Newspaper Page Text
J. W. &W. a£ JONES. AUGUSTA n unvrxv "" •""*
TVimw.vrgr'jww.’ UIH'W MW
At No. ‘209 Broad- 'reet.
T E H iU s:
Dai,. / payer, Ten Dollars per a num, in advance, j
Tri Weekly paper, at Six Doll is in advance or
S.-von at the end of the yen r,.
We jldy pap r, Puree Dollars in a vane e, or Four at
the end of year.
I BUIE article published bcfo'>, concerning the
§_ n-j-.v and popular doctrine |<dvanced by the
illustrious Goelickc of Germany frennot fail of ex
citing a Jeep und thrilling intci -Jt throughout our
country. I
4 Q Q | £}
[Translated from the (german.]
of Germany,
The Greatest of 11= man Blxf. factors
Citizens of North and South ri/7i<|ri:n,
To Lot is Orrox Hoelicke, of Germany.
i Europe,j belongs the i!nperishahi.| honor of adding
ane.v and precious doctrine to llnlsciencc of rnedi
cinc —a doctrine which, though veltamently opposed
D y ranny of the faculty, |of whicl|lie is a valuable
me in her,) he proves :•» L. as well jounded in truth
as any doctrine of Hoiy Writ —ad < trine, upon the !
verity of which arc- suspended the lives of millions j
of our race, and which lie boldly c a lunges his op- j
posers to refute, viz: Consumptio; is a disease ai- j
wavs occasioned by a disordered .ate of Vis Vitae j
; or* Life Principle or the human ody: XT' often
secretly lurking in the system ar years before
here is the least complaint of the xungs Jff —and
which may be as certainly, thoughlpot so quickly,
cured, as a common co dor a simplJhcudacho. An
in valuably precioi.c doctrine tins, lis «*■ imparts an |
important lesson to the apparently liealthy of both
- tesy teaching them that this inTtiious foe may
be an nnobserve ! inmate of their“rliyey houses'’
even while they imagine tbemselv ss secure from I
ts attacks, teaching them thatfAcg - , eat secret inthe
u! t ,/• pn erring health is togUtck out the disease
w Hen in the blade, and not wait (it fat he full grown
ear _ !
This illustrious benefacl >r oi mail is also entitled
to youi unfeigned gratitude, and t ill gratitude ol a
world,for the invention of his mate, >.le<s Sanative,
whose healing hat may justly cia n for it such a
title, since it has so signally trinn died over our
i«rcat common enemv. _ GAinstm, >iion, both in
.■ first and last stages,—a medicine which has
thoroughly filled tu. vacuum in the 1\ ateria Aledlca,
; .nd tlieieby proved Use if the jfj Co.< i tier or oj Phy~
s i c iantjff) —a medicine, so. wbul all mankind
will have at undaat cause to bless she beneficent
of a kind Providence. —a muJicine whose
wondrous virtues have been so glow iigiy p-jurtruy
cd even by some of our clergy, in-Vieir pastoral
visits tu tec sick chamber ; by w means they
often become the happy instruments*! changingde
sponding into hope, sickness into lull Ith, and sad
off, muds into joy fuinMtt I
4 4* Q
A medicine of more value to maicithan the vast
mines of Austria, or even the treasures of
our globe, —a medicine, which is o,,Joined equally
I’rourthe vegatable, animal and nuiu|a! Kingdoms,
-ad thus possesses a Liree-jf W pov. e p-3 medicine,
which, thougn designed as a remei .Uor consump
tion solely, is possessed of a influence
over many diseases of the human sj ■ a medi
cine, which begins to be valued by physicians, who
are daily witnessing its •Astonishing dures of many [
whom they had resigned lo the grasjjiof the Insa
tiable Grave.
DOSE of the Sanative, for adultsganc drop; for
children,a hud-drop; and lor mlaitfcs, a quartet
drop; the directions explaining the planner of ta
king a half or a quarter drop. -
Parcs —t hree and one—third rix
p r half ounce.
T ..._ # i
German com vaitic <-J cents. $
4 4 4 I
A rertijlcale from thre ■ members 1 A the Medical
Profession in Germany, in Elrope.
Wo, the undersigned, practition; 1 1 of medicine
la Germany, are well aware that, \ 1 ourcour»e,
we may forfeit the friendship of oir.i|ol the lacul— .
tv, but not df its benevolent mem be rsi who are uu- j
influenced bv selfish motives. 1 h J'jpi " e snail
refrain f1 om an expression of our oiinlen, either j
of the soundness or unsouudness dl f-’r. Goeltek s .
new doctrine we arc trappy to say tyut we deem j
fus Sanative too valuable not to c generallj .
kn • n —for what our eyes behold jml our ears
hear, we must believe. • .
We nerehv c -u c, that when Di*J Louis Offen
Goelick first came before t ie German public, as
1 led discoverer of a new la. lue and a '
new u 1 ine ve hehi him in t!ic|highest con
clieviug andopenb ing him to be
t d| it ■ d the princf of q a<|k s. But, on
nuch said about the it
R, we were induced, from c* ol cuw
<l merely, tp make trial ai its ucd viitucs ,
n; hi 1 number of sms moat impeivs- and
v deem it our bounien duty dsven at ine ,
expense of self-interest; publicly to acknowledge !
its eificacy in curing not only co iskruptioc, but ;
other fearful maladies, which we haw tu-ictoloic .
eiiobe : . ura -Hu con|;npt for tlie ;
discoverer of this medicine was
our utter astonishment at thes| unexpected 1
1 t ; ind, as amends for our abus‘d 01 him, we j
c.i frankly confess t-> t w••s. t: .d* we believe
a philanthropist,who does honor j) the protes
si a, and to our couniiy,whicb gavt |:ji biitb.
