Newspaper Page Text
•ALUfiltm TEfiETAfLE
FKviirt v >it
A and lasting cure fir ! ’■>nl&ii*e r-e.
T IE s'*b*ciibert having een aprsoitMfd special
ag-nts w the »ae of Galtighan Vaever and
Ague Pil «, is prepired to famish planters and
country traders with supplies of saidosilicle on
ter is equal y as favorable is t hey can S; obtained
o< t«< proprietors §
Galiigban's Pitts, tltough useful Ur >! diseases
wikc ' o f.inale m a stjperauun lai t c|ilecti-n of
bile in the -tomach, are more parUcu ar i intended 1
for Fever as 1 ACue. In the first place I* :y cleanse,
strengthen n»<l give tone to ibe stoniacl ‘and bow
els. create a new and heal'hy actic ; through
ent the- System. They pioduce ana tur [an i per
manent appetite; they defend the -y> fm again-t
near or subsequent attack' of the di-Sase; they
assist the various operations of nature bScican-ing
t e system of all vitiated.corrupt and ac«d humors,
and l .us invigorate and reanimate the a ne.
Possessing a purgative quality, they carSjjol remain
in the oowei* to pioduce such other pisea res as
often follow injudicious treatment eg toe L-ver
and ague. They are composed enUrtlyjjM vegeta
ble matter, and may be taken y te.-a*' of both
sexes and of ail ages, without the lnl danger of
unpleasant consequences. In fine. trußpub ic are
assured that Galligban’s Pills possess »>re inesti
mable virtues, which aie requi-ite not wniy to ar
rest, but to eradicate anl destroy t re M-t seeds of
this most d.stressing malady of the nu. [an family.
The prop*ietors solemnly pledge then elves that
ley do not contain a particle of :nin als in any j
shap“ or form, out are composed entire; of ample
vegetable substances, wi.icfi either si; or
combined, and withou t regard to Jex : |>r age, are [
perfectly harmless in their effects kpoi: the human
From Dr. John B. Taylor, of Falla has v, Florida.
Messrs. Fletcher 4- U estcott:
Gentlemen—Having prescribed Gal I i ban’s Pills, j
in several cases of fever and ague, ui| i the mo«t |
favorable resu t«, I cheerfully recornm id them as
a valuable medicine to person? afflict t with that
disease. Jso. B. Tavi h,M. D.
From Dr. TVrz J. Johnson. Fort Gain ♦ , Georgia.
Messrs Fletcher if West cult :
Gentlemen—From the trials I hav#repeat? fl y
given ‘'Gallighan’s Vegetable feve»and Ague
Pi is,” during the present faii and pas Rummer, in
the cure of intermittent or ague and lever, I take
pleasure in recommending them as cCcerlaia and
specific remedy—how obstinate the case j
may be. These Pills have been evttliifely used ;
in this section of the country, and sofa as I know
without disappointing the expecladurj of a single j
ndiviiual. Wm. J. Joh :*}.*•’, M. D.
Nov. 11th, 1535, *
From Dr. S. M. Ingersoll, Columh'jsfjeorgi'i.
I have ured Gallighans Pills wi»* success, —
they have more than met my cxpcc oas.
S. M. INGETbi-,L, a. n
Nov. 20, IS3o. I
A large mass of highly respectablif testimony,
conirming the reputation of Pills, may
be seen at either of the stores of the ;4ove named
persons, or at the subscriber’*. 8
Special Agent, Wholesale and RetF.l Druggist,
Augusta, Georgia- 1
marlTlrwlm &
d 1 UN LINE COLOGNE \VA rEli—Farina’s
BjT genuine Cologne Water, in loi®; and snoit
bottle-, warranted of the v-ry best qu%i£y; for sale
iu boxe- of half a dozen each, for t&d'.y use, or
by sing e oottieg. 3
AUo. a large assortment of Fancy 88 ps, Odorous j
Waters, Ext.-acts, Hair Oils, an ’ CtKing Fluids,
of the best quality, at Apothecary flap, 232 Broad
street, by GARVIN ApkIAINES.
nov 2S I :
Radical Cure ol Keruiauriiupjgtre, Gy .yr.
Chase's improve*! ,suige®as’|rrusses.
fltllE subscriber has opened an otsf ,aitne Drug
X store of Hessrs. J. J. Robensorik Co., for the
treatment of Hernia or Rupture, toy iznans of these
usiiy celebrated insirunteuds. He #is now used
them for nearly a year, and, did rote iicacy forbid,
he could name several pet s ms who hi re been radi
cally cured , oi this truly distressing nd dangerous
affection, by the use of these Trusses besides many
others who are in a fan way of lei g entirely re
lieved. The following is the langur eof the com
mittee ot tne Philadelphia aciety on the
Radical Cure of Hc.cia.
“ The in-Aruments of Dr. Chase iave ejected
the peimacent and accurate reteni »n of the in
testines ineveiy case of Hernia ob ?rved by the
committee, witoout material inconvßaienue to the
patient, and often under trials raon severe than
are usually ventured upon by those «io wearotlier
trusses; trials that wou;d be impr'Mcnt with any
other apparatus known to the coran*.tee.”
11 The committee are induced by*the foregoing
conclusions to recomnund, m stronjterms tnein
«truments of Dr. cnase to the of
the profession, as the best known ?*eans of me
chanical retention in hernia, and aScfumishrng the
biguest chances of radical cure.”
The fol owing is from the Southtf a Medical and
houlneru Journal, published in ari vn city.
“ All must admit of the radical Nure of hernia,
and that Dr. Chase’s Crushes arc deiidedly the best
yet invented ta effect the *iiject”
Persoasfrom a distance can have 1 he instruments
applied, upon application at the ©A re, and ail ne
cessary information given to enabh' them to adjus
it themselves. The poor, whe arm la boring under
this ai*fliclin2 complaint, will be tre ted gratuitous
ly upon presenting a certificate.fror some responsi*
ble person, of tneir pecuniary dNab sty.
The instruments are of all «iarai,. ind applicable
to everv variety of reducibU rubtu' !.
feb 2U F. M. KOfc EK SON, M. D.
FA.tHlilE'i. !
