifth part of the purchase money in cash or current bills of chartered banks of this State,- and the residue in four equal annual instalments. No security will be required. The bridge will be sold on the same terms, except that the purchaser will be required to give bond with two or more approved se curities for the payment of the subsequent annual instalments VV. N. HARMON,V C. B. STRONG, Ccomm’rs. O. H PRINCE, 3 Macon, July 5, 1828. Cj“The Editors of the Charleston City Ga zette, the Tuscaloosa Mirror, and of the se veral public Gazettes in this State, will pub lish the foregoing weekly, nine weeks, in their respective papers, and forward their accounts to Marmaduke J. Slade, Esq, Clerk of the Commissioners, in such time as to reach him by the Ist of November. July 22—30 General Drug , Chemical and Family Medicine TO&?BIKEI3>\OS2 9 BY tfie schooner Ihcraw, the subscribers have received an additional supply of Genuine Drugs and Medicines, an assortment of Patent Family Medicines, Surgeons’ In struments of the most approved makers, such as pocket sets Turnkeys and Forceps, Spring and Thumb Lancets, Trusses, Spar talasse, Perfumery & Fancy articles in great variety and very choice, Cloth, Hair, I both, and Shaving Brushes, Btc. &c. which, added to their former stotk, renders it very com plete. The abovegoods have been particu larly selected by ore of the partners, for this market, and no establishment in the South ern States can offergreater inducements to purchasers, as they'will be sold at reduced prices, and upon favorable terms. Mer chants, planters and physicians, would do well to forward their orders. LAY 8t HENDRICKSON, Druggist 8, Nos. 2 ind 15, Gibbon’s Buildings. N. B. The Darien Gazette will insert the above july 22—30 Sheriff’s Sale. ON the first Tuesday in September next, will he sold in front of the Court House in the city of Darien, between the hours of 10 and 4 o’clock— Four Negro Slaves, viz: Peter, Romeo, Sliadwell and Flora, levied on as the proper ty of Charles H. Ward, Executor of J. P. Ward, to satisfy an execution in favor of Ju dith Clarke. THOS. KING, s. m. c. July 22-30 SUPERIOR COURT. M Intosh County, April Term, 1828. JAMES SMITH, 3 V ?’ .• yßule Nisi. The legal representatives f of JOHN UANDV, decj UPON the petition of James Smith, prav ing the foreclosure of the equity of re demption on the following tract ot land, mortgaged by John Bandy, now deceased, on the fifteenth day of February, eighteen hundred and twenty-three, to secure to the said James Smith, the payment of his promis sory note, dated the fifteenth day ot Februa ry, eighteen hundred anti twenty-three, pay able on the first day of January, eighteen hundred and twenty-four, to the said James Smith, or order, for the sum of three hun dred and two dollars, with interest from the date, for value received, to wit: all that tract of land lying and being in the county and State aforesaid, containing three hundred acres, more or less, of swamp land, Bic. in and adjoining the Buffalo swamp, bounded on the norib by land formerly belonging to William M'Donald, on the east by land sup posed to belong to MTntosh, on the south by lands unknown, which said tract ol land, for mer! v the property of John Weatherspoon, j of South Carolina, with all the improvements thereon. On motion of Bayard K. Hand, plaintiff’s attorney, it is ordered, that the principal, in terest, and all cost due upon said mortgage, he paid into court, within twelve months from this date; and that unless the same be so paid, the equity of redemption of ihe le gal representatives of the said John Bandy, shall be thenceforth foreclosed, and other proceedings take place, pursuant to the act of the general assembly, in such case made and provided. And it is further ordered, that this rule be published in one of the gazettes ot this State, at least once a month, until the day appointed for the pa) ment of the princi pal, interest, and costs, or served upon the legal representatives of the said John Bandy, at least six months previous to the time the money is ordered to be paid into court. Extrac f from the .Minutes. ARMAND LEFILS, clerk. SUPERIOR COURT. Glynn County, Apkil Term, 1828. CHARLES E. PUTNAM,I vs. > Rule Nisi. JAMES G. PEPPER. 