Newspaper Page Text
far. Cotton Crop. —The Nashville Whig of
,j, e sih inst. says:—The growing crops of Cotton
iiJ Tobacco, we are told look well, though some
3 prehension is felt that Cotton will mature, un
usually late, owing to the heavy rains this sum
mer. If so, the crop may suffer severely from
We learn that the Cotton crop of Louisiana
« and S. Alabama will be heavy, this fall. Plan
ers on Red River will realize an increase of 20
or 25 per cent, over last years yield. A corres
pondent at Mobile wrilesjo us that the Cotton
crop ot S. Ala , will Le heavy, and will he early
in market.
Census Asecbote.— Mr. Cist, in a letter to
the Editor of the Chronicle, relates the following
dialogue between himself and a married lady :
“Madam, what age shall 1 put you down?—
(No direct answer.) How old ts your husband?”
—“Sixty-one.” “And your eldest son?”—
‘Twenty-seven.’ “And the next?” —“Twenty-
one.” “And how old do you call yourself?”—
■•I do not know my age exactly ; but it is about
thirty!’ “Did I understand you, madam, that
vour eldest son was twenty—seven?”—“Yes.”
‘You must surely, then, be more than thirty”—
“Well, sir, (quite snappishly,) I told you about
thirty; 1 can’t tell exactly; it may be thirty-one
or two, but I am positive it is not over that.”
Delegates appointed by the different
Tippecanoe Clubs in the city, and Captain’s Dis
tricts in the county, for the purpose of selecting
candidates for the Legislature, are requested to
meet at the office of the Chronicle and Sentinel, at
4 o’clock p. m., on Monday, the 24th inst. a2O
(£j*A meeting of tire Tippecanoe Club of Ward
No. 1, will be held on TO-MORROW EVENING,
at S o’clock p. m. By order of the President,
aug 20
Harrison and Tyier Free Barbecue.
A Barbecue will be given at Wa} nesborough
Buike County, on Saturday, the 29th of this month.
The candidates composing the State Rights Elec
toral and Congressional tickets are especially in
vited: also, all the citizens of Burke and the
adjoining counties, without any distinction of
Addresses may be expected from the Hon. Julius
C. Alford, James A. Memwethcr, and other distin
guished citizens. The Committee.
August 17th, 1840,
Free Discussion.
Crawfordville, Aug. 8, IS4O.
According to previous notice, a respectable por
tion of the citizens of Taliaferro County, of both
political parties, convened at the Court House, for
the purpose of takiig into consideration, and mak
ing arrangements for a public dinner to be given a*
this place, on Thursday, the 10th-of September
next, free for all political parties. Chesley Bris
tow, was called to the Chair, and Jesse Woodall
appointed Secretary.
The following resolutions were uuanimously
As it is the wi>h of a number of the citizens of
this county attached to the two political parties of
the State, to hear a full and fair discu. >f the
merits of their respective sides, and to have impar
tially presented to them the claims of the two
candidates for the Presidency, rfbw before the
American people :
Be it therefore Resolved by the Meeting, that for
the uurpose of effecting this object, the people of
this county generally, be requested to subscribe
and contribute to a free Barbecue Dinner, to be
given in the town of Crawfordville, on Thursday
after the first Monda}- in September next.
Resolved, That the Chairman of the meeting ap
point a Committee of six individuals, consisting of
an equal number of each party, to act as a commit
tee ot arrangements, whose province it shall be to
solicit and receive subscriptions for the dinner,
and to superintend the preparation and serving up
of the same. And also another committee of six,
to be selected in the same manner, to act as a com
mittee of correspondence, to extend invitations,
prescribe the order of the day, and to superintend
and direct the order of discussion, and that a gen
eral invitation be considered hereby given to all
our fellow citizens in adjoining counties to attend,
without distinction of parties, as well to the ladies
as gentlemen, as preparation will be made for all.
The Chair appointed Joel E. Mercer, Gustus
Luckett, John 8. Swain, Lloyd M. Shackelford,
James .Farmer, and David S. Anderson, Esqrs.,
as the committee of arrangements. And Dr. E. C.
Lawrence, Marcus Johnston, W. 1 Kendall, A. H
Stephens, J. F. Minas, and Thos. Chaffin, Esqrs.,
as a committee of correspondence.
It was further Resolved, That the proceedings be
published in the Georgia Constitutionalist, and
Chronicle & Sentinel, Augusta, requesting other
papers throughout the State friendly to the object,
to insert the ■same. The meeting adjourned.
Jf.sse Woodall, Secretary.
TY.— Col. George H. Harris is announced as a
candidate for the Senate, and Alexander Cakse
well, William E. Evans and Isaac Mulkv,
Esqrs., as candidates for the House of Representa
tives, and are recommended to the free and inde
pendent yeomanry of old Burke, for their suffrages,
by [aug 10] Many Voters.
THE n elp O K I?I EK .
The unparalleled success with which our enter
prise has met, has induced us to increase our ex
ertions in the good cause. In order, therefore, to
induce our friends to form clubs for the promotion
ot the cause, we shall, after the first of August,
reduce the price to FIFTY CENTS a copy, or two
copies for ONE DOLLAR.
Those, therefore, w T ho desire to have their names
enrolled on our list should have them here in time.
