Newspaper Page Text
1 N mm«|<ia>r. of th. went afflict on! iipon the
I «itv of Augusta, the proprietors ol the Lata.
at which time fine «port ma> , b * e *P* ‘*soo en .
Monday, 27th January, Colt fctaia,
1 he Vo Uo wing are the entries for the above stake:
VV*Hampton—lst. Bay Colt (imp ),
by M ”*1 ”niy byl'rp*out’of Pocahontas.
“ J. Town.-Br,Colt, A. J. Lawson.hy Hedge
ford,-dam Kitty Fisher, by Galhtid.
Col. John Crowell —Brown Colt by . bateau Mar-
Igeaux, dam by Hal.
* Robert D. Glover —C. colt by Contention, dam
Eclipse mare. . r .,.
G Edmondson— C. filly by Andrew , dam by Old
Galletin. „ . ~ _
John Morrison —Bay colt Tom Smith, by Mon
sieur Tonson, dam Betsy R&chanJs.
Tuesday, J. C. purse S4OO, 2 mile heats,
Wednesday, “ * <OO, 3 miKv heats,
Thursday, “ “ 1000, 4 mile heats,
Fridav “ “ 400, 1 best 3in 5.
dec 14 td JAS. LAMPKIN & Co.
r'T’TheCharleston Courier and Sc,nth Carolinian,
Raleigh Star, Richmond Enquirer and the Spirit of
the Times, New York, will copy the above once a
week till 27th January next.
TH E races over the Hampton Course, (at Augus
ta, Ga.) will come oil on the 13th January, 1840,
commencing with a colt stake, two mile heats, to
which there are ten entries SIOOO each.
* Tuesday, two mile heats, purse S4OO
Wednesday,three mile heats, purse 000
Thursday, four mile heats, purse SOO
Friday, mile heats, best three in five purse 300
Saturday, colt stake, mile heats, to which there
are seven entries. THE PROPRIETOR,
dec 10 td
I a ||| REWARD. —Ranaway from my
£ | *|J plantation on Buck Head, in Burke
county, on the 26th day of January, 183.9, my ne
gro man named Daniel, a stout, square built fellow,
dark complexion, usually smiles when spoken to,
and he has lost two or three fingers oil the light
hand. lam of the opinion that he went to Liberty
or Lowndes counties, and is harbored. I
above reward for proof to conviction of any
white person for enticing away or harboring said
negro, or fifty dollars for fiis delivery to me, dr his
being secured in the Savannah jail, so that I get
Burke co , December 18,1539. w3m
(£j*The Savannah Georgian and Milledgeville
Recorder will copy the above weekly ffcr three
rTV F' REWARD. —Ranaway from the sub
fjj ,■£ O scriber, in Morgan county, Ga., near
Parks’ Bridge,on Sunday mining last, loth inst.,
man, dark complected, about 24 years of
Tge, tali built, about 6 feet sigh, quick spoken, a
fine head of hair, of a rather pleasiag countenance,
his eye teeth gone or very much decayed, a black
smith by trade, weighs about 175 pounds. The
abova reward will be given for has apprehension
and confinement in jail so that 1 ctn get him.
de«l9 wtf JOHN C. WOOD.
ri^HE subscribers return their thanks to their
R_ friends and the public generally for the libe
ral patronage bestowed upon them the last year,
and would inform them that they aienow opening
a uew stock of Books,Stationary and Fancy (roods,
which with their former stock, w ll make their as
sortment complete, and will be sold wholesale and
retail, on the best possible terms. ,
t Their stock of binder’s materials are ol the first
quality, and they are now prepared to manufac
ture Blank Books of every description, iulcd to
any patera, having procured a Ruling machine not
to be surpassed by any in the United States. A
continuance of the favors heretofore bestowed is
solicited,and they assure their customers that satis
faction will be given iu every respect.
Country merchants are invited to call and exam
ine before they buy elsewhere.
J. W. t. S. STOY,
nov 11 No. 247 north side Broad-st.
NOW DEN &l SHEAR ara happy to announce
t 0 their friends in the city and country, that
they are now opening a very taige and splendid
assortment of staple and fancy DRY GOODS,
suitable for the Fall and Winter season, comprising
a great variety of new and fashionable articles,
which they have -elected with great care from the
most recent importations. We would respectfully
solicit our friends ami the public no call and exam
ine the assortment for themselves; and we would
especially invite the attention of Planters to our
unusually large stock of BLASKETS, WELCH
and low priced hLAXXELS for servants, nov 12
For changing Red or Gray or any light colored
Hair to a beautiful Brown or Black.
Warranted su|»erior to any offered
celebrated Grecian Dye will change Red
Jl orGny Hair, to Brown or Black. It is dune
wuh such surprising facility and accuracy, that ins
presence cannot bo detected The shade may be
left at Brown, or may be made perfectly jet Black,
at the pleasure ol the user.
A great number of gentlemen, who have gray
hair in part, or entirely, are in ihe constant habit of
using I Ins article, a id are never suspected of being
gray. Many bachelors ami widowers I owe made
their fortunes in matrimony by l lliTsdye It
is warranted sup. n »r to any made in r|ie world,
ami is -old at about hall the price oft lie J’.uropean
For sale by AiVTOM H ALVES' .Vo. 232
Broad air. et. \ugonta april 2
1 3 Euh APS is nothing riore calculated to
M. disgust the public eye than the innumerable
advertisements of nostrums that t.m constantly ap
jH-amig m the public prints. All are ready to ex
claim, outsouls are tick, our ear* are pained with
every day’s reports ol ills and specifics This state
ot th public mind would seem to forbid any person
* ol delicate mind Irym sending forth any new dis
* covenes mi medicine, to th* trial of th* p blic.—
«* Still, motives ol delicacy should not prevent n 8 from
making known real discoveries, which we are con
fident will benefit our fellow men. This laner
considers ion has prompted ihe autborot these bil
lers lo make them known. He knows they are high
ly efficacious, for he himself, his wile, and many
mends, hate given them a thorough trial. He was
himselt a confirmed dyspeptic,so much, that even
his Collection was gone. By using these haters
hf.has been restored to health. Mr.. Cosby was
troublefffor ma-ty years,but war restored-to health
by the use ol these tatters. This has been the case
with many ol hts fn nds. .Mr. Cosby in sending
forth this advertisement, addressee those who know
him He has been for many y»ars a resident oi
Aiigusia at wlich place he canal any time be
'. consult- d «b..«t the bitters. They are good in all
cases of diseases ot the digestive organs, the symp
toms of wlnch are indigestion, pain or oppression
in the stomach from tixal, lossoi appetite, fiatuien*
cy, heart um, giddiness in thi head, twin in the
aide, shortness of breath, lassitude, gene- al weak
ness dmu.hed steep. The composnion is en
t.rely Kw mural. an lias proved efficacious when
many celebrated medium* had liuled. In support
of which he reter> lh-mlo freeman W. I ary slie
riff of Richmond count , and Will mro -p Thomn
son, editor of the Au usia Mirror, mid he might re"
ter you lo many others, but deems it onneeLaarv
as bets willing to place uon its own merits All
hentKs is tor tnose wno are afflicted wnhtue dv -
peosia to give it a trial. ***
they ran be nad at T. H, Plant's book-store
Augusta, and ot O. Cosby himself, at the corner of
WaakiDftoQ and EUis-atreets nov 30 Jy
Warrant td to cure in Five Day s.
