Newspaper Page Text
} £ft i l » Chronicle & Sentinel'-':
• -a
On Broad street.
Daily paper, Ten Dollars per annum,m advance-
Tri-Weekly paper, at six dollars in advance,or seven
at the end of the year.
Weekly paper. Three Dollars in advance, or Four at
the end of the year.
— mniina -
P new and popular doctrine advanced by the
illustrious Goelicke of Germany, cannot fail of ex
citing i deep and thrilling interest throughout our
3Q3 Q Q
[Translated from the German.]
of Germany,
The Greatest of Human Benefactors.
Citizens of North and South America ,
To Louis Offon Goelicke, M. D., of Germany,
[EuiOpe.j belongs the imperishable honor of adding
abew and precious doctrine to the science ofmedi
,cuqc- —a doctrine which, though vehemently opposed
by many of the faculty, (of which iie is a valuable
member,) he proves to be as well founded in truth
as my doctrine of Holy Writ —adoctrine, upon the
verity of which are suspended the Jives ol millions
■ of our race, and which he no Idly challenges his op-
K posers to refute, viz: Consumption is a disease al
ways occasioned by a disordered state of Vis Vitae
(or Life Principle) of the human body: often
secretly lurking in the system for years before
there is the .ea* t complaint of the Lungs XX—and
which may be as certainly, though not so quickly,
cured, as a common cold oi a simple headache. An
invaluably precious doctrine this, as it imparts aa
important it* .son to the apparently healthy of both
sexes, leaching them that this “'insidious foe may i
be an unobserved inmate of their " clayey houses” j
even while they imagine tiiemsesves secure from '
its attacks, teaching tnem that the great secret in the
art of preserving health is to pluck out the disease
when in the blade, and not wait till the full grown
ear. c
* This illustrious benefactor of man is also entitled
:toyoui unfeigned gratitude, and the gratitude ol a
wo.ld, for tie invention of his matchless Sanative,
. —“whose uat may justly claim lor it such a
title, since it na=, so signally triumphed over our
great common enemy, Consumption, both in
toe nrst and last stages,—a medicine which has
iwroughly hiled the vacuum in the Materia Medica,
aad there oy proved itself the j ijT Conqueror of Phy
sicians .4JT —a medicine, for which all mankind
will haveabundant cause to bless the beneficent
hind of a kind Providence,—a medicine whose
#ondiOus virtues have been so glowingly pourtray
ed even by sime of our clergy, in their pastoral
visits to tee sick chamber ; by wnicii weans they
often become the happy instruments of changing de
spo.iding into hope, sickness into health, and sad
of friends iutu joyfulness.
sqq q q Q
x GOELICKES matchless sanative,
* A medicine of more va.ue to m£ti than the vast
mines oL Austria, or even the united treasures of
our gioue,—a medicine, which is obtained equally .
frhm the vegatable, animal and Kingdoms,
and thus possesses a three fold power,—a medicine.
Which, though designed as a remedy for consump
tion solely, is possessed of a mysterious influence
over many diseases of the human system, a medi
cine, winch begins to ue valued by physicians, who
We .daily witnessing its astonishing cures ol many
tiable Grave.
DOSE of the Sanative, for adults, one drop; for
children, a half-drop; and for infants, a quaitei
dj-op; the directions exp ainmg the manner of ta
king a half or a quarter drop. , ... ...
Price — Three and one-third nx dollars ($2,00)
p r half ounce.
German coin, value 75 cents.
q t? Q Q Q
A certificate from three members of the Medical
Profession in Germany, in Europe.
H We, the undersigned, practitioners of medicine
in Germany, are well aware that, by our course,-
we may forfeit the friendship of some of the facul
ty , but not of its uenevoient members, who are un
influenced by se tish motives. Though we shall
Sefraiu from an expression of our opinion, either
of the soundness or unsoundness ol Or. Goeiick s
#ew doctrine, we are happy to say that we deem
his Sanative too va.uable not to be generally
Siiowu—for |?hat our eyes behold and our ears
■ear. we muA believe. .
■ We Hereby state, that when Dr. Louis (men
Goeiick hist jame before the German public, as
Hie pretendeindiscoverer of a new doctrine and a
jlcw medicine, we held him in the highest con
tempt, believing and openly pronouncing him
A base impostor and the prince of quacks. But, on
r hearing so much saiu about the Sanative, against it
pud for it, we were induced, from motives of curi-
Isity merely, to make trial of its reputed virtues
hpoii a number of our most hopeless patients; and
ivo now deem it our bounden duty (even at the
ixpense of self-interest) publicly to acknowledge
its efficacy in curing not only consumption, but
either fearful maladies, which we have heretofore
fcolieved to be incurable. Our contempt lo; the
liscoverer 01 this medicine was at once swallowed
■ p in our utter as ton is ament at these unexpected
■csults; and. as amends for our abuse of him, we
Mu frankly con less to the world, that we believe
Slim a philanthropist, who does honor to the profes
.Micn, and to our country, which gave him birth.