Let our friends be vigilant and active, and our
success is certain. All the people want is light,
an d if we have a corresponding effort on the part
outlie friends of Reform, they shall have light.
Dr. WM. FLINT, member f the Massa
chusetts Medical Society, would inform his friends
that he has removed his place of residence to the
hoarding-house of Mrs. Camfield, at the coiner of
Jackson and Broad streets, where he may be found
at all hours during the summer season. His pro
fessional seivices are respectfully tendered to the
citizens of Augusta. If —June 6
Consignees per South Carolina Rail Road.
Hamburg, August 19, 1340.
J J Cohen; J G Marshall; T Davis; P Fleming;
E Chipman; J F Benson; E Adams; Anderson &
Young; G Parrott.
iMtest dates from Liverpool, July 24
Latest dates from Havre, July 23
Wednesday evening, August 19.
Cotton —Our Cotton market has remained sta
tionary since our last report of the 18th inst., our
receipts continue to lessen daily, and the quantity
for sale is small. There are buyers sufficient to
take all offered at fair lates. Extremes 5$ (a) 9
cents, observing very little is sold at these extreme
prices Chief sales 8h (a) 8$ for small crops and
loads, quality fair to fully fair.
Freights —To Savannah, $ 1 bale; to Charles
ton, by rail road, 25c ICO lbs for square, and 35c
lbs for round bales.
Exchange —On New York, at sight,— (a) 9
cent for current funds; Charleston at (S> 8 &
cent; Savannah p cent; Philadelphia (a) 7
cent; Lexington, Ky'. (a) 5 cent; Richmond 7
cent; Specie commands 7 (a) 9 cent premium.
Bank Notes.—
Savannah Banks, 2 0 - ct. prem.
Columbus Insurance Bank....G (a) - u «
Commercial Bank, Macon, 6 (a) - “ “
Mechanics’, “ (Augusta,) 7 (a) - “ “
Agency Brunswick, “ 7 0 - 44 «
Planters’and Mechanics’Bank,
Columbus, 5 0 - “ disc’nt
Central Bank, , S (a) “ «
Milleclgeville Bank, 8 (a) - « »»
Ocmulgee Bank,. 8 (a) - “ «
Monroe Rail Road Bank, 8 0 - t( «
Hawkinsville Bank, ...8 0=- 44 44
Chattahoochie R. R.& B’k C0..5 (rt> - 44 ‘
Darien Bank, ....25 0- 44 “
Bank of Rome,. 40 0 - 44 44 1
Merchants’ and Planters’ Bank,
St. Josephs, Florida, 5 0— 44 44
Union Bank, “ 50 0- 44 .“
Southern Trust Co. “ 30(a)— 44 44
All other Banks now doing business, at par.
Specie Paying Banks. —Mechanics’ Bank, Insu
rance Bank of Columbus, Commercial Bank of Ma
on, and Brunswick Agency in this city.
New York, August 15.
Coffee. —Holders continue linn, with a gradully
decreasing stock, and founer prices are well sup
ported. The sales include Gto 700 bags Brazil at
0 10$ cents ; 500 Laguira, 0 11 ; 500 Cuba
10 0 10£ ; 500 Sumatra, 11$, all 4 months, and 500
St. Domingo, 8$ 0 9 cents cash.
Cotton. —The Cotton market since our last has
continned very quiet, the causes noticed in the ear
ly part of the week still existing to prevent sales,
except to a very moderate extent; former prices,
however are well sustained. The sales embrace
1000 bales Upland and v Jorida, at 7$ 0 9$ cents ;
200 Mobile, 8 0 10$ ;and 150 Texas, (ri)Ss, for
ming a total for the week of only 2400 bales.
There have been no arrivals since our last.
Flour. —The demand for Western Flour lor ex
port to England, noticed in our last has since con
tinued to a lair extent, and the sales of the week
of Ohio and Genessee will probably fall much short
of 30,000 bbls. Western Canal has been taken at
$5,25 (a) 537 2 ; the latter price for fancy brands ;
and Ohio, at $5,122(0)5,25 for round and flat hoops
though of round there is but little to be had at the
onnci rate. These prices it will be seen, fully sus
tain theadvame noticed in Ihe early partof the
Week and although the receipts for a few days pa>t
have matefally increased,yet owing to the greatly
diminished stuck now on hand probably not exceed
ing 30,000 bbls, of all descriptions,) holders show no
disposition to accept lower rates. There has also
existed a moderate demand for city use and the
eastern market. Georgetown has sold in parcels for
shipment to the West Indies at $5,50 for common,
and ® $5,75 for fancy brands, though at
these rates holders decline selling other than small
lots, 250 barrels Howard street brought $5.62$
Molasses. —We have no change to notice in this
article ; the sales embrace 50 hhds. prime Matan
za§ Muscovado, 35 New Orleans, and 76 casks
Porto Rico, all at 30 cents, 4 mo.; and 340 Trini
dad, 27 cents.
Provisions. —Beef and Pork have continued in
fair request at the advance noticed in our last report.
Lard has fartner improved £ a cent per lb. for first
quality Western, which may now quoted 11, and
Northern 11$ cents. Prime Balter continues
scarce, and in demand at 18$ cents; ordinary is
plenty and dull at 9 a 11. New Ciieese begins to
arrive from the West, and Box meets with ready
sale for shipment at 7 cents.