TOMATO —a substitute so Calomel, and
does not belong to the family of q ,ick medicines;
for the reason that the component iarts are made
known to the faculty, or any oncSelse that may
wish to know, by any of the agenp keeping them
sale. Since this discovery >5 long and anx
iously looked for, some one in ilnfitt the extreme
Noith has advertised a Tomato Pil,
be made from the stalk, a thing Sot more aosuiu
than for one to oiler meal from tla com stalk, to
say nothing of the difficulty of railing the Tomato
•o far North. j
Dr. Miles, of Cincinnati, is die Sropnetor of the
Tomato Pills (proper) for the g eat benefits of
which, he holds himself bound, an in honor pledg
ed to prove by their use, that the} ire all that they
profess to be, and will do for o ieis what they
have done for such as mav hav>, ,u.'cd them ; as is a vegetable of great use, s fd value, it will
doubtless be valuable infomutic [to families to
know that the Yellow are just do bly as valuable
as the Red Tomato, and produce twice as much
of the hapatine, or active piinciph and when used
as a daily vegetable will be foi iid to keep the
system in much better conditio I than the other
kind; many will recoiled wv.h what trembling
anxiety calomel has been giver.|o children, and
how they then wished for a sul-titute. It has
long been known that the Tomiio contained ca
thartic principles, but not tut iff of late was i*.
a-certamt i tnat .ney couiauKiu aEcrative and diu
retic properties. The Faculty <fnbrace and use
the preparation most cheerfully, !l r the reason that
they know what it is Were it t&patent mysterv,
they would be bound to reject the ffredicine, as they
justly do the one thousand anil oil cure-alls of the
day. If you wish to cleanse th| system with a
mild, sa.e anti-bilious medicine, fiise the Tomato
Pill, of which a supply, we lea;*, will soon be in
his city. We all Know sometnijEgaoout trus.
w I
and .MASON SHtjW.fitiave now grow
ing, in the most llcuriaiing condition, i i
h* 9 Augusta. Georgia, adjining the Hamj-
Race Course, aixfet SJ,(<OO Mori s
M uitlcaulis Trees, which they for sale in lots
to suit purchasers. For further information enqtii -
ry may be made of Messrs. Ch meßs,at their cocoon
ery m Burlington, New Jersey, -§ of Mason Shaw,
at the Eagle and Phoenix Hotel 3 Augusta.
Having had seveiitl years expjimce in cultiva
ting the moms itioltlnuils from Bjds,c>mings. It-*,
they will furnis’i c-n-h pun liastjtwifh printed in
struetions of * teb -o 1 most agno .red nanuer .if
planting ur.a !ti : t ; the t.el, tire kino of soil
m«»?t «qitV>re Jf" nj» the s.Jae ; and also f.*r
re,-. w ■ ;a*i ire* i|j the s:lk !lu y
Vjrem F-:gs n r jii«
'niw c-‘. ••. ■. f‘» n|c -<■... r■ ; with
'r* t xc tii CfJ gii-i-11, SUCiilh and p‘'iirctioii
* f, wtf
ft .A f f
jjr.Vo article tree lutrevuctJ U fuhlie notice hn* keen
"found U> amjrrr e better purpnse, er been mere highly ap
prvcfd, than the justly celebrated
lluixilrie*’ Itch Ointment.
SO preat and extended baa became iu recantation, that
dealer# are onWint it from all |arU of the country,
I as * ceNredy which fives their customera the highest
JCjT A stedcat !—conneesed with one of our Liter
ary institution.'', when* tfai- liMibfome direst bad ap
peared, observes, tiiat Dumfrtee' Itch Ointment extermi
nated it, after various other api-iications had failed to da
so, and t had in eon-sequence earned a reputation in that
Seminar}, and vicinity, as the beet remedy Lumen for the
This preparation, for pleasantness, safety, expedi
tion, ea-e and certainly, U if equalled. It
does iu4 contain the lea#! patt cle of tnerrurt', or other
dangerous ineredieut, and may be applied with perfect
safety (>y pre?rianl ftmales, or to ch idrea at the breast,
and it cure.*, however inveterate, in
sJ*Oa* Hoar’s Application only I—And no
dancer from taking cold.
It is aL-o one of the best applications for a h mnr, ia
farm of a ring-Tttrrm, known by the name of the Bikskss*
' Itch, arid i« excellent for Pimfles, and duensee of die
skt a generelly.
Price 25 cents a box, with ample direction*.
onpultd umm fetruint Dcarmi’ Itch Oistmist is signed
by T. Kinoes, tiie sole proprietor, on the outside printed
wrapper. 5^7”-Vw«e other con puneib'y be genuine !
StT" Prepared and sold by T. KIDDEK, sole proprietor
and successor to Dr. Cosw.r, 99 Court street, up sta rs, j
near Concert Hall, Boston, and may also be bad SCT ur j
A fresh supply of t:ie a_ove Ointment ju»t re
celved and for sale by
Augusta, Ga.
Where may be found a general assortment of
1 Dniss, Medicine, Paints, Oiis, Glass, Ac.
| feb 28 6m
' FlNHl** fine article is warranted to cure Piles or
8 Rheumatism in all cases, or no pay taken
for it.
A notorious counterfeiter has dared to make an
attempt upon this article, and several have been
nearly ruined by trying it. Never buy it. unless it
• has the written signature of COMSTOCK &• Co.
'■ on the splendid wrapper. Thai firm have the only
: right to make and sell it for 20 years, and all from
j them is warranted perfe tly innocent and e die dual
I in all case?.
N. B. Always detect the false by its not having
' the above signature. The true sold only by
Wholesale Druggists. No. 2 Fletcher-st S. I'.
Original Proprietor.
The genuine is for sale byGARN IN Sc HAINES,
I and ROBERT CARTER, Augusta. iy jan 9
) Dr. M. B. Cohen, proprietor of the universally j
celebrated lotion for the cure of Chronic and luda- i
j matory Rheumatism, grains, Lumbago. Pains and j
in the Joints, &cc., known as * onen s j
Rheumatic Embrocation, begs respectfully to refer
all persons suffering from these disea es to the
thousands of cures tnat his preparation has accom
plished. and to the numerous strange and highly
; respectable testimonials which have, Irom time to
i time, been published to that effect in New ora
and other places. So ceitam and searching is t:iis
; Liniment in its operations, even in cases of long
-landing, and of an obstinate nature, that it lias |
never been known to fail. The following letters
arc selected fiom hundreds of otners of a like de- :
scription. it v* ii be proper that ail persons using j
he Liniment see tnat it is accompanied with the
signature <*f the proprietor in hR own iiand writing, j
hince tiie introduction of this remedy to the public, j
various empirics have been palmed upon the coun- :
I try. No-trams and Lotions, and Liniments, and i
’Tulabihle Rheumatic Mixtures,” all of which be- ■
ing a compound of ignorant quacks, are ca culated,
more or less, to injure the sjstem rattier than re
move any complaint. In proof of the estimation .
in which the Emoroeation is held by respectable i
men in tire medium piofession, as w ell as by the
thousands of persons woo have been ellectua ly j
cured of Rheumatism, the subscriber has subjoined
letters from a few who are well aim popu.arly i
known to the entire society ia New and;
whoso opinion? at-d proiesslonai judgments are
universally esteemed.
