Newspaper Page Text
ON Saturday,the !|9th day of December next ,
will be sold al *the residence of the latt
George Murray, deceased, in Richmond county, aL.
the perishable propert y j negroes excepted) of saui
deceased, consisting of Rattle, Horses. Hogs, Corn .
Fodder, Household ami Kitchen Furniture, flee. flee.
Also, at the same rirne and place, the tract of
land on which the dt. cased lived at the time of
his death, containing ojie hundred aud thirty-six
acres, more or less, lyisg on Butler’s Creek, in said
county, which is toe ar«|ll known to need any far
ther notice. Terms at ;he sale.
November 25,184#. » wld
ON Tuesday, the 15|h December next, will be
sold at the plantation of John Howard de
ceased, in Burke countjj, all the perishable proper
ty on said plantation, (tjegroes excepted,) consist
ing of Horse<„ Cattle, ii’ogs, Cora, Fodder, Planta
tion Tools, See.
Al'O it tne plantation of John Howard deceased
in Columbia county, on Friday the ISth December
next, all the perishable property on said plantation
(negroes excepted.) consisting of Horses. Cattle,
Hogs, Corn, Fodder, Plantation Tools, &c. Terms
on the day of sale.
I. P. GARVIN, ?,. ,
W. J. HOWARD, 5 k * rs
November 2, 1840.
ON the first Tuesday in January next, between
the usual hours of sale, will be sold a
the lower market house in Augusta, all the House
hold and Kitchen Furniture belonging to the estate
fcf Rebecca Dunham, deceased.
November 25, iB4O. - trwtd
ON Monday, the 11 th January next, at 11 o’clock
A. M., will be sold at the residence of the
subscriber, on Green street, ail the Household and
Kitchen Furniture belonging to the estate of Ed
mund Martin, decea<ed, together with a lot ol
Lumber and Shingles. Terms cash.
c. a. martin, Adm’r.
December 2, JS4O. trwtd
ON the first Tuesday in January text, al the
lower market house in the city of Augusta,
between the usual hours of sale, will be sold, by
permission 01 the Inferior Court of Richmond coun
ty, while sitting so; ordinary purposes, the follow
ing property belonging to the estate of William
Tutt deceased, foi the benefit of the heirs and
creditors, to wit:
All those three adjoining valuable tracts of
swamp land, containing together six hundred forty
iour and a half acres;* One known as the Cashin
tract, containing onehuadred acres, within about
one mile of the city of August*; one known as the
Hacon tract, containing two hundred acres ; and
one know'll as the Clipboard tiact, containing three
hundred and forty-four and a half acres.
Also, a large, weli-fimshed tent at the Richmond
camp ground.
Also, a number of valuble negroes.
Also, all the Wagons, Carts, Mules, Horses, Cat
tle, Hogs, Corn, Fodder, Peas, and Plantation
I tonsils.
Terms.— For the land aud negroes, one third
cash, and the balance in two equal payments at oac
and two years ; notes: with approved peisenal se
curity an I a niortgiigeidu the property, bearing in
terest fiorn date, the interest payable yearly; and
lor the other property ;‘ksh,
JO-jIN H. MANN, Executor.
Augusta, November; '), 1840. tr* id.
ON the first day of January next will be rented
at the Lower Market House, in Augusta, all
the interest of Samul,| Thomas, and Mary Ann
Denham, (minors 1 lot of land commonly
known as the Island, I’i'ingon the Savaanah Road
about mile's from to 11.
ANJ u MACLEAN, Guardian.
December 10, 1840. |
BV order of the I nferior Court 01 Richmond
County, when sitting for ordinary purpose-,
will be sold at the Market House, .a Au
gusta, on the first 'ibie.d.y in January aext,
I’WEL\K NEGROESj belonging to the «.rate ui
William Wright, late cijsaid county, deceased, tor
the benefit of the bei;s ,»nd creditors of said estate.
November 16, IS 10. ’ Administrator.
ON the first Tuc«D?r ia January next, at the
Lower Market Eltjuse, will he told between
the usual hours oi i kree j ) .>eg;o .vave»,
the property of R. H. . r iii*grove, deceased. hold ty
order of tne HooonU * iaferier Court of Rich
mond fourty, tor tbe vhe l l ol tne heirs and c;ed
tton of void docaModL EDWARD RUSTIN',
Augusta. November if Executor.
ON t:.e --I Tuesday. m January next, will be
s*. ‘%e Lower .Marsrt Hou-e. in the city
o; Aug-- * . for -u *ci order o', the Court
ol • ary or County, and within the
i ~t<~ •>.;* vs **-c. aU fLs«e Negroes ocitbjutg Uj
'■** *■. ' H .Vo . cc-eased
* sat A. J, MILLER,
w>n» '• l*v#G, I Kr**«ter.
0% tn4s»f, uk loti* day o i Uee.embor next
1 W «#U at f**e imflwfe of Mrs. Mary
F 1 a . tne pen-habJe
property bettfUgfftg lo |h*r e»UU of 1>; 100 t.
Co per, la’e oi sail couiity, <>■ ea-ed,
i etm- made known .ri the dar of m■*
uov kl A. VS J ‘IODEB, Tetop’y Afliti’r.
