Newspaper Page Text
j u; ire 15. H. VrARREN,
Jud~e vALENT I NE a aLKHP,,
RuBERT A LLi N, E-q.
jA>iL- HARPER, E»q,
We are authorized lo say that Mr LEO*
n pi,GAS leclines being a candidate tor the otfic«
of cr eive of l ax Returns. dec 29-31
\\e are requested to announce JOSEPL
m - RC U as a«iid..te lor the ollice of Receive!
c f j’ a x iiciums. dec 9-if
\Ve are authorized to announce AND iEVN
yjWLEAN as a eandula e lor tne office of He
,’civci of l ax Returns dee 1 i id
ry D. P- BUSSELL, Esq, will be supported
f r tac offi - c of Colonel rs tue Iblh Regiment G
\j y many 1 1 lends. «,ee x I
■'”7*. qhe fEends of Captain M l\ S I’t V \LL wili
«Tjpeort him for the office of Culo. ei of I e 1 th
j ( g: IH n , ..t the i nsuin g e!e. tion uec 1 1
.'. pare a .thorised to n no n e ROB.oU i' A.
\V \ I’K IN ' as a candida’e fur the vHi e of lax
Collecloi of i iehmund county. dec 14-ui
> r We aie authorised to annoi n eGEORGE
•\j WALKER as a candidate for the office of Re
ceiver of i ax i etuin-. dec 1 ’
" • f i.r. IV. N- JOXES tenders Ins professional
se ,’ v j p S to the «iti/ens of Augusta and us vit muy
i e tan-, e foun t at hi- re>i lence on the Nuili.
side of Gk eu-ecoiid **oor hei. w .Mci .tusa siietl,
or at the uhron.cle an i Sentinel offi e.
D A V Il> A . V A»<* A ,
aitorsly at LA IV,
Palmy ta, Lee * ounty, Ga.
Will practice in the adjoining counties of the Chat
ia..oo hee and .Southern Cuvui s.
C«l ZaJ x-Uackson, t p alm . rl Ga ,
j.ev Jonathan Uavts,s
Cul. H. - ope, / Ath rs Gl<
1 o i. u. I oughe.ty, S
V° • '• ,l To’. i Mudirot), Ga.
Joi.ns'on ie Hobson. s
J. V\ . Jones, A ugU'U. v. 4m oct I
lif For sa.c low by
q_. c uy_ (t j,HN i’RAS 11 k CO.
Bank 'tate of Georgia, /
BRA'CfI AT At OUsTA, He*. ZMh. ibm.
Uin B n i will e cured on t hur'd y next,
* Thank-g vin ; day.—• tie i")i c! y-1 thme
fure he on V rdn s ay.; r. i he business of i hur-.-
dav alte .did to on Wedncsd y.
1. .lENK Y, Ca-li nr.
dec S 9 • 2t
Mech’ I ANK, Ai cusxa,/ er zl, is 4 .
A N election for n : n • L*l tr-Cf -u >. to
\ the alf airs of I
liar, will be held at lbs- Banking ■ -o. so on a o
day tie 4th day of Januart, 1 84-1. i ctween il.e
iau,-. of 10 o’clock, A M.. and 2 o < lock, l*. Al.
dec Z2-U (iEO. VV. LAwAU, Cashier.
ON C N^IGNMENT —J Howard March «fe
Co 3 tine M vDKIRA V\i.NE impoil done
year sin> e. per Mig M iry Ann. hot s !e low, ny
dec 25 1 1 vv'?w l it. MAS J. FARAiEur.E.
k CARD. — ihe su'-s* rilx r continues to giro
!es-onsonthe IV. Hand *«Ui i' Vu. '
fill for ( a--l fivors, he so i it- a • o tinuan e of t- e
?S!nc Tho-e dc-iiing my« » v\iil , i>*ase
leave t en addiv-s at . A. Pat &C Fu m ore
Waie iou-e, or t!i * d vc 1 ng ol Mrs Cult-, caiiier
cl • amp e!l and El 1 ! - sire Is.
de 25-ts iirrn he m vnn.
(UR months after da r e. app'ication wdl !e
* ma ei« the honora )e. the mfi-uur t oiiii «n
Grn n county, wiien sitting fur o.dumy purp* ses,
for leave u s li u neg o toy by the Hit mme ul
Aloe I, lieionging to francos U . N» Don, min r.
vLEX iNDEK L. WALKER, Gu i d an.
Decerns. rl, IS4O dec .5
Uii I’V itifferont varieli s, among which aie
A Amei nn rap maceou« Compound,'!
Giieiland’s Cream, I • n
Langiei’s Cleop ane. f “
J.ini’s Ve betia Cream, J
lEsc, Aimoi d. Mush, Pa ra, Olive. &c &e.
From the m »st celebrated manufactoues *n this
country ai d Europe For sale by
ov 18 -ts I!aVII.ANI*. I'I>LF.V A riy
Misses l. r. willi vms and r. s. nA r on
(from Canada) most respectfully tnfo.m he
i iztn.s of Augu-ta, th at they will o, eti on the Ist
Mon lav m .lanu iry. in t e utvi-r pan t I lie • i y.
»fe.v doors below Mr. Maniz's o . Broad street, <■
Ihe following br will be taught: Re dmg
ttid Orthography ; liistoiy ; Arithmetic ;
Gt-mmer; s riling; Geography, wim Hie use oi
: etil* be> ; Naiurd Chiloaophy, Mythology ; and
the Kr. nth Language.
Music—Piano Forte, or Guitar.
Driwing in Cray ons ; in Water Co’ors; Velvet
Painting; Fnn h Imitation of Ebony and ivory ;
Orient»r drawing mCo ors and Mezzolinto.
will be taught in private lessons, also
Conch if required.
Ihe a ove oanciies will be taught at from S 5 to
MS per quarter,
dec 21> tr« 4t
UIGs, Ac *«rc. ,
all who *stand in need * f.» good suit of Hair.
I. Air. QUI K, of New V.r>, who la- ju-i
,r ‘ived in tins ei y on his annu >l o u of d» t» i>
•'wwf re.iiiv ti receive t e ca! ; > vs nh who stind in
us nis prufe-sional sei vU-cs i.i the way oi a
made. ate ~r luxuriant hKaD >F n Alii. All who
r ij iiie t. it o.nainent. ago ul iit ot ILyln.
bin ml i.i 11 being suited, by giving him an «arly
Hi!.a- in- stay i* iimi ed to a cvv .a. s. l;e wi.l
a 1 tunes le found during bis stay, at the Eagle
i’l oemx Hotel. d c C9-ZI
JO. Tr>.
By Mr. O. li. RlCK.from \e v Ycrlc.
\UPLICA I’l N’s to be made : t C. A. Platt &
. Co’s, i iano » <>rle Ware-rooms
“EFt RftxtE' —Messrs. John P. >ctze, Ur. Win.
• I u ‘‘pm, Col. v\ ul am T. liquid
• iavii g had an of ex uni ung %e - era I
ay<nd dto t»y .Mr. K: -i te I.i- ai
■V>l in this city, Ino v lae pleasure ii st-tiog
| ut He iiove> t» be n>ttny am 't cicdten/
n/nr hut more esp \ i •11 \ an ex, ei icnc d an I au
\>*(r liepa.rer, and skilful r.. re »« r i.,g toe t tie
1 an in into ent lo its original ui d
eiu, . v * I lb,ere ore re om n nd Mr. »ti e » ith all
I' heait. ti the prtiou g• if Hu corn uiil'y.
dec zb-.f A.sltnNlV E b£ 4.
