Newspaper Page Text
Coß*i- Bees l» pr Carolina Hail Hoad.
Hambiro. November 25. 1840.
-tiva’l. Simmons & to.: W E fnkson; Hop
tins A* Stov sii ; R McDonald : F.B Beall : Snow
den & Shear ; Bentley & McCord: P A Scranton 5
VV \ J Nelson : Collins; F Land ack ; Formoy;
Hand & Scranton; W 11 HsPticr: J F Benson ’>
yi Askew ; C Belcher ; W Errrenputch ; J A & D
Caftio; W Garrett; M Holbrook; J F Kenn; J
Levy; Latimer k Ft J Logan ; I Moi-e ; Sibley
& Crapon ; R H & W A Wardlaw; diamond E*
K G; D & G; G N D; J E J.
<) I R Jl O L S V, .
Just re; *ffved,
i' Ins !i Oysters all <1 I' i*h ! !
and no mistake.
nov £6
; r> The Synod of South Carolina and Georgia
will meet in this city, iu the Presbyterian Church,
on Thursday evening the 26th Inst., at ball pa d G
o’clock, and will he opened with u sermon t y the
Kev. Dr. Howe.
The anniversary of the Southern Boaid of For
eign Missions will be hold in the Presbyterian
Church next Sabbath evening,at half past G o'clock,
w hen several addresses will be delivered, nov 2)
A CARD. —DANIEL MIXER,late Proprie
tor of the United States Hotel, thankful 10 his
friends in Georgia, and the travelling public gener
ally, who have «o liberally patronised him at his
former establishment, solicits of them and the pub
lic a continuation of those favors at the weli
Known spacious and convenient establishment, the
Eagle and Phoenix Hotel.
Attached to the Hotel are Stables with every
convenience necessary in that line,
net 26 d 1 m
yy Dr. W. S. JONES tenders his professional
services to the citizens of Augusta and its vicinity
lie may ! e found at his residence on the North
side of Green second door below Mclntosh stieet,
or at the Chronicle and Sentinel office.
.1 ( Mll.-O, LCiiraVE, |iit tlie Basle &
Phoenix,; is prepared to make liberal cash advan
ces on Cotton consigned to C. C. Gardner at Savan
nah, or such other arrangements , may suit con
signers. nov 94-3t*
Attached to this office is open to subscribers, and
strangers introduced by them, every day and eve
ning (Sunday evenings excepted) until ;> o’clock.
Subscription $5; for 1 fimi o' two or more 810
AX I>H E\V .1. El *. \S E HS
attorney at law,
nov 2-I—ts Daiohnega, Ga.
\\ . R. C 1 \MSGIIA.II, A C 0.,
uct 31 Savannah, Ga. 2m
A TTOIiNE Y AT L 1 11 %
jy i7’ Clarkesville, Ga.
It. 11. 0\ GliBV ,
feb 2. r > Jefferson, Jackson county. G
attorney at law,
ipptd-ly Madison Morgan county, On.
WILLIAM «). EVE, J. P., can be found at
all limes at the store of Wright, Bull & Co.
oct 2S ts
Office in the lower tenement Masonic Hall,
nov 9 ts
.1 011 n . .1 . ?: v it s> .
Will be thankful to his friend' for any part of bu
siness in the* above line, which will tie attended to
Avitn rectitude, Ac. oct 24
cry- EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK- —\t sight,
anffat one to twenty days sight. For sole oy
oct 23 g A ill) EL LE n RHiMJ.
For the benefit of the sick poor of Augusta. The
committee for the present month r,-e a? follows:
Division No. 1. —W. E. Jackson, Andrew Me
Lean, Mrs. Pemberton, Me VS Merman.
Division No. 2. — I. B Grove?, .H. C vane, Mr-.
Talliaferro, Mil Ann Winter.
Division No. 3.—porter Fleming. E. \V. Doughty,
Mis. Andrew Miller, Mrs. Cornelia Cohen,
nov 2 t .1. W. WIGHT MAN Jsccy.
CTDr. GARDNER, formerly resident surgeon
11 life New York Hospital, and physician at Belle
vue Hospital, New York, tenders to the public his
giiofesfionai service.'.
Office in Washington street, between Broad and
•Ellis streets Residence, Eugic k Phoenix Hotel
ap 2
Window \M> PIC f URL) GLASSTof various
yj qualities and sizes.
Sbv 10—10 bv 1.2—10 bv 1 t—ll by 14—12 by
14—12 nv Iff—l4 by 16 —li by IS—ll by 20 —M
by 20—16 by 20 —1G by 22—18 by 24—20 by 24
—24 by 28 —and 28 by 36 inches.
Also, Glaziers’ Diamonds. For sale bv
nov Is—ts UAVIL AND, KISLEIi 6e C O.
\'EAST POWDERS, for raising Buckwheat and
Batterttansk n s perfectly light, and ready for
baking the instant they ore mixed. With these
powders any quantity can be prepared in a few
minutes, which readers th» ir use more convenient
than yeast, and avoids the jKis-ffdiity of ever
having sour cakes—a superior article, with direc
tions. For sale bv
nov 13 Ts V VILAND, RIST.EV & CO.
1 HINES E GUT LON SEED.—M le subset • r
J has far sale a quantity of the above Cotton
Seed, which produces a bu-h from eight in ten feet
in height, and yields from two to three thousand
l>ounds to the acre. it. < . BRA SON,
nov 7tf 357 Broad street.
subscribers are now receiving and opening
tbeir fall anti winter stock 01 Fancy and Staple
Pry Goods, among which are raa.iy seasonable and
desirabKe articles, to which the attention of the
public i* respectfully invited,
sent J W )*. 11. • R \NR k• A
* XT R VC F OF U< isl .S —Rose Water, Milk
'A of Roses, Cologne Water real French and
American; some splendid Florida Water. Honey
Water, Lavender Water, Macassar Oil genuine,
Bean Oil, Indian Dvc, of Tvro, &c. uv.