ON Monday, the 4lii day of January, will be
sold al the Plantation of the laie Moses Hotl
Jr., six miles from Augusta, on Ike Ravaunab road,
all the Coro aud Fodder, about twenty-five head ol
1 attic, four young and v ell broke Mules, one Marc
and Mule Coll, two Firm Waggons, one Barouche
and Harness, one Bu-<‘;y, arm all the Fanning
At the same time, the Plantation will be rented
for one year from the Ist of January.
A. SiBLEV, A ip. initiator.
December 12, IS4O. tu
IN«U R MONTHS ArFTER DA I K, Application
' will be made lo t e Hon* the Inferior Court of
Richmond county, when lining for ordinary pur
pose', for leave to self »jhe Negroes belonging to the
estate ot tho late Joint ():arke, »1 -a id county, dec M.
sept. 1G H. GOODRICH, Admr.
AI Si i
(.I o u.t \. / Coil;t of Ordinary, November
Livcolk CovstZV. 5 adjourned Term, Ife-iO.
PivscLi, their Honors I eler Lamar, Lewis Parke,
and Stephen Stovall,
IT appearing h? thitr Conrt that Joshua Daniel,
A dr- in i orator oy the estate of V,'m. Rowers,
deceased, has left thi s State without fully admin sat a estate accarding to law.
it is therefore ordered by the Court that the said Daniel be and aj-pear at the text term of
Ibis Cuutt, to «iiow why his letters of Ad
utiMi-lraliaii < n -aid C‘t.te should not be revoked.
It is further ordered that a ropy of this rule be
served upon him. the said Dame), or published in
one of the public Gazettes of this Mate once a
month for three months.
Given under my at office m L.ncolnten,
thu 12lh Nov. IS4O.
November 12, IB4n.
Muhsrribert having taken lie store and
£ purchased the Dnijg*, Fixtures, Ac., belong
ing to the late James 'everich, bvz leave to in
form their friends and ihe public lliat they Will
continue the same bustcess under the name of Ro
betl Austin Co. They are uow receiving an
additional and extensive supply of Drugs , faints,
Dtls, Glass*are. 4 c., from the North, which they
intend to -ell on moderate terms.
Country merchants and otheis, pret ious to their
purchasing elsewhere, are requested to call and ex
amine their stock and prices. The Drugs we wil
warrant to be fresh and of superior quality, and
will feel thankful for the continued patronage of
I t. Leterich’s lottner customers.
M ,, • t *ii J, A. TUCCUSUi-
figsg) naaa
Tj* NOTICE. —The Rail Road Passenger Train
between Charleston and Hamburg, will leave as
toll© was—
Not to leave Charleston before 7 00 ▲ n.
“ ** Summerville, ** - -S 30
“ “ - " - 10 00
« “ BrancbvP.le, “ - 11 00
“ “ Black vide, - “ - 12 34 r. M
M “ Aiken, - - “ - 245
Arrive at Hamburg not before - 400
Not to leave Hamburg before 6 00 a. m.
“ “ Aiken, - “ - 730
“ “ Black vUle, “ - - 915
“ “ Branchville “ - - 11 00
“ ** Georges’, , “ - - 11 45
“ “ Summerville,** - -100 r. m.
Arrive at Charleston not before 2 15
Distance —136 miles. Fare Through —$10 00.
Speed not over 25 miles an hour. Te remain 20
minutes each, for breakfast aud dinner, and not
longer than 5 minutes for wood and water at an)
To stop for passengers, when a white flag is
hoisted, at either of the above stations; and also at
aiineathi, Woodstock, Inabinet’a, 41 mile T. 0.,
Rives’, Grahams, W illestou, Windsor, Johnsons*
and Marsh’s T. 0.
Passengers uo will breakfast at Woodstock and
dine at Aiken; amen, will ureas last at Aikea
an d dine at Charleston. nov 9
easa |tT>m
On and after Monday October 12th, the Passen
ger Cars will run to Buck-bead, six miles East of
Madison. Leave Augusta 6p. M, arrive at Buck
head 2A. M. Leave Buck-head P. M , arrive
at Augusta 4 J A. M. oct 9 3t
Orticc 8. Cakousa Rail Road Co. ?
Hamkcxg, 3lay 1, 1840. \
ON and after this day, the passenger train from
Hamburg will arrive in Charleston »t 2j
o’clock, r s in lime for dinner. may I
Office Txansfoxtatiow S.C.C. fle R. R. Co. ?
June 2d. IS4O. 3
Information to Travellers North and South.
OTWITHSTANDING the destruction of the
J3I bridges over the Savannah River, at Augusta,
by the late freshet, travellers are respectfully in
formed that arrangements have been made for pa-g
iug the river, and that the Cars leave Hamburg
aud Charleston daily at the usual hours and arrive
as formerly. \VM. ROBERTSON, Jr.
Agent Transportation.
In consequence of the failure of the crop, Ike
freight on Cotton will fie reduced to the following
rates per bale,after the 22d instant:
Fiom Wanentou to Augusta, $1 00
Cummins. ** 1 00
Ctawfordville, “ 1 10
Jeffeison Hal 1 , ** 1 15
Greensboro, *• 1 20
Buck head, ** 1 25
Woodville. and ? „ . j,.
Head of Athene Br. y
Round bales not to exceed 375 lbs., and square
bale* 425 log. For the excess shove theee weights,
half cent per 100 Ibe. per mile. All bales torn
while a pos-ession of the Company, will be mend
ed al their expense. Business will commence re
gularly on the Athens Branch after the 22d iust.