The recent adoption of this med-cF'e into some
0 our European guaranty j
thatit perfonns ail promises. It m|edod notour
estimoay.for wherever it is used own best
wi nos/ HERMAN ET.hI j• •• %
\VAL I LL- \ AN u.vijL 1 , m. n.
Germany, December IP, E>Sb. p.
4 ’ u 4 4 | 4
THE MAI HLE SSSANAT' V t 4l?y bn article ;
in oar paper to-day, it will I ® mcai- , lost none ol its - 3sta» tne Ac
«_fop it appears to be v.v.-ua gv-milar cuics
tR Vmcric ■ to those which have as ton bed Europe.
B i*t m Morning Post.
Por su • 0 bv - 13 K. 4J A .vi 1N Asjcnt.
‘h^Post Office ‘ | lrt ‘ 9
• iru rerrrive hv ihe | a per.- 'LL the famous :
I Fro, rh |hv i i >n, r. Ma !te estah
. , , ; f.u.e i-bovo named
mlioordmaiy laedu ine th ; • ph'* ' t
tin- irmh, we ;.re sorry I* r h,■ F' 1 *uatThere
WC l are not enter <> ftp id
. v. ■ r- Iff il by this met! , ■ nei , but
will li v. rib. vtDMin io a ,» - ' V r
i.-t I• •. <■ in ih ■ wcrlu lor gt'„t ! rn.en u: hum >w i o
tnd VVI.O v. > -ito laj ■
and molhera. Tin »ge»n sluoild •i s ::: v f
tar ,m where |K opfe a:e st ij —•
Kjtiiminer -|
- ihi I uciue Ci rdial" is a gen iovi orator
ol the Iniiuan trank- in all sh ' v i l!,: s id otn
KU(>r, i ssut.dis an. if. l ibialr ti, am *■- ;U ij 1 *’
nine so smip'C, yet mi ell;< a ion.-, i .n tvhi.e it
reiicivate .he pn.slraie i i u rg-» s oi a in
la u m v use it. not only with iinpui.' y, but .viin
in. 1 uciue ■ <i hi! is ajlstfun ‘ s •' ll
le i i. re 1..r ire in< uniiuvoreoi th?durine, Os the
invi.luntary discharge (hereof- It i:5« likewise • n
in /aloabie and uu/ivel.ctl medicine pi? i a.-es «<i
i hrunic piupiions of tin- sUm, and nt .he dr.>psi<-ai
idler- ions ~f 11 ’e apis b bis ctlcbnitd and inesii
•atihle t: rdial .s f.r »««le by
,i xVU,A.\:‘, lU.’T EV A CO.
a i- CO. a %ki-nit:3 da-
|, dJa | '^|
A Late and Valuable Discovery,
j* >EifHAl’b tnere is iio.n.i.g mo — '•"•cv.'ai'-'i (,j
disgust the public eye tiianlh 1 innumerable
a !veri sements ol nostrums that are constantly ap
pearing inthe public prints. Ail a r e ready to ex-
I claim, onr souls are sick, our ears are pained with
every day’s reports of ills an-.i specifics T: is state
ot ih.. public mind would seem to forbid any person
ot delude mind Irom sending forth any new <iis
co cries in medicine, lo tlu trial of ih? p bhc.—
i Still, niouves of delicacy should not prevent us from
making know n real discoveries, which we are con
lident will benefit our fellow men. Tins latter
| cun ideraiiou has prompted ihe author ol these hit
i ters to make them known. Ile knows they are high- j
: Jy efficacious, fur he himself, Ids wile, and many i
friends have given, them a thorough trial, fie was
himsell a confirmed dyspeptic, so much, t hat even
hiv resolleclion was pone. l!y using these hitters
tie has been restored to health. Mr.-. Cosby was
troiihlen for many years, but w as restored io health
by she jse ol these hitters. This has been Ihe case
with many ol 1 1 is fri- nds. Nir. Cosby in sending
forth tiiis advertisement, addresses those who know
him. He has been for many years a resident ol
Augusta at which place he can at any time b
consult-d about the bitters. They are good in all
cases oi diseases ol the digestive organs, the symp
tomsof which are indigestion, pain or oppression !
iu ibe stomach from tood, lossoi appetile, fialuien- ■
cy, heair urn. giddiness in the head, pain in the 1
! side, shortness of breath, lassitude, gene: a I weak
ness, dislu bed sleep, &c The compost ion is en
tirely Rosantcal, an lias pr oved eificaeious when
many celebrated medicines had failed, la support
of winch he refers Freeman W. Lacy, she
riff ol Richmond count , and \\ iiliam T. 'l'hurup
eon, edi or of the An usta Mirror, and ho might re
fer you io many others, but deems it unnecessary
as ho is willing to place il on us own merits. All
he is as s lor Tnofee wno are afiiut'd With ipe dys i
pepsiu io give u a trial.
They can be imd at T. IT. Plant’s book-el ore. j
Augusta, and oi IV Cosby himsell, at the corner oi ■
Washington and Eilis-srrcets.
6r.1 li VIN HA INEs\ Diuggitts, Augusta \
Wit .LIAM li J.IJJ I J), Savannah.
David a lid, Macon.
hit AAt iV Ofi I Eli, Druggist, Columbia, S ( ;
8 D CLARK Co. Druggist*, Hamburg.
Il 1.- 77/ A NJCOL. (ireenvilln, .n C
PORCHRR f LAROCHE, Drug, isfs,
Savannah, (Ja.
nov 35 ly
Kadicai Cure of Henna or iJupture, by Dr.
