Newspaper Page Text
i ( ARD. —The following stasl memos an affair
| of honor between Col WigfaU find Col. Carrol is
[ submitted; |
The parties met on the grourl accompanied by
[ t heir secon<ls and surgeons on||; General Jones
attended Col. Carrol as second,||.nd Mr. Manning
attending Col. Wigfall in the s nj capacity. After
an exchange of shots. Col. Wigs expressed him
self satisfied on the declaration cj? Col. Carrol, that
he would not have used the offei ive language ex
[ cept under high excitement, an< now desired that
it should be forgotten.
I The parties then approached, shook hands and
I left the held. JAME ? JONES.
Hamburg, 4th November, 184 ,
Singular Disc overt. —Fr’*m the Baltimore
Clipper we learn the following -urfous fact, rela
ted by Wise, the aeronaut. It well known that
almost every one. on looking d iwn from a great
height feels aflected hy vertigo i-giddiness of the
head—and a sensation or sick ming insecurity.
But he avers, from repeated ex jerience, that this
only o curs when the iodivitlua .is sitting or stan
ding upon something connects -oUh the ground.
even if it he o.ilv by rope, nr any other slight
rornmiinicauen with the earth. But that entire
ly isolated from the earth, no si (di feeling or sen
sation can be experienced. -
Ml o vrt.—The Earl of Zeftind has been ap
pointed Pro-Grand Master Mast of England, vice
the Earl of Durham, deceased, f
Latest dates from Liverpool,... ■ October 3
Latest dates from Havre, ; .. . September 29
f Wednesday E lenihg, Nov. 4.
Cott'tn —Our Cotton market i: without any ma
terial change ; since that, buyer : seem more dis
posed to purchase at former rat ;s, quoted in our
last report of the 2d inst. Tin receipts are still
unusually light for the season f the year. We
quote range of prices, all from \ igons, 8| a 9 cts.
freights —To Savannah, $1 { bale; to Charles
ton, by railroad, 2.1 c p 100 lbs i *r square, and 35c
Exchange —( n New York, a 1 sight,
cent for current funds; < harlcs on at ®
I ecu'; Savannah 1 s>• cent; Phila 1 'phia —(d 2% p
cent; Lexington, Ky. par a- r> ent; Richmond
cent; Specie commands d cent prem.
Bank Notes. —
Savannah Banks. 1 \0 prem*
Columbus Insurance bank... .3 \(d - “ “
Commercial Bank, Macon. 2■(d - “ “
Mechanics’, “ (Augusta,) 4ijVf- “ “
Agency Brunswick,“ A Mi— “ “
Planters’and Mechanics’Bank, j
Columbus, 2 ''\(d - “ disc’nt.
Central Bank, 9*• d - “ “
Milledgeville Bank, 5 d - “ “
Ocmulgee Bank, 9id - “ “
Monroe Rail Road Bank, 1/d “ “
Hawhinsville Bank. 9 a— “ “
Chattahoochic R. R. AB’k Co. .2 a— “ *•
Darien Bank, 2; d> - “ t£
Bank of Rome, 2( d~ “ “
Union Bank, “ 5 <a> - “ “
Southern Trust Co. “ ..3 'd - “ “
All other Banks now doing bus ness, at par.
Specie Paging Banks. — vlech; ucs’ Bank, Insu
rance Bank of Columous, Conunt nai Banx of Ma
con, ana Brunswick Agency in t ;o city.
Savanna) , November 3.
Cleared —Brig Opelousas, P c rest, Baltimore ;
brig Lime Boon, Kaels, New Orl« ms: schr. Emma,
Symmons, Havana
Arrived —Ship Susan Drew, linage, Boston;
barque Gazelle, Allen, Gi rail r; brig Phi ura,
Sheaiman. New York; schr. md Commander,
Wing, New Haven; schr. Sav; nah, Lawrence,
Boston; steamboat Chatham, Wo< i, Augusta.
Chari,esto , November 4.
Arrived yesterday —Brig Su In m, Brown, New
York; brig Mary Kimball, \S o< *er, Thomaston,
Me.; schooner Mandarin, Walter Baltimore; schr.
Soutnernei, Eldiiige,New V ork
Cleared —Brig l ybee, Lreerm re. New York ;
brig Howell, Leslie, M itanzas.
Rev. WM. T. BRANT LI Jr., Pastor elect
of the Augusta Baptist Church will deliver his
Intio.'uctory Sermon next Lord' day' morning,
nov 5
tfj' WILLIAM 4*. EVE, J. P can be found at
all times at the store of Wrig rl,. nil ic Co.
oct 28 ts
(fj’ A CARD. —DANIEL MB -111, iate Proprie
tor of the United States Hotel, thankful to his
Liends in Georgia, and the travel ng public gener
ally, who have so liberally pali uised him at his
former establishment, solicits of I cm and the pub
lic a continuation of those f.i >rs at the well
known spacious a d convenient t tablishment. the
Eagle and Pluenix Hotel.
Attached to the Hotel are St hies with every
convenience necessary in mat lie .
oct 26 dim
Dr. J. J. WILSON has omoved for the
Summer to the house of James l U'dc°r, Ksq., Ist
*oor below the Academy. nine 6
Miss TRAIN will resun .• her School at
S m.mcrvrlie on the first Monday a November.