No. Hudson street,.'*. Y.
New York, Aug. 3,1838.
Dear Sir —Having frequent y witnessed tire ap
i plicatkm of vour Rheumaiic Embrocation, and tt e ;
beneficial effects arising theretrom, it affords me
pleasure to state that 1 most cheerfully recommend
it as an invaluable remedy, and the best known lor j
the cure of that painful ard distressing complaint,
either in its acute or chronic to.m,
Late Corresponding Secretary of the Medical Soci
ety of the City and county of New *ork.
To Dr. M. B. Cohen.
Dr. M. B. Cohen—ln reply to your request as to
my opinion of jour Kheu atic Embrocation, 1 |
mo?l willingly acknowledge that 1 have used it in i
my practice, and found it an invaluable remedy as :
a paiiialive Liniment in cases of Rheunatisrn.
New York, April 20, 1839.
I certify that I have used Dr. M. B. Cohen’s j
Rheumatic Embrocation, and have found it a most
useful adguvant in the treatment of this painful!
disease, and therefore hesitate not to recommend it i
in all cases of Rheumatism.
No. 342 Broadway, N. Y.
I, Henry B. Nones, Ist Lieut, of the Revenue
! Cutter Alert, in the service of the United States
do certify that I was for live months aiflicted with j
the Inflamatory Rheumatism, and had every reme
j dy by advice of physicians, without any relief, and
finally by advice of Dr. W. Rockwell, health offi
cer at quarantine, I applied to Dr. >l. B. Cohen, in
the month of July, 183, for a bottle of his Kbeu
, malic Embrocation, and after one week’s use of
the specific, was entirely free from all pain, and
was able to resume my place in the service.
H. B. NONES, Ist Lt. U. 8. R. S.
New Y'ork, August Ist, 1637.
qtj* Price, $3 per bottle.
'TO THE PUBLIC. —Be it known, that on this
I 20lh day of Januarjqone thousand eight hundred
and forty, we have appointed Mr. Benjamin F.
Kenkick, proprietor of the Mansion House, city
of Augusta, our sole Agent for the city of Augusta,
in the State of Georgia; also, sole agent for the
<?i y of Hamburg, in the State of South Carolina,
for the sale of our Rheumatic Embrocatio i, a re
medy calculated to cure with certainty any Rheu
matic complaints, whether of a chronic or infiaina
! tory nature. Witness, our hand, this day and year
i aforesaid. M. B. COHEN fit Co.
The public wid remember that this is simply an
external application and free from minerals.
The public are cautioned against purchasing of
any other than the above authorized agent, as that
purchased from any other person cannot be genu
Dr. M. B. COHEN’S principal Office, No 272$
Hudson street, N. Y'.
Each bottle of the Embrocation is accompanied
with nrinted directions for use. and none is genu
ine umess oeanng tae signature o.
ar 22 3m M B. COHEN.
IS Warranted staid or restored, and the head
kept free from Dandruff, by the genuine
Remember the genuine as described below.
This is certined to by several Mayors, Ministers
of the Gospel, British Consul, Physicians, and a
great number of our most respectable citizens, to
be seen where it is sold.
j This article has been imitated by a notorious
counterfeiter. Let it never be purchased or used
unless it has the name of L. S. COMSTOCK, or the
signature ol CO \ISTOCK 4‘ Cu-, on a splendid
wrapper. This is the only external test that will
secure the public from deception.
Apply at the wholesale and retail office, ?70. 2
Fletcher street, near M •J.m Lane and Pearl st
v.oJ .c s, CO MS DOCK v Co .
WUrlegate Druggists.
The- genuine is for sale by GARVIN & Hal ES,
«nd ROBERT CARTER, Auguste. 1 y-jan 9
oa '
Warranted to curt in Five Days.
I'HIS incomparab'e and invaluable remedy so
long known, and used with such unparralleled
success in the Canadas for the last 30 yeais, ap
peals to need no panegyric. Its operation upon the
human system is such that it invariably acts like
a chaim. lor the lelief and radical cure of a certain
common and disagreeable ‘'ills the flesh is heir to.”
This prize obtains its own name from the certain
success which has attended it through al! of its
i trying circumstances namely', “live days,” —the
same success which followed it in a Northern lati
tude still obtains in a more Southern. The formula
or recipe was obtained at great expense, intrigue
and hazard by 'I Cheveres, from the celebrated
Indian t hies Wajesotue, or Great Moon, whilst (
i he. with others was pursuing the lucrative Fur bu- }
siness in the North-west with the Indians. —
U abenoshe prized highly and use it with invariable
'UCCC--6 throughout nis two tribes. Its known and
valued virtues have already enriched to an a most
incredible extent the children of thi« war.ike prince,
not only by actual sale of the article itself to in
i dividual*, but by parting with copies of his 'cceipt
j it enormous prices to the Chief of every tribe of
Indians in America, with a solemn promise to the
Great >pirit, never to divulge the ‘‘ait of its com
position until he sleeps with bis fathers," although j
j free to use it in their respective tribes, which
places it in the hands of every Indian who rely
with, 1 may say, religious confidence on its cura
ble powers.
Beiow is a copy of the translation as near as it can
be anglisized of the deed given by Wabenoshe, to ‘
>J. Cheveret, when he purchased the original recipe,
and had twice assisted tbe Chief himself through
tire tedioas manipulatory process of manufacture.
Few white men would credit the length of time
which is consumed in preparing tbe article for im
mediate use.
“I, Wabenoshe, Chief of the nations Ottowaand
Chippewa, for the love and good feeling which I
have for my white friend M. Cheveret, (for he has
done many good things for me and my’ people,) I
give to him my greatest cure for the bad sickness
which my children have had sent among them as
a punishment by the Great Spirit, and hope that in
his hands it may do much good, and make him very
Signed \VABINOSHE,his X mark.
W itaess APPAHO, his X mark.
J. B. ROY,
Tills Medicine,! warrrnt by this publication,un
der a penalty of ss,fXiO, not to contain one parti
cle of corrosive preparation. It is purely vegata- i
bie in its essences. Its tirst and prominent virtue
is to subdue every vestige of inflamation, and then
acts mildly and copiously is a diuretic ; thereby
holding within itself, every requisite virtue, tor
the subduct'ion of this loathsome malady —and ev
ery regular graduate in medicine, will sustain the
assertion, that copious diuresis and reduction of in
flation, are the only two things necessary loei’ect 1
a sound and radical cure
The niO't peculiar virtue of the “Cinq Jours,”
is in this, that wherever it alone has been used to
affect a cure, none of those tenacious and disagree
able consequences which almost in variably icsuits
from the sudden cure of Gonorrhoea, have been
i known to obtain such as stricture, hernia, hutnot
alis, incontinence, and a swarm of other of the
mos: loathsome, perplexing, and disagreeable dis
eases, consequent upon erroneous diagnosis ami
treatment ot Gonorrhoea.