2 • HIS incomparable and invaluable
I ion* known , and used with such unparralleled
success in the Ca.iadas for the last 30 - a P*
pears to need no panegyric. Its operation upon the
human system is such that it invauablj acts 1
a charm, for the relief ami radical cure of a certain
common and disagreeable ‘ ills the flesh is heir •
This prize obtains its own name from the certain
success which has attended it through aB of its
trying circumstances, namely, “five days, the
same success which followed it in a Northern lati
tude still obtains in a more bouthem. Ihe formula
or recipe was of tained at great expense, intrigue
and hazard by M Cheveres, from the celebrated
Indian Chief WabenoThe, or Great Moon, whilst
he, with others vras pursuing the lucrative fur bu
siness in the North-west with the Indians.
Wabenoshe prized highly and use it w-ith invariable
success througheut nis two tribes. Its known and
valued virtues l ave already enriched to an a most
incredible exten the children of this warlike pi mce,
not only bv actual sale of the article itself to in
dividuals, but by parting with copies of his receipt
at enormous prices to the Chief of every tube o
Indians in America, with a solemn promise to the
Great Spirit, ne'er to divulge the “ait of its com
position until he sleeps with his fathers, althoug i
free to use it in their respective tribes, which
places it in the hands of every Indian who rely
w-itl*, I may say, religious confidence on its cura
ble powers. . ..
Below is a copy of the translation as near as it can
be anglisized of the deed given by Wabenoshe, to
M. Clieveret,wben he purchased the original recipe,
and had twice assisted the Chief himself through
the tedious manipulatory process of manufacture
Few while mer «rould credit the length of time
which is consumed in preparing the article for ini
mediate use.
“I, Wabenoshe, Chief of the nations Ottowaand
Chippewa, for the love and good feeling which I
have for my white friend M. Cheveret, (for he has
done many gooi things for me and my people,) I
give to him my greatest cure for the bud sickness
which my children have had sent among them as
a punishment by the (treat Spirit, and hope that in
his hands it may do much good, and make him very
i rich.” .
Signed WABINOSHE.his X mark.
Witness APPAHO, his X mark.
1 J. B. ROY,
This Medicine,! warrrnt by this publication,un
der a penalty of $5,000, not lo contain one parti
cle of corrosive preparation. It is purely regula
ble in its esser ces. Its first and prominent virtue
is lo subdue every vestige of inflamation, and then
, acts mildly anJ copiously as a diuretic; thereby
holding withir itself, eveiy requisite virtue, for
| the suhduction of this loathsome malady —and ev
ery-regular graduate in medicine, will sustain the
assertion, that copious diuresis and reduction of in
flation, are the only two things necessary to effect
a sound and radical cure.
I The most peculiar virtue of the “Cinq Jours,”
is in this, that wherever it alone has been used to
affect a cure, none of those tenacious and disagree -
able conseque ices which almost invariably results
from the sudden cure of Gonorrhoea, have been
I known toobti in such as stricture, hernia, humor
j alis, incontinence, and a swarm of other of the
most loathsome, perplexing, and disagreeable dis
eases, consequent upon erroneous .diagnosis and
treatment of Gonorrhoea.
Tljpse affected are requested to call and try for
, themselves. If the prescriptions are well follow-
I ed and fail to :ure, the money will in every case be
You can do what you please and cat what you
To be had £ t Antony & Haines, No. 232, Broad
: street, who ate the only authorised Agents in Au
gusta. All orders addressed to them, will be
promptly attended to.
For sale, also, by Wm. B. Wells & Co. Druggists,
Athens. aug 29
TOMATO —a substitute for Calomel, and
does not belong to the family of quack medicines;
for the reason that the component parts are made
known to the faculty, oi any one else that may
wish to know, hy any of the agents keeping them
j for sale. Since this discovery so long and anx
iously looked for, some one in almost the extra; «
North has adv ertised a Tomato Pill, purporting’i
be made from the stalk, a thing not more aosuiu
than for one to offer meal from the corn stalk, to
say nothing of the difficulty of raising the Tomato
so far North.
Dr. Miles, of Cincinnati, is the proprietor of the
Tomato Pills (proper) for the great benefits of
which, he holds himself bound, and in honor pledg
ed to prove by their use, that they are all that they
profess to be, and will do for othcis what they
have done lor shch as mav have used them ; as
this is a vegetable of great use, and value, it will
doubtless be valuable information to families to
know that the Yellow are just doubly- as valuable
as the Red Tomato, and produces twice as much
of the hapatine, or active principle,and when used
as a daily vegetable will be found to keep the
sy stem in much better condition than the other
kind ; many will recollect with what trembling
anxiety calomel has been given to children, and
how they then wished for a substitute, it has
long been known that the Tomato contained ca
thartic principles, but not until of late was it
ascertained hat they contained alterative and diu
retic properties. The Faculty embrace and use
the preparation most cheerfully, for the reason that
they know what it is Were it a patent mystery,
they would be bound to reject the medicine, as they
justly do the one thousand and one cure-alls of the
day. If you wish to cleanse the system with a
mild, sa.e anti-bilious medicine, use the i omato
Pill, of which a supply, we learn, will soon be in
this city. We all know something about this,
june IS t s
Radical Cure oMlermaor Rupture, by Dr.