For sale by H VVILAND, UISI.EV, & Co.
nov IS
iTLEMDIU < All s*l TS.
SNOWDEN X 811 F. Ail have received from Now
York a large supply of supeiiorlngiain.Thre
Mv, Brussels, and striped Venllian C AKDi.TS. of
rich and splendid pattcius, with Rugs .0 match.
Also, superior White Welsh ana Gauze Flannels,
and a great variety of other articles suitable for th
present season, to u-rch tuey icspectiiuiy invit
the attention of the pu bliC. 1 1
rexup: subscriber iuis made arrangements wit
4. the room extensive Instrument makers in the
If moo, and is now and will hereafter be supplied
with all the vavior- Surgical Instruments in com
mon use, and can, at short notice, have Instrument?
mi any description made to order.
Fhveudans will please call and examine hi«
stock and ptices. WM. M. D'AN IJGNAC,
oct Vis Druggist.
HA'itdM., ItOFE. AC.
tr £ x c\ PIECES 44 inch Bagging, l 4 a If lbs.
OUt? pery^i
200 e-oils Ba'e Hope ;
oO ps. hsavy milled and bleached Sacking;
1 bale plaid ag* gtnned Hemp Carpeting.
For sai« by grARDELLE & RHIND.
OCX 22 ' ts
j 4 T private sale, for a few days, r.t the store
. ! ./■%. lair y oreu iod by Shorter & I o c ter, oppo-ite
1 c ■* U. 8. ii*ttel, consisting of
Muslm de Laiue. Challys, Shawls of all descrip
» | tions, 2'iei ;nos, ib-'.-.bazin« «, Yoliene«, .Mourni'g
. j Pfin’s: Linens. Suspondots, Si k and Worsted Ho
. ; siery. h- cos. F. rbrfddered Collars and CapelCuff ,
: homed stirhed, pleln and embroife ed CambrL*
> Hanrikerchiefs, (-er-t-s Se ek?, Vc .tings. Cloth'.
I Gents (coves, To-met Frames. Straw lira ids. kc.
Just imported from Franco via New-York. —
Dealers a;e requested to call and examine (hem,
1 » ov y W. E. JACKSON.
b- IOLEN from the stable of the sub
oiJ-iTAsenijf r, on the night of the 23d inst.. a
■vli/j, 1 small Chesnut Sorrel Ho:?e, about 8
year-' par’iculir marks recoilec.ed. A lib
eral reward will be paid for hi? return to mv sta
ble? in Augusta, or for s*:ch info mation as may
load to hisdiscoveiy. GEO .VI. THEW.
nov 26 if
A GREF. \Dj.K [■.) an order of the honorable the
„ b fdt riot Court of Burke county, when sitting
lor ordinary purpose-, will be sold on the first
1 nesday it! February, before the court house door
in Waynesboro between Ihe usual hours of sar*.
j three hundred acic : of land, more or less, adjoining
land' 01 (stale ui John Brinson and Ost-oni Lowe
ry. Sold a< rite properly of John McCoy, deceased.
I 'ieiro- 01 ssienu tiie dnv.
November 26 1740.
As) ts IX'JsTIf \TOR'S SVLK.
4 GLEEAF-LE loan order of the honorable the
| j. «. IrfertorCourt oi'Burke ccnikty, when sitting
1 for ordinary purpov:>, wiii be sola on the firer
j Tuesday in I’ela my, before t'■'•(* court house door
j in Waynesboro, between the u?i ul hours of sale,
1 eight ; , res or Jand, adjoining lands. .41 round, by
j Drury 1 orcl.aiid. Solo as the piopeity* of Drury
Forehand, deceased. Terms of soe on the da?'.
November 26, I to.
V GREK.ABLE to an order of the honorable the
Inferior Court of Burke county, when silt * g
for ordinary purpose?, will be sold on flic Jiist
Tuesday in February next, before the court house
door in Wavren county, between the usual hour? of
sale, eleven hundred eleven and a half acres of
{ land, in saM county, lying on the St. Alary? river.
Also, on the first Tuesday in February next, be
fore the court house door id Lawrence county, tif
(een telT,* acres, aoieiiiing lands of Joinuimi
son and others. Sold as the property oi George
| Poythress, deceased. Terms of sale on the dey.
JoHN" ( . POVTiiRIS?, KxT,
■ November ~G, IS 10.
A ,'37ILL l.e sr. 1:1. on Saturday, the fflh of Janua
| » ▼ vy next, at the late residence of Bailey
Carpenter, Sen., deceased, in Burke County, the
following property, to wit: —Horse?. Hug?, Cattle,
; four neds and Furniture, three Bedstead?, and
other Househol I Furniture, Kitchen utensils, and
j various othc; article-,? too tedious to mention. —
Also, at the same time and place, will be rented
1 until the Ist day of January, 1842, the Plantation
I whereon tne deceased formerly resided. Sale and
, renting for the benefit of the i loir?. Terms on the
November 26, 1840. Administrator.
< Georgia, liurke County :
\%7 HEREAS Mulford Marsh applies for Let
# ter? of Administration on the Estate of Jo
seph Jansen, deceased,
I’heso are therefore to cite and admonish all and
' singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to be and appear at ray olncc, within the tirae pre
scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have,
I why said lettei? should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office in Waynesboro,
November 25, 1840. T. 11. BLOT NT, Clerk.
