Newspaper Page Text
3n|HE undersigned respectfully informs his
friends and the public, that he continues the
•rehouse and Commission buiness at his old
stand on Mclntosh street, and solicits a continua
tion of public favor so liberally bestow, d the past
four years.
Having the assistance of Mr. John R. Crocker
and James C. Dawson, it will enable him to devote I
hit entire attention to the selling of Colton ; in this
branch of the business his friends may rely on his
best exertions.
Wm. C. Dawson jr. & Co., will keepa general
assortment of Groceries at Ruck-head, Morgan
county, (the termination of the Georgia Hail-Road)
and will furnish my customers at Augusta prices,
adding freights—they will also act as agents for
me. [sept 28-w6t] THOMAS DAWSON,
cry The Milledgeville Recorder, Journal, Fede
ral Union, Columbus Enquirer and Southern W hig,
will publish the above six times weekly.
Jefferson, Jackson County.
THE subscriber offers for sale the JEFFERSON
HOTEL, in Jefferson, Jackson county ; the
Beds, Bedding and Furniture, will also be disposed
of to the purchaser if desired. He also offers for
sale a small farm in the immediate vicinity of the
village, containing between four and five bundled
acres, one hundred and fifty of which is cleared
and in cultivation, the remainder well timbered.
The House has a libeial custom, and the location
is as healthy as any section of Georgia. The pro
perty will be sold separate or together, and if not
sold on or before the first Tuesday in January
next at private sale, it will on that day be offered
at public outcry, to the highest bidder. In the
absence of the subscriber, terms will be given and
sale made, by applying to Giles Mitchell, or Baird
H. Overby Esqrs., who reside in the village,
oct 17-wtlsUan GEORGE SHAW.
Palmyra, Lee county, Ga.
Will practice in the adjoining counties of the Chat
tahoochee and Southern Circuits.
Col zadock Jackson, ? Palmy Ga .
Rev. Jonathan Davis,3 *
Col.H I'ope / Athens, Ga,
Hon. C. Dougherty, 5
Coi. A. Reese, } ~ ~
Johnston & Robson,3 Mad,son > Ga *
J. W. Jones, Augusta. w4m-oct 15
LODGED as a runaway in the jail of
jK Abbeville District, South Carolina, on
vaL the 39th ult., a negro man about thirty
&ve or forty vears old, stout built, five
feet ten inches high, and ready spoken, who calls
himself MARCH, and says he belongs to Robert
Homes of Talbot county, Ga. He had, when ap
prehended, a paper purporting to be s pass, and '
almost illegible, dated 22d July, 1840, granting him
leave to pass to Wynsborough, Fail field District,
South Carolina, until the 25th May next. The |
•waer of said slave is hereby required to come for- j
ward and prove his property, or the said slave
•hall be dealt with according to the law of the
State of South Carolina.
*ug 25 wly J. H. COBB, S. A. D.
Prospectus of a New Work to be entitled
IN a series of original pictures, on steel, with let
ter press descriptions. The plan of publishing )
in successive numbers pictorial works, illustrative
of the scenery of countries, has long been a popu- j
Ijw one in Europe, and is rapidly gaining favor in :
out own country.
The proposition to issue such a work, devoted to !
the scenery of Georgia, although novel, will find
U&iversal favor, and be regarded as it is by the Edit- i
or, a plan at once felicitous and feasible. There
is much scenery in our State,that is not surpassed
in beauty and sublimity, by that of any other State |
in the Union. The upper counties abound in scenes,
which need only be known to command the admi
ration of all who love the beauties of nature.—
Much of the scenery of the North is inferior to our
own, but is yet visited by thousands simply because
it has been written sung and “ lionized ,” by au
thors and travellers until its beauty has become
universally known and appreciated. It is desirable
{hat attention should be directed to our own resour- |
c«s us picturesque in natural scenery, and when
this is done, our own and Northern tourists will
speedily render our beautiful views as immortal as
our language.
The South is charged with general indifference
to the progress of Literature and Fine Arts; and
probably the strongest foundation for the charge is
found in her inaction in enterprise calculated to fos
ter these objects. The publication of the propos
ed work will it is believed, be an effective blow j
at the foundation, a step towards the establishment
Pf our literary reputation, to which end much hon
orable effort is now directed.
A third consideration and the last which will
pow be urged, is the intrinsic value of such publi
cation as “ Georgia Illustrated.” It will embo
dy the representations of the beautiful and sublime
in our State scenery, and afford to all, at a trifling
expense, exact pictures of our mountains, vallies,
farads, pubiic buildings, &c., which they may or
may not otherwise behold, but which, in either case,
would afford peculiar pleasure.
The proposed work will be executed in a style
superior to any similar pictorial work in the conn
fry- The plates will be executed on steel by em
inent engravers, from original drawing, made ex
pressly for the purpose, by Mr. T. Addi-on Rich
ards, of Augusta. The engravings will be accom
companied with letter press descriptions, prepared
for the work, and in this department the editor
will secure, as far as possible, the assistance and
ee-operation of our best writers. In short, no pains
will be spared to make thd work a perfect gem of
ike kind, to the end that it may meet a welcome
reception not only at home but also abroad.
I. “Georgia Illusirated,” will be issued in
monthly parte, in the quarto form, at $5 per annum
invariably in advance, or at 50 cents for each part, |
payable on delivery „
11. Each part will contain two highly finished en
gravings, of Georgia Scenery, accompanied with |
letter-press descriptions and historical facts, prin
ted on large and beautiful type on the finest papei,
the whole enveloped in a neatly printed cover.
HI Any individual who will obtain and for
ward six advaneed subscriptions, shall be entitled )
to a copy of the work. Clubs may receive twelve
copies to one address for SSO, or twenty -five copies
to one address for SIOO, in cither case free of pos
The first part, containing an engraved title page
and vignelt, with two views and letter-press des
criptions, will be issued on the first of November,
1840, and subscriptions should be forwarded prior
to that time.