Chase’s Improved surgeons’ Trusses,
1 FINHE subscriber has opened an office, at the Dru*
! X stor *' ( 'f Messrs. J. J. Robertson & Co., for the
treatment of Hernia or Rupture, by means of these
! ustly celebrated instruments. He has now used
them for ueirly a year, and, did not delicacy forbid.
| he could nane several persons who have been radi
cally cured, of this truly distressing and dangerous
| affection, by the useof these Trusses,besides many
others who are in a fairway of being entirely re
lieved. The following is the language of the com
mittee ot the Philadelphia Medical Society on the
Radical l ure of Hernia.
“The instruments of Dr. Chase have effected
the permanent and accurate retention of the in
testines in every case of Hernia observed by the
committee, without material inconvenience to the
patient, and often under trials more severe than
are usually ventured upon by those who wearother
trusses; trills that would be imprudent with any
other apparatus known to the committee.”
“Thecommittee are induced by the foregoin*
conclusions to recommend, in strong terms, the in
struments of Dr. Chase to the confidence of
the profession, as the best known means of me
chanical retention in hernia, and as furnishing the
highest cha ices of radical cure.”
The fol owing is from the Southern Medical and
Southern Journal, published in ur own city.
“AH must admit of the radical cure of hernia,
and that Dr Chase’s Trusses are decidedly the oest
yet invented to effect the object.”
Persons fiora a distance can have the instruments
applied, upon application at the office, and all ne
cessary information given to enable them to adjust
a themseives. The poor, who are laboring under
this afflicting complaint, will be treated gratuitous
ly u P° n Preventing a certificate.from someresponsi
jle person,ol their pecuniary disability.
The instalments are of alt sizes, ami applicable
to every vsmety of reducible rupture.
feb 20 F - M. ROBERTSON, M. D.
HE subscriber has this day taken into co'nart
• nership, Mr. .4. L. MASSESG iLE anrUihl
msiness will from this time be conducted ..
Ryle arid rrmof S. BUFORD 4. CoSj!£ rl J e
Y fiber would take this method to return his smeere
•hanks to bis friends and former customers f Ol - in
patronage that has oeen so uoeraily oestoweu on
um and he would most respectfully solicit a share
■or the firm, s kT;cv )Rn e
July 29, 1839. *
No Fiction.—'This extraordinary chemical com
position the result of science and the invention ota
celebrated medical mt.n.lhe imroducti..n ot wn cn
to the public vvas invested with the solemnity oi«
death beo bequest, has since gain da reputaUoi
unparalleled, fully sustaining the correctness «>
lamented Dr. Gridlev’s last contssion that ne
dare<l not dte without giving to posterity the ’ _
tit ot his knowledge on this subject, and ie _
lore bequeathed to bis friend and attendant,
mon Havs, the seciet of his discovery
It is now used in the prsncipaHiospitals, and the
orivate practice in our country, nrsi and most ter
talnly for the cure oithe Piles, and also so exten
sivelv and effectually as to baffle credulity, UII ess
where its effects are witnessed Externally intlit
following complaints:
For Dmpsy —Creating extraordinary absorption
at once. - , ,
A I Swellings — Reducing them in a few hours.
Rheumatism, Acuie or I hromcgiviugquick ease.
Sore Throat — fly cancers ulcers or colds.
- Croup, and Whooping Cough— Externally, and j
over the chest. . . r . 1
All Bruises Sprains and Bums —t unngina tew ;
hours Sores and Ulcers— \V hether fresh or long |
standing, and fever sores. ... |
its o(>eraHoiis upon adults and children in re* - j
cing rheumuc swellings, and loosening coughs atm (
lightness of the chest by relaxation olth* parts, has
been surprising beyond conception--1 he common
.-•en ark of those who have used it in the rues, is
“ ll acts like a charm ”
TD E PILZS- —The price il is refunded to any
person who will use a bottle of Hay s Liniment tor
the Piles, and return the empty bottle without being
cured. Theseare the positive ord« rs of the propne
or to the Agents;and out of many thousand sold,
not one has been unsuccessful.
We might insert certificates to any length, but
preier that those who sell the article, should exhibit
the original lo purchasers. _ _
CAUTION- —None can be genuine without a
splendid engraved wraj per, on w hich is my name
and also that of the Agents.
TO EDITORS, —AI! country papers who
will insert the aho.e 12 months, and send one num
ber 10 the agents shall be entitled to one dozen of
the Lineament.
Sold wholesale and retail by 1 OMSTOCK & Co,
Sole Agents, 2 I [etcher street, near Maiden Lane,
one door below Pearl street, N w York, and by one
Druggist in every town in the Union.
For sale by A.NTONY& HAINES, 232 Broad
street, A tgu-1a mar 30
UK. E. >PollN, a German physician of much
note, having devoted his attention for some
years to the cure and removal of theci usesof N ER-
VuUS AND MCK HEAD aCHE, has the satis
faction to make known, tha. he has a remedy which
by rerr-o\ ing the causes cures effectually and perma
nently this distressing complaint I here are many
families who have considered Bick Headache a con
stitutional incurable family complaint - Dr. S. as
sures them that .hey are mistaken, and labouring
umier distress which they might not onlv alleviate,
but actually eradicated by the us »f his remedy.
It is the result of scientific research,and is entirely
of u different chaiacter from advertised patent medi
cines, and is not unpleasant to the taste.
The extraordinary reputation that Dr Spohn’s
remedy for this distressing compaint is every day
gaming is certainly a matter of much astonishment.
That so m ich suffering should have existed for ages
without any discovery of an effectual prevenliv i, or
I cure,is truly a subject of much regret hut Dr. S
now assures the public that such a r medy has been )
invented as will convince the most credulous. The
principles on which it acts are simpleami plain Itis
[ ana mined fact that this comp.aim, whether called 1
1 Sick Headache, or Nervous Headache, arises prim
anly from the stomach—those who think they have j
1 the Nervous Headache may rest assured that this
organ, the stomach, is the first cause, that th * sys
‘ tem has become vitiated or debilitated, thiough ihe
stomach, and that only through the same channel
must they expect s restoration of the natural and
healthy functions ot the system. This object. Dr.
