Newspaper Page Text
1740 UR month* after dale, t plication will be
* made to the Honorable th Inferior Court of
Jefferson county, for leave to s 1 the Heal Estate
of Jonas Stephens, deceased, la of said county.
ft fpHE Retail Licenses will * ;pire on Monday',
X the 11th insl. The ( ify ouncil will sit on
Monday evening to grant Licet cs for the ensuing
year Applicants are referred the l*t section of
the General Ordinance for the rcliisite h lotmatiun.
may 6-td S. H.OLIVKK,* lerk of Council.
LI ME.--300 casks fresh ThMaaston LIMB just
received and for saie by 1
S. B. B!|)OKS & CO.
may 4 ts __ 110 Hroad-sireet.
TOCKTON’S superior i»*e| ruptiblc TEETH
for sale by J. A. CLKV LAND, Dentist.
Persons desiring his professio tl services are so-
Ji. ited to make immediate apj: catun, as he in
tends leaving soon for Charles! n S. C.
may 4 j w
RAN tWAY from the sul Tiber, residing in
I homas county,Geo. sin It llie loth January
last, a negro man named iJanhS, about sixty yea s
of age, though he does not ap;lar to be more than
lorty, a liule gray' and inchneiflo be bald, upwards
of live foot high, and has lostfi linger from one
hand, I think the rigiit. ife lis a wile at Mr. E.
Reeds, Columbia county, and nly be -urking about
there. It is probable he has b<j u ei'ticcd away bv
some white man, and have gc e to Savannah or
Alabama; if so, I will give tl I above toward for
the detection of the white ma. and prof!' to con- j
vi'tion, or 1 will pay twenty- ve cents for the ar- ’
rest of Oioiel.
april 11 w2m
Tne Proprietor resp tfully informs the
public tint this Ho -I is now completed
and ready for the reception ciiisitors The house
is large, the rooms are well fiished and furnished,
and well adapted to tiie accon lodalion of families
and others The beautiful sc iery tint surrounds
the village of Marietta, tageth • with the excellent
water, and a climate not to 1 I surpassed in the
United States, together with ie best exertions of
the proprietor to furnish e ry delicacy of the !
season, and enforce such or.le as will give entire j
I satisfaction to his visitois am, make them comfor- I
table, it is confidently hoped: will ensure to the j
establishment an increase of Sc favors heretofore '
so liberally bestowed. ■
Marietta, Ccbb county, Ge§, April 16, IS4O. I
Kefekenc .
Hon. G. Andrews, Vasbington, Geo.
Hon Chas. Dougherty, Uhrns.
J. G. Winter, Esq,, Augusta.
Albert Story, Esq.. Macon.
Wm. 11. Stiles, Esq , 'avaunah.
James H, Willy, Esq. Ireencsborough.
Z. Samuel, Esq., Dahlonega.
| | || A REWARD—’MiII be given for the I
fly ft ft"l J apprehension.*J delivery to me of |
a certain Negro man by the fame of Bill, or Wil- !
liam as be is sometimes ca *;d, at Society Hill, j
Alabama, or safel.v lodged injrny safe jail in Geor- f
gia or South Carolina, so tbaftl can get him. Said j
negro is about 35 years of agj* 5 feet S or 9 inches \
liigh,quite black, spare mat*, quick in his move- I
ments, answers readily and Slickly when spoken j
to, speaks broken in his diahgt, has some signs of j
the small pox. 1 know of nogtiier marks, as I have ■
owned him but a short timefrevious to his elope- i
ment. He is fond of music,*rd is remarkable for |
t his expertness in keeping tin! with it by means of j
two small paddies or slicksj|which he uses in one I
hand between his lingers. fl
The above named negro me it: Baldwin conn ;
county, Ga., in July, 1837, sPn has been seen since
in the lower part of Jones iSunty, and is probably
now lurking about Macon, .figusta,or Charleston,
S. C. where he was raised, r
nov 7 6m I BEN J. F. ELLIS.
(♦ACTION -■ —The publics is cautioned again* !
J trading for a promissor d.uie. made by Samuel •
Howell, on or about the th d day of April last,
payable Ist of January last or One Hundred Dol
lars, interest from date, in f vor of J. W. Kittles,
and by him endorsed —thes me having been lost or !
mislaid by the subscriber, t«j whom settlement has
oeen made by the drawer. - THUS. BARNES,
mar 6 wtf
OTICE. —Thereby gi’ » notice to all whom it
may concern, that I hall demand payment
from the Augusta Insuranc ind Banking Company,
for the payment ol a One i mdred Dollar bill, the
right hand half, or end of vhich has been lost.—
The said bill bearing dal, January 271 h, 1837,
Letter A, No. 72, payable, o H. B. Holcombe, or
bearer, signed by Hob’t V> flton, • asl-ier, and Pe
ter Bennocli, President, ifvment of the bill hav
ing t>eea stopped at the B;» k. any person having
the half bill in possessions will oblige me by for
warding the same to J. S. L. Bowie, C harleston,
Baird fit Rowland, August *, or to myself at Wide
man’s Post Office, Abbcviijr, S. C.
Wildman’s, Abbeville,» C. April 20. w!2w
MADISON SPRjSGS has changed own-
JJ ers.and the present foprieloroi thi> fashion- i
able watering place, who ■ now fitting them up in
a superi r style, will be a*e to accommodate about
300 persons, in a manner Jhich he hopes may enti
tle him to the future patroiige of his visiters. The
old buildings are utulergoßg a thorough repair, and ;
mew ones being put up—lie roads leading to the
Springs will be made safe aid pleasant for carria
ges—new avenues are op red, and various other
improvements are in prog ?ss, which will add much
to the comforts and a nus men of visiters.