3 ON the petition of Charles F,. Putnam, stating that James G. Pepper of the county aforesaid, on the eighteenth day of July, in the year of otir Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, mortgaged to him all those two tracts of land, in the county aforesaid, known and distinguished to wit, one called Lutrell, where the said James G Pepper now resides, containing seven hundred & fifteen acres, bounded east wardly by Burnett’s Creek, weslwardiv by Cowper Creek, northwestwardly and northwardly by lands belonging to the heirs of Moses Bur nett and others, and northeastwardly by lands of John Burnett, sen. and one other tract of land containing seventy-eight acres, in the county aforesaid, bounded south east by John and H. Dolton’s land, southwest by lands of Moses Burnett, dec'd.&. northwest wardly bv Owen O. Caution and vacant land, to secure the payment of a certain promisso ry note, made and signed by the said James G Pepper to the said Charles E Putnam for the sum of two thousand dollars, bearing date the eighteenth day of July, in the year last ajoaesaid, an' l -uhl*- on th* Ist dav of januaary, eighteen hundred and twenty eight, with lawful interest after the first day of January, eighteen hundred and twenty six- that there is now due on said promissory note the sum of two thousand dollars prin cipal, and the further sum of three hundred and sixty-seven dollars & seventy-seven cents interest. On motion of D’Lyon & D’Lama ter, attornies for the petitioner, it is ordered that the principal, interest and costs due up on the said promissory note and mortgage, be paid into court within twelve months from this date, and that on failure thereof the equity of redemption of, in and to the said mortgage premises, be thenceforth fore closed; and it is further ordered that this Rule be published in one of the public Ga zettes of this State, once a month for twelve months, until the time appointed for the pay ment of the money into court, or served on the mortgager or his attorney, at least six months previous to the time aforesaid. Extract from the . Minutes , JOHN BURNETT, clerk. april “2 17 SUPERIOR COURT. Glynn County, Aphil Tehm, 1828, JOHN PARLAND, T vs. C Rule Nisi. C. E. FLINN. 3 ON the petition of John Parland, stating that Charles E. Flinn is indebted to him in the sum of eleven hundred dollars princi pal, and three hundred and thirty two dol lars interest, payable on the Ist day of Jantt ary, 1826, and to secure the payment of which said sum of money, the said C. E. Flinn on the 15th day of Dec. 1823, mortgaged to the said John Parland, all that tract of land, situate, lying, and being in the county of Glynn, granted to Michael Rodolph, contain ing 2.200 acres, more or less, butting and bounding north-west wardly by John Pal mer’s, and vacant east wardly by Turtle Riv. er, Martin Palmer’s, John Piles’, and John Whitehead’s; southwardly by the road lead ing from Fancy Bluff, and westwardlv by va cant land, granted in the year of our Lord 1787 to Michael Rodolph. On motion of D’Lyon and D’Lamater. attorneys for the petitioner, it is ordered that the principal, interest and cost, due upon the said mort gage, be paid into court within 12 months, or that in failure, the equity of redemption of, in and to the said tract of land, be from henceforth forever closed; and it is further ordered, that this rule be published in one of the public gazettes of this State, once a month for 12 months, until the time appoint ed for the payment as aforesaid, or served on the mortgager, or his attorney, at least six months previous to the time appointed for the payment of the money into Court. True extract from the minutes. JOHN BURNETT, Clerk. _may 27—22 m® SPIMSOTM® JhEATLY executed at THI3 OFFICE; SW AIM’S VERMIFUGE fit HIS valuable Intidisenterec and H'orm JL .Muiicme lias been used for these four years past, and its virtues are universally ac knowledged by all who have tried it, to be far superior to any other medicine ever em ployed for most diseases children are subject to. It is perfectly sate, and no child will re fuse to take it. it seldom fails curing Dys entery, Summer Complaint, Colic Cholera Morbus, cither in grown persons or children and it gives appetite to almost all debilitated persons- Worms frequently infest children, agravate their other diseases, and are the chief cause of most fevers, bowel complaints, and chronic and nervous diseases, incident to childhood, which are so numerrus and fre quently fatal. It i9 much to be regretted that most vermifuges now in use are injuri rious, and