> Spohn’s remedy is eminently calculated to attain.
The truth of this position cannot be controverted,
and the sooner sufferers with the headache become
convinced of it, lh« sooner will their suffering end
in restoration of health, Dr. Spohn pledges his
prrfessionai reputation on this fact. Lite remedy
may be had of apothecaries generally throughout j
the United States.
For sale by ANTONY & HAINES, No. 232 :
Broad-street, Augusta. mar 26
(£L Q Afl CHALLENGE. The genoim
French Pil's against all the QU At K
NGSTHMUS of ihe age—lor the cure of
♦ * • * * *
The French Pills are applicable in ail cases, foi
eithei sex, (warranted free from Mercury,; and pus
sess-es great advantages over the Balsams and all
liquid medicines, by neing entirely free from smell,
and consequently do not effec the breath, thereby
prevenling the possibility of discovery while using
Besides this important advantage, thev never
disagree with the stomach, and in the first stages of
the disease they usually effect a cure in a few days,
wi h little regard to < iel orexposure.
In ihi most obstinate stages of the disease, they
are equally certain, having cured many after every
mher remedy ht* fallen. In short ihey have been
so universally successful that the proprietor chal
lenges anv one to produce a remedy of equal eer
tanii>, under a forfeiture of i hree Hundred Dollars.
Harrisburg, Dfec It), 18.8.
; Dr. Valier—Dear Nr; About a month ago, I sen:
■ to you for ib r ee hoxfs ut your French Pills, and feel
. much onligcd to you ;br furnishing rne with a medi
cine so effectual and so pleasant to use. W hen 1
’ sent for your I ills 1 had been iroubled with the
L disease tor nearly 6 months, and had tried a great
» many medicines without any effect. During the
i first six weeks I was under a Physician of this
pi >ce, but finning little or no chance of being cured
oy him, I left him, and a few days alter visited
Philadelphia, where 1 bough, a • anety of advertised
specifics (almost enough to stock an apothecary shop,
and allot this 1 took with t fit? same success as b«-
; fore,leaving t.,ai c****d smell of the balsam be
; hind them, which I think 1 can smell to this day
- knowing what lo resort lo next,and seeing vou
] French Pil's advertised in the Public Ledger
, dele mum dlo try them, and am only sorry I did nr
. ge« them soone« as it might hAe saved me fort
5 dollars and have cured me long ago. My object i
w riting to you a, present, is to p ocure some ol lb
. medicine for two ot my fronds, who are in th
. same kind of a scrape. You will therefore pleas
j send by ihe bearer six boxes, and oblige,
Y ours respectfully. ’ |j
1 I, h ‘T. 11 11 VV “ I u e V ,,y a<,vanta ge, you may pub
. hsh the above, wth the iiiiiials 1
‘ . J ,'j e «« ,u ‘ n u tr r h , PilU are lor in Augusta
• by Ha* .land Kisley & 10, Thomas Barrett d? Go
1 n.'.l LV 15,,n Caner Prb 82 0U P er b «»M with
. *ull directions june 6 j y
JL of all the sympathetic affections and periodi
> cal disorders, to which females are liable the
f •*«t»mal Friend is the well known “Philotoken”
: under a by
i P • HAVILANu = harral Fallen
Perb °“ le - Alenin.
‘ N ( 55^tsra&f? 5 ra
’ solvedf olved by Kobert Brow n quitting the business and
• Je.iVing the state. Notice is hereby given to all
l persons not to give credit to the said Robert Brown
r on amount of the said co-partnership, and all Zr
■ sons mdebted to said tinn will only- make paynW
to me as no other person is legally anthoiised to
> Augusts, 1539 wtf
. chibald Heggie, all the perishable property of said
1 of C om, Fodder. Wbeat Peal
&c., Horses, Mules, Oxen, Cattle Fat hL J
Btock Hogs, Sheep, & c , a young and
match of Horses, W agons, Plantation Too s 6
household and Kitchen Furniture and * s°**
articles not herein named. The m],? ther
from day to day tilt all is sold. Term" ,
Peeember 24,1839, 1 HEGG IE, Ett’r,
f . HESE Pills are no lungei among those of doubt-
I ful utility. They have passed away trom the
hundreds that are daily launched upon the tide ol
experiment, and now stand before the public as
high in reputation, and as extensively employed in
all parts of the United States, the Canadas, lexas
Mexico, and the West Indies, as any medicine that
has ever been prepared for the reliel ol sunernit:
man. Thev have been introduced wherever it was
found possible to carry them ; and there are but
few towns that do not contain some remarkable
evidences of theirgoed effects. Ihe certt heales
that have been presented to the prop tie tor excee
twenty thousand! upwards of live hundred ol
which are from regular practising physicians, w Iw
are the most comi«etent judges ol their merits.
Often have the cures performed by this medicin
been the subject of editorial comment, in variou
newspapers and journals ; and it may with truth he
asserted that no medicine ol the kin ! has evei le
ceived testimonials of greater value th in are at
tached to this. .. .
They are in general use as a family medicine
and there are thousands of families who declare they
re never satisned until they have a supply always
They have no rival in curing and preventing
Biliious Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaints, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Asthma,
Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargement ot the Spleen,
Piles Cholic, Female Obstructions, Heartburn,
Furred Tongue, Nausea, Distension of the Stomach
and Bowels, Incipient Diarrhoea,Fla tulence.Habitu
al Costiveness, Loss of Appetite, Blotched or Sallow
Complexion, and in cases of torpor of the bowels,
where a cathartic or aperient is needed They are
exceedingly mild in their operation, producing
neither nausea, griping no debility.
, The following was forwarded to Dr. Peters, hy a
highly respectable Planter of \\ ake County - , No
Ca,March 3d, 1838:
! Dr. Peters —Dear Sir, —By request of your agent,
Mr. Harrison, I send you a few lines respecting the
almost miraculous effects of your pil's; and I would
add, that you may make us-e ol them, in connection
with my name, in any manner you deem proper, I
speak of their merits from experience's I and my
family have taken upwards ot thirty boxes in thiee
years ; and so great ai*e the benefits we have receiv
ed from them in general, that I would rather pur
chase them at ten dollars abox than have my house
without them. I will not enumerate ihe afflictions
they have relieved us of; but 1 can assure you they
were many - , and of very - opposite natures, which
has fully proved to me that your medicine is a sim
ple purifier of the system, and therefore equally
the enemy - of every disease. I will mention one
case. I have a sister who had been for a long pe
riod se’ erely afflicted with dropsy in the chest and
was brought by it to the very verge of the grate.