VUI ICE —I he uuorabie, the C\ty Council
widon aiurday the zd .641, tie i
■' e ug olfici rs, v z :
Ull ciorand r.e.isnei with a sal iry of
of Council ai d Polue, (incUd ng
Ul.tst.) «,0 1201
“> -Mats ai and Captain of Guard do HiO
‘‘K no 7 t
-11 ee onstaMes, d > each 63
* k of L‘ wer Markc, do 55 ■>
e, k «f Upper M.nkei, do 3
e * P t of .viagazme, do 2 0
‘ e »er oi • ity ttocu, do 7o
J P rtritei dam «t tnets.&r, dj 8 **
- f uit.-n iai tof En_iiies and Fie A oaratus. zi 0
I y ' llt ‘ !ff. ‘ r ees
7 V Common Pleas, i » e*
'J - Survey or, f ees
■'jiht Watchmec, per night, t.t
Hails for lighting the Lamp-, lor one yea.
vJ 11 ltle di ' te > will al-y oc itceaeu } and 4 Vendue
r Hi r-te appoinu ri,
I j U by order of tire City Council.
l Ui * 6. li. gUV^CUtk.
• 3BBW
d-Co.) • a. J. ..T.T.i.i:,.
■ —~ —r : C: -
w *7“ ,iAVAr - A
7 5 l7vTv T ' M Lc ari ru
dee So “ •l HI.N( J .vVEN.Ef!.
s. Pm.
!,!e m'Dncri. nut cia-ses. (!, ' , ‘ U ’ 1 J
fy firmed, in ih:s 1,,,.. .... ( , <onv ‘ n “
vvlii -li is < (-)!•,) ; •* »on ai idueation,
..5..0 ■-
P,. rm r v . 1 ‘- * u, ‘ nnv hemg m .1.- an 1 c
o.»;« ,T" y 'T l,e ‘‘
, ir .,. d s , c ‘ 7 I,lv -' H‘'H.ii giv ue,
■ USH-S S( 'h- OsA. nd m o«, r n I. r
i >7;,a 1 : ,d -, a
! f<» ifol.uiE.f w,iii!, e ' '• u - sh '
j ° f And ' nt «•>■»
| _J n> c 3U-.1
'V°“! V. -~ A llU!r ’ <‘f Men, Wi men,Mo- s,
fi am. 'uii:.. amoi g who-., are if. u e .'v.ib
, j!>l EAi E. l.\ E t||i >\j AS
i -7:7 c C 6 il or Dr 19<. A U VIN ’
j il/ ILL he told at p.iv.ite sale, uu tm- . i !,.
j , * u I ° '‘ l °N ‘*ne la .e. .me C.uri ce
! V™ B**’ 8 **’ ul,e r ’ r< he*', o>* I O ;:ioe 11 use one -plei,-
did K.uatoy t. evv it). u, e , lXt ~c , „ .
H not dispo c !ul pvv UM. the ins iwe-miv in
•Lii.u.iy next, wi.UU..,. (t< . M)11 ;it aq . , oa !>l t c
.. vvei liuik-t. i'oi inu iv of
C lAhi.Es McCoy.
'VI oneE~- Person: wishing to lease the ii fit
cNI 10. a Fei,y over t p .ah Liver, iu low
i S Vi, uf r ‘f e “ W H " hc ’ *" «• nus of the rcsul..-
! , <l , l Ut ‘V t ‘ ,Ui,e,i ut Pse lon tin*
~ 11 ‘' iSL ’ v 1 ‘ 9 :e :e ■ an l hi .-«‘uled nroyosi son
| ur 1 eioro the 2 ill ui-t ,to S. t!. <LI . i, : ;
’j ec C erk C <:’ A
•• To cougi. or rot to . 0-i.h-lhal •$ in. q'l. -imu
i ” hctiic. ’.I- be t( r iiv tele ci.e-l iu -t Ar,
I r. C\n and t r ure o' ootrageo sco ghin '
| IB to i e. n> again-t t icm common ,iou its
, | And ly Ltz xois end t.nn r”
i 4 > v b'i , lC.V ol Slieiman’s JiiUGII LOZENGES
■ j Ju-l received an 1 lor sale by
dec 2 .-if » j a r\ IN & MAIN E-.
ffNOiv C )CG!IS AND C LDS—French JniuLc
1 C: st ■,
i oa iound ( ansl c- (sup>iior.)
El etlio n’s HieHlinun i l.oZen o es,
Am. m ail Cou.ii wr> p-j,
'i New Eiigb.tid v iiogh -y run.
and o:bcr c.-leb.ated remedies for Co 'gh- and
| Colds, furs He by JI .\ ieaNU RIvLLV it .u.
dec 8
j 1 57 EAS| I f .V itEi.S, Sor r d-iug i,ut k whe it and
JL Balie. Cak°- pericciiy iEht, ai d leadv I.r
baking ti e ins aut they an mixed With these
powders any quu.iily can be pivui.od in a few
minutes, wir c.. ren ers their use mo e lonrenieul
tnan yea I, and avoiD she [>o- 5 bi itv d e er
having.sviur cuk.-s—a ar Rue, with diuc
lion-. Fo. oy
nov ’6 ‘CAVIL AND. i.ISLEV & C<)
2 > Ul>< -N • ’S CvOWDEiI—oUO kegs FFFg. .-pJiG
JiJ? mg Powder.
3i> 5 Kegs do do.
13 . egs •• r.agie’' Row lor, in canisters.
10-id d•. 15 a.ting do
••u t lecciv.duird for sale bv
I oct -8 G iIIDELLE & RIRVii.
, I - :
A i CM MAKER —Ti e «uh ciiber has re
-7 f move;! to No. o? i»ro d sticei, i ear 'lie
• cniic sutet m rkei, where he ca c.ully icpairs
tv. ry dtS 'ii iii n of vv .v ■C- E- on reasonable
i tern s,ami \v. rants ii s wo kto peifcr.'u vvei . ! e
also e nploy s as,« on Make., an i wii hav e’• ilvcr
bpooii-an . l.i bina'e »o onler. A sma 1 iem
nam ol Wale,ie.-, Jewelry and >mer U a.efnr sale
at low pi ices. iOHN viL 1 u ARI.N.
dey i 1 y
*kTE(HI<iES CO IJ.LE —Seveial Negrors for
hi lot* next year. am. ng whom are Home mr
vanls, Dray tn, \\ o. k Earns, in n, women and
hall glown gu san I buys. \v Ai. IlOa Ivvlv K.
deli sw*
IJGTr.'i 9 14.»L**U, &C.
I (3> i-1 RK INS Go.hen i.uiU r.
L I > boxes “ Cheese.
• 40 •• No. I n^ning.
J list m lived, and fur sale bv
nov d W. E. J VCKSON._
MH.I IMRJV .v .% ?5 »»st Mv MtKl.vk.
V. ,sj [xs; H.vl vf>, M I line r and l)i e-iS Maker,
lY |> s idm. ved to tiib orst lious- above the
Meinodisl Cii .r h o. (Green sEeet,aud would be
thankful so. a toniinuaiue of the pat..mage l.eiv
totoie extended.
All orders executed witn neatness ami dispit. h.
nov li t(
IIVD..Al T .i.C CG <i r.XT » 12»T<-I4Nc*.
f ry All E subscriber n vingh.d sev. ral years « x
-1 peiieme i.i b. i. ing Hydiaulic • emei.t
Ci-teins, upon a ne v and improve 1 plan, v ith
liters at lac. led to them, in the Male of .evv Noik.
would info.m ne puolie in gemr l ih .t lie is no"
. < nt of ills I ity . ami 1-piepiie.i to -cive tie
.•u!»l ci . toe above husuiC'S. . c-i en eon Jack
-on t.. 1 1. sou ii us the .Mansion House.
dec I t vv3m J mN N. St.vij-1 ELD.