Ciiast’s improved Mirgeotis T Trasses,
rg vI!E s übsciiber has opened an olTice, at the Druti
j store of ;*icssrs. J. ,1. ilobenson Hz Co., for the
treatment oi Hernia or Rupture, by means of these
ustly celebrated instruments, lie has now/ used
them lor nearly a year, and, did not delicacy forbid,
he could name several persons who have been radi
cally caret!, of tins truly distressing and dangerous
affection, by the used these Trusses,besides manv
Others who are in a fairway of being entirely re
lieved. .he following is the language of tne com
mittee ol the Philadelphia Medical Society on the
Radical v ine of Hernia.
“ The instruments of Dr. ('base have effected I
the permanent and accurate retention of the in- i
testines in every case of Hernia observed by the !
committee, without material inconvenience lo the |
patient, and often under trials more severe than
are usually ventured upon by those who vvearcther
trusses; triads that would be imprudent with any
other apparatus known to the committee.”
“ she committee are induced by the foregoing
conclusions to recommend, in strong terms the in
struments of Dr. Chase to the confidence of
the profession, as the best known means ol me
chanical retention in hernia, and as furnishing the j
highest chances of radical cure.”
The fobowing is from the Southern Medical and
Southern Journal, published in ur own city.
All must admit of the radical cure of hernia,
and that Dr. Chase’s t russes are decidedly the best |
yet invented to effect the object.”
Persons from a distance can have the instruments
applied, upon application at the omce, and ail ne
cessary information given to enable them to adjus
it themselves. The poor, who are laboring undei
this afflicting complaint, will he treated gratuitous
ly upon presenting a certificate,from somercsponsi B i
ble person, of lucir pecuniary disability.
The instruments are of ah sizes, and applicable 1
to every variety ol reducibl* rupture.
leb 2U F. M. ROBERTSON. M. D. j
gfTO A A TO —a substitute for Caiomel, and j
dues not belong to the family of quack medicines; j
for the reason that the component parts are made j
known to ihe faculty, or any one else that may j
wish lo know, by any of the agents keeping them
for sale. Since tins discovery so long and anx
iously looked tor, some one in almost the extr; mr
Noith has advertised a Tomato Fill, purport vg
bo made from the stalk, a thing not more aosuiu !
than for one to offer meal from the corn stalk, to |
say nothing of the difficulty of raising the tomato
so far North.
Dr. Miles, of Cincinnati, is the proprietor of the
fcinato Pills (proper) for tire great benefits ol
which, lie holds himsell bound, and in honor pledg
ed to prove by iheir use, that they arc ail that they
profess to be', and will do for olhcis what they
have done for such as mav have used them; a?
.l. ts is a vegetable of great use, and value, it will
ioujiscss be valuable information to families to
know that the Yellow are just doubly as valuable
as the Red Tomato, and produces twice as much
of the hapatine, cr active principle, and when used
as a daily vegetable will be found to keep the
system la much better condition than the other
kind ; many will recollect with what trembling
anxiety ca lomel has been given lo children, aiui
how ihev then wished lor a substitute, it has
long been known that the Pornato contained ca
thartic pi 1 iciples, but not until of late was i. i
asccrtaine i tual comameu aiieiative anddiu
reuc properties, the Faculty embrace and use
the preparation most cheerfully, for the reason that j
Hk-v know what il is Were it a patent mystery,
they would he bound to reject the medicine, as they
justly do the one thousand and one cure-alls of the
d- v. if you w ish to cleanse the system with a
u:iiff, su.e anti-bilious medicine, use the Pomaio
Pdl/ui wli.c.i a supply, 'vc learn, will soon be in
lus city. .ve all Know somethingaooui mis.
u:.e v
\ 5 E v\( uld raM aiionii.m lo ihe ad vertweinenl in
V t* our ruiumas to-day, oi PEI ERs> V EGE
’I i<LK l‘li,L>. '' e undeislaml by tlie hist uieti
i,. u j au’.liorti v, ilninhereis no preparatiun ul IRe day
ui.ah enj-ys .-•» enviable a repuiaumi. At the
j ti.uiii aiiU Noith, di ir sutccts has been unbounded,
and whe-ruvt-r mirobuced we bel.eve ttu-y have
given lie nut.! }«iiecl bimsfaction. Wo have tins
day hud mi iii.eivievv witli one ol our citizens, y.
K. i x. who was riceniiy cured oi a mosa runaik
ui ic end t.bsiiiiiiie cutaneous eruption, where the
l.oiiv v. as covered unit ins me nlceis, and t v ,-n
Ihe tonsils ol ihe iliroa. eait-n away anil bv i.sing
I i Ls> daily lor ms weeks, vvns eutueiy re
s.ot. it to iieUia At wloi k Lao ami t ..
i E l | Rs’ VEGL.TABLE ril I.S.
*1 Lev do it do il n s lore the hcalili ol ihe body,
because ih«y j only i-n»i m .j;u;ui ilie b;ooc, «nd
iff: n feo»id eth tis are n >i counUibaium eu by any
n.coi.wi.ienec ; b-. ing composed enim >y ul vegti.u
lilcs, Ric-y do n t expose . hose who Use • hem to
deni-. r, and .ti/ir tffei ts an- as certain as ihr} am
satuiary ; they a.e d uly and sutely administered to
inhito v, yonih, u.anir.utl and o;d age. and io vvu.
i.c-u iu to*, must c.nual n<s done a e coemnstancea,
uudo not disturb or shuck tlie annual nmclions.
but resiore th»’jr Older and re esiahbsh ilieir heaitn;
tm lor ah I lit purposes which a veg table p rga
uve, or reriam cic- mscr o, the w o:e »y» cm are re
qi.iud, hey s and vMlnuui a rival Uiey are ailow
eo to be ah'that can be accoßipiished in medicine,
both lor power and
iry lit mil mice a., cc-nls }iei h x. Sold a! ail
the principal DUI G SlOßtlfc m
.'' ‘ 1 ” OR ' " *
j W arranted io cure in Five Dai/s.
i 4* incomparaU'e and invaluable remedy so
| * long known, and used with such unparralleled
i SUCCl>ss IXI lll e Canadas for the last 30 ycais, ap
peals to need no panegyric. Its operation upon the
! uuman system E such that it invariably acts like
| p ‘ Ciiarm ? ‘°t tlie relief and ladical cure of a certain
! Co^! T1 . 0n a . nd disagreeable ‘-ills t!ic flesh is heir to.”