Spirits. —The sales of Brandy include 20 half
pipes Dumon atsl 17-; 20 A Scignette $1 30; II
J. J. Dupuy $1 20 a 1 and 30 J. J. Rouse, on
terms not made public; 30 hlics New Orleans Rum
sold at 33 cts. Domestic Whiskey in drudge
casks, is firm at 25 cents; 200 bbls sold al 25, for
common, and 26 cents for State Prison, which is
an improvement. By auction 41 puncheons and
half do. New Orleans Rum sold at 30 a 38 cts., 3
Sugars. —The market for Muscovado continues
very firm, and there is now but litile arriving. The
sales include 150 hhds. New Orleans at 6| a 7 cts;
150 Porto Rico, 7$ a 8$; 50 St. Croix, 8$ a9 ; and
50 Cuba Muscovado, 6+ a 7 cts. Box Sugars are
scarce, and in demand ; 200 boxes Brown Havana,
sold at 7$ a 7|; 100 White do. 10$ a 101 and 100
prime to arrive coastwise at 11 a 11$ cents, all on
the usual time.
Attached to this office is open to subscribers, and
strangers introduced by them, every day and eve
ning (Sunday evenings excepted) until 9 o’clock.
Subscription $5 ; for a firm of two or more $lO.
jy!7] Clarkesville, Ga.
feb 25 Jefferson, Jackson county, Ga.
(ffj- Dr. J. J. WILSON has removed for the
Summer to the house of James Gardner, Esq., Ist
Coor below the Academy. june 6
and at one to twenty days sight. For sale dv *
NOTICE. —The Rail Road Passenger Train
between Charleston and Hamburg, will leave as
follows: —
Not to leave Charleston before 7 00 a u.
“ “• Summerville,/* - 830
“ “ - “ - 10 0
“ “ BranchvHle, “ - 11 00
* “ Blackville, - “ -100 p. h
“ . “ Aiken, - - “ - 300
Arrive at Hamburg not before - 400
Not to leave Hamburg before 6 00 a. m.
“ Aiken “ —7 30
“ Blackville, “ • 915 *
44 Midway, “ --10 30
Branchvill “ - - 11 00
“. 44 Georges’, “ - - 11 45 m.
44 44 Summerville, 44 -- -1 15p. m.
Arrive at Charleston not before 215
Distance —136 miles. Fare Through —$10 00.
Speed not over 20 miles an hour. To remain 2(
minutes each, for breakfast and dinner, and no;
longer than 5 minutes for wood and water at any
station. ■ .
To stop for passengers, when a white flag is
hoisted, at either of the above stations; and also tl
Sineaths, Woodstock, Inabinet’s, 41 mile T. ().,
Rives’, Grahams, Willeston, Windsor, Johnsons'-
and Marsh’s T. O.
Passengers no will breakfast at Woodstock and
dine at Blackville; aown , will breauiast at Aiken
an d dine at Charleston. may 4
THE copaitnershio heretofore existing in this
City under the firm of Silcox & Hrotheis, is
unsolved by mutual consent.
Powder, tor sale by C. A. GREINER.
au g 4 trw2m
IVTOTICE. —The subscribers would inform their
I.N customers and the public that they have sold
their entire Stock of Boots, Shoes, firc. &c. to Mr.
C. L. BRAY TON, who will be constantly supplied
with good wares at reasonable prices ; and we
would solicit for him that patronage which has been
so kindly bestowed upon us. ■
Those having, business with the undersigned,
will find him at ilie old stand.
S. B. BROOKS, 330 Broad street.
June 13,1840. 3 m
NO 1 iCE.—We, the undersigned, have this day
associated ourselves together, under the firm
of Holmes fit Sinclair, for the transaction of a Fac
torage and commission business, at Savannah.
We tender our thanks to cur friends for their
former patronage, and solicit a continuance of the
same. . aug 17 trwlm
KNOW all men by' these presents, that 1. Wm.
Woodbury, jr. of Augusta, Ga., merchant
doing business under the name and style cl Wil
liam Woodbury, jr. fit Qf>., do appoint and invest
with authority to do* and to act as ray legal and
only agent or representative, to use my r.auc or
that of the firm, and to act in every way or rrsn
ner for me in all business whatsoever, in which I
am interested, during and for the time 1 may be
absent from the State of Georgia, Francis Holman,
of the said city of Augusta, in the afoiesaid State
of Georgia, and that 1 will be governed by all his
doings relaiive to my business, as though I trans
acted and done the same myself.
Given under my hand, tills first dav of July’,
AD. 1840: ‘ WM. WOODBURY, Jr.