Arrangements have be« , made with Air. H. N.
Wilson to put a superior ne of coaches between
Athens and the Springs, s that with the present
arrangements of the be. !' ia Kail Road the time of
travelling from Augusta the Springs will not ex
ceed twenty hours \
They will be ouened c the first of June for the
reception of visiters, and the following moderate
scale of charges observer Board, by the month,
*25; children and serva * halt price.
DANIEL 1 URRISON, Proprietor,
feb 14 —wtlstje
f|XHE UNDERSIGN* ), having engaged thea*-
sistance of com >et< t persons, will be prcpai
ed oy Ist July next, to t tc- charge of the Fduca
tion of a limited numbei fßoys. His residence is
near ClaiksviPe, Geo.
In assuming the respo sibilith s ol a Teacher, it
is his intention to have 1 e best professional aid to
lie procured The silua on of the proposed Sem.-
nary iu the heart of the -outh —in a region which
for the puiily of its atn sphere a> d magnificence
of its scenery, ha? oeco ea favorite abode for tire
wealthy and refined; e determination of th®
Principal to make even rfoi tto establish at home
an institution where a roil grounded and liberal
education may be obt; ned, while the virtues of
the southern character viil be cherished, and the
■ogmnrinatifW of pviwj .dc* which tend to under
mine our social fabric! avoided, will, he trusts,
secure for him ihe siq ort of Southern Parents,
sustained by them, he I [■pos to elevate his institu
tion to a level with the est in the Union
Tne instruction of th School will embrace the
primary branches of a j aid English Education, the
various departments of ic Natural and Mathemati
cal Siences, the Classic the Hebrew, German and
French Languages, Dr ring and Topography. It
will be the object of th Principal to combine with
the acquisition of usefi knowledge aud the devel
ojiement of the Intel! ;t, the literary tastes and
moral feelings to elevation of character
and the practical hauit necessary for active life —
in other words, to un e as much as possible the
advantages of a dome tic and public School Edu
Applicants for a imi ion must be between ten
and sixteen years of a *
Terras—sisU per a» n,payable semi-annually
in advance, to indues instructn n in the above
branches, (except ll;S>rew and German, extra at
s2< .K»r annum each) Sri all expenses but Bocks,
Matiouarr, and Ck lhiSb
16 w6t S liahersbam Co. Georgia,
Flahies’ saloon.
L^dilf A f C f h ” the honor of informing the
• L dies of August*, and its vicinity, that his
ZT.V n K afaJrettt . «•« is ready for their ,c
--ception at all hours curing the season, plentifully
j lh * choicest CAKES
~a' | am *^ cs supplied at the shortest notice.
! A P nl w3t
I _ No. 206, Broad Street.
XX' ATT & WARREN have just received :
» ▼ their supply of fashionable Spring Good*,
which were selected from the latest importations at
the North, and having been purchased laic in the j
season, at reduced prices. wiM be sold at a moderate j
j a '• ance. 3 p jj) w4w
1 VOR, RENT.—The property of the un-
J p||| dersigued, on Broad, t ampbell and Cen- :
—~ *Vi4* Ntreets, on Mclntosh Street, near the 1
j Presbyterian Church, at present occupied by Mr.
1 Stockton. Apply to
| , McKenzie & bennoch.
July 2 wtf
N. B, The occupants of the property for the
year en«uing Ist October next, will give notes nay- I
able quarterly, and pay for the use of the Hy
d.a* • . --r
J having disposed of his interest in the firm of
T. H. WYATT ts CO. to L. C. WARREN, the i
business will be conducted at the same stand, under
the turn of WYA TT * WARREN.
Those indebted to T. H. Wyatt &. Co. are re- :
quested to call and make settlement.
a P 22 w 3t
1 AW.—The subscriber will continue to prac
{ 1 A tice as an Attorney, Solicitor and Counsellor j
j vt E%w, in the counties of Troup, Merriwether,
Coweta, Heard Harris. His office is in La
• Grange, Troup countv, Ga.
Alessrs Miller, Ripley Co , Charleston.
“ Snowden fit Shear, Augu«ta.
Hon. W. T. Colquitt,
G. E. Thomas, Esq. >Columbus, tia.
Mr. John Fontaine, 3
Messrs Morgan & Beall, _
“ Amoss & Graybill, 5 Grange, Ga.
William D. Alexander, Greenville, Ga.
feb 25 sm3in
WILL be seld on the first Tuesday in August
next, before the court house door in the
j town of Lumpkin, Mewart county, within the le
gal hours of sale, lot of Land, No. (Ill) one hun
dred and eleven in the 18th District of said coun
ty. Also, Lot No- (81) eighty one, in the loth
District, adjoining one hundred and eleven corner
wise ; all belonging to the estate of Eli Hudson,
deceased, and sold for the benefit of the heirs.—
Terms on the day of sale.
L. C. MATTHEWS,} . , ,
ENOCH FARMER, 5 Adm rs *
May 2, 1840.
Wf ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in June
ifw next, at th® couit house in the town of
Warrenton, Warren county, between the usual |
; hours of saie, the following property, to-wit: one j
j yoke of Oxen an I Cart, two Cows and Calves, one j
j barren Cow, and 4 Yearlings, levied on as the pro
perly of John Littleton to satisfy one fi fa issued !
from the Superior Court of said county, in favor of \
j John Contain, for the use of Wm. Mays. Proper- !
j ty pointed out by Mays.