Board can be obtained on the f 11.
aug 12 ts
J . MY 2 !> ,
Will be thankful to his friend- fa any part ot bu
siness in the above line, which v ill be attended to
witn rectituue, Ac. ’ oct 24
t oct 31 Savannah, Ga. : 2m
attorney at l IW,
jy 17] Cl rkesville, ga
is. ii. ovwill’r,
ATT 011 NE Y A T iA W,
feb 25 Jeilt .>oa, Jaekajji co mty, G
,4 730 R NEY AT \L A W ,
septo-ly Madison Morgan county, Ga.
CObUr. GARDNER, fmiucrly eridont surgeon
n the New 'fork Hospital, and physician at Belle
vue Hospital, New York, tender) o the public his
professional services.
Oitice in Washington street, bi t wen Broad and
£!hs streets Residence. St Plicenix Hotel,
ap 2
; EXCHANGE ON NEW Yi UK —At sight,
and at one to twenty days sntht. Loir sale ov
oct23 ii ARi M.LLi. RHIND.
OLD PEACH BRANDY —A cljoibe article, for
sale by SIBLEY J&tCItAPON-
Hamourg. August 10, 1840. |
undeisigiitJ have associated themselves
1 in the FURNITURE BUSINESS, under the
firm ot John Higgins & Co.
_ henry parsons.
November 5, 1840. trw3t
VUE persons indebted to the estate of Mbs. Sa
rah Clarke, deceased, are notified to make
payment to the undersigned, and persons having
demand) will present the same duly proven with
in the time prescribed by law.
November 5, 1840. w 6t
P'OR SALE, a Negro Woman and three
likely Children. The woman is about
thirty years of age, and 1 can recommend
her as being a good cook, washer and j
ironei ff applied for soon a bargain will be given.
nov 5-8 t GEO W. MORGAN. i
Mil. J. WHALE, Professor and Teacher of
Dancing, respectfully announces to the La
dies and .jentiemen of Augusta, ihat his Dancing
School w 11 open for the Season at the Masonic Hall
on Wednesday next the 11th inst.
Days of Tuition. —Wednesdays and Saturdays
from 3 till 5 o'clock in the afternoon for Young
Laaies : ud Youths, —and on Wednesdays and PTi
da} s fiom 7 till 10 o’clock in the evening for Gen
Perms. —$10 per quarter, composing twenty
four lessons, cne half piyable in advance.
Ladies and Gentlemen wishing to patronize Mr.
\V will please leave their names at the Store of
V\ m. E. Jack-on, as early as practicable where a
Subscription list is left for the reception of Pu
pils ,names.
Lessons and classes attended Private, for terms
apply to Mr. W. at the Hall.
novji 2w
Georgia., Columbia county :
tiLRPIAS Owen VV. Baldwin, administrator
V ▼ on the estate of 1 homas J. Wright, deceas
ed, app ies for letters dismissory from said e-tale ;
These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and
singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased
to be and appear at my office,within the time pre
scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have,
why said letters should not be granted.
Given t nder my hand, at office, this sth Novem
ber, 1840. GABRIEL JONES, clerk.
Georgia, Lincoln county :
¥\ni UREAS George VV. Lewis applies for let-
M Grs of administration on the estate of Jer
emiah Blanchard.dec<ased :
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to be and appo. i at my office within the time pre
scribed by law, to show cause (if any they have)
w r hy said letters should not be granted.
civen under my hand, at office, this sth Novem
ber, 1840. HUGH HENDERSON, Clerk.
scriber has a fine Four Horse Wagon and
a Forty Slaw Cotton Gin for sale, both new and
complete. Apply to LUTHER ROLL.
oct 28 Ot
lI.ME —200 casks Lime, first quality, and in
J good order, expected to arrive, will be so.d
low from the wharf, by
oct 28 if GARDELLE & RHIND.
PICKLED OY STEhS. — I,CO Gallons Pickled
Oysters, in line order. Ju>t received by
oct 23 I. 8. BEERS, & Co. j
]I.ME. —123 barrels of LIME, in line order
landing, and for sale by
vrANTED TO HIRE, a good Washer Wo
f f man, til. the first of January. Apply at
this office. oct io
G> CA SHARES of the Bank of Augusta Stuck,
i *J for sale by
oct 13 RUSSELL & HUTCHiNSON Auc’rs.
geoa Dentist, has removed to the residence
! No. 242 Broad street, over the Watch and Jewelry
Store of Mr. G. C. Gordon. oct 13-ts
OIL, &c. —Train Oil, Plaster Pans and
1 Gilder’s Whiting,for sale in quantities to suit
purchasers, by GARVIN & HAINES,
oct 14
LAMP OIL —A supply of best Bleached Lamp
Oil, just received and for sale by
r | HE VERBENA CREAM, an Emollient Soap,
1 which a fiords real pleasure in shaving produ
cing a rich, fragrant, creamy and pcirnanent lather,
I Just received ami for sale bv
oct 14 CARVIN' & HAINES.