She was attended by the most eminent physicians
that money could procure; hut all their efforts to
restore her to health, or even to mitigate her suffer
ings were fruitless ; and accordingly, we all consid
ered her immediate death as inevitable, good
fortune, however, as she was in this situation, ex
pect ng every day to be her last, your pi!!o were
introduced into my family, and so speedy and pal
pable were their effects that three doses visibly re
lieved her, and in less than three months she was
perfectly - restored to health. This case, 1 and all
who were witness of it, (but more especially the
■* suffering party,) considered to be the next thing ilo
• miraculous; and yet 1 could mention many more
of an equally desperate nature, in which your pills
were equally successful in rescuing the patients
from the jaws of death Need 1 add that the popu
larity of your medicine amounts to enthusiasm in
this section of the country P But this 1 presume
you know from the immense quantity you dispose
of 1 may mention, however, that notwithstanding
its general use, 1 never heard an ; ndi vidual complain
of its effects. My residence is i2mt;es from l a
eigh, on the toad to Fayetteville. I am, with sen
-1 timents of regard, your ob’t servant.
To Dr. Peters, —Sir —For upward' of fifteen
months, I have been c.ueily - afflicted with Fever
and Ague; and during the time < ould find nothing—
though I had appii* d to every thing that gave me
any thing tike permanent relief. At length, how
ever, your pills were recommended to me, by one
of our best physicians, and 1 am most grateful and i
happy in being able to add that 1 had scarcely used j
two boxes when 1 found that they - had restored me 1
to perfect health. Since then, various members of
my family have used them with equal success — |
and consequently 1 feel it my duty to apprise you
of the fact, and to request of you to pub.ish this
certificate, as I am anxious to add my public testi
mony to the almost miraculous virtues of your un
rivalled medicine Respectfully yours,
Augusta, Ga.. Feb 10, 1539.
Communication received from the eminent Dr. J. 1
li. Irwin of Florence, Georgia:
Dr. J. P. Peters —My Dear Sir—On the night of
the 11th inst., I was called in great haste to the
house of a fel ow ci.izen, (Mr. Lee,) where 1 found !
his son laboring under a most alarming attack of
tynanche 1 racnealis (Cronp) and apparently be- I
yond the aid of remedy. By the greatest good for- !
tune, however, 1 had in my pocket a broken box of j
your pills—four of which I administere with!
such immediate happy effect that in a few minutes
rny patient was at ease, and out of danger. This
case, in connection with my name is at your ser
vice—and 1 have the pleasure to Oe able to inform
you that your inestimable medicine is in such great
favor with the faculty here, that 1 believe there is j
not one of them who does not use it in his private |
practice. \ ours most resp’y.
March 13. 1839. J. H. IRWIN, M. D.
Extract from a letter written by Dr. Francis Bo
gait,of Providence, R. 1., Dec. 17, 1838.—peters’
pills are an excellent aperient and cathartic medi
cine, those effects being produced by the differences
of the quantity taken, and are decidedly superior
to Lee’s, nrandreth’s or Morrison’s Pills.
Extract from a letter by Dr. Hopson of Bangor,
Me , Jan. 9, 1839 fhey are a peculiarly mild, yet
efficient purgative medicine, and produce little,’ if
any, griping or nausea. 1 have prescribed them
with much success in sick headache and slight bil
lions fever.
Extiact of a letter by Dr. Joseph Williams ol
Burlington, Vt., July 9, 1837.—1 cordially recom
mend Peters’ Pills as a mildly effective, and in no
case dangerous, family medicine. 1 hey are pecu
liarly influential in costiveness and all the usual
diseases of the digestive organs.
Extract of a letter from Ur, Edw Smith of Mon
treal, L.» ~ Sept. 27, 1836.—1 neverkne\ a single \
patent medicine that 1 could put the least confi- ]
dence in but Dr. Peters’ V egetable Pills, which are
really a valuable discovery. 1 have no hesitation
in having it known that 1 use them extensively in
my practice,for all complaints, (and they are not a
few) which have their source in the in purity of the
blood J
Extract of a letter fiom Dr. Dye of Quebec I
C., \iarcii6, 1837. For bilious fevers, sick head
ache, torpidity of the bowels, and enlargement of
the spleen, Dr. Peters’Pills are an exce.lent medi
Extract of a letter from Dr Gurney of New Or
leans, La.,Oct. 9, 1837.—1 have received much as
sistance in my practice—especially in jaundice and
yellow fever, from the use of Peters’ Pilß I Dre
sume that, on an average, 1 prescribe 100 boxes i n
a month
Extract of a letter from Dr. Prichard of Hudson.
N. Y., Juie 3, 1836.—1 was aware that Dr. Peters
was one of the best chemists in the United States
and felt assured that he would someday (from his
intimate knowledge of the properties of herbs
and drugs ) produce an efficient medicine, and I must
acknowledge that his Vegetable Pills fully respond
to my expectations. They are indeed a superior
medicine, and reflect credit alike upon the Chemist
the Physician, and the Philosopher
Extractor a letter from Dr. Waines of Gincin
nati, f eb. 2, 1838.—Y'our Pills are the mildest in
their operations, and yet most powerful in their ef
fects, ot any that I have ever met with in a practice
of eight and twenty years Tfneir action on the
chyle, and hence on the impurities of the blood it
evidently very surprising oiood, is
Extract of a letter from Dr. Scott of fuu:™
Dec. 17,1836.-1 am in the daily habit of ’
bmg them, (Peters’Pills) and they in nearly all
cases answered my purpose I have discardedothe
medicines, some °l them very good ones, in £
Charlotte, N.C., J an . 1, i 8
Dear . ir—l have made frequent use of your Pill®
in the incipient stage of bilious fever aiffl n if
nate constipation of the bowels • also i, ° SU ‘
iargemont o. the ip een, entj.c ’di easea „f' C "'
hver.sick head-ache, general debility f tn
case nave tounatnem tone very
J I>. BOYD, M D .