Editors who publish and call attention to this
prospectus, will, by forwarding their paper to the
editor, be entitled to a copy of the wonc,
Communications and subscriptions must be ad
dressed, post paid.
Editor of Georgia Illustrated, [Penuhcll, Gz.) j
Left the subscriber’s plantation, rent
Quincy, Florida, on the Bth ult., a negto .
fellow by the name of JOSHUA. He is ,
Jml, about SO years old, 6 feet high, inclines to
stoop forward when walking, commonly weais ,
large whiskers. He had on, when he left, a blue
twilled homespun coat and osnaburg pantaloons.
Me ometimes calls himself Joshua Bush, having
formerly belonged to a family by that name, near
the Lower Three Runs, in the State of South Cai
oliua. Joshua is well known in the city of Sa
vannah, on the Savannah river, and in Augusta,)
<*a., where he is aiming to get; and from theic,
very probably, he will make his way to Charles
ton, S. C. I have some reason to believe he has a
forged pass.
C3* The above reward will be given for his a} -
prehension and delivery to me at my plantation in
Florida, or SSO if lodged in the State of Georgia or
South Carolina, so that I can get him.
■•Pt 4 S. WINKLER.
-ax RAN AW A\ from the subscriber, a
negro boy named GLAGOW between 20
VpL and 21 years of age, about 5A feet high,
stout built, very dark complexion, with
a very thick head of hair —he is supposed to be
lurking about Augusta, or upon the Sand Hills. A
liberal reward wul be paid for his delivery, or his
ftaifig Indited in any safe jail, so that 1 get him.
The Castings from this establishment have given
universal satisfaction since it has been in operation.
We have now on hand a large stock of the raw
material, of the best quality, and are ready to re
ceive orders for any description of CASTINGS,
either for Rail Roads, Mills, Steam Engines, 01
other purposes. As we have a first rate Pattern
Maker, and use nothing but the best materials,
consequently we can warrant our Castings notoujy
to work well, but be as strong and as well made as
any- manufactured at the North or elsewhere, and
we challenge comparison.
We also manufacture to order any kind of
now getting up, aud will soon h.«ve made on
hand tor sale,a variety of PLOUGHS, of all kinds
and sizes, from the small Poney Plough up to the
large four horse Plough. Also, Straw-Cutters.
Coi n Shelters , Harrows, Wheat Fans, Cultivators ,
Wagons, Carts, &c., 4 ’ c - Persons wanting such
articles would do well to cal!, as we are determin
ed to sell low for cash or city acceptances.
Orders can be left at the principal stores in
town, or at the establishment in rear of the Pres
byterian Church, near the Rail Road Depot, and
they will be attended to punctually,
uly 11 ly THOS. HOPKINS & Co.
f first rate pair of these Mill Stones, four and
a half feet in diameter. For terms apply at this
office. jau 31 ts
THE subscribers have received their Fall and
Winter supply of FANCY AND STAPLE
DRY GOODS, consistiug of a great variety of new
and desirable articles, among which are the fol
lowing :
Duffel and Whitney Blankets, Cloths, Cassimers,
Satinetts, Kentucky Jeans, red white and green
Keisys, plain aud plaid Negro Cloths,
Brown and bleach’d Shirtings and Sheetings, Apron
Linen and cotton Bedtick, brown and bl’hd Jeans,
Black Lasting, cotton Cassimere, for gig tops,
Table Damask, birds eye and Russia Diapers,
Irish Linens, some superior undressed,
French, English and American Prints,
j Furniture Prints, brown Holland, black Silecia,
3-4 and 4-4 Scotch Ginghams, Turkey red Prints,
1 Black and blue black eol’d and fig’d Bombaz»nes,
French and English plain and fig’d Merinos,
Rich emb’d Muslin Dc, pl’n and fig’d do.
i Black and blue black col'd and fig’d Silks,
; Plain and fig’d Swiss book and plaid Muslin.-,
Ladies, Gentlemens, Misses and Boys cotton and
woolen Hose,
Laige rich fig’d Satin Points or Mantillos,
Embroidered Thibet, Ca«simere, Plaid, Merino and
Muslin De Laiue Shawls,
Rich pi rid Ribbons, satin Taffeta and Cap do.
Thread Laces and Edgings, Muslin Inserting? and
i Plain and fig’d Bobinet, \va«h Blond and diamond
i Ladies black, white and colored Fillet Gloves and
• Ladies >up’r English silk Mitts, new style,
' Kid, Buckskin, Merino, and Silk Gloves,
Black and blue black Crape, and crape Veils,
While, black and col’d crape Lesse,
Black and white English silk Hose,
Bordered, hemstitched and lace edged Linen Cam
bric Hdkfs,
Linen, Cambric, and Linen Lawn,
Chantilla and diamond net Veils,
Slate col’d Pongee and cotton Chambray, for riding
Fancy silk hdkfs, gent’s Pongee and bl’k silk do. I
Shell and Brazilian tuck and side combs.
Elastic wristbands, artificial Flowers aud Wreaths, ;
Whalebones for Dres<-es and Bonnets,
Taylor’s, Clark’s and Willet’s spool Thread,
Black and col’d Italian sewing Silk,
Black, brown, and all col’d linen Thread,
Carpet and furniture Binding, zephyr worsted
Ivory Combs, Horn and Buffalo dressing do.
Hair Brushes, toilet Powder and fancy Soap,
Cologne water of a superior quality.
Narrow and w-ide linen Tape, bl’k apd ooi’d Braid,
j Coronation Braid, silver Thimbles,
Pin«, Needles, &c. &c.
1 The above, with a variety of other articles, will
be sold on reasonable terms by
oct 15 dlw w4t 2‘il Broad street.