I The recent adoption of this medicine into some
our European hospitals, is a sufficient guaranty
■hat it performs all promises. It needed not our ,
cstimuny, for wherever it is used it is its own best j
ness. HERMAN ETMULLER, m. d. 5
I Germany, December 10, I^B6.
J fc fc fcj fc Q
I It appears bv the fbllowifi| information given to
the public by Dr. Rowland. <»at the rnuelTta ked of
Matchless Sanative is indent what it professes to
be —an effectual and valuabl| medicine, worthy the
serious attention of every consumptive person, and
I f.,e sick generally.
f MATCHLE&* SANATIVE. — David S. Row
■lL VND the General American Agent for this mights
Inolicine (invented by the immortal Goelicue ot
Mlermanv' has great p-easure in publishing the fol
io ving highly important letter from a respectable
gentleman in New-Y<#&, which he has received,
•jwith many others of a similar character—also very
interesting intelligence from several of his Agents,
Et will be seen belo v—which, together with the
■certificate from three eminent German physicians,
Bnust forever establish the character of the Sanative
E-.* being without a parallel in the history of medi
Testimony No. 1.
IA letter from H. F. Sherwood, Esq., of New-York.
q q q*-* $ q
« New-York, Oct. 9.1837.
Dr. D. SYRowland, —Sir: About the middle of
only last,l accidentally noticed in a newspaper the
ad vertisement of the Matchless Sanative, for which
I pcrtei”ed you were and which professed
0 be a sovereign remedy for consumption.
A, m y wife was then fast wasting away with
this dreadful disease, and as our family physician
was daily and anxiously endeavoring to restore her
to hea tli without success, J stepped over to his
health and assed bin? if any objections to
hertakmg this medicine. Ke replied trial ne was
pevfcc ly willing Mrs. Sherwood s ould take thit or
myetoer rueorem sue rnigut cnoose,oui hethough 1
t could do her no good, as ):er lungs were rapidly
consuming, and no human means could save
her.” Still, the Sanative, being recommended by
three physicians who had used it in their practice,
she concluded to give it a trial. I sent and pur
chased a phial which she commenced taking three
times a day, giving a free indulgence to her appe
tite according to the direct ons. By pursuing this
course, she suifered considerably for the first eight
or ten days, but was shortly able to eat and drink
freely, without the last inconvenience.
Within four weeks from her first using the med
icine, her feeble health and wasted form began to
put on new strength, and site has been gaining from
day to day until the present moment, to the utter
astonishment of our family physician and friends.—
She is now enjoying a comfortable (though notper
feet) state of, is able to be about house and
attend church.
Mrs. Sherwood and myself are both fully of
opinion, and so are all who know her remarkable
case, that she owes her live to the Sanative alone:
and as there are probably -nany consumptive per
sons in the United States, v ho have noi yet heard
of this medicine, measures ought speedily to be
adopted to have it more generally known.
A number of persons in our neighborhood, I un
derstand, are taking it for oSher serious complaints,
with very great bcnelit.
I think of going to the bouth, with my family,
sometime this fall, and in case I do, I will proclaim
the virtues of the Sanative n that quarter; for al
though some of the physicians here are activelyop
posed to it, I do sincerely believe it saved my wife
from an opening grave.
If you think this letter will serve he public
good, j'ou are at liberty to publish it.
Respectfully, .sc.
Testimony No. 2.
One.person in our village, who was considered
by his physician to be in a Uonsumption, has taken
the Sanative, and is now well. Another person,
subject to epileptic fits, has been greatly benefitted
by a short course of this mtdicine. There can be
no question but this medicine has performed won
derful cures in a host of cases, and that it is worthy
of general attention. —Brunswick Advertiser.
Testimony No. .
in our paper to-day, it will be seen that this medi
® cine has lost none of its virtues by crossing the At
lantic —for it appears to be working similar cures
® in America to those which have astonished Europe.
—Boston Morning Post.
For sale by BENJAMIN HALL, Agent, at
the Post-Office. dec 9
T 1 Chair and Sofa Ware-room, Broad
lift street, opposite Gould, Bulkley&Co.