A pas-enger tar will be atta hed to the freight
train leaving Augusta on Mondays. Wednesday-,
and Fridays, at 7 o'clock, A. M., Bucsnean at t»s
o'clock on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
««v IT-trwjcw ts >u-enniend s *. Transp’r.
The Passenger Train, carrying the great mail
between New York and New Orleans, leaves'Au
gusta every day at 6 f. m., and arrives at Greens
boro at 1 a. m. Leaves Grecnshoio at 9f. m., and
arrives at Augusta at half past 4 o’clock, a. m.
Stage- run in connection with this train from
Greensboro foi New Or.eans, (two daily lines) via
Indian Springs,Columbus, .Montgomery and .Mobile;
i for New Orleans, tri-weekly, via Clinton, Macon,
and Pensacola; f«r West Point and Wetumpka, via
Barnesvilie, tri-weekly ; for Rome, tri-weekly via
( Covington, Decatur and Marietta; for Na-hvillt
and Knoxville, Tennessee,tri-weekly, via Athens,
Gaiue-ville and Cassville; for Washington, Wilke
county, tri-weekly, from Double Weils ; for New
Orleans, daily, from Warrenton, via Sparta, MiS
ledgevilie, Macon and C olumbus ; for Milledgcville,
ii-weekiy, via Green-boro and Eaton ton.
Connecting with these lines are branch stage,
; line-to Taltahaasee.Columous,Mi«s.. I uscaioosa,
Newnaa, cowetacouniy,Ga., aud Clarksville, Ha
bersham county, kc.
Fare on the Kail-Road to Greensboro $1 25.
Office Georgia Rail Road A Bk’g Co. ?
Augusta , December 9. S
> COACHES ii now mnning fiom Rome, Flo* d
County,Gm., to Gunter’s Landing,upon Tennessee
j p k iver, m Alabama, forming a connection between
j the K tage Line now in opeiatiou, from the head of
* the (#eorgia Kail Road to Rome, and the Steam-
Boat and Kail Road Line Lam Gunter’* Landing
to Tuacurabia.
Th;* Liue will leave Rome every Monday, Wed
nesday and Friday morning, and arrive al Gunter’s
Landing on the evening of the same days. Re
turning, wiil leave Gunter’s Landing every Tues
day, Thursday aad Saturday morning, and arrive
in Rome on the evening of the same days, thus
forming an uninterrupted intercommunication be
(ween the City ol New York aud Tuscurabia,
j North Alabama, where Travellers will find Stages
j to convey them in every desirable direction. The
I time occupied in travelling from New York to Tus
-1 cnnibia, will be as follows: Four days from New
■ York Ij Greensboro, Ga., at the Head of the Rail
i Itoid; three day- from thence to Gunter’s Land
■ iug, Alabama, and one day from theme to Tus
i curnbii. Travellers to Huntsville and Nashville,
i will leave tins Line at (.unter’s Landing, and ar
| live in Hunt.-viile on the morning of the Bth day
! from New York, and in Nashville, on the 9th,
to Memphis, Tennessee, and Columbus,
Mi.riasippi, wiil arrive in those places in 10 days
from New York. There will be a -aving in the
trine at prc=ent occupied between the several pla
ce*. of about one week, with the additional advan
tage (an port an: particularly to Mercnanl**) of
• parsing through. rr.*>~t of the principal «itic« in the-
Urior A. WILrOX sc CO.
Rowe Orteber 22.1840. f.
Via Buckshead, Eaton ton, Ciiaton, Macon,Per
ry, Pindertown, Bainbridge, Chattahoochie, lola,
St. Josephs, Pensacola, to Mobile.
The Proprietors of this Line inform the Travel
ling public that it know in full operation, through
the entire route; leaving Augusta by the Georgia
Rail Road cars to Greensboro’ every Tuesday
Thursday and Saturday, al 6 o’clock, P. M. and th
rive in Mobile in three days and a half running
Travellers are assured that the staging upon this
line is superior to any other, the accommodations
unsurpassed, and by far the best natural roads in
the Southern country, only 210 miles of staging.
Stages leave Bainbridge for Tallahassee via Quin
cy, immediately on the arrival of the Alligator
Line from Greenebaro’, and immediately on the
arrival of the boats from lola.
q3* Two Stages will at all times be run in com
pany, when the travel requires it.
For seats in the above Line, apply at the office,
at the Esgle and Pbmnix Hotel, Augusta, Geo.
apriiai Ir GEO. W. DENT. Agent.
rjVHESS Pills are bo longer among those of
JL doubtful Utility. They have passed away
from the hundreds that are daily launched upon
the tide of experiment, and now stand belore the
public as high in reputation, and as extensively
employed in all pans of the United Stales, the Can
adas, Texas, Mexico, and the West Indies, as any
medicine thal has ever been prepared for the rebel
of suffering man. They have been introduced
w herever it was found possible to carry them ; and
there are but few towns that do not contain some
remarkable evidences of their good effects. The
certificates that have been presented to the proprie
tor exceed twenty thousand ! upwards of five hun
dred ol which are from regular practising physicians,
who are the most competent judges of their merits.
Otien have the cures performed by this medicine
been the subject of editorial comment in various
newspapers and journals ; and it may with truth
be asserted, that no me heme of the kind has ever
received testimonials of greater value than are at
tached to this.