THE subscriber wil continue his School at the
new dwelling on \\ alker street, and hopes I
that the distance to his place will not be an objec
tion with any lady or gentleman who may be kind
ly disposed to patronize him. He will pledge him
self to prepare youth for Franklin College, or any
other College in the Union, ia Classics and in the
minor branches of Mathematics,and should a suffi
cient pa'ronage be extended to him, he could secure
the services of a gentleman of well known ability
in Mathematical science. In reference to the sub
scriber himself, he lias had charge of Schools and
Academies in this State during a period »1 ten i
years, and begs leave to refer, if necessary, to Col. j
Thomas N. Hamilton of Athens, and the Rev.
Juriah Harris, before whom lie had been examined ,
; by a classical gentleman of the North, before he j
could be admitted to take the Rectorship of tnc '
Columbia County Academy, which he had for three !
years. Should a da--! of eight or ten young men |
be found, he could devote two hours to their in I
struction each day, at a time that would not inter- !
sere with his School. There are three things con- |
nccted with the Classics, which is almost, if not i
totally neglected in our Southern Seminaries, viz: i
Mythology, Latin Exercises, and Prosody, without
which the Scansion of Pentameter and Hexameter i
Verse cannot be acquired.
The first quarter’s tuition will be required at ,
entrance, and the scholastic year will be the same 1
as that of the other Seminaries of the city.
At a future time should his patrons desire his !
coming to a more convenient place, he will comply ;
with their wishes, ii he meets wita sufficient pa
tronage, DANIEL MAiiONEV.
oct 6’ wit
(dj 1 The Constitutionalist will give the above
four weekly insertions.
In the Superior Court of Richmond County.
Ter in, 1840.
William Bostwick,A
vs. trßvle Nisi.
John P. Coles. J
*1 TPON the petition of William Bosfwick, setting j
forth that he was ia the possession of a pro- i
missory note, made by one John P. Coles, dated on j
the 3Uth day of July, iSiO, and payable sixty days !
after date, to the order of William Bostwick &.CO.,
for tnree hundred and seventy five 45-IUO dollar;,
which was destroyed by fire on the eighth of Au
gust, 182 d, and praying this court to establish a
copy in lieu of said original note so destroyed: I;
is ordered, that the said John P. Coles do show
cause, at the next term of this court, why a copy
should not be established in lieu of said original i
note. It is furthcruidered, that a copy of thi- rule |
be served on the said John P. Coles thirty days ;
prior to the next term, or be published once a 1
month for four months prior thereto, in one of the !
public gazettes of the city of Augusta.
A true extract from the minutes.
August 27. 1 MO. JAMES McLAWS. Cl’k.
4 LL persons indebted to tiic estate of Robert J.
j\_ Mien deceased, of Burke county, will make
immediate payment, and those having demands
against said estate, will present them within the
time prescribed by law.
November 9, IS4O, w6t
A LL persons indebted to the estate of Wm. 1.1.
J\ Mobley, late of Burke County, deceased, are
requeued to make immediate payment, and those
having demands against said estate to render them
in, dulv attested, within the time prescribed bv
law, to ISAAC I. HEATH,
November 9, is4o. Administrator.
ihe cure of w hite swellings, scrofulous and
other tumors, ulcers, sore legs, old and fresh
i wounds, sprains and bruises, swellings and inflam
I roations, scald head, women's sore breasts, rheu
matic pains, fellers, eruptions, chilblains, whitlows,
biles, corns, and external diseases generally. The
proprietor has received at least a thousand cert fi
nales and other docunreHts in favor of his SPECI
FIC OINTMENT—and they embrace almost ail
the complaints in their worst stages —to which
ointment or slicking plaster can be applied Among
these cenificates, there are a great number Irom the
most eminent physicians in the country, who Use
the Ointment in their daily practice, in preference
to any, or all others which have ever been invented.
The proprietor has also received a great many tes
timoniais from farriers, rnililarvgentlemen, farmers,
and others, relative to the amazing efficacy of bis
Ointment, in the bruises, cuts, and all the external
complaints and diseases of horses; and among them
are no less than a dozen certifying to the most per
fect cures which it has performed on the sore
backs of some of those animals. Altogether the
proprietor feels no hesitation in slating —or in pul
ling it to the proof against all composition—
superior to every thing of the kind which has here
tofore been ottered to the public; and ihe proprietor
not only vouches for its general good qualities, but
is willing to risk his reputation on a single trial ,
for he knows from ihe raos ample experience, that
it cannot be used without immediate and palpable
benefit, in any one of the complaints for which it
is so highly recommended. Retail price 50 cents
per box. Sold at all the principal
aug 20 Augusta, Ga.
No. Hayne street, opposite Messrs. J. S. Sr L.
Bowie, Charleston, S. C.
j FIN HE subscriber respectfully informs the citi-
I zens of Charleston and the public generally,that
the above e: tablishment is now in full operation,
where may be found a full asssortment of Theolo
gical Works, which will be sold always at pub
lishers prices, and a liberal discount to wholesale
Also, in addition to the above, will be constantly
kept on hand, an extensive assortment of School,
Classical, Medical, and Miscellaneous Rooks, Sta
tionary, &c.