Those atfecled are requested to call and try for
themselves. If the prescriptions are we 1 follow
ed and fail to cure, the money will in every case be
You can do what you please and cat what you
! please.
To be had at Antony' & Haines, No. 232, Brond- 1
; street, who are the only authorised Agents m Au
gusta. Ail orders addressed to them, will be
promptly attended to.
For sale, also, by Wm. B. Wells tCo. Druggists,
I Athens; and P. Al. Cohen Ac Co. Charleston, aa 29
i | •'i'OHN. a •▼‘-niiar. uny.-itia.. jt much
rune, naving d«voteo ms aueniior. .or some
years to me cure ana removal o* meet usrsot N Eb-
V< H’S AND »ICK HEAD aCHK, has thesais
i cl ion to make known, iha be has a remedy which
by removing the causes cures effectual!v and fiernia
nently this distressing complaint I here are many
families who have considered Headache aeon
| smiiuonal incurable tamiiy complaint* Dr. S. as
sures them ihai hey are mistaken, aid labouring
i unuer distress which mey might not onlv alleviate,
but actually eradicated by the us if hn remedy.
It is the result ot gen imfic research,and is entirely
of a different character Irom advertised patent rnedi
cine*, and is not unpleasant to lire taste.
The extraordinary reputation that Dr Spohn’s
j remedy lor this distressing coinpaint is every day
i gaming is certainly a matter ot much astonishment, •
I That so ra .ch suffering should have existed tor ages
i without any discovery of an effectual prevennv *, or
' cure,is truly a subject ol much regret hut Dr. S.
: now assures the public that such a r« medy has been
invented as will convince the most credulous. The
>nncipies on w bich it acta arc simple and plain Itrs
an a mined l«clibal this complaint, whether called
Sick Headache, or Nervous Headache, arises prim
-1 anly from the stomach—those who think they have
■the Nervous Ilesdache may rest assured that this
organ, the stomach, is the first cause, that th'sy*>-
tetn has become vitiated or debihraied, through the
stomach, and that only through the same channel
must they expect s restoration ol the natural and j
healthy 1 unctions ol the system. This object, Dr.
Spohn’s remedy is eminently calculated to a.iam.
The truth of this position cannot be controverted,
and the sooner sufferers with >he headache become
convinced of it, the sooner will their suffering end
; in restoration of health, Dr. Spohu pledges his
prrfessiouai reputation on this fact. Tne remedy
may be had of apothecaries generally throughout
the United States.
For sale by ANTONY & HAINES, No. 232
Broad-street, Augusta. mar 26
CHALLENGE. The genuine
French PiPs against ail the QUACK
NOoTKMUSof the age—lor the cure of
The French Pills are applicable in ail cases, lot
either sex, (warranted free from Mercury,; and pos
ses-es great advantages over the Balsams and ail
liquid medicines, by tieing entirely free from smell,
and consequently do not efleci the breath, thereby
preventing the possibility of discovery while using
Besides this important advantage, thev never
disagree with the stomach, and in the first stages of j
the disease they usually effect a cure in a few days,
vvi h little regard to oiel or exposure.
in the moat obstinate stages of the disease, they
are equally certain, having cured many afu-r every
other remedy fe’d failed, in short they have been
so universally .-uccesslul that the proprietor chal
lenges any one to produce a remedy of equal cer
tainty, under a forfeiture ot Three Hundred Dollars
Harrisburg, Dec. It), 1838.
Hr. Valier—Hear Sir: About a month ago, I sent
to you lor lh r ee boxes of your French Pills, and leel
Sbtich ouiiged to you :br tunushmg me witti a medi
cine so effectual and so plea.-anl to use. When I
sent oryourlillsl had been troubled with the
disease tor nearly 6 mouths, and had tried a great
many medicines vvi hour any eiiect Doting the
first six weeks 1 was under a Physician of this
pt .ee, but finding little or in* chance of heingcured
by him, I lelt him, and a few days alter visited
Philadelphia, where 1 bough; a • anety of advertised
specific* talmosi enougt. to stock an a;toihecary shop,
and allot this J took with the same success as fe
fure, leaving c*** *d smell of the balsam be
hind litem, which I think I ran smell to tins day j
Not Knowing wnat to resort lo nest.and seeing you
Fn neii Ihi spdvrr.seo oi me Public Ledger. . I
uetcmnnetl to try them, and am only sorry |dm i«
get fltem soone ,a* it might have saved me tort
dollars and have cured me long ago. My ooject i
wm mg io you at piesent, is lo p ocure some oi lb
medicine tor iwoot my trieiuis, who are in lb
same kind of a You will literature plans
stud by the bearer«ii boxes, anti o:»ligc,
Vour» resort tally, H R.
P S.—it u wdl t>eauy advantage, you may pub
lish, wnh ihe iimial..
j tie gc i.oiie .• rcu« ti iiifiare ior sate :n Augusta
hv iiav. ai.u i ii nna* liairel! v u.
m.d oy N* iauu Garter. ni»e, 5-2 uo per oox, wnh
toss (tusenoua ton® 6 \j
PEHHAFfc lucre is i-oau-g -o*’ to J
disgust the public eye than th> innumerable
a iveriis-emenfs ot nostrums that are consiauliy ap- |
pearmg in the public prints. All are ready 10 ex
! d ura,our souls are sick, our ears are pained with j
every day’s reports ol ills an J specifics This .-late i
; ol ih<- public mind would seem lo f »rbidany person }
| of delierde mind irom sending forth any new dis- !
coveries m metik-ine, to the trial of th* public.— j
■ Blill, motives ul delicacy should not prevent us irom j
making known real dis«-ovenes, w hich we are con- i
fident will benefit our fellow men. This laner |
consideration has prompted Ihe author of these bit
iers to make them known. H« know si bey are high
ly efficacious, for he himselt, fus wife, and many
friends, have given (hem a thorough Inal. He was ;
himselt a confirmed dyspeptic,so much, that even i
his re* olieciioii was cone. Pv using these bitters 1
he has t»een restor©«l to health. L’oshy was
truuble.i lor roa-iy years, but \'»s restored to heauh
jby the use ot these bitters. This mas been the case :
with many of his Iri nds. Cosby in sending
forth this advertisement, addresseslhose who know 1
him. Hu has been lor many years a resident ol 1
Augusta at winch place he ear. at any lime b? I
consult' d about ihe bitters. They are good in all
cas» sos diseases ol the digestive organs.the symp- :
tom> of vi Inch are indigestion, pain or oppression
in the stomach from loot), lussoi apjtetile, fiatulen- ;
cv, heart > urn, giddiness in the head. f»am in the
side, simrlriess ol breath, lassitude, gene al weak- :
ness, distu; bed sleep, Ate The cumposi-ion is en
tirely Botanical, an » has pr »ved eliicacinu* v In-n
many c< lebraied medicines had fain d. In support
of which he reler.-. Freeman \V. Lacy, she
riff ol Richmond count , and iiham T. Thomp
son, ednor of the Au.usia Mirror, and he might re
fer you 10 many others, but deems it unnei essary, |
as he is vv illing io piaceiton us own merits. All
he asks is ior tnose who are afflicted with tne dys
pepsia to give it a trial.