ON CONSIGNMENT —40 boxes Morgan's best
Chewing TOBACCO. For sale by
j SPOONS, Silver Forks, Ec. A good
i assortment, for sale by
Hf ATCHES. —Fine Gold and Silver Lever,
and Duplex Watches, warranted to perfoi in
well. Also, Independent S. cond Watches, for
timing horses. For sale verv low by'
nov 3 CLARK* RACKETT & Co.
rguiu undersigned D now receiving a co.-.plete
( as>o tment of Co! gne. Lavender, Florida and
Honey W aters, Cosmetics, Fancy and Shaving
Soaps, Hair Oils, Brushes and Combs, in great va
riety, which he will sell low.
oct 8-ts WM. M. D’ANTIGNAC, Druggist
IT A K -I pleasure in informing the Planters and
Country people at large, that i have made ar
rangements to do a general Grocery business in this
place, and will keep constant y on hand a good as
soitment «f Groceries, and all otucr articles usual
ly kept for the up country trade. A. U iay will
conduct t! e business, and act as my duly aut-.or
ized agent in the purchase of goods and everything
appertaining to my business in the mercantile line.
And Lorn his knowledge and in busi
ness, I hope to merit a liber.. 1 patronage. He will
be found at the stand formerly occupied by John
E McDonald, where he will attend piomptly to
all orders confided to firm. H G. JUHNBQN.
Hamburg, >cpt. 14, 1840. ts
The Hamburg Journal will please insert tire a
bove lour tunes, and present their bill to
A. WR C j , Agent.
Madison, Morgan County, Ga.,
be ready for the reception of Boarders i
y | ami Visitors early in January next. The |
subscriber is now making arrangements to put an i
addition to his house, which will make it 71 feet;
long and 48 wide, ail of which he intends fitting ui |
in convenient and pleasant rooms. I lie building .
will be of Drick entire, and is situated on the Pub- j
lie Square, nearest the Kail-ioad Depot,and within
a ve.y short and pleasant walk. His large new j
stable will soon be completed, and will be well I
prepared for keeping horses; his ostlers and ser
vants will be of Ins own family of negroes, and
such as are capable and Lusty, and although tne
subscriber has had no personal experience in tav
ern keeping, but from hi long business habits and
general observation, he flatteis himself with the |
belief that he can satisfy tiie community, and keep ,
a house worthy of patronage.
oct 17-w-m JOSEPH M. EVANS. .
rrT The Augusta Constilutronah-i, Charleston
Courier, Columbus Enquirer, Montgomery Adver- j
tiser, and Feder 1 Uni n, will pu IDh the a* ove ,
once a week lor two months and lorwiul tiieii
Jefferson, Jackson County.
riNHE su 'sc liber offers for s.le the JEFFERSON
X HOTEL, in Jefferson, Jackson county; Lie
Beds, Bedvilng and Furniture, will also be disposed
of to the purchaser if desired. He also oilers ioi
sale a small farm in the immediate vicinity of the
village, containing between four and five hundred
acres, one hundred and fifty of which is cleared
and in cultivation, the remainder well timbered.
The House has a libeial custom, and the location
is as healthy as any section of Geor.ia. Ihe pro
perty will fie sold separate or together, and it not
sold on or before the rir>t Tuesday in January
next at private sale, it will on that day be offered
at public outcry, to the highest bidder, in the
absence of die subscriber, terms will be given and
sale made, ny applying to Giles Mitchell, or Baird
H. Overby Esq is , who reside in the village,
oct i7— wtlstjan GEORGE S-UAYY.
y-v .. HoRj:Kt ’ MI LES WANTED.
I and°Mri h [®® hundred good HORSES
Mates for which c "i anted ’ ,or the United
aie>, tor which specie wi‘l be paid.
oct 31-2 w T ‘ CKOSMAN.
as,-., a M t -. s . Ar„,y
fCph irfh PUmb«r of pleosnnt
{glfcgffl mrt n V;. G ROOMS, m the moslctntral
Bar oi the fL n * " Pply al t!ie
—-- Phoenix Hotel. 2w-octSl
r lO RENT. The dwelling house on
gii stlcet ’ opposite ihe Lancasterian
abovTw* n ’ ar!d lhe staLle and fi'rse lot next
oct ° eICIUUS ’ Carri *ge shop on Ellis street.
J. W. VV 1L DE.
a H J. ( l Possess ion given imme
diately,) the office on Broad street,.oppo
f-to \v Mas « lc Hal1 ’ formerly known as
i to" “ U ° u r sta ,^ llr ’° r oflsce - F or terms, &c.. apply
- oct7 : tf ] VINCENT & OGIER.
RENT Two small Dwellings,
sigli TVIT V., a ' V . ell of goo] water in the Yard,
tan's 1 el f»fo-street, belonging to the Es-
Reuerca nnc I homas Quizenbeny.
- (D ) A. SIBLEY, Administrator.
.. TO RKNT » from the Ist October, the
IgSIH thiee sn ) all tenements on Telfair-street,
. . n oar!y fronting my residence. Apply at
resid fnce. PAUL FIZSIMMONS.
s fpt 14 ts
REN I.—lhe Store on Broad str.,
I l-r’l Th 2D, now occupied by Messrs. J. VV.
■Ti g~aL.R. T. S. Stoy'.