Also, Hinders’ Materials, such as Sheep Skins,
Lamb Skins, Russia Rides, Baik Skivers, blue and
) Red Skivers, Rjue and Red Roans, Hinders’ Boards,
Super Royal, Royal, Medium, Demy, Flat Cap,
Bloiting, envelope, and Press Papois, &c. All of
which will be sold wholesale or retail, on as good
terms as any other house in the city. A share of
patronage is respectfully solicited.
oct 16-sw3w JOHN W. STOY, Agent.
fHHESE medicines arc indebted for their name
JL to tin ir manifest ami sensildc action in pnri
fying the spring and channels of life, and enduing
them with renewed tone and vigor. In many hun
dred certified cases widen has been made public,
and in almost ever} species of disease to which
; the human frame is liable, the happy effects of
TERB have been gratefully and publicly ac
knowledged by the persons beuefiitted, and who
were previously unacquainted with the benutilully
philosophical principles upon which they are
corapounJed, and upon which they consequently
The LIFE MEDICINES recommend themselves
; in diseases ol every form and description. Their
first operation is to loosen from the cords of the
stomach and bowels, the various impurities and
crudities con-tantly settling around them ; and to
remove the hardened feces which collect
convobisions of the smallest intesiines. Other
medicines only partially cleanse these, and leave
such collected masses behind as to produce habifu
j al costiveness wilh > 11 its train of evils, or in asud
| den d.airtioea, with its eminent dangers. This fact
is well known to ail regular anatomists, who ex
amine the human bowels after death ; and hence
the prejudice of those well informed men against
quack medic mes—or medicines prepared oral her
[ Jaded to the public bv ignorant pi rsons. '1 he se
cond effect of the Life Medicines is to cleans© the
; kidneys and the bladder, and by this means, the
liver and the lungs, the healthful action of which
| entirely depends upon the regularity of the urinary
organs. The blocd, which lakes its red color from
the agency ol tlie liver ami the lungs before it *
passes into the hea t, being inns purified by them
and nourished by food coming from a clean stom- i
| ach, courses freely th.ough the veins, renews every
purl of the system, and triumphantly mounts the
banner of health in the blooming cheek.
Moffat’s Lite Medicfine., have been
i thoroughly attested, and pronounced a sovereign
remedy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Palpitation ol
the Henri. Loss nl Appetite, Heart-lmra and Head
ache, Restlessness, ill-temper, Anxiety, Languor
and Melancholy, Costivencss, Diarrhoea, Cholera,
Fevers ot' all kinds, Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsies
of all kind, Gravel, Worms, Asthmnand Consump ,
lion, tSeunj, ! leers, Inveterate bores, Scorbutic!
Eruptions and Had Complexions, Eruptive com
! plaints, Sallow, Cloudy, and other disagreeable j
Complexions, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Common |
j Colds and influenza and various oilier complaints j
J which afflict the hit mar frame. In fever and j
j ague, particularly, the Life Medicines have been
' most eminently successful; so much so that in the !
1 Fever and Ague districts, Physicians almost uni j
i yersaliy prescribe them.
j All that Mr. Moffat requires of his patient is ;
j to be particularin taking the Lite Medicimsstnclly
according to the directions. It is not by a news
paper notice, or any ihirg that he himself may say
in tlieiv favor, that he hopes to gain credit. It is
alone by the result of a fur trial.
i domestic guide lo health.—This little pamphlet
edited by' \\ . B Moffat 375 Broadway New York,
has been published lor the purpose of explaining
more fully Mr. Mortal's theory ot diseases, and will
bo found highly interesting to persons seeki g
health, it reals upon prevalent diseases, and the
causes thereof Price 25 cents—for sal© by Mr
Mufrat's agents generally.
These valuable medicines are for sale by
8010 Agent for Augusta
| fcR. E. BPOHN, a German paystciar. of much
JLr note. Having uevoieo ms attention lor some
years to tnecure ana removal of t trees uses of NER-
V Ol>B AND SICK HEAD ACHE, has the satis
faction to make known, that he has a remedy which
by removing lhe causes cures effectually and perma
nently this distressing complaint. There are many
families who have considered Sick Headache a con
stitutioual incurable family complaint - Dr. 8. as
sures them that they are mistaken, and labouring
under distress which they might not only alleviate
but actually eradicated by the uss »f his remedy.
It is l he result of scientific research, and is entirely
of a different chaiacferlrorn advertised patent medi
cines, and is not unpleasant to the taste.
The extraordinary reputation that Dr. Spohn’s
remedy for this distressing compaint R every day
gaining is certainly a matter of much astonishment,
That so m ich suffering should have existed for ages
without any discovery of an effectual prevent iv \ or
cure,is truly a subject of much regret but Dr. S.
now assures the public that such a remedy has been
invented as will convince l lie most credulous. The
| .♦nncipies on which it acta are simple ami plain. It is
an a milted fact that this complain), whether called
B;ck Headache, or Nervous Headache, arises prim
arily from the stomach—those who think they have
the Nervous Headac he may rest assured that this
j organ, the stomach, is the first cause, that th=* sy#-
j tern has become vitiated or debilnaied, through i lie
stomach, and that only through ihe same channel
must they expects restoration oi ihe natural and
healthy functions ol the system. This object, Dr
Spulm’s remedy is eminently calculated to attain.
J he truth oi this position ennnot be controverted,
and tire sooner sufferers with the headache become
convinced of it, the sooner will their suffering end
in restoration of health, Dr. Spohn pledges his
prefc-sionai reputation on this fact. Tne remedy
may be had of apothecaries generally throughout
the Unitea States.
For sam oy aNTONY & HAINES, No. 232
Broaa-street. Augusta. mar 26
rg'.HESil Pills are no longer among those cl
i doubtful utility. They have passed away
from the hundreds that arc daily launched upon
the tide of experiment, and now eland before tire
' public as high in reputation, ami as extensively
employed in ail parts of the United States, the Can
, ad as. Texas, Mexico, and the West indies, as any
medicine that has ever been propp ed lor ihe relief
. of stiff;ring man. They have been introduced
w horever it was found possible to carry them ; and
! there are but lew towns that do not contain some
. remaikable evidences of their good effects. The
. certificates that have been presented to the propric
-1 lor exceed twenty thousand ! upwards of live nun
, dred ol which are from regular practising physicians,
, who are the most competent judges of thei- merits,
j Often have the cures performed by this medicine
j been the subjet t ol editorial comment in various
\ newspapers and journals ; and it may with truth
bo asserted, that no me iicine of the kind has ever
received testimonials of greater value than are at
tar lied to this.