110 V 06
Georgia, Burke e omity :
% / H ERF. AS John Atkinson app’ies for Letters
f f of Administration on the Estate of Joshua
C. Atkinson, deceased,
These are therefore to ci‘e and admonish all and
singular, the kindred and creditors of said do
i ceased, to be and appear at my office within the
time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they
have, why said letter? should not be granted.
I (liven under my hand at office in Waynesboro,
November 21, 18 iO. f. H, RI.OFNT, clerk,
no v .26
Georgia. Burke county;
W w ter? of Administration, de bonis non,on the
Estate of Hardy F’ern . deceased.
Those are therefore l > cite and admonish all and
singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
toiiie their objections, i; any they have, in my of
fice within the time prescribed by law, to show
cause why said letters should not be granted.
(given under rnv hand at office in W aynesboro,
November 24, 18 12. j .H. BLOC N T, Cicik.
nov 26
G(’onni). [Hu la* county ;
ft ’"HERKAB Join? If. Cox applies for Letters
ff of Administration, with the Will annexed,
r i the Estate of Mon i? f-mit?», deceased,
The<e are therefore t • cite ami admonish all and
sing a tr. the kindred and creoffor? ui said >icceas
ed. to i o and appear ai my office, within tiie time
pie-es;; ri by law, to shew cause, if any they have. |
why said loiters should not be granted.
Given under mv han't at office in Wavnesboro,
November 21. 1844. T. H BLOFNT*CIerk,
nov £6
Georsria, Burke county;
1 V*7~HEREAB Alexander Murphy applies for
\ y l.etter? of Admi .istration on (ho Estate of
C b ai! r s Scot t, de or- a sed,
Flies? are therefore to cite and admonish all
ami (singular, the kindred and creditors of ?aid de
ceased, tc be and appear ai my office, within the
time proscribed by law, to shew, cause if any they
have, « 1 % said loiters should net bo granted,
i Chen under mv hand at office in Wavnesboro,
No ember 21, 1840. T. 11. BLOUNT, Cierk.
; nov 2i»
<;eor;'ia. Reek* 1 count y :
% ERE \S, Doac I. Heath and Joseph M. S.
I | Moiton apply for Letters of Administra
r lion on the Estate of Peter Melton,deceased,
i ! Titese arc therefore lo cite and admonish all and
r singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
1 to be and appear e.t my office within the time pro
| scribed by law. to show cause, if any they have,
| why said letter? should not be granted.
, s (,iven under m v hand at office in Waynesitoio,
, 1 November 24,1540. T. H. BLOLNT, C lerk,
net; 26
j Georgia, Burke County:
® 4 r H!'.RBAs Daac I. Heath applies f.?r Letters
i | y oi Administration on tiie Estate of Sarah
■ Mobley, deceased,
‘ , These ate therefore to cite, summon and admon
* I ish all and singular, tiie kindred and creditors of
said deceased, to be and appear at my office within
’ tiie time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any
i they have, why saiti tetter* should not be granted.
Given unocr my hand, at office in Waynesboro,
i No vein er‘24, 1840. i . H. BI.(U NT ,1 !eik.
nov 26
(ieoraia, liavko comity;
\ HER HAS Needham Bullard applies for Let
ter? of Administration on the Estate of
’ William Balang a, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular, the kindled and creditor? o( said deem? J,
_ to be and apoca: at rny office within the lime pre
scribed by i uv, to show cause, if any they have,
why said letters should not be granted.
b (liven under sn\ band at ciiicc in Waynesboro,
I November 24,1840. T. H. BLOLNT, Clerk,
nov 26
Georgia, litirke Comity :
' % HEREAS Needham Bullard apnlies forLct
% % tors oi Administration, de boms non, on the
Estate of William Drew, deceased,
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
. singular, the kindred and creditois of said deceased,
to hie their objections, if any they have, in my of
fice wilhm the time prescribed by law, to show
cau?e why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office in Wavnesboro,
November 24,1540. T. H. BLOL N F, Clerk,
cov 26.
J^O L , R moclhs aficr date, application will be I
. ma*,e to the honorable the inferior Court of!
i.i.iuc county, when sitting for ordinary purposes. ’•
ffir.r.nvp to srj S )i tho r€Rl e , ?ate , r Henry J. ]}. j
-uoore. oeceased. * !
x . W ILL! AM BA RRON, Adnvr.
j No ember 26, IS 10.
I Georgia, Hiuke County:
I %\ 7 H _f.D* F *.AS William I. Evans and Amos W.
i _v v V. iggins apply for Letters of Administra- :
J t,c “ on Dte Estate oi Richard IN aus, deceased,
| . ,7 , 1e D-ereiore tutile aud admonisii all and 1
| singulai, the kindred and creditors of said deceasec,!
to be and appear at rny office within the time pro- I
i sn used oy law, to show cause, if any they have. *
i why said letters should not be granted.
| Given unuer mv hand at ollice in Waynesboro,
i November 21, 18 10. T. JL REGENT. Clerk,
nov 26
(Georgia, Ilnrkc Count > ;
! iIE t- EAS John W. Carswell applies for Let
j * ters of Administration on the Estate of i
' r.zekic! Lester, deceased,
1 he-e me therefore to cite and admonish all and j
: singular, the kindred and creditor? of said deceas
ed, to be and appear at my office within the time |
j prescribed iy law, to shov. cause, if any they have I
Wity said letters shou d not bo granted!
Given under my hand, at office in Waynesboro, !
this Mia day of November, 1840.