1 his prize btnins its own name from the certain
i success Inch has attended it through alt of its
j trying c cumstances, namely, “live days,”—the
same su .ess which followed it in a Northern lati
| tUcie s . txil obtains in a more Southern. The formula
I or recipe was obtained at great expense, intrigue
and hazard by Ai Cheveres, from the celebrated
Indian Chief VVabexothe, or Great Moon, whilst
ho, with others was pursuing the lucrative Fur bu
siness in the North-west with Hie Indians.—
U abono'he prized highly and use it with invariable
success throughout his two tribes. Its known and
valued virtues have already enriched to an almost
incredible extent the children of this warlike prince, j
not only by actual sale of the article itself to in-I
div iduals, but by parting with copies of his receipt
at enormous prices to the Chief of evciy tribe of i
Indians in America, with a solemn promi-e lo the !
Great Spirit, never to divulge the “art of its com- ;
, position until he sleeps with his fathers,” although 1
I free to use it in their respective tribes, which
places it in tiro hands of every Indian who rely
with, I may' say, religious confidence on its cura-
I ble powers
( Ik-low is a copy of the translation as near as it can
be anglisized of the deed g»>en by Wahenoshe, to
M. Chevcret, when ho purchased the original recipe,
ami bad twice assisted the Chief himseif through i
the tedious manipulatory' process of manufacture.
Jcvv white men would credit the length of time
which is consumed in preparing the article for im
i mediate use,
i “I, W atenoshs, Chief of the nations Ottowa and
j Chippewa, lor the love and good feeling which 1
| have lor my white friend M. Chcvcrct, (for he has
! done many good things for me and my people,) 1
j T° bnn my greatest cure for the bad sickness
I waicli my children have had sent among them as
j a punishment by the Great Sf--irit, and hope that in
i liis hands it may do much good, and make him very
i rich.”
Signed \VABINOSiIE,his X mark.
Witness AFFAIR), his X mark.
J. B. ROY,
This Medicine,! vvarrmt by this publication,un- 1
dor a penalty of $5,000, not lo contain one parti- j
c!e of corrosive preparation. It is purely vegata- 1
ble m its essences, its first and prominent virtue ;
is lo subdue every vesiige of inhumation, and then ■
acts mildly and copiously' as a diuretic; thereby I
holding within itself, every requisite virtue, for I
the sabduction of this loathsome malady—and cv- j
cry regular graduate in medii ine, will sustain Hie '
assertion, that copious diuresis and reduction of in- !
1 flation, arc the oaiy two things necessary toellect
I a sound and radical cure
j The most peculiar virtue of the “Cinq Jours,”
| is in this, that wherever it alone has been used lo
| affect a cure, none of those tenacious and disagree ■
able consequences which almost invariably results
from the sudden cure of Gonorrhoea, have been
known to obtain such as .stricture, hernia, humoi
alis, incontinence, and a swarm of other of tlie
mos loathsome, perplexing, and disagreeable dis
cuses, consequent upon erroneous diagnosis and
treatment of Goncrrhc-a.
Those affected are requested to call and try for
themselves, if the prescriptions are wed follow
ed and fail lo cure, the money will in every case be
You can do what you please and eat what you
To be had at Antony & Haines, No. 232, Broad
street, who arc the only authorised Agents in Au
gusta. Ail orders addressed to them, will be
promptly attended 10.
For sale, also, by Win. B. Wells ic Co. Druggists,
Alliens; and P. M. Cohen A Co. Charleston, au 29
T ? HP’, genuine French Pills against all the quack j
£ nostril us of Ih<- age—f>r ihe cure of a certain i
j disease Thu FRENCH FILLS aie applicable in j
i all casts (or eilliei sex, (wairanied free irom men u- I
ry) and do not affect the hnaih in the least,and arc j
perfectly pleasant a.nd agreeable to the stomach) i
and have never piled lo make a speedy and per- ■
i rnanerit cure, without the least regard to diet or !
j application ff) business. In lung, protracted, or
i chronic siages of i!;-disease, obsiinaie Gleets, Fluor
A ibue, t-ravel, Female Coinp'ain’s. ora weakness
o! dime organs, they are beyond a doubt the most
fffietn.-.l remedy ever discovered, having cured
many obsiinaie cast s an r tve y ol her inedicine
had ffiiied. The French Pills have been so univi r
saily successful, that the proprietor eiiALLE.\c;Es
any one to produce a remedy of equal certainly
under a (orteiiu e of Three Hundred Dollars.
Price $2 tier b ,x. For sale by
aug‘2o ROBERT AUSTIN & Co.