They are in general use as a family medicine,
and there are thousands of families who declare
they are never satisfied unless they have a supply
always on hand.
They have no rival in curing and preventing
Bilious fevers. Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaints, Mck Headache, Jaundice, Asthma,
Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargement of the Spleen,
Piles,_L'holic, Female Obslrucliuns, Heartburn, Fur
red Tongue, Nausea, Distension of the stomach
and Bowels, Incipient Diarrhce, Flatulence, Habit
ual Costive ness, Loss of Appetite, Blotched or
Sallow Compiesun, and in all cases of Torpor of
the Bowels, wheie a cathartic or an aperient is
needed. They are exceedingly mild in their opeia-
Uon, producing neither nausea, griping nor debility.
T he efficacy ot these pills is so well known, and
their use so general, that further comment is con
sidered unnecessary.
For lurther particulars, see Dr. Peters’ nam hlel.
whii'R can be had grafts ot anv 01 me Agent
A new and important Discovery.
IT has long beeu’a great desideratum in Medica
Science, and has been the subject of a vast
amount of Chemical experiment, to obtain the me
dicinal qualities of Opium to the exclusion of its
noxious principles and useless combinations. No
article in the whole range ol the Pharmacopoeia is
perhaps of greater importance to mankind ; and
none which has engaged a greater share of chemi
cal attention. Every preparation hitherto made
from this drug, whether in the form of Extract,
Morphia, Black Drop, Paragoric. or Laudanum,
contains in close combination a poison w ith the an
tid te, and hence we hud the administration of
them attended with a numerous train of evils,
among w r hich are headache, lassitude, tremors,
nausea, vomiting, constipation, derangement of the
nervous sv stem —and u quality wonderfully piedis
posing the system ti its habitual use: to obtain
therefore the Soothing Opiate and Anti-Spasmodic
Anodyne in all its virtues, separate from the dele
terious principles of the drug, has for a series of
years engaged the profound attention of the author;
it presented itself to his mind as a subject ol great
magnitude; the acquisition to the medical faculty
oi >o important a lemedial agent, and the incalcu
lable amount of human misery tba; would be alle
viated by the discovery, have been to him a sure
guarantee thal he would reap a rich icward for his
labors, at least in self-gratulation. Having satis
factorily tested the Eiixer in several hundreds of
instances, he has now the happiness of saying lu
the public that his labors have been crowned with
triumphant succcs-. .1. HAMILT«JN,M. D.
Sold wholesale by \VM. J. BURRITT & Co.. 12
Hold street, New-York, and bv
iiov 4 Sole Agents in Augusta.
restoring and preserving the Hair, prepar
ed by the subscribers, from a correct receipt
and wairanted as good as any article by the name
in the United States. For sale wholesale and re
tail by W.M. J. BURRITT fit CO , 12 Gold street.
Cautiox. —Never buy Balm of Columbia if rep
resented to be the genuine imported article anc
purposing to be sold by the “ American Agent,'
as such representation is fal>e, and designed to de
ceive the public; and after this notice, no dealei
or consumer can purchase the article under such
base representation, without openiy encouraging
deception and patronizing imposition.
1 W.M. J. BURRITT it CO., 12 Gold st.
For sale by
nov 4 Sole Agents in Augusta.
SOME notorious counterfeiters have nearly kill
ed several persons by selling them a spurious
; and false mixture of Hays’ Liniment.
The genuine is warranted perfectly harmless
and effectual. Never buy the article unless it has
the written signature of COMSTOCK 4- ('o. on
the splendid wrapper. That him are solely au
thorized to make and sell the true article. Origi
: nal proprietor, SOLOMOK HAYS.
I*. S. The true If ay's’ Liniment is warranted to
cure Files and Rheumatism, in all cases, or no pay
taken lor it.
Sold at No. 2 Fletcher street, near Pearl st. and
.Maiden Lane, New \ oik, by
COMSTOCK ts Co., Vhole sale Druggists.
The genuine is for sale by GARVIN fc HAINES,
i and ROBERT CARTER, Augusta, jan 10 ly
INOR Coughs, Colds, Shortness of Bieath, Asth
_ ma. fire. This invaluable Medicine has the
extraordinary properly of immediately relieving
Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, difficulty of Bieatuing,
and Huskiness in the Throat. It operates by dis
solving the congealed phlegm, consequently caus
ing a free expectoration.
Those who are tioubled w ith that unpleasant
tickling in the Throat, which deprives them of rest
night after night, by the incessant cough w r hich it
provokes, will, by taking one dose, nnd immedi
ate relief; and one bottle in rnostca>cs wili eff’et a
In Asthmas, Chronic Coughs, difficulty of Breath
ing, fire., no pen can describe the wonders that
have been performed by this invaluable Medicine ;
many, who for years have been unable to lay down
in their beds without a danger of being choked by
an accumulation ol phlegm, (wnich invariably
causes a dreadful cough], others, who with diffi
culty could breathe at all in a recumbent posture,
have, by taking one dose of this excellent Balsam,
been enabled to lay downcorniortably in their beds.
But the testimonials of those who have experienced
its wonderful effect-, will do more to reccinmeud
and insure it the support of the public than any
tiling the proprietor can say in it* (aver, and by
particular request he has published the following
extraordinary case.
Copy of a iet:er fiorn Miss A. Thomas.