Mfxklf.nbl-rc to. Vi. F<v. . x r 0 ‘\
Having used Dr. Peters’ Pills in my practice x r
he last twelvemonths, 1 take pleasure in giving
mv testimony of their good effects in oases o! dys
pepsia, sick head-ache, bilious fevers, and other
diseases, produced by inactivity of the liver- Iney
are a safe and mild aperient, being the best article
of the kind 1 ever used.
These much approved and justly celebrated Pills
are sold wholesale and retail, at New York prices,
by Haviland Risley & Co., Thomas Barrett & to.,
and Nelson Carter, and by all the principal Drug
gists throughout the United States, the Canadas,
Texas. Mexico andthe West Indies. Retail 1 nee,
50 cents per box wholesale price, $4 per do/on.
June 3
fgIHE great celebrity of this unrivalled Compo
j sit ion, especially in the Notthem '■tales, leaves
the proprietor hui little need lossy any thing in ils
favor: lor it has been generally conceded l o it,that
it is beyond all comparisonth? nest remedy lor rx
lernal complaints that has ever been discovered.
Indeed Ihe.speed and certainty of its operations,
have the appearance of miracles : as ulcers, wouuds,
corns,fever sores.chilblains, while swellings, biles,
piles,spider and snake bites, &c. <fec., immediately
yield to its superhuman influence Thus, it prop
erly applied it will remove an inveterate corn or
break and heal a bile in Jive days, will allay and
perfectly cure an ulcer in two weeks, and the most
desperate cases of white swelling that can be ima
go ed have been destroyed by n in Jess than two
months. In the bites of poisonous reptiles its effi
cacy is truly surprising, and if applied in lime, its
power.-of attraction are so wonderful that they w ill
at once arrest the poison and thus prevent it trora
pervading the system. It is likewise greatly supe
rior to any medicine heretofore discovered for the
chafed back and limbs of horses —lor tetters, ring
worms, chapped lips—and in short, for every exlei
nal bodily evil that may fall to the lot of man or
The proprietor has reeeived it least a thousand
certificates, and other documents, in lavoc ol Ins
“ Specific Ointm nt,” upwards of a hundred of
which were v rilten by respectable members of the
Medical Faculty.
Albany, July 9ih, 1837.
To Dr. Harrison.
tSir I use your Specific Ointment in my practice,
and cordially recommend it as a most efficient reme
dy Ibr Tumors, Ulcers White dwellings, Scrofula,
Rheumatic Pains, (.'happed Face, l ips and Hands;
and for general external eompla’iits. 1 write tins
ai the request of your agent here, who furnishes me
w ith the article, and am pleased to have it in my
power to award honor lo merit.
Brooklyn, N. Y , Oct. 29, 1838.
Dear Sir—My daughter,a gir! ot lourinn, was
sadly afflicted wtjn the corn p amt that physicians
termed a scald head ; and I feared, indepe dent of
ev> r\ olhei evil, ilia l she would be buld in con se
quence By the recomrne.idanon, however, of ihe
heverend Mr. Perrin, ] applied your oinim nt to the
afflicted part; and I thank Nod that my child is
now entirety recover* d from the disease, and is
gelling h« r hail as fasi as can lie expected The
cure was effected in i allier less than two months;
during which time lus d fiv dollars worth offoint
inent; I had spent upwards ol a hundred dollars
dating tiie previous three years, without any benefit
I whatever.
I hereby substantiate the truth oi the above
1 know the abo> e statement to b» eoir.-ct, and i
can add Iran experience that “ Harrison's Specific
.Ointment,” is an excellent medicine fur external
cum plaints.
Boston, Jan. 7, 1837.
Dear Sir—l have to request of yon to forward
1 me, two hundred boxes of Ointment, by the most
| mini* diaieconveyance, and v\ ilhout regard to the
! expense ot carriage, as lam quite out, and much
in want ot it. —You know my estimation of your
valuable discovery, and therefore I shall only add,
■ mat further - xperience has increased m> enlhusi
a-m and eslatdished me in the opinion, that it is su
perior to any rem- dy extant for external diseases.
Respectfully vour>,
New Orleans, Match 20th, 1838.
1 Dr. Harrison
Sir—l tie virtues of your Specific Ointment, have
i been long known to me,as 1 have used none other
m my rather rxiensive practice tor several years, and
i if yx.u think it wou>d be to your advantage, 1 can
i iunush you with twenty certtficaies ol important
i cures width it has effected under my own unme
| diate inspection : i fie lasi being one <d a severe
1 and appaieruly perpetual ulcer,in the hack ol a
i pour woman, Mary Baxter who resides in 216 Id
| vision street, which it completely healed in twenty
! onedays .My present chiet object in wruing to
; you, is io learn who is your authorised agent n. tins
I city, lor, being in want..fa supply *>i your mi.t
--| men t, and the person Mr. Boyle,from whom j used
| to pun base it, having iatieo and gone out ..i busi
| ness, I am tearful n 1 purchase a* rumUm, that f
; may be mqiused on bv a counterfeit
Your obedient servant,
_ __ . Cincinnati, August 9,1837.
Dr Harrison.
Sir, —1 have no hesitation in stating,m reply to
ymirnole,that your “ specific Ointment” j s nuiy
equal to the majority ot the ends for winch vou re
comraendn. J qualify my certificate by ih« word
iiiajoniy, as it is my maxim lo give no opinion in
medical matters wheie 1 have had no experience.
In sprains, bruises, inflammations,eruptions, v\ bil
lows, piles, <kc., it is rn. universal recipe. 1 have
al o used it on ihelegofa boy which had been
bitten by anadder,and (he extraction of the poison
and ultimate cure was so rapid, that my patient was
as well as ever in a week ; and has remained so to
] this day
Y ours respectfully,
i Extract of a letter from Dr. J. W. Sanders, ol
: Louisville, Ky
j . . October 8, 1837
‘ lam prepared to say, that for Rheumatic Pains
and the Sore Breasis ot females, Harrison’s Specific
Ointment has no superior, if indeed n lias any equal
in tae whole catalogue of external i.edn.i es as
known and prescribed in this country ”
Extract ol a letter from Dr. Potts,of Utica, N, Y.