Witness, C, E. Hooghkirk. yuly 3
Treasurer's Office of S. B. Co. of Ga., }
Augusta, August 13,1840. 5
THE following articles have been in my office
for some time past, and unless claimed by the
16th day of September next, will then be sold at
public auction to pay expenses, viz:
S. &C. 1 barrel Liquor; H. & W. 1 bag Coffee;
W, 2 kegs Lead; H. fie H. 1 44 44
No Mark 2 44 SpiKes; H. FI 1 44 44
B. &C. I “ “ G. 1 44 Spice;
H. 1 44 Nails; No mark, 2 Vices;
W. 1 * 4 “■ 44 2 Brass Fenders;
No Mark, 1 Iron Lever; 44 1 Grind Stone;
M. fie R. 1 coil Rope; “ 1 roll Leather.
H. E. 2 bags Coffee;
JOHN A. BARNES, Sec’y. & Treas’r.
aug 13 trwtSeplG
rjHIESiI Pills aro no longer among those of
A doubtful utility. They have passed away
from the hundreds that are daily launched upon
the tide of experiment, and now stand before the
public as high in reputation, and as extensively
employed in all parts of the United States, the Can
adas, Texas, Mexico, and the West Indies, as any
medicine that has ever been prepared for the relief
of suffering man. They have been introduced
wherever it was found possible to carry them ; and
there are but few towns that do not contain some
remarkable evidences of their good effects. The
certificates that have been presented to the proprie
tor exceed twenty thousand ! upwards of five hun
dred ol which are from regular practising physicians,
who are the most competent judges of their merits.
Often have the cures performed by this medicine
been the subject of editorial comment in vatious
newspapers and journals; and it may with truth
be asserted, that no me licine of the kind has ever
received testimonials of gr. ater xalue than are at
tached to this.
They are in general use as a family medicine,
and there arc thousands of families who declare
they are never satisfied unless they have a supply
always on hand.
They have no rival in curing and preventing
Bilious Fevers, F’ever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaints, Headache, J mndice, Asthma,
Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargement of the Spleen,
Piles,.Cholic, F’ernale Obstructions, Heartburn, Fur
red Tongue, Nausea, Distension of the Stomach
and Bowels, Incipient Diarrhoe, Flatulence, Habit
ual Costiveness, Loss of Appetite, Blotched or
Sallow Cumplexi m, and in all cases of Torpor of
the Bowels, where a cathartic or an aperient is
needed. They are exceedingly mild in their opera
tion, producing neither nausea, griping nor debility.
The efficacy ot these pills is so well known, and
their use so general, that further comment is con
sidered unnecessary.
For further particulars, see Dr. Peters’ pamphlet,
which can be had gratis of any ot the Agems.
WE would call attention to the advertisement in*
our columns to-day, of PETERS’ VEGFI
TABLE PILLS. We understand by the best mod
ical authority, that there is no preparation of the day
which enjoys so enviable a reputation. At tlie
South ami North, iht-ir success has been unbounded,
and wherever introduced we believe they have
given the frost perfect satisfaction. We have this
day had an interview with one of our citizens, 11.
K. Fox, w ho was recently cured of a most remark
able and obstinate cutaneous eruption, where I lie
body was covered with fulsome ulcers, and even
the tonsils of the throat eaten away—and Dy using
these PILLS daily for six weeks, was entirely re
stored to health.— New York Examiner.
They do indeed restore the health of the body,
because they purify and invigorate the blood, and
I licit good effects are not counterbalanced by any
inconvenience ; being composed entirely of vegeta
bles, they do not expose those who use them to
danger, and effects are ascertain as they are
salutary; they are daily and safely administered to
infancy, youth, manhood and old age, and to wo
men in the most critical and delicate circumstances,
they do nut disturb or shock the animal functions,
but restore their order and re establish their health;
nd for all the purposes which a veg?table purga
live, or certain cleanser of the whole system are re
quired, they stand without, a.rival—they are allow
ed to be all that can be accomplished in medicine,
both for power and innocence.
&C? Hi tail price 50 cents per box. Sold at all
the principal DRUG S PORES in
nug 20 Augusta, Ga.
OR the cure of white swellings, scrofulous and
other tumors, ulcers, sore legs, old and fresh
wounds, sprains and bruises, swellings and inflam
mations, scald head, women’s sore breasts, rheu
matic pains, tetters, eruptions, chilblains, whitlows,
biles, corns, and external diseases generally. The
proprietor has received at least a thousand cert fi
cales and other documents in favor of his SPECI
FIC OINTMENT —and they embrace almost all
the complaints in their worst stages—to which
ointment or slicking can be applied Among
these certificates, there are a great number from the
most eminent physicians in the country, who use
the Ointment in their daily practice, in preference
to any, or all others which have ever been invented.
The proprietor has also received a great many tes
timonials from farriers, militar/gentlemen, farmers,
and others, relative to the amazing efficacy of his
Ointment, in the bruises, cuts, and all the external
complaints and diseases of horses; and among them
are no less than a dozen certifying to the most per
fect cures which it has performed on the sore
backs of some of those animals. Altogether the
proprietor feels no hesitation in stating—or in put
ting it to the proof against all composition—that
superior to every thing of the kind which has here
toture been offereuto the public; and the proprietor
nut only vouches for its general good qualities, but
is willing to risk his reputation on a single trial ,
for he knows from the mos ample experience, that
it cannot be used without immediate and palpable
benefit, in any one of the complaints for which it
is so highly recommended. Retail price 50 cents
per box. Sold at all the principal
aug 20 Augusta, Ga.
THE subscribers having bought from the City
Council of Augusta, the entire privilege of
running a Yawl Boat between this city and Ham
burg, for.the accommodation of Passengers only,
respectfully inform tke public that they have a fine
Boat, with a good awning and careful hands, for
their accommodation. One or the other of us will
be found alwavs in the boat from day light till 10
o’clock p. m. * M. R. SMITH,
aug 11 trw2w* F. A. SHRODER.