1 ’'l' lIE unprecedented popularity of this benefi
-1 cent ind inestimable CORD! AL in the T T niled
Slates, lias induced one ur more unprincipled per
sons to m-’iiufaciure spurious catchpenny articles,
under various names, and purporting to produce the.
same tfect; but winch, in reality, produce no other
effect than that ol swindling the public; audio
give a yet more plausible aupear nc<> of tire r cu
pidity, those- persons effect lliaf their wrelchu i nos-
Irums have ffeen in use in England and elsewhere
lor a number of years; whereas, until ihe illustrious
Dr. Magn.n made ins wor.derlul discovery, no cure
lor barrel.ness had been ever thought of, or at least
made public; and all llnse> then in use for the
restoration of the decayed virile powers were found
io be of but little avail’ Thus, ail nostrums adver
tised for barrenness or the cere of impotence, hut
Dr. MagniiTs, are mere catchpenny humbugs,
; which would never have been llio- gkt of put !or
: tiie opjit arr.ncc and g r cai celebrity of ihe LI (.INA
I CCUDIaL As no counterfeit of ihe name is at
; present in circul nion, it may in genr ral he a siiffi-
I cicr.i cauiion lor ih.’ purchaser lo ask tor ihe I.ucina
j Cr rd'.ai, i»ut. as luriher assura. ce, il would boas
i weilffi note! >nt as nam , Locina ( ordial, or Eiixir
ol 1,0 vc, is stamped in ihe gla.-s of each bolt'c—the
< •'*! hined mins ol i ranee and ihe • n.ff’d bffites
1 are on i!u oi.lwind envelope— ih.M a F ear de Lis
is priiiU-tl on ihe accompanying direct ion.-, and
fit autilo embossed on me show -bills barging in
lD e s n,res ol those who ffa-.e ihe genuine arlicle
j |(jj* dci 10.
] he celebrity of ihe Limit a Cordial being such
• ajj it !S , it is scarcely necessary to add I hat il is the
i only efficient remedy lor iian, nness. and the resto
iiition ol decayed virile powers e\ ei known; and
[bai in me cure of biuor Alims, Giect, übstrucied,
diilieiili or painful Jioiisirualion, the incontinence
ol the urine, or the involuntary discharge thereof,
PS superiority over every oilier medicine is not on
lv decided, but unquestionable. For sale by
* ■ Ha\iLAM), UISLI.Y At CO.
liio.M AR Barrett «kco.
r , i ' 7 O Augnna.
fff fHEH I & ROLL, at the old
and T° lln ei*ly occupied by Maj. Jesse
, 1 hompson, corner of Ellis and Mcln
. * Tosh streets, arc now receiving an en
tile new stock of Carriages Irom the best manufac
tures at the North, of the 1 test and most approved
stylo, consisting of Coaches, Coachoes, Standing
and Extension 1 op Barouches, Chariotees, Buggies
Sulkies, Wagons, &c., together with a large and
well selected assortment of Harness, all of "which
they will dispose of on the most liberal terms. Cr
ders for any description of Carriages of their own
of Northern manufacture thankfully' received and
promptly executed. Their friends and the public
are respectfully invited to call and examine their
XjfHlcpaiiing in all its branches faithfully exe
cuted and with despatch ts r.ov I
! IF M
H PARSONS, 295 Broad street, keeps at all
. tunes for sale, a large stock of PIANO
f 0/27 i S’from the best bni dors in the couutrv.—
Tho stock generally consists of about thirty lo focty.-
instruments, comprising all the qualities*. These
instruments, are selected withgieat care, and are
recommended with confidence. Persons wishing :
to purchase can do as well at this establishment as i
at any of the northern manufactories.
A guaranty, as to quality and durability, is fur
nished in every' instance.
Also, a well selected stock of sheet MUSIC, Pre
ceptors, &c.,together with Guitars, Violins, Flutes,
Accordions, and most of the small articles usually |
kept in a Music Store.
de/ 21
r|lH IS fine article is warranted to cure Piles or
Rheumatism in all cases, or no pay taken
for it.
A notorious counterfeiter has dared to make an
attempt upon tiffs article, and several have been
nearly ruined by tryingit Never buy it,unless it
has the written signature of COMSTOCK <S- Co.
f on the splendid wrapper. That firm have the only
j right to make and sell it for 20 years, and all from
them is warranted perfe tly innocent ami effectual
j in all cases.
N. B. Always detect Use false by its nochaving
the above signature. The true sold only by'
Wholesale Druggists. No. 2 Fletchenst N Y \
Original Proprietor.
The genuine is for sale by GARY IN it HAINES,
and ROBERT CARTER, Augusta. Jy jan.9
IS Warranted staid or restored, and Uia head
kept free from Dandruff, bv the genuine
Remember the genuine as described below.
1 Iris is certified to by several Mayors, Ministers i
of the Gospel, British Consul, Physicians, and a j
great number of our most respectable citizens, to
be seen where il is sold.
This article has bcc-n imitated by a notorious I
counterfeiter. Let it never be purchased or used
unless it lias the name of L. S. COMSTOCK, or the
signature of COMSTOCK «$• Co., on a-splendid
wrapper. This is tiie only external test Urat will i
secure tlie public from deception..
Apply at the wholesale and retail-’ office, No. 2
Fletcher street, near Maiden Lane-and Pearl st. —
Address, COMSTOCK Co.,
Wholesale Druggists.
The genuine is for sale by GARVIN & HAI ES,
ami ROBERT CARTER, Augusta. Iy-jnn 9
SOME notorious counterfeiters ! ave nearly kill
ed several persons by selling them a spurious
and false mixture ol Hays’ Liniment.
The genuine Is warranted perfectly harmless
and effectual. Never buy the articre unless il has
tlie written signature of COMSTOCK <s• Co. on
the splendid wrapper. That firm are solely au
thorized to make and seil the true arlic e. Origi
nal proprietor, SOLOMON DAYS.
F. S. The true Hay's’ Liniment is warranted to
cure Piles and Rheumatism, in all cases, or no pay
taken for it.
Bohl at No. 2 Fletcher street, near Pear! st. and
I Maiden Lane, New Voik, by
COMSTOCK if Co., Vholesale Druggists.