’ They are in general use as a family medicine,
1 and there arc thousands of families who declare
j they are never satisfied unless they have a supply
. always on hand.
, They have no rival in curing and preventing I
j Bilious fevers. Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver i
. Complaints, Bick Headache, Jaundice, Asthma, !
t Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargement of the Spleen,
j Files, Cholic, Female Obstructions, Heartburn, i ur
. red Tongue Nausea, Distension of the Mom ach i
r and Bowels, Incipient Diarrhce, Flatulence, Hs'bit
t ual Costiveness, Loss of Appetite, Blotched or
fallow Cumolexi m, and in all cases of Torpor of
► the Bowels, vvheto a cathartic or an aperient in
! needed. They are exceedingly mild in their opeia
t non, producing neither nausea, griping nor debility.
, The efficacy oi these pills is so well known, and
their use so general, that further comment is con
sidered unnecessary.
For further particulars, see Dr. Peters’ nam iiict.
uhicn can be nati gratis ot any ot trie Agent
* Months after date application will he
| made to the Hon. the Justices of the Inferior
Couit of Richmond County, when sitting for ordi
nary purposes, for leave to sell the real and per
- sona' estate of William Turly, late of Richmond
t countv, deceased.
, ‘ JAMES BRANDON,? Adminis-
ALFRED SEGO, 5 trators.
November 3, 1840.
, A GREEABLE to an order of the Honorable the
p\_ Inferior Crurt of Mcrriwether County, when
’ suling as a Court of Ordinary, will be sold on the
first i'uesday in January next, before the court
house dooi at Waynesooro, Buiko county, within
j the usual hours of sale, one tract of land contain
ing four hundicd and eight acres, whereon William
’ Gilstrap deceased formerly, and whereon John \V.
f Wise now lives, joining lands of C. B. Churchill,
I Drury Corker, and others, sold for the benefit of
C the heiis of Wiley Gilstrap of said count} deceased. !, twelve months credit for notes with ap
proved security, JuEL WOOTEN
Octooer 7, 1&40. Guardian, j
UJ ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Decem
ber next, al the Market House, in the town :
of Louisville w.thin the legal hours of sale, three I
Negroes, to wit: Lydia, a woman slave, and hei
two children, Augustus and Henry.
Also, a quantity of Household* Furniture, con
. sisting of Slab. Sofa, Beds and Bedsteads, Clocks,
and sundry other articles in the house-keeping
line. Said property, levied on as the- property of
Owen McDermott, upon foreclosure of Moitgage,
of Sherrod Arrington vs. said McDermott. Proper
ty pointeuout m said Moitgage fi. ia.
September 30, 1840.
[ r lLLho sold to the highest bidder, cn the
f f lii»t Tuesday in January next, within the
I legal hours of sale, at the Market house in the’
| town of Louisville, Jefferson County, agreeably lo
the last will and te>tament of Hardy Morgan, de
ceased, Four Hundred Acres of Pine Land, more
or less, in said county, adjoining lauds of John
Lyons, Elijah Hudson and others. Also, Three
Negro Slaves, to wit: Winney, a woman, about
twenty-four yeais old; Margaret, a girl, about
eignt years old and Mason, a boy, about five years
I old. Terms on the day of sale.
November 3, 1840.
Us ILL be sold at the Court Hou«e door in
Waynesboro, Burke county, on the first
Tuesday in December next, one hundred acres of
, land rnoie or less, Known as the Atkinson tract —
f lying on Buck-head creek, in sr id county, and ad- I
j joining lands of C. Desabaye land belonging ‘
j to the estate of the late Mark Desabaye, and sold
j in accordance with an order of the Honorable In
ferior Court of said coitmy for the purpose of a
division. GEO. W. EVANS, Administrator.
September 2S, IS 40.
IT'S ' ILL be sold al the Court House in Burke
V » county, on the first Tuesday in December
next, tiie following tracts of Land, in said
j county: One tract containing one hundred acres,
■ odjuining Char es Skinner, and John Elliot. One i
tract containing ninety-four acres, adjoining Charles |
i Skinner and Robert Skinner. The other tract con
; taming twenty-five acres, adjoining Simeon hell, !
j Charles Skinner, and corners on the ninety-four
j acre tract. Sold under tire Will of Guilfort Elliot,
| deceased. Terms, thirty days credit, notes with
! approved security. Purchasers to pay for titles.
September 30, IS 10. td
.1 new and important Discovery.
| T has long been a great desideratum in Mcdica t
I Science, and has been lire subject of a vas
; amount of Chemical experiment, to obtain the me"
j dicmal qualities of Opium to the exclusion of it 5
noxious principles and useless combinations. No
article in the whole range of the Pharmacopeia is
perhaps of greater importance to mankind ; and
none which has engaged a greater share of chcrai- i
cal attention. Every preparation hitherto made 1
from this drug, whether in the form of Extract, |
Morphia, Black Drop, Paragoric. or Laudanum, |
contains in close combination a poison with the an- j
tid to, and lienee we find the administration of '
them attended with a numerous train of evils,
among which arc headache, lassitude, tremors,
nausea, vomiting, constipation, derangement of the
nervous sv stern —and a quality wonderfully predis
posing the system t • its habitual use : to obtain
therefore the Soothing Opiate and inti-Spasmodic
Anodyne in all its virtues, separate from the dele
terious principles of the drug, has for a series of
years engaged the profound attention of the author;
ir presented itself to his mind as a subject of great
magnitude; the acquisition to the medical faculty
of so important a remedial agent, and the incalcu
lable amount of human mis. ry that would be alle
viated by the discovery, have been to him a sure
guarantee that he would reap a rich reward for his
labors, at least in self-gratulation. Having satis
factorily tested the Elixer in several hundreds of
instances, he has now the happiness of saying to
the public that iiis labors have been crowned with
triumphant success. J. HAMILTON, M. b.