1 IS U.h U:'*b J I*i i"S I’D •H ( * i’. ' •
ij a \;ii EE v ELY *o mi old r o the bo; on le fie
I IniCiior CoUit of i oh.Ul i. .ounty w hen Sit
. ; Ttua a> a C.-u :osmi n irv ? i win sell. t> tic t c
! t oUii h use dvjHo. . t, in s id * ounty . o i H e
I I ias i I I.e-dav ill .»uiiw..ry i ext. between ltd lega
; 1 |,0,,: S us sa c. ill the la id and negroe- elongmg -o
I the e* ate i.f Isaac Lowe,.leeeus- d. he landcoii
} fain- live bond.ed ac '.imuem 1. ss.near VV .ulm
; bon. in -ii .o-.nty, ml iu } r ve.l, (-ul j-'ct to
!t .e wul w s dower. S id lor ihe heueut ol (he
Ij, ir> sovl civdito >of s-n 1 decease 1.1 tnn- in ide
k iuv\ii t ihe '-.lie. CU.ti I • LOW r.,Adm r.
No.imbei 7. -
3 1 ULB'IUS 11 O ‘‘S. HYACINTHS stc. Ase-
I i 1. etc I . sso trn.'i toi e.« g-.nt Bnioous Knots,
d‘ C 10
i 1 HACuMLJNNK BUTTON' for Ladie-; Log
I ; i a .in iNic.Ue*; nvw »tyle net rules, x.. ;
nig t a.on i iuojlus ;O K do.; Lug uli.i Keys,
i aau Hard CiJvr and Emj e I'n.s,
1 Alsu—A iiimvjssu in.cni -d Mlver spoons, F oik. ,
Cuvs, lot lies, and Bnak.a-1 and Ica >el>-
i-o sale by CwARK, nACivEi 1, Jc CO.
nov 3 .
JKt* N S T OKU,.
Savmnah, lid.
• ■VIIF 'libs »i «rs hi arm litcir iiioids and the
I nubile gc..e aly, t . t they nave u.a ned Hu
,“vt mi"dl 'OK, 111 .lIiAU-y.W .t.e t ey 'VI.
. si mtlv k. e.M n hand-a lu 1 and vomp ett-a»on
cr of a A., i oDs Nails, ol all
ki ,a- V ART it !VVAG K OXS.S, tec.. , -nd now
. u iei - lor sa eon a cuu nod u ng urms, viz :
ou l cm' >w e. ds Hun,
I 3d - Kngusii •*
30 “ Amciic. n “
o *• . v h et
) 2 I o ilcr “
4 i Lundies • oop ‘ £
30 “ Niilßds,
20 • “ .'•hapes,
Am' , iic'»: r,,?rm n »'' a>l ahd Sp ir§ StCel Ca ‘ l
• nd W-gon Bones.
a, Levs \ui s. asso tovi sizes.
gavlufl De«
o.n c. • -•-. c - it;
nov 7' ;f
- L!;L vs. Lav, and (/AT.-—r-.r -nTTiT
d. y • *
r;ov C7 * • ' ! RE.
r;i CAJi# UN V I.AIL-;X..D 1
• F,, r-ae at p, r t; y i
1 W JIAF/I M's). x s Mlv „ r y mki ~ I
t *7* ti£ orlmetit, for , v * : X r ' C •
1 —‘TEE 'T r r j
, ! U k «i-t C -t.K ts. on bn, ~ , ,
qua. lilies (o m.u , u c1t.5,.,-. i, ’ ‘ 8 11 !
: c,A :IeLLE & R.'IIVp. j
I |wsf- oi i ,, ‘ A A I, meactitJ Lnm
0/ /,jusi rectived and f r>u.e
dec IU t .. „
OL*0 L *T CU
: v p >a:e by xj. i.-v •. /•
i H-.nouig..v vgnsi, 10. 1
J ,V:7T-: y. ;;: - .. :
ji i ian.ji.ig, anu lor sale t v
U 1 '*
■ |
I 101 lor Harness, iu,.- s.,f e „ v
; GAi. \IN & MAt NFS.
i M!Mi>.a;n!) is ni se rc v v ,7 f
I .....
-LV J: •' r: u « ? - u
i nov Ui r ’ U.Vi.v te MAIN As.
i . a.i 3 ...
i ~n ■ ’ 1 s * v hu:ng,for sale n ~u unties io sui :
i Ptt‘Chasei-8, l.y t ; k ~ , N lV
» oct ! I ‘ *
\ _______
I | | Rady Mvde CE-»riiT G.-Ju,r j
, i f >u i p*> ol id r, X compi-1 !
I t 1 . llust ‘ v ry a. licit in um line, vv in. .no.
i Hied »m s. L- .owr by j. u. C.vaae te C..
ii"v >4 A
! dxu gin
g fe iv ; , ' > l Ull ■" 'Li..-Dimes and ! all Lime.-
i _g_,p *alw ys on hand io s. i t
ANo— c:Co’d f r ate
JivUv x D vll NR,
UeC l7 _ lm Under M n c VI
i NUANCES win be n ude,... t at
a V on Cotton consigned i» uur ft tends m Charle-
nov 1 ts
| L'lL :0 I cisks I itno. fn st qimi-y, and a
3 A gi'od order. c*.\, ei ted to amve, unl be son
: lv,w In m ih,. wharf, i»v
’ | ul 1 2 s T JGACDELLE te Rill ND.
| 4 T 9RIV v !’E >ALE.— \ destra de He, iden -
; Ti "ith ui c han ire i ami id’ty acie» of j.,ii t, oi
Hie Eid .near .vugu-da.
' A good two horse 11 ru he an : l’arn n ss.
liL c'IjLLL \li v, l .0"I i i I',
°" x Auctioneers. j
Council Pimm bf.k, Dec 3. IMA
ON motion Keso.ved, Thai i B iiMiy the 31s.
<-• e. mbt r, i>4 ). le set '. put a- a ,).y u t
j F'j lie 1 hanks.ivimr ami ta d I.h Honor. Ci
M y be iuj .eslcd to is uc h.S i.o i«n,aiiwu io
I that eiie. i.
j L.NUdw ho n th 2 minutes.
>. IE ('LIVER, Cleik.
.n romorniity with lie foregoing ivps'lirion. I.
| Uanie! lu.nk, .viayo. ut tie > it. of All: ;, do
j heiebv set ap id i liui'vi.iy, the ilnilv- „si il.n oi
j this m -Mil. as a day of p. d e h u :
| Almighty God lor aga n idcs-mg ciiv rtitu it
j act usiuim d uu. hedlii, an ! <.o rt iso:n tr—ih ,*
j commend ail ci'iz> ns iu >t.s t n i i eir usu 1 busi- i
, tie s and asseinb e in tien: ie-pe.- ie pi; e- ...
j « o.- hi,., to re; d.-r unto iu, then in .a ,] if.Mi c t ,
j than %' I>it in grtai hi. s Leg a «j t» -u, p.i i,* .
| Conti nan e of i-ivine i.Aor lor City anh
• Colt iiry. ImM EL e (;k, M yor C .V.
i Au,ii'tn, December i7, 1-4'd.
j NiJ T>CE.—W ijnphr* d o i ihe f.r-l .» on.l tv 1
j of J.ninaiy ; ext. at die t >w*t ma kel in Uii- !
; <it ,il not pie vio i - 1 » !t r •!. sc ■ eral vEr:i»i-, v I
| A Fo, 4ur 5 .»() SMSwi i h»'Sol I o.i the -me day.
IN I .* Mi- w i-hing t > line, woind ti \u I to caii a .. j
! select f r thensedve' Tie su.rS-ii cr m \ he!
build .. t de'-Z'S. Austin iz • o' . . rng Sior. , IWo j
i do i -i. Mow the r.agie tc Fl ay ix i* i, i.