'%'%/” K lor sale that well known and desira
f j bk* summer Residence, called Ko-x’s Gar
den, an 1 all the improvements, and the well im
proved Lot adjoining: Also, fifteen desirable Build
ing Lots all adjoining, and healthy locations, and
having the advantage of good spring water coven
ient We will sell any portion, one Lot or the
whole. A map and plan of said lots can be seen
at our auction room. For particulars and terms ap
ply either to the subscribers, or E. W. Starr. Esq.,
on the premises. RUSSELL & HUTCHINSON,
aug 19 . • Auctioneers.
South Carolina.
THE Exercises of this Instituiion will be resu
med on the Ist October next. The Academi
cal year is divided into two sessions of five months
each. The first session commencing on first Mon
day in October, and the second on the first Monday
in March. No pupil is received for a shorter term
than one session.
Rates of Board and Tuition per session.
Board, including fuel, washing and lights,
per quarter of five months,. - SIOO 00
Tuition in the lower branches, including
Orthography. Arithmetic, Reading, anil
Writing, per session, , 20 00
The above branches, with Geography, Gram
mar and Composition,..- 25 00
Any of the above, with all the branches es
sential to a thorough course of English
education, including History, Rhetoric,
Algebra, Geometry, \stronomy, Botany,
Chemistry; also the Latin and Greek
Languages, 30 00
Music on Piano, Guit ir or Harp, each 25 00
French and Italian, each per session, 20 00
Painting and Drawing, 20 00
The most approved and experienced assistants
have been secured for the Literary and Scientific
course. The department of Music is filled by an
able Professor of the sciences from Germany; that
of Modern Languages by a native of France. The
following Text Books (among others) are used: —
Mitchell’s and Woodoridge’s large Geography ;
Murray’s Grammar and Exercises, Tytiers Histo
ry, (octavo edition, 2 vols.) Blair’s Lectures on
Rhetoric,(octavo edition) Fame’s Criticism, Hers
chel’s Astronomy, Colburn’s and Boi.nycastle’s Al
gebra, Smith’s Arithmetic, Legendre’s Geometry,
Mrs. Lincoln’s Botany, Milton’s Poetical Works,
Caesar,Virgil,Cicero, (in Latin) I’Henriade,Charles
Doux, Raccine and Corneille, in French.
The Institution is well furnished with. Maps and
Globes, and every facility is offered to the pupils ‘
for becoming thoroughly acquainted with the sub
jects which they desire to study.
Those who wish to patronize this Institution are
requested to addrese the Principal at Columbia, as ,
early as may be convenient.
W. MULLEL, Principal,
aug 10 d3tw3t
LOST, on the 6th inst, in this city, a large
Leather POCKET-BOOK,-somewhat worn,
containing a title deed executed by Nathan John
son, of Beaufort District, S. C., to John W. McKoy, (
for a lot of land in Hall count}', Ga ; also two let
ters from Edward Paine, of VVatkinsville, addressed ,
to the subscriber, and some other papers not recol
lected. The finder will be liberally rewarded by
leaving it. at this office. JOHN W. McKOY.
aug 18 ’ 3t*
n TO RENT —From this time until the
'is .Ist of October, 1841, the tenement lately ,
JlM.occupied by myself, on Broad street, it
being that immediately over the store of A. W.
Walton k Co. For terras apply to Mr. Robert
Carter, or the subscriber.
aug 13 trw2w* T. M. NELSON.
o___x TO RENT. —The Store on Broad str.,
■j.r I No. 247, now occupied by Messrs. J. W.
■ ' M’- : U T. S. Stoy.
Also, the two Stores above, being Nos. 249 and
251. Apply to
july 25-trwtf • HENRY H. GUMMING.
n n TO RENT, from first October, four
[b;siW| Close Storages, fronting Bay street. Apr
jjL._j TO RENT. —The Brick Dwelliag oa
{Vps the southwest corner of Mclntosh and
laijHiffl Reynold streets. Apply to
aug 17 3t WILLIAM POE.
ii_ ; „ja TO RENT. —The new Brick Building
~7 i! I immediately below G. R. Jessup’s, suita-
H:|!i;yj ble f or either dry goods or grocery. For
terms, which will be moderate, apply to E. W.
Doughty, Esq., or to the subscribe! at Bekiir.
aug 6 1m A. N. VERDERY, Kx’r.
jl a FOR RENT, —Several dwellings and
T stores, belonging to the Bank of Augusta.
{si|sH Fo r terms enquire at their office,
july 20 Gm M. THEVV% Agent
«TO RENT —From Ist October next,
th^large Grocery Store adjoining Rees &
Warehouse, and now occupied by
L. Hopkins. Several Rooms over the store occu
pied by P. Fleming, adjoining said warehouse.
The Dry Goods Store in front of Stovall„Sim
mons k Co’s, warehouse. The second story over
the store occupied by Bently k McCord, adjoining
said warehouse.
The large Grocery Store occupied] by F. Spears.
The Dry Goods Store adj nningsatne, and former
ly occupied by King k Hart. The foregoing are
Also, the Tenement or Store formerly occupied
by the Merchants and Planters’ Bank, (with it the
• Bank fixtures complete, if desired.)