May 2, 1810. _ * JAMES HALL.Shff. '
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in June I
next, at the court house in the town of
j Warrenton, Warren county, between the usual
i hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: the
interest of John Littleton in 321 acres of Land, i
more or less, of the lands be'onging to the estate i
of Edward Kinsey, deceased, in a dower of Lucy |
Kinsey, widow of said Kinsey; levied on as the I
property of John Littleton, to satisfy one fi fa in !
favor of John Contain, for the use of Wm. Mays, j
i vs said Littleton. JAMES HALL, Shlf. 1
May 2, 1840. j
1 Georgia, Lincoln county :
j 4y%/ HEREAS, Henry i fiiess applies for letters
j w w of Administration on the estate of John P.
i Thicss, deceased,
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular, thekuidred and creditors of said deceased,
i to be and appearat my office, within the time pre
i scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have
why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office, in Ltncointon,
this 4th May, 1840.
Ct URLING FLUID, &c. —Blending with a grate
} ful and refreshing perfume, the desirable
quality of strengthening and promoting the growth
of the Hair, without giving to it the greasy hue of
Pomatum, oi the vo.atile moisture of the Oils. Its
• utility is confirmed by the most extensive con
• Also, the Genuine Maccassar Oil, and Ward’s
Celebrated Hair Oil. For sale by
mar 13 GAuVIN & HAINES.
A SACKS fresh Almonds, just received and
ft 1.1 fur sale by W. E. JACKSON,
april 27 Auctioneer.
' EG ROES FOR SALE.—A likely negro man
and his wife —the boy a good field hand, and
the woman a house servant. They may be seen
j at Hand At Scranton’s.
Persons desirous of purchasing will please call
on Messrs. Kerrs St Hope, of this city, tf-nov 26
At tne Sand Hills.
MRS. H. L. MOISE having taken that large
and commodious house at the Sand Hills,
: well known as Mrs. Nesbitt’s, will commence her
i Summer School on the first of June, where, as usual,
all the branches of a complete English education
J will be taught, as well as French and other lan
guages, Music, Drawing and Painting.
| A limited number of Young Ladies can be ac
commodated as Boarders, who will be under the
1 immediate superintendence of Mrs. Moise.
Terms for English tuition, fiom 8 to sls per qr.
French and other languages 10 “
Music on the Piano, 20 “
I do Guitar, 10 “
Boarding and Lodging, 50 “
f ap 17 swtlstje
NOTICE. —All persons inuebted to the firm of
S. BUFORD Sr ( O. are requested to make
I payment to the undersigned; and all persons hold
j ing claims against said firm are requested to hand
i in their demands. L. DWELLE, Assignee,
ap l 6 trwlm
OTICE. —The copartnership heretofore exist
ing between the subferibers, under the firm
j of U. C. Bryson fit Co., is this day dissolved mu
■ tual consent.
Harper C. Bryson is authorized to continue to
j use tin signature of the late firm, for the settle
ment of the business.
Augusta, April 2, IS4O. JOHN DAVIDSON,
ap 3 dlwv&wtf
THE public is hereby informed that Joshua
Daniel, of Lincoln county, Ga., has assigned
} all his property to the subscribers., for the benefit
of Lis creditors. All, persons, therefore, who have
• demands against the late firm of Lamar & Daniel,
will please piesent tire same to us, or either of us,
1 before the seventh day of next, and those in
debted to him or to said firm, may find their papers
in our possession—upon all which an immediate
settlement is required
The subscribers also now offer for sale, private
j a ji the real an 1 personal estate of said Joshua
all *>f which remaining unsold, will be put
up at public auction, to the highest bidder, at Lin-
I cointon, on the 7th day of May next. There re
! ton or twelve likely Negroes, and a comfortable
! House in Lincolnton, with about four hundred
acres of Land, mostly in the woods.
! Persons desirous of pure .rasing such property,
are invited to call and examine for themselves.
EZEKIEL LAMAR,{-Assignees.
LmcolntOD, March 7, 1840.
OACKING.--* ba!« heavy SACKING for sale J
Vna/o & RHIND. j
T .^r dM *? ne * a,e ; r,tl **'«' for .heir name I
J® ,h ,r rna m eat and aer.MOle action in ouri- I
fymg the spring and channels of life, and enJmi..- j
drld *“VT' Md ‘"‘l* a,,d I" many Zt !
dred certified »«•«« whi-n has been made public, !
, and in ainaosi even species ol ifia to which !
wf f ™ m " 13 l'»hle. the happv effects of j
** L ‘ Ft: AM' PHKNtX HIT- !
'1 „ L 1 l a ) e . H ! e “ P ra, «Tuliy and pobliHv ac- !
j 1 now ledged by the (>cr s .jttn be. efiitted, and" who :
\vere previously unacquamu-d wi h thebaan ifuily
I phih‘»>i*pfucal principle.-, upon which ihev am '
compounled.and upon which they ...nsequently I
j The LI FE M EUICIN ES recommend themselves
in diseases ol every form and descnp-ion. Tfieir
j first o(«ration is to l.Kisen from the coals of l-ie !
j stomach and bowels, the various imparities and
i crudities con tanily setcing around them ; aim t» '
, remove the harden'd fae. es which collect in th»* ’■
j turnofusions ot the -malfest imesiines. Uiher
ra dicmea only partially cleanse these, and leave
■ su« - h collected fH-hind as to [iroduce hrihitu
at coativeneas wish 11 iu train ofevils. or in a sud
den d.arrfue i, with its eminent Jangers. This tact !
j is well known to ad anaioiuists, who ex I
amine ihe human bowels after deaih ; and htn?e 1
ihe prejiidu e of those well informed men against t
I quack ine di ines—or medicinrs prepared and her- •
ald'Hl to the pu!dir bv gnoranl p rsons. *J he se- I
j eond effect ol the Life .bedic.nea is to cleanse the j
| kidneys and the bladder, and by this means, thj j
i liver and the lungs, ihe healthful action of which |
■ entirely depends upon the regularity of the urinary i
j organs. *1 he blocd, w hich takes its re ! color from *
the agency ol -the liver and the Innzs before it
pas-es into the heat, la-ing tims purified by them 1
and nourished by food coming from a clean atom- f
i ach, courses ihiougli the veins, renews every \
part of the system and iriumpharitiy mounts tiie
banner of health in the blooming cheek.