Sold wholesale by WM. J. BURRITT & Co.. 12
Go.d street, New-York, and bv
bov 4 Sole Agents in Augusta.
rg’SHE duties ol this SEMINARY will be resumed
it on the 18th of O ober, by Mrs H. L. Moise,
assisted by competent and efficient Teacbeis. All
the branches of a complete English Education will
be taught. Also I tench and other Languages;
\ ocal and Instrumental Music, and Drawing and
Painting in all their branches.
teems. pr. qr. of 3 mos.
lor English—from $8 to c.]s 00
French and other Languages lo 00
“ Music on the Piano, 20 00
“ _ . “ “ Guitar, 10 00
Draw ing and Painting, ]2 00
“ Boaiding and Lodging, lights and fuel, 60 00
A limited number oi voung ladies can be com
foitaulv accommodated in tlie immediate family of
Mrs Morse, whose attention will be devoted to
their morals and deportment. sept 23-ts
(JiT The Edgefield Advertiser will insert
above three times and forward bin.
’tt'f'lLL be sold cn the Ist Tuesday in February
f * next, between the usual hours of •'ale, be
fore the court house door in the village of Jackson
boro, Sciiven county, one tract of land containing
two hundred acres, more or less, lying and being
in Sciiven county, joining lands of A. 8. and
Martha Herrington.
Also, five Negroes, viz: Jeffry, Sirus, Eady,
Jane, and an infant, all sold as the property of Jo
seph T. Herrington, deceased, for the benefit of the
heirs of said deceased. Te rms on the day of sale.
November 10, IS TO. ___
$ ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Februa
v V ry next between the usual hours of sale,
before the court house door in the village of Jack
son uoro, Scrivt n county, two hundred acres of land,
lying and being in the county of Scriven, on Mc-
Daniel’s Creek, known us the Joseph Lewis tract.
Also, nine Negioes, viz: Martin, Betty, Wil
liam, March, Kim cy, Riiia, Bill, Pat, and Joe, ail
j sold as the propeity of Barbary Herrington, de
ceased, foi the benefit of the heirs of said deceased.
Terms on the dav of sale.
November 10, 1840.
’ft % FILL be sold on the Ist Tuesday in February
\j j TO acres of laud, i> iug on t Gei many’s creek
I joining land- of Murray Linn and others, belonging
: to the estate of Thomas Reid, senior, decayed.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
! Red Oak, Nov. 12, ISTfi
\'\T IDE be sold before the Court House door of
V w Cassvil’e, Cherokee County, on the first
Tuesday in January next, bv order of the Ilon
| orabie Infeiior Court of Columhia County, sit
ting a- a Court of Ordinary, Forty acres of Land ly
i ing in said County of Cherokee, in the Third Dis
-1 trict and Third Section, known and distinguished
| in plan of said District as Lot No. 389. The said
| lot of Land belonging to the estate of Abraham
i Fuller, and sold lor the benefit of the heirs of said
j deceased. R, W. BELL, Administrator,
i October 29, IS4O.
; A A'ILL be sold on Wednesday, the 23d day of
v W December next, at ..he late residence or 8a
! rah Mobley, deceased, of Burke County, all the
perishable property of Vv rn. 1. 1, Mobley, late of
said county, deceased, consisting of Horses, (one
of which is a first rate saddle horse), Cattle and
Hogs, Corn and Fodder. Plantation Tools, arc.
'i erms made known on the dav.
Noveinber9th, 1840. Administrator.
ADM INI ST HA T( >R* 8 8 A LE.
VGREKABLY to an order of the inferior Court
of Burke County, when sitting as a Couit of
| Ordinary, will bo sold on Wednesday, the 23d day
i of December next, at the late residence of Sarah
Mobley, deceased of said county, ail the perishable
| property of said deceased, to wit: Corn and Fod
der, kc.. Household and Kitchen Furniture, and
| some stock Cattle and Hogs.
ISAAC i. HEATH, Temp. AdinT.
November 9, 1840.
"R4S7ILL jc so d in Waynesboro, at the late ro-
V f sidenco of J. Jansen deceased, on Tuesday, 1
i the 22d day of December next, all the perishable I
property of said estate, consisting of a small slock i
of store Coeds, a Horse and Buggy, Hogs, a Cow,
and household and kitchen Furniture. At the
same time will be hired the negroes for the next
year. Sale to continue from day to day till ad be
sold. Terms 12 months credit, small notes with '
approved security.
Waynesboro, Nov. 9, JS4O. wtd
\\T ILL bo sold at the late residence of Robert J. j
v w Allen deceased, Burke county, on Tuesday
the loth day of December next, ail the perishable j
property of said deceased, consisting of Hoises, ;
i Cattle, Hogs, Corn and Fodder, Wagon, Plantation
' Tools, &c. 'Forms of sale 12 months credit, small
notes with good security. Sale to continue from 1
uay to day till all be sold.
November 9, 1840. ’ w6t
V£7 ILL be sold on the 7th of December next, at
w the late residence of Dennis Gleason, de
ceased, of Burke County, all the perishable prop
erty thereto belonging,consisting of Horses, Hogs,
, stock or Cattle, Corn and Fodder, all the household
and kitchen Furniture, all the Plantation Tools,
with a tolerable set of Blacksmith’s Tools. Terms
on ihe day of sale, and sale to continue from day !
today till ah tire above mentioned property is sold.
Sale to bo attended to by the Heirs,
Georgia, Burke County, 08th District.
November 12, 1840. w4t
AAFILL 1 e soid at the Court Hou-e, in Scriven
▼ f county, on the first Tuesday in December
next, under the Will of Ann if. Dunn, deceased,
i late of Burke county, all that tract of Land in
Scriven county, containing four hundred and fifty
acres, (more or less.) adjoining lands of John 8.