T- hey can be nad at T. 11. Plant’s book-store,
Augusta, and oft?. Cosby lumself, al the comer of
V\ ashtngion and Ellis-streets.
GARVL\ $ HA IS ES, Druggist*, Augusta.
H ILI.IA M H J.UiYD, Suvaaaab.
Da\lD REID , Macau.
FR A \CIS UGIER, Druggist Columbia, S C
S. D. CLARK ijr Co. Druggists, Hamburg.
nov 30 1 v
rriHE great celehrityof this unrivalled Cornpo
-1 sit ion, especially in the Northern Btaies, leaves
the proprietor but little need to say any thing in its
favor: for it has been generally ct needed to i’,that
it is beyond ail comparison th-? best remedy for ex
ternal complaints that has ever been discovered.
Indeed and certainty' of it s operations,
have the appearance of miracles ; as ulcers, wounds,
corns, ft-ver sores, chilblains, vv bite swelling*, biles,
piles, spider and snake bites.&c. <kc., immediateiy
yield lo its supernuman influence. 'Thus, it prop
erly applied it will remove sn inveterate corn or
break and heal a bile in Jive uays, will allay and
perfectly cure an ulcer in two weeks, and the* most
desperaie eases of vv hite swelling that can be ima
gin'd have been destroyed by it in Jess than two
months. In the bites of poisonous repiiles its effi
cacy is truly surprising, and if applied in time, its
power-, of atiraction are so wonderful that ihry will
at once arrest the poison and thus prevent it from
perva ang the system it is likewise greatly supe
rior to any medicine heretofore discovered for the
chafed back an-l limbs of horse-,—tor tellers, ring
worms, ehapfied lips—and in short, for every extei
nal bodily evil that may fail to the lot ol man or
The proprietor has received M least a thousand
cert.ficates, and other documents, in favor of his
u Specific Oimra nt,” njmards of a hundred of
which were v.mien oy respeciah.e members of the
Medical Faculty.
Albany, July 9th, 1837.
To Dr. Harrison.
Mr —I us - your Spscific Oini mens in my practice,
and cordially recommend ii a* a most efficient reme
dv lor Tumors, Ulcers White Swellings, Scrofula,
Rheumatic Pains. Chapped Face, Lips and HaiuL,:
and for general external cump!a ; nis. 1 write tins
hi the request ul your agent here, who furnishes me
i with Ihe article, and am pleased io have it in my
i power to award honor to merit.
Brooklyn, N. V , Oct. i 9, 1838.
Dear Sir—My daugtner.a girl of lourietn, was
sadiy atliicte»i witn the com; suit that physicians
termed a scald head : and 1 feared, mdepe dent ot
every other evil, that she would be bald 111 conse
quence By the recommendation, however, of the
Reverend Mr. Perrin, 1 applied your ointment to the
afflicted {art; and I thank God mat my child is
now entirely recovered from the, cud is
geiimg hi r ban as last as can be expected The
cure was effected in lather less than two months; ;
during which limt lus d fiv dollars worth of oint
ment; 1 had spent upwards of a hundred dollars
dating the previous lime years, without any benefit
whatever. >1 ARY HOWARD.
i hereby substantiate the truth ol ihe above
1 Know the abo e statement to be coircci,an i 1
can add lr un ex}»eneni e that “ Harrison’s Specific
Ouil.iient,” is an txeeilent laeriicine lor external
complaints AlA'i’lHEW PERKIN.
Bosiun, Jan. 7, 1537.
Dear Sir—l have to request ot >Oll lo forward
me, two hundred boxes of Ointment, by the most
immediate conveyance, and without regard to tbe
expense ut carnage, as i am quite out, and much
in want ol it. —Y ou know my estimation of your
valuable discovery, and therefore i shaft only add,
mat further « xpenence has increased mv enthusi
asm and estatihshed me in the opinion, ihat it issu
-1 penor to any remedy extant fur external diseases.
Respectfully vuers,
New Orleans, Match 20th, 1838
Dr. Harrison.
Sir—The virtues cf your Specific Ointment, have
been long known i have Used none other
; in my rather r xienstvc practice tor several rears,and
, if y„u think it wuuid be to your advantage, I can
; lurmsii you with twenty certificates ot important
I cures which it has effected under ray own imme
; diare inspection : the last being one of a severe
and apparently p~rpeiuat nicer,in the back of a
pour woman, Alary Baxter who resides in 216 Di- ,
vision street, which it completely healed in twenty
one days. My present chief object in writing to
you, is to learn who is your authorised agent in this j
city, tor,being in want of a snppjy of your oiut- :
merit, and the person Mr. Boyle, trom whom I used
to purchase if, having tailed and gone out ul bust- ;
ness, lam fearful if Ipurchaseat random, that 1
may be imposed on by a counterfeit.
Your obedient servo nt,
Cincinnati, August 9,1837.
Dr Harrison.
Sir, —1 have no hesitation in stating, in reply to;
your note, that your “ Specific Ointment” is iiuiy
equal to the majority ol the ends for which you re
commend it. 1 quality my certificate by th-3 word j it is ray maxim to give no opinion in
medical matters where 1 have had no ei{»erieiice. j
In sprains, bruises, mtiatnmaiiu.-s, eruptions, whit- 1
lows, piles, Arc.,it is ra. universal recipe. I have 1
al-o used it 011 ihe leg of a t»oy which had been'
b lleii by an udder, and ihe extraction of the poison, '
and ultimate cure was so rapid, that my patient was
a.-> well as ever in a week ; an-J has remained so to i
this day
Yours respectful] v,
Extract of a letter from Dr. J. W. Sanders, ol
Louisville, Kv
October S, 1837.
“lam prepared to say, that for It heumatic Faius, j
; and the Bore breasts of females, Harrison’s Specific
Ointment has no superior, it indeed it has any equal
in tne whole caia.ogue of external medici. es, as
Known and prescribed in this country.”