Also, the two Stores above, being Nos. 249 and
340 >. to
! _J ü b' 20-trwtf HENRY H. GUMMING.
i -YLT ill bulk in store, and sacks afloat, by
Also, Hemp Bagging. nov 2 6t
Russell & Hutchinson have just re
ceived and are now opening a splendid as
| sortment of Fresh and Seasonable DRV GOtHH
i winch they offer low. Call and see. sept 24 ’
1 4 fY SACKS fresh Almonds, just received and
for sale by W. E. JACKSON,
I a P IR ~ • Auctioneer.
1 'ff LST received, a lot of very superior Chewing
i 9p Cavendish Tobacco. For sale bv
S-tt 1. 8. BEE K S & CO.
SNOW DEN iz SHEAR have received from New
York a large supply of supeiior Ingrain, Three
Ply. Brussels, and striped Ventiian CARPETS, of
rich and splendid patterns, with Rugs to match
Also, superior White Welsh ann Gauze Flannels
and a great variety of other articles suitable for the’
: present season, to which they respectfully inviie
i the attention of the public. oc t 27
i In sums to suit purchasers. For sale bv
Broau-street, opposite the Masonic Hall.
1 oct 1 ts
; rpilE undersigned have associated themselves
under the liim of PECK & HEARING, and
i will transact a geneial EXCHANGE and COM
MI -SIG.N BUSINESS. Office under the Masonic
Hall, recently occupied by John G. Winter & Co.
1 Augusta, I2th Oct., 1840.
T|NHE undersigned have this day entered into
£ eo-paitnership, for the purpose of transacting
a Grot ery and Commission business, in this city, j
under the fi:m of Fort, Clopton Malone.
Savannah, Sept. 27, 1840. oct 7-2 in
rBNHE subscriber has made arrangements w ith |
1 the most extensive Instrument makers in the
Union, and is now and will hereafter be supplied •
with all the various Surgical Instruments in com
mon use, and can, at short notice, have Instruments i
of any description made to order.
Physicians will please call and examine his
stock and piiccs, WM. M. D’ANTIGNAC,
oct 8-ls Druggist.
rOf i PIECES 44 inch Bagging, l£ a lbs.
»)UU per yard;
2(JO coils Bale Rope ;
50 ps. heavy milled and bleached Sacking ;
] bale plaid and striped Hemp Carpeting.
For sale by GARDELLE Hz RHIND.
oct 23 ts
IS7M. M. D’ANTIGNAC, (Late Turpin & D’
Yff Anlignac,) has removed two doors below
his former stand, to the Stare recently occupied by
E. W. Spofford. and is now receiving in addition
to his former stock, a large supply of
AH of which will be sold low, and on accommo
dating terms.
Having purchased the notes and accounts of the
late firm of Turpin & D,Antignac, he particularly
requests those indebted to make early payment,
oct 8 ts
T4HE subscriber respectfully informs his friends
and the public that he is prepared to accom
modate transient and private Boarders, or even
Families from abroad, on the most reasonable terms ;
his rooms are furnisned in a handsome, plain style,
and assures those who wish to give him a call to
j give general satisfaction, at the late residence of J.
j K i\ifi>urn, E-q., just above the New Market,
| south side of Broad-street. F. A. DUFFIE.
N. B. He also has g..od stables for horses and
vehicles, with the attendance of a good hostler.
! oct 26.
The Constitutionalist will please copy the above.
f |IHE subscriber has returned to the city, and
; A will again resume his profession, the teaching
of Music on the Piano and Guitar. Thankful for
past favors, he solicits a continuance of the same. 1
Those desiring my services will p ease leave their
address at Mr Parsons’ Furniture Store, or the
dwelling of Mrs. Carts, corner of Campbell and
Ellis streets. OTTO HERMANN,
oct 12 Ina
The subscriber con-
I 5 tinues to occupy his
old stand, No 16S
.■ Broad street, oppo
r*iar sRe i * ,e Eagle and
. Phenix Hotel, where
gEg| he has on hand and
offers for sale very
, low for Cash, a large
consisting of
wood or coal: Close Stoves, foi Churches, Facto
ries and School Houses, with all necessary pipe
l leady trade, to despatch orders. He has also in
! s ti n e, all sizes of Sheet Copper, suita le for val
leys/gutters heads, pipe*, &c. Jin Plate, Wire,
Bleu* fin, and Spelter Solder, with an extensive
stock of TIN WAKE, at whole a’e or retail.
Grateful for the patronage heretofore received,
he solicits a continuance of the same, pledging
himself to execute all orders with neatness and
I SeTpatch. B. F. CHEW.
.C. oi
A ANt'ES will fie made, in Checks at sight,
-*■w. on Cotton consigned to our friends in Charle?-
nov 4 ts
® BAY ED, on Monday, the 2d inst..
A from the subsciiber, residing in thil
county-, oi: the road leading from this
n t- l Vi . P , u K ilee s Br . id K e > °« Briar Creek, a dark I
Hat MARL, about eight yeais of age, hind feet
w.iite and shod, as ar in her forehead, and some r
of the harness on her right shoulder. The 1
above reward Will be paid for her delivery, or any
iiilOi rnation thuukfuily received.
njv 4 2t * SAMUEL LANDON
rpHE following rates of Toil over the Augusta
i Bridge, is established from this date:
.All wa gons aQ d carts from the country, loaded ; *
with Codon, Flour, Coin-meal, Fodder, Bacon, i
Laid, hutter, and Poultry, coming’into the City of i
Augusta lor sale, shall be allowed to pass and re- t
pa.,s free of toll. ,
All wagons loaded with Lumber, Wood, or Brick, J
25 cents each way, and all other tolls the same as '•
By order of the Bridge Committee.
oot 10-lm S. H. OLIVER, Clerk.