Sir —Through the medium of this letter 1 beg
leave io oiler my grateful thanks for your invalua
ble Balsam; having suffered by severe cough and
difficulty of breathing tor several winters, was
quite cured by taking one bottle only.
1 am, sir, your grateful and obliged servant,
ANN THOMAS, Union street.
For sale by
nov 4 Sole Agents’ in Augusta.
for Coughs, Coids, Consumption, Asthma.
Liver complaint, Fains in the Chest, Raising Blood,
Night sweats, fire.
I have had a rough, raising blood and matter
from the lung-, pain through the chest, and night
sweats, for six years. Through the blessings of
God I am cured by Dr. TAYLOR’S BALSAM OF
LIVERWORT. It is truly the medicine for the
poor. Where it does not benefit the expense is
Alexander Smith. !51 Forsyth street, and Sex
ton of Rev. Mr. Stillwell’s Meeting in Christie
street. June 9,154 U.
I have suffered many year? from weakness, pal
pitation of the heart, Ac., and lately cured by Dr.
M. Young, corner of Tilierv and Adams streets,
Brooklyn. ‘ June, 1840.
Sold wholesale and retail by Wm. J. Burri’.t Si
Co., 12 Gold street, Ncw-York.
For sale by ROBT. AUSTIN & CO.
9Cf 4 kole Ageats is Augusta.
FOR the cure of white swellings, scrofulous and
other tumors, ulcers, sore legs, old and fresh
wounds, sprains and bruises, swellings and inflnm
nations, scald head, women’s sore breasts, rheu
matic pains, tellers, eruptions, chilblains, whitlows,
biles, corns, and external diseases generally. The
proprietor has received at least a thousand cert fi
cates and other documents in favor of his SPECI
FIC OINTMENT—and they embrace almost all
the complaints in their worst stages—lo which
ointment or slicking jtjaster can be applied A luong
these eeriincate*, there are a great number from the
most eminent physicians in the country, who use
the Oinimenl in their daily practice, in preference
to any, or all others w hich have ever been invented.
The proprietor has also received a great many tes
timonials Irom larrieis, military gentlemen, tanners,
and oihcrs, relatixe to the amazing efficacy of his
Ointment, in the bruises, cuts, and all the external
complaints and diseases of horses; and among them
are no less than a dozen certifying to the most per
fect cures which it has performed on the sore
backs of some of those animals. Altogether the
proprietor leels no hesitation in stating—or in put
ting it to the proof against all composition—ihai
superior to every thing of the kind which has here
tofore been offered to the public; and the proprntor
not only vouches for its general good qualities, but
is willing to risk his reputation on a single trial ,
for he knows from the moa ample experience, that
it cannot he used without immediate and palpable
benefit, in any one of the complaints for which it
is so highly recommended. Retail price 50 cents
per box. Sold at all the principal
aug 20 Augusta, Ga.
fiIHESE medicines are indebted for ineir name
JL to thi ir manifest and sensible action in puri
fying the spring and channels ot life, and enduing
them with renewed lone and vigor, in manv hun
dred certified eases widen has been made public,
and in almost every species of disease to which
the human frame is liable, the happy effects of
-1 TERS have been gratefully and publicly ao
’ fnowledged by the persons benefiitted, and who
* were previously unacquainted with the beaudlully
’ philosophical principles upon which they ore
compounJed, and upon which they tmnsequenily
’ act.
’ The LIFE MEDICINES recommend theraseives
P in diseases ot every torm and description. Their
first operation is to loosen from the coals ol the
’ stomach and bowels, the various impurities and
5 crudities oon-tamiy settling around them ; anu to
remove the hardened feces which collect
coiivo'usions ot the smallest intestines. Other
1 medicines only partially cleanse these, and leave
- such collected masses behind as to produce habitu
al costiveness w ith 1 11 its train ofevils. or in a sud
s den diarrhoea, with its eminent dangers. This lad
; is well known lo all regular anatomists, who ex
t amine the human bowels after
the prejudice of those w ell informed men against
- quack me><i< mes—or medicines prepared and her
- laded to the public bv ignorant p< rsons. r J he se
; cond effect of the Lite Medicines is to cleanse the
s kidneys and the bladder, and by this means, the
- liver and the lungs, the healthful action ot which
f entirely depends upon the regularity of the urinary
a organs. Theblocd, w hich takes its red color from
a the agency ol the liver and the lungs before ii
passes hilothe heat, being thus purified by them
2 and nourished by food coming from a Mean stom
ach, courses freely through the veins, renews every
part of the system, and triumphantly mounts the
banner of health in the blooming cheek.
Moffat’s Vegetable Lite Medicines have been
thoroughly attested, and pronounced a sovereign
remedy for Hyspepsia, Flatulency, Palpitation < f
“ the Heart, Lossol Appetite, Hean-bura and Hecd
ache,'Restlessness, 111-iein[)er, Anxiety, Languor
e and Melancholy, Uostivenesa, Diarrhoea, Cholera,
* Fevers of all kinds. Rheumatism, Gout, Drop.-ies
I of all kind. Gravel, V\ onus. Asthma and Consump
•* tion. Scurvy, Ulcers, Inveterate bores, Scorbutic
d Eruptions and Bad Complexions, Eruptive cora
” plaints, Sallow, Cloudy, and other disagreeable
- Complexions, Salt Rheum, Erysi}»elas, Common
t Colds and influenza and various other complaints
h which afflict the humar frame. In fever and
g ague, particularly, the Life Medicines have been
most eminently successful; so much so that in the
Fever and Ague districts, Physicians almost uni
versally prescribe them.
