Newspaper Page Text
]340 at S|. 276 at Sg, 870 at fra, 97 at B£, “04 pi
v, ’' 24 a*. Bj, 305 at 9, 235 al anti 10 bales at
c ls. per lb. Dcalars in Sea Island have taken 3>3
bales at the following paces : 7 at 30, 5 at 25, 6 $t
22, 24 from 20 to 27, 113 from 23 to 40, 223 Iron
22 to 35, 40 stained do. from 8 to IS, and 37 SantSe
from 20 to 22c. per lb. 7
Jiice. —We have also an improvement to notice
in this article since our last. In the early part of
the week there was somedeownd for most qualities
of Rice; and in consequence of the light stock on
sale an advance was obtained, but a still further
advance being asked, purchasers have generally
retired, and the market yesterday was very heavy
at the following quotations, viz: infoiior to fair 2 J
a2g; good to prime 2j a 3; choice 3« a The
sales are —50 tierces at 2 9-16; 63 at 2§; 126 at
2 11-10; 239 at 2j; llOat 2 13-16; 85 at 2|; 140 at
3; 65 at 3j, and 46 tierces 3 3-18 per 100.
Grain. —-We have had no arrivals of either Cora,
Peas or I lav rince our la>t Quotations are con
sequently nominal. About 3000 bushels Mary laud
Hats have been received and taken by dealers at 29
cts. per bushel.
Fijiir. —About 200 bbls. Baltimore Howart
stieet were sold from the wharf al b}, store loJs
arc held at 5| as 6 per bbl. The Bakers have pul
eba-ed sparingly of other descriptions of Flour—-t I
about former prices.
Salt. —Received this week 717 sacks Liverpool;
we quote a 137 i per sack. Turks Island Aj) I
and Cadiz 40 cts. per bushel.
liticon and Lard. —A limited business has bee i
doing in these articles, at our ouotations. We
quote —Hams, 9 a 12; Shoulders, SA a9; and Sides,
9 a 10; and Laro, 11 A a 12£c. per lb.
Groceries. — There is very little doing at present
in the leading aiticles comprised under tins head.
About 5 ) hh-is' Muscovado Sugar, by private con
tract, brought a7; and at auction, 50 birds. Now
Orleans were taken at 4| a 4£, principally, how
ever, at the former quotation. We have no whole
sale operations in either Col Fee or Molasses to res
port. ■
Exchange —Bills on England 10 * a 11 per ceilt
prern. On France, we continue to quote of 15 a6f
17*. 'J’here has been a good demand for short
sight checks on New York, at a d*,. The bank
rate is 5 per ct. prem ; we quote bills having 30
days to run, 2] a 3; and 63 days 1 4 per ct. prem.
Specie is worth 3 a 4 per ct. prem.
Freights. —To Liverpool, |a| for square Up*
land and Sea Island, and Id. for round bags Upland
Cotton. To Havre, per lb. for square bags,,
arid 2c. for Sea Island, and $3,75 per 600 lbs. ioj
Rice. There is no vessel up at present for Nev|
York. To Boston, wc continue to quote hto
per lb. for Cotton. I
Savannah, May 22. - j
Cotton. —Arrived since the 15th iust. 5524 hale,
1 plant], and 67 bales S. I. Cotton, and clearod a]
the same time 5177 bales LJpLnd and 54 bale!
s. 1. Cotton ; leaving a stock on baud, inclusive
all on ship-board not cleared on the 22d inst. ti
38,570 bales Upland and 1,260 bales S. I. (. ottos
she was as ir inquiry for Upland at last week'..'
prices until Wednesday, when the British Queen
accounts caused an increased demand, and yester-i
day sales were made in some instances at fully jc'
advance. The business of the week in this do
serijtion amounts to 5224 bales, viz: 36 at 5.4, S. 1
at s|, 15 at 6}, 38 at 6, 61 at6|.46at6s, 17at0j,
1 45 at 7; S 3 at 7£, 72 at 7±, 41 at 7|, 92 at 74; 112
at 7f, 113 at I\, 164 at 7J, 881 at 8,294 at 5&.643
at v *. 558 at at Bs, 212 at B}, 163 at s|, 71
at B,], 255 at 9,55 at Sea Eland continues t
command full prices: the sales have bcen62bags;
viz: 7 at 18, 7 at 20, 14 at 25, 4 at 26, 30 at 27;
and 7! Stained, 7 a 18. ' j
Receipts of Colton at the following places since
October Ist. 1539 1838 |
Georgia, May 21, 258855 191 84 ,
South i arolina,May 15, 261047 186412 ‘
h Mobile, May 9, 405072 241810 j
Ne w Orleans, May 13, 838712 530690 \
Florida, May 9, 120396 73424
No. th Carolina, May 2, 9323 10075
Virginia, April 1, 15800 16500 [
1909235 1250095 \
The following is a statement of the stock of cot-*
on on hand at the respective places named. ?
Savanna h, May 34, 39830 14045 t
South Carolina, May 15, 26359 34375 I
Mobile, May 9, 192734 34894 j
New Orleans May 13, 190072 1254.9 »
Virginia, April I, S2 f ‘>o 4500 |
North Carolina, May S, 2600 1100 I
Augusta & Hamburg, May I, 2068 S 16832 |i
Macon, May 1, 6184 3854 }
Florida, May 9, 46745 5656
Philadelphia, May 2, 206 3268 !
New York, May 6, 25000 85000
—— ■ - i
553613 329003 \
Upl’ds. S. Id.