; nov 26 * T. IT. BLOUNT, Cleib. |
Ccorsia, Rink? Comity:
! "lS rfIERF2AB Denny Corker applies for Lettei s
f 9 of Administration on the Estate of Lea-ton !
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular, the kind*- ' and creditor? of said deceased
to >'C arui appe,. atm otli e,within the tirae pre
sciibedhytaw to sho / cause, if any they have,
tv hi -aid letters .?..w—d not be granted,
t.iven under ny hand at eiiice in Wavnesboro, I
< Novemb r 24,1840. T. M. BLOLN I’l Cierk.
j nov 26
Georgia, linrke Comity:
HEREAS ALra am Belcher applies for Let
w w tors of Administration on tire Estate of
James Helc 1 or, deceased.
These are therelorc to cite and admonish all and
singular, (he kindre d and creditors of-aid deceased,
to : c and appear at my office, within the time pie- i
scribed by law, to show cause, if any (hey have,
why said letters should not be granted.
Given under rny hand at office in Waynesboro, 1
November 24. 1810. T. li. ItuOUXT, Clr-rk.
nov £6
Georgia, isui lie GetnHy !
HrJiF.AS Stephen Godltee applies for Let-
V v ters of Administration on the Estate of
James A. Mobley, deceased ,
1 hose are therefore to cite and admonish all ai d
singular, the kindred and cr diloj -of said deceased,
to be and appear at my office within the time pre- !
scribed . y law, to show cause, if aay they have
wire saf: letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at Oxiiez in Waynesboro,
November £ 1, r-i '. T. il. BLOUNT,' < iork.
nov 23
(H*oigia, iiurke County ;
ile: cr J. Dixon applies for
V W ter? of Vdministration on tiie Estate of
Thomas Hurst, deceased.
Tin -e arethcrclfie to cite and admonish,ail and !
singular, tne kindred and ert ditors of the suidde-l
ceased, to be :-1 sippear at my office, within the
time prescribed b;, law to show ca;i-e (if nny they
have) why said letters shoitld not he granted.
Given under my band at office in Waynesboro,
November 24, 1840. F. H. BLOUNT, Clerk. 1
nov 26
Georgia, ziurke County ;
W/ HEREAS Minche Gray applies for Letters
» » of Administration on tne 1.-tato of Alary >i.
j Smith, deceased,
i iie-e are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singulai . the kindred am! creditors of said decca?ed,
to re and appear at my office, wiiiiin tDe time pre
scribed b) law, to *iie\v eau«o. if any they have,
why said letter- should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office jn Waynesboro,
November £4, 1840. T. H. BLOUNT, Clerk,
nov 26
(Georgia, Buiko couutv:
S £/ HEREAS Minche Gray applies for letters of
y* V administration, do bonis non cam tc-ta
mento annexo,of John smith,deceased:
Tiie?e are therefore to ciic and admonish all and
singular, the kincred and creditors of -aid deceased,
to be and appear at my office within the time pre
scrioed bylaw, to show cau?e, if any they have,
win said leller* should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, in Waynesboro,
i this 24th November, 1840.
nov 26 T. H. BLOUNT, Clerk.
Eurico Comity :
Ilf HEREAS .Mitchel B. Jones and Allen !n
--f f man apply for letters of administration on
. the estate Matthew Jones, deceased;
These are therefore to rite and admonish all and
singula j , tiie kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to be and af.pear at my office within tiie time pre
scribed b.v htw, to show cause, if any lory have,
wily said it uerssh iuld not be granted.
Given under mv hand at office, in Waynesboro,
thD 2lch November. D Fk
nov 26 T. si. Bi.Oi N i . Clerk.
Georgia, Uurkc com)(y :
j \\ T HEREAS Jcs-e P. Green applies for letters j
! f I of administration on the estate of Richard '
: H. Evan?, deceased ;
These are therefore Incite and admonish all and
I singular,the kindred and creditors of-aid deceased,
, lo be and appear at my office within the timt pre
! scribed i>v law, to show can-e, if any they have,
I why said letters should not be granted.
Given undei my band at office, in Waynesboro,
this 24th November, 1840.
nov 2G T. H. BLOI NT, Clerk.
, Cieorgia, Hnvke comity:
nj HEREAS Jesse P. Green applies lor letters
of administration, de bonis non, on the es
! tate of lames Look, deceased :
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular, Etc kindred and creditors of -aid de
| ceased, to bo and appear at my office, within the
j time pro-n ii od by law, to shew cause, if any they
i have, why - id letters shou d not e g;anted.
Given under my hand at office, iu Way nes’ oro,
1 this 24th Novcmbe;. DIO.
m v 26 T. H. BL< ■: N I . < U rt,
Georgia, liurkz coinitv :
\\J UF.UEAS Alexander Murphy applies f.,r I
» f f letter? of administration, with tiie wi'l an
■ m*xed, on tiie estate of Samuel Proctor, deceased j
! These are therefore to cite and admonish all and ;
j singular tiie kiudved and creditors of -aid deceased :
■ | to be and appear at my office, within the time pre
scribed by law, to si’.ow ca«?e, if any they have,
win -aid lettei?-iiouid not be granted.
(fton under rny hand at office, in Waynesboro,
| this 2-Uh Novell.rer, 1840.
: ov 26 i . li. BLOUN r,Clerk.
OILS AM) PAINTS.—PaIe Winter Strained
Lamp Oil,
1 j Pale Fall Strained Lamp Oil,
i - Whale
Train “
• I Linseed “
> In quantities to suit purchasers.