Moffat s Vegetable Life >ledi« ine o have been
thorongldy attesteii, and [ironounced a sovereign
remedy lor "yspepsi q Flatulency, Palpitation « t
Hie Heart, Lossol Appetite, lieart-buruand Head
ache, Restlessness, 111-temper, Anxiety, Languor
and Melancholy, Costiveness, Diarrhoea, Cholera,
Fevers ot all kinds, RheumaPsai, Gout, Dropsies
of all kind, Grave), Worms, Asthma and (Jonsnmp
tion. Scurvy, Ulcers, Inveterate stores, Scorbutic
Eruptions and Bad Complexions, Eruptive com •
! plaints, Sallow, Cloudy, and other disagreeable
j Complexions, Salt Rheum. Common
i folds and influenza a-d various other complaints
( which afflict the Imma- frame. In fever and
ague, paiticnlariy, the Life Medicines have hern
most era nently successful; so much so ihat in the
rever and Ague districts, Physicians almost uni
versally prescribe them
All ih u Mr. Moffat requires of his patient is
to he particular in taking the Lite Medicines strictly
according to ihe directions. It is not by a news
paper notice, or any thr g that lie himself may say
in their tavo-, that hi hopes to gain credit. It is
alone by the re«ul. of a fair .rial.
ft 1 »FFAT» MEDiCAL MANUAL ; desizneil
as a domestic guide io health.—'J h » little pamphlet
edited hy \\ . B Moffat 370 Broadway New York,
has been published lor the purpose of explaining
more fuily Mr. Moffat s theory ot diseases, ami will
lie found highly interesting to persona seeking
health. It treats upon prevalent diseases, and the
' J hereof. Price 25 cents —for sale by Mr.
; Moffat's agents generally,
j These valuable m.di. ines arc for sale by
tsole Agent for Augusta.
[ niay 5
50 hhds prime St. Croix Sugar,
For sale by ®
a P 2 swtf STOVALL & HAMLEN. i
Office S. Carolina Kail Road Co. / i
Hamburg. May 1, 1840. \ I
ON and after this day', tfie passenger train from '
Hamburg will arrive in Charleston at i
i o’clock, pm, in time for dinner. may' 1 j
NOTICE- —The different Sections of the Au
gusta Fire Company will assemble at their
j respective Engine houses on Monday. 4th May, at
I 4 o c ock, p. m., for the purpose of electing officers
j for the ensuing year.
By order ol the Captain,
! may 1 3t WM. H. JONES, Sec’y.
VJT first rate pair of these Nliil Stones, four and
a haif feel in diameter, for terms apply at this
office. jan 31 ts
Ci EORGIA NANKEENS of the best quality
F for sale by the case. A. SIBLEY.
1 __ __ __ _ 4m*
Paper hangings.— s nowden & shear
have received, from Philadelphia, a supply of
Paper Hangings, which they will sell at reduced \
prices. mar 27
UICE —20 Casks now landing. A constant
supply will he Kept on hand, and furnished
to dealers in quantities to suit, bv
E subscribers have received an additional
supply of Staple and Fancy Goods, among
which are the following:
Fashionable French Lawns and Muslins ;
3-4 and 4-4 black and colored Scotch Ginghams;
Fine English and American Prints ;
Light col’d small figured French Jacot ets ;
Plain Jaconet and Vluil Ituslins;
Checked and striped Cambric Muslins;
Knit scarf* and Fancy Handkerchiefs ;
Black Fidette Gloves and Mitts ;
Brown Linen and Grass Cloth ;
W hite and brown Linen Drilling* ;
Table, Bird’s Eye and Russia Diaper;
4-4 and 6-4 fine Furniture Dimity ;
Garment Dimity', Marseilles Skirts;
Ladies - and Misses’ white, black and slate co'.or- ;
ed Hose;
Black and second mourning Lawns ;
j Umbrellas and Parasols ;
I together with a variety of articles not enumerated, j
j which they' will dispose of on very moderate terms. !
| april 27—ts WM li. CRANE & CO.
vented combination of delightful odors, I as
acquired a just popularity, not only by reason of
the strength aud delicacy, but of the extraordina
ry duration of ils perfume. Whilst the strength of
many other extracts and essences is almost as eva
nescent as the bloom of the flowers from which
they are derived, the Hermitage retains its fra
grance for an indefinite length of tune, and is
I scarce to be removed from the garment on which it
j is poured, by washing; hence it is probably the
I cheapest and most delightful perfume qf our labora
! lories.