The Dwelling over same- ■
The Dwelling and Appurtenances aow nealrty
fitting up on Green street, immediately in the rear
of P. Stovall’s brick building on Broadsheet.
The Dwelling at corner of Ellis and Campbell
streets, immediately in the rear of J. INI. k W.
Adams’ store.
The large Stable and Lot in the rear of Rees &
Beall’s warehouse. Apply to
sporting Powder,
50 kegs do do
15 kegs “Eagle” Powder, in canisfoas,
1000 “ Blasting do. Just received and
for sale by (dec) GARDELLE & RHIND.
Cy A BOXES just received at Dawson’s Ware
(•> 1 house, and for sale by the box. Annexed
is the notice of the sale of the tobacco ia the leaf.
The Highest Price this Year.
On Friday last, a hhd of Tobacco, made by Col.
Abraham Lewis, of Pennsylvania county, was sold
by P. & J. W. Dudley, at the high price of Twenty
Dollars , which is the highest price any Tobacco
has sold for. It was pronounced by the best judges,
to be the finest hhd of Tobacco opened here this
year. This Tobacco was purchased by J. W.
Morgan, to be manufactured into his Premium
Brand, expressly for his customers- If they wish
the finest Tobacco they ever used, they wfill try
this. Mr. Morgan has presented us with a few
rolls of this Tobacco, which for beauty and supe
rior taste, cannot be surpassed. After the sale,
Col Lewis regaled the merchants and planters pre
sent, with a cold Collation; a large tub of Hard Ci
der being conspicuous, which was much admired by
both the Democrats and Whigs. aug 4
Central Rail Road & Bank-"')
ing Co., of Georgia, et. al. I In Equity.
vs. ' Barnwell District.
Claghorn &. Wood, et. al.
XT is ordered that the President, Directors &
Company of the Savannah and. Augusta Steam
Boat Company and all other persons claiming an
interest in, and lie non, the Steam Boat Hamburg,
her machinery, furniture, tackle and apparel, do ap
pear before the Commissioners of this Court, and
make proof of their respective claims and demands
on, or before the first Monday in January next.
It is further ordered, that the Commissioner in
-Equity, for Barnwell Ditsrict, do sell at auction,
on the third Monday of August next, at Clayton’s
Landing, on the Savannah River, the Steam Boat
Hamburg, on a credit until the first day of January
next, the purchaser to give Bond bearing interest
from the day of sale, with personal security, to be
approved by the Commissioners, and a Mortgage of
the property.
By order of his Honor, Chancellor Dunkin.
A. P. ALDRICH. U. k R. E. B. D.
Commissioner’s Office,-}
Barnwell District,
July 17th, 1840. J • *
july 22 trwtJ
OBFRT Y. H ARRIS, Attorney at, Au
gusta,Ga.,has removed his office to the Law
Range, first door over the Po-=l Office. He will
practice in the dieffient Courts of Richmond coun
ty, and in the Superior Courts of Burke, Columbia,
W arren and Hancock. j,uiy 28 if
BAGGING r\\ INE—S bales just receiving
and for sale by
ICE — For sale at
au g 17 F. LAMBACK’S.
Exchange on new-york atsfehTtoTo
days sight, in sums to suit purchasers, by
OLD PEACH BRANDY—A choice article, for
sale by SIBLEY & CRAPON.
Hamburg, August 10, 1840.
Bacon for sale—Apply to
aug 5 Ina, I. A. HIBLER.
North desires a situation as Teacher. Apply
at this office. tf —july 13 *
4T private sale, a handsome new Chariot, on
. Elipcic Springs, latest style. For sale by
july.7 W. E. JACKSON, Auctioneer.
IEMONS.: —11 boxes Lemons, just received and
A for sale by W. E. JACKSON,
june 20 Auctioneer.
SCOI'CH ALE. —5 casks Scotch Ale, pints,
just received and for sale by
june 20 . W. E., JACKSON, Auctioneer.
LAMP OIL—A supply of best Bleached Lamp
, 0/7, just received and for sale by
\ rir| BBLK. COUNTRY FLOUR for sale,
J. vlvj South Carolina and Georgia Mills, by
may 11 ts CLARKE, McTEIR k Co.
f STRAIN OIL, Itc.—Tram Oil, Plaster Pans and
B Gilder’s Whiting, for sale in quantities to suit
purchasers; by " GARVIN & HAINES,
mar 12 _ *
i es’ Manual, A few copies of this valuable
little work can be had if applied for soon, at
this article direct from the Springs, just re
ceived and for sale by GARVIN & HALVES,
may 2i>
BACKING.—ShaIes heavy SACKING for sale
may 5 . ts
SB. BROOKS is my duly authorized Agent
# during my absence from the city.
Augusta, June 30, 1840, jy 24 ts
f|MIE \ ERBENA CREAM, an Emollient Soap,
A which affords real pleasure in shaving produ
■ cing a rich, fragrant, creamy and permanent lather,
just received and for sale by
RICK —20 Casks now landing. A constant
supply will be kept on hand, and furnished
to dealers in quantities to suit, by
J|tHE Office of the subscribers will hereafter,
A for the accommodation of travellers, open at
4| o’clock, every morning, at which time they will
be prepared to m.ike Exchange of every descrip
tion. J- g. WINTER k CO.