Extract of a letterfrom Dr. F(»::s,oi Uiica.N.Y.,
Daied July 2a,
’ •* Harrison’s Specific Ointment ’ is, mmy opinion,
| a most important discovery ; and is particularly elfi
j cieni inscroiukm, ulcers,s«»re legs, eiupimna, and
I general ou'ward com plain is. 1 sneak of its merits
tirum an experience ui lout years.”
New Orleans, January 4rh, 1837.
This will certify that my tace and .-eck were a!-
most entirely covered bv un enormous ringworm
aauthai after il»<*trial of a variety of ineffectual
eiiTdios, 1 v\ 23 cctsjieciy eared •»« it , r , ltto
mouths, by the use ot Hamsun's Sp--c:fic Ouu
«*i|pu” EiHJAR FOSSET.
For *afe, wholesale a:.d retail, by Hav lami R- s
i,y <St Co . Thomas barren <i: Co, NeLon i'artr
Mdony Ai liHtiies. and honio# 4 W rav «v Sim —*
Uotait price, fiu c«as pet oox, witn tu.lduecion*.
m*b iy
i MEBE Pills are no logger amoostbose of doubt
-1 lul utility. They have passed away from Ihe
hundreds that are daily launched upon the tide of
experiment, and now stand before the public as
high in reputation, and as extensively employed in
ali parts of the United States, the Canadas, Texas
Mexico, and the West Indies, as any medicine that
has ever been prepared for the relief of suffering
; man. They have been introduced wherever it was
found possible to carry them ; and there are but
few towns that do not contain some remarkable
| evidences of their good effects. The certihcates ,
| that have been presented to the props ietor exceed
i twenty thousand' upwards of hve hundred of
I which are from regular practising physicians, wh <j
' are the most conij'etent judges of their merits,
often have the cures performed by this mediciu
been the subject of editorial comment, in viriou
newspapers and journals; and it may with truth be
! asserted, that no medicine of the kin 1 has ever re-
Iceived testimonials of greater value thru are at
tached to this.
They are in general use as a family medicine
and there are.thousands of families who declare they
re never satished until they have a supply always
j on hand.
They have no rival in curing and preventing
j Billions fevers, fever and Ague, Dyspepsia. Liver
Complaints, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Asthma,
Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargement of the Spleen,
Piles, Cholic, Female Obstructions, Heartburn,
Furred Tongue, Nausea, Distension of the Stomach
and Bowels, Incipient Diarrhcea,Flatulence,Hauitu
al Costiv e ness. Loss of Appetite, Ulotchedor Sallow
, Complexion, and in cases of torpor of the bowels,
where a cathartic or aperient is needed They are
exceedingly mild in their operation, producing
neither nausea, griping no debilitv.
Tbe following was forwarded to Dr. Peters, by a
! highly respectable Planter of Wake County, No
Ca.,March 3d,lS3c:
Dr. Peters—Dear Sir, By request of your agent,
Mr. Harrison, I send you a few lines respecting the
almost miraculous effects of your pil's; and I would
add, that you may make use ol them, in connection
with my name, in any manner you deem proper, I
speak of their merits from experience, as 1 and my
family have taken upwards of thirty boxes in three
years; and so great are the benefits we have receiv
ed from them in general, that I would rather pur
chase them at ten dollars a box than have my house
without them. I will not enumerate ihe afflictions
: they have relieved us of; but I can assure you they
were many, and of very opposite natures, which
; has fully proved to me that your medicine isasira
pie puriner of the system, and therefore equally
the enemy of every disease. I wiil mention one
case. 1 have a sister who had been for a long pe
riod sc ereiy afflicted with dropsy in the chest and
was brought by it to the very verge of the grate.
She was attended by the most eminent physicians
that money could procure; but all their efforts to
. restore her to health, or even to mitigate her suffer
ings were fruitless ; and accordingly, we ail consid
ered her immediate death as inevitable, ny good
fortune, however, as she was in this situation, ex-
I pect ng every day to be her last, your pills were
introduced into my family, and so speedy and pal
pable were their elfects tuat three doses* visibly re
i lieved her, and in less than tince months she was
perfectly restored to health. This case, I and all
who were witness of it, (but more especially the
suffering party,) considered to be the next thuig to
miraculous; and yet i could mention many more
of an equally desperate nature, in which your pi/te
were equally successful in rescuing the patients
from the jaws of death. Need 1 add that the popu
larity of your medicine amounts to enthusiasm in
; this section of the country ? But this i presume
you know from the immense quantity you dispose
of 1 may mention, however, that notwithstanding
its general use, I never heard an individual complain i
of its eilects. My residence is mnes from
j eigh, on the road to Fayetteville. 1 am, witlisen
i timeuts of regard, your ob ; t servant.
To Dr. Peters, —Sir—For upward' oi fifteen
months, 1 have oeen c.ueily afflicted with Fever
and Ague; andduang the lime could t.nd nothing—
though 1 nad applied to every tiling that gave me
any tiling like permanent relief. At length, how
ever, your pills were recommended to me, L*y one
of our best ph\ sicians, and I am most grateful and
happy in being able to add, that I had scarcely used
two ooxes when 1 found that they had restored me
to pc fleet health. Since then, various members of
my family have used them with equal success—
and consequently 1 feel it my duty to apprise you
of the tact, and to request of you to publish this
ccrtilicate, as 1 am anxious to add my public testi
mony to the almost miraculous virtues of your un
rivalled medicine. Respectfully vours,
Augusta, Ga.. Feb 10, 1839.
Communication received from the eminent Dr. J.
H. Irwin of Florence, Georgia ;
Dr. J. P. Peters —My Dear Sir—On the night of
the 11 th iost.,l was called in great haste to ;he
I house of a fellow ci.izon. (Mr. Lee,) where I found
his son laboring under a most alarming attack of
Cynanche Tracnealis (Croup) and apparently be
yond the aid of remedy. By the greatest good for
tune, however, I had in my pocket a broken box of
your pills—four of w hich I administere:, with
such immediate happy effect that in a few minutes
ray patient was at ease, and out of danger. '1 his
case, in connection with my name is at your ser
vice—and 1 have the pleasure to be able to inform
you that your inestimable medicine is in such great
j favor with the faculty here, that I believe there is
not one of them who does not use it in his private
practice. Yours most resp’v.
March 13, 1*39. j'. H. IRWIN, M. D.
Extract from a letter written by Dr. Francis Bo
! gart, of Providence, K. 1., Dec. 17, 1838.—Peters’
> pills are an excellent aperient and cathartic rneui
j cine, those eilects being produced by the differences
I of the quantity taken, and are decidedly superior
! to Lee’s, Brandi eth’s or Morrison’s Pills.
Extract from a letter by Dr. Hopson of Bangor,
Me , Jan. 9, 1839 They are a peculiarly mild.°vct
efficient purgative medicine, and produce little, il
. any, griping or nausea. 1 have prescribed them
with much success in sick headache and slight 1 il
: irons fever.