Stock on hand, Ist Oct., 1523 11 >*
Received this week, 5524 67>
do previously,, 238907 7S2U
245954 7811|
Exported this week, 5177 54 ?
do previously, 202207 6197 2G7354 6551*
Stock on hand, including all on ship- j
board not cleared on the 22d May. 38570 126t|
Jiice. —ln this article the transactions have bcen<|
fair considering the light stock on hand for sale}
The sales amount to 400 casks, from 2| a $3, aIC
which prices holders are firm. 4
Flour— 1 he sa'es moderate and demand ptinci-^
pally for . ity consumption. Sales of
street at $6; 100 bbls. New Orleans at |
Lorn —Is selling from stole in lots to suit pur- J
chasers at 62 a 65 cts. 1
Groceries —la Coffee, Sugar and Molasses, a fair}
Dusinees has been done. \Ve report sales ol 450)
basts Cuba Colfec at llfa 1 H; Bio do. at 11 cents;!;
30 hhds. Porto Rico Sugar at ss;$ s ; 10 hhds. of old?
New Orleans at
24 cts.
Bacon. —Wc report sales of 15,000 lbs. Western!
at 10 cts ; for Shoulders rls.;;’nd 14 cents for;
Hams, and about 20,000 lbs. Georgia Hog round at|
104. 100 kegs Lard at 12A cts. t
Hay —Sales of 200 bundles at 75 a 87 cts. t
/ xckauge —On England. a 13 per ct prem.i
T*rafts on New York, at sight 7 per ct. premium;*
5 days s glit, 6.j a 6J per ct. prem. t
Prcghts—'V o Liverpool .]d; Havre, no vessel;?
New-York, J ct. Boston, |
.Mobile, May 20. 'j
Co'' -n —Since the 13th of May, the dale of on i
la t !<■ ort, we have received 9.968 bait"-; and|
>h;p;;e ! 2SU3O; leaving a stock on hand, not clear-'
ed of 1 '8 625 bales. Last season, at the coirespond-*
iug period,the total receipts were 248,383 bales;*;
the r xports 223,625 bales, and the stock 24,8221-
bales. _
Our last was issued immediately on the receipt*
of a 1\ ices pci Great Western, and did not give nsj
a fair opportunity of noticing their elfect upon they
Market, many orders having remained unexecuted*
in expe t.ition of these advices, which being con-*
*tiuc ! rather more favorably, induced an active*
demand This, together with light receipts, caused*
holders to be more firm. The enquiry■ being chiefly I
for the better descriptions, has caused an
in these qualities, while inferior and middling, on;
rather mixed lots of lower grades remain without |
improvement We estimate the sales of the week j'
at about 15,000 bales. I
Good and lice, nominal. f
Good Fair, 8 4 'a 9 \
Fair, J
Middling, 6 i a 4 *
Ordinary, & a #
error, ° a |
SatAssAH, May 21. I
Cleared— brij; Now York, Abbot. Jamaica. \
Arriv'd— ship Sterling, Saunders, Liverpool. t
Went to sen —Hr ship Orozambique, Stephens, St
John*; s!-.ip Coriolasus, Weßs. Havre; Br ship Mi- ,
i v Caroline, Lawson, Liverpool; Ur ship Beverly, r.
Brewer, do; ship Celia. Porter, New York; Br ship i
Oromucto, (iillis, do; Br ship E Holderness, Hroom- 1
head, do; Br ship John Bentley, Dishrow, do; brig I
Ajax, Crabtree, do; Chotnas .V Edward, Rob- :
Boston; brig Clinton, Lyon, New York: Br .
brig Brithh 'Tar, Blinkhorn, 8t Jol.ns; biig Jane, ;
Fitzgerald, Baliimorc; sc hr Exchange, Pukeford,
New York. _
Charlestos, May 23.
Arrived yesterday —C L brig Ashley, Pike. New
A'ork; schr E P Cohen, Cromwell, Baltimore.
Oeared—chip Gratitude, Smith, Hamburg; Sw.*
biig 8t Bartholomew, Mollerstrom, Gcttenburg.
I(> t to sea- yesterday —U L l*rig Lawrcucc,
Cobb, New York.
A meeting of the citizens of Ward No. I,favorable
to tlie election of Gen. William Henry Harrison to
the Presidency, and John Tyler to the Vice Presi
dency, will be held on Wednesday evening, (27th
inst.) at 7 o’clock, at the residence of .Mr. A. Z‘
Banta. All friendly to the cause are expected to
The following gentlemen have been appointed
the Corresponding Committee of the Central Tip
pecanoe Club of Richmond County :
Adam Johnson.
Wm. T. Gould.
F. M. Robertson.
d/* she gentleman who borrowed a Gun and
accoutrements from Wm, G. Nimmo, last Heeetn
ber, will confer a favor by returning the same,
may 25 2t
C MISS TRAIN commences her Summer
Term, at the Sand Hills, on Monday, June Ist.
miy2s 2w
the Second Ward stands adjourned to Thursday
evening, 28th inst. at 8 o’clock, nt the Eagle &
Phoenix Hotel. The members,and all persons dis
posed to become such,arc requeste to bo punctual
in their attendance. may 25—td
C/ 1 Hr. W. S. JONES tenders his professional
sei vi es to the citizens of Augusta and its vicinity.
He may be found al his office, No. 214 Broad st.,
or at lus residence, United States Hotel. ap 2 4
The regular monthly meeting of this Society will
be held on Friday evening next, 22d instant, at 8
o’clock, at tiie Methodist Churcn.
may 20 G. W. WIGHTMAN, Sec’y.
dZj Doctor J. J. IVILSON oilers his profes
sional services to the citizens of Augusta and its
vicinity. He will be found at his residence, the
first brick building above Guedron’s stable on Ellis
street, recently occupied by John L. Adams.
n t s
(Xj- During my absence in the interior of the
State, Force, Brothers & Co. are my duly author
ed attorneys. ENOCH W. SPOFFORT).
april 21
(XjP-Cr. GARDNER, formerly resident surgeon
n the New 4 ork Hospital, and physician at Belle
vue Hospital, New York, tenders to the public his
professional services.