Ali ihai Mr. Moffat requires of his patient is
to be particular in taking the Life Medicines strictly
according lo the directions. It is not by a news
paj>er nonce, or any thing that he himself may say
m lheir lavor, lhat ho hopes to gum credit, ii is
- alone by the re.-uhof a fair :r:al.
as a domestic guide to health.—Th:.- little pamphlet
s edited by VV. K Moffat 375 Broadway New York,
s has been published lor the purjtose ut explaining
r more fully Mr. Moffat’s theory of diseases, and w ill
- l>e found highly interesting to {>ersons seeki g
- health. It feats upon prevalent diseases, and the
causes thereof. Price 25 cents —for tale by Mr
> Moffat’s agents generally.
f These \aluable nudumes are for sale by
] Mile Agent for Augusta
DR. E. SFUKN, a <»erman pnystcian of much devoleti rus attention ior some
years mine cure anu remoton ol me cfc uses ot .NER
f iction io make known, that he has a remedy which
by removing ihe causes cures effeciuallv and perraa
■ nently this distressing complaint. 'There are many
i famines who have considered Sick Headache aeon
r smuiional incurable family complaint* Dr. S. as
, sures them mat ;hey are mistaken, acd labouring
- under distress which iney might not only alleviate
. but actually eradicated by the use »f his remedy.
ir is the result of scientific research, and is entirely
; of a dirterent <• ha lacier from advertised patent medi
cines, and is not unpleasant to the taste.
The extraordinary reputation thal Dr. Spohn’s
remedy for this distressing compand is every day
gaining is certainly a matter of much astonishment,
Thai so much suffering should have existed for ages
without any discovery of an effectual preventive, or
i cure,is truly a subject of much regret but Dr. S.
now assures the public that such a remedy has been
invented as will convincelhe most credulous. The
• rinciples on which it acts are simple and plain. It is
an a. milted fact that this complaint, whether called
Sick Headache, or Nervous Headache, arises prim
arily from lhe stomach—those who think they have
ihe Nervous Headache may rest assured lhat this
organ, the stomach, is the first cause, lhat th^sys
tem has become vitiated or debilitated, thiough the
stomach, and (hut only through the same channel
myst they expect« restoration ot the naiurai and
healthy functions of the system. This object. Dr
Spuhn’s remedy is eminently calculated to a. tain.
The truth of this position cannot Iw controverted,
and the sooner sufferers with ihe headache become
convinced of it, the sooner will their suffering end
in restoration of health. Dr. Spohn pledges his
professional reputation on this fact. Tne remedy
may be had of apothecaries generally throughout
tne Unitea Mates.
for saie ny aNTONV dr HAINES, No. 232
Proao-streot. Augusta. mar 26
IS one of those invaluable remedies that stands
the lest «.£ trial, lu every instance that has
come to the knowledge of the proprietors, it has
proved it-ell to be what it is recommended—a
pleasant, safe, and efficacious remedy for all the
sympathetic affections attendant on Pregnancv,
and all those periodical disorders to which both
■ married and unmarried females aie liable. Delicacy
: forbids giving the details of its merits in a news
' paper adverti-ement, but it may be stated that it
has been Lu use under various names— (T/,e Fhilo
token. Mother's Relief, $c..J for some ten years
past, and vvhetever introduced, the demand for it,
(without the aid ofpuffing,”) has been constant
ly* on the increase. This fact in evidence of it?
■ real virtues, together w ith the belief that hundreds
of females are suffering from want of the know
ledge of a remedy adapted lo their cases, induce?
the proprietors respectfully lo call the attcntioi
of sufferers to their pamphlets, which accompany
each bottle, and which may be had grans of any
, of their ager.ts.
Price $1 50 per bottle. Sold bv
Agents, Augusta.
•: f Ajeats, sflarr«to».
f _ SErviV'
The Races over this Course will commence on
Tuesday next, the Colt Sweepstake for Monday
having been declared off.
* Tuesday—Two mile heats S4OO
Wednesday— -Three mile heats, 500
Thursday—Four mile heats. S«0
Friday—Mile beats, best 3 in 5,. 300
Great sport may be looked for over this turf, as
all the horses at present here will remain, and the
undersigned is authorised to state, that on the four
mile day, the celebrated horse Bsston i Omega , and
Santa Anna or Fanny will come together. This
will be the besr liel.l of huises that ever ran in this
country. North or South.
dec 12 S. W. SHELTON, Proprietor.
i f geon Dentist, has removed to the residence
No. 242 Broad street, over the Watch and Jewelry
Store of Mr. G. C. Gordon. oct 13-ts
no. 242 eroad-st., near the v. s. hotel.
THE subscriber hav
ing just returned from
; n l fashionable
meat of Gobi and Sil
ver Patent Levers,Du-
plex, Lepine, and Vei
ical Watches, of the most approved makers.
Also—Fine Mantle Clocks and Flower \ ases, a
general assortment of Jewelry and Salver \\ are.
Also, line Guns and Pistols, with a variety of other
! articles usually Kept in his line of business, which
I he will sell on reasonable teams, and respectfully
solicits a share of public patronage.