I ucc 17- rw 2w F. il MAN IV,. I
i (< A BEEN > u l l ',' I. —A la ge and ex- |
! § teusEe as o tun iu <d' f.e ii I nui.isii Eap.-
j De.x Se ' jj alvv i» s on ; an !. uni - ole . to die a,**
;j r aching M* son, a! w|m ; -n! •o: iet ■ 1 A !oi
' dels 1 o il ulCii 11 mis, F inters, a J Oilid's, i xe.u
--i le i with neaine-s and despatch,
i nov 3o vvtetrvv (.AR/1N Si MAINE'?.
i af'l IN, W ll l ? K !'-Y. &c.—3 p • pi. s Eol.a.d Gui,:
of .-up nor quad y.
3d bi»is. Em. Faeq.s’ hr in !,
40 1,1 I'. VV|.| key.
Id bbt'. Domes io Brandy,
Od : oxes i.nil ot .'o;i’o can hes,
k's b xes Spct ii do
lo 1 «i ■*»’» S i
1 i tirkin- eli'ii e Go dim Butter,
Ju'i icr< ived ami f >r Sale by
dee 1-3 lrw6t \V. J. Nl'.L^ON.
A | M INESE C Ti< <N >E: !). —The <u iscrilu i
; \_y hast’ r sale a quantity of (lie uh ,ve »»»it*n
, I >i ed, vvbiili produce' a bush from rig I to roof e»
“ 1 it) lu igiil anil y ields f.oin two to line# tuonsand
■ poun Is lo the ac.e. li. C. iikYSua.
nov 7 tl 337 Broad slicet
j,' XD'ACf UF ROSE' Rose Wa or, Mil
of ito-es. Cologne Water ■l'-.t l i-ie.-co am!
j American;'on e s. lend 1 Floi inn \Vatcr uoney
1 Water, Lavender V\ a ter, ?,I >. s-ar ( il gen,.ine
i Bears t il. Indun Dye, E'm m e of l yre Xc. «xe.
F or sa e by 11AV ILAN J, KISLEV, X v o.
nov 8
IST. —At the l arrpton I. •see oms •, on the
, 17 ii I teem or. .s4a -m.'d F- CK i
Vv .v* LE '. coi tai .ing s im Irv. i.oit s due the *u -
sc*i cr. A I per soare eauiio, e i agai. si 1.-uiing
f«r any not s .o * me, :n d all who owe me. a e
: c ut oned agan st p \ n g their due- to any o e t ut
| t e sub c i ei. s\ suitable ewa (I will be givei
; to an v trie who v. i i relu.n ail :oc t- uoi. n
contents. i Hu.YiV sii.h L.
| dec .5 wD_ i
! EW FA I L AN U U IN’I’ER GO t >.— !n. ;
suns, ii era e nov. re< eiving ami ont iii*}.
1 I!.fir fail an I winter Slock oi Fan«: nod .' tijd.
! i iy tioo is, atnoli. vvnuli ar many season i a an
■ d. siratde : ficies. to winch t..e attenwou ul !n
public i' icsp'/ciludy invited.
I 'fu’d v . 11. *D! ANE ii ( o. j
\ FRaC t* ( F is* SEC —Roe Walt r. Mi *-
j *,f noses, ome-j> e dbi com. ne .. ;ner. icai
Fi* uch and .Vine lean ; !o.i i i Vva ci. Honey v. «
u r Lav kd» r..aU r. M-c -sal < i geo site, lieuF>
(AI, Indian Dye, Essence oi i v -c. xc . tec.
Lor sale oy iiA\ IL uVo 1.1 LEY or ! o.
j rf-fS
L ( ,> p — on the " rigid . oio road, lei vv fen lid'
city an 1 ButiO.’s leek, a L« alher F- Ck K I
p.OoK. eoidaiiiing su’idiy :.cconni> d c t e -no
st r-bers. Ai! fw.-sous a c <a«tioi ed <g tins* ti-a.jmg
for anv papeis due m ■ml :, li v. Uoxi-.e ns a.<
canto '.ed .gainst p yng l.n ir <o. - ie my one ul
j oinseivc'. -v 'Uilaiile n-tva.d wille gi cm many j*
one wi.O w ill utu.u saivl Fv-c- »! Book aril eon-
I telits iiA.Vo k .'UtA.NTbN. j
nov G
i 4 YiLS AND F.iEN t >- —Fa.e VV
i Ramp (A.
Pale ra 1 Strained Lamp! •i,
•• Whale
-1 ram
In quantities lo'Ui! p’trchasf i s.
Ai.-O, a genci d a'Su. t iienl ot paints, Window
;i. s , vr tec. 1- oi 'ale Rv
’ . E vRVJN &: HAINES,
or’ 1 » g3.’ iiro.M-sttvv
JlL'dt Tliv i’UJN.
'SN IFfD RE I. EE EVEL 1 . l’nfj. <or u ;
| Music, i iopw«cs to co . me.-eo a < our-e m n
'tri tion on tl>e rdula ..I -n ear! v pc. nd, d .*.v
M.JS c i.o om of Mr. P-r-o.s t,e.ulen.en wi>..
if, f to j in n ela-s. will please eave th n name
vvEßah F..f uns.orrt vi,-. arFs ; oa..ung-h use
~e will aTo give ics oi.s on the i ia-w Twit. ,
Gu t ir. v la.idbelltqaaa V iwiuu Viiu. j
nwr i* U |
\ ' of I\UI \ -RUBBER BALL'S, I
- w J -I ' l »*>tiv C j and fur «-l bv
d '-' < ~ - 11 (i -u iviy&rr alvr: s.
’ Cold and Silver Lr-rer. j
. , a ; : ; : i;: 1 Wal ‘‘'■•'f !
'■'» H-dcpc*dp:l S t oi-d Watches, f„i i
1 ui sale reiy low bv
i ,suV *' ; t'LA.-.. , HACK ET r & Co.
J ■ ! n^: ‘ . r ' K ' m: »—A yjpnlr a:ti le that
E «| I 2.;i‘ IK- i-eth n ,* vv, ; mes-- j
11 Co*;! ui! t.’.c gum -•,i if 'Uiticn i-c bie-.ah.
5 ■' * £ ojjssu I "him.t ~i,e ‘W ■. Brushes. 1
'i!°v 1 e ’ J fiA v ILA X D, kR L.. a. bo. |
j 4 -Ml k ;:\ .'U je n>._ I
[ V -; AO ' ; N//£’ iA* Inivo reci-iM d rum I
IVT ,' a l " r - c ' s,u illv of Bati„eU'and .veil !
j Jtail .' < :i vuiuus eul, rs Also, a arg mi,.-
i yl l ‘"* in ’ s rr n. li eiinu’s. id
j c ■ irs. to w. i' ll tiuy respect :lie -it a
| ■ OI ‘ us ilie P-Jb ic. s-c, t l.»
: * HELPS’ COuPUXD Ti i.M,\T( 1 I‘ILI S—• ■
i ■- ' iie e p |iis be ta'.c-. -a any or eastern i
j ••• .nirn mu- tiious ; u.go i* n em-. , and fr.. u.t
. .■■«;. Wit i vv hu ll tiie> may bv u-ed, a.d pkasm t-
I o. ti» i. j_s, h i\<-o Jlaiucd .t-pu.silion
| iS •' h’ Ilc a * nifdi. iue. r r -ale ; \
u, ‘o -A JI.UILAMI, LISLEV & (g.
—Hl< mlii g with a grsK—
• \J lui an 1 rclieslitng periuiue, tin* desira; k
m.iiily ul slungihc nu.g [lionioliug the gruwTli i
'' Vmc i aii. vvlUioui givn.g lu it Uiv gtea-y but* o. j
m,ut tin* vo.aiik*
■ i j ».-> i 0’.i.0 iiivc by* i.iojii v tensive cm -
.vi'o, me bemune Maceassar t>il,a?.d Ward!-'
Me. r..ted Luii v,tl. lor sale t.v
:, * ar •* '*AuV:.\ XHA INKS.