The subscribers have removed from
their former location to the large
pjLjha and commodious store of Mr. W. Nel
son. now ode r for sale a well assorted
of articles in the above line,
principady of their own manufacture, made from
jhe latest and most approved New York patterns,
which consist in part of the following—marble top
sideboard', mahogany do., pier, card,centre, di mg,
tea, work, and other tables, dressing bureausowith
marble .and mahogany tops, secretaries and book
cases, sofas, ottomans, rn irbie top washstands,
writing desks, footstools, m ihogany, curl and birds
eye maple bedsteads; also, live doz. excellent ma
hogany French, half French and Grecian chairs,
and a variety of fancy, cane, rush, and wood seat
do. Thankful for past patronage, they solicit a
continuance of the same at their new store, where
they wi ’l continue to sell at unusually low prices,
nd warrant the goods equal to any apri*. 26
HULBERT & R(>LL, at the old
stand formerly occupied by Maj. Jesse
Thompson, comer of Eliis and Mcln
tosh streets, are now receiving an en
tire new stock of Carriages from the best manufac
nres at the North, of the 1 test and most approved
siyle, consisting of Coaches, Coachees, Standing
and Extension Top Barouches, Charioteos, Buggies
Sulkies, Wagons, &c., together with a large and
well selected assortment oT Harness, all of which
they will dispose of on the most liberal terms. Cr
ders for any description of Carriages of their own
of Northern manufacture thankfully received and
promptly executed. Thei.j friends and the public
are respect.ully invited to call and examine their
rj’Repairing in all its branches faithfully exe
cuted and with despatch ts nov 1
THE undersigned agent of the above company,
will take fire risks on merchandize and pro
duce, in stores a'd ware-houses, and will also in
sure the same against rivei and mcrine risks, be
tween this place. Savannah, Charleston and North
ern Ports. The terms will be tne same, as ado> ted
by the other Insurance Offices in the place.
President, J. P. Henry.
G. B. Camming, G. B. Lamar.
W. T. Williams, Ralph King.
Francis sorrel, Ed. Padelford.
J. 11. Burroughs L. Baldwin.
H. Harper, Henry- Roser.
Dimas Pone il A. Lewis.
Augusta, March 22 ts
THIS valuable discovery is now introduced to
the citizens of Augusta, with the fullest
coaiidence and assurance tnat it will eli'ect the ob
ject of its app ication, viz A COMPLETE RES
TORATION OF THE HAIR upon the heads of
those who have lost the same, and have thereby
become bald or partially sc.
Numerous certificates might be given to show
how successfully- this compound nas been applied,
never having failed in a single instance.)
Its virtues have been fully and satisPctorily
tested. The heads of those that were entirely
bald, have been by the application of this restora
tive, covered with a luxuriant growth of beautiful
Nonegieed despair whether old or young, of hav
ing their hair restored. For sale by
Btoad st. and at
T. H. PLANT’S Bookstore.
Where certificates of its successful application
i“be seen. june 21 swtf
In accordance with the ostensible views
of the Southern! Convention.
fWNHOMAS I. WRAY tie SON have just received
1 by the Governor Troup, and are now opening,
a large assortment of CHEMICALS and othci
t)RUGS, from the Laboratory 0 1'Mander, Weave/ 4
Co. (one of the first houses in England,' which will
be sold ir. a state of the almost purity. These with
their former supply on hand constitutes a large and
very co nplete assortment, consisting of almost every
art le in the Drug line usually kept in this market,
Orders will be thankfully received and attend
(i to with despatch, on the most accommodating
terms ts oct 17
— Q
FIN HE Proprietor of the Virginia Sampson, or
SI,OOO Premium Vegetable, for the cure of
Syphilis and Scrofula, will be in town for a few
davs. Should there be any old and unmanageable
cases, or recent ones, eitherof Syphilisor Scrofula
the person may rest assured that they may be re
lievedin a very short time.
Any servant under forty years of age, wits
Sciofii a, will be bough"., if such is willing tc
change owners.
A le 1 ter directed to the Proprietor of the Samp
son. to the care of Messrs. Antony Si Haines. 01
Havilana, Risiev x Uc.j3-.vitl. the person’* address,
will ec regarded as confidential, and attended to.
J musical notice.
( | Hi> L PCH S Professor of Music, induced
the £ reat encouragement which he has re
• Acid?™ 8 3 /' e f acher of ih e Pia.,o Forte, both at the
I adi»> ? ?[ Mr :. and Mrs - Eger ton, as well as the
h f a , nd EtmHemen and public in general, who
• . so an d > omely 0 mely patronised him since his arrival
mon^ U^ tempers his greatful acknowledg
s o them, hoping a continuance of ttieir favor,
purposing to continue the same vocation, during
e summer, pledging himself from his expe
■ nenced method to convey instruction to his pu
pi s to perform in a superior manner in a short
1 ime, and hopes by- assiduity Mid attention to merit
their approbation. He will likewise attend to
tuning and repairing Piano Fortes, and satisfactory
references given on application at Mr. A. Z. Bantu’s
New J urniture Warehouse, No. 236, Broad-street,
where all orders will be punctuallv attended to.
: may jp
ter-proof Paste, or Leather Preservative, for
Boots Harness, Carriage Tops, S, c. —This Paste
nounshes an.i renovates the leather, renders it soft
and elastic, renews its color and strength, and pre
vents it from drying and cracking. Hoots and
Hioes prepared with this Paste will be imoervious
to water, and will insure dry feet. Sold whole
sale and retail, by
. dec 7 HAVILAND, RISLEY & Co.