Office in Washington street, between Broad and
Ellis streets. Residence, United Elates Hotel,
ap 2
itrHU. G. NIMMO , General t ommission Mer
chant, office on Mclntosh sticct, rext door to the
Constitutionalist. n ov 7
I>II. MONROE, Surgeon Dentist." - "*
Office on Washington street, near Ellis, residence
at the house late'y occupied by Mrs. B'ava"-e.
apri! 20
CTj* D> r - Ik'. FLINT offers his services to tiie ci
tizens of Augusta in the different branches of his
profession. He may be found at all hours at the
late residence of Mr. A. M. Egcrton, second dooi
from the corner of Mclntosh and Reynold streets.
RCV29 ly
6X7* A OTICE. — The Rail Road Passenger Tram
between Charleston and Hamburg, will leave as
Not to leave Charleston before 7 00 a m.
“ “ Summerville, “ - -8 30
“ “ Georges’, - “ - 10 00
“ “ Brancliviile, “ - 11 09
‘ “ Blackville, - “ - ioop. «
“ “ Aiken, - - “ - 300
Arrive at Hamburg not before - 400
Not to leave Hamburg before 6 00 a. m.
“ “ Aiken, - “ - 730
“ “ Blackville, “ - . 915
“ “ Midway, “ - - 10 30
“ “ Branchvill “ - - ]l 00
“ “ Georges’, “ - - 11 45 m.
“ “ Summerville,“ - -1 Isp. m.
Arrive at Charleston not before 215
Distance —ISomiles. Fare Through—slo 00.
Speed not over 20 miles an hour. To remain 20
minutes each, for breakfast and dinner, and not
longer than 5 minutes for wo' 1 and water at any
To stop for passengers, when a white flag it
hoisted, at cither of the above stations; and also U
Sincaths, Woodstock, Inabinet’s, 41 mile T. ().,
Hives’, Grahams, Willeston, Windsor, Johnsons'
and Marsh’s T. U.
Passengers wo will breakfast at Woodstock and
dine at Blackville; aoivn, will Dreawiasi at Aiken
an d dine at Charleston. may 4
For 1840 and 1841.
On Accounts —Harper, Bishop, Bones.
On Bridges —Warren, Harper, Parish, Bishop.
On Streets —Parish, Fleming, Robertson, Dunlap.
On Magazine— Crump, Dunlap, Fleming.
On Pumps and J Veils —Bishop, Dunlap, Crump.
On Engines —Jackson, Warren, Miller.
On Hospital —Bones, Miller, Jackson.
On Drains —Richards, Harper, Robertson.
On Health —Robertson, Bones, Jackson, Miller.
On Charity Dunlap, Crump, Fleming.
On City Hull —Miller, Jackson, Richards.
On South Commons —Fleming, Parish, Richards.
On R ver'Bank and Wharves —Bishop, Warren,
On Police —Warren, Miller, Jackson.
On IVater Works —Harper, Bones, Bishop.
On Jail —Crump, Dunlap, Robertson.
On Markets —Parish, Richards. Fleming.
8. H. OLIVER, Clerk of Council.
Harper—Accounts, Bridges, Drains, River Bank
ami Wharves, Water Works.
Warren —Bridges, Engines, Police, River Bank
and Wharves.
Parish - Streets, Bridges, Markets, South Com
Crump—Magazine, Charity, Jail,Pumps and Wells.
Bishop—Pumps and Wells, Accounts, River Bank
and Wharves, Water Works, Budges.
; Jackson—Engines, City Hall, Police. Health, llos
• B nes—Hospital, Accounts, Health, W ater Works.
Richards—Drains, Markets, City Half, South
Rodehtson —Health, Streets, Drains, Jail.
Dus’.ip—Charity, Magazine, Pumps, Wells, Jail,
and Streets.
Fleming—S >uth Commons, Streets, Magazine,
Chirity. Markets.
' Muter —City Hall, Police,Hospital, Engines, and
■ and Health. ] ni ap 21
j jCr THE FARMERS’ REGISTER, a monthly
| publication, devoted to the improvement of tne
■ practice, and support of tiie interest, of Agricul
\ me; published at Richmond, Va ,at $5 per year.
1 Kdjil nd Ruffin, editor and proprietor. m 6
i applinr fejiale academy.
! Trustees of the Appling Female Academy,
j[ of Columbia county, are desirous of procur
i:iil the services of a competent English Teacher,
[ also a competent music Teacher, to take charge
j of the institution on the opening of the second
I Session,on the first of July next. Application can
Lo nude to the Trustees direct, or through the Edi
tors of the Chronicle & Sentinel.
Appling, May 23d, 1840. u
20 shares for sale low by
jan 30 Terms—6 months so apptoved paper.
BUSHELS of CORN, at 45 cents
V■ UU per bushel, in quantities over liffyi
bushels. Apply at fU MM LAG’S Warehouse,
may 25
LOOK AT Tills !
S ‘he subsc.ibcr wishes to move to Texas, he
l\. offers his Land for sale in Columbia county
containing 400 acres, 18 miles west of Augusta,
1 mile north of the Geo.gia Railroad. It has a
crop of corn, wheat, oats, rye ana potatoes on it,
and all the necessary houses as usual. Possession
will be given immediately. Those who wish to
purchase, will call and view the healthy situation
for themselves.
raay 25 w 3t *
F received, from the mills of Hopping and
Powell and J. M. ' Vilson, a supply of Gcoigia
f lour. For sale low for cash only, by
m ty 25-61 D’ANTIC.NAC & HILL.