I V 'Ala I T X.— n.c |)U >ic is cautioned agamsj
s_Z l.aiiu! : lui it [).yiui>>o. v t.uic made bs >.iiii..v I
..u.vcll, on «.r »-u..i llte lliird da\ ul ia>l.
.ii -ri. *• iv ui i.iiiuai\ i >t.lor i/«e ~vnotm i.ui- j
j oy - .. .ikfif'l t.on; date.;:i :av«>: al J. *v. Kitties i
aui b > nun vuuoi.'iu —uu*->H(iie been i.istoi !
tils.aid ov Mit.s mu to Wiiulii Seil.t-iiifi.t lias |
den mane uv Vn. u.a ... »n» 0.-\t\.> r..-.
'• ‘lt • , 1%-r
--iN-l.i'lM idtV.
undei SI4IIC ' i- no v id l iving a co-n;)>U
a 3s lina.ul .ol j;iie, L ivelide., Kl .nda and
. uiivs v. ».ei>, • o liicii >, r'aiu-y as.J Miaviuu ]
■ ti.j eonibs, 1., gif at v.i
- iielv, wiiicli he win soil ,ovv.
otlt>-tl -d, .'i, la’.t.s 11 iNAC, Diuj’gi't.
or;,in, Inc iUio.i.i cu?tii*y :
- 1.Ie« li 11 U be held ell the fust Mo ml‘iv
i 4. *n Jau.l i> next l.r r ive ..iisli e- ol lie In'-
| er.u.iou.l lu. lue < uunt.t ifuosaul. ainl at the
a i.e ime .or a laxCoimtoi -uj ..titivi 1 of lax
. Ciur. b id sal 1 ~ , u lllil t V .
\ Ai.KaTI i’\v \ LKKP, .1. LC. 11. C.
sKM M.A 1.. WAiUiK v- i. C. RC.
A . Ai. .'.I Niu Dr. .J I s . li, c.
J 'd.v >K I X K... J, 1. c. R. C.
jXov. niLifi 1 1, Ibto . tnvt.l
Wiit.i.KSAj>22* thiisTs.
I A Aii * IN i: li \li\iN, No. -Tsd. .‘iioad
t - me consiaiit y reteivinj: nvsn -vjiplies 01 1
i!<- , I »idl , > li", liiiisS. etc. nru ali exlfll-'iVe j
*oitmenlol ;virus .rs, Tuik laml *o.i|'s,
I'eriiinu iy. -xc.. oi do iifstic an-, to 1411 uiatiufa, -
j tJie>.;t‘u ..v tbeii ayfcntsi uimj a iifcsii N.iopiy ut
1 bgusn Siar.ctj .'■ecu. tuuniiv incuneiits ai.o i
Pi'-i ait* invitcu to c: J.dii exan.i..c o r*
I ' ! .O K.
A hbrril di' oust m di* fur cash, cl 14
U \ i’l N AS TKAMiK t \V \\ I I'D.— \ i
Voi n r l ad . !ro!t» a jio ul ii Female lustinue
iin >iu* '* u li, pi 111 lied in ;;i f ins lui iii 11 in an t e
hiiiui i e id a 11!) ’.al v in. a ion. dosues iu niaki-an
v*»4-ig mem as in tiuctu »s t.i mi cr enale Ai jde- i
inv lur im* eii'uni' ,ie i Sado.i tufv u os
01 • oiiip 4eii« y a d eapa il.v gi in. Ad r Met,
■JS! pud, f.UV of lilt* Oul.UlS ul tile Si 111 till i.
d - ■ tin. lat
j 'jld T. IN r h r P;an atimi adjoining A*, irusta
4 •' •on - mii to t i«* eslai' ol M. .•nh Iv. iie. c-s
--!• *1 ll 11 d dispo'i d1 i beioie. uij 1 lx- . ll'-.ed put -
j lie y at toil >er ina.u< t iiuii-e o 1 t e ur»t day 1 I
i ! n.ll. \ nox'. As t t* inn. ;ndpac ,s. vita! ■
i Ne'iOvS mil Lc hnii. AopK 10
1 L X 1 J DUG \S. v ,
A. VhliDkKV 3 Ex iS *
Dc cm’ or 21, I S4I. 3t
| si « TICK. — v in pi ti: j» us the * toc'.h I'ders of
th’ hank of it u s.viik will be hell :i I their
| Agency, ri lilt? • ity of Angisti, on Aiumiay , Ilie
' _-4tii il \o! !nu ry 1 ext. file:'.! ro-e ■feci t
ing a .un i o Dim to.>, and 11 lln sai lion ol
!ai y LbSiness that 11. iv em ■ i eiore ltn m.
1 C. IkAN I', Cashier
Hr n-vvir' , Vnv c <i6. isp tJ
Si I.VAM l'i’ * N• 01’ I'i.N. — advances
111-do on ship mails io
Ll VM I pool,
iia. r *,
Ch 11 li ston, or
Sav; nnah,
dec JG- by PRCK & DMvKIVG.
i * KIG'.IIT ADAMS f r.■•spcrtfully announce
£‘4. 10 ilie l-a lii.--of Aug 1-la an 1v n imty lliai lie
I ini' j i-t iiiived to tu> iii.v .v.t 1 a newly invented
■ in ioi ine tor pres'ing Nunnet-, and is ;n>vv p epin a
; ti I! each, Prc-s. an 1 a u*r >t.avv. For me, ai d ;
Lerhoiii 15 niieis in the hc-I and most cslno nib e ,
style, h moving the s, ots and t. cm so
i i,i y vv: i he nearly a» g> »•! as m vv.
1/ ife.s the c<»"i t y >oliti ed, » Inch vv ill be ‘
1 Mom pi I • ami laiibfully t-xe. übd. Chuges will;
in* reasonable —~nJ no vv-ix dclutred paid j
i for.
N. I?.— Wan ed two or three Girls who hive '
I had -ome expe.ien e in -ewing slnw ; also, sew- j
I ral a, preniic s to the al ove business.
A g i»d as iiiimenl ul hue Leg iorn ml Straw ;
' M C
| iionneis for sa!**,
I ho >ms i.p s airs, ro ml ti eco sier of Camplx 11 j
a in. 1 ■ mad sir 1 ts I’uinuily otcupiei ly .Mcsvs. A. |
.1. £; I’. U. iMiller. svvbin-nuv gO j
f*« d F’ml BKKR AM) UIDKIK 3 > I Lis. tfj
j John l ay.o.’s suj ciior te.uu Ale,
Ml .b s du .iie.,
j .Inst ieei j, id and so Sale by
tic lb lr ’ fit \V. & .1. NKI.SDN.
a AuGt sr.v. D ti tn ei 9 I !d(*.
1 K.ifMß'v r 0. o ,1 E . —An I-. ci tion 1
Api *. iI in- hel lon the lil t .v.o ni y 111 dai n ;ry
|Pi 1 x’, at l!ie bit. U 'ii hi llii' i u.\. lor a
'j iif GL l vi.L liiunmi d t it* 1 lit Keg mciit |
h* Ai.; vi eI ul .-am o I t?. *** 1 .-o ,n* igned \
hi* P il-s Wl I I Cl p I i d .'.I I'l U Cl. tli, A. Jt..
an 1 at 1 o' l I 1 ;. c si.
ly er ier ul i’D '• f U.MM -US. 15 (», 1
( apt. AFC Ui ICK, 1 2 M Dt>l (h M. 1
Cap. Ml . CIIKL, 1 -till hid. G. .M.
dec ?i wid
-!> -'■ill U lia i üblir a.e leiebv no if,e 1 lot
to trade 01 s X iTuini soiv JSutc ', m:n el y
the su'iVi! er. am’ pay able *o Den y I*. 1 amp'on, |
ain--’iiiiif*g o -ne iinmiiiv and •• l y dudais two of 1
wii eii wit b- .li Hie last a 1 I In- \ i ai, the exat t j
li ue n tll c lift le. ; 11 1 t e o l.ei ' •He llu I i.-l j
of r>e »ew I>l . Hi' c»nsil*'»a Inofs. id \. lev. J
j] vj ; . file . i md !< mimed loilu jay Hie; j
unh S' t nip ied b law.
jj, c . s-wgt AN >K ISON FAUCET I'.