The genuine is for sale by GARVIN & HAINES,
and ROBERT CARTER,Augusta, jan 10 ly'
SNOWDEN Y SHEAR have received irom
Nt-vv York a large supply' of Satinetts and Ken
tucky Jeans, of various colors. Also, a large sup
ply of Lupin’s best French Merino’s, of beautiful
colors, to which they respectfully inv.te the atten
tion of the public. sept 15
These pills may be taken on any occasion
when an anti-bilious purge is needed, audfrom tho
safety with which they may be used, and pleasant
ness of their effects, have obtained great reputation
t as a general family medicine. For sale by
aug 24 HAVILAND, RISLEY & Coj.
vented combination of delightful odors, has
acquired a just popularity, not only by reason ol
the strength and delicacy, but of the extraordina
ry duration of iis perfume. Whilst the strength of
many other extracts and essences is almost as eva
nescent as the bloom of the flowers from which
they are derived, the Hermitage retains its fra- i
grance for an in efinile length of time, and is
scarce to be removed from the garment on which it
is poured, by washing; hence it is probably the
cheapest and most delightful perfume ox our labora
tories. , i
Also, Cologne, Lavender. Orange, Florida and
Rose Waters, in great varietv. dor sa’e 1 y
CURLING FLUID, &c.—Bffndirg with agratc
ful and refreshing perfume, the desirable
quality of strengthening and promoting the growth
of the Hair, without giving to it the grea>y hue of
Pomatum, or the volatile moisture of the Uiis. Us
utility is confirmed by the most extensive con
Also, tne Genuine Maccassar Off, and Ward’s
Celebrated Hair Off. For sale by
:nar ,3 GARVIN x HAINES.
-a>iCKLES AND PRESERVES. —The subscri
gj ijcrs have just received a complete assortment ,
ol pickles, consisting of
Walnuts, Cauliflower,
Mangoes, Red Cabbage,
Picolffij, Onions,
Mixed Pickles, Peppers,
Gerkins, Beans,
In half gallon and quart jars; Cucumbers in pickle;
London, French and American Mustards; Ketchups
of various kinds,and other I able Sauces.
Peach, Green-gage, Damson, Egg Pium and Peai
Preserves; Currant, Raspberry and Strawberry
jellies aud Jams; East India Ginger in pots, West
India < range, Citron, Limes and Pine Apple Pre
serves; Guava Jelly iu glass and boxes; Citron, j
Prunes, Raisins, rigs anu oiner aneu fruits, all
fre«h and in fine order, loi saie ov
dec 13 ' I. S. BEERS Co.
PPLA n the above celebrated remedy for
. DEAFNESS, kept constantly on hand nod
for sale by (oct 14) GARVIN & HAINES.
No. 236 Broad street, August a, Georgia.
, *1 fio subscriber, having previr us y
j jfcJl bouglit out tho interest of A. Z. Ban
!a in his k urnitiu e v\ arehouse, has
now associated himseif with one of
j iff/ | t!l o largest manufacturing establish
f ments in New York, flatters liimrell
tnat lie will be able to offer to the
public an assoitment cf Furniture, superior in point
of workmanship and durability, to anv heretofore
offered in Augusta. As the manufacturing wili
have the personal attention of one of tiie partners,
the strictest care will be observed in the selection
of good wood and dry material, (so essentia; to he
i dmaturity.
Also, a genera] assoitment of Pianos, from the"
j besi manufactories in tlie Union. More particulars
I ly the New York Piano Forte company's instru
| ments, which < arnot be excelled for sweetness ol
i lone aim duiabili t> ,in tlio sou thern climate, beany
' manufactory in the United States. Our' instru- j
; ments are selected with the greatest care, by one 1
v. !io is a competent judge, and a written guarantee !
I is furnished in eveiy instance, if required
i C. A. Piatt returns his thanks to the public for i
! * heil ' former -patronage, and solicits for the comp-un j
that share ol public patronage heretoioro bestowed
on himseif. The easiness in tuiure will he con
uncled ov -ap2- CHAS. \. I‘LA’J‘T K C.o
i tsp 33 ? D. H. SJLCOX, 393 Broad street 1
J keeps atari tines for sale, a large as
j U sortment of Cabinet Furniture, of 1
| superior workn.mship and well sea
soned materials, made expressly for !
t;c Southern climate. Every arti
le in the above business, with all the
vai iety of new patterns, conlinu.dlj
received. Persons wishing to purchase can do a'- !
weh at this establishment as at any of the Norths !
ern manufactories. To ue soio for casn or good '
ci:vaccenran'’e=, mar lo
C ’■ .-■.’ -r
Via Greensboro’, Eaton ton, Clinton, Macon, Per
: W, Pindertown, IJainbridge, Chattahoochie, lola, |
| St. Josephs, Pensacola, to Motile.
I ihe i’roprietors ol this Line inform tiie Travel- 1
ling public that it is now in foil operation, through !
the entire route; leaving Augusta by the Georgia j
Rail Road cars to Greensboro’ every Tuesday
Thursday and Nalurday, at 6 o’clock, \\ ,M. and ar- I
rive in Mobile in three days and a half running 1
11 a verier? are assured that tie staging upon this
line is sujrerior lo any otlier, the accommodations
unsurpassed, and by larthe best natural roads in
the Southern country, only 210 miles of staging.
Stages leave Bain bridge for Tallahassee via Quin
cy, immediately on the arrival of the Alligator 1
Line from Greensboro’, and immediately on the I
arrival of tiie boats from lola.
(O' vvo Stages will at all times be run in com- I
pany, when the travel requires it.
For seats in the above Line, apply at the office j
at the Eagle and Phoenix Hotel, Augusta. Geo
a P JXX I¥ Did;. W. ULN i . gvgcnl.