N. R.—Clocks. Watches, and Jewelry carefull
repaired, and wan anted. lov 9-l_y__
THE subscribers have
in store, and are daily re
ceiving a choice selection
of elegant Cabinet FUR
NITURE, which they offer
IMiltei at prices to suit the times.
|3B|tiEj 'I hey are also prepared to
manufacture in this place
"ft Ij all articles in their line,
and will pay strict atten
tion to orders. Repairing promptly and neatly ex
ecuted, at reasonable charges.
The Castings from this establishment hive given
universal satisfaction since it has been in operation.
1 We have now on hand a large stock of the raw
material, of the best quality, and are ready to re
ceive order s for any description of CASTINGS,
either for Rail Roads, Mills, Steam Engines, or
other purposes. As we have a hrst rate Pattern
Maker, and use nothing but the best materials,
consequently we can warrant our Castings not only
to work well, but be as strong and as well made as
any manufactured at the North or elsewhere, and
we challenge comparison.
We also manufactuie to order any kind of
now getting up, and will soon hive made on
hand 101 sale, a variety of PLOUGHS, of all kinds
t and sizes, from the small Poney Plough up to the
large four horse Plough. Also, Straw-Cutters.
Corn Shelters, Harrows , Wheat Fans , Cultivators,
1 H-’a-onr, Carts, sc., SfC. Persons wanting such
articles would do well to call, as we are determin
ed to sell low for cash or city acceptances.
Orders can be left at the principal stores in
1 ; town, or at the establishment In rear of the Pres
j byterian Church, near the Rail Road Depot, and
they will be attended to punctually.
| uly 11 ly THOS. HOPKINS & Co.
I Supenders, Shirts,Collars. Cravats, Scarfs. Hand
kerchiefs, Straps, Hosiery, Under Shirts, Drawers,;
Shoulder Braces, Riding Belts, Cravat Stiffners, |
Perfumery, Combs, Soaps, Hair Oils, Razors, Razor
Strops, Brushes, Suspender Ends, Night taps.
Purges, Pocket Wallets. Shaving Creams, Cold
Cream, Penknives, Segar Cases, Cloak Cord and
Tas-els, Umbrellas, kc. iic.
And a superior assortment of
Selected from the Ute-t and best foreign importa-
which will be sold at the lowest Cash prices,
by the piece, pattern, or made into Garments, in
the be- 5 ! and most fashionable style, by
No. 25S Broad St., opposite the State Bank,
dec 5 sw6t
| FIIHE customer* of the Georgia Railroad
JL wish their Goods retained at the Depot so.
> their wagons, will be particular to instruct th<
t agent at the station to which they are sent to thaf
effect, or have them marked distinctly O. W
(Own Wagon). nov 3 twtt
Constitutionalist will please copy the above.
I TAKE pleasure in informing the Planter* and
Country people at large, that I have made ar
rangements to do a general Grocery business in this
place, and will keep constantly on hand a good as
sortment of Groceries, and all other articles usual
ly kept for the up country trade. A. Wray will
conduct the business, and act as my duly author
ized agent in the purchase of goods and everything
appertaining to my business in the mercantile line.
An 1 from his knowledge and experience in busi
ness, 1 hope to merit a liberal patronage. He will
be found at the stand formerly occupied by John
E. McDonald, where he will attend promptly to
all orders conlided to him. U. G. JOHNSON.
Hamburg, Sept. 14, 1840. ts
The Hamburg Journal will please insert the a
bo> e four times, and present their bill to
A. WRAY. Agent.
(3% /A BBLS New CANAL FLOUR, a first rate
article. Just received and for sale by
oct 6 W. K. JACKSON, Auctioneer.
THE subscriber h> s opened a Law
Judge Longs treel’s lot in the viU»S* <*
tore, Newton county, where he will be ,
all times when not on the circuit. H e wi ,,
j tice in Newton, Morgan, Walton, Dc Kalh r*'
n*tt, Jasper, Henry and Butts counties
i trusting the undersigned with Lasiness
assured that it will be attended to with ha **
thomas Howard.
I take pleasure in recommending Thomas h
ard to the patronage of my friends and ac« ua i™
ces. He :s talented and trust-worth?, i
nave the benefit of my counsel, « hcnr Vei s
bis clients desire it A. b. LON'GSTKkrt
aug 3 **
I ,4 LL persons indebted to the~estate7f'WmT?
I Mobley, late of Hurke County, deceased ' ‘
I requested to make immediate payment, and th***
I having demands against said estate to reader 111°*
1 in, dulv attested, within the rime
law, to ISAAC 1. HHATH b>
November 9. 1849. Administrator
\T OTICE.—AiI persons indebted to the mu
il of Stephen Corkin, late of Burke county
ceased, are requested to make payment to the us I
dersigned, and those having demands against th*
same wilt please present them in terms ot the 1
John w. carswell’ e *’«.
| November 27, 1840. ’ w!)jo
f 4 LL persons indebted to the estate of Rebecc
_ V Dunham late of Richmond County, deceased
| are requested to make immediate payment, and al' I
persons having demands against said estate win 1 '
present the same, duly attested, within the tic
prescribed by law. AND. MACLEAN *
November 9,1840. Administrator. I
ALL persons indebted to the estate ol Robeit J
Allen deceased, of Burke county, wiil m »k«
immediate payment, and those haring demanol
against said estate, will present them within th»
time prescribed by law.