Extract of a letter by Dr. Joseph Williams of
Burlington, Vt., July 9, 1a37.—1 cordially recom
mend Peters’ Pills as a mildly effective, and in no
case dangerous, family medicine. 1 hey are pecu
j liarly influential in costiveness and all the usual
i diseases of the digestive organs.
Extract of a letter from or. Edw. Smith of Mon
treal, U. C., Sept. 27, 1836.—1 neverknev a single
: patent medicine that I could put the least coun
dcnce in but Dr. Peters’ Vegetable Pills, which are
really a valuable discovery. 1 have no hesitation
! in having it known that 1 use them extensively in
Imy practice,for all complaints, (and they are net a
I few) which have their sourceiu the in.-purity of the
j blood
Extract of a letter from Dr. Dye of Quebec, L.
C., march 6, 1837.—F0r bilious fevers, sick head
ache, torpidity of the bowels, and enlargement of
; the spleen, Peter’s Phi« are an excellent medicine.
Extract of a letter from Dr Gurney of New ur
■ leans. La.,Oct. 9, 1837. —1 have received much as
i slstance in my practice—especially in jaundice and
i yellow fever, from the use of Peters’ Pills. 1 pre
sume that, on an average, 1 prescribe 100 boxes in
a month
Extract of a letter from Dr. Prichard of Hudson,
IN. V., Juae 3, 1836.—1 was aware that Dr. Peters
1 was one of the best chemists in the United States
and felt assured that he would some day (from his
i intimate knowledge of the properties of herbs
I and drugs) produce an elhcieut medicine, ana I must
| acknowledge that his Vegetable Pills fully respond
to my expectations. They are indeed a superior
: medicine, and reflect credit alike upon the Chemist
I the Physician, and the Philosopher.
•InxALLAmait tt, r Feb. 7. 1387
Having used Dr. Peters’ Piils in my practice for
he last twelvemonths, 1 take pleasure m giving
m> testimony of tneirgood effects in cases of dv<-
i pepsia, sick head-ache, bilious fevers, and other
diseases, produced by inactivity of the liver. They
are a safe and mild aperidnt, being the best article
of the kind 1 ever used.
Extract of a letter from Dr. Scott of Baltimore,
Dec. 17,1836. —I am in the daily habit of prescri
bing them, (Peters’Pills) and they in nearly ail
cases answered my purpose 1 have discarded ulhei
■ medicines, some of them very good ones, in their
i favor.
Charlotte, N.C., Jan. 1, 1537.
Dear Sir I have made frequent use of your Pills
in the incipient siage of bilious fever, aud obsti
nate constipation of the bowels; in the en
i largemenl or me sp>een, cnronlc oi me
j liver.sick head-ache, _eneral debility, and in all
I case nave touna tuem to be very enec live.
1 J D. BOYJ>£J|
. Extract of a letter from Dr of rs
j nan. Fee. 2. r Him are in* "
1 their operations, ana yet most powemu m *
j *«*». oi any mat * nave eve. me; w.r a u.
j°* t wenty years Their action C
j chyle, and hence on the impurities of the *
! evidently very surprising. «
{ These much approved and justly celebrated p „
‘ are sold wholesale and retail, at New York r. $
! by Ha vi land Mis ley fcCo., Thomas Barrett fcl** 5
! and Nelson Carter,and by all the principal r. 0 »
j gists throughout the United States, the* Can
Texas. Mexico andthe West Indies Retail p ,**’
! 50 cents per box wholesale price. $ I per do/ei! o*’ 0 *’
• June 3
I r P HK subscriber has the p’ea*ureol ar.nonn Cln _
; X to the citizens of theU fctaies.that he h
| purchased, for a very larg*- eum and frutn tn- i
' ventor, the celebrated fir. Magtdn, c-f p a ,j v . n *
' recipe ard right for making ih.'- astonish,,;* 5"
l cine Until the appearance «.f the- ljjcn a r
dial,’'abj.ut three >«in.*:r.ce u was thought that'
I the complaint*, which a Jr overr<m,l
! bevond the reach of kiinrmr-ajeif
»(»•b.«.~nd v. r . a..-, u*
and mgenuitv of lie roo*i r .. • ■ J
ail .tans of the world. Tire.
the great advantage us l'.»• ■ ’
itseil to betlie *. --r * « .. Er ., ,J r . J
accordingly, m.twilbslw:. . ? . d ’ ~
existence, it has required a «-»► m. zren , .‘ *
it Is eagerly inquired
globe. Dr Magmn vuon tws.z aai ihe
was ko vast as iu remler a st.ooiy mi>js»jb‘e d,
posed of the recipe and nght .mder,,bi,g*
lions of secrecy, t.r England, the Ui.iitd BtaiFs
and othei roimlne», only peeaemng France »rj
Italy for himself. 'J hm has the »ah*cr t lier r^.
K-ssed himself ol the invaluable *e< rei ; soil n uw
hasiens i ogive the iniabetan:* of hi* hue cl a«eni«
lire benefiis of bis specniaijori. e ’
‘•lef ordia! I>e Lucme,'’ or, in English, “in e
L'tcira Cordial,” i>a gerxral invigorator of t) le
human frame I In all t tie vanou* ca*c* of langnur
lassitode, and debilitation ; ii i» an unfailing r vnst ,’
dy ; a* il i* equally 115 province to cheerfsi 1
ness nod decision to lie mind, as health and ngur
to the body Bui the peculiar vtnoeui. whicLn*
celebriiy is based, is tlie facility and eertainiv with
which u restores the virik- powere when itieV hav«
i beenceslrovetl by disease. ii«:e. rei kkesnesa orany
i of the mimeruos causes which terminate in the
i pmslraiioa of ilioee func;ion».
In common with the genersNty of really good
i inetlicinea, ihssc ordial ronia.ns lathing of a rrer
j cunai or deleteriom nature, amocig ihe manr ingre
dienlo wtiich cißiipoae it; be! is. at he jarue uiae
so simple,yet >o i ffieafieiK, mat while it ♦ »» retio
\&te tk proxjatui euergmof a giant, an mfan
may use a.not only with imptnil), but with a<i.
{ Ti»e usages of society are unfortunately sueh
| thkl, Dotuiifaataiiding :he b- rn His whi<-h would b«
i sure U> re»ail Hum il, w e cannolenter in-c an analj
j e:»ol this ine nmable Uordiai here,«>rpub-hsli manr
j of the dx-uo»e«ts whi. h have been received,
j vouchers ol !ire bWsings it has confcired on nam
-1 bersol dcspairingimlivaiasls. Butt t» wc cannot
i forbear remarking—tha! n l>as l*een dcrom«irhied
lhai lt»ere is scarcely ever, it any .-m h thing at all.
as oaturallrarremies.l, or as natural irai*ceiljtv of
the jjnn'rcant loncuons,in eblter s»-x ; am! ihesrtbre,
ih-ii thi se evils a.c the cSei is c>l arviflf tal cause*,
| and may be Speedily sabtiued »nd reraoved by toe
, use oi ** Le ( ordixi Ce Luciue.”