(51/A BBLS New CANAL FLOUR, a first rate J
article. Just received and for sale by
°°t 6 W. K. JACKSON, Auctioneer.
LIME AND POTATOES.—I7S casks Lime, in ’ j
line order.
oU bis. Mercer Potatoes. ,
Landing ihis day, for sale low from the wharf. i
DU FONT’S POWDER.—oW) kegs FFFg. sport
ing Poivder.
50 J kegs do. do.
15 kegs Eagle’’ Powder, in canisters*
1000 do. Blasting do.
Just received and for sale by
I(jS HRKINS choice Goshen Batter.
13 boxes “ “ Cheese.
40 “ No. 1 Herring.
Just arrived, and for sale bv
110 V 3 W. E. JACKSON.
Cabin Necklaces; new style Reticules, &<?..;
Log Cabin Brooches ; O. K. do. ; Log Cabin Kevs,
ana Hard Cider and Eagle Pins,&c.
Also A line asso. tment of Silver Spoons, Forks,
Cups, Pitchers, and Breakfast and Tea Sets.
For sale by CLARK, RACKET!’, & CO.
nov 3
'^MOIICE. —1 he subsciiber having associated
jL v Mr. Robert T. Hyde in his business from the
Ist inst. it will from that date be conducted in the
name of DUNLAP HYDE.
July 0, 1840. J. G. DUNLAP.
VPT An infallible remedy for that distressing dis
ease. Numerous certificates might be given in
proof of the truly wonderful elfecls of these cele
brated Pills, but it is deemed unnecessary, as they
are too well known to need recommendation. For
saie i»y ia24> HAVILAJSD. KIsLEY Co.
IA the first Saturday in November next the City
1 Council will elect a Keeper of the Hospital for the
balance of tiie year. Candidates will state in their
applications the terms on which they oiler, and
name reierences as to character.
By order of the Mayor. 8. H. OLIVER,
oct 26 eodte Clerk Com. Council.
subscribers aic now receiving and opening j
their fall and winter stock of Fancy and Staple j
Dry Goods, among which are many seasonable and I
desirable articles, to which the attention of the I
public is respectfully invited.
sept 4 ‘ W >l. H. CR ANE & Co. J
IT genuine Cologne YV ater, in long and shost |
I bottle?, warranted of the very best quality; for sale
| n boxes of half a dozen each, for family use, or
j by single bottles.
Also , a large assortment of Fancy Soaps, Odorous
Waters, Extracts, Hair Oils, and Curling Fluids,
of the best quality, at Apothecary Hall, 232 Broad
street, by GARVIN &. HAiNES.
oct 14 j
HOME notorious counterfeiters have nearly kill
ks e< l several persons by selling them a spurious
and false mixture of Hays’ Liniment.
The genuine is warranted perfectly harmless !
and effectual. Never buy the article unless it has
the written signature of COMSTOCK <s• Co. on
the splendid wrapper. That firm are solely au
thorized to make and sell the true article Origi
nal proprietor, SOLOMON HAYS.
P. S. The true Hays’ Liniment is warranted to
cure Piles and Rheumatism, in all cases, or no pay
taken for it.
Sold at No. 2 Fletcher street, near Pearl st. and
Maiden Lane, New Yoik, by'
COMSTOCK <s■ Co., Wholesale Druggists.
The genuine is for sale by GARVIN & HAINES,
and ROBERT CARTER, Augusta, jan 10 ly
OILS AND PAINTS.—PaIe Winter Strained
Lamp Oil,
Pale Fall Strained Lamp Oil,
u Whale “
Train “
Linseed “
In quantities to suit purchasers.
Also, a general assortment of Paints, Window-
Glass, &c. &c. For sale by
oct 14 232 Broad-street.
25 bols Extra Canal Flour,
20 bbls Irish Potatoes,
50 dozen Pickles, assorted,
15 kegs Goshen Butler,
10 kegs Winchester’s Lard,
20 boxes Cheese,
20 boxes Starch,
20 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel,
20 kitts No. 1 do.
Just received and for sale by I. S. BEERS & Co.
oct 15 ts
J UST received, and lor sale at modeiate prices,
10 dozen BLANKETS.
50 pieces Kersey.
10 White Plain.
10 “ Bat gin. g
5 bales Homespun.
Assortment of Seal Caps.
“ Otter “
25 bags Coffee.
Broken Sugar.
Havana Sugar.
Go«hen Butter.
Northern Gin.
Molasses, etc.,etc.
oct 31 4t Broad-street.
Campbell street , near Hroad.
BROWNE & McCAFFERTY respectfully re
turn their thanks to their friends and the pub
lic generally, for the liberal pationage extended to
them, and hope, by strict attention to business, to
merit a continuance of favors. They have just
received from the foundry- of James Conner. N. V ,
Eight additional fonts of NEW TYPE, cast in the
latest style, plain and ornament il. (among which
is a font’of beautiful “ Script ” for Merchants’ cir
culars,) which, with their former selections, com
pletes their assortment for Letti r Press Piinting in
any form. As it is their intention to de vote them
selves entirely to this branch of the business, every
exertion will be made to give satisfaction, in neat
ness promptness and Price.