thousands of children are swept off, or are rendered feeble, pale and emaci ated through the first stage of life —which leads to pulmonary complaints, &c. &c. Worms being especially apt to infest per sons of debilited degestivc organs and em aciated constitutions, much mischief is often done by the ordinary worm medicines, as they generally consist of the strongest pur gatives, mercurials, bitters, narcotics, or spirits of turpentine. Articles of this kind may destroy worms, but they debilitate the stomach, aiul often materially injure the general health. Swims Vermifuge has the peculier advantage of destroying and removing worms from the bowels without the weakening consequencis of the stron ger purgatives, Sue. and it has, moreover, a decided tendency to give vigor, both to the stomach and bowels, and organs of di gestion—the relieving the general system from troublesome complaints. It is by this means that so many grown persons have been relieved, by its use, of different com plaints —supposing themselves to be in a decline, &c. Sue. ‘lhis medicine will relieve Bowt l complaint or Dysentery, Billions Cholic, vo".itivg, sick ness, pain or weakness in the stomach ar hom els, either in children or grown persons, in a few hours,- and it seldom fails curing chills und fever in any chihl. No family ought, or ever will be -without it, after trial, A constant supply of the above Medicine for sale by C. F. GRANDISON. Georgia — JWlntosh County. By the Honorable the Justices of the Infer'- or Court of Mclntosh county, sitting for ordinary purposes; ’To all -whom it may concern: WHEREAS Jonathan Thomas applies for letters distnissory as executor on the estate of Thomas Delegal, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office within the space of six months from this date, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted the appli cant. Witnesss the Honorable Wm. A. Dunham one of the Justices of the Inferior Court of Mclntosh county. Given under my hand this 4th day of Au gust, 1828, and fifty-second of American In dependence. GEO. TANARUS, ROGERS, Clerk, august 5—32 Georgia—Glynn County. By the honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of Glynn county, sitting for ordina ry purposes: To ali whom it may concern; Wnnno'iS Mary Chanmng and George Dupree applies for letters of adminis tration on the estate and effects off Amasa Dou’d, late of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in the office of the clerk of the Court of Ordinary of Glynn county, other wise letters of administration will be grant ed the applicants. Witness the Hon. Samuel M. Burnett, one of the Justices of the said Court of Ordinary, this 9th uay of June, one thousand eight hun dred and twenty-eight. JOHN BURNETT,c. c.0.0.c. june 10—24 NOTICE. ALL persons having any demands against the Rev. Edmund Matthews, deceased, late of St. Simons Island, Glynn county, Geo. will render them to the subscribers in terms of the laws of this state. And ail persons in debted to the said estate, are required to make immediate payment. JANE E. MATTHEWS. Executrix. ALLEN B. POWELL, Executor. June 3—23 NOTICE. NOTICE is given that application will be made in January next, to sell so much of the real estate of the late Alexander R. Chisolm as will be necessary to arrange the claims of the different heirs, and also accord ing to the last will of the late Alexander R. Chisolm. JOHN M. CHISOLM, Executor. Darien , May 6, 1828. 19 notice! ALL persons having any demands against the estate of John Currie, dec’d. are re quested to render them in, properly attest ed—and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment to PATRICK GIBSON, Adm’r. June 10—24 with the will annexed, NOTICE. \ LL persons having demands against the estate of William Carnochan, deceased, are requested to render them in, properly attested —and all persons indebted to said estate, are required to make immediate pay ment to WM. MACMASTKR, June 17—25 Adm’r. The Lower Steam Saw Mill, IS in operation, and ready to supply car goes of the best Georgia Yellow Pine Lumber, either for a Foreign, the Northern Market, or home consumption, and at very reduced prices. Located on a healthy scite. in view of the ocean, all vessels that ct-i as the Bar can load at her and go to sea in one; tide. Orders will be strictly attended to and every dispatch given. Apply to RALPH KING, Agent. Darien, june 10—24—12 m