* 'lift, lit MAS li A1 It,
g S \Vairanted -laid or restored, and the head
jy ki pi free iVum Uainhull, by the genuine •
( jLmf.i oL’> HALM (>- i ULUMiUA.
t.i nit ni. ei lot* gen .me a> described ; elow.
I ni» i> 1 filiiAd to tiv several M lyois Aiinistci>
ol the Go'pci, N.itish Consul. Physicians, and a
leal iiurnl.i l ul uni most icspcclauk* iilUit.S, tu
1 be M*eU where it ts suid.
DAiUSii fuauu:
Tins article lias been imitated by a notorious
■ •uujiH'i teller. Let il never be pun has. dor usd:
uiit 'sil ni- ihcnaiiieul L S. < OMSJO I A. or tin
stguuiiirc* ul VU.\iS/(JCJi Lu , 011 a 'plcudh
,\ nipper. '■ his i' the only test vvil.
'iii.ii H e pn lie from deception.
.ipplv at ilie wiiolcsak* and « tail office. No. i sl.tCT,uear Aiai.leii L ine and t'eail si. —
Addifss, LUMUI ULJx .y Co.,
1 ll huie-uU isru*gifts.
The genuine is for sale Ly lIAUv IN i; Es. 1
olid RURJa**A’WaMii’tß, Augusta. iy-ja^y
[ ' LK>.
LcrptmtWr. -
I __ nv Ty - Jack sex.
;' n 6GI January, at ihc lower morkt'
huU'e. w ui 1 e sold,
A Negro n.abiU! 4 ) years . Id, a .’ T 0! -
mg Cu.pentiT. .it tea undoubted. die 3t*
Hate •/ ( ty if Avgust ■ Bonds,
4.\ \V. | . j.\t K.NbN. *
' n fir-t 1 ,il ” i» J:int; ry next, at the ; o w<*
m..1il t house, will ueolleicd luf sale,
1,-534 G7 t it. o Ai'gu ta Binds,
! ,5 V o '“ U ‘ 11 y< ais . fti-i ihe ui'g rcto’ve:
I an., lilt IP'I ai finally al the rale of *> p r >
: jiu same w “i i e olfvied in >Ci ol j>;-. o va- 1
one wm, ihe prii 1. gc oi live. IS
Lxicutui ’.s Sale.
! r . . Bv vv * <D JAC K' ON.
I 1 n t!IP f l<:£ ! ue * d >i ( ai 11 uy in xi. at he lowc,
inarxn nou t \vi I b<- -old, be lon ing t.i the ts-
I >'(■ d 'ratifti'iv Isiiit, decided
. lie lo Sowing > egne-: i amel, a'out iCycais
or h-< ; aboia on - . -J Job . al out 00
Al«., the 1 n kyc.rd know,. - S Ma.sliail s ecru
pie.t at ,ns .t by s. L IJasford, . aooul
J . ces.uith h irnprovunent • the ret u
l’c.n.s at sale.
J liX NEkmj.N, C Ex ”•
rccrm l cr IG, IS4L>
VJuat/e tie:! Estate.
l»\ . IK J.U KSt»jV,
I 1 11 t ' ,e flrst 1 nrsday in J imaiy t ext, al the lovvci j
i , mu kei In use. will l e'o.d,
The lot ai d nnprov etrvei l- on Uu ivoith side 01 '
. “* oa 1 Si reet at jn-stni o 1 npie.l IyV\. \j, _\ t .i !
-oil. h ivmg a f.o. t hi » ui d -t.c« t i f bi 1« el G i.i
mi • Xtcinii ,g . d k IS.» feel to „o ts stiei I.
I ..l -ale. W. Sn.vLing i
dat I I JO i \ i\ E SN < „.. ~ . | Ooit. |
I;1 , {;. JACKSON,
i nV hc ,<m 1 " esda .V in Janiiarv'next, al thi '
! I'vver maiket iiuu>e in Ilie city of Augusta I
1 :tv, en the uml hours ol sal--, will be soft l»
p immiMioi hel fe.iurt mat of i i hmund < o’un
•y ■ C 'lt tug lor oiVinaiy |u poses, the follow !
mg p o .« rty hen listing to the estate of
1 inn ne ia or. so. ti,t uneht of the heirs am 1
j t ri tutors, to wit : I
; A " l -‘» three adjoining valuable tracts o 1
-W tmp i 11. f containing togeil e. 'ix hm.d.ed luit* 1
M ' l ' l 11 d a i ’ ,il u,,,t ‘'* *ne I nowii as the I aslni ’
fia i < onliiim g In i d.ed acits, vv lihiu an. ..
ulii mil. I i liit city Ilf August ; o e as t: •
ii. cun trim.. «iintaii ing hi.ndieJ aims •
0 e n vvn as the Gnphuarl 1 . unlai. i n .- i|,re.
luif ui u atm lu. ly • four ai d :i I all iu ns.
Al '"> i; "ge, "el. LLI .bid lent at the likhmob.
cain. l ground.
Alsu, a immber of valnble 1 colors.
Al o. all tie v\ .iguns. Carl', v.u.» «. Hoi*srs, Cal
■e, Mgs (on, ludlei, leas, and I'lantat.ui
Ut ii'ii'.
•enns.- For the land and reg oo«, one thir
c.ish. and Hie li.ilance 111 two itjual payments al oiu
ami twoyiars; nut *s w i li appmved peisonal si
I 1 Uill > ;i " A on the pu.perty, le.iiing in
. 1 0,11 d;U ,c 111 ‘in crest payable yearly ; :.n,
I ior the oilier p.opiriy ca h
J-.hN (I. M vNX, Exei uror.
■ Aii.'ustn, Ndvemiicr 3. 1840 r w i,;
Pi A vu 1 u At IKS,
1 i '. I.SON'* oilers for sale I iano Fortes from
I k & * D'i luEldMllt A.AUKA V’-, . f 1 os 'ol
U aD N-,' U lilv it 1 o and 8 roDAKD, Vi Oh
-1 D * ■; i. l k DUVHA'.I, oi New io.k,al t .e uiv
* ■ c avloiy F.ices, auding ireight and exchun l '!
only ” <
**id°r- will l>p received foi instrumrnts on tr ; j
• -VU t -rni'. and ima.lvainr r q d.eJ timil u e in- 1
-tiiimi nt is rci eived a.m approved if-Tc li
M ST I! EC I IV El) li Y J. I>. S.ETZK—2 ca«e?
l»i : very rich o nestie. (il'ii).v FlU.\tiE>, with
a.ldit on; I snpp ns il Staple an 1 Fane. Dill
(j oi)\ wiii» h w i ! i,c sold low so. ea«h or as p ov
tJ p 'l rr - ~ dec 7-trw.w *'
j .A Gui.MT OUi<;AU\ OrFUIIM!) {
f si XilE pi on liftein miles from Augusta in
a i.icmnoii.i c..un y. Lie the res.deuce ol {>c .
1) vid lay uy jr Enquire of Mes rs. James and U' 11. .wideisy 1. li nkfe to-Oiy, or CoKcel
ileioy II Cummins’ \u;nsti.