BLANKS. —Their assortment of Blanks are of
the most approved forms, printed on good paper,
and fair type, to wnich tney would invite the at
tention of Lawyers and public officers.
ALMANAC’S for 1841.—They have just pub
lished the Georgia, Carolina and Alabama Almanac,
calculated for either ol the three States, by T. P.
Ashmore, and v ill be sold in any quantities. Or
ders from the country, accompanied with the cash
or city reference, will be promptly attended to.
August i. November 4. I*4o. d2’w!t
Office AvoCsta Ins. & Banking Co.,} i
November 3, 1840. C
O PICE.— The Annual Meeting of the Stock-
JL.X holders of tnis in dilution will be held .on
Monday next, at- 11 o’clock, a. >i ,at the Banking j
house. ROBERT WALTON, Cashier. (
nov 4 5t
ALMANAC Km- KSil, calculated for the me
ridian oi Aug sta, l,a.v by T. p. Ashmore, just
printed and lor saie in any quantity bv
nov 4—6 t Book and Job Printers.
FANCY BASKETS, has constantly on hand j
an extensive and handsome assortment at his store,
No. 130 Broad street, Augusta., he has an
nexed to the above business, Fancy Straw Bags,
Oil Cloth Reticules, Tooth Brushes, Fancy Specta
cle Cases. Shaving Brushes, and a great variety of
fancy Straw Baskets, &c. &C. aii oi whicn will be
sold at low prices. sept 12
restoring and preserving the Hair, prepar-
A ed by the subscribers, fiom a correct receipt, i
and warranted as good as any article by the name |
in tue L nited States. For sale wholesale and re
tail by WM J. BURRITT &('•«». 12 Gold street, i
Caution. —Never buy Balm nt Columbia if rt-p- ;
resented to be the genuine imported article and '
purporting to be sola by the '■'American Agent;' '•
as such representation false, and designed to dc- j
ceive thepublic; and after this notice, no dea'cr !
or consumer can purchase the aiticle under such i
base representation, without openly encouraging j
deception and patronizing imposition.
WM. J. BURRITT 4c CO., 12 Goldst.
For sale by
nt)V 4 Sole Agents in Augusta.
A new and important Discovery.
IT has long been a great desideratum in Medtca l
Science, and has been the subject of a vas.
amountot Chemical experiment, to obtain theme
dicinal qualities of Opium to the ox lusion of it s
noxious principles and useless combinations. No
article in the whole range of the Pliarmacopaeia is
perhaps ot greater importance to mankind ; and
ivone which has engaged a greater share of chemi
cal attention. Every preparation hitherto made
from this drug, whether in the form of Extract,
Morphia, Black Drop, Para gone, or Laudanum,
contains in close combination a poison with the an
tid te, end lienee we find the administration of
them attended with a numerous train of evils,
among which are headache, lassitude, tremors,
nausea, vomiting, constipation,der. ngement of the
nei vous sy stem—and a quality wonderfully predis
posing the system 1 1 its habitual use: to obtain
therefore the Soothing Opiate and Anti-Spasmodic
Anodyne in all its virtues, separate from the dele
terious principles of the drug, lias for a series of
years engaged the profound attention of the author;
it presented itsell to his mind as a subject of great
magnitude; the acquisition to the medical faculty
oi so important a remedial agent, and the incalcu
lable amount of human misery that would be alle
viated by lire discovery, have been to him a sure
guarantee that he would reap a rich reward for his
labors,at. least in self-gratuiation. Having satis
factorily tested Hie Elixer in several hundreds of
instances, he lias now the happiness of saying to
the public that his labors have been crowned with
triumphant success. J. HAMILTON,M. D.
Sold wholesale by WM. J. BURR ITT 4v Co., 12
Gold street, New-York, and bv
nov 4 Sole Agents in Augusta.
INUR toughs, Colds, Shortness of Bieath. Asth
. ma. &c. This invaluable Medicine the
extraordinary property of immediately relieving
Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, difhcu.ty of Liieat.iing,
and Huskiness in the Throat. It operates by dis
solving the congealed phlegm, consequently cans- ;
ing a free expectoration.
Those who are troubled with that unpleasant
tickling in the Throat, which deprives iliem of rest
night alter night, by the incessant cough which it
provokes, will, by taking one dwse,iiiij immedi
ate relief; and one bottle in most cases will elfct a
in Asthmas, Chronic Coughs, difficulty of Breath
ing, &.c., no pen cim describe the wonders that
have been performed by this invaluable Medicine ;
many, who fory ears have been unable to lay down
in their beds without a danger of being choked by
an accumulation ol phlegm, (wuich invariably
causes a dreadful cough), others, who with diffi
culty coul 1 breathe ai ail in a recumbent posture,
have, by taking one dose of this excellent Balsam,
been enabled to lay down comfortably in their beds.
But the testimonials of those who have experienced
its wonderful effects, will do more to recommend
and insure it the support of toe public than any
tiling the proprietor can say in its lavor, and by
particular request he has published the following
extraordinary case.