N°P E.—The subscriber offers for sale his
House and Lot in the town of Aiken, S. C.
situated two hundred yards from the celebrated
vo.ver Springs. The House is new and in good re •
pair, containing a Piazza on both sides, a Kitchen
and Smoke-house, all in good repair, with a full
view of the inclined plain. Also, the Furniture
with it Terms made known on application to the
subscriber on the premises. T. (j. ZYLCK
Aiken, S. C. Sept. 4 ts
S*|A\' LS. A large assortment just received
ERANE & Co. Among which are,
Rich embroidered Thibed Shawls
Figured Brocha « *
Colored Merino «
Plain and Emb’d Black Thibet “
Large and Small Nett «
Chally and Plaid « (j ec jq
1 his article is recommended as a specific for
almost a 1 cases of piles that may occur. Certifi
cates of cures may be seen from persons who had
been afflicted for upwards of 20 years. For sale by-
~ , Augur»a, and
Price $2 per bottle. Chaileston.
nov 25 t p
obstinate Coughs, and all diseases of the
Lungs. This is an old and tried remedy, and be
lie/ed to be one among the best for the purpose for
which it is recommended. For sale by
Augusta, and
Price 75 cts per bottle. Charleston
I nov 25
! vJ genuine Cologne Water, in Jong and shoit
bottles, warranted ol the very best quality; for sale
in boxes ot halt a dozen each, lor family use, or
by single bottles.
Also, a large assortment of Fancy Soaps, Odorous
Waters, Extracts, Hair Oils, and Curling Fluids,
of the best quality, at Apothecary Hail, 232 Broad
street, by GARVIN & HAINES,
nov 2 s
INFORM their friends and the public generally
that they have taken the f ireproof Ware
house opposite Gen. Dawson’s, formerly occupied
by Heard &. Cook. This, in addition to their Fire
Proof \\ are-housc, on Broad street, will give them
ample room to place safely under cover, all cotton
1 consigned the . , and being near the river, will be
quite convenient for the reception of cotton com
ing down in boats.
1 Augusta, November 11, <39. 2m
i masonic hall.
ADDISON RICHARDS, Artist,respectfully
JL • appiises the community of Augusta, &c.,
tnat he will resume his classes in Drawing , Paint
. ing and Perspective, on the second Monday in De
cember. His rooms are now open to the public
andwil; lemain so until that period, (De;ember
9th.) Those who favor him with a visit will l.nd,
besides previous productions, a number of original
, till I’aintings of Landscape, Fruit, &c., executed
during the past summer. Also, many new Water
; Color Drawings of Flowers and Landscapes, added
I to which, a Port-folio of Original Pencil and Tinted
Sket lies. In addition to this gallery of his own
\ productions, he has collected copies of the best
English and American Elementary Drawing Books
and Piints to he obtained in the Union, which must
prove a valuable auxiliary to pupils in their studies
He gives instruction in Landscape, Fruit and
Marine Painting in Oil Colors; Landscape and Flow
er Drawing in Water Colors; Sepia and Indian
Tinting; Pencil Drawing and Perspective.
A Night Class, for the tuition of gentlemen,com
mences also on the 9th of December.
N. ii —Mr. R. will make sketches of BuPdings
and Landscape Scenery, Drawings of Patents, paint
' Military and < ivic Banncis, c.c. He will a,so
supply- all orders for Portrait and Picture Frames.
1 iijv 23 ts
bers have just received a complete assortment
, ol Pickles, consisting of
"Walnuts, Cauliflower,
Mangoes, Red Cabbage,
Picoiiliy-, Onions,
Mixed Pickles, Peppers,
’ Gerkins, Beans,
. In half gallon and quart jars; Cucumbers in pickle:
London, French and American Mustards; Ketchups
of various kinds,and other Table Sauces.
Peach, Green-gage, Damson, Egg Plum and Deal
Preserves.; Currant, Raspberry and Strawberry
Jellies and Jams; East India Ginger in pots, West
India Orange, Citron, Limes and Pine Apple Pre
serves; Guava Jelly in glass ’and boxes: Citron.
Prunes, Raisin*. F.srs anti oiner aned fruits, all
resh a..i ir. fine order. tor*aie uv
1 dec IS I. S. BEERS & Co.
JOHN W. WALKER respectfully informs his j
friends and tne public, that lie lias removed a i
j short distance from his old stand, he is still on !
Ellis street, the first house from the south corner !
, of Ellis and Campbell streets, near Mr. Duffy’s
r cooper shop, and a short distance irorn the theatre ;
j and is prepared to Turn and Carve any and every
, thing for Carpenters’work. All kinds of Cabinet
j Work made to order. All old Furniture repaired
, and cleaned, in a superior manner. All kinds ol
Musical Instruments repaired—either musical or
’ furnitureoparts. A great many other things can be
y repaired, from wood, brass, copper, silver and gold.