Also, a general assortment of Paints, Wijidow
Glass. &:c. No. For sale bv
oct 14 2->» Broad-siroet.
f a TAKE pleasure in informing the Planters and
§ Country people at i c that 1 have made ar
> ; range mem? ,*■ «lo a general Grocery business in this ‘
‘ : place, and wi'i kc p constantly on hand u good as
> | soitment cf (-loceiie?., ; .nd a*t oliier articles usual
ly kept .>i tee up conniry trade. A. W ay v ill ;
> conduct . e bu-iae-s. and act as my du’y aut!.pr
ized agent in the purchase of goods and everything
appertaining to my business in the mercantile line. ■
And f.ora his knowledge and experience in busi
ne-s, i itope to merit a liberal patronage. He will
- be found at tie stand formerly occupied by John
? i E, McDonald, where he will attend piemptly to
all orders confided to him. 11. G. JOHNSON. ;
1 Hamburg, Sept. 14, 1840. ti
, The Hambi g Journal will please insert the a
- hove four times, and present then bill to
t A. WR \V, Agent.
, 1 Jf AMP OIL —A supply of best Bleached Lamp !
I B A OH. just received and for sale bv
1 oct 14 " GARVIN & HAINES.
jl. °P €ll lor the season, at the Masonic Hall. I
For terra* apply lo Mr. W. at Mrs. Cam fie MN.
Ifon. Matthew H. McAlf.ister."')
Hon. Levey S, D. I. yon,
Dr. Jo'Efh C. Habersham, ' _ ,
Ei-iasß. Heed, Esq. >bavarnah. |
Stephen Gardener, Esq. 1
\V 1 1. Liam M. pEr.oT, Esq. J
Maj. iloßEiix Taylor. Athens.
nov 25 1 w
n A VILA \1), RISLEI Ar CO..
.11 e 1v i I I Laboratory,
ki IER for sale, in quantities to suit puicha-
MelvilFs Black Ink, in 4,0, S, 10. 12 and 21 oz
Melvill’s Black Ink Powder.
Melvill’s lied Ink.
Melviii’s Paste Blacking, 3 sizes.
Meivill's \\ ater Proof Paste for Leather.
Melviii's Leather Varnish.
Tl>e>e articles from long use have established a I
reputation unsurpassed by any other of the kind
now before the public. nov 13
.5.. Mvsic, pioposes to commence a course of in
struction on the i’iute at an early period, at the
Music Loom of Mr. 11 Parsons. Gentlemen wish
ing to join a cla-s, will please leave their names
with Mr. Parsons,or at Mrs. ( art's boarding-house.
He will also give lessons on the Piano Forte
Guitar, Clarionette, and Violoncello.
nov IS if
V QUANTITY of the best manufactured Tri- ;
BAL’CO. City and Country merchants are
invited, to cal! and supply themselves with a lirst
rate article, from 17 to 55 cent.-,. The latter
price for Morgan's Premium Gold Leaf.
nov 6 hn Daw-on's Warehouse.
o}6} ‘"l 1 ARKS of the capital stock of tlie Me-
ebanics’ B ok, for sale hy
po V 20-tt W, E. JACKSON. .Vuctioneer.
JL ST received, a lot of very superior Chewing
Cavendish Tobacco. For sale .>v
ocl s-tl I. S. BEERS & CO.
3 l" s HAI NFS, Milliner a»>i Dress Maker,
1_ h’s removed to the first house above the
Methodist Church on Green street, and would be
thankful foi a continuance of the { alienage here
loloie extended.
All orders executed with neatness and despatch. !
nov 12 ____ ts
11l fresh Almonds,just received and
JLI f for sale by W, K. JACKSON,
april 27 Anctioncer. j
IS ic K.— \. fresh supply Just received, am! will i
.'H be kept constarulv on hand, and for saic in
quantities to suit putchasers, bv
nov 20-ts G A UDELLE & RHINO.
i r private sale.
fJfe/Y BBLS New C \N XL FLOI U, a first rate
i m title. ,)u4 received and for <aie by
i oct <i W. E. JAt ifs- V. Auctioneer.
CORN’. — The subscriber has in Augusta 1,500
1 bushels of OLD CORN, wnich he will lend
1 for twelve nnnths, or bailer lor Bacon, Negro
(.’loth, or Bagging. W. \V. STARKE,
nov 23 ts
SX (.'l'. 4000 bushels SALT, for sale in lots to
suit purchasers. W. M. ROWLAND.
nov 24 bt
BaOR SALK, below cost, the I'iench Medical
Didiunaiy. in 60 volumes. Knquiic at this ;
olhre. nov 7w ts j
AILS.—7OO kegs Nails and Brads, now land
jlTl ing, a::d lor sale by
__oct 12-swtf STOVALL HAMLKN.
SUGAR. —25 bhds St. Croix Sugar for sale low,
_ to close a consignment, bv
oct 12-swtf sroi Vi.i. & n vmt.i v.
SHIRTINGS.— 70 bales Brown >iurtmgs and ,
_ Sheetings, for sale by
oct 12-swtf STOVALL & HAMLEN.
L(iRO ( LO i 115.—30 cases neavy Negro Ker
sevs.ioi sa:e bv
oct 12-swtl * STOVALL & H XMLKN •
OTICE. — N. K. Bt TLER 4- CO. are my duly j
TN authorised agents curing my absence from 1
the city, [nov 17-wlm*j ISAAC TAYLOR.
fDHK subscriber is prepared to deliver 1,1 \I
JL HER, of all descrij lion, in any part of tfit
city-, at short notice. AND. MAC-LEAN,
nov 9 w it
E \ 1 SFOOI ( i L. —A good article ot Neats
fool (Ml lor Jiarness. For sale by
nov it GARVIN & HATNF.S. ■
\yO'i'lCK.— The subscriber having associated 1
jJn A fr - Rohr. l l T. Hyde in his L usinVss from the
Ist iii'-t. it will irorn that date ue coinittcteo in the
name of l/l \L il* q- HYDE.