J * W* CLEV IvLAND, Dentist,
XPEG TS to be absent some weeks from the
4 cit}-, during which lime his brother, Thomas
P. Cleveland, will occupy his rooms. Mr. Cleve
land recommends him to his patrons and the public
generally, with perfect confidence that he will give
entire satisfaction to those who may desire his
professional services. 2w—mav 25
11HE duties of this Institution,under the direc
. lion of Dr. Elias Marks and Rev. Well
ington H. Tyler, will be resumed on the fust
October ensuing.
Twenty-two years of past service is the pVdge
which one o the above-named individuals offers
tor that which is forthcoming. He is enabled’
from personal acquaintance, to testify as to he’
superior qualifications of Mr. T. The following
among other testimonials, are offered :
, Wellington H. Tyler is a graduate of this
Co.lege Alter taking his first degree, he went to
Kentucky, where he proved himself to be an able
and faithful teacher of youth. Being invited to
take a tutorship here, he returned and discharged
the duties of hi> offic e with great credit to himself
and advantage to the Institution. Since then he
has studied Theo’ogy in the Andover Somina’ry
and is now a very acceptable preacher of the Gos
it affords me great pleasure to recommend him
to the public, as a man of high moral and Christian
character, and peifectly well qualified to take
charge oi any Academy or High School, where his
services may be wanted. II 'Humphrey Pres
Amherst College, Sept. 16, 1839.”
“Amherst College, Sept. 20 1879
This may certify, That the subscriber’ is well
acquainted with the Rev. Wellington JR Tyler,
having known him as a member of this Cofc'e of
which he is an alumnus,andafterwards as a Tutor
in ;he College, and since as a licensed preacher
resident in this place ; and 1 take great pleasure
in recommending him to the public confidence as a
Christian and a minister, and also as a scholar and
gentleman, highly qualified by his abilities,attain
ments, and general character, to superintend the
instruction ol youth of either sex in ary of our
literary institutions. n. W.Fiske
Prof. Int. and Mor. Plu’y.”
Mrs. T is amply recommended by the Principals
of the Troy Female Seminary, and also by Profs
Yates of Union College, and Joslin of the New
York University.
The Principals of the Institute, in the discharge
of the highly rosponsibleduties which will devolve
upon them, will aim at practical results, and at
tempt rather to qualify those submitted ’to their
care for the duties of real life, than to gain for
them the admiration too often bestowed upon . r
ratic genius and fanciful attainments. The former
requires the symmetrical developt ment of ali the
faculties which make up the mental and moral
constitutions, and, under no circumstances of future
life, will it leave the pupil m the condition of a
traveller, who should receive for his guidance a
map of a different country fiotn that in which he
is to travel.
They will aim at permanent results. '] ho pow
er and tliG habit ot reasoning are worth more than
any number ol the results oi others’ reason!: <r.
the loveor knowledge and a mind well disciplined
and directed for future acquisitions, are a greater
blessing than any amount of knowledge without
such guaranties lor its perpetuity and increase, as
a living fountain is worth more than a stagnant
reservoir of however great dimensions.
They will aim, in short, at combining, in the
highest practicable degree, the advantages of home
education with t.iose which, in he general, can
only be enjoyed abroad, where many are brought
togethei for the same object;— al concentrating the
endearments of home,its social sentiments ail'd its
proprieties ol ale lor the improvement and the
enjoyment of tho c who may thus be removed from
the danger of being injuriously involved in fash
ionab.c dissipation, or being too early occupied
with distracting domestic cares and avocations.
It will be perceived that the new arrangement
leaves the identity of the Institute untouched. It
w ill be tiie same in its objects and aims—the same
in its internal arrangements,in its religious aspects
and in the sentiments ot its conductors, as they
regard the domestic institutions of the South.—
Hence the propriety of omitting here much that
must otherwise have been detailed at large, res
pecting our arrangements and the advantages of
them —matters, which have already and repeatedly
been submitted to the notice of the public, and as
it would seem, met their approbation.
The regular Term of tiie Institute consists of
nine motif /is, commencing on tiie Ist of October,
and terminating on the last day cf June. Term
divided into two Sessions .of four and a half months
each. Second Session commences on the second
Monday in February, terminating on the last day
of J une.
It is every way desirable that pupils should enter
at the commencement of the Term; they will
however, be received al any period of the Term 5
and charged only for tho unexpired portion of tiie’
The Institurion will be open five days of the
week, during the hours of recitation, from 6 a m.
to Op m. to the inspection of patrons and those
interested in the cause of Female Education.
No expenditures will be made for pupils, for
nooks, stationary, postage, and necessary articles,
such as shoes, &c. unless an advance is made, in’
deposite, for the same.
All letters to Principals must be post-paid.
We recommend to patrons and others to post-pay
their letters, addressed to the inmates of the In
stitute, in older to anticipate errors of double post
age upon the part of Postmasters.
Board and entire course of studies in Literary and
Scientific Departments, inclusive of washing.
fire-wood, candies, ink, quiils, &c. for Academic
year, S2OO UO
Chemistry, with use of Chemical apparatus 16 00
Botany, jq qo
Latin and French Languages, each, 32 00
Music—piano,guitar, or harp,each, 50 00
Use of Pia o, (j oq
Drawing, S 2 00
An additional charge will be made for pupils who
remain at the institute during vacation.
Each Session payable in advance.
Attached to the Institute are a well selected
Library, Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus,
and a Cabinet of Minerals.
Barhamville,near Columbia, (S.C.) May 10,1 S4O.
Text Books—introduced in succession in each
Department of Study —Murray’s Grammar and
Exercises; Wilkins’ Astronomy: Jamieson’s Rhet
oric; Whately’s do; Porter’s Analysis; Abercrom
bie’s Moral and Intellectual Philosophy; Paley’s
Evidences; Smilie’s Philosophy; Woodbridge and
Willard’s Modern Geography; Cummings’ Ancient
do; Dr. Butler’s Geographical Classica; do’s Atlas;
Robbins’ Outlines of History; Ty tier’s modern and
ancient do; Hale’s do. of tl e I nited States; Mrs.