Roberts and others, lying on lire Beaver- dam Creek
Terms, twelve mon ks credit, notes with ap
pr wed security. Purchaser to pay for titles,
September 30, IS 10. t
\\7 ILL be sold at the market house in the town I
» w of Louisvi le, Jefferson comity, on tne first j
; Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours {
I of sale, three hundred add sixty-rive acres of land, |
■ lying nn the Ogcechec river, adjo ning lands of J •
R- Cook, and 1 . J. Rheny ; levied on as the piop- j
erty ol Anthony \\ . Furrier, to satisfy fi. fas. i.-sued
| from the Superior Court. William By tie, vs. A.
W . 1 inner. Property pointed out by defendant.
Also, one tract containing nine hundred and forty
acres, lying on Boggy Gut Creek, adjoining lands of
Kcnady and others; levied on as the property of
Henry P. Turner, to satisfy fi. fas. issued from the
Superior Court. Wr.liarn Byne, vs. said Henry P.
Turner. Properly pointed out by defendant.
W. S. ALEXANDER, Sheriff.
November 7,1810,
■l\riLL be, sold on the first Tuesday in Decem-
T ? ber next, before the Court House door in
tue town of W aynesboro, between the usual hours j
of sale, the following property, to tv it: one tract
of Pine Land, containing three hundred aud lorty
five acres, mure ur less, adjoining lands of William
Buxton and others. Levied on as the property of
\\ iiliain 1. I. Royal and Randle Wimberly, to sat
isfy Sundry fi. fas. in favor of Edward Tabb and
Itncey Roe vs \V illiam I. I. Royal and Randle
Wimberly. Levy made and returned to me by a
constable. ISAAC MEBSEX, i
November 4,18-40. Sheriff.
, )
be sold on the first Tuesday in Decern- |
» T her next, at the Court House door in the
town ol Warrenton, Warren County, Ga., between
tiie usual hours of sale, the fo,lowing propeity, to
line negro man slave named Elias, 4-5 or 50 years
Oid, levied on as ihe property of Samuel Fleming,
to satisfy one fi. fa. issued from the Superior
Court of Warren County, in favor of John Per
sons vs. Samuel Fleming ard Henry Conaway.—
Property pointed out by Conaway.
Also, one blazed face Bay Mare, supposed to be
eight years old; one Sorrel Mare, five years old,
and seventeen head of Cattle, and eight head of
Hogs, levied on by a bailiff to satisfy an attach
ment returnable to ihe Superior Court of said Coun
ty in favor of James Daniels vs. John Clary.
Also, one Sorrel Filley, 2£ years o’d,* will be
-old at the same time and place, to satisfy an at
tachment iu favor of James Daniels vs. John Clary,
said attachment returnable to the Superior Court
of said County. Property pointed out by plaintiff.
JAMES HALL, Sheriff.
November 2 IS4O,
UpLE be sold at the Court House in Warren
t°n. V\ arren County, on the fir-t Tuesday
in Januaiy next, Two Hundred and Nincy-eDht
Acres of LAND, more or less, lying in said Countv,
whereon Evans McCrary now Jives, adjoining Dy
er and others, sold as the properly of Peggy' But
trell, deceased, by the consent of the Legatees.
Terras at sale. THUS. T. BUTTRELI
Raytown, Oct, 31,1840. Ag0 ’ nt
R months after date, aupfi • ■ , ,
J made to the Honorable the
Scriven county, while sitting a. ? ’*of
nary, for leave to sell the whole rf Z °* ('M
longing to the estate of J SKr , ’•‘k'Ut.
said county, deceased. ’ *ate.*
- Sc P*- 25 » IS4O ’ J »HN R KjTTfiKy
S'NOUR months after date,
1 made to the Honorable Infer T ll ■
mond county, when sitting for omina.N ’ Hi -'-
for leave to sell all the Real Estate
b longing to the Estate of Rebecca .
deceased. A. SIBU’y v* r: -
Augu.-t IS, 1840. ’ A ' m r.
lAGI R months after .1 ate, aDpUwttoT^T’'
. , made 10 tise Honorable the' inferior St*
iJurxe county, when sitting -or oni !jafV
for leave to sell all the real csta e of > I
Bell, minor of Archibald Bel’, de, F
JAMES GODBY, Gn»rrii-.
October 3, 1810. r - ,ia 0.
' wi 1 1 be made to the Hon- the Interior c'?!!' ’
Richmond county, when sitting f«,v ordinal ■ n ° !
poses, lor leave to seil the Negroes heD,
estate of the late John Clarke.'of said count,-, WM.ll.C<iui, R ic7»^'-
IT’OCR months after date, application'*:!!
? made to the honorable inferior Court ol Hi"
j county, for leave to sell three hundred an,'
} acres pf land belonging to the estate 0 r< **^i ;
NlcCoj',deceased. J. C. ATKINSON >
_July 10,1840.
171 OL’ R months after date, ap:.Ueation w ,.> ■
_ made to the honorable the Inferior *
. ! Columbia county, when sitting for ordina,
| poses, for leave to seil the lauds bc-longin-r VV‘ ‘
j estate of John Jones, late of said county dprpa
. July 18,188 . EDW. W. Jimi&lTSr
i7»OLR months after date, application w
A made to the Honorable Inferior Court ot J f
| ferson county, when sitting for ordinary purpo*-*
| for leave to seil all the real c-late an a cc-gioe, '■
I Nathan Stephen-, late of said county, deceased i
i benefit of the neirs and creditor.-, of said deceaV
1 July 25, IS4O. JOHN CROOKS, Adm’r
0, OUR months after date application will fie
A' made to the Honorable,the Inferior Couii'Ji
Jefferson county, for fi ave to sell a iot of pine lai ■
i in said county, being a part of the real estate oi
| Samuel Hannah, minor orWm. iiannah.dcccwi
for the benefit of sard minor.