I tin v r *7, 18 >0 sw 6 w
UJ IXDO WA M) PIC VV RE ('. L ASS, of vaiious
iju lilies and sizes.
;8 by lu—lo by 12 —lobyl4 11 bv I I—l 2I v
!4 -12 iv IU—I I(yl6 14 by 1 8 — 4bv 2b —~b
• } -<>—D> l y it)—ld by 22—18 by x4— 2o by 24
—24 by 28—and -8 bv 3d ini lies.
Also. Glaziers’ i lamoiids |-oi «aie bv
bov tb—t. ilAviL iXL, i.i *Lni fir t (;.
F— -J I O REN ;. Pi c Store o i Miuad str., !
A; No 2i7, now ocvupi.d Ly j. VV. [
-Allj x I’. b. .-toy. •
a! o, the two slot.,s above, le ng >oi. 24D and I
■-5 1 . .»pp yto
.j ily 2o—11 wtl" HENRY 11. GUMMING.
1 Al~ —> DEN S'.—At low pii es on ii the j
1 ,!; i :.r; Nt C< t•! ei next, the so low ing -1 »res ai d 1
JL&M '• vvel.ii gs. osm S'io i given i.iirnedi te v. j
i he 8 o e No, A b sireet.
*■ 2( 9 cor. luo id «nd Campbell sts.
j The Dwelling No. 2.7 broad s,ret t, over Ru.-sell
i S: lint chi ison’r >t .re.
j The ■ e'lar under brown & McCafllity’s Trint
i ing i ffiee.
j he invcllingcu Campbell sticct. fronting east '
t nd .h ne- stiei t.
bhe D.vel ing on Campbc 1 st, next the above,
j near Rey nold st.eet.
L'-ntt payable jst Apiil and Ist Crto' rr, -i_v
noies with appovt d eiiuoise s. I enai ts to par !
i lor the use ot iiydia.ts. A(py at the Bank of!
: Aniiisi i, to GE(/RGE m. THKvV. i
tl' *' I J sw3vv
I A UtilLs r,\ ikjiali: SEMINARY.
j - il ll vaeat on ot ihi' ' emin ry comm, need on ‘
i J I liii hist., and vv ill ci ase on .Vo day, the
' 2Sth d-*y of the pr sent m /mb. when the duties I
,i "id I e ic'iirned ! y Mi', it. U. MOl 'E. II e t nn :
| will« ommeni e from th.* day lint the pupi is en- i
i « fed, ai d<ndon Ile lii -1 us June next All tie !
j hrinelie' if i< o npleie I t.gli h ueatutu w ill e
i i iiiglit— I*o, the Kieci Ii and .'p ni-ii Languages !
j No--I slid lust i u .Mu'ic, and Lr-wiug and
I i ainlmg.
A lew vnrancios if main in the Itoirking T 'enm t*
frviit. Vo ng ad es pai e-. under .Mi'. Ni j-e’s
• cap*, w in receive tin-kmeht of p iv ite m»trnct un>
i i 1 h-ir s u ies. a- well as a stmt aUt-lion to
theii m nais and d-portu.ent. ‘Oi t this apply al
; the Feii'ii. ar», • lout sue. I die id-tr^t.l
• he Eißeneid Adve.tiser will give the above
j to o nu dicai i ns.
I. V\V X.iriCe.
fi Vo'd friends and the pi bite are informed
4_ th .l I nave ic-umc I iie piae ire of the
LA -* , an.l have taken into iu pirtnership my sun,
John Janus r loi.rnoy
• in Oli.ce is iu .vogij ti, on the second door of
the L'nitr-d ‘ tales i O'.d, next door above Mr Cos
kerv. [n *v 2it-lf] TltOv .FLijL HNtIY.
r. A. Ni \( GJR
, E.VNCN has «oimtaiitiy on hand :
ui ex Ci sive ai d h ud-o ne assortment al bi» loie, j
No. IJ* l lima.l -t eel, Augusta. Ai*o, be ii s an
nexed to ilie a uve l.nsiness. Fancy Stia.v Bags.
<)i < 1 Hi i.itienles, 1 o tli Br-i'ln s, Fain y Sjeila
c.c Cases ."having H.U'ln s, ml a iireat vaiieiy o<
r:>n< y > raw nas»elx, uc. five, a i oi w hicn w til be
sold at low pi ices. n n» i C
SI’UEN I) i> t A .7T'T i >~ !
NOVVhKv fir ."lIEAU have received from New (
i y Vor« a large supp yof supe ior lng.a,.n. Tine ;
iMy. lirnsseN, and *trq ed Vei.linn C u PEIS ot
rich and'p endid puUe*n<, with Ri g* so n aten. <
\ iso. superior Vv iit - Welsh aiM t.auze H?nu« R t
>i»d n euat variety of ulhcraitic es sniiat le for t J »
ie*eiit '«*a- n to which bay ies;KClfuliy invil
he atUntiun of the pu lie. i-i-i 27 i
iiAGGiNi., aoi'r:, iVs.
•* / X PIELE.s 4 4 iuclt Bagging, a lbs.
UUU K-ryaid;
2*K) coil' Irate Hope ;
At! p*. heavy milled an I blear!« d 'acking;
I ba e plaid audttri{«d Hemp Carpeting. j 0
For «n t- Ly U-L*ii)rXLE RhIXD. | t
uc; 29 ts
l 'l IiLJC
"* " “ r
Administratrix's Sale.
iJ V Hi vV 11L’Ti.111XFO.X*
ON He Lr t iuf'day in January, next wifi be -
*°‘ *t the 1-jwei maik* tin tin-city, itu be
; i « U Muidtrol iU Jim i or (ouilcf J it h*
,H . 1 5; • «** «• »0i u.d it ary pirn o-,«,
c son-jvv mg pr.ipe.ti. i ri ( rging to tire . s ate of
•u ae a <.g <r. !»l«* » cot my. d n j,
u : 11 1 ‘ **• •*••** and it t wi>ettHti le to rnerly re-'
. 'id.uit i roiul -Let t; me t ;iu of Imd v hi> fur
‘“7 >un« scat) loniatnii.g 0(* I umtied and
■.i avu.N MX l» le> I vin tin r ty.we.l inqiuvid;
• u.i ti nt. i_ n<.U*c. p| cn ;.r i I < pgy
I • or **•* tsviivi.i ol tin- l;eir- ai din dit. rs.
FRANCE* M. u .U.Nkh, Adn.’x.
Jvovemhei 4 |ji4t>. -
Admin: shat") ‘s SaU. •
iiv lil NM*;i.L A. 11l TC’liixs* X.
(\N the first Tuesday in Januaiy n« xt, will
9 - o <o d at llu- lo\pr maikel house in ll.e
1 j °* 'ugusla. Within the! hour ol sale, all
i c I cal E'.a c in sai.i <itv , I elorging to J»s.
j *■* vi r:ch, d.ceased. Als>. —Tin N. mot- be-
U, *O"K to tin-1 state, hold hy odm of ( o r« lor
tin* unci.i oi tin- heirs and cndituis of said de
! 1 eased, 'l etms cash.
I’. 11. MAN ?/.. } Admit.i-
J. A. CAMEIti N \ ’rato.s.
f ctober 31. IS4O.
AdainLtrat >r's Sjle.
gj fe N , ‘ !e l r ' il ! ucsja vin I; nuary next, vi ill be
; t i \ ol A> tiu-ta. withm the u-u-.J hums of sale,
; viie N< g.o man. nan e.l 1> H, i elonging to the <«•
ati 1 1 .M ii v jo* n on. deiei-ed. tu.d In oidi rof
: die foil.l for the lone, t. f the lu-i.s and ♦ u ditort
ol '.iid deceased. I inns made known on the day
' a, °- I*. I'. MA.NTZ,
i *'***' cr I **°- _ Arm U'.Miaior.