Also, Cologne, Lavender, Orange, Florida and
Rose Waters, in great varietv. For sa’e v
A DVANCES ON COTTON.—Advances will be
■ made by us, on COTTONS consigned to our
! friends in Liverpool, Havre and Charleston —in
i bills on New York at 20 to 30 days sight, on con
signment to Europe, and 1 to 5 days sight, on con
signment to the latter place. The shippers, iu all
cases, will have the bencut of the Exchanges.
dec 25 ts GARDELLE it RHIND.
drapers among linens, laces, furs, cloths,
; &c., impa.tingto them a pleasant perfume, and pre
venting the ravages of the moth For sal® bv
N r ()TICE. —The undersigned will be prepared,
ou, and after 10th May next, to pay the first
class creditors of the estate of John Logan, a divi
dend of Twenty per cent, on the amount of princi
pal of their claims, with 10 months interest on
said dividend.
ROBERT A. REID, Adm’r. Ac.
I Os Thomas McDowall dec’d. Surviving Assignee.
ap2l d&wllt
SNOWDEN & SHEAR have just received from
New York, a very large supply of superior
j 5-4 by 10-4, 10-4 by 12-4, 14-4, 16-4, 18-4,20-4,
24-4 and 32-4 rich Damask Table Cloths. Also,
■ rich Damask Napkins, to which they respectfully
i .nvitc the attention of the public. dec 3
A SUPERIOR article of Soda Water, prepared
by Steam Power, will be kept constantly
J on band during the summer, bv
i ap27 2w and F. LAMBACK fc C(X
f _ •PRINK f.OODS, f
| Cfc" HWDEN & SHEAR have received from N. I
!?T., pr '. CCd prmts ’ Eancy Gauze and Heniani '
Hdkfs., Linen Cambric Hdkfs., Lob g Lawns. Irish
i Linens, and Linen Sheetings, Bird’s-Ere Diaper,
Damask I able Cloths. and Damask Napkins, plain |
Jackonetts and Cambrics of extra quali'y, black 1
Lace \ ciis. Ladies' and Misses Cotton Hose, while I
and bl’k picnic Gloves and Mitt*.Oil Silks, bleach- '
ed and brown Cotton >hirtings of superior,
and agreat variety ot other articles suitable for th»
Spring and Summer seasons, to which they rcspect
lully invite the attention of tne public,
ap 29
fRNHE V KRBENA CREAM, an Emollient 'oap,
. 'w hich affords real pleasure in shaving produ
cing a rich, fragrant, creamy and permanent lather,
just received and for sale by
W NEW coons.
M. If. C RANK .v CO. are now receiving a
variety of New Goods suitable for the sea
son, which they will dispose of on reasonable
term?> ' , ___ ap 16 |
__ T. S. or G. 11. METCALF.
a P 30 3t.
[ IJ RANDY. — I pipe superior Cognac Brandy
I -O 4 half do do do
Just received and for sale by
YV . L. JAC K SON. Auctieneer.
—Late Discovery. —Warranted to be equal, if
not superior, to any others. Prepared bv i
nov 27 No. 232, Broad street.
20 shares for sale low by
jan 30 Terms—6 month' so approved paper, i
•~45 bales prime Hay, just received on i
consignment from Boston, and for sale by
A T COST.—The subscriber oifers his stock of
Dry Goods, now on hand, at New Voni cost.
At the sign of Hungerford, Frisble & Co.
mar 30 J. FRISBIE.
sporting Powder,
50 i kegs do do
15 kegs “Eagle” powder, in canisters,
1000 “ Blasting do. Just received an.
for sale by (dec) GARDELLE <t RHINO.
11RAIN OIL, &c. —Train Oil, Plaster Pans and
Gilder’s Whiting,for sale in quantities to suit
purchasers, by GARVIN it HAINES,
mar 12
bers will receive orders for this celebrated
Wine either of direct importation or via India.
Samples may be seen at their office.
A few dozen India Madeira now on hand and for
ealeby (dec 6' GARDELLE fe RHINO.
WHISKEY. —12 lihds Philadelphia Whiskey,
just received and for sale by
ap 3 W. E. JACKSON, Auctioneer.
Also, a great variety of Juvenile and Toj- Rooks,
dec 25 Forsale by T. H. PLANT.
WANTED, a Lodging Room, for a gen Leman;
one in the neighborhood of the Kail Koad
Bank would be preferred. Apply at this otfic,.
mar 3 ts
1 undersigned have taken an office in John
.1 son’s buildings, opposite the Iron Steamboat
Company’s Wharf, where they propose to do a
General Factorage and Commission Business, un*
i der the name and firm of Crawford & Gunby, and
by strict attention to business, they hope to obtain
patronage. Merchants and others, ordering dry
goods or groceries, will meet with prompt atten
Savannah, April 2. w3t
SHEAR have received this day from New
Y ork a supply of superior printed jackonetts of
the latest styles. Also, a supply of Ladies fancy
Hdkfs of various styles, plain black Challys and
bla'-k drab D’Ete a superior article for Gentle
men s summer wear to which they respectfully
snvite the attention of the pub.ic. ap 25
I AW. —The undersigned having removed tc
A Starkville, Lee county, will practice m the
several courts of the counties of Lee, Sumter.
Stewart, Randolph, Macon, Early, Baker, Dooly
and Marion.
References —Col. Joseph H. Lumpkin, Lexing
ton, (fa.; Benniug li. Moore and Capt. Deter Lamar,
Lincolnton, Ga.; A. J. Ai T. W. Miller, Augusta,
Ga.; J. Lamkin and Dr. Miles K. Harman, Travel
lers Rest, Ga. RICHARD F. LYON,
oct 25 ly
NOTICE. —The Co-partneiship heretofore ex
isting under the hi mos HALL GALEHIN.
is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Charles
Hall is alone authorised to settle the business of
the firm, and to use their signature for that pur
Augusta, April 1, 1840 ap 7 trwGt
THE Copartnership heretofore existing be
tween the undersigned in practice of Law. is
dissolved by mutual consent. The unfinished bu
siness of the firm wid receive theii joint attention;
and they will practice Law seperately in the Coun
ties of Morgan, Greene, Putnam, Jasper, Newton,
! Walton and Clark. STEWART FLOYD,
Madison 13th April, 1840. trwlm
DISSOLUTION. —The copartnership heretofore
existing under the firm of Ham en, Uobin
! sou &. Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent,
j Stovall St Hamlen are alone authorized to settle
the business of the late firm.