5 He hopes his friends will net delay in sending
their work as soon as possible,an he h s been broke ;
up in business nearly four month* and has a family- !
to support, and houses to rent, and all from his own
labor; so he must have the cash when the work is
r done.
F Augusta, Nov. 23,1839. 2md
B. .MANNING, House and Sign
» * Painter, begs leave to inform the citizens
of Augusta, that he has taken the store formerly
occup : e Iby Crawford A- Grant, and more recently
> by J. J. Grant, where he intends carry ing on the
above in all its various brandies, with neatness
- and punctuality.
1 N. B. All orders from the country attended to.
G'azing at the shortest notice.
Reference C. F. Jones, C. F. Hoffman, Thomas
S-sßichards, N. Delaigle. im dec 13
ytcff r E p OMADE DIVINE.
1-4 . * ELY used in Europe, never before
■ A introduced into America, an infal ible cure
and a delightful preventive of Chapped Hands and
ips, Xc. I his elegant article gives a delicacy of
fragrance and that natural hea tnful appearance to
the skin no other preparation of the kind has been
nto produce. It immediately removes PlM
and other disagreeable ERUPTIONS . pie-
S from turil tng‘ J kick, cures BURNS
and SCALDS, alleviating pain, and preventing
“'f p er . s ’‘' ls also e xceedmgly useful for SORE
BKEASIS. So invaluable is this compound for
every inconvenience to which the skin is liable
that none who have proved its benefits will ever
willingly be without it.
Sold in Glasses at 25 and 50 cents each, with
fu.. paiticulars, and directions for use. Forsale by
Broau st. and at
T. H. PLANT’S Bookstore.
\v here certificates of its successful application
may- be seen. june 21 swtf
(Formerly of Macon, Georgia.J
HAVE received by late arrivals from England
and are now opening at the store No. lO Pearl
street, (up stairs,) a general assortment of British
and I rench Dry Goods, selected and imported di
rect, expressly for the Southern trade, together
w-ith a general assortment of American Goods,
which makes the assortment complete.—Merchants
\ isiting the city are requested to call and examine
the stock.
Orders will have particular attention, and put up
at the shortest notice. |
Chaileston, S. C., October 22,1838 ts
THE subscribers having entered into copart
nership, under the firm of RUSSELL,
HUTCHINSON, <5- Co , for the transaction of a
SIN ESS, are now prepared to receive goods 0
consignments, for which they respectfully solicit
a share of public patronage. The business will be
continued at the old stand of John S. Hutchinson,
op josite Messrs. J. M. & VV Adams, Broad street,
where they are now receiving and opening a gen
eral assortment of new Fancy and Staple, Fall
and Winter Dry Goods, which they offer either
at wholesale or retail on the most liberal terms.—
Liberal advances made on all consignments.
Augusta, Nov. 11th 1839.
riNHE subscriber having connected himself w-ith
■_ D P. Russell and H. P. Peck, in the Auction
and Commission business, solicits for the firm of
Russell, Hutchinson, & Co., that share of patro
nage which has been so liberally- extended to the
subscriber individually.
A'l those indebted to the subscriber will please
co’ue forwaid and close their accounts at once, for
loi'ger indulgence will not be givon.
nov 11
ICHOLAS NICKJ.EBY, illustrated, complete
in one vol.
do. do. cheap.edition, complete in 1 vol.
Ihe Damsel of Darien, by the author of the
\ emassee, Guv Rivers, Me lichampe, &c.
Ihe Courtier of the Days of Charles 11, w-ith
other Tales, by the author of Mrs. Armytage,
Stokes’ Hill PI ce, Mary Raymond, &c.
Memoranda of Foreign Travel,containing notices
of France, Germany, Switzerland and Italy, by-
Robert J. Breckinridge.
Memoir of the Life and Writings of Mr* He
mans, by her Sister.
Jack Sheppaid.a Romance,by- W. Harrison Ains
worth, E*q.. author of Rook wood; Orichton, <Y-c.
Just received and f« ? sale by
dec 14 J. W. & T. S. STOY,
scribers have just received a small lot of Mul
tibolis, Ocra or Twin Cotton Seed , which they of
fer lor sale in quantities to suit purchaser*. We
have, a* our store, a stalk of the cotton with the
bo l ls on, which we invite the curious to call and
BONNETS, &c.—Ladies super fine Florence
Braid Bonnets,
Ladies super fine Straw Bonnets,
Misses mixed “ “
White and colored Palm Hoods.
Also —Fine French Mouslaine de Lanes,
Bl’k, Blue Bl’k and Col’d Fig’d Bombasines,
ench and English Merinos
iguredGro de Nap “
Ins received and for sale by
dec 10 W H. CRANE & Co.