September Bth, 1840.
BNUUR months after da c application will u
A made to the honorable Infeiior Court of G,.
iumbia county, \s hen sitting as a corn I of ordinary
S for leave to sell ail the land and negroes beionfinw’
j to the estate ;f 1-aac Lowe, late of Columbiacau/.
! ty, deceased. CURTIS LOWE, Adm’r.
Bepitmuer2, 1840.
OUR Months after date, application will le
made to the honorable Inferior Court of Hurt. ’
County, for leave to sell a Negro, belonging wifi,
estate oi Thomas Mallory, deceased, for diviuon
JOHN B. ROBIN'StiX, Adii.’r,
July 10, 1840.
months after date, application w 11 [ e
made to the honorable Inferior Court ot burke
| county, while sitting a-a Court of Ordinalv Li
leave to sell two hundred and twelve acres of hni
1 belonging to Joseph H. Bell, a minor.
j September 10, 1840.
SNtfl R months after date, applica ion wifi L c
.sty mode to the honorable the Inferior Crnsnu
[ Richmond county, wiicn -itting for ordinary pm
' po-es, lor reave to sell ihe real and personal estav
! of Mitchell Ncl-en, late of said countv, deceased.
July IS, l>4o. JOHN CARTER, Adm’r.
INCUR months after date, application will lu
. made to the Honorable Inferior CV'.t i>,
Burke county, wliile sitting a- a Court of Ordinal-,
i for leave to sell 500 acres of land, belonging to IU
j estate of Daniel J. Evans, deceased.
Aug. 8, 1840. J ESSE P. GREEN, Adin’r.
R months alter date, appl ration will lu
. made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Rich
-1 mend county, when sitting for ordinary purpose-,
: lor leave to sell ail the Real Estate, and Negroes,
I belonging to the Estate of Thomas Quizenfiem,
I deceased. A. MBLEV, Adm’r
August IS, IS4O.
INOL R month.s after date, application w ill !c
made to the honorable Inferior Court o.i’uvke
county, while s ing lor ordinary purposes, fi-i
leave to sell tlie real and persona! estate of Lewi*
U rrnberiy. sen., late of said county, deceased.
August 11, 1840. 8 ANIL. FOSTER, Adm’r.
1^3 OUR months alter date, application v-.’l it
§ made to the honorable Inferior Court ol Buiku
i county, for leave to sell eighty acres of land be
longing to the estate of Diary Forenand, decease*!
MARK STOKES, Adm’t ’ */le bonis non.
July !<*, isi' .
R months after date, application will it
A made to the Honorable, the Inferior Court i t
Scriven county, when sitting for ordinary puff *«•“,
for leave to sell all the real estate us Samuel M.
Newton, deceased.
JAMES W. LEE, Adminhtratoi.
October 13, 1840.
Georgia, Burke county :
VA 1 ■ ERLAS, Andrew Carson. adimms’rator eu
i » * the estate of Mary Ann t arson, appiie- for
j letters dismissory from said estate ;
i 1 hese are thereiorc to cite and admonish all an !
I singular, the kindred and creditors of said decease*!,
I to be aud appearat nrc olhce, within the time pre
| scribed by law, to show cause, if anv they have,
i why said letters should not be granted.
' ■ Given under my hand at ource in Waynesboro,
I tins lUlh July. 1840. T. H. BLOUNT, Ciew.
(• orjjia, Burke ronniy :
V\/ H UREAS, Abel Lewis,admini-liatorou the
» estate of Slepiteu Boyd, deceased applie*
or letters dismissoiy irom said estate;
1 ne-e aie thereiorc to cite and admonish all and
singular, tire kii dred ami creditors t»l sa id dcccasis!,
to be and appear at my olhce within Hie lime piv
i scribed by law, to show cause, it any thev have
why said letters shouJil not be granted.
Given under my hand at olhce in Wavnesbot*
this lifih July, IS iO. T. il. BLuUN J' ‘t'lerk.
Georgia, Columhia county :
HLREAS Owen W. Baldwin, adnunishatot
▼ t on the estate of Thomas J. Wright, dcccas
cd, applies for letters dismissory from said c-tatc:
The -e are tlrerefore to cite and adn.oni-h ai! an !
singu. ’he kindred and creditors of said deceased
o be ami appeal at my office,within the time pre
scribed by law, to show cau-e, if any they have,
why said letters should nut be granted.
Given under my hand, at office, this sth Novem
fcw, IS4O. GABRIEL JONES, « leik.
Georgia, Li coin comity :
AA t HEREAS George W. Lewis applies tor let
s V ters ol adminisliation on the estate ol Je !
emiah Blanchard,deceased :
These are therefore to cite and admonish all rr.A
singular, the kindred and creditors of said decease-?
to be and appear at my office within the lime pre
scribed by law, to snow cau-e {if any the}’ have)
why said letters should not oe granted.
Given under mv nano, at office, this t th Noveos*
4 GR.EEA BEE to an order of the Honorable
X Sl the Inferior Court of Scriven county, while
sitting as a Court of Ordinary, will be sold on the
first Tuesday in Januaiy next, before the conH
house door in the village of J cksnnboro, sundD
tracts of land and negioes, the said lands lying a UL
being in the county of Scriven, lying in differin’
parts of said county, said lands and negroes sold a*
the property of Richard Herrington senior deceased,
for the benefit of trie heirs of said deceased.
October 13, IS4U.
THE subscriber respectfully notifies his
in the adjoining counties, and throughout the*
State, that he will attend to the receiving and Re
warding goods from the HaFroad Depot atMadi»on,
Ga., after Ist of January next. Also to forwarding
Cotton to Augusta, and will be prepated to lurm-* *
his friends with joods such as they may wish
prices satisfactory. THAD. B. REES.
Madisun, Nov. 9. wt * t-