'c%tr H. N. \\ iLSow respectful 'y Informs !
k*r2& the public that his splendid line of |
tour Horse Post Coaches is running from Greens- j
boro to Spring Place, Ga. via Gainesville and Cass- I
ville, in connexion with Col. Ramsey’s Line to !
Ross’ Landing and Nashville, and Maj. Wells’ I
Line to Athens and Knoxville, I’enn.
P'are toCassvlrie, sl2 00 i
t; “ Spring Place, n 00
Leaves Greensboro on tlie arrival of the Rail \
Road Cars from Augusta, on Mondays, Wedncs- I
days and Fridays.
Travelling time to Spring Place, 29 hours.
‘‘ “ “ Nashville, 63
QTj’ Scatj can be secured on application to
G. W DENT, Agent,
mar 23—6 m IT. S. Hotel, Augusta, Ga.
WAN’S 1 GNTC MIXTURE- A specif i and ,
lasting cm e for the Fever and Ague —is com
posed of su. h medicinal principles as were consi
dered most lit to restore the harmony of action be
tween the stomach, liver and other important I unc
tions of tho sy tern, the loss of which harmony is
evidently the immediate cause of the disease. It
speedily promotes a regular and healthy appetite,
by which effect vigour and strength is soon afforded !
to the whole system. The genuine for sale by
aug24 H VVILAND, HI."LEV & Co.
'IJ E Subscribers have this day entered into
* Partnership under the firm of FORCE, BRO
JOHN p. force,
Augusta, January Ist, IS4O,
All persons indebted to B. W. Forcf & Co. are
requested to make immediate payment.
FORCE, BROTHERS $ CO. Wnolesale Dealers
in Boots, Shoes and Leather, have on hand an ex
tensive stock, which they offer to country mer
chants at Northern price > jan 1 ts
I 1 ARY IN & HAINES, No. 232, Broad street,
" 0 are constantly receiving fresh supplies of
Drugs, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also an extensive
assortment of Brushes, Toilet and Shaving Soaps,
Perfumery, &c,, of domestic and foreign manufac
tures, selected by their agents; also afresh supply of
English Garden Seed. Country merchents and
Physicians arc invited to call and examine our
sto k.
GC/’A liberal discount made for cash. oct 14
IN the month of June, 1525, I enclosed in a let-
G r, oj map, to John C. Richards, merchant of
Baltimore, the first halves of three notes of the
following description, lo wit, one half of note num
ber 2158, on the Bank of the State of North Caro
lina, payable at Raleigh, for one hundred dollar.-;
one half of note number 287, on tlie hank of Au
gusta, Georgia, payable to R. Tulrnan, for fifty'
dollars; and one ha!i of note number 196, Bank of
August*,Georgia, payable to J. G. Cowling, for fifty
dollars, which were received by said Richards, on
the 18th June, 1825; and inthe month of July fol
lowing, J enclo ed, ly mail, in a letter directed to !
said Rtc! aivs, the other half of all .said Bank notes •
aforesaid, which w ere never received by said Rich- |
aids, and which were lost or taken from the mail. I
Any inloiraation in relation tp said lost halves of :
said notes wiil bp thankfully received, and any j
person finding said halves, shall be amply compen
sated. JAMES B ERR\ .
August 8, IS4O. w3m
TAKEN UP —On the Louisville Road,
Sunday-, the IMb instant, a Ches-
H l 4 nut (.elding, near 15 hands high,s years
oid, baa un a carriage ridle, mounted with plated
I metal, The owner is requested to applv to the
su srriber, six and a haff miles from A gusta near
Butler’s Creek, on the Louisville Road, pav charges
aud take him away. HENRY BERRY?
I oct 21 St*
- v V
VOL. I 262.
i g.OK(a v 11AI L-110 A l>.
• „„fr 3 " f! aftol ' ' olldn . v ( ctolc. 1-th, the Pussen-
Rci ( a,s wii, tun to 1 nck-hcad, six miles V of
Madison. Leave Augusta 6 I*. M. arrive at Ru, k
nc. a A. M. Leave Jiiick head 7A 1‘ rvt
at i’ A. M. '
4 (vLi-EAdJ i \ it ~i * W T
’-V*L, LyLL.- v*.
< Office S. C.ahof.tka Rah, Ro\d Co f
0.. Hamburg, May 1, 1840. <
■ am, alter this day. tiio passenger train Iroin
Hamburg will arrive in Cii.ileston at 2*
O'clock, r M,jn it'i.c h.r dti.r.vr. may l
K' : , v I - > l u\ . | \
| Office i n \n?port \ti~n SC. (Jc U. R t,'o. /
June 2d.1540. v
j Information to Travellers North and South.
Oi W 1 I lISI AN DING the destruction of the
bridges over the Savannah River, at Augusta,
by the late Ireshet, travellers are respectfully in
formed that anangements - hat e t een made forpa'S
ing the river, and that the Cars leave Hamburg
and Charleston dai;y at the usual hours and arrive
as formerly. UAL ROBERTSON, Jr.
Aj-.a* J' r., i:' po rtaf nm•
I r . ' CHAK ft,
Fhe Passenger Bruin, carrying the great mail
between New York ami New Orleans, leaves'Au
gusla every day at (j v. m., and arrives at Greens
boro at la. nr. Loaves Greensboro at 9p. m., and
arrives at Angus a at half past 4 o’clock, a. m.