Lincoln’s Botany; Eaton’s do; Beck’s Chemistry;
Grund’s Natural Philosophy; Colburn’s Menial
Arithmetic; Smith’s Arithmetic; Colburn’s Alge
bra; Day’s do; Gmnd’s Plain Geometry; Playfair’s j
Euclid; Day’s Mathematics; Wanostiochl’s Preach I
Grammar; Hertz’s french Classical Reader; Abeille;
Easy Lessons in French; Choix d’Anecdotes; Boi
mar’s < olloquial Phrases; Bolmai’s Perrin’s Fables; j
Colot’s French Dialogues; Collot’s French A nee- i
dotes; Gould’s Adams’ Latin Grammar; Mairs’ |
Syntax; Jacob’s Latin Reader; Cicero; Virgil; A ins- I
worth’s Latin Dictionary; Eutick’s Latin Diction- i
Any of these, as required, can be furnished at
the Institute, at New Vork retail prices.
may 23 trwtf
. Georgia, Jucksou comity ;
[® ieJohl * O^nninzton, jof
J. yae 2«st!HfisSW oTTxeorgfJrM i flf $ rffaflT
bay !■ 11 lev, supposed to be two years old, with a
white ring- around both fore feet, strip on the no-r,
and a t. w white hairs hi her forehead; about four
feet five inches high, and appraised kv Edward
Mory and John Richards to s*B.
This 23d April, IS4U.
A true extract fiom t!ie Estray Book. This
May ~oth, 1840, John J. McCulloch,
it months after date, application will be
made to the honorable Inferior Court of Co
lum ra county, when sitting for ordinary purposes,
for leave o sell the real estate of Thomas Reid,
late of said county, deceased.
May 25, 1840. THOMAS REID, Adm’r.
"t Ol iv months after date, app'ication will be
X made to the honorable Inferior Court of Lin
coln (ounty,when sitting for ordinary purposes,
for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to
theesfate ol Obad ah Florence, deceased, late of
Lincoln county.
v. nr.i 1C TIIOMAS G - GLAZE, Adm’r.
May 2ath, 1840.
subscriber having been elected and com-
I. missioned a Justice ot the Peace, for the 120lh
District, respectfully informs his friends and 'the
citizens geneially, that he is now prepared to at
tend to any duties appertaining to his office. and
solicits their patronage. Jlis office, for the present
is one door below Martin Frederick’s, Broad *0 ’
U M. M. FRAZER, J. p. 120th District
ma y 2 3 trw3t __
TX KIND desirous of closing up our business, our
I J sales for the future will be foi cash onlv. —
Such as are in our debt will confer a favor by set
tling the same soon, C. F. HOFFMAN fc CO
may 20 3w
THREE second hand Coaches,—have boon in
use but a short time—will be sold at a bar
gain. Apply to S. R. BROCKS,
may 14—ts 330 Broad street.
4 SA GKS fresh Almonds,just received and
Ilf f °r sale by W. E. JACKSON,
april 21 Auctioneer.
4 CA URKINS first quality Goshen Butter,
Icf 500 lbs Smoked Beef,
2 bids Bologna Sausages,
20 boxes Lemons.
Just received and for sale by
may 18—Iw I. S. BEERS & CO.
llaching, rope, ac7
500 PIECES inch Bagging, a lbs. j
200 coils Hale Rope ;
50 ps. heavy milled and bleached Sacking;
I bale plaid and striped Hemp Carpeting.
For sale by GARDELLE k JIHIND.
may 16 ts
A DVANCES ON COTTON. —Advances will be
I X made by us, on COTTONS consigned to oni
friends in Liverpool, Havre and Charleston—in
bills on New York at 20 to 30 days sight, on con
signment to Europe, and i to 5 days sight, on con
signment to the latter place. The shippers, in all
cases, will have the benefit of the Exchanges,
ONE 11 UN lilt iv I > liOUUAItS iti:-
RAN AWAY from Hie subscriber, on the 9th
lost., my negro man George, tie is a dark
mumtto 25 years of and about 5 feet 7 or 8
inches high, slow spoken, and is fond of playing on
the fife and violin, he has also a scar on His bacTc.
He may have been inveigled away by a white
man. 1 will pay SIOO for the detection of the
Negro and thief,and SSO for the negro alone, to any
poison who will deliver the same to me, or place
them in some jail. Address
JAMES MATTHEWS, Jefferson couiity,
may 16-ts or THOMAS DAVIS, Augusta.
QZf* Charleston Courier and Savannah Republican
will please copy 4 times weekly, end charge this
f IMIE Street Committee wi.l receive Proposals
X until Thursday next, at 10 o’clock, for the
gradin. and making a drain in centre of
a portion or luci.iioiii street, to commence at the
Post Office corner and terminate at the intersection
of Green and Mclntosh streets. The dram to be
four feet wide, made of best hard bricks, with a
wood binding, the scantling used to be all heart, 3
by 7 inches. P. FLEMING, 'j
J. G. Dl NLAP, f Comrn’ee.
May 21, 1540.
SNOW DEN & SHEAR have received from N.
V ork, Printed Jackonetts, French Cambrics,
low priced Prints, Fancy Gauze and Hernani
Hdkfs., Linen Cambric lldkfs., Long Lawns, Irish
Linens, and Linen Sheetings, Bird’s-Eye Diaper,
Damask Table Cloths, and Damask Napkins, plain
Jackonetts and Cambrics of extra quality, black
Lace Veils, Ladies’ and Misses Cotton Hose, white
and bl’k picnic Gloves and Mitts, Oil Silks, bleach
ed and brown Cotton Shirtings of superior quality,
and a great variety of other articles suitable for th*
Spring slid Summer seasons, to which they respect
fully invite the attention of the public,
ap 29
NOJ ICL.—I he undersigned will be prepared,
on, and after 10th May next, Vo pay the first
class creditors of the estate of John Lo-g-an, a divi
dend of Twenty per cent, on the amount of princi
pal of their claims, with 10 months inteiest on
said dividend.