Daied July 28,
“ H t arrison ’ 8 Specific Ointment ’ is, lny opinion
a most important discovery ; and is parti,culanv etfi
eteni in scroiulas, ulcers,s .re legs, e.unn.m - . i
general ..oW e,,„.plaia„. I
from an experience ol lout years.” s
... New Orleans, January 4ih 1837
1 his will certify that my lace and ** k were a'
most entirely cove redby an enormous ringworm*
and lhai aber the trial ol a variety <d i.ufonl I™ J 1 . ... ‘. ..f’e""'
morn tin, by the use ol iiarnson’s 8n ri fic
“ ent - EDGAR FO^SEi"
For sole, w holesale and retail, by Haviland I?;
by A Co., Thomas Barret. Ai Co, NeLon t .
ntony At Haines,and homos I vx ray
cents ,«r hoi, with full direcions.
dandruff and baldness A ,B L v
ncle named above is a ch.irn.-ui . ‘ fear
t^T'r 8 ; 11 ISC:
..fnlnr „,n,oL ~f73S;,T„VIIrS ,h * " n "
.. but r M a,.ii„|a.i„g ;he ol? erprL' ,1 mwlllS',’’
ol lh.m, ~y hood red, who have
its efficacy and wonderful qualities tins c
pound having acquired tor itself a character lor sm*
gular merit and value. It is used bv i o ,j:° r Bn T
gentlemen generally, to keep the iifo r m ail j
beautiful, and the head free from Dandruff n"?
f does most perfectly,and thus prevents BiMn hlch
Jfcr t:aulion—Observe that each bott Jeof H O6B8 ’
o.oe Huho-no of Columbia has a splendid In/mvod
.«:l 2 AJ ' TONY & HA!N B |ole Agon,.
-04 Rpoaontreei.
fplIE subscriber has the p ensure ot anuonnp,
to the citizens.*! the U Stalls triot h t
purchased, for av* ry larg. sum and from 5
ventor, lhe celebrated Dr. Vaguin ’ Haris ]
rei-Lpe ar dri hr for makingtliM ast.-rushing n , e .=
.cine Until the at»penrance the Lucinr, (,
’dial,” (ah-iut three years since,) n was though , ( ' |a f ‘
the complaints, which it speedily ov* rcou )es
beyond the reach ol human remedy as iorupw ar j
of a thousand ytars they ha.t bafflpd the wisti or !
and ingenuity ol the most profound physicians i r
all pans of the world. f his * ordial, how. * Pr
lh«* great advantage «»f the human race,soon provmj s)
itself to be thedesideratnn sob-ng sought
accorditsgly. notw itbsiandirg tl e brief peri dos V |
existence, it has required a celebrity s«» great, t |j 8 | |
i* is eagerly inquired (or throughout the civile 1
globe. Dr Magnin soon finding that ihe i Pniar 1
was so vast as o render a supply impossib.e, I
posed of the recipe and right of sale, under oh],,' i
lions ofs*crecy, fwr England, the United *
and othei countries,«*nly preserving France^
Itnlv for himself thus has ihe, Pr •
sess’ed himself of the invaluable secrei ; end
hastens togtve the inliah.ianis ol his line ul agent;
the benefits of his speculation.
‘•I e • ordial De Lucine,” or. in English, »|| 1(;
laicira < ordial,” i-a general invtgorator of i|, e
human frame! In all the \ anous cases ot langu or
lassitude, and debilitation ; it is an unfailing r. me !
dy ; as it is equally its province to impart cheerful,
ness and decision to the mind, as health and vig w
to the body Bui the peculiar virtue ot. which m
celebrity is the facility and certainty
which it restores the virile powers when they have I
been destroved by disease.time.ieckJessness.orar.
of the numerous causes which terminate in it.
proslraiion of those func.ions
In c*irnm*»n wntli the generality of really gooc
medicines, lliis-. o.dial conta.ns nothing *»f a rcer
eurial or deleterious nature, among the many ingre.
dients which compose it,; but is, at the same time,
so simple, yet so • ffic.acious, f hat while it ran reijy.
vote the pros.rated energies of a giant, an infani
may use it,not only with impunity, but wiih ad
The usages of society are unfortunately such,
that, notvvnhstai ding the I>n- fits wouldbt
sure to result from it. we cannot enter into an atmlv.
sis of thisine timable Cordial here, >r publish mam
of the documents w hi.-h have been received,
vouchers of the blessings n has conferred on nun
hers of despairing individuals But t is wc canny®
forbear remarking—ibat n has been demonstrated
that there is scarcely ever, if any such thing at ail
as natural barrenness, or as natural imbecility oi
the procreantfunctions,in eifbersex ; and therefor*
ihm th< seevils ate the effects of artificial oausn
and may be speedily subdued did removed by tit
use oi •* I-e < 'ordial oe Lucine.”
The Lucina Cordial is also tn indubitable curt
for the (Beet, and the Fluor (lbiis,obsirucied,ditS.
cuil,<>r painful Menstruation; also, f<*ribe mcon
titiene* *>t Urirte,or the involuntary discharge then*.
<>l I* is likewise an invaluable and unrivalled
medir ine in cases ot ( hronic Eruptions of ihesA’i/j,
and in tlie dropsical afif- ction.- ol the age*!
Most imp to the American Public.
The United ■'ttries proprietor of the celehraini
“ I.ucma Cordial.” or *• Elixir of Love,” begs to la)
hefoie the community, iht follow mg cerufoate,
vvl icb he has received trotnihe inventor, the iltu
trious Dr Magniu of Paris
“ I hit is to eeri ly,lhai f have disposed of tin
recipe for mfkmg the “ Lu< na (-ordial,” u
“ fuxirof Love,” aim also ihe right to sell i
throughout ihe lilted Btan sos N >itb Antenrs,
toJofin Winters Holderwell.M jj My reasmu
for so th >ing is, t lial t he demands t > me foi ttie abm*
I Cordial, ol which S am the mven or, are so rniui*
I r*»us,iliat I am nimble io supply ail the orders fruit
: France and I al\ alone; a*.d have therefore digju
■ swtl of the privileges votichsaled in >lns, aim oilier
ceritfieaies ol a like nit ore m ordei io generally
| the beiicti-s ol my d.seuvt. ry itimughou ihev*<tM
j Gi\en under my hand at Pan ,*»n • tiis iimmecak
day of January, m the yca>- .»! ~ur L,
e.gulecn bunured and .1101 \ »,■!<-hi
I RA> I L .Vi jG.M.N.