Augusta, April 1, 1810. swlf-ap 3
IGE CREAM can be had of the best quality ev
ery day during the season, from 10 o’clock A.
M- until 10 o’clock P. M. A separate room is pio
vided for the accommodation of Ladies.
Families can be supplied with any quantity re
quired, at short notice, at
A few doors below the Post Office, Broad-st.
april2l trw2w
ALL persons indebted to the estate of John B.
Guedron, deceased, late of Richmond county,
are request*! to make immediate payment to A. C.
Caldwell, who is my authorized agent, and those
holding claims against said estate, are required to
hand them in duly attested, within the time pre
scribed by law. ELLEN GUEDRON,
April 4, 1840. trwtf Administratrix.
BY the subscriber, additional supplies of NEW’
GOODS, consisting of
Brown and Bleached Sheetings and Shirtings,
Bleached & unbleached Jeans &. Cotton Osnaburgs,
Dowlas, Bunaps, Russia Sheetings and Diapers,
Cotton Drills, Brown Linens, Striped Jeans and a
variety of low priced stuffs for pants.
Very rich new siyle Prints, Muslins and L-.wns,
Umbrellas and Parasols, Palm Hoods,
Mens’, Boys’ and Y'ouths’ Hats,Palm and Leghorn,
Marseilles and Corded Skirts,
American and India Nankeens,
Damask Table Cloths, bleached and brown,
Birds Eye Diaper, Napkins and Sail Duck,
Colored Worsted Damask and Watered Moreens,
Super Damask and Em loidered Curtain Mustins,
Colored Boiinet for Pavilions,
Also, a variety of fancy Hdk’fs Shawls, V'eils, Sic.
\'jT The attention of the Gentlemen is particu
larly invited to a splendid variety of Ribbed Linen
Brils, sup r Russia do, brown and bleached, white
and brown Linen do, Summer Cloths, Princettas,
Crape Camlets, Gambroous and single mill Cassi
roeres; also new style Marseilles, Valencia and
Satin Vestings, and a variety of Fancy Article . as
Mock*, Collars, Bosoms, Cravats, Gloves, &cc. all of
which are in the latest style and a e offered for
sale at very low pi ices. WM. CLAGETT,
ap 18 iwlw S*. 238 Broad st.
I .
Assignees' Sale (f Boots and Shoes.
On Wednesday, the 13th of May, will be sold at
j the store lately occupied by S. Eeufort Si Co. the
entire slock of Goods on hind, consisting of Shoes, 1
Boots, Bonnets, Hals, Ac. At. 'Terms at sa'e.
april 23 _ L. DWELLE, Assignee.
\GBEEABLY to an ord r of the Inferior Court
of Columbia county, when sitting as a Court
of Ordinary, will be sold on the first Tuesday in j
July next, before the court house door in said j
county, a negro man named Levi, belonging to j
Charles H. Jennings, minor of Charles Jennings, ;
deceased Sold for the benefit of said min »r. — ■
Terms on thedav of sale.
April 14, 1840. 2t
sub'Criber offers for sale his Lands ’ying f
I Jl. in the county of Jefferson, containing eight i
j hundred and thirty acres of first rale oak and hick- ;
ery, lying on Big Creek. On it are 250 acres open
land, and under f**nce, with dwelling house, gin j
house, and other necessary buildings for the use of I
a Plantation. It is situated about 7 miles from
Louisville, and about seventeen from the Central
Railroad. Any pci son desirous of purchasing such
a place, would d*> well to call and examine, a= a
bargain may' be had by an early application to the i
; subscriber on the premise*.
Louisville. Ga., April 22, 1840. IstD
NOTICE. —The co-partnership of BROIV'N Sr
FOSHEE , of Lauren* District, S. «'., is dis- (
; solved by Robert Brown quitting the business and
j leaving the state. Notice is hereby given to all j
! persons not to give credit to the said Robert Brown,
j on account of the said co-pirtnership, and all per- 1
' sons indebted to said firm will only make payment .
! to me, as no other person is legally authorised to
i collect. BENJAMIN FOSHEE. !
j August 3, 1839. wtf
Athens , Geo.
FIIHE subscriber, thankful for past favors, would j
J|_ inform his friends and the public generally, I
that his house has undergone some recent improve- !
ments, and hi* rooms arc titled up in a nen r and
comfortable style, (or the accommodation of Board
ers or Transient Visiters. He hopes by unremitted
attention to business, that none who' are fond of
good order and quiet shall leave his house dissat- *
isfied. WM. L. MITCHELL,
ap 7 w4t
XAW DISSOLUTION.—The linn of Olin and
i Putnam, Attornies and Solicitors, is this day
dissolved by mutual consent.
Warrenton, Oct. 21st, 1839.
N. B. The business of said firm remaining un
; settled, will be finished by me, and 1 am duly au
thorized to collect and receive all debts due the
firm aforesaid, and I will also take this opportuni
ty to inform my friends and the public generally,
that 1 shall continue in the practice of Law in War
renton, Ga.,and any business which may be intrus
ted in my hands shall meet with prompt attention, j
j oct 31 6mw G. PUTNAM.