Blankets, &c.—7-8 & 9-4 Duifei blan-
10-4 & 12-4 Whitney Blankets 3
10-4 Rose do
Red and mixed Linsey-’s
White and Red Flannel
Mixed and Fancy- colored Satinets
“ and blue Kentucky Janes
Just received and for sale by
dec 9 VWT. H. CRANE.*
THE subscriber begs leave to inform his West
ern friends, that he has Kentucky and North
ern Funds constantly for sale, and would be happy
to serve them on reasonable terms. Sound currency
will procure Kentucky funds at par for the pre
sent, and probably for the future. For the accom
modation of such persons as would find it more con
venient to visit Macon than Augusta, he has au
thorized John T. Rowland, Esq., to act as his agent
for drawing checks on Kentucky and the North,
and will be responsible for the prompt? payment
theieof, the same as though drawn by the subscri
Augusta, November 19, 1839,
Cj 3 The papers in Milledgeville, Columbus and
Savannah will each publish the above 3 times,
RESPECTFULLY informs the ladies and gen
tlemen of Augusta, and the country gene
rally, that he still continues to carry on llis busi
ness in Broad street, next door below Dr. B. Har
ris’ drug store, w-here he will be happy to attend to
all who may favor him with their custom, rll
kinds of Silks, Crapes, Ac., wi 1 be Dyes in the most
fashionable Colors, Gentlemen’s appirel Scoured
and renewed, and what he does he will warrant to
give general satisfaction. 6m aug 16
i ENTLEMEN’S fine Gaiter Boots.
IJC “ Morocco Brogan Pumps,
“ Walking Pumps,
“ “ Dancing
ana Ladies’ fine kid and morocco Slippers of all
kinds, jnst received and for sale low, by
JuneS rs
SNOWDEN & SHEAR have received from N.
York,and are now opening,a very large sup
ply of superior Ingrain Three Ply Venetian and
Brussels CARPETS of the latest style and richest
paterns, all of which have been selected with great
car *. Persons wishinsrlo supply themselves with
the article will do well to call immediately, as
they can now make a selection from one of the
largest assortments ever offeied in this City and of
new and splendid paierns. Also, Rich Brussels
and Tufted HEARTH RUGS to match the Car
pets and superior printed Baizes and patent FLOOR
('LOTUS - nov 12
SNOW DEN & SH EA R have just received from I
New York, a very large supply of superior i
5-4 by 10-4. 10-4 by 12-4, 14-4, 16-4. 18-4,20-4
24-4 and 32-4 rich Damask Table Cloths. Also, j
rich Damask Napkins, to which they respectfully j
invite the attention of the public. dec 3 i
18 Warranted staid or restored, and the head
ept free from Dandruff, by the genuine
Remember the genuine as described below.
Pms is certified to by several May-ors. Ministers
ot the Gos-pel, British Consul, Physicians, and a
great number of our most respectable citizens, to
be seen wher% it is- sold. es
This article has been imitated by a notorious
counterfeiter. Let i( never be purchased or u«ed
unless it has the name of L. S. COMSTOCK, or the
signature of COMSTOCK 4- Co., on a splendid
wrapper. 1 his is the only external test that will
secure the public from deception.
Apply at the wholesale and retail office. No. 2
i letcker street, near Maiden Lane and Pearl st.—
Address, COMSTOCK 4- Co.,
Wholesale Druggists.
The genuine is forsale by GARVIN & HAI *ES,
and RUBERf CARTER, Augusta. ly-jan 9
TH IS fine article is warranted to cure Piles or
Rheumatism in all cases, or no pay taken
for it. J
A notoiious counterfei’-_t has dared to make an
attempt upon this article, and several have been
nearly ruined-by trying it Never buy it, unless it
has the written signature of COMSTOCK Sr Co.
on the splendid wrapper. That firm have the only
right to make and seiik for 20 years, and all from
. them is warranted perfe tly innocent and effectual
in all cases.
N. B. Always detect the false by its not having
the above signature. The true sold only by
Wholesale Druggists. No.. 2 Fletcher-st N Y.
Original Proprietor.
The genuine is fir sa'c by GaRV IN & HAINES,
and ROBERT C .RTEK,. ugusta. ly jan 9
SOME notoiious counterfeiters l ave nearly kill
ed several persons by selling them a spurious
and false mixture of Hays’ Liniment.
The genuine is warranted perfectly harmless
and effectual. Never buy the article unless it has
the written signature of COMSTOCK 4- Co. on
the sp endid wrapper. That firm are solely au
thorized to make and sell the true article Origi
nal proprietor, SOLOMON HAYS.
P. 8. The true Hays’ Liniment Is warranted to
cure Piles and Rheumatism, in all cases, or no pay
taken stir it.
Sold at No. 2 Fletcher street, near Pearl st. and
Maiden Lane, New Voik, by
COMSTOCK Sr Co., Druggists.