ROBERT A. REID, Adm’r. kc.
Os Thomas McDowall dec’d. Surviving Assignee.
ap2l d&wllt
)T|NHE Stockhold sos this Company having de
termined to close its business, notice is here
by given of the same, that those who have made
insurance with the undersigned. Agent for Au
gusta, may renew their risks elscw here as they ex
pire, due notice of which will be given.
Those who may have claims against the Com
pany, through this ag2i cy, will present them for
adjustment to J, G. DUNLAP, Agejit.
may 9
THIS thorough bred Horse will
stand from this time until the first of
next at the stable in the lower
part of Augusta, formerly occupied
Vjf fry Bertrand, Jr. Terms—s3o the
season, payable at the last visit; for
three or rm re mares, owned by the same person, 1
$25 each: $1 for the groom.
J. R. 11. AcKLiNjEsq. of Huntsville, Alabama,
certifies as follows: —“TomTunstall was foaled
mine on the 29th May, 1 S3l. His dam was High
land Mary .and her dam a fnil-bloodcd Archie mare;
tne sire of Highland Mary was old Pacolei. Tom
Tunstall was sired by o'd Pacific, and he by old ,
Sir Archie. This is as far as lam able to go, tho’ j
I am satisfied Tom Tunstall has descended fiomas 1
good a stuck as any horse in the United States.— j
He was a race horse of the first order, but I lear
will never be able to make a first rate race a^ain,
owing to his leg; it was injured when a three year
old, in training, as I believe. By addressing llas
d v Cryek, Gallatin, Tennessee, yon can get a full
pedigree of the dnm of Tom Tunstall.” The same *
Mr. Hardy Cryer certifies thus: —“ Highland Mary 1
combined as many or more rich crosses of thorougn- c
breds than any maie ever raised in Tennessee.—
She was got by the noted horse Pacolct, the son of s
imported Citizen ; her dam Rosey Carey by Six *
Archie; grand-dam Sally Jones by the imported s
horse Traveller, called Big Ben or Charlemaine, v
(son of O’Kelle.' ’s Eclipse, and one of the purest
importations of the last century ;) great grand-dam ±
by the imported horse Wrangler;great-great-grand
dam O’Possum by imported Shark; great-great
grt at-grand-dam by the celebrated American quar
lenacc horse, Goode’s old Twigg; great-great- ! a
greal-great-grand-dam by imported Fearnaught; a
great-g;cat-great-grcat-grcat-grand-dam by Tee’s j v
old Mark Anthony outof a mare by imported Moo- j |
key.” Cn the sire’s side it is deemed unnecessary j e
to trace beyond Sir Archie. It is presumed none c
will require a purer or better attested pedegree!— t
If faitber recommendation be wonted, call and see
|'eb 22 —tiw&wtf
..SALE A firs rale Northern fami y
I H >’•*«. Apply to 'r
may .23 WRIGHT, BULL & CQ.'
Situation wanted; by a Young ivtnn,
well acquainted in the city, in a wholesale
or retail Grocery or Dry Goods Store. The most
satisfactory references will uc given,
may 19
NEGROES TOR SALE.—A likely negro man
and his wife—the boy a good field hand, and
the woman a house servant. They may be seen
at Hand Ik Scranton’s.
Persons desirous of purchasing will please call
on Messrs. Kerrs & Hope, of this (ity. tf-nov 26
f IMIE \ ERBENA CREAM, an Emollient Soap,
X which aifords real pleasure in shaving produ
cing a rich, fragrant, creamy and peimauent lather,
just received and for sale by
bers will receive orders for this celebrated
Ume either of direct importation or via India.
Samples may be seen at llicir office.
A few dozen India Madeira now on band and for
sHe by (dec 6' GARDELLE fe RHIND.
SHEAR have received this day from New
101 k a supply of supeiior printed Jackonetts of
tlie latest styles. Also, a supply of Ladies fancy
lldkfs of various styles, plain black Challys and
black drab D’Ete. a superior article for Gentle
men's summer wear. to which they respectfully
snvite the attention of the public. ap 25
J It LING FLUID, &c.'—Blending witli a grate
ful and refreshing perfume, the desirable
quality of strengthening and promoting the growth
ot tlie flair, without giving to it the greasy hue of
Pomatum, or the volatile moisture of the Oils. Its
utility is confirmed by the most extensive con
Also, the Genuine Maccassar Oil, and Ward’s
Celebrated Hair Oil. For sale by
mai ; 13 GARVIN & HAINES.
M obstinate Coughs, and all diseases of the
Lungs, i his is an old and tried remedy, and be
lie ccd to be one among the best for the purpose for
which it is recommended. For sale by
Augusta, and
Price 75 cts per bottle. Charleston.
"ov 25 6m
j <i EOIIGIA NANKEENS of the best quality
VIT for sale by the case. A. SIBLEY.
a P 1 __ 4m*
inn BBL *- COUNTRY FLOUR for sac,l
X V* v* South Can lina and Georgia Mills, by
»n y n ts CLARKE, McTEIR it Co.
HAY. —15 bales prime Hay, just received on
consignment from Boston, and for sale by
march 30 Near the lower market.
A T COST. —The subscriber offers his stock of
A Dry Goods, now on hand, at New York cost.
At the sign of ilungerford, Frisble & Co.
»naa- 30 J. FRISBIE.