Gaspa d Delhic, )
.. .. »» ~ / xv imesses
VV liham Mprrl'.i
Postscript to the above
j As you reque l» d n»- lo state the number ofbot
I ties oi the ’ l.ueinsi, .. im ii j bax* .ilrradj
| sold, 1 haxe refened lo my books, and find it torv
I oeedlour hundted ihou-arul ; xxlnteihe o r.Vr»/,m*
i on liand cannot be supplied m less • .n \ut«
; months.
From an imn.ense innuher of t< s iinonial, tt.iit
! the regular lacutiy, t urinng tlie \ir,ues ot the
| Cordial, i bavi in pariicu.;.i seie* ted i e to.towns
j which may be of useiu you. \s>u wiii .ti-o finds
! number oi otbersot h s* imp Man. einclosed lb
i immediate een lieate is iron, a bo*'y *»i, e ,aiu oil*
j ablest medical practitioners in f ~ °
J « Dr.Magntn, inxentm «.l. he Liiema ( urdiaJ,i:
Elixir ot Love
i Respected and Honored B*ir:—W e have all in a
i variety ol eases, ie-.ied the remarkable effects ol
I yourgreat discovery, and have assembled ior ine
purpose of bearing evidence to ilu-i cis. ana tent
i enng you the honor wtiich is your due The
i u Lueina ( oidial is in our opinion, an noadiM
| remedy lor the prostration ol the Procreant unc -i
Mona, and Artifinal Barrenness ; and t hereto .iitisl
prove a blessing to the human race x\ e ca also .
bear evidence that there is not lung in it of a ruff .
eurial or deleterious nuiure ; arm m short, ll - ito
uneol the notue.-t iimwit-inai discoveiiesol a..yagc
Uilli let bugs of admiratiuii amt rosp.-cy. we re
j main, dear sir, y«»u* obed ent servarus,
Josseim Boasuil, J Jean hlariCj
>igisiuotid de ta Man ine, | liobert
Adrien Deermid, j Louis Ouisefin,
Octave Nicolt, | Fiene Bulien
Extract ol p letter from the etebraied laileyranl
to Dr Mag ,m
j lam now on the wrong side of eight v, and yet !
could be on my honor or oath if necessary, that i
boilleortxvo ol your Cordial ol Love lias mauenit
leel as vigorous as a boy of live and twenty. 1
think you have oiscuveted ihe “Elixir of Life,'
which the alvhy mists have been so long in quest ot 9
am that {paruoii ray officiuL’stiess,; you sliould have
named it accordingly
From the eminent Dr. Devigney, us Brussels.
Cctober 3, 1837. (
To Dr. iViagriin:—My dear friend—l am moa:
gratified at the unprecedented popularifV ol; joui
Lucna Cordial, and am able io near lesliiffhny t«
its surprising virtue. 1 had a patient recently, _
1 M , a gentleman o. fortune, who had lot
several years abandoned himself in tlie vortex oi
dissipation ; and was oniy reclaimed from it ®
length by the utter prostration of alt Ins virileenet- •
g?es. He was,indeed,reduced to the last exiremit)
ot debility ami i .ste.essiiess, ior, it an
flash ol excitement warmed his system, the teas-
Mon was almost mimtdiaie,and the resu.f perle’ l
prostration. 1 had apple d all the usual nostrum*
in such ca-es ; bin, as 1 bad anticipated, withot
success; and when i saw ilm Lucun Cmdial
advertised, I u.iisi confess that even the great weigt
of your name did mu gwe me much hupe it, ‘
least so far as regarded the case in hand. 1 fe
bound to try it,howev r.andwas soon sat.sfiedt
i s efficacy ; for before a b- tile was expended, ti
pat lent gave evidence of tlie returning eiasticiiv
nissystcii ; and he is now, having Used four bultl#
as w ellts ever.
The number of documents, such as the al#
which have been received by Mi. .nagnin, sincet*
urst appearance Ol “Le < ford,a, d e Lucme” wo«k
till a volume as large as the Puble.
1 his hi; b y imporaut medicine is for sale by Job
Ainlers Golderwe I.No. l-j Liberty street,V
\..rk ; Charles « 1 yler. No 7U Chestnut-st. Phil*
ileff.hta, and in B iJu.uore by Roberts Ai Atkmwt
J .hn >l. ..unique, and .. R Tyler; in Wushu*
,nn Ilv vy and Charles -
.eorgaownbx O M Lmthucun.; in hiding
)> Jo.m 11. Lu-tiee ;m i eiersburg by
Ihomas am, Dttp.iy, lesser *k Jones; anil mV*
' ,k * lui » Emerson; an d b'
io . W *>,.dly, Poydras si New Oi learn
i can also he found ai all the pnneiiml P'* u i
' | orcs ! ,i ,.> ~nh t arolina, and in rt( ,g Ual a,hy li» vl
amt >xis.,yAi Co, Ihomas Barrett Ai «-*>.. a"
>Hsor, Carter., fS ,«r bottle, wi.h fuff d
bet tons. June 4 ly
* T a l kn*? l C ° U * BLASTER.
%■% aK *CaNIED lo cure, wnhou. mcuii.r’
- lenc--. ail urns what* ver Pn, f t...v*“
' ail prop-idor, a widow, who d.fends mi A %
sa,e ,hl “ i,r,, cie for s.ipp .rt, wtlt present:
... , ckrtikicatk.
e, the subserffn is, do e.-rnly, ilnn w»- h R '
known the Bun.* Corn . la-m. i>. emt and • r on
a great number of (on s b ha-i.*, i. vvi'bd* ‘
most [>erie<-i suec.-s by *»u se;v* s am, iri«*ii*.i> ■“ "
many years, am. the prupr ct« ris a wm.-w
v Signed lohn Mnnr Jr,.ra Higgins, Benjnn'
ryan. Leiamt Rice,. h Bens, ni t v»i. l.uuc I
Lemuel Lynch, John Money, jr.
For sale by AN 1 UNV a. HAiNLS c>m*
street, Augusta.