The genuine is for sale by GARvIN & HAINES,
and ROBERT CARTER, Augusta, jan 10 ly
H PARSONS, 290 Broad street, keeps at all
« times for sale, a large stock of PIANO
TORIES, from the best bui ders in the courtly.—
Tho stock generally consists of about thirty to forty
instruments, comprising all the qualities. These
instruments, are selected withgieat care, and are
recommended with confidence. Persons wishing
to pu chase can do as well at this establishment a#
at any of northern manufactories.
A guaranty, as to quality and durability, is fur
nished in every instance.
Also, a well selected stock of sheet MUSIC, Pre
ceptors. <tc., together with (imtars. Violins, Flutes,
Accordions, and most of the small articles usually
kept in a Music Store.
de:2l t s
O.AR> IN & HAINES, No. 232, Broad street,
VJ are constant y receiving fresh supplies of
Drugs, Paints, *ils. Glass. Sac. Also an extensive
assortment of Brushes, Toilet ant! Shaving c oaps.
Perfumery, &c., of do nestle and foreign manufac
tures, selected by their agents; also afresh supply of
English Garden Seed. Country merchents and
Physicians are invited to call and examine our
sto k.
QC/*A liberal discount made for cash,
dec 28
Wholesale Druggists, Avgusta,
4 R.E receiving a large -lock of Drugs, Paints,
Oils, Glass,<Vc. Also, every variety of Brush
es, fancy, Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Perfumery,
&c.,of domestic and foreign manufacture, selected
and impi rted expressly for this market.
Purchasers for cash will bnd it to their advan
tage to call and examine their stock, and orders
with the desirable enclosed will receive partic
ular attention. nov 25
1840, edited by Miss Leslie
The Poets of Amexica, illustrated by one of our
The Gem, 1840
The Vio et, 1840 ; edited by Miss Leslie
Buds and Blossoms,a beautiful work
Floras Gems
Floras Dictionary, with co’ored plates
Gems of Beauty
1 ocket Bibles, Pray r cr Books and sundry other
beautiful pocket volumes, suitable for Christmas
and New Years Presents. For sale by
dec ~5 J. W. & T. & STORY.
FOR SALE, a first rate Harness Horse, ymung,
active ami gentle, and will be warranted as a
family horse. Also, a new Barouch,a superior ar
ticle, and very light, peculiarly adapted to the
horse. A bargain will be given if applied for im
mediately S BUFORD,
se pt 12 t s
» * dren’s Wagons and C'rad es, Market Baskets
Clothes Baskets, Churns, Cedar and Tainted Wash
Tubs, Foot Tu.jS, Door Mats, Brass bound and
1 ainted Buckets, Brooms, Brushes, and various
other articles in this line, for sale by
__ dec J ß I. S. BEERS & Co.
— Late Discovery— Warranted to be equal, if
not superior, to any others. Prepared by
. nov N0.,232, Broad street.
longing to a gentleman about leaving the state.)—
Terms 90 days approved endorsed notes.
reived an invoice of superior Ready Made
Clothing, consisting in part of—Blue, Black G een
Brown and 1 !iive and Frock Coats; do do ’ Panta
loons; Silk. Va'encia, Battin and Velvet Vests.—
For sale low by
Segars, b
20.U0U V enus < anenis do.
20,000 Tres Amigos do.
5,000 Silva do.
Forsale by [nov 13] I. S. BEERS & Co.
T OST. —Between the Globe Hotel and the law-
J er market, a Mima.ure, set in sroid. Un one
side is a miniature of a gentleman, and on the
other, of a lady. The finder will be liberally re
wa-'tefl h '- Slivering it at the office of the rhmni
cl« b Sentinel. dec 30
OTICE.—The copartnership heretofore exis-
LN ing under the litmef W. t. L. J. L. Jackson
has been dissolved by the deatJi of the latter, ibc
business will Le continued in futßie Ly the sub
scriber on his individual account.
n°vJ3 W. E. J ACKSON.
NOTIi E.—The interest of Henry Jessup, in
the concern of G. R. JESSUP Sf Co., ceases
tiom this date. He is no longer authorised to use
the name of the firm in the collection of dues, nor
in the making of any contracts, nor in the transac
tion of any business whatsoever.
C/ The business will be continued under the
same firm. GEORGE R. JESSUP.
Augusta. July 1. 1839. julj 3
lO Bills of Exchange
Mechanics’ Bank Checks
Bank of Augusta do
Georgia Rail Road and Banking Co. Checks
Bank of State Geo. Br at Augusta, do.
And Promissory Notes, all in desirable colors
For sale by J. w. Ik T. S. STOY.
dec 9
L(> I HS AND CASSIMERES.—Superior black
J wool dyed CLOTH
Superior blue wool dyed Cloth
Beaver < loth, (for over coats)
Super or blue and black Cassimeres
Just received and or sale by
dec 9 W>B. H. CRANE & CO.
f | HE Exercises in Mrs. CHAPMAN'S SCHOOL
A will commence on the 11th of November
next, and continue thirty-threis weei s. The ses
sion will be divided into terms of eleven weeks
each, commencing on the 2d Monday of November,
the 4th in January, and the 3d in April.