Copy of a let'er fiom Miss A. Thomas.
Fir —through the medium of ibis letter I beg
leave 10 offer my grateful thanks for yourtnvalua
ble Balsam; having suffered by sevuie cough and
difficulty of breathing for several winters, was
quite cured by taking one home only.
I am, sir, your grateful and servant,
ANN TIIOMAB, Union street.
For sale by
nov 4 Sole Agents in Augusta.
IS one of those invaluable remedies that stands
the lest i f trial. In every instance that has
come to the knowledge of tne proprietors, it has
proved itseE to be what it is recommended —a
pleasant, safe, and efficacious remedy for all the
sympathetic affections attendant on Pregnancy,
and all those periodical disorders to which both
married and unmarried females aic Delicacy
forbids giving the details of its merits in a news
paper advertisement, but it may be stated that it
has been in use under various names —(The Philo
token, Mother's Relief, $c..J for some ten years
past, and wherever introduced, the demand for it,
(without the aid of “ putting,”) has been constant
ly on. the increase. This fact in evidence of its
real virtues, together with the belief tnal hundreds
of females are suffering from want of the know
ledge of a remedy adapted to their cases, induce;
the proprietors respectfully to call the attentioi
of sufferers to their pamphlets, which accompany
each bottle, and which may be had gratis of anj
of their agents.
Price $1 50 per bottle. Sold bv
Agents, Augusta.
oct 14-2 m Agents, Charleston.
for Coughs, Cotds, Consumption, Asthma,
Liver complaint. Pains in the Chest, Raising Blood,
Night Sweats, &c.
I have had a cough, raising blood and matter
from the lungs, pain through the chest, and night
swe-ts, lor six years. Through the blessings of
God I am cured by Dr. TAYLOR’S BALSAM OF
LIVERWORT. It is truly the medi.ine for the
poor. Wheie it docs not benefit the expense is
Alexander Smith. 151 Forsyth street, and Sex
ton of Rev. Mr, Stillwell's Meeting in Christie
street. June 9, 1840.
I have suffered many years from weakness, pal
pitation of the heart, &c., and lately cur. d by Dr.
M. Young, comer of Tllierv and Adams streets,
Brooklyn. Jane, 1840.
Sold wholesale and retail by' Wm. J. Burritt &
Co., 12 Gold street, Ncw-Vork.
For sale by ROBT. AUS I IN & CO.
nov 4 * Sole Agents ir Augusta.
ITTARRAN TKD to cure the Piles, or the mo
s 7 ney will he refunded. Prepared by the
subscriber from the original receipt, and put up
with gieat caje F- Ransom, who ha? also
manufactured the article sold by *• one Comstock ”
for several years, towh chhe is ready to make
oa »h, giving the prefeienct- lo ilus a. tide in conse
quence of the sep nor quality of tne ingredients,
and the extreme care in preparation.
Sold wholesale by V\ M. J. BURRITT Ik CO., 12
Gold street. New-Yoik.
For sale by ROBT. AUSTIN k CO.,
nor. 4 Foie Agei.t in Augusta.
W ill be sold at 10 o’clock, precisely, in front oft
my store,
10 bis. GIS.
10 - R um .
11 bags Coffee.
10 boxes C; ndies.
20 bbls. Potatoes.
3 bbls. kcets.
5 “ Onions.
» “ Pickles, fees*i choice article.
One large lot ol House and Kitchen Furnit an
consisting of Chairs, Tables, bedheads, Re hr,
Matresses, Crockery and Glass Ware, Hugs anti
i arpets, Toilet Glasses, &c., Src.
so A large lot ol Hose and Duffle Blankets.
Tci riis cftS'h. I Qy 5
il V VN • E. J ACKSDX.
November, at the store of Ji.
a. Kilbum, upper end of Broad street, will L«s
2 qr. casks Brandy.
do. Tcucritie Wine.
1 hhd Hum.
5 bis. Vinegar.
3 doz. Cordial.
4 do. PorU r.
Letter and Cap Paper, Calicoes, lot Window
Sash, Arc.
I Terms at s aie. oct as
ON the fust Tuesday in December next, at the
lower maiket in the city of Augusta, will be
otieied lor sale that valu ible Plantation on Sa\ a'i
nah River, in Edgefield District, S. C., known* s
Horse Creek, about a mile and a half below An
gusta, containing 804 acres, agreeably to plat, a
considerable portion of which is fertile, low
grounds and Isinglass lands. Thcit is a. Fiat and
a right ot way forever secured through the pkn
-1 Cation of Mr. W atley, on the Georgia side, directly
Terms of sale, one-third cash and the balance in
tw’o equal payments of ore and two years, secured
by mortgage on the property and notes with two
approved endorsers, with interest at 8 per cent
per annum, from date ol delivery of plantation,
on the first of January next Names of eudorseis
required on day of sale. E. F. CAMPBELL. P,
October 5, ls4o.
be sold on the first Tuesday in January
y * next, at the lower market house in the city
ct Augusta, between the usual hours of sale, by
permission of the Inferior Court of Richmond coun
ty, while sitting for ordinary purposes, the follow
ing pioperty belonging to the estate of William
Tutt deceased, foi the benefit of the heirs and
creditors, to wit :
All those three adjoining valuable tracts of
- land, containing together six hundred forty
four and a half acres. One Known as (he Cashin
tract,containing one hundred acres, within about
one mile of the city of Augusta ; one known as the
Bacon tract, containing two hundred acres; and
one kn ‘Wu as the Cupboard tiact, containing three
hundred and forty-four and a half acres.