July 9, |8 . . J. % DUNLAP.
r|!OOTH po\\DER.—A super ior ai tic lo that
iL will give the Teeth a pearly whiteness, —
stlengthen the gums and sweeten the breath.
A so, — A good assoitmeni of hue Tooth Brushes.
nov I'?
I DVANCKS will he made, in Checks at sight,
y % on Cotton consigned to our friends in Charles
110 V 1 ts
SEME. — 300 casks Lime, first quality, and in
4 good order, expected to arrive, will be soid
low from the wharf, by
IJIGKLED OVSTEhS. —1,00 Gallons Pickled
jj Oysters, hi fine order. Just received h-y
oct 23 T. S. BEERS, .. Co.
alM K.—1-3 barrels of LIME, in line order
4 landing, and for sale by
oct 20 W. E. JACKSON.
OLD PK VCH BRAND'! V choice article, for
sate by * I BLEY & CRAPON.
Hanimug, August 10, lb iO,
I Cy Cy SHARES of the Bank of Augusta Stock,
j) *3 for sale by
oct 13 JU sshl.L 5c HUTCHINSON AucTs.
%[^7”ATCIIES. —fine (told and Silver Lover,
v w and Duplex Watches, warranted to pcifoim
| well. Also, Independent Stcond Watches, for
timing horses. For sale very low by
nov 3 CLARK, RACKETT & < o.
_ 25 bols Ex; n Canal Flour,
20 bbls Irish Potatoes,
50 dozen Pickles, assorted,
15 kegs Goshen Butler,
10 kegs Winchester’s Laid,
20 boxes Cheese,
20 boxes Starch,
20 bbls. No. 3 Mackerel,
20 kilts No. 1 do.
Just received and for sale by J. S, BEERS & Co.
oct 15 ts
rgpuK V KPtBENA CREAM, an Emollient Soap, i
ii which affords real pleasure in shaving produ
cing a rich, fragrant, creamy and permanent lather, !
just received and lor sale by
FARR ANTED to cure the Piles, or the mo
ss ney will be refunded. Prepared bv the
subscriber from the original receipt, and put up
with peat care by Dr. E. Ransom, who has also
manufactured the article sold by i 4 one Comstock”
lor several years, to Avincti ho is ready to make
; oMh, giving the preference to this article in conso
j quence of tue superior quality of tne ingredients,
! and the extreme eaio in preparation.
Sold wholesale by WM. J. BURRITT & W>., 12
i Gold street, New-Vorit.
( For sale cy ROBT. AUSTIN L CO.,
nov. 4 Soie Agent w Augusta.
—a— ■—wmmmmmmmmmtmammmmm
Valuable Real Estate. ,
! On TL ESI>aV. If December next, at the Lower
Market, will be «old
The Brick Fire Proof WAREHOUSE and LOT j
corner of \V ashington, Bay, t,rd Reynold streets, j
known as Cummiug’s.
The Lot and improvements on North side Broad j
street, below the Eagle and Phoenix Hotel, recent
ly occupied by John Guimarin, having a front on
i-'road and Reynold streets of twenty-six feet six
Twenty-four building Lots fronting on Reynold
and Bay streets (immediately below the residence
of Dr. Baudiy) with a front on Reynold stect of
forty-two feet two inches, and on Bay street of
forty-two feet three inches each, and a depth of
one hundred nnd sixty-seven feet.
Terms.—One-fourth caHi, balance at one, two,
and three years with interest, payment secured by
mortgage on the property. Interest payable an
A plan of the Building Lots may be seen at the
store of the Auctioneer. nov 7
Exei at or s’ Sale.
On the first Tusday in December next, at the
lower market, will t o sold the following propcity
belonging to tiie estate of Matthew Nelson, de
deased;—seventy-six acres of land, adjoining
the late residence of said deceased.
Also, the Brick-yard, at present occupied by S.
L. Pi-i'ford, containing aoout DA acres, with the
improvements thereon.
A 80, two small houses and lots fronting on
Walker street-.
Also, ten shares of the capital stock of the Geor
gia Railroad and BanuingCo » pany,and rive shares
oi the capital stock of the Iron Steamboat Com- j
pany. Teirns at sale.
A jdan of the land can be seen at the Post Office. !
liV \V. li. JACKSON,
ON the first Tuesday in December next, at the
lower maikt-t in the city of Augusta, will be
offered for sale that valuable Plantation on Savan
nah River, in Edgefield District, S. (~ known s j
Horse tieek, about a mile and a half below Au
gusta, containing SOI acres, agreeably to plat, a
considerable portion of which is fertile, low
grounds and Isinglass lands.
1 eims of sale, one-third cash and the balance in
two equal payments of ore and two years, seemed
by mortgage on the property and notes with two
approved endorsers, with interest at S per cent j
per annum, from date of delivery of plantation, |
on the first of January next Names of endorsers *
required on day of saic. E. F. CAMPBELL.
Gctobci 5, IMO.
ii Y n . E. J VERSON.
ON the fust Tuesday in December next, will .
be sold at the Lower Market House, be
| tween the usual hours of sale, one Negro Woman
named Hager, the property of Robert Barber, de
ceased. .'old by order of the Honorable Inferior
I Court of Richmond comity, while sitting for ordi
j nary purposes, lor the benefit of the creditors of
j sain deccasd. C. J. ( OOK, Administrator,
o.i the Restate of Robert Barber, dec’d.