LAW NOTICE.— Ihe undersigned have asso- I
ciated themselves in the practice cf law.— j
They will attend promptly and diligently to ail :
professional business entrusted to I hem in Talia- ■
ferro, Greene, Hancock, Warren, VVi’kes and the ’;
adjoining counties. Office in CrawfordviHe. Talia- 1
ferro county'. S. FOUCHE,
april 11 m6m M. JOHNSTON.
(£j* The Charleston Courier will copy the above
fourtimes tri-weekly, and forward their accounts
to this office.
THE subscriber hereby informs his friends that
the copartnership of Gray bill & Bonner has
expired. He is still at Cuthbert, Randolph county',
prepared to attend to the business of his profession,
where he will at all times be found, if not absent
on business of a professional character. He would
ask of the public a share of their business in this
quarter of the State, if it was not for this—he does
not want to do business for any person unless they
believe he will do them justice in every sense of
the tern:. He wou'd give his present and intended
patrons a list of references, but that references arc
so common. J. M. GRAYBILL.
| mar 27 wßt
(Mclntosh street, opposite the Post Office.)
4 N establishment of the above kind has been
A fitted up for the reception of visiters. Please |
call ai'd see me, then judge for yourselves.
april 27—tiwGt W. T. STERLING. !
obstinate Coughs, and all diseases of the :
Lungs. This is an old and tried remedy, and be- \
lie red to be one among the best for the purpose for i
which it is recommended. For sale by
Augusta, and
Price 75 cts per bottle. Charleston.
| nov 25 __ 6m
D. H. SILCOX, 303 Broad street, j
| I keeps at all times foreale, a large as- 1
sortment of Cabinet Furniture, of
superior workmanship and well sea- j
son'd materials, made expressly for
the Southern climate. Every arti
cle in the above business, with all the
variety of new patterns, continually
received. Persons wishing to purchase can do as
well at this establishment as at any of the North
ern manufactories. To be sold for cash or goo
city acceptances. mar 5
I Hamburg, April 23, 1840.
I OTICE. —Freight on Cotton to Charleston by
Rail Road, is reduced to thirty-live cents per
hundred for round, and twenty-five cents per huu- ;
dred pounds for square bales.
THIS thorough bred Horse will
stand from this time until the first of
July next at the stable in the lower
ar t °f Augusta, formerly occupied
P'xAhy Bertrand, Jr. Terms—s3o the
season, payable at the last visit; for
three or m< re mares, owned by the same person,
$25 each: $1 for the groom.
’ J. R. H. Acklin, Esq. of Huntsville, Alabama,
’ certifies as follows-• —‘ Tom Tunstall was foaled
, mine on the 29th May', 1831. His dam was High
land Mary and her dam a full-blooded Archie mare;
tne sire of Highland Mary was old PacoleL Tom
Tunstall was sired by o d Pacific, and he by old
Sir Archie. This is as far as lam able to go, tbo’
I am satisfied Tom Tunstall has descended from as
good a stock as any' horse in the United States.—
He was a race horse of the first order, but I iear
will never be able to make a first rate race again,
> owing to his leg ; it was injured when a three year
old, in training, as I believe. By addressing Har
i dy Cryer, Gallatin. Tennessee, you can get a full
pedigree of the dam of Tom Tunstall.” The same
Mr. Hardy Cryer certifies thus: —“ Highland Mary
combined as many or more rich crosses of thorougn
i breds than any maic ever raised in Tennessee.—
She was got by the noted horse Pacolet, the son of
imported Citizen ; her dam Rosey Carey by Sir
Archie; grand-dam Saily Jones by the imported
horse Traveller, called Big Ben or Cbarlemaine,
(son of O’Kelie* ’s Eclipse, and one of the purest
importations of the last century;) great grand-dam
by the imported horse Wrangler; great-great-grand
dam O’Possum by imported Shark; great-great
great-grand-dara by the celebrated American quar
ter race horse, Goode’s old Twigg; great-great
greal-great-grand-dam by imported Fcarnaught;
great-grcat-great-great-!£reat-grand-dam by Lee’s
old Mark Anthony outof a mare by imported Mou
key.” On the site’s sid« it is deemed unnecessary
to trace beyond Sir Archie. It is presumed none
will require a purer or better attested pedegree!—
If farther recommendation be wanted, call and
f«S 22 -tnrsrwtf
WLII ■■— i ■ ■ '■■■ II I J _ If.
At 10 o’clock, in fiont of »y store, will bo
10 Hhds Muscovado Sugar
2-1 bbis Monongahela Whiskev
25 boxes No. I. Herring
9 bbls Oil
12 kegs Nails, assorted
14 boxes Cheese
2 Casks do
10 bags bottle Corks
5 boxes honey dew Tobacco
25 do superior t laret Wine
2 hhds u N. O. Molasses
•1 sacks fresh English Walnuts
6 boxes Fruits, in brandy
10 do Raisins
3 qr casks super 4th proof French Brandy
10 bbls domestic “
S boxes French Cordials
10 canisters fresh Prune*
16 glass jars “ “
10 boxes Tallow Candle?
10 do Whale “
10 firkins Bolter
20,000 Spanish Scgars, Ac. Ste
rnly 6 Terms at sale
Administratrix's Sale:
On Tuesday, 12th May,
j In tronl of the laic residence of M. Wagner, dec’4.
will be s«kL,
The contents of the Bakery establishment. consist
ing of Bake-Pans, Troughs, Counters, Desks. Sec.