July 16 ts
Augusta insurance and banking
20 shares for sale low by
jan 30 Terms—6 months lo approved paper
6 M Venus Regalia,
5 M Canonis,
2 M asso.led Brands.
Also, 10 boxes Havana Sweetmeats. Just re
ceived by [jy 29] I. S. BEERS & CO.
—Late Discovery. —Warranted to be equal, if
not superior, to any others. Prepared by
nov 27 No. 232, Broad street.
Odoriferous compound —For laying in
drawers, among linens, laces, furs, cloths,
&c., imparting to them a pleasant perfume,and pre
venting the ravages of the moth. For sale by
'T^fOTICE. —The subscriber having associated
ANj Mr. Robert T. Hyde in his business from the
Ist inst. it will from that date be conducted in the
name of DUNLAP HYDE.
July 9, 1840. J. G. DUNLAP.
CiURLING FLUID, kc. —Blendir g with a grate
) ful and refreshing perfume, the desirable
quality of strengthening and promoting the growth
of the Hair, without giving to it the greasy hue of
Pomatum, or the volatile moisture of the Oils. Its
utility is confirmed by the most extensive con
Also, the Genuine Oil, and Ward’s
Celebrated Hair Oil. For sale by
mar 13 GARVIN sic HAINES.
genuine Cologne Water, in long and short
bottles, warranted of the very best quality; for sale
in boxes of half a dozen each, for family use, or
j>y single bottles.
Also , a large assortment of Fancy Soaps, Odorous
Waters* Extracts, Hak Oils, and Curling Fluids,
of the bestquality, at Apothecary Hall, 232 Broad
street, by GARVIN k HAINES,
nov 28
R. 11. WHITE,
CHANT, Augusta, Ga. The Warehouse
house is fire-proof, eligibly located, above high wa
ter mark. All Cotton consigned per railroad will
receive prompt attention. july 27 2ra
A SACKS fresh Almonds, just received and
IU for sale by W. E. JACKSON,
april 27 Auctioneer.
PIECES 44 inch Bagging, a lbs.
per yard;
2UO coils Bale Rope ;
50 ps. heavy milled and bleached Sacking;
1 bale plaid and striped Hemp Carpeting.
For sale by GARDELLE k RHIND.
may 16 ts
THE Stockholders of this Company having de
termined to close its business, notice is here
by given of the same, that those who have made
insurance with the undersigned, Agent for Au
gusta, may renw their risks elsewhere as they ex
pire, due notice of which will be given.
Those who may have claims against the Com
pany, through this agency, will present them for
adjustment to J, G. DUNLAP, Agent,
may 9
IMPORTED direct from Ireland.
Superior 7-8 undressed Irish Linen ;
do 4*4 do do do
do 9-S do do suitable for Pillow Cases;
Long Lawns ;
Just received and for sale by
july 15 WM. H. CRANE k CO.
LARGE white flat Dutch TURNIP;
Do. Globe;
Yellow purple top Ruta Baga,*
Large Drumhead Cabbage;
do Bergen or great American do;
do Cape Savoy do;
do Red Putch do. for pickling;
Long Orange Carrot;
do black Fall Radish;
White and red Swiss do;
Red and white Clover Seed;
Lucerne or French Clover Seed;
Blue Grass Seed;
Herds do do.
The subscribers have lately received the above
variety of Garden Seeds, all of which theywanant
to be fresh and genuine,and offer them for sale at
reasonable prices. GARVIN k HAINES,
w yne 29 Augusta and Hamburg.
v ▼ bia County. —The Public Tent will b(
open for the reception and accommodation of per
sons visiting the above mentioned place, during tlx
meeting, commencing on Wednesday evening, 19tl
• -August. Mr. Jesse Clark will run an Omnibus t<
the railfroad from the camp-ground, to meet tin
cars, for the conveyance of passengers to the camp
ground. [aug 14 3t] WILLIAM DOYLE.
10LEN.—A double case Gold Patent Level
with fob and Guard Chain and Seal; the ma
ker’s name, Robert Brookell, Liverpool, No. 22,33'
—supposed to be stolen by a negro. Should it h
offered for sale, jewellers and others arc requests
to stop it,as • also the person offering it. A libera
reward will be given for its recovery. Apply a
this office. aug 19 2t
*f\ STRAYED—From the subscriber, o
11th ult., a light sorrel Horse, abou
eight years old, five feet high, heavy an
stout built, a blaze in his face, his feet all whitt
with a short switch tail, trots and gallops, and i
used to harness, and was in good condition whe
he left. Any peison returning said horse shall b
iberally rewarded. A. DUFFIE.
aug 17
BROKE loose, o»i Friday, the 3d c
July, in Broad, street, Augusta, Ga.,
chesuut sorrel HORSE, with a notabl
blaze in his lace. The white does nat run dow
straight in the usual way, but is very much, ii
dined to the left; with a long thick tail. - He ha
on a new snaffle bridle, with long stout reins ;
good saddle, with a dark blanket. Any perso
taking up said Horse, will he suitably' rewarded b
leaving him at Mr. ALMOND’S Stable.