Also, a large, well-finished tent at the Richmond
camp ground.
Also, a number of valuble negroes.
Also, ail the Wagons, Carts, Mules, Horses, Cat
tle, Hogs, Coai, Fodder, Teas, and Plantation
| Utensils.
Terms.—For the land and negroes, one third
cash, and the balance in two equal payments at one
and two years ; notes with approved personal sc
, curity and a mortgage on the property, bearing in
terest fiomjjate, the interest payable yearly : and
for the other property cash
JOHN H. MaNN, Executor.
Augusta, November 3, 1840. tew id.
AT PRIVATE SALE. —A desirable Residence,
with one hundred and fifty acres of land, on
the Sand Hill*,near Augusta.
A good two horse Beroache ami Harness.
| oct 23 Auctioneers.
! fBAHE subscriber offers for sale the Plantation
X. lately owned by Mrs, Urquhart, deceased,sit
j uated in Burke county, adjomiag the town com
mon of Waynesboro, containing about 1014 acres.
On the premises are a two story brick dwelling in
thorough icpair, gin hoic-.c. overseer s house, and>
all necessary out buildings. The piace being we.i
known, a further descuption- *s deemed unneces
There will also be sold with the place, if desired,
the stock of Cattle, anong which are some line
milch cows, hogs, horses, plantation uten- ils. &c.
A bargain may be had, and terms made accom
modating to an approved purchaser. Possession
given Ist January next. VV. E. JACKSON,
sept 10
r|NHE duties of this SEMINARY will be resumed
B on the 18th of O obey, by Mrs 4. L. Moise,
i assisted by competent and efficient Teacheis. All
the branches of a complete English Education will
1 be taught. Also and other Languages;
Vocal and Instrumental Music, and Drawing and
Painting in all their branches.
terms. pr. qr. of 3 mos.
For English'—from $8 to sls 00
“ French and other Languages 10 00
“ Music on the Piano, 20 00
“ “ “ Guitar, 10 00
“ Drawing and Painting, 12 00
“ Boarding and Lodging, lights and fuel, 60 00
A limited number of j oung ladies can be com
fortably accommodated in (lie immediate family of
Mrs Moise, wuose attention will be devoted to
their morals and deportment. sept 23-ts
(Uj* The Edgefield. Advertiser will insert
, aoove three times and forward bill.
SIXTY days from this dale application will
be made to the Mechanics’ Bank of Augusta,
1 for ihe renewal of the following certificates of
! stock, (the originals being :ost or mislaid,) viz:
No. 330. Twenty-five shares in the name of
George Thomas, dated Mar h 2d, 1835. No. 482.
Twenty shares in the name of the same, dated
March Bth, 183-7.
Application will also be made sixty days from
this date, to the Iron Steamboat Co s pany, for Ihe
renewal of the following ceitificates of slock, (Ihe
i originals being lost oi mislaid,) viz:
No. 1. Ten shares, dated May 21st, 1835. No.
i 112. Ten shares, dated March 15th, 1837. No. 1 14.
Ten shares, dated March 18th, 1837, all in favor
j of George Thomas. A. -SIBLEv. Attorney.
Augusta, Septcmoer Btn. 1840.
COACHES is now miming from Rome, Flo;d
County, Ga., to Gunter’s i Tennessee
River, in Alabama, forming a connection between
the Stage Line now in opeiation, iroin the head of
the Georgia Hail itoud to Home, and the steam-
Hoal and Rail Hoad Line from Gunters Landing
to Tuscnmbia.
This Line will leave Rome every '! on day, Wed
nesday and Friday morning, ana arrive at Gaolers
Landing on the evening of the same days. Up
turning, will leave Gamer's Landing every Tues
day, Thursday and Batuidiy morning, and arrive
in Rome on the evening ol the same days, thus
forming an uninterrupted in ercommunicjlion be~-
tween the City of ecw York and Tuscurnbia,
Noith Alabama, where Travellers will find Mages
to convey the n in every desirable direction. The
time occupied in traveLuig from New .orkto Tus
cumbia, will be as follows: Four days from x\ew
Yor» to GrcensbOiO. Ga., at the He-d of the Hail
Road; three days from thence to Gunter’s Land
ing, Alabama, and one day from thence to Tus
cumbia. Travellers to Hunts vile and Nashville,
will leave this Line at (-unter’s Landing, and ar
rive in Huntsville on the n.Oiiiingof toe Bth day
from New Vork, and m Nashville, oo the sth.
Travellers to Me.mphi., Tennessee, and Cof«mbus,
Mississippi, will anive in those places in 10 uays
from New York. Ino re will be a saving in
time at present occupied between the seven,! pla
ces, or a out one week, with the additional au van
tage v important particularly to iLcicnauts,) ol
passing through most ol ihe principal allies in the
Uraor. A- vVil»*ON At LU.
Homo Ce-tober 22. 1840. tt.