Septcm cr :.;0. 1 >4O.
4 f !’BI\ATES \LE.—A desirable Residence,
with cn * hundred and fifty acies cd' land, on
the Sand iiil s.neur Augusta.
A gcod ttvo horse Barouche and Harness.
oct 23 Auctioneers.
EVNCV BASiCt-TS, has constantly on hand
an extensive and handsome assortment at his store.
No. 130 Broad street, Augusta. Aiso, he has an
nexed to the above busines-, Fancy Straw Bags,
Oil ( loth Reticuics, Tooth Brushes, Fancy Specta
cle Cases. Shaving Biushes, and a great variety of
Fancy Straw Baskets, kc. nc. aii 01 wlucn will be
sold at low prices. sept 12
4 (j\ HRKINS choice Goshen Butter.
4,-4, lo boxes *• Cheese.
40 No. 1 Herring.
Just arrived, and for bv
i i»oy 3 W. E. £A( KSON.
1 5 different varieties, among which arc
: Ameican Saponaceous CompoundM
(iuci land's Ambrosial Cream, I. D
Tangier’s Uleophane, f in * of ’ i ‘
Ring'- \ eibcna Cream, J
Rom-. Almond, Musk, Pa(m, Olive, &c. &c.
I-join the most celebrated manufactories in this
i country and Europe, For “ale by
4 1 (! \( 0\ 11-NNE BI T TONS for Ladies ; Log
V. Cabin Necklaces ; new style Reticules, &c. ; Cabin Brooches ; U. K. do. ; Log Cabin Revs
ami Hard Cider and Eagle Pins,&c.
N ! «o —A line asso. tment of Silver Spoons. Forks
• C!J Pn Pitchers, and Breakfast and Tea Sols;
tin sale h\ CL ARK, R ACKETI. CO.
. nov 3
~.. :..■ . ; i R —i i'■ l ■■ ■ ! 5 I. IN. 'u;-
JLr geou Dentist, has removed to the residence
N"o. 24 1 i'load street, over the Watch and Jewelry
Store of Mr. G. C. Gordon. oct 13-ts
XO. 212 imOAD-ST., SEAR THE 17. S HOTEL.
fdex, Lepine, and Ver
, ti'.al Watches, nf the mod approved linker*.
Also—! ine Mantle t locks and Flower Va*es, a
general assortment ot Jewelry and Silver Ware.
Also fine (-inns and Pistols, with a variety oi other
j articles usually Rcpt in his line of business, which
: he will sell on reasonable teims, and respectfully
i solicit* a share of public patronage.
N. B.—Clocks. Watches, and Jewelry cavefull
! repaired, and wananted. i.ov9-ly
< vilini:t fi iif >rrrri:.
THE subscribers have
in store;, and are daily re
ceiving a choice selection
of elegant Cabinet FI R
. NITU HE, which thev oticr
i|7i at prices to suit the times.
ilii : IHliilii! * ,C .V aiO prepared (o
man ulac in re in this place
l| u If all articles in their line,
&-■ -=» i 2=Ji and will pay strict atten
tion to orders. Repairing promptly and ex
ecuted, alreasonable charges,
ii!|3) The subscriber con-
iH tinues to occupy his
Broad street, oppo
»■; _ n iilii p site the Eagle and
x-'L ill- 1 i Phenix Hotel, where
be has on hand and
; l M : iui!i{j!{! : :j I ■' 0111 J, r sale very
| * )VV 01 Cas/t,a lajge
jP T consisting in part cf
I ( ■ z-aTN premium
J Cook Stoves,
Pf.ofles’ do. for |
wood or coal; Close Stoves, foi Churches, Facto- j
lies, and School Houses, with all necessary pipe
ready made, to despatch orders. He has also in
store, all sizes cf Sheet Copper, suitable for val
leys, gutters, heads, pipes, &c. Tin Plate, Wire. 1
Block Tin, and Spelter Solder, with an extensive
stock of TIN WARE, at wholesale or retail.
Grateful for the patronage heretofore received,
he solicits a continuance of the same, pledging
nimself to execute ail orders with neatness ana
despatch. B. F. CHEW,
ofct 31
Will be sold in front of our store, at 10£ o’clock,
1j bbK Country Flour.
1C “ Beets.
I*' “ Irish Potatoe®.
4 “ Monongahela Whiskey.
6 ;; New Oileans .Molasses.
A lot of House and Kitchen Furniture.
Beds, Bedsteads and Mattrasses.
Tables, See., I Wardrobe, &e., &c.
Also, to close consignment,
8! roils Hope.
Terms cash. nov 26
• Will be sold at the lower maikct, on the hist
I uesday in December next,
4 likely .young Negro fellows,
i 1 Negro woman, good cook, washer and irone'r.
Terms — Fwelve months approved endorsed notes.
no 21
TO RENT Two small Dwellings,
1 : i fl wilh a Well of K° ol water in the Yard,
on Telfair-street, belonging to the Es
tates o? Rebecca and Thomas Quizenberry.
oct 1 (ts) A. SIBLEY, Administrator.
! /~4, TO KENT, from the Ist October, tin
a three small tenements on Telfair-street
— B-Jb nearly ironting my residence. Apply at
:ny residence. PAUL FIZSIMMONS.
sept 14 t s •
! TO RENT.—The Store on Broad str..
No. 247, now occupied by Messrs. J. W.
T. s. Stoy.
A iso, the two Stores above, being Nos. 249 and
251. Apply te
July 25-trwtf HENRY H. GUMMING.