There will be two Departments, the Juvenile
and Senior. Tne former will embrace instruction
in Reading, Spelling, Wriiing, the first principles
ot Arithmetic, Geography anil History, together
with such oral instruction on scientific, moral and
religious subjects as is calculated to expand the
mind and improve the heart. The latter will em
brace a thorough course of instruction in all the
branches of an English education, usually taught
in our higher schools and seminaries.
Lessons in French, Drawing and .Music will be
given by competent and improved teachers.
Terms —Juvenile Department, $12,00
Senior do is’oo
French do 12,50
Drawing do 12,50
Music do 22,00
oct 31 ’
RS. H. L. MOISE having returned, the du
ties of this Institution wi l be resumed
°3 - heron Alonday the 18th of November, assisted
by the Rev. J A. Root and Lady, at present at the
head ol the most extensive Female Seminary in
New Haven, Connecticut. As heretofore, all the
blanches of a complete course of English studies
wi.J be taught. Also, the Latin. Greek, French and
Spa.'.ish Languages, with Music on the Guitai and
Piano, Drawing in C.ayon and Pencil, and Painting
in Oil and Water Colors
A limited number of Young l adies can be ac
commodated with Board and Lodging, whose mo
rals and deportment will be under the immediate
superintendence of .*irs. Moise. Terms as here
There will be no vacation owing to the usual
period of commencement having been retarded,
oct 25 t s
f E subscriber ef his inlereso
-1 in his Furniture IVare-house in this city, ts
Mr. Chas. a. Platt, solicits for him that share ol
public patronage so liberally bestowed on hffiiself.
As formerly, the establishment wil; continue to be
supplied with a large assortment of Furniture ,
Bedsteads, Chairs, fyc., which, being manufactured
at tiie north, by good workmen, and at low prices,
will enable his successor to sell on moderate terms,
lop cash or city acceptances.
aec 13 A. Z. BANTA.
THE undersigned having been appointed agent
for the sale of PIANO FORTES in this city, for
several of the principal manufactories in,this coun
try, among them the New York Manufacturing
C ompany .will keep constantly on hand, at the Fur
niture Ware-house of Mr. C. A. Platt, a good as
sortment of said instruments, to which the atten
tion ot purchasers is requested. All instrume ts®
sold iiy him will be warranted.
dec 13 A. Z. BANTA.
Freight is now conveyed on the Georgia Rail-
Road, between Augusta and Greensboro, at the
following rates:
Merchandize, of all kinds, 40 cents per 100 lbs,,
(furniture excepted.)
Cotton, $1 50 per bale.
G. H. Thompson, Agent for the Company, at
Greensboro, will receive and forward freight with
out charge.
Merchandize for the way stations will be for
warded from Augusta on Mondays, Wednesdays,
and Fridays. J *
l „ Sup. Transportation Geo. R. R.
Nov. 14, 1839. t s
Merchants and others forwarding goods by the
Georgia Rail-Road, are particularly requested to
ha\ e the name of the owner and the place of destina-
IfThT n ket l ln fu l’ on i a ' h
of the Depot; and to fill the receipts in all cases to
correspond with the marks.
The observance of he above rules is desred, to
prevent difficulties that have occurred in forward
ing goods intended for different persons, bearing
the same mark. * aug 5^
The Passenger I rain, carrying the great mail
between New \ork and New Orleans, leaves Au
gusta every day at 6 p. m., and arrives at Greens-
1 a. m. Leaves Grecnshoio at 5 p m., and
arrives at Augus a at 12 o’clock.
Stages run in connection with this train from
Greensboro for New Or.cans, (two daily lines) via
Indian Springs, Columbus, ontgomeiyand v.obile
for New Orleans, tri-week'y. via Clinton, Macon’
and Pensacola ; for West Point and W elumpka via’
Barnesville tri- weekly ; for borne, tri-weekly via
Covington. Decatur and Marietta; forNVhville
and Knoxville, I ennessee tri-weekly, via Athers
Gainesville and Cassville; for Washington WiH es
county, tn-weekiy, Horn Double W’elJs -for *ew
Orleans daily, fro n Warren ton, via >parta,W
ledgevihe, %.accn and
n-weekiy, via Gieensboro and Eatonton
Connecting with these lines, are branch sta-e.
lines to I ahaoassee. Colurrrus. Miss, '> n* C a.ooV
Newnan. v owexa county, G* , an d Clarksville, Ha
bersham covnty. &c.
Fare on the Rail-Toad to Greensboro $4 25,
Office Georgia Rail Road,* Bk’gCo. ' >
Augusta, Hecemoer 9, i>39. J