July S
away Irom the subscriber, in Februai
last, an African by the name of Lew is.-
-- He is about 50 years of age, of small sta
ur andbadly pitted from the small pox. He ht
been a boat hand on the Savannah river for man
years, and is, 1 believe, at this time, either in Si
vannah or Augusta. The above reward will I
paid to any one who will deliver him to Win. I
Jackson, of Augusta, or place him in a safe Jai
and inform me on the subject.
Columbus, Ga , June 26, 1840, trwtfl
H. N. Wilson respectfully inform
SfzjS the public that his splendid line <
Four Horse Post Coaches is running from Green;
boro to Spring Place, Ga. via Gainesville and Cas<
ville, in connexion with Col. Ramsey’s Line 1
Ross’ Landing and Nashville, and Maj. Well
Line to Athens and Knoxville, Tenn.
Fare toCassville,
“ “ Spring Place, 00
Leaves Greensboro on the arrival of the Ra
Road Cars from Augusta, on Mondays, Wedne;
days and Fridays.
Travelling time to Spring Place, 29- hours.
“ “ Nashville, 6,5
Seats can be secured on application to,
C. H. GOODMAN, Agent,
mar 23 —Cm Globe Hotel, Augusta, Ga»
\FTER the Ist day of July, merchandise wi
be conveyed from Augusta to Crawfordvill
Jelferson-Hall, and Greensboro, at 25 cents j*
100 lbs, until further notice. &
GEO. H. 'J HOMPSON, Agent at Greensboro,
A. GREEN, do Jetferson Hal
J. F. MIMS, do Crawfordvilh
Sup. Transportation.
Trails. Office Ga. R. R. & B. Co. >
Augusta, June 20, 1840. S
Hamburg, April 23, IS4O.
NOTICE. —Freight on Cotton to Charleston I
Rail Road, is reduced to thirty-live cents p
hundred for round, and twenty-five cents per htu
dred pounds for square bales.
___ A. B ST URGES. Agent
Office Transportation S. C. C. & R. R. Co. >
June 2d, IS4O. 3
Information to Travellers North and South.
OT WITHSTANDING the destruction of tl
AN bridges over the Savannah River, at August
by the late freshet, travellers are respectfully ii
formed that arrangements have been made for pas
ing the river, and that the Cars leave Hambui
and Charleston daily at the usual hours and arrii
as formerly. * WM. ROBERTSON, Jr.
Agent Transportation,
Office S. Carolina Rail Road Co. >
Hamburg, May 1, 1840. 3
ON and after this day, the passenger train froi
Hamburg will arrive in. Charleston at 2
o’clock, p m, in time for dinner. may I
Via Greensboro’, Eatonton, Clinton, Macon, Pe
ry, Pindertown, Bainbridge, Chattahoochie, 10l
St. Josephs, Pensacola, to Mobile.
The Proprietors of this Line inform the Trave
ling public that it is now in full operation, throut
the entire route ; leaving Augusta by the Georg
Rail Road cars to Greensboro’ every Tuesda >
Thursday and Saturday, at 6 o’clock, P. M. and a
rive in Mobile in three days and a half runnir
Travellers are assured that the staging upon th
line is superior to any other, the accomraodatioi
unsurpassed, and by far the best natural roads
the Southern country, only 210 miles of stagin
Stages leave Bainbridge for Tallahassee via Quh
cy, immediately on the arrival of the AJligab
Line from Greensboro’, and immediately on U
arrival of the boats from lola.
(Pj’Tvvo Stages will at all times be run in eon
pany, when the travel requires it.
For seats in the above Line, apply at the offic
at the United States Hotels Augusta, Geo.
aprii 21 ly GEU. W. DENT, Agent.
No. 236 Broad street, Augusta, Georgia.
'*’ The subscriber, having previrus
YT| bought out the interest of A. Z. Bai
ta in his Furniture Warehouse, h;
aow associated himself with, one
the largest manufacturing establisl
J/ MM V ments in New York, flatters himse
" that he will be able to offer to tl
public an assortment of Furniture, superior in poii
of workmanship and durability, to any heretofo
offered in Augusta. As the manufacturing w
have the personal attention of one of the partner
Hie strictest care will be observed in the selectk
of good wood and dry material, (so essential to I
Also, a general assortment of Pianos, from tl
best manufactories in the Union. More particuia
Jy the New York Piano Forte company’s instn
ments, which carnot be excelled fur sweetness <
tone and durability, in tha southern climate, bv an
manufactory in the United States. Our instn
ments are selected with the greatest care, by or
who is a competent judge, and a written guaranU
is furnished in every instance, if required
C. A. Piatt returns his thanks to the public f
their former patronage, and solicits for the compat
fcjfeit share of public patronage heretofore bestow*
• on himself. The ousmess in future will be coi
nucted ov lap 2» CHAS. A. PLATT & C.o
D. H, SILCOX, 303, Broad stre<
keeps at aJi times for sale, a large a
If* 3 *! sortment of Cabinet Furniture, 1
superior workmanship and well se:
soned materials, made expressly f
isXlSl the Southern climate. Every art
He in the above business, with all tl
1 variety of new patterns,continual!
received. Persons wishing to purchase can do :
• well at this establishment as at any of the North
ern manufactories. To be said for casn 01 goc
Itv acceptances. mar 20