\\ r ANTED, a Lodging Room, for a gentleman;
w V one in the neighborhood of the Rail Road
Bank would be preferred. Apply at this office,
mar 3 if
X es’ Manual. A few copies of this valuable
little work can be had if applied for soon, at
s»ay 20 GARVIN & HAINES.
X this article direct from the Springs, just re
ceived and for sale by GARVIN it HA IN ES.
may 20
SACKING. —8 bales heavy SACKING for sale
may 5 t s
—l2 hhds Philadelphia Whiskey,
T T just received and for sale by
W. K. JACKSON, Auctioneer.
I AMP OIT A supply of best Steadied Lamp
J; on, just received and for sale bv
II MK.—300 casks fresh Thomaston LIME ju 5 t
A received and for sale by
™ ay 4 330 Broad-sireet.
O ANNUALS for 1840.
Also, a great variety of Juvenile and Toy Rooks,
dec 25 For sale by T. H. PLANT.
\JT first rate pair of these Mill Stones, four and
a half feet in diameter. For terms app-lv at this
office, jan 31 " ts
PAPER HANGINGS.—Snowden & Shear
have received, from Philadelphia, a supply of
Paper Hangings, which they will sell at reduced
prices. mar 27
RICE —20 Casks now landing. A constant
supply will be kept on hand, and furnished
to dealers in quantities to suit, by
Odoriferous compound—For laying in
drawers among Linens, laces, furs,' cloths,
&c., impa.tingto them a pteasant perfume,and pre
ventin'; the ravages of tlie moth For sale by
mar 13 tI.AS.VIiV <fe HALVES.
ImT'KOVED CHEMICAL yeast towdeks
Lille Discovery. —Warranted to be equal, if
not superior, to any others. Prepared by
nov 27 232, Broad street. 1
O NOW DEN it SHEAR have just received from
New York, a very large supply of superior
8-4 by 10-4,10-4 by 12-4, 14-4, 16-4, IS-4, 20-4,
24-4 and 32-4 rich Damask Table Cloths. Also,
rich Damask Napkins, to which they respectfully
invite ’he attention of the public. <k:3
fTDOATING down Savannah River, on the 6th | '
inst. one bag of CoTon, which the owner can i 1
have by describing marks and paying for this ad
vertisement. C. A. CLOUD,
may 15 i
sporting Powder, i
60 i kegs do do | i
15 kegs “Eagle” Powder, in canisters,
1000 “ Blasting do. Just received and j '
for sale by (dec) GARDKLLK <k RHIiND. i
rgIRAIN OIL, &c.—Train Oil, Plaster Fans and *
B Gilder’s Whiting, for sale in quantities to suit
pnirchascis, by GARVIN HAINES,
mar 12
|J> KiobV. —i pipe superior Cognac Brandy - ' v
4 lialf do do do {
Just received and for sale by j
feb 19 W. E. JACKSON, Auctjeneer. e
VfOTK E —Brought to Jail, on Tuesday, ?f)th
I.N inst a sma H Negro girl, who calls her name r
Jane, and says she belongs to Anthony Bell, of
Augusta, Ga. The owner is requested to come 8
forward, prove property, pay charges and take her
away. EDMUND Xi. GROSS, Marshall.
Jacksonboro, Scrivcn co. May 23, 1840. 2t
Georgia, Scriven County :
WHEREAS, application will be made to the
Inferior Court of Scriven eonnty, when sit
ting for ordinary purposes, by Both week Anders,
for Letters of administration on the Estate of Nan
cy Chirgon, late of said county, deceased,
These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all and I
singu’ar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased
to be and appear at my office within the time pre-’ 1
scribed bv law, to shew cause, if any they nave,
why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office, this 22d day of
- 1840. ALEXANDER KEMP, Clerk.
\LL j ersons indebted to the Estate of James *
Lcvericlijlale of Richmond county, deceased, o’
are hereby requested to come forward immediately,
and settle their accounts with Mr. Robert Au-tin,
who is duly authorized by us to settle the same.
He may be found at the Drug StOie of said deceas- q
ed, 161 Broad street, Augusta, —and uit those not
complying with this notice, may expect to find -i
their accounts in suit.
J. A. C 4MERON,| Administrators, lu
May 11, 1510. ts
ui v'» v.
£| ul ss ELI. & IIUTCTII NSON,
suW at the Lower market on the first
“*-.f ua > ,n twelve valuable Negroes, among
"*?•« •• *«* Souse
i-erms at the sale. may 25^t
'- J^temuecredit sole /if Fancy hoods.
| { y,9lS s ELI, & *
® v\iii viTci at public, auction our entire stock
of Fancy Goods, on the 16th June, at lo ©’dock i
consisting in part of French, Italian and English
Silks and Satins, French and Scotch worked collars’
and capes, silk, linen and cotton Hosiery, cambric,
and silk Handkerchiefs, muslins, cambrics, prints,
lawns, linens, bombazii es, merinoes, and velvets
i a large lot of ribbons, bonnets, lace veils, perfifm
piy, toys,and fancy articles, Ac. &c.
Icrms All sums under SIOO, cash; over SIOO.
and under SIOOO, 12 months; over SIOOO, 18 nr.«s;
approved endorsed notes; our own paper will b»’
taken in payment.
m; ‘- v 1G CIIAS. F. HOFFMAN & CO- .)
(.•n r iiuat tt e uth of June, ii not before called for
Will be sold in fiont of our store, to pav ex
penses, Goods brought from Savannah by lien
nock’s Boats, and not claimed,
keg Nails, marked K
1 keg \V lute Lead, marked II . /I
1 barrel, marked A U chardson
1 barrel Sour Krout, marked E W B
32 kegs Blasting Powder,no mark
,n3 ' Terms cash
31 Its. INGItAHAM "T
U/’OULI) inform those Ladies who will visit
the Madison Springs the present season,
that she intends locating herself there during the
summer months, with a handsome supply of Mil
inary and fancy Goods, and would lespectfully
solicit their patronage.