Terms at sale, ap 28
above commodious and elegant Hotel will
= be rented for one or more years from tho
fustdayof October next. For terms, apply to
apt swim E. BDSTIN, Sec’y & Treas’r. #
fMNHE Trustees of the Wrightsborough Academy
1 would inform the public through this medium,
that its exercises will commence on the second
Monday in January inst ,underthe direction of Mr.
I John Tucker, who brings ample testimony of abili
ty to teach an English and Classic school. Board
can be obtained on very reasonable terms ; Tuition
fees low, and situation healthy.
an I
j FIN HE Subscriber is desirous of selling a PlanU
j tion lying in Burke county, Ga , containing
i four hundred and eight acres, more or less, of Oak
j and Hickory Land, being well adapted to the growth
I of Corn and Cotton, having on it the usual itn prove
j merits; adjoining lands of William Brookins, Sam
uel Baron and lands belonging to William GilstrapJs
estate, with one hundred and seventy-live acre,
cleared land. Any person desirous of purchasing
such a place, would do well to call and examine,
as a bargain may be had by an early application to
the subscriber. JOHN W. WISE,
jan 18 w4m
CAUTION. —AH persons are cautioned against
trading fjr a Note given to the undersigned,
and payable to him as the Administrator of Hiram
Nunn deceased, for seventy-five dollars, dated in **
March, IS3B, payable on demand, by Carolass
Lightfoot; tlie same being lest or-mislaid
aprilll 3t SAMUEL BARROW, Jr.
LAMP OIL—A supply of best Steadied Lamp
Oil, just received and for sale by
mar 25 GAHVFN «fe HAINES-..
Via Greensboro’, Eatonton,Canton, Macon, Pcr
j ry, Pindertown, Bainbridge, Chattahoochie, lola,
i St. Josephs, Pensacola, to Mobile.
The Proprietors of this Line inform the Travel
; ling public th.sU it isnow in full operation, through
j the entire reute ; leaving Augusta by the Georgia
j Rail Road cats to GjeeusVoro’ every Tuesday,
I Thursday and Saturday, at 6 o’clock, P. >l. and ar
rive in Mobile ia three days and a half running
I time.
Travellers are assured. Ural the staging upon this
line is superior to any other, the accommodations
unsurpassed, and by far the best natural roads in
the Southern country, only 210 miles of staging.
Stages leave Cambridge for Tallahassee via Quin
cy, immediately on the arrival of the Alligator
| Line from Greensboro’, and iinrnediate'y on the
arrival of the boats from lola.
Stages will at all times be run in com
pany, when the travel requires it.
For seats in the above Line, apply at the office,
at the United States Hotel, Augusta, Geo.
april 21 ly GEO.. W. DENT, Agent.
From Weldon, N. C., (the Northern end of the
Charleston and Wilmington Steamooat and Rail
Road Line) to Baltimore, via the Centaal and Dai
ly Mail Route, 80 miles over the Portsmouth and
Roanoke Rail Road, and ISO miles by the Uhesa
apeake bay steamboats, Alabama, Uapt. Sul ton,
Georgia, tapt Rotiins, (formerly oS the « harleslon
and Norfolk i ine.) Jewess, Uapt Holmes.
This line, so weU known f»r saiety, comfort and
expedition, having been put in the most superior
order during the last winter, resumes its Daily run
between Weldon, N. (•. and Baltimore, on the 10th
| of March, 1840,
By this Line the traveller will have but one
! change of baggage, and no staging between Wel
don and Baltimore.
Fare through (meals on board the boat included.)
|l3, ‘
Passengers will always reach Baltimore in time
for the early morning line to Philadelphia apd
mar 30
| NASH V t e / in - H -
Post Coaches is running
' from Greensboro to Spring Place, Ga via Gaines
ville and Cassville, in connexion with Col. Rarp>
sey’s Line to Ross’ Landing and Nashville, and
Maj. Weils’Line to Athens and Knoxville, Tcnn.
Fare toCassville, *l2 00
“ “■ Spring Place, 17 00
Leave* Greensboro on the arrival of the Rail
Road Cars from Augusta, on Mondays, Wednes
days and Fridays.
Travelling time to Spring Place, 29 hours.
u “ « Nashville, 65 «
Seats can be secured on application to
t. H. GOODMAN, Agent,
mar 23—6 m Globe Hotel, Augusta, Ga.
A T o. 236 Broad street , Augusta, Georgiy
The subscriber, having prvrir uxly
bought out the interest of A, Z. Ban
■oft ta in bis Furniture Wawbouxe, baa
now associated himself with one of
the largest mauufacittWg establish-
MW\ I meats in New Yack, flatters himself
• * that he will be able, tfj offer to th.
. public an assortment of Furtiitu;e, superior in poi
of workmanship and durability, to any herctofo
olfered in Augusta. As the manufacturing w
have the personal attention of one of the partn e
the strictest care wiU be observed d* the select
of good wood atai dry material,.(*3 essential to
Also, a gestural assortment of Pianos, from t #
best m inufwtorijes in the Union. More particu'la
ly the New York Piano Forte company’s instpa
mcah, which « as not be excelled for sweetness ©I
tune anJ durability, in tha soothers climate, b.- any
manufactory in the United States. Our’instru
ments are selected with the greatest care, by ope
who is. a competent judge, ajad a written guarantee
is furnished in every instance, if required
C. A. Platt returns hi* thanks to the public for
their former pauanage, and solicits tor the company
that share-of public patronage heretofore bestowed
himself. The business in future will be r,>
( fretted f* ,ap2> CHAB. A. PL ATT %r*