Stages run in connection with this train from
j Greensboro for New (L eans, (two daily linos) via
Indian Springs,Com; Amis, Montgomery and .Mobile;
for New Or e,ns. tri- week y, \ll Clinton, Macon,
and Pensacola; ‘“i - West Point ami Wetumpka, via
Bartlesville. tri-wcckly*; (or Rome, tri-weekly via
Covington, Decatur and Marietta; Cor NaAiv-p j
and Knoxville, i'enncssec,Hi-weekly, via Atb<His
I Gainesville and Cassviile; for Washington* Wilke’
county, tri-weekly, from Double Wells; for New
Orleans, daily, from Warrenton, via Sparta, Mil
ledge ville, Macon and Columbus ; foi Milledgeville,
li-wcekly, via Greensboro and Eatonton.
Connecting with these lines are branch stage,
lines to Tallahassee. Columbus, Miss.. Tuscaioosa|
Newnan, eoweta county,Ga., and Clarksville, Ha
bersham county. Kc.
I'are on the Hail-Road to Greens! oro;J>4 26.
Olhct Georgia Rail Road & Bk’gCo. /
Ausvsta, Tier c moer 9, i»3i*. S
(Lj-'iNOi iCT. — 1 i.c Rail Road Passenger Train
betvvecu Charleston and LainLurg, wii] Jcave as
Not to leave Charleston before 7 00 a a,.
“ “ Summerville, “ - -AG 30
“ “ Georges’ - *' {.y o
“ “ Branch v Hie, “ - 11 00
‘ “ Blackvi,ie, - “ - iCOp. w
“ “ Aiken. - - “ - 300
Arrive at Hamburg not before - 4 r»j
Not to leave Hamburg before 6 CO ■>.. n.
“ Aiken, -7 305
“ Black viJle, “ - . 9j 5
“ Midway, “ - - io 30
“ Branciivill - -1 \OO
“ “ Georges’, “ - - u 4.3
“ “ Summerville,“ - - ] lap. m.
Arrive a! Cua. eston not ! < 'ore 2 15-
Distance —13bmik>. Pa ie Through—slo 00.
Speed not over 20 miles an hoar. To remain 2(
minutes each, for bit ki'asl and dinner, and not
longei than 5 minutes lor wood and water at any
To slop for passengers., when a nhite far is
hoisted, at either ol the above stations; and also il
Sinealiu, Woods Uk k, inabuicl’s, 41 nuie (>.,
Rives’, Grahams, V\ lileston, Windsor, Johusi ns J
and Marsh’s T. U.
Passengers no will breakfast at Woodstock and
dine at Biackviue ; oou-n, wP• oroaKiusv ar Aiken
an d dine a r . Hhariestoc. mv 4
GEuiCGtA ItAlL.ltO \H.
ON the 30th of September ti e Georgia Railroad
will be opened to Buck Head G miles Past of Madi
son. afiei which period the iatc; of freight lo the
several station along the line, for Cotton and gen
eral mercham.ise will be as follows:
Cott n per bale Merdyj per JCO Jh,
Beiair, 26 “ “ r> “
Berzelta, 50 « 10 “ •*
Dealing, . r > « «
Thompson, 70 *• “ 20 c- «
Camak, 87d « « 25 •* «
Warrenton, I,U) “ “ 25 *
Gumming, 1,10 “ “ 25 ‘ s “
Crawfordville, 1,25 “ t: 33} “ “
Jtlfcrson Hall, 1,37} “ “ 37d “ «
Greensboro’, 1,50 “ “ 40" “ *•
Buck-Head, 1,70 “ “ 40 “ “
And aLer the Ist of November to Woodville,
Athens Branch 1,60 “ “ 40 <• “
No single packages taken to either of the above
stations or less than 25 cents.
All Cotton bags torn while in possession of the
company will be mended at their expense.
Augus f a. Sent 26 Sup. Transportation.
fillip Stockholder' of this Company having de
■ termined to close its business, notice is lierc-
Dy given of the sumthat those who have made
insurance with the undersigned, Agent for Au
gusta, may renw then risks elsewhere as they ex
pirt, due notice of w; will be giy^n,
Those who may have claims against the Com-,
pauy, through this agency, will present them lor
adjustment to J, G, Dl NLAP, Agent,
may 9
Augusta, September, IS 10.
f g'sIIE Ninth Course of Lee times in this Instilu
§ lion will commence on the second Monday;,
the 9th of next November, r.nd terminate on the
first Saturday of Mar. h following.
Fee foi full Course of Lectures, 4,115 00
Matriculation, y pai 5 tut ouce.) 5 0C
Ana. gements live been made by which Stu
dents can be supplied fiom Europe with Instru
nients of all kinds, Skele’on-;, N".
The Faculty arc —
G. M. Nf.wton, M. L\, Professor of Anatomy.
L. A Dugas, M. !>-, ibofessor of Pliy siulogv aid
Pathological Anatomy.
C. VV. West, M. D., 1 ufessor oS, Chemistry a*, d-
I. P. Gabvix-M. D., Profc-isorof Therapeutics and
Materia Med:t a.
J. A. Eve. M. [)., Professor of Obstetrics and Dis
eases of V\ on.on and infants.
L. D. Ford, M. D., Professor oi the Institutes and
Practice of Medicine.
P. F. Eve, M. D., Professor of the Principles an
Practice of Surgery.
G. M. Newton, M. D., ( Demonstndc, sol Anab
John McLestek, M. I'.js oj Ay, without addtTfee
PAL L F. KVE, M. D.,
sept 1 Dean ol Faculty.
(Lj'The Edge held Advert! cr, viieenv ilie Moun
taineer, S. C.; Southern Ret order, Fe kial Union
Col mbus Enquirer. Sav nnah Georgia;
Mo die Register, lluni^\ iHe Democrat, Alab”nu
Journal, 1 usculouaa Flag of Union. Alabama; Mo
ridian, Flo.; and Nashvill Banter, will publish thi
above advertisement weekly to the amount of ${
C-icR. and forward fbeii liceipts lu the Deap,