The Lucma f.'oidi;.l is also in indubitable cure
fjr the Gleet, and .he Flour Atboa.ubsiro>-teil, ditfi
nilr, or fniinlul .Mcnsltaaii. n; also, for the iticon-
Imenci ul Urine,or the invon.iuary dis. itargo ihcre
i 01. it is likewise an invaluable and onnvalleu
i uietlirine incases of Uhrooic Lniptioosof th skiu,
and m .be drop»*K-ai aflf< •-lion.- ol ilie agevi.
Most :u?p rtaut fa litt Amuricax
The Unncti >laies propnel-r of m- cricbratcd
“ Lucma Cordialor ” Elixir of Love,” beg* to Uy
. bcfo'C the curanuiiitv, ibe ft.i owing certificate,
i which he has receivi d iroat the inventor, ilie ilho
j trious Ur. Magiuu of Baris
“ 1 hit is to I disposed of the
• leiij'e for mrkiiig the “ Luc na Coidia!,” nr
“ f uxir ol Love, anu &iso ihe righi iu sell it
throughout ihe * nutti JSiai. s of North America,
Ito John Winters BoUkrwcll, M D. .M y reasons
for so doing is. lhal the deioarids t » me for the above
('ordial, ot which 1 am the imvcii or, are so nume
rous, i hat 1 fiffi unable to supply ali the orders Irora
. France and halt alone: and have therefore dispo
sed of the privilege* vouchaaled in this, and other
I certificates ul a like nature m order to generalise
the benefits ol my discovery throughout the world,
j Given under my hand at Barb,oniitisuiueleemb
day of January, m ike year of our Lord,
e.ghieen hundred and tinny eiuht.
Gaspa’d Dellve, ? ** ■
Wilbam .UMriliJ
Postscript so the ul ore
As you reque.-ied me to stale thenumt-er of rwt
; lies ol tha *• Ln» inn (’ordial,” w Inch 1 have already
sold, 1 have referred to Bay books, and find it loex
-1 coed lour huiuitcd thousand ; w hile ilie uidtrsnow
; on band cannot bo supplied m less ’.pan three
! months.
From an immense number of tcg-inionials from
the regular laculty, touching the unues of the
Cordial, 1 have in particular selected n e following,
which may be ot use to you. You will also find a
number ol others ol U&> importance inclosed This
immediate cen ficate is iron* a body of eighi ol ths
ablest medical pr act burners in t
To Dr. Magma, inventor of the Lucma Cordial,or
Elixir of Love
Respected and Honored bir:—We have ail in a
variety ot cases, tested the remarkable eflecis o!
• yonrgreat discovery, aiwl have assembled lor the
purpose of beating evidence to i h« tacts, and tend
i ermg you ths honor which is your due The
j “ Lncina Cordial” is in our opinion, an infallible
j remedy for the prostration of the Procreant . unc
j lions, and Artificial Barrenness : and thereloi must
prove a blessing to the human rai e. Ue ca al»u
bear evidence that tlicre is nothing in it of a nier
| cunal or deleterious nature; arm in shun, il • it ii
i oneof the noblest mcmcmal discoveries ol any age
With feelings of admiration and r.spect we re-
I mam, dear sir. your obed enl sen anu,
i Josseim Bossuit, J Jean Blanc,
j Bigismond de la Marline, j Robert Mevenson,
! Adrien Decrand, J Leuis Oniseau,
Octave Nicoit, j Piene Buffen
Extract ul r letter from the elibrated 1 aiieyraud,
to Dr Magnin.
1 am now on the wrong side of eighty, and vet 1
could be on my honor or oaih it necessary, that s
; boilleor two ot your (Jordial ut Love bas utaue ins
I leelas vigorous as a boy of five and twenty. I
think you have discovered the ‘•Elixir of Lite,’
which the aieby ousts ha\ e been so long in quest al;
and lhat . paruou my o£cioL’sik«s,> you should have
named il accordingly.
From the eminent Dr. Devigney, of Brussel*
1 October 3, 1837.
To Dr. Magnin ;—My dear friend—l am nun
gratified at t tie unprecedented {xipuioriiv ol vour
“Lurni Cordial,” and am able to kear testimony to
its surprising virtue. I had a patient recently. |
1 M , a gentleman os ionune, who had ;of
several years abandoned Imos-ell in the vortex oi
dissipation ; and was only reclaimed from il at
length by the utter prostration ol &!; his virilee> er He was,indeled, reduced to the last extreuiity
of debility and t iste-essness. tor, if an occasional
flash of excitement warned his system, the reac
tion was almost immtdutte, and the result perle«-t
j prostration. I had applied all Use usual nostrums
in such ca>es ; but, as 1 had anucipaied, w.iboui
i success ; aiui when l saw the ** Lucin : C.mJiai’
; advertised, 1 must confess t hat even lhe g real weight *
I of your name did not give me much hope in H, **
J least so far as regarded ihe case m hand. 1 fef* ■«
bound lo try u, hovvev.r, and was <*oon nan.*6ed oi
its efficacy ; lor failure a bottle expetioed, mv
patient gave evidence of the reiunung elasticity ol
ins sytk-a. • and he is now. h.»v mg used four bottle*,
as w ell is ever.
The number of documents, such as the above
which have been received bv Mr. Magnin, since lb®
first appearance ol “ Le ('ordial de Lucine,” would
fill a volume as iarge as the Bible.
This highly important medicine is for sale by Jolt*
Winters Holder well. No. 129 Liberty sireei. New
York; Charles B Tyler, No. 7l> fbd*
delphia; ami in Balti.nore by Roberts <t Atkinson
.dm M. Laruque, and i». K. Tyk-r; in Uashnig
ton City by Tobias W a:kins anu Charles Bti>b i **
(ieorgetow n b\ l>. M. Lii.ihscum ; iu Richiiiono
by John li. Kustice; in Petersburg by C. r 2£g(
Thomas and Dupuy, Ro. -> r; and in
folk by .d. A. Santos and B Emerson; and bj
John Woufly, No- 65Poyliras st New Ctitans
ii can elso l»e found at all ihe prinrij-vl l*rt:j
Stores in South Carolina, and in nugusta, by Hav- •
land Kisieydr iCo-. 'I homo# Bara-i: &
Nelson CaiierJ Price, $3 pc j bottle, with fail
*I rertioM. i j