Mrs. 1. requests all those who are indebted tq
her. to make payment previous to the first of
ma >' 3 3 wtlstJe i
; ~— * —4*
Jlx ing between the subferibers, under the firm
ot H. C. Bryson & Co., is this day dissolved miF
lua! consent.
Harper C. Bryson is authorized to continue to
use the signature of the late firm, for the settle
ment of the business.
11. C. BRYSON,
Augusta, Apr.l 2,1540. JOHN DAVIDSON. ■
_ a P 3 dlwfcwtf
WE oiler for sale one thousand eight hundred
acres ot Land, lying in Greene county, on
Fishing creek, four miles from the Mercer Univer
sity, and five from the Scull Shoals Factory. The
plantations are in good repair, and land well
adapted to the cultuie of cotton and corn, and gram
of a.l kinds; and as to health, none more so in
Georgia—well watered—in fact it cannot be beat
for good water and a plenty of it. Shomd anv per
son wish such a settlement, they will of course
loon for themselves—we therefore*deem it unneces
sary to say any thing farther about it. We should
be pleased to sell soon, so as to enable us to make
our other arrangements.
Mac 21, w3m
A Bay Mare, 8 years old, of excel
j /\ - tent qualities either in the saddle or
i fir aXh * n 3iarness. Sold for no fault- Ap
at 3- A. flibler’s Livery Stables.
Groceries. _ ts—may 19
No. 236 Broad street, Augusta , Georgia.
Ihe subscriber, having pie vie usly
bought out the interest of A. A. Ban-
IruL ta in bis Furniture Warehouse, has
vejggß) now associated himself wuh one of
m the largest manufacturing establish
J "\ \ ments in New York, flatters himsel
• that he will be able to offer to the
public an assortment of Furniture, superior in point
of workmanship and durability, to anv heretofore
olfered in Augusta. As the "manufacturing will
have the personal attention of one of the partners,
the strictest care will be observed in ihe selection
of good wood and dry material, (so essential to he
Also, a general assortment of Pianos, from (he
best manufactories in the Union. More particulars
ly the New York Piano Forte company’s instru
ments, which carnot be excelled for sweetness ot
lone and durability, in tha southern climate, b v any
manufactory in the United States. Our instru
ments are selected with the greatest care, by one
who is a competent judge, and a written guarantee
is furnished in every instance, if required
C. A. Platt returns his thanks to the public /or
their former patronage, and solicits for the company
that share of public patronage heretofore-bestowed
on himself. The business in future will be con
quered oy lap 2' GHAS. A. PLATT & Co.
N. W if son respectfully in
Pttl f°-»nas the public that his
splendid line of F'our Horse
Coaches is running
from Greensboro to Spring Place, Ga. via Gaines
ville and Cassville, in connexion with Col. liam
sey’s Line to Ross’ Landing and Kashvilie, and
Maj. Wells’Line to Athens and .Knoxville, Tenn.
Fare to Cassville, Jl2 00*i
“ “ iSpring Place, 17 00
Leaves Greensboro on the arrival of the Rail
Road Cars from Augusta, on Mondays, Wednes
days and Fridays.. ...
Travelling time to Spring Place, 2!) hours.
*• “ “ Nashville, Go «
(JjT Seats can be secured on application to
C. il. GOODMAN, Agent,
mar 23—6rn . * Globe Hotel, Augusta Ga.
Ni: for MOBILE,’
V ia Greensboro’, Fatonton, Ciinton, Macon, Per
ry, Findeitown, Ha in bridge, Chaftahoochie, lola,
St. Josephs, Pensacola, to Mobile.
The Proprietors of this Line inform the Travel
ling public that it is now’ in full operation, through
the entire route; leaving Augusta by the Georgia
Rail Road cars to GrceHshoro’ every Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday; at 6 o’clock, P. W. and ar
rive in Mobile in three days and a half runnimr
time. ■
Travellers are assured that the staging upon this
line is superior to any other, the accommodalitms
unsurpassed, and by far the best natural roads in
the Southern country, only 210 miles of statin
Stages leave Bainbrictee for Tallahassee via ffuiw
cy, immediately on the arrival of the Alligator
Line from Greensboro’, and immediately on the
arrival of the boats from fola.
(Hz' * WQ Stages will at ail times be rtm in corn
pan} , when the travel requires it.
I-or seats in the above Line, apply at the office ,
at the I nited Slates Hole!, Augusta. Geo.
apiil2l ty GKO. W. DK.VJ’, Agent
(GSaa' D. 11. SILCOX, 303 llioad street,
'll keeps at all times for’sale, a large as-
E* 3 ’! sortment of Cabinet furniture, of
superior workmanship and well sea
sonccTr laterlals, made expressly for
JbPjFz l the Southern climate. Every arti
in the abc e business, with all the
of new patterns, continually
received- Persons wishing to‘purchase can do as
wrell at this establishment as at any of the Norlh
?rn manufactories. To be sold for cash or goo
fity acceptances. > >.maris
Cfuce S. Caeouna Rail RoadX’o. J *
llahslrg, May 1,1840. C
4 kN and after this day, the passenger train from
17 Hamburg will arrive in Charleston at ‘Si
i’dock, f n,m lime for dinner. ma y \
IFFICE S. C. C. & It. K. iJO.MPAJiY,
Hamburg, April 23, 1840.
01K E.—Freight on Cotton to Charleston by
l. 4 JHiil Road, is reduced, to thirty -live cent* per
undred for roun I, and twenty-live cents per hun
ted pounds for square bales.
A B 8 FI RGE8 f Agent