RECEIVED this day from N. Yofk,
some patent premium Cast Iron Office
CHAIRS; also, some patent premium
Rocking Chairs, a most splendid arti
r|e, wh * ; he citizens of Augusta
W If 1 anr * aie respectfully invited to
I * " " call and examine.
nov 20 C. A. PLATT & CO.
M\ old friends and the public are informed,
that I have resumed the practice of the
LAW, and have taken into co-partnership my son,
j Jobn James Fkrarnoy.
Our Office is in Augusta, on the second floor of
; the United States Hotel, next door above Mr. Cos
kery. [nov 23-tf] THUS. FLOURNOY.
V TEAC HER WANTED—To take charge of
Hie Wrighbuorough Academy, whose moral>
, ate good, and competent to conduct an English and
| Classic School. Apply to the Trustees. To insure
prompt attention, the letters should be post paid,
nov 21-ts EDWARD W. JONES, Trustee.
I]> ROADf L<> 1 H CLOAKS.—A few Ladies and
J Gentlemen's Broadcloth Cloaks, of superior
i quality, just received, and for sale by
iioy 14 d&wlm JD. CRANE k CO.
J 3 EADY MADE CLOTHING.—Just received
Ab a Jarjxe supply of W inter Clothing, compri
i suig almost every article in our line, which are
feted for sale low by J. D. CRANE U CO.
nov 14 d&w2m
j EURO CLOTIH.VG.—Just received, a lot of
i Satinett and Kersey Round Jackets and Pan
j taioons, and for sale by J. D. CRANE & CO.
nov Tl d&wlm
FORTES from the manufactory of Lord &
■ Cumston, Boston, to which we invite the attention
of Professors and Amateurs.
nov 12-ts C. A. PLATT <fe CO;
¥ genuine Cologne Water, in long and short
buttles, warranted ol the very best quality) for sale
n boxes of half a dozen each, for family use, or
by single bottles.
Also, a large assortment of Fancy Soaps, Odorous
Waters, Extracts, Hair Oils, and Curling Fluids,
of the best quality, at Apothecary Hall, 232 Broad
street, by GARVIN & HAINES,
oct 14
J |U FONT’S POWDER.—a<XI gegs FFFg." iport
_|_¥ hig Powder.
50 £ kegs do. do,
15 kegs ” Eagle” Powder, in canisters,
1000 do. Blasting do.
Just received and for sale bv
oct 28 GAR DELL E & RHIND.
| rgIHR undersigned have this day entered into
1 co-paitnership, for the purpose of transacting
a Grocery and Commission business, in this city,
under the firm of Fort, Clopton & .Malone.
! Savannah, Sept. 27,1840. oct 7-2 m
i NEW coons.
i1 | I SSbLL s* HUTCHINSON have just re
% ceivcd and are now opening a splendid as
sovtment of Fresh and Seasonable DRY GOODS,
» which they offer low. Cal! and see. sept 24
In consequence of the failure of the crop, the
freight on Cotton will be reduced to the following
rates per bale, after the 22d instant:
From Warrenton to Augusta, $1 go
Cumming, “ 1 00
Crawfordville, “ I ig
Jefferson Hal l , 1 15
Greensboro, « I 20
Buckhead, “ 1 35
Woodville, and ? „
Head 01 Athens Br. 3 1
I Round bales not to exceed 375 lbs., and square
bales 425 !l>«. For the excess »bove these weights,
ha f cent per luO lbs. per mile. All bales tom
while, n possession of the i ompany, will be mend
ed at their expense. Business' will commence re
gularly on the Athens Branch after the 22d hast.
, A passenger Car will be atm hed to the freight
train leaving Augusta on Mondays, Wednesdays ,
! and Fridays, at 7 o'clock, A. M., Buckneaa at §£*
j o’clock on Tuesdays, Tharsdavs and Saturdays.
nov 17-trwatw u >ut.*riniei.d : t Transp’n.
]7L)R Coughs, Colds, Shortness of Biealh, Asth
_ ma. kc. This invaluable Medicine has the
extraordinary property of immediately relieving
, ( oughs, Golds, Hoarseness, difficulty us Jiieathing,
and Huskiness in the Throat, it operates by dis •
I solving the congealed phlegm, consequently- cuts
| in.g a lice expectoration.
t hose who are troubled with that unpleasant
tickling >n the 1 hroui, which deprives them of rest
nigh! alter night, by hie incessant cough which it
j provokes, will, by taking one dc*c,tiod immedi
■ ate reiiei ; and one bottle in most cases will elfct a
; cure.
In Asthmas, Chronic Coughs, difficulty of Breath
ing, Ke., no pen can describe the wonders that
have been performed by this invaluable Medicine ;
many, who for years have been unable to lay down
in their beds without a danger of being choked by
1 an accumulation ol phlegm, (wuich invariably
: causes a dreadful cough), others, who with difti
j culty could breathe at ail in a recumbent posture
I have, by taking one dose of this excellent Balsam*
j been enabled to lay down comfortably in their beds,
I But tire ic-'i nnoiuuiS oi loose who have experienced
it' wonderful effects, will do more to recommend
: and ii'-mr u the support of the public than any
! tiung the proprietor can say in its favor, and by
1 particular request he has published the following
j extraordinary case.
fopv of a letter fiom Miss A. Thomas.
—1 hrough the medium of ibis letter I beg
leave 10 oiler my grateful thanks for your invalua
ble RaDam ; having suffered by severe cough and
difficulty of breathing for several winters, was
quite cured by taking one bottle only.
1 am, sir, your grateful and obliged servant,-
ANN THOMAS, Union street.
For sale by
aot 4 Sole Agents in Augmsflx