November 9, 1840. w g t ’
FOUR months after date, application wili
made to the honorable the Inferior Court of
Burke county, when sitting for ordinary purposes
for leave to sell all the real estate of Henry J. g
Moore, deceased.
No .'ember 26, 1840,
"VTOTICE. —All persons indebted to the estate
j of Thomas M. Patterson, late of Jefferson
j county, deceased, are requested to make immediate
! payment, and those who have demands against the
! said estate, are notified to render them a< the law
requires. HENRY B. TODD, Ex’r,
! November 24, IS4O.
! "VTOTICE. —All persons having demands again*',
j J3l tbe estate of Dr. Samuel W. Robbins, de
ceased, late of Jefferson County, will present them
I to the undersigned, properly authenticated, witiic £
the time prescribed by law, and those indebted ti
said estate will make immediate pavmeat.
November 24, 1840.
I A LL persons having demands against the estate
j J\ of the late James laylor, deceased, ol Ca
-1 lumbia County, are requested to make immediate
payment to me, and Iho-e having claims are heie
j by notified o hand them in w ithin the time pre
scribed by law. ABEL J. HUTCH INGSON,
! November IS, 1840. Administrator.
! nor 19 ' •
4 LL persons indebted to the estate of Nathu
Xm. Stephens, late of Jefferson County, deceased, I
are requested to make immediate paymmt, and
[ those having demands against said estate wil pre
! sent them, properly authenticated, wit hi* the has
prescribed by law.
! OBADIAH PIERCE. Adm’r. de bonisnoo.
Noveraoer 19, IS4O.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of John
> XjL Crooks, deceased, of Jefferson County, will
make immediate payment to the undersigned, aad
those having demands against said estate will p;e
sent them within the terms of the law.
JAMES T. BOTH WELL, Administrator.
| November 19, 1840.
OTICE.—A 1 persons indebted to the estate
; °f John BoslicK, late of Jefferson county, de
ceased, are requested to make immediate payment,
and those who have demands against said estate,
are notified to render them as the law directs, to
ELOUISA BOSTICK, Qualified Ex x.
November 24, 1840,
FOUR months after date, application w : J I*
made to the honorable Inferior Court ol Buik*
county, for leave to sell eighty acres of land be- *
longing to the estate of Drury Forenand, deceased *
MARK STOKES, Adin’r de home «»». ||
July 10,1840.
months after date, application will l«
made to the Honorable, the Inferior tourl or
Scriven county, when silling for ordinary purposes,
for leave to sell all the real estate of Samuel M.
Newton, deceased.
JAMES W. LEE, Administrator.
October 13, 1540.
I.YUUR months after date, applica ion will b«
_ made to the honorable the Inferior Court ol
Richmond county, when silting for ordinary pur
poses, for leave to sell the real and personal estate
of Mitchell Nelson, late of said county, deceased.
; July 18, 1840. JOHN CARTER, Adm’r.
INOUR moths after date, application will be
. made to the Honorable, the inferior Court of
Jefferson county, when sitting for ordinary purpo
ses, for leave to sell the land and negroes belong
ing to the estate of John Crooks, late of Jefleuoa
: county, deceased. J. T. BOTHWELL, Adm’r.
November 24, 1840.
FOUR months after date application will be
made to the honorable Inferior Court of Co
lumbia county, when sitting as a court of ordinary,
for leave to sell all the land and negroes belonging
to the estate of Isaac Lowe, late of Columbia coun
ty, deceased. CURTIS LOWE, Adra’r.
September 2, 1840.
IN OUR Months after date application will be
made to the Hon. the Justices of the Inferior
; Court of Richmond County, when sitting for ordi
nary purposes, for leave to sell the real and per
-1 sonai estate of William Turly, late of Richmond
county, deceased.
ALFRED SEGO, 5 lrators -
I November 3, 1840. *
FOUR months after date, application w II be
made to the honorable Inferior Court ol Berk*
county, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary t® l
leave to sell two hundred and twelve acres of land,
belonging to Joseph H. Bell, a minor.
JAMES GODBEE,Guardian. 1
September 10, 1840.
INOUR months after date, application w ill
made to the Honorable inferior Co" A <*
Burke county, while sitting as a Court of Ordi*arf»
for leave to sell 500 acres of land, belonging V®
estate of Daniel J. Evans, deceased.
Aug. S, 1840. JESSE P. GREEN, Adra’r.
INOUR months after date, application will
. made to the honorable Inferior Court o* Burk®
county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, f‘*r
leave to sell the real and personal estate of Le*u
Wimberly, sen., late of said county, deceased.
August 11, 1840. BAML. FOSTER, Adra’r-^
nriHE duties of this SEMINARY wdl be result
jL on the istli of O ‘ober, by Mrs H. L. H® l ' l ’
assisted by competent and efficient Teacheis. AJJ
the branches of a complete English Education wi
be taught. Also French and other Language®*
Vocal and Instrumental Music, and Drawing w
Painting in all their branches.
terms. pr. qr. of 3
For English—from $8 to
“ French and other Language* ‘ '
“ Music on the Piano,
“ “ “ “
“ Drawing and Painting, , , in oO
“ Boarding and Lodging, lights and fuel, w
A limited number of young ladies can be co
fortably accommodated in the immediate family
Mrs Moise, whose attention will be devoted
their morals and deportment. **P l
try The Edgefield Advertiser wIU
above three times and forward tiff-