Administrator's tale.
liV IU SSJ.LI, Ar 111 T« HIXSON,
ON tlie fust Tueslay in January next will be
■“.dll at t' f 1 wei iiißtKCl. iii o cdicin eto an
o dvr of i! e In eiior Court of liu l.muid count v,
iueenrg oe>, vt/a I il y.mudv and George. belong
•n: 'o Vie »*Maie n uohn H theid. late o said
i county, aecca- d. .'oil lor tut* Du el t of the
in i.s and cuditois of s-il dec east d.
j r, KkN’T. Acnrr.
} Novetnocr 4, iM(,
ON the fust iy in Jammy nex*, will le
■uiil. at the loW( I market hoti« , w iihiu the
i> ial ho-us ol salt', two very valui >lo Nejfr.i fel
o vs. vi/: llubin and *nke. 1 e o ; to the es
at'ot Lewis r. Ha<eiield, do<ca ed. iso.d for the
lenetii oi the I* gilei s. A. M JLL\ , f x r
Ueveml er 2S, iSI *. t.l
11 iMtn lit; n.\l»a
I UHL'' New C \N \L I I.OUK, a first rate
-4r\ f <nt ile. Jii't teceived and for «a eby
Jr *» » W. K. I iCK 'o <N.' Auctioneer.
| MALT AM) MOLARS K<.—2 X 0 bushe’s SALT
O o i the Kiver, and expt cled to ainve hv 22d.
I i Moie-Ht hi d'.' nha MOLA'SKS. For sale
i ,J .v [dee 2 -trw3t] J. Mr.KiS.
Ull \ \IM. Ai\o K LKT S( 1V( S.—Forty dis
-1 1 rent \ arieties, amn g v\ hi. h are
Ameiica*! Sapi nauou t o npuund,^
(lu tiai i’> Amtuo ial Clean, !.
Langley’s < ho,) ane, >m I otn.
Lilia’s Ver eiu c learn,
RO'e, A.n'oi.d A n k. Calm, Oljvi , ic < r.
A Iso, a das i rtmeni oi line >ci nted. cheap
iu let a d Sliavii g 'oap-*. in smal. l uxes, 'Uita
>le tor rota.lei' and family use, ft ,m Mie cel
i uiatid mmu fa. lories in th s •■ouiuri and Kuropo
; For sule by 11A\ ILAND, itISLLV Jk Co.
; dca _
Cll A N ICn» It AN If M’tH
0)0) 'HAhfSof the caoilal stock ol the .Ve-
Charlies’ link, lor sale hy
n v ~ti-tt \V K JACKmA’. Auctioneer.
A L.UU \ If.s.
& fA SACKS fresh Almonds,just received and
I t ? Or sale hy \V. L. JACKSON,
•mrii -.>7 Auctioneer.
I . \ l»u LAKi Kl' W.r R|).
fio n the theecmingof 19th
lop Ihe tiui.k i' about 26 inches lo; g, (on tain*
ui;i wca irijf set and pj|C.s of ne u»e to any
t'Ul f. e o ui» r An. p. ismi who w ill de ivrr said
ruuik, or ftive information wheie it can le f und,
.;l ii;i Omitai Mage ( dice adjoining the K: gle and
I hcenix Hotel, shall n ciive the aLove rewaid.
'i c >1 dI w
11 V, I, . !), KisLi- t x ( «j,,
HI clv i I I i. a liura lo rs,
Os FLU for sale, in quantities lo suit puicha*
rvielvr.r* iilack luk, in 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 24 cz
MeUill’s Black Ink .’owder.
h e.vili’s* ned Ink. t’s i'asto Bl.n king, 3 sizes.
.Mcivilis Water Fr ol Paste lor Leather,
Me.\ ii.V Leather \ aniisti.
I i e-e ar ic J* s Lorn long n<e Inve established a
j r*fUtiiion mi'Urpas ed ny any other of tnc kind
• now bel’o.e Hie pub ic u u v 13
subscriber his made onan emeuts wit
i the extensive Instiumuit m.ike.s in ti e
Lmoil, and is now and will huealte. be supplied
vutn a.i tnc vaiiv.U' >urgical iiistruimnts in cum
ni"ii use, and can, ;-.t shu. t notice, have Instruments
of any descrij lion made to older.
I h\Sicnuis viiil t call and exan ine bis
stoi k :md piicts. U AJ. M. D’AN 1 IIiNAC,
M l ;s ~ l _ _ Lrjggist.
i: xc ii axc. t: r:ofF i: rTTi o u.s
-No. 22i i road-m., Augusta, Geo.
MHis. fibers would beg . •»
|r. □ have toil fjim tin ti L lends ana Tj’Ti ~zfl
(■•-■griy tin» pul.lie, and s*iangers in par
ti u ar that tliey hive opined the a<ove
men*, di.e< Hy opposite the Cm* ni< le an** entiiu-l
• llui .md the (.corgi i isail.oul Hank-—formerly
ki o vii as Hall’s ( a.n .ge Repository.
In >q»ening the ano\ c l(o ise, iin pain' ha« be» n
spied ;o a n.h r the s j urn of their fiimds and
• uslumers agreeable and ph a-ant. I heir Bar is
slaked with li-e chones i, q ors, \\ ine->, . v «gars,
x.c. in euimexio i with He t slablisluni ot they
have opened a uK' I'AUU I i C. 4 wheie travel
er-or nans ent cus outers ewu o .lam a
Bteakiast, ui.ner. or bupper.of Flesh, r tsh, F w 1,
C\ tcis. Lr., ol the ini< i st kind which utl: be at the s one t iioti e (<n theainval of
the Savann h ioai> tiny will .ec«ive a large »np
pl.v of He'll t yslers —»- ttiey liave an agent in S. -
vnab lo select tneir 'lock of < ysteis. the public ,
may le y on o tamii g at t. is eslai ii-hmiut a hi t
ler a.ti le than ran be had el-ewhe.e. Her
tli.uie wnl oc open .it a) hums 1 as-engeis ly
t .e ll.iilroao- wM find it to their advantage to call,
as they ran obtain their rdrohuun s at any time,
a d be in readme** loi the 6 o'clock train of iats
that leave Augusta fj; the north and south.
r.uarde s tan he arcomn odited y ttieday, week
or mu<tlh. No pain » i»| S<e spared lo give *ati»-
taciion lo all w.iumay ihem w.t • a <
iheii Laidci i* stockeil the be-l lie naik«t
alFoti.s. MILLk . & HL iTKKFIhoD.
N.H. —The.r Mauling airangi ments are surh
that t!uy t'.el salist.ed t.ny w ill give general ->aii.—
faction. dec 3 1m
n vNus, pianos riAXcis.
Cl A PLAI TSt Co haviig j i-l received
) 9 tnrir *p e: did a-s iitmint of i tat oI or is,
comprising twenty in nu nt>er, a d from several
d if. rent m noLu loii'S, ol whit h aie Lord Sc
Coin-ton. Boston, T. tfilbe.t, o! Hos'un. also the
New-York M-uiufacturing « o. and • ea* ham’s, of
AiL cy. bt 'id s lh?i«, which we now utlei to the
puMic twenty percu.t less than they luv.- liere
(oforr old in Augusta. guarai.tee fuinisbidin
even in s'a nee.
Air. A. Ivei on siy'hecan recommend the Bos
■on uisiiurnciits. and als • tlie New-\oik m-lru- >
m.-h’s wrh the utrao-t rond mce. dec |i>
VFI HA! lON WAN I ED—»s I'eacber in an
Arademy or Family, by a young man who
.ecFntly gia loated at Y-He
•s to mm at and iit-n iy chancier frorr cho faculty
of the College t»n be produced. Flca-e adcitsO
il. S. T. cbe F. 0.
d«c id tnrkwlt* *